The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, January 12, 1876, Image 4

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    .days•of yor, quietly obeyed' , the beltst,
Pt:the'o 4 .Y -114 ire4 officit 4 . i I
.' "Do vou reinember the *Ott la cvonvx
, - -
who was ex.pres , ed - on from" 1 illiagtJt
lowa, two months since ?"-
"ireS., sir--1- remember her." ' '
A tall, siiver-haiOd gentleman .here in
iterpoEedr with engerlitricl(n l ess; !p : '',
r kcWtier . ?-is sill- ? 1 ' I- am her tincle - -Wil
tel. Harrington. - 1 have just retttim
from Paris, where the,news-o ,t her 4rriv
reached me: I want her—bhe is the .on
loin° . relative kit me."- • : .l 55:..
'': l i.ATt'' , l l ittit t eir;- 7 ' 04iil i''ratik . ',' f-‘ytiii ,, Ciii
.4 0: , , ~,,...- •,, -,, , ,-;..:'''`,:- ; 4 . ",,' . 1 1
`lave net. . : '— - : 11 ,•-• -, '
`Can t havp lief? What do vor
las nuything hap, etwki'l'" . .-
- ':"Yes__._sir something his hall
Il is. , - }Jurl ' an .was ',.ntatrit - 4 '. to
, morn i nt.ii
~ , '', ' " ,1 • I '
Walter lintrin r ,oton started. 1 . 1 .,
"Tak me to her,," he a. id It ,' arse ,
r i l can't', he parted
. from• my 0n1y..; lia.'!
.telati , ,vehir, , a mere ; 'white, i , i
.., h 1 ;i
"1 w . cqittr iti he... cal Is' t he , r age.ruarris ,
vice and ; ',wedding,. ring, -,, More
thought: horkest P.rat:11.13).m.t.. he Obeyed
, il
silence. .
i,`,_ . :i. -, ),f.'- r.. , ~,),• •:•., - , : , 1
gqiiiiitie," sitid_.:the.A4 . man " •in fat'
A . .. . .
Apg4ice e 7ttw - .! "Yott... A tyit,l co ! IA liti,,q!epi
.be dig 4111%W:fix. ..0(:my. :old:: ,U,,,0:e ; .1 , , 1 i i .,
fich k ,Alinmel,, , ,atiti
. ..y 0.1.3 4.N : , tki I, I( fitivi,t
the-wi)ridi- • i ',
~,....,•_ •-: 4 - 1' i' 'l
,1'1 "... . .
• " ' But 'Ali ottiu'istOlber. liand , .i 'llia - tell ,
•,, i 0 ,
hnshand's- ainii.: .. . - • . i 1 '
"Deat'e'st nuele'„he. - was kilid tq j me wil
I was 'most de' sollti: and. a.)Otte. 11 ati I
leaNie - my husband; . ....tincle. - .Wsi ter ; II
Nina r' '. • .
..• -.'•_• 1 . .'
...- - % . -'-'-`,Pit.e'n. v-OP Itillit both t,f . v,ti, , .;60 io.\'
T be my cbtlilten,"..:Said . the. ~ (ild Joao,
great' ; .‘,‘, 4 1.1d you ninstcome i*..w,'ior•
, great'll' . ll., , e is as 1011elya ?! V
s•:a tot:ob.
- ~ Vi:ttik Evans is an okp
tre-.4 eley'
itinglq . and lretiy ' 11l illkie 11)01;ii6 'il . ,y,
and diainonds:; - .but - .- the y ''' are. • 9 nit',
happy-os 'tlik. were in, the old ,days,
that ts..sayiljg • ennugh. ~. tin4le • W.
.- ilarri ngtfin : , ;2 vows older .and.ieeple e
.day; and his. two :Children, - aro_..lhe .!
-shine of Itisdyclinino,: 110. -.- ~ •
of Oki Rail,
They ,
came into the cat at. a • Wa:sts;d ,
'kttifii4.l,t,.,„eietlii:r• - ' 'iihe-- was in tlie lead , - n.
pOsitin_ti sLe 'is tioi.• iikeliT to sortet34r . a'
long as they,be.r.. . A.,ta1.1. lint
TIE tt„ 'with a '..snarp nice,,' ...piercing
s,,lit.tir bir - .01: aS'a ri.i'‘;i4l'.S wing,,i a : ion ,
Tacquilint s ;' . u'ose, wi.t.l.t. a: ~mole on t t i . l si4l,.
•)i . it,a month the cut 0 rwi 1 ic,1 ) .1 ) 00,,, - ,
leteriiiination• tiuti foice. 'Shelhit4 i:ni.s...4it
{he slinilk side - "of' . -tht tkiiits; 4 r i ti.)lau i l
.';iimbed . io the apex of a quarter of.a!qcn;-
tury. He , .tras. - ,. a • guides ' .you Eh , 19yer
iv,1i05e . ::4 ,.. .410red 'ifeitd - Sonte;.:;eigliieeir
EtPirkilivrs i1i44,, , .}.): 0.80,
,N.ll . illlloCeittlAol 7
beltlehoy, juSt l t?leased, from 'his. - nibl.ber.,: . •
upriiii strings. -' 00 him :;he cast: li . tt'in
. glances, and .Ivs face, suffustd inibtlislie
'' vas turned With, •a .olipc.!, apikOing.,lti,. •
to her. • , •. V •'• - - - • ...,
the car . was •Crowded,. and' eligill
seats not not easi.y obtainable.. iibi,nit 'ti e:,
middle .Ol tit;• - ‘car - I sedate
. trat - elt occti
'pied a. , s4at to. Himself.-- ; : Thither the i •-..
repieSsible lady 'presseiV,•bei, : lWay.. , Tip'
sedate travelerrose,' and with.'coarteSk it
vited her to take a •sit next. tolthe wi.i
do-:‘,' and whenn - ishe was seated he calin.b ,
`euidonited hintself upon: the vacant halt
of . the .seat.-' . ~..-'I3Y this ttuie.the,youtigMan
*6(6 she was escorting ••had noMel.ll4.=-•
..WplaCi-d hie litind-on- the back ol'ltti j e'
seat, looked .% appealingly on - " - .the fork I
. his•protectresii,.and •timidly around thite
car. ,He •waikevidently ttabariaSsed,iitti
flid'not:kno_ai . Wbat'to - Ao
.wit's. liimSelf,, - ;-','
The•.shurp-nosed.brunette . eye4 the stiiii
ger by lier side witlita* , sharpiiesStaatiti-.
taost wiiounted to maligni,tA - . •- ' •.• ,I. '
t -,, ,131tti, the.f .- .tratieler • iiee.fa4.: all-1 . -iiiino4ll;
.iitiditti of the - scrutiny : :lii .;which h' wits.
subjected,and looked- away over the . 6el' •
• thr ot tgb . an.Ogosite,,tyiatiow, :, ~,. ~„;,,
The..brtitictie•iota 'iiti; lOtige,r - &iiitit
to set- her callow beau - standing'lforlort :,
,ttPd thus, she addresied the slidate tray':
er,' Who , e eyes .teere„ wandering:lak awa
and .whose thoughti were with 'the .dtlir,
ones at. hinne :. - .
•.. , .
. ' •"I it,y,!stranger ,p,
—,,, • ,- .. . ~ • ,
- , •iiiiir,Ot E ayoli'''' respotiled . . Ilie:se4ate
i: ' raieler.. ''::.'.: --, ,:, ••;- . ~, ::
, I: ..,. :/. , „- •,,
' •- "liiav;.TOOk. here 'strafikeer
'Well, What have, von got to show me,
- •i. ,
JO the . sedate man. , ...•.. . -
"Stranger,. I' want you tO Jcncwyih:
thitryoriag 'gentleman et,afiiling,. up'lo(..
is my - feller." • '
1;p gl,rid to, bear itl, lot s
you liaSe had bin` rake 'eatfiif'lifin
• ,•
• _
itN4'w, you just - look here strange
thisYounit,,mark, is my ell . r, and I
tii - see that nobody 8141 I, impose I
411111. TQU; hqtr' N U IY i f Y"
,i nan ' t ie,fro,you'd •lust,get i ,ri • ht up a
let bin) haie a seat by me.";
ttOn, atiffery' bappy. soeie
You ca,inot imazioe how m tlleas
it has given me to fuxilish you a, t:e
`where yOu tan'scie through he t
sesiOes, I always took a /3p: ial
in being`near ebarming ludic- Ifir your
self,'lltplied the sedate travel l r,i ,
“Bat, str, he, is my feller,, :Jr, my au
—do you underettind ?" • , •
"Is ttnit so ? Who ve thou i•:t
fit.? And does his mo:be 'plane iim
under your protection; wit gizte .- I.‘
abroad'? . • ;
"Now, look here, stran.czer me and t ha!
xpects to b..! eoarred.
'vow* man extik ,4.,'.:,
Ye've beeia z keeping. 0001 poi v It get Die:
rid yotfitte - real ' mean if you tiffn't Ltivl ,
ira , a .Eteat by , mei, fo that we curl tullk
)at's what Lthilik," . , , ~.
The italejititiYa;b l c rav
tel i er,staigh en
a up, theu Jeaneit over iil the dire° iii,
a thesharp-rapqd.brphette- pniile4 r 'fq
''beDiiiiill4i4,44ollot4Y,':.o4:;eri'',A)l4'l. ..f4
opyke i _ ',_ ,:. `,.i., , - 2 ..,:, ~ ,J,,t,,t.:1 - : , ,, ',.,, '. ::.
f`Chfiruiing laay, I would: be iwicist'' si ,
'','. '
- • - i , 1 ' f
py to f accomM(date you,
,but you , see I'm
4. pilgrim , and . a -istran63l--r,' way worn anif,
w.e4ty, ai r Cd 'a . ongwav from home. , Be-,
sido, ,my hear le just tiow beating a t4t , - - ,
tin), of' (cst tie 'eatizfaction beeauee`43f,
, yotir charming presence., Being 4 bach
elor; anti so near one, so. lOveivind en
ga'gin g,/ hOV . can I forego the fde4sures I
now' enjoy!? , I haveluid, dreams- --bright
4- 7 -aki 'l' fkilvt Wandered , through?
this ream s. reat big world of some hive meet
ing one to whom I', conld.reveal*all this
'sati - heart oil mine - would lain no . limgr,
0°1)40. You are the imprsonation of
my 'dreams, and ~no* would you drive me
rrom roiir 4,v, lv •Qifie 9 SO; ht . : ( tli I%irel
sang in y :' I. oui..ireart '. saw yo,n donte'as ,
a star , ; 14e,Satiove the, he'riztin, tuna the , ,
'light of iyon , , eyee bill! •In umtnOvil Ty
oul " l•til beautiful Stranger - will vim
drive in • 'hence ?" , , ~ ,
':.The sedate. troieltr &need, to suel , k
~,,, , (The 'fire had - gone - 'doili in Ihe b
nettc's , evrs, . the :sey+re expressinn ,i,
banished froiiil,litir:tilde, her sv.rii liiii f
re iaNleit their. 'rioi4ity ' and' - pirted ;'j
non on to: reveal. ~ t h€.-: ivory strew)
/. - ..., ..., I
I .
•tvttiliti., and in t, ,tone ; that was ti,
lo'w Att://saiti : -! ' t - ' ~-
' "Did' 'ldif: Sll . l* ‘ll6ii, ;was a• bachell ) i..:" ,
I"Ayei.;lieutitifill . strangor;,.' iliat'S
6rtunate station. , . i . :s.-,- ,
, ,Then the' 'brunette turn. d hur . .,
st filly clownllpim liej "feller," who e
twit:chiz,g :his fingers and gazine ;fff
in tot )thaslll4, - timid sort . .'of . :way;
dins addre4sed him : - '
.yrom, I guess y,,,it'd better / get an
er \Seat , while I sneak with this Le
, .. ..., i
, -------H .4,..=--------.
- The Surprise Party at' Poise
6!c ,
, • •Sdttie of • Mr,'alA •••Alis. i •Pater'e. 'friends;
linpliened• to. retnetther that - hiss . lWeil '
a ;t 4tiak 1 iiil . 4, the - tenth: anniversary o f tneil
Wediljogi and - theyL determined • to 'get, up
a suro i rit.e. party and call •at Potter's. housif
So,evi•ryhndy purchased ; „a Ji 01, 1, present
4.•• sonte , kitid - to take along, • and Mrs.
,t 3 ottek'S aunt -got : a beat; ttio I ,illtimitialei.
sikii i i .fclos.etlLin A walnut frame and bear
* ci t e' inneriptioti,, "lleayen .13ess.Oar
Il l app I.lothe„ - and Mr. , Potter's. -tine]
gt)t,a4-Iht-t• o::4Et with. the 1 - (. ,- ..fiind, "Tra.
.1/ , )Veit\ l- eveidiet• - :." - A r nd iv7hen . the. pill
visioils were nil ready the party started` t i ,
the h Inv.' - They :wanted tn' surprise th
ha pi). con . pk as
. rti Itch *as possil,•e, So the .i
ciinci tiled not to rinvlte• door hell. Bu
. M r:.1, - I. 3 6tter':,• a n tit. si, ,wftly . bkpttli ht. front. ;
•dpoi,iiitnil I tisiemirled •• the. party in the en!-
.t tIY;.-. • Viten .at a g iven signal they opened
' ' ' 1 d
the sTtting loom ; oor and hUrSt in wiin L i
. I,,tid:litliglip . ••• °: ••
i •
1 • Time scene . that met their . eyes was a .
I t .
v•- : ryinten.stini one. . Mr. P:tt- 1 1 r was . -
. tag t(i) , `4l, therfluor,•iith hiS" .. ttaseiblediag
-4protn i -elv,,and Mrs. 'Potter 'wa4 leatiitg
oveidlym with a rolling-pin, in ; her barn),
withymitil,ich ihe_hati evidently - ..')t.h• 1110 -
tatilig theAiusband of 'Pei bOsOtn. • Both
. 0
ilf emi looked"hut and mad; -When the
cornt.MlY came I. in Mrs. ; Pot tpr- bid 'the
milli% pin in .the skirts' of her dress,•at d
Pottt r -pit:lit-d jilititsOlf -ii•pk with '-'it fiek I y
. a tti•ritpt;at a 3 tntte lioie,iing ..,abOnt• leis
faCe.t. - -. •., • 1 -• ' .• • ,•• , i . ~ .
~ "Ound +ie; . - •'irasn - it it ?" said Potter,
wit, t - that. smile. growing' sicklier - . every,
tioititite.- - '-%Vv - were , practynng •tor talti,
t aue s - '
; 1 •. - '
. 1
weren't, either," snapped Mrs.
Potte:r:, - • --• 1: t - • - •...• ' ' .• -: I
- i• -
-• hy, my love," 'he replied,', "ive . cer
zainly vi:ere.! You -we're_ impertiOuittjilgir
Po4tAotktuslsayitig...the - „litt:ot Smithi a'itt) i , ;
!.' WaisSinith.. ••, You know' . wt, tiow e-• ,- . w are. goi'ng
•• • •to have . .ahil..)teai;x tl)ii'et-tiniiikr!'.
. --.;', I dda't tittawit,..either.\i- Iffe . aiith
goityg: to' ltaiti any: , - such • foolery ' in. tills
• c t .).P. . i ~ -, , ..- ~ „ . •,.
1i o . lli ... ~. . . .- - t •
. J .
1 64 .g7
,(11-I,:ipg,i,i3v! changeable rtu . i . kre.!
No+, iyon !mist ',have theta. - I,want thi.
fogs to see you as Pocahontas. :-;•• W. 04%
;hie i niake a aharuti_ng . -Pbeaboutas—nOw
. toOlc . at, her d.P."12,. . • -, • . ,-. • , ._ ,ii
• •Art;ii-lcuo - w- I - banged :
,you. , with, this
ritlltngvin because ' you
. gave nit itnpn , .
doi•e... ', NOw., tbat's .the,'..wtiOle tinth.;—
A.tikt Plldo - it again "•- • • ' ' -: '' •
• - ..,,t.N), you : wow., • said Potter. I
• • 'l7eia,• I *will." --. •.. - .' : -
: ~t.i'd like to•see you." -- , -- •
'.You' would, hey ? , ':Yott, think- I 'dui ,
• or* - because these . peoPle are. •„stiekt - ee
-. OieliiitWiei3 , id - . here . whee l e - they - are - i no •
irt t tited:,:'.... ril . :shii, ycitt.".., ,•• . .. i•,, • - ,
, • • 1.14.10-M i,!: Potter • uplif red her weapon,
dash at hint, .iihrreupon..Mr
aitier.•Waikvd:*rapidik wt. hp efiutiLeorf:i
-,tiiitent -_,,wilt
,AitAitvouit - : thriiugh the*
'' ritoor . into . the yard. - ta:eit the comp.
,• •
.. nolicluded•tu adjourn. ...Mrs.
; Potter - 10,0ot
; ifitit4litteit'atiti sttipk "Heayen • Bieis 'btu.
1 I{
-p'e'p Home" into' tie stoic, and Mr.
1 ' Wttter's uttel..! split •rip` - •True Love - Never
I 1 Died" kiith the axe,, in - 'ilisgusi.; ~.aii,cl Ir . .
a• :4 . 114- nrs, :I',o.iktet.'" : celtlirtit'd ;t•lteir :au ti i
vir.Sat•V in ;their , own, way ..hythettiselyes.
ri jtlyfill , J)e,i,soiy stirpriiiiig if aiiyhody : evet
c. 111100 4 !ik0 13:gejt, -- r er: :BElipris.i.
it .parfy, in. Oni...iiillike:—Max ilffkr.,.,..
vi ' '': 1 1.:.!‘ . .. T -----:--7-::-..;::w:..-------' H .- -: - -
1. ~ i A*New- Wuy. ~ . • .
i A luau whose credit is tint, of the - bebt
rtite,,, not having the . 4q-ad?
,tnonly by
to, reioited to tbe - f i oilowitig ready
a litedpeilineut : Goinly to tt gr cr,
-,cebnipai;je , l, by: 1i1:5 son. a lad of eight or
ecll Tt/aro! irrowt h . be called* for a few
foi l t . d,.i i'd sugar,-whi(h Wm; . ' weigileil 4 , u t
tlid. tticely titiatell i tit+) 1 paper hag. -11,
I r . ) , iioroti for a. poolitt ,411 . : rw - e,„ ar tia
;,04ne,tin i i. , :' giving `ills 611 gar 1.() the bovj
sit. iitg , : l —, l'iin - • run , ri n tAit.' limile i -
14)18. a4t . d 11i bOng I he - rice -w heti 1 come : i l l
'l"he,,,rict hemp; anise up, he .'r.fitiested
the clerk to char,,e' it. wliich .eii.',-firses.l
to N 40: 1 1 , •hail ' - •
S 14-1* pit DO 1 )1 0 iIY V - lilti • t hi. ,
• i ''
- f i . I ' .
sagtitt ba d 'gOD N rff 'toi t- h 111 ii hoy'. 7 wl ;tt
ivoalit I,heY • ,flo ',alum ti. ?,; '&11A - or , iid
' b( th 'Blll I W . .' ' '
groct.r t ti , , it - as ail* get, , ,
ittrout and toss-icip.'c:ally tne tatter.
'it, l. - r ,- , , , ,'I
Lil TO:W::x0.101t0gE•fbENO:(10,..:-.4:ix:112- -,;"-'18.1..:
.! A elecei Ittoke.
,A.Paris paper-sapt :- 1 . , A,_ gen tlettnin - wis
.-. •
,st'-atia: Lefore:- the'_ - .'.Ca el . iliche.'Wheti' a , ,
'piling A'rtist passed with. i,t , cooripiOioti. :..-.-
- - "1 . • Witl'•het, ‘41, - ": • -ssitici ;tile artiOt'tiihta_
friend; .l q Witt : ttritili that - . :gent.letintit'i3.
'6offee,-iiud I . K. wil!..thank one for ft." . •- -----
-.,. - ay -' ' ' .'-. •
. —"You...urea:: 17
.... -
..: “Yotv. will -see.F , •',
,"You I
'now :hitt: - then '?"
--: ,‘ Come_ teriit see ttie•ptoceedingsto'r 'yotif-
Very .i.solemnly they 'approached-
geittionan.;,''"Si , r;". said - the artist;'"l'fitiii
An I nig, pp.ttir'..oi., t ile' Wiard of Iht"llij/'• If
'1 alsk: I:or cult e-tr - ey , 4illigive 11 . 1eovittailic
dokilq,- . LV vety , :good !:ettp, - .for
s t.,h'e.) . : k hu w
:are, : Y9p,,sir, wiwiri, they .doftiOt.-kiibw.
'are ..erved like ;he 'i4 , s,--61,../..thelwol . id: :-L.
WillA: 06 ; , mei to/taste Y.otir .e-if
' . i.Oeitlti I: I ". '
11/ f t iii 1 demitii: i Till
1.-.- g 1 1::-.:•-'li/t. 'rk , .. ' • •• , • . :
•.j i: 't ails (T . liiiti. Tile' gi)l . 'o'lill Ili e 1 . 1 t has areat
t:,: i i l 7 ,4. ):: , t ! 6 11€,: f .. u ri 1 t . -; . 1;1 1. .,.. t. ,
11„t;, ) i ) ), : i.2l l; i ,( i ) c h : q i e i.i, c t i- t rl;l ,. ._i ii t e,
'Y he tryst.' tit 41 k 'tiii! 6 1 1.5 . ? e ,: 4iid-1i . .iti ,. 7
i itg'. Mil 'll4 if; '''. .::4ai(l : . - politely, - I•TheY:do
flit oe,§ freoiie . rti' it i;-::4 IM.' cille ; . tjiii . is 'ex' , :.
e,,.11 0) t," III.. bonled;:liii(l loft the ge:iikle
malt: to :pay kr ;: the , e,offee - 1w had-tioii had
,t) it ti prOlound ly gra , et ril .. for ithel. C:117i . ±.: 4
the- (.It;ernment; . .. L - • . ' '
I. • • •
ri . st-ztUge.i'
birOlsdf down wairs,•,-and on r
. i. o pto;clifulivitpostropbjzt•d
•• < -
self%sub.. ‘.4l3ou'd been a alantin' • to.
to .co le _down • stairs;;. 411 thtindor
did I: 't, !IN , in siq €o,:You. ! 00(1pn-.tiouded. 0 d
coine, with you... ail' -Sil6Wt a
.yvy the way •?,.. .•
"Mamma," said a pi't-eious k(l!boy,‘
who ak:iinst hi ailt was - made, to rick
the ciadWl(.f his hahy.l.4othe6 "It the:
Lure, has any babies to give away,
dou'i You t3kt-..'em." -,,
['few AdVertisementii
• .• ..
, -
••C ' , •
• •
.. • ;'" . .
It firikea at the root of disesee by purifying the
Blood. restoring the liver and kione,ys to hOulthyl. action.
nvigorsting the nervous
.sy*teni. 1.
Mn. IT. 11. S'VEVE.;S :
I)rsit ~:lit—l Most cheerfully add my testimony tri the
7grea,t tiurnhcz 'you have already received NI favor of your
great and gold mcalleine, V ei,et lee. for Ido not. think
enongh can bo said in its prmse. for I was s ro abled over
thirty Veal.* wirh that, dreadful' disease, !Catarrh. arid
had Loath bad coughing, spells that it would eeem as
though I could rievk•r breathe any more. And V, e,getine
has c;*ed me ; sad Ido feel to thank (4od all the time
there ts so good a medicine as Vegetine, and I also
think it one of,the hest Medicines for coughs and weak
sinking feelings e the stobnach. and advite everybody
to nti,.`e tit° Vegetine, for I- ca .t
n, asur.: theni that it is one
of the best medicines ever was. 4 r
, , ,„ , 1
bIRS L. GOlig, . 1
I. . ' CM'. Magazine and Walnut Sts.. •
• , , Cambridgei Mass.
STINK is scronowledged And .recommended by
phy?lcians anti ..pothecsries to be the best !pithier anti
clesuser of 'the blood • yet discovered, and thousands
sisisk in its vpdse who have beou restoredip
Repor. frousa-practical chemist and apothecary. •
• ' Botorolv.43o' ?. 1874.
• Dian Stft.- 4 Thi-; id to certify Mit 1 haYe sold l .st retail
119 i nuaeu (1882 bottles) ul 'your Veget
itre s ince April
12. 187ot and eau truly • say ttest: hts; vin the b
satilfactmn of any remedy for thecomplaints tor which
isj recommended. Out 1 ever sold. : , (filicel) a disy
Parses without some 01 my customers testifYing In its
nterlts'ou themseives or temir. friends. lam !perfectly
tol,, , nizmit of ; several _ ca-ms - of . .:scrofula Tawas being
cu.ixi by Vegetlue alone 111 tills
Very re*pectlully yours,
Mn. H. R. STEVE:Sf
Dian fint—Thillito show that myl
sen waStakcn
sick 'it/January, 1564. with Scrofula. which came uut in
hare *ores and ulcers on his leg and hip, - His leg_ was
:Welled more than twice its natural size. He had stv- 1
eral doctors of high standing in their profession—two,
from Boston and thrtc from Charlestown — without get
ting a bit better. He was obliged. to '; lie wherever he
wax placed, for he bad no Use of his limbo
letdAives' Op all hopes of his living we were
• try VEGETINE. the great. blood pnrifler ftte . d
hhd Val:en it but a short time before we could see a'
rrest change Tte.sorea run so _bad that we had to
;change th* clothes, font or Ave times a eay. Still,lie was
gettine Netter ; ibt he cduld move his limbsatei help
himself *little. He was. soon able to-sit up in bed.and
by constant use of V•getine, It has cured him. He has
a lame leg. which he will probably have for life; but we
all honestly believe. if we had used VEAIETINS before
we had bothered with those doctors. it would have 'lav
ed the use or hts_le , 4; and , restored it to natural health.
I hope all those roubltid with Scrofuta reid•this
toitiinony of me and my-son, who is now welt and able
to speak ler himself. CATHERINE 11.A.littNEY.
- 19 Trenton St.; Charleetown, Mtuts.
. ,
Hay 10,1n2. • ;
Tit' *hove 1) 4in "hut honest statement conclusively
'shows (be witch and thotongh clea(sins efitcts of the
VE(IF.Tt N 8 ba Scrof Ws: ' I " .
VEGETINE Is hcbowledfzed bY"4 11 4:Islol° of people
to he the be slid most reliable Wm* puciAer.,lu tha
Nor. Si lirtS. —47. • ' ' •
SolLYby all 'Dra&triets '.Verywbl'e:
ustriert4ned has an omnitin3 tine rnnning to ey
'ery tii.o D. L. and Srte Retilwaye
, ,
Shipptn; or _Re-Shipping Baggag4,
at either - depot will be Promptly a tende?
The new river bridge irl'iow cotrivi , ted, houce; the.. •
is 110 Iforryiu . g. I , • r
siwAys en hanii t4ciinv h
a n
4 feet?., ; =
the eurrouudtug ,ef 4, •
liT~U,„i_ ,-,;,•
vv '
_ GreAt Bend. Aug. 10. 18T4.--41
The secret of the Wo4rderful.ii
Great Beud, ::
1, , . r , *t I . ;,1' •
new and; bought , :oitre. 1 We will, ,as heretofore, offer thelargqBtil
:Lassortmeut and , beet hurkaius in the county.
0 tir st
'Mtlitteer atid Pii)tit'lce shipped. i nighest price,attd - prminpt,returns guttranteedy
3101'14, iidvuticdttyheti desired. I ,
Greitt Pend, July 7th,1875.
41 4
cuil a
s: ,:
CI kin
Brenta Lamps. Opal Lanips, All ;Masi tamps, Hand Lamp,
Burners, Wircks t .Shides, Blade Holders, dice., &c.
Prices Guaranteed as Low as . any. HOuss in Southern New York
B. ;We are 1 (.
..ontinuilly adding new - material to our o ffice , and with'our
Lai**, StOck of JOS I TYPE _omit FOUR. Printi.!s, Presses Oomepotion
Back )3(0 in Priee and 9,011114, either, Plain: pack or Colored HAWLEY & Ciitivißit.; •
vit e wou ld he more thatikl sl to one and alliwboltnew
thei have yawl:tiled seconetadvilth ua. it they t wouldeiiii
snit settle by the tulddleuf March next.
Feb. 4. , •
Best market price, pal4l in nub, for
C ERI'tOJNO KEA? 0000 Systenwt i
,t3t. Oemior who coittooplate making colitr,fet* with
lio' tapaper:t !Wile intertjon! of advertlaernontP, ahoold
ao d lb . cenks is Cie.°. P. Nowell & Co., 41' tat.rk -4ow
N w York, for their; . 24131P1ILET-BOOK (oruory,ativ
co odition,)c ontaining Hess of over ;1(4,0 newapapara
eu eol,jTates..ahowing tkor curt; Adyoraseruente. - tak..
or. for leading papers lb Many Ststos at. tielifindotte:
aion from publiahare,ritoo; Ott aid filpolL , * 1
Nisciillaneolts Ativertii,ements.
Mtall'OP .
arretot 1 3121e3adi., Pet,.
justi retunied - Nev'.,York with a.large and 8,87
d complete rtneut of
' . ,
- : ,,
Hats : Wad • ap N tio ;Ste.
s- &O. !)
. ; I'
4 .t,
bia large rtepporary'::-`6i)!: .he - National:hotel
_ 1‘
remain titre,. until our'
, • •• *, •,•
BRICK :f4.`20 RE , IS 'OOMPLET. ON . TH E OLD oritolti D.
• , • .
1).0010491 : 146 . X-111C110t0'1. rieEtierny
di and gra
inber 10th,
- •
et*x.A..ivis7E3D vcr.A.rtzr.
by Nail PrbusptlY Atiteskdird Too.
, .
Co l Ftier of Main ind Ttirniike ISts4
iwairisse:c:osil'i.,..w* .
- 05.rxicrcr.lps - li
Widers' Hardware,
I Nails;; tiLato =alto
Thinks to our rrleudo for estit Favors.
• •at tlie . 2.lontrbee -514014.14111,
• ,
)14th'i • Buperintenuent
bailor 14. 1815.—t
to Cheap Job ri's, fOr . .Calit . ou Platt
B OOTS.-&.'
frON, N. Y.,
tolaFtli 81,1§76.
At W. W. Smith & Son's
.dattnelieFunsitUra W ai
wenn) yOU will find the largest,
s , •
To be found In this section of the country, of his•own
manufacture. and at pikes that cannot tall to give sotto
faction. They make the very beet
In the Country, had W411111."'y theta.
10* a 3. art a, 3r ‘7O"
Of sit Wilds done tulle nestles% mums r. •
• /
ND EL cor_.
oB vAkouts EIN
. .
.. , .
. - -
U , -'..14.:'D . E R . :7:: i K ,i, N . -7:G
The =leather will hereafter Task tit.. edertanivg a
epentalty in his builnese.i Havin jut .Conipleted a'
NEW .and' the Int at elegiil2l TIRABSE in the State t aq
needing hie services will 14 attended to premptll and itt
satiebtetery charges. '- i , , , ... ,
. . .
11d. w. A szinftll 601 4 1.
MOntreac. Pa.. Jitz. 3 —:
. 1
I '79; : —tf.
Best caheoeg 8 cents per pird - at, Cheap
The. tindersitt
'flit& rtltigitil
. thril
Ail licediug
.S4o.l4ac.tiou gotkraatoo,
eq l! , ml l4
ti it 'Drests 25 * .at
()heap '* •
t [ : r{; 'i
We ihall
grub 11
I ,
. . "
- i := r
, ;
• c,r,
pp) q-p- . pg
. 411$
any house In the Stab.
•. Ss
1 1 1314ierrita.Wa.
' 14AI
ID a,l.
~~~` ~
vcl , ll Maio