The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, January 19, 1876, Image 2

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'6 Tt,tr
At two Dollars per Yetir in Advance.
TO ADVERTI;;ER:—Tns-Dnatocuar BB an adver•
—Using medium:. is, unsurpassed—in...this , section._ It.
—Teaches tiur Farmer; Mechanic: and - business man. —its
rtl3'l4o°ll is constantly ipereasing,; and l i t t s advertising
tes reasonatile.:Jiates-N9ll be gtVen - fa bur office or
, a , .. vs ma n . , •
,t, „JOB PillliTlNG:—Our: °Mix , : is snpOled with four
printing presses.together with- a. large variety or type,
borders, Laney inks, etc.. with 1010 wo-arepre"pared
^`lo'de 'work in. the best style and at, prices dower than
any competitors in any section, tramples shown and
istimates cheerfully given at bur 'office.- Work order
f;l4 brraail,:villi receive promp( attehlon.
•, , •
GOl , l closed rill New YOrk,.on . Monday
"AnnEsty" ..Nord aliost ; hated by
ihe 'Radical le-aders:
:The f‘thlFd:party foollOuese
,is wbats
ibeginuing , tO trouble the Radical leaders
now. ,
, •..
{Grant gave . ; 100000 °idlers places-in.
the "Wilderness otiinpitign; and the . i , are
...not likely to, be disturbeaL j •
,Seeretary Bristow tauttouttoes his desire
to have a duty -imposedl ou the cOffee.—
, "Tat, tax, tax," _is the bOrden of the
Every proposal to ,reduce , enormous
salaries in Washing,tbii is denounced as
I ,"disloyal." But tlie tai -ridden people of
~•; t - i s`country are getting tired of Such sil
, .
. .
I ; Grant announces that . he k t write
a letter declining a Third Term.. He
4 .,SeemS to think that , 'its le ter to Henry
4 . White. con taminka bid tot l a Third Terni --
7-- hits - been generally . misunderstood.
Mr. Jeffer;on . Davi, - with all his , funitsi
. . t foibles. and politipal sliort-conungs would
100 droi) : Onf, of view, ; ,were 3uot for
the Rtd;eal &lidera 'who are enntinnally
making . a_target and a martyr of him:—
tneill - golce:A way'tol dispose of Davis is.
K to let li,nn taupe. -
The witti..sti saying in 'connection with
lithe recent . ‘discussiOn of amnesty must
cledited to Mr. Morrison,: - -the.chair ,
,man of the committee .of‘ War and:
means : "When ,our side wai
said 'he, "it - seemed to me we had the
Worst of. it and wh
the other . side ifixik:e
t-tbought,` they wereettng -the worst of
- , •
tier is a hill before the ObiitT:iegis
lature to, make forcible entry into dwel:
ling houses, stoieS, etc., in.daylight,bdrp
, lary, and another' to ,make lottible entry
111:1 -light into' corn cribs awl chicken
019:Ilse:a burglary also. Pie:v seems to be
po.gool reason why these bills should not
beedme laws. r
' •
It is charged 'that! the, Moutrose DEMO
-I,sliiT'S . ` repkiiiPi in .Ithe Cominiasioners'
office mixes u l i a gook deal of falsehood
with Ins reports, - or else the - editors of . the
EMOCS. AT put in the falsehoodS to snit
themselres,---Montrom ReinthlicaA.: •
b tn
! - Will Homer ,juit 11 I kind enough to
'name the' falseho6da The argument
I."you. lie sir," 1 ore , than thread
,bile:-.!, Ikbas , come to' can ackno`wledt:44-
thent of the tfuth o wit- statements in
'the iniud.a of the! masa'
A. The adoption, by tte
... senate - of : Mr.
resolut on instructing the commit
:tee onfinances` prepare'"i coMpilatibn
of `tutstax laws_:f the 'state - With a Staff.-
meat of the amonnt „received from each
source of 'revenue fir 'every'. year since
Is7o is At least an indication of an.earnest
jive the ittbject tbi?rough •
consideration. If -the. compilation , stig
,,fgesteti ',by, 'Senator Dill be prepared lit
...time it will greatly aiesist the legislature
- delibelatioils ontliis ,`important
biOit vi the finaPees• SOMO of
pia( laws:- are partial and . oppressive
their operation, : '' hile'‘OSessment , and
• ctlieefiito iinder othets are so' ditri,enit
;.:that, r.o remedy but re Peat The
-400010 oubjeett-needs , ,,s , complete overhaul
:•: - . •
Yitzhigh - the newly-elected door
tislaikr, . "copgressi tehtlered . pbsition
toa4OliA,'Seniitor.Gordoni ' hear t he whic h
the'fither:wrote to the son as foilows.,;,
~,.`4.lfrite".,ininiediatel to •Qol. .Vitzbugh,
that by rem
ovir,tvlij.,ll ; top have
no Control, it wOul e improper - >, or you
aeeept anlapi)einqve% ef fi ee under the
auspicesliti to,
• settle ibis, ,zuatter, once: for itly)4lit be.
trust:aid 'brrrtoo of
• . •
the LEarra4o4 'tlfk legislative . pyresen-:
~ .T
fitiveii: ofilie'people:of Georgia, you can
fof ' aCCei4;:any , appointment wihateVer.
. - ,tftle peopleOf ' .thibrtia should ever re
, linire four serVicq, tkiiiy, Zvi l I
_signify the;
fact: by, electipg you loAlie 'Pt..sition . they
:inarvdesire you to fill: But the' fact that
they have chosen me to represent them in
the Senate dose no signify ti uA they
q your services - in any capacity." -
How much , more respeted' ,. i . PreAi4nt
Qrani would be to-day
__had he adopted,
Senator Gordon'! admirable sentiments
i4i.reg_ard to the, legioui of relative&
. who
has importuned for hnd` ben: !supplied'
with lucrative public position a; by hint.
But.thatisn't.inhisline. , ' , • ',.
1 1 11 E. Soldiers Of ,the •UniOn army
Used to sing; , •"we'll_ -hang JeffDaViS on
.sour apple-tve"'.before
" . A4tcr they i hdd ctipturc..t h ink the
Republican party kept . him in prison
long: ime• but never fOund the r isour ap 7
ple.trie" and this same Jeff . . becaine ,. l%l?
elephant on their liandd:and to do
they did not' know, until Horace Greeley
helped them out bY becoming; his -bail.
We - never Could ColleieVP why they never
hung Jeff Davis, until 'since the prop
,osition for universal ainneaty, has come
up in congress. It was for the ,purpose
of making Blaine the\ next: candidate
for •President, atid wrtngit.g the blood
out of Jeff's shirt - to frighten the pito
ple into a further submission to Radical
rule. If Jeff Davis had', been hung.w,hat
would the Radical trickstershavedonefor
timber to . supply their outrage mill ?'if
Jeff DaVis is a 'scourcre to the A„inerican
people at , this.. date , then the Radical
party is responsible forOt. The cause
is greater than the effect, anti, they are
tha cause in omitting", t 9 'use that, "sour
hppk-tree." Poor old Jeff f)avit , , whose
influence, either North far ,Sl,tith,'. is less
than that off,M.4l?er Vooseris the aril
hope the Radical leaders have.. The e
or death of the Republicah party, a in k
terpreted by is in theilife or eatli
of Jeff Davis, assisted gi ing
power aod his death will he its T quiern.
After bavir g the whole wai•
.fought over
again mice more, and' the trnihagement.of
ail the prisons and hospitt4a cu either
side discussed with more 'itt . !erbity .than•
sense; . the ,louse `put an
..en'd, to -ell , - ,the
raglc„ yesteplay . ~by. - referring'the ani
bill to
the judiciary .citntiaittee - : It
wilt come up again, Probably on.. Mo
n . Mr.' Banks' amerAl i iinlf,
ins that_ those hose ;political disabilities
.are - removed
,shall take the; oath.
giatice, tia the condition of: amnesty, and
in. that shape - will be-passe d! with no :con
tlfrable disEent:
obviously rlght, and hail Mr.- Randal
admitted it. _at lite first, abe would' had
deprived Mr. Blaine, of even , thii, lii
:weight his wild .svords had.' But it,
dall's parliamentary' .blunder is a slij
thing compared; With the offense
Blame, for Whom,: with the ghastly dole
tons he has draped.: lrOmythe to mbs of
the past, the country' . ctitiqiiie nOthiUg
but condemnation, and - its demand that
the dead thtngs of the paSt shall be ,bur
ied forever will be Pll ,the stronker for
tl - l We have lit
r e indecent-exhumation. e 1 ,
t pl4ience to discus the distr6ssing con
troversy 9t the past few ;days, and the
public will not care to inquire who has
droved the greatest master of parliamen
tary fence Or who' has excelled- his cum
petito ;a in . a war of, words which has
brought only shameand horror to a
whole nation. -
,the ,patricitTm -of : ti e
country has'so promptly and Untnistsk
:able resented the affront, and Blaine,
even upon ,his own groun j d, has been so,
coMple!ely worsted, that we cannot fetil
_th4, the : episode has - done: - m:ttch harm.--
Yet it must 1 - I , ave reopened many wounds
which time has healed, ti, Id which time
alone can beat itgain,, and' tife,country,
while it may forgive, Will; uot. s9On \ ,forket
that it was Blaine's ambition that, did
this grievois wrong: From . beneeforth
'silence would' best beeorne bhn and, for
the , others, - lef them now resolve, that the
shit,,li.ix;forgotten and 'forgiven, and
that not in: the .memories of a divided
past, but',in :the omnftin - interest's- of a
united present lie duty; and - honor, and
the favor of - a patrtotio people.—Phil'a
, rime& : ,
The . Perry county, peniocrat calls at-,
tentiOn to a 'phragraph the message of
Goy. ,Tilden i 4 hiehfr• ffeetuallnlispostis of
a Know . . .Nothing .bugaboo about whkeh
theradlealine spapers dare made a great
deal of ignorant !noise. ',Pile- Governor
clailmauthOriziti:g:jl - te'ataiti, stti)erin.
teadqeit:tnigisne "in n -difeti.tioil"
tifiroata : 'of cti,lislificat , lio.? to 'graduates . ot
any 14e,iilin'ary :of 11,
'known afisltt,'Siste'riabkitt of Grey Naha
THE .'- , 19 NTROSE, ..,1)a):1,9,P4 . 0; ': . JAN. 1 - 19, - :1E : 376 7 ' . - -.,T:
The tiaieetinient is
on'their.filing_with?' hitit their diplomas,
it ppeats an amendment of 'the.' Charter
by Chapter 353 of :the laWs;of 1815. Which
beeame a law 'onthe:lsth!of May: This
provision did Inirport
. - tei make a
person having :such:' ,. -slipklita a .qualified
teacher like tOperson 'diploma
of a state normal school, but akely ves
ted the state SuperiNndent - With a _dis
cretion to-grant to such a person a tier ! ,
tificate of qualification. That,. power the
spieirintendep (hid befcire, an d i i cl
J o r .,th, prpviciutl eleven years. 1 .1`119,
,rq :
visioti bad no real effect; it .cotifered no
!IF* power_ on the ,omperintetident. It
added nothing: tollii ! existing , poweri ,bat
it bore.the, appearance-of A'special -grant
of a -privilege to one. corporation which
may be.prestime& :to have ,iscaped atteu.
tion; for the.. ,bl.ll,,passed, , the: ,, n;ssembly
ow,:e-and the-Setate-,itwice. by.the affirin
ative vote of 'every ,Member present:, But
the discretionary , po aver of *the superin;-
tendent under tfie,lo of 1864, ; and ,under
this act, ,was afterwards,completely‘,obro-
gated by the "law of the. 9th .of June. lie
was prohibitefrota: .grantingi. any .certi : -
ficates ,eiceici:( on . public . examination.
The law, of, the 9th- of June,. wait, later
than the . Grey Name :act, which arithoi
ized, the superinten dant :in hisdisctetion.
to grant, 'certi fi cates „to ):gradu ates of. the
seminaries of the Grey Nuns' aerpori
tion. wetit ,further., It repealed the
power which he ~under :the law of
184,6 to do the same thing. , ; If the Grey:
,Nuns' corporation derived any special
privilege from the act of theilsth of May
that privilege. was , destroyed; by-the law'
of :the 9th of June. A uniform rule is
made applicable
_to all. •
It appears from, the official statement
,that the Grey Nuns' act was never any
thing more than a harniless. grant' of
power already possessed which. remained
effectual for twenty-four days when it
was' repealed by :a later enaetment of the
same legislature that,originally conferred
it. During those twenty.tour. dtivi: a
terrible Grey:Nun- powder Mine lay i un -
exploded under the 'common sehooYsy's.
tem 'of the state of NeW Yo Even
yet it makes us shudder to . think o t.'
' , ,
a •
- CLERK. ' •
„ .
On Monday morning of I:ast,'week, : the,
Commissioners convened rtiain,lorbitil•-, •
neis,: it being the • COmrrienb.e . ment''.' of
court. Dire rumors , had been floating.
in .the air on,,Sattirdity . belitre,,that
,Baldwin Would not accept the, clerkship;
and that Mr. would -, 'Osigri as cord-
Missioner, arid tht . !abavem4ntiOtied meet-
Mr,lsaldWiti would
not .accept; and, disproved .}lie: latter, that :
11r. Pall,' would' resign. , *hy
dwtri did not
_accept, as tbere'...liditeen
no red uetion the Salari„ : 'We' . It ave,.not
heard itatellt. except; that 'there WaS : 4 `sttelt •
.a. made.about. -the .salary.!.tbat be
concluded - to-drop the bone. , Durit.g.
Monday - and Tnesday the [COthintsitioners'
transacted with' Mr. Ball.,
acting as . clergy.. :On Tueiday it
was an .that 10. R. Eldred :would;
become clerk on: the assernbling. Of tne
. .
board WedneSday tmirritng as ;-
ler.and Mr'. Ball had decided to. appotk
b • . 'On:Wednesday . 01 ing , his namZ , ,
-Prvsentect‘; Ryan .again. : .inter- .
• oied the ohj:•. , .CtiOn . 'to paying.more•than
- 00 . salary when - tin:illy cimPetent clerics,
'c._ old be procured for that antonut, but
he was overruled by - the Republican 'ma . - I
Jority and kr. Eldred is now - the. clerk at:
a salary of $7OO. No roueStibus the'
poWcrof the majority to. hire who",they
please and td 14ree . 'to pay . its . much as
they pleasei-... No one qUe,tioni'the-Asser
tion- that . M.r. rEldred - is as 'cotriPetent 118
gr. Bullard, Mr, Lyon,
.14re• Glidden, Mr.
CroSsitiOn and :otherS; all of whom were'
. to :du the.- wort ;for .$O9,- and
probablynoAine - will. saY -- bi , is any: moire..
unless' it bee ati se .he'hasli - ,eld - office
I aboi - 1;.. the.' COnq twenty .four
?firs, altliough ✓ 'Mr.'CrosSinon is but one
,year behind, :haying. .
Wr grant'the above to be , facts,- and at
the same time ye say that no one can . any
•more consistently qu,stion the right . ofd
"the people to their : opinion upon ,frorl
that of the press to lay.the. twitter heforei
them. We have no fe.rther comments toy
make, The matter is tiow in the:hand i
of the conitnisSionets exofttaivelY . .. Nex
January it wtiH be in the hands. of the
board. of auditors and the court,' and _over
and above - heti); the peOPle will approv
or dliapprove *hen they constitute othei
official' servants at the ballOt.bOx. W 4
shalt' submit, pot only, ."to the will, of
i'yovidence".. attd the cOnim L§S loners. hui
`also very cheeilully to-,the' the
ma - iO - ity'of the people:' .
itunior has it that havinz been elected County Trea4.:
user for tho emoting Owed lrealf-. I am to filocontin_pc toy
In'ourance ()Rhine's'. • Said itUNitilt„ is UNTRUE; nil
without foundation, and While thanking' you' for, kilt&
,ness, and A.PPrecilttioi of good. inaurauce inl.lin pilot, I
aok'a continuance of your patronage, - prombilng that ail
buoineso entrusted to we shalibe• proctiPtlY attended to.
, . •
,s. , •, , . • -11 , IV c ? nipanies. are all ouri.d and reliable, no ail can tes-.
'The iv ew • I orri uttlidopiftn 'club` . ~ I.r ry wliolotye inet with :oases' ddring tirolurat tin lilt
A 11.1,k at my Afteur.Y. livid the List I _ 1 ,) rd
nittkini. extelisiv :preparations. Jar till's 1.
- North and Mercautte, Cirpital, l llO 1
Ot-6'bratioll of the ::`Burns alill ii;tl fe el YIP queens of London, - . •44 - '-` • 7 2 1 ,0( ')°° 11), °°° 1i0u
on the .25 inst. Among', AbPs_e wbo ha i 0 1 1`c i t .lo'anle'ra,tilrg-"t./Phl A ' - 'l! ss ' n e arly 1 8 R ' n ,,,, MX) ) 1 ",,,,,,‘'
1 1 ,
law - 1 - 4,„..;,1 J.,. i ‘,.. „ , • -.4 Lauoviir. S. Y., .... , & 111 1 4;0 5564
r00... i 8,,,e,„f i . t
.7 . :, : tgte ,
it the.„ daninwv.ztarnadretiw)e.liv,, , it
...1 o n idP l ttomix of Mulford, .i `. : it, i n - . i - ':= . fAW L 'im" - "
1 DK) OM
I also ropretivat - tho - rdeve Yorit'untluil Lire
lir.; Scott of the-Jane tt:eet fcharcit. - -1 .: °Oirdo::::itieje.44::ertka4ud'ing.:B:-; a l s ;i octs ' '''
Qv:: 131 : ' lio n i ' i , d 3o4 l : : : : t e s s ..;,
• , „ ; Mei:Oho . anouic Mutual Benefit Asaoclut ott of Pe u '
clu S7e it il e te s e ' o ll f "lureli m lic a i s t h 'd a is ll t d ill i e p l i e i s ts 7 w it e ll reca tt . :7 o 6r Wal L ' i i i i Accidental ' c , oy, ceverin
~ ,;:t i - i a ic
Ai e i '' ' ' ' 61' ri it
1 the ilartiord' eigsuciation Ins ' t.:0.; Policies • I
til,r,i , ,d Tecehtly by - revenue officers ri: fr ro g i ng . iie * dt.t to-: , :hvg44 4 ,,2 o a r l d v i -
vi ta be e n e y n oli k iis t t i r L :
Oreenville, enUrity south Oa - tortoni , Flit v e iy., o peetruily.‘;.‘,„ 1 .,,,, , i,,,,, ~,. ~, :, :-•
of the-clnitillers_Wre-griested.-' . -, 1 - e l- , Montrose( •, . .11JM - Y - 0
• • '' , :i - ' ; rri:d'iiii.l.4,lB*:tt .', =. 1, •.!-• :- • : IT--*
GeneralAZOM4_, Suninugly.
Theldebt of Alientown E1•* : .51'"();75 6 4 4 :,
The, republ ican`
will-beheld at Pinoitfe;ti,:4llpo44t.:.
county, killed fonehogs w 1 E , weighek
The operatives of several: shoe factories
otly.:nn, Mass., are-on a .strike, and the :
•Strikeqlireatelia - to heioine . ieneral.
! . .General=Mavis
of TI se of
o_o P9S:IO3P)FP-PRIPOcrgt;YO.
recentlyand 000 worth, of silverware
stnien .'c't ~,; ;•
'lei. Robert, L. FullPr i .a ,BitAist.:rii'~rl
,ste.r is lingerilig' ad
the T(:tttt connty
isll i
iih:A - thate of 'eteafng
aneetionate wife in New-(astie, rat - 4
iifr'h4l3,osl6o get ~bCF4thibandilut
jail:` "The' i4ti fCtipar: 4)raceeat* ;hif,d
'the desired 4frect. '
•_, ' r "i •
,Ti 34 'moderate. 4rinicer,o",ok,,!lntliana
,h9rougli,. have ,•otttnized 0,? topp,ertlppe
Society and t . t,nnOutice&•theirinteption.
prosr a uting.any,,,liquor dealer, w,ho-seils
-drip - to miners to personk cf intemper
ate habits or on Sunday. „ ;oh ,
The: judiciary :COlntnitteeitof tbe,:liouse
has ,i•econsideredl.its previona actions li m•.
iting the Presidential incumbency' .to a
single, term of six :years; Andagraed to
reptirt a, constitutional amendtheittpro
viding for a single term of laur,years. - !,
In the Virginia house Of representa
tivels Jan. 13 a motion to Jeconaisilet the
vote defeating the 'apprOtiriation to'f $lO,
000 for the representation of the itate at
the; Centennial 'exhibition 'Wadi loaf, the
yea's being 56i the' . nays''sB; - This -kills
tbs; bill. The- dtbate th.. mcitiott.otl ,
p.t4ied several days and teas 'frequently
animated and bittrr. • 1 •
]n the senate ofi„ Ntr, ednes
dat krnenilo'r - man, Offo:ed
a . re solu tio . to re t tirii • the
thigi, and infiirtn the t4echtive,ihlit
legislature Was ready to receive. infOrnia
tiny of the ci , n(ljtjon, ' g ;,;.verUnien't
and recominel,dacions. %tie.4)6tit.4l:.hear
ipb.!ttical C.: 3 )iiiliign . ,`t . WCtimnt.., lA. rule
45 1(. 1 , 1.'e„ taking;"
front' the dreSident
an;.ll tije itsf4r 7
tliell9llke w;i.= iiirAiierd 're-
O l eSting'.fte covevn..i , 'give Stih i e s
u d'pl a c e s Vi o ,l;'no 014
occtirr ! il during , tbe: i elt , ctiOn, : and
'ihe wp'resii4)'enGiti,
CI, .
Wll ,
'Aitertisernergts New 'rbis Week.
Itol4El4 4 ll;iAli, Auctioneer.•i' , Cite oft S.; Plitinan &
co., Al OntrO3e Yar . i n t 1.70.1
14nted. aftheat cash 'pric, will:te Pala, :I ,
" • n t,ATcßov . r..
Rush, Jannar-39, 1376.-2 w. - • •
F - SON - Wit FUR
• nish. at Wholesale or itelail,.the best and finest
atisortinent of Confectionery.'Toe, Ito.,
to be found in this Vicinity, at thelawAst cash price.
SACO,N. do 80N.
,Jannary 1 4 0816. - ' '
___ . .
pu BLic sAtt.:-- \ . . f
i The Assizneei of S. IL &. D. SAYRE will sell at
abbe Yendue on the Richmond JUR farm, in _Silver.
Lake; cif. - ' - .. • ,
•i. • .
1 " iritursday,. 'January WY, 1878 . •
... :
; • 1.
I at 10,oclock. a.. m.',. the following inoperty tc! witl: r
. 1 •
ITwelve eows,4. yearlings,onepair of two leltroldecatis,
Otte inule.l one boric power threshing machine,, one pair
bob sleighs. 1 one horse market• wagon:: two Hubbard
Idowers,.plow d, harrows and other farming tools, .• f
..UAL!, on Satqrday.j.unnary 4 ; at one o'clo( k. Tton ,
, , the Bridgewater - farm; abbot • ene, mile from the vit
t• ; :• 10 cows, one 5- year old mare, qwo - hubbard.
li • • •ers one pair bob sleighs, plows. etc., etc. _
Jannary 19.4676.2 w •
T O :RENT OR: SELL:. - •
I - ..
Fula m Cliocomaillowllsilip •
Contalikipg 207 •_Acres of
Good buildings and 'well improved. For Tering, eu
quire of • • - •
• the Tarbell House,
II the latter part ot• tie week, or of • •
- w. a. it; c. JpSSUP.
' tortimsei Seisil l a Co..
January 19, 186. • , ,; • • ra.
1:13111--C , I:DENIS =C.
!have rented the' iibove en ,
,11 tltted Mein up In
firetqchise .. ;order ~he‘e nltp:teal , W - the mill with
, •
Including Vircsteni White Wheixt.
,• • ,
I also keep on hand,. •
,W;flE - k;1 4 .. RYA ,ANI), BUCKWELEAT
".reed.; Bueliwheat fiTan. ;etc ...: ,ete.. tviilchlbffet to the
pubiio lit the .lowest ,;prices. , kinds btlidilling
Business done. • •
'FIVE . lIIIINDRED barhals ot Rye, itninedltitely. Also
;Ilost,c,asti'prirg paid tor All •
Park:vale, : Jan:'lo,l,Bl6.
,VOTICE=7-1111. pers9ni having cl a im s
demands (exceLt inm real us e t st;te) sign e s e t a the
o n n ab o P r l T•e r lorZ Mai‘f: let, MO, for settle.
TM AR-B LE. ..:V.O-fl -K:&-2
-liinifietnierti of sin} O~edleiie in
rfidAisT :.;s4' ,41Cm'i.dti.*: :14 otBL,
L"llialililrkiii) SDectli laitlfrltft. 1
1 441P r eetietery ;; Lotiri nelitsballr
C. WYBiTs, -
Tunkbattnoc;TS;;., 19, 18115.'
CilLS r REPS'i :
. . .
DAMASK ; All OF ,7011. • JATNE's
. 1: 'FAMILY ES,,
Montrose. dainusry 19, 1576.
' Vegne his attained in all parts of the country S i
A, Great . " and God Medicine • -
and . the,large number of testimonials. which are con-
Staidly peing received fiom persons who have been cur
ud-hy its utie, , are conclusive , proof of its great value.—
It is recommended by physicians and apothecaries. As
it Blood-Purider and 8 ealth-Restorer. it haS no equal.
.Vdgetine is not prepared for a fancy drink made from
poor liquors. which debilitates the system and tends to
' destroy healtjc instead of restoring it.
Ma. E. R. STEVENS :•;-• ' •
AFAR In.--:Linost cheerfully add my tostimony to the
great number you have already receivedin favor of your
great and good medicine. Vegetini, for I do not think
enough can be said in De praise. di s e as e, w troubled over
thirty years with that dreadful Catarrh, and
bad sucl bad - coughing spells that it would seem as
though I could. neva breathe any more, and Vegetine
has cured me and Ido feel tcs..,-7thank God all the time
there it 'so • goclal a medicine•• al Vegetine. and I also
. think it one of thO best medicines for coughs and weak
sinking, feelings a' the stomach, and advise everybody
to take the Vegetine. for I can assure them that it is one
of the best medicines ever was.
• - Cor. 'Magazine and Walnut Sta.,
Cambridge, Mass.
VEGETINE la seinowledged and recommended by
physicians and apothecaries to be the best purifier and
cleanser 'of the blood - yet !liscovered, and. thousanda
sped in its pram who have been restored to health.
' Report from a practical chemist and apothecary.
801LT0,2, Jan. 18'14.
DZAit 'Pit* is to certtft that I have sold at retail
115 X dozen:oB4 bottles), of', pour Vegetlne since April
12. 18t. pnd eau truly 'say that it has kiven the best
sattefictibn of any remedy fr te complaints for which
it is recommendiid • that 1 e v er :sold. Z`carcel) a day
passes without some of my customers testifying to
lY its
..merits on themselves or their friends ' 41 am perfec
cognizant of several cases of , bcrolula Tumors being
cared, by'Vegettne alone IA this vicinity.
Very respectfully yours.
4tid .roadway.
,To H. A. sTsvinip, F 4.14.
Mu. 11,4t...STEVRNS - • •
Dear Sir : /bout one year mace I found' mysielf In
fochte •
condition from general •debility. Vegetine was
etrongly reconuneuded to me by a friend who had been
much benetitted by its use, I - procured the article, and
after using several Ixatles ;was restored to health, ti,nd
discontleued its use ., I'feel quite continent that there is
no medicine superior br it tor thoee coin
which it is especially prepared ; -and would cheer fulll
plaints for
,recmmend it to those who feel that they need soled
thing to restore them to perfect he .Ith. •
,J.teepectfully yonre, U. L. PETTIINGILL.
Firm of S, Pettengill A. Co.,
- • • • 10 Stale tlt., Heston.
. ,
t- .
danghter hes.reeolved greet beuetlt , ttpia, oto
of the , deeliaing eis health . W soutee
eat abvety to all of her friends. A few bottle* or the
Yegetine restored her health, strength awl appetite.
• N 11. TILDEN.
• Insurance and Real Estate Agent.
• -,`; No. 749 *tars Building. BOOLOU*I4SIIII*
..jaia k uovelk:ilt. ;but Impost statement , enneluelv ei l
V °l4 l 6 ' 6 ' V ' , ultt. tb9rll l 4b - cleat; sing effects of the
TiN Seittulit. '
is !i,ckuoyo!
tit be tAe best pm mos able •oo pa ririo t to
- 17'
' •
Sorel s •- . - : . .-:L iti ,•,.,: : , - ...!..,, .. •
: - icy ' alt
.4 i': ' t s ..t~;' ~
0 :7 1i; -
-,.• .: ',.
LYONS it'. CO;
• Binvoi; Fob. 11,z1811.
2 :,--, - (:, ;-' !: ,, ''•'.. 4l .- ',
~ ley 19) 9414 . 4 . # 0. of Reop4
s 'S