Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 17, 1900, Image 3

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    f EDXISDAY.OCT.U, 1900.
-CT-wrrrol pe'y,' If paid
BtTBW' lr not mid In awl.
f I r -
Hct-.L.nt advertwiug
and 'local
Jza iwnts a I'ne
2urtioni will be made to those de
Jngto advertise by the year, half or
Hnnters were numerous on Mon -day.
i fake, the democratic talk
SlUont expansion.
Someone h:s eornerel pork be
anse it is scarce.
Jlalaria lurks not in air, but in
the mosquito bite.
The late rain put a new face on
the growing wheat.
Vote the republican ticket to
jeep off hard times.
There are not as many pork eat
ers, as there used to be.
A vote for Keller will be a vote
for low tariff and Bryanism.
A rote for Heading is a vote for
the Ihp3 wing of the democracy.
A vote for Hackendorn will be a
vote for low tariff and Bryanism.
The newly elected Presbyterian
minister will preach next Sunday.
Coal oil and gas men are direct
rix attention to Licking creek val
ley. Miss Minnie Strayer of Patter
son, spent a day at Lewistown last
Cast thy bread upon the waters.
After many days it will be return
ed to thee.
Some farmers are finishing sow
ing wheat at this time, the middle
of October.
Miss Lydia Lesh spent Sunday
at the home of John O. Albert in
All but one or two American
war ships are to be with-drawn
from China.
All the banking system the dem
ocratic party of the past has had
was wild-cat.
At a certain age of a boy a
cure for cigarette habit is the
ins on of hands.
A boy named Temple shot a wild
turkey at Shade mountain north
, . . . ,
The most soaking ram in four
months fell on Saturday evening
and Saturday night.
'Dr. Lucian Banks dined the
Juniata Medical Society at the Nat
ional house last week.
A vote for Heading will be a
that Bryanism implies
Mrs. John Painter and son of
Washington, D. C, are visiting
among relatives in town."
The Methodist State "Convention
will be held at Harrisburg ' on the
22nd to 25th of October.
Elmer Barner's murder trial in
Dauphin county cost between three
and four thousand dollars.
Miss Jennie Howe of Harris
burg has been visiting friends in
town within the past week.
A boy baby was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Schollar last week at
their home in the east end.
Look up! the days of prosperity
will again come in which there
shall be something to harvest.
Some farmers will plow stubble
fields for corn and save their old
grass fields for hay next summer.
Children under 16 years of age
in TTnntincrdnn mnsr be in their
homes at 8 o'cloek in the evening,
, .
Mrs. J. Havward Harlow nee
Miss Eleanor Baldwin of Edge
wofwrl. Pa., is visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baldwin
Miss Anna McCulloch of Lewis
town, who has been visiting Miss
Clara Thompson in Mexico, spent
part of last Friday with Mrs. W.
The chilly autumn mornings
have come. They never fail and
the rain and 6leet and snow will
not fail. They will all be here in
their own good time.
The potato crop in Cumberland
county is like in Juniata county,
scarce, and potatoes by the car
load are being shipped into the
county from York State.
A man of many years of close ob
servation says the wheat crop next
year will be surprisingly large.
He says wheat crops are always
large the year following great
The bows wing of the democracy
in Juniata is to control through
Dr. Heading all of the political
patronage in this congressional dis
trict, if Bryan is elected. Vote
for McKinley; vote for Mahon.
The Juniata Valley camp-meeting
grounds at Xewlon Hamilton
were sold at Sheriff's sale to satis
fy an indebtedness of three thou
sand dollars. J. A. McKee of
Lewistown was the purchaser.
Hoodlums of Marion in the State
of Indiana threw stones at Koose
velt when he was driving in a re
publican procession in Marion last
week. Hoodlums are like dogs
and produce a snapping time
wherever a number of them get to
gether. A vote for Heading is a vote for
the Bryan proposed change of low
tariff that will shnt the manufac
turing business and throw tens of
thousands of men out of employ
ment and fill the land with beg
gars and tramps. Vote for Mahon
and your vote will be for a contin
nance of the present times.
Vote for Brans.
Vote for MeKee.
Vote for Beaver, '.i
Vote - for Mahon.
Vote for Leonard.
October, half gone.
Re-union to-morrow
Hypnotism, a humbug.
Mr8,IckeaformiUinery. 3t.
Christmas, 9 weeks ahead.
Foot ball game to-morrow.
1W clothing at Harley's.
Snow in Texas on Satm day.
Hypnotism, old mesmerism.
Dishonest gain will not stay.
Don't vote for low tariff men.
Over 87 thousand land lien grab.
veU0t fr McKinley n Eoose-
The drougth made
The drougth made
short nnt
small chest-
vote for wild-cat bank
The Goodling murderer is still at
A poor house without
a countj
There are honest people in
There is salt
in Licking Creek
enumeration 75,000,000
For, health, eat of onions
a week.
A vote
for Bryan is business
Thermometer at summer heat on
The drougth made plenty of wild
Look up! the crops will be bet
ter next year.
Question, is there gas in Lick
ing Creek valley.
The time for colds and tooth
ache to set in is here.
There is an eye on the politic
ians that want to defeat McKce.
The ladies are delighted with
the fine millinery at Mrs. Ickes'.
The Lord's Supper was observed
in the Lutheran church on Sunda'
The rain of last Sunday improv
ea ine appearance or tne growing
J Someone says people should eat
onions to free their bodies of too
much lime
ili3. Ik. A'. II 1UHIU HI UtWlSlOWU.
spent last week with her daughter
Mrs. E. C. Doty in this place.
A larce cave haa been diswnver-
ed in the openingof the Swoope &
Gay ton stone quarry at Mapleton.
Last Saturday night October 13,
Mrs. Henrietta Bobbins, colored,
died at Easton, Pa., aged 106 years.
": There were wind squalls accom
panied with rain on Tuesday after
noon, ine nrst narbineer of win
The goose bone prophet says a
hard winter. Other prophets
ts say I
np tflJ
the winter will be mild
Cow peas sowed thick on fields
and when grown to maturity plow
ed down is said to supply the soil
with nitrogen.
A good many people not veter
ans nor firemen, attended the Per
ry county ie-uuion i iviwitjrsiiMvu
last Saturday. iS
Mrs. vy . j . .Mark, airs, nowara
Kirk and son Edward of Patter
son, are visiting at M. X. Xagin
ey's, Mifflin Co.
Rev. Mr. Campbell of the Port
rptfyai i resojieriiiu cuurvn pnacu-
-"Ted for the Presbyterians of this
I , .
place on Sunday
n. W. Berger and wife and
Jaughters and his son George and
U 1 0 a V, 111 V. 1. Ill UV . V -V. A. u. . -
adelphia this week.
Soft coal is being introduced in
many places on account of the scar
city of hard coal caused by the
Btrike in the anthracite region
Tom. Sulouff shot a wild tur
a pheasant and three gray squir
rels in the woods of the foot hills
of Shade mountain last Monday.
The letters unclaimed in the
Mifflintown post office at the close
of business on Saturday evening,
October 13, were two for Mrs.
Bettie Meloy.
The editor of the Bloomficld
Times, has a grape vine that year
in and year out had red colored
grapes till this year when it bore
white colored grapes.
Wm. F. Snyder, the enterpris
ing furniture dealer was called to
Lancaster on Sunday to attend the
funeral of his mother. The funer
al took place last Monday.
The Boers have been so nearly
nTcrcnme that their resistance is
now a bnsh-whacking warfare.
They were not numerous enough to
battle successfully against the Brit
ish. A mammoth oil tank for storage
DurDOses has been erected at Loys-
ville, Perry county. It is to be
tined as a distributing oil tank for
the counties of Perry, Juniata and
Tinst; Satnrdav afternoon while
Simon Savior was husking corn on
his farm near Myersdale, Somerset
county, he was shot by a careless
hunter, who said he believed he
was shooting at a turkey. Saylor
is not expected to live.
s Andrew Grissinger of Tod town
hir. Fnlton county, who has been
almost blind the past 15 years and
a helpless paralytic fell out of bed
and since then nis eye-signc
been restored and his paralysis has
measure removed.
rfSTi . 15rr wno na8 beeniJerwrSantIon of the baoks.
tvT 4t mnas and relatives in
p7? d nnty "turned to
Philadelphia on Tuesday.
l The Mifflintown
was well renresentmt in ti,
an soldier's parade at MUlerstown.
rry connty. last Saturday
After a visit of several ww
- j .
mother Mrs Ellen' Allison
. Fred Bishoi left SX '
rea Bishop left Saturday
for her home in Washington, LJK
Miss Alda Willet of ATifJwi
township, left Mondav for Vaiino..
aiso, Indiana, where she will at
tend the Normal School at that
While on her h
Washington, D. C, Mrs. Cloyd
Heck of Altoona. atnnTWMl nff a
dayswith Mr. and Mrs George
W. Heck. "
Mr. Keller as
Senate, is a question involving that
of the President Judgeship, for
the next year among the bosses of
we uemocracv.
If you vote the democratic tick
et and get hard times, you'll wish
yon had voted the republican tick
et.. The safe thing to do is to vote
the republican ticket.
ev. Heiehard of the McAli ntnr.
ville Lutheran church was to Bed
ford connty last week attending
the funeral of his father, who fell
dead while in his corn field.
Juniata county is too low in the
geological scale for the oil and gas
fields of north-western Pennsylva
nia, but about right ia the geolog
ical scale for the Findley, Ohio oil
and gas measures.
The San Francisco Chronicle
says: Every man who intends to
vote for Bryan should get out of
debt before he does. If Bryan
were elected no property would be
good enough to borrow money on.
If there is coal oil and gas in
Licking Creek valley and indica
tions are promisine for eas. it will !
have the Trenton limestone for its '
basis. The Findlev. Ohio luishii
has the Trenton liinesionc for it-
If McKinley had not U'-n elect- j proceeded to conceal the trophy of
ed the country would now i in a: the chase under leaves. While
most deplorable condition. The! they were thus engaged College
number of men out of employment anu Beaston came near enough to
would be millions and the hard'eet sieht of something movincr on
limes wouia ie
Wm. Fasick and Southard Rob
ison, caught a large quantity of
eels in the river a night last week
and brougth them to town
row-boat, which was well
by the fish. They had fished from
7 to 11 o'clock,
For the best kept stretch of rail
road track in the Middle Division
during the past year. Supervisor
J. H. Gnmbes receives a prize of
five hundred dollars in gold and
his assistant E. S. Hippey receives
a prize of three hnndced dollars in
The Emperor of China is afraid
to return to Pekin. He fears the
European and American armies in
the capital city. He believes that
if he returns he may be captured
aud carried out of the country. Hej
is renam w eocape capture u ue
remains away from Pekin.
fSjBears in the mountain beyond
Bellefonte have been driven by
drought to go within sight of Belle -
fonte for water. That's pretty
good, but bears in Juniata county
can do better. They can sit
t on a
spur of Shade mountain all day
1nnr and look into Main Rtreet in
i u
fflintown. '
When President Lincoln was
struggling to put down the slave- B,0t two gray squirrels and two
holders' rebellion, democraticlead-pinegqnirreon hi8 way home,
ers said you can never put down Arriving at home his breast and
rebellion. They are doing the abdomen were examined. Twen
same thing now. They are shout- ty-four shot hit him. Six shot
ing you can never put down there- j were fonnd in his stockings. One
bcllionof the Filipinoes against finger received a shot. The stock
the rule of the Fnited States of af his .--a no,rfnrr1 with twn
Perry Connty Democrat: For vio
lation of the game law Allen Bitt-
.?i.-AT--Vn' ir" ' . "
3"r'V'"Cr" ni
ir Si a
E. Arnold at Kistler on Friday,
arged with having shot a gray
squirrel out of season. The Squire
imposed the fine of $10, which Bitt
ing refuse I to pay and ne was sent
to jail for ten aays one aay ior
each dollar of fine.
There is no chance for the elec -
tionofDr. Heading to Congress
Should the country be so unfort-
unate as to elect. Bryan president
th Doctor would co to Washing-
tnn and nntrol all the Tjatronaire
that Ttrvan onnld bestow in thedis -
trict The boss ring in this coun
ty were looking a long distance
ahead when they had Head ng
nominated for Congress. If Bryan
succeeds they'll live in clover. If
Bryan be defeated they are none
the worse.
The times ore first rate in all of
the departments of life among the
people except that of farming and
that might be better. It is better
than under Cleveland tim?s. If
the Cleveland times had continued
the price of grain would have been
much lower than now for the mil
lions of men that were thrown out
of employment would have been
driven to farming to make a living
and their increase in all kinds of
products of the farm would have
produced a surplus . sufficient to
send the price of grain down, down
to ruinous prices. When the men
out of work fonnd employment un
der the McKinley times they be
came consumers of farm products
and that holds np the prices. The
more men employed in other busi
ness the better prices for farm
products. V"
All effort to get ex President
Cleveland to come out in the cam
raitrn for Bryan has . failed. On
some coints Cleveland and Bryan
agree. The agree on tne nu,
! but they do not agree on the coin
. i .
i is-3 vu um uanK
jj . m
xney ao not agree on the qnestion
of the reorganization of the courts,
&c. There are tens of thousands
of democrats who are like Mr.
Cleveland, they cannot agree with
Mr. Bryan.
S Before the ttirtv .ana. nn,
1 n?nt?rs held an eye on the haunts
a - -J wsMjwaa vugudu
flocklf rnrkeys on
he rth of town. When
ine season onened on Mnndnsr
morning they were among the
fowles before they had blinked the
film from their eyes. Bang! bang!
and Philo Pannabaker had two;
Mord. Hower bagged two; Samuel
McOormick shot two; William Ob
erholtzer shot 1; Dr. Rodgers shot
1; James Banks shot 2; Irwin Bea
shore shot 1; Ellsworth Dunn shot 1.
By that time those of the tur
keys that were not shot were fnlly
awake and scattered and have
siace been playing wild turkey for
all it is worth.
President Cleveland had the
business of the country badly
wrecked. Bryan if elected will
wreck things more than Cleveland
did. The loss to the business un
der Cleveland was more than the
cost of putting down rebellion.
The loas was greater than - all the
tariff duties from George Washing
ton to Cleveland. Wool went
down from 30cts to 12cts entailing
a loss of $41,000,000 to the wool
dealers; entailing a loss of $71 ,000,
000 on sheep owners; entailing a
loss of $280,000,000 on sheep ranch
owners. During 3 years of his ad
ministration it was child's play to
what will happen if Bryan be
comes president with a supporting
Last week before the hunting
season opened a man named Col
lege and a man named Beaston
were hunting in Lack township.
They heard the crack of several
guns and went in the direction of
the sound and came closely upon a
man named Kobison and a man
i named Bice who had done the
shooting. They had shot four
squirrels and a turkey. Robison
ana nice neara someone coming
i ana uia not want to De cangnt witn
I same in their possession so thev
the ground among the leaves. It
was Robinson and Rice covering
their game. College raised his
tmn and Dulled the tritrcer. The
1 gun snapped twice. He grabbed
ger of both barrels and sent the
shot all over the bodies of the two
other young men. The young men
that were shot will recover.
Harry Focht engaged in Eshel-
man's bakery in Patterson, was
shot last Monday morning while
hunting on what used to be Ad-
! am s' ridge but now Guss ridge in
i Walker township. He and Charles
j Bender and Ray Xankivell had
that moraine rone to the woods be-
, fore daylight and when dawn came
they began to hunt. Focht had
' dropped a squirrel and got down
1 an one knee to get a shot under a
; limb at another when he himself
was shot full in the breast and ab-
aomen oy a man standing airectiy
I in front about 25 or 30 steps away.
j Tne man was apparently about 40
years oia; naa aarK nair, aarK
' moustache and dark katy hat. He
', close and Focht said to him,
"Why did you shoot me." He
auBWCIW - i uiu uiauwi you, x
' fthnr ttiA nrhAP xtretv ha aer m
' m? nno1 on1 f n in a1 An hiahaal nn
waiKeaaway. a ooy apparently
lalionr 12 venn of am flniiin9.nid
him AfW tn nhmKno vvt
shot. If the man who did the
shooting had been closer, he would
have killed the young man.
I A grand joint rally of republi
ca119 of Snyder and Juniata conn
titta wilI nftM . BJj.hfirf4l .v,
ties will be held at Richfield on the
night of Thursday, October 25,
1900. Everybody invited.
Monday, October 22, 1900, Mrs.
Nancy Harman will sell at her
. place af residence li miles west of
! McAlisterville, a Mansion farm
j and other tracts of land, horses,
cows, hogs, chickens, carriages,
wagons ani a large lot of farm im
' plements and household goods of
; all kinds. Sale to commence at
10 o'clock a. m., sharp.
Ranck Rapp. On the 9th
inst., at East Salem, John X.
Ranck and Miss Blanch I. Rapp.
Zeidebs Long. On the 10th
inBt., atNewBloomfield, Perry Co.,
by Rev. H. K Esh, . W. Zei
ders of Delaware township, Jnni
ata county and Elizabeth Long of
Greenwood township, Perry Co.
Mickey. On the 10th inst., in
Mifflintown, James R. Mickey, ag
ed 7mos and 23 days, son of Fred
erick and Flora Mickey. Inter
ment in Presbyterian cemetery.
ETS. Application for Excursion Tick
et Orders on the P. R. R., on ac
count of the Sixth Annual En
campment of the Juniata Valley
Veteran Association, embracing
the. counties of Bedford, Blair,
Center, Fulton, Huntingdon, Jun
iata, Mifflin, Northumberland,
Perry, Snyder and Union, and the
Annual Reunion of the Odd Fel
lows of Perry County at Newport,
Pa.j Oct. 26 and 27, 1900, should
be made to Samuel Clay, Secretary,
Newport, Pa.
Schott's Stores ! Schott's Stores !
Oar Stocks were never more com tile te. more varied, handsomer, or
In no other Store in Juniata county will you
find sneh Vaat Stock ; Goods of saoh High Character,
marked ao marrelonriy low and popular in price.
95 00, 17.00 to 910.00 and $12.
jjaaiea itiusd ana &ersey uiotn
Plain ; lined throughout, in all lengths.
ous nooaa, new nape ana styles.
Or Ma m a a
. susses ana unuaren's tteeiers
Sailor Style Capes, trimmed with fancy braid.
Ohildten's Iderdown and Cloth Cloaks for 85c ts $1.00, $1.25
jjl 60 to 9Z.&U.
For Men, Women and Children
Children know the comfort of Knit
plete line of Underwear for everybody
heavy weight, large and small sixes.
as 25c ts. a piece.
25cts and Children
lZf cts apiece and
cotton xioee at tne
Ladies' and Men's new Fall Shoea in
Patent Leather, Vici Kid and Box Calf, But
ton or Lace, single or double soles, exten
sion edge, well made, excellent in style and
fit. Uuy your boy or girl or child a pair of
Our Good Fitting Shoea
Size 5 to 8, for 75ctu to $1.00.
Size 8J to 11, for 90cts to $1.15.
Size 111 to 2 00 for $1.00 to $1 25.
Size 2i"to 6 for $1.25 to $150.
Bargain prices in ginghams for 4 and 5c a yard.
Bargain prices in ontiDg cloth and flannelettes for5c a yard.
Bargain prices in fleeced pound goods for 25c a lb.
Bargain prices in remlets of drees goods for 7c a yard.
Bargain prices in cashmere, skirt and waist patterns at 18o a yard.
Canton Flannel, Wool Flannels, Calicoes all at Bargain Prices at
103 to 109
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1900.
Special Invitation
To attend the Attractive Sale
' It will be
Who have money to invest to
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to give hun a call if in need of Clothing.
Any information that tails hew sickness aad
fflsssin eaa be overcome is the most welcome
sows a paper eaa print Although this is aa
advertisement, it oontains foots of more vital
importance than anything else in this newtpoper.
It tells of a isedidno known for over thirty
years as Dr. Darid Kennedy m Tmrorite
Remedy, It Is a medicine that purifies
the Blood, aad restores the Kidneys,
Bladder and Urinary Organs to vigor
aad strength. Its principal ingredient is
not alcohol. It does not rain men's and
women's lives by causing tatsaricatioa
I os taring the appetite for strong drink.
Fmrorito Remedy cools aad purifies the
blood. It is not like the many bitters,'
pounds " aad " tonics," bow so widely sold, which
heat and inflame the blood, doing more injury
than good.
Jfarorite Remedy troubles of women
fust as certainly as it euros troubles of men. It
restores the Liver to a healthy condition, and
cures the worst cases of Constipation. It cures
Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia,
all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases,
Gravel, Diabetes and Bright s Disease.
' My complaint was Stone ia the Bladder.
Physicians said my ease was hopeless, but Dr.
Kennedy Favorite Remedy cured me."
D. H. Hoao, Lebanon Springs, N. V.
Sold in all drug' stores for fti.oo a bottle.
One taaspoonfai is a dose, and you win experi
ence relief long before Srst bottle is taken.
aV kmV I VV 4 troubled
with so v of the ailments mentioned above
ia offered a chance to try .Favorite
without any cost whatever. Send your
office aa areas to tne urn. david kimcedy laron
atxon. Readout, N. Y., and a free sample will bo
ssnt you. Please say you saw the advert! lenient
to thM paper, so we may snow your requeetu
doable-breasted, silk lined jackets, all-wool venitian,
broad cloth, cheviot or homespun cloth from $6 50 to
$12.00 a aoiL
Ladies' Kersey Jackets, Beaver Jackets, Melton.
Beaver Jackets, Flare Collars, Strap Seam, lined
throughout with silk Some trimmed with Applique
on Collars and Lappela. Prices, $8.50, $4 00, $4 50,
uapes ; UoUars edged witn Jfur or
Ladies' Golf Capes,. with or with
..a at
ana jackets with Flared Dollar! or
Thousands of men, women and
underwear. Our Stores have a com
in all sizes and makes : medium and
Men's Knit Vest or Drawers as low
Ladies' fleeced, heavy-ribbed Vest or Pants for
a Underwear, starting at lOcts and
advance as per Bise.
Men's and Children's Hose of all kind j to select
from ; heavy cotton, medium cotton and light wei&ht
very lowest pnoes.
Cheapest Here
Bridge Street,
To The Pvblit
of Clothing that goes on daily
examine the Stock of Goods for
Wonderfully Low Prices.
full post-
r sf srj v
sw vf- sbbbw sr
com- wx
I I nV - A
' ' AT ..
Talk ia aheap. The store with the smallest stoek, poorest goods and highest .
priees ia town may furnish the longest argument Bat what of it. Hare
words mesa nothing, Faots alone ooant. Every sua who want a Fall 8ait
or Overeoat is interested ia oar BMtehless offerings.
Quality First Price Next
600 all wool Cheviot Salts, single or
These raits were saade to be sold for $8.50 and that is what they ars worth.
460 Fall and Winter Suits.
All siset, any styles and patterns, strictly all wool at $7.50, real value $10.
The verj finest Suits
that ean be orodneed frost tlO to f 16.
ported oloth, eat by artist eatters and
tailors. 865 yonng men's fall raits, all
Over 1500 Mem's, Boy's, and
readv for your iaspeoaion and seleetioa, some as low as $3, others
as $15. Nearly every new style is inoladed ia the line.
Boy's and Children's Clothing.
Double breasted, from 4 to 15 years
and best fall stylss at $2.60.
Hen's Underwear Sale.
The world's best msk.rs sre represented bsre, sad baying ss we do in large
qnaatUtes, we oaa sell at wholesale priees.
Our Bat Department,
is filled with the latest fall and winter
eaa savs you 85 per cent.
Trunk and Satchell Department
on soeond floor. Call and see them.
Opening of our Furniture Campaign.
The Fsll Furniture Campaign has been opened by as. From the ?ery stsrt
there will be an offerinc of such Roods
meat than eter the Recognised Furniture
Five large floors sre filled with the best
can manufacturers. We bought this
ring of at least one-tnira tne lowest reuu pnoee e uui ---
another store in Central Pennsylvania oan offer such inducements in this
department than we are able to do this
115 Met 11T Bridge Street,
Tu8oarora. Valley Railroad.
. 1898.
A. If
Blair's Mills Lv.
Leonard's Grove
Ross Farm ........ v--
East Watorford
Heckman. ...............
Honey Grove.
Fort Bigbam
Pleaesrt View
7 25
7 31
7 37
7 45
2 05
7 52
o 10
8 05
2 25
2 37
2 42
2 50
2 59
3 04
8 17
8 22
8 30
8 39
8 44
Seven rices
Spruce Hill
S 52'3
.S 55 3
Graham s
Old Port
Port Royal Ar
9 18
9 25
Trains Vos. 1 scd 2 connect at Port Royal
with Way Passenger and Seashore Express
on P. R. R., and Vol. 8 and 4 with Mail esst.
Trains Kos. 2 and 8 connect at Blalrfs
Mills with Concord, Doyteabnrg Dry Ron,
Vcfsville, N eel j ton, Shade Gap, Shade
Valley sed Qosborn Station Stags Lines.
J No.2 No.4
A V. P. at.
Port Koyal 0.0 10 20 5 05
Old Port 1.310 27j5 12
Turbett 2.810 33 5 18
Freedom 3.710 36 5 21
Stewart 4.410 39 5 24
Graham's. 6.010 42 5 27
Spruce Hill 6.3 10 50 5 35
Seven Pines 7.2 10 53 5 38
Pleasant View 9.011 01 5 46
Warble 10.011 06 5 51
Fort Bijrbam 12.0 11 156 00
Honey Grove 14.0 11 236 08
Heckman 15.111 28 6 13
East Waterford 17.511 40 6 25
Perulack 20.5 11 53 6 38
Boss Farm. 22.012 00 6 45
Leonard's Grove... 24.012 08 6 53
Waterloo 25.512 14 6 59
Blair's Mills..... Ar. 27.012 20 7 05
IIECCn 4& DnO20LO!0
A wondcrfal Impravenmt la Frlrttoa Feeds and
CIS-Hark. BckmoiloooCrTliMt3 HneaasM
MknrolherlntlwmarltM. FHrtisa ( latrb FrriS.
rauwini; all tbo fnl avmrloc to iummI niu wh:le (met.
In -: arrrnt MTlas In Hwrr at vnr. i'fit.
Win aort pticrN fr. A 10 Carina flrrTi,
('Itlvatarm, f 'era Flaaiers, Hfcell-r, :r.
Mmtfn rAt paricr.
SUUK U. 4 ItUOaiQOLD, Mfra., Vara., k-a.
a iv
doable breasted blaok or bios for $5.(3.
Thev are made of the ohoioest im
pat together by thoroughly experienced
tns latest styles irom az ov u o.ou.
Children's Overcoats
as high
at f 1.50.
Ao assortment of newest
lo this line as in others ws
Our prloea range from fl.&O to $10
and values as will make this depart-
Headquarters in Juniata County.
seieoted stooa irom toe iarge a"u..
stook or goods for easn. xnis meson
miFFLiirrown. pa
tffONDERFUL are the cures bw
I Hood's Sarsaparilla, and yettfasy
are simple and natural . Hood's Bail
parilla makes PURE BLOOD.
The following schedule went Into eflec.
Not. 16, 1896, and the tram will be run at
p. ro
4 80
4 36
4 89
8 41
4 45
4 46
4 61
4 64
a. m
9 09
9 11
9 14
9 15
9 19
9 23
9 24
9 2T
Leave Arrive a. ra
DuneaBnoD 7 64
Kiog'a Mill 7 49
Sulphur Spring 7 4a
Gorman Siding 7 41
p. m
2 28
8 18
2 18
3 18
2 08
I 41
1 86
1 28
1 29
1 30
1 18
Montebello Tark 7 41
7 40
7 86
7 88
7 81
7 28
7 04
7 01
6 68
6 61
6 48
6 88
6 28
Groen Prk
Montonr Jnno
4 69
6 10 10 48
6 16 9 49
6 21 9 64
6 24 9 67
6 27 10 06
6 82 10 07
6 84 10 17
6 87 10 80
6 02 10 86
1 It
p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. m p m
Twin leaves Bloomfleld st 6.63 a. m.v
4nd arrives at Landiabnrg at 6.28 a. m.
Train leavee Landiabnrg at 6.08 p. m., aad
arrive at Bloomfleld at 6.40 p. m.
All stations marked () are dag stations,
at which trains will come to a full stop on
Cbas. n. Shut, 8. H. Brou,
President. Snpf.
I V ley Railroad Company. Time table
of passenger trains, In effect on Monday,
May 18th, 1896.
STATIONS. West- Baat-
ward. ward.
8 1 i T
Newport 6 0610 86 8 80
Buffalo Bridge 6 08 10 88 8 27 8 67
Juniata roraace ... 6 12 10 42 8 23 a 68
Wabneta -6 16110 46 8 20 8 so
Sylvan 6 26:10 62 816 SM
WaW Ping 6 22;1101 8 11 8 41
Bloomfleld Jnnct'n. 6 81 11 09 8 08 8 88
Valley Road 6 89,11 09 8 00 8 82
Blliottabnrg 6 61111 21 7 46 8 IS
Green Park 6 54 II 24 ' 40 S 10
Loysville 7 06111 85 i 84 8 04
Fort Robeson .... 7 11 11 41 7 26 2 66
Center 7 15:11 45 7 16
Cisoa'sRon 7 21 11 6l 7 15 2 46
Andersonbarg 7 27 11 67 1 7 10 2 4
Blain 7 85 12 06 7 03 2 88
Monnt Pleasant ... 7 41 12 11 6 68 2 24
New Germant'n ... 7 46 12 16 6 60 2 0
D. GRING, President snd Manager
0. K. Mulis, General Agent. '
v VtmtBU. sal srrkSUL mr?
aI TaaVetnr ahowd lm bottla of M t hia l lie
Every Sufferer SSSSr4
Body orlSakx. Sao JatnurMMn wfu i3T
WjAlnafalai ffliMiai mm Wm.
Diaeaaea aant Ike as any ad.i
and uoor pattenla eaa aim ct
tbia medkciiM Ore) or eiuans.
Thia KMniMlvliaa tMaav bvtha Urv
rror Kocnis. of Pact vaa. Ia4. eliraa IA
Ui3w prapaied aQder'cupaotloti or the
KOtCNIC MCO.OO.. Chieago, ;
SoM by DnursisU at SI per Bottlaw e y
CarraaUMb Bottles Swan.