The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, January 26, 1876, Image 7

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ArraPgeMent ot
, 4 es. Doane ,
runkhannock, (pill.) . 7 tiOp m 1215 m
VIA STadas :
Nonttosewriptit Anally.) obti me 6 2041 01
New ?vitro . atallYi. • • ..... . it) 00 ani 1 SOP yr .
Wyalnslng. (Daily.) • 04 m 200 pal '
?riendsville, (tri weekly.) ... 6 p m 800ttri
:,onklin Station, (tri 1 . in 7 ora m
Binghamton Ilia S. Lake,(tri weekly).. 60 p m p m
%eshePpen,(tri weekly,) 1000 a m /00p m
The NevOY‘Slitaila 146 n treile )01; 1 5t0 1144hlilford,
Can khannoctotrid Viryalusing dm - dairy:
The Conklin Station mail taus Tuesdays:Thursdays,
anclfrlaterd4o. • . ~ - , ~• • •
I`pre Binghtutitsim mil, Cala Silver:l, Timm!
d a yi,Vhursdays'.'and'Sriturdaya:
Prionilsville mail tuna TuesdayP,t'hitedaYa•aiad h Sat
The Meshopp en mail runs Mondays,Wednesdays,and
Arnititittat. STA:okt r,'
A stage leaves daily fur Montrur/Depd at 1 m.,ind
rerSruelgiSlePanPeti jailtl6l
- returns at 330p.m.
i.' .., V i.`..
Montteisii Bin*, Time !fable.
A . . .
rrangment of Trains. ,eo - take, effect $m Monday,.
Dec. 2lat, 1875. • / • .
Do la I riiiiii.e!""` : '` l ` . .'l • ''• '''''. • ' • - .- - tip:Toiling
, .., 2 , .., ~' , ".103t1111WAMIII
A. M. P. 3t. I''
:' ' '' - W. 'lt - : '' P...Se;
. 1
• 5.00' • - 1.01. —.id trove .... • ..10,40 6.00
519 • 110 , ..... leu'e
..„..1n 25 5'45
-44. - ! ilk ;,... ;.',.
..,;,'.. eoerii ;'. • .:..: 4 ...,:v.;•...1020 - -'' - 64W -,
5 20, ~,i,20:.:;!•.; ° ...., Bu nts - ' -.-:',4015 :!..1465
528 1 :la:. - .T..'i .. -.i.t Dimoek •-• ' ,'' '-, '..1005 - 1 525
525 132 ; ...TyleN... ....)... 965 515 \
545 ' 1 40.. , . '.. bprl9gvllle 945 505 •
' 555 ' 1 45.'‘..;;;" ..,4 i;.: ;I,yart .'.:. .. -.-:. . i.-.. . 9'65 ...', 405 ~ •
605 1.58 7 • Averyla .. 9'25: . 2 445 •
610 2 08.-4.. ....Lemon 915 435.
620 220 .„' ' -- iLobeek:,, ~ .9 05 . • 425
630 ' 2 30...1. ~ .. Marcre .... ;1.. c. .... 865 415
645 ~ 245.../..-.._.... ..Tunkbantr,c.k..i. -840 ' , 855•.
. Ali liai n e.tot 6 hibt4t Tu - iikhiniipek4lith "i l 'i'''A''Z'T. l 'i ,
11;.111 going yertll4ind'sontil. ?`• ; •_- ,_. '.l. ~. ••''.y• -, • .;".
, •-• ~ -•• . r •-• L'. - •:JAM.ES, i:l3l.A.KSLE'g,'Piesit.
' List of New'Advertitentbnts.
Harper's Weekly. • • •
3riseeilaneous—bonehy &
Real Estate for sale—John Gayitt.
BusiNEss Local
Sale of Horses, Cattle, &c. .•
Mereliautn Pipes at Curry . 's. •
Harford Agricultural Society.;:
To the People of Montrose an
The following : are; the, he received on
Snbscription by . , our 'Agent, E. Weeks,- for
the week ending January 22(1, 1876 : -
Rev. F. A. Ddny $ 50 1 1 3 , A. Allen ' $5 00
Nelson Smith C. Handrick 400
N. H. Stark 2 00Sars.h M. Wak,cley 2 00
E. B. Scott 50:S. A. Shook 6'oo
Pardon Fish 2 00:Z.'N. Sinith 1 00
Pstrick ‘ CaVanagh. '6 00
Tag 13 zip ix.irux,:Scnoor.s.- 7 8tate' Supexiii=
tendent Wickersham says in: his report touch
ing the vexed imestion of reading the Bible in
the public ichotils : "In 14,500 of ur 17,000,
schools it is now read .without' giving serious
offense to anybody. in all' the reinainder,r
far as can now be seen, could be read with
like acceptance by excusing any children from
beirg present ai the exercise whose parents,
on the ground , of conscientious scrkiplea, de
sire it. It .the work nf the school be so. Ar
ranged as to Olt* the Bible reading to.- take
place at the close of 'the day, neither loss ;of,
time nr disorder need result from a
. part of the
pupils quietly leaving, the school room at a
en signal_
_Hundreds of teachers now adopt
this plin, thus keeping the' Bibles in the schools
and at the same time d,oing no violence to the :
tenscienca of any one!'
A SAD CASE —One of the officers of the :po- .
lice force was aPprOitcbedYeSterday by a young
strong, intelligent-looking. 7 .rnan,,yery . raggedly
dressed, who said he Was! a tramp, and begged
to be arrested and: taken before . the Recorder..
The officer smiled at this strange request, but
offered to . accompany -him to - the
.Recorder's .
offide, and allo* Lim to , confess offenses to
that official. He was accordingly taken before
lir.' Arras eyongi. 'and! interrogated. ' -•
',He said that be had been employed upon the
Erie Canal during the, past strm.mer,was throwh
out of work' at the, 'tfid.of the season, and had
.not been. able to get. anythinz.. to do since, Viand
was now worn out with travel and fatigne,half
starved,- and In a - wretched 'condition 'generally.
being the 6ase . lie begged theßeecirder to
sentence him to some prison or penitentiary
until the time arrived when he could be able to
get work again upon the canal. The marl Was
so evidently honzst. and his relqUest
and his condition was so unfortunate, that con- .
siderable interest was aroused in his .behalf,
but the only thing which •the Recorder could
do was to send him to the Superintendent of
the Poor, where lie would be able to obtain a
meal and lodging for the-night
Many, of the tramps arc evidently whet fie
cessity has made them, and eases like the shove
arouse a sympathy for the class which nothing
else can excite.—Binetinnton Times. •
Down' LITZERNE.—From Sclraitton
City Juzarnal : ' •
The receipts of the - St. Vincent's church- fair
during the three weeks it was - itid,Wasabout ;
.The village of Parsons 14 beeqin 7
corporated into aherOugh, and an election or .
dead to be held there on the 14 - th a For - 4m,
The next eontvcntionoll good TeinPlara of
this district will be held at 'Vivvidence on the
llth and 10th of next - - motith....Mis.l Janet
Yannan, wife of James 'Vanillin, Sr., of King
„atoll, formerly of Carbondale,' !died :or Fri*,
of last week, aged, I years.,...3l , lany of the un
married laboring'l'nert who are *orking on half
time here this winter 'do DO receive waseale -
he amou t their board bill. Ho* do those
with large bunnies live ?.... W. W. Tiffany,
keinan on the Joel:motive Delaware, on , the
L. V. Railroad was fatally injured at'Pittston
oil 1. - Ilkley of last week. He from •his in
jut les on- Sunday.— .Quarterly meeting of the
Free Methodist:church , will,be held at .Wavr
ly in this county, conmencing vehiu4ry 4 th:o
7 o'clock p. and will continue e'two toF
lowing days. Rey.. Mr. Goold ill be present
Jenkin .11Whols, who . assaulted the .
onductor 91: Vark , ,areet \ cer , r. ,ll i B-
Ingles, some time , ago, was 'tried at Wilkes'
Barre on WedneAtty . , and tentenced•APAY
line of 125 and co sts of proieputiOti•
business out m the mid regioi3le forl
next two month§ 'not 'Very encouragiug,the
companies haiie, the'ettifefa
Injuietp.OUßeat , for Ave weeks Jr= February
1 1,0 i, owing to . the Mit el& being - •
,le--- - ;
PAISONING CASE.'!--;111iM , ill. considerable
'elpitement in - Pittston; over a case of suspected
vye P6ispningi A
,man nained::Milbure,*-
oloyed by the Butler, Coal
,Qompany as , a miner
and resitting in one ul,tbe , tenement houses on,
Yorft' 'avenue, wie:: arrOked ' , 3 - Attuai), Aft4futt? .
eotaidatitt Otihe itii,ihitati , i'or neglectini4d
provide for his fatnily, 7 4 wife and five children
?is wife has singe :died; and It /isietterally be
lieved her death was caused by poison admin
istered : to hgAky 119 r: bus!atind - w. bilci fittg-Ma!
ill. Tuesday afternoon- the cOroner,.Dr. Pen
degabtAtcoinpanied lay 'Dr. f4xinspeit,Of Wilkes
13arre,;lielttan inquest ()Vet iher.body. r'Eleveral
ivitneetniti Were?iiiiiiined,arid all nitited'iii de
claring the ntan 'a -worthless, good for nothing
tellitii, whiAgi.iiii filmilir l depenci iAi ill 'e: 'clittiV
ty of hi' neighbdra, lint,:fOr whose ellaifty they
would hive starved. The daughter, a girl of
tlifiljWti 64 thereitt6lits,: - teStified that ; ,
she` satyr '
her father Ptit AAiltite ticiwderi infoitieine chick
en-br6th he prepared :for' - : - her, , mother, a , nd he,
cartiimed 1(01' iint to toitch 14n ai.tYf tiCeOunt".
AfterWirdi,'OU leArnibe Oat:she i ad' tisied it,
he threw it all away' and'iraihed the bowl and
spoon, carefully, as he had liken l in the habit of
doing After'giiin'g; :het titedientes.' Whenever
Milburn gave her medicines;jhebeeatnedread
fully ill, and also after eating the chicken broth
he had Prepared :htf.hiei.f' She - tOld'the . 3Vdtnati
whit . 'attended , her • that . she saw ' 'tioniething ;
white hi the. bottoM Of the dish, and retutted to
eat anything froni 'him , 'l'rom that time forth.—
That,. in connection with i - the !laughter's story,
laroused their Suspicion.- The cordenil'of the
istontach have beep, sent to Dr. ..pidwig, of
'Scranten, for examination, where they are at
the present 'Writing. ' When arteited, Milburn
was found-in an upstaireroom in Airs.Hqrriot's
'saloon on Main street. Officer Stetter. accom
panied by "Tattles Baker,went there for the put:
pose of taking the' roan:into custody, and 'were
'told bY Mrs. Herriot that-he had not been there
shunt the liaturday previons. They refused \ to
besatisfiedim ithout a thoropgh search, and de=
manded to be shown through the lionse. She"
refused, giving trivial ' excuses about the rooms
not being
. in order, &e., but the officers were
iirm,,atid she went' up, with the request that
they would',remain below. This ',wag , nlso re , :
fused, but she was ,allowed:. to g 6 into the first
room alone. After some . time they demanded
an entrance, which, after, some further , objec-7
.tion - ; was 'granted.: ?erethey found Milburn
on a
, sofa, , evidently,
,having just arisen, from
sleep. *bey took him away and plaCed him in
Wilkes-Barre jail, where he now is.: Mrs...Her
riot, it is report - 4 authentically; visited him
day before sesterday. The man" has '.been in
the habit of staying at Herriot's. tile: . ; greater
part of his. time; and, neVer spent any of his
Wages fop the support of 'his fatnily.i ;His wife
was regarled as a vert , good, respectable wo
man, and inclined •to hide rather :than parade`
her troubles. .The children are in a ,destitute
Condition, and sadly Peed the: aid Of" the chari
tablysdisposed. ,The doetors that 'from all the
evidence in the ottse,itud the condition of the
body, the:woman , had_ not died from natural
causes, but are awaiting:' the rtWiti - 4 ,:thq
atittlyss., ', : 1 .., ' . , -.- .
- 1.
BALL Tickets printed: in first-claw style-and
at clienp rates at this !Ake.
\ so' and. 80 cents 'per - quark, *at .the. .
tf - -11krs.toirk$4.niter.
VEtuvirEnniY,l 'say tint° Go to the
Ke.ystone,Saloon And get a good Oyster Stew.,
'.Dec 29, 1875.—tf. :
••-.•-• . . • . •,
Pp7rOokitArrns.4-- - Pietttres taken,ln all. the, lat
est styleit,', ,'Ol4 - iiietures copied , and enlarged
Alit! a ,Splendlit lot or ,frittrie's for' sale . -• theal),
•.• • • at poo—
: MOntroseJtoie 10, '74.-;--tf/ . .". • :‘• :`• , F.
WATCHF.S . , Qlocks and. Jewelry :repaired on
short. notice, and warranted; at F. D:3l.elbu T
Jewelry. Store. formerly Isbell. 3ielLu-
-- ; •
TO TO. Pvirme. ! —As : a -guarantee•Ahat Tay
lor's Family . Medicines are the hest in market;
of .their kind; anti -that the quality Of. the' , goOds
shall hereafter:be.: inaintained, 1 , xi'ould - . say:to
all : alter -using the'm you:are-not satisfied
you have received benefit in ',proPottiOn to, the
price' pi the empty.bottle or pack Age;
audzetyour Money bitek,, as 1 wAut no maned
money unless be is satisfied. lie 144,i.eceiieilitii
equivalent. • Respeetfuliy,',
There is no' subject that, , requires so much
study and , experience as the treatment of. chron
ic diseases. The astonishing success' and re•
nitirkrible cures pertormed" by - Dr. Butterfield,
are-due to the gift ,of clairvoyance. •to the life
long study of the constitution of man, and the
curing of diseases° tram natural remedies. Cures
the worst forms- of tkrofula.-Catairli; Piles, Fe
male Weakness, Asthinn, Kidneys or Bladder
Will he at the Cafferty House, Binghamton
Thursday, and Friday, February, 19th and
BusinesS Locals.
Alontic;te;lJugy . 28,1r5 ,=-4f
Qbt0.40 . 6;
.1 will large stock of Flour and Salt,
and general lineOf grocery goOtti-Very.low foi
a short tiine : for cash r .as 1 expect to Move in a
few 4ays: into a :new. iatorpf.biildipg:opoo4o
CdOimir 86CA. Bank; and do . not4ant .to be at
the . expense of moving .-- a large stoek of heavy
goods.. I , l6l*::is. a, &cid tithe ~ buy yeair our
and Salt. I. haVs never had a better stock of
good rlouti frOi ground _than at, `tlin present
titne. • E .
lilOntrOse. Oct. 40,1875,tr..:
AYE tt`ti, AMERICAN A.LIIIANAC 18 ' nOW ready
for delivery by the' druggists, anti we are tree
to that we have read this 'welcoinff visitor
with satisfaction and profit. 'lf: coniiiins an, as
tonishing nfount of information winch is Use--,
ful to everybodf;and shoris how to•treat near
ly all tlie i diseirses from ,which people suffer, It
invariably` reeolumends tbeliest remedies to be
mRl9y irrk. , spotive of Ayer'sPqn
cities, anCTurtiisbea," : best niedicil
advice by which : ilk, great Inajority of. ailments.
can' be treated sueeesfully. The anecdotes,
witticuons and jokes are the best compilatiOn
.that comes tinder: our notieeiatiii''thd book is tt~
refreshing,-contribution to.ouvanjoyinents every
,Year. - -r ,9 1 afr Owner: - -
) trit'ad Litiiiitte4o4,erFPFAtt ,t e,
n'B. •
.pt i '... , 1vi:: : '.147.-;;,... , ; -, ;:.' 1.,
theitiiitoti;:? i.
; N N W Y° l ' ll ., Produce,' market.
Repptted Eireiy Veei•szpreAely.tor Tas ittoirritigss,
lAmjiy.ittkodeit. & Scrver, • Prodpco Commie- .:
'1 119 . 11 Merqbantiv% Math f.reet..ilew'rQrk. •
-- E'.No4(.lrol*:'f4tpiy;:-..ji10i:.,11,1,76,!.:.
,; -,.. i. i:ti'--fl BUT" EW
Receipts last six days:::
Tho..sckiernl features of, the,butter market re
main' in deli/ t Shine as. ilited • for several days. •
`VeVyltePer §tike. : bOtter
saWly. an 4 with a
readily. obtained; whtio in soinossnetances, high
er - figures than NNe quote have been realized., .
Stitteliairies, line - 8i • ® ,33c
lilies ; good' .
.4141 o I ikirl;:On.n.y.,, ,
etate..Pailsilairy,good to prime 26 BQc.
State Pails . ,conitubn to fair. , -24 c :
Receipts last six• days \ boies.
We can safely quote the rnaticet steady,witli
a - fair trade doing in nearly all grades, althorigh
tlfe,:ettrly Made eese axe tlvo difficult
• - •i •
State' Factory, (mock,. '1.0340
State Faetery.'fine ; .. . . • Alga, 12(c
State Factory, fair to good.. 9Wqx 10Kc
t 3 ate'Dairics.. Muir Ito g00d.;..
EAGES., , , • -
Receipts last -. six days.— 8.544 pkgs.
Yesterday.afternoon , there was • some specula
tive'demand for fresh eggs and quite. a quanti
ty changed hands at from 20 to 25c. though not
many at the outside figurie. '
1 • .1
State andl 23e'
Westein choice brands . 22c
The supply is not so very large, and with
favorable weather there 'is' ; a' slightly ;better
tone to the tnarket, but the 'demand is not ac
tive and prices' _ are Witliont quotable iinprove
ments. .
Turkeys, State —l4 to 15e
Chickens, State, prime 16 to —o
Ducks, .... ; 17e -
Geese s • 12 0 , 13c
There is a trifle better enquiry for calves to
day and really fancy are held about steady, but
a Food many are Arriving. sour and have `
:, to sell
low. -
Live Sheep, weathers.... 6 to 1 6%,e
Live CalvesOtate prime.... 10 to 10 1 4 e
Hog Dressed Calves flee— to 13 o
Apples are moderately. Peaches
peeled. eon tinue dull.
. .
' State Apples,quarteri 81 to
'Peaches, peeled,state . l6 to 18c
. ... . . .12 Ito 12e:
.Raspberries; .—..27.: to 28e
~lt 8. T-~3R~:gC,i-~3 8..
VAN LoAN--QI.A.NE—Ai the home of thei
bride's father, Jan 15,by Rev. W. L. Thorpe ;
Chas. H. Van Loan of Liberty, to Mary E.
Crane of Bridgewater. ,
GARDNER—Rnio—Ip Owego. at the residence
- of 'the bride?s 'parents,' by 'the,Rev.' W: H.
King, Mr. , Charits - S. Gardner to Miis Mary :
• - •
Augusta Rmrall of Owego. .
MEAD---BucK—At the home of the bride's pa
rents in Upsonville, Jan. 19,, by Rev J. H.
Doremus, Arthur G. Mead of N. Y . ,
to Prances Amelia. daughter Of Noble T.
Buck. -
'Atuntot—WlLLlsms--•At the residence of Mr.
'George Foster in Windsor, N. Y., Dec. 81st„
by Rev. Colgrove; Frank Aldrich of iiridge4
-- water, Pa.;and Ella E. Williams; of Windsor,
CIIAMBERLIN—BRowrit—At the M. E. parson
-age in Harford, ran. 14,by Rev.D. C. 13arnfm,-
Orvil Chamberlin: and Ida M. Brewer, both
-of New Milford. . .
Is vs) :i r- , - vao siim = CI ili
Bewsratri---In' Htirtord,, sjan. , ltli, ut dreipsY,
Charlotte 'M., wife of Wm..Barnarci, in the
47th year of her age.
lionniNs—in Liberty, on the morning'. of De
-cember 7;*-11375; of :typhoid fever. Almon J.
itobbins, aged 19 years, 8 inonthe aid ,10
days. ' "- •• •
Beloved by all who knew - him, lie.hai passed
to better land. -
111BDARD—In Auburn Jan. 6, or scarlet fever.
, Jessie, youngest daughter of Judson E. and
Sarah Ilibbard, aged 3 years and 8 Montlni
BALDWIN—In East Bridgewater, Jan. 23d, at
- his grandfather's, Jeremiah 'Baldwin, very
'suddenly, Ledna S., only child of. Irving and
Emma Baldwin; aged 1 Year, 5 months and.
17 days._
Fare thee well our darling Letitia,'
Li, tie Lerma, fare thee well ;
For 'then went tot; pure and lovely r
In a world like ilia to dwell,
CNANDALL —ln -Nei , Milford, Dec. 22, 1875,
Melt Crandall, in the 27th \ year of her-age.
At a meeting. Of Jackson Grange, :No. - 342,
the following 'resolutions were adopted :-
Whereas. Death has
_Summoned one of our
members to the spirits' home. thus depriving
, our,community of one, universally -esteemed; a
I t family circle hitherto 'unbroken of one 'bright
I link, and a happy hirine of a fond, ehristhin
mother and devoted - wile, be it hereby . ,
Reoolved, That the lite and character of SIB-
ter erniuhill" have, been such In every relation' IA
to endear tier to all -her associates, arid by , her
death we are all Made partakers of the sorrow!
so, deeply felt by these who daily shared in' the
brightness other lite. ,
.Resolved, That our symPathies in :behalf fit;
Bro James Crandall and his motherless chil
dren aball ever prompt. us to words and acts of
fraternal kindness 'and willing assistance, and
' r ive pray that.a most merciful Providence may
protect and. Safely, guide them' through theva
ryttig journey of life.
Resolved,_ That, as an expression ofi. our
row, we drape our charter in Mourning
for thirty days, and- that copy of these resit
lutions be presented to - Bro. Crandall, and ea
tered upon - the - minutes of tbe Grange also
...Resolved, That a copyj be sent to the county
papers. - ' , •
PEC/C--In Mankato, Minn, Sept, 15, i f typhoid
-.fever, Lewitt F. Peck, son of. F. and C.\E'.
Peek, Ifarford, aged, 11 inOntlot Add
22 days. - - -
He was otiroldest' eon, and we do greatly
mourn loss
At a. regular - meeting of 'Vie 'Oak Lcdge,No
635, L 0.0. held at. their lodge-room,'Dee.
llth, 1875,-tbe following preamble and resole-',
tions were, adopted : -
W Our Ileaveniy , 'Fainer.4u his all
'd ce 1111.61`Sntell fit remove.
wise prowfroth
earth-our -beloved brotber,- Lewis -Peck, we,
the members of Live Oak', Lodge 1325;ci err
the ftillowing ;tta tribute of respect to
memory. ‘of--• him whose death \has ! - filled-v4tr
hearts with sorrow ; therefore
Rho Mfg• TiCtt t ite ft AvIlP lint/W.114
itubmisilycy t tue .Alokee„ of -,au
, pr kritFin§
'Peoviclenee ; we feel that the death of :a broth-
el., so youngi is a sa6 liitleitlfii‘ iffiliction,roo
-we bssure the family or;;,,,•'t xleceueti t that they;
'liave - our hettrty and 'bit:to re' syntpathy iii their
ltereavement , . i '2 •-' '‘. •, , .-.- '.: -',- - ‘l.- ,
t 1
Ikeolved; at 7116 _ We: ' are bereft, of a, muck
lqved friend and brother, :we shall' be inure ; for-'
- eibly iinPietised ivith the Uncertainty othhinati
life,' the hnmutible certainty:or ileattii,iiiti at
'thereby Ought 10,realize theimportanee ., 6lllv4 ,
ing,dady_in , the prompt .discharge',.ol..tittty, ihttl
obliiptti,ons *e. are under ;to Ifia.whtit i ttiloyatt -
His creatures to be only tenants :it,',Wlll.- - '
It That in the 'de.iith . of lifotfierVECOlit
the"lodge has and 'devoted niet
, tV
ber and aa, it ,tokert.oi 'respect for - his..mentorY
-that in , our 'register ' belett a memorial pageJ9
eonnuennirate his virtues and his death Also
that our charter be - drai).etl i ii 'modrnitig for MO.
usual , period; find' may the spirit' of ' mit' ilie,v. '
enly.Fetliericomfort the mournt,;streiigtberi •
our resolutiOns dj amendment and :prepare as'
all fPr. i Om! higher and - better scenes , of giii,
World 'to mime., - -
,- '', -' , ~ , ;
:Besotted, That 1 h LOdge throtigli . its fieereta=
ry fuinish the rwife elf the deceased' a` copy. or
the above preanible• and. reSolUllo*(filla 'BlBO ti
copy, to the; .itionArose, Agatocun entlitepubW
can p
fqr hlicatipn. .' • . ~ t .. si 1
• - - t. 1 31: Osiiowg, ' ':'..l 1
,''•l ''
~` ~ . r
.;,I', .. 1 :• Cent a ur i i n- iment-
~ - .
. There is ho pain. which thePentafer
' .' , ic , Liramoiti Will not, oii eve,no aVtailing
- Ir-- - they' wili 'mit subdue, and no bimenese
l isyt
~ ' AY .' . which theivrilinotenre; Thissitronk
1 ~..1 1 , language, but it is true. The) have
.... A . , produced More cur es of rhenmaithk e
-....- neuralgia.lecklaw.palay,sprains,eyrel
fter lings, caked breasts, scalds, burns.salt
rheum: . amehe, e tc., upon the human 'frame, 'gird 6
strains. spavin, galls, 'etc., upon animals in one - Year
than have all other pretended rethediei since the word
began. They l , are counterirritant, all-healink:pain re.
'fevers. Civvies thro‘v awaythcir crutches, the lame
walk., poisonous bites are rendered barflies*, and the
wounded are healed without a scar. The recipeli pi!).
lished around each bottle. They - sell as no articles ever
sold before, because they do just what they pretend to
do. Thesst'aihonew sulrer, from rheumatism. pain','Or
swelling deserve to suffer if they will• not use Centair .
Liniment, white wrapper. More than 1000 certificates
orremarkabie cures. including froien limb*, ChTOIOC
rbiumatism,lgout; running tumors. etc., have been re
ceived. •We r ill sonde ci rattler containin g certificates,
the recipe, CO.. gratis, to any one •requesting . '„ cnie
bottle of th e ;yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment i$ worth
one hundredidollars for' spavined or sweenied hories
and mules, or for screw-vrorni in vheep. Stoch-oivneks
*--theselininientr are worth your attention.
'should be ilthout them. "White wrapper family rise i"
Yellow wratiner! fer.anisnals. Sold by all Driggisti..--
150 cents per bottle; large bottles. sLoq. 47. n,apitz
,C0.;5.3 BrolidWaY.New York. - • :
Calaggripi i 1111:Lon; than a ettbstitnte for Castor On.
It is,the Tab We article in existence ; which Is certain
toassitattlati:ttic (nod, ieghlatn the ,bolmelS. elate wind
colic' and priduce natural 'sleep. It contains neither
plineralai morphine or aleobol, and Is pleasant id Clain.
Children ited net cry and motheis ratty: net:
et . .. 2 5; 1 • •
B. Re
..oto oEmo ; . P A IN T S;
- . . 1 -
710,N_ 1.,, ,: -, • ~' •_, 1'
' . t i ' . :-.. .• •
o , .., , T _. .:'.
Rumor r
as it that baying been elected Cunty reas.,
rarer for, the misaing three years„Lam to diticititinue my
Ifisurancel bushel. ..Said;RUMOR in UNTRUR,'and
without feundationoind while thanking
,yoa for kind
ness, and I.ppreciatiloi of good Insurance . itt the past, I
ask a contlnuance of your patronage, promising ttait all.
I t
business ittra me to e sh4ll be promptly attmided to.
My Comp nius,aie all sound and rellable 4 as all cats tes
tify who I aire met with loSSis du:ing the past; ten years
at-my Aget,cy. ReadAhe Llit - I • , ' - - - •.- r
North,Britisli and Mercantile; Capital, • ; $10,000,000
Queens or London, . . " ,
•2.000,( 1 .00
Ohl. Franklin; Philadelphia, Assets, - • '' - 8,1504000
Old Contihental, N. Y., , • " , nearly ; '.' 8,004000
Old Pticenix of Ilittford, -" . 2.000:000
Old Ilanover.N. Y., - - „7 - tit :-. 1,800.000
`Old Farmers,: York ;
~ • ".. ' •' •• ,• 1.0Vi4000
I also represt•nt the 'mew York Mutual Lire Ins fiance
of oyer.3oye4rs standing s and assets over $BO. - %/00 .--
Also, the Masonic Mutual Berardi Associatiou of Perin
sylysniw i- i . . • ~. • - : ~ , • ••, - ..
OrGet anlAecidental Pollo,y covering sit aNbrentri,
lb the Ilartford - Associati4 Ins. Co . Policles writt.nn
Prom ono teal to , one' year. Only . B 5 cerittiler a $B,OOO
Policy. Ipesee cull or c,cild.wprd, when,you Ake,a trip.
Very respectfully.. - ' -.' - * , . - '';
ii i - - Rifilißy c: a r yutn . .,,
Montt° e, a. 4 Jail. ~1 9, 18113.—tf • - '..
the As.tgliees *or . S. , 4t; I). SP4-Ylii4 :.wilLeell at
'Public Vi ndee on the Itichmond Hill farm, in lillver
Lake, cn I - -i, - -- t - . , ,l I
Titlo@day; January '21711.0176 z '
at 10 ticilocic, a: m.; the following 'Property to Wit
• Twelve! covfra,4 yearlingi,oneltair`of two ,year old coltit,
one =lea one horse po*er thre4hing machine, onb pair
bob aleighs, J one horse, market wakon. two flobbard
Mowers, ~,itts, . s, harrows‘ and other farming tools.'r
ALSO on Saturday; January 29', at due o'clock. .m *
on . _ the- ilridgewater faim. about one-. raloirom t 0 lifW
lug() : - 19 cows, one ,5 _,year old mare, : two. im bard
mowers- one pair hob ialeighs; plows. etc., etc. f *"
~,,, ,
TUR ..--A`ll sums - 44'45 - and under, (Sash ;,, ot i t i tt
nine Ri o 'the:credit with Intermit/tad apprOvec-op4 ty ,
4.Tdiuti UV i370,; . -:-2w ' 1 " - " i
IkT 01:10E- A11'4411 , 1.011 s blis ; il4o CI4IMB
Iv -,, • dkiiiithidiv(oricoeoli'rtiit , estailey ' e'gattt it the
Aubut4 NO Pfigt?! ,l 7. intastlgnVit-tlO NO*
/TolYti Mao., or ; Ile oro at',ol, 14.04" fel:el 4 4 .. ticr
moota ,' kii ~-,, ~.i.i. .t , i ,?,;.....; ~... 0 ,;;„;.„,:, ~! A
1 • Chgtutlial :° .'
' _,,- ,:_12 4 1-t! 5 1 'f''r
r '''l -2
- 11A1ISRALLVAN'Seuto", 'Litreetois.'
'1 . 4SA WARNER, - -- ;
+3 ' 4
: • I,
• • v. ,;,!
• SHADES,' -
K ro
gs, coyN: A R T;,
~ ~!
LYONS. it . CO.
X,anuary 1, i 8 6.
,WWIIES, :11013sE;
,t, .4 1 1 g ,HARDWA,U,' &a
:ii-i , !;! , :f1.1; ",Agftl3,to tor", 4 ., 4,
BLANCHARD,, . it; ,00.,
INGS, AO., • , L .
watch we Will eblrit Blanclutrd, - Biertlet & Co's. :pee Lo
Special inducements - on Pans, Pails, Cooler" ate ail
Dairying Goode. -
(Joalr'llAYpEN, General Agent)
. 17nsurpassed for 'Style and Durability.
Wo tiaire recently added to our selection of Stover
made by RathbOne, Sard Att Co., AlbanYN. Y.. and Lb(
Arvind Base Burning Parlor Stoic, and Canard Cook
Stoves. man nfactnted by. re;ry , A lban,'N N. e
4 aleo keep the celebtated
Rathbone, Jewett & Ransom; Ranges, "with Copper
.Reservers and Mehl° Mountings of the , latestimproved
jattune'RePairlrg promptly Anne and orders for
obbing solicited. • .
New Milford. May 1 2 th, 1875.-Ltf. •
Why the Flowers Bloom in Winter !
1e . ,!,•0•`.
, ,
• aware that you can obtiin Summer heat in
January.? That you can impart -balmy air to your
families ? tbat you can. give spontaneous growth to
plants and Flowers, and that you can make hcme a
little pstradise by pnrchasfng, one of B. C. Sayral Not-
Air-Furnaces 1 TheSe Furnaces are. nuw couttructen'
with VAPOR PAN by which the atmospliiire is tem
peredt to,that resembling Summer'. heat. ' '
14.);llioroFfinckinE-Ofilititort i
, It
And the time has eome - lehen. conaumptives may re
joice in coal Ares." Throe furnaces are.oold entirely up
on their own merits, aed are now the leading Furnace
this part of,rhe conntry• All ,Furnaces are warrant
ed to give entirr'satisfaction or no' sale. •
_.-~ ~
, , ,
‘,.. , ' , 'ir ' ;rniaaiiiwit'.ol'ol.c;a•
Dealers in
I, ' •
:t ?s~
r 11:r IS,
I keep competent men on the road whd are well ac
quainted with the Flinn toe business and they are fon
stantly, putting up these Furnaces. Their work ig tv:ot•
ranted to please. These Farnaces'are now scattered is
the following towns and'cities: •
Binghamton, Scranton, Providence, Wilkes Barre;
Kingston, Pittston, Elmira. Waverly, Wililant4port,
Great Bend, Suqmehrnna Depot, 'lento k, Delhi,
Downsville, Andes, - Mmg,aretville, Franklin, Baud'lia,
Owego, Northamberiand, and many other towns. • ,
atraata.u.ra,atlzreicl 3:33r
Any person 'wishing a recommendation from any tn.. e
living in tne above named places. I will gladly, co. rot ,
wind with them, giving -names •of parties now using
those Furnaceo.l
. .
,: 1B C.: SAYRE,
.Idontrose, Pa.
. .
Idontiose, DecdmVer 22d • 1815.-3 m. •
r%. J. .PQ.TL..y,
No. 48 k 50ViraOtingtoil.
MNfifiltlirrov, , N - ! ;
'Would respectfully call attention to their larga et
- *•#4l.* t . ,sta*:r it*
which they are selling at frOnt .15 to 90 pet cent.
than heretofore. A full assortment of
eramort, Dkatrict nooli Ana 'lcrrcazx vil.pait •
Pirfor Setts, from' VW upward: Clamber Setts from,
$4O upward. Mattress's &oat $4 upward. , Pure Woos
Mattresses from $lO to $l5. Oak, Ash and !Walnut
Extension Table, from $6 to $lB.
You can do.better by purchasing your gmids ofno.lhan
Of any dealogs in this section of the country." Wo
not be Imderiold by any ono east of New Yuri' ,O4y. 4
No extra charge for packing. or -delivering th
' '
We desire tdsayik 'wOra. -4 -InVthis line we have Stein's
Patent Pa NW a variety* of, Other 'Atlas. Dn. iui
Robes. Shrouds, etc.
' The hearse and ' Carriage , attached to oar establish.-
mentpasnet be sippassed. 41 this. 5ect.1011..,. Thing - UV
be famished kitties° who require, at it seasonable
ure, ittlywhi3rst withinl 11' raiiittkpf .twon.ty. mi;oot &oft
this city. • WvaPilll 1 1 11 •. , -
.) • ' --71 •
•4 .4... .7: p . Wal d rir
i libri 3 O*(;Clethiag .' r At ,gliep:plaibhll!#-,-
Boy's Boots, at Cheap Johp's,
r' : l