Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 08, 1900, Image 3
SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. PA.. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 8, 1900 TKRMa Subscription $1.00 per year If paid In advance ; $1.50 if not paid In ad vance. Transient advertising and 'local notices 8 cents a line. Deductions will be made to those de wing to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. ' Sixteen tkicli f ArtiJr rt "tlootet Wed- The Amrwn Manila propose the building of a church in Manila.. TtriTi" -eme THonipson of Z? 7?' onyaer county, was in town on Saturday. hlmJTy ! and not rC."-"" wo.rui- The best of u n moral worth. was born to Mr. 1 will in A Mills, StfOflT LOCALS. Hay Li worth a cent a pound The apple crop in Pennsylvania is large. Mrs. Abram Moist is sojourning at Atlantic city. Port Royal Snnday Schools hold a union picnic. R. H. Patterson of Peru was in town on Monday. The Pannabaker Island Harvest home was held last Saturday. Mrs. Herbert Shaver has returned from a trip to Washington, D. C. The heathen Chinee isn't the on ly man with a card up his sleeve. Choice Ohio Timothy seed for sale at the Manbeck & Nelson Mill. Miss Bell Derr, of Philadelphia, is visiting her brother, Dr. Harry Derr. The stream south of town is dry, which proves the severity of the drought. Landlord W. S. Arbogast has been on the sick list but is rapidly recovering. Dr. Fred Espenschade, of Pitts burg, is on a short trip to this his native place. Telephone manager Alton Scholl made a business trip to Altoona last Saturday. Three Franklin county men are iu the meshes of the law on account of pension frauds. M L. Keiser had charge of the boarding department at the Tusca rora camp meeting. Miss Grace and Miss Julia Casca den, of Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs. Carl Espenschade. Officer Samuel Lapp, had charge of the police department at the -"gust 3, 1900. , Krfll carry one a dv in rlinin I . . . - - " o The friends of education will h gratified to learn that the Xall term of the Mifflintown Andmv will open September 4th. 1900. For terms, address, - J. HiKXT DY8ISGKK, Mifflintown, Pa. ine best loafine dace in the world on a small sum of money is in China and India. The army officers and missionarim find It d. igntful. Personal service is low in price. A waiter may be employed to fan at 4 flnnra A tav anrl wxiWt anaioage tnemselves . M. E. Sidney Lewis of Phr6- ZF.7vT lwo children are visit- uienomeof Mr. and Mrs. James McCanley. v. a. Ureiss of th T eran church at Bloomfield. vm Icoanty, has tendered the resurna- tion oi me charge. k i8id that many of the song "'1U mat come irom the south to me norm in summer time are dis appearing rapidly in number. U1UUJUUC1U Annwvta Bam. The surplus and individual profits of the First National Bank of New port were over t2l.noo nn thiuh ' .1 r -r , - luay oi JUiy. I 11 T a r.. . - luuKe atewartor Ynrir wmntv lino .1 .1 a . . . "J . . signatures to pe uUUUS signeu in ieaa pencil are il legal and refused to appoint road viewers on that account. The latest invention is a nhnnn. , graph to place in a company of gossipersand afterwards let the machine ofTin another company. Hear, oh hear, what was said. William A. Clark, copper min ing millionaire in Montana, has preserved the first dollar bill, which he made when starting life as a poor miner in a quartz mine in Cal ifornia in 1859. Judge Little of Bloomsburggave an opinion that notwithstanding dogs are personal property, they may be killed when caught des troying sheep,- and the person kill ing the dogs is not liable for dam ages. Unclaimed letters remaining in Alifmntown post office at close of business, Saturday evening, Aug- j ust 4, were for Charles H. Button, Arthur P. Grith, Miss I Bell Krebbs 2, M. A. Swartz, Jul- cnair, board and lodge themselves ior cents eacn. Men and women employed in the house for 2 and 3 cents a day and board themselves One hundred degrees in the shade on Monday. In Woodeoek valley, Huntingdon ooonty, the oats crop is large so Hunt ingdon papers report. . v Apple growers in the State of Del aware, are shipping summer apples to um fans exhibition. The gold democrats are democrats as ever before. They maintain that Bryanism is not democracy. Mrs, George Clark nee Miss Lizzie Lloyd and chUdrea of Pittsburg, are Fonr men rating ber parents at JHoAluterrille me state Encampment is now in full blast at Mt Oretna, Pa. The new guard looks well and drills well is the remark of all who have been there. - Henry Youtsey's confession ofl . Charles Phillips who is selling a chack. campmeeting on Sunday AsaiHtnnt. railroad Riirwn-iar I Hippy and family, have taken up housekeeping in Patterson. ..ll ine company that propose umber at Tuscarora station are i building a railroad to the top of I the foot-hills to carry the lumber down on the main line. The lnm- Miss Norma Redman, of Crafton, ber will be slid down the mountain Pa., is the guest of her school friend, ih a gang-way to the foot-hills rail- The Sunday schools at McAlik- On Monday heavy thunder shV- terville Held a union picnic on Jsat-; era prevailed in most of the counties urday, which was well attended, j in northeastern Pennsylvania. The Last Saturday a well of natural ,down pourof rain was heavy. Hail ias wa strnck at Water ille. a as large as hickory nuts, knocked Tlace 20 miles north of Williams- apples off the trees, and lightning - I n 4 ..I- n . i. r .. port . . Great excitement prevailed on account of the strike of gas in a well at Waterville, in Lycoming county. ' ' . Miss Emma Scott and Miss Grace Cunningham, of Richmond Vir ginia,' ' are visiting Mrs. AJton Scholl. I- Reading people are alarmed by a : houses and barns. The large barn of Christian B. recent discovery. It is learned that underneath the city is a great cavern. J Miss Millie Beale and brother, John Beale, of Philadelphia, a visiting at the home of Squi Loudon. Miss Lonie McClellan, of Lewis town, has been visiting her parents, Capt. and Mrs. McClellan, at thw place, this week. Mr and Mrs. Charles McFarland of Williamsport, are visiting the latters sister, Mrs Cyrus Carwell, at Cedar Springs. Two hundred people went from Mifflin station on the cars on Sun day to the Evangelical camp-meeting at Tuscarora station. Some farmers in Jnniata will re- Espenschade was destroyed by fire rece tly. Thrashing was going on when suddenly fire showed itself in the straw carrier of the threshing machine. The fire spread so rapidly that the men escaped from the barn with difficulty. The ban was id Earl tow; ship, Laocaster eounty. The plowing for winter wheat is going in this part of the world Railroads and steamboats and tel egraph lines are now in easy touch with all important points of the world and so varied is the climate of this big ball of earth floating' in space that a place can be found ev prv month where harvesting is I'o- mg on. Miss Katie Hamell has entered suit in Hollidaysburg for $10,000 damages against an Altoona drug gist, for having given a girl that she sent to the drug storeatrophine tablets instead of half grain mor phine tablets. The atrophine tab lets almost took her life. A clerk in the dmjr store gave the wrong tablets. The tribe of honest men have not wuai ne claims to Know or the as- sasination of Goebel in Kentucky, ays, Governor Taylor contributed three hundred dollars to raise the sum of twelve hundred dollars to fifteen hundred dollars to bribe some one to shoot Goebel. He says tne uovernor would not give any thing if a negro was to be employed to do the assination, bnt he gave three huodred dollars when assured that a white man should kill Goe bel. But much as Youtesy claimed to kcow he says he does not know who shot Goebel. TheMt. Gretna agricultural, me chanical and industrial exposition, which will be held at Mt. Gretna, August 20 to 25, this year promises to exceed in number and variety of exhibits and displays of farming implements and machinery of all Kinds. This exposition has won a wide popularity by reason of the excellent management and of its splendid location. There are few places n the state so inviting, the mountain scenery being especially picturesque and attractive, while commercial men and manufacturers find it a good market for their manufactures. Farmers of central and eastern Pennsylvania - visit it in large numbers and every day brings increasing interest to the visitors. THE GIRLWASHT KID-MAP PED. The report that a kid-napped girl had been captured from a wag on in front of the Jacobs House at noon on Friday by officer Hacken berger created some excitement on Main street. Men hastened to the Jacol)S House. A substantial wag on to which was hitched two large sleek mules stood in front of the hotel. The wagon was occupied by a woman and four children and girl alKMit 14 years of age and two men. It was the girl that the r n i- u. l i oiucer was uer. iiu uou uocu telephoned from Lewistown by James Hannon to detain the girl that she is his daughter and had been enticed away by the people in a blue wagon. Hackenberger took the girl to his home to await the coming of her father, lhe people in the wagon were a well-to do looking party. They had a good outfit throughout. The large wagon had a canopy over it to Keep off tho sun and they seemed to be well provided for quite an exten sive tour. In addition to the wag on and its outfit they had a good horse and buggy. The men said their name is Stine, that they are from Painter, Mifflin county, and are on their way to a place near Shippensbnrg, Cumberland county and that the name of the girl with them is Dessa Hannon. that she had come to their place sever al davs ago and wanted a place to live. Thev had taken her in and that when they started for Cum berland county on Friday morning she desired to go with them and thev were satisfied that she should and that was all of it. Officer Hackenberger did not attempt to detain them and they went their way. They were not gone long till James Hannon the girl's father duce the number of their livestock i M from off the earth as not having enough feed to carry j ,g ma(lo known in the following themtnrongu iue from the Huntingdon Globe of Ang- rwlawnre neach c rowers began Inst 2: Albert Kauffnian, while shipping peaches in quantity last sauntering around the Union De Satnrdav. AucTiist 4. lhe prices , pot on Sunday morning, found a were 35 to 45 cents a Iwsket. pocket-book containing $116, the nm umi Mm i distress i i ' - Mrs. the Mr. of Mord ot inomjmuu u, Dr"r 1- Itarrick had not missed hisnocket book until it was returned to him I a short time afterwards by Mr. recently at the home of Cyrus Car well in Fermanagn townsnip. Joseph Yorgey of Patterson aged 14 years caught a bass nearly 15 inches long one day recently while fishing along in the river in corn pany with a friend. Banks Stonffer, who hasr oeen i clerking m an sgntuu..... t"1"! Port Royal, died after a few days ment store at BloonisDiirg, 18 uinesa at the residence of his son visitmg nis ilUt-r, . wilHam T KeDner t Osceola. gone visit Kaultman, who was liberally re warded for his honesty. Port Royal Times, Aug. On Wednesday night of last week Mr. Samuel D. Kepner, an aged and highly respected citizen of linme Stonffer, near muihu. Nebraska, whither he had nrr Fannie Jones, of ScranTon, about two months ago on a accompanied by her sister, Maud . The remains arrived in this place t - i moifinir1 U 1 11 - 1 Etka Of Uarrisourt;, ic i k.ihu6 ou i-;uaua.v muruing i mis wees, their' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac ' accompanied by his sons John and Etka at Mt. Pleasant. W llham of Osceola, and George, SnsanSearig and her son Ma wife and daughter of Pittsburg "",-m.ntnwn. are Visiting, funeral services were held uenfy " ViT. T!.rWr the Presbyterian church at 10:30 h!'vaTr MrrBergerrnd Mrs.! o'clock on Tuesday morning gearing are brother and sister Bnrchfield and wife; of i nr;in.Miisnort. and sister, Miss Mary A new constitution has been vot unrehfield, of Harrisburg, have ed for in North Carolina, the chief uuituireiu c ieaiure oi wnicn is mav men wno uterment was 1 Hill cemetery. made in in 30 and Church X1 -n f oiiests OI U. A' - family for the past several daysj", D 1. Sanuo oi aeuiun1""? C is visiting his aged father Mr. Anthony Sando in this town and v, relatives. His wife came cannot reaa ana write ana men who do not own property shall not vote. The basis of such an action in jxortn uarouna is that the men who cannot .read and write and ?rom Washington some days before elections and he came. robbing the property-holders by . man and a woman in a wagon excessive taxation. It is getting . hv nne horse tarried awhile to be the complaint in the north f town last Thursday. They were, era cities, towns aud counties that 1U 1 t.tn Thiiii tan VL'icr- . the men who will not asm ninnov anmnit;r-i.K. r i - On . i,;h thev nitoheri and ixvinm nrmwrtv mntml ttia . .. A 1 111. Tt 11 1 V U u 1 vfrvm . , .MM fair evening wherever night elections, elect men of their kind e' them. They had a dog 0c .. alarm at. nlfht Wii" .m;- nfii.tr Mrtook them. They ham TO IT iftge Oi ur w"m to office and in that way get hold of the tax rates and rob the prop erty bolder by excessive taxation. came, and he was in an indignant frame of mind over the thought that his daughter had been taken away from her friendsand parents. He says the family that had his daughter is not named Stine. Ue says Sfines live in the neighbor hood, but the people who haa tat en his daughter are named Stuck It is probable that it was a good thing that the Stucks had gone from the town before llannon came Hannon is a powerfully built man and weighs 275 pounds and looks like a man of courage and in the excitement of the occasion might have acted rashlv of course. He is a skillful iron-worker and the fa ther of eight children and he and his wife were in deep distress wnen thev learned that their Dessa had disameared so singularly. He lives at Logan and last Wednes day his daughter had gone to visit his friend Joseph McMniien at Maitland and it was understood that she might stay with Mrs. Mc Mullen some time as she had ex pressed a desire to have the girl live with her awhile. Dessie says that when she got to her friend's place Mrs. McMullen had a girl and the cirl went with her to bread raiser, has bees through Cum berland valley recently. Ue says that valley is more parched than Jon iata eounty. They have had less nun. A dashing rain within the past month ohoked the covered gutter at the inter-seetion of Fifth street and Cherry street and now aa open gut ter is being laid to replaee the ehok ed gutter. Huntingdon Journal: John Port, residing in Logan township wa3 ar rested xoesday, charged with dyna miting fish in the river. He had bearing this morning before Squire Kelley and was held for September court. It is a rare thing for a woman to get appendicitis. It is now said the cause of it in men is owing to the fact that they almost always cross their legs when they sit on a chair and the crossing of the legs cramps and constricts the little sack in which inflammation takes place. Miss Harriet O. Fay. an Amerioan woman is acting as chaperon to party of eight young Mexican women, lately graduates. They are touring the United States for the purpose of examining the schools. Tbe state of VeraCruz pays all the expenses. They have visited St. Louis, Chica go, Buff-do, New York and Boston. Blair eounty is surprised over i bold act the other night in the barn yard of Howard Estop of Antis town sbip near Cellwood. Thieves enter ed the barn-yard at night, captured a calf, killed it, carried it away and left its hide and head hanging on the barn-yard fence. The butchering was done to quietly that those who did it were not seen or heard. The present famine existing in In dia, will add to the list of "worst famines," among which were the famine in Ireland in 1846-1817, dur ing which 1,000,000 people parished the Indian famine of 1866. which claimed 1,450,000 victims; the In dian ot 1877 in wbich 5U0.U00 peo ple perished and the great famine in China in 1878 in which 9,500,000 succumbed to its ravages. I here was a large attendanoe at the dance given in Agricultural Hall, Port Royal, Pa, Tuesday evening, a a. PV wi i " august . xne aanee was a success in spite of the extremely warm weather. The patronesses weie: Airs. C J. Crawford. Mrs. S Svenson, Mrs. James North. Mrs F. M. M. Pennell, Mrs. Darwin M. Crawford, Miss Mary- Hoopcs a Mrs. W. M. Todd. W. W. Mayer actea as chairman or committee Tbe following is a correct state ment of tbe number of pnpils in al schools, both private and public tnrougnout tne country, during tbe caooi year just past, xnere were lUl.i'&a young men and women in the universities and colleger; 54,231 in schools or law, medicine and the o! Oct; b7,ods in normal schools: 70. 950 in business schools; 23,504 in re form schools and 97,737 in kinder gaitens. The total number was 16, 087, b43, out of an estimated popu lation of 72,737,100. ! LAST OF THE SEASON. EXCTTBSIOX TO ATLANTIC CITY, CiPE MAT, AH n OTHXB ATLANTIC COAST RE SORTS VIA PENNSYLVANIA. On Thuisday, August 16. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run its last low-rate excursion for 1900 to Atlantic City, Ca .e Mav. Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Anglesea, Wild wood, Hollybeacb, N. J., Bebobotb, Del , or Ocean City, Md. Tickets good to return within six teen days, including date of excursion. A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaobes will have Pitts burg on above mentioned date at 8. 55 a. m., arriving at Altoona 12 15 p. m , where stop for dinner wi'l be mad", reaching Philadelphia 6.25 p m., in time ior supper, and arriving Atlantic Urrr, via the Delaware riv er Bridge Route, the only all rail line at 8 40 p. m. Passengors may also spend tbe night in Philadelphia, and proceed to the shore by any regular train from Market street wharf or Broad 8rreet Station on the follow ing day. Passengers for points other than Atlantic City will spend the night in Philadelphia, and use regular I rains the next day from Market S'rtet Wharf. A stop-over of ten-days will be also Schott's Stores Clearance Sale. Big Clothing St ores 115 and 117 Bridge St., Mifflintown." To make room for the best and largest assortment of FALL WINTER GOODS that Juniata county has ever seen, and to clear space tor the fine line of European and American novelties Mr. Schott is selecting. We shall make the greatest cuts in prices .ever known here. - Among the a any reductions, we mention the following: The very best makes of Calico, not remnants or seconds, but the best, for only 5 cents a yard. We have a cheaper grade of Calico for 4 cents a yard. Some Ladies' Shirt Waists that were from 35 cents to 75 cents, we sell them now for 19 cents and 23 cents. Ladies Fine Shoes, in sizes 2, 3 and 31, that sold from $1.50 to $3.00, we sell them now for 50 cents. Dimities and Lawns that sold ior 10 cents and 12), we are selling now for 7 cents. Scotch Lawns, the beet color, we are selling at 4 cents We have a good quality of Table Oil Cloth that we are selling for 12& cents a yard. 36 by 36 inch Cotton Hugs for only 15 cents. 36 by 36 inch All Wool Rugs for only 25 cents. Large sice velvet Rugs for only 75 cents. OO-OOOO- SCHOTT'S STORES. 103 to 109 Bridge Street, The Mid-Summer Clearing Sale of CLOTHING and Gents' Furnishing Goods, FURNITURE and House Furnishing Goods. To keap up our reputation Stock, we have a of each season having a New Clearance Sale, both Summer and Winter. We are more than ever determined to eflect a complete clearing sale. The remainder f our ttock must and will be sold regardless of cost. Now is your chance to save Dollars. Now is your opportunity. Dcn't mips it. Call at once at Meyers' Big Stores. If you are supplied for this season you cannot make a better investment than to buy your goods for next Summer. MEYERS, THE LEADER IX LO V PRICES. 115 and 111 Bridge Street. iUIFrLIMTOvvN, PA Tnscarow Valley Railroad. 18G5, ESTABLISHED. 1900. Special Invitation rlo rJThe Public SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MONDAY, JUNE. 1898. 20, EASTWARD. To attend the Attractive Sale oi Clothing t-.at from on dail y STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT BUMDAY. No.l THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYEKb Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for - - - MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE: of Suts and Overcoata at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His nrices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN J?A Stuck's near Painter station, who 1 allowed at Philadelphia on the going- told her thev would be moving on Friday and would go nearby wnere her father lived and tnat they would let her off the wagon and she could go to her father's house. She says when they came to where they should have left her off they drove fast and she could not leave the wagon. They consoled her. They told her they would take good care of her," dress her well and send her home in tne fall. When the Stucks drove past Lo gan some one noticed Miss Han non in a blue bed wagon and he in formed Mr. Hannon ber father. Wnere tbe wagon was going was a matter of conjecture, but the father made a ten shot when he sent a telephone message to the of ficer at. Mifflintown. Father and daughter were escorted to the rail road on Friday evening by officer Hackenberger. They were happy trip, if passengers will deposit their tickets with the Ticket Agent nt Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, immediately upon arrival. Ticket! will be sold from the tit a tiona at the rates named below: Bate. T. leaves. Altoona (stops for dinner 8 00 12 35p m Hontincrdon 7 10 1 26 " Mount Union 6 75 fl 14 ' Lewistown June. 6 00 2 20 '- Mifflin 5 65 12 37 Newport 5 00 f3 09 " Duncannon 4 60 f3 27 " Philadelphi(stop for sapper.) Ar. 6 27 Ticket will auo ba good on r-1; a lar trains leaving Pittsburg at 4.50 and 8 30 p. m., carrying sleeping cars to Philadelphia and 7.10 p. m. carrying ruuman sleeping cars throagh to Atlantic (Sty. For detailed information in regard on being re united and it is hoped i ? ? timt10,im PPjj, reached home safely and had joyful re-nnioa in the family.. i ticKet agenia or Jtr. x nomas . rv a; r. District Passenger Agaat, fittsburg. Blair's Mills Lv Waterloo Leonard' Grove RofB Farm Pernlaok . Eat Wa-rford Heckmun Honey Cmw Fort Bi'?hn Warble Pleasa' t W Seven Piip Sprucp Hill Graham's Stewart Freedom Turbett Old Port y Port Royal Ar No.3 M 25 31 37 45 52 05 17 2? 30 39 44 52 55 03 06 09 12 18 25 M 45 51 57 05 12 25 37 42 50 59 1 04 1 12 3 15 3 23 3 26 3 29 3 32 3 38 3 45 WONDERFUL nrc the cures bv Hood's Sui-sa;arilla, end yet they are simple and natural. 1 food's 8araa parilla makes PURE BLOOD. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. J3ERRY COPVTT RAILROAD. The followin sohwin'e went Info efloct Nov. li, and the trains will ba ran follows; Lve Aitjvh . m DoucdODon 7 54 Kir-e's Mill 7 49 Sulphur pripe 7 '8 Cornisn S 1 rv 7 4 Moti'i-tMt'o Park 7 41 p. m 4 30 4 30 4 3" 3 41 4 46 4 4H 4 51 4 54 4 r,c 4 69 a ra n oo 9 M 9 It 9 15 9 19 9 22 9 24 9 2T r,.in. Km l nd 2 connect at Port Royal with Way Pawcrper and Seashore Express on P. R. K., and Noa. s toa wun WESTWARD. Traina Noa. 2 and 8 connect at Blair's Mills with Concord, Doylebur(t Urj Win, Nossville, Neelton, Shade Gap, Shade Valley and Qoshorn Station Stage Lines. Saved from the Surgeon's Knife No onrana an of craatar iatnortaaoe ea tbe human body tbaa the Kdaays, Tfcair dntv la to aift and atraia the poisoaooa and waste matter Cram the blood. and If thev fail t do this, the trouble ahows in tbo norma avatocn. and oven ia thearain. Your life la at stake when there are pain in the email of your back- when von are compelled to got up at night to urinate when the passing of water causes scalding poia wnen mere is a aeaunent in ibo nno in mo vn when it appears white or milky. When so afflicted, you can conquer the trouble with Dr. David Kennedy Favorite Remedy, the greatest medicine that civilization haa ever known for curing Kidney, Bladder, Blood and Liver Diseases. James Lattice, of Canajohane, N. Y., tens of bis wonderful cure: "8omo years ago I waa attacked with pains in my back and sides that were) . ; fearful. I could not con trol nry kidneys, sad what came from BS was filled with mucus aad blood. An Albany doctor waa to perform aa operation upon ana, and said my home doctor could take care of me after. I saw an advertisement of Dr. Dmrld Kennedy FmroHte Remedy, which seemed to fit my case, so I decided to try that before I submitted to the operation. I began ha ase. When I had taken about two bottles the flow from the bladder grew cleaner, and the pain atopped, and M a short time I was saved from the surgeon's knife, and am now well." Favorite Remedy tH cures Besoms, Sorofula, Rbeumatiam, Dyspepsia and Constipation. For Female Trouble it is nnoqnalod. It ia sold for fi.oo S bottle at all drug store. 9nf. Rffcffflfl FnJk T Ib order that sufferer may bo convinced of OteafIC Uvlllt 1 1 W 1 the curative virtues of Favorite Remedy, a free sample bottle will be seat, prepaid, to those who send their full postoffica address to the Da. David Kxnhbov CotrowATio, Rondout, K. Y. It is necessary to say that you saw the advertisement In this paper if yett wiah to take advantage of thia genuine aad liberal oaToi. Send today. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT 8UKDAT, s rkw Pott lioynl...... Old Port Turbett Freedom Stewart Graham's Spruce Hill Sven Pines Pleasant View. . . . Warble Fort Bigbam Honey Grove. . . . Heckmun East Waterford.. Perulack Boss Farm Leonard Grove. Waterloo Blair's Mille Ar. No.2 0 0 No.4 p. m 2 28 223 2 20 3 18 2 15 Wearer 7 41) 2 18 Roddy 7 86 2 08 Hoffman 7 33 2 65 Rover 7 31 2 03 Mahanoy 7 28 2 00 5 10 10 48 Bloomfield 7 28 I 41 5 16 9 49 Treesler 7 09 1 86 5 21 9 54 Nellnon 7 04 1 81 6 24 9 67 'Dnni's 7 01 1 28 6 27 10 05 Elllotsbarr 6 68 1 25 6 32 1017 'Bv-rnhi-nl's 661 120 6 84 10 17 "Grofo Pk 6 48 1 18 6 37 10 30 'Montour Jane 6 33 1 16 6 02 10 35 Landi&burg 6 28 2 60 p. m &. m A rrire Lex vn i. m pn Train leaves BloomHeM at 5.58 a. m., and arrives at Landishnrr at 6.28 a. m. Train leaves Landialmrg at 6.08 p. m., and arrives at Bloomfield at 6.40 p. m. All stations marked () are Hag stations, at which traina will come to a full stop on signal. Chas. H. Smiley, S. H. Bcok, President. Snpt. JVJEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL 11 ley Railroad Company. Time table of passenger trains, in effect on Monday, May 18th, 1896. M. 05 12 10 335 18 10 3fi;5 21 A. M 1 10 20 1.310 27,5 2 8 3.7 44 10 30:5 24 5.0 10 42 5 27 6.3 10 50 5 35 7.2 10 53!5 38 9.0I11 01 5 46 06 5 51 15;6 00 2316 08 28;6 13 40 6 25 5316 38 00 6 45 STATIOKS. West- Kaat- ward. ward. : ;.ia-ia-L- . 6 06 10 26 8 80 . 6 010 881 8 27 3 61 . 6 12 10 42 8 23 3 68 I 6 15 10 45 O - 8 60 . 6 25 10 62! 8 16 3 46 . 6 22 11 Oil 8 11 8 41 . 6 81 11 09 8 Of 3 88 ValovRoal 6 311 09 82 i a ci.ii i i aifki a l 6 54 11 24 ' 3 10 . 7 0.V11 35i .3 3 04 7 Hill 41, TS6 2 40 . 7 11 1 ! 461 7 'h 2 4 1 . 7 Zijll 61 7 15 2 46 . 7 27 111 67 7 10 2 40 . 7 8o 12 06 7 04 2 88 .1 7 41 12 11 6 68 . 7 4&I12 15 6 50' Kewp it Baffrlo Bridge.. Jnniata Fnrnace R ahoeta gylvan ...... ... Wat'T Ping Rloointield Jnnct'n VslovKoa'l Elliottubars Green Park f oysvilie Fort Robeson .. Center CiiDt'i Run . . . , Anderaonbarg . , BUin .. . ..... Mocnt Pleasant New Germant'n 2 24 2 20 10.0 12.0! 14.0 15.1 17.5 20.5 22.0 24.0! 25.5 27.0 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 08 6 53 12 14 6 59 12 20 7 05 J. C. MOOBHEAD, Superintendent. T. S. MOORHEAD, President. IIEHCU & DnOHCOLD'S SAVMILIOENGINEI A wondernil tmproTemrat In Frlrfffi Feed filv-Uack. BkiiMtioootC"rriaH.- J tlnirift tuv amiryollicr in market. I-'riction l larrh t-rr' cn'in? all th (fT-ariit;: lo t tuiM. ti!i itt; arrent wmrio in powrr hnd wwr, I.r-nia an,! nrcn fra. Atn HBrim I - ?' D. GRING, PmMlDt jn4 Hauager C. K. Mixlkb, General Artnt. tlCfc.ANY Or. rcr amsFU. aad trrmtiL xmrf Jrpp 8namrt Children It, Kwmrw TM'" ftltfHiM Lawe botU of It In bid uli jM 1 O , - Krom Rbwimtittawm. mm ftoiri averrwSei a. Prir rrt..bT mail, Mfei FREE1 A Valoabto Book on Kc' -OImun Knt rro to anr and poor rstimitii can l.o - i aim MMKIH Uf. OI t""1 . " Thtm iMwrit boen nmared br the U-"' ..:. Kni. o Fort Wti, Ind, sine IrV acow prepared under his direction br tbe t.Ct.SlC MED.CO Chicago, v 3.f br at 1 per BotUo. : (drauaawl.TaV ABottlaMtorC. 6; in ; y,