TOWN, COuraY, AND V.A.RICSTY. --We were expecting It 'copy of dol. let'sleettir6 t,nitilii'.l4 . the' Old Court _.ciuse on , Tuesday the 4th.inst,,,for pui'blicatitan . j but wn. ttnre not reeeiveit e weir !'• • .'• . Wrong In stating that Christio pher,Byrne was Voted 4he silver ut,S.t. Patrick Total Abstinence Fair in . Friends Ville ,, hot AL W..LeT was the _popular man, -:The vote I was .lee,Bl€6 and. Byrne 41cintrosz • nc." the ibeit _Weeklies pnblished . in. the country, leas beene ulurged converted Crum-a four-page 4ightliage• 'journal, type and : . ..a. tar more sittistadtory' clas.sificatiott Of . m4tNr., It W . . 00410911 hy .: ,111essra. : Haw . hty: • , ' . . . „ . . . , .. . . -- r ---With, .yoltitne thirty-th ree, number one, of the ISlOntrose..D,proaft3,..r, that : paper comes to iii 3 greatly` enlarged and iMprOver.l;' t has also been converted into an eight.pagelournal, which admits of a far ; more satisfactery.eltis4-, ficationpl Matter, both in the literarrand •bu - iness departments than the folio styl allows. , —= Mess . r.s..•* Cruier :deserve greaV . credit ..for enla*ging-in.tanch times as 4 c.--- 7 ,,5 . M7 - 4q i n Tiinesi ,,, - ':• • •' i .e • ' .- - . ' li-• • I- , -,-- 7 -- . ---Our :einfasser is , . on did road . and. w , . hope all will 'be Prepared : to ' . see and ree lye Lim .eordially. Our sigriattire !for i.old . or err subScription can be Purchased,otl bun jut as riteatras at.thebptocaxr 'otil l ee. The . D i l ri;-, .C.Rit has begun ii t.168t• Cen ten ida Itund it only -remains for.snbseribers to' do; the`,,Satue 'And it it Illiire,.iiiid .thillie another.litindred years, land • contintie to' light foretheliest, intereSt Of[th e masse .q 3 of this county. - "l' • . —At the semi-annual election of lion l'rse PreC .4' itnnany; No. 2. on .:Friday. ...cvenig list,' ... . . • the 'following officers 'Were - elected for . lit en -sollig,:terai ~ Foreman, Otis .-MCCracheri',; Ist ,• Ass% Foreman; C. C. Leer. '; .2d Ass't Foreman, -L. linnyon ; Secretary, C. I. 6arditier ; •TreliSerer, - A: ll,..WiliPple . ; PiPelltatt; l l..4,. 11104 ; 2.1 Pipemaii,.indrew Arnold ; S• i :ird-. ens--John ''S. ; Tarbell, .S. rM. Wilson., J. 111.: lie- . • Witt, 'l , ". B. Chandler.: . I - . ,) '' , ~ 1,. --=---.1.t -is commonly asserd that' the. , day. ol,.the yeat.filids.:•reciirdca . the pronto "turn-over . a new leaf" of titotsaiis,lwit Tore the year has ended fall ita4k into the, „ . habits and resume them With 11te added sity begotten of temporary abstinenee'..\ er,. if . you are one of those Who -have re to '`turn over e, .new led:” see Aci . it. the leaf is effectually turn - al,and . that.your re are,cartied out. It were better not tio them than to break them.... - • . 7 -President's Jewett's, report of the . • lions of the Erie:Railway tor the' past ye: published last'lltradity.-1 It shOwis rece $l7 677 - 746,..and .eipendititres,inehling ciente of interest, of $16,030,911 deficit or $1,353,165. The road : carried, l l 855passengeri,O1 only 6 velikkilli It injured. .01 . ,the 5. killed, 3 thei • while intoxicated, and - 5.61 the 11 injur thelemisfortune the emplo, W !re and 1.041* hichl 10 1 8 "Ivertl killed or injured while toppling can3,l and 10 'were ft 13 over. - ' • ' —We are receiving kind and coruplimen-, tir3r:yords bath-from our exclianges :and pat rons ?upon the Centennial iinpro*entent of the frimbotaT, which is very' gratifying tO: us: and compensates U 8 AkritheAXlSMagedainktUtft:Of 'la bor it now brings upo' , use Our re: oeri ace. ' . now receivina.nearly one4oarth ;thin'e cellaileous reading matter and, our UdVcrligers F benefoted also iti‘tbf;satne ratio. , If our read , : ers will take:two statlfee,one' from the top and bne . i . :lll/Milik, troysthß o lexl9pyu . tiae DEMOCRAT', and theln - cutlik leaveat l thesr , •±Will-4akegTnif4f pleasurel in reading ltittlit'etoAkillie. ,:t; I . 1- ' f •; !1:1 :1 L 11 It is 111 , 171' Ai .welt I %t. oli A IT f 74 4, . 1 ~..,.. 4. e...,..r .... .:.. t 4 & . , opa rssylttptl, , 14 1 1 . !s e-P9Ffl4 a k )- ,- 1 I ate ai, a iunciiium•so , :•many pc!nplellrin.,plans 1 1 kna i m q, ,°4 4, ~ i!P .1 1;.,..'oesiAtTi.: 11 1 12 :, 1 1 1?Akii s11! in g year, if :npt Abraugh , all, tbei '.-.. s, tibitegn en t lives. ..1.411,110 fit'6,and• ti9bleiiian'and, woman boSatoit Olt te0 1 YO: 1 -9::ti.i snore 1 4, ittille•ltVitiii", ty,ia at,:leastioncie caat.partieularilti'.4,egar4:l lo , 1 which he 9i. ,sheinay - baya', beci,i r,eoge,iit r -L , Let the blaiphemer -abjure thiq wicked hablf.,--, Let the spendthri& Yesiii4Vt . n'e'tl l alige his wa)-s, flokk,vitilt4 0 4. 43 1, t 3 k ' Pr cuW .m:: EN# 3 l.l4: f , husband given to, scolding . his , W,ls . l 3 ,•Or',l,4e,Fit 4 i given to scolding ,bcr , 'hushand, rcsolve - ' to - %1 scold at ; all iiuriug: the ye*ii. *t theilian. tir. woman Who hes been led astray bY.'iiii.f#if;,,rC:- solve that Alirmigh the present Year.;;;liC orahq , will guard ,against s. : teutpta!ipn;,' Let ilia,bnin bug. resolve to Ceti - sCtriffing With 4iii own inEUi ho2o,:.;l4-the • .1"-O44,1E1r 1 , - 4104 .14/0-114-. habit of cheating in .111&,business or, his work, reiolve to enter oPoi s 'a4k . '6 (6OOi l l e..POPOI: 1- __. hie course. Let the man of ,unelearCimbuthj make a resolutiun to purlf i y It. .',Le,'ose who' have been negf i ieh't 6fili*ir"tiesith l 7.eolve to look alter it. Let it be the resolution pc.,the livid to steal 'no 1 4 01 t> ItklAllf th o.ll ' r tA) ' hi T 4fillionw Tl)e finder . W . ll 110 more , ,•W,,P 1 ,.;*g.,, i4 .,.,: z 4P_b., , 15 E ,T1Yi ,t P24.t ke a leaving I;, t, thi si Affi,,„` 1- wnier_ . a ftwor sirggglelu pay it,uu.J.,et lbc,eatOio - yet rc - .Bolve 't . - ~. a .: , --- _fr. - . . , - , - ioldeal lusily - with , ikii` sUborditatts , and file. i...iiw ftorilariivaic:—An ` ,. ritire ziew : Lei .s. ~.,:, latidlor , o to aot,Aorly :J ciward Al i teuatts, •”, ,L6 t: . 141atUre. will' be etose,u.,.in- ibis Stateinext year, , allsbiO: res,.olvi-t'o*eep in' their - rfiin`da 'these' ''", c,e4r.,11°1rj,4 0.tbe 137,)„,,Ni.40**-ot'_y_npv Comtti,r,, words : - ,°Do untkiOthers as ,y 43 Nvonid that nth , : .. t t in°n- • 'I/ 1 P - Bgnators tiiisEiil ITritr3 *'' bObld - 3, / -4 ' 7 ' Lt tb 'll' I. - A . ' elOct • '''' e - e ra E t do an o you . e.. e 1 „ matine r e „ ‘ ,• ed.tobervc thr e , year and. ,tbose in 1875 tut i tt _ init i t ,; 3 . 4 resol , t - iO4, ,i o - , ,pr "d etiet , ,,,eb iti l . 6 , l ,:, ~Ole- year, It , th tOe .....oFt,seston,,Q the Semite,. ;he i)aelityiter yand,:slimidere,l. to ttiv.e:up t i .tij e ir: 1, .jiere,j9re, tbe,,,te,tuis• otl., ; ?l.,s .. eutito will expire,q t!lltel;irgiageAcie.l. ' If you; :t sub;' se;i(iiiki,;:liii-` and tli'V•'°llo'lloo *ill. ,be - trir i .2o.l:illl4iii'ii,l 1O jures you; ,ibis - ia, a good time:toll - ye it tlp„ .. If : i pri 4 ,:, ;A 1 : ..,,9 ll :ae .!? 'ser%e t-IY°'Y,e 1.8 1 `P I O !) 1 ~you,see thi4 tothinj. , ; • ,w o nid,, , plake you o eili . . r, tniefir. .13, , r ‘ tb^e , Benzity.„ Tlie - '•:Seuatotiai ' ;its': ! fix 3 , *00 i.ii,#.41,t0 liatbeitt least - iinee a ,wenkl.:.-: I)li .,ct a are -,ulia l: becc' fiohi :-.. to:' 's) iniilleNii--'-• if you:ar,O. a gliatoil; ,read ti.vlty -24 - ,yei.: or - the 'l l l sl: . ,:c h f ) .'v din, : iB7° _ tr . ‘liq , thee'V'' eti atiaibiired 1 `,23(1. itiatit6l. - - or tili .1)VOk 011.:PrOverds, where i 41 . r u g, tl ! wll-,,iii serve IN° , Ye,4l's;'l4,n(ftli3Ose iiol3i, SUlOMOtiliayS ;- * Pat i' 1141t - t 0 i . thy tVroaf 'll Ltue ' ll:4 ‘ - '!" 0 : °d ' °iBl.ocl-3 'i. ° lk r• '/It al- 1 eWc f: ' :Ilion be - a.' - man given i t o :APPO•ii!L" : f.4e.t . 'tle'll.l.l?"'s • 1. .," 11 " 15 „e -(1 ° . ' ent. t° - 186 SelPiorti . : l l l ''6 04- , ipoor. 1iti , i ,. 4 . 61f , 41 . 6b . a , n ,, t ,,,,,,, ,* ,, :. ii .„ do d naiciii , kiiiii -., a i stri for,fo_ uwears. ' ,- ~ -.dollar ..a :4ifeek this - y*iii.!..l. , Le . t tile .. snob resolve i MEETING 01+`. MEDICAL. " SpCIISII:.---Ilieriiliiti to 1 04 1. ,'0 115 e 1 ( u r sa'7l)alr''.;:.l;et.; b4ials II al Uneel)ng of The t3usiluebau4 County:;itedi reiniv,e to,:loo,k;•eonstantlY for ihttest , work..!-,-' 'ea . Society took place .itilitontrost on , Wed n vs- La wiagiritoes resolve to ddlso e hehelleent 1, l imy, Jan. sth. Considerink the ' extreme cold 3 ~ ,tiowe,er; th ey , had; ~ettet.l-41 at I:.w,(hithei - iiiid. rough - 'state Of th, e - roads, it 'VIM, 41eid;,*140,:.., . . -,„...- rei. , . ) -:-,.. , -,..:,.- .T.,, .., 2 , ..onei •:Wi' w o m en ; ,- . . Y:e_4o - 00 olfi:00-*To.1,0.yevo,rxr bad , ,,liak t, pt. /*AO 4401400 .bit. -j - • • -4-John 'Courtright ' gitiqzt a Ouliper t J the 'Eanuntrightrt.l of pubmichanna County' , liar,:•lges4e. Crosstifon, aril 9e:irfp; and a fetv' invitfd gtitsts. at the' key-Stone. ~ goon 1 Dr. W. - L. iiichardsen was re-el.e.te4 Presi . on . Friday last - Mr...C.!expeetato.-*rt/:y leave town' returning t 4 'lila . home in Willies 1 Ifarre, dent, Dr. A. I. Airiii::Viii;S r re-elected VieePresi - eeretary, an L. . bmtt t i ident l i C. C. Halsey; S '. '' • d L A 1 ' • I :but .rumor has et, that he Will return 'lot. the . T retis u ' - ' '' - ' - Q - remaining part at some future;day. .: -- Dra..W . y.,.,1iine5,.91 .Priendsville x .and:*,‘llen ---Tuesday morning,. last Week; the giist ''. 31.1t0A of Montrose, .were .eleeteill: nrem mill otyned,by, tvana A Kilbourn of Tunklihis: bers of t4e society nockandiaititati..d'at - MOUnt Vernon ithdlit.two." A committee , was 04)1)944e4- to dr44,lreSo)ll- . . _ miles:front' town,: Was '''diaeoVered to be en tire I i Wins: in regardtO,the death .0! Ps. : JiltelOnat ;... There:belly,: niifelleetiVe,i»eitits at linnit'iileic-' 1 one if the original tnenihers of the society....... tilgnishing; it; ihe'',. nail -W448 totally 'ileatioyea I.: -,, At : , tii„e pkiwp . ' a pumbeF,ol:,sui . gical ' with: its contents:': contentk: The inili. :had..-beet thor. ektiii4dinary interest. Were presented,itiid, the. bughly overhauled and linprOveif the past stint.: : advice of the. soeiety l was given.... An entirety :iner,;and-W4B valued at .$6,500.-, It waq insured isnecesaftil result was - replrted in regard- to tit.... tlielßolval Canadian tor 0,000, flari tord of , surgical' operations of the 'tunic for the , past- , qui ~,....._ . . Connecticut, . sK,ooo,oioo, :Bangar, of Maine;i $l,OOO, . .and'in - .The . Union • lintua..-of' , Philatielphia,.ftirl ~$1(060,- t otal, $6,000. !. The total loss is.ilLtWeett: $lO,OOO and $12,000i Tli; : fire is_ supPoSed t - '3e‘ . . the. - ,Work of ineendi 'ries.— punkknanock IL R• t . • . ~,, 1 elliblican. .- .: ..f . -;.1 , 2 - ' J,. . i .. • 1. -----Soine . of the Repub . '', t attoll3cials areolic- I . 1000 that the,DIOOCRAT shall now.; hold all As criticisms Mita the net campaign opens.: . ri e cannot tell Why;ufiless it be that Homer ;May be able. to Call thitn all lies,' : just before elect ion,' and l i debar uS.froni 'having t line to answer him; WeiWonld - give -Atli :' officiate, - both - Democratic . -- 1 • . ankßepublican,.due notice, that the campaign is a'..WAys 0pen,.11.1 the DEMOCRAT °face. - - That .1 we nre'ready.Aoi Meet.' all - statenieliti therein Made, as-well after election as befbre:4-We be the actlon of the peoPle's official , IserVanta are;S#bjeets 'that - . the• 2 Pt.toi )le , have a . right to knore•about,in:the minutest detail,.an itis the duly , Ofa county ;paper to apprisei theni of - sucb aCiletta: • - Hence; all the officials have try do is to snake. a reenrd they are not ashamed.of. and then the DENtOcnkr'a ftlktSiona to them, will be confpliments instead of critieisnis. '')' 1 -' ; i . • ° - • , ; 'i ' 1 : .----',M.,-.14. Hawley 'has resigned his position. as.-Ctlitor7in.chie r. of. the , BliighatuU in tint, , ,s, and . , . r D.-!M Oreille, the - pioneer ealitOr, Ing resumede the chair.... Mr. - Cronindisplayed -great ability in . . in laii former connection ' with ; the ~4 1 .7nie# and maybe cettsiderectas the \ founder of vase edito-, rial'deparfineti t.' ,-, The is anU ssung a - ipfy. , .prortihient - po'sition among t 4 morning +tallies Of t)u :--' ' --, .1 his ; alit first ~ be - r old iiten- I I tea.d .olved solves nrike the cbuntry - : n this ;sCCtii)ll It Sough, with.tunth eag'erness, beeatse.' In it we get the ne«_s. et , yelock.". a. in.; that. otlitrwise ',.wOuld be . I;.bilge4: to wait 'for until d The Tirize..4 is inderlndent in; polities ' and of eobrie the independent part is,Dentberatie, und. With its marked and'fearless.editorial ability if it' Would , become . a till advocate'of true-- De- . moqracy, its power for . good . Would ;'he prOpor-I tionately increased. • •I . • I - • men whO gave their 113.1* as James . Chapman and William Anderson were arrested inour borough last Friday eVening*Whilemak ing ,their Way tb, the Montrose RailWay , station, and, tukenj before' Justite .*- Oefilto4 and on a hearing; Were comtnitted. They Were arrested, atiu.:suspicit from the titot thati , r.they - Were per a r was )t tat • 'l a-Y.. eitlg a (tea deat d loWe •es,. 41 selling-knives 'for about nothing, and.other.sus. piciousiactionti W s lien . ; they were, bOng,taken . [to the. Justice's office, - they ; werei noticed to' 'thrOw away , som,etinneand knives' Were found scattered alone . thkroad. Yegterday Say ies of,.tbe.'firm }of 'Prichard and' Sayies, Corn ing, New.. York, arrived her&,having Been. telegra-ph efrtO - and identified four pocket. kniyes i .two razors and two revolvers - which.:, he 'claimed ts property t stolen from their.; store._ It i tintipbsed they have secTted moie property between town and the Railway depot. The case of„the prlioners. was brought before our • •p. • .0 A cOtilt a -inrate.ritiitVldte' Wits bile - retkO i rele4e them from custody.' InfmeduttelY 'lifter. their 41ease they; were talien to ettplittcl7, by- cthiet • - ~,., 4 Pollee, Bu , ~ ots ow'. 1 loges \ * rt ) e ' y r ldy 1 h now are as we go to press. 1 VVII [ '*--Mr. lutm P. Gates ,brought Onto • this 1, olce • ' 1 : yesterday afternoon a bottleeontaining a r - dien or more or small grivshOpers, which. .: Ny , It re ii ca t i p hi tu nsti re o d i j o i n aii t'th d e: o p . w hie:e t :b: it i itl i : s y: 3 .lt rr n . o ri w e p nr3 as , t Lewis Place,situated about; tau miles south ~ escort. They .were diAcove etton - the warm 1 4 4 ' t h, s ui e , o f ,a.pieci .01, woof* and.' ,l4 d I ' l a t e l l''' e chit during' the recent • warm weathef. litY,: . Gates was out in . the fields on Sunday, and dis -43 verinc !t :friar q live/ glAgshoPPM ,Pn?litlig :ayound, he was led to investigate the matter more full, and 'found that the graund was cali f. e 3 red - %* l titilitt, I , :gt*slidiSpdra; the larrnsf or I,' w l , biebzha i d,not grown tcilcmare tliananischli : :10ngth, while many "of theta were much stn'a l I- - Perhap.srtiris early discovery will • lead to 1 - the' destruction of a large number of pestifer litii inSe:cti - wi, ba 'Wdtlhi * gtherWisd . hirvd appear • 'lf next seasn to annoy thelfarmer. It might ~ ,r..• :, , Ile a good• idea , tn preserv'e atumber of them nind send them tto Philadelphia - next Spring as tecimens of Centennial girtsslinppers,-4tng , Oki : r ' i'oo. ~- , l,l'''' ' , .',.;:`,'‘, '';: .' , ~,... I'' I:',6s•r—On I t ionaay; TalauitrY,,.lolll, In* , A sleeve ~buttnn;in - ony*''stoite, heisting a me, denP. 'TM 00 1 10,ag sand ' f 'nenumging have so 'large 'tin atendinmof me4 l oefs and: of Pa* Ste is at the clinic. leite7 o 1 r egret on , "cati4t ffitenct *ere, DN. Dayton, Wilmot i t'ennepacker,D. C.i 'aud E. N. Smith.'! year. Severalcases of Interest • were l'epOrted: by . :Aiirerent members. .It .was resolt , ed that. tlicre . bt a,.special, meeting of. the, society •at BroOltlin, Max 17, 1876. The . menbers . pres nut with w.47es. of . soMe of theft were !guests. pf - : Dr. and Mrs. palacy at dinner, and appeared to enjoy themselves. •' , ' - -.. A- - S. COurrrPROCEEDING§--FlllsT WEEK —Court . ~ opened onlionday. lait, Judge Streeler : pf eiid, ing, assisted by Associates COok and Chapman. • Ou motion, of D. W. Sbarle, . esqi,John S.. Courtright was admitted' o practice in, the gimr-' era! courtß of tins county.-; . . .•, .. i .. • -..• D. T. Roe vs. Marantha Roe.,, Subpoena-in divorce granted, . . ~ .. . In the estate pf Zopher,pierce,WfM A, 'CroSs mi., esq;, is ,appointed :aoit9.r. to distribute fu 1 arising from salol of poll,. !notion of 'H.. C. Jessup, *I. ; Geptge . F. eptley .was admitted in. the.several.coarta i l of . • t is county. :. :Coin'th . ys . . John Crane., 1 ! Indictment : for lat 7. cetiy.l Defendant entered bail. fur $2OO to ap - -• pear at• next Quarter Seisions. • ' .1 , , ....-,-; is C+I I III vs.. Tack Slater. • indictment disturb.' ing 'Public Worship. ' .Plead guilty. : 1:-.enteneed• to thirty days in• county - 1 uil., •.. . - .. . ("Oath .vs.. Witiard •Bryan.__lurtie•tment far.- ceily i i . : Plead. guilty., Court sentence lath . to pity_ a fine of $lO and. costs.of ,prosecution and undergo iinPriSOnment' in. the &Stern Veni ten ti•try for one year' and six months.-- • .:- -, 'Tames ArnOld,,use of 0. E. Pickett vs.•A; H. r Miller... ,Rule granted •to open judzMent..! !Fi Fraser, esq., appointed au:litOr tt.) ute money in the hatnis of Sheriff arising from the side of personal propertyof A. O. Miller. ' Cian'th vs. Win. A. Gates. Indidtment sure ty ot the Peace. r ; Coneth vs. Wm.: Chandler. Surety of . the prosecutor Peace. o_ aplpearing defendant as discharged. • • - I .i • 'Cow'tli vs, Samuel Williams and Amp W 11! litttis.l. Indictin - int Assault and Battery. True hill, found. . •- - grand Jutly • order - the of a _county hridge in Lathrop . townShip. • ti fir krit d tvrft- AY • •ARTY.-- r. : 4178 . We . h ad he pleasure of heing-present, at thecelebration ape si.xty-fourth,: birth-day' . of M .:Milton Tiffany, of Eaton, Wyoming co., which : took. slice at the residence of her sonin-law, G. E. Tipgley, of New RHHord, Susq'a cp.,.§attkoday,. i it] naryl4;lB76. - FI -t t . - ...1, -. f • 4 ; . . 11 '‘‘' ," ' 1 Among the guests were eight. of the ten dill- Oen reared by Mr, and 'Mfg. 'tiffany, seven of til:eirc _baying. companions with . them ; and tWeoty-four griuid cbildren.- The grand chit lut, die n ranged m nine months 41) to eighteen of twenty years) f age., The neighttom_preE• eUt entered heartily into the spirit of the occa- AM,and we have seldom seen an apparently gappier group. ~.: •,.. : ' ~ .i, Father TAffnythq Patparch of the family, -f- c. , 3 ' is still` arid' lie deemed" to look upon Mrs. T. will as r umh pride as when, i he led her_ to t 'e hytheUeif al* forty-five yeais`before. 1D uan e, the youngest roca,, presided .at4 t he, or, min, and after several banns of sacred . song and pleasant 6onversitim, vie::tiere d ning hall, where . roalt s ,t n atrheichisksn i pie, eakes, puddings, pies;plekles - and otter too nutneions to 'menthol. pert' in quality to satisfy the most taitide?usectieure, were served in, .a manner. We noticed ,on , e, cake With k the name and age of kis. Tiffany . .neatly , ingraven upon it. t I After dinner Rev.'D,, C. Battiela,lit olehatt 'ol die children and grand-children,Presented Tiffanyiwit.h; *Taut or , gold spectacles,;Atnfltsev eal (Abets presents. Rev. .T L. Race, of Niela .olson, responded -Jot 31p. T in; accepting the presents; - tliMnag the continued praycis of the recipient for the' iiroSPerity of her children. Aettide f fil6i!aflieir!ltaCi;Cienarks the eOnaf' any united in singing "Sriall aather At The River," and 4 ,7 e hmtn tcSe*ratell3Alifitg, that we had Walt good May "Gather at, the river • Where bright,angel (eethave trod." is f - D. RITES. St ICID ittle.,; l l)ercata:AifilCifaatk on Monday morning,t Jan. 10, 1870, William' L. tialsey, son pt Saatel P. Ifaisila of Franklin . . Comm iiled Wicide by cutting. hii throat :with, a razor at his residence,near the residence of his fatiter.itilliinf' -? ViVn'A'.' fl iCkocii., , o . f Bridgewat er. Ip!,..vva4 t %yell It-four yea rs . 4 f l'ag ) . ‘ ' 'f AO Priv' rigid 416614 rd Toll. bliiid.- 1 ii tiAip(lrs'llilit his, :Married lite - has notterkattoggi.hochartnonious i and that diving some. iitift, ii ,4 it, ,he,Atig his ',wife`no, „ Wile' hid ili:fpd : l -;t o. 4ether n ,,lte:744ol: previ ous - 4 . to the traglo,.-firentihe vcaine home appar-• imtly,,i4rtcll-140eilmic1)1t:itp%)xleating drinks; .iak.sed - ',,ai--1113811Q-SS,:-une*sy night, and , acted . .strangely` i#lthe niorning, - -Ills , Witi . ...!gdt' the. bte4.ll:4E,t. rtladj':. 60 . ii ....iiiern t . ; .*4ti t , a kty. ..Hf! loaded ,Lis. gull as his ~ w lie Supposed, i,,0., .4,i11'. solue, d cit9,...but..lie : gniiite as though.-beinight i 'a elliniffeif; . . Asi:the'y-Vicre . 411Ont'S.)i00g04wit to theihrealifast 4tibte ~ lacteti : innro'strangely . " • than . ever , lttal;i4iideiiii '*(i.iit 11 . 10.. ,thiivantry 1 iris wife's ili. t4trs . ' *CrC iril ).Oico ...iluit Ow :tolloWed trim to the luor, juit.o f , ,*. .time -: to • miC,.him , ,tajce his .i.a*Okfri*. the :: tifOifshelf and inaitiaiithe ~ motions Aiih it ' ahouttis thriut. : She caught', up 14 child.' and :rashto- - ,J , the ; . 0,114!: door,',,i screittping;. - . 1 'Her...lath - 4 , , younger - hrottfcr and 1 his ... 'lO,, iiol hatoiiout 191 ,i(j4tii.,*,ii. 'we're aW ted. :by her Ole's, dui! ,40 scene s where Ithey found the weitaing We WOW - }liming by from Aiut y .one stroke!of. We-rater' .severed the .;windpipe land right Jugular Vein, he went, from .thopan try thronOt the` liVing' :. rootri Aci!ribii : Outer cIQ where 13IV• .qestifieit Hatiey. 'Shook hands with him and .srild:-"Goixi-bye 'He then. went .to the back part of Ipnger . '6) , ,keep rapidly grew Weak , from Bass of blood And' soda life 4ts: . extinct. . - _ ' The Ctloner, and": a feW Were stantly summoned: - The scene which met _eyes was :ghastly alinnst ; tieyond,ll*.ziptiorii, I:Fronk thU . .pantry: Shelf .the blcit ii trazor-neil lei dry ; with freShi•blootis:taitiaoiti. I shelves; iishes,- waits and floor, and. all thrOngb' the- livin4 Tooth : walls, to initure and *Carpet; and slinest - .upon the breakfast:table : w rnihe coinfort4le Meal with c.up (4tei alreadypOnic, *ed out, Wft3 . Min St an(ting.. par at [Ole' • !omit ); on. the with white, gitaiTly` bloody face. upward, and clothing- drenched. 'with blciodi lay the `lifeless' finntola ycipng .man • whi l ise : clisembOdied spirit had just rushed unbidden into the presence of his Maker.. i i A jurk co4iating :of Daniel Stiyre,; .. AJ 13. Patrick,! S. H. Hegira, N. It gote, ,C.:N. Patti rick, and:Henry Sherman was : - summoned .13Y : the. COr4ner and rendered a :verdict of "Suicide voluntifily and 'with ,malice - atorettiought." Domestic troubles and. intemperate Habits are f bel4ved to be _the provokingcauses of sad event. • - • • IS. 3'r. I - Bathing Locate,. . - 17 Grij f m Ai 4.011 ATTkN 7 110.14 .; - ; A special . meeting of Rlttgit Ready IF. NOI 1, will be WO at their:parlor Fdtlay evenin. Jan, 14:: A full atteddifne,e is ruttiest ed..: Business of . importance all .tOI be acted,. r - BY. 0111:1. Of FI4ItENI.K..! ton (rose. Jan. 12,1876. . -• • !:, .• . . ' INspnAncE NOTICE. • 1 • I desire to :`contradint the .report; that! Islip eirnlati!in that I liav-:! Iran ferred my ag4ncies to citlitir parties. 1 still 'retain the - Atrenq fur. . all Corapienies in - my aclv,ertieeti 'awl iness c.innintr. into. In office still, has my pOr sonal lupervision. -.,_•• • • : • • • BILLINGS .STIIGIYP • , i Montrose, Jan, 12,1870. c- • Ono , . , Cam nfrOYA. N7r EXAMINATIO2+.3B.:FitEt . .1.: . , There is no , Subject • that reqttit . ,4 SO.- rntic4 study find experience as the treatment of et Oat ic diseases. The 'astonishing, - success and :'re markable - cures :performed ' Dr. Butterfield; sire thiy! to the gift of clairvoyance.. 7 to, the lit long study of the constitution .of man, atid the curimi of disegses troth natural retitedies.' Cares; the iiirst forms of Serefula; r'ittarrit, PileS, - Fe= 'male Wi . ..aknes.s, Astlinta,;:ltidneys or Bladder :Will be I' l at the Csifferty. -House, Binghamton. Thur4day, and .Friday, . : . : •Pebrast7 10th and 11th.} . - 4.• „ . TO, SUNVENNA COLTiTTY: AGRICULTURAL Society will hold its A.nnual Meeting for the, Electiion: of . 9111Cer5,•.&i,,., i&c., :the; Court' HoitSP, - Nlonday evenino,-Tati: 17,1870,;secortd weex ot- . Giort. - C . ;AI. .0 ERZ, President. :J. Secretary. • ..!.: 11.14ntrtme, Jan.. 5'18.74.. , • :Loot Loot ' ! 1. - I: 1n medicine quahty is.: the 'lira impOiiiTic, e: A. & Boras at.the Eagle Drug Store keepston; stantly: on, band : a supply. of. Frenoh, Ger. tnan English and ~.kineritau Prom, Nl.ediOnea and lehemicals: Also * clnk* seleOtion Of. toilet ortieles and - fancy - The JargeSt' and hest stock .of Pocket , Botilts in -town. '•• -• • t.ruse, Jun. 5,1576:, • ::•., ( ilk 1 , " , 1, h . . At n's A.MERIC....' AL*4NO:ls,:yl9w. repo lur 4 tivry bk 'the littig,Ots, and . 'We jilt' free to . szt the t-viredlitlie.' read tlits ,, Weleorat iTsi tilt w 4.4 satistaction: and profit,. -it eort!aina atr4tsi: ton* 'fog arnount, of. infOrteation;,w fc4 : lB:ti..liti., , , fell, -everybodk, and.sbows how to treat near ly. 44 1_ OP..tilseasee,froui Wl . 'lenl3oold seer. " 7Yr invariably reretnmends'4ll6 . bt* le tried lei tiV be - emiillOyed,, , irrespectivo of, ;flyer's , Faintly: Milli--. cines,and, futnishes.,.,bvieed, the, hest ; tlqoj4l, advice .by'whiett a . great notjOrfty of, ail pnentis, Car:j: •be treated' sticeesSfulty:' " The' ` . tinettOtitei.'' Al fttictsms 'and , jok e s' are •• the beg ttittipiltittoirl that gorses -tinder , our . notice.;•nnit..; tbe l btxik-is se, • . refreshingcont.ribut ion- 019ur egJ9ymetitsevery Clair Obseriir., Oeilto' , and Ltd iesrunderwum at-Cheap . . ilkt.L . Tielceis 'printed ''iii 'fill.' i-' ela'''s;l: style aft& at elleop rates at this office.; -c . • I '... I .. inn .r, Et iv, 1 ! lay uo6:yctu: _GA to .the Ke. to . nefSaloon and get ago o t il Ootei ..*Okr.' ' • ee.19;11376'.. , •=t1. ' • ' - ' = •-: -= -- - , A . • filitrroonArus.--i'ictu,rei“Alien, in all•thelat: , estifitiilei. Old pictures copied - and enlarged: . Alio a .splendltt Of frames' gar `salt ` cbcari;' j ) I , * Dbdirrillarsi lifontrose June 'IQ !Zter--4k: WATCMS, eltkg ltitl".lc*Clip' repaired on alikrtd notice 'an itrunted;'4ll F. D. Mellen , - 's Jewelry o.ttne... ish s. MOntrinie:Xiii,ir 28; 1875-4 f received axery,l:Fie.stoq4 , , of, fatey envelopes;' leiter, and note pa po;4llain tint!' fancy bill h'eri& f - paperif, - eirds lir ill; sl~rt} and eolors,:eohrred' pbsyer&pent,' etc.- all,oC.whiciuwe _tan afford to , print ~.cheaper than any office in this or neighboring .coun ties and hi as gi'iitatyle. 'Work done in- blaocand colored iriks. • It Yriti think lliere heat'-us,'lr,iv,e us a. trial, and werwillabokv yoh wjatt,,ve, can ' .kinds . of blanks On 14ud or 10140 tpgyd9r, oo:Cir vtitri. T **lt 'll will offer mtiarge stook. of Flotik attkl - Salt; atid _general fine of grocery goods - very lovuttn imsiiort time_ for caslti,,as_l., expect te r ato v,e few .(lays into it new store fwpp,O4kV dooper 85 - do not' want to 66 tit' the .expense of moving', a' large' Stocker hetiVy 6)91.18, t ,44Aw. is a good time to-Inly 'your' Elinor. tout Snit, I Itaye never. liaciAt t be4er ; *tociit, of pkiri rresit gpflutti itittm die :Rmseul t - '; - 1 ' - sttlfp: Montrose., Oct:20; 1873 ti . .. . , rctufftrp§,FAAttLx...4o4l)lVlNES. ~ : Pain nud Lameness re . .leved in .'* short i'lne;."by the use-o( Tayloes 00i:brak e d OIL; „The great it heulnatic anttNenrallOie ROW dy :- Thic k in ed liinti is not,.cure :ill. tno. hi mit rrn)tttld:A6 utotltture efl.ibealli-St d IN to , Nvalett tlytt Is Jo l t. t'ioto. an y ...other toed' eine L l ever4li-..• ~, ~ : ~' ITO loru. it.'.. -- Git''oV-li'fillit i i: f ir.- Y' 'On. do' not flOd: it *0 - it . ~,, ~,,, ~,:„,,,,.,... coati yoli;.litAblitit'. It MAI tiv, - '. Utd •t, i u 0 p iI . 6 .tos LATE.6I ,-: NEws m 'is,i ls ., ,0. nAgT ( ix, - . ! ' ~.,',.. ..,...,,,, I adrantagei for airy , kind .Or Pain,,l;rl In en l ‘e i s's h . W ih A . Oin t d a s i° Or t '' Thelatest nei% - ii.itt \ 13toglialkOli titiflitit riiiie t Sorest oPriltrol or beatit-- LW th-vot Smart Ike- rawest for. litit3 erotical each a Stigile4„Qt :69'Cohrt.Street,linejtist received l'ti v :t11 1 0 1 r ft d, lV . ) . e ottr y4 .4 l or' t l i tTri t t l 7f.o l l a frecvliti: - Noe ire their:third -Fall and Winter-stool( ofiDry Goads i No L'a.Y . '', •.- o Or F.kneetorant; for all T runt which is - iniw,- etottplete ,in .all.tienorttnent,S,H T aylor," :..'l'o an (I , l4ingqiiteaties... 'ls ytty: otatittat to the ' taste and The beSt Bilk: . 'The. best _ Bite -,Oit.s.,htn . ereiK—„. I..enutainA nothin.. In,junons .Try It and stop LI i - - Tl.l6.begt;Annan.'" Tlit'.lwst Merhios7-EnifireSs i contlt.lind. take the • poreito;4l' from '. your' Throat .. `_ send lungs... Ask. your Alurchnut fur ft l'rve -5-Pinids of- itirtiotetiptiOttA .' Ike be'st 'Shrty9lB; vial. V p cure onditt; ti: POwders . int: nil kill 1 . •'' 1 tee ' .Wid - ,Glk.iven i Viinttroiderieg,;RibbtruS, Ties i &e,,.l.` ) Ta i Ti or i 0 if . fa c t everything that, is - itt.iptip 4 iltrt-plasA i poultry. `Warrants 1 the best renovator is o ° . 0 y k s 3°4 ' DifGoOds -Store .at• biOrcitirtigore4. .„ - ,ituother 1. 01 " rim dawn or dltte4l4e4l' tUtl - k• Alidt ' hil a' ev f o t r j te s ta l d t i l : .141)4 ttitt t itent,ivitieh'irkno*n mayibe essential tovc..re4.--; . .Tt 7 ..the,ol.-forAtii. niimtev-looldeut to the. rate erotion. ,I)irectiOns...for use around -each pack 'tit . tile .-peopkt'of -ILtoottose," Net,: ihttili6rdi piitl:. age ; .Itio eases-. 141) I ity..l ~-:-..-.-. r. , -,- .. :., -..- , . 'phicoooding:, Ulla, -oeq,-,:13; /kepi nol 1 - ....- At.i th . v'sboyo etedie , ..nltt fornate b Atiet.Tttirell and *lda C:::Entir* wonld 'bo --- Owst - Aappy,i9 So 1- 43 „ 1 "411, 4.-slehols• or mqatruite,.. and all - Druggists and lilt 0f,. - titeir - aeiltiairitanegs ,-aiiii...Shoit , . theni:tn 0 1 -e - 4 "` l r .!": l !ru*. ll ." °li Ohlpit m tird A -- „ i -- ,,,,, u - n '. , -.; n • - ;i i ..,„ ihtigains that litne'arri3intles= itiVl'nOsiitrotiiir - e - d-rbetob!r: . .ll: Tr .-li.''. ' - .77 7 . 7 Tnit-t7r-L''rer.. 4l. . , . . - . ... - .. •.. .... :. ...... . r,_ tpwo, ..-t.:,...., '.,-..-,., ~.-,.:..-' t-. f MIME :It. AnsoLlis.4 ' • • . ,... I- B inghamton, Dec.-. 1; OM. H::: ... . i... ~, - .• - -- T 4 Mei in thiKOlrect ori. one ,yen r: $1.5 • . ditional line, 50 cent's. - , ~ F ~o~ n ~t,t jlAQv's,Boota Ci;espJoine4 Ram donnty. -Business .Dlreetori. 3fONTROSE:. . - ma, Slater, Whelegale te , nd Itetai dealer In all kin& of slate rooting, Atte etc. itoote'repaired with 2411ttopa,lut to order. Altio,tdate paint for sule . by thug:Mon ,or barrel. ?dont - teat—Pa. KILLINGS S'rEOUlit, Genera Fire • and fLire Nen atuce Agennt aliso;aell Rallroao turd Acciden t 'richt t Lb New Yorkand• Philadelphia: Oftlee oZJt doinottet, ofthe Bank. 136y1l k CORWIN. itexter* In 'Atitoves.illardware and Ntanufacturers of Tin and Sheetiron %l ti of •'Alain arid' it rupikestreet. . A. N. BULL .R D. Deitter . tirocerice. Provision, nooksoitation'e and Yankee Nt4ions. :at head of gnlilic Avenue.* ' • W.1#4.. 11. COOPER % CO.. Bankers. fell Foreign Pap. sage Tickets audDractson•Englartd, Irelr iu4ttl Scot. WM. 1,. COX, Harness maker andAlealer 1 all article usually kept by the trade. opposite tbe :ok. • • • • JAMES E. U • ARMAGT : Attorney at La Dike one door below Tarbell House. 'Public Ar en i; . • • XENt r mifspoßn. SAVINGS BA Nlt . 1T A F0RD.,...! Der ee n i . i t tercet on MI Deposits. Does a, gener 641 , ,k1ug But , nest.. ' B. CHASE &CO. LLOARRET & SON. Dealers In Flour. Feed. Idea Salt. Lime. Cement. Grocerlif and Prursstcuft ,Main Street. own:trite the Depot. I N. F. ENRICH. Carriage Maker and Undertaker on Main Street, two doorsllawley's Store.' GREAT BEND. EL P. DORAN. Merchant Taller and dealer in Reeds • Made Clothing, Dry Goods.Grocerice and Provieluns Main Street.* Drags and Metic NAT 3EI .4616 Ms ?1•1 -4 N 'A A A ' It is .Linament for lionse and s table ItPe., A Yalu able combination, discovered by n celebrated Rng ltaltchemist and hiqtae.farrier. Was the United.Satet Wile year IKai, and knee that time. by its great succe.Aa, in the cure of disea.• it ht won for ittielf that world Wide reputation • t 00 , richly Oa ! , erves. and now sb.nds__at the head of alllinamente un- rivalled . • • A§' .A: FAMILY - .111EDICINE. , . : It has already mined thecCattldence and adminttion t. of thousands ot-houtzeholdS l'Or its nary cures of di cases were external . Indications are or s^ much impi r tnnce. It Is esneciallyadmired as 'a filthily remedyef r it,. peculiar clvunticil combination. - posS•esing no han'h Ingredients, tliketinetlir4 of Cayetineor retlieptier, of which cheap and valuless Liniments • are largely , corn pnsed.).Which ltierease instead of dintinii.h the inflaths ti6in, tnnkimi-itoy nature a speedy vire (Or • ' • • ttiltirMATlS M. '. II EA HACH R. SOTtt THROAT. , .COLIC, VOUt:;11S, CHOLERA, - TOOTHACHE, ' • . 'BRUISES. SPRAINS. LUMBAGO, 'CRAMPS; . • COLDS CHILLS. FROST, TIC DOLOR. RUN:. BURN'S. CUTS. MITES OF ,„, POISONOUS INSECTS. tte. Teetinionlitle and 41reetfpne stecompeny each bottle. Buy one—only 2.5 cente. GO cents, 'or #1 .00—and if it do& not give good eitiefection return the bottle halt full and your money will be refunded. - Call for G. K., S., And tike do other D. G. CARY. it Co., Proprietors. 'Middletown. Orange Co., N. . . . FOR SAL.E,IVI A. B. BURNS and. M. A. LYON, • prnggista i Nontrose,•Pa. Purebatable at all - SCholesale And retail storeo t t,i4 County.. • _ Montrose: Nay sth.-1875.L- A VR GO% E'S H A IR_ VI r Tx. 'Ton' TO . 11 , s , NA7'VR4I.I .•rtrAirry •' Ash 'atietfig'sttarts.-steknetta disappointnNnt t , and Altars xtru t u hair. t •grais. and n. of them incline it to •pretnatnrely.•' i L'9 l4M ,VlOO4. by and extimelve n'ee . has ;eta that letups: , the lag of the hair Immedl often renews' the 14.tand surely res itr color. when fad or gray. It stimulates lottritiitj otesus to ,4y 4c.tiv r ty, nnit' pree' y Thus braelts. weak uvvontes gi stretipthened ' lost hair, regrowo ex•Prraeloul stall tg tutir is dieckikt rtnij rtabilthOt *; thin hair thicket:et i • and fad ed ,or gray haltresttme their original color. Thrown tionie sure and harealeee, •it cures dandruff. Imola all huninti4. k6epikthe saiip coal. clean and iroTt-:ttnder ' which cats ditipuaidbkoatlett:-OCAbv•aeatlp areltWlfrible• _ a dreseing for Tadie-o' tiro Vigor is praised Tor tta grateful avid agteedide ‘porfhtuo;:'and Valued 'for the soft lustre anti richt' t.te‘ of, lone it impar4., , ' • Pi! EPA WM? irr • • ~ Dr." J. : CAI P tit 1 1V (70 ' to4i*-WI 4 Praeticea odd Aliattriail MOLD" Ifi! aItiNdISTS ItNlVDßAllititSr u,ratosx..l 156 v. 24; 18115 -1m • A each ad to-:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers