The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, February 09, 1876, Image 2

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Xj "gr oft C 1:2; T. 7 Slatt
, .
At two Dollars per Year in Advance. ---
TO ADVERTISERSI—Tur: Diilo6.lar as an adver
, tisiqg medium is unsurpassed in hiEr section.% It
readies the Farmer, Methanic. and business man. Its
circulation-is constantly Incrensiti4,.!lnd its advertising
rates"reasOnable. - Rata will be gtv tint our office or
by mail.. ~
LT1313 ince Is, ,P4lieii with four
printing presses.together with A large variety of type,
bOrders,.lancy. Inks, AM. with_which we are prepared
to d o
worli'in the best 41e and' at prices lower than
any competitors in any section. Samples .shown And
estimates -Cheerfully; given at our oillce. = Work 'order
ed by mail will receive prompt attention. •
• •
B. AIAW,I;ET. - • ,• CRUSER.
14iolf closed o
tkt Li2i;
Grand juries - in Washington continue
to, find bill, kaihst important judivid
natti, far .4efrautling the.: Government.
t l
Frederick ,N. Sawyer-, late .Assist nt•Sec
retary of, the -Treasury, is'o'ne of tb bai b . .
t , ~
llePresentative Ate:iauder :11. Stephens
bas written to a friend in Washington
that under no circumstances will he' be take his seat in the ,House of
Representatives before next spring, but
'that' he has no lute ition of resigning.
The Republican Senatei will not .per-..
• .
mit• a . Specil committee to investigate
the , accsiunts of. the Treasury at Washing
ton. The experience the country is'now
having in ‘ . the way of corruption
mismanageinent, . it would seem to be
necessary to investigate every deparme.nt
of government. • The *faith oil the people
in o ffi cials has given way.'
An election officer cannot be voted for
as.licaniiditte and sit Jen the,' eleetion,
bqtird. - The election law of 1874 provides
that nobody can -be ‘.an election ' officer
"witoAiolds, 4. r . for two mOnths..•prior to
the;electiop ha's held,any lofilee:appoint
'neut- or 'einillOyinent in l3or:iinder: the
Government of the .U.niied...States Or of
this State, ~or. of .:atiY.
COMplinj,oA.or-trust in any di ty."- •
The 'New Etiglatid 'Partner does
, not,
of . the bill introduced its
COn'greis to secure. patents for new yule
ti#•of fruits, and vegetables.. anzi sums
up its argum:.nt as follow*: "If' eyery
squash or pumpkin buy for the table
must hive the seeds destroyed to prevent
them from sproatine, for fear of infring•
jug on some ' body's- patent,
from the patent laws. or tbelp
"Things is working" East, nth, and
West. 3lcKee con vie*" ; Babcock steak!
ing in his shoes. , The developments o
the 'whisky frauds of New Orleans exceed
those:of all, other cities. Bristow backs out
of - 'the Presiciential 'rape ,for. korton, \and
the New,York Tribune is about\to under'-
go:a Ching , . in Its maillagement,' SO as, to
make a free fight for Blaine. It
take something more thin the' ,white
au egg to settle
Another yawp is he tlard..throughou le
laud ,because 411 1 journal clerk• 01 the,
'cause of Represt.ntativea at'Witshingt
instantly dismiss-d himself from i a position
lie has held for twenty-eight_ fears.. Mr.
Barclay, eon id have,reiained his .sitnation
which be well, knew.,; bu • t
because the
efiief.clerk would not retain his two as-
EiStittita i he tchOse to labandom his' post,
witbcu kiving a day's notice., \As he is
abotif-sixty years of ;lee .he - could not ex-.
Setto et y much longer and there: what=
country do When .he should'
di9 ; ;.41'hitrquestion of whining when 'dis •
plaoed t4ikeih off by
thisdliOr* 4 1 the Glee ',city, a
a44, , qpnoible ..Republican., as' fel-
~ ~ ~...,1.,•:: :,.' --- ',". ~ .-, , . 1
, .
1 There is smite low, comedy politici 'be- .
mg acted'. in Washingtiiiii' .Mr. Co i
men Fort and OLVOti have beep' .. serenaded
and'.have Made ' hun6tiinbe , speeches 'AB'
the self-appointed champions of' the
U.niowtoldiertin :office against 'the don-.
federate; ' soldier - wit P - =wants'A:6 gi - t".,in".
These tin 'Republica n' gongresgmen are
playing:the , cheap', - detnagOgue. t The
whole case is a very ! plain one,. ' , When'.
Repablicans win -they :put theit, adherents
in :office,' North` or §4uth Withont much .
regard to Whether those now' Republicans
'were Union . •or, Confederate - _dnrig.' the
vitro's'.Wh6ric , D.e:mrioriti,s - win they do th
nits , thing as 'to - their i "party ,ad heren tit:
It tide it right for one,party 'tit right for
- the other: You Cant make it Wrong fur
the Denieertits to gilt.e office tp &Demo.:
. cratiwtlo - ittras s-'6Onfitlerate diiring th
war, -unless. yolf - 'mean tti . , Maintain that
l i
the:SOuthern' lief - nob att ' who ,were` eon.:
' federatetare:not en itled - to tiik:' ii_g - ,hts
and , :priyilegeeyof - , cit:, '6itt. '' 'That's, - non;,,
se4st , att-kle g itideferfaii;lo;. 'Nfiw, S Ite.-:
publieittislibtAiii: beat these ' DeinPerits,
North - antlcSoiith'ililifi,' On -iiritiC3ple=3,l'a
-the olei if , We can;;;' And - V'they be 4 itt
let lit ste,p 4',ieW n 'and p.m t ; - With Ont, ~Wil in- .
i tig. olio '" hitl libiill -; 6 ' :ii,' C'reisi"4: - 'Cif , Re : '-''
, .
publican.ofriico-holleni at Washing- I pushed forw rd 'with ',Vigor until i reach
~„ , ..•
• 1,,
teOirelaw9g , ,4t try .o .hoid kkieir places- l 'ed. jessnif sitle-hill when it, r,tain-,stop
untferiin Petii.,htiratio,,;Congl est', ''ig lonTe.- I . ; pe d,ii n i t ore . it , tiow reitt - aii .. 3. 7, •, . ‘-',
thing:we eaji't , bring ioniselves'.to respect.' - - ' - :
t'ift, we„ will triits earnest- ) asittivho' dy 4 1 1 'T__lliB3:_ ii:brief,is .. the,cou:dit,iet i i of things
it . ,ftii r! iii\ty , to inifia ix' that - :the 40-eniarrats- ; as ',the
,vi„stand. The i I,esldent says
,hii,lL.tiot have the rn- , xt Congress; : ,`,.%'. - : upon this point: .- '- ' -,` , 1 ,
\'''' 'i'''''' -'''--: - ' - securing soine - il2io - 06;60 or
. We gave onr. readers, last
. week, . the
message,:of James I. Blakeilee„ 'President
of the . Mont rosewai,, 'and' - we -,,
slime -.they have lead . ' it carefully.
'perusingLhiB Tirsriagf, it will.. hp.) clearly .
perceived that; one Of two .ckiditions.of
Things exis*either . Mr. BlakoSleci S
, .
ran t - et the : obligation s . and
necessities...of :this coin: ;d`
not,.bten.PrOperly ,informed by our:local
directors, or; he. has... Misstated - the
case, hotheflight of knowledge and
the latter of which are not. inclined
to believe, . .•
...The burden of his message Is. to the
effect that : the. people of the :borough of
Montrose are the: only delinquents, 'arid
are wholly in fanit. because 'the read is
not - Completed, and out of debt, and the
whole right of way paid :.for, froni:Tunk,
hantioCk to the . plank road, - .Further=
More thaahey are the .only :ones to he
benefitted by its completion according to
"contract," and the only ones to be in
jured by its stopping upon Jessup's.side
We have felt called upon at various
times to give the company an inkling of
public feeling upon this question, and
hive always\field our columns open for
any information or. explanation the,com
pany Might desire to give. We "think it
to be the merest 'bosh that any - official
, •
servant, either county, state or national,
or even ,of a railway corporation, should
feel that he is losing any dignity' in deal.
ing frankly-. and ', honestly with all per
sons inter , -steel. Neither the pExtocuAT
.nor thecommunity can injure. the Mont
rose Railway by assirtions that 'are false,
f i or the rebutting v. ',
evidence ,uld over-
Whelm. them every day . all along its bor.
ders; The President and the directors
wiThlose no dignity, but will gain patron
age as well as good\will, afrank.state 7
ment of the case, unprejudiced by spleen,
hauteur, , or.menaticing , threats. Instead
of saying that "$17,623,00 was-due from
Montrose and vicinity in 1873" why-don't
'they . tell us the names of delinquents
and their amount. By "vicinity" may be
included himbek, Springville, Forest
Lake and even Tunkhannock. A child
ish, revenge appearsjin such -statements
unbecoming in a rail Wa y, company. We
have never stopped our criticisms 'of Men
or measures in the b6ro l ugh - ol Montrose,
becanse- we, are a iresident here, but _s , 'e
have always applied the swipe/ to every
festering sore brought to our observation
as promptly as in „every other case
We,have done it in the'. helie,i that it is i
the true practice for the promotion of a'
healthy growth; and. we wish to say'.right I
here, that we 'shall stand - equally as firm-1
for what we beliete to be. its just rialiti.
It may be.a,novelty in this country that a
newspaper will nit turn ile;intizzle upon
the people when commanded by a corpo
ration todp so, yet, novel . as it maY seetn
, ,
the DEMOCRAT will stand for. the rights
of "Montrose and vieinity' in jiist as
firm a =miler - (and 110 firiner) as for,
those of the Montrose Raillway" ednipany.
In July 1873 the Montrose `Railway
dh;eptOrs had a meeting at , the Tarbell,
house ttt Montrose. Their- transactions
were, a eoretlo the outside'W66l except
as iivtilged by their advocate 'and littrir-1
ney, Wm. H. Jessup- esq.,:at a public .,
meeting at the - Court House Palled fair ,
that purpose. ~At this_ meeting, the. peo:
iile were ..told that-the Montrose Railway
hantopped - forever at Marcey StatiOn.
unless the . peo'Ple: of Montrose sub,! , oribed . '
$20,000 more,` and it was even stated by
Mr. ' s lessuprthat _ Mr. Klotz,. of ,Manoh
Chunk, threatened _to carry the raila,back:
to that plate if this was not sulmerited
before - Angust,. Mr. - Jessup' and 'Mr.
Mar'cey (contractor} were ' the 'adioCates .
of thelcompanyittiti: authoritatively ple;,iigi.
ed:tbie company that if the amount was
subrieribed 'or - pikdged the: Oad Woiild , be
cenipleted ,16 01'0 plarklet;Oad . and 'that
itnever would be exteniled'one inch from
• , 4
Marcey Station , until ~that.-amount,,:was
provided for. They were -distinctly- in
-IterrPated - that . should'` -they 'start tilt
work again would: they, not'. stop it- at
sdrae.other.point ,tIV - #ll the F toile plea_?.
Sub.ierihers were told et/Pp/mike!' that
Mien the work . sinr ti d - again: it .shonid
not stop nntii it Oaeb.d th.terinfiins as
per 111.arCey 3 8 contract and' as an earn( et
of, their good faith -ther 4(greed that not ..
one dollar of the Money 'slifinict he alad .
fc , r,Vl/141'.tli lva , d yas poAnplet. , 4,. The
people were afterward,. informed - ; 1 hat the
uMortnt 11441:- been - iirovided , for; - rind lin-%
ii,iik`iyiirb rkommented,, antl'the rfind *toil
;0,;,, ~, ,_:w• ,, ,,, ~.,-. ~... , ,;., •, , . , 4 ,
deliver as
-r) -
$13,000,00, and waitidlr„,untilthe)As6n
for grading . vine far .athriii,ted;lh..stib-
Ecribers to this additional stooli-sigtied 7 4
fkirtller agreenient ,t, 00,0 snbscr4t,
toffs pr4idio
,and,grade.aa far_ aa_the money Iwould-liay,
for the sane. Whether the $20,000,0Q
w t 4iili,tied Oita , fkiith- 1
roily-d o r : lied out by-ithecotoi‘iilly; , ' Lind
and the: ' , Road - buiit pK-s . etitu ter=:
TlielaboVe statement 'will be a,iitrptise
to the people genefally and still moi•e:so
to those subsc . ribers , , whose names 'cannoti
befound'-upon anysuch agreement. - It
is a fact, which was yery recently .made
knciwn, that perhaps a - half - . o.ozen - : men
(Mostly directors) i signed onoh a. paper,
who had no,authority i to bind the remain.
der.. It is - not necessary for us at this time
to take spa Ctr for a detailed account of this
matter i as the facts are fresh in the minds
of all concerned.
There is no doubt but 'that the people.
of -"Montrose and vicinity" Will duly-ap
preciate the suggestions of the Prssident
in regard to 'doubling ; their
,hay crop;,bnt
that it should .be ti, contingency in- the
completion' of the ;Montt* Railway,
is not so clear in their - mindS. .It is use
foe the Montrose • Railw4y company
to make any farther attempt at. flank
movements upon the peopl6 of this vi
cinity.. This picketing and sktrmishing-on
the side-hills - -about the tiSWO is entirely
uncalled for. There - is no hidden enemy
in or about -MontrOse.,and 1t is false tad- .
ties and economy, for the Company:to
yersn.-t this course any farther. The peo
ple of this vicinity •may • be ;indebted. to
Judge Packer nit. his in making
• • -• .•
arrangements- with . the, , - Lehigh Yalley
company, as , we tn . ., inform l o thef:are;
end no one is more ready to kiye hiui the
praise, than we are. 'That t4ere May, 'be
those wlio,do not pay *their.lsubseription
as the-company, might. wish, .we hairelio
disposition to deny, but we elver:- - that - the'
company have 'been taking the:c.tiiiise
since - the spring of
.1874,. ; Of alienate the,
goOd will;:of, the, pepple f froM
_the ;road,
and what is, still more impoOant
to drive patronage froin it to the'a L.
&W. Railway. Theee are . facts which no
,ean ,gainsay. 1' The Lehigh
Valley.'eonipany has not invested any
money_ in the .Montrose Railway rout of
I --
charity to :Montrose,' b
u t -.on the -. same
principle that they have invested in every
other similar. project, profits there
are in: it, a leeder7 to thdir main, line,
and it ie of :no small import4nce: to them,
for their , increased receipts from +it tri
their own 'road; may be cOnsidered three
times as Much as ,that of 'the 'Moiltroie•
Railway,itselfpand it ie,the ;merest child
plafto assume that::no. one is . iaterested
but Montrose. Now 144 i have a fewaith
ple questions to ask the Montrose 'Rail
. .
way' Company. Do they , isuppose - , that
the 3 can compel the people of this."vicin
ity' to patronize that road! everi - if ,' they
do threaten to stop'on Jessup's side-hill?
If our citizen have got some stock in The
road, have they not : the right to send and
receive freight by _some Other' carrier ?
,Is - the Montrose Railway; company Thy
moreindependent than the people? ' •
We tell ' them plainly; ip
;from a stand
,our informat ion can e- ‘ ,
lied uPon, that:unless . theY:complete the
road. at.thkopening of spring they must
nothe surprised-to find ~01eir freight re
ceipts, less next year
..than 'this, whatev;.r
th eundition of i,be,""bay,C,rop." lf :the7
ar fiubscribers obligated, tp, the company
wl base, not paid,•according - to their
agreeitien_t f. letlhini - be nitide to payi . aiid'
not attempt 4O: intimidate them by ~a
threat tO.bnild.ntiN :towu on tlie,,Side-hill
of Wm.4l.,J;csanp :61:1,, , the_ PrOseetithig
attorney of the Colnpany:' aid defame , the
whole community= by 'Stich wholesale at
lusiCns.' The people - who: want the read
.o: - -
completed.- and. ,w,hos, Rationage hi' to
sustain it, are not in fault because theXe
are ailialtdozeit dehtquents.- : It will fbe
much better fur the company to complete
the road and d'ouble it
,Patriiiiage : than
twattempt any more s.oiert 'flank ori,ige.
menus. and ,lose 'a portion! of what :they
nOw have. ' -' ' ',' -i-' ' ' '":
SIJIG stNa, N. ,Y., S
Stokes' was - br9ught 'into c,ou te=day et!
the wri-of liabeas“co'rpt4l_,istaned in his
behalf atid au ro4unient !heard - no' to the,
legality of his ,eolitinetntint. A.fier apa
tient - hearing, Judge liykenntri decided
that lie tnuit serve:dot I>i ter
Si. Fe iriito
ry6bvired TrOtn
41Librn Cot 'The - eatici n-.
stiintijr,filiig . E'earOLiQr 'thti;
~. • - r
111111111111 M
, r i :.,,j? I i
The Anti-Catholic Policy.
0/1 1 d' 'i M CIC .2 key* . Asa' ''''' ga t'
_ •__ina _c_, t 43 l • presert
the 1 inarterly miFeting'', - pf the, 'l,Ciitholid ,_
Un4) 1 and smile , alliiiiion,:fittrOg{ : beeti,
made! by those whO addie6s.ed the:ineetit l ig
to ?resident Grantit. : 4intiCtitiionc,fioliOy ,
spo4 as follews upon'fliat topic t•• ; --,
'r4e previous speaker has alluded .to
a prospect of the persecution of our faith
in-this-country, If we - are to have Win
our ilurn,'"as other countries have, why.,:it,
;Wilyincly J be an "honor and
,a g)(17; - f4t,
it is 4, glory and an honor to' suffer for the;
eh urli. I - have Often Illoiight;iVill it be'
that. in Italy, the ,ioonte;of
,the holy fath
er.;,-io q, rp,iny, iii
,Il`ramee,,in the ,04.1,1,t0,
lic c4untries - of Europe,, the Church is to .
be prsectited ? ~Are ,these churches . to
havel , thehonor of! suffering: for- leis' sake,
and- villf t be that the :Catholicalof -the
United States and: the - church of Abel
ITui4l States' shill ':,.not' - have to take a
partl? -Would it 'be considered a hies , -
sine froin !God ; ' if we I were left , out,. that
we-should not ; in sortie measure, at Wadi,
sharle with our ihretherenin the contume
,t , t i nd reproach which • -they bear . for
Christ's lake Of his church ? -We haee,
the; nothing' to fear ; ,, Wo have rather tu'
be joyful that 'God' does Out
o 1 4te-account when . he , allows his church
eiellywhere else, to be assailed.. And to'
you wlitin I am - addressing—it IS' notti--
inginew to you, it_ was nothing ;new to - .
yourjfathera before you, and , it -wilt do
youl ilo harm' (Applause.) I say} if it is
to-dOm4 let it come; and the trtith will'
be 'given here as elsewhere ; -and the
church' will 1 :e. only more strengthened
on its own foundation, and the spirit of
thei Catholic faith: - will only take deeper
root in the hearts of the Catholics
thr4ughout the length and breadth of
this .great land. (Applause.) , . Methinks,
after all, pErluipa the whole trduble is
notin your religion, but it is ,becaine
yol vote the right . tieket• (Larigh:
ter land lung ci.nt lotted applaus".) So -I i
Will be very much _More' tbf , a polit,eal
.tha!n a religious sibrrh , and when it ' hate-
doneits w(.k, lin& the great end for
which it has. been, undertakenlnii - ptvls , (l
away; we stizal . then cairn, and
_return tit
oug peaceful e liiditioiii !-a..4 lie.retofore.—
BO I may - .say a: word of warning; to von.
A fire has been
,lighted, and the; hope_is
tht4t we Cattmties-will_`ftirnigh the fuel
twit. 'l'heylitiver:singlit to irritate,-and
thdy have sonz,ht by their mr-iiiiresenti , -.
tioha and 'their reartawhes to .•xcite 114:
Let us novhe e7teireil - , 7 let. us -ii,t.t.hrow ,
fildgots , upon the.: tire—the , ' very-thing'
.tliey. want -ns to. do. , :it - na posileis ottr- ,
sel, Withpatience ; , ' let_us go can in' the
path as before, .'fearlessly.',-noiselese , ly; ,
giiing offense -. to' no • man, ..and: rather"
pry for these, for
,any of then ' , know
, not, better, and we may say' as our savior
upra, n the cross, we_
tbem; ;0 Lord,
toi, they 'know , not' what they'de 'Thote
who are moved by religious feelings—who
are fanatical—many 'of them' know no
14ter. But at any trite let us not betrie
aggressors. We standjon the defensive, ,
fearing nothing; we stand- • true ,to our
pcisV. ' ' above al!, true to the " grea t point
for which we have been struggling, which
his brought the storm ; true tolourchil
dren. And there is the
. work lor you,
gentlemen - of the Catholic `:Trion, *bleb
yOtt,cart 'do to Show your 'devotion and
yclueliiterest in the Catholic 'schools; in
the protection. of 'the' faith - of pour chit
dien. ,-In every parish 'in 'Which you tire
yrinticati do this by , words--:W is: not nee
ekary.t9 -lint 'your hinds deep in - your
pfkrkets ; :but by creating fi r spirit among
yourselves and all' those" who. have an=iti
wrest in those . ' schnols, standhig firniin
Oh.. vrine,iple 'Of securing - ' Catholiii-edu•
cation'for,RatholiC children. , It - the bur
4niS to be thrown , entirety u'poti yin2r
selves, God . will ; bless 'it, and you will
prosper liere`and gain's great' deal more
14reafter. (Great , applause:); .. ..
' _• • _•
• • Babcock's Trial.,
• lik.w,Yoßx, Feb, 6.—A Si LoUis-special
t the... Herald .tif‘ya .13abcock's itrial will
tiot' begin until Tuesday. it ? is stlited
that ;(ieneral Orant, wiil undoubtedlyibe
4illed as a *witness for the : deiense.,and
%yin he-a very important one; he .i.yilititr
rve some, time•this week, and *ill,retuni
to, Washington . at. Once,. after giviug,hia
testimony— Oilie,r promiuet4, witnesse!s
fOr, the defence,, beSuperyisor Tut . -
tk, ~ex,Coin.knisfitiqpgr Pouglas,is, ttot
tnastex-Geuesal Jewell. Mayor. Barrett i .of,
Washington awl thy.
Treasury,„Maiton., of. 4hese; gentle
en will give strong testimpuy., .cp
Bab wok's , tegrity arid .; char,ao-
t,eri,'„: -- .
~ ;. ;i --,t •-,•. t
= The ;trial is4he . sensation ~; o f the lics i n f r!
and, is, at tractiP&M;kwili! of, visitors Wthe
ity.' ; Babcock, in ogn yereatiotA yesterday,.
reiterated his , declaration of innficenne and :
, is.. conildencajp Acquittall.4e pays. Jae,
as 40010 . 5 .retain d, comprising the,
,tideot fin the„ countr y The.
vial will ; impoverish , hinb ~1 . has, ilLa
to ask
done so. lie may have
to aillt pecttuiary,,assistans Of lii4 frieu4s.
!Elie chief ; thing be fears is Ole
,jnry; The
''verdict ..against McKee ,alkows; tAiat. Al)!
1 1 ,in ry. vole, overawed .hy pith! lei opliti99,—
T4e P . resiilent has assured ;
hltnithat when- n.
lever rettnireil- „he . will:com. to,St;:lquis
land testify in his,helim , ,
__f' -t r ----- `l7 - ~ . Lost
•A•tiO - triai4,pitaster- tau !Avon' :
'l3 1 ' "`l4'l ' -
Sr Eti Eli 11g . gin , n , ~ ep4pary -.5.-
111 - ias:ben ale vittilifed'ilfat. `thiirel4l.6
216 inen in 'the Jiti)in mine. at the'
.[lie,pxploeio,o , 'Of ,407041,01 ii. ." llifYy ► ni.
toiiet fier 1‘; ire. :r iic - iieti ali . Ye. ,an d it ~is a
ed: 'that- alt thg tilliep i i)Cr4.(:!4. ! T#lnfy. , ',
si...,,Llead . , :lii)les
~Ttaye 11,06 xeCAve,r,ol;
Tr ,
op e ,:a t ti l .) (1, c? - T9 . i, ' 036 7 lzklac ikor:t4 - ., 9 9%,',,
19. 1 1'40 1116 .iiille'r4.t,WCltitil,lie ni . inesio,4 ~
feu' o i a i witu: he, 4re#ti..-St sllll6'ultri(se ' '
Mil : if t iJ 1. :, 1 el, ti 1 / 1 : , ,..:i.; , t ;:y.:-. ii
A Happy Thought,
GTON, February 6.—An un
,;"! I , tifua:amount of goseining is indulaed
i l lHf , r(i,:„tibuut the wl)isky ring ijroEectitions,
Sorts of stories ure related. One
etfcct that detieral Babcock
ienils.Jo move for a change of venue to
'•" - thi District of Colunibia on the ground
that "the offences for which he is to be
.titied were, coOunitted at.. Washington, if
. • - r - .
, Weekly,
Postage free' to zii "stibeeripers In, the Veiled Sttttes
.14Erge,'S NN T AICLY, one Year . „ $4 00 ,
$4 . 00 ineludes payment of U. S. postage by the pub
lishers. _
Subscription to HAMPER'S UNE. WEEKLY,
and BAZAR, to one address for one ynar, $lO 00 ;.or,two
of Harper's perodicals, to One address for one -year, $1;
postage free. , .
An extra copy of . either the. Magazine. Weekly, or
Bazar will be supplied gratis, for ~every Club of Five
Siibkribers - at $4 b 0 each, in One remittance ; or, Six
Copies for $2O 00, without extra copy ; postage free.
flack ortrabeis can be supplied at ane time.
'troMhien4 attention. Will be given in Harper's Week.
ly to the illustration of the Centennial International
Newspapers are not to copy tilts advertisement with
out the express order of Harper . . Brothers.
Addrese.. , , HARPER & BROTHERS. New York.
Jan. 20,18'T6.
Auctioneer •
• .
• , .
. .
Will sell at public sale. commencing Friday. Feb. 4th,
,1876, at 11 o'clock. a. m. and contine until sold. in the
store formerly occupied ,
E. P. Stomp. In Montrose,
a large and well asserted stock of
Sale positive and without reserve. Term'. 'cash for all
bills of $lO. or wider, and six months' credit. with in
terest and approved el , cririty, on bills over $:0. Coun
try merchants as well as private families will find it to
their interest to attend this. sale, for these goods are
first class gooda.and all warranted, consigned to me for
gale, being part of a large Bankrupt Stock of one of the
leading 6:astern Factories. Retuember these goods are
all represented. Day sales commencing at
11 o'clock, a. m. • evening sales at 7. p. in.
H. ROSENTHAL, Auctioneer and Assignee,
211( ntrose, Feb. 2, 1876.-Iw.
L .ffer for ktatie six oilkinal. town lobs. Roc 21),
27. 29 , 30. 31. 011' tho ,ohtliweet • bide of zTarnpike
street, betkr the. Bikpi.* church—one square Prom the
Public Afenue. R.
trose Jen 5 1876-4 W
- I‘ l pergni s having claims
1N - or demands (except on mil estate) against the
Auburn and Rush Poor Asyinni. must' present the same
cluiylitterted, on betore ltar<h Ist, 1576, for settle
' - MARSHALL N'ANCOTEN, Directors.
'.ABA. WARNER, - •
1, , 11,T TUITE ovvior.cire, 4r.
. For,ult kinds of Millinefy Goods go to
Oliemi John's.
I/aucliy S,I. co.,
GENTS 2E, eleg,ant OIL cinivmos,mounted, elze 9xll
At. fousl;l2ofor tl5 ; forliohday Presents:
s f e o n r d A ea t l n c l upt e fa l r ia ti lM J. F im ltl yrn a t4 sach aS
Free !daps of Delaware. Delaware. 5w4
WANTED.-=An agent in every town and coh
trcl the "ales of a Grocery article. $2,000 ss,ooo2per
annum map be made. _Address enclosing stamp. Itureka
14'1"g,C0.,2e0 Washington t., N. Y. 4w4
DO YOU Male or Feuude. 13end your address and
want and get something , that will bring you in
ONBY honorably over slsoa month. sure.
175 Gre tS' enwich St., ,
N. Y.
SHORT CUT - cmllencelsencottsallnid Male and
TO WEAI_TH Free .iniormation and free Sam
e _ plop witb crag' order. 4
HILTON & CO., 151. Worth fit., P.O. BOX 5369
'nation,, ,Boul Charming, Mesmerism, and Marriage
Guide, showing how either- sex may fascinate and gain
the love ant aft:tic:in of any person they choose in
stantly? 400 pages. By mail 50 cents. ,HUNT & CO.,
189 Bout Itlth St., Philadelphia, Pit. 5
Avill daring the holidays dispose of 100 Pianoiand
Organs ortirst class makers including Walters' at low
er prices than ever before offered. Monthly installments
received running from 12 to months. Warranted ior
6 years. betond' baud instruments at extremely low
prices for cash. Illustrated Catalcigues .Agents
wanted. Warerooms 461 Broadway. N. Y.
,„, ~ •
Sold by Drugglqss generally, and • _
Johnston, Holloway & Co. Phlladelphht, Pa.
ary town , to canvass for D.
OP ' Cornell's new. And popular
PENNSY Pi NIA Illaewerg%';''d'inigo`vvgai f org'
•. proacnt Alma. A splendid
book, complete in one voltunp,:illtpttnited, and publish
edut a price Within reach'af the people: A. rare chance
for a first-class. cantastier. Address the publishers,
Quaker Cltylf i ttblishing & 219 14,u.nce
l'a "' ' • • 401
Grx - ast , to 0 33
liars have been used au e approved hi upwards of - 5,00)
different Furnaces, in Factories. Steamers, and Lticomo
lives. and ire, ognperior to all other in Pitrabllity and
Economy th the use of Fuel, Satisfaction guaranteed. —
liefetences 'in ill Marts of 1116 United' States.!
Sw4 Ina Broadway, ,N. Y. Pt . cl. Box lbuj•
aim& among the
moat • _ —.cowry; and tab book o*e of
the most remaraible:Ofthe age... Thrilling in interest,
illustrate(' profusely, and being the only, satire and "n'
t bent le' life , the ttrillio era eaker fot It, and wide
awake agents are eauttett .For prnorttral tern
address, AllBll4OlO. BRUS.,' 1113 tlannorn St..
Philadelphia. ' ; . • , i .firt•
AND, , UCK,.
, _ • (chime.) - - •
The- Gilkiat America* . Tett Company
:arid , 33 Vesey Street.N. Y.
TwAtc, PlaTlatitrDto To (,3.pus AT t it mrotiTtitti' Putet: l ,
BeantlrulUil Chrorilot'Of 'litre: nt vitos,
toplircha tiart Qr 1„ 3,4 or ti p9oada orqeat clobt`
. of filut UPWarut. Tikekipmpany has now ready, for
tit ery a tliaalie IlitOtnro t untitleid '.*Nilrand TiAt"
new (khrce 911)
_Vete te, thowiav, a iivuly , rkbiai!'h
.I)ot , Weetr baby non ain clog rat- thulpolqie4Pidli of 0 dill.
'it itV OO rliit : or tontine' `raw iluu.nt) derrarips iuxtrun tO like
vtory su well lake; titutple_ title; Lit the a rt.).t. Thu
buttlu tuid Tuck, and ruit #rital tiJ Lo
Uppreiiaxild.l'_Eigntt„lpr circular or r?cok. tvoitt,
1,140, Orval. Aiurrimn frva•compag,
0;1162:118413.111!t*t '"! 1 . 141- 14 8 OITY
I ~!„
41 i