i:rn: & it. i Ik' A CHANGE ABOUT -c(, "A. Save place doat " for -Mi w-DEC. 10, lttK). -'Vao tin- B. P.SCHWEIEB, KDTTOR AKD PKOPBIKTOB. ' . ARGUMENT COURT. The .court assembled on Tuesday the 18th lost; without a President Judge, j JTt!iuf8!;Swartz"d8,er,ett' conducted the business. Reuben Reynolds was appointed tax' collector in and for the Borough of Mif- J 4HnAn-. . .tf - 4 1. I .tuiuu, w uii vacancy vhuku ujr iuc death of Bainuei JI. RoIIman. I In the estate ofSarah Ann Moyer, ' late of the Borough, of Miffliotown, de-, ceased, order to sell decedent's real es tate printed. . In the estate of Philip deck, deceas ed, order to eell Raid decedent's real es tate granted. In the estate of John Acaley, late of Susquehanna township, deceased, real estate of said decedent reported unsold for want of sufficient bid, and an alias , ' " . j rangement and direction, is always in f?fle.of "?,b JLau.ver' de- the hands of a few men who are lead ceased real estate of said decedent, re- - by vlrtue of Section, experience ported as old to Josiah Messimer for or natural ability. The coming session 170.00. Sale confirmed as reported. I will be no exception to this establish In the estate of Isaac Benner, late of ed rule, the only difference being that Fayette township, deceased, real estate Ith three parties in the field there of said decedent reported as sold as fol lows, the mansion tract containing 147 acres to -Robert MeMeen for $1,500.- 00; No 2, a tract of woodland as sold to H. W. Hain for 75.00. Sale con firm- ed as reported. In the estate of Elizabeth C'assett, de- ceased, real estate of said decedent re ported as sold to David F. Boone for $101.00. Sale confirmed as reported. In the estate of Abraham B. Snyder, deceased, real estate of said decedent, reported as sold to Harry A. Rit.maii , m ;?iaf),0Q. Baleconfirmedas reported in the estate of George T. Frey, de ceased, order tb sell decedent's real es tate granted. In the estate of Stephen L. I .and is, deceased, real estate of said decedent ' ,.,.1,1 . l m ... , i .tiuitou ouiu IU .juritrjJU 1 . o ill 1 L LI ior $625.00. Sale con finned as renorted. In the estate of William W. Rentier, deceased, confirmation of return to or der of sale or the said decedeut's real estate, held over until the First Mon day of February 1901. All accounts of Executors, Adminis trators, guardians and trustees adver tised to be confirmed at this Court were Held over until the First Monday of February, 1901- In the matter of the contest of Thomas Hackendorn forT. K. Beaver's seat in the Legislature, further consid eration of the case was rostponed until January 3rd, 1901 At the December Term of court, Wed nesday, December 19, was fixed as the day on which the case would be heard. At the December term it was urged by counsel for Beaver, that the Associate Judges in the absence of a President Judge, had no power either to mark the contest filed or to fix a day for the hear ing. But the Associates believing that they had that power and also to call in j President Judge to hear the ca., marked the contest filed and set Wed nesday of this week as the day for the hearing. Counsel for Beaver filed in the Prothonotary's Office on Monday, a motion to quash the contest on the ground that the Associate Judges had no right to mark the contest filed. Cou n hc I for Hackendorn on Tuesday, admitted that the Associates Judges had no power to call in a Judge learned in the law by asking that the further consideration of the contest be postpon . ed until January 3, 1901. This the As sociates after long del iberation and very careful consideration of the law, grant ed. Counsel for Beaver excepted to this continuance on the ground that the As sociates were without jurisdiction in the matter The first question for the court to dis pose of when a court of competent jur istlirtion is organized will be the right of the Associates to file the contest. If the court should decide the contest against the Associates, the contest is ended. In the meantime T. K. Beaver will take his seat in the Legislature, exer cise the rights of a member, while Mr. Hackendorn warms himself by crack ing his heels on the outside. . - - M GOLD IX MAINE. Gold has lieen found in Maine alxnit four miles from East Pitts- ton. The discovery of gold in this place was due to Mr. Pendeton, who bought the farm where the mine is fourteen years ago. He found that after taking possession that he had plent of rocks on his land, and it was breaking np these impediments to profitable agricul tural work that he discovered the gold bearing quartz. He sent away tome specimens and had them as sayed, with the resultthat he turn ed from a common farmer into what he believed a more profitable profession, that of gold mining He opened a ledge and sunk a shaft to fifteen feet. The ore was tested as the work progressed and showed the presence of gold in pay ins (i nan tities right along. The rook is a white quartz. BIO BOYSDELIGHTED. A Huntingdon county school mistrees, who a short time ago adopted the novel plan of punish ment of making unruly pupils sit in her lap for several minutes, has abandoned the scheme It work ed prettv effectively on the small er pupils, but it was no time until the big bovs, whose tormer oenav- ior was most exemplary, bean to be verv unruly, and after she had nursed a couple of them to their delight the teacher declared the 3eal off for the term Does the constitution follow the flai is the question now before the tt s Sunreme Court, ine court ia r-onsiderine the question to de termine whether the constitution goes into effect wherever tne A.mer can flag is hoisted and whether the government can exercise ad ministrative and legislative auth- 'tos. outside the constitution. Jim. , as be " 'THE CG1.MG Oraphic Pen Pictures of the Men of Three Par ties Who Will Conduct Affairs y At Harrisburg:. ;y v 5TRIKrNO ROMANCES IN REAL LIFE. ' ' . ' flow TImm Leaders Rose From the Ranks to Positions of Command. Their Characteristics and Traits as Seen Apart From Par- T fJaanshlp Life Stories and Struggles of Men Who Names Are Political Household Words. The approaching session of the Penn sylvania legislature promises to be one of the most Interesting held In recent rears. In addition to the work of electing a United States senator a great deal of Important legislation 'rill come before it. ... .. The real work of a session, its r- will be a greater display of ability, sa gacity and generalship than has ever been seen In the history of house c senate. The three parties referred to are the "Stalwart" Republicans, the "Inde pendent" Republicans, and the Demo- crata. A study of the' field on the eve of the assembling indicates that the active leadership in each of these par ties will devolve upon a very few men. They will be generals, and a study of the men at the head of each division Indicates that this leadership will be In most competent hands. A conspicuous feature in the lives of this handful of men is that with one or two exceptions they have carved their way to political, professional or financial eminence by herd work. They are en fromJ theJfank8' a"d- there" Urf, MSI II LICU IU U1IBCI UUU ICOU, The following sketch of their lives Is purely biographical, and baa been prepared without partisan bias. These leaders are described as they appear in social life, and to those who know them best. CeamlsiUMf Durham. On the part of the "Stalwart" Re- publicans State Insurance Commission er Israel W. Durham, ex-state senp-tor, ax-mcgistrate of Philadelphia, stands as the undisputed head of that element in Philadelphia. Com missioner Durham is 44 years of age, having been born Oct. 24, 1856. He comes of an old Quaker City family, and in personal ap pearance Is of me dium height and lnurano Commis sioner Durham. build, light mustache and complexion and a slight tendency to stoutness. 19 a personal and social way Com missioner Durham Is one of the most affable and companionable of men, whose most striking characteristic Is his perfect frankness. In his political affiliations this trait is marked, to gether with a disposition to grasp all the details of a situation at once and act accordingly. The secret of Commis sioner Durham's success Is his affabil ity, his trenkness and his thorough knowledge of Philadelphia, where he has spent all his life. The companion able traits of Mr. Durham's nature at tract and hold men. Whatever Israel W. Durham has achieved in politics is due eutlrely to his own efforts, backed by an indomit able will. Immediately on graduating from the Philadelphia high school he learned the brickmaking trade, which he deserted to enter the flour and feed business. His popularity led to his entrance into politics, aud in 18SS, when not yet 30 years of age, he was elected by the Republicans one of the police magistrates of Philadelphia. Ha was re-elected in 1SS0, and was urged for re-election in '95, but declined a third nomination. He became a state senator in 1897, when he was elected from the Sixth district, with practically no opposition, to fill the unexpired term of his per sonal friend, Hon. Boles Penrose, who bad been elected United States senator. In 1688 Mr. Durham was a delegate to the Republican national convention at Chicago, and from this time dates his rise from ward politics into the broad er domain of city and state politics. It was largely due to Mr. Durham that State Senator Pentose was chosen United States senator in '97. and in each legislative session since 1895 Com missioner Durham has ben a potent factor la protecting and directing the interests of Hon. M. S. Quay and the stalwart element of the Republican party. He was one of the first of the state leaders to espouse the cause of Hon. William A. Stone as a gubernatorial candidate, and so earnestly and ef fectually did he work for success tha. he was rewarded by Oovernor Stone with appointment as State Insurance Commissioner. In the legislative session of 1899 the fact was universally recognized that the mainspring cf the Quay contest at that sesbion had its power in the per sonality of Israel V. Durham and John P. Elkin. In the approaching session these two men will o npy the place of leadership at the beil of the "Stal wart" rcliiT?m Commissioner Durham Is & y.U i r. Atti ri:cy .'.-.pra! John P. Elkin. an other t-t the Stalwart" Republican leailct i-viii-s of tiistinuished parent ace. He is ti e sou of the man. Fran cis Elkin. who erected aud operated the first tin plate mill In the United Staies. This was at Wellsville. O.. in 1874, and Attorney General Elkin, then a lad of 14, was one of the first helpers employed around this establishment, which was the forerunner of one of the greatest of America's industries. Attorney General Elkin is a stalwart In appearance as well as In principle. He is six feet high and built In pro portion. He is a fluent, graceful talk er, with a turn for the practical and exact rather than for the eloquent in public address. His home is in Indi ana, where his political and official duties cannot win him from a fireside whose adornment Is a wife, two young daughters and a son. John P. Elkin is of Scotch-Irish an cestry. He was educated in the public schools, and graduated from the In diana Normal school. He was a school STRUGGLE teacher at 15 year of age. In 1882 he entered the Univer sity of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and two years later, in 1884. he was graduated with honor from its law department. In the same year, on his return to Penn sylvania, he was Attorney Graeral called to the bar of Elkin. Indiana county, and in the fall election was chosen one of Indiana's represent atives to the legislature of 1S85. At this time he was but 24 yean of age, one of the youngest men who had ever sat in the house. The vigor of youth inspired him to conspicuous efforts at this session, and in 1887 he was re-elected and made chairman of the important Corr-mit-tee on Constitutional Reform. Among the many positions of trust aud honor in politics and out cf it which he has held was that of chairman of the Re publican state convention which nomi nated Gregg and Morrison in 1881: for years was president of the Indiana school beard; is a member or the board of trustees of the Indiana Norma? school: president of the Farmers' bank of Indiana and Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania for nearly three years under Attorney .General MeCormick. He was chairman of the Republican SUite Committee through three cam- Iwima Tfluilintr til., nAntv tn .-!..,. i and immediately upon his induction r "on tandI,aI com?on Jkk014".0,!1 into office Covernorstone appointed ,8natr FU?na,y biKh n l5e him Attorney General, which position . "st of men in Pittsburg who have made he has held ever since. Ia his personal . 6rcBl contact with inenof all classes Attorney , Personal appearance he is of fine phy Gencral Elkin is an agreeable. n.'caZ 1 8"l"e' f'V!1 Zi? and "us; ant voiced gentleman of kindly im- tache i? 'V.1?? Tk ,0k" fi :.usc and ,fn..i rJ;,-," the world with keen eyes through gold a staunch partisan end personal friend of Hon. M. S. Quay, bis only eon being named Stanley Quay Elkin. I tilted stnlca Senator Pmtow. An unwritten law in American poll tics is that the representative of any party from any state in the senate of the United Stated is regarded as the titular if not the ac tual head of the par ty in that state. By reason of his posi tion, therefore, of his youth and of his friendships United States Senator Boies Penrose is regarded as one of the men who will exert a po- 5 Unitcd States SMaMr16" miiuence in ue Penrose. ?'u'n . questions that must come be fore the next legislature, so far as bis party Is concerned. From his Brat en trance into the political arena Senator Penrose Lrs beea identined with the stalwarts, or what has later been de nominated the Quay clement la the Republican party. Of illustrious an cestry, the founders of his family have been identified with tha government of Penimy-lraoia since tho dajrj of Penr. 'l hrouxh the Biddies, Thomases and Penroses he bns inherited an Ameri canism stretching through six gener ations. L'cies Pentose entered Harvard at the early age of 16, and graduated with high hor.o.-s in 18S1. He was born Nov. 1, IStSO. at 1331 Spruce street, the hoiise in which he still resides when in Phila delphia. His father was II. A. K. Pe: roso. M. D.. LL. D. Since 1885 the thil. strongly buiit form of Boiei Pen;-ose has been a familiar one in Harrisburg, where be served successively as mem ber of the house In 1885 mid member of the state senate from to 1S2C. By profession Si-n.itor Penrose ts a lawyer, bavin? studied under Wayne MccVcagh and George Tucker Bis pham. being admitted to the Philadel phia bar in 1S83. In c ,na?ction with his law partner. Mr. Allinson. he is the author of "A History cf the City Gov ernment of Philadelphia." a volume entitled "Philadelphia 1 681-1857" and a "History of Ground Rents ia PMiadol pbla." He vas electod to the United States senate to succeed J. Prnahl Catiieroa in 18SC, and today is Pennsyl vania's only representative in that dis tinguished body. The marked characteristic of Sena tor Penrose's public life Is the fluency and command of language in his public utterances. He Is one of the most pol ished speakers that over sat In the State Senete of Pennsylvania. He also 13 a bachelor. Col. Jaair V. Coffey. The controlling power In Demo cratic councils at Harrisburg the com ing session will be, Juct as he was last session. Col. James McClurg Gfffcy. Democratic National Committeeman from Pennsylvania, and the recognized head of the party In this state. The story of Col. Guffey's life ha3 been one long romance. He ia not only tje largest oil producer in the United States, but employs more men in his gold and silver mining Derations in Idaho than any single Individual. Col. Guffey comes from one of the oldest families In Pennsylvania. On his mother's side he ts descended from the historic Clan Campbell of Scot land, while on his paternal side the Guffey family. has for generations past been prominent in the Shire of lennrk In the Scottish lowlands. The first Guffey arrived in this country in 1738, settled In Philadelphia and subse quently penetrated the then wilderness to what is now Westmoreland county, where he established the first English settlement In that county and the sec ond west of the Alleghenles. James M. Guffey passed his early days on his father's farm and attending the district school. At the age of IS ho became a clerk in tho superintendent's office of the Louis ville and Nashville railroad, at Louis ville, Ky. He sub sequently resigned to accept a more re sponsible position at Nashville. Tenn., with the Adams Ex press company. It was while here that his attention wasdl-00'- J"" rected to the new and wonderful oil fields of his native state. He returned to Pennsylvania and immediately en tered upon a career as a producer and operator which has had few parallels in the phenomenal story of tho oil re gions. Within a few rears his operations covered five counties. He drilled tho celebrated Matthews well, one of the greatest of its time. When the discov ery of .natural gas was made he . 1 v . .1 withy t at had att-Hd4 r Then he branch xt meat of co?' areas i .inn- nd West Virginia, and this waaLt- towed tr his venture to goU J rr ver raining in Idaho and aw to president of the Trade Jtxrflar Kln lag and Milling company, of Silver City. Idaho. The L.rn of Gaffer 1 that state is naawl after hisa. Col. Guffey, la connection with hie brother, the late Sheriff John M. Guf fey, of -Westmoreland county, has al way taken an Interest In politics. At the Democratic state committee meet tog in August. 189T. CoL Ouffey was elected a member of the Democratic national committee from Pennsylvania, which position he has held ever since. It is the only office In the gift of his party that he has held, and ho haa re peatedly declared that he la not a can didate for any other office. The striking feature of CoL Gaffer political career has been his control of men. He is a keen student of human nature and reads men intuitively. To this fact and the wide experience of his life In the business world Is due the remarkable hold he has upon his party and its leaders. Col. Duffer's to a striking figure. He Is tall and slen der, with waving gray hair and Iron gray mustache. His features are clear cut and expressive. In manner he Is quick. Instantly grasping a point, a ready conversationalist, and one of the mot agreeable of men. He resides with his wife and four children in a beautiful home In the East End of Pittsburg. His hospitality and bene factions are the dominating features of his social life. He is a prominent member of the Manhattan club of New York, the Duquesne club of Pltts j burg, a trustee of Washington and I Jefferson college and of many other social tin a eaucauonai insuiuiions. Col. Guffey has just completed his 60tb year of life. Stcte tor rilu. The element of the Republican par ty which goes under the various names of "Independent." "Insurgent" and "Anti-Quay" Republicans haa as Its recognized head State Senator Will iam Flinn, of Pitts burg, the represent ative at Harrisburg of the Forty-fourth senatorial district. Senator Flinn is a living exemplifica tion of what brains, energy and self re liance can do for Statu Sraator Flinn. the man who starts in life with ambi- conspicuous feature is a square, firmly set lower Jaw, Indicative of character and firmness. Every man has some marked pecu liarity, and that of Senator Flinn is directness coupled with decision. He goes straight to tbe heart of a ques tion, settles it and dismisses it to take up the next problem. He Is a high type of the business man in politics. Be ginning life as an apprentice to the trade of brass finishing and gas and steam fittings, by his own efforts he has become one of tbe largest con tractors in the country, being at the head of the Booth fc Flinn company. Incorporated, of Pittsburg. Senator Flinn was born at Manches ter. England, on May 6. 1851. of Irish parentage. His parents removed to Pittsburg in the year of his birth, and since that time he has made his home In the "Smoky City." While a young man he began Uking an active Interest in politics, soon rose to be a precinct leader, then the controller of his ward, and later the head of the "Republican organization In Pittsburg, having occa pled for the past 18 years the responsi ble position of chairman of the Repub lican city committee. His flrct venture Into the legislative whirl was the session of 1871, and he was ra-alected to the session of 1811. In 1890 be was first chosen to repre sent his district In the state senate. In 1894 be was re-elected with practically no opposition, and two years ago for the third time he received an over whelming majority. For twentr rears past Senator Flinn has attended as a delegate every state convention, and since 1S84 has been a delegate to every national convention of the Republican party. His years of service In house and sen ate, and as a presiding officer at con ventions and in committees, has made Senator Flinn one of the best parlia mentarians In public life. On the floor of the senate he expresses himself with ease, fluency and precision of grammat ical utterance. In debate he Is forcible and convincing. He has none of the email vices or men. and resides with his fatally in a beautiful home In the east end of Pittsburg. His elder son, a grad uate of Yale, is tbe associate of his fatiier in his business enterprises. Sfnte Senator Martial. At the head of the allied Independ ent Republican forces in Philadelphia Is State Senator David Martin, a Phila deiphian of Scotch-Irish ancestry, the sou of a farmer and a Republican from his birth. Senator Martin was elected a member of the Republican execu te e rotuoiittee be fore he was a voter, and octinued in that position for 32 con secutive years. -He haa been Sprronnt- at-arrasof the House 8tots Pru,toc Kmr,, of Representatives at Washington, a delegate to all the state conventions for 28 years, except two, and served four years as a member of the Republi can National Committee. The other of fices that Senator Martin has filled with credit to himself and his party are those of Mercantile Appraiser for five years. Collector of Internal Revenue tor the Ninth district for two years and Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for nearly two years. At the national convention of 1896 he was one of the six Pennsylvania delegates who voted for Major McKin ley. declining to join the rest of the delegation in voting for Senator Quay for president. He was a delegate to tbe national convention at Minneapolis and also a delegate to the national con vention in '88 which nominated Har rison for president. The senatorial district which Mr. Martin represents gave him the dis tinction two years ago of the largest majority ever given a senatorial can didate In the state, he having defeated the Democratic nominee by over 21,000 votes In a poll of about 37,000. Senator Martin holds a high place In the councils of the independent Re publican organisation, as his position In Philadelphia entitles hlra to such distinction. His manner ia not ef fusive, and though agreeable and en tertaining in private conversation ho carefullv chooses his words In discuss ing aiTairs of state or politics. As a farmer's son. his love for country life has always remained su preme, asd he resides with his wife, sister and brother-in-law. the latter William J. Roney, Receiver of Taxes of Philadelphia, on the old farm in a beautiful modern mansion near Holmenburg, Philadelphia, where the hospitality of himself and his wife are proverbial. Of late Senator Martin has come to the front as .a public speaker when occasion demanded it, and at such times has expressed himself with freedom and force.. Senator Martin to M roars of age. For nearly (aw years tao execnthr :- ti tiii -i r t i aorsoaal ' tmi-i of .. its : secretary. Frederick JL Ys Valksnborg.- Ho was promlBeoUy identified with Uw aanatorlal contest la tho legislature two years ago, was on of the directing pow ara In the John r. A Van UMBbuiw. waaajBnkor senato rial contest at Harrisburg four roan ago. and will bo in charge of tho league's work in connection with tho Independent Republican ssovement tho coming session. Associated with hlsa will bo Hon. A. D. , Fettorolf, former chief clerk of tho house and one of tho Independent leaders of eastern Penn arlvanla. Mr. Van vaikentrarg is raw oi w youngest men In active politics In tho state, having been bora April S, 1S67, la Tioga county. Ho comes of an old family and revolutionary ancestry. Tho only office he has over held was that of assistant postmaster at Wellsboro In 1890 and 1892. Ho to a man of me dium helcht- stoutly built, of Jovial disposition and with a keen sense of humor, mor to nis entrance iiw sUU politics ho had been active In Tioga county Republican affairs. Politics, however, do not engross all of his time, for he to general manager of tho Bangor Star Slate company, and Is Identified with the development or tbe now famous Tioga county ou fields. Prior to his election as secretary of the Business Men's League he was a con tractor for iron and steel highway bridges. The peculiarity about Mr. Van Valkenburg to that he haa no de sire to hold office and would not ac cept political preferment, as he has frequently declared. He to a part owner of the Wells boro Republican-Advocate. He lives at tho Manufacturers' club, in Phila delphia, and is noted for his collection of curios and editions De Lux of rare works. This to the only hobby he In dulges. He to one of the best known of the younger club men in Philadel phia. Like all men who exercise ex ecutive or directing power in poli tics or business, he is straightforward In his utterances and does not leave anybody in doubt as to his ideas cn any subject. His friends are carefully se lected and ere of the kind who are steadfast under all circumstances. A Chestnut Farm. E. W. Warner of Williamsport, ia the owner of probably the odd est farm in Pennsyhania. It is a chestnut farm located in the moan- tain district of north-east Lycom ing county, nearthe Sullivan coun ty line. The trees of which there are over three thousaud are in rows exactly as fruit trees are in the or chard and Mr. Warner gives them as much and more attention as do the owners of truit trees. The or iginal saplings or sprouts were culled from a wide area of chestnut thicket, trimmed into shape, then grafted with the American sweet chestnut, a native nut of Pennsyl vania. The result has been marv elous. This year was the third bearing season for tbe trees, some of the nuts being astonishingly large, measuring more than one inch across. As many as seven grew in a burr. The flavor of the nuts, it was feared, might be im paired by their size, but the kern els are as fine and sweet as the choicest Pennsylvania chestnut picked up in the fields. OTICK OF Antscai, Elktiox. The Policy holders of the Juniata Farmers' Mutual Fire insurance com pany will bold their Annual Election, at tne nouseoi u. . Ruioun in aicai 1. 1 1 1n .. C. ... 1 . .. !....-.. 1 .1 , K 1901, between the hours of 9 A- M. and 8 o'clock. P. M. William Pi-fkenbeiigkk, 4L. Scc'y. Stockholders' Meeting. Juxi at Valley National Bank . OF MlFFINTOWN, Pa. Notice to hereby Riven that the An nual meeting of stock-holders of this bank, for tbe election or seven directors, will be held in the banking rooms in Miftiintown, on Tuesday, January 15, 1901. between tho hours of 10 a. m and 12 m. By order of tbe Hoard, - T. Van Irwix, Cashier. December 11, 1900. jan.'l. -THJ Juniata Valley National Bank. -o- Capital ... 60,000 LOUIS E. ATKINSON, President. T. V. IRWIN, Cashier DIRECTORS. Louis E. Atkinson. W. C. Pomeroy John Hertxler. J. L. Barton. H. J. Snellen berger. W. N. Sterrett T. Van Irwin. ' Interest allowed on time deposits a' the rate of three per cent, per an nam. January 11, 1899. MIFFLIN ACADEMY -BEGINS THE FALL TERM Board, Tuition and Furnished Room ior tbe Term, 04a . TUITION", ' S16. j. babWdysingeb, Principal Mifflintown, Juniata county. Pa. to an.- c; tt tlur vUi and ra Salt Koran ana . O. aub. sivaauiit.al.a.ui ) Ba. ttSSrSvm, aaS CWaat Consumption sjuraw Ourvj. Tan Zsaoajnaaw iaftaa Jtmt radw aat I aw a poatttTa lasiilf awtsaslwna maud UaHaa. By tta ttsMiraaa tsnsasads of kapalMf a awfcsaniwMinwillf esias. lakmU ia aaad Ian aiitilua ufaij l nil TTW fao saasjas was hava ataaaanMaa ( ,i.avrr VS"W Vfcj mm at -all aitboireOoe st all or ca Harass. ; raAcmcAE. mklwkmww, n m 4. mt v Pfciladalahis Di Dental urwww w r - - . r rv. .1 M aatabliakaa id la Court uoiiesw. . . aauoa. Bridge 8tmV ppont Horn-, Jtfiaatowa, V 'I ZT1 Crown aaa onsgv ware, Painless Eztraetioa. All work sarsaUotL tons Mm Arzraec. Parsei. ATKISSOIW rBNTEl.l ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, wiswf.Tam1E3(. PA. Osini On Mais r r1" ru deaee of Loots m. Bridge street. atttsjson, T ro lOowreyai tr-rCoUesttoci to stt saded to. WILBKBFOBCE MHWOTER, Attorney-t-Law. Collections and all legal busi ness promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. HIVE II MOSEY TO DEPOSIT P ARC YOU A BORROWER t THE F188T da run, uirruitrown, pa. THREE PER CENT IIVTKREHT PAtP ON TIME CERTIFICATED. Money Loaned at Lowest Hates. March 5. 1898. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD Schedule in Effect, Nov 26, 1900. WESTWARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 25 a m; Harrisburjr 8 00 a. m; Duncannon 8 85 a. m; New Port 9 05 a. m; Millerstown 9 15 a. m: Durword 9 21 a. m; Thompson town 9 26 a. m; Van Dyke 9 33 a. m; Tuscarora 9 36 a. m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a. m; Mifflin 9 50 a. m; Den holm 9 55 a, m; Lewistown 10 13 a. m; McVeytown 10 88 a. m: Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Union 11 06 a. m; Hunting don ll2 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. m: Al- toona l oo p. m: nttsoure; a w p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m; Harrtebursr at 11 48 a. m; Mifflin 1 11 p. m; Lewistown 1 30 p. m; Hunting don 2 29 p. m; Tyrone 3 iz p. m; Al toona 3 45 p. m; Pittsburg'8 40 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves Har risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34 ?. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; Millerstown 11 p. m; Thompson town 6 21 p. m; Tuscarora 6 30 p. m: Mexico ( 33 p. m; Port Royal 0 38 p. m; Mifflin 6 43 p. m; Den holm 6 49 p. m; Lewistown 7 07 p. m; McVeytown 7 80 p. m; Newton Hamilton 7 50 p. m; Huntingdon 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m: Altoona 9 35 p. m.; Pittsburg 1.50 a. m.l Pacific Kxpress leaves Philadelphia at ii 2u p. m; rtarnsburg at I oo a. m. Marysville 3 14 a. m. Duncannon 3 29 a. m. Newport 8 52 am. Port RovaJ 4 25 a. m. Mifflin 4.80 a. m. Lewirtown 4 52 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m. Huntingdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 19 a. m. Tyrone 6 52 a. m. Altoitna 7 40 a. m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. m. Oyster Kxpmw "leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 p, m. Harrisburg al 10 05 p. m. Newport 11 12 p. m. Mifflil 11 04 p. m. Lewistown 12 02 p. m.; Huntingdon 12 58 a. m. Tyrone 1 32 a. in. Altoona 2 00 a. m. .Pittsburg 5 80 a. m. I Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m. Harrisburg 3 45 pj m. Duncan non 4 H p. m. Newport tpo p. m. Mif flin 5 02 p. m. Lewistoaii 5 22 p. m. Mount Union 6 03 p. m. I Huntingdon 6. 22 p. m. Tyrone 6 59 d m. Altoona 7 35 p. m. Pittsburg 11 SO jp. m. EASTWARD. Altoona Accommodation leaves Al toona at 5 00 a. m. Tyrone 5 24 a. m. Petersburg 5 45 a. m. Huntingdon 5 57 a. m. Newton Hamilton 8 21 a. m. Nc Veytown 6 37 a. m. Lewistown 6 38 a. m. Mifflin 7.18 a. m. Port Royal 7 22 a. m. Tbompsontown 7 37 a. m. Millers town 7 46 a. m. Newport 7 55 a. m. Duncannon 8 20 a. m Harrisburg 8 50 a. m., Philadelphia 11.48. Bea Bhore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a. m. Altoona 7 10 a. m. Tyrone 7 88 a. m. Huntingdon 8 25 a. m. McVeytown 9 10 a. m. Lewistown 9 80. m. Mifflin 950 a. m. Port Royal 9 54am. Thompson- town lo ih a. m. Aitiiemown 10 17 a. m. Newport 10 27 a. m. Duncannon 10 49 a. m. Marysville 11 03 a. m. Hams- Durg ii a a.m. l-ntiaiieipuia 17 p. m. Main Line Kxpress leaves Pittsbunr at 8 00 a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. m. Tyrone iz us p. m. Huntingdon iz so p. m. Lewistown 1 83 p. m. Mifflin 1 50 p. m. Harrisburg 3 10 p. in. Baltimore 6 00 p. m. Washington 7 15 p. m. Philadelphia 6 23 p. m. Mail leaves Altoona st 2 05 p. m. Ty rone 2 35 p m. Huntingdon 8 17 p m. Newton Hamiltou 8 47 p. m. McVey town 4 20 p. m. Lewistown 4 83 p. m. Mifflin 4 55p.m. PortBoyalSOO p. m. Mexico 5 20 p. m. Thompsontown 5 18 p. m. Millerstown 5 28 p- m. Newport 6 39 p. m. Duncannon 6 08 p. m. Har risburg 6 45 p. m. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 12 45 p. m. Altoona 5 55 p- m- Tyrone 6 27 p. m. Huntingdon 7 10 p. m. McVey town 7 51 p. m- Lewistown 8 10 p- m. Mifflin 8 80 p. m. Port Royal 8 84 p. ia. Millerstown 8 57 p. m- Newport 9 05 p. m. Dancaunon 9 29 p- m. Harrisburg Philadelphia Express leaves Pitta- Durg at 4 30 p. m. Aimona 9 05 p. m ijrone 9 55 p. m. nuuiwguon 10 12 p. m. Mount Union 10 82 p. m. Lewis town 11 16 p. m. Jflfflin 11 37 p. m. Har- nsDarg 1 00 a. m. fnuaoeipma 4 25. At Lewistown Junction. For Sun twry 7 80 a. m. and 8 41 p. m. week- oays. For JfUroy 7 65, 11 45 a. m. and 8 00 p. m. week-days. At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur- wcuBvute iaia.nL tna 7 p. week-days. m. For Bellefonte and Lock Haven 8 10 a. m. 12 30 and 7 15 P- m- week-days. For further information - apnlv to Ticket Agents, or Thomas E Watt. Paasenger Agent, Western Division! Cornar Fifth Avenue and Bndthfielo! street, Pittsburg- J B. HUTCHINSON, J.R.WOOD uewraiaian'g'r. teoeral Pass'r. Agt. MSB, ?."!'. afb.,K Mcve their Entire Line of Fall end Winter Clothing novo in. , Consisting of Hen's, Boys and Children's Suits and Over- ooats, Hats, Shoes, Shirts and in a Complete Line of Gents iornishings. If vou want to be fashionably dressed their's is the onlv store in the County where you will find all THE LATEST STYLES. Call Examine and satisfy yourself. In quantity- quality, Style, fit, fin ish and Price We defy Competition. Hollobaugh & Son. CLOTHIERS, IPTTEIiSOlSr, IPA. McCLINTXC'S HARDWARE and House-Furnishing S TOR E THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O 0O0 O THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Things are never dull here; never stupid. Tbe full life of tbe store at w6 has a cheerful welcome for all cowers, and ebopperj are q nick to decide in favor of the Great Values to be found in our new Neat, Stylish, Inviting STORE. A Speoiallj Selected Stock of Ranges, Cook, Parlor and Shop StOTes. Horse Blankets and Lap Robes. LAMPS, isrjceaod small. Gome in and look around. We'll mike jou feel at home. We have the largest Stock and Store in tbe county. oxrn istivie GUARANTEES QUALITY. - K. H. M'CLIWTIC HES3CH & ' ttreat SKtIm In Mwrr asaal sr. .T lLSJH'U & MOXGOLJI. MfV. TO BE TRIED FOR MANS1AUH TER. The followinar in an Kikiji. iv.ii lipine war and shows that 00 the Wand of Panay, the Filipinos are- fiur from a pcaraui Biaie. xne iBfbrmatiou was sent by James Sweeney to the Boston Globe. "Comoral Herhort 11,. D, Twenty-ninth Tolantfm inknt- brother of Frank Chase of Pleasant Street, Marlboro, Mas., was shot and kUled bv Jake company C, Twenty-ninth infantry, at r.th.L.M. c. - , . . .R.u, Duisu suana, auritig tbe night of Octobeer 27. About 300 Amer ican soldiers hold the town of Catbalog an, being constantly harrassed by the insurgeuts, under General LuIxUhi on surroundiiiK hills. Thia ia f ders to kill all natives out after dark on October 27 a rebel officer came into town under a flag of truce and deliver ed over Sergeant Rice and Corporal . 'uny-inira infantry, who were captured last March. These men reported that the force of Fiiipmos be sieginK the town immKa n . . that they were boasting of coming into the tnim t . 0 .in ui Americans. "About 10 o'clock that night the Fil ipinos opened a heavy fire on the town. It was Cornoral Chaa. " uuij tu rein force the GaUiug gun squad, and the aKarvsTs; ss I ul. challenged. He dreaded' Monj SfH"ch was put into the Henderson be triedon thi Si-l2i!S.f M .TUl Chase was buried With mllil. . " ore on October 5- m 51 fact all that goes to make Up JilFFLINTOWN. e4A. I Education AllMM(..l . . I nrii-rr ou" won n w yaJ- y'. c-fu.uK or ior DUiiuan. Central State formal Schoo! toek HAVEN. CIMoa Cs.. fa. HlmlfjsimJ bailrllnsa rt Ihwla AMtc tfMtn tkcst elwric Itxhtfj. burrUsinc- of rg 1 . '""""win water, nxiTmix t-npcs arstl ttietic jrountim. Expnie lofv. tcut H Siraj. i, R. FMCKINCER. Prlnusai. Csatral St&ts kormal Scbool, t-tW-K. HAVEN. PA. Great Cures" vrm-ert Ly tiinuRan of testimonials i.h:w that 1 ii tl's Sar 611 pari 11a possc-scs jw.t i lurify vitalize fciid enrich th- l!'-!. Hood'S Pills TTe tlie only pflll be t;iken with Ho--wi Sarw:iia:iUa. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Mark nraiGNS COYBIOMTS C. Anrone aaadtaf a akatcli and "Y!!ZZ SnleklT asoanaln oar opmion fr wn; Jr motion taprobablrpataotabla i" tlona niietlj confidential. Handbook on f" ant fraa. Oldaat uhwt for ifit.nK.l"lw'J, PatcnU taken itbnut. eli.aia. in the tm ,u.b Mnnn a -- Scientific American. A handsomer? Illustrated workjr. tst aulatlon ot any aetoottno Jonrna . XSmS raw : fcmt month. (L Sold by ail "o-"1? raoca Onto, a r .Whmm' REAT SALES proveWgrsa merit of Hood's SarsaparillSa Hood's Sarsanarilln frilg because it oomplishai. GREAT CURES. rJ a 04 jbM .in i fix - ' M if J 7- "jgjfwo1- r