r in-: 7 B. F. SCHWEIER, THE CONSTITUTION THE UNIONAND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS. Editor and Proprietor. VOL. LIV. MIPFLINTOWX, "JUNIATA COUNTY, PENN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1900 NO. o7 W a; Captain grabajoft BY B. 7V. l.yilitaiy.omaDce.Qft2outlz.WcA CHAPTER IV. (Continued.) "Go on. go on; I'm Just boiling to hear tbe sequel," said Mr. Gee, nodding nil brad like a mandarin. "Hire me time, my dear sir. In a few days back came a letter. Baying- that the other was a hoax, and he bad only aent it to try me, and feel the family pulse, so to speak; and as I bad responded in a liberal spirit I would never have any cause to regret my generosity." "1 wish to goodness a relative would play me the same trick. A sprat of ten pounds landing a salmon of forty thou sand is 'plenty good business. as they say out here. -And. by the way, about your cousin; did she tip him too 7" grin ning. "Not that I am aware of. She must have beeu in short frocks at the time of this particular episode." "And have you never seen her V Inquis itively. "Not to remember distinctly. There were two little girls at Annt Jane's whea I went fo say good-by, years ago. 1 rec ollect chasing one of them round the gar den, and kissing her tremendously; but which it. waa I don't know, and I suppose It would be a delicate subject to Inquire into." "Pretty picture. But If she were as ngly as the pig-faced lady herself, I'd marry her and never think twice about St." said Mr. Gee resolutely. "There's a lot of spending in forty thousand pounds; but I can't fancy an old stick-in-the-mud like you chasing and kissing any girl, young or old." grinning. "Tell me some more about ber. Where does she live when she is at home? lias she any sis ter that would be likely to come in for money? Come, don't be so glum, man alive." "1 would have to go into our family history." said Miles. "I will read you a letter and enlighten you. for I know very little about ber myself. There are lota to choose from. See what it is to come in for a fortnne! There's Mrs. Braba con's frightfully gushing and fnll of de light, congratulation, and consent. It would be manners to wait till she was asked! There's Aunt Jaue's, that looks as if it were written with a pin, crammed with advice. There's my sister Annie's " "That's the one for my money," inter rupted Mr. Gee, loudly snapping his lin gers. "Mrs. Curzoo will tell us all about it, so lire a way." and his companion, hav ing picked out the letter in question, be gan to read the following effusion:- "My Dear Miles Of course you have opened and read Mr. Barker's letter, and know the great news, that yon are now a rich and an engaged man! 1 wonder ho- you are taking it? I'm anre your face is a beautiful study this minute; 1 wish I could t?e it. Do you know how it happened? No, of course yon don't; and you t-hall hear without further delay Three years ago, when Esme was return ing from school, just as the train wai starting from Victoria, an old gentlemai and his man servant came scuffling up lie was the queerest old fellow you evei beheld, in a white beaver bat, a blue cutaway coat and a checker tie, and car ried an umbrella that would frighten you. The carriage door was flung open, but tb inmates showed no flattering desire foi bis society; very much the other way, squared themselves and scowled. Bui Esme, who is good-natured, made room for him; in fact, did the honors of tb compartment so agreeably, and comport ed herself so worthily, that when be de scended at a station be begged the favoi of ber name and address, which she gave, I little dreaming that the yellow-faced old I fogy was the renowned Uncle George, j About six mouths later came an invita-. tion, asking her to spend three days with ' 1 the old gentleman. It seems mac mil made a very favorable impression on Un cle G., ami the conclusion that she wat to be rewarded with your banuf and that it was a pity to divide the money in the funds. "Seriously, my dear Miles, she is a very nice girl pretty and lively, or would be the lutter, only for her stepmother, whe keeps these poor girls strictly in the back ground, and is the embodiment of a dozen wet blaukets; consequently they are shy at any rate, Esme is and countrified. 1 should like her for a sister-in-law very much; and you have my full and free consent. Of course, you will come home at once. Ity the time this reaches yon six weeks of the six months will be gone. You will never be so mad as to let th money go to the college in Calcutta; it yoj do, 1 shall consider that you are not responsible for your actions. Mind you sell off your little effects without delay, and come liorue immediately to your affec tioiiBte sister, ANNIE CURZON." "Sell off my little effects! I think 1 see myself!" exclaimed her brother, folding up ber letter with deliberate contempt. "With the suipe just coming in, and the races on next-mouth!" "But there are heaps of racing and shooting at home," observed Mr. Gee. "No sport to bold a candle to what we have ont here. Thirty brace of snipe w-ithiu four miles at Ya Goo; or if yon like to go down the rircr to Liriam, there are a couple of hundred actually expect ing yon! Besides all this, I'm going to have a shot for the gold cup with Des tiny, aud I've promised Patterson to ride Typhoon in the hunt steeplechase, so 1 don't stir for a month if then." "I'll tell you what!" Mr. Gee'a favor Ite preamble, "you are too old to be talk ing such nonsense! A child would know better than to be playing with his hit fate ii this way! And, as. to Typhoon a bad tempered. puTmg little brnte, wit! as much month as a whale, he'll nearly kill somebody yet!" CHAPTER V. Tr. to f r rice's doleful prophecy. Ty phoon threw bis rider in the races which. took place a lew aays later, wim i result that Miles was laid up with three broken ribs. Captain Brabaxon's acci dent detained him more than a month in .n.rr.nTi Tt the first of July before the doctors gave him a reluctant permis sion to take bis passage la the next t earner. Miles arrived In England early In the mouth of August, and spent some time with his sister at Folkestone, staving off the evil day, as be called it in his own uiiud, when he must present himself at Itarousford in the ridiculous character ol in engaged young man who had never set eyes on his fiancee. Mrs. Carson was I well-jointured widow, some years older CROKBR than tier brother, and any affection sb rould conveniently spare from her turn idolized boys was bestowed on him. "There is no use in postponing the vis it." ahe declared for the tenth time. "It look so extremely odd; it looks as if you did not want to carry out the engage meat." "Neither I do," muttered her brother. "You don't know wben you are well off!" said Annie, with decision. "It's not one young man in a thousaud who has your opportunities. A pretty girl aud a large fortune for the mere picking up. You would be mad not to go to Barous ford, at least to see ber. Time is get ting on." In the end her eloquent counsels pre vailed, and Miles sat down and wrote off a letter announcing bis arrival for the following day. "Strike' while the iron is hot." was Mrs. Curzou's maxim. The resources of Barousford were large, its hospitality n old davs famous, so he waited tor no repiy, but turning his back upon the attractions of Folkestone, set forth for Thornsbire the next afternoon. In three hours' time be found himself on the platform at Byford station, about four miles from Barousford; and leaving bis portmanteau to follow, set out across tbe fields, thinking be would make the jld short cut and? meet with familiar stiies and pathways. But ten years bad work ed a change. He rambled about and lost bis way, and nearly an hour and a half elapsed before tbe big red chimneys of the bouse he sought were to be seen shyly peeping through tbe surrounding trees. As he approached the gate all bis dreamy speculations and nervous fore bodings vanished; his mind was galvan ized to sudden alertness as he noticed for the first time tbe figure of a tall girl in white standing on tbe drive beyond tbe rees in tbe full light of the harvest nioou. She was young and slender, as well as be could judge. Her bead was bent for ward in an attitude of listening and ber whole pose denoted eager expectation. She was. without doubt, waiting for somebody. Waiting for bim? Impossi ble! Tbe instant she heard bis footsteps and caught an outline of his figure, she made a quick gesture of welcome, aud, gathering up ber dress, with one sudden swoop came flying down to meet bfni with tbe swiftness of a white squall. He could now hear ber ruuning toward biui in the dark for it was dark ber basty, high-heeled shoes 'pattering rap idly over the gravel. Nearer, uearer, nearer they came. His heart beat fast er even than wben in dense and distant Indian jungles be bad heard the stealthy tread of a tiger creeping through the un derwood and approaching the tree in which he was posted. Sbe was at the fate even sooner than be was. Sbe bad lashed it open with burried hands, and almost before be could realize the fact, her arms were round bis neck. J He drew hia bead back with a jerk, I while sbe breathlessly exclaimed: "I can hardly believe it! I've been waiting for you for ages, aud now you lave really come. It seems too good to be true. But bow funny and dignified you are. Let me have a look at you," he panted, taking him by the arm aud Jragging bim toward tbe light. To say that be was astonished at this reception but feebly conveys bis feelings. The first shock over, and having success fully eluded her proffered kiss, bis next thought was bis unhappy collar. However, be yielded amiably enough to her blandishments, and suffered himself to. be almost hauled into the full, search ing white moonlight to be inspected. As its first chaste gleams fell upon bim, bis companion stopped, as If sbe had been shot, gazed into bia face with an expres sion of agonized incredulity, dropped bit arm with a kind of smothered exclama tion, and fled up the avenue like an arrow from a bow. He stared after ber speed ing figure in speechless amazement till she disappeared into tbe shrubbery aud vanished like the Maid of tbe Mist. Th kvbole adventure had been so sudden, and (iad passed so quickly, that it seemed a jtind of dream. It could not be a ghost 1 Another White Lady of A vend? But no, that bug was certainly human, j There is no use in my standing here aud staring like a stuck pig," he said to himself at last, having somewhat recov ered hia mental equilibrium; "I may at well be moving on, and ten to one I'll find the key to this riddle. It's certainly some girl who has mistaken me for her lover; Sbe was a lady by ber voice, and young, decidedly. By Jove! sbe can run a bit." 3Tay be It's MT3 Augusta; there are only two of them." Supposing it had been bis young lady! But, strange to say, this notion did not please him at all; and, turning over this very disagreeable idea in his own mind, be reached tbe ball door. He waa soon ushered into the drawing-room, just five minutes before dinner-time, wbere be found Mrs. Brabazon dressed for the evening, awaiting tbe gong, with ber bands lying idly in ber lap, and an air of pleasant anticipation pervading her aqui line features. Eight o'clock was her fa vorite hour in all tbe tweuty-four. Klo rian was lounging in a deep artu-cbair, absorbed in a yellow paper-backed French novel. Few and evil were the books that he read. Gussie was flitting about tbe room, putting away papers, work and magazines. "So it was not Gussie," ob served tbe new arrival t himself, when be bad once more made acquaintance wiib his Cousin Augusta, with ber saucy black eyes and bewitching mile. "This is quite an unexpected pleas ure." said Mrs. Brabazon. assuming her very best company manners. "I think It veiy nice of you, taking us unawares like this, without any formality." "Unawares?" be echoed; "did you not get my letter?" "Your letter will probably arrive hen tbe day after to-morrow," said Florian sarcastically. "Don't you know that w live in the backwoods here, aud bave no second post? What did yon put on the envelope? Byford?" "Yes." "Then that means that it stops in By ford poetoflce for twelve hours." "You seem to be progressing since I was here last." said Miles, with a laugh, glancing surreptitiously around In search of another figure. "Gussie, my dear." said Mrs. Braba zan. Interpreting the pause, with her usual alertness of understanding, "go and tell Nokes to see about a room at once, and Brown to. lay another plate, and," In a stage whisper, "let esme know." Gussie, having given some hasty direc tions to Nokes. rushed into the school room with ber great news. But it was empty. So was tbe dining-room; accord ingly she ran np the shallow stairs, twe steps at a time, breathless, to pant forth the intelligence to her sister, and plunged into their mutual bedroom headlong.' At tbe first glance there was no one to be seen. Stay. What was that limp, cram pled object on Esme's white bed? Esme herself? Never. Esme, who had cast herself down In at attitude of hopeless misery, and seemed crushed out of ail shape and form. "Why," pausing In mid-room, "what on earth is tbe matter? Are yon ill?" demanded Mias Brabazon, aghast. i "No," returned a choked voice half buried In the pillows. ''Then what are you about? Get np this instant." Imperiously. "Mrs. Braba zon says you are to come down at once; Miles, your Miles is in the drawing' room." No answer. "Esme. Do yon beer me?" Irritably "Yes, of course, I hesr you. I'm not tone-deaf," she moaned querulously; then, all at once sitting erect, revealed scarlet cheeks, swollen eyes, and a very disheveled head. "Why, you've been crying," exclaimed her s'ter, amazed. 'Your nose is like s plum." "I should rather think 1 bave," im pressively. "Gussie," she added slowly, keeping her eyes intently fixed on ber companion's face, 'did you ever bear ol anybody dying of shame? because I (ball." "Look here, Esme," returned the other. severely, this is no time for such non tense. Dinner is just going in, and yon must come down. Mrs. B. says so.' "Here," going over to the wash-stand; and hastily pouring out some water, "get up and bathe your eyes, and smooth your bair, and don't be an idiot." "What will yoo say," inquired Esme. slowly, getting off the bed and rising to her feet, a tall and very much creased young figure 'what will you say," sbe reiterated solemnly, "when I tell you that I have seen him already, that I was a long way the first to welcome him?" with a rather hysterical laugh. "Have seen bim? And wben, if you please?" disbelievingly. "At tbe avenue gate! Oh, Gussie, I don't think I ever can leave this room alive. I took him for Teddy." "And what harm if you did," replied her sister. "Harm!" echoed Esme; "just listen, and you will soon hear. You know since my last letter from Teddy announcing his home coming how I have been counting tbe days and hours till be came, and 1 was waiting for bim near the white gate ever since 0 o'clock." "Esme, how rash of you! Supposing Mrs. B. had seen him skulking shout," ejaculated Gussie. "I would not care two straws If she did. I would meet him on tbe hall door steps in broad daylight," she panted, breathlessly. "But to go on. 1 waited agea for Teddy, and at last I heard foot steps, and saw someone that looked very like bim coming along the road in the moonlight. Need I saw that I tore down to the gate, threw it wide open, caught him in my arms, hugged bim Jike a bear, telling him I could hardly believe if, it was too good to be true, that I bad been counting the days till I saw bim and al together was nearly beside myself with joy. I forcibly dragged him into the light to feast my eyes with a good look at him' and I then discovered that I had been hugging a perfect stranger a dark young man, who did not seem to approve of it at all, and wbo my prophetic instinct told me was Miles Brabazon." (To be continued.) A Promising; Pupil. A little girl wbo bad just entered school lately Jubilantly announced to her father that she did better than all the girls above ber in tbe arithmetic ;lass and went to tbe top. "That was smart of you," said be, encouragingly. "How- was It?" "Well, you see. Miss Maggie asked the girl at tbe top bow much was S and 5: qj sbe didn't know, and said 12; then tbe next girl said 0, and tbe next one said 11. and thenext 14. Sucb silly answers! Then Miss . Maggie asked me, -and I said 13, and Miss Mag gie told me to go up top. Course It was 13." "That was nice," said the father. " didn't think you could add so wel. How did you know it was 13?" "Why, I guessed It! . Nobody said 13." Our Little Friend Once More. Her little brother was entertaining In the front room the young man wbo bad Just called. 'Look here," be said, suddenly, "are you goin' to propose to my sister to night?" "Why erer What do you mean?" asked the youth, with some agitation. "Oh, nothln. only If you are, you aren't goln' to surprise ber. At tea jus' now she bribed me an' my little brother to go to bed at balf-past 7. She's bung four Cupid pictures on tbe drawing-room wall, got pa and ma to promise to go callln' next door, shut tbe dog In tbe cellar, and 's been prac ticin' 'Because I Love You Dearly' on tbe planner all tbe afternoon! You'll get her all right, only If sbe starts talk in' 'bout Its bein' sudden, tell her It don't work with you." Fondness for milk caused two hogs belonging to George Dennett, of Put nam County. Mo., to take It surrepti tiously from his cows. He noticed the falling off in the supply of milk, and watched the cows. He discovered that at nlgbt the bogs carefully tapped them. 'The "stinging tree" Is a luxurious shrub of Queensland, Australia, and Is pleasing to the eye, but dangerous to the toucb. It grows from two or three inches to ten or IS feet in height, and sends forth a very disagreeable odor. The "hello" girls have almost dou ble tbe usual amount of work to do on rainy days. Then the telephone Is used to cancel engagements or transact business which in fine weather would be personally attended to. A miser in Sulphur Springs, Ark., has no faith in banks, and be placed 11.200 In gold and silver In two tomato cans, and concealed them In his yard. Some one discovered the hiding place of the money, but were not mean enough to take the tomato cans. In ancient times the Spartans so detested inebriety that it was their custom to occasionally induce slaves to drink until they became intoxicated, and then arouse general contempt for their condition by exhibiting them in public places. A rubber club, intended for police men, has been Invented by a St. Louis gentleman. This Is a humane contriv ance, as it enables a vigorous officer to stun an unfortunate prisoner without cracking his skull. -ft -Deliver U$ Hal operating theater was packed' trlth lookers-on. . Mr. Mends)' operations were far-famed. Ponding the arrival of the patient from the anaesthetic room on the other aid Of the passage, the great surgeon stood washing hia hands and talking to hia dressers. An enthusiast himself, ho always In spired hia subordinates with onthnst asm and bis daring and suoeesa mtjftn operator made bim the envy and ad miration of all hia Juniors. Hia an but stern face relaxed into a smile over the naive remarks of ooo of the students, and a little laugh oven broke from his lips. It was unusual for Mr. Mensles to laugh; he waa known as a grave, ailent man, and the lines of his face were severe, though there was a great kindliness In his keen gray eyes, and his rare smile waa par ticularly charming. The world In which he moved knew well enough what it waa that had carved the sternness late what had been so pleasant and bright a faoe. knew what had caused the look In his eyes which never wholly left them. The world had been loud In Its com miseration, a year . before, when Mr. Menzies' wife had left him' and their 8-year-eld daughter for another man, wbo bad been the great surgeon's friend. Equally loud In Its expressed sympathy, but the surgeon bad made all such expressions an impossibility. To no living soul bad he ever spoken of tbe blow which bad ruined his hap piness, and no living soul bad even ventured to touch upon the subject to bim. He faced life sternly now. Instead ot smilingly as before, that was all; and be lung himself, heart and mind, into his profession, giving apparently no thought to anything beyond it, except to his small daughter. The child went with him every where, and waa even now sitting In tbe carriage, in tbe hospital courtyard, gravely and Intently scanning, the peo ple who passed to and fro in the full sunshine. There was a sudden hushing of tbe busy talk In the operating theater, as the patient was wheeled In and lifted upon the table, and the surgeon moved forward. "Patient quite ready, sir," said the house sargeon respectfully. The surgeon did not even glance at the face of the man upon the table, but proceeded to examine tbe seat of tbe Injury, asking a few terse questions as he did so. "Came In early thia morning, you say?" . "Yes, sir, only Just conscious enough to tell us he was run over." "Poor fellow! well It is quite obvi ous what must be done. It is a case of life or death. . The only chance of saving him is to operate at once." The clear, decided voice could be heard all over tbe theater, the strong, steady bands were watched eagerly from every corner as they began their work with no hesitation, no uncer tainty of touch. For a quarter of an hour Mr. Menzies Worked on in silence, broken only by an occasional short word to the dresser beside him. As usual he was absorbed In the task before him, every other thought for the moment relegated to the back of his mind. Outside, in the courtyard, his little daughter sat In the carriage watching tbe pigeons strutting to and fro In tbe sunshine, and the people who passed in and out of the great doors, watched over herself by the coachman, who adored every hair of the curly head, and worshiped the ground that was walked upon by her tiny feet. There was nothing the small girl en Joyed more than coming to the hospital "to wait for father;" it gave ber a de lightful sensation of being grown up, added to the delight of the long drive sitting beside father, and holding hU hand and chatting, to bim upon thd many and varied Incidents of the routel She glanced up at the windows ami wondered where father was Just that very minute, and whether he would come soon. Then sbe turned her eyes' back again to the pigeons In the sun shine, strutting boldly up and -down, underneath tbe feet of the passers-by. Upstairs, In the theater, there was a breathless silence. Tbe most critical moment of the operation had been reached, when the surgeou paused for a moment to glance up tbe table at tbe face of the patient, and to ask a question of the house surgeon. But the question was only half ut tered, bis words broke off suddenly, and a student, more observant than his fellows, noticed what a curious grayness overspread his face. "Something gone wrong over tbe an aesthetic," the thought flashed through the student's brain, but even as the flash of thought came, he saw Mr. Menzies pull himself together with a strange, Jerky movement, and lieareV bim say quietly: "Patient all right, Lettesdale?" "Quite right, sir." The bouse sur geon's voice was brisk and confident. Tbe student wondered idly what had made the usually calm Mr. Menzies break off in that sudden, Irrelevant manner, then his wonderings were for gotten In tbe absorbing interest of the operation. The surgeon had turned quietly back to his work, and, with steady fingers that never faltered or wavered, waa going on with bis task. But bis soul was in a tumult; his brain was on tire. Tbe helpless man lying before him the man whose life lay in bis hands was tbe friend who one short year before had stolen from him his wife and his happiness, tbe friend wbo had been woi se than an open enemy. Some long forgotten words swung through his brain as his fingers moved mechanical ly in their work. . "It it had been, an open enemy that from Evil. & hi id. done me this dishonor, 1 could have borne It. But It was even thou, mine own familiar friend." "Mine own familiar friend!" A queer look flashed Into the gray eyes; he raised them suddenly and glanced again at the patient a white face. It waa so very white that, except for the faint breathing that was Just audible, yon might have supposed that tbe one lying upon the table waa dead. Dead? the word sprung into Mr. Menaleo' mind, following quickly upon those words, "Mine own familiar friend." Deed well, if the patient were dead, there would be one villain leas In the world; the wrong would have been re venged if if tbe patient who lay so still and white were still forever In death. Tbe surgeon's eyes went back to their work; his steady fingers never relaxed their task; there was no outward algn of the tumult within hia soul, aavo a certain tightening of his lips. "Dead!" The word surged to and fro in hia brain, until be could see It actual ly dancing before his eyes. The man whom- he had cursed so bitterly the man who had vanished from his life a year ago waa belpess In his hands, absolutely at his mercy, and. If the knife slipped, ever so little, by the frac tion of a hair's breadth, the faint breathing would cease and the Ufa that had ruined his life's happiness would go down Into silence. I was so easy, too so absurdly easy! The operation was one of extreme delicacy. If it failed, no one would ever blame the surgeon! Few men be sides himself would even have under taken It, still fewer would have been able to carry It to a successful termina tion. To fall meant such a tiny, tiny shift ing of the Instrument be bandied with such skill and care. The most critical moment of the whole operation was ap proaching. There was a breathless si lence In the theater, and across It tbe whisper of one student to another waa distinctly audible. "By Jove, he has got a tough Job there r Then tbe stillness became almost tan gible again as the steady fingers went on with their work. As though It bad been yesterday. In stead of a year ago, there rose before Mr. Menzies' eyes a sudden vision of the last day on which he and the pa tient had met.-, He saw bis wife's draw lug room, . flooded with tbe sunshine, and his wife smiling up Into his face, with laughing eyes. The fragrance of roses pervaded everything; she bad always loved roses; and a vivid recol lection came to him of great roses upon the tables. A mass of gorgeous red ones bad caught tbe flashing sunlight and shone blood-red In Its gleams. Sbe bad had a big pink one at ber belt; and she bad held out to him a dainty orange-colored bud. "For your button bole, dear," she had said softly. Beside her stood the man wbo now lay unconscious under hia bands, and their two laughing faces rose up and mocked hint with their falseness. Such a little slip of tbe hand, so easily compassed, and the life of the man be fore him would slip forever into silence, and revenge was sweet His Hps' tightened, his eyes grew hard. "Wrong? absurd!" There was no wrong In avenging your honor. Heav en had thrown this man In his way, tbe vengeance was meant to be. It was childish, ridiculous, to draw back now, wben the game was In his bands. His Hps had tightened till they looked like a thin mand of steel, his eyes were for the moment devilish. For what seemed to him like a cen tury, but what was In reality a quarter of a second, his hand stayed It work, and the patient's life bung In the bal ance. Then all at once the tense look on bis face relaxed, his band moved on steadily, firmly, surely and only that again one student more observant than the rest, noticed that he was white to tbe very lips. -"Strain too much for him," was the thought In tbe young man's mind; "no wonder he feels bad; that was a nasty moment, a slip of a hair's breadth, and I pod-by to tbe patient." "Never saw anything like It," an other student murmured; "tbe finest bit of operating anybody could wish to see. That fellow ought to be grate ful to Menzies." Perhaps there was a little surprise in the minds of all those in the theater that day, that Mr. Menzies did not Im prove the occasion by a lecture upon the case. Indeed he uttered no syllable during the remainder of the operation, and never once again did be raise bis eyes to tbe face of tbe patient "Get Mr. Stiles to see tbe case now," he said briefly; "l-l shall not be able i to come down to-morrow." Outside, in the June sunshine, bis little daughter awaited him as be came down tbe hospital steps, and as be stepped Into his carriage sbe slipped her hand luto his. - t "Are you tired, daddy dear?" she said; "you are ever so white." "Very tired, my darling," he said.1 mechanically, and his voice shook. "And you're cold," the child went on, "I felt you shiver, though tbe sun Is ai hot as hot !!" . Another shiver ran through the sur geon's frame. "Yes, I think I am cold." be said. Perhaps " . He broke off abruptly, "I bave had a hard time," be finished after a pause. "Poor daddy," the child whispered. Her soft hand held his more closely, and her little forehead puckered Itself Into anxious lines as she looked Into ber father's white face and tired eye Loving little soul! All the way borne she wondered what could have made her father so terribly unlike himself that afternoon; all the " evening sbe watched him ' with tender, anx ious eyes. Bonder! ng the sroblem still. But perhaps sbe wondered most of all when, aa was her wont, she said hei prayers beside him. and at the end of the Lord's Prayer he whispered. In a strangely broken voice: "Say again. Deliver as from evlL y it for tor nil who are tempted," And the golden carls fell ever his trem bling hand as she whispered, softly: "Deliver as from evil." The Argosy. Poklm Fires xW a Livln. The trades of London are maav. and some of them seem very strange to an American, one occupation by which a score of Britons are said to earn hi livelihood la that of "poking fires." It is uus aescriDea Dy a London ex change, and whatever else may be thought of the story. It speaks well for the Jews of England as faithful keen- era of their law. By the Rabbinical law. no Jew i ai. lowed to kindle or mend any lire on the sabbath; and In certain places In England, where Jews are very numer ous, this prohibition makes it necessary that persons shall be employed from sunset on Friday to tbe same hour on Saturday, In going from house to bouse lighting fires and lamps, and attending to them. One woman In the East End of Lon don often -has as many aa fifty houses to attend to, and draws small fees from each of them. It Is not long stnee a male "fire-poker" In that quarter died worth more than three hundred pounds, which he had saved out of his earnings. It often happens at the East End that a strict Jew goes out Into the street and says to some Christian passer-by, "Would you be so kind as to come in doors and light my lamp? Tbe 'fire peker' haa failed me." Many a tip do tbe police constables get for services of this kind. One of them said that he had received scores of small presents for putting kettles on the fire, Life-Raring Salts. There is always a fascination about life-saving clothes, for there Is, some how, a latent feeling of nervousness and a desire to be provided against pos sible emergencies among most people wbo "go down to the sea In ships." The latest of. these suits. Intended to be used In tbe event o fa shipwreck, consists of a very simple though in many ways liberally appointed cos tume. A pair of watertight trousers of India rubber, lined with wool, make up tbe lower garment which la Joined near the waist by a bladder of rubber, and wben Inflated surrounds the whole of the upper part of tbe body nearly to the shoulders. What its proportions are cu be gath ered from tbe fact that at the highest part the diameter Is over six feet This India rubber Is covered with some waterproof material, and the upper part is fastened around tbe chest by means of a strap. There are several pockets in this outer covering. In .which are placed a convenient spirit flask, aa well as re ceptacles for biscuits snd chocolates, a lamp, and a pistol to be fired to at tract the attention of a passing vessel, and also an air pump like that use.) for inflating tires by which thesuitis Ailed w'th air and given Its neceosa.y buoyancy. London Answers. The Secret of Success. An anecdote of Bishop Thomas W. Dudley reveals. In his own words, the secrets of his success: Wben It was first known In tbe city In which be was settled that be was to go to Kentucky, some of his friends were disposed to be critical. "You are not going to Ken tucky, are you?" asked one. "Yes, In deed." "Do you know what kind of a State that Is? I saw In the paper that one man killed another In a Kentucky town for treading on a dog." The bishop said nothing, and tbe man continued Impatiently: "What are you going to do In a place like that?" "I'm not go ing to tread on tbe dogs!" was tbe calm reply. Peat Fibre in Textiles. Tbe manufacture of textiles from peat fiber has been Introduced luto Sweden.- Tbe fibers, produced from peat by a mechanical process; can oe mixed In the proportion of 75 per cent, with pure wool for the manufacture of yarn similar in appearance to couimou woolen yarn. Nothing to Criticise. Wise "They'll never get women tc Join the army." Mrs. Wise "Indeed! And why not?" Wise "The uniforms are all alike!" Puck. RECENT INVENTIONS. In Washington a man has patented a new crosscut-saw machine, to be woi k ed by the legs, having two L-shaped levers pivoted on a frame, the long end of one L propectlng up and the otber down, wlth pedals on the short ends, which reciprocate a bar attached to the saw. For carriages a comfortable foot rest has been designed by a Massachusetts man, comprising a pair of brackets se cured in the front of the wagon box. with curved sockets In the brackets. In which spindles are set to carry a bar, which Is raised or lowered to tbe right height There has been patented by a New York man a folding ladder codptislng a tube cut In two sections lengthwise, with a row of pivot pins In each half to support the rungs, which are loosely monnted to allow the two parts of the tube to shut up and contain the rungs in the Interior. An improved spade for breaking np earth into fine particles has a steel frame shaped like a shovel blade, with tbe Interior portion cut away and strung with wires, which are headed in the lower edge of the blade, and have screw-threaded enda which are tighten ed by nuts to stiffen the spade. Water can be drawn from a well and carried to the house by a new appar atus, having a carriage riding on a cable and carrying a windlass, wbicb Is revolved by a gear wheel, the Utter being operated by the movement of the cable, which In turn Is driven' by a crank to move the carriage and wind lass in either direction. OF I DAY Preached by Rev. Dr. Talmage bjMtl The Minion of Cllle Morally !! Arm Urn Won Than th Country Vies Is More Apparent, But Mot Mora Frevalaa & Flea For Homl Ltviug. ICoprriubt IwnlI WabHINOTOV. T f! Frnm Sf P.l... burg, the Russian capital, where lie was cordially received by the Emperor and Empress and the Empress Dowager, lh Talmage sends this discourse, in which he snows me nugbty good that may be done by the cities and also the vast evil they may do by their allurements to the unsus pecting and the unguarded. The text is Zechariah j, 17: "My cities through proa perity shall yet be spread abroad. .The city is no worse than the country. The vices of the metropolis are more evi dent than the vices of the rural districts, because there are more people to be bad, if they wish to be. The merchant is as good aa the farmer. There is no more cheating in town than out of town no worse cheating; it is only on a larger scale. The countryman sometimes preva ricates about the age of the horse that he sells, about the size of the bushel with which he ' measures the grain, about the peaches at the bottom of the basket aa being aa Urge as those at the top, about the quarter of beef a being tender when it is tough, and to as bad an extent as the citizen, the merchant, prevaricates about calicoes or silks or haruu'are. And u ti villages, I think that in some respects they are worse than the cities, because they copv the vices of the cities in the meanest shape, and as to gossip, its heaven is a country village! Everybody knows everybody's business better than he knows it himself. The grocery store or the blacksmith shop by day and night is the grand depot for masculine tittle tat tle, -and there are always in the village a half dozen women who have their sun bonnets hanging near, so that at the first item of derogatory news they can My out and cackle it all over the town. Country men must not be too hard in their criti cism of the citizen, nor must the plow run too snarply against the yardstick. Cain waa the founder of the first city, and I suppose it took after him in morals. It takes a city a long while to escape from the character of the founder. Where the founders of a city are criminal exiles, the tilth, the vice, the prisons, are the shadow of those founders. It will take centuries for New York to get over the good influ ence ot the pious founders ot that city the founders whose" prayers went up in the streets where now banks discount, and brokers bargain, and companies de clare dividends, and smugglers swear cus tom house lies, and above the roar of the wheels and the crack of the auctioneer's mallet ascends the ascription, "We wor ship thee, O thou almighty dollar!" Cities are not evil necessarily, as some have argued. They have been the birth place of civilization. In them popular lib erty has lifted its voice. Witness Genoa and Pisa' and Venice. After the death of Alexander the Great among his papers were found extensive plans of cities, some to be built in Europe, some to be built in Asia.' Tbe cities in Europe were to be occupied by .Asiatics- the cities in Asia were to be occupied, according to his plans, by Europeans, and so there should be a commingling and a fraternity and a kindness and a good will between the con tinents and between the cities. So there always ouglit to be. The strangest thing in my comprehension is that there should be bickerings and rivalries among our American cities. New York must stop caricaturing Philadelphia, and Philadel phia must stop picking at New York, and certainly the continent is large enough for St. Paul and Minneapolis. What is good for one city is good for all the cities. Here is the "irreat highway of our national . prosperity. On that highway of national prosperity walk the cities. A city with large forehead and great brain that is Boston; a city with delib erate step and calu manner that is Phil adelphia; a city with its pocket full of change that is New York; two cities going with a rush that astounds the con tinent they are St. 1-ouis and Chicago; a city that takes its wife and children along with it that is Brooklyn. Cincinnati, Louisville, Pittsburg, all the cities of the north, and all the cities of the south, some distinguished for one thing, some for another,- one for professional ability, another for atHiience, another for fashion, but not one to be spared. What advan tages one advantages all. What damages Boston Common damages Washington square. Laurel Hill. Mount Auburn, Greenwood, weep over the same grief. The statue of Benjamin Franklin in New York greeting the bronze statue of Ed ward Everett in Boston. All the cities a confraternity. I cannot understand how there should go on bickerings and nval I ries. I plead for a higher style of brother j hood or sisterhood among the cities. I Again, in all cities I am impressed with j the fact that all classes and conditions oi society must commingle. We sometimes cultivate a wicked exclusiveness. Intel lect despises ignorance. Kehnement will have nothing to do with boorishness. Gloves hate the sunburned hand, and the hiirh forehead desDises the flat head, and the trim hedgerow will have nothing to tn with the, wild consewood. and Athens ' hates Nazareth. This ought not so to be. I like this democratic principle of the gos pel ot Jesus ennst wmcn recognizes int fact that ve stand before Gdd on one and the same platform. Do not take on any airs. Whatever position you have gained in society, you are nothing but a man, born of the same Parent, regener ated by the same Spirit, cleansed in the nmf blond, to lie down in the same ilnst u ijei up in ihe same resurrection. It ii high time that we all acknowledged not only the Fatherhood of Uod, but the brotherhood of man. Again, in all cities I am impressed with tbe fact that it is a very hard thing for a man to keep bis heart right and to get tc heaven. Infinite temptations spring upon us from places of public concourse. Amid so much affluence, how much temptation to covetousness and to be discontented with our humble lot! Amid so many op portunities for overreaching, what temp tation to vanity! Amid so many saloom . of strong drink, what allurements to dis mat inn! In the maelstroms and hel gates of the street, how many make quick and eternal shipwreck! If a man-of-wai comes back from a battle, and is towec into the navy yard, we go down to look at the splintered spars and count the bul let holes, and look with patriotic ailimra tion on the flag that floated in victory from the masthead. But that man i more of a curiosity who has gone through thirty years of the sharpshooting of busi ness life, and yet sails on, victor over th temptations of tbe street. Oh! how mMij have gone down under the pressure, leav ing not so much as a patch of canvas tc tell where they perished. Their dishones ties kept tolling in their ears. Again, in all these cities I am impressed with the fact that life is full of pretensior and aham. What subterfuge, what dou ble uealing, what two facedness! Do al the people who shake hands love eacl other? Are all those anxious about yom health who inquire concerning it? Do al want to see you who ask you to call? Doc all the world know half as much as il pretends to know? Is, there not many e wretched stock of goods with a brilliant store window? Passing up and down tin streets to your business and your work are you not impressed with the fact that society is hollow, and that there are sub terfuges and pretensions? Oh, how mam there are who awagger and strut, anc how few people Vho are natural and walk! While fops simper and fools snicker anc .impletons giggle, how lew people are nat iraf and laugh! I say these things not to ;reate in you incredulity or misanthropy, lor do I forget there are thousands of leople a great deal better than they lee in. but I do not think any man is pre pared for the conflict .of this life until he mows this particular peril. Again, in all cities 1 am impressed with die fact that there is a great field for Christian charity. There are hunger and -rwg and .want and wretchedness in :he country", bufT The"Se evf.s chiefly Con tregate in our great cities. On every -street .-rime prowls and drunkenness staggers, ind shame winks, and pauperism thrusts ut its hand asking for alms. Here want a most squalid, and hunger is most lean. A Christian man going along a street in New York saw a poor lad, and he stopped ind said: "My boy. do you know how to read and write?" The ooy marie no an iwer. The man asked the question twice nd thrice. "Can you read and write?" ind then the boy answered, with a tear plashing on the back of his hand. He id in defiance: "No, sir; I can't read lor write neither. !od, sir. don't want me to read and write. Didn't He take way my father so long ago 1 never re member to bave wen 4iim? And haven't I had to go nlrng the streets to get some thing to fetch home to eat for the folks? And didn't I, as soon as I rould carry a basket, have to po out and pick up cin ders, and never have no schooling, sir? Sod don't want me to read, sir. 1 can't read nor write neither." 1 all-fiities, east, west, north, south,. J aotlce great temptations to commercial fraud. Here is a man who starts in busi ness. He says, "I'm going to be honest," but on the same street, on the samu block, in the same. business are Shylocks. Those men. to get the patronage of any jne, will break all understandings with ther merchants and will sell at ruinous :ost, putting their neighbors at great clis idvantage, extiecting to make up the do licit in something else. It an honest prin :iple could creep inco tiiat man's soul it would die of sheer loneliness! The man twists about, trying to escaie the ienaity )f the law, and despises tiod, while he is just a little anxious about the sheriff. The honest man looks about hint and jays: "Well, this rivalry is awful, l'er naps I am more scrupulous than 1 need be. This little bargain 1 am about to enter is 1 little doubtful, but then 1 shall only do is the rest." And so I had a friend who itarted in commercial life, and as a book merchant, with a high resolve. He said, 'In my store there shall be no books that would not have my family read." Time passed on, and one day 1 went into his itore and found some iniquitous books on the shelf, and I said to him, "How is it possible that you can consent to sell such rooks as these?" "Oh," he replied, "I have got over those Puritanical notions! , man cannot do business in this day .inless he does it in the way other people io it." To make A long story short, he lost his hope of heaven, ami in a little nhile he lost his morality, and then lie aent into a madhouse. In other words, when a man casts otf God, God casts him jff. Hundreds of men going down in our ;ities every year through the 'pressure of politics. That man in the fear and love of Go. I goes into politics with that idea antl with the resolution that he will come out un 2ontaminated and as good as when he went in, but generally the case is, when a man steps into politics, many of the news papers try to blacken his character and to distort all his past history, and alter a tittle while has gone by, instead 'of con sidering himself an honorable citizen, he , s lost in contemplation and in admiration f the fact that lie has so lung been kept ut of jail! If a man should go into politics to re form politics.- and with the- right spirit, ae can come out with tlie right spirit and jnhurt. That was Theodore Krclmgliuy len, of New Jersey. That was George Briggs, of Massachusetts. Thtrt Ivan Judge McLean, of Ihio. Then look around and see the allure ments to dissipated lite. i',ad book, un jnown to father, and mother, vile as the -eptiles of Egypt, crawling into some of ihe best of families of the community, ivho may read them while the teacher is looking the other way or at -recess or on the corner of the street when the groups ire gathered. "These hooks are read late it night. Satan finds them a snuHith plank on which he can slide down into peridition some of your sons and daugh :ers. Reading bad books, one never gets over it. The nooks may be burned, but there s not enough power in all the apothe cary's preparations to wash out the stain :'roui the soul. Fathers' hati'ls. mothers' nands, sisters' hands will not wash it out. Sone but the hand of the Lord ran wash t out. And what is more icrioiis in regard to lome of these temptations we may not mention them. While tiod in His r,ible from chapter to chapter thundered II is denunciations against these crimes, people sxpect the pulpit and the printing press to be silent on the subject, and just in proportion as people are impure arc tliey tastidious on this theme. They are so full of decay and death they do not want their sepulchers opened. God will turn into destruction all the uiii.lcuii. ami m; iplendors of surrounding can make ile lent that which He has smitten. God will not excuse sin merely because it has mostly array and beautiful tapestry ami palatial residence any more than Id- will excuse that which crawls, a blotch ol ores, through the lowest cellar. Ever ind anon, through some lawsuit, there Hashes upon the people of our great cities what is transpiring in seemingly respecta ble circles. You call it "high life, ' you ;all it "fast living," you call it "people" eccentricity," and while we kick otf tlit lidewalk the poor wretch who lias not the means to garnish his iniquity, these loi'h ind ladies, wrapped in purple and in linen, go unwhipped of public justice. Ah. the most dreadful part of the whole tliuiu is, that there are persons abroad whose whole business it is to despoil tin? young What an eternity such a mail will have! As the door opens to receive him thou sands of voices will cry out, "Sec hi-rt what you have done," and the wretch wijl wrap himself with fiercer (lame ami lean into deeper darkness, and the multi tude lie has destroyed will pursue him and hurl at him the long, bitter, relentless everlasting curse of their own anguish. 11 there be one cup of eternal darkness more bitter than another, they will have tc drink it to the dregs. If in all the ocean of the lost world that comes billowing u. there be one wave more fierce than an other, it will dash over them. lint ther, is hope for all who will turn. I stood one day at Niagara Tails, ami 1 law what you may have seen there - six rainbows bending over that trenieinloii: plunge. I never saw anything like it be fore or since. Six beautiful rainIo irching that great cataract! And so nvi-i the rapids and angry irreeipiivs siti where so many have len dashed il.ivvn Hod's beautiful admonitions howr. u warning arching each peril -six ol tlu-ni fifty iti them, a thousand of Iheiu. Ite ware, beware, beware! Young men, while you have time to re fleet upon these things ami before thf .duties of the office and the store :tm! tht shop come upon you again, look ov er i Ii is whole subject, and alter the d-iy h t. passed and you hear in the nightfall tht voices and footsteps of the city dyne, from your ear. and it gets s silent ih it you can hear distinctly your watrli mulct your pillow going "tick, tick," th'-u ,,pci, your eyes and look out upon the darkucs. ind see two pillars of light, one hoi izSMal the other pfrpcndicn-ar. but chaa-jinjj their direction until they come toiiher ind your enraptured vision beholds it the cross An acre of performance is wvirtb e whole world of promise. Heal worth requires no interpreter; its everyday deeds form its blazonry. Good company and good conversation are the veiy sinews of virtue. If any one speak evil of you, bit your life be so that none will b-n. i- mm. Make no haste to be rich ir you t ouid prosper You can learn virtue out of the cate chism, but to understand vice you mu3t mix with it a little. Prir.k no kind of intoxicatp.if; liquors. Avoid temptation, through liar ou may not withstand it. As we must render an account of ev ery Idle word, so must vi likewise of our Idle silence. Some actions, like fiesco work, only reveal their color after they have been done awhile. ? I 7 53