Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 19, 1900, Image 1

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B. F. SCMVVEIER, saaaaaa " . - - V , V. - V: : . A ...
j yoL. ,LY.' - """" 1 & TnE COHSTITUTIOn-THE Uni0n.--U1D THE EnFORCEBEtnr OF THE LAWS. Editor and Prtprltttn. AL
Tvixt Ijfe and fl
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! ir BY i3
I "OH. I was. To begin with, 1 d'da't ar resource? aTthe ! 'JJT ,,en
Ik, ,h, part I had to play, y know! journey.hT.." to he'rU .V'd'
i A Mrs:. ,c. had "" out it was no one there .k.t.1 "US' V A'J find
OW Whoa tho
:oIJ me
how she had a.n w i
i"m fTXa-
r wn uni a i-apuai part it might be
i naJ.-: and when I thought of this letter
t I resolved to play it. So I went to the
nation ior a copy of Goldsmith .a
.tuJied it with the dresser, wbo promised
:o make me up exactly like the actor she
ial soon. Tf I am expelled from one
K-ho.,1. it's pretty certain that another
aon't take me when they hear what they
ire exposing themsehrea tn"
But isn t it rather dreadful to be ex
i jelied. Xessa?"
"I shall not be expelled. I shall resign "
uil Nessa. loftily. "I haTe not .tndil,
Me poiiucal nistory- of the British con
j itu:ion for nothing." she added, with a
3ash of humor in her eyea.
! "When are you going to resign, dear?"
"The very first thing to-morrow morn
njt I made Tinkleton promise she would
wy nothing about the performance .to
Mrs. ic to-night in order that I myself
n..ui leu ner in tne morning. You may
e sure she was glad to svt out of it
rhere's another reason why I prefer to
rw,tfa. n i were expelled, Mrs. Ylc
wouid get nothing out of Mr. Redmond;
but if I resign, he must send her the pay
ment for a term, and that will help to
compensate the poor old soul for the in
jury 1 have done the school."
"And where shall you go when you
leave here?"
"To Grahame Towers, of course."
"Bnt aren't you afraid, Nessa?"
"Afraid of what that coward? Not h
Tf I were a man I'd be s soldier like my
father. There's nothing I should like
t etter than a good fight with that villain.
"But are you sure he's a coward,
ivar?" asked one of the girls naivay.
"I am certain that he is. I am anxious
for to-morrow to come; but, oh!" she
added, with a sudden drop in her voice
ss the tears sprang into her eyes, "I shall
never have the heart to say good-by to
you. dears."
.there were hugging and kissing all
around, and then Nessa, bursting away,
said. "Come, let ns get it over now.
Thefe, take these, Dolly; and now, little
witch, you're next. Choose what you
wouM like."
But the "little witch," sitting on the
bed with her face buried In her hands,
shook her head and whimpered. She was
a strangely small girl for her age, with
long, thin fingers, a dark complexion and
black hair, long and sleek as an Indian's.
Her ways were odd and seclusive. Some
times the girls found her seated in the
dark, huddled up with her chin resting
on her knees, and her weird, vacant eyes
half closed, as if her spirit was wander
ing in some other world. She could inter
pret dreams, and make sense put of the
greatest rubbish. She wss an authority
on all that concerned signs and tokens
and palmistry, and had worn a smuggled
pack of cards limp in telling the girls'
fortunes. Her title was not unmerited. .
The girls gathered about her prepared
for some new sensation in the romance of
this night. Nessa alone seemed to be un-
"What's the matter, yon little goose?)
4 iimp.y ridiculous. N
Is there anything dreadful in giving pre Chase."
rutsv' J "Then drive to the Chase."
"Don't, don't!" pleaded the little witch. The Wow stunned Redmond. He bad
without removing her hands. "It's like ' reason to dread inquiry. He could say
Naomi, my sister. When she was going nothing. His narrow, unsteady eyes be
to die she made us take things." trayed the fear and the venomous hatred
"But I am not going to die. Look at in his heart,
me-do I look like it?" I "Who-oah!" cried the driver, reining in
"You don't know all," said the girl. i horse, as a light phaeton came sharp
fhivering. and whispering so low that her Ij round the bend in tie drive.
rds were scarcely audible. "Not al! "Confusion!" inuttered Redmond furi
that I know. I would not teU you while ously, aa he caught sight of the phaeton
it might do you harm to know, bnt rraust i and the Udy whe drove In it; the next
uow that It may save you. Oh. you must moment, with abject entreafy In his fa.-e.
not go:" She raised herself suddenly, he turned to Nessa and said hurriedly,
and threw her arms about Nessa's neck; in alow tone ,
i.tif,,l ann Wind." she added.
herself in Nessa's ready em-
Why. dear, why f whispered Nessa,
-axing!y. '-- . -
"You are in dangerr Your.life Is not
. 'ti ...mi, tA h, vremT nan?e. I
- ... . u
and there is pern in your pan.
sen it whenever 1 nave looaeo in uie
.apK in your hand. Your line of life is
t.mkeii in the nineteenth year."
Nessa was the only one of all the little
irrvip who was not terrified into silence
!.;. the little witch's prophecy.
"Oh. tome, this is too bad, after prom-
i - 1. k f tthvnifi h TP
i;IiiC lilt? Mhl V Iff tuna, a - -
r . h- s and long life," she murmured, play-
fi.lv. as she smoothed her cheeks upon
'he girl's sleek hair. "Two things cant
true, you know; and of the two I
w.ju'.d prefer to believe your first prom-
"They are both true," said the girl,
i:h feverish eagerness; "you will be
h.it.t.v if vou live: but there are three
years of terrible danger before you.
wis that I dared not tell you. Oh,
lo sTny with us till the peril is past."
N. -sa herself stood now in silence, sub
(1 ie l w ith grave perplexity by the earn-esi,i.-s
of her little friend. But sud-l.-n.v
a of intelligence gleamed in hel
f.ie, an-1 unclasping the girl's clinging
nT:ns from her neck, she put her away,
hwi i.n; her at arm's length.
"You little trickster!" she exclaimed,
disdain; "I have found you
at. I see through your conjuring. You
have deen thinking about that clause in
th.- eo.li.-il that puts Mr. Redmond In
p.--es-ion of my fortune If I die before
twenty-nrie. and it struck yon that he
might murder me for my money if he
g'i! me tin'Ier his hand in Grahame Tow
er. I forgive you, dear," ahe added,
taking the child back to her bosom, and
kissing her, "for your sweet lore of me;
uh. you are awfully mistaken if Jon
think that fear would keep me from get
tin iti'o difficulties."
It was about five o'clock when Ness
earlicd ber destfnation-
"I it far to Grahame Towers?" she
asked the porter.
"A matter of four or five miles before
you pot to the park, and then there's the
"St part of a mile to the house. Take a
tlv. Miss?"
ftUjjjBjy luggage, please. There
are two tin boxes with name on tnem
She changed her last half-sovereign at
the refreshoi. nt bar, where shenaa a cu,
Sh. h.A , " '
, h.. ,.rvTOCUOie ,fP: bol
I VVU1 MKe nan akml a
i u nuiri v inpn rtw k
Ioe of those be w. letving behi.d
foreTer. ETen SI. Vi ., .hi.T
her wi,h tear- , her eyes, begKed her
to staj on. As for Tlnkleton and the
Sirls. the wax tley took on at parting wis
quite dreadful to remember.
In addition to these memories, reaction
after the excitement of last night made
the girl a heart rery heary indeed.
Her spirits rerived when the driTer
turning round, pointed with his whip to a'
massive building rising boldly out of thf
dark green oaks on a distant hill, and told
her it was Grahame Towers. It wa
something to feel that a place of such
Imposing grandeur waa hers. The pride
of her heart was stirred sgain when she
caught sight of the magnificent avenue
guarded by rampant panthers flanking
the great -gates at the entrance. It was
noblet and, thank goodness, the gates
were open.
Half way np the great drive they met
a wagon loaded with the trunk of an
enormous oak.
Cutting my timber!" exclaimed Nes-
sa, with indignation.
A little further on the driver nulled nn
A gentleman in shooting costume stood
with a gun under his arm directly in the
It was clear to see by his commandin
presence that he was master there. As
the fly stopped he came to the side. and.
seeing a lady, raised his hat.
It was three years since they met. and
tor tne moment be failed to recognize
Nessa. Three make a great difference in
the appearance of a girl at that time of
life: they make little or none in a man of
middle age.
Nessa knew him at once, though hi
black whiskers, which were formerly
trimmed to a point, were now shaved to
the fashionable military cnt she knew
him by those long, sleepy eyes, and that
odions smile. She bowed with severe
formality. In (hat moment he perceived
that the haughty young lady before him
was the disagreeable child he had seen
last in a short dress.
"Nessa!" he exclaimed, the amiability
going suddenly from his face, "why on
earth have yon come here?"
"Because it la my home, and I intend
to stay here for the present."
"You will do nothing of the kind. I
told you that it was my wish you should
stay in tne scnooi wnere i placed you.
"As you see, I have not stayed there."
"Then you will be good enough to re
turn at once."
"Quite out of the question; I have ren
dered that impossible."
"This Is hardly a suitable place for dis
cussing our affairs, Mr. Redmond."
"Discussing our affairs, indeed! The
discussion begins and ends here. Turn
around," he added, addressing the driver,
The driver turned about with a grin on
his broad face, and said:
"Where am I to take .you now. miss?"
"To the nearest magistrate."
"Why. that a Sir Thomas Bullen at the
' r or un 6 -
a hotel in Lullingford. I'll meet you there
this evening, and agree to anything you
like to propose."
Nessa was the last person in the world
to be moved by a bribe, and the bare idea
of quitting the park as if she hsd no right
'to be there wss
sumcient incentive 10
AHHwl ,- ,hj. th i-d, in th(
9taj - - -
phaeton so managed her spirited cob at
to make it doubtful which side of the
road she intended to keep. She wished to
know something more about this lly and
the horse and the young lady, who even
at a distance was strikingly pretty In her
close-fitting jacket and nest hat. As she
af length pulled tip. almost
within a
n'. reach of Nessa. she bowed, ana
; na
ooked to Redmond for an explanation.
There was no help for it. Redmond,
with a sufficiently bad grace, introduced
ihe two ladies.
"Miss Grahame, myh-stepdaughter.
Mrs. Redmond, my wife."
Mrs. Redmond smiled very sweetly, and
towed again. She was a Tery show,
woman, tall and comely, with a heavy
pla of shining yellow hair; dark eye
Cw, and lashes; and the love
nink-and-white complexion. At a distance
Cssa thought she couid not be more than
fivHr rix-and-twenty. but, on closer ex-
. 114 m II ft I A n1flt
A A the ey". certain harneM and Mor
X the mobilTnostr- d a pucker
her throat when she turned ber h-ad.
in . . hi;. that she might be fire
maae """ " m0re. On the
nr six-and-tbirty, or r,ru "
. felt disposed to like Mrs.
whole, Nessa ie u u,"l . . , .nQ sim-
to drive. -xoression atUl upon
ed eyebrow. . Da ns a
...I: nhtnr came here io i
to return to the hotel t
T- 1-;; more at her ease.
where she wm fion in this
nr. I.0A fin
ve , L,,n"
wretched old '""V"" -;dl off as that.
"Oh. we are not so l baoy
if Mws G"n"J
havo u y(H.
Aoot?B?d,B7,a' Im for '
Mooting." and, raising his hat. he turned
" back Hl hurried off-aavlng himself,
" was bis habit, from the present diffl
Jty. and leaving she worst for the fn-
"Shall we walk to" the house, dear?
ii we can tklk as we go along." said
Mp- Redmond.
Nessa aeceptaH readily. Mrs. Redmond
Bsnded the reinb to the old man in livery
who occupied ihe seat beside her. and.
JwPPlng to thd ground, shook Nessa
You will briig the luggage up to the
bouse." she said to the flyman.
o joa know, dear." said Mrs. Red-
ond, takinc Nhu'i arm tho. .IL
i towrd the house, "this is the first time I
er neara your name! Men are so re
rred about business matters, and I sup
Pe you have some business relations
with him?"
"u he is my guardian. I came
here to nave an understanding with him
about my position."
"Your guardian! How odd he should
neter have told me anything about it. I
feel quite hurt, dear; it looks almost like
a want of confidence. I knew, of course,
UiatiMr. Redmond waa a widower when
I married him, but he never told me that
Mrs. Grakame had left any children. Per
haps: he thought 1 should want to have
yon with me aa I certainly should, hav
ing do children of my own. - But you are
not a child now. Have you any broth
ers or slaters?"
"So, I don't know that I have any re
lation at all; I have never seen, never
heaxl of any," said Nessa; and she gave
a bripf outline of her life at school, warm
ing op as she went on nnder the stimu
larlcg sympathy of her companion, and
teiliig finally the manier cf her leaving
Eaide House.
Mrs. Redmond was immensely tickled
with her account of the performance,
whiei Nessa gsve with considerable hu
mor, seing of an impulsive and expansive
"Yoa can't tell how glad I am that you
have come here, dear." said Mrs. Red
mond; "and I'm sure that, with the
monej it would cost to keep you at school
yoa cso provide amply for your wants.
Of roirse, your mamma left a proper pro
vision for you r
"Oh,1 yes; I have a copy of her will in
my bs. I was to have eight hundred a
year daring my minority."
Eight hundred a year! That's quite
a great deal. Eight hundred a year!" she
repeatrd, reflectively. "But surely, dear.
you will soon be of age; you look quite a
"I ehtll not be of age for three years."
"Only eighteen! And, of course, when
you are twenty-one you will have more
even than you have now."
"Oh, I shall have everything. This es
tateall Is left to me."
Mrs. Redmond stopped with an excla
mation that had something of dismay in
it; but, quickly recovering her self-possession,
she drew Nesea's arntVloser to
her aide, and said:
"Yoa must forgive me, dear. This is
such a surprise, and I feel so wounded
to think that my husband should not have
told m something about his position. I
dare say he has his own independent for
tune; bat beyond that he has nothing
whatever to come to come from this es
tate?" "Nothing that he can legally claim;
bnt, of course," ssid Nessa. her generous
disposition overcoming her late hostility
"of coarse I should never never "
She hesitated, at a loss to find a phrase
that might assure her new friend of a
kindly iatencion without wounding her
feelings j
"I know what you would say," said
Mrs. Rtdmoad; "that if my husband
should sappen to be in difficulties, and
we found oarselves without a penny in
the world at the end of three years, you
would give us a home snd snd food
She stopped, choked with disappointment,
indignation, envy and malice; but in the
next moyient masked her feelings under
a Judasl Kiss, as sue murmured: "Uh,
yoa dean dear, generous, kind-hearted
(To be continued.)
WliUJ Hoaae la Rickety.
"In thelplan for building a new honn
for the Piesident elsewhere than on the
present site It has been proposed to
utilize tM present mansion for offices."
writes Co- Theodore A. Bingham, U.
S. A-, in urging the adoption of Mrs.
Harrison' plans for enlarging - the
house, in the Ladiea' Home Journal.
"On pie therefor has been that the
historic building should be left as It Is.
This Is certainly to be Insisted on. But
It Is said the mansion Is too pure a
piece of architecture to be marred by
additions. Hits, however. Is a specious
argument, since the original design con
template side additions, and if the
building In Its present state were used
as offices U would be wrecked In Are
or six yean. Those who have no ex
perience vfltb public buildings or with
this bolldlnf In particular, have no con
ception of tt wear and tear on a Presi
dent's offlc. It surpasses that on any
other office is the country. The present
Executive .anlon was lightly built,
and Is already expensive to keep In
proper repair- Its floor beams are not
strong enoufh to endure office use.
Great difficulty has arisen In the past
with tbe few rooms now used as the
President's eiecutlve offices, and great
watchfulnesi has to be constantly ex
ercised. Several times the floors bave
threatened to break through. The stairs
have already broken' down, one flight
being now supported by a chain. Still,
to remodel for office use only, the whole
Interior of or historic Executive Man
sion would be not only a very expen
sive' matter, hot would fall to meet the
of tbe case, and also. It Is
believed, tbe approval of the country ai
Insincerity. r
Our clvlliati"" de1m,ndi grea
r ," degree of mendacity.", remarked
XlT' "We are constant
r'nconnteriW some empty phrase.
2me conventual remark which Is al
T?wnvoHof sinirtty."
TOS TXbt." -n-ered the book
Tbaf. Perfectly true. Ian.
Bge,AeA 0f !t every tfme I walk up to
reminded of door m
tSewtrd Vioome' on !t"-W.sh-
ington Star. -
Had J"'"1 I4
ne (gusbinTbere
more In unison with na
wlien we ?w 9 when our heart,
rw ird with the .ub-
of the unWerae. Have
lime harmony
.mt ever notic
ever noticed I"
' " . j r kave.
It it always thai
He inuevu
oaV day.-T"-BM.
Way with me
ri i
In VnLX e ' m 133 1-
tl wb
ti iyiflyl jnnia- js CXI C23 fe
lyl W iSrlwSwtw 1 vlMlw tike wnnijla of
XSl! ml0 h l V EtRaTs m Id 1 w
sTs"" t1toi ' T"1111 "Ik ir ua !b 1- i
s vVYv V nm (c Ha it b on mi n en $
'" v VV?1" Hang IT. iais Iks 8
ro!lv-JtV in d id t i m
ll) lb C l! TSUI 5 if nrair 5j
'y' -sjt&K. untie dl lb mt a. j?
y snEillB Dd nn
sJryyx . 1 yt tLlbflil poo ho
A factory for liquid air Is being erect
ed at Los Angeles, CaL, for refriger
ating purposes.
Careful experiments by Monsieur
Brushes, In France, Indicate that the
X-rays nave a definite Telocity which
Ie of the same order as tbe Telocity of
There are 120 firms Is Germany en
gaged in the acetylene Industry. Most
af tbe burners are made at Nuremberg.
There are no fewer than twenty-six
. 3 uguu u,
wyiie gas. xne nrst pianx ox uui
find for lighting small towns) to. Ger-
nany was erected at Hasafurt, a towfl"
)f 2SO0 inhabitants. '
In England a lamp-post has bean In
troduced which combines a fire hy
drant, tap and fire-alarm box. The by-
drant can be used for fire purposes, fill-'
rnf water carta and for street flushing,
while tbe small Up can be used by an
Individual for domestic water supply,
There Is a water meter and siphon at
the bottom, by which the water la shnt
off from tbe hydrant, thus preventing H
from freezing.
According to a report published by
the Home Office In London ahowtng the
mln.ral production, of the worM for
th- l. ,w tt-.. n-
leads all Its rivals In this form of
wealth. Great Britain rank second,
but far behind the leader, the total
product of the United States having
been about $720,000,000, while that mt
Great Britain was $400,000,000. Ger
many stands third, with nearly S2S0,
000,000. ' Lord Raylelgh, In discussing our abil
ity to tell the direction from which
sound proceed, calls attention to an In
teresting difference between the eyea
and ear. with regard to the slse of the
waves that strike them. The average
wave length of light Is about one ten
thousandth of the diameter of the pupil
of tbe eye. On tbe other hand, "the
waves of sound Issuing from a man's
mouth," say. Lord Raylelgh, "are
about eight feet long, whereas the di
ameter' of the passage of the ear-l.
quite .mail and could not well have
been made a large multiple of eight
feet" One consequence of the minute
ness of light waves In comparison with
tbe size of the eyes is that tbe lenses
of tbe eyes are able to concentrate rays
of light upon the retina with great effi
ciency. Prof. John Trowbridge baa recently
had installed at Harvard Unfrerafty tbe
most powerful apparatus is ftba worM
for tne production of eleAtWmotrve
force. . The plant com prises 20,000 stor
age celle'glvlng 40,000 electrical units
of pressure," and this can be Increased
to 3.000,000 volts. But to order to ob
tain the full effect of so enormous a
pressure,!' Professor-Trowbridge say it
would be necessary to remove' tbe ap
paratus Into tbe center of an. open field
and elevate It at least thirty feet from
the ground to order to avoid loss from
the Inductive action of floors and walls.
With this great battery the highest de
gree of Instantaneous temperature yet
attained can be produced. Professor
Trowbridge hopes wtth It. aldto ob
tain some clew-fevthe temperature at
which hydrogen exist, to tbe stars.
This plant furnishes, be sees, aa Meal
method of producing the X-ray. .
ResraJatfoata that Were Ones taVoarae
' at Fassrals ud Chaifihsa
Diving Into the old locoed ef on of
the meet charming dttea of ora
mon wealth. . Nortaajxsptoa, we
much of deep Interest aa rerssJti
torn and habits of oMen times. Ma
waa found In "tbe
olden time, and comparatively
foot stoves were carried to aftarch, a
ware -tallow isndsss to the avsaskarg
rnsattog. In 1787 the liuBialaal vHal
nnsatlon at a legal town musing waa,
I SB M fV 1 W.
In 1744, about the beginning of Jona
than Edwards' trouble In the parish, It
was voted not "to pay the charge of
bringing his daughters from Brook
field." In 1738 this appears on tbe town
records: "Taking Into consideration the
difficulty Mr. Edwards hath labored
under this year and some time past
with respect to his firewood, the town
voted that those persons who have not
this year brought him a load of wood
might have liberty between this time and
next Tuesday night to bring each one his
load of wood." If there was not a suf
ficiency of wood by that time, the town
then voted, the selectmen shall see that
the deficiency should be met at the cost
of the town.
Later, In 1788, we find In the warrant
for town meeting this entry: "To pro
cure firewood for Rev. Mr. Williams, to
, choose a committee to seat the meeting
A MHou bnslneaa to de.
; cid wko gjjoow take prefersnce la the
broad aisles: Tbe ."nigger pew,' well
remembered by tbe writer, caused no
trouble to said officer, as that was read
ily accepted by tbe "colored brethren,"
tike cows In the stable, who went Qua
fully to their separate stalls.
. Not only the living had special rules
governing their conduct, but the rules
about the dead were very quaint' sa by
this report of a committee. May . 11,
,1780. to whom had been referred the
conduct of funerals, as follows:
Whereas, It is the opinion . of this
fnnrJs ouht
with great decency and decorum
, im?ZL t T
I generations the Importance of the
awful solemnity, and to render the
bouse of mourning better than the
house of feasting. Be It therefore rec
ommended to all tbe Inhabitants of this
town to observe the following regula
tions at funerala:
' L That the relatives of the deceased
follow next the corpse, two and two.
2. If the deceased was a male per
son the male, are to follow next the
mourners, two and two,-and the wom
en after them, two and two; but If the
deceased was a woman, then the wom
en are to follow next tbe mourners and
the men after them.
8. Those on horseback are to follow
. -
two. and the carriages are to follow in
tbe rear of tbe orocesslon. And It Is !
In after the foot folks, bores two and
j requested that no person walk or ride
on eiuer siue tne procession irom tne
house to the grave.
Ten of tbe prominent men of tbe city
were appointed and requested to attend
at funerals and to regulate tbe proces
sion thus recommended until the same
shall become habitual to the people. In
1745 the question was raised In the an
nual town meeting "If the town would
be at the expense of coloring tbe meet
ing house, and It passed In the nega
tive!" Evidently they thought that
nature wonld do It without expense.
Not till 1749 were the forts and fortifi
cations of the town demolished and tbe
Umber and boards sold for the benefit
of . the town. Law. were passed rela
tive' to the schooling of boy and the
amount of wood they should brlag to
the.schoolbouse; girls .were of no ac
count to those days. ;
Increased Nearly So-vemfold
Dnrrna Victoria's Kaian.
. When the queen came to tbe throne
there were less than a minion electors
out of a population of more than twenty-five
million. That is as much t
say that only 14 to every 100 adult
males were possessed of the franchise.
.And yet five years had paased sine tat
great reform bill had been placed upos
tbe statute book after an epoch-making
Whtle. To-day nearly 70 per cent
of the adult male to the United King
Msese the franchto. The in
to population, added to tbe In
crease in the percentage of representa-
haa, however, given, us an electo
of about atx and Oa-ee-quarter
mSllom. . .
It I aa well to note that daring this
dwvulopmeDt of the elec
torate the
the people have
1881. at. the
Man parlla-
Of '
ef the
DECEMBER 19, 1900
aad, suspensions of writs -reduced the
number in actual practice to 640, round
about which figure it remained till Mr.
Gladstone in 1885 raised It to 670, the
present total of the house.
It Is quite probable, therefore, that,
(should the much-discussed "manhood
suffrage" ever come Into operation in
this country. It will not add a single
member to the distinguished gathering
at St Stephen's. Nor. as a matter of
fact, will It add to the electorate Itself
as a large proportion as bas been added
In the last thirty-three years. For In
that time 50 per cent has been added
to tbe rate of adult male representa
tion.' A mere 80 per cent more would
"Iva every man over 21 a vote If be
tared to use It. London Express.
' -Finger Nails and Gentility.
In China long finger nails are a mar'a
of gentility. Tbey are an Indication
thmt alr possessor la a man of leisure.
When they are excessively long, ap
proaching the dignity of talons, as tbey
sometime do, tbey indicate that the
gentlemanor lady attached to them
has passed the mere gentility line, and
has become a full-fledged aristocrat. In
Annam, where tbe flnger-nall habit has
persisted for hundreds and perhaps
thousands of years, these signs-manual
of extreme gentility sometimes attain
by careful cultivation tbe length of six
or eight Inches, and Instances are on
record where a length of sixteen and
even eighteen inches has been attained.
This custom prevails generally
throughout what Is known as Indo
Chlna, which Includes Slam, Burmah,
Cambodia, Laos, and tbe Shan states,
etc. It is also common throughout the
Chinese Empire, more especially In the
southern provinces.
It Is said that some of the Annameee
noblemen never bare their nails cut
from tbe time of birth. In such cases,
of coarse, tbe poor creatures are prac
tically helpless, and bave to rely on ser
vant entirely for assistance to the dis
charge of the most common offices, be
ing unable to either clothe or feed
themselves. New Tork Sun.
To Lady Voters.
Some years ago a traeveler through
Minnesota stopped to read a notice In
regard to the election of school officers,
at a ,ace where
. .
road met.
The following paragraph, which was
appended to the notice, seems to Indi
cate that some student of the diction
ary had seized the opportunity to dis
play his knowledge and confound all
Ignorant passers-by:
N. B. Tbe wisdom of our laws hav
ing tolerated woman to cast the light
of her benign Influence beyond the con
fines of the nursery, by permitting ber
to practically use the genial rays of her
susceptible intelligence In directing th'
moral and mental culture of man. It Is
therefore desirable that the lady voter
of this school district should use their
franchise with a steadfast purpose to
training of the rising generation, to
whom destiny Intrusts the guardian
ship of human happiness In the near
Lid or Fruit Jars.
The lids of fruit jars taken from th
top shelf of the kitchen closet, where
tbey may bave lain long to retirement,
should be.aterlllxed before using. Tut
them Into cold water and bring the
water to tbe boiling point; take them
out one by one with a clean skimmer
and slip each npon Its Jar. They should
not be handled with the fingers except
to screw quickly into place, nor should
they be left on tbe table nor wiped
with towels that have been hanging In
tbe kitchen. , Any of these acts make
may be picked up to this way after It
has been accomplished.
Snail Farms.
A snail farm has been started by a
farmer of A net, France He has al-1
ready 260,000 of these creature, and
they eat as much green fodder as two
nowa. - ' ,
Did yen ever notice that a boy
hunter never wears a hunting coat,
watch ha game pockets on tbe inside?
A dot want to camtf his game wJ
Preached by Rev. Dr. Talmage
SaldMt: A Way Over Jordan Tne Lord
Will Send a Boat From tho Otnet
Shore it Will Coma to Transport tna
raithral to Eternal life.
Copyright lwio. I
Washington, D.C. From an unnoticed
incident of olden time Dr. Talmage in this
discourse draws some comforting and rap
turous lessons. The text is II muel xix.
18, "And there went over a ferryboat to
carry over the king's household."
Which of the crowd is the king? That
short man, sunburnt and in fatigue dress.
It is David, the exiled king. He has de
feated his enemies and is now going home
to resume his palace. Good! I always
like to see David come out ahead. But be
tween him and his home there is the cele
brated River Jordan, which has to be
passed. The king is accompanied to the
bank of the river by an aristocratic old
gentleman of eighty years, Burzillai by
name, who owned a tine country seat at
Kogelira. Besides that, David has his fam
ily with him. But how shall they get
across the river? While they are stand
ing there I see a ferryboat coming from
the other side, and as it cuts through the
water I see the faces of David and his
household brighten up at the thought of
so soon getting home. No sooner had the
ferryboat struck the snore than David and
his family and his old friend Barzillai,
from Rogelim, get on board the boat.
Either with splashing oars at the side or
with one oar sculling at the stern of the
boat they leave the eastern bank of the
Jordan and start for the western bank.
That western bank is black with crowds
of people, who are waving and shouting at
the approach of the king and his family.;
The military are all out. Some of those!
who have been David's worst enemies now
shout until they are hoarte at his return.'
No sooner had the boat struck the shore
on the western side than the earth quakes'
and the heavens ring with cheers of wel
come and congratulation. David and his
family and Barzillai from Rogelim step
ashore. King David asks his old friend'
to go with him and live at the palace, but
Barzillai apologizes and intimates that he
is infirm with age and too deaf to appre
ciate the music, and has a delicate appe
tite that would soon be cloyed with luxu
rious living, and so he begs that David
would let him go back to his country seat.
I once heard the father of a President
of the United Slates say that he had just
been to Washington to see his son in the
W ti i t a TJnlIaA a., .1 t.o ,M f
derful things' that occurred there, and of I
what Daniel Webster said to him. but he
declared: "I was glad to get home. There
was too much going on there for me." My
father, an aged man, made his last visit
at my house in Philadelphia, and after the
church service was over and we went
home some one in the house asked the
aged man how he enjoyed the service.
"Well, I enjoyed the service, but there
were too many people there for me. It ' pen witn nothing to tread on and noth
troubled my head very much." The fact ,n8 : hear and nothing to handle and
is that old people do not like excitement. nothing to taste then I will laugh, too.
If King David had asked Barzillai thirty ' . Are T0U Kom8 to, flo but ether
years before to go to the palace, the prob- ure,e.r swinging aoout your nanus ana
ability is that Barzillai would haveone, : feet through the air indiscriminately, one
but not now. They kiss each other good-; moment sweltering in the centre of the sun
bye, a custom among men Oriental, but and the next moment shivering in the
in vogue yet where two brothers part or j niountains of the moon?
an aged father and a son go away from .lhaJ not my heaven. Dissatisfied 4
each other never to meet again. No won-1 w,tn John s materialistic heaven, theologi
der that their lips met as King David and : eal t'nkearf tryinsE to P0," upV heaT" " -'
old Barzillai, at the prow of the ferryboat, 1 n that will dp for them at last. I never
parted forever heard of any heaven I want to go to ex-
This River Jordan, in all ages and 8.- John's heayen.
among all languages, has been the syin-' 1 believe I shall hear Mr. Toplady sing -bol
of the boundary line between earth ret, ,?n(1 Isaac Watts recite hymns
and heaven, yet when, on a former occa- Bna Mozart play. "Oh," you say, "w'aere
sion, I preached to you about the Jordanic would you get the organ?" TJ.s Lord
passage I have no doubt that some of you will provide the organ. Don't you bother
despondingly said: "The Lord might have jbout the organ. I believe I shall yet see
divided Jordan for Joshua but not for l?avid with a harp, and I will ask him to
poor rae." Cheer up! I want to show in8 one f tne songs of Zion.
you that there is a way over Jordan as I believe after the resurrection I shall
well as through it. My text says, "And 8ee Massillon, the great French pulpit or
there went over a ferryboat to carry over ator, and I shall hear from his own lips
the king's household." i low' he felt on that day when he preached
All our cities are familiar with the ferry- the king's funeral sermon and flung his
boat. It goes from San Francisco to Oak- whole audience into a paroxysm of grief
land, and from Liverpool to Birkenhead, ann solemnity.
and twice every secular day of the week -And so you and I will be met at the
multitudes are on the ferryboats of our landing. Our arrival will not be like step
great cities, so that you will not need to P'n8 ashore at Antwerp or Constantinople
hunt up a classical dictionary to find out among a crowd of strangers. It will be
what 1 mean wbile I am speaking to you among friends, good friends, those who
about the passage of David and his family are warm hearted friends, and all their
across the River Jordan. friends. We know people whom we have
My subject, in the first place, impresses never seen by hearing somebody talk about
me with the fact that when we cross over them very much. We know them almost
from this world to the next the boat will 89 well as if we had seen them,
have to come from the other side. The ! And do you not suppose that our par
tribe of Judah, we are i.iformed, sent this ?nts and brothers and sisters and children
ferryboat across to get David and his heaven have been talking about us all
household. I scand on the eastern side of these years and talking to their friends?
the Kiver Jordan, and I find no shipping that, I suppose, when we cross the
at a'.I. but while 1 am standing there I river t the last we shall not only be met
sec a boat plowing through the river, and by all those Christian friends whorj we
as 1 hear the swirl of the waters, and knew on earth, but by all their fr.ends.
the boat comes lo the eastern side of the 1'hey will enme down to the landing to
Jordan, and David and his family and his mpet us. Your departed friends love you
old friend step on board that boat, I am . no,f more than they ever did.
mightily impressed with the fact that ' ml will be surprised at the last to find
when we cross over from this world to the how tbey know about all the affairs of
next the boat will have to come from the vour b'e- Why. they are only across tbe
opposite shore. . ferry, and the boat is coming this wsy,
Every day I find people trying to ex- aau" the boat is going that way. I do not
temporize a way from earth to heaven, know hut they have already asked the
They gather up their good works and some I-ord the day, the hour, the moment when
sentimental theories, and they make a .voa are coming across, and that they know
raft, and they go down. The fact is that w, but I do know that you will "be met
skepticism and infidelity never yet helped t the landing. The poet Southev said he
one man to die. I invite all the ship thought he should know Rishop Hcber in
carpenters of worldly philosophy to come . heaven by the portraits he had seen of
an d build one boat that can safely crocs j him in I-ondon. and Dr. Randolph said he
this river. I invite them all to unite their
skill, and Bolingbroke shall lift the stan
chions, and Tyndall shall shape the bow
sprit, and Spinoza shall make the main
topgallant braces, and Kenan shall go to
tacking and wearing and boxing the ship.
All together in 10,000 years they will never
be able to make a boat that can cross this
Jordan. Why was it that Spinoza and
Blount and Shaftesbury lost their souls?
It was because they tried to cross the
stream in a boat of their own construc
tion. What miserable work they made of
dying! Diodoms died of mortification be
cause he could not guess a conundrurj
which had been proposed to him at a
public dinner; Zeuxis, the philosopher,
d'ed of mirth, laughing at a caricature
of an aged woman, a caricature made by
his own band; while another of their
company and of their kind died saying:
'"Must I leave, all these beautiful pic
tures?" and then asked that he might be
bolstered up in the bed in his last mo
ments and be shaved and- painted and
rouged. Of all the unbelievers of all ages
not one died well. Some of them sneaked
out of life, some blasphemed and raved
and tore their bed covers to tatters. This
is the way worldly philosophy helps a
man to die.
A guide at Niagara Falls said to me,
"Do you see that rock down in the rap
ids?" I said, "Yes." "Well," he said,
"some years ago a man got into the rap
ids and floated down until he came to
that rock, and he clutched that and held
on. We sent five lifeboats atdifferent
times out to him, and they were all brok
en to splinters. After awhile we got bim
some food, but he could not eat it. He
seemed to have no appetite. He wanted
to get ashore, and tbe poor fellow held on
and held .on, and, with a shriek louder
thin the thunder of the cataract, he
went over." When a man puts out from
the shore of this world on the river of
death in a boat of his own construction,
he has worse disaster than that ship
wreck, eternal shipwreck.
Blessed be God, there is a boat cominr
iiom the other side! Transportation at
last for our souls from the other shore: .
. i . l . . 1 , r .L. ..L
everything about this gospel from the oth-(
er shore; pardon from the other shore; ;
mercy from the other shore; pity from the j
other shore; ministry of angels from tne I
other shore; power to work miracles from I
the other shore; Jesus Christ from the
other shore. "This is a faithful saying
and worthy of all acceptation that Christ
Jesus came into tbe world to save sin-
NO. 2.
tiers, " and from a foreign snore 1 sea toe
ferryboat coming, and it rolls with the
surges of a Saviour's altering, but sa it'
strikes the earth the mountains rock and
the dead adjust their apparel so that they
may be fit to come out. That boat touches
the earth, and glorious Thomas Walsh
gets into it in his expiring moment, say-,
ing: "He has come! He has cornel My
beloved is mine, and I am His." Gocd
Sarah Wesley got into that boat,' and aa
she shoved off from the shore she cried:
"Open the gates!" I bless God that as
the boat came from the other shore to
take David and his men across so when
we are about to die the boat will come
from the same direction. God forbid that
I ' should ever trust to anything that
starts from tbis side.
Again, my subject suggests that when
we cross over at the last the King will
be on board the boat. Ship carpentry in
Bible times was in its infancy. The boats'
were not skillfully made, and I oan very
easily imagine that the women and chil
dren of the kings household might have
been nervous about going on triat ooat
afraid that the oarsman or the helmsman
might give out and that the boat might
be dashed on the rocks, as sometimes
boats were dashed in the Jordan, and
then I could have imagined the boat
starting and rocking and they crying out,
"Oh, we are going to be lost; we are go
ing down!" Not so. The king was on
board the boat, and those women and
children and all the household of the king
knew that every care was taken to have .
the king, the head of the empire, pass in
Blessed be God that when we leave this -world
we are not to have a great and
perilous enterprise of getting into heaven;
not a dangerous Franklin expedition to
find the northwest passage among ice
bergs; only a ferry. That accounts .tor
something you have never been able to
understand. You never supposed that
very nervous and timid Christian people
could be so unexcited and placid in the
last hour. The fact is, they were clear
down on the bank, and they saw there
was nothing to be frightened about, such
a short distance only a ferry. With one
ear they heard the funeral psalm in their
memory, and with the other ear they
heard the song of heavenly salutation.
The willows on this side the Jordan and
the Lebanon cedars on the other almost
interlocked their branches only a ferry.
My subject also suggests the fact that
when we cross over at the last we shall
find a solid landing. The ferryboat, aa
spoken of in my text, means a place to
start from and a place to land. David and
his people did not find the eastern shore
of the Jordan any more solid than the
western shore where be landed, and yet
to a great many heaven is not a real place.
To you heaven is a fog bank in the dis-
tance - . -f ter the resurrection has come
you will have a resurrected foot and some
thing to tread on and a resurrected eye
and colors to see with it and a resurrected
ear and music to regale it.
Smart men in this day are making a
great deal of fun about St. John's mate
rialistic descriptions of heaven. Well,
now, my friends, if you will tell me what
will be the use of a resurrected body in
thought he would know William Cowper,
the poet, in heaven from the pictures he
had seen of him in Knflnm! Kuf w will
know our departed kindred by the por
traits hung ' in th throne room of our
On starlight nights you look up and I
suppose it is so with any one who has
friends in heaven on starlight nights you
look up. and you cannot help but think of
those who have gone, and I suppose they
look down and cannot help but think of
us. But they have the advantage of us.
We know not just where their world of
joy is. They know where we are.
But there is a thought that comes over
me like an electric shock. Do I belong to
the King's household? Mark yon, the
text says, "And there went over a ferry
boat to carry over the king's household,"
and none but the king's household. Then
I ask. Do I belong to the household? Do
you?- If you do not, come to-dav and be
adopted into that household. "Oh." says
some soul here, "I do not know whether
the King wants me." lie does; He does.
Hear the voice from the throne. "I will be
a father to them, and they shall be Mv
sons and daiiKhters, saith the Lord Al
mighty." "Him that cometh unto Me,"
Christ says, "I witl in nowise cast out "
Come into the King's household: Sit
down at the King's table. Come in and
take your apparel from the King's ward
robe, even the wedding garment of Christ's
ricbteousnesa. Come in and inherit the
King's wealth. Come in' and cross ia the
King's ferryboat.
Captain I've been noticing lately
that many men and some petty officers
are often drunk! Acordingly, I order
that hereafter when anyone baa been
drunk be shall himself report It to me
the next day.
Petty Officer I have to report, hie!
cap'n, that I' was drunk yesterday. -'
Captain But you are drunk now!
Petty Officer Cap'n, IH, hlc! report
this drunk, hlc! to-morrow I TJnsere
Gesellscliaftv ' ' '
. t , ,
English Public BoJiaing.
The public buildings ot England alone
uc latum at duui yyivninug
S1.S9U.ZW,WU. - '
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