arm antl!ottocitolti. Ibl raw. . , This istlie Subject t hat was ajspl.4s - at. the'Atist 'itictilile -; of - tii,ip,kileiekoi 4 rty' m Farers' Club and the followiin are the remarks of! WilliaM M. Large, lot .potle-S -ti)*;), to,W'tishi f;:: '"r bp - gueBl.loll,'Fif iV hat can be sit bstituted for i straw . its , t•l`Otlig , g ' I'4 sikok t I must confess I `feel myintoml peteney , to tiiiSwer -otll an.y, :sati4ti,eniii. to myself, letaloneimparting v a lr ny know. easv..lo - , 0)8. 4Eopint l inV... , ...Nt'Ailf•intOrtn4l., ineitilik . ;cl,,it .;le W. - .ittetn beret ?off iiiis;:olub,: about ,ondthonth since, it was C o , t‘cluded that ctit-norn'ttalks Waiild-•bt the , best , h sobstisitte for straw, with w eh I fulls . unite—that is, gathering_the refuse stalk;) from the racks and' „about the yard after the cattle have plucked off •,theleaves an:l basks.; not dut , therit with' a fodder cut-. tcr, bat have a chopping block and broad axe contiguous to your! eow-stable door, and cat them into' - piece's 'eight or ten inches long, when. they. muket yery good bedding for oasis.' 'At the Sanie time, be sure to Jet the.cows have all' they wilt eat from theui first; as , it would not be•goi d economy wheii hay is 1.530 per ton and stalks six or seren centsc.per hh v ar, to cut - sip husks, leaves and all tonbediiing.--• Better than that, take 'a loud of hay , to. Philadelphia, sell it and boy a load ot straw, which is now .being ;quoted: at !t1 •:I:,pariltinidied—a' ton of which, will reach ilivrther than the hay, and $lO to $1.2 in 'money in 'our pocket for -your, 1ab0r.,.. .I I. are, had: the ilrg-is'ei.ilS M . o* ed - that gre IV Pea luxuriently to onri . st a libble fields the • last Season, and are 13'llkIlig vey gOod use of then Vat the preset) time, and hifd*we taken the care ingatherin t' o. and housing we ought'6lixve,tibue,:onfal!ltt•Ve aided ns very much in getting .our stock t lirtql 2 ItAlre ,Willtei;;"'aS well as augm ent lug our manure, pile,, which atis well .al. ways to have an eve to, for that -is the foiati=latliAl of r• - • 61 - sting:Stidi..e - iiifitrflifi \V!' are also usiugleaves, as time „and oppor . - , t rinitv'Aitifi l / 4 ' clean ink the ,Stahle oin the mornirioA throwing the AMIN nre directly ._'. ro ` into the cart and spyczOling it - out on the F.,=il. and then gathering the cart fnl ot leaves and hAul them j ots into tlit suf.- ties. wiiNrisiitv( - V or ittee7 illits; at ;d if the snows keep off they I Call be had and will very much `help out in' the existini eiYiiriten'oy,, ior.they are verv , much better \ that, no bending; at all. licave also heard • o saw dust spoken of ,as tpissvering 'a good purpose, it beiilg an 'excellent absorbent I . and all that, but it is- of to be had, for , l 1 "mania" for 4it not possible to produce . , - dc, not-suppose . there's a.saW Mill in this 0 ,., erooliee.,e,tin and cultivating' the good land that would, furni'Sh.eT=tigh for a .sit;-: la once g eupi)osed to bel the result i =f thebest efforts , of our .rosarians ? t 1 0 41 0 1 d 4 ,..0, 1ii • !:112..'',1.-11,,,1:1!:."-r.,'; a. ,-, nti°llljr-. 1 \Ye hi4ebeen rush to ahead in . floricul-, - -' ',,',' I ' -, ,t1._ ' 1 c ulture the past. half century or.more ~.._,...;.---.... .....-...--, 1 1 looking rather for "nesv, things" ,than for The - Food of S' wine. i . . - . • °- , , ~,, , ntr c worth and it is time that some • . • '--"` 1 .. '7 1:11 , :777 ',i•. "' . ' ' ' :bay statteethe N f4tion of,„ gathering the If there is any thing in rural, practice ! r old and good, Placihg npon *them a new which needs reforming more then another' vaitut t iolf :•: i Esi , el . 3 ; Sun Met, ; When the old i-t-40,4410 antnliero,f . r,tLiafng• iii).4 _ feed kng I"June• roses" come into lflpoin, I am re- swine. - I. Prunit the i t :lay,. ,the!ir- 'are large ' minded of; the good - things sett behind in enough to eat they re offered all manlier, I our, reed, for, novelties in , othf r 1 elasses.-7-7 1 ot refufe , a,bou to , the • iplace, , 'such' . as'ran-k. - The Old. 111{1iSe.i . of .-thirty And[ fit ti ,vearS 1 Weeds, filthy slows spoiled vegettilsit's and 1 ago hil;e not la t een ,surpaSsed , ny.anYliter 1 meats, dead fowls, --&t. , They are allowed !introduction. - The' old single French 1 to rummage the dung ... yalidana t gle . ,an ~,_ i t , n ... 1, tr ii r i aon : kit'. fUrnishei as pretty buds 'as 'r - z : ti 4 'inny , th iti, Vititu: aPV , litlie newest perpetual moss,tind Who. Wants- , Q l ' Pt . .: ori ' 'Of ,e( 1 . '..'•;' utt l / 4 14 'ni° - ia moss rose exce l , Wiienin brig ? The I agine that the quantity of . food saved in lola . e I, crested. Province .has, neier., as yet, •tiii B ` - ` - "Y ifvmoiroxnattvla - aax co ex - 1 irate it rival, but stands alone, Ille queen ceed the:value of a bushel of, shelled corn 1 of its species.: , And as I: look over the old • a yeax,atriong tlip,wholstock , =1 '9 n a n ' 9r iserts, like George the Fourth,f with deep i d'ilarY .81;e `fermi ,;The t'We,eft9-n§:i ) ,; i -th' 4 ' I crinistr.-fietals,or . LaTourterelle,Madatne prietieeOfk4,4ine swine in this wad y: l are i'llartly,l Persian Yellow, and - similar kinds I so seftwaii ter, th . at the reasons in.l4 begin to find myself wishing for more faior of it have tiivfoiliaiiilt - The: or- of the same,although., - lioyeltieslake,abund , igin of trichinosis iir-sWine niaYiealways ' - I ant, / atid,one might, think; froni tile , des :- 1 tgaced to the consunxion of vile stuns 1 cr i pt ii i i! tE ,* g i ven , f ar ' sti i i j er i,c, r to th o se- o mo, in their-f00d...04j° Vitt iiliTul used , and i anti still Unsurpassed favtiritefi.. A sight yarded 0(1,1141W - 1 and ou,l alikliverY 1 of:: the Old cabbag . (l::rose, Village. Kt - lilt.; I f' few itt offth the press an ounces a,Ca, se, 4 4 sl • arid:White Bath, would be like gathering 2 tridotirKe in an individna or a whole iitiii:q o id cohis;frgmjhe ruins of 'l4itulatteilin '• ~ ily, with all the hOirible details, and 1 01 . p onin ii . • ' • • Suferings,which attend ahe parasite. at-] -,--,.-• . 4 - ---- taciii 19011atelporq tadA eases 'WI' pored lietAia the Wegtis*ltieb t attWWll- - ing. We are quite sure that every fanner and every one , wholeediatid. fattens a pig • will only need to have their attention call--,; 0 419 80 11 , 1 19/:talit;;:fo 4 t . g.iiblP,'4,'Milit'il to secure a CoMplete+r.reformAn- , the prate' , ace of , feedmg . an I animal whiqh - \ will tatteylilittlVO'llj: fifW4 . ; !:7- ito _if, 4 ,....411:41 - livß live *th•to : init)st c Atlif titslo ll ifid 4 Yard's:' On, the *71 . 34.41,0,fi1V:141,e,•Fiter .}mature;itia for K swilforily , ,lniil‘lind. tarn . meal; no dish water ,or mentlsciaps from 1 • thiil table, is 1 these - *re= ittiti;id l putrefy and piiikdi ,thei`niasi o We* ,barrel'- or 1 tank.' Pure water t .,..witii Il i littll ;o rfteal j - added, Is prefer/A': ' r lie 'ais - b , water utaptfotto , ithe dont osts4aeapii4th i lt the scraps .from` the ta r le-to, tbe poultry, ,' while they urefresh, , Spoiled meat'shou Id ' • be buried or mixed with composted ma,... , tifitA e Y4 i itt l i l ill t i i; 'W - frit .-- igiii#4 l ..i any amnia]. "urge ' u nint'e is of swine are frequentiy , con fio -, d in small . •• • quarters, , with little-regard' to citanimess ' * orpure air. Of.course'some of them' till'` • 141,:sppettte, the first :sign of the' deran ge;,, - .. ment - of Abe organs- .of,, O ) .nn ri n and us. , similatisolL ~ Ipp.y. -do. 9.t': ihlive:i?pt;. ll ?esii tiNli4ift alUne lill:ol:dillteittig time, and - . -- are dressed. aud riadked among .-thq.` lot. : I.3llokAt, t e2ftrepe h. ble. ,to be Vii. ,f.„,„,,,,,, - 4.11 - in:candother par4ite4 . and those 'Who:Poti ale them as food ex r , lliettiselis'l - O,„ ...sic , .4e , l 11 • 4 , 1, ic;§, 4 it , 1 itagering nature, 464 t.()A•4e o .tri in} a trio,4l horrible- form. . • 1 . 1 ' • - . into reftwitoftfcitei•tastAta*.atealth ~.i • :told life, '-requir'e a - thorough 'reform - /1 1 kt'epigg.-'aud'. itkohog4etwine., Let their food be;• - •as Piro 'as that Which other aniakalsiiwultigte;. , , Lrett , ;them tekeptio' ' -•ch-'4'3 clugArtioaAtiver•-'o4o7ttir, .14 , . . . dv in diseasetbilftyantmals • beseeara° d" i '•-iliW 44 • - irt' Aetatifi l , *id we ' fe mijiatiie Zig fart izittriolimmilei , among - - either alike or'hii,t)ain , beingSo ; Walking .Igorsctt• • • .1\ e are .glad tO Not ice that man) of our EVt lan. : ar - ere :oltni nvhandsonle pre iniums Fvalking liorSes. 'Phereis no disgtirsing the; euerFxl.:liiirl~ .`e, hOrse• - .can pozses4,=and . ir foie-halt oie:a n feutio this , gaiti and breeding With a view _i - o - i-ts - -transtniSsioh,* that -is now giAni to . `that of and 'fiter'ding . ' : rotlers, horileS .t.liatr - On id Walk . lice des - au hone wOiild 'Soon,: be as ,ti«u ttdant as 2 30 trot• • tern now are., .:trouble :now, is that. the, kthole -whit try h possessed of It mtma for:fast, trater• , ,,and as soon a 1 :t he O ! ',lt Ys-bitiken to halt;er • n o. Platter Whether - he he''thorotighbied, .toneitoga, ..Xorrnan, I . HambletoLtan,. Clydesdale :or. Cithadian • - 114p•ti5 put to: trot_ The whole conii UST is engaged -in training trotti+s, from the . pliiwboy, in thetHa to the 'p)-Oreision• al'on the - track,`" to . the utter:.•negled. of. that mare useful, everyday gait, the Walk.- Even - th,e--, - imPorterS'!‘ot i draft - Stallions fnim i- gutope hate Cangit k .tlie . 4eetiotis,. and•4l,stead:,of LWalkeis we 0n1 y. ,.he . .0- - Ot their' ."greitt,tro(ling-ac -tion.!:' Itis:titne to pit an end to-this, 'nonesense ; the gait -1 ,- )t- Fr is pre=eniinently more to the; abilo -of 't,h3 rcTds , er .to make .a long journey in good mute than a - walking at wilt : carry Wm along at the rate of 'five, mils s The first Mtn, When a: horseAs hiokm•t6 the. harness, should be to, ediica'te - Ihiin to a good fast walk. and `utter - ihas . heen at,,,t6 Sou,..can gct , him to :trOt hist, so o,ne . ot •the,ntOststie. , hreoers . 'of trotting lor,ses iii AiOriea l has often retharkt4 tci2 us t hat he wiml&Pot keep- a' horse`-an ;his platy/ that• was nOt a fast walker,and that -invariably found tikatAhey are trotters. It is..a; positive Ins:1 - 4 to ride- Or drive a horse that- can - ralk; (41 - 'with yoti at. the rate. of five mi es apihour. • It . s,such . a:reliefl. eel tliati - you . ea:e tip;yOni - ,hO" •froM:(ifs` swig ing trot, 017 lOpe, Flt you have net,Onte to a standstill, •it that you are; yet , .making respect a e progret.' , s. For our own Fri : _ vat - : se thewalk i.the ,gait 'which we prize.4bote - all others; and-any thing which promisato•inareas4 the 41-int bet- of faSt walkers Shall rcceiirei our hear ty coura4entit. - , . Old noses., A hogeaissr,au_d pprk 7 pact:q, in ,lowa gives tifelcillOwine - statem - ealits I}is ex- perienee :'fie, has de 'monstrated satisfaction, that atter hisspting pigs , had , reached about three hundred, pounds they, ceased, to grow nth on the first, of January. wig ecl , n early. as m u as they did on the firSt,of February: not withstanding he had kept up the , feeding.,.He g, reit t - ififideafe 'care Jtogs. Tie w,ould never : .: fl b tut , up, hia'hogs[more'tilao tiveweelp - before_ watts tO mallet; them; ` earlyin the falt . 'w:tis' pumpkin§,,Steanied 'and ini.x.=',! ed • propbrt ion ' , being abeitt one . ..ball' it' ',Rigid of middlings; to forty gallons of steamed pumpkins. _ his ~object was io ,develoiY I lig bone and clol.o t e.pog., without. adding fat: Titi=4 1.0n0:44114 - qh6ii Ott), thttitt fiffil'elose - j - leitill' - feetli'tlit: e,/il -and middlings - .stkatned, 'After' "sliottihd ,thern up for live. weeks tW,, gained two, pquicu day until!' ;thq ✓itched t.bre.e li u n red peon n filet , ceased tli'grow to . n v exten t,'' • ; —O 7 To exclude ',llll . ele frOOI Tre'es. First: If before freezino• tiv embank Compvtly and smoothly aronntl the seem ten 4nehes high. 2. if. the ground is al:1 ready/07.e onalie sin ilttr,.-rnottrids with : v;oal,ashis; biaten corni‘actl;i 3. . '3.' Mien both these are gmmitted, tr ; ,, ad compact: Iy the. snow abpn,Lthe.,"3o.og ti\tawhen it f a ils. , VAtt-effectuat reified*. ierib ply a roll of tarred pasteboard or sheath - ingoh i peri„or as!reteiof tin. *in),etirpes paperliaepen wrapped arouildlhelfee, - anti gas-tar then applif•doutsitle, but . this 'should, not 0, practiced,. „as the. gat?ertar ,soon penetrates the paper t•na injures the bark of. ;; . ../ • , t • 'ad.! - === Hpg Buisthia` • • •Brisinesk Card 9. 001ZBEVIS - TILLE ITOTEL Tgis nytql is Maly Situated On the Myer. itiaad leading front lictignamtou 16,1tiontrose • tit • COoklin Station, on the 1). iStr W . . It..R • \ -Parties ping at tiiti's,ta'ti,on. will tied it . convenient; to r- all on moots I have prept,r ‘coavenferres to carry pi rites to any place they wish to reach..- i havebeen retlttin e ,4 , my house and:barn, maim?, them there-convenient-to en tertain the public. , Tatnkfttl for past patronage of My old Crieltds.l sloth .be..nappy to. great then and ine public tenerally wtn,in this vicinity. • - • : • D. J.-I%IITRPFII': Prorrieter Corbettsvilie. A nrust 31. E -'• . • . • 1 - 11. 'ELLEN • F - ,: iNtructiELN . Pay . 1. g rAnatA th 4 Woman'l medicai ot rue N. V. Infirmary, then resi dent physician fort yen' iit . -the - Woman's. kinspital in. . Y.:ter foar prat Lice in You (la Lice. WLY corwiu, has llocatni to Montrose.. 4ecial-attentitin given to diseases ;of. wotrien and the foot OrMate greet. in the 'old Rivid Post; hoMe ttead. • • . • • - `; Montroie, 1875.-,3m*n511 • , , DAVIN, g, P.,. 1101%14:E'. isiCian, has located Mon trose. where he 111 attend promptly to itltiprote4iOti g , a 1 bu nests, ent sted to, his care. Cftiee Wear buildtug econ d floor,front.. Bolivia at Mr.l3. ' Montrose, Pat March 10,18;6.-- • R sivirril, DENTIST.— Rooms his dwelling, next door north of Dr. Halsey's, on Id Fonndry street; where be would be happy to see I those in want. of Dental INk ork. feels confide; that he can plc . 's° all. both In quality of work and in rice. Office hours from 9A. x. to 4 P. x. Montrose. eh. 11 4 1874--btf C4RPEMTE R.' . AL 3...... CON"RACTS to - erect Vttiteltire* ofi'all kityls,in any efetion Ind complete them in everY.detal I. ' darble 1 , W. *OO LEY, eq, v anu Elate Mtntlea, :t.slt, Dim& Doora. an Window Fra . illeiS, furtirMcd to order. tittiir.iluildi and build• lug paper mlde. kpecialtier. Employ no U . ut experi cuced work en, , Shop neat ,the I►letl .dirt Chnr' h. ,Montrose. nh'fiary 1,1,1815.-3yl - ' . ______. . . . - . • • , A LIA.NI , 11 0 U 4( . G ItE ,V 1 BEND, V ea. 4 ittitted nearythe Erie •Itallivity Depot.— le qk large atm e )tumodi6us house. Ilas• Under g one a tloirOtlgh .rtmll.'yl m iwiaiutebed onis and eleep-. tu l tapartnieuto endidtablee,audall thin g s corupiis;.' ju g a, dtetela4eaotel. . . lihNlty AO. 15.1.ti,RT, Scpt.7lo 1613.:-If.. • -• • 17 ). .., iLLN GS . S'ITO. r , .13 1 . Life_litstance A g ent. 11 bu 1(4.6 attended to prutaptl:, ,on i rtertati. rt.)filee Bretcir ei,at.t ol the bank or. Win. ~(1,0 op e 4.• 4 - ; . c.q.,- , 01 isAi,enue.lloo,.. rose.'Pa. -•• . ' (Att,c;!:1,18611.1- I J ,1 3 . 17, 15.;• ' BILIA.IFOS, STROirD. THE 1)14)) .2 I,E'S MARKET; : - PHIL- . 1 - • lip llahti'toiirletor, t ! 'ret4.ll, cud B.alte(i Meats, , Ilanis, Pork, - lo g na Batt•age.ete„ of 'A t e bei,t,..qual- '! ity, eonstantljon bawl. at urteec to:etilt.: - • . . Alcintroee, 1., Jail: IL iti73.-1v , . : ' , " li''D GAR -TURRELL, i C.)1.:N1 .1 ELLOIt AT LAW, , I - I No. 170 Broad 'ay, Yorkeity. May 12., '1 . 5.4Feb.11. 1574.-Iry) - . ITTL AND BL I AKESLEE, .AT turnepsss t Law, Montro.le, - Pu: OtticA; opposite, T the .arbeik nee. • • - - ' • • • TATTLE, (4i p'..f P. Lyrro., .11.1...;BLOCEsLtE. Montrose 15, i 873. - „ 1.1 FANS,.. PEALER IN, TVA Ba ks, t 4 tationery, Newfpa oers, Pocke Cutlery, Stereoscopic 'Views, Yankee Notions, etc Next door to the Post (Mike, Montrose, • V4'.il3. DNANS. Sept. 30, 14. , . , .14 1 X011LINGE 11.0'1V14. 111.1 J. ItAlt -4 I . lin r gtaikitelie* to. Wroth' thepablin that havinis rented the change' Hotel in MontrO.4e, he •o uovr prepared toecouutiodate the traveling pnbl:c.4 a hi tiret-ctesat . I tlontroen;lkug. 28.1873. f TT BIRRITI. I , -DEA sTA-. ple 4 Fancy .om% C?ollsz ertickery„ wai e,'lron, f l oves, v _Dru. Oils, awl 'Paints, Boots and Shoeg, *its and Caps,Tars, Buffalo Rpbet!,Gro ceries, Pro tons, • • :- Now SIIII6I, t ar, NOY 6, "M-.-tt. - JOHN GROVES IL FASONABIA Tailor MontrOie, Pa. Shop over Aliandlerls :tutting Store, - Alitdera filled In' 1111f-etas/a MT& done to,orir on ehort; notice. and wart-an:od to "fits Montioei June 30. 1 1'5. -1 . • -'. • • ._ . 'TAR. ,r; 'A: tivrattor, ADMIMS , terEiietro Thermalo , aths at T•ls . Foot of ~ • Chestnut street. - Call and coasult, ia all. Chronic viseases; • , 1; 71- .::' . ' -', '-..... '. : 1-:. - '' ....jr :. t , .7vicuitroe4,4an. 11, 1 72.—n03--d; . . - 1 - EWpS 'IL I . . A. AIZ.I) L hahnreiolug.., Shop over the I'oit ce ,build insz, Whyhe will ne. found ieady to httenditrwho may, yst#a t nything s u his -• ' Moutree Pa: Oct. ;13, /809, fI,II.*LES DtA.L v' erh Boots and Shoss, Bats and.Caßs, ,Letither and Fiac:ngs; - idai'n ' Strdet, 114. 'door; below Boyd's Store.- 4Tork:rnade--to-order, -rind tepid - ring done neatly. - ATontrose, j, DR.W.. L. RICLIAIIatiON, PHYSII cin and Surgeou,terideis kofessionB.ler vicesioiae,:itizeus of Moi . rtro!3e anti Oeinity. "Office at his reiderse, on'the 'corner etiel of the Foun drs. i4tu r.L. 1969. COTI.LI, ANIS YEW cif S' AITOR— riO,p at taw and Solid t i oto ip k.ruptcy..QMce o.:4fl'Opu rt kitteipt ; ever 4.)itve Natkinat 1344 t eBidg aamtou N' 4 .lr. • , 'VC*. IL ScbvAlL, Jima fith. 1813. , JERONE DEWITT. 4 .4., i".. A( LE ...:DVUG' „ T I,IE - 11 -•-j pace to get Drugs_ and Meacines, (Ifeara,-To bacco, apes, Pocket-BookS, Spectates, Yankee- tip tions. 4c,`,„ Brick, J3 , locky , . rd on tns &Ma:: May 15tti,' 1'875: • .; . • T. FITCH. 9 ATTORNEY . AND - L•-• (obneellor-at7law Montrose,, Pa. °Mee as heretofo*, below null west Of the Court House. . ~ Mont • Jautuiry 27,.1§15.-7-1y.,; -, tl,'', • • ..- ! -- :, .: LYON; SITOCESSOK , 5 1 10 I. s , Aid Tnrrell,di,aler etlieinei; llbenaleall, Paints, Oils; llye , :stulre; 1 1` 4 eas;s• Splces,' Nancy (Ands. Jewelry, Perfumery', ItionfroJe, May 19, 1875. • 1 : • A .0 WARREN, ATTORNEYi , Aril. , ' ..6- - .1,4r, Boiinty, Back: illy, IT'entsioni'4iid t 'Bi-` eta: -..„41u, Claims 'attended .to. : °trice tlre- oor belowl3 i,. die Store, Itiontrette „PEi. 1 1 ; [Atte; 1,3i119.1.'' ,XV IV A. CIiOSSM9N,::4. . - Law, Ogee at Littio;,aoutilloise„-i.e., the t/ommiefloneev•Oilice. ;W: A..CithesiteN.. 3tontthee; Sept.. 20. 871.—tf. j , • . , . • •Avili,soN J:-TURUEL, SURVEYOR. ti ill l aving had 20 years .experlenee in the business, eon nue to attend to calls4rf my Profession.. 'Montt zel Pa Sept 15 15.-lys• • 1 • • • • `''WHEATON, , • ENGINEZIt AI:II4MM 'st'll.VEYOli, lestanklin Forks. 1 - ••;Slitifiqehanna,Co.;- Pa. • W 1 '•, C Moptrute, P D the Brit - • r r y • F ~ • p' r t I - A.TTOR NE A I mdiltr - 00,•a: 1 , : T - A. II \Lc C'01.41,U NI •. A I V 4, tor& s over M - Cooper Co's Sauk. :arose. Pa. May 10,!1,571.--tf T l' ;TON -,; • A OTIONOER and , isittisANCt AqSzvr, Frlen r dsville , Pa:, Aug 141 ELY, . PS, Jane, 14, liil4, strra - CAP,INI4I-IAN 1r lianufac:vrer#. iro,4 M 1 ain slreett • [au. 1.1869.] 1.4111 A AT TO It NE ovtir the Storks 01 M. Dlptsauer, Block ,?foutrope ?,,,t!g„ 1, 'sp.), 13.4NKpIG- i 'i4OVSE cotippit , 1 : 4,0:N7R0_5E,..- - ,,.. 14. GENERAL = BANKING BUSINESS 'DONE COLLECTIONS' MADE' ON. ALL POINTS AND PROMPTLY ACCOUN 'EEL) FOR 11.DRETOIFORE. , DOMFSTIC.. AND FO REI,C4S/ EX ICIIS.AN GE .FOIL=-SAL, UNITED STATES & ory - HER BOPS, . 80 - UW.l'g A.'D SOLD.' . : ~ -- . . ' T i , , COUPONS ANDAI -7 rry AND - COUTY CRF OKSC 13A.1N; . ISITED AS ,_ • . IftUA L. - .L . , OCE2S STEAMER PASSAGE TICK / 4 TS TO AND FROM EUROPE. j.NTEREST ALLOWED ON SPECIAL ITINIEDEPOSITS, AS PER AGREE= AENT -WITEN THE DEPOS..! IT IS MADE. .111,the future, as in.the past, we shall etnleav; or to transact all Whiney business to the `Otis.; filetionof our patriiiis corespondents cOOPtit a: co; • Montrose, 'Match 10 Authdrliz,ed Capital, - Present Capital, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 'MONTROSE, PA. WILLIAM .1 TURRELL.. D. Di SEAR -• ' 1 .P , Tsi'aciii - • ;., WM; IJ. Tut ELL, D. D., SEARLE, ELT) D;, f V., S.. .t.)ESAVEII, .A. R ITS ON, Mciti 4.00, .Pa. E.. Ai. CLAitli,: , N. Y. E. At Plt ,M 044 Pa. M. AV lirti HT, Stis4uehatinajDep4, L. S. LENIIEIM, cart at, B€l4l, 'Pa. IIRA TS • .SOLD ON . EUROPE. • . • - • - COMOTIONS MA.DE ON ALL POINTS SPECIAL DEPOSITS SOI4CITED.' . , Mout:rose, 'March 3,187 a--if F. ; MINTON WINGS BONN 20, Wyclumg Avenup, RECEIVES 'MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM'COMPANIgS AND INI VT )A UALS, AND 11ExU10,1,S I:IIE,SAmg, ON 1 I)EM AN D %VI:MOUT PRE" OU* NOTICE, ALLOWING ,INTER , EST AT SIX PER CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF' YEAULY,, ONITHE FIRST IiAYS:•OV - JAN4• I 7 ARY A,ND JULY. ASAFE AND-RE LIABLE PLACE OF , DEPOSIT' FOR. 'LABORING - MEN, CHANICS, ANI),..MACHINISTSk A:ND FOR WOMEN AT) 'NCHILDREN AS WELL.. :MONEY DEPOSITED, EST OW' B'EFORE THE ‘TENl'll` i wiLL 'DRAW, INTEREST, ...FROM NOE FIRSTDAY sw, TkIF,,MONTILi; TI US IS IN,,ALL RESPECTS ROME,IN- IsTiruirrioik; AND ONE 'WHICH IS NOW RECEIVING , , THE -SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN. ER'S * .AND MECHANICS: ' DMECTORS ; • - JAMES BLAIR, SA.NFOItD GRANT, GEORGE!*.FITE s._sLOCUM, J: H. SUTPIft: C.. v., , MATTHEW.S,,DANIEL' HOW.' ELL, A. E. HUNT,- - -T. F. HUNT' JAMES - BL AIR, "PRESIDENT : ;-- 0.. OPEN DAILY NINE :4'. Ite,;1? UNTIL FOUR P. Al t ; AND, ON wED- NtsDAY: 'ANDSATTJADAY::EVI! , 4 I : - NINGS *UNTIL EIGHT O i CLOa . " Peb.,l2. tlB7l. J. *iiiinwt; 1 . ;.P .15 , ..8itnit5.. , :1' !' , • i i'3 BIBIGRAKTOIVIITAIUME WOW; MIKE ;- klLlTAuuBBzn;lllt 184Q.1 s , ; I -OS .111 • IN AND SLOTUF.h:CitR4r1 1 3 41 1 -4' t" to,tilitlin..4 antritattAttble'• t• • 0,- ANDAMERICAN. , N•SNITCH , ,QRANITES t . , Plarble and Slate 'll - Eintles . ; ' 's' • .1 0 G. Ohnango St 'lsiearDef)ot Itypit. 'OEORING 37.145: , zisctwiLy: ; MitiII.TFACITURFI&Or:ALLIEINTIe. of 36'jr "midi. aatazisatawr I e;.LLN II I3II _Vhe old stead loot 4 reliable:Armin the lin Keil Suito r, 'They too the prize medal awarded at the - woRLD I O - FArk,Air LONDO ft itt lantaaffkis afg WitP#lPted :ref: 0 1 * q4o:' *ion°. j ,:" .•,‘ STROM Agent ilositroir, May a "Ite•-tf, Banking, Etc. -0- Miiffla LO - 1 4 ..1E!` A.. LONE! I 10 . 1‘.; El. I ! , „ MEMO ty.stgcl:._yrblch 1 now, int roddcoi , 'eonolfstti or Gold turd stiter,f4v - atehes, Wifltritun, I utl line Sales Imoveingotta. old gold to,tl .plated Mans, luqietimp. dettoorf:ent of Sets, 'Lehr-ring; Pine: 'Sleeve* liottone. Itragekif. Charnt4. tt great, variety of gold liingf4. in tlfased or SelliE, fledfa the ,JewelrY ton name otts to mention rge . :1 lti*sto..k of Said Silver Ware..frorn a Salt Spoon to . S vet T ea Set.— .... • . 1t;74 tiro'ic Warn tiiiptliality. All patterns on Fhand.• • 1-have reduced my - price3 as low as poi:athle. that you may he able, to purchufeliberally for the 11.9iiduyt , :thd Moce than that, that I may 4ain an honetn. reputation, — . for will& ! have labored six years .in his ctiuntY and am bound to increm , e it, !riving no respect. for any one • —evsti 4 1 my own relation—who :Lehi, uttninrt honesty it'd principle. . Eanrnine`my follin'ang notices and, eatWy yonnielves : -- • Notices of ImpOrtance .First, pay no bills due me. trusted to you while I Wu teaVeling alone: or durine the few weeks that 1 had inyi brother with me as hired - help.' . Pay to no one but my • self, is otherwise I will not atlaw t on account. • Second, beware'ol those Who are representing . their goods equal to mine, claiming to be partners. br related to me, as I have no one connected in my business. Third, purchase not of : them that are 'gelling- cheap , goods on my tepntation, to spoil ;it after turlaboriug '- six years to establish it.. Fourth, recollect that I do not recoinmend any one even my oejn brother, as he. - alter helpinzhim all I elbly could, nu tried to collect my debts I hate to • make these remarks, still I must to re nation. hope you will all pay. attention to tbia,;as it is more for your interest than'intue. Remember .my 'name if you wish to buy.good Jewelry. : '' r . pankFro. N EW ARRANGEMENT $599;000 00, 100,000 00. TM Polo's lirllE Store. riliscelhne pus, . . 'Ali atone ani .1 traroling abroliti,.. • 3 \ 'Heavily lo,te.eft with Silver and. Gobi : • 'f , Thnt niwayE. kvelit. , bright and pito, .--; 'Sold at gielit.hargnintL sit one "prit:o. GEORGE LICHTENSTER NEIV :111111.1 7 011D, Afthe Eagle Hotel. Not. 1875 -I,2ai , • L N. IWLI,A.RD, .PUOPRI.gTOR. R. KENYON.Dwuggist k Apothecary. • PATENT MEDICINE EMPORIUM The undersigned would respectfully itnnounce to ttli tife people everYWhere, that to his already extensiv stock and variety of Merchandise In the Grocery. Pro vision. and Ilardwarelline. • ITe , has added a• v ry choice •AsSortment 'of PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINE'S, • ,BRUSIIES,• .PEW FUMERY, &c.. which he ilattershims If be can atsure the public -they wit) find it to their advantage to extant- Inc lvfore.pureluisieg elsewhere. To all Physicians - in thia • Settion'of the county - he would respectfully an nounce that he:has securvd,the services of R. Kenyon as'Drugnirt and Apothecary, 13 hose long experience and acknowledged care and atillity. 'entitle him to your en tire confidence in the line of comtiounding medicines or preparing prescript ions, and who would also esteem it an, especial favor to. receive' calls from any i'f his old "u'itomers or new ones.: Wilitnake the. Patent Medi7 tines a Speciiiity:• Also - Domet,i ic An d Foreign 'Mineral W'atcra—an'extensive stack. 4141) AnCGTOCeriell— ,' • • LETBIG'S EXTRACT-(P , 1 4 11ESTI A NI aN PICKLED. &..t CANXED., - CLASII3. :LOBSTERS: • . 'PEAS. CORN. BEANS. OYSTERS, &c., . . In fact; anytbipirand evervthing that is ordinafflyneed ed. Respectfully solicitiug at call I remain. , , ' " ..L14.*BITLI:A11.1) 3' . • rioufriler!` riticardei •twourder Blatittn:L;,ltitle and Shot Poteder;litot. Lead; Otiti Tubed, Cepa, rouchet, Flasks Flue, dle • c &c . &c.. for ease by - " • „, , , , , Mcintro.; 4 l4. evt! V. I £6l4ti. FigUTESS' DtY NOt Lie ! . ' 4tl • , SEE. .'Ol YOUVSELVES IA i OUR : , NEW °+ PIS LIST r' SPRI.NO'4ND , SUMMER'OM"• . Heavy ciittoUido pants, - ..,$.1.0e Stout *mil-ratted pauts;' • $ I?ls't'u '0.50 Good'all wool 'pants.. ~ . -. • • .0.00 .1,1:4•00 'Fiench mg-stint:o . e tianla. ' , 5.00 .7.50 Eitimry )tarklogments. F snits ,, Lt . 1.00) Scotch caasimece suits, , .8.00 tl2 00 catraiinete *hit's; • `." ' 18.0i1 h "vr.iso Fttucy ,chock ausil,stripc, sult‘i .1 , 20.00 Black frock coats. 6.tyl 9.00 Black dreas,coatsvitoportedi' 2.•'-`-' ,7 14-00. Black cloth vcsts,„ • • . ..75 • • 4 .0 0 White linen Vests, • ' ' 1.9.5 G - t e 6 ,‘ -BOYS' Styli's, , —gt s. if, I,Ei! , Boys` eottia'n $ 5.0 0 .$_4.00. Boys' mi.vdaulta: • ••••2•'!f " 4.00 i " -6.011 BoliVanty ,urcta) sql.ts .. • . :it , 1., St7l,TO°Q tO : . • Boys, school suite. • ;.,$ 4.00. ,$.'.7.00 Buy? fancy Suit 7.00 10.00 Boys' mien ratsimeit , titilts,;; ' - 4 809 . • ; 1 1,4'.00 Youtti suit*, all pty , ho4, . 0040 Gbdd tottoli shirt;' ' • ' • 50 .604to.miara/1,14, , , _ ••• 1 Good rubber v usßetteors, . , • SS •v -A • r i s l , ` all othor oocie !n pruportfon, The aboVe'pritio ' r are • roi - tUb* and' are (abated for custonera from At . diOtpkco-, - • IN 1$ 100 Y°T4FglT.ll..the silktrioiptke,q,;ist ,is not - - traditeti; - sith'pncei .are 'gusronted 15 Per cent':.lolier than those of :Other hdnie' in this ,city.or liiicinit,T. , ~ ~ ~. :, ,. , The ~,...,, • • 13 R Clothier. ' Blnghointer, May' 5111 18 0:- , „ i • fOilowlng e - oinpantee: • JL Franktin Fire Insurance Co., Phil„ A54ete,53,300,000 Continental, NS . 41,• . t 27 5 1000 • ' - I O %OMS Hanover, . . ... , W.160;000 Niagara.— ......... . 7 . 9C0,000 geerni,,nntloy. t .• .. . 19,14 .00.4 Mt. .1, • • , Companica. • raceotgerittOrieOi-ebtleCti kid relitsbte, beiinpriong been trleti.anaatwnyp foonit i . . / vorthros ..,41i_whojkave thetr - trlthiVelAictit my Ageticy.witt 'rtioge w1)*1 •.tievvilatronizrAt met . *lll Wept thatilte:7oAud to :thoso who luAvamot, I calm:lai t y:soy, Upton:Me to, do b • tlitnn; loot "into Iv 'Ail r4polteatlon, 111' v do Au linllt_gettlyffilu toy. that r teorie.y. , • ' • '. Very Reepectralty., . L . • I-.. ,-)7-41,!••• riartibid Accident Inlurinc o Cillitim4Y Poilol4l vtirit ten-froni one daytc• only your by: ' • • " fIE`NRY. C.. TYLER. : =Join the Masonic, Bunetit Alum:4lmlnn iti Herantori. A )rkly to 4. Jig g 'lliiittrookneelkbor lieti. k 1441 Y ('! "la " It. SA E b.solita t er-0.:4_ tor my $4 *treble and 'ilia WERK- L E ft , (regular_ price or. $5. 1 15 for the Mag azine, -and • the 'SEMI-WNW ''/ItIBUNII 'Animist Prketl B d. " ( *situ" TalopSw. New . • _ . Y ork. 13itt.yOur. - 00t4itfi - 4itCh'eap•j'phreti. •a I. 1.1.,1391,14/t1:1...,,. ,1 ;14 itr• i ;e1 "MONEY ...,