The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, January 12, 1876, Image 7

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. List of New Advertisements.'
Report or First National . Bank.
Administrators Notice = estate of ainu i el
Lindsley. . .. . ,
. .
Administrator's;: Notice—estate of Ellen
O'Brien. . , I' , , J.
- Administrator's , Notice—estate of C,ar es
ik 1
Powers. ,
Clairvoyant Exatuuttitions. . - -A,
Attention, Rough & Reidy. ' I
I , .
Insurance Notice—B. Stroud.
Down tu Luzern°. \
[From the Luzenib Union
Dr. Prendergast was qualified se'vetal dayki
ago, se Coroner, in place, of, Dr. Seamans.
JzIDICS catnipbell filed his petition also to ]
contest the ; election of Treasurer, but said
lie now abandOns the trial.
~ Messrs. Whyte. :Aid Coon w•are sworn m;,asl
Auditors - last • wet but will itot enter upOnl
their duties :for several days tti'iiutn4 ; 'i ;!
Mr. Kaiser, the Recorder, Bolds on, to 0t
Mr, Duffy will ,prasa..cutc - his_hlaints'
to the commission AVitil vigor and hop4
success... ,• ,
• The -wQrkflin 111' - 'll - ir;§iiiiai W•iik6'i3:t'ilig
•. •• • _
being.phshed . lsOdly:for*ao . , and . ex; ere;
ed it, will be.-ready ; fOr, ocetipancy by the l t:9 l
. Mr.. James Courtright, the obliging Tretit9 i Fii
of-the past , : , t*o •year,S i •gave± up the: 'keys
money nit hand, 'to' . lliS 'successor, -Mrcjohn
McNeish, Jr. -H44411;08 , in . i40,000 were Signr
ed by
, elltirls ParriSli, John Mitchell at'id
Pryor WilliaMson, and.duly — approved. .1.
On Monday several officers:in the ! Court
nouSe were- duly quallt:ted: Mr. S.
retired •from the ',Register's". office aftetl,'near.:
ly three years' service, Mr. Josrof . ;: . .l3(t,'
Bert took the oith of office. His bonds :the
sum of •$17,500, Sighed by J.. Pryor Williath
soh George . P. Richatds„ werhdhly approv-•
• !
Elbert and
turtle I over the business of the Commiss'ionerse
_ • •
office. to Messrs:',.l.)ezel, LineSimi . Jenniuks,Who
reorganized, URI:. Board by. making Mr. Dean
the PreSident ; and then, appointed Henry , (
Jones, Chief Clerk to the Connuilsioners, and
George B. itutp, Esq.; ivas,reappoiiiteOhe
torney. •,_ : • • !•• •
• I
The Legal Status of ritarried Wonien . in Penzie..ill
: 7.1. H
Editors are generally supposed to knosy: l
eryttling and . consequently vire fre,qUerttly,{
eel all hindS of ques t ions, not ex - cepiiiig lawn,
• , -i
morals. Among' . matters ot. •intorniatiOn .
qUently sought is that of the - legal statUs i
Married Women in the State._ In lonhing al
the Penn-Noatielyfor Dvcernifer,, we tilid..kyl
clear a nd able article on this.important uliji
fromwhich,wemake the following syn.
,pSi ;
11 1
"A married. A °Man is entitled to nini
ance, by her -liuShand -*during his -lit i ',.i.linel
right which - she -may enforce til lie - neglect, or
refuses to prOvide for herself-arid her children)
by making'contracts for . peceisaries, : for. Mitch
he is liable: •, Upon his death, she is entitll to
common law power' •in ' l mal estate, l atter . the
. • .
payment iof all hisdebts. , :' lf -h i e dies lint ate,
she may have statutorydower, viz:' ',Opell.t fad .
of the real - estate, of Which he died seized; for
lite, and one, third of the personal' eitated Aso
iutely, in - ease 'he ' leaves 'children,' if; neit; ' o e
• half of the personal estate ; Zr, in ca se lie ii t s .
left a will, she , may , elect het,Ween tii4l4g",- the
legacy therein .contained or the rights ' given
her under the statiiteand:in additiOn; - 4890pt
-his estate - fOr the support of herself and
children is ereinpt from the paynient of lii debts ';
In her Q' property ihe itt entitled to' the free
use and enjoyment along with her hUstian.l,and
holds it tree from any liabilities for his, debts ;
she is also - entitled to , her m
sepete earuilags
- - when her Wention to claim - them is, file d of
record.4.4ll*,property May :I!! liable lor a jmitge
ment recovered against filth forihe tortslOr ot
a judgement against both bpi necessities enter
ed into by' herself alone, it the husbatt itts
nothing on which execution May be ,hai ; end
it is always liable for contracts entered Sato by
her before marriage. By a trust fur '"her sepa
rater use," either real or persOual property.
may beso settled that she shall receive 14 in
come, but neither she nor her • hmtlatod can
haVe any confrol of the estate, nor shall it be
liable for any of her 'debts or engagementwr---
But Such a trust must be made during cover- .
cure or an immediate etintemplation a mar
riage, and' camiot survive a discoverthre. We
also find that the contracts of a married wo
man and any agreement to binO, her separate
estate without her , husband's ConseutAreabso
lately void except in certain capes. Thesa are,
contracts for the- repair o; improvement of her
real estate; transfers of stock of railroitd cotrh
panics or corporations created u x oek the luiv i s
.of this l3tate, 'Checks .and receipts to ,banks for
. money on deposit 'with them, and contracts' for
the purchase of sewing Machines. In_ case of
her husband neglecting or retusing\ to pro'yide
... for ber, she may become. -atr
ieie alpie iratierknd
thereby contract aa though' she ;wee r unlnar
1 i
Juriv Lisr:The following is &list Of Grand
and Travefse JULOrS drawn for the term of
Court to * commence at Mpntrose, on ''Monday,
Januarylo, Ir 6 : . ;
a Visit t Norwish• ,
~ _ Traverse 414r0 re—Second Wale ;
"Oa Saturday, November 20th, in:'company wtuthebut7;n7B,GATirrte-th\q/;9l(7)ll,l,nbseviilWienn.Lr'tit, George
with my little - friend, Jennie iiine i we !en B roo kly n -xi nt ri e s F Perrigo, Horace P Tit
Montrose for a Obit. to the family of 'IbY form . l any,GeorgaP Tiffany. ' • i`-
er Pastor, Rev..2W: J. Judd. We rived there , Clifierd—lames C Decker, Owen Morgan.
about h a lf p as t, s ix p. m . we wee cor di a ll y ' Dimock—Joel Compton , Cliaslea . illley.
.. ,
received at' their beau*, bonle and Ilurini'iur Dundatt—Thomaa rtaisteau,mortimer White.
Franklin.`—Omer Suminers, Franklin S. Ting
stay Brother Judd and his fil.inily - we` e untir-i l e y • i , • ' 1
ing in their efforts ti'v make ' our visit pleasanti l Friend,wille-- r ktephen SawyPr. , .
Forest take---isaac Strange, Adelbrt Warn
-1110 profitable. They have eight in fondly.—
er. ... .
Twp bright and 'manly hop t of their own who 1 - . Herrick— . Beniatitin Bobtliiiiyd. I , 'i
do not belong, id the class caild Midister's 80748 i Harmony- 7 r Charles E McCoy. _ 1
who are said to be worse than any other boys. 1 jesst l P NV in Wil ' i't'l l) eit* .' ' i L RO \ II
But' if they !lye - to gruw.up will no doubt 0149 I 1 j'AIM)4.-49814)11T Bennett, //c ) ! "6" Robin
their.. markin the worii.. • Two: nieces 4.)1 Lntlirop-4081 na D. 31.ackev, ' 1
Brother Judir.s,' iiista 4uddi'Mri. BacOn and Midd:etown— tbamer C'aiiti r eld. - :
Ellia Chambers make uptitmem bers.ontrose--$0 union isan''‘lntit Milton J . Rob'
e A I- ;-1 .
though made tip; in part 01 inembe.63 ;Of'other e rttn. 31 . u. 4 - w : T
,NI 1 ,
ew tor --, m ex ey. ~ e •
familtei , ,Yet- the:Y ' lll o l nonlze 80 wen. owl ow; • a t idautt-.4lpnjainin P.M4Kun.e.
..1 I _ - , - 1
wPr4ing. for the good and etnohnioethe Whole; ", • Ruili-i-lenry It Morse, GeOrge'S SlOeinatter.
that fb e y n 4 truly be called ohapPV faini 4l l4 11 Susquehanna Depot—Winn iCetehtlittertuneP
. •
. ' Nostrarit , .. - .- c ..1 , .--t
Mrs- Baton isa•true , Christian iWiguitn lei • 1 V"" . • '-. ' '
' - '', 1 Springv).le-4t , a MeachanL - 1
Irtiolli,gly (iron iiiin who lia. said "I,w ill''u ''sl, . I : 1 ;e—littlw:ird,\V 'Rase. f '
i , 11 (I 4t ( 4
tile WiestAY ' S GUil. " Orle ( if It h 0 - nites -is the 1110111mlni -- (etn''l' 11 11114411 ' 1 in. -'
daughter! of the' missionary, and wife in ludia
[Though far aWitiV -fro .her dear parenti, yet i
..„ . , ..- ,
‘vith true, missionary. :spirit, she clieurfull) l sub- •
mitsj te let . thent, ' .werit:-. tor N the Master tO save
_. .
; the : perishing 410 heti,.:antl . so !Ong as she Vitus ft,
- diCe • cOilltinta4l.t, home she :has .no cauqe for'
complaint. Eliza Chambers - atiendat 0 the do
mestic affairs ofltheioticle, yet shell's trettied as•
.one 91' the family. - And °Made- toteel thatibibiir.-
-ii hetiorable 'and ...entitled Ito respect... gil.Stib
iiath iitiOrtilt4, , i we. attended, Brother ;.luild's"
chnicli.. He . preached . an excellent:tliscOttOe to
- .1- , • 1
-it [Very . lar;e . and attentive congregation -i:from
the tWent-t
verse of the iseventYiptird,
l i salnic . "TlO shalt. guide elvitit thy counsel
'arid: a terw ird - rec ,ive . ITIi!
,to :0)01" - ' jt wits
gratif ing, ndeed„to once more hear the I , ir - ord.
olfGo `‘ipciiiri . deal by -him who had - tWieebeen
my . Pastor, and ' - who lead hie down . 'info ' the
haptiStnal Waters Truly 'Brother' Judi i leads .
- .his flock in the . greery..pastures ot . aod'S,Pronik
sesanit -byy : , ,',h& 'elenr: Wzitera of 'His net r tail . -
ing.'goodiiis. •In , 'the •evining, he. delive l red a
short , rkeid-eSs. after which.: was held a . piltyep 1
- and' spe r ahing, :, meeting: Much . ! interest, .was
`manifestse and it was a luippj , lime: 1 wish— ,
to speak •of.tbe . church - e.ditiee: sit.. is. a. large
and . beatitiftd structure, the \in Wrier of M lach
is;.magitifieekitly ;- finished and - ..furtiistied. 7 :' A
three, ilinueitid : dollar ' organ- i ti-1 the :atislience
• room and i ithe Sunday b'ellooll room.
'This r00m,.. with ; a: nun tier of parlors;! l are in
tile . basement,• Which' 'is above ground i The
i l
6 whele 'COstOf. the . Church. VMS . fattythousand .
dollars. :Qii - `Monday, .evening we ,attended: a
New England supper tit pie church.. it was a
o'randarl'atir and Well attended. 'The table Was'
'covered with all the ; qtilic r aVes of the i season
and . served'in the latest
.approyed style. , The
eople-of NOrwill' are 'courteous and kind_and
:. take.strangers feel very much at home-. There
i . a :sociable or lecture every ranntli for the
enefit, cif . the chureh. - Rev: 3 . .11. Vin Ont, etk
ltor; of the '4:qungity ..:..00l i i ldvkate, and Bishop
Tavens arelexpected to lectUre .during- the win.,' 'After Iweitad P.nisheti•our visit, one of the
letistiftetiwe eyeat pnjoyed..•our friends eem
ni l i ended 11•3,t0 ;the ind care and protection et
our Heavenly': Father and - we' thought of_ the
:. I •
world where. there will he : no parting,; that
g tirious : W'Orld ' .. wli ere • ! J '. . I .
, Christ, the.son, fore - 7er re - . .
1- And scattera ,night - away,
We then bade' them good-bye 1
homes ; where We arrived safely, r
. 1 \ '': : 'I 1 .'
1 .-- Montrese, ,E 0 e'L Ili, 181 1 5. •
: ....L. ~
d,. . .
'fastness Lon
Nes 3Nletlieines are. the
their kink and ..that the qual
Shall hereafter be maintained;
atll: ; ”l atter using; them you
Ylat,btive received benefit in p i
price`paid, return the empty ho
and get your thoney-linek, t.s.
irtoney unless he is satisfied he
equivalent.: ; :Respect fu I
•1. 'October 6 x 1875;
• •
I WE Tnnix that t e people of )lonirose and
vielnity are finding 4 pt whei.e the, 4n4t -popu
lar thy. Goads, Hon Bing amton iii>located
tOr ;A Sisson & l'Co.. inform us that their;
trade from this sectil; is very large Sad On-
ista9tly increasing., I. their stock• may noiv be
fohnd:a large and cArefully selected istock of
firs' Goods ; shitable tO the wants ot ev4.ryhody.
They' Make a 'specialty of Black Silks, Black
Cassimeres, i3lack Moltairs, Black Alpacas, and
the finer grades of 'Dress Goods, and in this
line are prwared so give some -decided bar ,
gains,\ •VYtt, Suppose that nearly eveiyh:dy is
aWS:re tha heir store is located at 431 Court
St reet,.Beit o the Lanai.
• Binghamt m,
_Sept 1.875. - . .
Cht this Out • and bring=_ it with :y4u to the
Store of CHEAP JOHN, where by buying $lO
worth or more ot the folldWing or other goods
you *ll . l redeye upon presenting this notice •
Grind yard wide iheeting from B%c tOi 10%c.
Good ealiencs, light„colors,
• Best calicotai,datk and medium 7%C. .
bood,mnton flannels - •i. 12%c.
'Better " j " • • - 1. 15c.
B4 , st: " ' -18 c.
GirOod 'black *micas
Better - " It
Best . 46 ••
xtit#ite itliiitpts and Itiottairs
BOyi ',ready-made full suits. from $6 . 50 to $BOO
_ - .
Neat' ' " ". - - - - .9 to -12.50 .
Netts tap sole .good kip bOoti - 1350
1340,:tap - sule•good .kip boots ; 225
Ladies beaver : cloaks from'
Ladies felt skirts froin .
?dens under shirts and drtiwers front 30 to 74e.
Ladies anti children* hanisome trimmed ;Hats
and Honneta in felt, straw and velie.t from $2
to $4.
Our .reasons for the above extraordinary re
duction in prices yod: will find, by reading our
general advertiientent.ich We,request you . to
do and give us a call , w hen you want to make a
lutrhase.- -1 & Co:
Moiltrose, Dec. 15.
THE 310 : N tRO ) SE DEMOCRAT, SAN. 12 : , \1876.
l'nd tett - for oul
due time .
Mee thitt Tay
best in market,
tr of the.kOods
woulti say to
Art. notatistied
• • -
roportitin to the
ttlesor package,
want AO man's
;Teas-received its
IY,' • •
YIAB rrop'r.,
$4 p tcps6 - 00
75'to 125
(P(meit bOliding.)
Forty, s'o aild 80 cents pvtquart, at th 6
1 52tf • , KEirmilar. SALOoII
'4;if o ' tin* d ute'
Iteporteo Exery Wee Expre..4ali joi..T/13 140iiTROSIS
I)XOCIiAT by Rhodes & Ser*er;
„slog Merehattrr. Wbit.4l3ol3treit.iNew
Ne, w . York, Friali'y,,jazi\: - -
. _ ,
Receipts last six days 5,541 pltgs.
The market continues to present he saute (gen
eral features a s notial trona •clay to day,'Or so
long a tune p: st. Ti.e local elicit ry is Ilinated
jo small 4)4,, 01. doe State, mat us such ari:
tiOrneWiiitl sOiree, values are stead y sustained.
Bt. te,l.i ''' flue ' 8 6
1 ;urigs, . 1 ......... - -,---e
Sate D,airiot, good to prunc....2 @, 128 c
ate Pt ,dairy, ehoiee © , c
ate Pails, dry,good to prime 26 (4 ac
• Siate Pails,co anon to fair... .22 A i c
... I - • : .43.EK§E.'
R ceipts last six day. ......10,i a hp.,
Tit advance in the ca le quoted este
seems to have given tt littlimu Is A
market, - and sonic le Wex a;rturb re'i the
ket, to-daydbut insist on ow figures.
, State' Factory, fancy . ' 11 @r,' 3
I State. Factory. tine .....1 11%0 ill
State Factory, fair to joil..' 9ie. 10
State Dairies, fair to good.— 8%0 10:
. . . ,
--- ' •• •-•, ' EGGS. .- - ' - ' •
Ree.ipts lasrisix4days..-: ' 4,
.01 pi
. '..
The demand for fresh eggs - is sI ill 4lottit.
the . daily receipts tire . fair, rind -' ith! a
stock in store, prie,es are rather in t
kvor ',o
State and Penn. 3
Western ?Wien brands. 2
The' supply of really , prime - dicl
continues s t i4tt and' with a good d
Are firmly, h ld..' . ' ..
1 • •
Turkeys, tate prinie t • - li
- -Chicitens, State, pi hue -11
Ducks . 1 . - - • • ' , 1
:Geese..l. ' - -
. .
. '.
~ The sit, ply of
. both live and dre
light, and prices higher . . and firm.
'Live Slitiep, westliers. . . ' - :. I
- _Live Cid, es, State prime. ...,10
. Hog Dre:sed (ales flue 14
'. . I •
DRIED • .FRUITS. ,; si I
AppleS': re 'sellifi'g :slowly. in . 411 !lots_ at
about for et prices. Peeled peach veryslow.
State Al pleSaliartera ... -.-.,.. 8) 1 Dc
Peaches, peeled,state • 1 .16 I) lBc •‘,
illiNekbe ries. • I . 12 li Il2qc .
. ..,
nheries, n. . .2, ,4. p , 28c
' 2
~ . • new:...;
mhar.a.mxzi...a...GE f 34 H... .
TIT Cr B—Looms—ll} Brooklyn, at 4 tesidenc
Or Mr. !Edward Gere, Dec. 29th,
- Miller, Edwin :E. Titus, • bt" Is.lic ISon.. ant
Mrs. Aniy.4. LOOlll6. 01 Raiford - .1
i ,
.., „.. •
FOSTER--7.CLAlttit—At or,. nutlet Bavier'
church lin Frie.ndsirille one _the.. " !inst": l ,l)
Rev. P. J. Mutphy, Job Foster
.t.,i of Apt
laCon to Annie -M.. Clarke, .of :(_;,hotoiut.
INtrtA.EL—Tßlc ‘ lnix—At the Lyniaiiille .10EI
Parsatinge; Jan: 6, 14 - :Rev.
.11. G. annul, T.
1 . 0 ' Michael,Of Monro e . - co., and Ananda R.
Treihle,- of Susii'a. co: - -.'' .. ' . i '; •' '
.Lenox. ;kn. `;•by Rev
. D. 'Peas6,-'Jtiulei Ho w e;!pf - Bentunitild' Es
. .
t?lla' Benjathin, - of Lenox.: -'• : .' i\ t,. -
- T*FLOR- , -Wfjoo.FIELD4--At Lyrnanv b M. E
pal soilage; Jan. 1, by . Rev.' g:* G. Billed,: Al
. val.i.S:'Tailor - and Sarah L. Woodti d, but
,- dr Springville.3 - ''" ''. 1 ''"„ • , " -,' '', ,
ADAM New Milford, Sept. 22,16. 1 . Fran-
Cis 4iiami in the 77th yeir'of his ag • ,
KEELE/t-pll the morning of Dec. SOth at her
home in Carnplown, of congestiOntot the
lungs, Mrs.` Sally RObinson • Keeler+4rmer- ,
ly, wife of Jonas I.nghton, e:3q.,- of W_Ting,
and subsequently wife of Ice et Wm. ; of
TOwanda—aged 84 years and 7 tudn
13 . 114,LINGS' 811i015D.
• 25c.
l '4oc.
Xlidrcsulzoco as (*.Ps,.
Capital Represented, $100,000;00:
. ,
FIR& \
Fire A.ssoclaqon of Phil., Capital & AsKis,•ll I : 500,00C
lortintrice Co. of N. A., Phil., " , .000.000
Pennsilvirda Fire„ PhiL, , - , • C .00,01*
Ins. Ca. of Pa., Phila., ' • " " 700 , ,C40
Lycorning of Manucy. Pa.. 6 6 i p,000,000
Laucaater 'of Lancat , ter., • ". •• 400.010,
n ewton of Newton, " . MUM
Home Iris. Co.,N. Y., " 4000,000
`National .. .. • ,^ ~0 0,000
Co , mercial Fire " 0 *4 450.000
Hartford Fire of- Hartford Ct. "
Atlas " • • " " 500,006
Royal Canadian, of Mob real,
Canada. ' -
Liverpool. London, & 4 obe, •
of Liverpool.'
Providence Washingtort \ of
Providence, R. J., • "
Conn. n cal la:nine. Co., d'utts Awerlcau - •
Lilo, Phil's.
• i „„„ „
Travelers rni, Co., Hirt., Capital and Sarpla s3.tatu,Ocu
Railway Passetigers - $500,000,
The undersigned has been well known in thi itoullt74o l
the past 20 years, as an inourance Agent, Lists* sus
ta'neci by bit Coinnainies tutve 4.lways beeilpromptly .
,„ tar office Attars, In building cast front Bankint
11..t.,oupta &Co., Turnpikertreet. '
c A n z t o rt s c r fis o id o .s ui m i rru , ,
t t office
Managers. '$
8. LANGDON 8 icitor:
Montrose f i tn ,8. . 1318,
rend A eat:l3olle 0 . MarylandMJ, F. imohak:
for „ and" 4 and - Stlyrsia, '
Free Mapi of Del4waro.
jon -- TRJ...N . CINGI;.: : : -
,••••:. ~ . .-- .: . 1 !.,t; .
• '. - Atlt a oFritilF:;-, `c3TF,A)
,tne podr
John ,
The MarKets.,
• -, : • 1 . - There is no painwhich the Centaur
•:- '
Liniment will not relieve. no swOlitli:
lzkr - ;' ;. they will notsubdue.-and no laMenesp
which they Will not cure. This isil tong
'0 ; languace, but it Is true: They have,
_.A L, produced more cut es - of rhetimatisM,
, • ,••••-0... ; -;
- ; , neuralgia.locklaiirspalay,spraips,swel
i " AClTArPttlings, caked breasts, smlldi, burns. salt •
;rheum." ar-ache, &c., .upon; the human' -frame, ar.d 0
!strains; "payln, galls, etc., opon animale in
.one year
than have all Otberl i Pretendedreoles since trio world
I me. ,
'began. They,are dounter- irritant, all;healing, pain re
lievers. CripPlea throw awaythilr crutches, the :It*
walk, poisonous bites are rendered harmless, and the
wounded are healed without a sear. The.recipe le pub , :
lished.around each; bottle, They sell as no articlesi ever
sold before, hecanite they do jusewhat they pretend to .
do.' Thos ,, tvilo to! t sc e.uffer from rheninatism. pain. Or
swellitts , deserve tsu ff er if they'wlll not use Centatir
-Liniment, white ,w pper, More than 1000;certiticates
l a
-of remarkable col s. including frozen limbs, chronic
- rheumatism, ,gotiti running tumors. etc., have been 'l.-
- calved: We Will s'rnd a clicUlar etittatiriing Ceitifidatc.s,
the recipe, filth:: gratis, - to any ; one requesting • . One
' bottle of the yellOW wrapper Centaurtittimetat is wOrta
1 one,bantlyed floilaili,for 'spavined or„ sweenied'horses
- and mules, ok for Screw-worm In .iheitio: Stockai.vuets
—the:-eliniMentF I'),re worth your etientint No e. o 'family
' ; ;sh o uld be NViihontithbut. "Whit 4; wraykier r faMilitise;"
'-' - "*Anifet 14... i an iiiiiilll.. : sr:l;i 1 ..... f.... -•
wrapiiet SOW by till Draegists.--
50ataito per 4ottle.,.:lrge bottles; $1:60: - J. B Rosal &
Co. Broadway iNew t.ork.
, .
..., ,
, , s Deqlers in •
, I 1 !
StOVES .TIN. 0 PPER. , k 8111:ET
IRON lif4.ltESl, , OUSE TURN
. i ,
~9t; .
en_, -
ul try
: - 1 4ients for
j i ,
', , ' , i ;• . .i ' .
BLANC/JA D. BARTLET , .-& ma.,
i 1 INGS; &C.,
which we Will sell at. Blanchard, BArtlet &. Col's. pmts
18e ;
14. c
ed ie4lves is
to ilo4e.
Ir , " •
• • - •
NAI LS. S 0,117. 4 W.5, L ATO ES
Special tndneenrents on Pans. Pails, C
• Dairying Goods.
' - 1 • "
(Jovax ..TIATDEIf, General,
•I , -
ThisurpOseit, , for 'Style .atii4
We belie recently tided to ear eeleietion' oi Steve
truldlit VY_Aatilbonet 4rd do Co., Alhany Y.. and the
Argand Hoe linrrang Parlor Stove„ And Cunard Cook
Stores: manuficturedhy Perry &,
Alba. N sr. We
also keep the culebrited .
Ratnbone. Jewett & Ransom, Ranges, with Copper
•Reservors and Nickle Menantinns of the latest improved
"jrwatterns.i Repairing promptly done' ,and orders for
obbing solicited.
' ! • HAYDEN fla
New Milford. May 12th. 1875.—tf.
. ; t
• 6 2 * . oixy
•• \eitooo
• ,
1140000,001 k
~ _: }4_.
ItOmani! Liniment:
Iro Hardware ete •
10 J. DONLEX, -
E •
No.-., 48 . it: 'so''' Wipth.144,,13i,4
Would re spectrally call attention to their lareitor
- 15!, XL .I\T 1111
which they are selling at from 15 to 20 per eeni.
than heretofore. A full assortment of , , •
PARL4, 1:01N1.14 BOOM and ,10T6Eiliti FUR Ni.
' • ;
Parlor Setts, flout $6O upw a rd .' Chamber Setts from*
tliupward. Mattresses from $4 upward.: PureiWool
ttresses from $lO to $ll5. 04, Ash and Walnut
Extension Tables frem . so to $lB.
You can do:better by purchasing your goods of us than
of any dealers in this'sectiou or the country. We will
not be undersold by any east of New Yurr C.ty.—.
No - extra,charge fur packing or, delivering:Jo:oda at the
depot. `:
We desire,to saga word. in this line we hut' litehee
Patent Casket. and a variety of other styles Su- 1111
obesdihrouds. ere, ' • . ,
" The hearse and Carriage attached to onr establish-,
ment caduot be surpassed in this' section. These will
be furnished to those. who require, at a reasonable , lig*
ureianywhere within a radius of • twenty miles from
this city.! Give him a call.
May 12th,1875.-•-tf
L'y:-Iv,Tifl.g,.R-H._ -, wi - ,i - 4-',4o; : N,is : - ;
• ; '.•,;
Mannlantured; on ozhibitiori; and for sat es at
Montiuse, March 1Q;1875.
itit 4 l al."
fit;: PST`.
W.* the Flowers Blooni An . Wintei
- •
Are yott aware that you can • ebtlin Incliner * heat in
January ? That you i can ,impart balmy air to your.
families ? that you tan give spontaneons , gniwrli tO
plants and Flowers, and that you can maketiCuse a
little letradise by 'purchasing one of B. C. Sayre 'S I,ot-,
it Furnaces These Furnace's' are now cortstrtocted ,
with VAPOR PAN by which the atmosphere is tein•
•pered to that resembling Summer heat: .• :.'
No ' lllol l o . Cratilli s tOf F1111111110,:'
And , the time has come .when ennsnmtittrsii redy v.**. =:
r joice,in coatfires. These furnaces are solsi-ent4l44y ►i H
on their'. 'own merits, aed i Are .riolv the leading rwswiee
in , this part of rheconatrp• ;Ali Fortuity:l ute yr arra
ed to I,nve entire satisfaction cr no se in.
Pi IC? 1:1L•W ..elw CI
. .
I keep competent men on the road,yvho aro utall,.se
. quiduteci 'with the PurnaCe business end rheyare con
, staidly putting tip; there Furnaces. , Their work * war
ranted to please. ThtseFurnaces are now scatt*red,tir
thefolkiwing'town.S mid cities: • . • '
• '
Birighstraton. Scranton.rovidenee,-
• •
Kingston, .Pittston, Eituirn. Waverly„
Great Bead, .suvuehrnue. °coot. - Ilanco k.
Downeville . ,•Andes. , Musgaretvillii, Franklin,.
Owego, Nor, humberiand, and , other.
-,,.: ~
. ,
I J3/X 22.1344ti0 0 tiLliX . 4it el. 23
Any person wliblng a recommendation front •
living in the above named •places, I wilUgihdi
pond with them, giving names of parties no
there Ftirnacep. '
• B , C• SAYRE' I
Moutrtlie, tlceember - 22d 1875.-3 m.
- MOIN7 I I I II, ,
• • '``,
- j , 1.• 4 ,1
In order to better accommodate the CoMilallithi.
andertzigned hap ettabliehed a 'depot* ktir the sale 01.
Lninher Maiinfated at hit, netrip.erectied
the (.)1d Heeler tannery Site, in the '\
' .
where Will be kept conetantly.en,low,d. : .te feitetock.
WALNUT porguza,
• _ ,
whichmith the aid of the moit imProwal machine) , and
competent workinen. lie prepared to work intoemy plow* .- t
to turn. thc Matt* Oi Oustomera, ..1 .i : ,', • . -- :.
WELX. , SBASONED ihrHll.l4l: inelk»linfftil'lN44.4.- •
_.-.,.... -.,.: LATH. (X)NSTA.NTLY'ON- HAND:
.• :
• Playing._ Matching,
,Idouldinge. and State
eonis to order.
ifaut Carnao IEII
in connection wan the above eitabilihmeht. under the
111811agglatllt or, ?ttr. R. 14. Roger. klaamthap our wort: •
befotelhitiving your orders elsewhere.. litsysirkugdotte
Pr0T410 1 74. • - •
• Montroses Septembe: NW&
d '~
TIA:: ; ow'STAN D;''.
Tim rbdereigned; would' , reeapeetbaty ,sebotatte to .I , be
e.itizebe Montroie aud Vtetbity Um they brae adberf
to tbok establishment a ilbtelhekaso • .
. • • t
ondeithe direction ol J. GEO. BRIOVIDEICIM. ot
York City. keep constantly on hand
At Whoiesole or Rots
lootrtios;Supplted Reasionabiltf,
ALSC‘..4 liege andattraetive aisortment of
TOYS Crli An • ~•••• a m ,
TOYS . _
llp Stairs.
• Most Riritoctitinb
• is. - BAcit*A;so.. 1875.-tr. _ .
s o utow a SROTBsa,
.--1 5i.pri123 , 18 ".. t , V. Rgottuow Ji Bitd
Shirting Flannels at Cheaii,lnhn'4-/.
Zisceltaneous. -
: .) r
-_)' T.-.../.•;-:.Y.:
mi,,iwAerrowsr, ,
- „
litc.• etc., as sass»
7ny n• e