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BY 'HAWLEY' 'B6 CRUSER: f A 1 4A\ a al IDE PRINTEIOSPORE LINDEN. , • In the seasons Wife& are Subscribers so provokingsloiy, „ • ••, A few supplies keep up the flow , •I'l Of dimes departingrapidly; • 13ur We shall se satide c t • siunS,pPur In .from rztorn till night4',':' , l Conimfgkding every. sixpence bright • To.be forked overSpe'editY: ' * • Our4bnudsan ue hills art rri yy d, • Dictums' and)signaturedisplayed,; r'he. tiblders vow, they must be - • "Withibitits of lari'atid',Chaiteery.” • _odesPal: We're alind'i ' n l v en, There's'. precious' littte use of Whentour last copper's rudely riven c• • ' Fioni•hithdli that hold it loyingly: 13ut larger yet . these dims shall grOw, •,Wlieu r interetit's lidded on beloW,l' Lengthening ~ouritin fo,4,fat:lstp, Wlfen gazing at 'themhopelessiy. • - • :1 1 iS so thitt Siaice we hard begun " ,; Toplead for tithe' upon a dint, Before tliere,comes, another ono, 'Demanding payferoeiqusly. The prospectdarkensr---on ye brare.l,,„ • • littho :would niir Very WAivni t patrung,,all.yottr pretexts.warsre;r • , And pity 'Ur printer cheerfully, ,• • , - • ` : Alii it Would' 'yield us 'pleasure s'wept f ._ .' lbw delititluetith riorf to Meet; Asking 'use clear receipt ,•• For papers. taken regularly: THE MIDNIGHT TRAIN ".„ • • 1 / titrit Uncle Royal, am Certain he, will .1) "re foriii',7' sUittli.ero . 1"Ife has promised' the," • . ' Uncle RoyaLloo l ked down, with &sort of mild sublinlepity. frein the height of his ei . fect two, upon his . pretty niece, as he stroked her silky hair softly. "Mylmor Hero; he said; ”what 'the word of a . drunkard worth ?" - "Oh,-, uncle; dourt use that cruel word: Don't call him a., drunkard," cried..the girl, shrinking baCk it,lrour a hlow. hardly know valid other. Word.is applicable to him, Hero.`` "Ifo,he will nev= er reform.':._ And, child, I'd Tathek see you in your grave than married to u mama that drinks." • •- •• •- _ • . t•H'e hail promised," pleaded the. gill, I her eyes shining, like bltie : 117150'174_ stars.. "Uncle, oUght'lliof eh' give hini anOttiee trial?" :..: :1--: , _ , fa :,,i -,i , !-. _. ; . :- ‘‘; , o, He:shookitiisitield :, ) 1 1 ,; .*, - , , •-: ' "My common seuse,,44o,,says no." ..- "I • hate corririion sense l' flashed _out, He o, "P6iifile''itliTrays talk about ,dam mom sen se , When they -'ineitii t 6'. 'be led ' and cruel.- :' I , love I:lfirry ..Rivers,; _and I mean to marry,liitir,:ii4 Spiteof the Orp ing sneering, Worldi'i,,. l j -' . ~,, 1 Atid Hero Went awciy,thro gii;the gold- , en waving of ifie n 'etvg'...Of iripeping rye, • her blue - Jibbed .fltitteimg 'like penno'n's \ a, in the_hrgoze„,:i : ,' . ..;,-, ; ....., = , ~i .. ,- .. ( ,-., 1 ' ,`Uncle, R0..y . pl hooked after her. with: a countenance of misgiving. . .;,,, .., , i,' , : , -. . "Like all oths.girls ' ,_is 4 he ,1141h.e..i5. detel-Mined to have her own way; e AO, if she•Y*ill WriA,lferielf ''! I ace. h e ii:". ) ~- ~. "Do-yon expect Ilarr t 9 night ? Was :what - the • world irreverently tenth an old Maid, hut she was-quite . young enough at heart to syinpathize in ihe love, Affair's of. the- sis ter fifteen years her junior, to whom she had always stoolinthe -Ogee of a:moth er, and she too had!, - a• ,spot inviter heart for handsome dissipated .lariy Riv ers. Sh ? sp4e ,from the ,window while Hero waft kyver the ea 4, a' . light scarlet, shawl thr . own across, her ,\shoul- ders: • ~- ,•,. -, ,,, L - . ~:', : ,:.: ''' , - ;,.i .'':,• '.' .' l :,', ; -: ..,.. : __ "He 644;401'04a. ...c(itni'e, ;.:with!a ,lialf: • hesitating answr. - , ' • "It, is get - A.l4' fate ritikeol • ~ better -come' in to tike fire. - You kn0,w,4 1 . weli \ as I 'do . ; • that your throat isn't stionelkitt . .Ei°4: , . iaia. - • . .. 4 111 Come,in..4 Inmt4e.,” sti;i4.geroi' . 'They were-Aelling-tne 'lloivit." at the corners this afternoon," said F,rtninia; speaking with 'at,frks - t - ti - , "that the:'ltail ', road company are going to giSb,hargelbizn , frna th f Or eli*l4, ! ' , - • • .' •• '': i ' ''- -' 119'tatidOct„434 , pit.arOU'a4, 1 ,;:f1idii. . charge him I Wiiat-for ?" - • . b'l . --. ':.... . • "For habfitiar iiitti*leatiot.. !Iliey.say, it Is, not a_ 'safe- thing to employ..a,n4an wklio7...iailiiiiti al wayi liitiiE;eit.'?;. , -.!. • "It is' a slander,'' cried Hero ~ hotly.- - "It is the work Of'Sorne i base villain ., Who 1 1 . Wants the_post•liiinSelf.'"l• . .\.', . ' • • I "Very , posible;" said!rminia Radly,-- , - "Only 11eriy--40gett'beFAvbxeti,•witli me . .darling but tb ey • say ?arty has -fallen , in With that set .Of.trien . I from the - Mines. • and is getting - into worse . habits thain•ev 7 - • er1",,,.1; . ,:'.i. ~,, . • ~...-:[..±...',' ' • 1:446. thr rye II- her .. face' aw a y . • :i,,,,T, „Have yon only evil tidings to_ tedtme , Erminia ?'''' ' • • ‘--,...; :.•,;, - .-,,..,,,,,..ti1.!,t,1, , "I would that'ithev weregbod 'for your 1 sake, sister ! But the .air .is growing,' chill; we Will have t rajp: r , - , 1414 you pot better collie le r'' . .. "By 'and blfri, Don't teaser ine'.?" A.ud ,Erminia,- compprehending comprehendingthat at times solitude is the_ best ruedi' inti for .8 mind 'Aideased;*Said, nothing: - 00;iand i t closing , thy , pasemenf, sat dow tO her needlework, bY the light of a laittlE t ' -At eleven eclook, punetually, , she-irieut to bed; , after having aenertained,by a peep through the window, that' Hero was:etili leaning, on the tilt, all .. alone lb.: the sant u' umn dolt:ins, with red leavet:raining down - around her, and the , thelsuollolaT cry oran O.WI-iiiVthec'distatit woods lend- °The mulnicht• express • Paßsed by fit! an. additional ,tipg,e of, mournfidness teen or ,twenty min utea, ago," said Hero, ' to the - firmlY; 4 q* heard the Whistle." conic iti < When she is.. ready," ° "Are vou sure ?" " * thought; !don't like' to as "Quite. sure - sett any.authority when she is ''.°Then,,God have in- 41;on mY 'soul 1" to oae q# it•hg'sq •PPod." • • • crienttvers, Liirly.scobered at lad by the Nc, sooner: did Hero , perceive,,, by the shock.- •• - -• • --• 4-• - =• • , disatip 114 h light from- her ens- ' 'You need have no fears.' said • Hero, terse ,; • ' wil de*, that - Bimini% had sought coldly.' "I was . there: turned the , her pillow >;than softly: gliding'. thrimitil switch - I" .. • the : gate; she. harried down , the road with t", • 1:a ?` the scar,l9 i t ab,awl draWn tightly, OVer her; , ,: "Yes, I, I had seen y9a:dp-it, .knew . head; ,: 1 - • • - ihere'the key Was kept."' !• Will - not be deceived an ut off," I'ol - fere!" cried' Rivera, with a 'strong she :titurnihredrto 'fink sobin his throat, °yen 'are:iny griaidutri Qut for , Myself . whether`-e-whether angel 1 Hero Von are_ woman aniong trustfid.or n tioti - 7, • - t• ° . ten. thotisaud. Klee nfy, darting 1" !,11,f : the cOrper, - qt '''Npyer, again, "Harry Myers Vainiwered three rbairs , ,was, all alight as;she approach-, she,'Shrin king froin , ed'it;:an l / 4 1' thk.l'iVit)e open caheinen es has opened My eyes. 114eafter, We are she coulti;flieat the tprOarous' cliortii Of 'a the thereet Strangers to one , another." E ' drinking song,: the; clink of gliteees;.and; ~IShelPfte him, : searcely believing the•oy-. that 1€1 1 4A4, of t , besotted laugh4er, ;- , And; idence, of his own sense t ei, l *.q., lifting tioi of , : §wipt- ,Nave4: N oodlairees, The next day hiefo,rnial kern:, whi?,;ll . forni - ed 4 natural, eurtaiy.tb one of., theSentice 'of the riiilieadtompany came - wirisloWs;He'ro peeped; in% d• he 'accepted t Withinft prOtist. • Witlr'a girdling hkiirt `seti::' knew= .how darkoreeord, would iiation. .dispair -she 'saw' HarrY''ltiverti' ag,iiinst ,his name had , Lteroi chosen tcr risestuggering ,ti 'his. feet with*brinp.: speak, and he dared,,yot hazard ill retrion. ming glassin his hand, and, propose i some; strance. - ' ; - iliecotiih ,which was "received with fOr'ilJio `herself,'' lie d neve Bair' liaai noikpaPplallee b the riotouS aisOrriblage., again/ - 1, 1 r °- Dropping the woodbine' once tnore, - she - •Pgy‘girl," said ITnele , likya);'"y4M:a'N hurried away with-a white, set - ,worthy. of your . name, : , iAntkvheve,•the "God help me God. be .mercifuh :to- you•,,riever could., have •res e,cted Harry me !" she muttered. .For the idel whom, .Rivers t 6 a Wife should reSpeetlher hue- I worshiped has fallen to ',the ; Just at - that Moment thfar-riff whir 0 1 know it, uncle,"'she.said` softly.' tie of a train smote `=through the itiehee ..,Prit,alsilays within the depths- of her of the . night- , -4, sudden, ghastly.possibik own seal ahe s kept,.the.secretof the mid, ity, took passession of Hero's heart, • night e - .9ress "The midnight express," she Muttered to herself. And he de.sid drunk, in that bar-room!" ' d 1 Hurrying doWn stee„p h e ed=` less ,of scratching briars andCcruelly Piercemg thornes that rent her dress 'and dre* blood from, 'her_ tender, flesh, she ;Sprang like a wild deer down the declev ity, sca'rcely oaUSing for - breatliiintil 'She' had- reaeheiL the ,•iron , trae,k`in the:valley below, here A. side Tail , Marked 'the=in.• terse.ct i ing.,course of freight ; .road that lea away. toward, the northi every l hoining, 'Ora; eVeriing the'freight train passed'ever', the had bed; 'and if *as among ',\', cars' most - Ithpo4 taut 4klties to. turnlthe.,,,switch that connected this branch roa4 with, the after' thetreighttrain had gone ,by. • Had' remembered to do.*so tO 7 night? , , Or was the = long and lien,Vily ladetied et press.froin the 'West even: , howl hweeping on Ward to its certain doom of death and' destruction ?--• ri, . ' Hera :knelt. feelA of the liraCk: 4eidliloubt had too ranch_ fonndation in fact—tile striteh'had - not' been altered. since the 'freight trai>S iF Caine. up at:%sit 4Ohip:dew,beided over her ; ; forehead, a'sinking sensalion, struck - to her. heart, Whitt W Whas 'she Id- Were she gifted, With , the': flying- idtitstepe . 'of . Alereury i s she,' not= 'get: 'to the lliner'S Arms in . time., to- .avert: the *pending: dange4 And even. sppposing she conid, a wtt.. - Hitiq..RiverE, ill: ,co -, ndition ,to - com pre hend'',What Was 's'aid - to him . ?• And With "at` . bitter Eioatfilsiiik'froth the depths 'of,her Etarti she *realized , ' hOrrorr whichhaFy their: Intuiting .-and end in he wine cup : Suddenly a ,glearii,"Kif hope shot across hei`hrain. ' ``knew. -Where the switch kir •Was 'kept—she 'remerre3ered having ;once seen- Harry 'slip ;it - under a- Projectifig: I!.dge, of ,rocks, upon a X sort; . of naturatl .shell, secnre, from -the dew,, ,or tend pests just,beyed,wheie she s \ tood., What, 'if she herselfllicail& attempt to save Elie lives •ot , die W'oindd. - fiesSengefs'; every stoat cdmint neater heir ! fate : The idea and .!,o.ii 3 O , were•altnost.sintaltaneons! , •. - telegraphed. froth,', ; brain. Snatching the key,froMits,r l sting shelitooiied in "the 'faint 'sta i rlight, now be-. nmg to Om inee thiotigh- 'the; break; :eiondei and,etrove ‘Vithk:verkforee:of - - her weak wolnaa's,atrqintilf-itC 4 'Wye 'the irori . rails. - . 1 , 1 God be . thanked they ; stirred 7 ---theT in •th Bed k d; 'even - at - the Etionierit titer! eye fof the approaching ; express tram ;blazed in the „foggy , draggek . the, switch in itkprpper- place. 1 Yet `even 'then ;she:' could [scardely e lieVe"thatlit-Wai '2"- right, -as Jwith' . the. key dnnaling , %her: siacy she le'ans4'l) - anting gai.nst ..the rooks up vital al4hriek4ike that (f ,some fire throated dem94 o' Av,-, 'erbile;"the train swept, by,, a diziying sue cessioii or lighted' wind Owe, and; ditrknees and Silence - again settled down O'er. all.' IlerolLewief -neit her, fainted nor wept. 'She was not of- the niaterial that, slitiok! ere and iwoonere aremade : She knew 'alibi she had 'saved,. the lives upon, that exprese-train - ; she knew that! she- had averted a great crime froth Harry tivers , soul, and that *.asAindugh for: her: As slie clittihed ,the, hillside ,a fvir 'tee later, 'eliemet, ,Harry. givers stagg9r 7 , _log down the rOid: She ‘stopped f)ereintiorilY.s' = \ 1 "liiirzymhere'are 'You going ?It/ _ :`‘Don't get in toy way lass,fori Ilealren's eake," he cied-in . 4 thicktineeTtaill "It's the Midnight ex . prggsp, 4,41 qdite oertata al out'theiniiteh r ~ _ , '~i ~ . .t f::'d ERMIMI c . MONTROSE, .PA.i,` FEBRUARY 2 „1.876 ,). A - .ll4ght ! :Of . . 44m0.. 11/1 - Y sister Julia was ,very` eoprageons.-- 7 , Our yOnth; the'aolifitey was wilder than now ;-' Might said Of :he r that she was ,not- broughti-nyin , !theltvoods to be seared.,by-tio-owl.:--Stie,wOuld trav erse the . •most. tinfreipientel,t, piths, won dering at my timidity. • • . . Thtirti :was nothing , mastulinel'ho*ever, 'in..4uli4's•!appearanett. , ,;-.mbei WAS AfitoplY'sA OFee...jo2 7 Pus *ith 413.•,4b56,nce,,0f • tear r in h er Character, ;and, qt:t 0:T0en!, a . ttriiet. , s'piveeprtibri';tijat ciS,6o;ol *sup posed or IV ilen wasfseirteeh , :::4llVd eighteen m‘y,f4ther hired i slaboier halted, ,Hans smith . a the' Brit 'serilde,.. and :who, who, at ,the. close of . the' fiiid"tdeSerfed 110 .was a- powerful 6,-heavy, imbrut.6d4ounteninn6, .and*th and riuSelC.we_re struck, at the Yety,rt4i, With dread s of The feeling - Of julid '''ttiOlci 1' the' ch ter:of- fear",bni mins .one; rather Of theiliosi intenselpatking.i: -'• • • • Ong evening she, .read a : horrible mac der that' thrilled her .61cok. and.; upon furriing her eyo papOr 'they en= countered thokie of Hans. Stnith. - - 'There' was - somethin : terrible .in °tbatr g}atnc:e,. and from that b tnoracnt, she resolved that the villain should: be ,tnrued . , 4 1s :het Wishes and Opinions were a ways. 4 . much wi.ight With herlatlo.; 1;,;..t00k her advice anirgaiee:' s 9 9a -lifter is,-Julia: and: Ir were , rkft alon in, both father 'atv.4; motll7 el:being - absent on a visit. the. fol • . • lowingday; and , ha end (t) be'svitth Otte 9, serviipt 'tile titi - te, Oir we, kei) -motethan . one: . •• .* _ „ At, .Pigb t . ye, wept. to bed, atad bad 'part, y farobed,, whep. glia 1 1.101104 hotily to he,:windoill. • • , "I declare,'' '‘ithe".ievening 18 'so pleassut tbitt' "Vitt u pifyr dgars. IsloietJeel'a: bit -sleepyT let's go down. on Oe lamb's! Wc,descentied.,the ,stairs. little I imagined wlitt was in,JUlio's heait liar r,ylrding,catne. uplust as We ipaeheil the lawn..; lie was only casually inassing the house. Julia engapd him in conveisation and' he joined 7 fl;:e . 'rforniind Ediai and Will ?" sbefuked. - F "Oh," replied Harry, "they are over to my uncle's. They, wilt be corning, hack oon.", The three young men soon appeared upon, the road, and to my surprise Julia areSe at their approach and , &lied' us -,aside from the door.' • "Now,, 3fary, you need not be nervous: - ,Keep quiet and do nut speak above.your breath. There is a man under our bed:— there,' there I" and she clasped_..her hand over my mouth--"a mats under otir bed, and. the Irvinge-are going to try to secure him." - • • . They all provided 'themselves with big, sticks, and then, guided by Julia, ascend ed the step S.. As for myself,-1. could not. follow' them, but. remained treming and leaning Up. on lihe.dooti3pe.. Never did I=experience a greater sense of - relief than, when the. assailing party discended, boating partly 'ashamed and; partlyartiused, having found nothing:, to:;justify' their' sudden arnia. went. , ;.. - : , ' tinlin. was irk Nony Of. ,mortifin#Von and irgip,k , piteouslyolt.hough hat half oeaviiicid that her afiprehetisitini‘ had be4n groundless,,the''idea i'she';' who never feared anything till iin'w,had placed herself so ludicrously rn. the eyes thode men was insupportable. , .:.! The' au, ;he, lid, must, i have taken., the,alarru and' fled out • the ~bacii d00r,,1 fer steel could net' have been so 'deceived.] Our .young' friends ; more :for'' her mOrtification than from Any WI the reality or.the night, intruder, offered' to remain, in the vicinity morning ) , brit she would not listen to the,Koposi l . do and tfiey fook 4 their . departure. I I- waieorry to see . them go; end Watch.' ed their forms till they wereVut of'sight, fortbe `affair of . .thß, evening ,laud fright eued* almost into. hysterics: boweireic at once rnelie - a . r..to the, room; and, flinginglierself npdi.(the-bed;, cotitinnell weeping 'bitterly !exhitiited herseltin a tharacter,that, th& ,despisld v and . f‘her man, under the, bedl4 wßuld talk, ,of the whole neighbor., ,hood: 'r - - •• , vi • - •' - • , i. , t.- = . 4 - :1. ' 'VV)! lqwed,il'At...bnt. 'leitiler:4f' us •e,ould sleep. ,'th? clock ;On. the inantk i struck efe'venl' and theii,:""tiek ; ' "tick;` tick'" it wen Con for the it , ;itt 'dreari.hotti:' 'Julia .at Jest" -ceased , Weeiiin g atid: lay ,iti . thOhglit' oull; 4n : occasional:. sigh ::betrayed, . her •walie(Olnest. o , ',, • , , ~ ,-; . I. ' Again tbe:Clocic `struck, bpi it 1104 n 4 reached tli - ,:. 'fitial ; stioli iv h..n` Jraii: leap.; in g . Out 1 alied, - fl an g lierS6l r • iiiidn ah immense: chest av the' further. end of .the 1'99 01 .1 f!Oh lie is') will' gt 'Thy' the cli the li stinet terror; , Mi l ai,rine I show .S ~ •writh'ng. , beneaih ; , or keeping , a cage top in its i lace by, your weight alone, is with: , hyena struggling to; tear, his way out: acid devo you 1 u l Bit .`we:liiid not long' in itilienee.—' Eltirri exoratnations, 'hulf Gvivant, half ngl'h, chlilled, ontf, •very ',.: hearts; and .*.e kne,lhat ,Ithere, k the ,nciidnight,!only. the lit of Of an old chest ,was .between , our selvi4land ''Tans smith 1 ' ' • , ,‘ Alltitnea it ' started:Avir,:iiid, - (inoo or twice 'his .fingirs were caught in - the open=` log.• ,I'X•hen finding ; -our oomboled.weight• too!anti ibr his streught, .ii.-...,w0u1d,b4 7 : come levid,oa,i, that he Was 44o,voring Jet rt l i folee int in, end_ Of, the chest, 134 hp conic 'not' iirk . to 'adva n tage: Crianped, withii site • limits; his - gitini'lioilet•Of muse e.: w s not , , , ,wholiy -aviittable.! 1 He coultl flea er kick !nor .strike2with full torne.!and er.ep_hia,chic-f.•hope restpq on ; his 'a 'llity o lift us - eip; lid 4 - iia ill. li 'De l l n th n; in 'the absointe terror that inigh hay :bee:. supposed to' pOtiess her; a'•qu4er ,f (ding , or • exhultation 7 ., , spring! uporilJuli 'it heart.: . - ~.• • „, 1 , . 1, , "frwas r glit,, Mary," she cried. "They won 11 - call' e a fool now: 1 `iiharit be ashaip€d• ,see Harry Irviiiit."' t il , POol lJ ru is tiderihe birentlistan E 4 c the ii ea w - really luzlicrotitil:tiut,paturt 'everypher '4iszeit 'itself, and Juli a hated acoward. 1 _ 1 . ~ '.„ ; ~. ." f ' ' gary,l",she cried ; "quick ! quick! ere l' reairuot hold : the lidrk,_ malt." e wil l s indeed some living thing ii st for, in spite of Julia's weight; was 'and then, -as the i»- Of . self. preser va tion overcomey m I. spifang quickly to her,astietcnce. mor what • had we caught ? Im ourself holding down the lid of ,a an's box, with a bda` , !' constiictor .. 1 Thiumpl!thumpl :thump.!: .Lid;. side and !.fidlternately felt :;the cramped; pow - ful Jima. Then ~ came 'the Strain, ing,l ft, a 4 Julia , .eheered ~me when'the' 1. it, cove I shook and rose ‘ and trembled. . . ;"11.e can't get'out,- Mary... We . are safe. .00. n just k i eep.your, , full, weight on-the lid, and don't be nervousieither.' -It is alm4t,murOpe.,. ~ ~.: , , 'Sht , kne* it was not one oo'clock. .334. one' 4'eltick came. 'How I 'wished ', it Was five lAtikiltiro o'clock catrieitind 'tlitee and four,! 4nd. we 'hoped ~titer: :pritiOnEir had ieldol to ,his; fate, whicb. must now appe rto him: inevitable.. . ':\, AI I , rat& aperture at' one ,end ,of the ches, where there was a "fracture„in the w(x) supplied- 'him' waif! air, ' hence4e . I t soul , ~ not . hope that ..helould: 'betuine through .suffocation-,Ile: was evi y testing from the necessity of the for his exertions' had heen vrodigi. urea! dent ease, Om. T in t sat; . t A • • .;• ere was faiKt'stretik niortmig 'e sky, and' there =open - Me chest we hd watched: for. the ileam,,to:broa& Si Idenly there : lies tremoudousl, st,ruggle• beneath ns, as concentrated all his energies' in a fine struggle. Atnrif end of the olieSt:there , was-a crash, and :the 'permates; :feet pro- Irucled„ through Ole, aperture , : that •he had famed in the; boards. , _„ So horrible now , appeared Our bosition' that uttered a scream stieh as t thinla ever at any other time'conld -have Dad the power to , imitate, To get off .the lid its order to;defeat, the . moNement,throi, the ch,at end would instantly' have been our idestructi6n.; 'therefore, still hearing 'our , weight On the chest:We caught at the projecting feet. •ln doing this; how'." everj , we partially lost our balance, and the sudden -bracing up ,of the - miiscular shape below so forced, open the. itd that, the head, • arms' and - shoulder* .44 0 nine Smith were thrust- forth and 'With' a fearful oNtolt, seized Julia th. throat. ,r. ,; Jig then a heavy' oraah was beard at rr sr 0' • 33 --NO bop, the 'foot tramps sliring lug towardszus as ifsome one 'was teg ing up the staircase . with the hill convic tion ,that thia,was an hour of ,need. The daybfeak' hard - lx!evea'eA his ideijtify. bit I perception traTharry Irving hal' come to us in ourifotir Of'per -111 Sometime in - A e t r uirgVfound my self in bed with Julia' ar.d seieral; of ihe neighbors standing clasped iiv.in'ller , ar.4 lB .4 l) , (l ,l„ . 0 0E 1 , 1 .: aVire are safe, l orr y 4rvtg[ , itear 'the use• al }lei& fit n ed alter .iiierning''to screamhe would .have heard, itc.beiait , : last heard pitrs.- . . Ettit - l'firfghtd you did nptlacr4linvefore;:aet.now".we,iheve.liiid _a4, experience and know hat Isel.pan (114 3 llansS9iitli` bad .' , decided upon ,Ozift j chest'asii, 'much" safer hiding. place ifi'Whieli Julia hatt first TJpon, the. . morn i ng. which t ffarry.) . Irvin z. stunned. - ..aud-sitcured.-the ruffian in on r.roo,rn j the . officers justice ~nre sear6.! . :ing 'for the old tles3ion 'sco)tndrel. as a SlippliSednrderiii • and' be' was-So :if afterwards con.victed'ati ' d:hittigi' t hectanc!,the wits of Harry irringfp and a most excellent wife She, was., Mag naninvus and u nrev,e,ng! uI, , she,• was peri . • hagsthe 'Only' 'perioli Who felt:no t.aitifi- • cation at •the' fate . ' of liana rather a pity for the ignorance , ' whidlf had steeped him9n ' • The Outside It was in the old days' of stage Ctiachek and.one of those. , huge , lurnbering cles ,was ploughing, its way, between Boa, ton and Salem in .a driving raiu filledinside and outside ' ,with a ji,lly,set, ) of pat:du-tigers: - Among the number of ilie more fortit.i" nate insiders was -a— 1 respectable bald 114eaded 2gentletnan, '.who seemed:.to:lie very solicitous about a lady riding on, ther , l roof. '' Every - few , minutes he popped t he' Ont,e'regardless the ram, , and shoiited "t 0 Borne one now ?" "All fight, I" "Is she, gettiog wet , ?"' itiquire4 man. "No,'llot much'," Was tli!it 'rep y. • youlpui sornetbing: her ? T'will never do Aof‘have:ihi , r_gettl wet, ylni " W eve got wieryth ing Around - her, lie, ~` : gpt . ai wag r ..or ug, "N/ tot a rag .k•Syrripethetib 'young matt ; heariir+g-a~l`o this, and: fi;eling.' alarmed for- fhei•poor ley out in ~,the; atorm,, inquired :of-tlia,4 old gentleman why, they.didiet hayc,beF and,Uoi on the''rotit ?:. - ` ,o Bleseycin'there'ain't rOnml."'eielaiin= l4 ed-thefold man. • : .• ; , ftls.,Tokroom ; ? Why- Ilk her mIT Place it's too bad." "Not at a11,..5ix4 not atall.,:We' get her,into this stage anyhow. -;1 • - Amused at her prodigious dimensions, the kind young man , said: ',Wel; sir, if niii , coat , would be of - any EterViCe . to you. she iriay„ have it,", and tuiting:_the action . ;.; to, the word, he._ took the : , garment and handid it to the old gent:en - pm. • "It'i almiist''i* pity, air, - yi get your , overcoat' wet, • "Not at all, sir l: by nri means ;• piss it *up to her." ~ • • • • -; The coat was. accordingly pmsed "1104-'ll that' d . ),•)for, her - ?" na k e d, , the old gentli:man: ' ' • .•••• "Tip top-l• Just .the tiaket: All right • nOW.I " • - Thus, relieved, no further. anxiety, was, =wrested about the, outside . , passenger ;; till the ' stage 'arriied' St • the inn. when • wt . :At:was hi s syinpathetic 'and the•giP'•*: lant•yoting . man's surprise 'and - lion to find that.this nico'.cotit had,beenlo wrappeds,round—not a ~fair young lady of unusual , proportions, but-- a double„ , bass viol. - - • • Tbitt Was shrewd ad'Nice alearned lawyer to avapil. -A4W1:101 ttie.facts . are' n your favor, but the ittiv , opptysedltolotli: pogkeout syclttg , ,on ..the faots phut, whop, di, 'the l aw is iu your. f4vpr . and _ the.faots posed ypn, ,ont 'itiong'Cin the , ' o l3iit' when the Jai''end facts . icoth against trkeL'isaid the etudent,"vihit ,4ha11,1,d0 I' ~ , *!Why• then;" said thelawf.' , ? yer,‘,‘tft*,,:r , out4o., ;, Grindstones are' considivdt safe prop , 'i , city , to , invest - in ; „because,- ityou not sell them for cash., you . alwayf - turn - thein.. 4 lEEE „ • In `tll4'sOil'iiitilc4 "distilots of liens , youmillet' a free ride do"' ' hearse , by picking np-wrattlesnakc. - ; `• ' "Mary". *rote to her "Dpar John" to "Comsatafpastati.",. "Died-in - a attempt to twiit 0.6 tail or a raille," ie ft:Weatein obituary le: tthe . unfortunate subjeot - of a prael tc:Le . T.14..01d4t - WlAtern :' seitifitli;' 4%:«4' . ' ' log.stliti-. , 4 , , Londoi "forhorbe are 'made g Aud - - the answer. ..eactitooo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers