The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, January 12, 1876, Image 2

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AT MONIII I 2I6E, 511134',11, CO., PA4 Br ; •
1 - 1.. A. WM " M
'7 sr , :8s - CRITSZI : t
: At two Dollars per Tear in Advance..
, . i .1
Using medium is uneirrpassed in th s seeder'. It
tootles the Farmers' Mechanic. and Una Ilefti 'man. 'its
circulation is constantly increasing, auto tut advertising
r'ates reasonable Rates wilt be given at uur otlice'or
d mail
. JOB PRINTING:—Our oilhe le eupplikid• with four
1 , printing .pressee,togethee-With. +Jame variety.' ortype,
" .! borders. laticy inks, etc.. with whieb • we, i t irc prepared.
to de work in the bell style and at price lower thew
my competitors in sny.t=ein ion. gamples-,thown - and
?etirnates cheerfully stn at ;ntir office. Work order
ed. by mall t.,
will receive prompt attention. •1 . •
. ' 'W.: c.' l mt.,
Goll. closed YQrk 4 ou 111oild%y
at 1.13. ' . . •
- ,The . ...C.Attnittee..uu , Wayo and ._.,lfrirt,s.
- haw .c i - onsidered . zthat Part of: the --Press-
..: dNt,',o 'lne . 'itg
.relatinieln .the taxation of
church Property, and uri.of• ()Phil. n 'tlit;t;
.'. . Cpugresii bas, .to tax c i lini•Ch proper-.
ty in the _.;Distne-ror,Ooh.tinbitt and..olo:
. :
territories .but teas. no., p . .oivei. tu' pas. up
• on the §tthiect•iu .. the States, and tha- it
can only he done oy :the' States, eacknne
i,... • Lr itself r o(hy, a constitutional .amend
• -, -
. . ment..... ' y -- .. . .I. •
•.1 - ..• 1,
• .. .
. . . ,
.. .. .
I :Tliesgroirtl of Texas • within the past.;
'ten •37ear8 haS ..- been unirvel4u3.' . ' Before.
the . , paiiio .- .she .teas .- receiving . alint'ont!
. „.
blitdieil - tliOnsand emigrattL4Ni
. iti g ;
or cls di ltiiikin
of I•.*O'y sup i i
railroads • more rapidly'
,than ' any 'otho
state...:. • Her . agricultural resources -ate.,
unSurpased, while the ext - entef her ter.
-- - ritar* i's nearly dOuhle- that of France,— ,
-S4e'.hids. fair .to: beconie one of , ,the mast.
.poPuleas,• •wealthy and. powerful Siates
in the . 'Guinn: '.. • -'..".. •• - ..H. . ' .-...'.'
On Sliturd4 the first chat of Janunry
' • • #
he 106,4 talon, which was 4 . 7
• Tapga surge M!inths ago went into effect,
th ro ughout, IRMStai TUrkt : y in! Asia,
Egypt., the ;United - States and France,
Germany, Austria, _England,
w itzerland, ettL., :the rates o r .po,th g „
Ing,fixed at fiKe cents for each lialf ! ounce
on letters ; two, cetits on :postal cards ;'
two Juni - it - or newspapers, not exceeding
font 'otinees'•• 'and tWo cents per two
ounces of pinittd, matter and patterns
The . l3ellefonte . N atcntna n COMa i 41118
this year of .1876, clothed in a neat dress
of ;new type awl is eeriainly one of:the
finest looking-papers among our e4hange
Aid. Hon. P. Gray - Meek, ihe 0461. 7 4.-
chief, stands among, the rel l iable, fearless
and:staunch:, I),n:l'66:title editors, of ; the
State,:and his popularity as an editor, at
home_ and abroad, •is justly due his
supirior We'have ever beep -able r hands with brother
tiri;AA , prificiplesof '.pure
DePimirmlY 3witli,liq mental reserNation:
;An' Aineridag cOrp6raticn, the La 41)ia
sining Company. has been avyar
tied- ailuut three.iinarters of a, million of
dollarsby a recent decision Of Sir Edward
Thornion,- umpire in the ilnitei States
and k2C 'eon Coin vaissivn. ',The niiinpaq
elairn that they.had expended'a laige l surn
in opening. mines in Mexico, whei , . the
Mexicans so. harasbed the' tn that,, they
were obliged to abandon §o
far as has come out, there is no 'reason to
suppose that this award 'Was nut fair
and jueL ' ,B Minister, is a genl
. presumahly above any ? suspien
of dishonests inotiyea MeXico *ill hay!
to foot the bill, anJ will Probahly take
care herea ft er to see that Ameriyanien
gaged in developing the reionrce,.of
that country are not litolested...—Phiia
'delphid Times.
, - , 6 ..
is . ,
Gov. ,'llartsatift's mes h ge so 'iloi
• ‘
that it is not published, in full by any : ,
the bewsPapers Of 'the - state. Its pr i oli.
ity is , the more remarkable as I . ak
but few recotninendattions. :I:hese', ini
be ',very- briefly stated , ;as follois : ''.(
That one-third ;of the - corP6ratiOn x
spplie&to current
, expenditu'el, (2y Tii
tbesioking fund "surplus , inteitod
state or. United States stookl 0)- '2
I, : \L,
consolidation of, 41se - soldi is' ;tiro&
sohoOle. .(4) The appoihttniiit - of l a cyrn
naBBlo , o ' tit) eXaMibe into municipal ithuses
and , reportto the , legislature such4tme
dies is they may : judge I
The further appropriation 41, f!ilmon y
centennial display, on the , part . f, i
state. (6)- The passage of ' law, ! l 0 , ,
lzing,a ;3onstabalarY, police 1 . 4 .,i 30 .' 4
',atitliftirtS and paid •ythe - u
Ce t i of the 'stale:::for !the , . i s4preSs on'
1 0
ttnnul ti ant'iiiit:Fi . ‘,..#): SysteiMiti 1 d ill
sursnce legisl4ol. ' .0) ~' 4. • l iiroJiliu po g li .
tax. ._ The ipe4age -ia - litre wn . iiittr. #1,142,
gee„ciong t .liOpea od .9po/9 1 )) 3. ~fllariin*,
kinds, ,htitthiiii,ooltie'nSe of i.i.SCirit-' i
1 .l I t '' ' f;C'til'Unii I 'l iiiil'li'fillai lc 4i,
21e,Fsi )ein o 1 . o -,
. i
pact shape A:Ouhl bad trn . read,era
where it wiO'now, have one.
Ohipago Tribyne. ig re,ttpongible
torthel:stutiknen t that :.Bishop Haven' re
clmbly contiived to snatch little le,ispre .
from: hispifitical. cares, and - labors,' and
t l emes, : soilliat he - could deliver a 'lee n '
ture for,' the 'osten:Able benelit of. a. Sal
. amaiqo - cl4irOh. The great
tor uppearss . to la., e been the true ben e'-
ticiary of tie occasion for it'ogisaid
Made. his *.e chnrch
la.ile.k peuses: h ijp)4
.GtantAilce !,ithility, entitles the.
. tW PresiAtOiti4l ,nonlititttion:.iii his own
''Gusieru4 'Vs skid-
tied with tiui,igeti of
_political, l'llitufiophy,
w . 1 . 11411.'.s lie,all the . -
teasou . of wing unexpectvil, surpriS i e-;i0 :
, this Instal ,eot;stii utiug
gredieut. u.f the i)letviti is of
We niu'At. - itot forget that •there a
diMrettee betwe , n't he couscieii cf... of
t.lO ppbtic conic;:chee..
A. tit* hesitate titilesA heis
ly.ilisito4st,,hefore he takes - 141watt tage
hislieighhor butthe' same man will not.- moment. when his apiiroial
aSked.fiik a priikct, which; under the
:guise ot iniprovemenr-is tot i=puil
the wholkcaniniutlity of apart-of tsl prop:) ,
erty. [A; ain,lit is an: adinitred • fact thqt
every 'rtWic, enterprise i al wayS cost* more
.atitl i sOnttiniMeti twir l much rirtvate
ottle,andithe cost to .itarpiiiiiter the , sev
eral deiuptinehts tirti. cities is arstlik-:
.ing itipqtratiqa elf this truth.. . •
.... - a ',Taylor I held the . key
county treasury all last week' but'
on notlilay Mottling - Of thiB wi.oi, com
:, -.. _• ,- , ~,,„ , C rnis,lloncr Ball presented it .to iitinryC
' l l.'yler, tir DcmOcratic Treasurer ellect.—
Some .o'ethe Rind who' thought . just after
~ 1,- c.„2.
vi.that:it 'would be . a got fl joke
for Mr.ltailorito attempt to gob le that I
office fl,isnbtlier yeat,,Were busy all last
Week, qying to clii, Reif:Toyed
sometiqns 4 of j 'a bulldo g .• 11 •itrice tI )ld
, n .
•S 5 .
, I
him to l`t eek 'em" : tt was not sc)
'call' hi 76 0n't......`111 , :re Seemed -to Ibe. Wit' .
thing : 4., which the -Republican c,Omtitis
, unanimous and that was I the
'filaili, (if the Di.mocratie Treasn era sal
ritro .
sty. Their ac_tion• reminded us - t f a res-
Olutiog'Of . condolence . which • we saw pull- I
fished Upon the death it,a iiitit icier of a
Oertaiii Society,' which . read its, this wise..
"Resol?ed, - that y We, will subMitl to the
-wi l ll l oii Proyidenee,r asl if it woUld • make
ariv ilifferetite Whether they • shOt!ild suit)..
, :t . 11; - ~ .- . • .
lint .01111,0,i.. The pentoeratic. party,' , Dir..
TylerlCfcCeptatiCe, and 'the . rote . of the
peni)leFiviiiejr, elected' ltim„had - fixe4 his
'Waif/. and 'the treasury Would .'been
a:veriiiiillealthy locality,. and ee..eaini
:Iy.walitti- for any- via.' whd.. - Ehon id - have
assumed to .gobble any more is well: for
the otitgoiitg, as fOr - the incoming areas=
user. Like the iiills of:printing,' Demo-•
ciatic[i(Ocials -will bring about legisl tint):
if• eciiitothy :
/ and -a redtiction 'of I sal fin,
1, • 'v: ,l
I!.f : lie pnblicans do make the. laws, • but
riiik they :bave been' . in.
,poWei.'Sal 'ties'
laye: -. c.Onsl'ati fly been , ,on tlr' nitre e.- 7 -
7.15! kepple can see -where; thetri tut, eats
ie. t• :..- •-.., : - - : - • ~. • :: I • ',.:
W give" our \ reader's ,that p4rt o t
, ; overtor'ilrlessage which' wille, o , a.
i port*tiiiii . ititerest . to them, which 8. it
repOit 'f" - the ,Finaneial condition a , .th
states and\thii we give in full. jl l il • , tnes.
sage )s very long and we doubt it it -COI
! be recd iby any body but the proof • , der
1 ishot4d. we publiih it. Wordi, iil me: •agei
ior ii 4 al :other place, are of iio inife
iielice_ o . the people without actio , and
• ,
until :61e just as efficient with only la lei
41' • 1
.. ' worcni accompanying it. We shalt give
the pfivurnor credit; not for i his* . lYOrtly
:1 , mes sa ge, butfor the. good , acts of bias&
i g ;ministration. - " .- - i '
of . The legislii!ure, as. 'yellfiniV done bit
x- 'little save to I Jear the ni , ssage4_ and learn
' '
~,es 4114 .he state is bankrigpt,,itlv i r ing a 1 isl
ay ~a iiiillionldollars more than its' ability it
1)' nieei. at this time. Ilia credit?rs will' e
fore cl, to want for awhile. - It lis prop° :'
1).14 e Governor to divert suffiCie.) t the
in : ainkitigfond tp meet this A ellierge cy.—
he We ' i thinikthe legjalature . iltight - inploy
its'tiime lielllthis whiter, and tQ i , e ptir
noel, if it wonl/' - undo s'Pmeiof `the cor
, ,
porationt robbery which it legislated un
derlitidical rule by exempting -Corpora
tions from taxation urn gross receiptM.
tor By' his one bill passe in PI73 therde
'be!' Pitiie - ii tiff. treasur $.165, 000 fiet. '.'iiitii m
pleted 1 - , '.
T i an' 4 an attempt: arlis matte, Under_ Ring..
‘, il banes advisement, r;o i ilea. .118 t ti lie-val ua
.ol tiOn: lit real eitate sufficit- tit to cover this
-or I. de - fi:c*ncY,at the liiet trien tlua! assepOrnent
I..b . tiv i ttiktet, .. : Labor and !farmA lutist pity
',the, ay.eS, ritilescorporatiami and r.,bioid
ioldeya clip their ' -coupons:%4 i thou f' taxa:
't,,km. Dq.,dOvernor Hai-tram ft reepiiiinend
to.tge tegialat ii re 'ill at thsitaxli - ' i•ei n S 4- 47.
ted and i m
t ivill he a egsa.z. vliit,li AY tli be
! !
read and appreciated by a tax-ridlen
eave a raid upon the sinking
, .
110 BOA.ED.O I . ' -
. • ,
. • The . County A•uditorsmet ati.the Court
' 'lapse On Monday last to anditlthe COM. ,
niissioner's ' and. Treasurer's ticountS. for
the . 7081 . .1876. .•-.l 3 resent, - .Wm. - IWheoock ,
M. •.S. Catlin . Republican's : and L. B.
O'Dowd Deniocrat. . : They • spent i i iiitil
friday • noon , in- ,- examining l- vouChers;
and Some'eXciternent previilled •outsidein
regittd to their l ethal. They commithoed
'...y . Unanimously , rasping • 'down the bill
for .publishing 'the last - ~election pli•ocla
,m.:itinti. lisiiii . 'to thel DEMOCOT. 'which
was s(is, tof the amount,: put in 'afterward
_tip. RopebliOn tif.ss4., butWhet*"tliei
came .to, the.,bill.yendered by I the *A
,bean,. last , spring, for ~ publishing 'the
, °Ain! y Staterrient; , which: wile *26 more
thaa. the 'l)Eit : ocaAT , rendered • fO!r'i' the
sanie.thinii; the tivo:. Republican _inerilbers
weAened on,flarther-reforni.4f t.h.a, kind,
..tind refuSed to rasp this down
• Aipo!n the
ground that ,the circulation . o,f Ithati c paper
- Made the differeree. -That, circulation
ever entered into the account id legal
advertising is newer to niestpe..ple,..bnt
. .
• these auditors: say so' • and We are Pleased
with .thedecisiou ; : first,: beciaiSe by' their
giving the DEmocitkr this . !year,jtist Jig
much . as they have, the RepUblith i n, they
. audit onr• circulation. equal to that !of the
' /?epub/iefui.;'.llomel and the rest 4 man
kind will take due - . Liotce oft.' that:
- L. ...
Second; llonter's bill for the same, thing
s ,
last year of for a , little less space, Was -$65
which 'was' paid • (and - Mr; Ca9in,! one of
th , e auditors this year,was it loiS the b lard)
shows that the • .Roptiblica)a I 14' been
audited tt have eleven (10a ,'s less:circuAa,
tion this year last; or. in, other words
a decrease of nearly:. one sixth .of lits . sub-;
• ,
Scribers..of, which' Homer Mill the'rest Of
intinkindi will please talce duel notic ',
.We in fornied . the Commissionet Si that we
ilioulci -refund' them tht
,Moti l ey ,'.v.ers .
cheerfully,' for. , the a Jove information
would have been "deg-cheap"' ato cost
pf:fitty . dollars.• NeXt . .theSi , .round a bill
preiented,by the COmmiSsiOnerottwelity
eight daya amounting : to ti7o ; ior 'ilistribu
lting . the Registry • lists., '
..Ti,ii lwas s . citt
down $22.50, as it scented *rather • exorbi . -
- . mitt to take2"B...days . 101 this -W00c..,. ': .' - -
The next they went for tdulund Bald
,in, the janitor Court` House. and
,- i.
docked him 05 ey . ; were ;inclined:
(and justly too) to : cut,-off ' smile of . 'the
Jury .cimionsSioier., fungus. lint • when
they examined the- .r bill, ,it boretheiip
•pr twill. of' -the COurt,.- hence they were led
-to ,believe that itivauld: be:sacrilegious to
touch - I:hat. •: fly :whit law, eastern or
necessity the Court.-approves :at. „such a
bill below it is sent beforeit : :byithe atiili- ,
tors, is . unknown. to 'us, but we suppose
thii 6 , one or :the, t4ose CorNraition- itlYs.
terieS of *Wail - a 'lletworatie .tlitiir has'
no right to know.. I, . ' .•\. :• •
There were,-,some .01114 stpallitema . of
reduction which wetahtlet give accurate
ly..'WeConeide l r -Ohs ti../mia,ilbeginning.
but , it- shOWs filet the le:ivkl • or reform'
scattered, by t4e . 41)4m • ciik.T inis reached
the . auditors thmugh • hedemands of . the
people at
.their ,bacits.. The auditors in
formed, thenew .417 , of; Conimiseioneis
that thei.'Elhoula • 4rit: :. to - audit:it : 4oo for
Clerk servicei in : , the r .unit e , when such
mein as Ai.:N.. Buller', •Jerotg. R. Lyons
aid Others; could:.: be , etriployed . for $500,.
:sd Mr. Baldwin . the Clerk ai*otnted,•;on
itooki4 rust,• refuse o acc r epit i the ap .
i., , . ~•
pointment at $5OO. ' 1 - 1 .- could make .as
much as that by.hnlding on taihe'eflickaf
d.str:el attorney; a 'rit li i r -bad 'au tlook: f. 4
lilS fiitilre,fie' 6EIIO - appepat .. tO!: iii sought
1 . 1 i i iili i - fo
. the Money': that . is'!iii,if.'
.:, ,On;
the whole, • the' Ring haie co,nelmied that
lightning has ~struck si)inewhere'sronin!
hem and it . is'i•etY'inni4i stunned:' The
Did oins“ *ill'')ieep the people, posted as
10.418:up . di.tiot.i. 'liereii: . - : .
f the
Thenewli el e c t e d 1 C
this county, met at the Commissioner's
office on Monday. last and proeeeded
effect an. urgariization, E. G., Ball' an
David O. Minkler, RepnbliciM members,
and Matthew E. Ryan o Democratic. The
. 1
'eaven of reform which haal been mixed
among the peoptPsf this cUulh by the
DEMObitAT, titid which leavened the last
Detni}cratic cotCention to take the ini
tiatory step, in,that dtrection, seems to
have leavened the whole mass cif, the pm ! .
,ple to such urt,:extentlhat
' dare not wholly' disregard I it; .tiotwitii
'• • c h ewing .
they. make` wry faces m chewing
1 the string. It iris been apparent for a,
, lung time that the fraginpu4t of the Ring
had detertuiiid to control 014kslyp
of the eote,itirioners board 'anit the' yot!
kiikupon tha ire:Aiiin by !the ',ROptti;ifir
can mejnhers' was a mere'faret.. This we
predicate\ upon the fact
-that Judge Sireet
er has been writing letters -to different
parties in the coulity,and petitions Sign
ed by the Republican )fficials nrging*the
retention f Wm. A. Crossman as clerk,
were' prese , ted. to the commissioners and
, i iit:gent request by the exconimis- ,
si n ners 'of the county for the same thing.
I - i
- The commissioners - met on Monday.
miming .ad Mr. Ryaa proposed that the
salary he 'fixed before propositions for,
aclerk wes entertained:which was finally
agreed to. I Mr. Ryan proposed that it be 1
'tired at $5OO, M. Ball that . it be at 46,50;
and Mr: IN I I r inkler that it ,be *750.- Mr:
•Ryan - woultinot change, his figures, but .
Mr-" Ball a id
, :Mr. sitikler -compromised
finany'uptin *.700::: -It. AV ill 3 then propwed
`by,Messrs4Ryanand Minkler to- take a
- vote whetipr the'old clerk;should be:re;
tallied: ,Mr, Ball 'voted tO.retain the old
clerk and i Mtssrs Ryan and 'Minkler vot r
,ed, for . a I,change,',which decided that a .
'change:gionld -. -be - ,made; ' Applicant,S
were then presented. • Mr. Ball pre'senti.4
the inintelof Benj 14 Baldwin. of tMont
rose, . Mr. Minster presented - D. W.
G lulden, and Mr. , Ryan . presented the
name of
,A. N. 'Bullard at the, salary of
ssdo' per, yeti. Applications I fiiom -je=
rome R. Lyons, A. H. Smith and others,.
were rec ivied at . a salary of $509. 'rite
buaLd . met utiti b.illoted from , time to
time, 111 R voting for .Baldwin, Mitilder ,
for GliAdeir, and Ryan for Bullard, until
i Tuesdayl arternoon, with but '
little ap
parent prosptet of organizing. Mr. Rya,n
informe4 ti .e ,board . that they, had - -the
majority and could appoint the clerk and
of coiut. Ile CsAll.). Il'i . t ter .in th •
I.' i - 111 %, -a
appnintantif tl
,any cltii.. ex :
, ~
upon "the . sa!itry o $5OO a; t:-.f. , Ap
plicant 'vilierti hi• presented was.kilow'n, to
he frillyleoirrte t,`htit, it' they would not,
ticeept Mr. lin! hod,but wonlii presentas
' competent a •man iiplin the same ' salarY,
to 41f. cr an ,;ria.siz Aloft be, might be iii:
:duced ti) a eidy betw, en 'them. It i be
came raised iiloit that Mr. Gliiklen would
acceptilielii ion at *50() and that 'tin - -
tier the!eirciiiiisflinees Mr. Ryan world; g?
with kr. Miiikl: r for his candidate;-Mr.
Gliddeti, in 'preference to Mr. Baldwin.
linmediateliaft , i dinner the board again
convened an.l a ballot - was taken, result
.rng as Ohre, when Mr.. Minkier under- 1 ,
stood throat Mr: RYati.On the next' ballot
would Vote for -kr. Glidden at $5OO salary,
and stil l ange to say, .Mr.. Minkler on the
it.-xt ballot, united. WiliMr. Balt doert
ing hiS-'oan *candidate;Mr.'Glidden; and;; 1
appoin i ting Mr. Baldwin,,whichls attrth.
uteri to the
,fact time : tome one in Clnvo
nut held_the:opposite end of..the wire.---
.Mr. Minkler in reality held the balance
of poier and.might have aPpointed eith c, ..l
er Mrl , Bullard, .Mr. Glidden, Mr. Lyons,,
or zotUe other asicompetent ;Clerk /4 .igl . i'•
BaldOn, at; the ;Wiry ill' $569, even. if.
.r. Bailhad beet;beet;obstinate.: - Mr.
.Mr. .M
certainly,,l i •
ler is responsible.for Increasing
the salary from' . s6so to 's7oo 'above Mr.
.Ball.'[ - Great Indignation is-expressed by
`Brill.`[ - Gr eat 1.
all parties' in view of ,the nselessexPeudi7
titre of $2OO ;upon, a clerkship, -who ,
$5OO *quid have , secured equal ly- asi good
if nof.,better talent, .as the liawes pre
sented will forcibly attest: We are led 'to
moralize a little tipen the fact. that : the
Republican - party howls Jong and lohd
- through the ,Ring organ 'of this - couty,
that t _saved the country and atte mpts
to influence thetialdiers against. the 'Dein
ocritcy of this County by saying that it is
comi?.osed of
,i-bels.and traitors, but-when
an opportunity is given to render a just
tribtite to 'of those bitve soldiers
wholie body was rent with: litilleta at the
•fre4,. in battle,
- ; 'an a ' - whose ; health I was
dis q Uied by cainp exposurea„ they'shoW
the worsel-than '
'traitor ; by appointing a
You l ng and vigorous man, wlio totight tit
thei"ballot box" at home, under that lead
of General Jess'up,,and take, also s2ooex
-1• ; .
tra 'Out: . of the people's taxes-simply; tO far-
the! party ends and Tint forward lia "pet
Of 4ie1.4 ting." We refer to. !the ; case' of
J. li .', (ins of -Montrose,. Whose efliale,ncy
no Man (tare, dispute, as be ,tiae shun
deittli in the officeiif Regis
ter iand ' 'Recorder Of , this cdtinty, i and in
other ways. - If either'of the: Republioau
cotittnissionia had' but presented his
nama •
e, at the salary of $500; he 'night
haye been supportod , by , , Mr.. Ryan,' who
-wold have felts himself butidi, by his
pledge .of economy to haite , Railed the
icninty $2OO in salary'll,llr. .D ‘W.
Glidden, another soidier,:iraz also in their
halide and iiiider similar . circumstances.
Muter .' shctuld ' repOblislitthat
Atte is a "cOpper-head.', and follow it
4h - the fact that 'the court. House Ring
to 'red : its back' upgn.the soldiers and the
bt4t,',interests of •• .the people to,.' fitether
their own politittal ends. -, - .
ILF LAY( M • FitrO4'lt ()Dice spvcr .
tiiontils., Van.sth, .
semepts New
the route of Sampel Lindsley late of Brooklyn,
ilec'd. Letters of AdMinlstration in the viid estate
hiving been granted to the understmed all persons
owing said estate are requested to , make immediate
payment and all persona having claims against said
estate ate requested to present them without delay,
I.l'an. 12, 'l376.—fiw2
. ...
A DMIb4 IS RA rows• NO'r
ICE: I n-'
X.l the estate .ot Ellen O'Brien; late of St. Joseph,
deed. Letters of Administration in the said Witte
having been granted to the undersigned ail personi ow- .
ing said estate:, are requested to make immediate pay
ment. and all persons having claims against said estate
ate requested to present mem witdoUt delay. •
Adwinis rater,
Jan. 12, 1876.-6w2.
AD" NisTßAToits• NOTICE::
the est; of Pharlei Powers, . late 'of -A polaeon
to - wnship. Letterii of Administration in, the said estate
having been granted to the undersigned:all persons ow
ing said estate are-requested to make . Immediate nay
went, and all Pirisons - having eialini akiittist said' estate
are reqUes.ed present, them withont delay: • -
• Administrator.
dan. '1`2,1876,-6w2
• • •
First NatiOnalTaitar.
Al3io NTitbi4 IJT 'l;nE
- At the aloeiof ligifness, Deceih"
Loans and discounts..., . 1 , - ' ' 51.22,012 00
Overdrafts..... .. .... ...., - - - - '1.00980.
. ~.
IL- S. *Bonds to secure eirilulation..:....,. . 90,00000
Due from approved reserve agents . . 23,959 32 ' '
Due from other *National flanks...::.'. ' ' ' 43,M) 82
Due from State Dunks and bankere.. - . ..; .'.... '1.339 91
RAtitt estate, furniture. And lixtiures •• . - 4.920 47
Current expenses and taxes paid.... . .
....... . 1,167 81
Premiums paid.... .: . . 14,17989
........ ,i
Cheeks and other cash items
Bills of other National Banks .. .. ..
Fractional cgrreney .(ineludiag nickell4... .f.
Specie (including guld Treasurynote:,
Legal•teuder noi r es
Redemption fulTd 8. - Tredsurer,(s per,
cent. of circulation)
Due from U. S. Treasury, other twin 5 0-0 re.
demption Thud
Capital stock paid in .. ........... ' SlOO, .4 00
Surplus fund - 5.000 oo
Other undivided p• oats , ' 4.963 54
National Bank notes outstanding. . Sl, 00 00
Ttivittual•depo4its and to check $5 , 1.664 78
Thou uol cell iB6ttes of deposit.. ... 10.073 27
Tut ccrtiticate of dep , )eit..l' ...; 1,1 ; 000 00
ThW to ot tv.r Minks . •
Due to 'State Daiike and baokerti
- •
TJtal ....e.274.611i 65
Stale of Pennviranio f ; Co4rity.of Susquehanna, 8. a. •
.1; N. L. Lraftiiim. CaFbter or - the, above-named bank.
dp.*olenthly swear that l'he above statement is true to
the beet 61 my knowled. , e And •
. .
• „ !N. L. , LENHEIM, Cashier.
Sul)scri bed and sworn before the this'ilOth dny of De-,
ember, Iks. • *L. SEA.RLE, Jr., Notary Public.. •,
Counaet--Attetit • ' • •
o.• -•
G. B. ELDRED._ Directors.
.• !Mentrose, - Jan.l2; . • .
• - I
1411)12:8 AND GENTLEMEN :•-i' l rhet question of . f
WHOI- • .
. 4 F - 11,41.4 . BE . •
is not of as T - tiob trepottaace.t4; you as the fact that
of Montrosecte selling hie entire atock of golds.con-i
• ~aieting in partcif ' •
111021? .aO4 ;Remy.. fat 4 . Clothing.
i. 491 d, Shoes.
CC cc'
- - ,
FLES. &e., etc., •
At 10 per cent less than firyt coat; (the proof of the:Pud
ding le the eating thereof,) for you , can find out the
truth of this by giving him a call at his store In Posts
Our reasons tor the above enormons minetion are
several; 14, our large and well assorted sloeillwants ,e
-ducing. Second, we mnmaking,preparatiana to remove
Into Searles . •
New Brick Store s
now being hula next door to the NEW B VNIf., and we
do not-want to move..any more goods than we can help.
Third; we want your custom for the future and the only
way for is to gala and retain the tame is to convince
You that.itio to Yonr interest , to purchase now and In
.he future, from very respectfully yours,
& I CO.
(Cheip John.)
,MontrOse; Decetiit r 15,135. I
• to set come ; •
5.R1144`,.t. SEED WHEAT,.: OL4YER
Garden Seeds of ill kinds.the !err beet-Flour, Snot
• Ham Tea, Coffee, Fish, Bas, Lard, etc.. de. '
• —ALSO -7 I
Forty cities of choice canned frosts; consisting In part
of Peaches, Pears, Plums. Cherrted, qUinCd*.ttitra *ber "
ries. Pins Apples, Corp. Beaus, TOmstOes, r cos, Duck,
Turkey lobster. Succotash. Peach. Qnince and Apple
Waiters DeYkled Ham, and late of other things quite too
nuineroda to mention. an of which will_ bd sold Lt. all
Muds of "PATItON•6".Iar rra.:y pay at prices that will
=lCor3r Ci4:362:ll:llPeetltiC l4l3l .
sail strictly. %ion the principle'or Ave and lot live.
I Call and see at , • • •A. N. BULLARD'S.
NEW ENTEirras2.
..: ~sQ~~`i~.~
-,. _.
lies opened .1. ehop under E. O,
ronlie-Avenue. *nem h rE
work_Al btu dne. Call exiet
With Retitnets and den:mien,
-7491416 e, oviabtlrnak.lll/4,
jortiiwkiitiv , - , .
.$274,6Q4 65
____ ." • •
- - Hats aitci Caps.
A praciteal vtori
AT TRIS .4)1:101(
1,M9 39
Sl2 00
313 53
•CO 00
4,588 00
4,056 OQ
4:41 00
-- 82,838 05
677 89
620 17
i •
14 3 okt,
.Gds: store, oa
lo' 410 All kinds 01