Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 05, 1900, Image 3

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BtiBSCBiPTioNft.OO per year If paid
and 'local
pen tii a Hue.
a n line.
rwi,.tioii will De maae 10 uiuw ue-
" . i . xl -S
mg to advertise by the year,
half or
Quarter year.
Vote for Crow.
Vote for Evaus.
Vote for Mahon.
Vote for Beaver.
Vote for McKee.
Vote for Leonard.
Vote for Roosevelt.
Vote for McKinley. -
rote for Foerderner.
Vote for Shellenberger.
Vote for Hardenbergh.
Free Cuba.
Free Hawaii.
Free Porto Rieo.
Free Plrillipines.
Are you a kiekert
rolilica, are dull.
Gone, the summer.
This is court week.
Poor gardens this fell.
What are yon kicking!
Repair the canal bridge.
Be honest and happy.
Ushered in, the oyster season.
Ushered out, the picnic season.
Thousands of earless corn stalks.
The British want to stay in Pek
in. :
The town schools opened on Mon
day. If vou are dishonest you'r miser-
This is a great town for secret
The oyster season opened on Sat -urlav.
Baker Hackenberger has a new
wagon. Quetiou, what's to be done with
Business is more corrupt than
Wheat sowing has been com
moncetl. Russia aud Uncle Sam went out
of Pckin.
Join the church, and never for
sake her.
Men M ill not be restrained by
the ways of peace.
The attendance upon court on
Monday was large.
Interesting, the Lutheran church
dedicatory service.
Fish dams are being pulled out
of the river and creeks. - I.
This generation of Americans do
not want a slice of China.
The gold field of Nome has dis
appointed the gold seekers.
Europe is out of cash and comes
to America to borrow money.
Some farmers will not sow wheat
in what they call louse week.
Lyman Guss of Patterson has re
turned to Gettysburg college.
. . . - , t a alMillr
Ha cnerrv leaves aic a, umui;
poison to cattle that eat them.
A." woman in Reading says her 18
months old child is Switched.
The first autumn month is al
ready well started on its course.
Misses Tiilie and May Loudon
are off on a trip to Philadelphia.
Cloyd Todd of Buffalo, N. Y., is
visiting his parents in Patterson.
Frank Murray of "Washington,
D. C, is visiting relatives in town.
Officer Lapp was in Pittsburg
and Gettysburg last week on busi
ness. Mrs. W'ilber Schweyer and chil
dreu, spent last Thursday in Lew
istown. Peaches have been selling at El
liotsburg, Perry county, for 50cts
a bushel. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kurtz are vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilson
in Patterson.
Tak'ft awav the restraining hand
of law and anarchy would follow in
less than a day.
Miss Kate Mathers is visiting
her uncle and annt Mr. and Mrs
Atkinson in town.
- Dr. Grubb ofThompsontownwas
orator for the Odd Fellows at fllif
fiinbnrg last week. .
An ice
flnnd in ' the river the
coming winter may
clear the
streams of the dams,
v Who is the happiest.
uvks work or the
The one
one who
seeks ease and pleasure.
and banana trains
X CV" . .-
iv cwr rassinff on tne ran-
road these autumn days.
-.c i T?snil 3-.hott has fe-
turned from Europe. Mrs. Schott
went to New York to meet him-
There is more danger of one los
inT his life from consumption and
typhoid fever than from lightning.
Miss FJva Betz of Reedsville,
Tisited Miss Bertha Crozier at the
home of her uncle George Wilson
m in Patterson.
r ' hto RiVhcnbaush and children
of Altoona, are visiting at tne
home of Mrs. Rickenbaugh's fath
er, Jacob Browand
Unclaimed letters in .
tne oai
a ca rsenreui uvi
rTvion rere Tfor- M. E. Wash-
Lloyd Knight. dil .t
near Cross Road. tCi: ?
Aip, unexpectedly of heart troui
ble, last Sunday. ;.-- - -
Tonsorial Drofnwnr .
v orn street into
family some years ago.
Mrs. Anna Jackann a
Grier of Altoona, stopped offa day
last week with friends in town
while on their way to their home
in Altoona.
Miss Kate Thomas of lCorri
accompanied by the Misses White
of Conshohocken is visiting among
oia mends and relati
town and oounty.
"W illie Backer of Vw v.ir v
has been spending the summer
with his aunt Mrs. Morris Schott,
started for his home in New York
on Saturday evening.
J. Cloyd Gilson, while trimminc
-".uunugwimnQgiuj in the
Patterson railroad tie yard cut the
iiwiep oi nis right foot. Surgical
"inuuuu wau reqairea.
The canal was constructed by
this place about 1829. The canal
in the Juniata Valley was destroy
er uy noou, June 1st, J 889, hav
ing lasted only 50 years.
fl W 4 J
xne letters uncalled for in
Mifflintown post office on the 1st of
oeptemoer, 1900, were for: Cloyd
nenna uraynill, Alice B
Swartz, L. Rayman Register.
Tfr ia 4-1 A. 1 . ....
w mai me arug mat is
put in milk by some dealers in cit
ies lo keep the milk from souring
ing is a chemical that is used by
undertakers to embalm the dead.
One of the strongest and most re
liable Life Assurance Societies in
the world is the Equitable. For
particulars, address or call on How
ard Kirk, Patterson, Juniata Co.,
. Some days ago a small son of Jo
seph Leidy of Waterford was acci
dentally shot in the leg by a com
panion who was handling a gun.
The leg was amputated below the
Miss Ruth Kelly of Reedsville,
Miss Belle Spooneybarger of Hunt
ington and Miss Helen Dinim of
Lewistown, were guests of Miss
Willa McNitt, part of last and this
Miss Elizabeth Crnll, who has
been spending her vacation with
her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Hollobaugh
on "Washington avenue, East End,
returned to her home in Harris
burg on Saturday. .
A telephone consolidation is
about taking place in the eastern
part of the State. The new deal
proposes the issue of five million
dollars stock. They expect to get
rich on the catch of snckers.
A rattle-snake bit A. B. Calla
han of Camel, Clinton county, Pa ,
on the hand. lie quickly took out
his knife and cnt the flesh that was
bitten out of his hand before the
poison had time to circulate.
Thursday, G. Howard Martin
leaves for New York where he will
meet and accompany home Mrs.
Martin and daughter Miss Belle,
who were among Christian En
deavor tourists to the Paris Expo
Some of the summer tourists to
Europe were disappointed in their
hotel quarters. Their expecta
tions were to high. When one ex
pects a four dollar a day hpuse ac
commodation for a dollar a day
The new harnofSolomauTharcn-l
er in luscarora lownsnip was
struck by lightning and destroyed
by fire last Monday evening abont
p. m. Mr. and Mrs rnatcner
were in the barn at the time the
hnildinirwasstruck. No insurance.
O - .
C. A. Allison, is visiting
mother Mrs. Ellen Allison on
Third street. He has been west
the past nine years and he finds
that many changes have taken
place in Sfifflintown, his native
place. y
Lightning piayea navoc wiui a
herd of cattle of James McLaugh
lin"in Turbett township, The cat
tle were sheltering from ' rain un
der a tree. Lightning strnck the
tree and killed eight of the herd.
Six of the herd were cows.
What a spectacle, the civilized
nations of the world, all engaged
in warring against China. What
would be thought of it, should a
number of nations land troops in
th United States for the sake of
peace, sometime, when a great strike
of several inontns is going on.
The members of the "W. C.T . U
earnestly invited to meet at
Schmittle's Park on Saturday, Sep-
tmber 8th. to hold their annual
county convention.
The regular train on tne i. . n.
R., from Port Koyai, wm Dnng
them to the park at about
rora township, was destroyed by
fire last Thursday night. The
farm machinery and this year's
crons went with the building. Mr
Milliken was severely burnt in the
effort to eet 6tock ont of the barn.
Insurance on barn ana
ay Auker, a three year old son
of Reuben Auker, was run over by
a. man and a woman driving on
Washington street on Monday
morning. A wheel of the buggy
Tiassed over the child's head
it was an alarming occurrence, but
fortunately passed off without ser
ions injury to Jay.
The Altoona Tribune of last
Monday publishes a letter rom
retain John S. Fair to his broth
1vr-in-law in Altoona. the tap-
tain is in the army in tne
Phillipine Islands and his letter is
from the island Leyte. He says,
"there are many large towns and
oil of them have beautiful
and manv nice houses
OU' "
minx" .. . .
The house in wmcn i am living .
Ptople in this - dyomrth
"ebon of country are satisfied that
it takes more than the plowing and
Jowing of the land to produce a
TPtet2f Blwn' aead 4 years and
Jars. Martha Jane Painter, aged
70 years of Greensburg, Pa., were
married on the 29th day . of Aug
ust 1900.
Says a close observer of men and
things: "The man whn
learned or stingy to take his home
paper ought not to expect a lone
The army is in China and the
Chinese cannot fight the white man
nu is ac tne mercy of the white
race and that is about the only re
liable information from China.
W. H. Thomnaon of Watts fnwn.
ship, Perry county, lost three cows
by the bite of a mad dog. The
cattle got mad without their own
er knowing that they had been bit
A democratic convention of the
41 Senatorial district in Pitts
burg unanimouslv endorsed fj. T,
Magee for re-election to the Sen
ate and recommend him for United
states Senate.
The physical wants of man are
proven by his inclination and prac
tice of hunting game It takes but
little to arouse in the best people of
me numan race, the propens-ty to
hunt and fish.
Keep away from wire 'fences in
time of lightning storm. A wire
fence is little more liable to etruck
by lightning than other fences-, but
when Btrnck the lightning inclines
to run along the wire till it switches
itself off.
A Gypsey camp in Cnmberland
connty was strnck by lightning
one day last week and one of the
company was killed. There have
been more lightning disasters re
ported this summer than in anj'
previous season.
A few drops of coal oil, dropped
in rain water barrels or pools of
stagnant water where mosquitoes
are bred destroys the germs and
stops the mosqnito making busi
ness. The next thing the proprie
tors of summer resorts about
marches, will sprinkle the marches
and get rid of the mosquito.
Edwin B. Gilson of Spruce nill,
is extensively engaged in cutting
and shipping walnut timber
throughout" the county. Recently
Wa 1wviivlif n i (1 int anil blllTtTtfwl ttlf'
walnut trees on the stouner land
in the vicinity of Cedar Springs.
Persons having trees to sell may
find it to their advantage by com
municating with him.
The fish department at Harris-
burg is urging the destruction of
fish dams that have been built in
the river in violation of law. But
who ever heard of the department
ever sending officers into the valley
of the Schnlkill and the valley of
the Susquehanna to enforeethe law
there and keep those streams from
fish depopulation by the polntion
of the waters?
A son of Rev. Geiger was fish
ing in the Susquehanna river at
McKees Half Falls, when a thun
der storm came. He pulled the
anchor of his boat, took a pole and
pushed for the shore. Friends on
the shore were looking at him. A
bolt of lightning struck him and
he fell into the river. The canoe
drifted with the c-rrent. His
friends stepped into a boat and
pushed out to rescue his body. Af
ter four hours search they found it.
It is believed the stroke killed him
instantly. The lightning had dis-
embowled him.
On Saturday morning about six
o'clock, a special excursion train of
ten passenger cais filled with piea-
nre seekers bound lor Atlantic
City, ran into the rear end of a
milk train that was standing on tne
track at Hatfield on the Reading
railroad. The milk train consist-
ed,of five care. The special was
Iruuning at the rate of 40 miles an
nour ana piowea its way luroun
two of the milk train cars in which
were a dozen people. The cars
were split apart as if by a mighty
wedge. The locomotive was turn
ed completely around and the ten
der was pitched into the air and
fell on the 1st passenger car of the
anAAial. earrvincr under it a half
dozen passengers The car wasset I
on fire by the Hying coals from the
demolished engine: The hose at
the station put out the fire and
thereby saved many lives. Four
teen persons were killed and thir
ty some inj ured. There were some
Bix hundred people on the excur
sion train. Almost alll the injur
ies and deaths occurred on the two
rear cars of the milk train and the
first car of the excursion train.
-pile Managers of the Juniata Co.
yir Asso., will hold their forty
first annual exhibition on their
1 ,
erronnds at Port Royal, Penna.,
Sept. 12, 13 and 14th, 1900, this
being the oldest organization in tne
State of Penna, who own their
erronnds and improvements. The
managers nave secured tne iamous
military band of Yeagertown, Pa.,
LWnO will give vurai auuiusuuuicu-
Ital musical concerts, during the
i . . . i i -1 i
Fair. A 1st) onereu uuerai purses
for tootting race, Racing Races,
Running Races and mule racing
every day.
Space in main building has been
secured by manufacturers ot mnsi
cal instruments to exhibit at the
Fair. The stock exhibit promises
to be first class. Competition op-
nn to all. Space has been secured
bv different manufacturers of far m-
inir implements to exhibit their
machinery in motion during fair
Also space secured for all kinds of
moral shows, sucn as a snow enti
tied Rose the Snake eater, the
irvTMiev aueen camp and fortune
toller, habv racks, coon bead and
; manv other sports and amusements
TCrcursion rates on all railroads.
apecial trains run to suit passen
gers wishing to go to the fair. Ev
verybody come and have a full
aaysfnn. Admission. Adults 25c
Children under 15 years, 15cts.
All tinder 8 years of age free. Con
veyances 25c each..
The members of the Rennblican
County Committee are hereby no-
unea mat a meeting of the Com
mittee will be held at the Hotel
Ashton at 2 o'clock p ni., on Sat
urday, September 8. 1900. A fnll
attendance is desired as matters of
importance will be transacted.
W. L. Hoopes.
corher-stoue laid.
On Sunday evening, September
2, at 6.30, the corner stone of the
new Lutheran church was ' laid
The evening was calm and balmy.
The attendance was large and the
ceremony was short. The ser
vices were conducted by the pas
tor of the congregation Rev. W.H
Fahs, assisted by C. W. Heisler, D
D., President of Susquehanna Un
iversity, Selinsgrove, Pa. and Rev,
M. H. Stine, Ph. D., pastor of
Christ's Luthejan church, Harris
burg, Pa.
The war in China goes on though
the .Allies have rescued their
friends in Pekin. The United
States and Russia have both ex
pressed a willingness to with (draw
their troops from Pekin and there
seems to be a disposition on the
part of all concerned to help re
store order, if the Chinese can es
tablish a government capable
enough to preserve order and keep
the lawless element in check, and
recognize the amenities between
nations and the inter-national
rights between nations. The Chi
nese, however distrust the powers.
The only people they Beeni to have
trust in are the Americans and
their trust in Americans is greatly
limited. The legations are fill
safely out of Pekin, and the situa
tion has a more peaceful appear
ance. Missionaries from the dif
ferent parts of China where mis
sionaries, have been stationed are
being heard from and they are al
Sheriff Stouer sold in the Court
House last Friday.
A 100 acre farm, two story
stone house and out-buildings in
Tuscarora township as the proper
ty of John narry to Hetty narry i
for 850.00.
A farm of 100 acres, log hou?e
and out buildings in Tuscarora
township as the property of Thom
as Arbuckle to the Juniata Vallev
National bank for $1900.00.
Sixteen acres of woodland in
Tuscarora township as the proper
ty of Thomas Arbuckle to the Jun
iata Valley bank for $50.00.
The undivided one third of a
tract of 300 acres land in Tuscaro
ra township, with two-story frame
house, bank barn, two-story grist
mill, saw-mill, two frame dwelling
honses and out-buildings as the
property of Mary W. McCulloch
to Charles I. McCulloch for $700.
A tract of 78 acres of land in
Lack township as the property of
Charles J. McLanghlin to James
F. Hockenberry for $50.00.
A three-story hotel, known as
the Mountain House in Waterford,
as the property of Cardner C.
Gardner to James F. Hockenberry
for $10.00.
Wilt Stahr. On the 2nd
in8t., at Freemont, Pa , by Rev.
E. E. Gilbert, Adam Wilt and
Maggie S. Stahr.
Hoffman Stkoup. On the
25th nit., at East Salem by Rev.
John Landis, Win. H. Hoffman
and Emma Stronp.
Thomas Horace Walbridge, Tol
edo, Lucas Co., Ohio; Irma Lillian
Logan, Thorapsontown, Juniata
county, Pa.
Resolutions of respect adopted by the
Congregations of the U. E. Church of
Juniata Circuit, Carlisle District, Cen
tral Pennsylvania Conference on the
death of their pastor Rev. II. II. Douty.
Whereas, the angel of death laid his
relentless hand upon our highly esteem
ed, efficient and faithful pastor.
Therefore, Resolved, Tliat in the
death of our dear Rro. H. II. Douty, we
have sustained a loss that we all feel and
is not easily replaced, aud that although
he has joined the "Church Invisible,"
his self denying, earnest and cheerful
Christian spirit shall uever be forgot ton,
but always abide with us as an incen
tive to a higher and nobler life.
Resolved, In consequence of his de
parture there is left an empty place,
which he graced; there is felt a constant
void in the meetings once enlivened by
his presence; there lie unused books
once employed by his hands in various
fields of useful labor. Forever is silenc
ed his voice so frequently heard from
the pulpit in the home and abroad. A
reply comes to our anxious inquiry
from all these wonted places, "knew
him, but shall know him no more for
ever." We are sad at heart.
- Resolved, God's ways though often
veiled in mystery, have their beginning
in infinite love and mercy and their
end in man's highest good. We bow
in humble submission to his will and
by the faith that can see and know, are
led to say, "It is well."
Resolved, We desire to place upon
record our testimony to his earnest per-
severeing, eflicieut labors, his kind,
genial, social qualities and his upright.
moral and Christian diameter.
Resolved, That these resolutions be
published and a copy be sent to the be
reaved family to whom we extend our
heartfelt sympathy.
W. N. Keister, Bethlehem class.
Rev. J. 6 Bear, St. John's class.
H. K. VanOrmer, Maze.
Clair N. Graybill, Locust Run.
J. E. Furner,
James M. Burris, Mexico Class. -
Mexico, Juniata Co., Fa.
Schott's Stores
O learance Sale
To make room for the best and largest assortment of
that Juniata county has ever seen, and to clear space for
the fine line of European and American novelties Mr
Schott is selecting. We shall make the greatest cuts in
prices ever known here.
Among the n any reductions, we mention the following:
The very best makes of Calico, not remnants or seconds,
but the best, for only 5 cents a yard.
We have a cheaper grade of Calico for 4 cents a yard.
Some Ladies' Shirt Waists that were from 3b cents to
75 cents, we sell them now for 19 cents and 23 cents.
Ladies Fine Shoes, in sizes 1, 3 and 3, that sold from
f 1.60 to $3.00, we sell them now for 50 cents.
Dimities and Lawns that sold for 10 cents and 12, we
are selling now for 7 cents.
Scotch Lawns, the beet color, we are selling at 4 cents
We have a good quality of Table Oil Cloth that we are
selling for 12 J cents a yard.
36 by 36 inch Cotton Rugs for only 15 cents.
36 by 36 inch All Wool Rugs for only 25 cents. (
Large size velvet Rugs for only 75 cents.
- O O-O O O O
103 to 109 Bridge Street,"
18G5, ESTAB 1j
tljnmtipn'To: The Public
To attend the Attractive Sale of
Xt will
Who fiave money to invest to
It is truly marvelous to See
of Su'ts and Overcoats at the
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't tail
to give him a call if in need of
How to Prolong Life
. No man or woman can hope to 11 vo long if the Kidneys. Bladder, or Urinary
Organs are diseased. Disorders of that kind should never be neglected. Don't
delay in finding out your condition. Von can tell as well as a physician. Pnl
some nrine in a glass or bottle, and let it stand day and night. A sediment at
the bottom is a sure sign that you have Kidney
disease. Other certain signs are pains in the small
of the back a desire to make water often, especially
at night a scalding sensation in passing it and If
nrine stains linen there is no doubt that the disease
ia present.
There is a core for Kidney and Bladder
Diseases. It is Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy. It has been for thirty years, and
is today, the greatest and best medicine
known for these troubles.
Mr. William W. Adams,
cor. Jefferson Avenue and
Clifton Street, Roches
ter, N. Y., says:
Three years ago
I was taken with. Kidney
disease very badly ; at times
I was completely prostrat
ed ; in fact, was so bad that
a day was set for the doc
tors to perform an operation
upon me. Upon that day I com
menced the nse of Dr. David KeaeeoV'st
Favorite Remedy, and it was not long before I was entirely cured, and I have had
no return of the trouble since. My weight has increased, and I never was so
well as I am now. Dr. David Keaaedy's Fevorite Reawdy saved my life."
Favorite Remedy acts directly upon the Kidneys, Liver and Blood. Ia cases
of Nervousness, Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Ulcers, Old Sores, Blood Poisoning,
E right's Disease and Female Troubles it has made cores after all other treat
ment failed. It is sold for $1.00 a bottle at drag stone. A teaspoosf nl is a dose.
r I tjj - J-' Send your, f nO postoffice address to the D. David
NlflipiS DOUie rrC6 l Kncmnr CoRroaATio. Rondont. N. Y.. and
imtina this paper, and a sample bottle of Favorite Remedy will be sent free. Every
afferer'can depend upon the genuineness of this offer, and should send at once.
I S H ED. 1 190G.
Clothing I bat goes on daily
examine tha Stock ot Gcxls for
Wonderfully Low J 'rices.
C fXySfr III
I - ' I I, IU' III
Big Clothing Stores
115 and 117 Bridge St., Mifflintown.
The Mid-Summer Clearing Sale of
and Gents' Furnishing Goods,
and House Furnishing Goods.
To ke epup our reputation of each season having a New
Stock, we have a
Clearance Sale, both
Summer and Winter.
We are more than ever determined to eflcct a complete
clearing sale. The remainder of our ftock muBt and will
be sold regardless of cost.
Now is your chance to save Dollars.
Now is your opportunity.
Don't mits it. Call at once at Meyers' Big Stores. If
you are supplied for this season you cannot make a bitter
investment than to buy
your goods for next Summer.
15 aud 111 Bridge Sire",
Tmcaror? Valley Bailroad.
Blair'8 Mills....
Waterloo.. . .. ..
Leonard's Grove
Ross Fni m
East W&torforo" ,,,,..
Heckman tTT.Tt..
Hciiey Grove
Fort Bigbata
Pleasant Ti., ,
Seven Piuce. . . . . . . .
Spruce Hill
523 12
5513 1-5
Graham '
3 S3
3 26
3 29
Old Port
Port Royal Ar.
3 32
3 38
3 45
Trains Kos. 1 and 2 connect st Port Royal
with Way Passenger and Seashore Express
on P. B. B.i and Nos. 8 and i with Mail east.
Trains Nos. 2 snd 8 connect st Blair's
Hills with Concord, Doyletbcrg Dry Ron,
KoeaYillo, Neelyton, Sbado (lap, bnade
Valley and Gosborn Station Stage Lines.
No.2 No.4
Port Koyal 0 0 10 20 5 05
Old Port 1.310 275 12
Turbett 2 810 33 5 18
Freedom 3.7 10 36 5 21
Stewart 4.4 10 39 5 24
Graham's. 5.010 42,5 27
Spruce Hill 6.3 10 5os 35
Seven Pines 7.2 10 53;5 38
PlearactYiew 9.011015 46
Warble 10.011 06'5 51
Fort Biprham 12.0 11 15 6 00
Honey Grove 14.0 11 23j6 08
Heckman 15.111 28j6 13
East Waterford.... 17.511 406 25
Perulack 20.5 11 536 38
Boss Farm 22.0 12 0016 45
Leonard's Grove... 24.012 08 6 53
Waterloo 25.512 U,6 59
Blair's Mille Ar. 27.012 2oj7 05
Sttpm nie ilrnJ.
A 'onf'erfol Improvement In fVletimi t'l Jl an3
:i-Iiaek. BckmotKiol('rn).-e.$ llanialxl
t nyoiiir in It trmrKn. rTrrtaliiieta rrrri.
calming aH lb frnl srtnc to t-UU Khile imrU-
rrral avina In power mwd wrnr. I hi v
Jif.-iif orl rr- in, iiwi tt-ia iinr--. ,
'Hlt;rnfwrt. CrH Planter, Pfc; He. .
'f-ni'-n JMIfiri:
tlHTH U t itKOJWO'OUl, .Mil., Ya.-t. . a.
1 us ni ti 1 iin w mm ss
WONDERFUL are the cures bf
Hood's biirsapurilla, and yet ttasy
we simple and natural. 1 lood's San
Willa makea PURE BLOOD.
Tt'e following sclioriu'e wont Into ofloct
Nov. 16, 180G, and the trains will be run as
p. m s- m I.rnvo Arr.vo a. in p. m
4 30 9 00 Dnricarni.il 7 61 2 28
4 3G a (f, Kme'ii Mill 7 40 2 23
4 8! ! "9 'Sulphur Spriifc. 7 4 2 20
341 011 Torman Pflir.jf 741 3 18
4 4") 0 14 V nt.-!.(.'o f'ark 7 41 2 IS
4 4- ! IS 'Weaver 7 4' 2 18
4 61 1! 'Roddy 7 86 2 08
4 64 9 22 rioflWn 7 A3 2 65
4 56 9 4 'Rover 7 81 2 03
4 59 9 2T 'Mahanoy 7 28 2 00
6 10 10 43 Rloomflcld 7 23 1 41
5 16 9 49 'Tressler 7 09 1 86
6 21 9 54 'Nollson 7 04 1 81
5 24 9 57 'Dunj'a 7 01 1 28
5 27 10 OS KIlioUburK fl P8 1 25
6 82 10t 7 'Bernheisl' 6 51 120
5 84 10 17 'Grot'D Fiik 6 8 1 18
5 87 10 HO 'Montour 6 83 1 15
6 02 10 36 Laniiinr(r J 2? ?
T. ta a. ta Arrive Leave m j in
Train leaves Bloomflcl.1 al ff.M 4. m.f
nd arrives at Landisourg at 4.23 a. m.
Train leaves Luridisliiirg at 6.08 p. ID., and
arrives at Bloomfleld at 6.40 p. ra.
. All atationa marked () are flag atatlona,
at which trains will eoruu to a lull stop on
Cba. n. SatLxr, 9. IT. Bscs,
President. Snpt.
I 'I ley Rnilro&d Company. Time table
of passenger trains, in effect on Monday,
Hay 18tb, 1896.
STATIONS. West- Eaat- .
ward. ward.
1 1 a
pm'am am r
Newr rt 6 05 10 35 80
BnHalo Bridge 6 08 10 88 8 27 8 6)
Juniata Furnace ... 6 12 10 42 8 23 8 68
V abneta 6 15 10 46 8 20 3 60
Sylvan 6 25 10 52 8 16 8 46
Wat-r Ping 6 2211 01 8 11 8 41
Bloomfleld Janct'n. 6 81 11 09 8 Ot 8 88
Valley Road 6 891109 8 00 8 82
Elliottubui? 6 61)11 21 7 46 3 15
Green Park 6 54 11 24 ' 10 8 10
Losville 7 05111 35 84 8 04
Fort Robeon 7 11 11 41 7 26 2 5o
Center 7 If. 11 46 7 1tt 2 4H
Cisna's Bun 7 21 11 61 7 13 2 46
Anderaonbnrg 7 27 II 67 7 ! 2 40
Blain 7 86 12 06 7 03 2 88
Mount Pleasant ... 7 4) 12 11 6 68 "2 34
New Germant'n ... 7 46 12 15 6 60 2 20
D. GR1NG, President and Manager
C. K. Milles, General Agent.
. llCfc.ANY
-VaaviaKH 1 tun r 1 kk uintdAi
XrofwM( Sugar, Children imv Tt.
y Tsmfator ibauM hav a bottl of It ln fain ouujj
Puaru S 1 iff oror f Ki"iaaai
. DlDbtharfsv Ooasrhw. CAtsrrh. Hruraflfaitks,
aticss. heurstiiriav. str
In Bodr or IJrnbw. Slrf Joints or
AAsthrnsvCboierm murlmm, IrtrTbir, lAmunesM, Bjmr
this old Anotlvnn rr ief and mxir rum. Iwuxbl
iKniai, win raaa Tv-
ftna 1
jrgsa ftolfl -vtT) riei a. Pn.-r ct.. by ml1, 6 boTftiwH
l tMid. V. 1 . JOHN Ctt.
iHe- ijt Tree to anmt:i. .
lioor r.attlefitji fan ain
f)ti iweilieiu frmo of c.iut-t: .
Tni ic-jv it twin prepare'! bytb4 H;
iiC r.lCD. CO., Chicane.
. ?r ' al tsl tier Cottle. V" -