A NNITAL, STATEMEN - I RECEIPTS SUSQUEHANNA ' COUNTY, • • Made and published in pursuance of au Act of Aisembly'of the 15th . of 'April A. ii,1885. TABLE SHOWING THE BALANCE , OF COLLECTORS' AOCOITNTS Roft, - ;Covii# ,Y*.* 1875.: • Townships and 7 ... . Collectors' 1 , • • ,' (Z41:1;%11.211t • • laktell4ies. ;-* • , -- — Boroughs. Names. I. Dup. • Am't.• Pd. Ext's P`re't. Dup. paid. &Kul Fret L-... —.—..—.. i,... —___ • Samuel Rice $ 629 4815 498 99 $ 43 $ 2 / 3 25 $ 22 62 20 78 $ 75 $ 109 W C Lowe 1,677;97 1,571 ' : 23 1 ; 82 73 57 75 • 58.21 174 280 .- IBC 4.very:...... " 39817 , 877 36 !, -1986',1' : 16 91 1604 03 84 .11 J Kent......... 2,81032 2.178 45 17 114 66 63 56 58 50 199 307 NI. (lord infer.. J. 1,224 09 1,21315 711 63 84 • ,44 53 , 40 89 •1 49 _215 If A Gardner...!. 1,46948 1, ;s: :93 ... 7 , 73 10 50 79 46 17 2192 43 R M'Divitt ' 600 7'7 568 66 2 29 92 1 22 44 20 90 45 109 ...... L W 8unne11..... 1,34610 1,26815 11 21 '6674 52 84 ' 48 10 221 253 I B Davis ..17410 164 91 1.95 864 ' 9.93 .855."94 44 •'IW R Travis` 1,(42 44 , 988'14 280 5200 848 2 32 17 46 169 W,(3Bmsll .1,182 Cl 3 1,119 79 4.11 , 5893 '43 99 40 60 126 213 l i ! GI W Abbott 175 16 \ , 162 19 444 ' 8 Ell 594 54 43 27 1 B P Pope ... 1.762 10 1 1,65709 17 80 87 21 . 1170:3 10754 381 565 IA (' F0x..... ... 1,98136 116581 420 61 35 42 20 3943 65 207 R Ferant - 90...... 425 95 MI22 , 16 ; 25 '_2o 411 1 • 4315 at at 182- 59 IS M Munson .' 1.1132 17 9M• 65, 13 60 60 92! . 45 1 42 17 78 .2 21 llarford :11 J Tyler. , 1.365 69 1,2•N7 MI ,10 87 6'7211 . - 48.2 7_ •4233'872 -2 22 Herr i c k ......... Sanford Rums ~.. , 943 66 ; :•:8 651 824 46 771 33 78 1 31 21 •93 164 Jackson . 1 . .. ...'.. .... Orville Griffis ~, 1,13.57 79 1,31285 , 58 5 .• 69 091 45 91 -• 43 02 63 226 Jek•np...'. ' Lucius' Smith 90216 843 631 141 3 4440, .31.72 .2936 82 161. Lai hr 00.4 .. Ansel Iderr,lll ' 11 886 6 • 831 711 11 20 ,i 4.3 771 ••82 82 29 97 ,128 1 57 Lenox ....IT 11 l'ayni,,,*2 . 1,58013 4 1,440 65 } ' 1366 66 1s 75132: 68 90, G 415 ( 1..39 ,a 87 Lit Ile Meseows IC C - Fox 1 1W 83 160 961 , 40 8 471 • 4921 468 • '24 Liberty -a... IT L Smith ..'... ' • 9 8 3 83 913 71i ,22 (14 .. '4B 081 1- 39,46 , 86 .64 194 'Middletown ' s amuel Dodge. ..'' 872 78 ' 827'841 191 "- 43 54! -,- 34 861 fr 2,67 58 171 MonCrwe .. 'John A Howell._ 1.858 09 1.75104! 1490 ' 92 15' ' 1291•841 118 241 809 596 New 51 i I ford Tw0.... IC•M Shelp , . • 1,936 97 1,833 621 685 96 601 55 731, 51 49 1542 70 New? Milord 80r0... :. !X: R Dein • ' ... • 789 10 . 10' 742351 ‘ '768 ' 89 U 7 : !-' 4743e 42 11 811 221 Oakland. N W Fox .. i _ 775 95 727 94 , 970 38 31, 'tl 32 20 36 'B9 107 R u b_ ...........:.... ail ,Devin e 1.02 1 _.2.20 Silver' 1.1M.21 1 . .067 41i 863 56171 45 27 42 05 1 02 1 _ 2.20 Silver Lake • :."'' ,''-'"' John Dailey ' 1,04:35 ..(Al5 821 865 ' ~..51 :.: • .: 1 ,- '36 05 '•-33 31 99 115 1,384'10 1,296 991 ,1885 ' 68 57 61 48 52 69 602 277 Suilnebanna Depot, -." 141-1 Pope Springville B B 5c0tt.:1,349 10 :1,259'751 2305.66 . 30' .54 35 " 43 85 293 257 Thomson , r .iiSi L Lewis..., ... 697 45 .. 564 871 .285 . 29 73 20 98 ••• 19 64 42 102 -- I— - 7 ---- • I . - •7.-,,r4,649 8615134,t16 - 64-1 - 106.21' $1111 . 1422 $ 1,449 85,51,329 '.54:550 58.569.-18 Apo . • Auburn Ararat...... Bridgewater Brooklyn Clifford ...... Choconnt Dimock ... Franklin Forest Lake Fri endsv Ole Gibson Great Bend Twp Cheat Bend Bore Harmony Tiital amount of 4861 Duplicates , - ' . 649 364 tat) - , • • 1 , 84,416 . i4 ' percentage.... . 1,81122 " exoneratloca.. ..e..:- 321 60 6 36 ,r Audited the 000, above * January 6th -18.16 93 6 4 Total amount of Duplicates . ..... • ' - ' $1,449 ES • 4 , paid ....... —.51,629 54 ig percentage . • 69 78 EXPENbIT Commonwealth costs..... , " • '• $1;026-28 .. • Road viewa c ....... 1 • 915 90 Boat; damages .c.,... „, ..- 0 .0.. ~.,-. • ' ' ,„.-, 1,0) 00 L Blakeleepoulapi, (4,:irhistitit:ier..•i..•.,..: - ..... 4 t ;377 50 II G Bali V I ! :, 4 l' 44 i:i ' : ''' :" ' , ;V ! 37750 Eli Blunts, f`it''' ~',., .I.Y. ,-=-`•, '.4' , •:-,t-..14,.....;;--...) . ' 35250 Wm A Orosemoi; : iate . oinmerst , Clerk.. • .i. I,oou 00 Constables — l . 1 1,223 35 Gnuadtind Traverse Jurors' ,'. -,:,.'• .t.,':',..'.. 8,1'099 General township, and special elections 1,61138 Court and jail fuel analighta ' ....... 39801 ~...at Z. • - - " two Court Moire ..;;I: - .4',,..r.k4... '''s ifi: - .4-..,„ . ... i E. Baldwin, Court Oder wid to , ,i4s . ,0,, -. :365 50 Assessors '. ''' di ' ' ''''' ' 4 '` .4 ~*:" - "". ''' t ' 4.? ' ' 7 ' `. • : \1;30t4 tX) Printing ' \ 655 50 Interest paid as follows, to wit: i , ~ _ , 1 E G Taylor, interest And negotiating; • " 10an5.... i $ 20 00 13 11 Reed, sem iliziault) intemlko...'.: 4`;' 11 5000:67..;i 1 )7 A I - 1 A Beardsley, Intel:6A -- 4000 1 • • . , E G Taylor, interest and negotiating 37 Kt , J A. Beardsley', interest.. ....... ... - :..1 • 4000 , . '-' - i•-- , - 1 H. II Read, semi-annual interest. 600 00 • E G Taylor , interest on temuorary . loans . 1 _ , • and seg o iatiiig the same. ...... .. 460 60 . _ ;•-•$ 1, 1 797 80 Bonds reAlermedss follipws,to wit : ~- • • A Frink: jail b<ind redeemed, Oct. 15,1873 ~. .. 8;100 00 Four year • intet.4.t on the same. $B6BOO . ' ' J B , Beardsley bond retieeined.. ' • 800 00' Amount of interest paid- ...., ... '....$ 38 40.- .- - - C F Read ,:litind redeemed ' • - •r . ';' ' . '5OOOO Rev Mr Legg, bond redeemed. 200 00 Am't , of ' int. on Head's and Legg'& , ..- : •..: .• • bond..: ........$' ~1 20 A Beardsley.. brind redeemed 1 , . . Amount of interest paid to date.. _411838, - ~., G B Eldred, bond redeemed • ' ' :.. ' 700 00 Amount of interest paid on 5ame.....5104 07 ' •,' Total am' t int. paid on bonds redeemed' . .. -$1,125 00 Lunatic Hospital ' ' 760 50 Insurance , , ' • ... .1149 00 Jai1.,..i.....-....... ...... 2513,51 M B llelme. Slieriffr.. , :vr.':4'r • ' .'' :....,:... -...,' • 192 , 18 M bllelme, Sherriffitrid - Juilot'. . . . ; '53t822 Stationery 23389 D Summers, Prot, and Cie* 0f.q5....;,. Coroner's inquests Arid pp . E;t: tustirrdexatnina tions.. .. .. .. 2 -. . - ;, - .. - .:.. ...... ... .1 E Ca rm.it . late Di 8t rict Attorney. . .... .... , B L Bald whi,.tiistr,ict " 1. 1 ..7288 PO LB Isbell. town 'crock " 2500 D D Lathrop; reporter ' 320 00 Eastern- Penitentiary • UTtY•4B Justices of •-• 23130 Prothonotary's cafe .3 094;25 W Mackey. State Treasurer • 2,11613 c C aleey, - 111) physichni ... • . . - 16:00 County Ins! ante': " t 18000 . Agricultural .. I E C Fordham, postage. . .. . Registry. . • 4 -612 00, County privi 4 • •••• A J W Granger et al:, WyaTusing bridge.- *" • 00 Brewster • . stud et9lipmtm,Juty Comm's • . .133 00 , „ . .. -...... • ... .." -•- - • •,.. - , j7 , .' . . ~tf.';,,., ',P . : tlie j , gt. --.- . . ~ --. ''..,....r • .... 1 , :il. ': '-' ' i:. ' ~7'. .-R ,', ilr A .r.. .- ,' "• ~.: 4tr tti .- , „.., 44 , ... „,,,,..., tpwry `0 TAYLOR, "TREASIO - RER OP _IJSQUEIEANNA - • cOVN:TY - ?.,_ r- .., . ' , 9 „, , g _.-- . ... l b! - -- ,:iaryz, , 4 z.,- ,sitt- I } t n;ir ACCO Wr C URKENT iiriTailsl.ji)%: , ' °PIMA ••0 iißi - .1 .'.-.? f" .- .. -.`44'--""' C r. ~•4. - ,- 'r-1 ' ;\,' i':- •-,, :'- i ~ , ... , 'l' .- ~. - - --"' - - '- • . :- . .. , . 7 _ 4J - , - .. .......;-:.......- ........,,....,........., I , . nni Irt.'l7yeatu.rdei. Vudd am pur,ladt, • • Aoditorde riTnrt ... . 4,10 - 21: count (nines and jury' feed' rennlvcd • from N Brheriff , .... • , taunt of duplieutee fur .18115 . ',On pereonal - profeity:•.-..; 14005 : rec'd from , L -6E13444 tolleotiir; re- - - - turued .... .... . . • r mount rve4 -from 4 t tine ' " :collector, • 24! • Aouut reed from Clow Morrioi .mount ret''d'.'frotif TremUine 13rothete'' • ' Concert, Court Bones rent , . - - .1. •. • 15-00 - nount xec'd from. Trernalue 13r. , thers'; Concert. c'ourt Howe : count rec'd from- Bell Ringers, Court-. Ilouse rent .mount reed from -. 111Ne..A !DickitrAoni - . Court House rent • 11'(0 ". count .ree d '•4roir.i Air lAtit 11: 5 . Ilouk;e, rent. , mount r, c'4 from .3fueger, Court liouse rent • ••-• ' ument reed from C M (fere. error, tt V; mount ree'd-,--•froM 'aolttii'Ortidsbew,. Ruetkr* Auburn .Potit Ak*silata-t mount t.ec'd from liance in TreagiOr's hands..'; ' Np: -. \ ~E XPENDITURES RECAPITIILiITION.—Cam. nomtruVirrioi.=.'itAi , ATE. irteuerations. BO 58 $1,449 . 85 The above account audited Jiinriry 6th 1815. I • \ , , , S -00 8!,1Q - 1713f1ANNA.-- CO:(INT-Y,- 1875; , 7 •,"' tr, - EMI fAi)OTO 44CMit inka OP THE 1!75i MEN $p county re's:teemed from * No. i to No. 526 inctuarlve • • . ' • .. • $135,065 rs , •:I 71: •-• ' • % f t, " , • • • - • 7-- • • , . . . • L , -de• <;,= • • 74. .Zj. V 9 l' 1 , it 1;4'44. • • "r - cr. Tail, Ter - A . - --, ,=. ..... .. ... i..., ~,,-;.-..,....„. v_:.•.:, , t..'.. - ,0'..,...v ;0::-',1 .',,' - ;.;.".'\.":-;',',.*:: -- z3 , ...-1'. , ; ,. ." .1 4 . 4 aixL tf 1.;^ , ..6:1'; I 1 . 4 - 'l. • " f 1,000 60 •'.`- - r• ':••'•;i . .' ' • ,- .t• i'• :, --- -••- • - ,-;:•..,.... : _ --..!... k , •••••;- IX 42 104 00 o _ry.. • $85,065 52 By, h tree refunding orders. .. f• ,7 84 Ccoanty,o_tler d e:reOueaed .. frota'N.o 1 , 40, , ,N o,„ -',-' '628 Inclusive 85,065 52 Exonerations to Collectors, coun- . Percentage to Collect Ore: county tax . • . 1,81122 2482 82 Eioilerat!Otia to COili6tiira, State ' tax , Percentage ''' ''Collectore, Stara • gke • - Treasure's connt4on nn receipts.sB4y. WS 82 at 2 per cent.:.. .. . 720 17 Ti,lasurer's commission •on espendl tureo;Bs4ll,3o at 2 per cent......., - 101 40 Balanceln T eurer's hands 4,000 84 10 00 2r":pa '.rV ;,~~ -.-• * -r-': \ , ~ ~ .: , ~ , i 1,,,,,i,..- } act s ft. waxinact s ' Aiditors. • Li' 5.-0110WD, .uditors IL L. CATLIN,' A • • Wit. WHEELOCK, j r.cAttni. s:t" _wnEBLocK ; aliditors. L. B. O'DOWD, . , lIIIMMI ~ -' , , .., ,i ! v:' •i73] , '.; ==liMl • • . • $25;065 52 ENE :_'''.V , H-E::D:VitIOCRAT,i i'FE i y \ M. B. HELME,: SHERIFF, IN' ACCOLII37 Dr. , - ' - - •FtES FOR 1875. To amount °lanes and jury fees. as per .certl • state of the Clerk, of the Conn . , of • Quarter Sessions` .$llBOO 'Amount of fines of Wm. Jay,Ellen McGuire and Thomas 'Kelley, ommitted inlititt lima state. ent 150,00 , • 1, Available funds , . A.. . .:. . -,.. Several amounts audited in the hands of County Commissioners.— Uncurrent...„,—...... .. . . , . i., 1 Notes and bonds u per - last Auditor& Repel, t, ' , Notes given•for, and fines uncolleetable. ab0ut..!..'... I • • .1 ' We cert, 6 the foregoing to be's true it,Stement. • • - -- , . E. e : . • • . M. •., D.- 1 Commissioners' Office, Montrose,.,Tanuary 7th, 1876. I I SIISQ,IIIMANNA Col72th, SS. • We, the undersigned Auditors in and for said county of Susquehanna, met, in pursuance of our duties, at the Auditors' Office in Montrose. on Monday, the 3d Alay of, January 4 A. 0., 1876, aud.did audit, adjust, and settle the sever al accounts of the Commissioners,and . Treaaur er of-said county as 'follows, to, wit v . IWOfind ' upon a thorough examination In . the bands of E. G. Taylor, Esq., County Treasurer, Pour Thousand Dollars and Eighty-four Cents,'(s4 4 000,84) county balance. • We find an, overehanie in the account of E. G. Ball, County 'Commissioner; of three days for'distributing Registry papers, amount $7.50, which amount we disallow, and audit the same . in the hands of the County. Commissioners for 1878. We find an Overcharge in the accomit.of Ly man-Blakeslee, Connty, Commissioner,! of three days for distribuling RegistrY papers; amount $7 Kwhich amount we:disallow\ and itudit the same in the hands of the county Conituission ers for 1875. • • Wts find an overcharge in•the accouUt of Eli Barnes, County Commissioner, of three days fot distributing Registry papers, amount $7 50 which amount s'e,disallow and audit the same in the hands of the COunty - ComtidssiOners for 1875. We find an overcharge . in The account of E. Baldwin, Court House Janitor, amount $65 50, which amount we regard excessive and'unwar :ratited by law ; we Msallow the same and and it the said amount in the. hands of said County Cominissionera for 1875. , We - find an overcharge In the account of E. • T ;• - • 120 81 . -, 1,.4.3 , , , :: , .'.... - : { } STATEMENT OF , SUSQUEHANNA. 691114 TY, TlLEA§liirir; - • , -4111{1:7ARY 1, 1876.1 - - _ '312001 1 3TC01 . 16 • • : . *- - • - s_ 41. A • R , that their - ...,,AOGOUNTS. MUST BE -BEETLED .• X 0 Cllebtelys . . or they will be collected. -by ' •`-t .• .600 PER, LATEIROP & COMSTOCK. September 29, 1875. • • • lAsisigneee WHERE NOW ? i. WHERE Wily TO A. N. BULLARD'S, • HEAD OF NAVIGATION ) to get some SPRIls.i SEED WHEAT,' CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, Garden Seeds ofall kinds,the very beet Flour, Sugar Tea, Coffee', Fish, Rams, Lard, etc.. ete. ALSO— a Forty cases of choice clinted grods, consisting in part of Peaches, Pears, Plums. Cherries, quinces, Strawber ries. Pine Apples, Corn, Beans, Tomatoes,: Peas, Duck, Turkey, Lobster, Succotash, Peach ; Quince and Apple Butter, Deviled Ham, and lots , of other things quite too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold tc al' kinds of "PATRONS" tor ready pay at prices that wi MeorT: Clciaxelpetitlon anestrietly open the Taliklplebt live'adtfistilVer. Call and see at A. N. BULLARD'S 3 iontroO,APKIIV. IB76 - • ; ; j /.. . , SOMETHINQ NEWt . - • ' A BOOT' & ' SHOP•• - - t „.;. , -- . 1 ..- *SHOE.. l4, : • has just been opeaedover.F. B. Vila Miter s store. AU kinds of work made to order. Repairing done on short notice. 'After having nearly 15 yeare experience in the busine.ss I feel confident I can please aft !lion:100,e me a call. . C E UPTRGROVE. Moritrbse, Feli. il'AEff6.—ti •, • . ; ti Manager. kltlivit ENTERSEISE. • - i , . practical wor km fn at • A prac . ~ , • . ..__ .. ISZECOMAXELICZNiari =. ' , - , , i has opened a shop under E. L. Weeks & Oo's. store. on Public Avenue, Wnere' lie Is ready to do all klnds,of work in his tine. Can ex,lel is new work, and repair with neatness andtdespatch. . i , ' . - - - -• 'TAMP BIRNEY. Montrost... October 13th.1875.-3rn. ! •~OTICE TO SETTLE. • All persons indebted to Wm. B. Llnabety, are request. ed to call andsettle their aceoants- as soon as conven. lent, as I ilti2 very much in neca of the mtmetY. Feb.. 9, 'IC-2w*, - W. B. LINAJERY. Handsome Trimn*d liata,; at C4eap John's, Shirting Plaquela at Otteaii . „ , 9 The -above account audited Jan —1, e AUDITORS' IEPO EMS 6. - v .Yil'' , 'FlgES - .'-AND'.4llli)7 ; By amount Oncollectable 05 (X) . 8 per cent. reta i ned.on . s7B for collect•_ • ing•}: . . . t amount paid Treasnrer .1;11d Charged • in aia account' 75 66 , 3 per ea& retained on ec-, Sitio to:it:oil Ling iii., —.• ... '... ......p. .: . ._.. -.: 450 • ' i, mount aid, Trouniror and ensirge9. ...,:., - - ' * Id 8 account, • v , 140 , 06 - , .„ _. •,, I_ '. .. - . : -- 15000 itiet: ' i I 6 ' I : • 74 L. CATLIN. • ; i ' '' • • '- • - , Wic WHBELOCK,- Atidltori. • ''L B p'DOWD, , . =MEM • • • .-; ' ,•L ;• • : t •:: 4 7 ;•• • • • 14.00084 99 00 •• . . 60i 1 00 •a•Ni• •• •• • 04.•• ••'• • •Or O 0)00 1 , . B - ALL.__ : _ - - ._._ .l ' i I,‘MlNlCii!cit, c'opitt,y Commissioilerfii : . RYAN ^: i 1 B. Hawlei's printing bill- for publishing„Biee; tion Proc. amat!on, amount sll, which'amennt we. regard .excessiVe ; we disalloW" the- 'fiaMe and audit said amount in the liands•of the County (.otrimissioners for 1875. , ': _,, 7-4 • Tne fo egoing amountS disallowed a1 110 . 1 2t4 in i t the aggre ate to`s99. - , . , ' •i& • The ba la nce of the `accounts Upon 'el-an:up tion we nd to bnUoirict,.and properly and '9r deriy set 'forth. i • L . -: i -: ~, ' . ,We,.field the indebteliness, of .the,county;.nt the present'date as follows : ' ,-•-• ,1 1 id's , • H. 11.;Ree'a b0nd....,4.. '...:...,' , .....515,000.0 Due April 1,1878.: . , 11 P. ;iid's bond ' . .... ' - ' .' ' 800 A •Dtie April 1,1874., • i In view of the aboe, indebtednesi t Audi tors would recommend to . the 'Gran dJuries that they be pirtitularly careful in their find hip. and: - nots incur anymore expense on the County 4han is absolutely_ necessary. While we rega I the new safe for the Prothonotary's and. Recorder's offices, and the outbuilding, Which were recently oraered by the Grand Jury, and now juit finished, as ornamental and somewhat useful, we are of the opinion that said accommodations might have been dispens ed with (or Some tune yet to ; come, and'niight have been furnished for much less money. ' We enjoin uPon the County Commissioners' •that they use due - diligence and pass all bills prerien ted to . th:m for payment• with a-view• to ,re trenehm nt and reform. , , . , 1 AL L. 'damn - , . . \ Wu. Wriaixoci, Auditdis. L.:B. Oitootru, . "1! ors' °ince, Monttose, January 7,1{376. IT IetkILLINGS QlllOlll/ ' 4f' '4' *•.. GENERAL -*FE c&NbiACaIDEWS ; 1 ,-- INS itA N -e E. Aaryyr, , “*1 I. TlEComatrcilliOi3Pa. 1 itopkeseiated:oloo,ooo,oWi Ccipit , ~:. o ' ;,‘ •„-, ; • r;,.) . - Fire AllsOclatioo r Phfl. t Capital & Assets, $ ; , 11,00( InsurimcS . Co. of N. A., Phil.; '` l' • ' '"" 4 IN i I 4000 Pennsylvnin Flre„'Pltil., , "_ , .N. . 1,10o,ax) Ins. Co:df Pa.. Phila;., " - ' '''" '-- ' 100.000 Lycomin4 of Money, Pa.:-, " '',"' -• ' 5,000,000 Lancaster of Lancaeter, OS IS. 400, 000 .ewton ;of Newton, ' `,` •' 44 150,010 Home Ins.lCo., N. y., , , . .!. 41 „ • 6-,000,000 National l " .. 450,000 Cowniercial Fire" • V . " . - ' 4 : ' 450,000 Rartford Fire of, Hartford cc. V 4!. . 4,000,000 Atlas 's •'• - '.• , i -' 500,000 Royal Canadian, of _Montreal, Canada, . el• LlverpoOl. London & Globe, of Liverpool, Enigi 3 O:- -, 0, 1 Provide ce _ tVaabington, ' of Pr vidence, R. I.; '1 i , • 0 Curia. Mincal Life Ing i , Aseett ; • $40.600,001' American Life. " 145,00(W0 1 • ACC MENT. Traveleile 1118. Co., ilart.,CAPital and gatpine $B," I," RailwayiPassengers - • • •• . I x,OOO * Prhettikdetslghedhasbeenweliknowiitn'thisionfitl,fht the past 20 yearsAa as InSurance Agerit.. - -Losses eae tatned.by hip.CosztoFries , hs,ye alwayshean,prcuptly stairs;th buildinti • eihtlioal,Biakiii. s: 4 Acp 4;;oo4Tot#924:ruepPlNe.atr.ilt.,. BILLINGS STROUV Agent. CRAItLEE; 11.18MITITitchti e ' p e ws I. • • S. I'ANODONl.oolicitor. - • - 1 - - • ; MoutVise; lan. 5, 1/376,.. • ; • ttl, RBCHFii}~ll_ d, BRO.Tliren. tt gieral-lindertakeirsi! PEA. Ell§ IN' A.T.I ICINDS OP' COP - • FIN'S CASKETS-ETC ..', . 1 AtltlEtiElaiLlT/ 1333220731:04 _. ..; --- ~...., 'ALL 0 ADEII.BP 11.0.31PTLY .A.TTENDE V TO i ~ • " Aprll 23,1,815 1, ``'.": I `;' , - -` :.'IN Rivitucrii al Ino. -O.O3SING- OUT AT T,,COST •' Thd etibsoribet:will sell goods tt t r inst tb4 ,4 month* or. rehroary ond ,61(arta h lsorder t,o, re duce Or stock as low as . poselble. ows Win na odd accounts will . *sok .t settle the sloe ;04 soon 14 possible. AVMS StAATIN SON Maio* p 11*. 11, 1811L.4.4a - , MOM IliscollanOous. FIRE' LIFE. i MID PEOPLE OF SUSQUEHANNA CI Lmuks Awn. GENTLINIin:—The question of -$llB, OUR lEIT PRESIMIT, Ot,se mind/ *podium to yon as the bet, that CHEAP of Montrose, to selling hie entire steet'of. gaits cone • • • slating In part of , • Meneand :Boys' 44 Si NOTIONS AND HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR LADIES` -*: 'CI OAKS, , FELT ',SKIM ; TRII4 ED 41ATS AND 'BONNETS, SHAWLS, SHOES, ' WATER-PROOFS, TIES. RUF FLES. &C., etc., At lftper Cent lase thin lint coot, (the proof-bribe Pnd- ; ding le the eating thereof,) for you can and out thd truth of this by giving him a mA at his store in Posta Building . 2 SEEM MEE Our reasons jar the above enormous reductlOn are several, let, our large and well assorted stock wants ce clueing. Second, we are makingpreriaratiene to rotative Into Searles - New ,Briek Store, . • now being bola, next dooz to the NEW. ;BANK, and we do not want to Move any more goods than . we can help Third, we want your custom for the future and the onlj tvay,for .tes to gain and retain the same is to , convince you that It id to .ydrif interest to . purchase now'lll4ll the nature, from very respectfully yours, , December 15,1875. CORRECTION 1 Rumor has it that having , been elected County Treat .... user for the ensuing three years. I am to dtscontinue my Insurance butanes. 'Raid RUM it is UNTRUE, and without foundation and while thanking . you for kind ness, and appreciat ion of good Insurance in the past:l , ask a continuance of yonr patronage, promising that all business entrusted to me stall be promptly attended to My Companieware all sound and - reliable, as all can tee tify who have met with losses daring the past ten years at my Agency. Read the List ! • North British and Mercantile, .Capital, - $10,000,000 114 Queens of London. 2.000,00_0 Old Franklin. Philadelphia, Assets, - 11"000 Old Continental, N. Y., " "nese,' 3,0003 Old Phcenix of Hartford., lb , 11, _ IAA Old Hanover. N. Y., .. " 1. ri 000 ' Old Fa; York. , " " 1. 1 1 000 . _ also ork. - t also represent the stew. York Mutual Life Ins ran* of.over 80 years standing. and assets ' M over $30.000 0 100. Also,the Masonic Mutual Benefit Association of pu m a sylvania. Fir Get an Aecideidal Policy covering all accidents; in the Hartford Accident Ins. :Co - . policies writt4.4 from one day to one year. Only 25 cents. for a. 53.001 Policy. Please call or ientword, when you take a trip. Very respectfully. • • 'II.IINRY C. TYLER. /loam*, Pa., Jan.l9, 1870.--tf CARRIAGtS. , ..., PLATFORM IV'TAGOM , , MEE l',.';ti:iiviii E.:,1t1.-ii-,W7.A0:'08-.,5; Vontrose, March 10,1875-., 001J#TS OF:APPEAL. The Commissioners have Axed upon : the, following days and dates respectfully; for hearidg aibpcals froth the assessments for the year 187 1 1, at the Commission ers' office in Montrose: , Apolacon, Choconut„ Little: Meadows, Silver Lak'n. Frieodsville. and Forest Lake,'on Weciniday, March 1. Middletown, Franklin. Liberty, Auburn,. _Rush, and Jessup, Thursday, March 2d. • Springville, Lathrop, Gibson,aud Brooklyn. Friday, March 3d. , Great Bend Twp. Great Bend Boro.. • Doro. tif Great Bend,Village, N'ew,'l4.llrord ,Twp., and - New Milforit to., Monday. March Oth: • armony. Osiklond: Jackson, Hattori!: ;Ararat, ., Thomson, Tuesday. March Ith. i • Moctrose. Bridgawater, Clifford. Lenora Renick. Dundaff, and Sin.quetuturia Deput,'WeiluotdoT,March 8. • a . N. B.—Appeals closed eact dity at 4 o'clock, p.mk B. ,G., LL.;l.mpe •- • D:10.. bliNit LEH., Core. " - ' M., E. ItX.A.3, • Montrose. Feb; 12, 4 :1816:--iaw. ' • . 1.200,0.4 20,000,000 600,000 • A trurroICSINOTICE.4-7-ME,UNDEa- L - 5- derrigned having been appointed brthe Conrta Common of t.upquehanna County,. an Auditor to, distribute the funds in the holds or the,therlff, prising trait -pale or real estate of Jacob •Wairnat, will attend td trieduties of his appoint at hrls'ablVe; lirldont&lse, Friday, March 14, 11876,' at , one :.o'clock, p.. ,at. which time and l place all persons ,liiteresteti 4 .mast pica- not theirelahms nr forever 'frhallconlinsuin on sold, fund. • • • • . 'S t • . RAT Feb. 9 ,1870.-4w:l Atifittor.,.; A RMIN I 41i' NOTICE.=Ix • estate ifip' pt I.lattniti R f .'Stgrhi late of township:Smarms Pontitt, Yenireylvan a, e :* 3 Letters of , A lulstnittem . in the bail estate harm been -granted' , t the uridersigned7, pi) !Arsons said estate are. requested tia Inas payineu;, and all persons having „Matins' agajnst said estate aft To tostea to prelim* theta without delitsi • ;, , DEXT.4I4IV. STARK, ,. 1 11 9 b. d, 1875 .-8 w. - } 'dtritnistrator. . „ D IN, ISTRAI Qit, 'S , , NOT 104 tbo ritato of simnel Iste of Brociid" deed. Letters of Administration , in , the said, baying been .grauted.49 , be smderslgned all persons or:log*4dd ettate are requeited to make, iromediste ;piometit and all'pxrsou having Claims , ilearat ' Bald estate are requested - to.present them without • ; • JOSSPIE LINDSLEY Jan..l2, 1 8M- 6 w2 • 1" ..4d 11 4 1 ' 1441 ' • AITAINISTRATOR'S NOTIOE: ' la • the . estate' et Ellen O'Brieu t - lath of. St...Joeeph, dee:d.- _Letters, -qt Administration itt Alto said estate ,huving been granted tO the undersigned at persons Ow -Ibg shit estate, are requested to Mahe itumeAato pat meat. and.ail poptous having eittims against said estate ett3 requested to present mem witdout Velay. • • JOHN dr pANNON„ .Jan,ll2, -1876.--ew2. Adm of a' rat or. 'ALDAIINISTRA.TOR'S NOTICE. Iu the est. of Charles Powers. late of Apolacoa township. Letters of Administration in the said estate having been'granted to the tindersigned.ali persona ow ing said estate are rmneeb3d to maim immediate toap ment, and all ONO* having claims against said estate itra . rnriesLed to . present them withnntdelay. • O. A. WARRNI 4 I. J 474. lit 1876• —4lw2 . Admisitti stir irellerein aitu .l.;T.; Onto mita a Dote 1411Nact:', co JIM% been ea by../hanuts Cialford t ,sbout 'Our Yearilital main & s to i ; soma) Maddock as the same e benefits to iktrsbud iiet r tia phi neon d hi I!" -0*14.444,4,4 4;4,4 fortOgNa lye Ipadred WO. 1.10r4W. TO, VIE WHO WILL ;BE Ready-Made: Clothing. Boots mid ,Shoeig - Hats and Caps. CRY` GOODS, Pll L'ILMA.III CO.; • (Cheap John.) X:32.6tet•coassip • .:;.'; .31ipaufactivOi.on exhibition, ex!' ftit*ile at iirtrudvitim h R liovrnosi. Legal Notices,. JOlll% l MIMI i. • t D. n: SEAGLE. ;.. ii;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers