The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, January 19, 1876, Image 7

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    List. of New lavertleemenie.. ..' ..: .:...:'
Public Slrle. -
Auctioneer-11. Rosenthal.
,Poultry—T. S. Whea.terott.
Corr ec tion—Henry, o „ Tyler.
Fait-Vale -
Marble Works--Burns 46 White.
-Farm to Dent--Thbinas Mires..
Business Card--E. Bacon - Sr. Son.
liisFeesProus 4rtielp - 7 -13 04t,rbyon:t Co.
Cigars-,-E. V. Curty.
. . , ...
. .. .. . ,
.. . .. _
• The tollOvAilii 'tilt":-t 1 ".intritint4 . •
.., - the ` 1
r .. c . eeiVed an
Subscription by our, Agent,. E. L. Weeks, for
the week•endineJannary -- 'lstliz 1876 •'*-* • - f * -- 1
Lyman Bunnell.... ~ '.. . ' * . ..:•'
- Lotibitilitinee ','' ' ..-..'5.11'", '7 ' (.'' '•'', ? - 1• , -.t: ~. (),
B. .'‘t - Stiekititid,•:'.;'i . . ''..: '7, '''''
' ...:'?" '''..";', ' I- •'` ''''''
S. B. Siteski:•. 7 .i.i 4 . 1 ' .....`.;''."l.'•' - 0 50 '‘
SAL Valentine • ''7
• • •".
• • ....•
• .•
" *****
' * '.
' u ®
Loren. ACen , . , 200
A i . 1 1% Wells.:.;;. ;:, ...., , . ~ ~.; i.,,, „;,, . , :-.%'• ; .
B:•*Milaff - .'.• - •;•. : • ••' •r - '•-••• 7 * 7 7 .. * 7 ,1:-:;,..7.;:.:-::',. ',71 F.::.- . ! ., '. ' ' ''. 2 : °°
M.' K.. Tingley. . •-. •''
:' .' •-!''• - ..........r-,7 r,• !'.,,. ; !: : 2 00
• • • ******* ir- WI: 2 i 00
W. IVaolsey....'. -.•:"
.11.. IL . Ketki. ....':.,;7., ,;.:.... -••- -- , ;• ;.. . , -7, - ' . 2 ' 60
Wiii,-11,T4tiy're;-•• .., ~." _' •••, - 7 .•7‘,; - ,.. - 7 - ,•,, ,, ,,•,;• - ' ,., • 11,-040
:L.D.:•Siteet ';" 7 -',•:1 ,-- ~,. * .....,-,.1' , .• ~ r•• • • 1-15
X A: Brazie...'. , • 60
S'." R. - 0,,iitek::::::: - ..:;'...... * .-... -''' .' ,k-: ~.. ~.,'. '• 1 50
0-Squires__ ... . • ',' *** .c7r • • r.''•',' • l 00
. 'l'2'oo
P. H. Os'cley .7 . .,_7 . , . .". - -2 00
Henry .Thomas
• - • • -..-.. .2 00
Sumner Deans...eee •• • .. aa , •.'...• • • *or ••• a ••:- 9,35
:,.,.i'..'.. , ii.
.1.1.' t4rannie. . ....t.
--.' .-- ... ''.'...,:. i. , ..-. , ... :..-:.ri 100
T. J: Babcockn 200
D. Tinsman— ... . i -.....; .-....n 400
E. SpenCer . . .... ...' . :.....-: ... ..4.. . . . n 200
B. A. Vail\ - .I.n 11 35
Zophet Mackay ' . .:... - ...n': 850
' —+ 41111 P .161-..--. •
inforniation ot school directors •tve publish th 4
followingexttnet from the report of the super
intendent of public instruction : The.) fople
have a right - to know in all cases hoviutheir
money has been expended. The publication,
of the accounts of public officers tends to
quichen their. sense . of responsibility anii,pro
mote•eemsomy in thebllSirketiS confi,ecid.iiith
their truqt. Hence, by the act of 4011 11 t -'
1862, section 18, P. L. 475, it was provided that ,
"It shall,be, the duty of All - hoard of-directors,
to publish an annilal statement of the amount
of moneys .received and expended sand the
amount due from
. collectorsond setting forth
all the financial oliefatiOnS of the district in
not-Aess than ten written or priired . harni billi
to be put up in the most public places in the
district." Section 6, of the Actiof -April 20,
1874, P. L.; 68 applies to 'school ilseri n ctsas , fold .
lobs : "The corporate authorities, of every
such municipality or district shalh annually, in
the Montli'OfJaimmy, prepiut
.and publish in
at least two newspapers orsald municipality
or of thncounty , in which , the 6ituate,
it so - inany 'be:printed therein', l a skat'eluent
showing in 'detail the actual-indehWilness, tbe
amount of the floating debt thereof„ the valua
of, taxa i hle . property therein, and, the assets
.the corporal ion with the cha raster and ma:
ture therof, date,of maturity of the mipectiye
forms of (undol dent thereof, and a neglect or
failure stitolloifiall l!o e a ruistlemeanorAmnish
able by fine not exceeding one thousand dol
COURT PROCEEDINGS. —The grand jury re
, ported against a county bridge in Lathrop in
'stead pl - for one, as . it appeared - in" Our ac
count of court proceedings last week.;
Court grant following. licenses, Joseph Allen
and Everet VanAtikin. 'eating houses, ISus
queltimna ,Depot, J. A. Sackett and Frank 4in:te
rating houses, Great Bend. .
Commonwealth vs. John Alartin--. 7 indictwent
larceriy:' The '4Ll'lentitint was arraigned - and Pro
ven guilty of stealing a yoke of oxen, and sell
theruttr a btitther In .Nicholson, Wyoming
county. Pros. Thos S. Jatw's. The jury ren
dered a verdict ot guilty. The court in this
casexe thirik,very commendttlibralitiv l ved mercy
to 'touch the gentler side, and under the. circum,
stances Imposes a very: slight sentence fol
loWs : That the defendant pay $lO fine, costs, r
and undergo an imprisonment in the county jail
• for the period of three months.' Two facts which
undoubteily influenced the court were ; the
.tnental condition of the defendant,and prov-,
en good , character _before----this being liii'first
And only offense of the ]find. . 1
Comnionwcalth vs. Wm. - S Allen.
mitred and county to.tray costS.
•Commonwealth vs.- Rufus D. 'llill ig
nored and county. to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. Charles Deang..
went larceny. 13:11 ignored and county t r pay
Commonwealth vs...Tamts Chapman rind Wm,
Anderson: .These..` .wereep r es -ar est I
on suspicion of having stolen property/.'win-1
• • tioned last week. ,Grand pry And
c o u n ty pays costs These parties ngikin 1
been 'arrested on amither - charge and. ithund
over-to term, - •
Cnim.rionwealth vs. Wrn..(...slattice.`
nient,hreaking and entering. True 1411. 1 :found.
CommonWeaftli - (moo: 'P Besteder. - Surety_
of the peace. BecOgnizariCe $.lO, to keep the
• Court 'ipPoint'"Eiljah 'Mama - tlionis
James and JOhri Bradshaw,; Auditors :..of
burn ti; Aush Poor Asylum':' •
TA tiro - matter or the' lunacy of Thomas
IliAltock Court grant • `'comp ittee;Pos;o4 ••', to]
apply 410 of his tstrale per•annum for sup-
port. - '
ki(ollo4otlWBaitil Jno. 'Slocuin; Suroly of
the pence; wiro prostteutor.
Defendant bOtifq ; .Ov(4 in the Sutii of .$4OOO,
and an order wade by- :the c.oyirt Owl him for
*,2 j)er th'e wife's Iseparatt
Nathan' , 0„ - eiecutois .-of Royal
Carter ya. Will).;eltristifn) and Vliaiies Fuller
Jury tailed ,and g,itse..4)una.settled.-.
y A ct: ,orn,
slivorm. .S. it. 311tFliell, esq., api)9intOd corn
f 3. K. '12.mithi4044.-:
Settled: '
011ieof ejectim9ut. - On t , slati
• A
THEME WEITINGAN_-'oollooLS.—There is a
great 'deal . of
_jiist cornpl4int, nowadays that
chi,l4rep-bit. 7 private_ selviols are
craninu:d with , facts,.witlout - any rider or so
qnence, and certainly
_ , withont nay attempt to
deYelop ritnSonirig:•On t Wers c f thei brai ns.
4410 arePrequir4 af,4eri4in
nfrthber of rutes, grammtical or mathamaticAl.
mettle names Of rive? 1 -Asiii` ' , or the populaL
tion of towns in Yucatan. As for any practi-.
1 4cse pdftfikets /la"! 9 n
their dailsr life they know nothing of it. Wuen .
oh the';eintrary, theYlare Set to write "themes"
airriodt adstraet
topic6.o(3 given: 'them:- prelY irnigius.tive or
philosophic subjects, which require unlimited
data aii4slisrii:extieriedee
. re, •
gemly. • Inem
tosti of these snbjetts are hack
neyed beyond use. - - How many grown men
e'nd 'women Atitiuld > write an essay 'ont virtue, or
triuinpbsko'f geniuk,ithat should
„contain one 'fresh thought or. tut. of expres
slob thitt 4 iiv'es;not a shameless 'platitude ? 'Yet
it is juii tunic themes' that girls and boys pore
over weekly, striving to drag from their untie
..yeloßed brains and'their experience.of the tiaii
'6r 4r,ospiet: Around l or' 'the. clash rooni•Some new
reflecimiis sin' the gr6irideas lidve ruled.
man ind. Variations - Of- precisely such topics
as itheiethe iindergradnikle selects to'regale his
hetirers. on commencement '• There Was
even in theiccent iitereoiligiatailititest a no
ticeable effort'Ori the part of the Young essay-_
ists to grasp the most practical subject in the
.geperal4ing, philosophie,, or
. .Poetioal ifashion,.
Whloll e would impress any
,hear6ri as unreal, if
nut false. •
We shall be told by teachers that this'pro
pensity Ss due,to the crudity of the boy's mind;
to ,the lack of actual • weighty experience, from
Which to deduce ideaS or conclusions. Why
then is he . not required to deduce his ideas and
and conclusions from such experience as he
has ? It instead of flighty disquisitionscon
eernink Greeks' and '.Rotains whom he knows.
nothing about, a lad of twelve or fourteen were
left td. write about his father's "botiCor horse, or
his last right rabbit hunt, his brain would be
roused, his matter would T he, original, and his
Style vigorous. Nor would to
.confine Lim to such home themes. Turn htm
loose in a machine shop, a dock yard, or a pas
, ture, according toThis loCality, and let him, tell
what he sees 'there,-; or 'give to a`giri histOtt
, cal 'Place Or Outitteter and'half:a dozen books
of .reit!rence, and let her.bring* result of her
, reSearchei. - 1u Other case tbe.eltild * will have
learned facls,,,with n definite understifidiiig of
their, purpose, and. will have written in words
witich have. a' real - signification- of real.' thing
,and the teaclier will have gained a clearer in
sightiinto the tastes, character, and the capiet
ty of his pupil than ihtough years of weari
‘-sornevnlettiorizing-and "theme.wri ting.";,-/Y: Y.
• •
Accidents in the Coal Regions.
The inspector of the ' mine:4"U the 'first dis- .
Aria has made report, in which he gives the
,following advice - to the operatOiS': eq.' beg leave
, to suggest that during the suspen:siint,yOu have
ample time ; toattend to rcpairs, to get your air
'courses, travelinglways, ropes, tackle and . ma*
.chlitiuY all 'put„ pro Per Condition Jo, i n sure
the safctY and ',health of the 'men in your em°
ploy. youneglect to dO this now, rind any
accident Consequent • upon such neglect, you
will render YOurself amenable tothCluw,for all
'dainages which . lie jailed or injured Persons
may sustain, - and as you .Will have no just ex-
, ,
euse to oiler . btlier will beaceepted. The
law 'will be enforced against . . - The rigbts
of property . ,isgreat,but huthan life is and.must
continue: to be held sacred." , •
To: th superinteiglen is and torenian the iii
spector ft4Y5 ;'`..The law makes it an import
ant pan oi your duty to seethat all ithe pro- .
visions:of the act of assembly -are carried Into
eilect in each. portion of the collieries under
your control( When, both can be.saved all is
yell; but. when -circumstances arise rendering
- it.,ne"msary sacrifice 'one in order, to saTe
l/the.nther, then no , holuyabie ,h . esit4te
tnornent,..:to' ; .relinquish either - his . own or
any . , other pepon,s ;property rather. than , to
tooso2 : the liyes of .any. }lnman - being; have .
been . intorped that''sorne superintendents and
Misses - are in the bab# of Tiding up
,the slopes
on:loaded:. wagons Or, :down titeslope. - ort the
wagOn opposite to loadedione. ; 'To,':auch
say you - cap - ni.ver,:expect , another person. to
respect a law which ;you:
tingyoursolves. otight„.to.setan example.,
thenten.!nnderyour,- control, yowplftee
a tuall• - stiroate upon '.the value of your
own •
lives, •
yoti are not jikely, : tqbe very.careful
of the lives of others. You:are not,competent
•to diseltar6: the, duties of your tuition .You
•nowhold,'YOuvernployers baving\-regard to
their own interest would do well to remoVe
,youltpd faityonrl;4lnees with,more,.earefuttuen,
and it in the ftiture you are do,eeteti in any
such ilakrant Violation of thelaw 1 shall make
duty ,to ask .the court to proceed against
_Vow:With: the utmost rigor. '
.'.. . .
Ma:inane tOr',alsa gives the-mineri;find''ia
borers,good advice, urging on ; them, the impor--
tance of Olieying, - Atte law with - regard to yenti
latiOn. ~all4he accidenta,; : _whiplt ho:yepe.,
since I •eatered upon lire duties of":this
'office, nine-t,entlti Of them COUIII iiaye been
vented 'men had 'only taken - reason ab
IPrecapt.ipw t h
'to, prevent em.
..:If the .legislature
, should' pass: anew `act evory v day - fOr your pro
teetionit Would . :*vail 'nothing uniess- . you ett
denior.: to:prOte4 - yOttitkdVeS." • . ,
. .
:Our t ti Business. ,
. _
13111 igl
An exchange, - peatiitig''ot -the importance
0f . ,,evt,1 - 7businep:s man au -altihOt iAfitiVe
Live statement of the nature of his own busi
nei4'tO the ..'yobrte; makes foll Owing excel
i sXses.! l 9 l . l9 ):,
irrte" men are'
willing enough to pay ,forl
PriutingtifiliAlitjheY., , 1414iftii that PalPable,
straiglitont advertising is not exaetlrthe thing.
get dono 6 - 014,14144 moon,
or to have; the, indorsemenl cat the editorial
efites himself. put of this delusion will.havo tho
moat greentiaeka• -- AJA 1 41 1 . 1 e 9 4 3 - , 14,"s a V " 80.
,TIIE ;MONTRO,SF,),j)gIpVg.AT;):'J-o.AN:;.'ir9,-.:',,.187,6-.
• . • ,
went in his 0-Wil• larignao; over his own signa
ture and for which he is plainly responsible; is
in , the nature Of an official: doctinienti. There
e'iin air abO4t - .the responsibl,o advertisern6pt
... want to trade and will -give
you . aNr bargain." When ,we lave.ooCasion
,t6,ndvertse our bitsiries' we . Tgcle.Diakoedit
iial meni ion of it; bat( insert an 'Advertisemen
This view of the subject-is not inconsistent .
with - cotruntin practicil of making . ,,editorial
mention o'f-new advertisements—and tbe
cannOt that--nor of loCal :mentiOn,: of
matters that are constantly . ',occutrinir in the
business community; by which any man's bust
:rims may bO.Called notice.: One is - a - n*B
'its rn and the other is 'an introduction us it were
ofa new cus 'miter to . the reading or ustness
t optain f the ',vsluo of; printer!S init, Ad
vertise. ..6oit, your own ianguage; or if You
'datincit do 'that 4078114' you get' some one to
, heiryou;)ort come I to. the office with:your ideas
written down and we will -help: put; them_in
:shape. By all means advertise. Change often
anitiv hen yonf bitsintiAlidutit'Sof it; makedif
`fierent features of It prominent ',in their ittrn;
'to-dt.y one tbiftg, to-min Tow or next week an
other; and then something of the dash in them
without great exaggeration: Htmdrects of for
tunes haye been made- by advertising, and yet
as an Art it is but imperfectly understoW
Poultry Breeding.,•
Poultry 'of_Ull: - kinds find. Sready. market
the city . all the 'year - `round, The :following
paragraph froth the Potatry ; .I*cord will be 'read •
,with, interest by. •fowl fanciers andTiraia:til.
'farmers • •
. Poultry Breeding has now come to be.regard
ed Important a branch of 'fartri Industry ns
the raising of .sivtner and : sheep. In !one sense
it is more itn por twit, in that it .. , ii.flot; - every.
farmer - who can keep: sheep or swine to advan
tage,-but every one Who rents or own s aOA Of
.land;if,only, the size of a city: Jot, Gan-keep: a
few 41 of poultry With both - pleasure and:
.profit. When taken. into .'.'considerstion the ,
vast number of 'eggs Consumed,. in 'the-United
States—the city of New : York- aloneising.dnr
ing:the.-year, 18.12 Upwards - Of -340.000,00Q.'c05t
. lag if wholesale $0,21)2,000---and ishen,,weno!e
the immense number of tons of poultry sold in
aillargocities of the ; t i rnlan, - cannot call the
poultry' business - One, of minor importance.—:' is but, a 'few' Years since the 'fiaine Of .
poultry seemed. convey, the idea Of- inaignifi
,canee, however, thopropriet Ora. of large
stock., farms-:,have their \ floCks' 'of pure "bred .
t0w16,-,Which ' get their share.of attention and .
study Well - . as. the_ hOined' _Caine horseS ;
..and Ihe net income from' a well mitnageil,p,Oul
tit Olt& 'no small 'addition_ to- ttie , faini re
-celpts: - • • ; : - ,
Business Locals.
BALL Tickete printed in first.-elass. style:and
at cheap rates at this office. ".
.1 •
Forty, 5Q eyld,t3o c e nts per quart, at the
52L1 ' ' ' KEYSTONE ! ' SAtli)OR.
VERILY VERILY, say unto you Go , to the
Keystone Saloon and get a good Oyster-Stew.
Dec. 29; 18M—tf. ' '
repairer VATcrits, Clocks ant Jewelry repair on
,short notice 'and wafiquited, ' at . F 13 Melbu
islk's Jewelry Store'. forinerly IsbeYl &'Melbu
Montrose July 28 '1875 --tf •
To THE Puran.--AS itluarantee that Tay
lor's Family Medicines are 'the best in market,
of. their kind, and that the qimlityAte giiot, Is
shall hereafter 'be maintained, I would say to
all.:, ',lf ajtor using them YOU are , not satisfied
you have received benefit- in, proportion tolhe
price paid,,return the empty bottle or package;
and get your money , back; as,' I want no man's
money unless he is satisfied e haa.receiVed its
equivaletit. Respect fully , !;
, H. BR O WNING . TAYLOit, Prop'r.'
October 64875. ,
.There no' subject that requireii so meet
'stud? and and expe r ience as the treatnieinCiit btfon.;
is diseases. The" . dstonishing'.Sueeess and-'re;
markable cures performed by Dr. i Butterfield,
:ere due to the gift of clairvoyance ; ! to the life
long study of the constitution •of than, and the'
during Of disedSe4 trehi natural remedies.' Cure
the worst tbrms'of Serofula: Pattirriii
male Weakness, Asthma; Kidneys I or. Bladd
Will be at the. Catferty, Tiouse„ 13inghdnitcin
Thursday, -and - Friday, February . 10th and
11th. : I • , .1
will offer my large 'stock of Flonr and Salt,'
'and general line of-grocery • goo Is yery,low- lot
a short tune for cash, i 1 eXpect'to nkOyia in a
few - days into a -new' store building ,opposite
'Cooper & CO's. Bank, and di, not want to,be at
the expense of plowing. 'a large stock of heavy
goods. , a good time to buy your Flour
and Salt,. I Palle never had a botter stock of
good Flour, .fresh,.gronnd. than .at PreSent
time. E. P. STAMP. -
Montrose. Oct. 20,1875' : -
Cut this. :out and: bring. it . with :youlo the
Store tit . 0i1E41..P JOHN, 'where h)!'buying:slo
worthQr more follbwMg or other goods
yoq will.reclevempOn prepenting this, uotjc9
Good 'yard ividelhOting from B%'o.':tO .1(10,4e.
GoOd calicoes; light Colora, 0-44.'. • •
Best calicoes,dark and medium 7160.
Goad tanton flannels
Better 4'
_ `` I
Ganl btack picas ~ •
Better• ." • . 41.5 c.
Best " -'-'•
BoYS . re'ady4mtae suits frolii . - $p 50 WO 00
- to , 12 00
Mena ittp - Sol, , goatfkip bboti; 50
Boys tap sOle . g9od .. !4ip boots, - 25
141dieg , beltYier eloakil , frogi
`LadloB Ht'sklyts frdiu-
'Nene.under,a4irta and drawers Mort 50 to -75 c.
Ladis Ana' handsome 01,1)1214 Hata
and Min nets' in felt, bt,ra* and yid vei. front, $2
to tot. . ' • • •-•
Our reasons - for the ahuire extreordiniiry re:
ductieni in .prices ypu flnit hy reading 'our
g eneral adver)iseinent which we requiest you
On'tint 'give us 4 'din when you wata•Aonake - a
purchase. 0./Pitakatf - & P'
Montratie,Dee. !. (Poses ,buildingi)
tire . •
WE, that, the people of.Montrose and
are finding out where the most poPu-
Jar Dry. Goods 'louse in.Bin,;.•.annton is located
for C. Fl. Sisson & CO. inform tts that their
trade, frdnii this section, is very' large and con
etantly increasing. ; Ii their stock inky nos be
found ft. large ilndi,taiefully - selected. stocii . of
Dry,Qoods, suitable-to:the wants ot.eyerybody.
'They , midie ipeCialtcif,Black Silks, Black
Cassinferes", l ßlack Moliai A rs; :Black AlPitCas; and
'the gradet3'of Dresti-` GtiOdEt;-11.1111
.are,. prepitied -to give , some decided bar
gains. 'We, suppose that - nearly everyb sly Is
aware that , their store , located at, Ift:Cimrt
Street; riot to the Cniial.
Binghamton. 5ept:•22.,4875.
• •
. .
RO ,
lIE . L-At . the, parsonirin
Thbnison,, 'Dee.. :16, by'
.Rev. J. F.:Warner,
GEO. f:Robinson;'of Preston,' Wayne Co.;Piti
and Miss Ella L. BueVot'Franklin,'-M
LivrNos;yort—iNmAN.,.At the Presbyterian
sonnet., in:, , Atunttosei - Jatc. - Ist, by Rev. J. 0,
Mr. Cbarlea,M.: Livingston, of .Mont.
• rose, and. Miss Arnanda Innian,orllattawan
- '
••••,-,*': -,':.::: ,-,'-ii:iils..4L,rxxis;,.;
rslJ Oakland,,Jan. 11; Roseltlia.A.Wife
Of George ;•E.' ; Burton. aged 33 years' arid
months. '-•••
Butoat:4-Jar)6,.. Mrs: Matt ••, L.; wile tn Bradt
Burni; of ;Uniondale,. and daughter af NyM.
A, -Ilansee„ aged. 24- years,, 6 monthiLaudi3,
RIsLE~r-- In jesstip, Jan. stb,
daughter of Albert C. and MBry S. Bliley,
aged 'o' years, 3 months, and 10 days '
Oh Death,"thy withering hand is laid
Ott On' earth's fairest, sweetest 'flowers
O'eimany a home &Ali tall a shade
' Bd none more deep than rests on ours.
CoOlville, Dec. 20th, 1875, of
diphtheria croup, Harriet J.,youngest datigh
. tor, oft Jatines and May Martin, aged 5 years,
4 monthit;'and 12 days. • .
A welcomedgentle voice" has her
- IMO her Saviburia breast.
Anti safe within those loving arms
ur.precious darling rests.
Yeti; safe within those pearly gates, -
Amid the ransomed throng, - '
Her loyely. voice has caught, the strain,
Aria joined the, angelic song., - ,
Then we'll not ,w;sh sweet Hattie back, .s
But meekly kiss the rod ;
Out little gem was "onlylent
-I`t still belonged to God.
,1 „The Markets. •
. .
'NtimtiVarK Produce Market.
Reported Very' Week.Eipresely fo'r 'rum Mosirno,sz
Dexocust by ,Rhodos Server, Produce Commie.
slot' ;51erchatits; 26 Whitfiliall Street.Nvr York.
! ew York Frably Jan.-14,1876
Rece`!'pt•last, six ,clays 19,90(1 pkgs.
The. 4:loaatul •fattey: firkin tubs contin
ue 3 faif, aid with tie reccipts : pf.,sueb exceed
ingly.light„ extreme privts, are readily phtaina•
• -
State Dairies, fine • ? SO - 32e
State - Dairies, good to prirtio - ;.. - .21-
State . 1"Itilg, , dairy - ,' choice.. .. (gt .
Stake Pails,dairy,good to prime ` 2B. tai 30e
State .I:°4ils,cooltnou to @ 24c
. CHEESE. - •
.neceipts htst six days !4,590 boXes. .
More confidence in the luture seems to pervade,
the, trade and_rather healthier.state of affairs
evidently , tore Aor both receivers and ex,.
Portt?I•1 . `l . • „ _
• state F4etory, fancy
State Factory, fine 1154(2i. 12%c
State Factory', fair 931,@t 103ze
Stateillairies„fair to g00d...,1%(4,. 103<c
• ' -EGGS.
; ,
Reeeiptsllast six dey5.......... - s`,o6o,pkgs,
1 The epqutrY f,or Truth eggs 6011120 s Very ilovi:
and ptieesilare ,aleand lower. '1:-' - •
. - State and Penn.- - ; :-.. :..."...- , .2730) . 1 28& - . il
, Weitent choice" brands... 4 .`. .-- - igt, ' 27e -.
' ' '1 ' ,'' '='- , POULTRY: ' " ' ' • "
Th ' r ieipts : ' 4 4re' rather tiore- liberal.: this
in ninine Turkeys are' In fair request `lf eholee.
e ,
Turkeys '' }} Stabl pilule, ' "17 to ;—C
Chickens, State, pilme -18 to 10e -
Dutiks ..,4 - :1,...:-.... .... .- . - . - .20...4 22e,
Geellc.-.#.....i ...'. .. ... .. .'...13 @ 15c
I.l'S '
, , ~ il ~241 E AND . STOCK., . _
i I.
The metket is ritther slow - _ to : day on boih
veal 4n (I grass Oalves, and prices, though quo
tra.iy o'4l the . st,ane, liave a trifle easier tone
- .LiVe Sleep, weathers! to. J 1 1,40
Live Calves fl
State pilule. .*-.10 :te 19Y 2 e
Flog D rOsed .r;alVes fine... ... ta to 13%c
1 . i :DRIED : 1 FRUITS. - 1 L . _ •
,1 1 ,
Aiiilles l are selling.
,nvidvrately: , at Ab9ut the
saw Tanoe of values. , .Peeled pesehesdull and
weak' - ' ! • - -
State ApplesAutirteis: .... Slit°., 9e
Petichei, peeled,Stltte . ...... ;10 to 18e
Blapkb4rrtes. : --- '' ' - 12 to 1234 e
Ra4obejTie% new.s.'..-....«....,27 to 28e
. , ,
-1; , There itt no pain. which the Centaur
. Liniment Will not relleve,no Swelling,
•tria - they 'will not subdue, and no lameness
, Which they will not curei. This is strong
. ~..1
_ a, , : language, but it is 'true:. Tliey bare
' -produced more ewes of Ihentuatism;
~ x L .., _ -neuralgia,locklaw.palsy,isprailts,swel-,
' - Ottkila - lingo caked breasts scalds, burns.salt,
rhmeu. m
aehe, Jrc., upott,, the, buman ! fram - e, acd O •
strains, spavin, 'galls, etc., upon initials ,in one year'
than have all other pretended remedies-since the wort&
began; They are connter4rritant, all-healing, pain re
lieve* Cripplettithror awaytiitir crutches, the lamer
walk,fpoisonons bites are rendered harmless . ; and, the,
wounded are healed without a scar. The recipe is pub-.
• lished arotind each btittle. They sell astie articles ever
. sold heforei, because they do just what they preteacitO
do.. Those , yvlick now suffer from, rheumatism; pain, or
swelltpr deserve to suffer if they will not , tom Centaur
Lininient, white Wrapper. Mare . thiin 100 Q certitiv4tes
of retharkable cdres, including trozen itnibai chronic,
'rheureatista r gout, running tumors: ete., have been rd.'
ceivek We will send a circular centaining certificates;
the nicipe, etc., gratis, to-any one requesting . Opp
botthi of the YeiloW,Wrapper Centtturrhiment is worth
one hundred dollars for spavined or sweenied horses
:aud Mules, or-for screw-worm in abeep; Stocloawners
—the elinlinentf are worth your attention. No falPily .
should be without them. "White wraPper'familyuse;"
I'VellhOr wraPpor for aninials.',' Sold by all Dragglate,--,,
50coOts per bottle .; largetottictr4l.ol , 1.T.13:. Reiz 41t,
,00,00 Itroulway,New York. ,; . -,- -.
, • ,
$4.5Q to se• 00
75 to A•l5
, 4
Onstoria Is more ti mu a substitute for Castor WI,
/ZIA the icoArt.icte in existence which tucertsin
to alseirooloPEtYolood.regulatetito bOwol l , cure Find
11O1tu'd produce' tentairm neither
mlllOlll%, morphLue Of aldobol;Mut ii _ plea~sil ties to
Children Geed not cry end *Other' ouly rest. 1 -;
Oci, 26. 1 5 i ;
• r
Centaur. Liniment.
IFon, - Hardwge,Vvi,
='Dealei d in
s'ovEskrgusi, 001 FE 4- SHEET
IRON ;WA RESir HOUSE' =]`tltl4
41 4 4N01514.111),, BAATLET:., CO.
which_we, will sell at Blanchard, BartiepAt to' a , pet is
NAT . fig', SCIt EWS, LA.TCIiES, 'BUT"!
^1 WIRE GOODS, &O,;.
Special indicernenta on Pima, Palls - Coolers and . al:
Dairying Gooda;
• .
(JOIN HAYDEN ) General - Agent,) '
,V,Osurp`a4ciii for and, Porabpity.
te - have recently aided to, oar 'selection. of Eno yet
Made hy Rathbone,'Sard and the
Argand Base itnintng Parlor Stove And Cunard Cook
Stovetq manufactured' by Perry CO!ialball i N.Y. We
also keep , the ctdebroted, ~ • '
Rithbone., Jewett & Ransom,. yanges;l with Copper.
Reservors - ariii Nickle tdottntinsts of the latest,improvell
atterns. -Repairing promptlY done lid orders for
jobbing solicited. .
' • - iIAYDRN . & CLEMENT : 4 .
_New lifilford,,lfay 12th. 18711.-rtf. • • • .
Why ,the=Flowers.Bloora-,in Winter
• Are you aware that you Cllll obtain ;Summer heat in
atinuar3 ? Th4t you, can littpart balmy. .air to yowl
that- yin can give. Spoutaneous growth to
plants and Flowers, -and' that you can. make htme a
ttie paradise by pnrchaeing one of B. C. Sayre's hot-
Air Furnaces ? These Furnaces ' are now constructed
with VAPOR PAN by which the atmosphere is,tera
tiered to that resembling Summer heat.
No flora grackiliE of Pontius,
'Arid thettme tote come when conenmettviii may re
joice in coati fires, These furnaces are Gold entirekr
on their own merits, aed are now the leading-Faros*"
iw. this part cif rhientintry - All Furnaces are warrsnt
ed to give cutire eatistactice, or no ,sale. .
T.. 7 Da*
I keep competent men on the road who are well ac
quainted with the Furnace business mud they are eon
stantl.y. putting up these enrunces. Their work is war.
ranted to please. These Furnaces arenow scattered to
the folktwing towns and cities :
• Bloghanaton, Scranton, Providence, Wilkes Barre,
Kingston, Pittston, Elmira, Waverly, Withamsport.
_Bend, Su-pitehtnna Oeptit. ,Lianeo k, - lle:141,
DoWnsville; Andes - , ,Matgaretrille; Franklin, I.tnadilta,
Owego; Nor. humberiand,, and matty, other towns.
• ikgrelawszretatZlarecl Sy'
Any person • %OA trig ateeominendation from any n : c
living in the above named places. will gladly co: mt.
pond -wit hlttemiilving names' of parties, now using
these Furnaces. •
a'.:p:,,.. A.Y,R.,,,.
ItiAitrose:'' , Pa.
;; Montratio,tDeceOir •- _
P. J.: Dals.4 LEY,
. a ,
.. .. :
~ " . ,
No. 48 & 50 . Washingt.oitT st.,
Would respetcally call atteption4o thattlare st,o
iP* iiii#ll,'Ei
Nchich they ire selling at from 13 , to 90 per coot.
than heretofore. : . A.fuli assortment of „
.Parldr Setts, flora $6O 'upward: I Chamber' Setts from
$4O upward.:_ldnt *lO to
from, It upward. Pure WOO
Mattresses froo to $l5. Oak, Aeh and Walnut.
Extension Tables trent $8 to $lB. , • • ,
You can do better by pa:chiming your good!, of Us than
of any dealers in,. this section of the country. ."We will
uot be undersold by any one .east of New Torii , Gay...
No extra charge for packing
,or delivering good, at the
_ .
tente to sayi ward. in liis line we itaVe Bo
PaCasket. and a 'variety or other styles, ' Bo' lei
Robes, Shrouds, etc. . • • , '. .
The hearse and Carriage attactiet to our estAblieh
trient eauuot he surpassed in this section. • These will
be furnished 'to those who
_require; at a reasonable tig.
tali, anywhere 'within a radius or, twenty mites from
this city. °lye him n call. ).. ~.' ,:•
. ' , .
DO 04t, ' ,
" . , :11/r.
:llinrlirmtoa. May 19th;.18T6:=-t#
ESendiCalogveledarjriandWri . Maseitiklik
r for Auld 11 - 111111 8143rna*
Pree ..', pa 91' Delaware. `l,
i 7.. 4,putyc;iir .01Othing at 04 eap, 400,
1 I .
Agents. tor -
ti, , , .
OF out