t; .V . giflTTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. PA.. EDNTSDAY, AUG. 22, 1906 .TERMS. gUBSCBiFTiox f 1.00 per year if paid ko advance ; r not paia in aa- Transient advertising and 'local notices 8 cents a line. Reductions will be made to those de siring to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. T Trr , . . Gnminger have bohtPtoir Co ' for the arte of the .XiiSliS: ing machine. Thev win 016 machine make ftwahiB . vu.t ooanty. atrack Ws hand, Vxwo plows owned by Harmon CSTOfer on the farm of B. P. Schweier were broken by some evil disposed persona last week. The mould board of both plows were broken with a large stoneS Ex-Senator Ingalls of Kansas, died at Las Vwraa. Nw rt onjhe 16th of August, aged 67 7ars. He was a Massachusetts juuu uy Dinn. ue died of form of cancer of the throat. some art if i L,yjv,Jiua. y . . I Samuel I. toner is visiting his parents in r I 5, of Wnu - . Samuel A. Tyson was seriously LfTTjpri r, x.'Tl'rrJ m week several days. Jacob 8.7 L Miss Mamie Hilibs of Patterson, his son without father Potteteer's thousand dollars for marriage in such cases. spent Sunday in Dimmsville. jfiss Ruth Cibulka of Patterson, is visiting in Tnsearora Valley. mere was a geuemi surprise ov- a. swarm of bees in Franklin er tne wmmg 01 riu jionuay. county lit on T. M. Goetz, who Mummah and Meyers shipped a as picking peaches. The swarm flork of 234 sheep east on Tuesday. jeu over hio "his head and tup Methodist Sunday Schol.001"8- w body was dread picnicked in Schweicr's woods on f""J pllen. His suffering was LtrHv rljgreat. At last report he was alive. The Methodist State Convention L. Goodhart's flock of 60 tur- will be heia in HamsDurg, Octo- airayea irom their home at ber 22 to 25. Centre Hall, Centre county, some Elmer North, mechanic of Har-1 ur.weeK8 ago- week Mr risburjr, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. John North. Wm. Davis of Washington, D.C., is home recuperating from an at tack of typhoid fever. The Chinese are numerous, but thev cannot fight as American I XT , and European right. y " er n nomas Lowrey were Mrs.nettie Strayerand daugh- "-1 XT 22! shaken off the tree. The dogs kill ed it. Vhen weighed the opos sum tipped the beam of the scales at the 23 pound notch. J A fire destroyed aTmtcher shop and an adjoining house and partly destroyed a third house and three poles of the Tnsearora Telephone Company in Newport last Friday night. The water supply it is said was inadequate to the occa sion, the drongth having reduced the supply in the Buffalo moun tain reservoir. A ter Miss 3unnie ot ratterson, are sojourning at Atlantic City. f Miss Isabel McClintic returned home Friday evening after a two weeks' visit in Lewistown. Miss Alice Todd of Pittsburg, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. M. Todd in Pattetson. TheThompsontown brass "kidd" band was in town on Saturday evening and did quite well. Miss Lola Harley of Altoona, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harley on Main street. A Mr. and Mrs. oaniuel asick and son of Philadelphia, are guests of Mr and Mrs. Alonza Fasick. Miss Maude Baldwin of Harris burg, is a visitor at the home of John Brennisholtz in Patterson. Judge Lucian Doty of Greensl burg spent Monday in town with his brother Cashier Ezra C. Doty. Next week the Knights of Pyth ias of Pennsylvania will assemble at Harrisbnrg in annual conclave. The Presbyterian-Sunday school was to picnic at Macedonia on Wednesday, which rain prevented. Mis. Maty Jacobs has returned from a visit to the familv of ber hrotl er Herman North at Bradford, Pa. Mrs. Noah Mitchell and chil dren and sister Miss Bess Butt of Patterson, are visitiug in Earner, n. y. ; Miss Willa McNitt of Patterson, I has been spending the past week with her uncle Dr. Baker in Lew istown. A wag of a boy says the best butter he ever came across was a billy goat that knocked him about ten feet. The percentage of men who suc ceed at farming is larger than the percentage of men who succeed at merchandising. Chief Justice Henry Green of the Supreme Court of Pennsylva nia, died of apoplexy at Atlantic city, August 16. There is one kind of stock that jnay be given as much water as can le used without injury to any one, cattle and live stock. Miss Ida Barton, daughter of Judge Barton of Pleasant View, will conduct the Tnsearora Acad emy the coming winter."7 E. Leslie Allison -6T the street Columbia Bank, Phila., Pa., is spending his vacation with his ...... 1, M .-c TrllAn Alliun The Mount Pleasant Sabbath School, will hold their annual pic nic at Tnsearora camp-meeting grounds, Sa'nrday, Seprr 8. The letters remaining unclaimed in the MjHintown post office at the close of the week. Aug 18. Miss Susanah Yoder. Annie Mover J. uootinart found them ten miles from home on the farm of James Peters beyond Boalsburg. Two small chickens accompanied the turkeys on their travels. L.S. Boyd Murray reports that his friends William Fasick. Frank 1th Mrs. James 8. Pannebaker, of Lewistown, spent last week very pleasantly at the home of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Le3her, in Dimmsville. and while there sh attended the picnic on Saturday, ton her return home she stopped off here to spend a day at the home of Mrs. Philo H. Pannebaker, on Washington street. The shirt waist for men have come suddenly and unexpectedly and that puts the shirt waist man in fashion with the shirt waist woman. Possibly the hot summer has had to do with the advent of the shirt 'waist for men. The shirt sleeve man has been on deck ever since the shirt became a gar ment for men to wearTj Jhe corner stone 0 the new Luth eran Church of Mifflintown, Pa., win be laid on Sunday, September 2nd. Rev. C. W. Heisler, D. D., President of Susquehanna Univer sity, Selinsgrove, Pa., and Bev. M. IT Stine, Ph. D., pastor of Christ's Lutheran Church, Harris burg, Pa., will be present on this occasion to assist in the services. All are cordially invited to be present Services 10.30 a. m. and 6.30 p. mT The courses of study at Mifflin Academy are arranged po that a graduate from the Mifflintown High school or the Patterson High school can complete a course in two years. These courses are broad and liberal, including Latin, Greek, Mathematics, English and the Sciences. The graduates are admitted to all the colleges and universities of the state. No one should think of going away till he has completed one of these courses in the Academy The United Presbyterian church at Sardis, Westmoreland county, was left a legacy of two hundred and fifty dollars years ago by John Ludwick with the proviso that the money should be returned when ever an organ was introduced in fne church. On Sunday, August 13, the organ was played with the singing ot tne I'.ira .rsaim. a. number of the congregation arose and walked out of the church and say they will not return until the organ is removed, so information from Greensburg reports. A man writing from Cape Nome, In a wreck of cars near Pa., on Tuesday, the Mnnimah brothers cattle dealers from Jnni ata county, lost almost a car-load of cattle. Hi 2 Emery McCahan has nnearthed a place or two in Licking creek JUv - valley where the pioneer settlers A - 1 ,4 fT'l.. ..... V r. .aira ia mat e kui. xuc u? win saltish nowTJ The summer is about nt an end. The harveit has bean a poor one. It is na t. Forget . it. L ok forward and get ready fr the better seasons that are ahea l. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lesber, .f Renova. Clearfield county, Pa are visiting at the home of llrs. Lesher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. RoHman. .A Miss Lou JJictJienan, win wc home about the 1st of September to remain during the winter, and those in need of optician work or spectacles may do well by calling onjier, j The other day in the meadow south of town Mont. McDonald, Lloyd Shover and Boyd - Renning er killed a large copperhead snake, which had fifty yqung copperhead snakes inside of itj Gladvs McCanley gave a birth- ,u norrv to between twenty and Trwiu liner iar nortn goia neia says, cnicis. . T ens a Huston, time. They die of exhaustion in walking about waiting for the sun to set . The Bun sets at 11.30 and rises at 1.15. The sun is not hid long enough to' produce darkness for a chicken to sleep. A week of such long days kills the stoutest chicken. Chickens are taken there in cold storage and sell for two dollars and fifty cents each. The winter season at Nome is hard on live chickens. They die of too much sleep. The days there in the winter are only four hours long. which wound itself around his arm. Thomas called for help and some boys near heard him and with a revolver attempted . to shoot the m, but instead badly wounding him and tearing off two lingers. He was brought to Bedford and is Buffering severely from fright as well as his injury. The snake es caped. There seems to be no, end to new snake stories thia season. The latest are from the Beaver Herald, which are put as follows: One day last week while hauling sawdust, Ames o. Amspaeker's two sons, Charles and William, killed four big snakes. They aho destroyed one hundred and ninety-one snake eggs; each egg eon tained a raske about ou f t in length. CaL Bowersox was bitten by a copperhead snake in the right leg above the ankle last Wed nesday evening. He had gone to the cellar and stepped on the snake, which was lying at the foot " of the steps. Tomatoes in common seasons us ually are considered well sold at 25 cents a bushel. Now they are sell ing at 35c ts a peck and scarce at that. UrougtQ ig the cause, ibe oldest inhabitant does not recollect a season like this. The potatoes that were ' pat in the ground with strong manure were scalded. The cabbage and tomatoes were shriveled into little bitter things. Even the wild plum has not had moisture enough to make it larger than an ounce musket balL The wheat in mot places is a small crop; the oats isn't a fifth of a crop; the corn amountd to nothing on many farms. The stalks are not large and plenti ful enough to make a bountiful crop of fodder and the pasture is crisp and dead. But don't worry. That will not help the situation. Coming ee-isoos will do better. The sun of prosperity will return and youll for get thin miserable season. Forget it now. Put it behind you and look forward to the better . one that is ahead of you. Jere Brown of near Oriental tells a new snake story to the Liver pool Sun as follows: Jere. Brown was a caller at our office on Satur day, and related to us an interest ing snake story as follows: Recent ly while himself and son were on Grubb's tract chopping wood they sought shelter in a shanty during a rain. When the rain was about nrap ha lwVul lint- anil ai TO a larflMkl black snake going up a tree after a red squirrel. The snake kept close to the squirrel and struck for it with open mouth right and left, but the squirrel' repeatedly escaped yet seemed unable to get away far. So they went on up the tree and out on a protecting limb. At last ed one of the finest ftvmllles ever known in Juniata county. The only remain ing relative there whom I can recall la the Hon. W. North Bterrett, who Is, I think, a cousin of the Doctor and the Judge. The Pattersons and the Ster retta were closely connected. Alexan der Patterson, who founded Tuacarora Female Seminary was a son of "Squire" j John Patterson, and Dr. Sterrett's grand-father, (was known as "Mer chant" John Patterson. These . two John Pattersons were cousins and mar ried twin sisters, the Misses Lyons. Mrs. Dr. Bterrett was a sister of the Hon. John M, Kennedy, who was formerly a law partner of the late James Cloyd Doty, and is at present one of the ablest Judges of the Com mon Pleas Court of Allegheny county. Another brother Dr. D. B. Kennedy is a resident of Oxford. The effects of the union of two such rare strains of blood could not fail to show in the off-spring. All of Dr. Ster rett's children were born in Juniata county. The eldest Robert M. Bterrett, is the best known and most successful druggist in the East End. James B. Bterrett is a member of the Allegheny County Bar and was closely associated with the firm of Kennedy and Doty. Dr. John K. "Bterrett ("Doctor Jack" as he is affectionately designated by his friends) is an established physician of high standing. He is happily married and occupies a handsome residence just off the fashionable North Highland Avenue. Mary Dickey Bterrett is the wife of Charles It. Shuman, an excel lent business man and successful mer chant, who formerly lived in Port Roy al, but now resides at Ocean Grove, California. The youngest daughter Carrie Jeannette, is the wife of L. C. Bobens, who is in the life insurance business. Dr. Bterrett removed from Juniata county to Pittsburg in April, 1879. He has since lived on one of the loveliest residence sites in the East End, No. 6321 Penn Aveuue, just in the rear of the East Liberty Station of the Penn sylvania Railroad. The house stands in spacious grounds, well back from the street, and though the aggressions of commerce have hemmed it in on all sides, they have not yet been able to dislodge the Doctor from his homestead. The death of his wife may, however, result iu the sacrifice to business pur poses of this last remaining beauty spot of what was once the finest suburban district of Pittsburgh. Dr. Bterrett is now nearly 75 years of age, and his life since coming -to Pitts burgh has been full of honors- He and his brother, Supreme Court Justice James P. Bterrett, were born and raised on the Bterrett estate in Tuscarora Val. ley. This farm was the next above the Judge Lewis Burchfleld place. Beyond it were the farms of Robert Sterrett and William Bterrett, and then came the Kelly place, one of these farms now the squirrel was caught, but soon ' wnpH ,, Attnri.v n. v.. wnw.. got loose and escaped and then the ' 0f ti8 citv 1 tl 1 it- 1 A. 1 oiiase leu irom a neigia 01 auuui Naturally, so aged a man was greatly oj icci, auu mauc a iuuu as 11 a prostrated by the loss of his life-partner. iK ui gram ui laueu. jur. u Fof the flfBt time n an Bcquaintance then got a club and killed the of nearly twenty vears j obtiervea a snake. Upon measurement he , tinm, n, AMnnnn in th vonomi.i found it to be hve feet ana 10 tw-w ,vr.nnn .nH .nnr in his earlier days a man of heroic physique, like his brother, the Justice, the effects . ofhis bereavement were painfuUv notice- inches long. MRS. DR. JOHN P. STERRETT. PC (Written for the Sentinel and Rb-! able in his sunken face and hesitating There died on Tuesday of last week, . Y hMrfll, v,,,,, tsT Tt synopsis of the history of whose useful life may bring to many old readers of the Sentinel recollections of days that 1 are cherished as halcyon. A narrative pf the career and connections of Mrs. I Anna K. Bterrett, will revive memor- I 1 .1 .1 . 1. k nf t . iu u wiau lnterview we bad at our last meeting. In December, 1898, as I was about to seemed to afford mm the greatest con solation that she bad said to him, short ly before her death, that she suffered no pain, and was passively gliding to what she knew was a realm of repose and peace. The brief visit I paid to the Doctor recalled the somewhat similar Sterrett none was more highly honored throughout Tuscarora Valley, '(that abode of an arhtocracy whose only foundations were brains, character and physique. As Dr. John P.Sterrett, her 1 L a iu T T n O U' V x; olc " extended to me the first word of condo- rett, Chief Justice of the Pennsylvania lem-i had received nd wai-maniftlv Supreme Court, were giants intellect-1 grieved that he waH unabIe to pWBen't u.ijr.uulmj...v,t- w m w at the funeral of his old and beloved ceased great among women on account frlend. The revereai of our positions board Philadelphia Express, I met Dr. Sterrett in the Union Station. On learn ing that my stepfather, William M. Allison, was lying dead at Mifflin, he of her simplicity, sweetness, gentle ness and sympathy. Her early distinction in Juniata county, was that of being the first Prin cipal of Tuscarora Female Seminary. This model Institution of learning was brought home to both of us a realization of how small the world really is, and the value of "a kind word fitly spoken " Both the Doctor and Mrs. Sterrett had been aware for some months that her ailments must result futnll v Vint founded in 1847 by Alexander Patter-1 thlB kllowledge had only drawn them son. mainly for tne ngnt euucaiion 01 -.m ma1w itiur wh th nis own uaugniers ana inciaenuuiy ior wen, wIt In June te fatiirue of a 1 : x . . . . luejuuruey proaimieu uer, auu mey the benefit of the young ladies of Tus carora Valley, The Seminary was at were obiieed to sum over in Philadel. 111191 JUUtim 1U Mr. Patterson's large phia four week. They then went on dwelling house in Spruce Hill town- to her old home in Oxfordj where the) ship on the south aide of Tuscarora remained three weeks, and on the way back tbey again had to stop over in creek Miss Anna Kennedv. the 'sub ject of this., sketch remained at the! Philadelphia three days. They returned head of theSeminary for two-and-a-half to Pittsburgh on the last day of July, years, and much of its later fame as an ' and jUBt two weeks later tne end c&me institute for young ladies was due to gince glrlho()d Mrs. Sterrett had been the impress of her character upon it. ' member cf the Presbyterian church, She was succeeded as Principal by Mr. audattbetimeofherdeathwasconnect Patterson's daughters, in turn, and af- w Ith the East Liberty Presbyterian terward, when the Seminary was re-. cbUrch, her pastor being the Rev. Dr. moved to Academia, it ranked as j. e. p. Kumler. The Rev. Dr. Cheis worthy companion to the famous Tusca- mall( ofthe High'land Avenue Presby- rora Academy, miss ivenneay terian church., conducted the services IS bom In Oxford, Chester county, Pa , on January 29,1827. During her la bors as Principal of the Seminary she met and loved Dr John K. Sterrett, to whom she was married at Oxford in 1850. The ceremony waa performed by a relative the Rev. Dr. John M. Dickey, at the unusual hour of 4 o'clock in the morning, as the yonng couple had to drive 14 miles in order to catch a railroad train at the village of North east, Md. There ;had been anticipa tions of a celebration of their golden wedding anniversary next November, an occasion which would have brought together descendants, of some of the most distinguished families of the (na tion, as well as representatives of many of the best families of Pittsburgh, who have delighted to honor the Sterretts during the past twenty years. Like her husband Miss Kennedy came of il- lustrous stock. Her father Dr. John Kennedy was bom in Baltimore and located as a practicing physician in Oxford. Her mother, Mary Dickey, was a daughter of Col. David Dickey, who was an extensive owner of cotton and paper factories at Hopewell, Mt. Vernon and on the Brandy wine. Col. & an-xktt af nrv in a. new getting la I Dickey's wife was a Mofnt, a member related b v the Everett Press thus: ! of a distinguished family of Cecil coun- While William Thomas, colored, ty, Maryland. Her paternal grand- won dis- at the family residence. The funeral was private, the remains being interred in Homewood Cemetery on Thursday afternoon last. W. M. A., Jk. Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 20, 1900. Program for 8th Anniversary of Academia C. E. Society. Song Service; prayer; music by male Quartett; prayer; Hymn 44 C. E., EtL"No. 6; address of welcome by J. H. Deen. Response byRev. J. C Moser. Duett by Scott McLaughun. Address by W. H. Harnish. Music by male Quartett. The mission and need of our own church by J. Scott McLaughlin. Offerings. Hymn 123. Scripture reading Matt. 25, 31, 46. Prayer, Hymn 207. Consecration Service, Hymn 40, nediction. ihirtvofher little friends at the 1 was on his. way home from Everett ! father was also a soldier, and i."r i- TiiuwnrH. Mr 'rmentlv. he reached through a Unction at the battle of Nortl home 01 ner grauu parous, and Mrs. J. H. Simons, last day from 5 to 7 p. m.' ... Mr. ' rmentlv. he reached through - a Unction at the battle of North Point, Mai. t ki fnr anm Iwrrin nd was at-! The removal of the Sterrett's from ilWU AUW V -"" " . 1 tacked by a 'large black-snake Tuscarora Valley, practically eliminat DIED: Schott's Stores Clearance Sale. To make room for the best and largest assortment of FALL WINTER GOODS that Juniata county has ever seen, and to clear space ior the fine line of European . and American novelties Mr. Schott is selecting. We shall make the greatest cuts in . prices ever known here. Among the n any reductions, we mention the following: ' The very best makes of Calico, not remnants or seconds, but the best, for only 5 cents a yard. We have a cheaper grade of Calico for 4 cents a yard. Some Ladies Shirt Waists that were from 3b cents to 75 cents, we sell them now for 19 cents and 23 cents. Ladies Fine Shoes, in sizes 2, 3 axd 3, that sold from f 1.50 to $3.00, we sell them now for 50 cents. Dimities and Lawns that sold for 10 cents and 12j, we are selling now for 7 cents. s Scotch Lawns, the beet color, we are selling at 4 cents We have a good quality of Table Oil Cloth that we are selling for 12 cents a yard. 36 by 36 inch Cotton Kugs for only 15 cents. 36 by 36 inch All Wool Rugs for only 25 cents. Large size velvel Rugs for only75 cents. . O O OO O O SCHOTT'S STORES. 103 to 109 Bridge Street, BigClothing Si ores '115 and 117 Bridge St., Mifflintown. The Mid-Summer Clearing Sale of CLOTHING and Gents' Furnishing Goods, FURNITURE and House Furnishing Goods. Tr. Stock, we have a Clearance Sale, both Summer and Winter. We are more than ever determined to eflect a complete ... clearing pale. The remainder tt our stock must and will be sold regardless ofcost. Now is your 'chance to save Dollars. Now is your opportunity. Don't mips it. Call at once at Meyers' Big Stores. If you are supplied for this season you cannot make a bitter investment than to buy your goods for next Summer. Harman. On the night of the 15th inst., at his home in Fayette township, William Harman of Brights' disease and its complica tions. Mr. Harman 's age as 79 years He was born in Juniata county. Stewart. On the morning of the 16th inst., at his home in Tnr- bett township, Hiram Stewart of heart trouble, aged about 58 years His father ana grand-father were Tnsearora Valley people He tanght school many years during the winter months. Lantz. On the 17th inst., at 3 o'clock a. m., in Texas Hollow, Walker township, Christian Lantz, aged 60 years 2 mos. and 14 days. Interment at Benner's cemetery between Thompsontown and Van Wert on Sunday. Zeideks. On the 19th inst., in Patterson, Ethel E. Zeiders, daughter of William J. Zeiders, Jr., of brain fever, aged 6 months and 16 days. Interment in Union eemejery op Tuesday. 1865, ESTABLISHED. J900. Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK . OF D. W. HARLEY. ft will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN ft is truly marvelous to See THE' BEAUTIFUL STYLEU of Su;ts and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Lo-. Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail to give him a"call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEY How to Prolong Life No mu or woman can hope to live lone if the Kidneys. Bladder, or Urinary Organs are diseased. Disorders of that kind should never be neglected. Don't delay in finding oat your condition. ' Yon can tell as well as a physician. Pat some urine in a glass or bottle, and let it stand a day and night A sediment at the bottom is a sure sign that you have Kidney disease. Other certain signs are pains in the small of the back a desire to make water often, especially at night a scalding sensation in passing it and If nrine stains linen there is no donbt that the disease Is present. There is a cure for Kidney and Bladder Diseases. It is Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. It has been for thirty years, and b today, the greatest and best medicine known for these troubles. Mr. William W. Adams, cor. Jefferson Avenue and Clifton Street, Roches ter, N. Y., says: "Three years ago I was taken with Kidney disease very badly ; at times I was completely prostrat ed; in fact, was so bad that a day was set for the doc tors to perform an operation upon me Upon that day I com-,-.-A tt nu nt IV. BhU K i mmr ifii rewrite lemedy, and It was not long before I was entirely enred. and I have had no return of the trouble since. My weight has increased, and I never was so well as I am now. Dr. David Keaaedy's Fevertle Reawdy saved my life." - favorite Remedy acts directly upon the Kidneys. Liver and Blood. In cases of Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Ulcers, Old Soros, Blood Poisoning. Brighfs Disease and Female Troubles it has made euros after all other treat ments failed. It is sold for $i.oo a bottle at drug stores. A teaspoonful is a dose. r v Ail ' CaI Send your full postoffice address to the Da. Davh baClpl6 DOttle rred knkuy CosromAnoN, Rondout, N. V.. and watioa this paper, and a sample bottle of Favorite Rewsdy will be sent free. Every sufferer can depend upon the genuineness of this offer, and should send at once, r C M3J3 - 1 CP "I 1 n1 MEYERS, THE LEADER IN LOW PRICES. 15 and lit Bridge Street. - :lFrLI3TOvv .. PA Tuscarore. Valley Railroad. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MONDAY, JUNE. 20, 1898. EASTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT BUMDAY. Blaira Mills Lv Waterloo.. Leonard's Grove Rops Fhrtn Perulak . Eajt Waterford Heckmnn HnrcT Ornve Fort Bihain Wsrble Pleasart View Seven Fiui t Spruce Hi'il Graham a Stewarl ..... Freedom Turbett Old Port Port Boyal Ar, No.l No.3 25 31 37 45 52 05 171 22 8 301 8 39 8 44 8 52 8 55 9 03 06 09 12 18 19 25 :P. II. 45 51 57 05 2 12 2 25 37 42 50 59 04 12 15 23 3 26 3 29 3 32 3 38 3 45 WONDERFUL arc the cures by iiooti's CNi!-saiurilla, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood's SanaV parilla makes PURE ELOOP, RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pEBRT COFVTT RAILROAD. Thejbllnwimr schodnle went Into effect Nov. IK, 1896, mi the trains will be ran as follows: - iKsavo Arrive s. m Doncannon 7 64 'King's Mill ? 49 Sulphur Spring? 7 48 "Corroan Sidine 7 44 Mvnr-.bt-o Park 7 41 p. ID 4 80 4 3G 4 39 3 41 4 16 i i: 4 61 4 64 4 66 4 59 a. m !0t 9 06 9 09 9 11 9 11 0 15 9 19 9 22 9 24 9 2T Trains Nt. 1 and 2 connect at Port Boyal with Way Fsfixreer and Seashore Ezpresa on P. B. R., and Noa. 8 and 4 with Mail fast. WMrtr 7 JJ R11y 7 8t Hoflman 7 33 Roj-or 7 31 Mahanov 7 28 5 10 10 43 Bloomfield 7 23 6 16 9 49 'Treasler 7 09 6 21 9 54 'Nellion 7 04 5 24 9 67 'Dnni'a 7 01 6 27 10 06 Kll!otsbur H 68 6 32 10 f 7 B.rnfaeijl,s 6 61 6 34 10 17 'Groen Pirk 6 48 6 37 10 30 "Montour Jane 6 88 6 02 10 36 LandiNbarg 6 28 p. m a. ro Arrive Leave a. m p no Train loaves BlooniHeld at 6.63 a. m., and arrive at Landisbnre at 6.23 s. m. Train leavea Landiabarg at 6.0S p. m., and arrives at BloomBeld at 6 40 p. m. Al! station marked () are Hag station!, at which trains will come to a full atop on aignal. Cbas. II. SatLBT, S. H. Prj Pregidcnt, snpf. p. in 2 28 2 2S 2 20 3 18 3 IS 2 18 208 2 65 203 200 I 41 18B 181 1 28 1 26 1 20 1 18 1 16 2 60 NEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL I 1 ley Railroad Company. Time table of paMer.prr trains, in effect on Monday, May 18 th, 1896. WESTWARD. Traina Noa. 2 and 8 connect st Blair's Mills with Concord, Doyletrarg; Dry Ron, Noaaville. NeeKton, Shade Bap, bbaae Valley and Uoahorn Station Stare Lines. &TAT10N8. STATIONS. Nq2No4 DAILY, EXCEPT 8CWDAY. .2 Port Koyal ' 0 010 2oj5 05 Old Port 1.3 10 275 12 Turbett 2 810 33j5 18 Freedom 3.7 10 3fi 5 21 Stewart 4.410 39 5 24 Grabam's. 5.010 425 27 Spruce Hill 6.310 50(5 35 Seven Pines 7.2 10 53 5 38 PleapantView 9.011015 46 Warble 10.011 06 5 51 Fort Bipham. 12.011 15;6 00 Honey Grove 140 11 23i6 08 Heckman 15.111 28 6 13 East Waterford.... 17.511 4016 25 Perulack 20.5 11 536 38 Ross Farm. 22.012 Oo6 45 Leonard's Grove... 24.012 086 53 Waterloo 25.512 14,6 69 Blair'a Mflls.....Ar. 27.012 20 7 05 Newpf rt Buffalo Bridge Juniata Furnace ... W Ahneta Fylvan .... Watr Plug BloointielU Junct'n. Valley Road Bllioth-barp Greco Park Lovsiille Fort Robeson .... Center ........... Ciaoa's Ran ....... Andersonbnrs; ..... BUin Mount Pleasant . . . Now German t'u ... Westward. East ward. 1 r M A M 6 06 10 36 6 08 10 88 6 12 10 42 6 15 10 46 6 25 10 621 6 2211 01 6 81,11 09 6 89 11 09 6 61:1121 6 64 11 24 7 06111 86 7 1111 41 7 lilll 45! 7 2111 6l! 7 27ill 67 7 85 12 05 7 41112 11 7 45il2 16 A II 8 30 8 27 8 23 8 20 8 16 8 11 8 08 8 00 7 46 " 10 . 84 7 26 1H 7 IS 7 V' 7 03 668 6 50 P II 8 67 3 6 8 60 34 8 41 8 88 3 82 3 16 3 10 3 04 2 56 2 49 2 46 2 40 288 2 24 220 D. GRIN6, President and Manager C. &.. HiiliKi General Aa-ent. j. a moorhead, Sttptrxniendent. S. MOORHEAD, ' Prttident. IIEKCU fit DnOGOLD'S SAVMIU.3 ENGINES A wonierftil tiDprrvemfit fn Frfrtfan Fee4i rJ Bsvrk m tu (on of CarrEiu. ;i ilmra iv fit.-n aaisnyotherln tnensarkri. FrirKioaiClaicb Kt-rta, rmitsioic mil tbr ff-1 semrtnc to ctAiui rttit whi' t m it If?; crrnt mrtM i pwer na. wrnr. i lfrt and pnrtK frwe. AM Sprint Unrrrv . r flit '-, fmm Plxairn, tarilrrn kxiH U ItlUaHC;uUlt JtfnMlwt., tv jOtllSUg ummm . It E ANY I .v J nr BrUSH AL &4 nWJHAl bhu VQ ( CbD A9D BLCB&CO TC ,eV ' Knrj TlMnir leuld Lat butU. of II In lin mini Cuaru ftuffarar Fro" tmnmumm.m niinaafli nrnmnni rrmrm iiwrrn urn rtifi . Cbolera Morbni, Dtontu,lMMiNLft In BodT or Umta, Stiff Jotnt or Strain wfn I A 1.-taM RnoK an Ken J i - S UimM.il trM to asratl! f . a a'Kt tour patients can airo -rk --.IL. tlil Hiedtcino (raw or bJ-u. . 7.-. r-iiMH! b bernprparH bytie hvn f.i So?u:iT. ot Fort Waviia. Ind4 stnea i-i... ijv - rarud ttatlr bia Urciloa by tuo OtNlCHBEO. CO.. Chicago, .I.Jh jjiNKAuUfiisjl perBoCUaL fc. . -1 r- .. sLta.S-t.13. SUottkaafor,. . r. . : J 1 - y A A V