The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, January 19, 1876, Image 4

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    ' -- -
' . lii, M. QUAD. ~. , ;
' - i
.... .4.......i ' ' ! i
- `-.Once there was god oltl.manof snob
rrietkat4sl?wly dispolsition,Ali at. the po
pleAtid.ttt lit tip, a indgi,J,i3lid,t)iey 1? rotight,
their disputes to - hitt , to' . :decide. "Ili'
decisions were ever just, and the people
said : • ..
"Great is Aboud El Bishen ;• he is nev
er- iiiik2f:,', iii:iii.;.i-1: 34'r" i:!., (.,lts li iiTI - i 4
o'detday i,? ii fitialiikwisittil,le 4.0 thltbfrice`
of this good man and - said': •\ • '
- - "A Man owes Me a just debt and will
4°t. , )ay,4' ; c '.l .' --. P 1: ;
"Does .fie, give retoion l .-r * ! - ' • ` ''
. 'lle gives a'dezen k of :,thetti.., He nays
mTbillagaiusthim is A ii, blasted , swindle
Nand a fraud." .. .: .... I ' '
?You have : asked ;. him for the ducats ?"
4k l have,, and? her says ,' helli knOck 44 ,
head off, 114. ask- him again.' ::-: s ; ; \,',..: 1 '
'rhea the goOd jndge was puzzled - He ,
chewed at the. ihd of. a :three cent pen
holder for along tinie,,andtinally.asked :
"Did/ you furnish this . man food 'for
hia,calnels or-a, robe, for himself that-he ,
is YOur"debtorr 4 - 4 ..: i , -', '-', .. ; -
"Not by- aingful. . The. bill is . 414 a)ob
of plumbiag.", - : • - • .
Then the meek and pensive smile which
had covered the, face of 'Abeud El Bishen
fades' away like a boy slitlinglover,a mill
dam. and in its-place came an expresslon
of Malignant evil.. .1 .
yoti are-a- phimb , -r ?" he asked
in -a voice as cruel as a cross-cut saw. -,
"I Both plumb," answered the - man.
The the wise judge Chewed pp the rest
of the penholder, .dug his heels into the
floor, and in alow, shrill whisper
quired : - . 1 ' \ ,
"Did you, ever know -a plumber to get
a, job done within fourteen weeks of the
promised time ?" ' 1 -
!'No, sir,' I - never did I" proMp4y re
plied the plumber f: , "but let me..exPlain;
Now stipliGEE' you Want a small -job done
at the house—a little Sodering; a faucet
put in, or something-of the 'kind. You
letive lour order, and' I say day after to
morrow., I send the oldest apprentice to'
your house, f ind when_ he gets therehe
sits down and takes_a book at the ' job.—
Then he stands up and, loinis at it. Then
he walks all over . the house and.comeS
backend looks at H.! . Then he figures . on
how much the house costs, wonderi if
there is a Mortgageon jit, , sits down acrd"
talks with the hired_ ,girl for...a couple of
hours. and comes,back and reports. Pay
after to morrow comes, and I can't seed
a man ep„there because they are finishing
another ,jo6 which' ought ,'to have been
done a month before. - Something han.
pens the next, and it's two ieeks_befori-
I can send a man." ' . .
-"Or two. months," pu t t in - the wise s 'old
iudge. .
''Well split the _difference', and call it
'six weeks," replied the pluinber. "I send
two of the ,boys up. , Theywalk around
the job, go down the cellar and up..-stairs,
Bit down and figore ~,on the cost of the
front steps, and _go home to dinner.—
When they return they,take anetlit-r Itiok
at the job; and Thomas comes to the shop
'after some Budder. He gets it, and then
Henry comes after his tobacco box, and
then, Thomas . comes,. land wants to kaosi
if it's gas pipe or watd l i , pipe. They - knock
off` then for the day, and about noon next_
day get around there and dig . a holein
the pipet) pit in the , faucet. The next
day, they get the , faucet in, and . solie..
times during the week that - job is nicely
"And you charged s2o l forit'." exclaim
tO the enraged judge.
lustabott that' figure, . wise ' fudge I
but it isn't my fault. 'l* oldest appren
tice says he had to takd ,out 150,, Let of
pipe and the youngestatpprentice ,saya,he
bad to put in 200 eet, and between - thein
they mix me up an I
l i
have to average it,
It isn't us plumber —it's these apprenti
,CES , who.are to Waite." , ' :
"But don't - you know they are lying to
you r
"I sometimes suspect them ,- but how
it wouht. look for ine to say Unto -Thoth
as, 'Thomas - thou art a liar ,I". ll.ow, tha
hoy would feel." ,
"Don't people, ever ; stop at your sho
and.calf you a liar and la cormorant ?"
."They do—some coining almost eviry
day—but they shouldn ' t ' do it. When
the oldest apprentice says the job isliorth
-s2o k and _the; .younesi.apprentice agrpeti.
with him lhave to make out my bill sac
cordtngly. I. desire, Oh, :judge, toty
judge, tha
debtors may be fOroed to pay me my hon
est due.".:.,
Then the meek acid.`.peneive sAboud El
BiShen .. bobbed ,ups and down in his<chair
as if njtveret On ped-hot, springs: • ` his
face grew . blaCkihis eyes became blood
shot, and he piled out : .
°hie guard 1 The guard.l" - ~ „- , z - ,
And when
,two' cross-eyed
entered, in res,Poilielin--ihe yell .11e..contin
tied :., •
th e m - :.., . : .
"Cutoff` an s hea and let .it be
brought around the city op - ikstairVilitle
the bearer shoats :1
._, i '- . I ,:,- ..; .: : ?
"Behold, he has . plumbe d his' last.
_plAtit •
- , ,
And the judgement was, carried
out the people.,,threw, up, theirl . ,hats and
‘,-.-il'Aboud El Bishen forever:, ! We,',!i
like tO . seethe chap who -ow _:-nlurnh 'it
9 _
And . front dot day to this nto.pliimbei
bait ever, dared to charge half ..what ,a,b
is w0rth,,,a7:4 1 I: 111 Plumb ers fhP ' o' "fl ) 4l3
sit the OM red ntOti.!nt perieWht.Side
401 e
"Letter g tte t Est UUtU
a .
1 e
sm pposte 40 r
hOur . at the,Central,Station Court
in D'etrint.
- Ten:IO3: , )TV . P9r;caPIO in Bit# ll slid _t~P
to him -and with all awful important
lOok on his tace whispei\ed :
"I think I've got Boss Tweed P'
"Sure's , you live,
"Bring him out!"
" Th6014,1414:4 entered
atid I btogght Olt plain wlio:tn*:;ll:e;had'itO,
restedlUseAfter was
tle withered-up-old; man,, with a Cracked
oice,acid As.he came out Ilikllonvrjeaned
gain - ,st ' ,Vutil the
tears rOlfed,di.iwn cheAs.'
"B-bosi , —T-tweed I— haw, ha,w, haw
.ooh I" . 'ne'gasPed. •*- :\ • '
"What are you laughing about . asktd
ioiurea,p,ne of voice.
Turn-Oa t , old-inati but' of doors, you,
,'."Why .?»
? If_ pere,,he Fd.:sue_you for
sso',ood darni4il ) " . l : l;l's' = sW Tweed
about as marich as you, are QUEert Vic-
oriar , ..„
"And I'll'dolt1"-Eqdeakelithe litt le, old
• .
lie went out &iota "threatening to com
Mence suit before breakfast;hut-Bijahfol
lowed him to, the: corner„ and' Was!seen , to:
give a - jack-knife, ,B pair of green sleeve.
buttons, a new boi of paper collars and
a 'niekle, ,and, perhaps no suit. will be.
brought Bijah • skulked. into the corri
,dor by the side door and 'rattled the stove
around and kicked things about- until)
the'bell rang, , when he brought out a
.third,term man. . •
'"What is your learnt-, besides Peter ?"
asked\ the court -
• "Nter Beadateci,". was the sulky re
Plv-. • --•• • -
• j"ls that .your .I;ltrie ?" •
"Well, Mr. - Bedst \ ead, yot . : were here
about a yearago and I put - a mattress on
you in the shape of a three months! sen
tence.- You returned here six;: months
ago and I' gave you a holster in the shape
of one month up there. • You are a Bed=
stead which ii,.;eds to be repaired pretty
often." . • ,
. don't-get Alriink any .ottener than
lots ofether folks," growled Peter.
"That may. be so, hut 'you get caught
oftener." , •-;
"1 tried to get away,"
. protested Peter,
'And I wasn't very drunk.:'.
"Peter What do you do ?"
"Drink- whiskey, drive team; and lick
any man of my weight," - Was the prompt
real y: °
'AII right, Mr, Bedstead ; "You are a
whyle furniture wagon . , according to your
own idea,and they need you at the House
of Correction. I'll say tour months this
time." .
t•Stav and
His. Honor stopped him by' a - look, and
quietly suid :
"Mr. Bedstead, don't make Ilse or any'
expressions which might result in your
going to the hospital instead of the House
of Correction !"'
And Mr.. Bedstead ivent.ciniety to the
bead 'seat on the saw-horse. , •
They Didn't Get married.
A few days ago a Detroit.widower;sho
was engaged . , to a Detroit wkibi , „ each
having two or three child/en, and b oth
being well o ff , , determined to test lieriluve
for him at the same tithe diaCover it she
Was actuated , by mercenary motives, - as
some of his friends had astierted. He
'called upon her at .the - usual evening
houroind after a.NOile remarked
"My dear, you know 1 have two chil
dren, and to-day I had' tuy life insinance
policy •f0r.525,000 changed -,to their sole
benefit in case of my death." ,
f . You did quits right, my darling," she
promptly replied. "thaie time childre - ti,
as you \ are.aware. `.A3 soon 'as we were
engaged' I had every dollar's worth of
my property so secured• that they atone
can have the &loth of it." -
He hooked.. - •
She looked. -
The marriage didn't coine off at
lime bet last week, and it may never oc
t cur,
Si and Jake met at the Atlanta - "cot'.
ton express yesterday ; •
"Si, is you gwine to - - make some New
Year's calli Saturday."
,'1 &num; 'spects maybe I wi11.," said
Si, ;:in drawling way,
"Why you think 'bout calling at?"
"yellolat isn't died 'pon yit, butl'm
purty Bailin to call on yhu for dat dollar
what you bin owin'zme for - de, Its . four
months How 'bout dat ?"
"BlaMe'my Jailer 'skin of I don't •.be
leebe el you wuz on y<l; dyin' - brd ye'd
'gib-the undertakers order on me fur,dat
dollar. I .aware I do?" iudigniutly spOke
f‘Yaa,r. said Si,': I'm thinkin' , (tar:
'bout wnat,lll hal) .to ,wid. dat .deb
Titeli . jake got mad- and .did't invite S
to call:at Ins hoo.Bo Oh*NO.%FlYear i a Day.
4 • ,
13! - .0y viipn youislnie on the long ban
nister file 'front hall stairs and. go so
f4st , naj, itAinrus you clean: tftcotigti your,
trow:ers, tliat'th friction. , .
A f.the' Greehland' girls wear .pa,n,tit
16ou..aud-overcoate, anti the oite with the
most whale-oil op her 4air is ealledjhe
hest 19010!),g,
Eiety I odyy is. palling oh 'gQ6(.l.jr:and
Sankey-for 1143.,, , . Why not , caiton the
rdoneh 4 while instead?
o' WI:LOEB-6ga tang the . In A Wit'
Tfft;goNTß fa: -, :frpOi.: 101. ft
A New Year's Call.
,New Yearlp,Plory
• -4 4 4 r
A large ;number of the , young men of .
Detroit till New Year Day purchase
- ries f0r.1.876,and10-tnurrow, Gh:~y will sake
up their pepbi k.with it' firm. deti , riiiiiih,tiOn,
to keep track ' of every io. the . Year:,
Every 'young. man keep. diary { ,..
When old
it gran,dchilr .
dren will,tish it mit of 'the rag-bag, and.
Ind it more valuable than; gold or silver.:
iThere is' 66 Set style .of 'jotting ~doWn
'thoughtiland even ts, „!itit Pgihain it .rtlaY,,
,be well to give= tile reciiiii,:of 1875 . as tiik;..
en from the pocket diary ;of an 'aieracre
. „"Opinz ,man ,
"trail Olt I—Went "tO ''see , My ; :girj.
Shalt leave 'oft sWeariiigi drinking,
. 4
smoking c4evong, being.out,,,n 100,, bet,
thig; going to opera, and trylt6,
salve" $lO,OOO this vv.", . :I
, 4anitarY'-7-- - \\r, t ent girl
Lost box of cigar's, come Where."
'~Feliroary 1— heiting.,on,;a
dog-fight. -Thanethe' way-t0'..5eip,,.,!010,
Am' trying letlet on 6fteoi3 'cight#
per day. Went to gee my girl.:• She Shp:
1 shouldn't'sivisi." •
"April 20-Went to see nii
lug new. •
is the' glorious Vottr
. IfAreiirti';lee
.weather. 4—
Went to see my girl."
"December I—This is the Ist of De
• .1
"December 25—This is Christtnas 7
. "Decemb'.• r 31-=This is` the list of the
year.. F must commences . to-morrow to
save money hudbreale off, my bad habits.
Went to see my girl last night, and made
her happy by telling her that I *ail-going
,o save $lO,OOO next,year." •
Matches maia—the kitchen girl out o
ucefers. •
What is the form of an escaped parro
A: pollygope. _
New Advertisement*
Mystey Solvep.:,
The ieeret of the Wonderful
It strikes at the root of disease by Purifying the •
blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to hcalthy action,
'invigorating the nervous system:: • •
• 'Sellable Evidence. ,
MR. H. R. STEVENS _ tahe
• Dr• - art Sln—l most cheerfu l ly y my testimony to the
great number you have already received in favor of your •/'
great and good medicine. Vegetine. for I do not think
enough can be said in irs.pratse. for I was troubled over--
thirty years with that dreadful' disease Catafrh, and
had such.bad coughing spells that it would seem as
though I could never breathe any. more' and Vegetine
- has cured me ; and I do feel to thank tied all the time
there is so gond a medicine its Vegetine. • and -I also
think it one of the best medicines for coughs and weak
sinking feelings a• the stpmach, and advise everybody
• to take the Vegetine, for I can assure them is one
of the beat medicine's ever was. • .
MRS L: sant.
Cot. Magazine and Walnut Sts
- - - Cambridge, Mass.
YEGETENE is acknowledged and recommended by
phyaicians and apothecaries to be the beat purifier and
cleanser of the blood yet discovered, •s i nd thousands
speak in its praise who Lave been restored to health.
Report-froma practical chemist andiapothticity:
BOTOIf 4 , Jan, 1, 1874,
DEARBta—TbiQ is to certify that I have sold at retail :
15X dotion (1882 bottles) of your Vegetine since April
12, 187 t). and can truly gay that it had given the best
satisfaction of any remedy for the complaints for which
it is recommended that 1. over sold. ~ icarcel,) a day
passes V i thout some 61. my customers testifying to its
merit.4o themselves br their :friends Y. lam perfectly
cognizant of several cases of Scrofula Tqmors being
cased by Vegetiue alone in this vicinity.
Very respectfuAlly yours,
1168 Broadway.
Stn—This is to show that my son was taken
sick in January. WA. with Scrofula. which came out in
lame sores and ulcers on pia leg and hip, Ills leg was
swelled more, than twice Its natural, size,. He had sev
eral doctors of high standing in their* profeiston—two
from Boston and thri c from Charlestown—without get
ti;4 a hlt better. He was obliged to lie wherever he
was pla.:ed, for he had no use of his oThs whatever.--
nlie had given up all hopes of his we were
try VEGETINE. the great blood purifier; and
bad taken it but a short time before we could see a
Mat change .The sores run so' bad that we had to
change the clothes foul or tive times a cal: Still,he was.
getting better ; for he could move , his limbs and help
himself a little. .IF was soon able to sit up in bed. and
by'conatint use of Vegetine, it has cured him. He has
a lame leg. which he will probably have for life ; but we
all honestly believe, if we had need V,EGETINE before
we had bothered with those doctors, it would. have sav
ed the use of Melee, and restored it to natural health.
I'hope all those troubled with Scrofula - will read this
testimony of me and my son; who is now well and able
to speak for 'himself. C A.TIIE EINE MAIWN EY.
19 Trenton at., Oharlestown, Mass.
May 10,1.972.
The above piOn but honest statement conclusively
shows the quick and thorough cleansing effects of the
V.EO &TINE, in Scrofula.- '; •
, .
VEGETINE 114 acknowl edged by all classes of peop e
to be the best and most reliable blood purifier ih the
world. -*. , ~
-, , . !,,,, ~ , . ~,
N0v.14 • 1815, 4 -.4,17. i ~r '
Sold byall pruggists Everywhert.
._ • -
Thninderdignedbasizitranibniiiniminnitit tOev
ery train on.the D. L. & W., and. Erie Itatlwarra
4py order for, ;,
Shippik, -or .Ro-fibliming liapage
• ;
at Other depot will beprompili atteadia to:
- enew.xlver bridio 416 slow coliplet4l4llencither
401effying. • • _
. .
• :I ClaidLttonXiLAW
Iways Oil hand ,t 9 pneeene9X.p) lu4 PC l Rttll
Great Bend, Ang.l9. 1874,—tt. _
Grek Bend, ra.
Hartmitztan 3emat2ovr4d
G : .
7• :I` , •
Hi 4 just' returued . from New YOrk Wittliti"ze arid cOtupleiii astkirtuient of
'fit ,'r'r::
• ~r .; . '••••
OTS'•••• • - •
T . l l WIPP S I - . t krZOOgs"c-
, •
•. N • .;•
Hats: and! 0 4 6:ips- , otio :./to /ko
. ~r,
„ , 1."1 E '
r : A. 31 „ •••
his - large: oternpOrtirf's= on
'f 'ii ; the , litt,tiolial“ Hefei
. ,
iremainlere until our noir '
1" •„- . ;
" =
bought -with care. We 'lin, as heretofore, offer the birgeet
~, 1 aasortnrixtrAnd best, bargains in the *au n ty.
~Bu ter tinfl Prod'um'Highest price: afrUd prompt. returns guaranteed.
Bey ',udviinced,*fien desired.,;; • . • `.
real; Bead, - July . 7th, 1875.
,FRANK:.. TH.9IV,IPSQN's .. '&',.. , 0 -.,
I ..
I da
do and grades:Of DOMESTIC 8t IMPORTED , WINES, & LIQUORS, Its low as any hpuse in the , State.
Inbar l9th, 18'15.-8m ,
A ;i
BrOze Lamps, Opal . ps, All Glass Lamps, Hand Lamps,
Burners, Wicks t •Shades, Shade Holders,
Thaw Guaranped as Low as any /Ouse in Southern Veto York ,
• • - . t, •
Address by Mall Promptly A.ltimdcd To.
1 'We ,are continually ` adding new . material ito our . ' office, and with nat . •
, 4 •
Large Stock of JOB -TTPE' ant TOUR. Printing Presses, we Defy Comipetion
I Both in Price and Reality, either in Blain - Black or Coiored Work.
OYD:: - :.-__--CO - RW.LN
Corner of Main and Taniik? Ste.
Builders' Hard:warp.
ttLe! 3=42iS•
Titolke -to`our Vriends for Past FaVont.
'We would be more thanklalto one itid oil he know
they have unsettled account s with ns,., t,hy would call
and settle by the middle uf March nez,t. • .
Ireb. 4. 1614. • •
'7? - ;
Butt market price, paid in cut!, for - , • ;
- ' CORN,.' RYE,, ANP, OATS,
•atthe ziontriyee SteautVlL
" • S. 1) A - MgchittiSeperieteradent."'
iteetrete Julyl4; I,Blo.—tr. •
al,. Good: Syttemstien,—A
persons Una contemplate' ''ntikking contract* with.
4ewspapers for the insertimw of advertisements, - should
send 26 cents to Ooh P. Rowell, & Co., 41 ptrit Row
New York, for their PAMPRIST-BOOK (ninetti4ev.
exalt edition,) containing lists of over 2000 newo mers
and estimate& showing the cost, Advertiaements at:
eu for leading papers in unatysialtstei at , a tremendous
eduction : 1 . 1 10 10 110 hAri'lliPPf. , :; 0 1' 1 3c"Ortt 911..1
1 40 to Cheap John's loi.ditiOti Vliitiiieli;
Miscellaneous Aavertisements.
,cii-o:o7;'.' t
IVfTNtRiIOO-HAMTON.; -. L .y:,
TIN 4L*ii
-: :., `.~
• !0'•••P-•-"*P"'" ;
67. •
' C
"VMELIII.33:I. '
titirch 81,1876:
At' 79.7 . W. sxiiit)l,.& :P0319S
Exteueivaursiture War
e s
3roo you willand thelargeat
• m
of •
x Irrtr.E
To be found in this section of the country, of his own
manufacture. and at prices that cannot tail to givetsatis
faction. They make the very best
In the Conntri, and WILMA v'T them.
1713 33: 0 1 Sit eor 3r Vl7 Crl3z.
• or all Veda dbne•in the neatest. mas►ae i.
la MT rt X a l%I . CA". 33 32 . 3 p' l6ll
. ,
'UN - D EiI,TA K 1.,G
. ,
The aubserlber sr 11l hereafter make to.. ndertsaing a
specialty in Ms busluess. Ilavinujuit completed , a
NEW and the west elegant
ant ILURSF, in the %hate, all
needing his servieee vi be attended to promyand at
satisfactory charges. . ,
, .
• •
WM. W. Std tr. SON. Jan. 8 1 VinSt.-4105-K.
,-; .
BOst: calicos cents ' per. yiird at Cheap
JohleA. r -1 , 1 ,•A < '
The undersign . • .
„. ed • 11/11P3
uderteltl4, ' ,
a 13peclailty
to th e r eines*.
All needles their seryl .
to. ifttlisfoottou goarante c tfcV l 4be PrQ m P tl r 1 .. 114444
) rtiendsvtile:- Aptif' #71'1%711'
We'havo leduca'our 87 coo t
cant:fitie-Drep s :GoOds' to 25 , oeutai . ,
btap John's; • ' •
;i.~ ;
R:' °i~! a , , ~
ill - t 4...
_~+y: ;r
.~~.~{~ ~
af t
1.1 4
la 4•
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;A: 1 11,. RUNIEIC
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