THE OLD AND "NEW e eld times the oH.UmI 3ve atag em huh an' loir: Bat the new time air the brightest that we ever bop to know I The old time had tha ssashrnei bat 'twos all too Bright to lut! As' we're facia' Of the fatar with thaiikagivhr' fer the paatl Tha old Ones the old timest I knew the stars aus fcrtgat. Am' tha raa cone tap the hillside with a rosy round o light; (Tha OsWrn was bloom in' round aa. bat they Withered Jeat aa fast; wit facto' the. future with ttasnkagiria fer the paatl The) oU rhaea the old timesl Bat ain't Ike skfes as bine? AM oa"t rhe dear aUra twinkle down the Messed dreams to you? .WY thaakfui fr the joj of aid the jers ta sweet to last W wa'za rads' af the fntnr with thaakgirin' for the past! ' IrUnti Constitution. " j Tt EX A. do you know what day it Ha7, "Tea, father; it Is Wednesday." "Well, you know what to do?" "Oh, yes; I forgot to salt the cattle. Ill go right now and see to it. How many are there In the upper pasture V "Eight hundred head. Take all you can carry maybe you would better take Bess to pack it for you." "AM right. I will, then. It la hard work to carry so much." The sturdy prairie girl went out from " the sod cabin on the claim and started for the great stretch of grass land that reached from the ravine between the bluffs to the farther sand creek. Barbed wire fence surrounded It, and there was a large couunwoml tree at the cot iter by the gate. Inside were 800 cat tle, and they had the run of a dozen aotftloDs of good feeding. It was her doty ta take to them the weekly salt ration, and she had framed to meet the herd with the best of courage, though be was frightened at first. It seemed so -terrible to see that great number of lang-horned beasts come charging ovei tbe plain at the top of their speed she could not realize that they meant no "CASTER AND FASTER IOI WIST." barm and that they appreciated her visit. So she took I'.ess. the fat pony, a no went canterin? across theplain with the sack of salt balanced in front of her on the pommel of her saddle. Up hill and down, with the sun shining clear from an unclouded sky, she rode, and the trip was like joy in making her eyes hine and her cheeks clow rosy red. It was not always May for the little sod house giri. At the sod schoolhouse there were many annoying things and the worst was the assravation of the big girls on the hark scats. The most aggravating perhaps was Anna Sev ern, the daughter of the railroad con tractor who was stayiug in the county because her father's work held him there for many months. Haughty in her bear-tug and with the arrogance of ber naturally aristocratic nature, she made no secret of snubbing the prairie girls who had never known a better home than a sod cabin and were not used to the delights that she had ex perienced in tbe Eastern cities. It was on Tuesday of the following week that she had a spite against Lena. The latter had made her lose ber place In tbe spelling class and Anna resent ed K. "Huh, nothing but a cattle girl," Bhe muttered so loud that Lena cond hear ber. "Herds tbe stock in summer and foes to school winters. Who cares?' Certainty Anna did care for all of ber boasting. She was chagrined at her failure while Lena bent lower over ber desk and said nothing. She felt that she bad lost a friend while she had gamed a point in her class. It continued during tha day this feeling of antagonism, and wheo the girls went home It was by different paths, and the word went round the little circle of schoolmates that there bad been a quarrel between Lena and Anna. It dkl not require a reprimand from her father to Induce Lena to go out to see to the cattle the next day. She took Bess, loaded up the sack of salt and at noon started for the big pasture. "Strange they are not here," said Lena., as she mounted the divide that led over into the valley of the pasture and no herd wag in sight. "Can It have been a break in the fonoaT She was right In her surmise. There had been a break. A party of campers had come along the night before and had cut the wires in order to drive in aad water their horses. They then weut on, as is the fashion, and the cat tle found the opening. Out through It they went and there was soon a spread ing mass of horns and hairy backs ever the plain. On and on they went, and it was not long before, led by the attractiveness of the grass, they came to the valley beyond and were out of sight of the pasture where they had pent their summer. So it happened that they were not found by the girl with the salt bag. But Lena went on and came to the hills where she could see for miles over the plain. "Tea, there is the herd?" she ex claimed. "I can see the whole lot of the cattle." And she could. Bat she saw some thing more than that. Far over tbe plain was sauntering the familiar form of her schoolmate, Anna. On her way home from the railroad section where her father was overseeing the men she was taking her course directly in the view of the cattle herd. At tirst there neerued nothing remark able in that, but suddenly something happened that made a difference. On her sboalders was a red. shawl that was not noticeable while it was worn partly under her long curls. But tbe Insistent prairie wind took It In Its fin- aad wound it around ftJ&i nrarsa Qrww it far i uu brpa4 aajj tt fee breeseT .ft tatrttTk mi sad oa, aad ioH, tWrnfag attar It, waa snly the protntasnt Agar la the laadaqapa. tt was when she overtook tkttaadtM tt wttli the ends waving furiously lu tbe wind that she occupied the largei portion of tbe view. Lena saw It aad i the cattle herd saw It, too. First -eae or two heads war sifted, tfaea snore, aad aooa there was a ItttM sea of anxious faces ready for tbe bot- alty and waiting to see what tbe lead ers should decide to do. They seemed to rest until one big waits steer started on a trot for tbe front and was appar ently eager to make a closer Investiga tion. "Look," cried Lena, from her station of vantage; "look, they are stampeding on nec. She was right. Tbe cattle were al getting in motion and were beaded for the defenseless girl, who was ores across the valley. Anna herself seemed unaware of ber danger and did not no tice tbe oncoming herd which would like an avalanche overtake ber. But Lena did not wait. She realised something though not all of tbe danget in which tbe railroad man's daughtsei was. For a moment there cams tha thought. "Why should I beta her? DM she help me?" The answer was not far to seek. Lena had been Injured and snubbed by the stranger; she owed nothing to her on tbat account. But there came some thinganother feeling overcoming the first, and with a sharp blow of ber spurs that sent tbe pony forward with the greatest speed Bess had ever shown he was off! Down tbe long slope, across tbe level plain below, through tbe tall slough grass and the sunflowers, then ont on tbe level buffalo-grassed prairie sh flew. Could she make it In time? Tha chances were against it. She tbought she could ride to Anna and then help her to the saddle and get out of the. way before the herd waa upon them. but tbat plan was becoming ont of til question. She simply could not with all her sharp plunges of the spar make the patient Bess go any faster. What could she do? Suddenly like an inspiration then came to ber a new thought. As aba galloped on she determined to put It m operation. Reaching down to the cord that tied tbe sack of salt bobbing before ber on tbe saddle ahe found tbat It was all right. Then she turned Bess and steered straight across the plain In front of the oncoming herd. To her right she could see the frightened girl enemy; to ber left was the rushing tide of horns snd hoofs that meant death if there was not a change In their path, for Texas cattle are no respecters of persons. Nearer snd nearer they came togeth er, and Anna stood waiting the out come with the quietness of great fear. She held, out ber arms to Lena, but there was no time for an answer Lena could not reach her and must utilize every possible opportunity for success in ber desperate undertaking.. Then, as she came near the herd, and just as she began a dasb in front of the now excited and desperate cattle, she pulled tbe string holding the sack mouth closed, and there trailed behind her a thin stream of whiteness that sifted in a long shower upon the short grass. It flowed like a veil and made a broad though rather faint mark on the sod. Faster and faster she went, and Just as tbe leaders of the herd came to tbe stretch of white she rushed away be yond their reach, the empty sack flap ping at her saddlebow. But what of Anna? She stood as one petrified with fear, watching tbe on coming flood that was to engulf ber and which meant instant death if she was reached. She saw the dash of Lena far away and felt tbat her schoolmate had de serted her. Nor could she blame ber much after what bad happened. But wonder of wonders! What was the herd doing? The first line of steers went unchecked, but the second had lowered beads, the third tried to stop and couldn't, the fourth did stop and licked the ground; then tbe bustling crowd behind forgot its eagerness to get ahead, and such a pushing, booking and plunging as there was to reach the appetizing salt! Lena turned ber horse when the dan ger was past and rode np to Anna. "Get up here beside me," she Invited, and I will take yon to a place where It is safe. Never cross a prairie on foot cattle have ho respect for people on foot. Ther like and fear a horse." Then she looked down at tbe gir standing on the ground. Anna was crying. "You were too good to me," the latter was sobbing; "I didn't deserve It." But Lena only reached down her hand and lifted the other to her side. Bess carried them over the prairie rap Idly, and after a while the tears -were dried. Lena looked down Into the eye lifted to hers snd In an Instant their Hps met Tbe school children wondered the next day to see the sod house girl and the railroad contractor's daughter with arms around each other, the best of friends. They dM not understand the reason for the change nor the spirit tbat had transformed both their hearts but Lena and Anna did. Chicago Record. An Excellent MedJolne. One of the best features of a sea bath Is the salt water Inadvertently swal lowed by bathers. It Is a wonderful tonic for the liver, stomach and kid neys. In many cases it will cure bil iousness when all drug preparations have failed. It is peculiarly effective In ordinary cases of Indigestion, disor dered stomach and insomnia, and has been known to produce excellent re sults in many cases of dyspepsia. Clean sea water, such ss Is to be bad at any of our numerous fashionable seaside resorts, Is full of tonic and sedative properties. It won't hurt anybody. In deed, two or three big swallows of it would be of positive benefit to nine bathers out of ten. It is not of course, a palatable or tempting dose to take, but neither Is quinine or calomel. Tou seldom, If ever, see an old sailor who Is bilious or dyspeptic, or a victim to insomnia, and why? For the reason that an ocean of good medicine spreads all about his sky, and he doses himself copiously with It whenever bis mechan ism becomes tbe least bit deranged. Readinesa in criticism often marks ig- ! uui tint-c u& i lie laan. Any coward can fight with the migh ty, but it takes a strong man to aid with tbe weak. Let us lay hold of the happiness of to-day. Do we not go through life blindly, thinking that some fair to morrow will bring us the gift we miss to-day? Know thou, my heart, if thou are not happy to-day, thou Shalt never be baamr. FOE LITTLE FOLKS. COLUMN OF PARTICULAR IN- TEREST TO THEM. kaitkiig that Will Interest tha Jn vaalla Kesnbsr of Kverr UoiMkola -Quaint AcMoms aad Bright Bajrlnga of Tf--F Cut auad Canning Child ran. Bert Wallace has a whole row of col jred glass tumblers which he baa made himself. He 'didn't blow them, nor mold them, according to the '' best known methods of glassmaklng h limply cut them down from old bottles. And they make very useful and ser viceable tumblers, too. ' Bert didn't own a d amond glass ?oint nor a steel glass wheel and so be rat the bottles with a clay pipe stem. Seems odd, doesn't it But any boy who wants to cnt glass and where is the boy who doesn't? can do It with out the least difficulty. Bert learned that if a piece of glass 3r a bottle contains ever so small a crack It can be cnt Into any desired CTJT nWO OLASS WITH SHB4SS, shape by leading the crack along with tome redbot object, snob as a heated clay pipe stem or a bit of hot wire. Having this knowledge, Bert readily applied it He started a crack In green mineral water bottle by heatlnj It In the blaze of a gas Jet and then dropping a little water on tbe heated pot Sometimes tbe heating alone will form the crack. When the cold water touches the hot glass a little star is usu ally formed, with many cracks reach ing out from It This star, is formed at some distance away from the place where the real cutting Is to be done, For instance, If Bert 1 making a tum bler from tbe bottom of an old bottK be starts the crack near the shoulder at the too. Then he pastes a strip of pa per or snaps a rubber band around th bottle to show exactly where be wisnei to cut it off. Then he beats the end of the pipe stem In a gas or coal flame un til It is very hot Carefully he presses jhe end against the glass near one of CTTTTIIfO WITH A PIPE STEM. the cracks, as shown in tbe picture. At once tbe crack leaps out and follows and Bert leads It around as much as lie wishes. When the stem cools off be heats it up again. When the bottle is cut off to tnmbler size tbe rough edges are smoothed down with a fine file or a grindstone and Bert has a fine new tumbler. Besides this, a bottle may be cut into all manner, of odd shapes spirals, bracelets and lenses with the pipe stem. Any boy can become expert at It wltb very little practice. A pane of glass may be cut In a similar way. There is another and older method of cutting a bottle In two with a string which may be tried when a pipe stem is hot at band. Hunters and backwoods men often use it with great success, al though It is not as sure and practical as the pipe-stem method. Two boys are necessary to do the work. Take a very stout piece of hand CTJTTnrO WITH A STRING. woven string and give It a single turn around the bottle. Each boy should take bold of the string with one band and the bottle with the other. See-saw the string rapidly back and forth, be ing careful that it rubs tbe glass al ways in one place. Continue this until the friction of the string has made the glass hot where it has rubbed and then plunge the bottle suddenly into a pall of cold water. The glass will instantly crack where the string has rubbed It Probably not many boys know that glass can be cnt with a pair of shears. and that almost as easily as if It wer pasteboard. It seems almost unbeliev able at first, but any boy can readily prove its troth by trying It Provide a large pall or tub of water. Hold th pane of glass under the water with one hand and cut It with the shears held In the other hand. Tbe pressure of tha water prevents the glass from crack ing. It Is not possible to cut straight through a piece of glass, as you would through a piece of paper. It must be trimmed around the edges, where the glass will crumble off easily and rapid ly. You can thus cut a squsre pane of glass to lit a round or oval frame, or you can trim down a large piece of glass to lit a smaller frame. It Is a simple method, but it wil often be found very useful. Try it A Bit of Advice. Children dearr when you hear Dropping rain upon the pane, Jnat be happy, never fear; Sunshine always follows rain. Children sweet when your feet Make the grown-up people fret At tbe noise of girls and boys. Tell them you'U be sober yet Children pray, when the day Does not go quite right st school. Think of this, that perfect bliss Comes of minding every rule. ...Vnttth'a rvimnanlnn A Spanking; Team. "How's tbat for a spanking teamr asked Tommy Brown of Johnny Jones, as the mothers of the two boys wart seen coming np the street together, "Can't be beat in allpper-y weather," said Johnny Jones to Tommy Brcnrrn. Artist Mas lavs 7or gotten. The mother ersjsnjTilng tha proof of her little 4-yesr-ald daughter's phe-1 tograph. "Why didn't yoa smile, Nel lie?" khe asked. "I Old smile, mai ma." replied Nrill. "but I 'spect the man was busyan' forgot to pat It In. Kindness to Dollle. "Whv. Edie." sad a mother to her Utile daughter, "what have you done to your dolMe'a eyes" "I looked 'em out" replied Edie, "o she couldn't see that she had to sleep in a dark room." LABOR STRIKES OF HISTORY. Karl? Kgrptiaa Laborer Were th First to Inaugurate Then. It Is often asserted that tbe labor strike as such does not date back fur ther than Capt Boycott In the early part of the century. As a matter of fact tbe earliest strike dates back to about 1450 B. C, or upward of thirty three centuries ago. Pharaoh was building a new temple of Thebes. Tbe masons received very little cash, but a quantity of provisions, wblcb the con tractors thought sufficient was banded to them on - the first of each montb. Sufficient or not they mostly ate it be fore the time had elapsed. On one oc casion many of them bad nothing left quite early in tbe month, so they marched to the contractor's bouse, be fore wblcb they squatted and refused to budge until Justice waa done. The contractor persuaded them to lay their distress before Pbaraoh, who was about to visit the works, and he gave them a handsome supply of corn, and so all went well for that month. But the same state of things recurred by the middle of the next and for some days the men struck work. Various conferences took place, but the men declined to do a stroke until they were given another supply of food. They declared tbe clerks cheated them, used false weights and so forth, familiar enough complaints In this country un der tbe truck system. The contractor not complying with' their demands, they marched to tbe governor of tbe city to lay their grievances before him. and he tried to get them to return to work by smooth words, but that waa no use and they insisted on bavin food. At last, to get rid of them, he drew up an order for corn on the public granary and the strike was at an end. Collier's Weekly, School for Paris Cabbies. There are coachmen and coachmen. the newest type being the conductor of tbe automatic car. Tbe city of Paris secures bis proper training at Auber- vllller, where the Coinpagnie General des Voltures has Its school. A circular track of 700 meters In extent serves as tbe training ground. It is what the French call accidente In one place flat and macadamized, elsewhere gently sloping upward, or falling In abrupt descent; here paved with wood, and there with stones, while a little further on the road Is "up," and sand heaps. loose bricks and broken glass threaten the tyro and tbe tire. Tbe wayfarers who are dotted along tbe route must be humored and not druv." Fortunately, they are not flesh and blood. They are merely metal dummies propped up by a stick from behind and ready to fall at a touch. Each figure presents the familiar personalities of the Paris streets bourgeois, soldiers, scorchers. Tommy playing marbles, and the cur that goes for every wheel. There also sre nurse, baby and go-cart Tbe cast- iron baby shows complete Indifference, which also is true to life. Tbe track of Aubervllliers Is nothing If not realistic. Pall Mall Gazette. Barrister and Solicitor. Lawyers in England are divided Into two great classes counsellors or bar risters, and attorneys or solicitors. Tbe counsellors or barristers, as these terms Imply, confine themselves to tbe actual trial and argument of cases In open court, snd to consultations with attor neys or solicitors who represent the clients. It is contrary to professional etiquette for a barrister to confer or consult directly with bis client The attorneys, or solicitors, as they are all now styled, see the client take his statement, gather the facts, and put It all down in writing In what is called "the brief." The brief Is then banded by the solicitor to tbe barrister, with his retaining fee, and thereupon tbe barrister and solicitor confer; the bar rister gives his advice and opinion, and If tbe case goes to trial he does all the work In court, such as examining and cross-examining witnesses, and argu ing or summing np the case before the court or Jury. The solicitor does not speak in court at alL On the Wane. Horse racing in Russia Is on the wane now that the reindeer has been Introduced aa tbe rival of the horse. The reindeer Is among the swiftest -of quadrupeds, and can outstrip the swiftest of horses. It Is estimated that he could give the fleetest Derby win ner a start of half a mile and beat him easily over the Derby race track. A Valuabla Book. "Now, here la a book!" exclaimed the seedy man, aa he dashed into the bank er's private office. "Don't want no books!" grunted tbe banker. "But this Is one yon csn't help being Interested in." "Haven't time to read books, and "But I am sure you will take this book," persisted tbe seedy man. "Look here, air, dotcn Intend to leave this room, or must I " "Don't need to call tbe Janitor; 111 go. This Is your book, though." "My bookr "Yes, your pocketbook. I found It In the ban." Then he vaniahed. Mark Twain at the Telephone. There Is a story told of Mark Twain by a gentleman who lived near his resi dence at Hartford. One day Mark an swered the telephone, and after halloa ing for some time without an answer. be used some language not generally seen In print but which .was certainly picturesque. While thus engaged he heard an answer In astonished tones, snd recognized tbe voice of an eminent divine whom he knew very well. "Is thst yon, doctor?" questioned Mark. "I didn't bear what yon said. My but ler bas been at the telephone, and said be couldn't understand yon." A Kaurga PnlnUng. The largest painting In the world, ex clusive of panoramas and cydoramas. Is In tbe grand salon of tbe Doge's Palsce, at Venice. This painting if M feet wide by 34 feet high. . Some people probably agree with you because it bores them less than your ar gument Waiting fer something to turn up la ene of she greatest obstacles to success. Troublea'aAd thuBdef clouds usually seem very black la the ouRaaee, but grow lighter as keep forever taking harsh cathartics, as salts, laxative mineral waters, and unknown mix tures. The way to cure constipation, bilious ness, sick headache, dyspepsia, and other liver troubles is to take laxative doses of the best liver pill you can buy, and that's Ayer's. Ayer's Pills will never Abuse Your Liver. They are laxative pills, purely vegetable; they act gently and promptly on the liver, pro ducing a natural, daily movement. .25 cents a box. AU druggists. " "For ten years I suffered terribly with stomach trouble. I never co aid retain all my food and had many hard hemorrhages from the stomach. I then began taking Ayer's Pills. They promptly cured me, and I feel extremely grateful to you.".- John Good, Pro- prietor Washington House, waswngion, ia, marcn v. Deeo Ball in Biblical Times. member of the Canton Theological School, who Is Interested In the great national game, has written a thesis on "base ball among tbe ancients," From (this are gleaned the following interest ing points which help to estaousn nis contention; The devil was the first coacher he coached Sve when she stole first (Adam stole second. When Isaac net Rebecca at tbe well she was walking with a pitcher. ' Samson struck out a great many (times whan be beat the Philistines. ' Moses made his first run when he Islew the Egyptian. Cain made a base hit when be killed AbeL Abraham made a sacrifice. The prodigal son made a home run. David was a great long-distance thrower. Moses shut out tbe Egyptians at the Red Sea. Canton Commercial Adver tiser. . Iadles) Can Wear Shoes One stse smaller after using Allan's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweating, aching feet In growing nails, corns and bunions. At all drug-fiats and shoe stores, 25c. Trial package FREE by mail. Address Allen 8. Olmstaad. La Roy. N. Y. In an article in the Iloinlietic Review Joseph Parker draws the line sharply between the preacher snd tbe essayist who reads his pulpit address. Accord ing to the London clergyman tbe effec tive preacher la not tbe one who deliv ers a set oration. Tbe reader stands tt a distance from bis bearers, while the preacher appeals to them personal ly. Mr. Parker considers Beecher. Spurgeon and Moody the three best preachers be has beard, ranking them In that order. Beecher used tbe fewest possible notes, which would be unintel ligible to any one else and gave no hint of tbe store of eloquence wblcb they would suggest to him. Spurgeon wrote down catch words and a few be ginnings of sentences. Both Beecher and Spurgeon trusted almost entire!) to the Inspiration of the moment to se cure fit words In which to clothe theit thoughts. Either could expand a slight Ides Into an indefinite number of charming words, while either was also a master of short and pregnant sen tences, some of Beecher"! aphorisms being among tbe best In any literature. Moody used no notes at alL "Can any one imagine Moody standing up In the pulpit, taking out a sheaf of paper, put ting on bis spectacles, holding down bis bead, and reading a sermon?" Instead, be spoke extemporaneously and pas sionately, appealing to "sinful human nature." It Is well known that Mrs. Emmons Blaine has made munificent provisions for establishing the Chicago Institute, with tbe twofold object of providing Ideal educational conditions from kin dergarten to college and offering to teacher the best advantages for pro fessional training. One feature of the enterprise which Is not often mention ed la of much Importance. After tbe staff of Instruction was appointed, the twenty-six men and women who com prise tbe staff were placed under sal aries and were allowed a year for ma turing their own qualifications before being called to their respective chair. Most of them are now pursuing special todies at universities, or are traveling on tours of observation in the rich Old World. This faculty elect 1 composed of persons already well educated. Many of them have already proved their fitness for the work for which they now seek fresh preparation. Such a fact emphasises the modern urgency for higher educational standards. The teacher must ever be a learner. The same impulse reaches downward to tbe preparatory school. The condition of admission to the best colleges are not growing easier. And for those who seek a real education the regular course leads to a real "commencement ;" be cause the bachelor's degree marks the first step, the lowest round on the lad der of that higher learning which la to be the Joyous pursuit and passion of a lifetime. Postgraduate studies are also growing la fashion, because every pro fession, like that of the Instructor, de mand a superior equipment, with broader and deeper grounding. In all departments of skilled labor In art and artisan -work, In business manage ment and the conduct of human affairs along every line there 1 the same de mand for higher standard, as If civil laatlon -were trying to threw off tbe curse of bad work. As the late James T. Fields once remarked: "There Is ev erywhere a demand for what is1 first class. Nobody wants 'a pretty good egg.'" Safely Conducted. l carious uss can be made of the poatofllce express service, a few months ago a young woman,' having lost her way In London, applied at the Swiss cottage postofflce, and was safe ly conducted, for the sum of three pence, by a special messenger to Hemp stead, where a receipt for her was duly obtained. Latest Use for Glass. The latest use for glass Is Instead of gold ss a material for stopping decay ing teeth. It answers splendidly, and tfar less conspicuous than tbe yellow etaL' Of course. It is not ordinarv glass, but Is prepared by some new pat ented process which renders It soft and malleabU. A Weston pest says be has succeed ed in reducing tha east of living to a nominal sum, bat his gristsat exaVrulty U in securing the Tou can usually ten a man's by his Don A Twelve Men Charge Six Hsnadred. A medal of honor the highest coum Dllment - which can be given to i American soldier has been recom-j mended for presentation to each of the) ten surviving members of a band of twelve scouts who performed a brave feat near Ban Miguel de Mayume Ori, ,n the Philippines, on May 13, 1809. These scouts were under the lead of William H. Young, a civilian who bad been a famous scout on the Western plains In America, and whom General Lawtoa made his chief of scouts In the San Y si tiro campaign. On tbe day mentioned General Law ton was advancing on San MlgueL A small body of Oregon volunteers came suddenly upon tbe enemy, drawn up In au advantageous position In front of San Miguel, the right flank resting on a stream, tbe left on an elevation made secure by a dense thicket It was afterward ascertained tbat the Filipino force In this position number ed about six hundred men. Without waiting for the re-enforcing battalion to support them, or to be In a position to oo so, tnis squaa or ten scouts, led by Mr. Toung and by Pri vate James Harrington of the Oregon, an old frontiersman twelve men In all charged the enemy's line, about on hundred and fifty yards distant Tbe line fired, then wavered, and then completely gave way, to be fol lowed up by the re-enforcing battalion. and driven from the city and environs of San Miguel, a place of great Import ance. Young and Harrington, while shout Ing and cheering and leading the men up, were ahot and killed. Jell-O, the New Dessert, Pleases all the family. Four flavors: Lemon. Orange, Raspberry and Strawberry, at your grocars. 10 ets. No one baa any right to suppose that he will do better by and by. unless he is prompt to seize upon means and plans ror aoing better. Better living and bol ter Bervlce do not come bv eliaaee: they are the result of thoughtful and earnest enort. we grow aa we go. T Car a Cold la Om Day. Take Laxitivs Baoao Qdiminb Tablsts. Al druKKlt refund U m-.ny It It huu io cure w . Uaovs 8 alsaatura to on aaca box. zau There ia ao much learning jn the vt orld that good old-faahioned common sense looks like nonsense. - Rev. H. P. Carson. Scotland, Dak, UT "T wo bottle, of HaU'a Catarrh dare complete. If cared my little girt." Sold by DruggitU. Ha Each of you possess a special fitneas for your own special work, and no one in the universe can take your place, or do the work allotted to you. A dyspeptic Is never on good terms with himself. Something la always wrong. Get it right by chewing Bee man's Pepsin Gum. Home Is 4 he sphere cf harmony and peace the spot where angela find a resting place when, bearing- blessings they descend to earth There is one Ingredient In Frev'a Ver mifuge that does not grow outalde the State of Maryland. Do not dare to live without some clear intention toward which your living shall oe oent. Mean to De something . with all your might H. H. GaBKit'a Soita of Atlanta. Cm mr th only auccenful Dropsy SpccUllaU ia the world. Sec their liberal offer hi advertivmeiit in an other column of this paper. He that give srood admonition anil bad example builds witn one hand and pull down with the other. I am sure Piao'a Cure for Conmmntion ..--. my life three years ago. Mas. Taos. Kcasisa, J" wwwkii, 1-, KB. 1, IBM All literary men are full of vanltv and Jealousy, but some manage to hide it oeiier man oinera. FITS permanently cmed. No ts or nerraas nas after Srst day's ase of Dr. KUae's Great Nertre Kestorcr. s trial bottle aad treatist free - - ", m Area au, rmLa., r. Independence of character Is what vi e an orag tne most about and it is what we possess tne least ox. Mrs. WinsloWa Soothing Syrup for children allays paia, cures wind colic, 25c a bonis. KJjateyTs Hidden Frpes. Charles Klngsley rectory of Evers ley was within a fairly easy walk of Wellington College, where the late Archbishop Benson was head master. Benson, we are told by his son in the biography of the archbishop, saw great deal of him. He told that once, walking with Klngsley at a remote part of Everaley, on a common, the rector suddenly saying, "I most smoke a pipe," went to a fane bush, and felt about tn It for a time, presently pro ducing a clay churchwarden pipe, which he lighted and solemnly smoked as he walked; putting It, when be had done, Into a bole among some tree roots, and explaining that be had a "cache" of pipes in several places la tbe parish, to meet the exigencies of a sudden desire for tobacco. The friendship between tbe two en thusiastic men was very intimate. "What ia Benson's characterr said a friend to Klngsley, who replied, "Beau- tutu, lute bis race." On the other hand, aU the end of his life, Benson delighted In talking of Klngsley, and spoke of mm wltb tears tat his eyes. Vomea enjey so much th telling of the "true story of their lives," it must be a terrible affliction to one of them to have a past she can't talk about Before tbe undertaker's bill U said. the average widower begins to speak of himself aa a "boy." Just bete the mooa i lest auartor aba looks Hks 80 cents. They also serve who only ataiui wast " There la nothing ao riaar-slaptad maA SB a. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. WersUa Hetee CalUa the Wicked to (wjpHB love of truth vPls the only wsy to the light of truth. There Is no barm In the tongue whenwork keeps pace with word. Mix all your grief with grati tude and It will taste of the Utter. Life la more than a living. Righteousness usually cures rags. Conformers do not make reformers. The blusterlngs of tbe Infidel are tbe winds of a tempest-tossed heart Tbe great man has greatness lu him before the occasion brings It out Every man deceives himself wore successfully than he deceives others. It Is always easier to weep over tbe wanderer than to keep him at home. It Is not the length but tbe largeness of eternal life that makes It desirable, Light comes with the knowledge of God and love with the taste of His love. Holy Joys are current coin In heaven, but they will not pay church expenses on earth. Salvation Is not the gathering of th salvage, but the perfection of the whole being. The church that is frozen at heart la moat likely to depend on the Ice cream social for Its support Many who are very seldom solicitous that God should have the shells are eating tbe kernels themselves. The early Christians worshiped in barns, bnt the modern Christian is not like them -because he I willing to let L, 1 l. 1 L. .V, n . UIO VUU1VU HWk MMb HANDSHAKING AN OLD CUSTOM. ! (Practice Now ia Vogue Dates Back to the Beaianiaa of Time. "It Is said by ancient astrologers tbat shaking hands Is a scientific custom which dates back to tbe beginning of time. There is all tbe difference in the world between the various modes of shaking tbe hand of stranger or friend as to the resulting impression obtained by and through that operation, con clously or unconsciously, said a so ciety woman at a select afternoon- tea yesterday. "I claim that the results depend upon the proper position taken by the two bands clasped, although a mere touch will tell much. We shake bands In order to form s connection between us which will result In the ex change of planetary vibrations which notify us whether we have met a friend or foe. Few people go into such an exact scientific analysis go into sue! sons, but perhaps think that they do it because other people do It; that it is the custom of the couutry, or because the person met offers the hand. It re mains sn indisputable fact however, tbat we form likes and dislikes upon touching the bands of strangers and that friendships or dislikes often start at that point whether we realize It or not The exchange of impression Is strong at the moment of contact of the palm. It makes us unhappy to touch some people, and we will not If we can help It The most effective haudshnke Is not tbe close clasp in all cases, although It may be in many, but varies according to the sizes and shapes of the two hands wblcb clasp each other. How ever they may meet there is one spot which is tbe magnetic center of the en tire being the mount of the sua, speaking from the standpoint of palmistry which has tbe most direct nerve contact with the brain and also most direct blood connection with the heart and Is, therefore, called the 'ring finger' with the magnetic pole at its base. "The physical snd mental strength are there united In the strongest mag netic center or the body. If the two bands thus clasped are placed with their magnetic centers In close contact, no matter where the rest of the palm may be, I Insist that there is a strong magnetic current established between these two people. "It may be intensified in effect if the mounts at the bases of the other fingers also be brought Into as close contact with each other, thus bringing the minor magnetic poles also together. Then, If the third or "ring finger curls around the mount of Venus astrologi cally situated at the base of the little finger, above the heart line and trav ersed by the marriage line or lines and the thumb extends across the back of each friend' hand .to the knuckle at tne base of tbe ring finger,' clasping those chief magnetic poles the more closely, tbe law of magnetics ia carried out to complete perfection, the effect are most pronounced and we enjoy the pleasurable Interchange of vibrations, whether we know the 'whys and wherefore' or not "In all probability we do not care why we only know that we enjoyed the hand clasp." New York Tribune J . At mnen a man bea-ina cannot answer hlmfi t wrong he may be carried nS "w far he wnen a man hori. forehand, he cannot s Mot 8ce - find Ki.-. "-""not know wnere l One false step force- him ,comn"l one evil conceaiTt" ..'.ml to another. ..juirea another. Tha Bast Pnu.. V.MIU. 1 OHIO. It . ,m .r'" " SBTILESS essowstoviu Started a Fire, snowstorm started a fir n . fJ'T ,1 fPnlcr Uvln Hebn terne. Belgium. He olarni . of, quicklime aear .'.bed on farra of tif n'ht-In coue of tbe night snow fell n .- areatt u ' bccaVe so treat that It set the ahi n m . . " ram- "wroying it and It contents. Th BoIooimm Prof- 8. P. Langlev has nnw hU delicate heat-m,. .T-!!!r'ed the bolometa. to -uch a drVree of lonth of a degree. Centime i- - ' cent description of th!. device he say. that for a certain Dart of it 11 " enlng mechanism of th. galvonometer U UTS fc?rmoa fl'' wing, on accou of Us lightness aad rigidity. The last request a woman n.n.n. makes to her most Intimate friend la not to ten her age. ' V7 rear, as a man's rhanm.i. ayMM 10 longer Pinliham'o VegoiaLla Compound euros tha ills paouilar to women. It tonss up their general health, eases down overwrought nerves, cur as those aw ful backaches and rag u'atos menstruation. U does this because It acts directly on the fe male organism and makes It healthy, relieving and curing all Inflammation and displacements . Nothing else Is Just as good and many things that may be suggested are dangerous. This great medicine has a constant record of cure. Thou sands of women testify to It. Read their letters con stantly appearing In this paper. FOR FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP bus hwi nfl lv millions of mother for i li lr chilijrvn wiiil ttvthin for ov. r Fifty Ye rs. It ktMitlK-w Mi 1. sorieus th gum, allttys nil pain, cunn uiii colic und res tbe u&tt rtm-tiy lur tirrntaA. 1 wnty-fivi Cnt-, i "of-. SO A -s Get the rrwln d"1 hmt wIn ,n comMtitioa with ail other, tbe only one that aow) iVrtil- t rxrr aural all tha tlm, wen when if a in bad coodition, lumpy and tali of traab. Uat tle IMPROVED LOW DOWN PENNSYLVANIA Force Feed Fertilizer Grain Drill : Made with Hoes or Discs I Ca.av ctng anal will avot baach. Fore tr4 la fact aa ril aa ! name. r aoing. nrtll as with sjrealutsj re-r hue tit fnrnisLcd 11 i..!. filerH ?aiw .flillaaa. Threats iaf .tlsavblarry a . mn4 far U. IukI saurd raialcaf. Mailed free. A. H. KAKUI II.4K O., l.lti.. V sir It, Pa. j-sr f DCY NEW DISCOVERT: ass f WsasW fsaaav I qaick rrlMf and wret eont ataaa- aiBv ut tsMliuioti iai ana ID It trutm t rre. Dr. a. a. OaViiaJI ftaVOlf a. Iai a. AUaata a UUH1S WM1HF All Best Cough Syrup. Tastes hi time. Sold br drag That Littlt Book For Ladiot, Ul S.X.KJE. M5UM, KOCBBSTIB. K. T. If afflicted with sol-.- eyes, use Thompson's Eye Water ENGLISH VIEW OF TALMAGE. Can Drire Home a Few Plain, Everyday rnin in a Konehlr Witty Mannar. 1 Dr. T. De Witt Talmage drew a great crowd to the West London Tabernacle in Nottingham last nisht. Age bas not withered tbe man of many sermons in tbe least He is still tbe possessor of a strong. harsh voice, which he uses insistently and rapidly, and he can still dri home a few plain every-dav truths In. roughly witty manner. "As his part is that goeth down Into battle, so shall his part be that tarryeth by the stuff," gave the doctor a chance co say a few of those pungent things that have built up his reputation. Following the Scriptural injunction, he slew the Amalckites in pretty rigor ous fashion. They were "loathsomely and indecently drunk;" some were slain by David "in carousal," other went "triumphing off the field," and David himself carried off "the diamonds, the pearls, the rubles, the amethyst and the imperial clothes" to divide equally among the fighters and tbe wounded who stayed with the stuff. "In similar fashion," said Dr. Tal niage, "the rewards of great philan thropists' and preachers will not be greater in the end than those of you people who stay at home and mind your own business." "Oh, what rewards there are for you who are doing unappreciated work that's nine-tenths of you," be ejacu lated in his curious. Jerky fashion, raising a laugh. "I like engineers I like to ride vith them I like to ride on the engine you get there a bit sooner," was another Americanism which hit the humor of the congregation. "Tou don't know the name of the engine driver who car ries you safely, but God does," waa the point of the story. Talking of a cyclonic passage across the Atlantic, he said: "All were sol emnized except two one a German, the other an American. The German he was drunk, the American he was a fool." Then he worked to the same point. They had thanked the captain at the end of the voyage, bnt they had forgotten the engineer. Still, In the end the reward of the two would be th same. So many people wanted to get Intc the .Tabernacle and couldn't that Dr Talmage addressed a large number In a lecture hall next door after the ser vice. London Express. Manila's Streets. The streets of Manila are so modern as to be quite out of keeping with the general appearance of tbe town. They are perfectly straight, macadamized and provided with ample granite walks Of these the Escolta and the Rosario are the best. In both there are excel lent shops, kept principally by Chinese merchants, most of whom come from Amoy. Tin-roofed houses line each aide of both thoroughfares. v -' Siberian Exiles. In fifteen yeare Russia has sent 624,. 000 persons to Siberia, fully 100,000 relatives of prisoners nanied th xflee of (hen- ewa free will. There are no defects in best efforts. 5