It6iiie:')lttlitliitg. ,-- ' , 'lllV'i,' GOOO:.4ITA.CiiE .• _ • , • Ages past there lived a Teacber. i . •.:1 11 distitni Eastern clime,:k Who. unlike titcniodern.preatclier, - •:`_• Wavered : not, nor eliangeLl : -Witsb ..Lived4 SJ 'NO, riptPach: Coald Jtia ; ,Mingled with earth's poor and lowly, -,-;;;•_ • •- I•Heediess-bothvi' pritigo-andr. .•- , - .He the only NVay-Ao.4eaven:. •-t shovb ed to ;sin-cursed Marc; Told OflrinaCni'andi,Siit'irforgivetC;. Taught •Salvatiork wondrons'iolan:':' pharily' poitiOd . 'ont ,t):te*.err'nta'_, ' abontided tn . it Painted 40 Md a►ll 4s. terrort lii a strangely learles.s way. :J.,. Yet Ilk words` of .liit)4psi Cheered anit conitorted the sad„ • Healed Wel:karts by-sorrow. broken. , Made the utottirouFipirit:glad. ; • Qh ! a sweetly mystic,poiver-, Seemed to dWeltiti all lie said, ShoWn-not,4only in the hour . When He called the sleeping dead. Down the ages,idervening. •-• • • Comes each filly= spoken work , ' Fraught with'ell•the power andlneanini That it bore wheli f first 'twas heard,- And the holy,lotvenly Preaehq, By His . wordit Of' truqt skitornxig, Shall be man's unerring Teacher • Even till the end-of Aime.- 1 I • MAKING A PROFESSIO . That "it is easieflo preach tban'tolpradtite," l . ii Is an old,saymg„ but it is still easier, to make no 'priifession'whatever..-1:: Thp . l , 1 vibrld' at".large ex- , pects Scrnintlitrotit those l . who set themselves lip' as krill) 04 to others, that , iti is ndivon der 1 so few atteMpt it, art4l,simply content . 1 them , • selves with being ',passively good and drifting: • with the main body of the human current that; - surrounds them: - He Arlit, conscientiously en:, deavorS to do right and:Obey tlieltlivin itilunc- tion of doing . unto . ' others, as he: would . : have • others do unto hirit;often has alhankless. task / to perform so . far. as he may 'lpect to be re warded in this life,itudin 'regard to 'Worldly suc- 1 . cess,is oPt-to log behind. those whO,_are not shn ilarly bur&hed . with the' duty Ailey: owe their fellow - men. .-Teti .otlen , the , bulk. of socielty • either thiuugh blititt l .prejudhm; to - Serve. some self 1;: h' end, or front : : batting b:7en I.the prey of 'those who.really, Were,-.WolveSin SheeP'S clkigi- :1 ing, sneer `at those wbo : treadAtteuarrow,titorn- . , 1 t strewn path 'of diltie,a4 PharisetS . ..- and ..hypro-;,! erites. The most ~• i ?erfect of: our .race are sub- 1 jest to some,of thejraiitiers. of. human' nature ; 1 • Ilf) matter how , well,they .may :,be ,itivested with.) a de.t,ire to do,Tight.;,there.,will.ha -breaks in .his armor, whichthepassions,:ever..tfla , nd to. as- 1 sad them ,w ill - ei ter; When this: O l cenrS•,r t: Mat- tars not bow Well - . .spent - MaY - have been his lite nor *hat amount of gtad he--unty havelone, - the, once falling ,'froitit :grace . brandS hini as a Moral leper in • the "eyeS' Of the . heedles• or: vic ious. Now, i f .this same • mart . 111, s been less conscientious, bad .. been utterly.liegardlesa of the duty he owed his. fellow men-.--. 7 had i ldfitit, , so followed the lowest - instincts of 'Lis nature as to lead the vilest life, abd , 'should then end . i, •, . _ • ~ • hishitber to Worthless career. by. performing in' a fit Of 'driniken , fren4, 'perhaps, l a,l Ibenetteent - deed, in the saVing , or life. ors otherwise; he ,- 1 ; would have been hailed as 'a bettet.man7-hy, , some as . a tn . era * I saint:'.. Heroes of ibe-4aiter type •have been , i3n - fiequently: ihrnat:,into'.ntir notice by,a clatS :of 7 rikersotlfietion,:who litive lately made their ApPearanceiri'.-Ah e- Itteiaty t 'A ' wnsitler.hyp*i- World, thst we are too apt,t? _i. ,- sy synonymous with,profeision,and that ailict , The invention of the mate,ial known" as:col of stimulated heroism caporazes a misspent life luloid has not only placed a new word in the When one of the most celebrated characters dictionary, but has produced •a revolution 'in , stands at his post on board alnirtiing steamer many, branches of - industrial art. The word until the passengers have landed, and losi his "celluloid" takes its • ,name from, cellulose, the life by so doing, we are at a loss to know, as chemical designation applid to, the walls of the . far as we can 'get' at the naitlorl meaning, , cells of vegetabla'fibre, find the Greek adjective whether the heretic act is the resu tof Ibis ac- oidor,signifying that which bears a resemblance knowledged misspent life, or done in spite of it •to something else: \ but we may be pretty certTlin I.Vhile admitting .. The material la corripoSed - of. nitrocellulose— that noble impulses' often lurk in the souls of that is, cellulose treated with a Mixture of vit the depraVed, to burst out when occasions de- rol and nitric acid and gum camphor, together mantis, that alcoholic, stimulants had more to with such pigments for: coloring matter as are .do than anything else with the boasted deed. appropriate to tbeprodtiction of different kinds To him who is Suftleientlyl endowed with re- : of celluloid. in brief, the - process consists in ligious feeling and a desire to fully act out the reducing the nitro-cellulose to .I'firm pulp, and true Christian's part. that he can reg,rd the' mingling therewith thirty or forty per eentum sneers of his fellows - •with indifference, the lof finely pulverized gnm-camphoi, with suits.- straight and narrow road'is traveled over with 1 tile proportions of coloring agent's and subject pleasure. He regards the obstructiiins he meets I big the compound to immense pressure in a with as so many', obstacles plaCedlthere to test I heated receptacle. ' -When the heat has reduced his zeal, while the thorns thatbestrew his path the camphor to a liquid, the nitro-cellulose en are so covered witb a carpet,in which are wov- I ten into combination ;with it, transforming its en the strands of.Vaitti, a consciousness of du- i paitides from their " fibrous condition into a ,ty done, and a certainty of reward it the end homogeneous one, modified by the camphor, of the journey, that be passes oir:er s .tho, un- •the resultant being , a fine, closely-compated, scathed. But to him who assumes!: the garb of i beautiful mass. ' - the exemplar, merely through a sense of 'duty .- In appearance, it is made to resemble ivory, -and a knowledge , that ihe good-of ,society re- jet, coral, amber. malachite, tortoise4bell,tur quires that some should, act that path, the path quoise, or various other productions, of nature. is a painftil one. ; Re sees the shafts of mallet) When; th;roughly- dried, it. -is-nearly as hard as ready poised in . the bands of the; vicious, to ivory, but is much more idurab:e, inasmuch as strike him should he 'make ' the least false step. it is impervious to water, oils, dilute acids, and Be knows how:exultingly scheming vice shouts. i the common- liquids. ' Atmospheric \ influences when one, who having led an exemplary lup, IS 1 have 'xi.° :effect - ,upon it. '• Ppssesising great tempted from the path of rectitude. He'los strength and toughness, it far surpassei'vulea thoughtlesi "virtue ' instv dof sympathizingly I 'lite, or.-hard lubber in `.these:reipeets.` it ,is lending a helpingvhand jo ining hi the bue * enci I combustible in a sense similar to that Of pitch cry.llie.sees bow the i mpulsive good acts'of I pine,-sealing-wax, hard-rubber and many other i the bad are cloak ti l e misdeeds Of their ! manufietnred Products, but,posiesses. no pecul whole patt lives. In 'husintss matters he sees i jar dangers beyond this point. Owing' to the how uneven is the race between him and those 1 44t.ure of, the material,' of which it is composed, who are unshackled by moral' restraint..` In hiS ' it is readily fOrmed into . various shakes, either Position be is debarred from the of those jby turning or cutting ~or by- pressure in heated means for advancing bis'interesti which the; rrlati- \ world calls legitimate, but wbicli he deems dis- 1 . It h s been applied with entire success to the - honorable. • Sensitive as to what others may ' prOdu tion of jewelry, handles 1 for table cut. say of him, he (Men allows 'himself to be I levy, p ates fur, artificial .teeth,-,backs of toilet wronged by those with whom he has dealiugs i brusbes,,Combs, pencil• Coses, trimming for liar- i rather than they should have; it to say that he : lICSB, fraanes • for eye-glasses,. etc. The manu raS 1.00 COVetOLIE.ot this•world's goods, for onepacture,ot an imitatino of coral has been car- who has made such a profession Ile sees this ried to such a pitch-Of ”erfection, that even ex very weakneSs-aaken advantage Of by them.— 1 perts - among importers - have been deceived.- - 1 Unaided by the possessibn of these grand attrki•Yet it is hardi )' fair to call it. AU imitation,since I but,a, whiclienable&the Olden timelmartyrs to I no pretense is• made that the jewelry itr•other, plhcidly gaze `oo' the acts of. their:persecutors, f than,eelltilota, t4(pgl,4og rglalblii4e,,yt coral'! . unable to fully , obey the:colon:mad to ‘ 4 Le4ve I is absolutely 'vet feet. - X e pparently there is 061 t i ll•ancl i foilowMe," 'What waadetaikaa ia',a l 'any 1 aapit..,o the purposesr IP --74 1 e t! ' i t iO 4 i be : 4 `;', l " . : il. " T il e uniuvitlnk 'field, 'n. which aliev labor 1 plied::.' its and roc adds largelY to Its for' t"'lnelk,Calls, crlii tics selltsaerillee.' - To' ' value; 4 1': ;.I' '` -, if'? .ti . : ' them the'path 'Of:'atitY becomes:l' rou g h land utigrl, - Celfitio4dowas invented la 1870 liV = tlie trait- z. -i Inviting; • its route' is tip theliarren motiotaiii of Pro ,ssion., ; ,Tohe,sure t the beaeon-light,ot fit; dire r,tiWg(i owl but,ita , radiance .seems Ao pale as the--difficulties to• lie stun - vaunted-int crease: The way is loriely . ;l6e iiis' i companinns are few. Below, him.he sees an, inviting valley POP l 94 , 4!the .17Rigatively good., Their labors • are light, their pathwaya are.streiin with 'fink * era, and happiness ,seeins,, to ,e 1 well WiPiAtig)iii. Why continue farthei - the route leis travel ing,When the voice of the .inonitoe-witbiii, which ne fieenikto niaVlie'OnlyAbe:trea. tiOn :of :CnisCloakeiS ? 144 - dead - gP!),44jYPirneein tO hpe., the flillest shags of sorrows--:the' carelexii: and indifferent 'the ftillest.share jOits . . - frfle'::diverging path' IS nownward-L-the deSevnt . 'easy, The - throng th thii valley is increased'hy one. , The parable of the Prodigal • Son •is a beanti ful,one inasmuch as' it • exemplifies the divine Eittribnin 'of forgiVeriesi;:io,4d - 4:Sneh oftenAilmight:Oia,t• the ) u '- ,Warded -life-of; the' brother who remained at hem •was too muoh oiershadoWed by the r re-• over - the wanderer's return. „While I have adinlied the ' lorgi*ing ilisPoSitiOn , 4:thp ta,ther, '‘4o &>tiltl. , forget t, his dispoilmentin the return of the despoiler; whom he thought' wag lost; my 'sympathies 'have . : alw'aya gone out the other. brother. We do not, knoye that lie professed . himself a light for the guidance of Others,but we haie his unconttadicted assertion I •that he had stayed at the'past ofparental diity and had never tranSgresied his 'father's com raandinents, and knoW that, 'compared ,with this errant brother, he gas- an exemplary man. The Prodigal took his Portion, wandered to far countries, and spent in 'riotous living. home doubtless led! him fromhis home ; Hunger drew him back. His father rejoicing at his'coinfrig, killed the fatted' calf and gave him a feast. What, wonder that he who had ,stayed athemeand done his duty should feel aggrieved 'when he' .89w profligacy rewarded for leaving a diet of husks forthe bounty of the paternal'i•Oof ? Why should he ..rejoice• and make merry , over 'the return of one who had squalidered his share in beastly pleasures,land I had now come- to , share his ownPeriion ?-- •••• . • What wonder • m he should feel rebellious when he saw '`'the fatted calf killed tor his ells ' solute.. brother, when he, whei had toiled i 7 at home, ind . been refused eV , en a • kid on , whiel he and Ms friends Might feast and make Merry.? The life of an asce! i le is 911 unnatural one,and being 'beyoijd our *ayinpatiiies exlicapi c is i r alueless. Bent: he V,llO Makes himself an E's ample• to his'. feliow men and holieitly enacts his- Part . haVe , our earnest support through , good and • This• duty is•the More ineunibent upon us; while we ate passiVe ly good, which is all the most Of us can say.— BufWeshohld be' More than that. Should frown - deiW a vice, no, _matter in what, , gpli it t4ioOld . cOtna before l us, said no wonder , how much our interests may be aflected in so doing. eshould practice- %vol.:doing and encour age. those who, braver than we, itre further ad* vanced in the path'of duty,'and yet who; being human, will fall back discouraged without our sympathy and 'aid. By pressing forward to: gether we will not only do good by. settilig example to those behind us, but encourage our pioneers to still farther advance, and to eventu ally plait the 'standards• of Religion. and Mo rality as near on .the line of perfection as it is possiblefor mortals to attain. vitag: 1)VAV*5,7:04;::::',',..0; CELLULOID. er3 . ltypit, 41to at that tithe resided in Albany, but" are nii* - Vitebilsh c eil 'F he invention pere'lucliydiscpy cry, bit'uitid 1.116 .. 1:C4'111f of patient ; ithd laborious effort "exileriiii6tifit 'Tile ril4gnt,iit's knew of"'tbe efisieliee i3f,?6lliditt:94 . cUllodion, Sufifelt' 'rekiPti t.ispeccPs'6f,gup- cotton pthei:eildli t icoboi,o4. then e tikpor.` etbo'4olVelYt'§. all, pieeinfiis" , -,6i , A'e this' siitiitimce'lyiticileitily'llS t efulin the Copt in' j)ll6toiraphqha - d taiiei; the great, 'ik . ei,i T e elqiciisivel,,solir'enis','Aitid the' ditictiltk Of 'producing ,it,: larAiath4si4 and , in ttiffeiinitY'nf s:hlid,etiilodio' seethed - tn'be so for many tises, ,i 1 t tot'ti bent :fit : ell. ies tit so`fthpinve the' iiroce..3's of thanitilicturi, bring it`v •'a wide, range Of aliittleationl T —, In 'this sude,Cefled etr'eu,tliatt fluty Ong; diffetent 'ft) titiettire'freth solid and . 441;0 in ev'mueh ireater 'variety usei thati'Oelaiter could be;'eveli i`t`lis mandacttlie';vierdiciracti ' The' invention affords unOther exatittle of the aiertnese'oi the. Ainerie,iii, breiii 'end:it'3e inde fat igabilitf and' cemprelien4v,ens 61.1Tankee inkenuity:,; 'SCARLET FEVER:". - ' "; l'' - ' We publish, the following. article ion.. the above subject from ,Goad Health, which is said to be of great value It is as unnecessary' for,a child to dielot- scar let.lever as it, is that it should. be blind with cataract. Let,us see : At any time before the body has finished itsinefleetual struggle we are Able to help , wonderful niedicines, but by the ' knowledge of-anatoniy, and. the ap plication of common sense. We copspit syin pathetia nerve, and do ,what it cotrinia4clsus to "do. We mustsiVe this salt when it.ivaitts it ; we iriest give it acid wl!teil it Ilas'f9ver and anxiously craves it—not vinegar, but . leinon-• Suice, because th'3'first coagulates alfiUn i ten;Add The latter does not,,,oti account of, tilt surplus of 'ox'ygen which if, contains. To imitate the sbothing mucus in H tte ie.nOw 'wticting, ; ! .nd to,give saute re.mirtitc# 'fii 9 d'ut the saTtie tithe, we add' ; r9 TeslOr"i2:aiid relii;Ve the tnlured nery moist wernif.h. • , • Xn ptaelice we can Sulfill all, tl4 •svitli the following_simpte . Undress the child and bring it to; bekat: the 'very AMA sign Of sickness. Give; it,. if it has alre,adi fever:, nothing but 'sourish'i~arm leniOnadtiWitii some gtini-ariibic in' IL Then, cover its, 'ftbdonien with some OrY" - flannel: '' . 'take d, Well-folded 'laid-slieet,and put it in.bOiling hot water,wrinc• it oitt;dry by means of ijry, towels, and put ov er this the flannel on the child's and i onyn.- 7 -, Then. 'cover the, whole, and The., hot :cloths' will perhaps,.r,equireyepea,ted heat., A.c cordina to the severity of:the cw,an4 its, stage of piogress, perspliVionlvillponnnence in the child in trOin fen Minutes, to : two . hoUrs. The child then is saved, it soonfalls to\sleep, Soon after s (be child awaite, it, shows syniptoms of returning . inclination for fond; help its bowels • if necceSsarY, with injections of, oil, soap and water; and its recovery will, be as stej,idy as the growth of a green house plant, if well treated. Of course, it - the child was already dying, notb.' ing could save it, , or if it already his effusions in th 6 lining of the heart or brain ; it is much better that it . Should die. Butif the above is . applied in clue time, wider the eyes and direc tion of a competent ,physician,l will4uarantee that not one in ,a hundred children! will ever die of scarlet fever. We know this id!' startle some of our readers, especially thosei who have lost children already, but shall go st,ill further. We maintain that , a child will never get, the scarlet fever if properly treated. 11 child has correctly mixed blood, it will not catch the dis order if put in bed with a sick child. This is still 'more startling, but nothing id easier of proor. , The lop is 4 complete specimen of an outside philosopper. He is one-t,hird colar,One-eighth patent-leather, one-tourth- walkinolstiek, and the remainder giovei - and hair. As to remote ancestry there . is some doubt, but•lit ispretty well settled _that he is the Soil of a tailor's goose. He beeoMC3 ecstatic at the - sipell of new cloth: He is somewhat nervous, and to dream of tailor's bills gives- him the nightmare. Hy his hair one would guess that he Was dipped like Achilles; but it is evident that the goddess' held him by the head , icistead of Wel beel.- Nev ertheless such men are uselnl ; if there were no tad-poles there would.'be no frogs! They are not so entirely' . to blame for beini so devoted to externals. I :Paste diamonds ,gust have a splendid setting to make them 'sell. Only it does seem a waste of `material.•to :put five tot lars worth of yeaver . on five cents worth o brains: „ We'tna yjudge a man's characteriby what be loyes—rAirhat ~ pleases bun If-a person mani fests delight in' low, sordid objects, the vulgar; song and deintaing.language, lathe tnisfortunea Of Ins fellows . Or animals; we .may lat once de ternairte the complexionof. his. character. On the.contrary, if he loves purity, trUth,, medesty —if virtuous Purinits engage . In heart, and dra w out his affeetions--we are satisfied that , .be is au upright When we !see a young marrfond of fine 'Clothes,' and makes a 1 of himself . , it is a sure,' 'Sign that Ale. thinks,the world consists tif.' outside show and 'ostentation 'and he is certain i to , make an =unstable man, without t rut ! affection or friendship; fond of change and excitement, and wealying of thoae' objects s in e pursuits . which, for a time, give him. ,pleasure. ' - , if . yreezilbi.a'c#'''o: - (r: *c:'.pie‘4:ettiiii;;lin.4l the.. rdectioit or . 't:,u tee iio,!o.Bl,4ily‘ loyalvessin t OWE r(4€4t19.0...0'r tiles Ood As a. needle , hc the eorrittnes trehlbles` ieitte thß*i(iyit r i t, l 'en 4 tho *Art or s eio tier can has ) e - 'no,istbut in Chriti 10, 1876. lIMIIPIII THE FOP. =zz::l CHARACTER. iscq Haueous t in - . . rriii . 'eliiii - itEivi‘A.Tio - s3'%iiiliil =A. • Vigetine fiao attained in all parti oftli r efintrYtis I 'i.,,, A II! •:. .„ :„ , ~.,,: , ,i . •,.,-„, ~ - Greai 110 Good - Medloine, i ~,. i - - -• and the larg nuMber,ot ,testimonials which 01* Mil! i afttntly pehi recall/0d from persons 'who have been cur ed by,Atis i nsei, ate oconciniiVe I proof of its.grea; value: 4:- It is recommended by physicians and Apothecaries: „its I , Biood-Pntifiekoand ftealth-ffestorer;it bar no eilitsl:l. ,IZegeting is not:prepared for a fancy drinlvdnade,froto iibor`liqtiorsl which atebilitat'ei the system and tends to destroy` health Ina . of restering,l.: ~. -:.: :IQ' . ;,I'. 1 V , l q . CANNIOT BE EXCELLEridi;i) ~g,,II.,Tgit,,ENS ...- II •-•-: i.i 01 , y. ), :4 it f.. , - . - 7111 i i ` - 114 - in'4ln-i-I Meet chterfaily:lted My tPstimony to the grentinumber you havealreatry remivit intferor °POUT great and good Medicine, V egetin ed for ,I , dpnol, think enoeglf tin be dald in ifs prelate,' ftir I WAS triStibled 'oder thirty; ears With? that , drnedful 41115easei, Cat:anti- aid had :flitch bad tongbinit 1” spells that it would" item as theughi L could . never breathe , any -,mb re "'Aid' Vegitihe has cured mp ; and Ido feel to than); Qoked the tirtip there is so Wood' a • Medicine - irks' • Vegetin e,' -- and' rtiliio q4iik it,one A f„t . ebest,medicines kg :e ctugbil ase vAvid g ege l L Milking rpiiings . the stomach, and advise•eyerybody tslikie OW lir „lie. foil I canuatliellibmitistiti6oe Qi; plc , Pest tnedtpines ever no s , , ,1 , . ~, t ~ • • . 1 vA. I, ~.., ~ ~,j 4 1 , : 1 ,, -, , 4 Cer. , :Magazintand WahintiSta4 , ,i *ii, CarnbrldgeOlasai -1 ~,-, ~ - , ,i-, 4...,,!) t.. •1` <. ~ -.:!0 . 11 . .. .- • ..: ~._ •. • • , , , s , 1 . 1 • . • • • ••• ISGSAXDB I VEGET)4X,I acknndllettge4.-nnd remamendest by pbyefeiatia and' pitittiennites to be the befit purifterand eltt,mmresint Ott yet , dilserrreted,J and thousands speak in itallajee yiboshave bega feetored to ikcsal.,;l4 „ i; e , . RepOrt fronYa practical cheinist and apotteall'• t.• •Bo wrox , Jan. 1. 167 .• -Damn Stal— Thials to certify'. that I 'have' Sol(Pat retail 15,1, do en 1862.b0tt1ee.).. of : your Aregetige a*e.Apyil 12. 1870, and can truly Say that It has i'ieen'the best Italtaraetioni of, an.y remedy for the compbtiola for which it la recommended that I ever: sold. Scareel). a day passes witliout soMe'of 'My eaStomers 'testifying tojts merits on themselves' or their friends I am i perfectly ciif,utzant of several cases 'of Scrofula Tumolif belng ,cured by Vegetitte alone In this vicinftm , • Very respectfullyyours,i . ; • AIGILMAN, 1 , 46 Broadway. 1111 v. tsp. ' To H, It. WHAT ISANEEDEDw', , '- , k' , i ~ • ' , •BovrciN Fel). 13, 1817 '. •, .('EVENS : I . i . : Ab'oat• ober year *like' 1 found ' 'thyself tin l i ition from general debility;,; I'Vegctine was ,commended to me by a friend 'wh o had Been ilttp,4 by its use. , I procured,the arttcle,,Oind Iseveral bottlett, was restored tote'alth, and edits use. „I feel qtitte gobildeut that theie is . e superior to it for , those „complaints 'for esPecially ,prepared:; • land would 'their/ally ii it to those who ;feel that., they need, some 'tore them to perfeetle'ilth. ' ' ' 1", ‘• F, tfull3i yours, ~ - U.• •L. RETTENOILL. -1' • • , • Firm of S, M. PettengiltA C 0., ;. • . •• . • • - ' Sio. 10• State St% Bost . otf:' • • • t• • ''' ''-• ' ' • '',.- : 1 'f .....m.v.•;. , ~ ,• 1 MR. 11, R. • Desr feeble con. strongly re, much belie after 'ague discoAtiou no medics which' it is recommen hinkr to re •iteepe, • LIF 4 ALTII sTi i t,ENGrral' AND •• ter. has:received: !treat: benefit' &Inn "tho use etiito Aer declining hp.slth was a eoutee of itylo all eT he Mende: • A few'bottleise'c the efttored her. health. strength and:appetitei• . TILL)EN, • 'ilhittrancelnd Real EstateAgent4- No. 99 Seare GIVI'S • Mg_ daug of ,the Ve. geat ahm, Vegetiue a 1' i l ye piair k , tut , . honest statement fennel - naively quick and thorougi 'elearfaing l effep . ‘B,ol t4e t K in Stiornla.,- u . ne a. shows thi . . ENE islaeknowledge.l by all classed of people I eat and moat reliable blood P4Figer, ka-tht 1876.-4 w. J , • • • VEGE, to, be the world. Jan. I' , by all Druggv3b3 Everyivh*. Clothing—cheaß \ --at Cheap' Bo' John's y! o, 33 Court Street INGHAMTON, ,GOODS, NEW NEW ..GOp DS, ve just retnlned. froth the Ofty of New York urchasing a large and well selected stook of As we ' aster LL AND *INTER 6051)8 . _ . . Y , . ~'nds bonght from 'first . bands ,: we'fre' now pre I offer goods at - prices that Al satisfy thetios I , r. We have oleo added to our , large stock o r. es, an 1w • I 16.. qr.* of [ of all k pared t est buy Dry r, LOT 4,, and Boy's wear, We are now ,prepired to for We make StTITS FOR ALL I give ns a call as lie 'have nisi' elates workmen •for the season. • • • • and gentlemen, yen will please call and exam *tuck before you purchase else Where. - IV! for past.favors, we hope for a tonti4uation same. We review • . "., ' Your s lieepectlnlly.' • -0. , CORTSEY. . - atatou. April 28. 1875.—tf. 8-23-774. who w enmg toe our ,Than or the wideielieetinis,' 8; Cs , ' Ya l Johil Would eaklittenlon to hie :New *ROIL at FALL. AND 'WINTER - GOODS ! - - Now oi . eete; In new, Inii,7 (0 a 0 li ,g,, LADIES' DRESS : 0601)0i, .BLACK .. AIFD COLORED . i ALPACAS, 'NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SII A W LS, \\TAT liat. PROOFS, FLAN. N LS, BALM:ORAL, AND HOOP . ' SICIRTS, VELVETS, IIOSI,ERY, ETEAIyY -WOOL 000DS, CARPETS, 011. - (monis, PAPER HANGINGS, BUFF& 40 AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS • Arm CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD W ARE.HION,Ist AILS, STEEL, STOVES AND 'GROCERIES, ETC. V 1 . itt vArtety; and will lie sold , on; tlic mos ttble terms, tad loiyest prices. - I ' , -, •n' '' • ' k. - BURRITT • ' Milford ; lB7s Evi Mnt,ty 8 . : ,-, l' -- ~ In gt. too , \ X . elp ,a . xiliTres ; 4.l:i. ..k el)100 . i. ItaiDbeap - . 70 • t ' 'For gOo4,..watorproofeit got, La-X.110p: =MEN ....1 t.,1 - 10 .-' 1 - NEW GOODS. AEAVERS, Idlscellaneons. FALL . k,i . X.WiiikTP.Eit . ' 600bg; ';' -.:1 4tist Received ,Vl.r "• . 1.".....016 4 ""t • t : • . 6 t HAvritk • • ai,..„•.5.„ ''''' 4ll' If:' -.1 .../. 1 f 1(:: ':'...' :..",;i:L .I I - . - ?iil i'l . l. ,:lt ;,..• .. I. STAPLE •` & FANOY4 , 11)111:11 - GOODS. -z:PPg w o r - 1 1- 4 §, OA-,/01APY-- .. d ‘i insi 0 .:I.iit! fi 4'141, t4i' q'...,. 4 . IV '..,,,5„ J 1",;;;. .; --- Dress boo e t a good alasgitment. s ell the new and !inky Ppattence hi , tbe- , initrket!:' 'White" Goode% gr a . 1 :1 1 0 0 4 - f.I , S tLEA.OrrtrrAlsrlil " ITN trirhi6TrEt) . totrON'lts& t . '"" I TICKS g strftl3 . TOWELING,-. 3ARRET'' WARIY; •&0: cr. 110E6'4, • ; . The largest stock in town. First clue goods•at lets" prices than can be bought of any other puttleiin the I -"t) !AA:X I S; &VADAPS, OLthe eteeti 1f " t: I• READY-MADE - ' CLOTHING a fall line, and good gOods well made and -Call t and • Stock heicie e'se where. 1" will not be nnderiold for the pp:lie:quality of goods; by anyone In or ont'of town. • - Batter shipped, Proropt'retUrnA at the., highest mar exA pride', sales guaranteed, bilis cashed us soon as re keived. • - • "N . t, New latiford; lune 2d, 1875.—tf. 22 iv 4z1:4, - ,s,', l'2,ppoA 0','.;,p1.1;;. ' • The - Subscriber will sell the 'follOwing vatusble Real ext4e,-; - • I'l , ‘ 1 At a Very , Low. Figure. 'One•ltrit-class Dairy Batt u, steck'and' &fining' biote in the township of Bridgewater. mica from Mont rose, tOutanain* .18d. acres. 1 •1) - '. 4 : ,1 ^."‘ - ALSO—One turn in Burrow/0301'0w, .pi e.on.tivp,.pc ,98; adres - .• and an eitensiVe cider mitt and i~tiUer}. ; ALSO-- !ind login N , ew .11111o,r0; • --c:. ' TEIIM:3I MADE - FABY.•. I I • For partienlars address; the inbscriher t Ithuttwe, or call at his residence iu Bridge•”ter. • - • . • •• - JOANi-bANITT. • • Bridgewater, Jan. 2Gth, 1876.=-2m. - patohY:fi::eo. GENTS e!e:g ant, on, rciii;t-3!Qs,mon'riiefi, size 9XII 111- ;C4 41 ! 129 4A17(1 . 11 ° .1,f, 4 a1 if il i gi l O sr t Pa , ••• . .. 3fAnnitito. i'EliP.LE—New inyentiol ,last what you want: !Rellabld and Anrable. :NA i led on receipt 0f75.!: !Adariisa Ir. 3ioaman 4t. Co Xiddletown,-Conn., - , '1 , C Send A Catalogue' Maryland A. 113. F. tinich r for 14 it *n i 4 • and rirs sray T hs, v:5 hride Naps of : , Delaware::: d tare. 5w4 WAlitED.,=Att ageni In'ov6ry towri and COO: trcl the ptlem g.erocery ar t ete- V. 00 ( 140 4 5,0 0 0 Per anmini map be made. Addles enclose ic Ramp, Eureka. hilrg Co.,WR) Waghingtort 4w4 YOU` Male or Feniale. Send Your .addrese , and want and,get bomtthing" thaVw ill; bring; you in 310.N2 Y honorably °vet . $159 a nAontire.„, • , - ' • IIrINTENTORSION,. • : 275 •Gri*nwich 81.4 N.Y. ti4w4 Agents wanted for the Great • OEN FENN L 'HISTORY 100 pages, lois price.litlek sales; Tatra ter*. P. W. Ziegler,o Co., 518 Arch St.: Phll, ll . • .1 SHORT .CUT -.cihalenelgfenort:lalltld a s n re d re Pe. TO WEALTH.' re i r et‘ ee w ir t r h or e m v eati 9rryy o u rxer ad free Stm- . HILTON CO., 152 plea St., N, P. o'. Box 5369 • MIND, READING; PSYCHOMANCY,' FASCl nation,- Soul Charming, Mesmerism, and Marriam Guide. showing how either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affection of any person they choose in stantly..4oo pages.. By mill. 50 cents.' ,HUNT '& 139 South 7th St., Philadelphia. Pa. " 5 , WANTED' gettsnd:for ge best:ell I S ,ionar m ac r agesthevold. It con tain 15 sheets papet, 15 'envelopes, 'golden :Pen, Pen bolder. Pencil. Patentaard Measure, and apiece. of Joielry, Bindle package, with puir of elegant Gold Stone sleeve Buttons. post paid . 2s ceats r s for $l.. This trackage has been examined by the publisher of the DINIOORAT and 'found aS represected—worth Olt mon y. Matche4 itiVentiway to all agents. Circulate free. Bride 4t Co , Broydway, N. Y, 7 We will during the holidays, dispose of 100 Planci# and Organs of first class makers including . Waiters' at low er prices than ever before ogered. Monthly installments, received running from 12 t 0,36 months. Warranted for 6 years. Second hand instratnents at extremely low prices forcash. iliustr-ted Catalog uw Mriled. Agents . wanted. Warerobms 481 Broadway, N. Y. n4w4 HonAut: WALTERS & SONS. • OR F.- . COUGTTS. COLDS, lIOARSENFA'S.i, AXD ALL THROAT DISEASES WELji • '.OlOl - 6uile . ` • TABLETS. • : POT UP ONLY IN' BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggistsgenerally, and _ 4 it Johnston.' Holloway Co. Philadelphia, Pa: ry town, to 121111111138 fnr Dr. HISTORY c ' WANTED AGENTS, In ev- OF Cornell new and lopniar PEtiNSYLVANIA g t° e r s 3 ,; 4 l 3 ies i t i . t d i LVv v e lin ry a io ir th , • present thee: A splendid book, nornplete intone volume. illustrated. end publish ed at a price within reach of the people. A rare chance fora first-ease i canvasser. &Wiese the publisher., Quaker City I,)ubllb,hing Ca., 21 4er.. 219 Qu.nce delpti fa; Pa 4W • „PATEN T ANTS M lAM/ , ,Grx e,i r: SALAMANDER B MRS Bar* hav e b een aneePProyed upwsxds of 5,000 different .s . urnaces,in Factories, Steamers, arki'Loromo titres; s4d,sre superior to • ail other •in Darsbility and Ecoaomy in the usti of Fuel,. Satisfaction gaexanteed.-- References In Sill Otte of the United States. 4w4 Office, 199 Broadway, N. Y., ,P. O. Box IM. 813d0Iii9 ! 150,000 at the genuine _ e or the, moat remailzable of the ago. Thrilling. in interest, illustrated profusely, and being the only entire and thentic t lifei the millions are eager for .it, and wide. awake agents are wanted quickly . For - proof and terms address, AUBBARD BROS., Tubs., 723 Sansom St., Philadelpbia.- 4w4, "NIP AND , TUCK" (Chromo.) , The jarvat Ameripu Tea, Company • 31 and 33' Vemey , Street; N. Y. .. TIAS' DISTAIBUTED TO CLUB,' sr latiouTauel Pima.. , Beautiful Oil ehromos„ of ditforent sizes, preeenteci to purehaseris of 1,2, a, 4 or 5 pounds of Tea, is clubA of:tritiutulAinearos. . The Company, has AMY ready for deitlry a splendie ebrento, entitled "NIP, and. Tuck" a auvit(threepound)' piettire shog a 'Wei) , . eitirtnioh betWonlabY ands ROt ligir fqr , win the poonsr.kla o r 4 do. llisib itill Of touring Din that he trt - lieriptiourAn tell the 4 1 star attotia - as the, thiiplwiltle of,the artist. TM .b tt e l i tlattl,44o and,,,Wactr, aild • Imo, po seen ta be a'' I IL' tisend Ine'elicniat af . pelene,lertile, tte: '' . • The. Great American 'TM CAMpany,'. ,:: • . 31 and 33 Veseir Street, 4 P. 0. Box 5843. - NEN YORK OITY• • w . ;lc.. Wx HAYDEN. h • ; =RE GREA.T OFFER.