.3 it;-. B. F. SCHWEIER, THE CORSTITUTIOII THE UMORAltD THE ENFORCEUEUT OF THE LAWS. Editor and Proprietor. VOL. LIV. MIFFLINTOWX, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1900 NO. 3 I t f i 5" ft IJ m Captaia BV B. 7VT. AAilitaiyomaDeeof.goatylfrieft CHAPTER L 1 don't and won't believe ltl Ther must be some mistake. It too bad to be trueT' This reckless assertion came from the lips of a tall girl of seTenteeu, who was leaning her shabby elbows on a wide, old faBhiuned window sill, and looking out on a steady downpour, in an attitude of the deepest dejection; staring blankly at the whity-gray sky, the dripping bushes, the roses like sponges, and the flattened flow er beds, with her pretty face drowned in tears. Behind her, gazing gloomily over her head, with his bands in the pockets of his shooting coat, stood a young man. No, not her lover for in him we trace a strong family likeness, and notice tha same rery dark blue eyes and crisp, brown hair he is merely her youngest brother, who, five minutes previously, had burst into the room and abruptly inform ed her that, "just as he expected, he had been spun for the army, and it was his luck all over." On the carpet beside him lay the Morning Post, containing a list of the successful candidates, among whom, alas! the name of Edward Braba tou does not appear. "I'leaae yourself, my good girll Be lieve it or not, as you like," he returned gruffly; "I don't fancy it will make much difference at the Ilorse Guards. I really wish to goodness, Ksme, you would not go on like this." "But it was your last chance," she sobbed, in a muffled tone. "And, after working so hard, and reading for hours and hours, with a wet towel round your head it's too hard." "Fine weather for young ducks," sud denly interrupted a gay treble voice; and another girl, having pushed the door open with her knee, entered slowly, bearing a tray covered with jam pots. She is Miss Brabazon Augusta, known as (jussie, in the bosom of her family; not so tall as Esuie, and not nearly so pretty; still, as she says herself, "she is by no means an unprepossessing young person." She has a bright, vivacious a pair of twinkling, mischievous brown eyes, a neat little figure, and an Impudent nose. "Tears!" she exclaimed, carefully de positing her tray on tha school room ta ble. "What has happened? Who is dead 7 or ia it only on -of the dogs V . - "The list is out, and Ia been spun," replied her brother. - ' "Oh, nonsense!" she cried, with a gasp of incredulity. "You don't mean to say so," almost snatching the paper out of his hand in her eagerness to verify the fact. "And that odions young Thomas has ac tually passed!" she exclaimed, at length. "A miserable little creature in spectacles, who could never originate one single re mark beyond 'Yes, Miss Brabazon,' 'No, Miss Brabazon,' Thank you. Miss Braba aon,' that positively dared not say 'Boo' to the proverbial goosel And talking of saying "Boo" to a goose, who is to break this to Mrs. B.7" "I am, I suppose!" returned the broth er, doggedly. "It is the third occasion 1 have bad to 'break' the same news to her, as you call it. There' a kind of fatal familiarity about the subject by this time!" "Mr. Edward, if you please, the mis tress wishes to speak to yon in the draw tog room at once," said a grim-looking, Uderly woman from the doorway; a per son whose figure resembled a deal board covered with a tight black alpaca dress. "To mel To speak to me, Nokea' suddenly sitting upright. "Yes, Mr. Edward, to speak to yon, she answered in tone of decorous decis ion; a tone which, being interpreted by these experienced young people, nlen'; "And won't you just catch it, that's all. Then she must have seen it," exclaim ed Ksme, in an awestruck voice. "Oh, Teddy!" . Mrs. Brabazon ia seated at a writing table In one of the windows of the draw ing room as Teddy enters. She is a lady with a very long, upright back a back that haa a distinct character and exprea slon of its own, and that of an ag gres slve nature. When we look to we discover that sha Is between forty and fifty, dark and sallow. "BhJ! plached together in manner that bodes but ill for Master Teddy; in fact, her counlenance is the embodiment of a thun der cloud, as she waits in an attitude or Hgid expectancy, with the Time. MjP.d out before her. her eyes fiil Pr ticular column, engaged in the amiable task of nursing her wrath to keep i u warm She heard the door open and cEsT she heard his approaching tatepa moving for f'V'f Ar length she turned her head slightly to warS tne culprit, and said In a tone which had gathered intensity from the P;.U?.WncePbustnessr' rapping the naoer before her with an impressive fore nnrer "rray what have you to say ZTorfa correct he. "ft -It i in your nature to be " , - . working wenu am wrsted- ," interpolate "And money, sharply. - ne continued; -And money, as you say. ne ,sd I am very sorry you an m'uch appointed: but , . rougher on ue i , be the eh'' BnreYou'" he cried, glar "Chlef uter! ,,Ynnery little coffee ,n. at him with h t Joa id,e, colored eyea. TJJ ?" nl. 1. the lazy. gooa-ir-"-- me with ini third time 7 T Suffer, in- isnie story-"' " that unlucky Seedi- charging that ha. word. "It ha. been my P suffered! Tu must - e P f to earn your own ""med of httVn! out delay. I !t With keeping to support ""Dorian's allowance. op the place JJU m, hand li and your sisters eV. e'ont of Pd pf still there ia 8" grabajoi? CRQKBR in three thousand a rear. si. Kr.h.. -u, said X eddy, inietuously, his soul revolting at her hypocritical rapacity and meanness. "Three thousand a year! It's nothing of the sort," quickly turning to him with a livid face. "What business is the amount of my income to you? It is my money," passionately, "and not yours! I ye put up with your insolence too long. I wou't have you another week. I've been prepared for this," pointing a trembling finger to the paper. "I've heard of some thing at the West Const of Africa that Will SUlt. I here VOU Will learn ilulilutrr discipline and manners, and I never wish to see you again. I shall write about your passage this very day this very post." "You need not trouble yourself, Mrs. Brabazon," interrupted Teddy, decidedly. "I may as well tell you at once that 1 shall not go to the West Coast of Af rica. I can find work for myself. After what you have said, 1 would rather break tones than be beholden to von for a crumb. I know of something that will suit me better than the yellow fever." "Take Care whnt run .!" h nvM.in.. ed hoarsely. "If you get into low com J Pany, or disgrace yourself in any way, I shall wash my hands of you and your aiiairs. xou shall be " here she and' ienly discovered that Teddy bad depart ed. When he left his stepmother's presence be quickly made up his mind what to do. He bad failed in passing the examination for an officer, he would enlist as a private in the ranks. He so informed his sisters during the day, and stuck to his determination in spite of all their expostulations. On one thinir he was na ohgtinntA n m mill ' he would not pass another night in the bouse as a dependent on hia stepmother's bounty. At 9 o'clock that night he bade his sisters a fond farewell, and left Bar rowsford to become a soldier. CHAPTER II. Mr. Adrian Brabazon had been an idle. indolent man, whose predilection was congenial society, and who, when his pretty wife died and left him with four small children, had promptly dispatched the boys to school, the girls to the care of their aunt, his sister, shut up at Barons- ford, and takn -himself, off abaoadila spent a good deal. of money in an easy going, gentlemanly fashion, passing as an invalid, a connoisseur in cookery, a pat ron of the fine arts, and rambling from Italy to the South of France, from Paris to the German Spas, in a kind of peren nial circular tour. During his travels he wedded a second wife. Beyond the fact that she was a Mrs. Jupp, widow, aged 10. nothing whatever was known of her antecedents,, although the ears of the Maxton gossips were literally aching for particulars. To Bpeak quite frankly, Mrs. Brabazon was not a lady by birth, nor yet one of nature's gentlewomen. She was a shrewd, sharp, scheming woman, of scant educa tion, who had worked herself up step by step, and who had recently come abroad as confidential traveling maid to an el derly lady In bad health. She and her employer happened to be inmates of the eame hotel in Paris as Mr. Brabazon. It was an unhealthy season, low fever was prowling about and carried off tha elder ly Englishwoman aa one of its first vic tims. Mr. Brabazon himself became dan gerously 111, and was tenderly nursed back to convalescence by Mrs. Jupp, who was a skilled sick nurse, and soft-voiced, F0ft footed, sympathetic and soothing. Vague possibilities were floating through Mrs. Jupp's brain at this period. In ad dition to a small legacy, she had suc ceeded to her late mistress' handsome wardrobe, and made quite an imposing appearance in soft cashmeres and rich black silks, and dainty little lace caps, whenever Mr. Brabazon was sufficiently convalescent to notice such matters. She spoke of herself as companion only to her late "dear friend," and talked tearfully of better days, far more affluent circum stances, and bewailed her losses in an apocryphal mine in Cornwall. Mrs. Jupp had made herself very necessary to the invalid; he liked her, he was grateful to her. She exactly understood his want's, knew his favorite little dishes, and did not suffer him to be troubled or bored. His health was uncertain, he told him self that he could not dispense with her. He hated the trouble of combating her stronger . will, and, telling himself that be was acting for the best, and required a sensible woman to look after him, mar ried her at the English church one morn ing In November, and, as a reward, his bride carried him away to Italy imme diately after the ceremony. Gradually Mr. Brabazon became more and more feeble and decrepit, and during the last year of his life his mind wa much affected. At first he forgot things that happened thirty years previously, the! twenty, then ten, then last year yesterday. His state was not generally known beyond the small retinue of Ital ian servants, as for years Mrs. Brabazon hnd conducted his correspondence and managed all his business, and his present unhappy condition made no alteration in bis affairs. She corresponded with her step-childrel : from time to time; stiff, conventional let ters, -whose contents might have been posted in the market place; but she firm ly repressed any desire on their part to (onie abroad and see their dear papa. The miserable state of hi health, she declar ed in one of her first epistles she wrote to them after her marriage, precluded their much-desired visit, although per sonally she was languishing to make their acquaintance. At last one day they re teived a letter with au inch-deep black border, announcing the not unexpected death of their futher; and Mrs. Brabazon. having buried him under a touching and handsome white monument in the ceme tery at Florence, disposed of her villa, dismissed her servants and returned aa 1 a widow to reign at liarousloru. ; The will created a profound sensation. - Everything Was left in the nanus or airs. Brabazon until Florian attained his ma jority, and he was not to come of age until he was twenty-five. Over the for tunes of her step daughters and tbeir matrimonial possibilities her power was tbsolute. She was sole mistress of tho property till Florian came of age. and I " guardian to the four young Brabazona. The interest of the money in the funds, the whole yearly rental of Baronsford, and the nice, large, quarterly dividends accruing from the first Mrs. Brabazon's fortune were exclusively hers during the minority of the testator's children. There were no executors, no trustees; all power waa vested in one person, and that person was the widow. "The will of a madman!" shrieked pub lic opinion. "A shameful, unnatural, wicked will; most unfair to the young people." But after a while public opinion veered around, like a weathercock that it is, and gravely declared that when yoa came to look into the matter, the will gained cy on you, and that really, after all. Adrian Brabazon had more sense than they im agined. It was far wiser to leave the property in the hands of a clever, sensi ble person, who would keep the house to gether, and probably put by the money the saved for the benefit of her step-children, and be second mother to them all, than if everything had gone to idle, thriftless, extravagant Florian. After that day when Teddy so uncere moniously left her presence Mrs. Braba zon never once mentioned his name, and maintained an ostentatious deportment of injured innocence, generally taking her meals In her own sitting room, greatly to the relief of her step-daughters, who talk ed about their missing brother with bated breath, and minds full of misgiving and conjecture. At last, one morning, the news came. He had done it. Eame knew it from her first glance at Mrs. Brabazon's upper lip, aa she entered the dining room with a bundle of letters in her hand. "There will be no prayers this morn ing," she said abruptly, sending the ser vants back into the hall. "You can all go! I am not in a fit frame of mind to go ddwn on my knees and ask a blessing on this house and family. I do not know when I have been so upset as I am to day. I suppose you have beard about your precious brother?" with a sneer spe cially dedicated to Esme; and now taking her place before the teapot, aa though it were a kind of judgment-seat; "he has written to you, I know, this Private Brown, of the Prince's Lancers." "What!" cried Florian, startled out of his usual lethargy. "Oh, nonsense! you don't mean to say that the idiot haa en listed?" "lie has," she returned, with vicious energy. "He is now a soldier in the ranks; a common soldier." "Well, of all the idiots!" ejaculated Flo rian, contemptuously. "lie has disgraced us," continued Mrs. Brabazon, hoarsely, snatching up the su gar tongs in a kind of blind fury, and commencing to make tea; but her hand shook so violently that half the lumps were scattered about the tray. "If he bad gone to sea It wonld not have mat tered; no one would have known. What will people say?" she demanded, fiercely, of her audience. "He had every advan tage, and I had the promise of an excel lent appointment lor him on the West Coast of Africa, as deputy superintend ent of a jail; but, without a word, he leaves my roof and walks off and enlists is private Brown. Such base ingratitude never was heard of. - Jussie and Eeme were both in tears, and. Florian waa slicing the ham before him very delicately and very deliberately, with an air of deep meditation on hia sal low brow. "Ills name I forbid to be mentioned by any one in this house," proceeded Mrs. Brabazon. "I forbid you girls to corre spend with him or speak of him! Edward has as much passed out of your lives now as if his death were in the morning's pa per. I have desired Nokea to keep all the front blinds down for three days." (To be continued.) At lionK Range. In the Franco-German war, 1870, at Gravelotte, the German -cavalry lost 200 horses and 100 men, while their artil lery lost 1,300 horses andoX) men. At Thionvllle, a terribly fierce battle, the German cavalry lost 1,000 horses and 1,400 men, while their artillery lost 1,000 hones and 780 men; but at the battle of Woerth the German cavalry lost only DO horses to 00 men. This shows that when the fighting Is close and hot the men fall In greater numbers than the horses. From the relative loss of men and horses you con tell whether it was a defeat or a victory; for In a victory the difference between men lost and horses lost would not be very great, while In a defeat and retirement the loss of horses would be Immense. In a well-contested hand-to-hand fight of cavalry the loss of horses Is about equal to the loss of men. When the British troops were engaged In the Peninsular war they lost In each of the 13 battles an average of 18 horses to 19 men, showing fierce and close fighting. On the other hand, the loss of horses Is very great when the cavalry have to go a long distance over open ground before delivering the charge, as they are exposed to the enemy's fire. At Fontenoy the French killed 87 British cavalrymen and 837 of their horses. Fifty to One. War is not such a dangerous game as people think. In spite of all efforts to annihilate each other, enemies do com paratively Blight damage. Daring the Franco-German war, with Its scores of battles on a vast scale, only 19V4 men in each 1.000 were killed and 108 wound ed, while 4 per 1.000 were missing. Thus any soldier engaged had about nine chances to one that he would sot get a scratch, and over fifty chances to ons that he would not be killed. Most of the wounds received were slight that Is to say, one-fourth of all the wounds were severe, and three-fourths were slight. But it Is surprising how small a wound disables a man and knocks him out of the ranks, The big- wheel at the faris Exposi tion is 34$ feet in diameter, and its cars seat 1,600 passengers. The Ferris wheel wus only 2j0 feet in diameter. Petroleum has recently been dis covered on the Nile, and a syndicate of American. English and European capi talists has been formed as a result of the success of the recent borings. The discovery of oil is admitted, but the extent and location of the wells have not as yet been announced. A resident of Preaburg, Austria, after years of experimenting, has suc ceeded in coloring the plumage of birds by the administration of food mixed with aniline dyes. In this way he has produced red and blue pigeons, and has imparted to canaries all the tints of the rainbow. At a prayer meeting in London, in which people of various sects took part, one of the sneakers thus" tersely ex pressed himself: "What I means to say, gentlemen. Is this if a man's heart is in the right place, it don't matter at all what sex he belongs to." A man of many callings the huck ster. - aRE la always trouble of one sort or another when s woman meddles - with those things which do not concern her sex. Obviously, car bines were none of Miss Mivart's concern. If she felt that she had to play with fire arms she should have kept to Flo bert rifles. Noth ing would do, however, "but that she must learn to shoot a carbine, and the result was that the whole post rose np tnd cut Burton, to s man; so that there was no peace for him any longer In mat regiment and he had to seek trans fer to another. There were other re mits, also, bat they come further on. Some thought that what Miss Mlvart lid was done on purpose, and some thought that it was a piece of idiotic illllnesa. The latter based their argu ment upon the general frlvolousnees of ler ways, and noon the lnnocency of ier round, blue eyas. The former held o the belief that Miss Mlvart was one if those women favorites of Fortune a-ho look greater fools than they are. They said, with a certain show of rea lon. that Georgia Mlvart was a child f the service and not an Importation "xom civil life. She had been born In i garrison and bad played with rows if empty ,green-rlmmed cartridge-shells it an age when most little girls play with paper dolls. She had hummed matches of the bugle-calls before she sould talk, and the person she had ad mired the most and obeyed the best Tor the first dozen years of her Ufa ind been Kreutser, Captain Mivart's rwo-headed striker. A few years of jonrdlng-school back East could sot lave obliterated all that. Besides, the veriest civilian, who has lover come nearer to a carbine than to a-atch a Fourth of July parade, might easonably be expected to know by tn tiitlon that in a target-practice compe Jtlon every trigger has got to pull Just io hard, whatever the regulation nuro er or fraction of pounds may be. Oth erwise, It la plain that the nearer yon tome to a hair-trigger the better youi tlm will be. . i : However, whether Miss Mlvart was fully aware of what she was doing, I lobody ever knew, unless perhaps It sas Greville and he, like Zulelka, lever told. But Burton had a bad time if It, and all his beautiful score went .'or worse than nothing at all. That, though, was the end. And the teglnnlng ought to come first. The be rlnnlng was when Miss Mlvart under took to leam. to shoot a carbine. There was a target-practice compotl lon going on at the post; not one which waa of any Interest to the service, or even to tha department at large; Just t little social affair, devised to keep up (he esprit de corps of the troops and to Ightcn the monotony of life. There irere three contests, one for troops and lompantes, as such; one for Individual privates, and one for the officers. This ast was to finish off, and then there ivas to be a big hop. Every one knew from the first, when Burton and Greville shot with their Toops, that the officers' competition vould lie between them. This made It nterestlng in more waya than one, be muse the rivalry was not confined to die target range, but extended to the winning of Miss Mivart's hand and leart, and every one believed that this would settle a matter she did not ap-' ear to be able to settle for herself. Mot that she was to blame for that. Iny one. even a person much more cer In of her own mind than Miss Mlvnrt ras, would have been put to It to moose. They were both first lieutenants, and loth cavalrymen, and both good to ook upon. Burton was fair and 8re rille was dark, but she had no fixed irejudlces regarding that She lift. I iftcn said so. Also, both were as much n love with her as even she could have wished, and were more than willing ihat all the world should see It -than which nothing Is more pleasant and toothing to a rlgbt-mlndcd woman. The rifle contest lasted ten days, dur ag which time the air bummed with itc ping and sing of bullets over on the augo. and with the call of the mnrk irs In the rifle-pits. Only scores and vcords and bets were thought an-! a Iked about. Miss Mlvart herself had bet, with all nc daring wickedness of a kitten teas ng a beetle. She even went so far as x bet on both Burton and Greville at mce. The adjutant undertook to ex plain to her that that waa called "bedg ng," and was not looked upon as alto rethcr sporty. Miss Mlvart waa hurt. CV'as It really dishonest, she wanted to tnow. The adjutant felt that he had Men unkind. He hastened to assure ier that It was not not dishonest in e least; only that It took away from :ho excitement of the thing to a cer aln extent Miss Mlvart smllcS and book her bead. No, she didn't think t did, because, of coarse, she knew terself which one she wanted to have win. The adjutant admitted that that night possibly be Just as interesting tor herself and the fortunate man. And which waa he. If he might ask. Mtsa tflvart shook her head and smiled igahi. No. she didn't think he might isk. As the man himself didn't know, be could hardly tell nny one else just yet, could she? She had her own Ideas about fair play. "I can shoot a carbine, myself," she told the adjutant, with her cleft chin Kpudly raised; "and my shoulder Is U black and blue. Mr. Burton Is teach ing me." "Obi" said the adjutant, "and what doss Greville think about that?" The adjutant was married, so he waa out ti the rnnxdjw. , ' "Mr. Greville to teaching me, toe," said Georgia; "and here he comes foi me now." Burton was safe on the target range, ever behind the barracks. Miss Mlvart and Greville went in the other direc tion, by the back of the officers' row, over In the foothills across the creek. Greville nailed the top of a big red pastobsard box to the trunk of a tree, and Miss Mlvart bit It once out of six teen time when she was aiming at the head of a prairie dog at least twen ty feet away to the right The other fifteen shots were scattered among the foothills. Then het shoulder hurt her so that she was ready to cry. Greville would have liked to have her cry upon his own shoulder, but, ss she didn't he did some fancy shooting to distract her. He found a mushroom-can, and threw It Into the aid and filled It full of holes. She had seen Burton do the same thins that morning with a tomato-can. Ia fact from where she sat now, on a lichen-covered rock, she could see the mutilated can glittering In the sun, over beyond the arroyo. So she thirst ed for fresher sensations. "I'll tell you." she said to Greville, as he held up the mushroom-can for hei to Inspect the eight holes he bad made with five shots, "let me toss up youi hat and you make a hole through the trade-mark In the crown." It was a nice, new straw hat Gre ville had sent East for It and It had come by stage the day before. It had cost him, express paid, four dollars and seventy-five cents. This, too, at a time when anything he bad left after set tling his mess and sutler's and tailor's bills, went Into stick-pins and candy and books and music and rldlng-wblpa for Miss Mlvart But be took off the hat and gave It to her without even a I tngerlng glance at that high-priced trade-mark within. And he felt that It was worth four times four dollars and teventy-flve cents when she picked up (he tattered remains, at last nd sk rd If she might have them to hang In lier room. Then she looked down at her grimy band and considered the first finger, rrooklng It open and shut "I think It's going to swell," she pouted. "That Is a perfectly awful trigger to pull.- Greville did what any man might have been expected to do. ' He caught the hand and kissed It Miss Mlvart looked absolutely unconscious of it She might have been ten miles away herself. Greville, therefore, thought that she was angry, and his heart was filled with contrition. Yet he was old and wise enough to be a first lieuten ant He walked beside her back to the poet In a state of humble dejection she could not understand. The next morn ing It was Burton's turn. Greville was over on the range now, vainly trying to bring his record up to where Burton's wan. This time Miss Mlvart fired at a white pasteboard-box cover, and hit it three times out of twenty. She was jubilant and so was Burton, because she was making such progress under his tuition. "That" s an easy carbine to shoot l3n't It?" she asked as they wandered home: "it Isn't at all liard to pull the trig ger." Burton glanced at her, and she met his eyea Innocently. "It's Just tike any other trigger," he told her. "Yes, of course. And Is that the very same carbine you use In the competi tionthe one you shot with yesterday, and will use this afternoon when you finish up?" He told her that It waa. "Well." she said, complacently, "I think Ita doing very nicely, don't you. I hit the target three times, and my first finger doesn't hurt a bit- this morning." That afternoon the competition came to an end, with Burton a good many points ahead of Greville. And that night there was the big hop. It had been understood from the first that the man who won wns to take Miss Mlvart to the hop. So she went over with Burton, and gave him one-third of her dances. Greville had another third, and the rest were open to the post at large. Greville did not look happy at all. It was not the target record he minded. He never thought about that It was having to go down the board-walk to the hop-room behind Burton, and to watch Miss Mlvart leaning on hia arm ind looking up Into bis face from under the white mists of her lace hood. He was not consoled at all when she look ed up into his own face eves more sweetly at the beginning of the second dance, and whispered that she waa "so sorry." Now as the second dence had been Orevlllc's the third was Burton's. That was the way It had been arranged. As the band began the Walts, Miss Mlvart stood beside Greville In the center of quite a group. The commanding offi cer was In the group, so was Burton's eRptaln. and so was the adjutant. Tbexe were some others ss well, and also some wotnea. Mlsa Mlvart may have chosen that position, or It may simply have happened so. Any way. Just as the waits started. Burton, light-hearted arid light-footed, mow slipping and sliding over the can-lle-waxed floor, and pushing hia way Into the midst "Ours." bs said, tri umphantly. But Miss Mlvart did not heed him at ance. She was telling them all how the had learned to shoot a carbine as well as any one, and they, the men, at iny rate, were hanging on her words. "Mr. Greville taught me," she said, "and so did Mr. Burton." This waa the first either had known of the oth er's part In It and they exchanged a look.) "They taught me with their own carbines, too. The vsy sam ones they used themselves In the competi tion. But I shot best with Mr. Burton's carbine. He must have fixed his trig ger to pull more easily; It was almost Ilka, wbat do yoa caU tt, a halr-trlg-1 .- . 'm'J.i annual iiMaiinnniami Hi nn m She looked about tor an answer, and saw on their faces a stare of stony hor ror and surprise. They had moved a little away from Burton, and the com manding oncer's steely eyes were on bis face. The face had turned white, even with the sunburn, and Burton's voice waa Just a trifle unsteady as he, spoke. J "This Is our dance. I think, Mlsa Ml vart," he said. The Innocent round, blue orbs looked Just a little coldly into his. "No." she told him, "I xhlnk you are mistaken. It' Is Mr. Grevllle's dance." And s!i4 turned and laid her hand on Grevllle's arm. San Francisco Argonaut Aa To Plas. The following Is a literal copy of n compoaitlon written by a Georgia, schoolboy, the original of which is now, In my possession. With all Its e rude ness the essay shows considerable hon est effort to learn and give facts re lating to the subject "The pin.", which was selected by the teacher: "A pin la a Tory useful apparatus Invention. It Is very useful to the people of the United States as well as the people of other countries In Europe. It Is used in pinning dresses and other toilets. The pin Is very cheap In this town, and other counties of Georgia. They are, 2 or 8 packs for B cents, and sometimes sold for 4 or 5 packs for 5 cents. Plus were first used In Great Britain and tbey were first made of wire in 1540. Brass ones were Imported from France by Catherine Howard. At first pins were made by filing a point of proper length of wire. In some parts of France the thorns are still used as pins. Supposing a boy was climbing a fence and he accidentally tore his coat and be was scared his mother would whip him If she would see that whole In his wat but If he had met another com panion of hia on his way home, and this boy had a pin, of course the boy would feel better, and go home on a sly, and slip In the bouse without see ing hia mother. Some days after this tha boy's mother would nothe the whole in her son's coat of course the boy's mother ask him about this whole, and the boy tell his mother the truth about this, of course the boy feels bet ter after this, and after the boy re ceives a whipping he meets the boy that gave him the pin and thanks him This Is the good of a pin." Truth. Expressing His Disgust. Probably most writers of serial stories are familiar with the sensation of receiving letters of commendation or disapproval from Interested readeri who are following up the stories at they appear In their regular weekly or iionthly Installments. Occasionally some curious person asks for private In formation as to what the outcome is to be, while others offer suggestions as to the disposition to be made of the villain, or express a fear that the au thor Intends to marry the hero to th wrong woman. The writer of a serial story in one ol the popular magazines a few years age received the following letter from an lndlguant reader. The names are changed for obvious reasons: "Dear Sir: I take the liberty of tell lng you that I regard your 'Simeon Stacy,' now running through the Blank Magazine, as a little the thinnest novel I have ever read. Furthermore, th( principal cbaiacter In the story, tc whom you give the title role, so tc apeak, la so thoroughly detestable s man that I have taken the most effect Ive means In my power to show hi j contempt for him by changing my name which happened to be the same as his to something as unlike It as possible. Yours truly, "ANDREW JAOOBSO.N, "(Formerly Simeon Stacy)." Indians Gave It Che Name. M. Perrault gives an Ingenious ex planation of the origin of the word "Canada." Giovanni Gnloto, who also known as Cabot, landed in tlinl country In 1497, being the fir"t. Euro pean to arrive there. After him came some Spanish ves sols, and in 1.100 Denya, a Frenchman and Verrazzanl, a Venetian, took pos session of the country In the name ol France. At that time, says M. Per rault the French often heard the na lives use the Spanish words "Ac." nada," which signify, "nothing here.' The natives bad picked up these word: from the Spaniards who had searchec for gold and sliver, and who, becanst they had found nothing, had speedll.v departed. The French came to the conclusion that the words so often usee liy the natives were the original name of the country Another explanation I that Canada means a vllluge or a town - Revue Sclentlllque. Victoria's Coronation Coach. Queen Victoria has at her disposal when she wishes to take a ride limu merable carriages. Of these the coro nation coach Is first. This carriage It unknown to the present generation, as It has never left the royal mews at Buckingham palace since 1861. It is lovely, but cumbersome, was designed for George III. and every portion Is richly decorated and gilded. Outside its panels are pictures painted by noted artists. Ch nun Barbers. The barbers In towns in China go about ringing bells to get customers. They carry with them a stool, a basin. towel, and a pot containing tire. When any person calls to them they run to him, and planting their stool In a con venient place In the street, shave the head, clean the ears, dress the eye brows, and brush the shoulders, all for the value of only half a cent Feel of If oar Kara. An English writer, who for fifteen years or more has been a student of criminal anthropology, says that large, voluminous ears are the most marked characteristic of the criminal. Waste Material Utilized. Plna anil hpmlncb fttiimna AnA Aid logs that were supposed to have be- j come worthless years ago, are being ' gathered In Northern Michigan to be I manufactured bate lath. I If you don't like a book yon can abut tt Woman do not resemble books. i 1 1 ulil OF I DAY Preached by Rev. Dr. Talmage e'niijcct: Profligate I.ltrMnr Frit Pnl llratlonft the Grentoat Sconrge of tht World -It Fllla the FrUon anil In sane Asjrlauaa Power of the lrtss. Corjriftht iwu.1 WAsnrsGTOX, D. C Dr. Talmane semi the following report of a discourse, which will be helpful to those who have an ap petite for literature p.nd would like some rules to guide them in the selection ol hooka and newspapers; text. Acts xix. 19 "Munv of them also which used curi ous arts brought their book together and burned them before all men. ami they cnilr'H ih1 price of them and found it 5.MMKI j.it .ns of silver." I .ml !i;.d been Btirrinc up Ephesus with son.e lively sermons about the sins of that place. A'-none the more iniMrtant results was the fact that the citizens brought out their bad books and in a pwWic place made a boniire of them. I see the people coming out. with their arms full of Kphcsian liter ature and tossinR it into the names. I hear an economist who is standing by saying "Stop this waste! Here arc .-jT.")) worth of bonks. Do yon propose to burn them all up? If you don t want to read them yourselves, sell them." "Xo." said the people; "if these books arc not eoocl for us, they are not (rood for anybody else, and we shall stand and watch until the last leaf has burned to ashes. They have done us a world of harm; and they shall never do others harm." Uear the flames crackle and roar! Well, my friends, one of the wants of the cities is a great bonfire of bad bonks and newspapers. We have enomrh fuel to make a blaze 200 feet hiiih. M.inv of the publishing houses would do well to throw into the blaze their entire stock of goods. Bring forth the insufferable trash and put it into the fire and let it he known in the presence of Cod and angels and men that you are going to rid your homes of the overtopping and underlying course of profligate literature. The printing press is the mightiest aon cy on earth for good and for evil. The minister of the gospel standing in the pulpit. has a responsible position, but I do not think it is as res-ionsihle as the position of an editor or a publisher. At what distant point of time, at what far out cycle of eternity, will cease the in fluence of Henry J. 'Raymond or a Hor ace Greeley, or a .Tames ('.onion Bennett, or a Watson Webb, or an Krastus. lirooks, or a Thomas Kinsella? Take the over whelming statistics of the circulation of the oaily and weekly newspapers and then cipher, if vou can. how far up and how far down an1 hnw far out reach the influ ences of the American printing presses. What is to lie the issue of all this I believe the Lord intends the printing press to be the chief means for the world' rescue and evangelization, and I think that, the great last battle of the world will not be fought with swords and guns, but with types and presses, a puritied and gospel literature triumphing over, tramp ling down and crushing out forever that which is depraved. The onlv way to overcome uncl'JJP' literature is by scatter ing abroad th.T which is healthful. May God speed the cylinders of an honest, in telligent, aggressive Christian printing press! I have to tell you that the greatest bless ing that ever came to the nations is that of an elevated literature, and the great est scourge has been that of unclean liter ature. This last has its victims in all occupations and departments. It ha. helped to fill insane asylums and pene tentiaries and almshouses and dens of shame. The bodies of ' this infection lit in the hospitals and in the graves, while their souls are being tossed over into a lost eternity! The London plague was nothing to it. That counted its victims lv thousands, bnt this modern pest lias al ready shoveled its millions into the car nal house of the morally dead. The long est train that ever ran over the tracks was not long enough or large enough to carry the beastliness and the putrefaction which have been gathered up in bad books and newspapers in the last twenty year. Nnw, it is amid such circumstances that 1 put a question of overmastering impor tance to vou and your families. hat books and newspaners shall we read? Vou see I group them together. A news paper is only a book in a swifter and more portable shape, and the same rules which apply to book reading will apply to newspaper reading. What shall we read? Shall our minds be the receptacle of everything that an author has a mind to write? Shall there be no distinction be tween the tree of life and the tree ol death? Shall we stoop down and dring out of the trough which the wickedness of men lias filled with pollution and shame 5 Shall we mire in impurity and chase fan tastic will-o'-the-wisps across the swampf when we might walk in the bloom me Cardens of (io-i? Oh. no! For the sake of our present and everlasting welfare we must make nn intelligent and Christian choice. Standing, as we do. in chin-deep ficti tious literature, the question that voting people are asking is, "Shall we read nov els?" I renly there are novels that arc pure, good. Christian, elevating to the heart and enobling to the life, but I have still further to say that 1 believe that seventy-five out of 10O novels in this day are Imleful and destructive to the last degree. A pure work of fiction is history and poetry combined. It is a history of things around us, with the licenses and the assumed names of poetry. The world can never pay the debt which it owes to such writers of fiction as Hawthorne and McKenzie and Landon and Hunt and Arthnr and others whose names are famil iar to all. The follies of high life were never better exposed than by Miss Kdge worth: the memories of the past were never more faithfully embalmed than in the writ ings of Walter Scott. Cooper's novels arc healthfully redolent with the breath of the seaweed and the air of the American forest. Charles Kingslev has smitten the morbidity of the worhf and led a great many to appreciate the poetry of sound health, strong muscles and fresh air. Thackeray did a grand work in caricatur ing the pretenders to gentility and high blood. Dickens has built his own monu ment in his books, which are a plea for the poor and the anathema nf injustice, anil there are a score of novelistic pens to-day doing mighty work for (Jod and righteous ness. Now, I say, books like these, read at right times and read in right proportion with other books, cannot help hut lie en nobling and purifying, but, alas, for the loathsome and impure literature that ha eome in the shae of novels like a freshet overflowing all the hanks of decency and common sense! They are coming from some of the most celebrated publishing houses; they lie on your centre table to curse your children and blast with their infernal lires generations unhorn. Vou find these books in the desk of the school miss, in the trunk of the voting man, in the steamboat cabin, on the table of the hotel reception room. Vou see a light in your child's room late at night. Vou suddenly go in mid say, ''What are you doing? ' "I am reading." "What are you reading?" "A book." Where did you get it?" "I borrowed it." Alas, there are always those abroad who would like to loan your son or daughter a bad book! " Kvery where, every where, all unclean literature! I charge upon it the destruction of 10.01)0 immortal souls, and I bid you wake up to the magni tude of the evil. 1 charge you, in the first place, to stand aloof from all bonks that give false pictures of lite. Life is neither a tragedy nor a farce. Men are not all either knaves or heroes. Women are neither angels nor furies. And yet, if you depended upon much of the literature of the day, you would get the idea that life, instead of be ing something earnest, son cthing practi cal, is a fitful and fantastic and extrava gant thing. How poorly prepared are that young man and woman for the du ties of to-dnv who spent last niirht wading through brilliant passages descriptive of magnificent knavery and wickedness! The man will be looking all day long for his heroine, in the office, bv the forge, in the tactory, in tne counting room, una ne will not find hor. and lie will be dis-Misfied. A man who (rives himself up to the indis criminate reading of novels -will ho nerve less, inane and a nuisance. He will he fit neither for the store, nor the shop, nor the field. A woman who gives herself up to the indiscriminate reading of novels will he unfitted for the duties of wife, mother, sister, daughter. There ihe is. hair dis heveled, countenance vacant, cheeks pale. hands tremhlinc, bursting into tears at midnight over the fate of some unfortu nate lover; in the daytime, when phe ought to husv, staring by the half hour at nothing; biting her finger nails into the quirk. The carpet that was pluin before will he plainer after having wan tiered through a romance all night long in tessel lated halls of castles. And your indus trious companion will be more unattrac tive than ever, now that you have walked in the rom a nee t h rough pa rk s with plumed princesses, or lounged in the arbor with polished desperado. Oh. these con firmed no-. 1 readers! They are unfitted for this life, which is a tremendous dis cipline. They know not how to go through the furnaces of trial through which they must pass, and they are un fitted for a world where everything we gain we achieve by hard and long continu ing work. Again, abstain from all thoe books which, while they have some good things, have also an admixture of evil. Von have read books that had two elements in them the good and the bail. Which struck you? The bad. The heart of most people is like a sieve which lets the small partirles of gold fall through, but keeps the great cinders. Once in awhile there is a mind like a loadstone which, plunged amid steel and brass fillings, gathers up the steel and repels the bras. Hut it is generally exactly the opposite. If you attempt to plunge through hedge of burs to get one bJirkhcrry, you will get more burs than blackberries. Von cannot afford to read a had book, however good you are. You say, "The influence is insig nificant." I tell you that the scratch of a pin has sometimes produced lock-jaw. Alas, if through curiositv, as manv do. you pry into an evil book your curiosity is as dangerous as that of the man who would take a torch into a gunpowder null to see whether it would really blow ux or not! In a menagerie in N'ew York a man put his arm through the bars of a black leopard's cage. The animal's hide looked so sleek and bright and beautiful. He just stroked it once. The monster seized him, and he drew forth a hand torn and man gled and bleeding. Oh, touch not evil with the faintest stroke! Though it mav be glossy and beautiful, touch it not lest you pul! forth your soul torn ami bleed ing under the clutch of the leopard. 'lut' you sav, "how can I find out whether a book is good or bad without reading it?" There is ahvavs something .suspicious about a had look. I never knew an exception something suspicion in the index or style of illustration. This venomous reptile til ways carries a warning rattle. Much of the impure pictorial literature is most tremendous for ruin. There is no one who can like goo1 pictures better than I do. The quickest and most con densed way nf impressing the public mind is by a picture. What the painter does by his brush for a few favorites the en graver does by his knife" for the million. What the author accomplishes bv fifty pages the artist "docs by a flash. The lest part of a painting that costs IflO.OoO you may buy for ten cents. Fine paintings belong to the democracy of art. Vou do well to gather good pi'-tures in your hojnes. Hut what shall I sty of the prostitution of art to purposes of iniquity These death warrants of the soul are at every street comer. They smite the vision of the young man with pollution. Many a young man buving a copy has bought his eternal discomfiture. . .There may le enough poison in one had picture to poison one soul, and that soul may poison ten and fifty and the lift y hundreds and the hundreds thousand until nothing hut the measuring liulit of eternity can tell the height and depth and ghastliness and horror of the great undo ing. The work of death that the wirked author does in a whole book the bad en graver may do on a half side of a pic torial. Under the guise of pure mirth the young man huvs one of these sheets. He unrolls it before his companions amid roars of laughter, but long after the paper is gone the result iray perhaps he seen in the blasted imaginations ot those who saw it. The queen of death holds a banquet every night, and these periodicals are the invitation to her guests. Young man. bin not this moral strych nine for your soull Hick-not. up the nest of coiled adders "for your pocket! Pat ronize no newsstand that keeps them! Have your room bright with good en gravings, hut for these outrageous pictori als have not one wall, one bureau, not one pocket. A man is no better than the pictures he loves to look at. If your eyes are not pure, your heart cannot be. At a news stand one can guess the character of a man by the kind of pictorial he pur chases. When the devil fails to get a man to read a bad book, he sometimes succeed? in getting him to look at a bad pirture. When satan goes a-fishing, he does not care whether it is a long line or a short line if he only draws his victim in. He ware of lacivions pictorials, young man, in the name of Almighty (Jod, 1 charge you ! ( 'her ish good books and newspa pers ; beware of bad ones. The assassin of Iwird Kussell declared that he was led into ?riine by reading one vivid romance. The ?onsecratcd .lonn Angell James, than whom Kngland never produced a better man, declared in bis old age that he had never got over the evil effect of having for fifteen minutes once read a bad hook. Hut I need not go bo far off. I could tell you of a comrade who was great hearted, noble and generous. He was studying for in honorable profession, but he had an infidel book in his trunk, and he said to me one day, l)e Witt, would you like to read it?" I said, "Ves; I would." I took the book and r?ad it only for a few minutes. I was ready startled with what 1 saw there, ami f handed the book hack to him and said, "Vou had Itetter destroy that book." No: he kept it. lie read it. He reread it. After a while he gave up religion as a mvth. He gave up mh1 as nonentity. He gave up the Hihle as a table. He gave up the church of Christ is a useless institution. He gave up good norals as being unnecessarily st rumen t. I have heard of him but twice in many (rears. The time before the last I heard if him he was a confirmed inebriate. The ast I heard of him he was coming out of in insane asylum, in body, mind and soul in awful wreck. I lielieve that one infidel :ook killed him for two worlds. (Jo home to-day and look through your ihrary, and then, having looked through ,our library, look on the stand when? you ;ccr your pictorials and newspapers and ipply the Christian principles 1 have laid iown this hour. If there is anything in our home that cannot stand the test, do lot give it away, for it might spoil an m mortal soul. Do not sell it, for the nonev vou get would lw the price of Mood, but rather kindle a lire on your itchen hearth or in vour hack vani and then drop the poison in it, and the hoii- ire in your citv shall be as consuming is that one in Kphesus. He that is ungrateful hnii no guilt but one; all other crimes may pass for virtues in him. r Human nature Is so constituted that all see and Judge better In the affaiis of other men thar. in their own. He who fears being conquered is sure of dT-feat. Truth is quite beyond the reach of satire. There is so brave a simplicity In her that she can no more be made ridiculous than an oak or a pine. Tie who shall Introduce Into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will revolutionize the world. You are tried alone; alone you pass Into the desert; alone you are sifted by the world.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers