The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, February 02, 1876, Image 6

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meeting et the Presbyterian thumb
on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'cloclip. m.
We add thirty " new naives to , ou{, list of
subscriberiiince.,our last issue.
—Ladies' Temperance Pr ayer meeting ,
the . Baptist church, Thursday itfternoon, at
three o'clock,.p. tn.
—Wm. A. Crossmou Esq. bah ,ren: ov . ed his
office to rooms over IL J. Webb's store on Pub
# venue: ' , .
bf 'Foster., • ti hen's
c.= upon -bur Annie Which measur i s 6 1 s by
• inches. -
L. P. Edwards of the Scranton .14Te Free*
called at our office on Monday last. He is cim7*
Vtiol,g,fpr,t4 4 at t we noticed he, hail;,n
larkolltithbei of our citizenti . 'naines hii list.
---Two citizens of Binghamton. Says the
Depotit Courier, have just been arrested for
selling bognsErie The meth
od of operating with these tickets is a very hr
gcnious one ; but the same , his been nipped in
the. bud. •
—The most thorough invi r %tigation upon
the part 0. the:: police lor:this' (city: into John
ility.fletrglit.t#tement concerninglis'ac-cOinPlice,
and into the cluei a hick could, be obtained.,
gird good .reason to believe alai the statements
originated in Hayden's brain,, and is untrue.—
Bittyltinnton 1 inks. • •
—Rev. E. A . . Warriner, will give a leeture'
ou "Our :Natiohal, Centennial'' at the, residence
.ot. Daniel. Sayre; .- owYriday ',evening, Febinary
ljth: The mere, announcement of the lecturer,.
.f.:44e?ii§ an '` ar'ti ' est of . ii.:itarOnte)l!*;
t tSe.'
Lure will be tor the benefit of the ichurch. •
Our ReKesentatiVeSelltheinwer branch
f „the §ta.!e, .I,, ( kfi r iams, awl Flake n T ,
bUry) seetial;,tO.4idel.llE tvoOnii many.
questioill,.thus neutralizing &Mil other's votes.
_Our -ienfrikirial...delegatioU, WatsOu, bat
vote ' ever' 'Since he - diii" : 4W on Likel'.Qp=.
than, -i. .:.• v.
—Kinderhook,New York is busily exeited
and amused • over : , a IS,i'ew Year's frolic.which
took place there,-und which has just developed
into rather a serious matter. It seems a party
gathered on Ice,w ; Year's day .at the residence
of Alias afford, hit - il a mock 'Wedding was pro
posed and carried out, Mr Cole, a school teach
er, officiating as clergyman / The .-,. 1 . 611p1es to be
married were Mr. Perrine t.o Mias Lizzie Lee i
and Mr. J: Mix tglillas Dennis, ''l'Liey are all
of very respectable connections and stand high
socially. A few days after the young people
and their relatives were astound:id by learning
that Mr. Cole, the teacher was a clergyman in
orders, and WilC4, two years ago had lelt the
pulpit for the school room. It is said that Mr.
Perrine and Miss! Leek will abide, by the result
of their New Year frolie 'hut In the other case a
itiliv ' e will be applied for. 1
—Before excha,ngine Worlds, o'Mara and
:wing, the ~Montrose • Depot murderers, (or 'lc
lcused murderer : Ontodel written 'confession.—
When the document was last heard from, it,was
in the hands the :deputy Sherilla, vibe 'we're,;
righting for the sole oWnership. It Was under- -1
saw& at the time of the' execution, that the I
confessions' t wo be published, Can ,ihu),
ltenfrose Detn?tiMt_give_"xis any 'light ?-- , Si t sea, i
The orioniall confession i ow a d haibeen
in the hands of Sheriff Helene: The deptities .
slain ed tb have an exact copy.'; They, came to
us:with the copy, fixed', Aron; price Of publish
ing & c„ but afterward• countermanded the or_
der. We_akterufard lteard ~It;rizad ',been sold to
parties in Scranton, but lastly 'that 'Sheriff
Helme would , not allow it, to be published, and •
be still retains tbe original confession." Phials
all 'the light we have.
We are glad to publishinotice eliewbere
of the call of a meeting to orgaeize a '''Lirmer's
Club. This, can be Made one of the most in-;
tereating and profitable gatherings for Farmers;
and in fact altothers AS 'we all are i4direetiy!
interested in the success of agrieuitu're., that can
be inaugurated IC it is:entered into with a d' . ,
termination and is backed up by 'energy' and
perseverenee: - ,. It_ will be' a pleasure to us'to
give place - to 'reports of ita doinga and l- ,render
any other assistance eompatable with our po
sition. The declaration that the right of-the
people peacably to assemble and petition fox
for-a redress of grievances , or for mutual'en
lightenment -end ' adyane l ement shall not, be
abridged byliny law or commuuity,is one hun
dred years old in this centennial year and we
have taw.iiya been ready I to advocate - or defend
this corner stone of Itepublican instiiutions.—
Let farmers exchange seeds jof inforrnation as
P well as corn anti .potatoes and cultivate the
minds of themselves and their families as well
as the soil, and contentnapt and happiness will
settle upon them as well as increased financial
Smith, of the firm t Spencer it
, ,
Smith, has bought out 1 mr. Spen l
er - e interest
in the stock and the store business will.hereat
ter be carried on in the firm name of Smith dti,
bun. Mr. James Koons, formerly proprietor of
the store, lives nearly' pp site and dealsquite
heavily in butter, eggs, bu kwheat flour, &e. *
Aunuftti CENTRE.—Mr. H. Kintner, who has
been living :on James .LOtt's fermis; ill 'thoye
on to the farm of Ce L. Swisher,'April lst.4;
nr. ',Pit will let his farm to a good man if one.
. comes along otherwise he' will hire a meaktif
the month... John B. Hay has rent pd Slienff
Wbite'e faxm and will move on. to it A.prikiii.
.. * John Isatt's little son, about five ,
ire*Vf- ,
age, sWallowed a tin' whistle 'cbout atit# as-,
an old Jitsbicined one cent piece , whie
en boa parents very grett rinxietypopiV*4
. . : '',..„,- , ' , '4lik
as PI. ' -,j: _,
'l;„,assa3at'COnliKES— l A ' greal deal 4r- itatiees
is prevailing in these part a. especially )among
the children, the diseases b4ing Diphtheria and
scarlet fever, which is carrying 0ff. , ,1* Sr a the
little;nes. At Mr. Conipton's whtitirad‘',4l very
interesting , famlly, one boy of e ars and
two beantifhl little twin girls ofArge liars
and so near did they - look alike 44 - Ai:pa.
rents taa great difficulty in telling VriOrt. 1
The' ittle bov was taken with theitteizOt
Wednesday and both the girls on
~ Thlit4y„
and so fearful was the 444430 that on i #4oo4.
>of the first day one of the little gir11,12,4" . :.
lit Awe* "014:4°. only 410300W4a:: ' ,
,-:;.:3' `-
very low with consumption. The, tvisck.lust
,winters .wail© : ,,.-the
hops that some benefit - might be derived,—
'}:very tin thaGlove Or , nffeetion could do has
been-besto upon ;her Übping:;that her lye
'might be pare& ti:* the-family. • E.
.AUBURN 4 - conNErca. 7 Mr, Lina ery, our
landlord, expects'ilienethe hotel to Mr. M. J.
Murphy.' • He to - take possession April 15t....
Quite an interesting Beene occurred at this
place on )irdriesdayl-eveding last; it' yeoli the
event of a ' of a Entunderstanding
'between. two young min. .it'spettis that a year
:ot' more' 'ago `Mr. :tHalsey '_.Sh y,. residing
near Elk Lakei'ea*:,o4 4 46i' . to:tftis'PhiCe and .
Offered for sale a horse;4lcitig s6o . lbr the ani
mal. He readily 'toundUpurchasier in the'perr
Son of Mr. Edward • LeniOn for the above sum.
Ifir. Lemon paid himilrliand $5, and Mr.
'agreeloeko,biiikAo . horse down ,in
ing and receive the balance of the - Money, $45.-
Nett .FUOrnkngMr.,_ Lemon waited at home.,
tieire ) ,:nn6
betweeniixind 'lo,O 3 clOck"'anditr.`,SiiiinOt ap
pearing witli'llie''lOrs'e.::Wei f i ' t"aN l Vay. About
time or. ulit,tle ; later,' •A i lr, Shay came down
tb the COrderS-'W,h,::-the- liortfe itia.Mr t .Leppik
riot" appeari4,'' afide'Wt'citing three
hours went ,hoide.aiad afteriVard :edict- the horse .
toother parthweach•party• .111. the case , think;
ing 'he the,fhli . e.
On not being satisfied withitliglafrair in this
shape comtuene - i d'a•euit before geq,....Le,; : apq ! l;l.
lew :lays ei:eyipu.i to tine trial'upon the OM
'cation Of some friiftidA they'atfeed k id Teter the.
tO:leterets ,stbose detisif
lidal,Which they did ;and the : referees ;•i ; tter"li . e ii-i
lug fsrocifk, ; 'anil;
that Mr.' , 'Shay:Should to "Mr:
$ . 5 -
• " •• • .• • • 7• •+ . • •. .
the and,e:aeh party lo pay one half the 6stg.'
(Dee - iit . 6U upon the grognd
was not. ti-proper delivery Inflde,- that the ,horse
eltould haye beep :taken to the prcinises 0( . 115.
.!;einon' t ) ql:a:kr(t
add Mk'llerlion 4 aliO4ed the bobs w io kviii6
very numerous to, indulge freely in peanuts at
his expenSe and thus ended pleasantly what
might have . otherwise:4been--.a . very Unpleasant.
lawsuit.• L.
BROURTLYN.—Mrs :INT. L. Gordiuieee funt.ral
was largely attended on' Saturday last' by rela
tives and friends. • Services conducted by the
Odd •FellOW4AeSisted hk the Masons.: ',ll,ei&S ,
buried in. the Stark cemetery on Tunkharnock
creek.... The series.ot
_meetings ~ at the M. E.
church have closed. Some eighty-five conver
sions, and) fifty-seven have united , - with the
church,. The pastOi, J. H. Weston, is energet
is and faithful and • his .10)4 has not bee_ n. in
va n;...Sereet lamps are gang up at the prin•
cipal places of business anti_ churches, two at
each church will soon be lighted as orders are
out toy the same. We: have . mornhar, tkntl!eit,e
fling Set - vibes at each church every s Sabbath....
D. A. Titsworth Y,rk buying goods,
to refill his . store. He is a square man In deal,
patronize him....We hope the donation 'visit
at Rev. J. H. Weston's will be a success on
February 3a, as he is a
,s9cial r and. woFtlvrpas
tor. 442 Palmer - his } ptirchasect the
pld M. E. parsonage. R S. Gere having bought
her farm....M. McVicar has. epld his house
and lot on Water street to It Cogswell, con
sideration s7oo.Ahtl'loMb* one on his lot
on Church street.... A. C. Quick has spud his
to.'Nelson. Tiffany, consideration $2,900
..A. S. Waldie has sold his farm to, John
l and sellhig fol. $l2 Pet ton. Lows
I - and selling froth '435' to -. 5402:::i. TitswOtiii
Was appointed constable 'last Friday. • Lie is.,
now - readrtutill ail orderSliiliii
in #epitklicii,i;pf er6141
and fir44ly - itddressed to the Montrose DEMO
CRAT. Mistakes will happen. ...We under
stand tkerp,
court, that's business. , ...The tax-payers are
indignant with 'proceedings Of Commissioners
in appointment of Clerk:
' BrOokly n, Jan. 26, 1876.
. "Tip" Illapk4c's CAU.REI*-A, reporter of
the Binghamton Time. went to Owego
. on
Saturcin, e,_v i e4tig , t3 secure particulars regard
ing the career of Hayder, the . Binghamton
burglar.. The principal events * oTel:therewith
were:obtained' by-the reporter. from-ex-District
Attorney, D.' 0. Hancock, Under-Sheriff Tim
Robertson and emplore in t 1 9opnty Clerk's
office in charge Of 'the records. "Tip" Hayden
as he *as familiarly - called, was born in Ithaca,
but his parents rtmoved_ ,to. Owego when :be
was quite Ow. ' lie, is nearly 24.1Year4r age - .
From the earliest_tehildhon4 he'llak'shown k
• • • I
disposition to appropriate whatever 'he =soul!
find to steal; and at the same time exhibited re-
Markable daring . for one so yoring2 ile'Wso
the terror of his schoolmates, and was known
on several occasions t& lintiMl4Sle them by.
drawing a pistol and Liming it":iit them. The
first offence On recoriligigifitV# - itWO%
ted at the::agetilof:abotttk9 fi
years:l ejieereted
himself il k x.',Al4 - ,;slii",":'Oditr.,,Williatn 'it: Bell; •
one evening= and Was left'inside when the store
was o lo4tor die night. * During the night he
Tillo - t* , : , moncy drawer,: seeuring a small
ariiiinnOiririeinally in pennies, and, breaking
out, from the store," The crime • was traced to
Aina, - with a fair degree of certainty,: but he
flisggeTtb escape , by, fastening it upon a com
paiMi; , When the companion was aiterWard
examineel; it was conclusively c proved that
Riveter' was thethief. '.
Other ;;offerices , of a •
Instances similar kind, and numerous iineg
, . . cof pock
,O.picting are remeMbered against blunt. about
tufs timer A short time afterivard a min tray ,
• 'ell g on the Erie Railway bad bia peeketr,pidt.
,ed of $l,OOO or $1,200; An unavailing effort
was made in ;.Owego to discover the thief, and
the man finally departed, singularly - forgetting
~ ,
to leave his address. A short time afterward
l c t, was learned that Mrs. Hayden, "Tip's" moth
er, had
,'in her possession a large amount of
money, and on being visited 1 and elotely, goes
*lied admitted the fact, but- said that "Tip"
found among some chips in the door
yard. The money was_ depositedin a bank in
i Owego, 'and every effort :Was made to find Its
QWner, but without any . avail.' Otir Infornient
Ijo ,net, know What s iluittly , beeame of the
alter this a r4l*ii , aceprFed itha-
• A little affeilhis a lady ilit.---Ctindbrioh' l her
way frtini-BinehaMtert ttiV*egtilitid r herfnek" , ''
'eta pickedmpon the'. cars, ,and on ).ornrriytil at
; Owego gave a Aescription of a boy who sat
near ber:and'..Whom• she suspected; which Piiiv
od to be "Tip."- home. was -visited atidthek
money was tonna in: possession . of bis mother.
said ~ t hAt.”Tip"-liatillciund fit. The.most,'
remarkable part of "Tip's" bidgrapliy,.!at i this
time is immunity, fronts the pun
ishment .mightl-lutve --been .-expeeted , to
follow sucteoffences. JThis seems to l have :been:
`owing principally Ito his mothery who `showed sa
„wonderful Capacity getting ”:1 i pr, off,. or, in
'h ng phis! sentences lightened; Many , thefts
'were committed on the-cara , at this : -.time;• int
'which he NOS supposed -to - hays implida
110CRA1, FEB. 2, 11876.
ted.•••: , • ~,,,, I . ~
• • When. ftfteen :or sixteen Tears, ofd -age he at
tempted at Port Jervis one.ortlie e.oolest.and•
most delibdate erinies •on i.reeerd4- • Mrmyr:of
our readers will retnemberitheeitcnnistante: , - 4 )
The boy % entered the;bank.,abouti:nooti;liid
took a seat at' )the .stove; telling.' thebanker,lie•
was waiting for his father: A leci . anotnenta
lsi ter,. while I •the .hanker ;‘„wits • t ) % ,. kirk '':iitiliis
books witkhisback!to:th4 boy; he Oefirdflt,pler-n
-tol spot behind him and: turning: isa*AbObop
with i smoking pistol in his-hand: ,t Sidi that
shrewdness: ands.l ready: wit . for owhich he• ls. re i 1
tuarkable, the boy explained that he bad been/
handling a-pistol, whieht-he liadiusti purbbnsid,
when it suddenly went off, into the registeivt.
Illastory Was;believed,but•tlie , hanker; ow, agOn
turning to his desk fonnd-..thatithei hitill;had
Ca, eonflucted.after :‘"Tip's".. favorite Iplarpotibid
ing •in• the::store. before it iwasi e105ed,,,...9Tip!!•,
was. found , hi ithaeit 4 l.rintif(twinttetritrthanade .
to arrest. him.:After'.eludingAbii!effiCers a Sluirt'l
' tim e• he was pursued, • into ammeter elosei.aii ‘t hel
Clinton Ilonse, and caught: None ';of the inon- - N
eyer NT altiable: papers , taken' lwere: fOnntimplin
him, however. , • Suspicion -was Airected , toAne
' vhult ot•the Water. closet, and it . viral; fotuniftinit
the stolen: vabiables • , bad - been• throwiri,intoit..,
when 'lip" - wati:vorneredi. ilaostOf 'tile Teton
.hle papexemere.recoveredi ,,,, 4 ,--, ) ii!:• - Oil i 'mo.
Strucklitinie , paPers ~i n !front of bitn,land 'mist
have just missed his head. "Tip'iwasiationcei
a rr.estett for the , etlenee;.(was : tried, convicted,
and being'underi sixteen y,ettra• °rage: was sent
to the' House of Refuge at Randell's Island.- 1
Aftei t a few months itt:'...thitv:Place i he;Wan piir
tioned out through the intercession of) Judge
Farrington." , ' .•. ~ - - •• • ;t, •
Not very long after _his pardon be.comraitted
a rape in Owego, under aggravated; circum4.
stahces..; .lle ; was confined:. in jail,:but suCceed
ed ation•after in:breaking out, together! liitil a
conipanion. r •,, . •*. :..,,.: •,.. ~• .1 J' , , 1 : :
The sane night, (April 16, 1860,)iie =and an
accomplice entered I the . ; Tiost-ofil . Ce; and = the
stores :of 'Edward S. Willetts; Mr.•.•Vose,l- and
others, in Candor, and stole' , merchtuldisel.con
slating of , boots • and:shoes, clothing'iand other
goods. The matter. was Traced .tift.ilieria;•they•
were arrested; , tmdionl tbetlOtli ot-Jaiittaryfol
lowing,lt the Court of Sessions sentenced to
imprisonnuntftit Aisbura;State . olliFloso;..llayden
for.ten yeats,. and .snits COmpanitm-fronealathati•
Finney—forfiveyears. , Judge Farr , ington,wbo
.1403i11een411. 1 meanS' of ; fleYden'a,,lrelease Mein
iMprisOntrint on one or, two previous Octiisions
pmidedv , -131;:pimiatuicing Hayden's: lenience
f l hAJhfige - alluded.tothiaiAlseti ,, anit , sald•thatolie
had bad every oppor,fonity, to:igiccenennben-:
esti Wan t , thatike-.w as; Ala% fit; in , beist large; , and
he : felt,it.his dutylogives,hini tke,lull'ettentlof
'thelaw:: *obably ,notker who -h‘rd! the Judge
on 'that. cceasion : will , :tiver - .liirget ;his earnest,:
`solemn and impressive words, ; , . - .1,
Hayden. rentaino itviAnburni Prisoni , untll
l. December laat,!Whenr , btlreturned . _to lir botie
in•Owego.ll;The.cireornstances.uhder,whick he
was•released iis-not 'known. „.It;iis i s claimed by
thembess of the , family that it was undera re
ceniclaw,of the Legislature;:i.:Hiyderpsan that
it was under it pardon front thetl,Gowribar;irtnd
:it is only a matter in which be and the Govern;
prareconcerned: , 'He re,tnrneti ;to Owego „Oil
the 9th ult.' - . ..,ironic . -,••:, :
His health has beenalowlit failing during his
li f e .in A9 l ? l ?r.h , it,tlo , frot. 3 ?,4eixig rioSilstlglvitrt ,
straight as an arrow and,of powerful physique,
heehas "bectinte2thin; pallid, round-shouldered;
and-is 'said_hy.thoser - vibe kiiejtv him sitlye'ans i I
ago to be•but the' ghost.of bis fOrmer 'seiti : t '
' tfe claims' to bete •friiinithied • lin , OVrega 'din ,
ing.most of the, time , since his . ' Telettifet. ••••Sitya
tlitiColf•tlie evening of Itherobbery;ift.Hnion,of
which he was - auspeetekife - cap-Pion-that he
was With reliti4s-in Elmira. -- Ile - Statei; that .s '
Week ago he visited, NeW .York and , obtaihed!
employment ns.a: book-binder,lenving hii:inutit-'
6 4 at.Greatl3end. -'Aa: he clii•'prOiluee ' no'let''
terse' , from these • parties, and is;iinnable , to give .
their name !orlocalityjit 4s safe'' to infer that
i t
tils.part of the story is either Wholly or in [Part.
= Ofife.• ' . C). .1!) -.,:ifil ) 1 -- c ..1,:. 1. , •
11. siting -Jiity den's .home abOut .S o'clock in'
the etiating,:tlie •. Tinza report:Or found' a
1001thig-cottitglinearnhe).dePoi,••iiii tllo'.lo wer
floor of whichthelatitily livedi, A.)gitit of about)
twelve yearif,i)epliesl9:ictipe 'all, and .iushered
the reporteriiifoithil,,*.lionkly turnithed; but
scrupulously neat =iiit4lngf; 'beta. , A.-Coal fire
- was just perceptible In a small--Stove, but that'
the family were not entirely dt)plintiefit upon - it
for heat was shown by this lactlthiti4lie:moth '
er and children were wrappidAtOliyahawls.
Mrs. Hayden came from 'an 4 14#Ininefivinn,
followed by a little girl of
,abOut. , bigfit Yeats.,-
She talked freely about; her etc;'' She saidthat
be did not go to Binghamton for thelnitpoSe
of committing
.the burglary, :but' tillicriniade
his friend _to giveup the undertaking.' •• Hefted;
always treated tile family .kindly, Antl,s,'4iiit
weredepending largely uponi, hini'fOr ittliPort t .,
during the coming few morithgVlieldi
her:after returning from Auburn - that hoi - iiatil
through with prisons, and intended AO lead a
rapectable life. He . had, obiained- . 4 situation
in alfook bindry •in New_ liork, and'-was :t&
commence work there on the 27th . hist. ller.
husband had led a dissolute life, and...its.lrag
largely, owing to his example . that ""Tip" ad"
made such Allure,
Ladjes, Mi.fieS and 'Child'nos 4 -ilikir *ii ''
e : •,.., 1 ,,,
~,i ..
,1„--.. 0
Gokitand Glove Kid Shoes 4 • - t .-::- " ' -1 4 1. r -
Fen t 4tb. Bee advertisetuo c - :,:•, '' ;;,,r ixt '
examination Tnurede,y, .. . . -- ? - - - i1..4.:,.!=-L - •
='-- ,- "=. 2. - 7 nr , ',-;:er . ' 1 "=1; . ,:f=
. .
7111: Osiness Locals,
Ddn'i dI i aterand
Shoes, February 4th.T-Seeltdvertise!nent.
Good .eltagge tbr...mproltants. r )3,00t5,.,an
sh'oes at tuiction Feb. 4tb. advertisetingui l ,
FL` Roterttbal; Auctioneer. ' i s • ".
•,+ .3 ;
'XOw Is your ~ chance.. . Ne 4
and calf boots an shoes ut, auctpt), tn. pts.
.`:Bo3"adv: Stictiorieer;
1,61104 No:soi,f l ; aild 'A. M.
willlite!tureceptiou and batiquetlrFhtliney'll
„Info* d i Paz, oaf , Tuesday) evening:.
;Feb. 22. .. • •
-711 - li , •{;
rd ; Feb, ;'3',"1.4.i6.
WAlir ~REP;T: FAUX.' .1 t• •,;it t •
The subscriber is desirous of renting a fat u'w,,
would ;prefer a farm that is stocked, Gan give
gvkikreferelices:= Fo frig tiler 4 1 .494
at Ili isl dike; or ;address ' E. 0: BALtriviit;''
.:F94q/, /.8764.; ';,, ;,i: ,, -FOrest - Lake;Ptn•!.'
• • ku
D . 4tifOk—Tlie'filerlics ileitt`3%i t ' E. Bram :
bail will nitike ilimli - duliation,visii at' tile
inc%ol, ;the•M. , E. , db Web, Fakedixlei on 'Friday
F 0). 11,P44, 4, gear il iqvitlition,ia j cxtended), ,
BY. COm.
Feb: 2
. 1
Do "A.mnt .4.Ttl'e! , lfriatdsiifor ',lievP'Lutlief
NY, 04t . yv il.l poke r him , iit lioluttiorvirisWAV4i
~iri Springville ,op ty p.,.4 I ten:l,69_4; an -
_4:4`eiitil t(ii tikakir, F,elirottrjr Ifth. " The public
ire: to tlitit)i;iri jilted . to . lit . ten . ll2" . - 1 ' " - '`: "i'
i -_:..:i:: 'f; •.., .:1 As It'llittOnt i navoto)lt';'/ ,
,§1)Fog711,1o, Ftl). g, 11 - 37 Q, i, ~ ...,i ~) , 1, 1 ; ,-
{aOn ; 'f,f;
_cvening 2ptil, be,
.t,wten' i ' blinctrkAbi
_aft Miltdd
i WI - A . 441 1 in)) 1 1 44)gre,i _Can •litt dDr its
ret,urn rig , Ole PPM,,(III-4cP*Wilit 4e §r r! , 44444 1 413 1 -
reed '
-,; ..•,, ,
....14(iiitense: Feb: !.1,'1816*1." '
- " t:
40RAT4,4- T,it iDernocioic elocAoh of BtillgE,;
.n-1.0 2 4rt5,
requested : to : ppm. 411 i 4cgopl i t19,11*,,
it iNfritrose tiaturilayliVol i y. 41.„”gp .i
Out' In ' 4 ticfc:ef k .
nt town officers .to • i.if3 l Voted
Bii env
• ,
'• 'r . - i'll
it; 't . "Ohl
COUri'lloll46,: 011' .Strintday l ,-Febl : s'2itt 0 7 e1Oek'
I),e. 'a:meeting - if& therpur. -
ppse., Of .orsapizi,),lt t 4-,..F34,114* ; club. .A.ll, per. :
sous intecittic.l are iriyited,. come s ,and help .
Ottatiii.e: . • ttittestiOn' - 'fOr'' tie, it
time.Will , permitr"Tho t Dairy; 6)1(1 how to nirike
,prOutable , " , ,Lot us get up. a lousintluttv ,,,,- ,
MAri s Fit t ßl.ll.4 . St
Montrose, Feb. 2,'1876.
it.tAXItIgE..WORkS. . ~, '.'-:-. '.- i 7 .-• i - i ' '
• The : 'ipult - paugoelt . -..l4arple, '. Works of -Burns.
& Wiltite are, doing 'a good business and are
getting - Ott ,snore • very tasty jogs of 'Head
Stonfs- - and - 'lttoiluineit ts: A. B: Burntrof 'the'
Ettgl Drug.Steirei , is their autherized agent for
Mon rose,. and.. viehift.y.. ! lie- ..htt .dcligns. of
Rea 'Stones . and 'MOO amen ts,. .Any orders left
w ithilt flu' will ti . e,.prOintitlY failed
,bYßUrni .&
. white.,:.: - -,- .: ~ - :,. -t; -4. - f,;:. - . ~... .. ... ..
:Tunkhannook;•Feli 2 18761 f. ,', :, 1 'l., f . :,-1.;..,
b4 l ,iiiii , iroii,'-kft‘ eoneert: 'lilt' tie kivOi it
the Preskliferitah•eliiiith , liP.ThitioefCiiti r the eve''
ninAltog• Friday. i'lMar 11, tvk:4'erir. - :Abel.Wrigler ;*-
it'ssitited by other ereinoUvocAliets.;.43o . ranietit.:
eine-0...7 ~)',91,0ck. t. R„ R., At t4l: , f :elpse,;,9f, the
ef;tidert toisi4ster supper will ': be pieyidectlbr
t'ettetit.lot 1167". 5 s M' :'G:ilLifned' `aid` Abet
ey.•-to siihtebTall.'itrel inviretif e*l - oillietb .
(LW n %Lye Kub*titotie,l evidence i thatl)theyyttp4'
pr. htte_tbOr.egofts-• 144 .10.1:yiliceffhi.*eb t Oflo . F,
the ko'od thiuse. , • :'. . - • •-- -•,
._. .. :.,
-Pirtioek; ;Feb: 2,481(1iv2,f - -• i • Irk i , • , i - i/ • ."•!"' ~.,..•
•4,.. ) 1,,,,:t •• - - • --...i.: " 0 !,..,);') I
. * 4: 5 1.4 'Ill": 1 1•
wiriett sttifitlS thel 3 ol;:tti . befor t
torriblot tin! ,firit soldiers? .;th fell in , the liiF '
lutib , u,4la ( ltwt lug , beautiful .tributeiof4rt. - ;
'lt;ils one 51 : the, tirst objects, so d ugl i,.str9g-,
'erg 'litsiting Our sister `city, Vilkich ticked tuany
vigitlltittioselY to iiee'tlAg
.artl 'it:wag:obtained froth'Ml King'of..'.l3aVa:- . -
ria:l,by •Dr.l J. C...A.yer, to= whoin :mljesty.'
W"PPPc.i, 4 I I Y: gr,cipio,V . aelmsglet-lgeniqni, 9t
whifelligretnenies are'repttta to,futire ()one for
'dOtlnted by Doe
torlto the City orLowell , at , permittelitlttird
the'. victories. - both Of
'Sekence . and A.Trui.--.lfagppltouniS*l.).Proft.,,,,
this' Office. 4 )1 •
• ;
Totr#EPEOPLE, p 1 #l4.),tiptosE Aro Vicnivryi
o t' : W
not procur e. the, inte-P4BP
initioote tin' the' gie•ltt . e . van'g'eliO,s.', Mocide:t had
Srifikey= f "IllsA'JO.Ni4tE tiTguyaiist. Agee .
= Nontierse, ,•:.
'ltirroojtAPns.l:--Pictures ,lakep in all tholat
est, atylei.` OOld pictures" copied and enlarged.
lAftWa 'splendid lot orframes 'bale' 'cbta'p - ,
, at GI W.: . Dootrirrate.. ,
Mon,troae;. l l'une AO, •
A it' ROsEN:ntAr, ' Prac
} cal Auctioilear. , *ill
'(t isctii ti ) lication) atteii to'aillil4ic' sales hi,
trip above tatiacity.
_Te ms reasottable. ' 81%04=
factipp, ;warranted.' , A dress .or , apply -10 1 11;
Il l psenti}al, care of ,S - .. Pilltuatt & Co.,Ppst,'s
bAilding; l''Oti trose l ' Pa. 2 : , ,/.
' tJaif.'l9,'lB76tr.'' ;" ' '''''''
iiAWTORI) lAOIII C ULM LT HAL SOCltri: ; , :{ 1 ;
• IThp Annual ,w..eting of .;be:Martord Agicuk.
tar:A Soeiety
. be 11CW / tit hOuse
ii gartbid 'Village On )16ridity even
sty 7th, for the election'' oraleer l 4;qtriti - the
transaction of such/bWitileBaraB may be brought
before the Smie),,,(.. S. • ,
' ' ni.Etcri
/ n Se 'Y. •
liarford,,Jun. 26,1878112. - • ,
06sire to eancraillet: the report ,tluit t
elieuttitioh‘ ilhitrtitave tranglV,rrea illy agencies'
other partlei. 'I 'stilt' retain''the :agenek fur
till-Cornpunies in my. aitvertieed list,andtall . bus;
iness effinto ft !.C! : MY • office still ,has nay . , pe
4onal supervisi9o, f •
lituipicta Srlo:ub.
, I , lOhtroße;lnn. 12, 1878: ! ," 2wB,
()owl, l i 'ooK I 1
111 owdicine quality \ -ls, the tirst i importauce.
N.' B, Bums at the Eagles Drug Store keepo con
tantly'on Build a - full supply,orPrench, t)cr•
pari;'English' and American Dru6,4ledloines
lt,nd Chemicals. Also a choice .selection of
arttoltsi and fancy goods.. 'lbe largest
'And best stock of Pocket Bpokiiin town.
Montrose; Jan:s, 1876.
t ' - ' ° ' l 0
.' TING. ~, : - ,
I -
.-- e have Just ,received a ieiy,larg stock of plitiii and'fauey'efivelepes, letter and notnija
iper,,plain and fancy - bill bead" papers, eards'of
iidtsizes and , colors, colored.poster paper* eta.
?iallof which wo n afford to print cheaper
than any - office in. his or neightxtring counties,
and, in as, good . *V e. Work done, in black and
'.colored Inks. It you think.' there is Ow that
eau beat uSi'gh'e us s . trial ? ,' Ind we willidiovi
137434 *hat w - can do; ' All Mud* of Meath on
' bud or printed tevarderi,
„OuluMugnesse Dintory.
,; cached
wo in thistlltectofyone ycar
litiofialrito, SO deo 81
--MONT Wholesale and Reai
- - - - -.--- - ROSE
wm dea .: l ll er A 'i t n?l ll l Iti W n b d U s T o i f S al i st a ta t • erin t
roofing, slate paint, ete.
Roofs repaired with 'lute paint 14{,ortler. Alao,odate:
paint for sale by, the gallon tir hnrrej,, illonttost.Pa„
;BILLINGS STROUD,: G,eneitt 1! ire a'pdLift-Instr
, 'ante Agiriifei ated;eell Railroeu And Aceidentnektt
to New York and Ph Radelphth .i.'olßee on v doe r east
ofthe Bank.
_TO & _CORWIN. Dealer, in Humes, Hardware
and Manufacturers of Tin Aud,Sbeetiiiin w*rg.oornet
of Mi indTtiprolkoltreet;. - ,
N dealer In uroceriesl Proyisiotp
Hooka 4 SEtit one And Yatikee "trotithia, At. lead of
Public Avenue.* • . •. 1.;-. 1.
• WM. li. COOEER & Itanktra;ltellziroreigi F p as .
sage Tickets and. Drifts On Zngbaid s kelrt land Sent,
land.!* , . ,
:WM. L. COX, ;nicker unit dealei all article
usually ktpt tiy the trade,oppoeitp,tbn ' •
JAMES I. CiRMAVT, Attnnipy 'it, citnte one
• door below Tarbellliduse. PubliCll 4. eiti` ' OO •
El. ROSENTH Auctioneer s s Care. o( :S. Pilinon
Co., Youtrose;l'a. Alp. 19, '76:1
t - NEW MILFORP.--• - - , ...
SAVINGS BANK, NEW , MILVORD.-4 t pelftent. In
•. teree;,o n 'all Deposits. , pneer l a Eg9tier
_Baultlag Mar:
ness: 4111-tf ' S. D. CSASE4I6.,CO.
`II.GAIIILgT ,:te SON. - D ealers, lir pont, Treed..ldei .
Salt; Linre:,. eeinent: 'Orneertei and Prbv,"!nc.ns of
Mnin Street, opposite theDep,ot4! ' - ',' "
1 , I.:: ir: IMBER . ..carnagelfaktft il ' nd , •Undertaiiir oa ts
iin Street, two doors below Ilawley7s Store.
„ . . • .. .
GREAT BEIsiTY." ' ' " I
O. Y. I D 0 1 11AlC.Xerclant Tollor'sndAeoler irk 'Anil;
Made Clothing, Dry Goodei l Groce9 ea and . ,Provlsluns
- Mirrairtnet, ,1 , '. _ ~.. . .•,:. ..1
0. , A
tt ,
V11.01 C. 1
' :,kie,"•
111 .
• .„E
col _
I JS 'i I
~. .~.
~ ~ ...
It is fillicinlh•ll it T iionSeArol"stahle'nsn.A
c'omhinatilm,tlistoitered'hy. a celehrated,Eng
itshchemist and horse•farrier. Was Introduced in the
United the year lt;511, and since that time, by
its great olfccesa, in;the cure of,' it ha± . won
rofitklf , t`tiat World wide 'reputottfOnr it , on rlchlyt des
erves. and now otund* at the head or all4inamente un
It has already gained the confidence and admirition
of thousands of households Jot its many cumr"of dis
eases were external i•nplicaticins are of so much impor
tance. It is•eiffiecially admired ' asa familyremedy for
its peculiar chemical combination. possesing no harsh
ingredients. [like tincture q,cayenne or red-pepper, of
which cheap and valuless Ltatments
• are largely com
posed.] which Increase instead of dinithish . the infianis
lien, making it oy nature a speedy cure for •
-" :• POISONOUS INSECTS. itc: • •
. ,
TestimOnleks And dlrecticins accomp any each bottle.
Bny one--only - 95 cents. 60 cents, 'ot $l.O-and if it
does not give good satisfaction return the bottle hall
full and your money will be refunded: Call for 0. E;
S. S.; and take - no other. - . • , •
• D. G. CARY. & Co., Proprietors,
, , Middletown. Orange Co.: N.. 1
A ii . BifitNS . and 3;1, 4. LYON,
T "Druggititai Montrose; Pa. • • ;
nrrhusahlo aX al : Wholesale, Mud retail stores tt the
County, ,
Montiom3 ltay! sth. 1875:i.=
or Diseases ofthe Throat -ad 144114.44inch 5 .
ad etin Ook: voifilr; hoOpit th
UrCou, Bron
chitis, Asthma, and ConsumptionW.i.7'
'Le feir compostitatts which
.111. confidence.,Pl
.find and 'bredrrlT honk.-
td 'Words
~apaotig .no.C:onlY
but many nations. mnpt
extraorditiaryi one ,cver. secured
wide ii reputation. or
led it so: loug.ria "Arees
:r,ry Pectoral. It has been '
viti 'UP the •iinbile abottt
ty years, by ,a lougroutln•
series of mariciut s cures
;* have won for it. .a conli
ice In its p l : l 2ver
icine. It 'Still. makerPthe
___lghs, „ • gold*, CoitsignptionA.
he by Medical skill. liideed . the Carluti
Prcionat. ;zits really robbed, thyse liamtiOnmit ()lessees/
of their terror*, a,great _extent, and grvenji feeling ,of
initnimitylrord their • fatal e ff ects, that fa Veil !banded
if the remedy,heitaken in season; „Efery
:have in their eioset fur the remedy and prompt relief
:of Its members. liicknest, suffering, and even lite - it
saved by this timely protection: , Tb,e p_rpaent i otiould
not neglect - it. and the wits will not: ' Keep' it r)y yon
for - the protection it afford* by its titncii use in sudden
ittacits. ,
' • ' : 'razPsurn BY, , -
Dr.. J: C.! Ayer' & Ctr Lowell Mass,,
Pract icaLatid, Antilytical,
SOLD- ALL' D111,34301131'S AND . D.EALERS •IN
3*LtDICIN E. '
N0v. , 2 4 .1875 • 7 . , • ' 4T ' •
TO' zra/ it 47 URAL rITALITY COLOI:.
- Advancing yeirs,,sickness
--e. dleappolatment, and
7ctiltary predisposition,
tutu the hair gray. and
ter of-them iodine it to
- id prematurely.
:YEWS HAIR . Vtoon, by
gaud extensive use has
wen that IC- skips the
dug of the bait
,-• , often rehewe the
mat, and alwaVs' surely
Itores it* color; when fad
,or gray. It stimulates
nutritive r - orgittis to
ialthy.activ ty and pre*-
. .
mty. Thus brahy. weak
hair become* mt. pliable Arid Stremithened
lost hair regrow* wit iblively expression • - felling hair
is theckett shn.l ;'thin hair thick ens and fad
ed or.grahltair resugtv their:Original Its opera
tion, is sure atthartnless. It cures dandruff heals all
hurreartkou'ndkeepst,lie sealp cool,!clean' and sdft—under
which poutlitionsAiseases, of the scalp are impossible.
As a drellAng for ladies' hOr. the Vigor Is praised
for its.tratefal and agreeable perfume, and valued for
tho soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts,
• t• •
AYER di Co., LOWtii, Miss.,
xtrit.424,:jurai.L4tri 14!1)191NE.‘
Ifititterol Loneness re.leved in : short time by the
use of Taylor's Celebrated Oil. - The grist Rheumatic
dstrailgic Itentedy: - .:Thts Ineditine is not cure
all. but.letwarrauted to 949 more 01 Oculist end ilisto ,
ivhich flesh IA heir' than any., other med'einu ever dis
covered. Give It a trial, If . yon do 'not find it so, it
COON you, mottling. It may be -used 'with the utmost
adVantage for any kind Of Pain, Loneness. Wounds or
Sores upon inan, or besot. Will not smart Ahe rawest
wound or sure. Full ,directions •for use around each
bottle, • Ask your Slerchint for a free vial. „No Cure—
No' Pa. , •
Tayl y oriti Cough Syrup or.Expeetorant.for all Thrust
and Lung diseases. Is , very plenennt to the taste and
contains nothing injurious. Try it,, and stop that
cough and take the soreness from-ota Throat and
, Ask your gorchaiit for a free N e Cure—
wo ray. ,
Tayloia Conditlf.n 'POwders for all kinds of stock and
poultry. •Warrente I the best renovator of the 0 7 0 ° 51
of run down ordlseased stock, that bas ever been dir
covered. ;Try them fur Ull.cilseaies incident to the
brute creation. Directions frit use , around each pick
age, Mo Cure — No Pay.
All the above medicines for sale by Abel Turn:Mani
Barns *, Mellon, of Montrose, and all Druggists , '"
Dealers throtigboui the conntrY
• ISRoWIi VATIO O . 7 "
October 111.1t'.—:11 '
Dings and ille;icine,
' , t ‘ l4i; ' 4364-
PnietleatantAttilytical Chemists.
•-: .."L