Arair,agewienti#,Mol!,,.. rritojs Tinkliancitclt,Pal l Y ,) • - s :t Pr, -- 1 4 • 'lt l . o OIn ,I2 AS-lh • v - 1 4 VIA SiriOlns :e Deoot.(Daily,) ... • ... 600 p in 620 a .13 rose New - NI Word. 004 i m m Wyalut , lng. (Daily.) 045 a m 200 p Friendsville,(tri vrsekly,) • 6001,m 800 am Oonklin Station, (tri weekly 4). .. 00 m :700 am BillghamtoCtiilf Adirit.(trt*Onlitlyi.rion f;700 p m eshoppen ivnek.lY,) 601 t nr 4 4 00 pni The Nu* York,( via Montrose Depot,) New Milford. runkhann oc.koindWyalueingarellikay , ... , The Conklin Station ranalneedays, trhuridaYok• stud Saturdays: ...; The flingharatOn ran:pins, days, Thursdays. and Saturdays. - Friendsville mail runs Tuesdays, Thursdays,and Sat nrdays. '•" • • .TheMeshappennall inniMoridayaMednesdays,and Fridays. ADDITIONAL 1 7 . /41P1: „ . A,Stageleaves daily for l!riontroPebeli et 1 Tn..a.mi' return: , ut t p. m A stage ,leAvea-daJiy, for New „Mittio d at 7.80 m m. , ind returneatp aCiii . . , m; • *1- • . . • 7 , 0.401tD11/04:1‘.11. Meatiest) Railway Time Tal)le. Arrangtuent of Tritine. To take effect on 'Monday, Dec. 21st, 1875. ,, Down Trains. lip •Trains ovritwAßD. NORTHWARD 5,00 *. eiontrotsef " 10.401 '6.00 110,siti . . • ' ' .....10 25 '545 513 1 13... Cool's. 1020 540 520' 1211 Bunters _lOl5 535 • 523 1 25_ . Dimock 05 525 535 1 .... :;..Tylers • 955 'sls 545 140.... ... . . epringville.... 945 ' 505 ' 555 145 - Lynn 935 455 605 158 - • • • Avery's' _ 925 445 610 208 ... • Lemon 915 435 620 . : ......Lobec:k..:.. ;...905. 4,25 • 80 2 . 'Marcy's:. .. .' 855 -1415 545 245 ..;runktutnnoat..,.. - . .840' '855 All trains connect at Tnnkbstunnek with r.1)I Y. R. R. going, north, and south. • . ,TAMES. I. BLA. : SLEIc. _ List of New Advertisiments. Auction—H, Rosenthal. , National Centennial Lecture. Miscillancous—Dauchy & Co. i • . Something new—C. 1,3, UptegrOve. Dritgs, Medicines, etc.—M. A. Lyon. Closing out at Bost—James Martin & Son. Administrator's notice—estate of Nathan B Stark BUSINESS LOCALS. Caucus Farmers' Club. Ager's Astrakhan 13.0a1p4t. • . Miscellaneous'—H. Rosenthal: New Milford Lodge Banquet. , 31arble Works-13uros DonatiMtfor',ll:e*.:Luiber-'W,i.oleotL Donation for Rev. M. R. Bramball. Wanted—PA farm to rent-E. C.; Baldwin., Donation :for Revs. H. (3 1 .:Porpqkl. Arkl A Wrigley: 1 ._.. ,_,... , COLLECTIOIOIB FOR MEC DEMO • AT. - ' The tollowing are the - aftionnts recgivd on Subscription by 'nui: Agenc E. L. Neeks, fi;i• the week ending January 29th; 1876 1 : .. . L:l3.:Kilts. . : ...., $2 00IEdward Thayne . ,$2 1:10 N. E. Shermatt...; 8 85IDavid Bushnell:— 4 00 R. J. Wa11.'...':.. '1 00;T: C. Linabery... 2 00 L. W. Stone:..... 50j. W. Lott...:. :' 200 . Ili. K. Williams.. 100 Jame s; ott.. „,;... 75 , James A. Galyin.. 2 00E.,Cr ' \ • 2 00 D. C. Titman.. ..... 1 001: Kin ney : • . 50 THE hamtrison or NEwsPsruitii.-Elaniel Webster once :reniarked : '"Small is the sum . that is required to patrOnize„ a' nOwspaper i and amply reivarded is its patron; I , care not its* bumble and unpretending the gazette ;R Bich •he takes. It is , next to impossible Ito fill a sheet with printed matter witb6 c ut it something that is-worth the subscription price. Every.parent whose son is away trom , home at . i scbOol should supply him with finewspaper".. I- well remember whit a marked difference there was lletween tboso of my schoolinites *ho ; had not access to neWspapers. _Other thirts being equal, the that were always . isnperioi to the last 'in debate, oomixisition and geA ral intelli-, gence.7 _ I , • TEIL*B OF OFFICEIO.--Ii td hot,generally known that_tlie legi , fiatilre list w,interimuseAd an act axing and reguliting the' terms of 11l members of councils and all other city, ward, borough and toinship offleets,, except school ' directors, and also fixing the time for organic, . ing Of the legislative departments of the' mu nicipal governinents of the conimonirealth.— The law 'provides that all officers named ititove except school directors, elected on Tueidly,the 15th of February, "or in: any. year thereafter, whose term of office would,undei'existing laVis, expire prior to the first Monday of Apiil, sha continue in office from the dateat which said term would otherwise expire °until the first 'Monday of April next ensuing; thereto ; and the. terms of their successors shat begin on:the first Monday of April and shall continue for the period now fixed for the duration thereof by existing laws in etch s particular case ; and liereafter.all elections for officers which will be vacant on the first Monday of April, shall be herd on the third, Monday of Fetirnary next preceding thereto." Second • section of.' the same act says, "that the members of leOlativei departments of the „municiPal governments this commonwealth '''hefeilfter elected, Shall as semble in their ieSpeetive places of meeting for the purpose of organization, at 'ten o:clock in the torenoon of the lirtOt Monday : in'. of each year ; and that : the mayors of all cities of this commonweatth shall l)e inaug4ted' and, take the official oatlitit twelve o'clock noon of the same day. • , MONTROSE RAILWAY REPORT.. -1.11 conipar ing the business of the year . 1875, :with the eleven corresponding months of. i 1874, we find an increase hrour coal tonnage '9ll. 27 tons, in lumber tonnage of 359.08 tons, and, in.gener al merchandise of • 543.75 tops, making total of 1,174.08 tons, - and'an f inerease Of $1,244.09 in receipts, w hila during, the' Baffle time we have a. decrease in passenger, receipts of $803.03, ex press receipti of $152.10, making a total de= Crease of $955.19, thus reducing . ouegrotifa crease to $289.50. This is a'very_sniakinerettse fur a new road, but as much, perhaps, as can be expected until the;' imiirove their Wads SO tiB to raise' two tons of hay where they • now cut but one ; tpis they can easily do, hav ing a ready market for not, 0111 ., hay, but,all other prodticts'or 'ibe:joil• !'"-• By. at - rid economy We ;have; ,reduPed, the amount of our, pay -rolls for train:men ;and re pairs of track during the el Vein 41:11j , 680.88, while .our,;:laci(ftitotive ; (car repairs Lave increased dwring:Akejgglie,tiine46Bo.4l)'' lhese items or 4, iirpse will naturally. increase' Iron)V I r • The net earnings' of the Road have been, fot =EI the year.lBN f7;4:78.044t0r thexeat 1874, $lO, WiTs 11--1,970 . NT1t2r Mo_ntrnse, Jam 24 0 10, 181.22; atidlor theeleNP'en Of' year 1875, , t fil °W. ( 1 ,Tilden, 'o: tho''''l,-.lwatean of Beth $8,157.36 ; total. 425,816.02 ; less two years' in- onn„ - and arm DaytotL , of New tere i t \ !?° b° P ds, $1,, 82 9":0 0 114.v1ng aitiet haat* c * . EPAF:stpAnt the ,ht)use of 18 . 986.'72, rripkrii ./ bel64gs dcnt atidic;Cm 4 ld beenClistributea -John °;4i, among the stu r ekhaitterN ifAlie , ',delliiquent sub- Mills .• seribers had pad up._ their subscriptions, the', Rave—THEL—At the X. E. arm e, Fa ' to t ne r glectof . which has compelled us to, ,pay: for Jan. 26, hy Rev . P l 3. to a iier, jo . , (3 hu grading and tight (if waii)6i.. of ibe-reeelina*4 - B. - Rattikuf Pa Adandit A. • ' • the ; Road., , . I it1y," 1 873, - the directors' toned themselves Without tc, :ftirtherZ;proSeente the d ing of the IlettB'; with, a large amount due the coitracto , r, notwithstanding there wr e unpaid sn' l bseriptions .. anionutink to . $26,8560; of Which $17,623.06 Was due from citizens of Montrose MAIM ' f it: was impossible„•• to; continue the work under such .circutnstances, and it was thought advisable to start a new subscription s of which ones individual subserib ed .$6,0 .. 00,00, conditions that $20,000.00„ of new subscriptions were paid in , or secured by notes. After securing.. some $12,000.00 or $13,- .0Q0:00, find the; seliiion,for . ing Was' •far advanced, (she subserillers'!ici, this additional stock signed 4. fiirther agreement to" pay these subscriptions provided - the, lompany , Im/wild:go 'on and 'grade as- tar as, :the money, Would pay . tor, the i'saine.•.' Whether the 420,- 000.oci was raised ormotithis ContrAct was faith. fully carried out' by the Company, and the Road built to the present terminus. This . . statement is made in reply to. the fiequent'ln 7 sinuations that the Compani have :violated their, contract, and acted in bad' 'faith toward the citizens of Noutrose, which is unjust to both the Lehigh , Valley Rail Road Uompany and 'the directors of the Mon tulse Railway • Companyias • they have done. more than they Over agreed to do, while many of the citizens have done lesS._ These attempts • to. _shift the responsibility will never 'complete the *ad; and the, kioner it is Understood that this cannot be ,accomplished without money; the better it Will be for all parties concerned, and especially .to the property holders who are so largely, in teiested the extension'of the BoAd. • It there is no : Prospect of-collecting soon the MOney for extending the Road, it "Will he far better to settle Perinanently 'on ourpresentlo catkin, an& efebt.suitable. accomniodations fOr the buSinesa,•io that people can itrikove their property w tb a knowledge of, the permanent teiminns: of the Road': as the' !natter - now stands, all fvpros;einenta are entirelf,uspend ed:.:'; J• JAMES I.' 81 . 4.1.E.5LEE;, " -• Montroie, • ' - ' , President, January'loth,lB76. ' , • Business. Locals. OYSTERS t OYSTERS.! !.. '_OYATERB !! ! Forty, 50 and 80 cents per quart, at the • 52tf ' l-P.YBtoNE,giALoinv. VETAY VERItY, 1 say unto you Go to the Keystone Saloon nnd get a good Oyster Stew. Dec. 28. 1875.-=-tf. WATCHES, Clecks and 'Jewelry tertired on short notice: and_ warranted,` at F.,DAdelbu ish'ajevrelT -More: ; Is . bellAt ••• - - MOntrose; July‘2B,:lo7s.—tc. To 211B.PunLfc.—A8 R guarantee that Tay= for'si Family 31edieines are the beat, in, market s of,their kind; app' - that the quality Of the4o4ixla shall hereafter be maintained, 1 would say to all : "If alter using them you are riot satisfied you have received -benefit in .proportion to the price paid ; return the empty bottle ,or packege,! and get your money back, as, I want no man's money unless. he is satisfied he .hae received' it's equivalent ! - • Respeetftilly,' • • Projfr. ;Octobex 1.87 b: :'• , • CIAIitVOYANT EXAMINATIONS FREE. There is . no subject 'that requires so _ inuch Study and experience as the treatment of ctron ie diseases. : The astonishing, success and re markable cures performed by Dr, Butterfield, are due to - the - gift of clairvoyance, to the life long sp.fdy of the constitution of man,. andlbe caring of diseases from natural remedies. Cureb the worst forms of Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Fe male Weakness; Astbm4, KidneYS or Bladder Will be at the Cafferty , House, Binghamton Thursday, and Priday, February 10th and 11th::• . DON'T WANT TO . MOVE iT. offer my large stock of Flour and Salt, and, general line of .grocery gooJs . very low fol‘ a short time for cash, as I expect to n..ove in'a few diya hito a new store building opposite Cooper &ICo's. Bank,-and chi not want' CO be at the .expense7of.moving a large stock of heavy goods. Nutt is agood time to buy your Flour and Salt:' have never had- a 'better stock of good Flour, rm.'', ground ". than at the present firptp; Montrose. Oct. 20,1875 ti*: WE: Trii3ll 01 - 4 the people 'of Montrose and vicinity arellnding out•wbere the; most .pcipu lar Dry Goods Bing.iamton it located for ,C..F. Sisson-4c Co- inform us . that- their trade, from this tiectiofi, very' large and con; stantly inciessipg. .In their stock,may now be found 'a large and carefully Selected stock of Dry Goods, suitable to the wantS of everybody. .They. Make a' specialty of Elia: Silks, Black Cassitneres,' Black Kohnirs, , Black Alpacas, and tkie liner . gades •of 'Dress - Goods, .and '' in 'this line are preptired to ,giye some decided bar gains. . SuAmse that • nearly . eve . ryn.' aware thtit their is located at, 01 Court • Street, 'uext: to' the Canal.; , • ' Bingltaniton, Sept. 21,1875. . . tay-LiT433' NEWS IN BUCGUAlirrini• ". • The latest news iu ''Binghamton is that Hine & Sholes, of 59 Cotirt Street, have just received their third Fill and Winter stook of Dry Goods Which is now c,mnplete in 'all .departments.— The best Silk: The best, Black Cashiperes. The hest Alpaca.' The best Merinos—Empress Plaids of all descriptions. The beat Shawls; Kid •Glovga, , Embrokieriei, RibbOns,'.Ties, 4c;,: In fact everything that is krpt in a first-class_ 'Dry ,Goods. Store at bottom tig9res.,e_Angtberi. 'lll3portiiniitetp,whibli if k niav be essential to the people _of- Montrose,- New- Kiltord and Surrounding.' e'Ountry;:that Geo. B. bl,eCollurn and .0., c c l . Vaurot: would. niostkappy to see' 1511 61theniaequaintances and' show them the bargains tint Sholca .artinow prepared to: give. flu w& SuciLgs. i3ingbanitntll Dee.: jy1875:: • • '!'-- :21.1C1 4 63Et" 1 1.1 1 C 4 i:tb -3 E00 3, i ILLIAIdB- IiLAP—At ,the M E. parson g'o"' 4,ev, ~loti, Mr. 8: M. Williams, of - whatihigtoif i ltid Miss - Elect& 1., daughter of Ellis Dunlapo:sq:, of bleshoppe.o. ' • . - ' -00 ICI in ALT! . Zap% 7 tAltimiolii ,Fact nyville, Jan. 26; of dropsy, John . Lanning ? aged 08 years. Bnows - - 4 -ln New 'Milord, Jan. 24, Lewis W. . son of Daniel and Catharine Brown, aged 20 years. NtiusEN—ln Springville, Tan. Mrs. Ca lista; wife of Mr. v Vanduseti agedt9 3rPt!rs• ~; =" - • • M pynn, Jan. • 24; Mrs. *liml y ~ o vite r D ttniel 4cCain esti., aged 64 years. Pu eCHAR In. Forest Lake, Jan. 14 1 ; Mr. Hor ace Birchard, aged '77 years. Mr: Btrchard was prayerful and strong in the faith of our Lord:Jesus ; a-lover of Christians land -earn estly desirous'of good ' and &ablation to all.— His reward is on high. His example' will be cherished in the memory of many kindred and friends.' • POTTER—In Harmony, June 25, Wm. Potter in the 58th year of his age. , I • , PoriEn=-411 Raimony,,-Nov. 29, Rachel. wife of William Potter, in the 56th year of her age: Mrs. Potter was a great sufferer with the dropsy fur about five years which caused her death. She leaves au undisptitable evi dence of her unyielding: faith and trust in her Sayiour. ' GoiumtrucE—ln Brooklyn, Pa., Jan..l9th, !Tor man L. Gordinier, aged 33 years. '! • . Brother Gorclinier was brought uplin Spring ville, and has resided in Brooklyn six years.— He had friends wherever known and enjoyed the confidence of the people with whom he - 0- sociated;:'Be was elected. constable, which of fice he held at the ,time of his death. - At our meetings in' Brooklyn, several weeks before he died,he sought and round the Saviour the one altogether loyely. He bore'llis Sickneils with resignation and testified to, the power that Jesus has on earth to forgive sins, exhort ing his friends to seek the same Saviour whom he found to •tie'to precious. • His remains rest in the Cemetery „at Stark?,B church." Wyoming county,' Where fi'p was Mir ieti .services .by the Independeat , Ortlerof Odd Fellows and also with , Mason'ic•Honors.. Heaven blesi the mourning. J. H. WEsToN. Brooklyn Pa Jan: 26,1576. IN .MEMORrAPC • ' • • „ At a special' . Meeting ' 313,' 1..0. of . F.'. of Pa., held 'Dec.27th, 1875; in reference tc.. the deeeitge; Of-SiSter Rhoda Kent, wife of P. G., H, W.. Bent, P‘st Grands =lkl..Caldweil, R: W.. - Gere, and p: K . WatrOtts were' appointed a committee to :.draft resold COO of Condolence , 13 . egleitire - i,o report tlie;fol , ;lOWidg —" • • r.. • ' WIIEREAS, It bath pleaSed- the &tiler ails all to - remove - iron:l - this life to.another, the *ife of. Brother Past 'Grand; li. W.lCent, - . !lids re-, minding Us - by _this ProvideOltil. dispensitiow that; we ate. in a world of' 'sickness, disease,' and death and that- we have no abiditig-plaee, no continuing. city. .\ ReiolivArt, • That'w6-sineerely smi.athize . wit4 (Star beloved brother in :hitt deep Alllietion c aUti, piny that - our Heavenly Father *ill oorafoit: his - heart and :enable :him . .to - say - - - f"Tby will be done." - - r , ; Resolved; .That ;we, as a .I.Age,.littetid:ihie ;nerd of Sister Bent on the morrow. " -' Resolved,'That.. a copy 'of these: rooliitiOns :under seal of the. Lodge be handed to Brother .Bent by the Noble. Grand, alsd-- thSt. the Secre tary: be instructed ,to forward; copim ; . of the:, same to our county papers for publication. r Mosae CALDNVE.X.I., R: W. l 9'ittt, ' COm. D. S.. WATROLIF4, • •'• 1. NO* torli '.Piviiiiice Itlitiliet. ReportedVfery Week . ,Expressly for .1towrnol; DILVOCTRAT by ;Modes b Server, Produce Commie sloe Merchants. 26 Whit 4 hall Street. siew.Yerk. . , Kew . York, Friday,. Jan. 28; 1870. • BUTTER. Receipts last six days .20,097 pkgs. Trade continues very'dull in nearly all descrip tions Of butter. Very fine still in tried erate supply, and fairly enquired fur by local buyers, but their, wants are,, light. and they are; not disposed to pay very limey prices even'tOr fancy grades. . State Dairies. fine , .31 la 32c State Dairies, rod to primu....27 (ft 30c State Pails, .clatry, ; choice --e @t' . --c- State-PailsAlairy,good to prime 20 tg - 30c State Pails, :..22 24e • CHEESE.. ". • , . • . . „ . Receipts last. six. 8,491 boxes. No. new features can be , noted in t h e . t - riot.4, - „. . Btate:FantOry, . . 13 13Mc State.Tactory, tine t,. 12340 StateractOry,.faii,"to good 9%Qi - State' RitirieS, fair to good ..,. 8X421 • 10%c Receipts , The deinarti, continues 'exceedingly li~lit _slid_ with a liberal supply prices are atill -settling down wards. • • : I H State and Penn:— . ..@ '2oc, Western choice 20c - . .The demand continues very slowaud though the supply is comparatively,light, Still it is ful ly equal to the limited demand, if not rather-in excess, and price are weak and a Shade easier. Tutkeys, Stittezime, 14 to. c Chickebs, State, 'to 16e Duckal* et 113 c. Geese • • - 121 I& 18c MEATS AND STOCK. 1 Calves ire plenty and dull, with bulk of sales at 12 - and 12%e.,'atthough an oc4siorial calf has realized a , ttifle more. ' . Live.Sheo, wwithers 1 6 to ONe _ Live Ca veep State. plum—. 10 to 10. 1 4 e Flog Dresseci Oalves tine \ 12 to DRIED FRUITS. •!, Apples continue in fair requeq and held firm Peeled peaches are dull. State Apples,quarters. , 84to 049 Peach 49, peeled,state . • .164 to . 18e -- Blaekberr . tes.: . „ - .12 to Ras - pberries • ... to' 28d iVIONTAtOSE VILLAGE oirer orgettle•i3l3i' or iled timu 27, 0,110. southwest fide ;is{` Turnpike street - ,.:leer the Baptist churen—one' equare from the Fdblic Avenue. ' ' PRANKLIN;FRASE• • 31batreee tau. 5,1876-4 w • ' 2.'01) Pro - , r- The ilarkets; EGGS. `POULTRY. : - - 'pain Which 4 tie Centaur - -Luilmentivill not'reitcVe. tie swelling they will zotsubdue, and' ne lameness Arhlotl willnot cure. Thisisstring = , language, lint it. is. true.' 'They ,have. . , preduced toore,,eu!eis of; thettirOtir,, ' • -neniaigia,lockljew.palsy,sprainesiWel ling-a, ciked,breakteAscaldi, burns. Silt rheum. air-ache, &c., upon the: h , sari frdme., aid e strains, spavin, 'galls, 'etc., upon 6111046 iu:onelyear than hava'all other, pretended remedies since the world hekin. ariccinntei , liritant, ell-healing, pain xe. , Hovers-iltipples throw awaythcir crutches, the lathe vrok;poiooro4r bites are renderedharmiess; and the wounded ate healed without a scar. The reilpe'l4Pub lished areund each bottle. ,They sell asl2o articles ever sold before, because : they do just,svhat they pretends!) dO. Th6oo who now suffer from yheumatisre. pain. or swelline lieserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Ltntrdent, - white wrapper: 'More than 1000 certificates of remarkable ;cures, including frozen limbs chibnic rheumeSm; gout, running,tumore. etc., have 13 , gen ielved. Ilk will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, ete.,:gratia, to any one requesting . One bottle of the yellow wrapper CentierLiniment is worth one hnndred dollars for spavined or sweenied horses and mules, oi for, screw'-worcel in cheep. ; Stock.owneis. --theselinimentr are Worth your attention. No family shotdd b 4 without them. "White wrapper family uee;" YelloW wrapper for animals. Sold by all Druggists.- 50cente tier bottle; large betties, $l.OO. J. B. ROBB * & C0.,88 Blvadvrai.New York. • is more than a substitute for Caster,Oil. It is'the enly: safe article In existence which is certain to assimilate the rood. regulate the bowels, cure wind collo ml 4 produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerala morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant td take. Childre.nrneed not cry and mothers may rest. O ct. LYONS 8c ..~ ETS,.. OILCLOTHS, DRUGGET, MATTINGS, ; : 'MIN DOW SHADES, CAR HANGINGS AND ENAMEL MOTHS, COTTON YARN I t• sCOFFIN- TRIM.- —rt;i',--. PAP ECilr WARE;:DIIT 49.0 S AND ,OROCERIES:,,,PAINTS;_ -945; - PX.4%. . . ASK, ALL OF rDR., ,JAY. E' S :FAMILY .MEDICIX4S, 'UMBRELLA lIITEiBtR, `- x - GOODS' dEC • -Mailinm); Jiainsi*-1, itVGB, t v: ; kiEDISJINES, -.CHEMICALS: 1 . ~. _ . MON2'ROBE f PA • Dealer n,all kinds of Pare Ino, Medicines,qAtemicals, Dye Woods, Dye . • fitufi's, Petats, , 0118. Tarnishes. • , Pocket Books, Combs. Jewelry.: P . eritimery. Toilet! Soaps, Brushes, Violins an 4 Violin Strings, , - Yankee •Notions Fancy Goods. Cigars, Tobacco. Table Clattery Fine' Solid Silver, Spoon's, Plated Spoons, Kr Ives an d•ForksoGiuns, Amunition, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Medical rnstrninents, , ,Dental Materials, Lampe , and . Lamp ChimneyS. Teas, Spices, Baking Powder, Sea Mosa Farina, Gelatine, Taplota, etc., ctc. • - i Dalviwpale Ale for Invalids'. .1 t .v • Those.who wish to buy Paints and Oils , svonlq do well to exai tnne our stock of White:. ,Lead, White Zinc, stud idlied, Palate, before purchasing elsewhere. .A.ll kinds of colored paints in cane of from one to five ponndit each; on hand. Montrose Feb. 2,1876. , • rrON-KHANNOOK -11" MARBLE WORKS. BURNS &WHITE ; ITAT.4t . i•b . l- f& .: 4.?4,y.,,,w94.N, '),tatgrt, • , SCQTOII & A.MERIQAN GRANITE, - A siedaity. tarCeme4ry Lots Endued ' • ° P. C. = URNS, ==` - Turklellannock.l%;,,',Jan. 19; 1876.—1 y 11# , BAL . ESTATE FOR SALE. The liubseribe,r will sell the following valuable Real eetet . ' ,-- `At a Very Low Figure. : ,- '- 1 ~ One iiret-class Dairy Farm, "stock and farming tools in. the township of Bridgewater. 11X from conts,tull3o acres. _ - ALSO--One in Burrows Hollow, Gibeon twp.,of 98 acre a., and isn utensive older ;mill and distillery.. J Al.BO--33.0 and . to( In tievatilfer4 bete.; ni v ,', ... • -- ' TA'fIUS MADE') Aay. ; , - ' , ,-- r• . --- - - voriiitteulinfadreso lite. inliscs4ber Akeetroull, rf4r call at his residence In Bridgevister. . ir - ' - ' _;;" • JOHN GAV/IT'A liridgewatur t JBl3. 26th, itral,-2m., -_ , . , Gents,' and Ladies' underwear at Cheap' Johnl'a. DEALERS ZN B. R; LYONS itc CO. Minniactureta of and Dealertiin MARBLE ARO SLATS MANTLES. HAYDEN &I CLEMENTS, STOVES, TIN, COPPER 84 SHEET IRON WARES, 'HOUSE FURN. 7 LSHING GOODS, AND 131:TILD. ERS EARDWARE,' . BLANCHARD,' BARTLE T & 00, . SASH, BLINDS, PQORS, WIN- . DOWS,'CORN.IOE 1110114D-',_ ING'S &O which we will sell at Illeachant.Bartlet & Co•s. girlies NAILS, SCREWS, LATCHES, BUTT c', SASH. AND BLIND FASTEN— ERB A.ND HINGES, HOES, FORK SHOVELS, RAKES, WIRE GOODS, &O. Special lnduc.ements on-Pans;Pa ll e, Ooclttr - iuull all Dairying G oods. IRON CLAD, FIRST. PREMIUM, MILK PANS. liki'DEN; Geileral . Agent) r't OTSEGO. COUNTY LUMBER; PLAT: FORM, SPRING„ AND -BUG- GX. WAGOONS. tinsurpai3sed for Style and DurabOty. We Uave recently addeil to our selection of litorte y auida - bi Rathbone..l3aril`Co.. Albany N. Y. hid the Argand Base Burning Parlor - IWe and Cunard Cove Stoves; nutnufactnred - by Perry CO - 4 - Alban, N.Y. WV also 'keep the celebrated . DIAMOND BASE BURNING AND FEARLESS COOKING STQVES - : •; Ml=ln Ratttbone, • Jewett & Ranliom, Neaps, with Ciipper Reservors anti Nickla Mountings of the latest improved patterns; Repairing promptly done and orders. fo r jobbing solicited. ; . HARDEN dt CLEMENtd. New.Milforti. May 12th. 1815.=-tf. ' Why,. the Floirers a Bloom 4 in_ WintOr ;:. #7MT i3l Iron, Hardware, etc. Dealers itt Agents tor . f• TILE CENTENNIAL COO*, Are you aware that you - can obtiin Summer heat la January 1 That you can impart balmy air to your families ? that you can give - spontaneous - grOwth tb plants and Flowers, and that: you Can make home a Httikparadise by pn rcha sI ng , Qtie of Sayre's itch- Air VtiriUsces ? These Ffifiraces are now constructed with VAPOR PAN by which. the test pared to that resembling Summer heat. ' • Noire Crac if Fain NO MORE DRY HUSKY HEAT, „ 1 ?,. -::,HOT-AIR And , the time has come when conetunntivesSmay re joice in coal tires. These furnaces are eold entirely sip on their own tnetitd, aed are now 'the leAdinglurunce in this part of the conntry .All Furnaces are warrant ed to give entire satisfaction or no sale. 3Wi SS, I keep competent men on the road who are*ell ac quainted with the Furnace business and they are con stantly putting up these Furnaces. Their work is war ranted to please. These Furnaces are now scattered in the folluwing towns and cities: Blnglinmion i Scranton, ,Providence, Wilkes Barn, Kingston, Pit tston, Elmira. •Waverly,.' , Williumt‘Port. Great Bend, Suspaehnana Depot, Lianco.k, 4ownsville, Andes, Maigaretville, Franklin, UnadlDa, \ o*ego, Northumberland, and many, other towns.- MlX"xLizfes, Any person wishing a recommendation from any ore , living in the abioVe named places. I will gladly tin res. potid with them, giving names of parties now. using these Furnaces., B. C. SAYRE., • Montrose , Montroie, December 22d 1875.-Bm. P . J. DONLEY, No. 48" Sc 50 . Washington St., BINGHAMTON; N. Y. Would reepecttuUy call attention to theirlaroo At, ,2E' t 7 X:CN = "3.0!:1:71EL.Z17 which they are selling at from 15 to 20 par cent. thin, heretofore. A full assortment of PARLOR, DINING ROOM and RITORRN FURNI TUBE. Parlor Bette, ftom $BO upward. Chamber Betts from s4oApward. Mattresses from $4 upward. Pure Wool Mattresses from $lO to $l5. Oak, and Walton. Extension Tables front $6 to $lB, • You;can do better by purchasing your goods of us than of any dealers in this section of the country. We will nottie 'undersold by any one east of New Yoril No,eXtra charge for packing or delivering rots at the OP." tuß LBIIE Wftliesire to says word. In this line we have ii_Oileot Patent Casket:And wvariety 'of other styles.' Bofial Robes t Ishroude, etc. • • • • - The hearse and Carriage attache(' ,to, our sti esiatilit4- men% cannot be surpassed in this. section. These be furnished. to those ,who, require. * are* nable i k44 - ,gre.anyWhbre within it radius' of tiventy miles ‘ .. frout dty. Give him a eall. • " J. DONLIT. • BILOp, . 1 1 .• poto INtliktb4lBlse4tt ' ' r I :-'ntit.ypiv - Plothipg 'at Obeixi,,,Joho)3, Boy a Boo* it Cheap John's. , 47 . OF - OUR