The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, January 19, 1876, Image 6

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—Judge Elwell, of. is presid
ing at our court` this week, in place of Judge
--r-Pay. Asher Moore preaches at;the Uni, Broohlyn,evety Sunday inorn , i
14,g anctevening. - '
: . .
--Reprsentative Falke.nbury Will plume
accept our acknowledgements for the rcelpt of
viquable public docuinents from the ,Mate Cap
—The Union - Prayer Meetin s will be con
, .
tinned 'each a,fternon . this wee ~ commencing
at half past :tWo."o',.e.lock,`andj closing' at s [Mar
o'clock. -j., ' ' 1
1, '
r -,-- 7 The Erie Company are bnthling some
s ,
newlocomotiveaat the SusquehantiashOps.—
It is the intention to turn out seven during the
coming season.
—The Valley HOuse, - Seranton, bas been
leased by the several bite l keepers of that city,
who will close it next we*, and not , allow it to
toe opened again as. hotel. *, '
—The Wyoming M. R Confernee; which,
on . ._,
was to assemble sin Binghamton the 29t11 of
?darth next, •is postponed until April sth.—,-
Bishop Bowman is to preside, _
'• ! -
—One of our new subscribers, While at our
opice-last wee.k,said thst„ouragent, Mr. Weeks,
did't, leave a man, woman 'or eliild inhis
nei hborhood that hadn't TUE DI6IOCRAT to
read.s. , A ' 1 ...... t' '':;.
-*The - Harrisburg Aztriot says 'that - Hon
Victor E. Piollet has refused his, last year's sal
ary as state lecturer of ilia '4 PenniylVania Pat
rons of Husbandry and, willraerve gratuhOusly
so long as he shall hold
-the position. ' 's
—S. J.. Stauffer has sold,his - eigar =utilise
, , ,
, tore, -on -Public Avenue, ti?, - ;..E. r V.' Curry,: of,
Philadelphia. '*r. Curry intends to carry-on a
tirl,- class establishment and cert4inly our to:.
hacco connOisseurs Should burn his 'cigars as
- .Weil as others, ;it he makes •the i conditions
.11e, some:-.._.. ' .
11-13 urns & White; marble dealers, Tunk
harinock,' Pa:, litivea'Te*.gond pilipiiiitiOns to
make to the public this Weekin an advertise
ment elsewhere.' -. Mr. Bits is a native of this
county, and the firm cons der that their ability
to satisfy customers is unsurpassed .
~.. - ,
-- 7 The firm of - 1)(July & Casey, Furniture
dealers, Binghamton, N. Y., has been dissolved
and P. J. Donly now conducts the business.—,,
Mr. Donly intends to make the . undertaking
business a , speciality , and between now and.
April first be intends to close out his furniture
at factory l prices and quittliat part of the trade.
.., . I
Y a k ---Trampi ate steComitig num / erons on the
d inel of :the Albany & Susquehanna Railroad,
which has heretofore bee remarkably{ remarkably ; free
from them. • The Bainbridg, Republican 'says
that oil Wednesday night last, eleven. the
kept over the poormaSter, and neat
every evening a party of, them have to b, r- •
nislied with food and lodgings.'
---Our old friend, J L. Burtis; drops us a
copy of the Oneonta .09nrinemci,ll of , which he is
- the, editor and proprietor.
~this•is no new-field
to Mi. liurtis for he has bedu in the harness
all the:wayirtini a printees "detir to the edi
torial chair, and success , is Ina `watchword.-*
Mi. B.Twas foremon in the D4ll ocuxit - office,
lbr nearly two, year,s4 ,We - , extend 'out hand as
we place the Commercial l ett outeschatige list. \-
The canvasser for this Was : very,
handsomely 'e'ntertained , and made to feell.very
much at home - by, the family of D. Thiimas ;
of Springville, last week.M.r. Thomas is a
stirring farmer and, haa also• een extensively
engaged for ei:nimber of years in seridingsup." -
plife, to Scranton market.
to set
her daughter know . bow to set a first-Class tit
. ' ble.:" Many thanks to them. : , ,
• -:---Bishop, Huntington (Protestant Episco
pal,) of Central New:. York;` fit a recent Protes
tant Episcopal Convocatioa in Watertown, N.
Y., spoke of the exclusioU of the Bible from
the public schools as "foredoolneti by cireum.-
stances that are to be ' deplord,'' and Said that
religiou3 instruction in such .schools - could lie
allowed only when there was a conformity o f
creeds. _lle suggested that, under tte dream;
stances, the duty of his church was to provide
for more' - 4 - douvrelietisive religious instruction
in Sunday Schuds, and to deVote several heurs
of each Sandi) , for
,tilat purpCse.'---rening
--;--A'correspondent of the American Grocer
• argues as followsin reference to.the manner in
which eggs are sold : "One thing should
like to see brought aboutdin the manner of sell=
ing eggs ; and Instead of by the "dozen,l4 see
them sold and quoted by the potittda Row
there is no more justice in the consumer or re
tail dealer
,being asked to pay a certain price
for a .1•A of eggs . that will only , weigh 17 or 18;
nunces(and even, some lots as I°6- as 14 ounces)
when the next customer may get for the same
price a lot that will weigh 23 to 24 ounces (and
some times roOre,ythanithere is in selling abort
weight Canned goods , or raisins. Can't the
subjeat be agitated to the extent of bringing
the attention of the trade= strongly, enough to
the*matter create a Oiange presnute
there is a standard - , :weiglS for eggs, but-if so I
have ,Bever seen it."
--,-*To,preYent'the accidents' to which rail;
road trains are liable from one c sr jumping the
track, the Plan haabeen devised of applying to
van kind of shoe; ;consisting of elatnplike
arringenient which is affixed between the
wheels 'of each track:. This . runs abont two
inches from the rail; and if anything , happens
tending to throw the wheels from-theirack,the
clamp at once grasps the rail, holds the car on
the m0;04 Wags the tutu' to a'speeoy halt.
Such a shoe will, Is :44141ed, prove great
saving to railroad rolling atjaelt,, and .add great
', iy to, tho..serenith of the iruek, rt helOg OM:
structed ofir4 and'AVeighiog some 500pouuda,
• Experiments made ivith,,ears provided with
this device show that
,the arraitgetnent'aecOm- -,
Wishes very effectivAL.:the.obpot anti'
is estiinitaii that gLacollilt pf die addition-
stirength:.thUS 'ttie 04; it * l 4(
last, much loner. .
THE :110 NYPROWE.: 'OE M6Cl{,Bl%,'' _ 47:8
—The Catholics, of. Susquehanna Depot,
have been holding a very successful Fair, net
ting the Society some '53,500 towards building
their new church, which\ Fathei Slattery is
pushing forward\with•great zeal.
• . ,
-=---The Montrose Duttocnkr at ~the begin
ning of the centennial year has been enlarged
and greatly improved., It is now an eight page
paper, well-filled, and presents - a fine and cred
itable appearauce.----Susquelumna Journal,
The Idol:arose D.EMOCRAT, one of , our
most valued ,exchanges, comes to us ibis week
ina quarto , form—a change but not an improve
mut, we, think.‘ The DiltocrtAT starts out
with fine prospects for the Centennial year.—
Susquehanna Gazette. •
The .Montrose DEMOCRAT surprisedlts
readers by coming out in ha first issue foi 1876,
as an .elght, instead of a !Our, pageijournal.--.
The change is an improvement, and shows that
the proprietors' motto is advancement, and
that they are alive to tli wants of their pat
rons. May success crown theii, efforti. , 4—Great
Bend Reporters.' . •
, .
We opened the Montrose tirmoonA.T, of
last week, with fear and trembling. We had
become fio accustomed to a' lour pa'ge paper,
'that we were eertain,there was 'a
mis t take some
where,.wheri w e e ePolied . an' eight page paper
The Rditors are to be congratulated - on'The neat
and improved appearance their Paper . .--
Union' News.
—Benighted pedestrians hereafter
thanti Mr. O.' 11. Stritth and . 'the' Preshyterian
society for throwing O:nte genuine light upon
- the street lamp, subject. Mr. Smith by plant..
ing'a first Class k.ernsene , lamp , aud post in front
of his re.siclence on Turnpike strut :and the
Presbyterian society - , by. 4pingetiho'slinie thing
in front,ot their church.
fa#iily = of .Thotnas Crawl, 9f Dycl.
berry, Yhinie county; becOme.nearly,
extinct liy diphtheria. Mr. `Crain lost ; . fou
children in December. Himself and servant
girl were taken sick ",last Weeli,. \' and died on
Thnisday. The wife died only a few months
ago,, .two children are lett of tbe . family
and they are reported dangerungly ill with the
same disease.
,z—Fit}ding in the ltiontroseDEliocakir the
Statement that that paper had been "greatly
enlarged!' at the beginning of the present year,
we took the pains to corripare one of its issues
in December, 1875, 'with its last issue, and
;Found that the size remains exactly 'the same
one way, and , that the sheet issued, in 1876 is a
quarter of / an iaek. larger the other way. A
splencilApdargement truly,l—Morttrose Repul ,
E. L. Weeks is our only traveling agent
is authorized to canvas for the DEMOCRAT
til further notice. During the last', week e
wadded forty-ti 0 new
_subscribers ; ta our llst
and it wasn't much of a week for subscribers
either. We publish a list of credits elsewhere
so that if any mistakes occur they can be at,
once rectified. All such-should belorwarded
tO'ts at, once .for correction. .
--Mrs. Shrimpton, for
,many years a resi
,dent of . this place,,died on Wednesday morn
ing, Dec. 29th, at -the house of Mr. James Bell.
The deceased was sixty-one years of age at the
time of her death. which was caused by acute
pneumonia, her Siekness lating a little over a
Week: Mrs. Shrimpton was a devoted mem
ber of the Episcopal ChurCh: and on her death
bed gave to it her two,htts on Broad street.—
She will be, long paiise4ky-her_many friends.--..
Sanueltanna Gazette. • •
- -t—The second quarterly meeting of- the
churches .of - Bridgewater Association.,, will
commence on Friday eVenin, - lin. 28th, at
.. 1 ..4ew Milford—preachers, Pastors Burroughs,
and Jayne ; at Warren Centre, tiradford:coun
ty,•at the same time-preachers, Pastors Post
,and Tilden. These meetings .wilLepntiuue °p
er the Sabbath, Jan. 901 h. A. general invita
tion is entended to the people of the localities
where ,the meetings are held to attend them.
J. E. C., Cor. Sec.
---Wc were handed' by Dr. A . A. Lathrop
a copy or the Ulster County Gazette published
\at Kingston,
.Ulster county. N. Y., by Samuel
Freer & San, January 4th,1800, , being `over
seventy-sii years old. This is the property of
William Henstmk. It is a\vory neatly printed
four column paper, folio, 10 by 18 inches on
yety substantial paper and contains' the ,, en
notmcement of the death of . General George
Washington and the action of Congress and
the President, John *dams, in relation to it.—
Some extracts lrOm it will' be l found elsewhere,
inore of which we shall make hereafter.-
. —On Sunday a deaf and dumb boy named
Moore;, residing in a neighboring county, killed
i gear while foaming in the wood ' s not lat. from
his father's hodse..Tice bay observed a move
ment at the month of a cave. lApproacitinian
object reaembling a bear became visible. He
!cautiOnslj proceeded id the direction of the
cave with,an axe.which ; in his posses
he had ,
Sion and Selected, a ',position where he could
d _
1 the animal a kas he emerged from the.
op fling. When the coveted oppbrtunitv pre
sented itself the boy raised, the : weapon and
plunged it into the' headoi the bear, repeating
the operation several times. - He, soon had the
satisfaction of -seeing ,the animal! falling pros
trate at his feet The next;day the bear *lnert
weighed 220 pounds, was taken to Altoona and
sold.—Harristpurg ',Patriot. ' , ' -
- He who leisens the -,hardships of travel
is as . much entitled to thanks arone who, in
creases its speed. The, most ,mariled improve
, mint in railway., travel- since the introduction
ori the sleeping oar, is certainly the hotel=coach.
The 'first of them, was 'put on the Erie. road
two months age, and now a tram of Six coach
es leaves for tlie• through
to Chiefigo in less than thirty-eight hours,ivhich
is about half the'schedule time" of eight or ten
years ago. Each passenger has a lounge =by
day, ;a bed by night, awl a dining table at went
rs,, all compressed into. the .space wnpied
the Ardinary._sleeping _berth:. Punii* to all.
.Ike xraveler tan order-breakfot, dinner or tea,
atiany tour, have his food cooked on thes-ai
• .
and served smoking' hot; alt. Without leaving
his car, losing
,his temper, and with less incon
venience than if he were an shipboard_ A.
neatly printed bill of tare trom one of the Pull 7
man trains on the
,Erie shows that, the; prices ,
for Most articles, except dyatoa, are . as:low as.
at any first-class hotel,while the prices of game
and wines are very much lower thairthose at
our best restaurants. Why dOes not Wagner
imitate or ,improve upon Pullman ? Should
the Erie have a monopoly of such , comfort's ?
N. Y.. Tribune.
It is often said by those who do .not con
sider how much more interest they: their .own county, paper.,than: inany,
."Why, .1 can get a , larger paper than.
yours for the same money and sonidless."'
Thisis no .news. to us. We hve known that
for years. lt,iSon the same principle that you
can get a number, eight_, hat • tor, the Rune price
that . you 9an get,.a iitinaber ,but,whcii ygn
have got h number , six: head i it.woulti be false
economy, in you ,to take -only thd one ;that tits,
you even if it cost pun less: „It is the same
with. your county Taper, compsred with some
city paper. There is that in your county pa
per Ny.nieh SeP., eaelle! , ;. Pqrehas.e_ ~at.- - 4,PY:
in any other,nd often ! one num b er is, of m9O.
Vilue than the yaKole sOsPriPo o . l l for AYear•—;
The city paper 44411 to tile exclusio of your .
••• -
county paper is, like numbs!, eight hat, oc k
number six - head. It blinds your eyes with
maitter4,4,-no4oarthly impoitaneeta.lo;;lbout
local Jnittfer4.l in the .city, anti leave's you to,
stumble into ;they ditCh in home nothi4l4!
tv .
advertisedient of community byl s local pa
per with its thriving appearance and mention
of happenings and improvements, is; dollars in
your pocket pect,niarily o ,wher, any foreign
city paper is.cents. Strangers who ; g,o to buy
stock,farms, produce or engage in buiiness look
first at the county paper.:.
VERY AGED RELIC.-+XesarB. Mitors
reepotly,. in your pilpe7;', tinn:
pork barrel! lOa peace 01a. 7 I !lave three plates
the history of which
, : as :follows .4 Thomas
Wireman was born in Minified, Eugland,May
10th, 1510. Married Jan. Istl 1535, wben he
bought hiti- bale , of Vrockerl; Leothe' 'cif this
tell into the hands of ! his son, John Wireman,
in 1601. In 1680 they fell into' Fredfrick Wite
main's hands and Isarel Wireman received
them in 1760. In 1800 - tlieyfell into the hands
of illiam Wireman at Baltimore, and ,in 1865,
.they came into the possa.slon diuOter:
Mary J. Wiremau, no s the wife of Elias EL
Wellman, of New Milford. this county, where
they can be seen at any time. ?lenge from the
above record, these Plates are 341 years old the
first of the present month. • W.
A WoirAN 13truqio' TO •DATIr.L•lan Friday
ight last, between eight and nine o'clock, the
errible spectacle of a woman wrapped in
mes, wildly running and - sbrieking through
the street s; was witnessed on RailrOad Avenue.
The Tioor woinan fan from near Church street
to Second l wherea courageous and quick-mind
ed citizen 'named Dennis Sullivan stopped her,
and throwing his , 'heavy- overco , 4 .oveV tier
burning body endeiVored to .expngulah th e
flames, which he suCceeded' at last ; in doing by
throwing her upont the ground,iinfi rolling,her
in the mud. The woman proved to be Anna.
Hanstick, a Polander,liviiig . ott' Railroad Ave
nue, near: Olurch- ,ralle,,Was.lightiig a fire,and
using kerosene, an 'explosion hillowtal, setting
fire to her clothing.. Her injuries Were of such
a serious nature that death., ensued the same
night.—Elmira Gazette, Jan. 6.
1- •
FArnnAf.,,E, = The 011991 . at
.Faiidale *ppm
pering finely a under., the management of Mr.
Henry Nells, a young man fromr Leraysville.
. George. Sheip oneLof tais -fath
er's. farms, .consideration $3,100 ..Jacob
Andre has just started a feed mill find we think
it will , be of great lientfit .to the community
around about B. McKeeby is erecting
a fine house on , his farm near Faii•dale.;
•There is a large anignint'Of bark that passes:by
here daily. We expect it goes to the large
tannery of J. H. it E. P. :Munger, Franklin
Forks , ..Our worthy pastor,! M. E. Bram
hall, is holding a series ot. protra4ed-meetings
here and considerable' interest:is,manifested.—
There has been some conversiong—and it is
still in progress. OBSERVER.
saw' on our wily south lhst
vieek onr old Mend, A: J. Ticknor, who was.
thrcwu from his horse last fall breaking: his
leg in two places., He is out with crutches and
looks well considering his_ long,:' confinement,
....Ernest Skibbe - of Parkiale has rented
the flourine mills, built by Benjamilf Parke and
has repaired rind put theme in fine condition.—
He pays the, highest price
.for grain, and sells
flour, meal and feed at very low; ~prices He is
a first-class miller and business., man and we
Saw but the one thing lacking and that was a
'house-keeper. A first-class girl ;of good loOks
and comely appearance`-might 'bring joy and
happiness to that batdheloes fireside.::. :A.:IW.
Moody is now proprietor Of the store so tong
%Int schksuccyssitilly, managed by. -William LC.
Thayre. We bespeak fbi Mr. Moody success
iu his new calling. :
ItßEßTY.—Eugene' Baxter died at Franklin
Forks,Monday . Morning of this' Week:: ,Mr
Fisk is to hold a series of meetings it the brick
church, commencing on Monday evening next:
Stilith: had the rnifforimie to cut
off one of his fingers Vuesday morning, while
spliting a I stick of w00d... ....Mr. Ansel Ives,
who has been absent from, the &Lee some tint.-
ty'years, has returned to visit his Mends bring
ing two of his sons with him........Mr..Estus'
cancer has literally dropped outland' he is in a
fair way to recover: It has been: a fearful thing
and more , painful from its being,' on the, back
part 'of his bead. The lady by whom .he has
received treatment evidently understands her
business. ',The donation atiraeklin Forks'
fcT the benefit of the Rev:,kr. Fisk was hirge
ly attSnded, there being ii&trly six
present. • received over one hundred dol..
ki r !' I *ll. o ) ney-• . : This is'doing the fair thing in
a fair ;:*ay : 2 .1); C..,lttarY In; : 4q.. - 1148 been
very ,
- tarot.' some ifeelts ;with disease 91 the
lungs,. but- his ill
... - I phpaletati` says, ae .
hone the
through all ; 1 1g4 t - 044 we -sinperely
19, -
prediction; will prove a true 0ne.... :..11nt..
Laura Smi(li died,las.Baturday evening, Jan. if,
and was bUried . Monday morning. The tuner, .
al services !were held in the Baptist churth; the
Rev. ,nr. *rrows officiating. She leaves I ,it
`husband and tour little children to mourn h4r
loss. - , ZOE. 1
fIL•LE.--Marcy any
vine can (Inch soon boastof a new steam saw
mill. E. Harper of the former place has, his
,mill up and. engine in- and nearly ready f?r
business. IRO engine'was ,built by, the Swittue
henna qiunty Agricultural lytirks. ,
, _g„ -. t 4.
Cool and, ared Deans, of - the latter place, hate
their foundation comtnenced and_haveon the
road from Ohio, a,large portable boiler and en ,
gine, whieh.,in a very short
.time, they expect Ito
have runni ng. !These pieces are. about .ore
mile apart and it is thonght the, two milli will
be able all the b,usibeas entrust,ld
,to them Ntith promptness and dispatch.... 4,..
Jared De ans has also ,purchased. a nd ;
lot forinefly Owned. by ilezekinh Bullard' and
IS soont , erect a store ibr-Jatnesliartin anc i i a
wagon $_ op for himself. --
' ( -.
LATHROP Al k 113 VICINTY.--1-Mr. J. M. Willie:Ana
of Lathrip i is a successful bee keeper. .. He ;has
on handeighteen swarms of bees and.they,rare
rust up ib.good slrape- and' attract ,ilie atteti!ion
, of passets by.... : ..P.iy. B.= W.' Breckinridge
is holding revival meetings at the... Lake Side
r,churchtind a , good degree of interest-is-Mani
fested. .1,)10,_ and layman, John ..Miller, Ave
been trlyeling throughout the charge r getting
subscriptions .to pay off .the.halatice,ot. the oid
debt on the. church, with prospect of suc c ess.
Thisso iety has,a. henntiful, conntry6 . oo4 ;
the foot of .Tarbell Like— ZioP.l l 4:iblao l4 ftY
is laying the foundatipa, for .s. saw. mill.lnSt be-.
low .the: Lathrop .P. 4,10.. .. , tar. ,W4rrqiii , La
throp ti drawing lni4eFand,stone=preparatory
to bunging ,a laxge,,. dwelling.,House ze!irly in.
the f 3 prpg. ~. . . .. - -
f ' . REL Gt01313.---titielgral•Mitors.:-1. presiatne DO
item of!. cusrent news :will 'be ott more-present
general interest tayour readers thWthe-prilsent
religiou I
s meetings-` in , progress.* our -.Bon
ough. It - was -maniftigt 't4s' the: pastors of the
churchis and the moreactiveones or the mem
bersltiquite early : ini the fall- that' there lias
develo ing an interest which would; L moSt cer-,
toinly,lconsumate in a: general religious awak
ening in our midst: A_ tew - youngtnen r not ex
ceeding a dozen; had for a long•tinte held-pray
'Or meetings on Sabbath afternoon; at • four
o'clocli. These, early', in December,: bagan to
increa e in attendartce'and Interesto and last
Sabbath 150—atleast-peicsons, inuchlthelarg
er number being young-men; assembled in the
Chapt4:4 the Baptist ehnrcli participating in a
meeoilg, its like seldom known. Special;meet
ings held nightly - were commenceil'in the M.
E. chnrch the first week In DeceMber which
have ibeen continued diitil the present tune
with increasing interest: - AboUt the middle of
November Union religions, meetings' 'held on
Mondty evening taking the elifircheain order'
were ommenced which have continued till now
—Monday evening last being the eleienth held
in thci 'M. E. church, its 'large an litorinin being
crowded. Union' meetings which - -'were' litld
each kternoon during the"week of prayer"con
linuep last week,and' are to be held this week—
also tit the 'same time tneetings%hightly: in the
churches which are - still unabated in interest:
Suchlis' the .Outline of mentionable facia relai
tive9 'the almost unequaled religious interest
in o r midst. !Ent the'go
i iii
od accomplished, the
soli al influences felt and ' tit *Cork; the
-inumhers reached, converted and' quickened is
beyohd the . power' of human` modes 'of an
Prayer °earnest 'and in faith'are
beiuk breathed to Gollfor 'MEI greater manifes ,
tatioha and achieVements. ` ' . T:
Business Locals.',
Oki Its business, this smoking 'Cury's ci
'ANTED !---16,000 men to smoke good cigars,
at qnrry's Cigar Store, Public Ayenue.'
Montrose, Jan. ID, 1870tf.
ROSENTITAL Practical Auctioneer will
(upon aplicatiou) attend to all pul•lie saleain
the ;above capacity. - Terms reasonable,' Satis
faction warranted. Address or .apply to H.
RoFlentbal, care - of S. 'Pillman & Jo. , Ptiat's
building, Montrose, Pa. •
J .n. 10, 1876tf..
f i desire to contradict the repot. than is in
citdulation 'lava trimsferred'mylagenciei
to Other parties.: • • [still retain • the agency. for
all Pompitnies in my advertised' list' and all has.
Melts coming into -my .office . per.
sOirl sapervision... . . •1 • '
BIM:11'56B SiltiOßM.
Montrose; Jan .12,1876.
• • • ,
LoOK. I ,LooK . . .• : . •
In, medicine quality is the firat importance.
A. Burns at tlie'Eagle Drug Store Keeps eon
sta tIY on Aland :a. full sUpply , ofFrench, Ger
man, English and American . Drugs, tledicifiea
_and , Chernicals.-;:: Also , select ion of
toilet articles .and fancy 'goods. ••• The • largest
and best stock of Pocket 'Books -.•
Sim:Arose, 'Jim 5,1870. ,
Ve have just 'reCeivedn very larg e Eibbeliot
plain and fauey envelopes, letter and note pa
per; plain and fancy bill head : Opera, cards(of
silistzes and colors, colored poster. p4pers,„ctq.
all!of which •viii• - ean afford - to..print . nheaper.
than any office in' this or neighb oring counties,
and in style, - Work 'donnin Wok and
coloredinkS. It you think there is 4ny-Abat
can beat us, gi% e us ',a trial, and ,we show.
yolk-what_ eve !can do. M 1 kindi•of blanks an
\haud or Printed to order. '• • •
I. ,.. ~ • ,
- The latest news la Binghamton What Sine
itfiholes, of 89 coOrtstree,t, have jest received
their third Fall and Winter stook - of .Pryi(Qoods
which is now , complete in all departments.—
The best Silk. . The , best Black.. Cashmeres.--
The best Alpaca. The best Iferinos-Empiress
,--Plaids of all descriptions; ' - The best Shawls,
rid Gloves ) Embroideries, Riphons, : Ties, &c.,
in i;fact everything - that `is '.kept in a,tiret -class
Dry Goods Store at bettorn figutlis. I A.hother,
important, itern,which if known may beressential
toll the : people of ltiontrose, New Milford - and
8 u qlig'euutKiai9f llcCtii;l re FaiNt';iee7;St ta ! pyt o :llof their acquaintances arid' showtuemur
hargatna that liihe'it Shales Atilnosi. prepared
#o 4 Vgirt•..
.:" UM I& §ROLUP I / 4 - ,
Oillelatilloll, Dec. 1, 1875. ,., ~ , .
County BUSiIIeSSO Diretory,
Two RaeEin thle Directory. one year. $1.50; each ad
ditional line, Occult..
' - 310 . 1.41TR03E
, .
wm. 11AUGnwou,T, Slater, Wholesale 'and Itetal
- dealer in all kinds of •slate roofing, slate paint, etc.
' Roots repaired with slate paint to order.' Afro, elate
paintfor sale by the gallon or barrel. Ifontroec.Pa.
BILLINGS•STROUD, Genera• Fire and Life Ink
ante Agents ; also.sell ltailroaa and AccidentTickct
to New Yorkand Philadelphia. Office nut dooreaet
ofthe Bank. •
ROYD it. CORWIN. Denten* In Royce,' Hardware
and Ma.nafacturens of Tin and Sheetiron ware.corilei
of Main and Turnpike street. • ' •
N. BULLAItI). Dealer In tirocertei.Provisinno
Bookg,Statione* ,- and Yankee Nntlona.-at head'•oe
Public Avenue:lP •
WM. H• COOPER dc CO.. Bankers, sell ForeignPar
,sage Tickets andDraits on. England, heir. land Scot,
WM. L. COX, Harness maker and dealer all Article
usually kept by the trade, opposite the ak. *
• •
JAMES E. CARMALT, Attorney at La tltliceitine
door below Tarbell House. Pnblic Aven * •
SAVINGS BANK, NEW MILFORD.-.f - • percent. ft
- tereet on ail Deposits. Does agener flanking Bop
nese. • -ull-tt S.' B. CHASE & CO.
H.GARRET 'SON. Dealers in Flour, Peed: M'ea
- Salt. Lime, CeMent. Groceries and Proirastcns
Main Street opposite the Depot.
R. F. KIM MIR. Carriage Maker and 'Undertaker on
Main Street, two doors below Hawley's Store.'
H. P. DORAN, .24er - ell:int Taller and dealer In Reads
. , made Clothing, Dry'Goode.Groceri ee and Provlsltius
Main Street.* ..-. - • - • ' - • .
. f ______.. __
W 'T' a'
171 .
"•rt ; 7 ) 41
is n.lignid Linadent for,llOnsie and ttable use: A
valuable combination, discovered by a celebrated Engl-
Usbehemist and horse-farrier., %Vat introdnced in the
'United Sates in, the year'lBs6, and since, that time, by
its. great success, in the cure or diseates; it has •won
for itself that world wide reptitation" it 'so rithly des
erves, and now ttLnds at the head'of alltlimmients un
It has :dread? gi intd the confidence and admittitlon
of rthoomude of households' for- its many cures of as
lases were external =applications are of s^ much impor
lance. It is especially admired as a family remedy for
its peculiar chemical combination. possesing no harsk
'ineredients,•[Uike tincture oi•Cayenne or red-pepper, of
,_.which cheap and valuless Liniments are, largely com
posed.] which increase instead of dimini4h the inflaras
don, making it oy nature a speedy cure for'
Teitimonials and directions accompany each bottle.
Buy one—only 25 cents. 60 • cents, or sl.oo—andif it
does not give good satisfaction return the bottle halt
full and your money will be refunded. Call for G. B.
S. S., and take no other.
D._o. CARY. , 411 Co., Proprietors,
Middletown, Orange C0., - N. T.
• . . . FOR, SALE BY
A. T. MAWS and M A. LYON,
...,, , _Dr n itsts i llontroso. Pa. .• " •
Pard : l,4llde at all Wholeaale . and retail atoree in Ilte
County. - •
liontroa44,7day, sth. 1875.—=,
For Dlaeasis of the Throat and Lunga,ancia
40. a Coughd, Coldr; trooping Cough, Brom
•ebitfis, .a.othina, and Consumption.
enectnat Odds. Consumilfoii,
that can be made by medical skill. Indeed the Carnal
Pgcrosat. 2.RP really : robbed, these dangerous diseases
of their terrors, to a great extent, andgiven a feeling of
inimunity irom their fatal effects. that is. well founded
.if the remedy be taken in season. Every family should
have l: in their eloset for the remedy Ind prompt relief
of its members. Sickness, suffering', and oval' hie is
saved by this timely protection. The prudent should'
note,lect it. and the wipe will not. Keep it by yos
for the protection it affords by its timely use in sudden,
Dr. J. C.. Ayer & €9., : Lowell. Maim,
Practicdl and Aniilytical Chemists,
MEDICINB. , • • .•
Nov. 24. 1875
.dvaneing years, sickness -
Lre„ disappointment, gud
!reditary predliposition.
I turn the hair gray. and
Cher of them incline it tO
Led prematurely.
Aran's HAM VIGOR. bY
ug and extensive use . has
nven that it stops the
ding of the hair immedi
tely ; often renews the
•owth, and always surely
!stores itti color, when fad-
Id or, gr9r . . It stimulates
e nutritive organs to
tiilthy, Ise& ty and pre,-
.4nty.• -Thus brashy, weak
hair, becomes g..,ssy, plia ble and strenf thened
lost hair regrows with - livcly expreission ng 'halt
is checked and stablished thin hair thicilons; and/sti
ed .ergray hair resume their original color. Its opera
tion is sure And harmless. It cures dandruff. 'heals all
huteors.ntid keeps the scalp cool, clean and soft—Ander,
which conditions, diseases of the scalp are impOssible.
As a dressing for ladles!' hair; the Vigor is.praise4
for its grateful and agreeable perfume,' and valued for
the soft lustre and richness of tone It imparts. " •
Dr. J. C. ATER dr-Co., Lowell i
Practical anti Analytical Chemists..
Nov, 24, 1575.-4 m:
kain and Lameness re eved In exhort time by the
use of Taylor's Celebrated.oll. The great Ithattmettc
and Neuraligic Remedy, Thts medicine is not.* cure
all. but is warranted to cure mnre oi the alit and ills to
which dealt is heir than any other•med'cine overdia
covered. 'Give it a trial; if you do not lind it so, It
costs you nothing. It may be Inked with the utmost
advantage for any kind of Pain.Laineness. Wounds Of
Sores upon man or beast, Will nor smart the rawest
wound or sore. Full directions fOr, use around each
bottle. • Ask your Merchant for a free vial. No Curei—
No Pay,
Taylor's Cough Syrup or Mxpeetorant, for all Throat
and Lung diseases. Is very pleasant to the, taste and
contains nothing injurious. Try It, and stop MO
couch and take the soreness 'tram your Throat and
' , nor. Attic year:Merchant fora free vial. No Cure—
Tay ors Conditito Powders for ail kinds'of stock and
poultry. warrants l.the best renovator of the *pito*
of run down ortliseased'stock, that haa ever been dis
covered., .Try them fur all diseases. incident to the
brute creation. Directions for title around each pack
age No Cara : To Pay. • : - • • -
Ail the above, MOIIICIO es for sale byAbel Turral3tind
Burns4 - Nlchttls,•of Montrole. acid all Druggleta and
Dealers tltroughottt Ulu country' -
I t atton.
Ocitaber AL I 44' .—tv,
i , twi''..i .- Igii,t'iiii - ':o44 l il6iiii'li:''''' .`:":.''':'.
Drugs and Medicine.
lie few compositions Web,
ve won 'the confidence of
mkind and become house-,
Ad words among not , only
ie but many nations, mutt
we extraordinary virtues,—,
limps no one ever secured
wide a reputation, or main
bled it so long as "Ayer's
terry Pectoral. It bas been
own to, tn e
,public, 'about
..ty years, by a long contin-
A series of marvelous apes
lot have won for it a cool).-
!nee in its' virtues, never
(Heine. It still makes the
• ,no-1-