-- r 777717 - "..., • ..: : , „-: - . ~ .- . - - ,• •• '• •l•'• ' '". : 1' ; "•'" t oir,; d l 74 ':. 'oll;ig 4 3,jst'bretibuSet,..and' stables were ,1:, -1 ..'-co (led deep with earth,tipou which grew - such .. . . '-' ,•- 2 IT ;:e4: , llent 1 krasS7,-'tnai.,inue ponies . were butt ..-,1-:.:11.[%......-41 nbing -4i . - 1 . 4.' , , , 51.01it4g.-corners,of ,thp wull : in' 11• .. CHARLES ~ICE .':10r er to. get at,iit- . ic.'oriiel hues ,they might be '. ,•• )." 5.'.,. :., ," - - c ' • ... • . •—•= -4,-,,- -- - = 7. : - ' ..: ,',' :'.' -'' 'I . '',l SC ' \ need.-onetningl3i.liala the .siem:Side•k .. ol, 0, a 41n.1y OW! i . . 11 -iel'Y, g r i'e:li • s . -...''.1. ff. ~i tb Tool '4i:razing along 'ihe,very ridge poles,or • That cieepeth o'er ruins viii',. , ; . 4 ::. ": 7 ' ' r .1 ; hid int OVer . : the end- bf t;he gable .wl en : sbnie Of ticht:reboice food are his Meals, J.-Ween,ll 'i , '1•—: ; ; '• !• . \ \ I In his-cell lone and cold. -..--:. • . 1 . : AL-, ..!..u.'tenher off thinnitly,.enme out . .of thedbor,,as .- The walls must- be. crumbled; th e ',stoftve 4 Ip, r nit cli aOlO-say, i"Gt, ine dovilt - it' you can 17--- ~ . -. • - v i, ' 'r . , ''' . ' - -.' ' ; ;LAI . 'Unifilie liuildings there was a 'square Wall • To pleasure his dainty Wbint'':', \ , .. .. I,Delo r siii,, kiyind,thc. place the - appz•aranceol :• And the, mouldering' . dust - :-tbat yi!iiis ,b4*- I :cp,:i o! . '' ... Aniide_• ~ , , --.„, ~., i, , I'. 'I \ 1 111.10 . iirsrz. , ss, , , •. 1 -nr meat for , hr .-. i' ' ' i r ' .- ll 0 r• --,.. r 1,. . ''!, - UP TtOlllC tatlittg • Za a merry meatrot Creeping where to life is seett i .' . • . A Pare old' plant is tit ivy, •iirerl., , •: Fast he - sti',aleth on,"• thong,b And a. stanch old,licart haa 'f. i• 71,ow,Closely hctviineth, ho* fight he cling • •• •To hi ; triendi.the'tinge oak tree ! •Aud tlylk traileth a`lont-,i the gi,4*(ltin(l, l:., And his leaves he gentlys*aves,,, • ;•• ••J And he JiiyonsfytlVitleB anti hug around The ileit,monittollite - dertdrnwit'sgritves; • :Creeping *here no life is seat, ,_,: A: rare old plant; is (tie ivy (Trece. 2 • .Whole: ages have •iled, and. their .*Orks tlf . , And. nations have scattered been Butthe , 'stolit old ivy shall nevertede::•"::: From its lti%le greeii:" • • brave old iNfit its !finely "days.; • :shall-fatten upon the : .past ; Fer.t be - to a Lel iestli oil ti ink - man 'Can. ea H IQ theh•iVy's rood at List. . life - is '! AYare iVv.c.rin. • • - ;I; FLOWERS'FOR THE DE 49? . I li W.hep life is over, its 'battles f >tight, its holie4 ri and..fears and sorrows ended.and no triOre need nor opportunity rent:tins lin' human cheer and , friendliness to Candle ,tlte,.glaied !eye'lor thrlp the heart that has 'ceased to beat, then the efe-, glint !casket . is Provided, and jilt; • sWeeteat !any cOstlieSe flowurs are IteagedarOund: Theitlan 4 - image is. ehiquent of tenderness and. syintiatlfY, speaking uu than lip.:i or tezirs canutter Of garnered affections, and .surrender(d ties and broken hole';. As the funeral. : hour r,arriVeS, how - many friends .appear ; eery room IS. crow itecl by .an un won led .' pi esence.l! , !More flow yrs . are brought ; . their Perl nine "1i rids -14 e .i air wit h a -heavy" sweet rtess„ and when, atiaSt t ,the narrow'. hearse .receiV4 - s its ore lipant..lovi tie: bands still cast in the flowers, the lastiaerifiee r ; the lietti•t! Can oti'vr.: • .- H- • . . :, 1 ' It is welt. : -Who shall .h.a•bid !the, floivvr, ?.-: " Who shall desecrate the the!' heat Sett t i inen ts .• .'. '',' '• '" i t ' lieme nity by crying,. "‘ i y' 11. this tistp... -- And yet could those eyes behold thet : friendly o . crowd, thatinarble face feet the droPpinglte,tr, would not that oft discouraged, heartillav3 great surprise in .knOwing.that so maity really • cherish such ' , regard.? :And itl he i 119 ir tvers Ould speak, AV6ula they not 11.4 c : ."Sil . did not. ou scatter us beforeAtand along the,.pitths of flat living.? ' Why net 'have Sufferpd 'li,9 Ito ' tell of your affectiO while 'the ear could, listen: to delight the admiring eye .wlipn• it malt aP, preebtte l'' Why - not Oftener, berore this; have filled .the house" with , the fragrance' of ...Our kindly syrripathieS * l' YOu clinic ko the futie;al I undoyour coming was no prc. , :tence... - Aiiu redly cherished that departed friend in .•yotif heart of hearts. But how little he kneW pflitr , l ln the hurry of your secret love you* have parsed by on -tile other side, and have !gon l iinigcei; litl of the :sorrows', and trials, and discotirage , meets . ater wearinesa, which. Your o,reaenee *id, -YoUr sympathy • might have" "allevteat'. ,fitY our fragrance on he det r should we wastead - .." • .Should not our heanty,and our sympathy, be. • . shed rather upon the .;living, whose' hearts are - sad 'andnore, , and whose weak bands are - weaci with the cares and Wits Of. life i" . "'• •.! 1 11" vii I I IS Such 'might be - the 'Onestions of thei o .e ..] ' it speech were granted to them.. Anthit hi!her! .and more anthtiritative voice . has...said ; .:l . I'•"‘As Nie haire Oppitnnity, let us do goo(1) mita alt ' men; - especially . unto - them ; who are. • of, . the househOld.Of faith'? . Our- opOortunitY. iS11.01i: Death closes each avenue of usetulneas, , strl( -shuts- each door Creviee ' that fi l ood open before ns. If we haie love and ssmpatity , let Us ataftW' . them 7a41.t. Let Our, flowers be t scamered thing l , .•the paths of the l i v i ng, rather than on. the coif -. fins of the dead. . Let them be ttsedi to-bleas i , hearts that are torn and breken, * rather ,ihnni . wasted Over ; the3e!-who. are !g•fOie beyond thp peed , 'of Our -sympathy' and the reaCk-Of our ,',approval. Letnnr care and! :love he Air , thoSe #hose•tean3arepaSt.,'ar;a• . *l)4e , sdriowi.itiall , . return.nri more.: i' the-iirir4..etstitil onilOvo. :. '; AN ICELAYDIO , HOME. The boys ofiCeland must be content.:with very few aegnaintances or plat mates;l• The valleys, which prociu.e grass enough ,for 1 -the farmer's ponies. cattle and isheep, ars tenert lly / scattered w;dely. apart, divided by'.! . r;filgoin of lava so hard and cold that only' a'', l feW [wild flowers suCceed in growing' in their twits and' toilowp. Then,aince the farms must' bel'all I.le 1 largerp because the - grass isshort and 'iiivt os slowly in such n severe northern Ornate, tbit dwellings . are; rarely , nearer than four or five Miles Aiwa; and . -were were it not tar .heir swiltil and nimble ponies. the people would see very little ...I 'each other except on " Ithindays, 1 When they ride long distances to attend' liworShipl in . ' their little wooden churches, ,1.- i r ,1 , But of all boys in,the, island, not one was So lonelytn his situationias Jon Sigurd's soli , His father lived many miles -beyond 0114' broad grassy plain which stretches from I:lli!i l lieysers to the sea, on •the swift liver, Th;iorva. • On each . .side there are Inotntaitks , Ko'ihlac:k tuid bare that they looked like gigantic tills* Uf.o,tial, but the valley opened to the..Outhwisid *a if to , let the sun in, and tar avpiy,lwthett the weather was. -clear ; tilt , mowy top of Mount Hecla shoye: against , the, sky: The fanner I§ . ourd, Jon's Other, was.a poor man,or be woul kn o ut 1, have settled so •fttr away troifi ahy liel-! , 11 tors..; ~ for he was'of a cheerful and social 13a• 1 1 .1 atna i there were few'at Kyrkedal •Wit 4 Multi- I?%Tifl , l him in knowledge of tue . a n cient ipstor.k !um iitesiiim*'(dic'eund: . • -'-, , .1 The house was built on a knoll, undrr a cliff 1 Which sheltered. it friint the Violent , West and northwest Arias. 'The Witils; of I w VA s: and turf, were low and b - road l ; an thclriitifs r Elt 0 Art THE MONTROSE D CR JAN. 14. 876. yri op sh.tepf .the. 'hunil . ttliot 's Bring b blelinpi c , In the morning. 6i,,Ttvitning, when; ; . !kr . . ws . ; ett'c.l,quite a, little - column :or.Stet ar4t.triiinlitt.,. 1, '"hirliim , Ling' \ nntki,brOadek t - isi 1 .tueltetli` .;. awny ;' but the , water Was pure- ti ' wbolt , sone!as.,siton-as it becante cold enon Jorr . use: ...i.ln . front nt Ole :house, liduse i where-' the s sirt-inewartnest, Sigurtis had:, laid. but a sin -. . t garden—, It was a,- great`. l labor for,. hint '1;61 . .. ,,,inoive f t he Iti l ge stunea4nd roll - t tient • int it a pl tCc‘itig . :w4lN , .p..earry, good. soil. front the• Pia ; Wit .Fe. tie nat,untuirt -rills. hod ..gradnally wasli ;it.doWn .f . roin :,above;tutd,. to.-a min L,e it sl:11 fro. tsiand ' t l iOldirainS,sholild,do'theieagt liarip ,-aut , the.":whOle 4t01,y thought:: themselves s4d -1 AePP ; :riel, 'pne , ''stimnaer, whtn they pulled; their ~ . , firs ', - ratushs, yaw the little i„hed orpotttiies ;. - c(1 ing.i,)t . o blossom kid' :t.ie - Canagt.s,:rirtling 4 up k , heirhlivelli'ordi . r 49,nyike,.:itt least., tralby Iteatts before the winter cane. .• i : . ~ . , ). ~ :. Withirkthe hhirSe,' alI vas N 10W,,n nd dark a , , lAißmal. . The air was very citme •and brl i - i. •• . • , i'" . thtstablks .ivere only, s , parated from the dWt -Ing4ooM by ,a narrow passage; anid bunches; -dryisalt- .fish. hung . :'pti . the wallsl Besides, Wils ROl:milk full of smoke ;"rota the fire of pe andnftiv a -ra'n, of steam :from Siguilfsl Jitniiiheavy IvOolen Oats. But , ' to the . hoyi , . , .. ‘. ,typf la /lehetfui, a corn lortable houle,lor wit iti it te - found r•shel,t2r, wariniii; food • and 1 , -:-. struetion; . Thdi room for visitors iseeMed i him splendidittieinnst.n iiiaca in the World, 040 . it had. a 'Wooden floor,_ window w ith six , • .pants. of glasS,. 4 , colored print of the King of Denmark, antrn c, D'eraniuM in a pot: This Was 1 .. :1 , . 50 Pfeclods a plimi, thau Jon and his siste'r Gqd.. , 14 [lid yhrtliy '-darCd -t3 touch • lig icaves. Th.-. , . I were-alfrypt ttfrAid. to' swell it, For fear of mfr. i t • . .1 • ing Orair ' F+011)11 OnltS • life ; and Gndrid, air i er sleeh4g'• a leaf of hi(iiiVi• 'on lii.l. dead sister'S btits 7 , lont.;:in . Sisted that Some angel, many- I;uniirefi - i ,- !'ears ago,' had ',brought the seed. straight , frqm heaven, • -., 1. -,. , . - -1,, . • 1 •. : ..1 ' . ; . ' ""i'7' WOMEN'S ,DIESS , IN .TI.II LAST C4N 7 . . 1 .l' •• i .. .TLTII, : Y. ::, , . . : The tresa Of Queen Charlotte; the bride; of lie in-r:6O is "thug:ilesa.rihecl by the ehronichfrs: On berliowtlered hair she• wort.' a . fly-caii.oi the latest ..di f F- (I' lace, ? the hi, ,linocts from e„ and AcOro, Act, of 'iditOonds or her ITer dreis,,Wus of white Satin broe:ith wi stotn- . - richer covered Witli\dtilinouds Her hmgoviiilo vt-iyet lois Ito the shoulders i•vit It 161-• dies of pearls, ivas:ltOrne by teifbrifiestnaids. ; \ o •fi .; • . The dress .of 1. lie .hridegiooin was "the great est riebnes—leotit of Vilvet of sltiti; enihr . • • r ered; all aroundi With in-colored silks, I • an heiglitenedllWiti a spangles, gold and silver, anti piist.buttcfps ; the white satin whist -coat elaborately-e, mproidered • ands enriehed - with sirnitar oruiTuints. A record, with .riehlpent steel hilt', li4le itiffies and Shirtwith dia. mond ;,bticitlet shoes,-; COmPleted hip attire.-- Shottidi-we§seek furtherf,lo eriqUirel, into - th , • - 'Wedding lite otlithis fashionable couple, we Mut . , • , 1 • • . it Olainlyportrayed by :the po7iverful,psneil . of 11tharthin 114 "Marifiage a la Siode.7. . There the wife is-yawfnit i t Over _ht.r chocolate , while 1 i• i ' • the husband has carlessly thrown ltitnaelf into tt 'ehatii .-Cardi and- Hard-tables - SIM*, the becti . • :, -1:. • - . paiiOnof 'Ott! night ., ; Fie . old faithful steward isilleaving - the, i!room With looki - of Idespai r... - I t Eloping flint. Ins anci its sail finale is an exttg geiatedpictu . ' , .of the manners ot the thne,..y e t, tii4re. is II" do.t9t. - but that, society:st this•p e ri. o4ihad:talsen iknp the vanity, freedoin and uti. prOitable modenf exhi . teree of th• Regency VI: li nid Louis X The toilet was the great. sum aid business Of life., theadjustment of . the hair the principal employment. • Take fOr instance, ho t l% a lady of 1 fashion passed ter day :'At ten, afler her "Dish of Bolle4," as it Was called, • generally taken bet Ore rising,the NAY arranged • . he self in a inushu pmnoir, or wrapper, and had a regular, reception of her frienda, while ; vqth•b er hair time disheveled, she Was ;submitted, fob thei first in the day, to the hands ‘ of the ser, fOr usually she dressed tour or five tbMeS a Any., lier hair. dragged oil her:Elite; -eAkt4red with powder, plaitered with tiotnit.an aid !Fizzed in stiff curs,means was raised by means of gauze,l.feathers and :flowers into an *edifice often equal tO her ; Four ehs of gauze ; hitvii been contained in some of these:trectionr; With butterflies hirds' t l 'and - featlit introduced --i-thelast of tire mos prepostero height, of it I'4 record•ll, about a ;yard:. After lioneti s plastering and frizizing, presser's task wits ove'r, and a weary t one it wits, though en livened by the animated 4300-ertiat ion or the Visitors. The remainder of_the tOilet was tin , • iOled the mo r it itnportant wits the sr riumment of the patches'---a point of great in. tri;so There were Made of black silk, guni r 4. • med antiretit into star.s,cresent and (Abet fonts: tc Lou fi 4:1 ' 01;1 in Frane un • L 2t.V with a view to alto - ve - off the whiteneis, of t e ; complexion, bul. they were n ver worn l o p ironien of dirk •skins: Great sit s .the.art• in 1 I Placing tiiese . patela•slnear tbeeye, the r the nropth, tire fonliead and the teniple. ' lady of the Id would 1r e:tr seven or eight, ; and 'eacill bad each special designatiOn.• She never went 'without a beix of patches to replace any that might accidentally fall off ; and these noXesirenerally Of Battersea etinniel, fine- Iv ; painted by some ;eminent Ara h a usually liny I?olting-glass . inserted . within the lid to to;repair, the accident: .j Nor was the forgotten, rouge at that title beim..., _46 i n/ lisika b able adjunct to tiler tollet—so ,in (Spkisitide,,l•hat lihen Untie Alit i piktiette came Friihee„ marry Louis XVI, and heg. 4d to dispeoSe tilt wearing It h family eon.? tieve was heid-at Versailles on the subject ;. 14 w e t i by a formal order from the King to put ; . ,` it on— a command 'Which she had no alteruatiie but to, obey.. Wr:110, AIDE awn,. . ..„- The man with go?d, firm • Bo'-is the 'mail - - with iv'xqeitrco nseieite6 i So the -man vOtl vigorima,. hapi4j'ehilL , . dren. - - So is . the editor of a good paper Wttb, a big . . subscription •list. So r .'s the iclergymen whose coat thit little children of the parish phick as he pasSeS them in their play. . • So the wife who has the whole hesrt of kt good liushand ' :'` • So is the‘inzt.iden wii . ..P4e horizon is not . beim ded'br`the "coming man, but \ who luts:a pose in lile w heater she ever meets Mini ot'nut; -So is theyoung. mail who; laying his` hand, on his iiettit; ci;nl 1 - i5.,."1" . have treated eveiy .. )'yo 7 man have - eVer.'inet as,l should wish niy.sis: tat treated-by other - inen." I ; is the little ekild w to goes Eo 'Sleep Kifik on .itsi,lii)s; and - for whose waltenink blessing waits, flit nll re- • . EARS., :1 • , • Titi • lq are Scieral . t h g3' v e ry.cotitnionly done, 'which are . extremely itijtirious to the car, and oughit to be carefully iivoideci One Olthese is 1, • the practice of boxing children's . ear It is -, • - known that pattitre of !lie. ear i ( telflgeu,by - ! a thin,:inenhranci:esptioially ii+fpte to be, in ue nied by evo:3i, Ise of tll, ir,' and With :nothing but the air I to 'support it inters . What, : then, can 'be' Mere 'likely to injtire this 'thembratte:than a sualcn and foicitileLe4mpreS sionOt:the air -in front ot it' If any one de :signed to breakor . Over stretcht the Membrane,. a more - efrieient means could scitcelydevisl . . .ed thanfto bring the hand-suddenly and forci lily down -Upon -the. Pa:isa ; :, ,, L , of the par, thus, driving their violently before it, with t 'no , pus , s; Willy of 1t..3 t'scapp' but by the 'membrane . giv. ; ing way. Medical authorities astaert: that many chib - !ren are in this way smade deaf hi•boiin4 on the-ear. • - Ai a t bit it or 1 t , We' would cell the attefition of the Public viunting I•®c • ' ' •NYTIIING IN THE MARBLE LINF • • • to OUR. WORKS at _ t 1 SITSQUEHANNA DEPOT; PA.) rif Being the oaly Martle Works in the-Connty.Lje AU , Work Warrinded a 5 ReprOsented YOU cicy SAVE MON Surql:t Do ot, Pi., April 14. lieaver t;ioaka ti 6 ebrap pt.iNTl,-AND , ;oILs - . - , AIIPINE STOCK AT • • , B. R. LYONS & liontrose,MAy 14,1878. aBZETS. CARP TS AT 80 CENTS LND 014 • —Less than N. T. Price =~, '~-'. 11:1G4ili; TEA, ICOFF*E, arricoaerle' 4 B. It. LTON4 - • WALL AND WINDOW vi A Large Stock And New Patterns Receive Every Week Direct Emu: th/3 Manufactory. :I - . B. IL LVONgdr.l4l4). optrose, *ll7. It A87. -4f, Far nll-kin& of Millinery Go (TheapJon lI'S. .. • . : . ;d,. A,t1e144• $5 t0..520 g 1 , ..T Ni ti. 4 , 0 4 ;.,..i7p la e W ople t n e g both sexee yOung .and old. wake inure tloney at wOr*- for us, in i herr pwniocallties, during thtir *pare niunients. or 10 . . i l the time, than-lit any thing i*e. Wi. , o g et : , I r t ploy to the that - will pay itatidSuniel Tor eyerY. linnet ; Worfii I Fell iinrtitularti„,terina. ite., • t 'free. Send as I you) addreai at ence..- bou't detay.l Now is Um' line. - Vogl Johk:for we boolneisuliewhere anti you! ha 'in turned what.We offer... 6 tiIpISON - a q ~ Porilani Maine... .. .. . " 1 1 .. .. --: o`2-$.1.•:1.?.... pußue SALE.' Notice is bevel)) , giv.• a. thalil will gatpoia to sale, thp highest bidoeirVat hop liarford,Algehitu• lIIt Couticy, a evrtaitttwq horee marked ivatroaf.tka prope'rty , r_hooto. Carr or. Vi'mpiingtOt Te i unau!r f t'r the paymett of 418, the , lien. .havtra for repttil • tact cluirgv taae in he' on - SatOrday' J 4112. aiv Pad, at :1 o'clock, p. of. l-, . • LW. OUST 141010 , 1111". garford, Jan. 5, 1.,876,--Iflis I -4.---4-.- OR NO SALE. By calling on •s. 11eLO - _ I Y. A. COLV Jr Sale by 11. K. LYO '6Ol other • :At LoW Figare*st 1 FAL'J 'STA PIS 800 1 Dress D'op . datti go , and fancy p 'l4erps groat variety +' BLEACI , ED. - . S13:1 erlii \ . . iDE •• • PULE TOWELING - ; i t i369 I • tpack It n be, Thkrarge.st, prices than. place.' all the laths a 411 line, a Call aid \ where. 1 w guars, by a Butter $. hi Cet price; a; keittd. EMCEE MilSl NOS, GRAM • Two stores in one—the finest store and the hest dis play of ')ITXI`C.H.Et-, JEWELRY AND SILVEKWARE, honght in job lo's for cash, at Leis than, alanufacturiTs I Prices. and a will veil them lower . Man any,Other house I van sell.l _ CIIICKRING"S SUPERIOR GRAND, 6qUARE AND UPRIGIIT . 1 , PIANOS . • ESTEYiS UNRIVALLED PARLOR E ORG. NS And .I ha e also the celebrated WESER PTA.NOS. and MASON Ao HAMLIN URUANS, which have gained great notoriety. ' • . • , • Ale:), Bcdace. Walters it Sone Concerto: •Orehestral and.Cinahrt.4l4 Organs, arid tt e Binghamton Piano, ix* octave finely finished instrument, 'made - expressly for my trade. which I shall *elf at $23.1,01,caA. ten 'per coot. addeo if soltk on time, Don't buy "or think of do ing so nutil ion have examined toy , stock. • 1 have the largest tzunik of Sheet Music. Rooks and smaa instru ments of all kiln to be found in Southern New YOrk Come ode tg,ome all to the 'New Temple of ,Music. 'tend 4 Court Street, next to the Chenango river. ti S. W. 'BARRETT. Bingham Bete.mber. 15,-1875 Cheap Joh .NEW As we ha after pul of all kiwis bought from lint hands, wri .ra now: pre pared to Offer goods at pricer that will satisfy the dos rst bayer4 We have also added to our ilarge stack of Dry Gooes, an its di " "iis 3 k at . Co. for Men and Boy's wear. -We are ,now prepero b make I who wilt , give as a calks we have flrsl 01,es workinss engstfied for the reason. ;' ' • - ; - • Ladies and gentlemen, you will please , Call and exam- toe our stock before yOu purchase elsawbere. Thankful for part favors, we hope fbr. , a continuation of the same. • We remain,- , • '" Yours Respectfully, • . . C. & CORTSICY. Bingham tou, April 513.1816.—tf. 6- it I , Yard wide sheeting=, 8i tits., at Cheap Joined. ' ' • a co.'s, . IPEIII6. MC.I 1311 Cr titA N 1.3 C ITT, Wtmld-call attention to w Stock of PILL AND. WINTE GADS ! Now on dale, In new DI - 117' (6,2)2,4 LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK . AND COLORED ,ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SII LS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NE S, I3ALMORAL, AND HOOP SICIRTS, VELVETS,IHOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS; CARPETS, 011 CLOTHS, PAPER lIANOINOS,BUFFA- • Lq AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD W ARE s IRON,N AILS,. i STEEL, STOVES. AND - • • 1 I OR9OpIES,!, ETV.; ' , In great yartety, and *ill be $010.;04 the favaralite terms, and lowstprles, I - • Nevi Milford, Ts,l4,llstp•lB:7s;";'-' , [- A's Bind eashitndreti at 75 cents, at (ilea; Jobleq. Itscellaneous. WINTER . G 00,3 S; I?iiceived , -BY R - e - i .H.Ay-p7gN,',2. -. 1 .: AMA' DRY is AD SHOES. AEA. CLOTHING; TS . ;&. CAPS, &C. \ • assortment; • Piints;iall it) e it 4; .In the. market. Wbte Ggncla . .: , ,!3} f ; • ' AND UN BLEACIIES fMS. TICKS, STRIPE, • r • LI NEN{, • ' CARPET Ar:;:tAtt , &d Riret •elit'si..-gotitis at les:le cr9Aht . 9f, 4ut a thot. pO i rtJes in. clig, TS • 'lt . CAPS; H 'Styles - • ;" MADE CLOTHING • goods wel made end:trimmed. ,e_my stota befcre purchasing e'dc• e unite:l , old. for the pni l e quatity of n or Out of town. Prompt returns at the highest mar , ranteed, castled as soon as re- d goo Intim not t .1 one , Iped. es tin. e 2d. 1875.—ti) 22 BARsiETT'S ' 8 ! JEWELRY STORE. IS REMIyED • 41NO 4 COlLitrr STREET, -IN lIIS ' • TEMPLE OF MEM o. 33 Court GEFAVITON, 'RODS ' I NFANY GOODS: juet rettumect from the City 'rchasing w *go and !en selec L AND WINTER . SUITS FOR A.L141 :4 1 -~~ . e`f' ,~„ 1 , ,t 1 :44 11k..0 , ► ' GOO Da !* ( - ACCOUNTV - HUST:I3.E.SETTLED. orthei wiltle'collected bp Ift*"l r . COOPPR, LA'rEIROVI UOM OTOPK: Selitembpr 2. 1.173.. s , .Aaelgzpes. "1"? EAU. THIS ! . • Wp ha7ejngt retuned. from the tor ru. le Talc with a splendid strh7 of guet.G.eqnstsiingol: War,: lATDEN. treet ..... 9 HARpwARE IRON , EITKEI: - . • . i N All.N. • SIIKEs,•titivVELS 3tritptlin3 HARD WAR I E,',' . ~ if ma BAIL, COUN 2 NRSUNK & 2' la IL STIZ:Ni . . RAILROAD * XINING aTIPPLINS. ' CARRIAGE STRINGS. AXLES. Sir FINS AND, . Dom Bolas, 1.717116.14 W 421111118. , . . ,p2,421AL Balt, D.5...0411.11:4114; , • IBONB, HUBS.SPORES. .l , • riaLORB, BEAT SPINDLES, BOWS, dk. ANVIIA, VICES, STOCKS and MO, BELLOWs nAIeDIERs, SLEDGEs. FILES, ic. ie.. CIRCULAR AND EILLOWS,BOLTING. PACKING , - TACKLE BLOCKS4 I PLASTER PARK. , . CEMENT; Rlllttlt GRINDSTONES . ?HEROD WINDOW GLASS,LBATILER Heart ostl 4 ODDS`-, . • • FAT/BANEI 9 C 1 4• E8, • . . tOODS. NEW' of tiow York stook of A ZA.T.EIII3, Dliscollaneons. i).bicxtc)ias; IL 4.PSVYRI .hzt notified that 'ttielr r 44 •-• ;` :f' :f' ~ f ~ .v , Y MWMEM p,.m.-T::::a.:.-r(),4:1? - a a G ROCERITS, BOOTS 'r • siEmr,s, DRur.G 4,' Jt EDICINRS. :CROCK ERN, ic„ • itc. • , i And 'all other goods usnally kept In Country store. Come one and ail and 'satisfy , yourselypt that are itelling as cheap •as the cheapest. We b realwaye wil ling to show our goods. • W. .1b F. L.NDERLI.ED. • Brackney. 'May 12th 1875.—tf. Li!iiepr Fdi Skirts i ac Cbcup:-Joth)' A. .yißlfi STOCK .OF C.c•ols.er3r, jnrt reatvo and for eels by . I U. J. I'EB • . i t ; UTERI, I.NE I I • FL 0 tr:..R. I For sale by , LSO, ALL BI^II?S•Oi 4 GROCERIES, At the sto-e of E -11 rtionlal f:ZPX l l43:Lgeoni, For sale' by Montrose.' April 21. 1875, Boy yonr Boots 'at Cheisti Joh n'd. UY .YQUit - WAGONS, lAGES AND SLEIGHS. , W. OUSTERLIOUT,, HARFORD, - PA. PRICE LIST. .` Repairing done ou short notice. Cheaper than the cheapest. first-chits Phaetons' -. -" - • • Buggies , •i • ' 66 litiriber , WagOAS - •~ 6 % Platforms from $l4O to '• •' Swan Body tiileistor • 3E1145%-camaszcsaltb.l.234g. ro shoe per span, new, . SO , I - cork alid set - - - - - • - $l4O .•• set per span - - . - -' - ' sl'.oo All work warraotea. Cal 4 and examine nsy stock be fore pnithaslng elsewhere. . _ W.,' . OI7TERIIOISPti Herford, October 20th; 10115.—tf. 11UNT BROTHI,Rs, ' • ROIL&NT0j11 1 i " t _ Wholesale I Retallbe•Jsrela Binghamton Marble iirorks All •Istnds of Monuments. Hradstonss. snd Marble 'Minato, mods to order. Also. Scotch Granites on laud: I. PICKERING CO.. .1. 'lenience. • I% Coin Street. G. W., NIMIERIAtri r. anowx, 601.. !R. IWU MN; at: I.ohies. - • • , . . Real Estate foi V ALI:II7BH . I. , '. ' •, , - arm For sale.. . • . . . • • Theenhecriber offers for rain the. valuable farm knows U the 11.1132amoris -- 3P'.lso , cia I . . . Said farin is one of the Most desirable farms in the county. and is beautifully. *Ranted In. the Village of Supurtersville. Slequebanna. county; 'Pa. ; there is . a em id etas, flouring mill, ea* mill, plaster mill. and. blacksmith and wavon shop in said YillSge. The farm is situated dlreetly on theLD. L. tW. it. R., one mile and a halt from' the depot at New Milford. and lour mites from the depot at Great Bend N. Y. t Erie /1,, It.; contains 190 sires of land,' 180 acres improved. is well watered, hav g a lasting. stream of water running through It an water conveyed , in pipes to the hope. barn and cattle yards, it is well fenced. end nyder cod cultivation ; It is well adapted to growing min, shd Is fitted for stock or Atilrying ; there is "a large and convenient dw Bing and wood house, well painted, and beautiful' awn, with shrubbery. a'large horse barn, car nage house' c.i tle barn, with two cattleyards and sheds and stables fir feeding emit or etalliTt7. COM and. two orchards of grAftect fruits. Terms of payment. made. - easy , . , R. L. SUTPHIN. • • . - New MlHord; Sugsa Ca. Septemb,r -99,1876.-3 m pc VSIII,44ILE ' xiousp Om LOT Situred tu ht Borough.4)l MootroiLe, A, gotta: truble proOrt, . Fine, large, Hauge. K 90 41114 1 114 04rdtgat Fridt Tree*, n hearlo. • good and oth i or eon:. veraencies. For perticultrs., enquire on thilltromisos, WX: G. DA.ux,y,... outiote„ ; . or.. r ti)bei::ii:lB7. ) NtO:WritOSE VILLA(} TORS. 14 • o ff er. for , • •1 lc Or °Atlas' town lat*,:l4'4.' it ' 4 4' un_ the poetirgsflV fla r t e l t l'O P A el :errA naPtig"hultlio eq4a " fr°44l44* FRANKLIN. MPutraiti* lab. 5,7 1876,4110 - FaA!sl!ft , ' I 1 ' } 1 r. ._ ~~~ s u, -;. , . ~, t '." t EIMIEEREMIN J: Vir*Bß. 11. J. yaßll*. 11.4. WEBB, - r $ •_`l '3lRghitiOto4l' OR SALE, CAR-