ME=fl =EMM . . LEY :84 U : TUE DOORSTEP. "--11.4---. . • ' too, strong .:. , • - .; 2 i „ ; The conference meeting through, at hist, ~ ' ' .Iye - i his flther helieied .him guilty. • We boys around the vestry waited; . :.' i• ''' ' • t_ • , , ,_ ,L,t,,was i t!,Eas terrible 'trial 'which had To see the girls come tripping past r '' Like snowbirla willing , to be, mated. ' brought fhe wrinkles upon his ffice, and Not biavehe that leaps the wall . , made him s lot, lissoold beyond his . time. ' _:._ B,y level musket-flashes litte,u, , ._, ~ , - • Stern justice, .he felt, would have sent , Than l', Who stepped beforethein . all, - ,- - :his ion to the , gallows ; but"thie he obtild Who longed to ace me get the 'mitten., , not . do: His own 'flesh and blood 'Must • But no ; she blushed, and took•my arm 1 - I be saved, it possible, this,disgrace. ' We let:the old folks have, the' highway, ' , Therefore he , had .connived "at his'es- And started toward ;he Maple Farm ' cape; :and by extreme good' fortune ''had -- Along a kind of lover's by . . way,. . got hini.out , of the coun , try. I can't remember what we said,„ ._ . - Since he had been . assured of'lhiti; 'no 'Twas mithing worthiaotig or Story ; . living soul had ,heard - him Mention his Yet that rude.path by which weaved ; .. Seemed all:transformed and in. a g10ry...... _. son's name. , ''' - . • - , , ,:', , . • .-;- Front him one would n ever hate known The snow was crisp beneath 'our feet, bu s t!what he had; been . chil dl ess his The moon w fun,the fields were gleam leg ; . • / • :, - 'By hood and ppettheltered sweet, ~ • Friends he had but .few. -He was not ) 7 Her face with youth and health was, a roan”id, those days, who , would attract beaming. . - .. people,to‘hirn. ,Thoso old ones *hi :still The little band outside her muff— lived near by never mt ntioued,, his 'tion's - , olgiulptor; if you could but , mould it l— , .•. ~ name tu ; iiirn,. So.lightly. - mucheifmy jacket:cult . ' ' . . There.. was t„ . „ c?ne of them "who .had To keep It W I had to hold it, arm , , - the courave to do it., Had they,,done so To have her there with me alone,-- . b . . . it woulit .119bably have „been., an ', end to 'Twas love and fear and triumph blended At last we reached the foot-wornstone ' . . all . future intercourse between them.;_` , Where that delicious journey ended. , I Thus, it was ,the : days of . Hugh Ailen's , ' The,old folks, too, wore almost 41)mA' ~. . life : c am e '.O vi dent - :'-. ' . ‘ ' -lier dimple ' d hands theAate t. ll es tlnierd; `.There was o ily. ; One inmate ~rifi ,the `Wielieard the,Voices nearer collie,. Grange,..saye the servant. Yet oii - the doorstep Still we lingered.. . . . ' ThiS.WaS a . di s t ant ' relative, Dera Ad. She shook her ringlets from her hood, :113313., i 11.18 - wife had died before the,gi t. Andwith a "Thank you, Ned," clissein-' disgrace was brought Upon. the %mil bird, and' thus; she bad been spared' the blow, And Yet I knew she understood , _ . , , . With which, with-8 terrible torture would' havee what a daring wish I trembled. ~ , wrung her life frotn her. A:cloud pasielkindly oterhead, • .Soon• after her. death, Dora Adams 'hie moon Was slyly peeping through it, . ) Yet bid its lace, as if it said, - then a mere child; had come to South , "Conte, now or never ! do it ! do it!". Ridge to live. ' She ° was an orphan, the , M ylips till then had only known . child of , a cousin of Hugh Allen's, and The kiss of mother and of sister, she came to him penniless. , . But somehow, full upon her own ' But he had enough for himself_ and -,' sweet , rosY,darling mouthi-I kissed herl her, and when hjs son was the same as. . Perhaps 'twas -boyish - love, yet still, dead to him, he turned' to the child for • 0 listen woman, weary lover 1 ' allAhe Consolation he could hope for in To feel once more that freshi t h is w° - wild thrill rld. - I'd give— But who can live youth over ? 4 .s the years went on,. he regarded her as his own. , • . . Had he indeed . been her lather, he eoUld noehave been:kinder to her.' He made his . will hiller . favor; , and, althOugh :the fact ' was not generally known yet it was. shreWdly surmised that die ,was to be the heiress of South Ridae. : ' ; • • - , . , TiiESICK,MAWS)SECIIET.,, ,, , 011 31 Ridge was a g rand old place. 1,3 The, house, or grange,as it, was called,, stood on' the SIIMMIt ,of -a gentle eminence and always on eitherside stretched 'the bromi aeres appertaiiiing to. the estate: _ Here were nicely cultivated field', and there long reaches of woodland; covered with the primeval forest. , On one side at the foot of the eminence lay a beautiful lake, its surfaee, dotted with Many green' whfch lay like so many 'emerald gems upon its bostim. A fairer domain there was not to, found within the broad _border's: Of the State. The louse itself was grand land imposing. A broad :veranda ran' :,but olieither side,, from which,- at any point, a most beautiful view•was to be,obtained. Within, the rooms were high 'and - lOfty,. and furnished with all that; wealth',.and taste'could suggest.. - • • • . 4Lhe owner of ~South Ridge ha s , been . blessid with' pleutt• • Or' the world' s goods. The founder of the house.,:had brough . t from the. Mother country plenty of wealth, and this had_ teen husbanded frugally blt his 'HU `2cessors, al though there had been nothing' niggardly about theixt. Each and all had striven •to Make South Ridge Grange the most atqlictive of' an yplace in that. region of OutitrY,. and iu this: they had. succeeded • Without a doubt • • • So much for the Grange and. its sur roundings, and, now let us intrOduce to the reader its itimaQs at the 'Jilts our story opens. r Its owner," Hugh Ann, vas a . marl past the prime of 'life, yet . Ins form was still , unbentoind his hair hard= ly silvered by, the baud of ti e. Tile only chalige 'that the ffeeting years seemed to have made upon him wa4 allan his face. Here there ,were deep. tvrinkles .and marks of care, the frults, maybe, of d.eep emotion. - People who had knows him well bid , , markedthem there for the last ten years. There were those" who, said that they' had -set their sealthere in one 'short . ,Week of time. A great cross:had come to him, then; such a cross, as : hut few °people are re quired to bear in this world. Ills sou, his only child, had beep, lost to him. Butit wla n6t death who was the rob * He.could,haye borne .: this, 'haye i sub mitted to why was iniiitable" 'with' as go.,d grace se thOusands and • thottaands of otherp w4olose near and dearf rluutis, but this case *was different. For ought he knew, Ills son vva-stin alive. Yet he was, as. dead to 'him as thbugh he had his grave f.,;ir the ten years past. ' 1 He•had committed • a ori;me for which' he had beet;,. obliged _to- ilee,-apd, tide from the face of men co save: his life,' which he had forfeited„ by hie act.. He He had t,eeu acc,osed, of murder, and the 'Pkigt , ir,aa SO great 'agaidst" Mit that there was no - etothly hope that'he‘ oo o l 4 not make Mot innocence manifest. 'Still he I na& stOiltry . declared, _t hat he was•inrif,itei l L• ••• • Butt there were none Who believed that E=R= I he spoke the truth. The evidence was People said that if the outcast was liv ing, and,Hugh Allen:knew - of his where abouts; not a dollar' of his wealth tvould ever go to him. \ And they were right. Hugh Allen did not know ithe fate of his son. Heimight be living, or, he . might be dead. At 'any , r,ate he was dead to him forever. At the time our story opens; Dora Adams was a beautiful woman. None of the:' fair lidies'Offliat sectiOu ' eclipsed ;her.. She was the acknowledged belle and beauty of that region of country'. Suitors bad she scores, but as Yet her heart was free. None had managed to win it from her own keeping. : Hugh Allen guarded- her jealously. He,wished to keep her to , himself, until at least the time Should some when a" man should seek her who in his estimation was ,wor thy ( f her.l Many others - were in her train Cvlio were her equals in wealth and poeition, but lie saw' no one 41 .wi)out lie felt that; henotild confide her.l It might be that It( was selfish, wished to keep her by him while he liv d. 4 One day there was an arrival aSouth: stranger made his appearance at the Grange and demanded to see its owner. Hugh Alien - ivas bu-y in his study,; but he gave orders fur the stranger to be ad ttt.d. The servant showed 'him in,jani he rose! , ,to 'receive ‘a gqitlenian who by his looks seemed to be a fereigner.: The stranger _introduced hirneelf as Cal Batche, and asked leave to present to him a lettei'of, MtPoduetioni of 'Mph f he' was the, bearer. • - Ifugh` .Allen took the missite, and opened it, sloWly perused its. contents. „......11t,was from an old. friend and school inate.ot his, who bad made a' German town his home far manv years. It begpd leave to :introduce; to the kind attention of his friend, Prot Batche the celebrated .untversity of his adopt ed, town. - . . • He was about paying a visit to America On a tour of obbervation,and to add what he' could to the knowledge .of 'geology,' and,he bad decided to spend some weeks in his ' iminediate neighborhood, in the furtherance of that objPcf,,iii accordance *ith his recommendation. T o ! , reasons' decided him, tO, receive the a ranger cordially, aside from: his oWn gentl manly instincts. On WAS t hat he would do anything - in reaso to oblige his Old friend; ,and the 'other, that he was interested :=in the same. pursuit hiinself.. , , • ',I , Geology had always pOssesSed a charm for him, and he was quite - well Posted for One who had not= ma the study of a life4ime. 1- , -i • R ._ • I ; . It was not long before he and the stran gei Were oh the - best of .ternia: They read and talked, :rode 'and walked -together,and 'Hugh Allen found hirraeiriaking more Interest iihis:pqrankt OAR : be,had ever done before.: , ; , 31,(301R05t_.--PA.,,JA.O 1. ,N1TA:,,1:9,:',.'0. i 7 As - Well-posted as he was,' he felt that he knew really nothing when it was put into the seales'and weighed - with that - of his - new acquaintence. .• - Peeple about South Ridge- wondered why it was that he opened 'his -, house to the stranger, and. was seed nIsO nineh iii his company.— • . - 'Acid well they might, fdr it was some= thing unusual . fortiin:•• • - • Dora Adams, too, - -heeisme• very_ much 'interested in him. ;; • She, too, WitS with him..a great' deal; lind 'vetted to take wonderful intkresfin his pursuits: , • . - .• • • r•Vlien Hugh indispose& to aecoMpany him; or something • made , it -inconvenient for , him- to ; - do so; she took Ilia Place.' Ere lung it carne to be- whispered' that slie.*as moreinterested 4n=the matt than she was in,bis But it might have been . .envioui people who said this. There \ were , plenty of folloWers in her, train who :were jealous , Of her evident partiality fat the' profess Or ., .;, Whether - she regarded hltnin the light of alover,:hr not, wag known, only' to' herself. - . . _ . . ~: As: vet it was- tertain that s he-_ bad made no one berohnfident. .:- •% =. . •' , . They could - only:Surmise . the state , of her, feelings towards . thee-luest atuth Ridge. '.--•,• • ,. ..' • 1 ..- Perhaps- whaler . feelings were,, Wasi . . as et, hardly known to ' herself: . : ' . i ' - . That she admired the professor she' was wi ing:to:adrnit.. - i ... . r . ad she'en. . acused . of- loving him, te!would have, discovered , she fact..,. One'day it Chanded. that some business connected with the estate kept the 'owner of ,South` Ridge at borne to -.Consult with his lawyer, Who. had come, to the .Grange without any notice of, his intention to do so: .. , • , _ _ • - '.,-,._ , , . . ' Re bad plarined'a trip WitiChiS guest to.some rocks: at •a . point: ' severaE' miles away, and now . he . was :disappointed. -in not .beinrable ; .to aecompany.him :Dora was solicited to take his. placeas a guide, and she at once consented..l.:_ ' ..- Her faivrite black .steed ' was 'brought around,' and; mounting,• she rodei,beside her .ettoi t, who .:was also, thounts4. on a fine ,chtirg,T. : . . i, . -. ~. r -, ,_...:- , The. couple. rode.' briskly away, down 'overlhe hill, acrOss.tbe . brid:_ge.that spa*- lied the stream, at &A - 111'044AI* triity little, village, which'. lay'. thereon, with its many clattering wheels, they dashed, Dora is i guide, a littlein . adviince. - _ L • In due : tithe the place of destination . Was readhed. " Laving their horses; they . clambered over the 'rocks, and 'set . .abOut the work on .which they had com 4 - ----' .An . hour, .had passed in this manner and. they had sated. themselves : .iii, a spot sheltered froth the rays of theinn, to rest from the. fatigue which 'they 'felt after . the scramble over the rocks. - .. - 1 --- -- From one subject to another . the con versation glided along, until it Came .to Hugh Allen and, the past history . of South .. Ridge. - .- - '',- "He had a -sent; I believe ?"said the professor; . carelessly, with his eyes flied on a specimen lying besidehim, Which he had . harnmertd from; the rooks., . Dvrit I . ),died - up quickly. . 'l . - .1. . : "IV iiv - tio you. ask' that queStion ?" sh e asked -evasively. - . . -, - 4.- , 4 1 have tieard zo. . My friend-had told an soifiettii (lg. alyd u ts , the ' sad affair before I - Wit home._ . . ..- , "You have never mentioned it talk Allen ?" "No. Of course 1, would nottdo that. I should say nothing on the first Object. "I would not do so: If you knoW, the Whole history ofthat terrible affair, you can imagine how he feels. Although I am theianie as a' daughter- , to' him, he never spoke his name to me . . From him I never leained that he had a .;son, but from.others I have heard, the terrible ato- FS' "No. clue had . ever ,been had which might go to shoW that his . . soil. might have been innocent?" As he said this,the .professor raised his eyes to her face with a strange ,'wise-, ful look. -. "No. Wthe'itorY be true how - cotild there be ? There is proof that he' and his victim had quar.eled prOof that could not be denied. Then he was found standing above the body, of the murdered man in the breast of, whom his knife was found.. He &Lied the deed, and said that be had only that minute . atrived at the spot. Yet he could not Prave - his innocence. Everyboy was sire that he did the, deed--his own father among the rest. He contrived to cesape and since that moment . I do not,think that he,has ever heard frOm him, and knows not whether he is living or dead. If hi does he the'secret to himself; There is none with whoiihe hail shared it..; "And he never speakas , Of trim ?" "I do not think that his name has pas sed his Ups since'tbat fatal h'0ui.". 1 ..-:! "It is a sad case ? " . said the'profeasor, rousingly. . - truth is, People say that Hugh Allen is :not, the man that 'he, waa,before _ the event, which ' threw-snob a cloud over 4 his whole life,./cai belieie that he is not. It was eceugh to change :any man. thengh he be made of 'iron. ... "You "You are right. It was a' terrible thine. Fig- hie sake, and for . the sake of the son, ifr heet living, I wish 'that _the latter's innoce (le might ' be p - zoved..;4:.- What .a weigh ' it - would lift from his 1: heart if itii coal be done. " -1,." "Yes, bnt that seems.impossible He must beat the burden to his, dying day, M The professo r' said ,no ore, and the conversation dhanged' to .another 'enla;. , An 'weir later they!, were, on their wag homeward,: The_gfoun4s ol i South Ridge were aim* reached when a wonian daft ed wildlylOnt On a cottage by` the side.' ii ' '" ' ' ' '- ' ''' l'.' . '"For t 'e lo eof Heaven 'come in, Misia Npora !" s 'e cr ed,.‘fruy busbandis.dying. lie.bas s ''upon fo. Master-Ati, , Thereia Somethin upon his mind `which ,_lie,itiva he must ell bifore hedies, ecim in. 'ft May be t 'it 'you can' do - something for him. , ,!.. : 1 -- , 1 , If Dismotinting, theyfollowed.,,ber into the hous; and to the, ti ,bedside of - lie,sick nian: i .'- [ ' - , , _.l I I It nee ed Only. 'one Ilanee Mil . their part to sliew them that: he was dying. :''.; He gianed 0 eugerly atAls,em,and there tv as a d sappointed: look Aniegled, : ,with one of a ony on his countenance.:] , '"lt is !not Hugh Allen r' he.' cried..'-'- Why do IyOu' 'tlot - .• bring hiin. 'here? :: I cannot dile until , ' -tell. the: aecret which has made:a place of torment of Augheact for so Many years. Why is it tbat,i he does not Come ?" , „ . i', . , "Can you.not confide in me t' said the professor; eagerly, 'as be bent - fibers the dying man. "Speak. It may be too late when, be comes.", ' , "No, no; I must tell, it to him. I ___l can not die until I have 'told hint: No one could take'my life-until I have sriciken.-,- Bring hinvhere—bring - him here 1" At that moment the door of, the cot tage opened, and Hugh 'Allen, followed by his laWyer„ whom the messenger found still with! him, entered the. ipartinent: The dyitYg man saw and recogniied them at once. 1 : : - - .', \•--. : - ' : "Hugh Allen,l am glad you have come and that; you have ;,brought„tlie ; . lawyer with yon. I want , him to write . down what I have to say:' I am dYing, and what I hive to tell mustte told qiiickly." i ll t‘Not- so bad as that I . hope; Toni,' an swered ldr. Allen, 'in an ~e ncouraging tone.: "iVir.hy did you not ;send ,to e that you; were sick ? but we , will try'`to get you up even now. , "I atn! dying; ' Sir Hugh„al'knoW ybu cannot dee it as well as 'the other:: But I canno4 die, until I have confessed a ter rible crime, and,a crime against,you, be-. sides you who haVe allays treated mesa Telh---.„ ugh Allen; your son was intio-' li, cent.' was l:who took thelifed R i ch- H , and Ha b n 1" i , ;:.i.. :'', : ' .-For_ a' mement Hugh ;Allen:stood;as though be. was made .of stone., Then ,'he sprang 'forward with his hip& outstretch ed as thOugh he 'would clutch the 'dying man by throat. :-.: ' ' i t. - This he 'Would have done, had 'not the profeasOr held him ; back.. . `,•Do him no violence," he, said,' in a tone which trembled with" emotion.= Don't yOu sce that he 'is fait goiilg ? Let m hi spiak while he may, and let the law yer take down the confession," ...-, ' "Speak I" said the injured, father, in' a' terriblei tone. ."You have the bloOd ; - of two upOn your soul. No Wonder that you could not die and carry your guilty tacret with you." As though t4ough be had heard ,nothing of this the dying man went on. • , "Yea, Sir Hugh, it was I who - wiis ! the murderer. : I struck the fatal' blow With a knife!' had stolen from your son.!. I did, it for the money I knew. he -had about Om ;_but I did not get if., Your 'son Ralph happened to come to the spot. I . heard his footsteps and . fled. He,did not seelme; and so;the guilt was fastened upon him. - A great many times I was tempted to .speak, :and so meet the pen nity of imy crime. , I should have done so .had fle been brought to 'the, scaffold I but he made his eseape, and so I Was silent. My'life has_been one of torment, bdt it is ended now;" • .: - :' ' " !'. - Theie were the last : words- Abe_ dYing man uttered. There was Due ; ,convulaive struggle, as the spirit . departed, from: the body, and then all was Over..: . 1 For ithe space of a' moment Hugh Al len stood motionless, gazing uponi the dead than.. No sound - was . heard in the room save the scratening. of, tile lawyer's pen as he wrote down his confession and the sobs of the dead man's Wife. . Dora Adams. wasthoOM: to sneak.-- Stepping to the, side _ of Hugh AlleO, she said oli,eaven be . thanked, father,- that the, ,truth is -known at, last, -Your ~son and, my adopted bre.ther, as I ,_ Nu . at- call' him now, is free from: the stains which rested upon his name so long." , ` • "I am -thankful, Dorn ; -bnts,vtlip did Heaven deciee that it should'have'come 'so late ? Oh, my, boy—my boy 1. And I turned against "you- likeB,lr,tke,rest.. I might. Wave ,known that , yOn,,,47lralapp oent igthougli the iiroof against terr i ble. .oh, mi'cliild r wouldt(inv'av-i . en that Lknew - at this moinent.-Wheth - , you were dead or 'alive I MEM "Ralph All pa is shire," Eraid , the profits. sor;liti a low, tremulous voice. Hugh Alien •turned upon him with the rapidity,of thought. .. son alive 2-40 that said ?" "Yee." "Where is • he ?" "Here, - father . ..4 - ittri - he: you not know,me , no*'?" He pulled .the long,, fale ,heard wore trom.hislace,andthe . srieqacles from his oyekind t - iicionalfdriThim !oohing every, inch an Allen; 'though' older 'and more careworn than .wheti his' father hid seen him last. "My. ,sod--=my - scitirThatik God, you are given to me again 1" and,he clasped hitwin a close embrace.' Little , more there is , to add to `my att. That much thereader hailalready Co • jectured., - Ralph - told of hie wanderings in foreign lands.;:-of his , meeting . wits leis: ather's old friend there ; how-at taft. he ,had ventured home in disguise, in hOpe3, if time was men, him, 'and if he vas not discoveied, niight4tain -smite proof which would establish his inno , cence. . That! proof bad - , corne, n oow;in way. little. suspected. , A year 'later, Dora Adams. married .Ilugh Al!en's heir,:and all the - country `side agreed in 'saying that 'South Ridge had never seen , a A Prayer that Created Unpleasant ness. They' come near having a .row irrqt colOred prayer meeting a few nights *oil One of the sisters who had a grieTan,o prayed: „ • "Oh, Lord ! look down 'pon Dy rasem bled children hyre die ebentie, an' moot, 'em wid Dy grace. Tetch dyer hearts wid de bpirit ob all boundie lub. Build no dar faith so strong dat de . debbil Wirt .budge it, an"specially would .we ax, if it am possible iwid de redeemer,. dat Dan put a leetle more Bence into de obfusti cated pate ob de yallaw \wench what aim a giggling" on de bench 'preopposite Di belubbed sarvant." "What's, dat you're, sayin' to de Lord. 'bout me ?" asked the wench, rising O f t point of onier. Isla seeming to notice, the interruption, the supplicator continued t .` . "Gib . our ,tool tile. emu' sister more ,disguniption, oh Lord: : to see cisa terumence atwiat wright an' wrong, an, Tarn de huzzy to - behave herself in Dy holy sari k choony, 'ste:Ad of wriglum "rourid like she vas eigirtiiied a corkscrew, an "tan:lonian" dese -Baked *sinks 'wu.l un holy witikite'• at de male an' maskelirie proportion ob, 'die ' aoembled gathcriri: An' oh "It's a lie ! good Lord, it's it lie ar►' Don in DY inflaitimite - wisdom•knowti'l nebber done it!" shotited the, traduced member. who . had bow become nearly wild with rage. Dar's nott one particle of tropth It's a lie-in' I can mash de lie' I" . Wi,th these words she threw herse l .ll over the bench on the hack of the kneel ing sister, plunged her hands into the bustle of that devout but indiscreet per son and lifted her up bodily. Confusion reigned. and dire dime was in many Goes but Elva a moment be fore were bright with . hope ,:of heavett. But a stalwart deacon finally separated the females reduced the unnaturally el» evated feeling of the other, and, address ing the relieved audience .in an impress ive tone, said ;. ' = • "liredcrii,it am - better' dat we- dwell tngether in impunity. Less ,p-al to de from , ob grace..dat dal.' be no, mu:lh - such graceful. disruption in our midst.: Will &Udder Johnson please made de 'peal. in one of his uowahful nrahrii?" There were two of them squatted dims on the sunny side of a show bill board, munching the remnants of &linger cake.' The blackest one' remarket melanchol ically : ' . "Mose, did' yer 'eber tinkhow !spelt sive di:: freedomlEi tO a nigger?" - "You bet,hOney I It mighty nigh makes dis wish he was done back on the ylantaslinn, .wbar de smoke house was e'en arnost as big as de State . . capertel." 'Dat's de ticket .' Now, jis take fiat breakfus what [had die mornin'.. Dar WAS a piece of beef, dat waa ten cents; hunk ob breid; dat was flit cents; fried sweet 'tater& dem Wu flee 'cents, and dad whole breakfus costs die nigger thirty cents ; der cash Think ob dat now." "Dem's purti billions figures, fur V . a flack I" said.the old man." dey's -Ps down right bankruptin" dey is. Hyar I stab to play seben up ez , bard ez I can ebery night de Lord sends to, git a aqua meal for break. fus, the big odes. agin'de braid% to boot l" Job. Then they relapsed : into silefice and finished .thaginger cake. Ter slorVilin . pociket: P 4 . 1 cse put ,berland of Y 431 1: v‘ Tesler the' kooeiper's ;~ ;:~ VOL: .'33.-iNO.:'',3., Struggle For a Square seal. --+rv--- ~.: •x, •• ( .3) `~"~Y` .i~`; EIME2 , • what _ you, Look—do