TOWN, COUNTY, AND VARITITY. ---Women's Temrierance -IPqiyer 'Meeting At the M. E.'ehurCh, on•Tinirsday; at 2,o'clock, P. m. • —Weedd thirty - seven . W; names to our subscription list since our list issue. We shall certainly our hay crop' at this rate. —Montrose Fire Compan • 1 „ , No. 2,:wilthold their'. Sixth Annual RecePtion,'• at Firemen's nail, ou'Friday evening, Feb. 25th, 1876. The publiottre iniited 'to attend. B C. Sayre has, placed a very fine street', lamp.on the corner of CherrY..and Turnpike streets. Mr. Sayre' intends to keep it trimmed andiburning every dark night —Susquehanna Grange, No. 74, P. of - H., will•hold a Sociable and - Mite Society at their Hall in Montrose, on Saturday.',at 1 o'clock;', p. m.,Teb. 19th, 1876. All who can.eajoy , a !eta time are invited, to be present. M. ` L. CATLIN, Mister. —The Ladies' Aid Society of St. \ Paul's Church, will bold Sociat at the residence of H.J. Webb,on Friday ev rung, February 18th. Refreshments will be served between the hours df 7 and 11 o'clock, p: m. I Refreshment tickets's 2 cents. , , , —The Pennsylvania Coal Company resumed •the ruining of -coaltrimlay the.stli, after a sus ,pension of a week. Tfie'Company' do' not- be- Jong to the coal combination, and do not join :in the five weeks suspension. —Rev. W. L. Tharpe'a services as pastor of the M: E. Church, were duly. acknowlidged by a generous donation on last , 'riday. 'afternoon and evening, notWitbstanding the very rainy weather. • 'The amount receised w 44 45 - -Work has beer. suspend 113 .the ,shopi of the D.L. &W. RitiCo. Scrant arid Of the Dek & Bud. at, Carbondale; and along the line, as. well as at the mines, so that the i suspension is 'very. general with all employes Connected ,with the mining and shipping of oil.• . , —Homer says that he is afilud we will • try to double our "hay- crop" bi claiming the credit, .42,1 hastening the extension of the Montrose Railway. Hadn't better onvene the Corm: ty Auditors upon this point How very sensa. tive (or perhaps senseless is the pro Pet word) ,some peopleare. —Quarterly meeting services will be hell -at the M.E. Church, next Sabbath. The Sac rament of Baptism will ha. administered ; also AlioSacrs.ment - of the Lord's Supper, in ,connec 'ion with the morning service. Rev. L Walker, will preach in the.-evening. Theguar terly conference will convene' Monday morning lab o'clock. • , .—Says the Binghamton iellttiolis i cta The Delaware and Hudson Can Company are about to construct a new railroad from Nine veh,. on the Alfiany and Susquehanna railroad, to Coventry, on the Chenango yaney railroad, aidistance of twenty miles. Operat l icms •be begun early in the spring.' :When built, the road Will prove a formidable rival to the Mid land. - -4,637lyester Matter, tlr,tnag who attempted saicide on the evening of : the-sth inst.., was, ex ammed at his residence birgi*, :Q.' A.' Spencer and .1.1:7. Griffin, on Saturday',last, as to his, in 7 sanity. Atter asubsequent*aminition':uf the plVsiejsnS by Surrogate- iiiidoe .Ethcards, the man was' adjudged insaileui.e religious hia: nia, and financial, troublest-and, eorirpiitted ,to the Asylum 'at '47tica.--.82/4shitinton . „ Mk notice that one of Stisquebanuaconn ty's hays/ G. G. WatrOus, Avlio is well known to ,many of our readers, and'untilebout tyre ears ago a resident of our town, is nowi and` has been for over a year, a meinber of the firm .of ;J. W. Lyon & Cu., COIUiIi6US; aO. They are „publishers/if standard subscription books and Ribles, Abe specialty being the new work;. "Po lar.and.Tropical Worlds." Notices reCoinmend- ing this work will be found elsewhere. Thy lsrying of a third , rail by the Erie Ilailway.between Waverly and BnifalO, will be in etreet the first step taken by that road to warst,e, reductiori of gauge. Tlie tenckncy in ' :all raiik . ixids-ismoW3nward narrow gauge,Which is igunal to be : lpite as safe and :broad4iiiige- and much cheaper. in a teir trnonthsithe Albany' and SuSqueliatina Railroad :will be entirely Barrow gange ; 'the belawaie, Lackawanna and Westent ROlroadme making arrangenvtits for.a change from Scran ton to-Sytaeuse ;Aend it is safe' to predict that ere outa3yuyears , a broad pine sear will be ua known In this locality. —The tectUre on our National 'Centennial, delivaredi,by..the Bev., E. Warriner, at the resideude of .Mr. Daniel Sayre, on "Priddy eve= ningdast4,rellected great credit upon the lectur er, and , :was a4lecided sue C o ts ,fiqincially. The nefixtodntsmere $6O. -Much credit "for its sup cait is-due. 111. re. D.-Sayre-and- -Miss-Fannie Drinker j who had the 'Matter' 'in 'charge. The thanks iof the -Church ari;Jdne 41 - 4. - - and - Mrs. Sayre for their iitudnesila , tendering the use of their rot:ads / for Ake leethre, this eipeinie apd inereasing'the netlyroceeds. It waSindeed a fine plae:e tor thelentertaininent, and there was ariiihnni4noe of roorn*have*seated most . comfortko,hle *annex, some spiiity or forty .more persons.: than: qnnober IA whomticketa were sold. • Tim DAT You wrirel3Oß.v.;=lTere.:l;3:iiii,l4,-, • t a llibi t istietbod of discovering the day , of the, week on which any per on was, bor,i), oqhed4 of the week on which a , given dity if tilt month ' any Uuraber 'of years previous' occurred. T , 9 the number age 'years at your ; next, birthday add one-fourth for-leapyears, this, amount divide by seven, and the remainder counted back ,froni• the day of the week on whir Yhu.were born. For. (win*, 'at your next birthday you will be 24 years oia, this di ' vide by 4, and:the quotient 0, added'tc 24 gives 20 as the ainonnt, whichidivided by 7, the num hex 01;days in's week, gives.four, weeki and reixtibidar oy two days;- yOrtibirthday ihiaYear =nes iitondsy, bo'unt- back typo : . deyidni4 you'Utive tUe'dai ou widek You *gill Ponliestord* "MILLIONS IN rr."—lt may not be pleasant to most of our readers to learn that unrefined sugar, aboundslu insects, which may readily , -be detected by putting a spoonful of raw sugar in a wine•glaSsful of water. The aninAlcules will come to die stirface, and may be seen . with the naked eye swimming about - vigorously. , These insects are never, found in retitled sugars, -In buying rennet sugar you. -pay for pure sugar crystals only ; in ; : buying coarse brown sugar you pay for animalcule; molasses, "water, and all kinds of. filth. • HORRIBLE &co rortrr.--A shneking timid ,en t „ by'swhich the wife of "Mr. Welcome ,Browning, was burned to death, occurred in, Oleetville,Pa., recently.. As , Mrs, Browning was - standing near the stove, the door was , blown open by the wind. She stepped, tolbut it, and ,after doing . . so diimverecl that her clothes were on fire.' In • 1 , , attempting tb.extingnish the. fianies abont,her person she set, thelouse on fire 'and when she had put that, out she was so badly burned that she had barely strength to go into the bedroom and tall upon the bed where she was found in an insensible condition. , She , Ailed , . ow the fol lowing 'morning. .',REsroxspnirrY . oir .RAISED ,61tric4--.A de ,cisiOn of wide interest regarding ; the , responsi. `billty of niskerti of checkslhat, lire . raised, his just heen.rendere,d by hidge Sharswood,.of the, Supreme Court., He holds that a maker 'who , inalees ailote or check in such a way as to make alterations easy. or to invite it, is: liable 'to a bona-fide holder who takes' . It befOre maturity for value. But-if, the maker .had. used the ordi nap, ,preenutiona he'would bd liabie, any more than for:downright, forgery. -Unfitting to the'bhink space after the words and . fig_ ores of the instruments, and,, signing contracts or other'documents in such a way that they could be severed and a peitect negotiable note obtained, would he instances:of, negligence that would render the: maker liable. The question whfther pi'oper precautions had been taken was one for the - jury to s ileaide. ' :ScrtooL, DlnFronsH-A. shalt time ago we' pubiishe~d a section of. tin 'act of- Amenably re luiring school directors, to publish, an annuil statement of the finances of theirdistricts in .January. On closer examination we' find a sup .plement to that act, approved April 12th, 1875. which changes the thue of publication to lithe 'end of the fiscal year, which will Ake in June. "The act requires that the authorities of the dis strict shail then prepare and publish in at least two newspapers of the county, a statement -showing in detail the actual indebtedness, the I -amount of the funded debt, the amount. of the ,floating debt, the valuation of the taxable prop erty therein, the assets of the district, with the .charaCter and value thereof, and the date of ma turity of the respective forms of funded debt =thereof ; and a neglect or failure so to do shall be kmisdemeador, punishable by fine not .e*:. wceeding one thousand dollars. A CHEAP. DIET FOR Mum TIMES —ln these times, of slack occupation the ductions of investigating monoinists beconi, 'valuable. A. working mechanit with reduced pay, sa , ,ys, I have tried hard , to keep up with the times by lessened expeOture.' 4,laving read the newspaper accounts of the maa who lived s.4'a year, gaining . . twenty,pounds, under a ;regimen of C orn meal, we - tried that article but ,found it insipid, and , finally . nauseous. The. dorsement of buckwheat: as..a r 4ustaining tood by an iininent judge .induc;ed 2 tis ti iryit ;/Nice .found buckwheat „nonsusceptible of variety in cooking, and ye soon "stalled" on slapjae.ks.-- Potatoei falt;;d keefb strength. Next we tried oat starch, with this result _My wife, son and self confined 'ourselves to.rat ; tions of three pints of thick prOiriage diy, varying tLe "dip" dressing with butter, sugar, nutmeg. lemon juice Or molasses.: We enjoyed excellent health, with regular digestion. At the expiration of two weeks 1 fp,und myself. folir and . n , quarter pounds heaVier. My wife had gained three notinds, while' the lad had in •eileased over f ive pounds. Our food. outlay km f'o'urteen days was exactly twe 4collars and eights •cents, or less than seven cents p''r day for , e‘ch P9T 43 4 11 . • We axe now pursuing the same course, with an occasional "mixed meal."--Zedger. Rmxinto YOUR • DEEDS.—For the benefit of our readers we will just state that there is a very erroneousidea "prevailing in the 'minds of seine persons in relation to . the' ecording ,deeds.fOrrreal estate. They appear,` to think that it they have a deed in theh:_possession for any piece of •property their: title is perfectly '.sate.; but in many cases this is a great mistake ? -There are daw's on ,Our statute books on this. subject,' Mid:, hurireds - Of persons have 'been. put to great trouble and exOcuSe r and net n,few, iv he lost their property entirely, by not paying proper attention to them. r If a person llas v a deed' tor a=piece of land.. and an actual poss essor or it, that i is n notice, of ownershi until the contrary is shOwn,;,bilt if be is not in poss., ess . P . m of it, and his deed is not recorded with in:six-months Oter its date, N - - aud- the vendor 03°014 sell it to anotheriitin4 - ", *hp . nothing iiVout 4he. #ro de134,,. the send purchaser= Would bold: either' - by Is'ating his deed recorded first or by ietiing pnssespion ;of 14i34: tki*tp tieelea s s Lii;ye Ins deed 'recorded, not befit 'in pdgessiOn'Otihe property and judgments: should' be enured against the vendor, r they would bceome against the property, and the inqkwho has.paid his money and held 'this unreeorded:deed - Wight lose his'faud: 'And again; deeds are, frequetitly lost by burning teild othersi'lfie; and rendering great, trouble and expense necessary in dupli catiri perieettng the title, Every good business man sends his title papers to the Itecorder's dflice the first opportunity, end no lftwyr or ju 'will' permit any deeds of real estateto he laid away,'ziot evenla an iron safe until they haiC been recorded Our advice to parties holding old deeds which \.iye net remind ed Utd to all those getting new ones, is have them recorded at.once.. Especially is this nee• essarYin tockfnwwherefires and iobbilrieiare of almost daily occurrence, which might and ne;es frequently; Sweep away traces of title that are putt jimerved eh the public; remni. TER 'l).E.)lOQ'g: - .A.T4 . :, : yryitti-_ - ..4 - ..6i-, - ,:i lifiT6.; MILD WisTEns.-- 7 The weather!ithls winter has been so remarkably mild that ever,ybody Is filled with surprise and wonderment "I never saw anything like it," says one. .-"lt's ablonishi ing," says another. "Something must , be out of kiltcr," chi Mes in a third, imh -the tourtli crlei, "Tile clerk of the . weather *lust be on a spree andk has forgqtten his duties." But it is not so astonishing, after all.. Ilion) have been other winters just like this one,ao even warni- er. No matter luiw curious it,seitson may seem to be, there have been others ih the past just like it, arid nobody need flatter himself that he has, discoVered anything new unaer the sun.--' A - delver among the musty records of .the past informs us that in• 1112 the temperature. wits so higli that leaves came out on the frees in Janu ary, and birds hatched -their britipds in Febru ary. In 189 the , weather was I ,.equallr mild, and the maidens of Cologne wOro wreaths o Violets and corn flowers at 'Christmas and oh Twelfth day. In 1421 the-trees flowered in the ' month of Itlttich, and the month of April. , ,—• Cherries . ripened in the same month, and grapes appeared in 7,7. 1572 . the bees were coy ered?witli leayas : ln January, iandiihe birds hatched their young in February, as in 1112. In 1585 the same thing was - repeat:oi, and it is add- , ed that corn , was in the ,ear at iEaster. There was in Francsk neithei snow , pr frost throughout "the winters of 1538 ; 1607, 1668, 1617, and 1669 ; filially, hi 1662, - even in the north of permany,l the stoveifWere not lighted, until.' trees flowered i in February. Coming to later dates, the 'Win ters of 1846-47; when it thundered at Paris on the 28th_of Janory, and of 1866, tht year of the great , inundation of the Seitie, mafbe Men dotted asexcepiionally mild. , ThirruDAY V.kitTY.-I.The following was re ceived tait was too late . , for publica tiba. Ed] ildii, vi;ft a of Thomas J. titlany, of Brook lyn,*.a,l,:Was :ye t ars old on Friday,Feb, 4, 1876. A. party' of relatives and trien;ls conven ts at her honie, huinbering ov e r toyty, to show their respect and' esteem, forerte who had spent so useful a life. Among the guests were four children of Air. and Mrs. Tiffatiy;:two sons and two dimightera. Mr. and. Mrs.; Anson Tiffany, Mr. and Mrs. Jtidson Tiffany,Mr. and Mrs. John Perigo; Mr. and Mrs. Bailey. Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Oakley, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vail, of New Milford, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman B. Tiffany, Mr. and Mrs. M. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Johri R. Tiffany i Mr. and Mrs. Dot Mackey, of Foster, Pa., Mr. and Mrs.. Mu.; Daly. Also - 8. S. Butts, Esq., of Bradford County, District Deputy, whO is canvassing the county on tem perance, and many others, whom I cannot, now mention, and the writer. The day was spent in livelftaik and religious Conversation, insinging the wings of Zion, and in general enjoyment. The table was spread with the richest viands,' and we ate and drank together ; with joy When dinner was over, some riresentntioti remarks ixereinaile; and "McAbee wai surprised with . a fine gold a gift from her husband.— , A set of silver spocins. from her ions and daughter, 0 1 `ber silVer-tvare, glass-ware l and - greeninackii, fist:in:l'M'''. 'and" M i ra: E.M. Tiffany, Mr, and Mtn. ff. M. Williams; and ethers. , km:. T. etiressed lifraelricery thankfill that she was thus'remedheied by her 'friends, and felt that site was not:alone in tA6 lvbitd. After. Which the singers in the company;ef whom - there were &ally, sang "`Beautiful Herne' ter 'Thee iiot;hier,7 foundin'the "Revaliat," NU. 122. The'W , * can be had 'at the"' M E:' l'ailionage, .roWsi 'Of 'the '4,50k-S' The piece Was,exceedingly''amirepriate to the ores: .lion , and rendered in such a way, as to . cause entire:cohlpOy 'or,a "Home * over there;"'' 'Prayer' as 'offeied, *ink the:ftienda ,separtited,'feeling that,' the day had indeed' been well spent. These ''birth-day :parties,'' "fainily - gather ings," and friendly reunions" are among the pleasant things in one's life. f They are human izing, and moralizing, They remind us that, "we are brethren." ' - '""Let brotherly love con tinue."' • ' ' • Brooklyn, Pn : Feb!,, 7 , 18714. • JI..CKN9WLEDGMENT. • • • • 1 We take this. method to render thanks to our friends for their very • agreeable company. and liberal dOrtatiOns made at the pr.rsonage,• - Feb. 3d. :Also to other ftiendS rot their 'gitts before and`sinee that time: "The , Lord reword theiO." J. H. WEsToN,' :•• • E. •B. WEsTori,. .W.4f3Tori. BR'ooklyn, Feb..l2, 1876. 1 WM3=ol'ol4'B BIRTIFDIAT LECTURE. • The Rev; Patrtek r Toner, of "Towanda, , Par:,; who has iiiade such. a grand repuCatioxi in, the lecture field and who has be'en so favorably no-1 Wed , by the press of the N cciuntry I will lecture; iEI ,St. Joseph's Catholic. Church ,on Tuesday :February: 220, Subject--' Birtli-day) at . , o'clock - p. sgbject---"St. Pairick's ' Missi9n; to Ireland." Ticket's, 50 and 25 cents. Al!' tire .cordially invited to - We fttesint. St. Joseph, Feb: :10, - 1870. 1 A CARD- • . The dera runiined gratelblb- acktiOwledglithe generous donatiott;ot $lOO.OO, given- tallitru3elf anti,family on the afternoon ,and 'evening. , 44 Friday, Fell . 11th, Not unpleas ant Weathei travelling, friends from a distance cheer& hirdby their presence', and al: `so by substantial evideneesiof friendship, which' were grateful to the receivers; and,, blessed Oa the tiowiril. To the friende and neighbors wee mu:rested thintselves ter •Illit6t und hiS mini+ ter. would he expresa his warm appreciation of their kiudgest4, and pray that this token of-gook! will may be,biessed ,hundte.4 fold . to the • LIMIER WoLoorr. 14t1i, 1876. . .-f.. CoL OSSA itt*74 iST.AT Ult "OP YjeTClltit W eit stands in the Park, iitt4 Lowell,helore .tha tomb_til the.tirst soldiers that, led in the,Reve.. i 4 it'laSting and beitiltiful tribute of art . one - :orthe • first 'objects • &aught stran* , 7 ers visiting our sister cityi , : which indeed Many_ visit purposely -to see this elegant object of high art. It_wasobtained_ frOtn. the King.of 13avn: rift' by Ijk, 'J. Ayer, - to; . whom his nytjesiS? was especially gracious - iniacknowledgemobt 4;11 what his remedies 'artitephtSd to haite done . fnr the suffering sick. - It- - wak . donated by` the Doc torio the,,Gity of LoWA. !as a :.permanent ; mid speaking enahlem•,nt ,tbevictories, ,both . . Of: BelenCe Arms.--/f4v#Efos* (IMP Pre* mess Local '.Bu I .1. Diriter.if:or.—A Donation will be .beld at the Susqueliiinna Mineral Spring House,, in Rush. on Thitriadayi Feb. 17, atternoon and =evening, for the benefit of Rev. P. & Deny. All are in vited to attend.- • 1 Atish, Feb. 9.1876. • New illuxuan Lows, N0.'5C1 1 7,F. and A.M.. will give : .a reception and banquet at l'hinney's lintel, Niw Milfold, Pa.; on .Tuesday evening, Febi 22, , - - New Milford, Feb. 2, 1876. Mktinix • WOBAS. • • The Tunkhannock Marble ; Works of Burns Nyhite .are doing a good business and are getting out some y tasty pins of Head Stones and Monuments. A. B. Burns, of the Eagle Drug Store, is their authorized agent for Montrose and vicinity. He has • design& of Heed Stones and Monuments. Any orders left with him will be' promptly filled by Burns ,& White. , . tunkbannock, Feb. 2, 1876tt , Itnerromarna.—Pietures taken in all the lat eit!styles. Old pictures ,copied and. enlarged. Akio a 'sPlendld lot of frames - for sale' cheap, at G. W. DooLITTLE's. ontrose, Joue:10, , , , ROSESTHAL PraCtical Auctioneer will (ut on aplication) attend to all public saieS th above capacity. Terms reasonabk. • Balls fwition warrailted. , Address, or apply , to R. Rosenthal, care, of S. Pillman & 004 Post's blinding, Montrose,. Pa. . . pan. 19, 1876tf. LOox 1 Loox I 1 ' medicine quality is the first importance Burds at the Eagle Drug Store keeps eon= saintly on hand a' full supply, of French, Ger •man, English and American Drugs, Medicines; mid Chemical& Also a choice selection. of toilet articles and fancy. goods. The largest aid best stock , of Pocket Books in, town.. I Montro'se, Jan. 5,1.876. J. H. WEBTON. P l attcrulG. , s .. I We have , just received a very, large.stock ,of plain and tabu envelopes, letter and, note pa- Per, plain and fancy bill head papers, cards of a 1 sizes and colors, colored poster papers,.etc. a 1 of which wo can afford to print cheaper t an any, Office, in this or neighboring counties, a din as good style. Work. done in black and c dored inks. -It you think there' is any that, c n beat us, gig e us`. a trial, and we will show yp i u what we can_do. All kinds of blanks on hand or priiited to order. TWIALRR=AGfI3f3. INOI3B--PARPENTER - 74n Hartord, Feb. 2, 1876, Barnes, D.'E. COssofNew . *.iltor.d, and Miss Mary 'I .Carpenter, of Har- Ord. - NGORDER—BROORS — At the house of Benj. lAckley, WyalnAng, Pp.., Feb. 8,1876, by Rev. 4. B. Sumner, Stevens . VanGorder,ot Monroi 'ton, and Annie Brooks, of Wyalusing. „ ANFORD vAN Lois —At the 3L E. '4sarson a,ge, liawleyton, N: Y., ''Jan. 31st,: 1876, by Rev. S. 53.,8 enter, William S. Stanford, and Miss Olive Van Lone, all 01 Liberty, Pa. S• sEPARDSON—DECKER—r4i t4apease orL E. V. Decker, in Harkwa, FC6.I, 1876,.by Bev. D. C. Barnes, George . b. Shepardion,:of Gibson, and Miss Ella M. Deeker.,'of fkartord., irEeKEE—In Tunithitnnock,twp. Feb. 1; 1876, Ajzant, wife of -Hiuntaoutl4,l*ter, aged. :25 f', I .1,4 7 .4 n Franklin, sep;:,6i#, —. l47,.Si: WiMI ..1 1 Oidy,Son or Oscar atid..,f i htb:o4iall, .age - y 2. ean . 44 tfionthi,-aitd 24‘.01iti1:•.? ,1 ,r ... ~ ~ .....:.... .11,4iie,--Litt.F.0; , 4i......., , 1tiiii; . 0, . 1876, of pneunibtiiii,'Ellie, infint,•;danghter of Ity,in -land - Rebectit'Wheelcick,*aged 1 itiOntli: 4 ' ' 1 - "().,f;stielt is thstingdor4ibfillOien."• , ,: . ;• ' f OODNiIN-ItiFtleteityVille,'l i itT,' ' Oeii: i;:184(3, - cit diphtheria, Zeirna; . agedig years =also Feb. 4, of diphtheria, Sadie, aged:s',years, children , . of David and Anna : (3locidwin. ••• 1 i • : • •,;-, • ..: •. i ' • .„ omProlr-At -Kitson '-eoilidtk:''Spritteville, 1 •tius 4 .a.,C0.,,Pit:, Jan.'27,-;Denai .and jaw 81', i . ; Len „twins danghters•-otAiltts,4. and Arad, sll nit oi,iiptoQ; aged 2- yestis•nnel 4„spontils,.,. .„, ..., 1 Buried, but not loSt. ' - ~.- . .. . Real Estate foi Sale. AISLE Farm ror Sate. he subscriber offers, for sale thA valuable farm as the \• 151 X 7.1.1,443143 . . Said farm is *l efu.,.e of the most - desirable farms IA the retti . county'. and is ) tifully' situated in the Village of Sunimerevllle. Wasquehanna cqunty,' Pa. . ; there le a goo(' store, flouring milt, saw mill, plaster mill; and blacksmith and wavon shoyin ' said village. The farm is situated directly on the D., L. &W, R. R., one mile and a halt from the depot at New Milford. arid - feta miles from the depot at Great Bend N. Y. .t.Fzier - R. It. contains - 10 a acres of land, 180 tyres improved, is well watered, having a lasting , stream of water running through, it and water conveyed in pipes to the house:, barn and cattle yards, it is well fenced, and tinder goodeultivation ; It is well adapted to ~, ,r owing grain, and it fitted for stock or dairying , ; there is a large at convenient dwelling and vsood'house, well painted, turd beautiful lawn, 'With shrubbery, a large horse barn, Oz.!' tinge house cattle barn, with two cattle yards and sheds and stables for feeding stack or'stalling cows. Ind twoi orchards of grafted fruits, Terms of payment 1 easy •i , --' , ' ,R. L. SUTPHIN. , metre.. - xt New Milford, Sag's!' cc ,* September 29,1875.-1 m , Pa. pu l ßuo sALE OF • ). . N * ,euvillisOzzal IPrc;o7meztt3r. ' • - - - t ,1,11 The ui dersigned. bavtrig sold Me Dorn, will sell 011 the prcalloes. to Silver Lake. 4 milesatirth Ilantroite,' on the old Chenaugo Turflpikc, on'1'111)11SBAX, MAB,CR-2, 1816, - ... at 9 o'clOck;"a. sit,` the folle*ing Koß"tYi to wAtii , ,;" ! One ipso eif Marna 8 years; old u l t ,two.s , ear old - Colt, 12 cholce 11 Year lingo; 5 Shnats; I"Democrat Wagon. 2 1,993ber Wagons. 1"= . light = Btoly.; 1 .thltter. 2'pair -Bob blerghe. Il3uateeye Mower. Cutting Box, Corn SttellerVerass-cut t3avr.' filcktve; Harrows, Vhafna: cvnimetrteq, &e.,p,:tt 41.nres .and other; fairninglitensela too ••ntitnerona to Mention. Aiso.a qnantity of Hay and &raw.. 000 r buehela 'at Oata:l . "onanlity of Bye and Buckwheat, Corn in .ear, tm. rotators.. Biro' his entire' stock 431 .11oUsebold Furni ture, etc.. etc. . ' .• - ' l l 4 l l :3l!NtSi—All sunk n 1 SIS and under, cart), -Over, $5, nine mouths , 4redit with 'intermit 'and riptirOvied. te currty.t JVIIN EVBRS • Feb 9 '76.--3w 31. C. SUTTON. Auctioneer FAIN - - 1,• - •_: -., 'i': , *(iii. :sa i ti#3.iill -..- '''' MIIM=MMIE The subscriber ofrars Mg" farm toreate, j u Silver Like lv Township, toutuiuiElGlTY ACytql, oue halt itu proved, . !,F4r purtieularsolddromp THOSIAS I, EN GLISn, , Sti 556, Pitteon Feb. 0. 1K6.-8w TIRSIRABLE .11 HOUSE AND LOT FOR MALE. . latuVed in. the Borough of • Moittrofte; A very. 4. frithla property. nue; largo Howie, good Burn, Gio i sh ! ' :1401.1. Trot*, J,O Warin; :good • well' tind Other ituati.: rental:miss; If Or partic ulars, ouitntrWou this_ preaktp,h . G. BALL! t Y - • . - 4 1 1Oult000 1 1 re. • Octob e r 6,187, County Business D i rectory, Two linot. In this year, ; each ad ditional 11ne,60 cents. WM. lIAUGRWOUT, Slater, Who Jeanie and Itetal dealer in all kinds of slate rooting, elate paint, etc. Roofs repaired with slate paint to order. -Aloe...slate paintfor sale by thegallon or barrel. Montrosc,Pe. BILLINGS STROUD. Genera Fire and Life flaw ance Agents ; also, sell Retiree° and Accident Ticket to New Yorkand Philadelphia. °Mee ont dooread • ofthe Bank. BOYD £ CORWIN, Dealers in. Stoves, Hardware and Manufacturer. of Tin and Sheetiren ware,cornet of Main and Tarnpikestrect. A. N. BULLARD , Dealer in Groceries. Provisions Books, Stationer ,and Yankee Notions, at head of Public Avenue:* , WM. li. COOI'ER dt CO.. Bankers, sell ForeignPaii. sage Tickets andDraita on England, Ireir land Scot. land.le ~lic 7 ; • ' WM. L. COX, Minutes nuiker antdealer all article nenallykept by the trade, oppoeite the nk. • JAMBS CARMALT, Attorney at La Ofact one defor below Torben Boone: Public Aven • - H. R9SENTri AL, Auctioneer. Care of S. Pittman it Co., Itontrode P*. • tjan. 19, '761 NEW SIILFORP.. • • SAVINGS BANR.NRW MILFORD.-4 per cent, In terest on all Deposits. Does a getter eaniting Bat. noes.- -nil-ti • , S. CHASE at CO. B.GARRET & 80N. Dealert in Flour. Feed. Idea' Salt, Lime, Cement. Groceries and Prov'sicne of Main Street. opposite the Depot.. F. !UMBER...Carriage Maker ;Ind Undertaker on Main Street,•twO doors below Hawley's Store. • • • - GREAT , BEND. R. P. DORAN, Mdrehant Tailor and dealer in Reads Made - Clothing, Dry Goodo,Groceries and Provietuus Math Street.* • • ' NAT 3E-1 S K , rn ‘Ze e • l:4\ `, l -- • It is a liquid Linament for House and stable. use. A vain able combination, discovered by a celebrated Eng lishehemtst and horse•farrier. ' Was introduced in the United Sates in the year 1858, and since that time, by its great success• in the cure of disetti!es, it has won for, itself that world wide reputation tt PO richly des erves, and now att.nds at the head of all:linamente un rivalled AS. A FAMILY MEDICINE. It bas already mined the confidence and admiration of thousands of households for its many cures of dis eases were external , +pp!icationa are of s" much impor tance. It is especially admired as a family remedy for its peculiar chemical combination. possesing no harsh ingredients, [like tincture of Cayenne or red-pepper, of which cheap and vtiluiess Liniments are largely com posed.] which increase instead of diminish the intima tion, making it oy nature a speedy cure for RH EUMATIS HEA PACT E. SORE THROAT, COLIC. COPfullS, CHOLERA., TOOTHACHE, BRUISES. SPRAINS. LUMBAGO, CRAMPS, COLDS. CHILLS. FROST, TIC DOLOR BUR. BURNS. CUTS, BITES OF POISONOUS INSECTS. Testimonials and directions accompany each bottle. Buy one—only 25 cents, 60 cents, or sl.o)—and if it does not give good satisfaction return the bottle half full and your money will be refunded. Call for G. B. S. S., and take no other . • - • • D. G. CARY. & Co., Proprietors, . Ididdletdwn.• Orange Co., N. Y . A. B. BURNS and .M. A. ]'.YON,•• , . t Druggists, Montrose. pa.. .• • Purchasable ai all, Witolesalei and retail 14 . 01e5 11. the County, : . . . ' Moutrotte.lter sth. 875. . AYRE'S , CHERRY PEPTORAL. For -Disea h B ses cif the Throw,. :2.odl,l,agiigs,stich as. Coughs. Colds. 14 ooptug - Vough, rom eidtbs, As4hasic, and Cousaruption. . , . • oi. Cough's. COWL Coraumptions, that can be made by medical skiU. Indeed the Omni PECTORAL tie really - robbed -these dangerous diseases of their, terrors, WA great extent„.and given a feeling of immunity froth their fatal effects, that la well founded if the remedy be taken in season. Every family should have it in their eloset for the remedy . and prompt relief of its members.' Sickness, - suffering, and even lite is saved by this timely protection. .The prudent should not, neglect it. and the wise will net. Keep it I,y you 'for the protection it affords , by its timely iisti fu sudden attacks. , Dr. J..C. Co„ Lowell Practical and Analytical Ctiemista. SOLD BY ALL DRuocusrs DEA . I.BRS IN MEbICINE. Nov : . 240875 i t. TRES 1-Ltat VIGOR; ►, r o n, nEvi'olV2o3 MAIM, . TO ITS ; SATVRAL: TITAI4TY '44. 4 VD coLon,; Advancing years, sickness 1 6. disappointment. and Ireditary predieposition. turn the hair gray. and .lier of them incline it to ied prettier tirely. ATER'S HAIR 'VTGOIt, mg.#44le4telltiiire use. has •Oven that it Stops the ling of. the hair immedi mly; often. ,renews the rowth, and always surely !stores its color. when fade id or gray. It stitunisteit to. nutritive , organs to lathy activ Bud Pres , _atty. Thus briAy, weak ektekty hair becomes glot-iy, pliable and strivethened Vost hair regrows h 1;vely : expression ;... falling hair I checked and stablished thin hair thickensand fad or gray hair resume their original color.its opera- AOII.IEI rnre,and ,it cues dandruff, heals all and(lzeene Um' rcstip'cool, ( cTean atid soft--under which couditions,ditwases ,of the scalp are ireporsible, 'Ali a dreseng for ladietti 'hair; ' the Vigor praised for its_gratefarapd 'agreeable"! perfurite, and veined for thr soft iustiv and richness of tone it imparts.., • , • 'Patty.trtzt tilt 1 . Mass.; - • Trivalent indliiialyticattirtisti. • - NOW.DRUGGLSTS. AND - DEALRRS • IN /14D19n9i. : . • ' , N0.. - 24,1Rtp:401 :' • " 47 . • , AyLow ti PAbit4Y . Msl/IMES fitid LAnittners,re.inved to a short lime by tha ure otTaylor's Cejebrated'OlL The greet IthenutatlC and Neurnitglc ltometiy. •This. mediane its not .1 cure . is warranted to . curt) more ot the a ll* and 1110 to which - fleSh'ls 'heir Then "any 'other metVeine ever di covered. a trial; , if yen do ballad it so. it nothing. it may be used with the .utmost advantage for 'ally kind of Pain. Woninir or' Serer up,en man, or .beat-t. Will not tiwort thtj pivim wound or *ore. Pall' directions for use around each bottle: 'Ask your,Nlerchauffor a free vial: No Cure— No Pay. Taylor's tough. Syrup or: kxpectorant, for all Threat and Lung diseases... 1$ err t •P.etteant to the taste and contains nothing injurious. 'Try it. and stop that cough and take •the Soulless from [your 'Throat and taws- Ask your 31ercha,ut for a free vial. .NoCuto7 - xti • . Tay ore Couditit;n•PoWders for all kinds . of stock sod poultry. Warrautel the beet' renovator of the *piton of run down ordtsoasetl stock, that ha* ever been OP covered., Vry Ahem for all olacasesincident to the Witte creallOp... DlreCtlona for u se around each PSC/ tige Cort-,-N.O ray; - ' - .Al l the , ahove tnedicitte4 (orttajo 'hi Abel Tgrrell and Bargill& Nichols.Arliloutrose. arid all Druggists and Defiers thrtaushout . the collatly• • • it.imoWNTNGITAYLOR. MONTROSE Drugs andlicicine. The -fivr composltions,Which . kve won Abeconfidence of and ,the, hones- old :words I move not _only but ; many nations, ran,t, ire extraordinary ...virtues,— altaps tto one ever secured wide It reputation.`or main ined'itto -long its: "Ayer's lerry Pectoral, It has been sown: to the'. pane about irty, years, by l 'a-long contin T A series of marvelous cures tat have won for it a cord mice in Its virtues, never !dicing. _ It still makes the PREPARED sr