~', : : ,ty,..1- 0 ,....g!:.14Ac.404.,. ,Thai. ; Lineirenew •Af.. . . carne - h6rneTtija Miff hiS",tield the other day •• „. • • While his Itlyee%;(;little Infei : the pricfe ,. of leis At her wheel was spinning away. , And, ever anon, a gay little song, With the buz of her wheel kept time ; • And the wrathful . :brpwis,c)ear,ing:r,97 , , Vitder f tlie,e,heerTul rhyme,'; - . I Come, ?C9oldif ;Turk .1„ ph%) away-,your Andlistente l what Y Say ; • „ What can Ido but a quarrel brew • With the man acrosLthe .ojr ? I have built my fence ; • but he won't corn-. mence ..•.. • -• . . • • To lay a 'single rail ; 1,.. . • His cattle get m , , and the lecd gets thin tain tempted tci :Make sale.' • •- - Wht:iohn, - ,dear ,ItexiT,You dp go on . rmt afraid it Was'they saY:'• '• • • No, no, little wile:* Lbaii-learned that strife In a lawyer's hand don't pay. • , He is` picking a flaw to'ditre ine toiatv '; I have heard that. he said he *would ; And you know long ago the lain wronged' MC so, • • • I vowed "never shotild. . • •.• • • d*lidt'O)ta' de', that !Iw ill net rues •Ta the rnitn across :tile *iy,?' '- • = ••• If .titiVelivhai . ;Ybu • Went, patr'lelp you 7 • • . Tne marovithpi:specter Thirty dollars will do•to carry you through, . And-then you have _gained - a neighbor ; , It would cost you more to peen in the door .• Of.Aicourt,txl much worelabor.,,,,, JOst use yours ijOirseitie Let's build him a • • fence, , • • • And shame sucir 11i - 6 - tights' out of the fel low.' up'fitil4lll ; aid'- it bent .. to tiffs heart ;,:, • • ..1 , • • 1 4 ov,e7s;41an, Nyhere lariuellow. That. very same night, by the.catidielialit, They opened with intere4 a letter .; Not a word was there but three greenbacks was groAing.betta. recipes vr' Hod; (fholern, PoillBBio-tartrate i)f antimony,one part; inecacuanha and - wi,itf hellebort.,\ each two parts, mix. This is an emetic, of which' one scruple or a driichni, accor ding to sizoof pig, may be thrown\ dry upon the root of the ton oe. , 'Vinegar, one pound ; proof spirits one -.pound hydrochlorate of .inamonia and one and'a half ounces; infusion of worm ' wood, four pounds mix. This is to bk given in:fot.,•-r ounce doses, when the dis eases develops itself, in the. ..form. of ma ; lignant sore throat or us! a 'stimulant in cases when. prostration supervene , . Camphor,,half a drachm:, 'tiucture - of velerian; four ounces; tnis.. TwO table three times a, day, ! given in a gill of grnel, incase of_prostrAtio,n,_, Comirkon turpentine, one :ouncyi drodliToilcinlic Wfw ; ii a - thin - 01'4 , ginger, half an ounce.; decoction of oak' bark; -.twenty ounces ,- .:'..Silaker•be-,.. foresise - ,;'„gllc.eferyThre4.Abiars.twO table spoonsfall-A, , stim.ulant And anticeptic fr ; Vi to. be ed When ..diarraliceaof ilysen ta g exis.ttr.. . , HydrochloriO iioia, and nitric acid, Of, . e#lcb )I , 4iffr&thm; iragr . iten - VPP C O; 1444.ittii:44103,6t,'Ailidlii 'three. six ounces is a dose,, and .which May be repeafe l l'Oetyjeui both-S. ; Ili cases (.4 formation o;f carbur clesor boils, - these should......be_scarified, and the cut surfaces burned with nitric acid or a hot iron . propoT, ,Tiay-- of applying nitric acid 144 dip - a 4,at stick or wood into the acid,. - aini rub it on by fre quent light st=okes and . Pus' titles niust,be thus ..cauterized , G niile up 'Fair' Profit. PrOfiVin - Stobk-lias in good - stook. Po grade up is the necestty of the times. If you can't buy "a s.tati on or buil, or hoar or bucked pure. bloOd i to _cross upon your common" stock, hireat:a . reuo'nable pace. the services of such, as you needt Good breed gives museleand stitg,tit and fat triiinggunlities. If y6ti a ,d yom' neigh hois can together,.by co-opertinin. your= purchases secure what \ individnally you can not do;it is vrisdorn to, inake - the=effort The Granges, county agricultural Society and 14tMers' organ tiation, cannot, do their communities- greater. service tit an to se cure the antroduction of pure hied' Males for all Idinds - -,, , 0f domes pc . Istock." The farmers' 61 'the sieSt strong, able t 4, horses a,malesfcr ,their work ; \ they want elide and hogs and Sheep,that re tuT,A. PTO table 4eo..'aimiLllgik.-#44: mutton a price that wililliay:for the grain and forage consumed.: are farm Ink for profit and the problem must be solved by the appheatiopf.commoti.: sense,busi ness rules. Facts ; i'lf;hont - quEstiOn Point to the judicictuis I,mpravernent -of vinnmon stock growing for all the marketi in the country , . • • r ' •.• , oinv d ro Crtthberilts. How to Cook crankerries, is an itni)ort ,- . ant question, if you are, to,get the best of therm' . they are .16n4 ; and' unwholesome-to a raw state, and. but lit tle better as , they tire nsm ally cooked. We have often peen then) -lustily Scalded,;, sweetened, :'and:brotight': to; the table floating in their, juice, not one-half thein 'epettigh' to' 'burst 'the skin. Bah ! what food !. But how - different when cooked. Put thirn, with only water enough to prevent '43airning, warmed saucepan., and the whole becomes, a hohiiiigebourrinase, - with no semblance of. whole berries; and - then' add clarified syrup, previously prepared; and. Air few minutes 'while boilinger When,you have ,delloions'eranber.: • • Loudon %logaipkno,llo made of gir4;* Farmers, don't go In Debt:,: The greatest, Agent to, : prOdn.ce poverty' among farmers: or anyother class'is debt,- Many farrners4ill geta:_deed to a small piece ofklandenOugh to support t hetriselves and families, and lay byasniall'annaul in cotne..-\.•l3tit that iti - -tiot sufficient. .They- robin debt for more.,latiit and become a: slave: t.,:i *ht.:, . They:pay. an interest on Money borrowed, which . yi11 , .. , 500n .cone , ' stimeAlie little_ property ' they : -pOsieSs'.- ' They often- pay ; higher than ten 'per cent 5u611. - i\proceedings; - engender .4,,spirit . Of ; dkOptent,. k,fiey. loose faith in - ;,,tarming and try to, sell theirlaiza in or* to get to ;town'and enter into' :other', *mines's. : In nine cases out of ten, 'every farmer who is donig well that : goes - to town,:, 0 fails ; _ 0- o,6t.:;:Having. nO,faith ,id ..farning,. or ttiving,no breadth of understanding, they , buy the poorest tools and Ineatta' stonit, and drive poor leaina . before - poorer wag:. ons an agricultural;. Machinery;... In the fall:Arid win ter4hAy feed poorlyiust feed ing .enough 4 to get.their live Stock through the,wititerinto spring. -_- Then' itlakei all summer. to . ptit' op the\ flesh that:wilt:l* it, the *inter by poor, shelter .. and. ,hticl. food. They never' :put, out I*r:7Atrees or shade ,trees- on their farms. : They always sell their best lanthi and cattle ~to the drofers, and . keel). tli4 .poorest: at: -bolo; They, send -theirr.ohildren - to' 'echtiol hut little as..tho much len ni lig is a' dangerops thing. They'd° "tio ' take ``agricultural ral ci ) papers or believein..b ok farming, They. tviver give their rena ..eentioLspenct 7 ing money; as it- takes. them. spend thrifts. lii short; hev are the . most ti l miserable people in t e world, and would mit . keep' money -if.ttoy'llad . it:- Such farmers are poor ' and will remain sit . ), to the end of theit . ditys, and - most of their soiA‘will- follow the path of their sires. ,?; ':f.::- . ; •' ~ !' '.. ~-: '2,:-41; 1 "... . " -- ':1 --, .- I A bull calf intend ,, d to 'be 1“-pt for ser- I vice should get a full' aLowauce 'of new milk daily..fo \ r at least fonr nionths along With . cake The object - thrOngliOnt, in regulating - I . :the, feeding should , be , to keep him in lig:arcing lint carefully avoiding ttrat 840.w:Condition which sprarke think requisite in bringing tip young bulls. R . Bean mealy cake and crushed oats along with grass.or hay, a:id roots-is . 'the best diet. During the tligt year, yOung bung should be ringed - ar.d - accustomed to be . led abOnt..- Unless -nrider.ipecial,cir cumstauces, a ball should ••.be allowed to pasture,with the caws, but when it is 'necessary to keep him contined• to 'the isto3.e fie should get walking exercise' for at least tWo.hotirs every 'di y,•- Attention must be , iiaitt to ihe feet "of bill is' kep t in the stables, or the hoofs are apt.to grow 'top much and inconvenience him in walk ing: Bulls 'which are constantly con - .fine,d, are. apt to ,becosne, yipions,but. mnAh &fiend§ 'Upon his' 14eper.- 1 : ; Any; keep !. .who \systemaileally maltreats a bull, or :appears timid in going about him, Should discharged at once. • corn4Cobs. ..Ged. Geddes writes the,New York-Trabuue : . . It cosh but little to shell corn; tai 4. when .we have shelled one hundred bush ,els and have tho.- ebbs: liile:Cdp by them selVes, and take Prof. Johnson's _state ' ment of tteiei'bomposition, and inquire, "Will it pay .t* grind these bobs and feed thc,meal to cows ? — Ws-have a fair ques Lion for. the cliernist and..,the miller- o '44.k.,:ever y d tcktbern: I- iill - Aeaverthe ciission; "merely eating' that having fed and seen fed to tlie - "ox,.kind - Much meal made by grinding corn and cobs together, I hay , come to the that gybe are not worth-grinding any more_ than wheat straw,and that it cob:?4are to, be ground, it would be-much the best *al to shell the corn and , grind separately,for in g • so the, krain - might_ be. well ground to suit the means. and fancy of whoever may desire to append tinik . in'seich ,experi .ments: I. wish to add that Lentirely agree with'Prof. hi his .closing remarks, that only careful 'experiments "can fix the value nr bob/meal for practi cal, purposes . and, havirig for myself made sufficient experimeo to Make up A 'very decided opinion, T..have :given it-:--sub jeet to abanclonnient only "'Which nfore accurate and more scientifically conduct ed trials shall show mejci be in error: Why cannot Agricultural `Colieges make such experitne.qs?" A..method of caring skins without _re:. bair' ia, i yen, by a cbrietporid eatin the Fancier's' Journal Take soft eater about ten gallonis .one-half.bushel Wheat bran`d. - seven 'pOunds of sulphuric acid. Pissolve.all 'together and nut the . skins lin'tbeloltition and 'allow them to remain twelve hours; take, them out and clean ) theth Well,_ and. again" immerse 12 hours pore, or longer if necessary.i The, skitia may then lie takenont,.well washed: and dried. They, can.be beaten soft, if desired. . - Fifty seres day is the rate'.at Which j. B. McKee, of. Gonzales,_ Cal., puts in, .his *hea; He sows wheat 0n . „4,500 acres 'of land, ploughing it .under and getting ' it done in time to get th s e benefit .ot the fall rains. -' . . More fall wbeat will be_sown in Kan -848 tills season , than ever 'before. ; The Acreage.*ill exceed ,that of last \ year hil ly twentY-five per cent., • A - =f ar mer . ' . - in; , the . .- - .14. g- 130ii4 i.idi• :. of Springfield, xy, : '..;'Atae(ll: - . :a . ~ - 1 19it:...1i0. - yitir -that, weighe d - 1... M . p ou nds :: ':::- Is - i.vii41,1,04:: tare:': 61 l'-44e '."::WiliiiOti . ,''. ' '. land ..- - i ßerkshire, . .breeds ',' .. ---- '-' -- -. 1 -:::: - :' , .:_:, - •.-,.. - - - ,' --;.... : -...- :', -,....' ,. :'-',2-:---';•: - '.' , ••,•, - ~ . ...;-_-. -..-.'•-; - %sui~~~ -- ter 411111 w 7. - • • • ''•• • • • BUSineSS Vat - •'• • • • ' ' [IR: ELLEN E. mrrcHELti, THY-: stelae and Shrgeon, graduate , '4 . the' tcrommi's Medical College or the N. Y. _lnfirmary; then real dent phYsician fora year in the Woo:ma's Alospital in N.Y.. after four yeare practice in Iron du Lac. Wis conein, hue located in Mentroae., Special 'attention , given to die , of women. and. childreh. - Office at, the foot of Main Street; in - the , old David Poet home- Idontrose,.Dec:ls,lB7s.-4nenso. D. BA.LDWIN, hl.. .D.,\IHONCE. JILL • patbic Physielan, has Tocated hitiself atMon. trims. wherii he will attend pronytly protetigion al business entrusted to his care. Virptilde in Car malt's building. second'floor, front. Boards lit Mr. B. Baldwin's. • • Muntrode, Pa., March 10,1476. DR: - W. w. SMITH, DENTIST.-, Rooras , at his dwelling, next - dok nortbi.o(Dr! Haliey's, on Old Foundry:street. where , he mould be happy to see all those in want of Dental W ork. .1143 feels con fi dent that he can please all, both' in quality of Work and in.:price. Ofllcelours from 9w. x. to 4'pAit. MontroSe..Feb:ll,lB7,l—tf A W.'•C,OOLEY ' CARPENTER: 1 CONTRACTS : to. erect sttuctures •all kinds,in any section and complete them in every detail: Marble anu slate Mantles, Sash, Blinds Doorsj and , Windoir Frames, furnished to order, Stair Building and build ing papeftutda specialties. Employ none - but wiped euced workmen. Shop neat the Methodist Charic h. . MOntroseofiinnary ii).1875.-3yr, • „ ALLEY' ROUSE, .:GR,E4T BEND' Situated heir the ErieliaitWay- Depot.— laa large and comniudtotte houtte. tits undergone a thorough repair. - Newly farniehedittimshud sle'ep ing ourtmentB,eplendid tablecand all things compris ing a tit et class hotel. liisINRY,AGKEWri:• Baim , 10th, 1873.-tf. Pp:owlet:ex,. / . . ,1 1-11E-'AND BILLINGS STROU.,, Life litsuritne . e,Aleut. I All :business attendelto promptly,on litt; tenne Ara dour easi ol , the bank of Wtn. Cunper Vis.; l 4bl icllvenn e,Mon t rose. Pit. ' [Afig.l,l2,G9 - 1, J 11y'17, ' • • , THE PEOPLE'S MA. KE.T rait lip Hahn, Proprietor. Fresh and Salted' Meats, Harps, Pork, .13 q Iogua 8311 4 age,etc.; tit- the beist ley, tonstalitly on harld.4l , price Poi toralt• .1 Montrose, Pa., Jan. 14:1813.=1v •• • EDGAR .A. TURRELL ~ CouissELLou. Lem,. 4 - *4.0 —: 44, -4 : - • No. 170 Broadway,*al,v York City. May 12, "15.—(Peb.:1.174.-V) rrTLEs AND BLAIKESLEE L tons at Law; Moutrose,'l a. oppogte the Tarbell, House. " • . . - • :R; GEo. P. LITTLE, . Montrose ;Oct. 1 . 5, fem. Ei L. PLAtissurs. 13, DEANS* I)EALEIt IN V• ktookti, nationery, Wall :Paper. Newspa oars, Pocket. Cutlery, Stereoscopic iViews,_ Yankee Notions, etc. Next door to the Post Office, Montrose; • W. 13. BRANS. Sot. 30,'1874. • FI L XCHANGE HOTEL .14. J.:HAR rington irishes to inform thekblic that having rented-the Exchange Uotel in. Montrose, he Iv now prepared t 6 accommodate the traveling pnbilc in tirst-clase style. • • _ Montrose, Atm. 2,8, 1873. .- BURRITT,'DEA.LER IN S'rA;• ple and Fancy Dr.ir Goods, Crockery; Hard ware, Iron; Stoves, Drags,: Offs, and Paints,. Boots and Shoes, Bats and Caps,.Fars, Buffalo Robes,. ro cories, Provisions, kc. New Milford. I a., Nov 6, '72;-41; ' r>• JOIIN - GROVF:S, FAS . tONAALE Tailor, Montrose, Pa. Shop lover . Chandler's . Store. *Altordere filled, in' first-close style. . Cutting done to order on short notice, and warranted to flt. Montrose, Jana 80, - • -t DR p.. A-. LiVrillt.o4:Ablitgl te r ra Meeticr Thermal .11aths, -aL • lie :Pont. 'lnt Chestnut 'street. • Calk , " cousult .alls.QUrßnic t Lliseaseg. • •:-' ". Mobtrose..-Jiiir.l7. l 72.—rint-41. • ' " LEW S': ; -KNOLL, SHAVING 'AND , hair Dresslag. Shop over the Post bittldh.! ing, where he will, ne faatt4 readY 4ttend all who may want iniyi4ing' • MtrotrOse Pi. Oct. l'B 18899. i •f 13ACON'' &- SON! - *TILL! FURL - With. Wholesale or Retail, Vie beet and'finest assortment at Confectionery.;-:Fruits,; Nuts, Toys, ttc., to be found in this Vic,tnity, ft the lowest cash price. B,AcoN & SON. January :19,1846; s.i • DR:"W. L RICI34I4I)SON PHYSI clan and Sttrggnit4eVddis iil rofessionslser vices to the citizent. of Montrose and vicinity. office at hie resideree, on the- ccirner eat of the. ronn- kJCOVILL AND .DENVI'II, -ATTOR - nevi at Law and Sollettorn fn eittkittpieji. °Mae No. 4.% Court Street . over 'thty National Bank, g no mton , N. I. S n. H.ScoviLL, Jung .18th, 1873 . • LJ,Enoirr. DEWITT. •-- VAGLE DRUG STORE, IS, THY, place to get Drags and Mencines.lllnirit; To bacco, Pipes. Pocket-Bucks, Spectates, raidree No tions..&c. Brick Block r; A . , BURNS ~ ontrose, Pa., May 5th,'1815. F. ,FITCH, 'ATTORNEY 'AND Councellor4t-lavi Montrose, Pa. (Ake as heretUfore, below and west of the Court Iloaae. • ' Montrose, January 27, 1875.—1 y. A. LYON,' *SUCCESSOR TO Ma Abel .Tarrell, dealer in Medieinee, Chemicals, Paints, ,Oils, aye-stuffs ? Teas,. Spites, any Goods. Jewelry, reriuwery,: &c. • ••. Montrose, May 19;1675. , AO. WARREN - I.TibRNEY . Law, Bounty; -Back ray", Tension and Bi ota -on-,claims attended. tai °Bie ! 8 poor below Boyd'i Storp,,, Montrope,Pal„ Iv M l ' A. CROSSMO:N;- ATTO.KNgY at Law, Office-4i ttie.CM2rt Commissioner's 00Ice. W. A. Oidsismott. Montrose. Sent. 20. 1371.—tf. • WILSON J. TUR 11,EL,;SURVEYOR. Effecting hadV'yeaii expriepee In tile . liaitke, will continue to attend to cafe awthy, proreseidn: - " • Montrose, Pa., .Sept. 15, "15.-Iy* • • - , j O. WHEA.TON, , • CIVILENOINEZIC AM) LaltiZi. SVltltigioA, ' * ' P. O. address, Franklin Forks, • -'. --- linsquehanna Co., Pa. w w. surru., cABINET, D v • Chair Manufactureto; itkmi an street., Montrose, Pfl. • •• - tang. 1869 A • _ W. SEARLE, ATTORNEY AT La. 4, o Olce over the,§soie of M. liistutnei; ticitheßrickßloor,Mcinfidee Aug. 1,,V.] - lAT'itbliNEY; AT • Law. 0111 e over :•17...R. DOW-lies, . Montrose, Pa,.. juke 413, 775. 7 41 •.. , . _T. B. & H. , - AT. cr • torneykat Law. 010 t i. oitir W. Cooper & Co'e Hunk. Montr9te May 143; . - I), !0. pAm.P., ATTQIAZX ~; AT . • Law, Montrose, Pa. Office' ?Ater Wm. 11. Cooper a Ow's. Bank. ' , ' . Montrose, Pa,, Jan. tStit, 1876-4y* ' • '' AA" C. SU2T6L - , ' = LTA , 41 Aa CT totiganond toußaxds - Ainwr, Priendoville, Pa„ Apg. ,f, '6o.4tt • A' l, ELY. - June', 14, 1 87 4, - - 7 5 / I ,ER, /4,...dreps. " fgendA ol 4l l .oo•2l4arylstimillip". lif.• AganaWit utor, sit :An a MI 44d ' 'Otalrett - Wes` lisps uwai. ouvri" — , - or De. .'k • : t- 1 31 , ':i& . ' ' - ' . . .. . , , ,-, ,1,,.,r,,,-:,,,:Balikingitt,b6f.,-,:--7;,...,-r",,,,,:.,:i.".1c, . . . . . ...,, . , . BANKING - 1-10El 1 E *'"' - I . . f _Olt,' 1: . l,l ... ,T! '. .I• , -' ; :-. :' ~i., . .• ~, ..I;`ii ~.._....', L.. •, z • 1 , w 1 , - . - - ?0 , • S # :- • ' # f - -- '. .r... 1 ''': .•- 1 . ; : - ;:'IMONTROSE '''• PA . -::, ...- ~ •,-I, j -, .:,,;....- • ..; u 2‘,.. , _ 1 1 -, ., i.:.; ;7 ~,;-... GENRA:I4 'I3.S:NrING "-BUSINES 1.1 • ••! CO LECTIONS MADE, ON POINTSAN`D'PROMPTLY*ACOCiV 'TED""fO . II -AS' , Dom EsTru , .AND 'FOREIGN: . • 011.A.N'GE'•FOK'S,ALE': UNITE 0, STATES 4SY.i OTREII BoNbS 13017GIIVAND • SOLM COI:TOTS MID CITY AND - 0611NTY CHECKS CASHED► 'AS 004_AN'i STEAMER PASSAGE' ICK- , f - ETa T.O.AND FROM. EUROPE •-,':: - -- .•:..i).. -,,, -.;.‘ - ' -,3 , ~ ..: 1 ~ ', - ..d- .:....-:.; : INEREST ALLOVTETON'SPEOIAI; i TIE 'I?E`POSIIPS,''AS PER," At '''' IMENT'IVIIEN'THE'tt.EPqS= '-- • r '''t h-. IT IS II 'M'Apt..: - '' 1 :4"r:• : Htf , In,.the future; is iii tlit-Oast.', weithillendeliil or;t0 trhisact 4tll.:lnqnq, busittess th!‘he•satito ct," . (lon Ot o4rpatrnpAlvad cmespapdelits. ~.i :: I: , ~,; * XI: II: COOPER, - 45; ;46,04, Ifj I 1 • ,f ; B , ontrbse,l3l4t;cll.l9 '75.- , - te r ;''ll'aiilkeis' . . 0i zed ' -- $500;000 OIX ~ , , sent Otiltal;' :'''' " :.' -'100 1 00000: ' I• --7-----.:: : . ~ : 1,, •, ..„. 1 1 . I. .. I NI .. : .!..1, , RST •`‘ ',‘ MONTRuSt; PA.. '', l "-:‘; . f . 11 4 , LLIAM ,J. ", . D. (SEAR! VicePrcsident. 1 1: .] theitier. TIM RLL, D. ;Di .Sg.ARLE, 1 4 .; ELDRED, DESSAUE.II, TURRELT 4 ,G. V. 4.,GERRITS9N, Montrose, Pa. ~BinghaintOrt, A.TRAIT, . New Milford, Pa. Stisilaehanna Depot,:Pa. S.;' I I.4ENHEINI, Great Bead,. Pa. 'W D. N. - lIAVI'B -- 'oiii ON-EUROPE..7 LLF,CTIONS MADE ON ALL !POINTS. 1:,•..c.14.4, - p, - 4,p,pslTs'' \ soraplT - },:,:p;., loptrose, Marc)), 3.1875-7-tf ^„t i.120,-,lolyciming Avenue, , 1 ECEIVES MONEY 'ON DEPOSIT' F OM COMPANIES:ASD,INDIVID UA.LS, AND RETURNS THE SAALE ONTDEM AN a ‘WI - I`HOUT ' PREVI-; 0 S Nonev,,,ALLlcyvviX .4, ANTV;I4 I 't T AT' SIX ' PER aVr: PER AN= , , M,, PAYABLE , *HALF YEARLY, , THE -FIRST DAYS 'OF JAN U itY AND JULY: , A SAFE AND Rk.y. l .. t.ABLE rLACE OF DEPOSIT,, FOR BORIN4, MEN, MINERS,, ' ME- lAN-ICS AND' MACHINISTS, AND R WOMEN -AND CHILDREN'AS ELL. MONEY DEPOSITED ,0 BEFORE THE,,TENTIT :WILL , RAW :INTEREST FROM THE, ST DAY OF: THE MONTH. THIS I IN ALL RESPECTS A 'HOME . 1...N;' S ITUTION, AND ONE„: WHICH 'IS bi OW RECEIVING THE SAVED E RINGS; OF THOUSANDS UPON T OUSANpS :OF SCRANTON MIN.: EiRS AND - MECHANICS. 1 DIRECTORS ; JAMES BLAIR, SANFOIiD GRANT, GEORGE FISH ER, JAS. S. SLOC,UM;J: 11.` SUTPHIN; d: P.' MATTHEWS, .DANTET.4. }1 . 0.W., ELI ? , A.. E. HUNT, 'T. ,F. Irmo J , lES -BLAIR. PRESIDENT; -O. C. OGRE, CASHIER. - 'l ' -' , -1-; '' . OPEN DAILY FROM x*g„- - A'. M. NTIL FOUR 'P, M., AND ON WED , ESDAY AND' SATURDAY:EVE t INGS,UNTIL EIGHT ,CYCLOC. '. IFeb. 12. 1.81.74. __-_ • I -- " -1 r ..7,- . ` .r+7.:.+7 `!" : 7, - "'" , " . 1.: 4 . --",""."--- - .." -,4- ' , .-t .."; 4•:1 ; '"'H '..,-,.• I li. 134. R N FS . :I-, gi & , 144-inita.. 1- .0 i(1.131.4t.24t1te BINGRADITO,N rMARBLE iVORICS,;, (EiTmsweriEn i!!A840.1 , . BoNis....llaosAi t o ll i Ng , • PRAIARS [WAND. IetANWACTIThifiRS: OF . . tit; all ...„ AMERICAN. AND SCOTC}I Marble and Slate Mantles; 26 Mayl4, ifir3.; ERRI - NG & FA,AREL'h 1207 lE3r4D,ietictivit 3 rl, W. -*yr, A.NurA . Orunnts DS Pr errn.sa .1310,1riglari ciciS • fili".W:11:11/1. The oldeet and moot rel ieble dun in thi United State. '; ,T,koy took, the prize medal awarded et the I: WORLDS PAIR Ati-1•014111XIN 1 All Soles ern warranted free ( crow danipnese and in ,rO/101!", • I 1; ' kwiLlifes. BT44ttp,A4mt * _ itoiltrOse W7(l "Me-4f - -r UBUAL. -0-- en Evogo*St.'Near Depot; 81N(44/000N.NN'. PLANING i 1 t - 0 1 :ii;40..E.k:':-I' . *:A*6:: ! .: i ~:; ;-; I ONE,. In pnier to better accommodate the - I:tommunity' the tinderargned - eitahlithed a' depot' for the pale o f Limi t: l)er Mannfured at hit newly-erected"' building Ore the idlreeler tomiew Site, - JJ11•• 7 Where wilrbe kept ecinetantli MO:mid. A full stock of WHITE AND I tEttott .1/OAK/ ABIIi'MAPLE A.I4D BLACK 41.L.11 'LUMBER, . which,With the sad of the tiost impreved machined el 4 competent workmen. is prepared to work Imo spy thape to meet the wants of Customers. .• • . • 51iA40246 LUMBMJNOVAING SIMI% ~ ;:'FLODAING;. C EILINtit : SHINGLE AND • - UTLi 'CONSTANILX:Dt!I:IIAND.! . • , • •• PAhing, MAUhint; Illouldingsrlstd . Scroll Sawing cone to ctrder. • IfaEoil l Cciao olig 418i0 ••,, r • - , in connection Wl• nt the ove estabArhpent, nnder,the nutnagementspf Mr. E. H. Roters . ::Eziitntne oar work before alacin: your pqlers,efselybere„, , Repairing done promptly.• —:. '-` ` 1 4T11110.1 1 . Montrose eptentbn,r 290;4.. 1875. x. ! ',.,., - ,e .... _ANIPERIENT-: -j a w: Ali* ...,.:i, The PooplB's liria Stolle • I. N. BULLARD,: PfIOPRIETOR Mil 4 TYON.Dru' aist & Apothecary... PATENT ZEDICINE EMPOBIIINE ! -The Undersigned would respectfully announce to all thepeople everywhere, that to his already extensiv, stock and variety of. Merchandise in the Grocery, PM vision , and Ilardware:line. DRUGShs added a ry choice' assortment of PURE , PATENT ,MEDICINES, BRUSHES, PER FUMERY; itc.. which he flatters tans if be can assure thepublic they will find it totheiradvamage toaxam lee before purchasing else*here. To all Physicians in this' section of the county he would , respectfully- ab ncni nee- that he has vented. the services of R. Kenyon asDruggist an d ApotheearY, ho,se 1 ong experience and acknowledged. care and 'ftWity. entitle -hint•to your en tire confidence in the line of compounding medicines or preparing prescriptions - ,,and.who woulffalso eriteem it an 'especial favor to receive calla from any of his old ^ustomers or be* , ones.' Will make: the Patent 3fed l tines a specialty. Also Domesticand Foreign ltineral Wattc6-:-4reextetisive Also flue. Groceries -- .? • • • • LEIRIG'S EXTRACT OF , B.EEF.; FRICSFIMALMON PICKLED' "& , CANNED CLAMS. LO BST ERS. .• PEAS' CORN BEiIiNS: OYSTERS; &c. In fact;nrit4 t hinzapd every thing thitt ord ed: - "lteits fatly 'eollettlitg st Iretnain nitrilYnet t, 1 !,; Likes! N..BULLARD .1 . - ,,r1;;;;:);. ; ,- - VoNcdt)r Polvderr Piisvdei Blasting., title and Shot il!owilar,. Shot, I f ead, pan, Ttibda,:ealra' ;-• Paiiintiete; Flaiiks,'Fatte, an.; ' • Itc•l:torsorka.by , ; • i4,z S ' p,t t . 9.18yr-tf 'pjo,to.o'l):4;',.'N - 6:- . 'tie..it ~v ;, B HrFOR,TOMISRL`'Fs; f •.t PUR NEW .PitiCE LIST, - ‘4)R .. st e Ri$G'AND - SUMMEkt OF 1 H' . eavy cottonado pantry , I: $ 1.00 Stout wool-mixed pants, . ~ , . $.1:75 ,to 2.50 Good all *wool pants. • ' '' • ' 8,00 4.00 French cassimore pants, • - 5.00 ' 7. 5 0 Heavy workingmen's knits, . 7.00 10 00 Scotch cassimere snits, .• , 8.00 12.00 Ilarria cassimere suitsl 18.00 17.50 Fancy check and stripe suits; 1 10.00 20.00 Black frOck coats. • • 6.00 = 9.00 Black dres4 coats, Imported, - 10.0014.00 Black cloth ,vests; • = • 1,15 4.00 White linen vests, . , Lis 41,50 SUITS 3 t0.,9 year& Boys' cgttop ltlite, Bcry i El' et Boys' fancy u,tt le3jeuit,e,'',.l lievisl•Surra,-9 to 15 years. Boy' sehool4nl4, Boys,' limey snits. • Boys' finereaskiimere‘ ou,tbs' styles, ' •'s , • Good cotton sh i rta, Good overalls, Good rapper suppbadera, . • , And all other' c, , adfsia.proportion.' The atiOVe'pricee are for cash only, and, Anil- quoted far cnitotn'ers:frota a &Stance; $1 0 0 t ° l4 l ll F e l dr i ! c ti ll l j c p . ;l lb e: e at rk V e a " r a s t ati n g pet cent: lowdr than those o f aay, other, houi' e in this el ly • e • • - = WEBSTER, Th© 'iDlothier Bingbatnton l May 4th,.1675,—tf , •,- • , 1000 ARKVA.Lt 41 * * )U ) la4737'.ol N l ialVWl3l;ko InVirAtgute4 ,above and fi tted them up in ,first=clast '.I have, , also stocked the,:niii,i with J AIL (i(i4'ioi ..t ' .OF „ .; . I alsolgeep ' bn baud WHEAT, RYE; AXIS BUCKWHEAT CORN , UE,AL ' Peed, iluelt*heat 'Oren, eAe., , ete.,, which I offer to the pubile at thoAorrest pri g;1131r4.1) kinds of .Milling Busineas done. , . , , • ,"- VANIRD. FIVE" llUNDREl:kbashela'of Rye, Immed4felly. highest cash prim paid for al) kinds of Grain: - ERNST SKIBBK. . POVPTEY, ,z isaasiak Burrs% irs l 4oo, 4 114ibeii Gash bO•paid, .1 . 1.... , l!tish, shammy 19. 1416,4i'in:' . °., - L. W4114.19ErP .+rri~ , .~ ~ sF~~ ~ ~ :i3 HEART _OF T9*s - ,v,.. ,.- rr..ir,:if. ,c,-..=1:;•“! {, rf..~ miitii/ticazoonv, ,“;,, I , - ;.0 "t • -; 143743. =MEd MILL =BEE ts I. N. BULLXRD. • v { t V ~ ~~ ~: .2;&1 " 14.00 4.00 6.00 '3.00 $ 4.00 $ 7.00 7.00 10.00 8.00 14.00 '6.00 20.00 .50 50 25