-V: .' rttoci 1 B. F. SCHWEIER, MIFFliINTOWX, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENNM "WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1900 NO. 29 ! " '-1 ' I 1 ' I . - . I I I .11 i 1 I -C . . . THE eonsTiTUTinn tup immn Ann thf FnFnDP.FHFtrr nr thf nm cm,- Dr.Rri.t. ww-r w V P w VJ "Spr "TO "r--l wm mm mw m mm w --,--- -----, v p a . . Ml m m m mwm mmmM I hVl Q II V W V W I i " " " t nr Bi s ,i i - i -i n ,n i 1 r ' ll I I r as I m VOL. LI V. , op a PrlM it la. -Don. it an hajf o Jok. 'oot akes urea ting alia. rea, trees InJ. ertl Let lout .No bot nga. Mo. the the irsa ID On out its ave our 9on nee ct da te: as ht- th ;nt itb :nt i CHAPTER XI. (Continued.) "Oh, it isn't advice not for world would I give ber advice about aucb a thing," says this sniaH creature, in en tirely evident distress. "It 'a the respon sibility of having brought them together. fl a Willi Mr. Onncombe that would have I been entirely different. I was safe there, 1 I whatever happened. And that's the only I thing to be done now." 1 I "What is the only thing to-be doner "Why. to beg Mr. Duncombe to come tiaek to us. and at once! I never was ijufte positively certain why he went little quarrel or misunderstanding, 1 dare Bay they would be Inclined now to regret it. In any case, his presence would make a great difference; if she has any sense at all. she would naturally tarn to the younger man. with all bis advantages.' "Ami what's to be done with the colo nel ? "I suppose he will go back "to Aider shot," she says, wistfully. "I am sorry but but anything rather than this. And even if he stays, Mr. Duncombe' s being with us will make all the difference in the world. The counsels of the night only increas ed her fears; and by next morning- she iad quite convinced he fcelf that, unless some immediate measures were taken. Miss Peggy would persist in her folly, and end by marrying a beggar. "She Is simply at her tricks again she can't help It," one says to this anxious eyed mule of a creature. "And as for Cameron, of course he likes to have a pretty girl to talk to; what soldier doesn't?" "It isn't tricks at all." she says. "1 know quite well when Peggy Is merely playing pranks I've seen ber at it too often. But this is entirely different; her Imagination seems to have been taken captive; . you can see that in the interest she displays about the smallest matter connected with Scot laud, or the " Highland people, or the Highland regiments, for the matter of that; and then, she is obedient and submissive; she isn't pretending to be a very proper youug dy with a wink at you when she gets the chance; it is real this time, or else I am mistaken, and La I hope I am." feyea on her!" one says, by way of pro I. test agaiust this ridiculous fancy. "Oh, that Is nothing." she answers. "A a whole London season." "But, even if it were true, where wonld be the harm?" one naturally asks. "Cam eron is very far from being penniless." "He Is five-aod-forty. if he ia a day!", she exclaims. "How often must I point ont to yon that at five-and-forty a man la Just at the prime of his manhood the very prime of his physical and intellectual strength?" "Of course yon say that," she retorts. "But ten years ago yon said the same of Bve-and-thirty." "And haven't I ten years more wisdom fo add to my judgment? I tell you now It Is five-and-forty. And I say that Ewen Cameron is in bis prime. Mind yon, he can make a poor thing of some of the young fellows when they are out on the hill." These details do not seem to Interei. this preoccupied person. "If they bad ever met before, at some one else's bouse," she said, absently. "But it will look as If we had expressly asked him to join our party, to to bring this about. And how could we have dreamed of such a thing? Peggy knows as well as anyone else what her people expect of ber; she has almost told me as much." "Well, now, yon see the results of cher ishing historical prejudices and partisan ships," one points out to her. "I suppose you think it a joke?" she de mands, indignantly. "I do." "Well. It Is not. Ton don't know Peggy as I know her. The only thing Is. It can't have gone very far; and I dare say. If we could get Mr. Duncombe to come back to the boat, she would return to her senses. For she has common sense; she la a re markably shrewd young woman. And then, seeing the two of them together, how conl.1 she help contrasting them? Now, will you write to Mr. Duncomber "If you like." "Will yon telegraph?" "If you like." "Supposing he can get away, there are plenty of towns where he could join ns. Tewkesbury " "Not Tewkesbury we shall be there to-day." . "Gloucester, then. Ton know, sbe added, eagerly, "how anxious he was to go down that open part of the Severn with us, to see how the boat would an swer. He ia sure to come along if you nrge him." CHAPTER XII. Now. when all were together again In the coffee room of this Worcester hotel, one naturally now again glanced at Miss Peggy to gather from her demeanor to ward Coi.v Cameron whether there wet any grounds for Queen Tita's suspicions. . But nothing of the sort was 'risible. She WIS ID ID UUUBUnu au.w . J We had a busy morning before na: for. of course, we could not set about rack a aerious undertaking as tha aavlgatlea he Severn without having the ship tvMJ provisioned and equipped for geneies. And what did this giddy-headed schoolgirl know about parafflne oil, can dles, soda water, two-shilling noTels. fresh vegetables, preserved fruits, pies, towing ropes, "tationery. telegram forms and a hundred other tn'n?"'' bad to be thought of? We bade her go about her business and bother M i more. And then CoU Cameron fin,rt . . . . ' Inn to that tie tnougnt m. w M aeek out aome spot from - tec--M get a oetier uonuu "'"Vj . anuaweU's and Fleetwood s forces tw - ... kmidJ tO the nattle or orcesrer. rar " him. and a-ke.1 him if be was likely to lie pasMiug by the cathedral, for that sne would like to see again a rose-red haw- thorn tree that she had remarked on te previous day. and that she thought was the most beautiful thing that she haa met with In England. Of course, he M atantly offered to escort her, aad taasa two went away. It was not. aoweraavnnta that the four of ns. I.llv l,?unging abent "J y the bank, of the 8eren- ?. ,t wh,T? th bonchea Into the river-beheld that long white . of thin ow,r 'PProaca- wg. When she came into the last lock IT B..? bo"rd- nd- ho seen that the additional towing line was attached. nd the longest poles ready, we awaited the openlug of the great gates. A pleas- "' "'J 'or onr entrance Into the Sev ern we could not have demanded. There w"s soft southerly wind blowing up stream, ruffling the wide yellow waters and stirring the foliage of the high-wooded bank; on the other shore the flat golden-green meadows were glowing In the sunlight; and far beyond them, and bc , yond some darker lines of elms, the pale j bine Malvern hills rose Into the shining silvery sky. A brisk and breexy day. sufficiently warm and sufficiently roof al . together an auspicious setting forth. ' A most beautiful river the Severn la: 'and on this mellow afternoon the wind had mostly died away; ao that the high, red banks, all hanging in foliage, were faithfully mirrored on the smooth surface , of the stream, save where some chance i puff would come along, breaking the oil ' russets and olive greens with a keen ! shaft of blue, the color of the overhead sky. Subjects for a water-color painter formed themselves at every turn and winding: and. at last, when we came in sight of the square gray tower of Tewka bury Abbey, just visible above the trees, and the ruddy houses of the town appear ing here and there beyond the warm, green meadows, the tower houses and meadows and trees all aglow in the light streaming over from the western skies, we began to think that too much had Avon and Thames and Rennet occupied our artists, and that some of them whom we knew and could name might do worse than pitch their tents more frequently just a little further west. At dinner thar evening we refrained from lighting the lajnpa, the twilight without being so singularly beautiful. Now. all this time Queen Tita had said not a word about the possible com ing of Jack Duncombe; perhaps she fear ed that the mere suggestion might be construed by Col. Cameron into a hint that he ahould vacate his berth. That was not so. as it happened; nevertheless, his offer to quit was sufficiently prompt. "Oh. Peggy." said she. that night after dinner, in an off-hand kind of fashion, "would yon be surprised to find an old friend coming to join us at Gloucester?" Miss Peggy glanced np in rather a frightened fashion, for Cot. Cameron was also sitting out there in the warm, still night, contentedly smoking . his cigar, jfneen Tita caught sight of that quick ' look the glow from the open door of the saloon falling full on the girl's face. "No," said she, gravely, "it isn't Mr. A'Becket. It is strange we have heard nothing of him." , "Oh. well, I thought he might hare some more Information to send yon, her hostess remarked, in a. gt-neraj fciod of way. "I don't think we study the guide books as closely as we ought. However, it isn't Mr. A'Becket. It's Mr. Dun combe.' "Ob, indeed." said Miss Peggy. "That will be very nice." "I am not sure be is coming." she con tinued, "but we hare telegraphed to him: and yon know bow anxious he was to see how the boat would answer In going down the Severn. So I shouldn't be sur prised to find him turning up at Glou cester." "In that case," said Col. Cameron, with perfect good humor, "I must clear out. I shall hate him heartily, I know, but still I've had my turn " "Oh, no, no, not at all." Queen Tita said at once, and most anxiously. "Sure ly, If this caravansary of a thing baa any recommendation it ought to be able to take in another passenger, and easily. Why should not one of you gentlemen sleep in the saloon? Murdoch can make up an extra bed, he has often had to do that for us on other boats; and all that is necessary will be for you to choose among yourselves which is the earliest riser. What can be simpler thsn that?" "And then his being on board would one In so well just now," said Miss Peg gy, with demure eyes. "There would x Capt. Columbus. Murdoch, Mr. Dun combe. Col. Cameron, you two, myself yes. that would Just be right he could cake our motto. 'We are Severn.' " "Peggy," said Mrs. Threepenny-bit, severely, "this is business: I won't be In terrupted by your Irresponsible frivolity. Well, now, supposing Mr. Duncombe should be able to join us, he Is the new comer, and should take his chance." "But I have had my turn of the cabin." CoL Cameron remonstrated, "and 1 as sure you I shall be most comfortable in the saloon. I should call the whole ar rangement the height of luxury. "But your things are all in your cabin, and why should they e disturbed. Sir Ewen?" said she. "Just as you please," said he, "though I don't know that it is wholesome train ing for a soldier to find himself fixed in such comfortable quarters. However, you must promise me one thing that the mo ment you find me in the way you will ''"OhTyes. I will tell you," said she, with a little laugh. t When this small community was entire ly and snugly shut in from the dark and silent world without, there was hint ventured about a game of whist or something of that sort. "We should have to rnr "' things off the table." said M. Threepenny-bit. regretfully, "and theyare so handy. PeKiry. why don't you bring out vour banjo? What ha. made youo l-xy? You ought to be ashamed of yourself:' . TbHact was. Mto. reggy b"J ever touched her banjo since Cot Cam- " . oa boaH Whjr. we hardte knew. But somehow she had always seemed disinclined to open case since Sir Ewen Cameron joined ox And so she was on this occasion. -IM. delightfully quiet here." she aid. "it Is shame to spoil it by that "TZ "aulte sure Cot .Cameron never beard you sing ... ...o.t.,1 Insidiously. Vtueeo - h like to bear And I snoum lt""": . obediently went and got with the confidence sne And when she had finished, and when Queen Tita was begging her to sing "The Uttle Old Cabin in the Lane," Col. Cam eron said: "Well. Miss Bosslya, when I have the pleasure of receiving yon two ladies in the North when old Dnncan. that is. my factotum np there, geta your things out f the dogcart, I shall be enormously die appointed If I don't see that yellow leath--- case among them." She looked np suddenly. " "A banjo at InverfaskT she exclaimed. In a kind of awe-stricken way. as though the incongruity was quite startling to her. "Why not?" said he. simply. And sorely stranger things than that have happened In this odd mixture of a world. CHAPTER XIII. "Do you know what true wisdom la?" "No." -. "Would yon tike to bo told?" "Yes." . "Then I will tell you," says this most amiable and obliging philosopher. "I will tell yon," she says, blandly. "True wis dom consists la recollecting how well off yosj are. It sounds simple, doesn't it? Tet people never do It It's only their miseries) they pay any heed to. The tooth ache, or an overcharged bill, or an ill fitting dress will Tex them beyond any thing; bnt when they don't have these worries or any other, they forget to be grateful. They don't realize their good fortune. They don't reflect how glad they ought to be that at the present moment there Isn't a bit of dust In their eye. and that their boots aren't pinching their toes. You know not what the physiolo gists say . that when you are not coo sicous of having any body at all, when you don't seem to be aware that you havt not a head or a hand or a foot, then ev erything is going well, and you are in perfect health; you know that?" "I've heard something of the kind." "But people in that happy condition never think of congratulating them selves," she says. "They take it all aa a matter of course; they forget how lucky they are. When they have rheumatism, they make a mighty fuss, but when they haven't it, they don't recollect that it's a very nice thing to be able to. walk, or move your arms, juat as you please. Now. that is true wisdom, to remember how well off you are, and how many ailments you might have, and haven't, and to-be very grateful and thankful and content ed. "Yea, Miss Marcus Aurellus. that is all very well, for you," one says to ber. "You aught to be content, certainly. Look at your position. You are young, you are passably good looking " "I thank you," she says. In her cool American way. " You have excellent health and spir its, you have an abundance of friends and well-wishers, you have nothing in the world to do but look pretty and please people. It would be a singular thing If you were not content. What more would you like? Would you like to be an an gel?" "Ah. I see I can't make yon under stand," she says. "It Isn't at aU being merely content ; you should make your self happy by thinking of the various anxieties and ailments and distresses that you have suffered from or might suffer, and that yon are now free from; it Isn't content. It is congratulation. Say," she continues. In her usual Inconsequent fash Ion, ."why is your wife so anxious that Mr. Duncombe aftoaM come Mat to fie boatT "' r- She puts this question In an unconcern ed manner, and with downcast eyes; In fact, she is now pretending to sketch, on the printed fly-leaf of a novel, some sim ulacrum of a withered tree on the other side of the stream. (To be continueo.i VERSATILITY OF REAL TALENT. People of Brains Wkoae Gmlaw Shows ia Manx VtrioM Uaea. "It'a a wonder to ma that there are lot more Hopklnaon Smiths la thla world," remarked a man who reala everything. "Heaven forbid," ejaculated his hrland, woo prides himself on never reading a new book. "Oh. I mean like Hopklnaon Smith In liversity of talents." the first man has tened to explain. "8mlth, yon know. egan life aa a civil engineer and really lid some notable work In that line, rhen ha made himself famous writing tovela and painting pictures, and now le'a broken into the lecturing business. Vow, I believe that plenty of people ould do the same thing If they only rried. A man who baa braina of one sort usually has braina of another sort. I remember that Hetty Green once said to me, 'You can't put a a mart person Into a pint cap.' I thought of that the other night when I went to a Browning study class at Jenkln Lloyd Jones Church. If there la anything-1 usually steer clear of It la a Browning club, but a friend dragged me off to thla. 'Well, I said aa we came away. It Jenkln Lloyd Jbnea wasn't a pretty good preacher he would make a more than middling actor.' To hear Jonea read a dramatic poem la like going to a first class play. He Imitates first one char acter and then another, and roars out the lines like a trained actor. ; "I know a physician here In the citj who Is prominent in his profession, and la also one of the best violinists I evei heard. He had an offer once from Set del of a place In the New York orches tra. "Lorado Taft writes art essaya better than be makes busts. Ralph Clarkson, the painter, la writing a book. One of the beat newspaper reporters In Chi cago haasbeen a high-salaried preacher, a first-class lawyer, a soldier, a school teacher, and an actor." "Gome to count 'em up. It does seem that braina do not work in pigeon-holes, doesn't It? We haven't mentioned the famous examples, ..JUkaGoethe art Gladstone and BoeebevyY and our own Channcey Depew and Ben Franklin, and even George Washington, who could fight and survey land and govern the country and run a farm and culti vate the graces of a Virginia geD tie man." Chicago later Ocean. Last year the Winnebago Indians, on the reservation near Sioux City, Iowa, feasted on 301 dogs obtained from the dog pound tn that city, at a coat of about five cents a dog. In Switzerland a telephone can be rented for SS a year. The cost of educating a pupil In the public schools of Chicago In 1877 amounted to J8.41. It has been steadily increasing each year until the record of 1898 showed a coat per pupil of 118.44. k The Squire's Hobby. FOB tern years people bad been waiting for Squire Harding to marry. East and west be waa known aa "the catch" of Oakdale. In the first place, be waa very hand some; then he waa very wealthy; and, anally, be waa Irreproachably connect ed, and aa the moat wary young lady of Oakdale said, there waa "nothing disagreeable about him." No; the men J bbuu uini chjuvv aanimi mtmm m ( rate ufan," and the women voted that : he waa "nice." Yet. when pretty G.adys nearly cried her eyea out. ' Thla la the way it waa: wnen toe squire bad come and built the band-' so in cat house In town, what a "flutter ing there waa among the dove-cotes!" B.ondes and brunettes aucceeslvely set their caps for him. but In Tain. 'The squire confessed to certain old ladlej that he bad "hoped to be able to fill his dear Matilda's place;" but. beyond a few civil attentions, no young lady of Oakdale could boast of him aa a con quest. This fact showed the man a Uttle dull . and unappreclative, for nowhere In the country la a prettier, more Intelligent and domestic set of girls than In the nice agricultural village of Oakdale. But the squire bad hia Idiosyncracy his bobby. It was that of health. , He bad uttered a vow never to marr a woman who was not perfectly! ( healthy. On thla point he was un changeable. Let scarlets and purples flaunt, let ringlets wave and smiles brighten, the squire turned neither to the left nor right. His standard of the' Ideal female physique seemed never to be approached. Most people thought Oakdale girls buxom and blooming enough, bat the squire's obeerrant eyea saw erysipelas In burning cheeks, consumption in nar row shoulders, dropsy la the plump forma. It waa only when he beheld Gladys Ray that this exacting man was satisfied and enthusiastic. She had Juat come from a year's atay with her grandparents In New York, and waa barely sixteen. Pretty well, that Is no word for It. She waa just as lovely aa a new-blown roco. And sht waa aa good aa she was pretty, and as loving aa she waa good; and every one would have seen It waa out of the sneetloa for her to marry Squire Hard tag, a worldly man of forty, with a shrewd eye for the mala chance. She waa just aa unselfish as a sun beam, aa Impulsive aa a kitten, as gnllsksas aa a violet, and cared nothing for the peadtloa Squire .Harding could olfar ale wife. She never knew what to amy. to aim vpeu ba camera CletnaUg Cottage, aa ber bom waa called wis afraid of bis baas voice, and shy of hia fiacetlouaneas; and yet be came and earn, and ber father encouraged his OIL and Gladys waa told aba must agree te marry him. If net, because business waa dnlL and there waa a mortgage on Clematis Cot tage, and there waa no sense In a girl refusing such a chance. Of course, she would never have another like It In a lifetime Thus ber father talked common sense to ber, and Gladys protested with her ancommon sense, and said she did not want to be rich, and the squire's money would not make ber a bit happier, and that It would be a dreadful thing to make ber miserable aU the rest of her nfe. She had no mother, but ber brothers protested, telling her that she was a goose; and at last the poor girl waa tiara assi Into making a half promise that, "perhaps, aome time, she would." But ber father at once set In motion preparations for the wedding, and aent for Aunt Phoebe.' Aunt Phoebe waa an uncommonly akniful needlewoman, bnt what was more In Gladys case she waa a person with a heart. Though she had known the grimmest, hardest and bitterest of experiences, her trials had not hardened her aga.nst the grief a and sorrows of youth; and the moment she saw the face of her niece be knew that something waa wrong, and she determined to And out what it One morning abe went Into Gladys' chamber 'and found the girl hastily putting away a letter a letter post marked New York, and directed to her self, la the boldest and handsomest of chlrography. Having put the letter under lock and key, Gladya turned si lently to be measured for a new em broidered waist. "Are yon tired. Gladys?" Aunt Phoe be asked. -A Uttle." replied the girl. "Didn't you rest weU last nlghtr "Not very." "Gladys, you are my dear dead sis ter's child! TeU me what alia yon." "Oh, auntie, my heart aches f And she put her face on the broad, womanly shoulder and burst Into tears. "There, there, dearie! I knew it was a heart trouble. TeU auntie aU about tt. I don't beUeve yon want to marry Squire Harding." "I don't I don't!" sobbed Gladya. : "Law, child, what makes you. then?" "They all aay I ought. But. oh, auntie, I love somebody else, and that makes It ao hard!" And Gladys, weeping, blushed to the tips of her fingers. "WeU," ejaculated Annt Phoebe, potting the embroidered waist away; "here's a pretty state of things." "tt would be different If I didn't know of anything better," moaned Gladya. "Bnt Dick waa ao kind and gentle. He made my. Ufa Just beautiful all toe nut six montha. Whoa I came sway from grandpa's Dick said be loved mo dearly, bnt be waa poor, and could not marry now though be would be true to me, and try to got a place la the world. Ho ia young only twenty ne but grandpa saya be la aa exceir taU yeuagjuaa. and aare odo weU. Yet It'a of no use no use at all to say anything to father about Dick. They are : determined that I ahall marry Squire Harding, and I don't care for him I don't care for him at all!" "Then you aha'n't marry him I I'll put a stop to this work, sure aa my name la Phoebe Ray! I don't know bow now. but I will:" No. Aunt Phoebe did not know bow the task was to be accomplished, but. with eyea and ears alert, she soon ac cumulated a fund of Information bear ing upon the case. One morning she presented herself at Squire Harding's djor. and waa shown into his private room, where be re ceived his clients. "It's early, squire, but I wanted to see you alone, before the duties of the Jay." ahe observed. "Sit down, madam alt down." said the squire. "The subject of my call la my niece." "Ahf "Yea. I suppose you will be deeply Interested In this?' "Certainly, certainly! Anything which concerns my pretty Uttle Gladys! An, that la an uncommon girl, Mrs. Ray so gentle, so fair, so healthy " "Ahem!" croaked Aunt Phoebe, omln Misly. "What, dear Mrs. Rayl Ia not Mis Gladys well':" "Far from It." WBAT TBI POOR CHILD SOrPBHS &o WOKDS CAB TILL." "Tou amaze me! Haa some outrage ma disease approached that lovely ilrir Aunt Phoebe shook her head, and sol imnly said: "Chronic" - "What what ia ItTV "A heejt troubkr pronounced Aunt cwaeboy- aoismnly-Wbat - the - poor shlld suffers from It no words can tell." "You don't aay so! Can it bet Why, C supposed "She looks healthy, I know. But Gladys la like ber mother's family; they ill had hearts I mean they aU suffered torn heart troubles. Why, I could tell ou of Bufferings but I won't. I won't laraas your feelings by describing a hat a source of dreadful misery a leart difficulty la But I know; I've lad my share of their pains." "You -you have that tendency, aiadam?" ' Dreadfully I AU the family haa more r less. I teU you. squire; and my niece -she's a dear, good girl, and I want her Co do weU; but It really did seem to me is If you ought being so strict In your lotions of health to know the truth." "Heart disease! Why,, It often proves luddenly fatal, doesn't it?" "Oh. yes; people usually die with It. And then there's faintlnga, and pining iway, and fit " "Lord bless my soul! This Is serious, my dear madam! I I have openly de clared that I wUl not marry a sickly !eraon. It is strange It is very objec tionable to me that Miss Gladys' fath er has not Informed me." , "He doesn't know, and wouldn't be leve a word of It. Gladys has never said a word to him about her heart. But I am her aunt her mother's own dster and It Isn't a week since my ilece confessed to me how she suffered. ( suspected It before she uttered a word for, as I say, It'a In her family,' ind I know the signs." "Yes, yes! Well, now, my dear lady, what course ought I to pursue, under hese remarkable circumstances? With uy peculiar vlewa on the subject of lealtb my very decided views I real y cannot be expected to proceed aa If f the circumstances were different." "I don't know anything about that I nnnot advise you. But I feel aa If I iiad done my duty." "But I can I honorably retract? Can I withdraw my proposal?" "My brother-in-law Is of a very choleric temper; I cannot say. But you might be called away." "I am called away. I have argent business In Liverpool, aag I am the man who should be on the spot. No In Jlrcct agency wlU avail. I shall go ibroad at once, Mrs. Ray. And Mhis Gladys she Is very pretty no doubt may supply my place. In the course or a year, with some one who who has not the peculiar and Vf-ry decided vlewa on health that I hold. And you since you seem a lady of uncommon sense and superior ldeaa of the fitness of things will, perhaps, use yonr Influ ence to to " "Certainly, to smooth my niece's pathway, of course." So the conversation came pacifically to an end, and two days later the squire sailed for Liverpool. The news came to the Raya Uke a thunderbolt, for the father and son had prospectively se cured a large slice of good fortune from Gladys wedding the rich squire. Bui be waa gone for a year or more, report said and after a furious and senseless anger against Gladya the poor girl was loft la peace. When Annt Phoebe went home to nor qui seaside dwelling at Bayport ahe took Oiadya with nor oa a visit, and one day she privately wrote a leter to Dick Archer, who, - She bad learned through. Gladys' grandfather, waa a most promising young man. The result of this letter was to bring the young gentleman alaa to Bayport oa a vtalt, and the young people had plenty of time In which to plight their rowa and take wise counsel with good Aunt Phoebe. Through her Influence. Archer wa scon prosperously established In life, and now. In happy motherhood, happy and rosy with ber own rosy babies, Gladya. the wife of a good husband, haa far less heart trouble. Waverley Magazine. STRAWBERRIES FROZE HARD. Spoon Womldn't Break Theaaaad Tbey Flew to AU Dtrectioaa. It waa while she yet knew UtUe about the mysteries of the culinary depart ment But she had ail the ambitior of a youthful bride and when be said it would be nice to have some of the first strawberries of the season with 1c cream she cheerfully acquiesced and prepared the dish herself, saya the De troit Free Press. The occasion waa a small family par ty, with the rector and a vestryman thrown In. AU-went merrily till the Ice cream and strawberries were served. Of course it was his little. nephew that first tackled the toothsome mixture. A strawberry Hew straight across the table from him and took the astonished vestryman In the eye. "Leave the table," shouted the boy's father; 'I'U tend to you when we get home," and the boy went tearfully tc the back yard. The father was so angry that he bad made rather a vicious stab at bla cream A strawberry like a bullet hit the rector on the end of the nose and caromed to the ear of the hostess. The father was In the first sentence of an abject apoi-. ogy when the rector's spoon made a slip and a solidified strawberry whizzed on a bee line, hit grandma on the jugu lar and then sUd down the wrong side of the neatly folded 'kerchief that made her look like a Quakeress. There is no better behaved family In the city, but the host was getting very red and his voice was not steady as he Intimated a desire to call game and settle down to eating. He made a dive with his spoon, the rest followed his example, and the air was full of frozen strawberries. Everybody looked anxious to fight when the bride divert ed the wrath to laughter. 'My goodness!" she exclaimed, "1 see it all now. What a ninny! I put those strawberries id whole Instead of crush ing them, and they're as hard aa hall stones." Then the rector gratlously explained what a large percentage of water there Is In the strawberry, and facetiously asked the vestryman if hia eye was black. The vestryman responded thai the rector's nose waa red, grandma said that she waa.- over her chill -and -tha. small boy waa caUed in to a double por tion of bis dessert THE DOUKHOBORS IN CANADA. CnpXeeaaat Ex perlence of the Roaaiaa Refuace la Their New Home. A remarkable story comes from Can ada about the Doukhobors, who, aftei many vicissitudes since they were ex pelled from Russia, were brought ovet at the expense of the Canadian gov ernment and sent into the Northwest to make population and raise wheat for the maintenance of the Canadian Pacific railway. They had hardly put foot In the country. In a state of abso lute poverty and depeudence, when they were beset by the ministers of the many rival sects that abound In Can ada to Join their different denomina tions. ' Satisfied with their own simple and practical form of Christianity, they repelled aU the overtures made to them, and so came to be regarded as Uttle better than heathen. Then petty persecution began. The patriotic British Immigrants and settlers In their vicinity accused them of dis loyalty for not participating in the re joicing that followed the relief of Ktmberly, the relief of Ladysmith. and other events in South Africa, follow ing up their accusations by acta of menace and violence. They were also described as anarchists because they would not work for less than custom ary wages, and inflammatory litera ture, which would have as much ef fect among them as a lighted torch thrown Into water would have, was said to be sown broadcast among them. A portion of the French press took up the cry and went for them on reUgious and racial grounds', and al together the poor Doukhobors found themselves very much between the devil and the deep sea. They found not only the people among whom they had come inhospitable, but the climate unpropltlous, and began looking about for some escape to more civilized and favorable surroundings. Good fortune sent some California land agents their way, and, after some of tbem bad been down and seen the country, they returned and prepared their people to migrate to tbe new land of promise. But they reckoned with out taking count of the Canadian gov ernment The Ottawa authorities first of all set those well-la ten tloned per sons who had persuaded the Doukho bors to take shelter under the British flag to Induce them not to leave the aubglacial paradise in which they had been planted; but It was of no avail. Then force, and of a particularly mean kind, was used. It was represented to the United States agent at Pembina on the frontier that the Doukhobors were engaged under contract to work in California, and the road was blocked to them in that way; and so, willy niUy, they are constrained to remain British subjects. Instead of becoming American citizens. The situation as it presents Itself to their minds must sug gest a curious contract The gates of despotic Russia were opened to let them out; the doors of a "free" British colony are barred against their de parture. What kind of loyalty they must now entertain toward Canada and the British flag would be worth finding out 6ERMOM Y Rw. Br. Caliiur : Subject: Chrlat Our Refuge a Mrage or Comfort. Coininendlns: the Uek- I lor or the lilselple to Thoce Who Are i Uurdeued With Sorrow. (Copyritflit 1MUU.1 Washington, D. C l)r. Talro.-,:, in the following dis. urse, which ne nas sr : for publication this week, gives a prescrip tion for all anxiety and worriment. and illustrates the divine ynithy for all who are in any kind ot struggle. ' The te t is Matthew xiv, 12, "And Ilia disciples went and told Jesus." 1 An outrar-Mius assassination had just, taken place. To apease a revengeful woman King Herod ordered the death of that noble, self-sacfih.ng prophet. John the Baptist. The group of the disciples were thrown into grief and dismay. Thev felt themselves utterly defenseless. There was no authority to which thev ould ap peal, and yet grief must always hud ex pression. If there be no human ear to bear it. then the agonized soul will crv it tloud to the, winds and the woods and the iraters. But here was an ear that was billing to listen. There is a te 1 ,rr pa :hos and at the same time a most admir tble picture in the words of mv text. 'They went and tc i Jesus." lie could jnucrsianu an ineir gnct. and lie inline iiately soothed it Our burdens are not nore than half so heavy to carry if anot l.ei ihoulder is put under the oilier end of them. Here we lind Christ. His brow lhadowed with griet, standing amid the I V? ,hat "wr. mn,v come on: nmI f?r jroup of discitile . who. with tears al, ;nis reason there is a long procession reach riolent gesticulutu.is and wringing ol j n ,'lown .the time mto the valley nf hands ami outcry of bereavement, are ex- "widows. This emigration f",ni "le into pressing their woe. Uapl.ael. -with hi ! 'termty is so vasf an enterprise that we skillful' brush, putting upon the wall of a '?nnot understand Every hour we hear palace some scene ot sacred storv. gav i clang of the sepulchral gate. The not so skillful a stroke as when the plain ! Tnl,,5,t lle t,roI;en- T,,e ground must be hand of the evangelist writes. "Thev went inn told Jesus." The old Goths and Vandals once caire down upon Italy from the north Eu rope, and they upset the gardens, anil they broke down the statues and s 't way everything that was good and beau tiful. So there is ever ami anon in .he history of all the sous and daughters of our race an incursion i.f rouili handed troubles that corne to plunder anil ran iack and put to the torch all tiiat 111. m highly prize. There is no cave so dcen'v :left into the mountains as to afford us ihelter, and the fool of fleetest courser cannot bear us beyond the quick pursuit. The arrows they nut to the string ny with unerring dart until we tall pierced and (tunned. I teel that I bring to you a most appro priate message. I mean to bind up all four griefs into a bundle ind set them on Sre with a spark from Kid's altar. The prescription that cured the sorrow of the disciples will cure all your heartaches. I have read that hen Godfrey and his inn y marched out to capture Jerusalem, is they came over the hills, at the tirst flash of the pinnacles of that beautiful :ity. the army that had marched in si .ence lifted a shout that made the earth :reinble. Oh. you soldiers of Jesus Christ, inarching .n toward heaven. I would that to-day, by some gl.am from the palace of jod's mercy and Goil's strength, you might tie lifted into great rejoicing and that as the prospect of its peace breaks - your "nraptured gaze you might raise one glad bosanna to the Ird! In the first-place I commend the oeha rior of those disciples to all burdened louls who are unpardoned. There comes t time in almost every man's history when he feels from some source that he has an irring nature. The thought may not havi ueh heft as to fell him. It may be onlv ike the flash in an evening cloud just after t verv hot summer day. One man to get rid of that impression will go to jiraver, another will stimulate himself by ardent, spirits, and another man will dive deeper! in secularities. But sometimes a man ean-j not get rid of these impressions. The face is, when a man finds out that his eternitvl is poised upon a perfect uncertainty, and) that the next moment his foot may slip le must do something violent to make him self forget where he stands or else fly for refuge. Some of you crouch under a yoke, and yon bite the dust when this moment you might rise up a crowned conqueror. Driven nd perplexed as you have been by sin. go and tell Jesus. To relax the grip of death from your soul and plant yonr unshackled feet upon the golden throne Christ let the tortures of the bloody mount transfix Him. With the beam of His own cross' He will break down the door ft your dun geon. Krom the thorns of Mis own crown He will pick enough gems to make your brow hlaze with eternal victory. In every tear on His wet cheek, in every gash of His side, in every long, blackening mark of laceration from shoulder to shoulder, in the grave shattering, heaven storming death groan 1 hear Him say, "He that ;ometh unto Se I will in nowise cast out." "Oh." but you say. "instead of curing my wound you want to make another wound namely, that of convietio..!" Have you never known a surgeon to come and find a chronic disease and then with sharp caustic burn it all out? So the grace of God comes to the old sore of sin It. has long been rankling there: but. by divine grace, it is burned out through these fires of conviction, "the flesh comin" agfn as; the flesh of a little child;" "where sin abounded, grace much more aboundeth."! With the ten thousand unpardonable sins of vour life, go and tell Jesus. fou will never get rid of your sins in any other way, and remember that the broad invitation which I extend to you will not always be extended. King Al fred, before modern timepieces were in vented, used to divide the day into three parts, eight hours each, and then had three wax candle. By the time the first candle had burned to the socket eight hours had Sone, and when the second candle had urned to the socket another eight hoursj had gone, and when all the three candles were gone out then the day had passed. Oh, that some of ns. instead of calculating our days and nights and years by any earthly timepiece, might calculate them by the numbers of ooportunities and lacr cies which are burning down and burning out, never to be relighted, let at last we be amid the foolish virgins who cried. "Our lamps have gone out!" Again, 1 commend the liehavir.r of me disciples to all who are tempted. I have heard men in mid-life say they had never been led into temptation. If you have not felt temptation, it is because you have not Lied to do right. A man hoppled anil handcuffed, as long as he lies quietly, docs not test the power of the chain, but when he rises up and with determination re solves to snap the handcuff or break the hopple then he finds the power of the ir;m. Ana there are men who have lieen for ten and twenty and thirty yerrs bound hand and foot by evil habits who have never felt the power of the chain because they have never tried to break it. It is very easv to go on down with the stream and with the wind lying on your oars, but just turn around and try to go against the wind and the tide, and you will tind it is a different matter. As long as we go down the current of our evil habit we seem to get along quite smoothly, but if after a while we turn around and h- 1 the othei way, toward Christ and pardon and heaven, on, then how we have to lay to the oars! You will have your tempta.ir You have one kincl, you another, you an other, not one person escaping. Again, I coi.imend the behavior of th" disciples to all those who are abu d n- ' to the slandered and er --Tiled. When Herod put John to death, the disciples knew that their own heads were not safe. And d- you know that every John has a Herod? There are persons in life who di. not wish you viry well, loiir -isfort'inc-are honeycomt to tbem. Through their feeth they hiss at you, misinterpret -Jr motives, and would be glad to see you up set. .No man gets through lite without r-- """i " ":" i.i fter you homed and husked and hoofed I , A bad womnn is more than a match to gore and trample you. and what are ! r"r tr" "evil. you to do? I tell you plainly that all whe Tion't be molded by yonr clrcum serve Christ must suffer persecution. It if I stances: mold them. the worst sign in the world for you to lie I Envy won't let a m.-n have peace an .. be able to say, "I have not an enemy in where. the world." A woe is. pronounced in the I There Is nothing more d.-ir-roenu-i rr 4ible against the one. of whom everybody a young man than love cf notoriety. if you arc at peace with all the world and erervhodv likes you and ; tpproves your work." it is because you art i in idler in the Lord's vineyard and art ; aot doing your duty. All those niio hav I aerved I'lirist. however eminent, all have j been maltreated t some stage of their ex . perience. You know it was so in the time ! rf George Whitefield . when he stood and nvited men into the kingdom of God. i rt'hat did the learned Dr. Johnson aav of lim? He pronounced him a miserable nountehank. How was it when Robert -au stood and spoke as scarcely any unin ired man ever did speak of the glories i n neavenr Ana as lie stood Sabbath at- I ;er Sabhath nreachina on these theme.t lis face kindled with the glory. Tohn i -vstcr. a 'hristinn man. said of this man, ; 'Kobert Hull is onlv acting, and the smile n his face is a reflection of his own van- : ty." .Tohn Wesley turned all England ipsiile down with Christian reform, and : .et the punstei-s were after him. and the , neanest jokes in England were perpetrated ibout John Weskv. What is true of the )ulpit is true of the new: it is true t the tree4: it is true of the shop and the store. All who live aodly in Christ Jesus must niffer ierseoution. 1 And I set it down as the very worst sign n all vnur Christian eioerienee if yon nre inv of vnu at pe.ine with all the world. Tile relitrion of Christ is war. It is i ?haMenire to "the world, the Hesh and the ievil." and if von will buckle on the whole ii-mor of Ood yon will find a great host lisputing your path between ''is ami ieaven. Again. T commend the behavior of the lisriples to all the bercavpd. How many n garb of mourning! How many emblems f sorrow you liehold everywhere: God las His own way of taking apar' a fam ly. We must get out of tiie way for com ng generations. W4 must get off the i Tiiist lie peonled. The dust must press our I velids. "It is appointed unto all men I Mice to die." This emigration from time j into eternity keeps three-fourths of he , families of the eartli in desolation. The lir is rent with farewells, and the black , tasseled vehicles of death rumble through f ?vcry street. The body of the child that r was folded so cl.isply to the mother's heart lis put awav in the cold and the dnrkness. ' The laughter freecs to the Girl's lip. and the roe scatters. The bov in the harvest , Held of Shunem sav?. "Mv head, my head!" and they .rry him home to die on f the Ian of 'a mother. Widowhood stan-ls 1 with tragedies of woe struck into th- pal ! or of the check. Orphanaee cries in vain I 'or father ami mother. Oh. the grave is Tuel! With teeth of stone it clutches for ! ts prev. Between the closing gates of the j lepulchcr our hearts are mangled and ; ?ruslied. But Christ is always near liefore you. j behind you. within you. :- mother ever : :hrew her arms around her child with such .varmth and ecstacv of affection as Christ las shown toward you. Close at hand, nearer than the staff upor .vhich you lean, nearer than the cup you mt to your lip. nearer than the handker chief with which you wipe away your tears, I preach Him an ever pi-esent, nil sympa ;hizing. compassionate Jesus. How can rou stay away one moment from Him with rour griefs? Go now. Go and tell Jesus. it is often that friends have no power :o relieve us. They would very much like :o do it, but they cannot disentangle our inances. they cannot cure our sickness ind raise, our dead, but glory lie to God .hat. lie to whom the disciples went has all imver in heaven and on earth, and at- out ?all He will balk -our calamities and at. rust the right time, in the pres?nce of an ipplauding earth and a resounding heaven, ' will raise our dead. He is mightier than Herod. He is swifter than the storm. He s grander than the.sea. He is vaster than ?ternity. And every sword of God's om aipotence will leap from its scabbard and ;he resources of infinity be exhausted rath r than that God s child shall not be de livered when he cries to Him for rescu. tiu.ipose yonr child was in trouble. How much would yo.11 endure to get him out? Von would say. "1 don't care what it will ost. I must get him out of that trouble." Do you think God is not so good a father is vou? Seeing vnti are in troub.e and having all power, will lie not stretch out His arm and deliver you? lie will. He is mighty to save. He can level the mount ain and divide the sea. and can extinguish the lire and save the soul. Not ilim of oye. not weak -of arm. nut feeble, of re sources, but with all eternity and the uni verse at His feet. Ho and tell .Jesus. Will you? Ye whose cheeks are wet with the night dew of the grave, ye who cannot look up, ye whose hearts are dried with the breath of siro-co, in the name of the religion ol Jesus Christ, which lifts everv burden and wipes away every tear and delivers every captive and lightens every darkness, I im plore you now go and K 1 Jesus. A little child went with her father, a sea captain, to sea, and when the first itorm came the little child was very much frightened, and in the night rushed out ol the cabin and said. "Where is father, ivhere is father? ' Then they told her. 'Father is on din-k guiding the vessel and ivatehing the storm." The little child im mediately returned to her fierth and said. 'It's all right, for father's on deck." O ye who are tossed and driven in thif world, up by the mountains and down by the valleys and at your wits' ends. I want vou to know the Ixird God is guiding the ship. Your Father is on deck. He will brins you through the darkness into thf harlur. Trust in the Iird. Go and tell lesu-:. If you go to Him for pardon anil sym pathy, all is well. Even thing will bright en up, and jov will come to the heart, anil sorrow will depart, your sins will Is- for given, and your foot will touch the up ward path, and the shining messcngerf that report aliove what is dime here will tell it until the ti"eat. arcln-s of i ,od re sound with the glad tidings if now with ?ontrition and full trust fulness of soul you ivill only go and tell Jesus. But 1 am oppressed as I think of those who may not take this counsel and may remain unblessed. I cannot help askiufi what will be the destiny of these people Xerxes looked off on his army. There were J.Ooo.OoO, perhaps the finest army ever mar shaleil. Xerxes rode along the lines, re viewed them, came bai k. and stood on lome high point, looked off upon the 2,000, NK) mi-n and burst into tears. At that mo ment, when every one si;;iposed he would be in the greatest exultation, i,e broke down in grief. They a-ked him why h wept. "Ah." he said. "I weep nt lie thought that so soon all tins host will Ik lead." So I think of the-e vast Hipula pions of imtiiiirtat men and women and re iilize the tact that soon the places which Vnow them now will know them no more, pnd they will be gone whit her. whither) There is a stirring nit a which the poel 4ut in very pec i!:,ir verse v hen lr- said: rTis not for man to trifle: lite is brief. And sin is here; Our age is but the f.illni': of a f, A lri'pii;tg t( ar. Not mam- lives. I. -it only one Iiav we i hie. onlv one : How sai red snnnl-l that one life e ver lie That 11.11 iti.v span! T'.p nnimnl that first succumbs to xtrrine cold is the horse. Tin- man who can't blush is no worsi off than a mule. Violent grief Is like a straw fire; it soon exp.-ml.s itself ami leaves no ashes. Uttle sins always g'.ow up. He who is sauey would be brutal if he dared to. i:- content with doing; with calmness the little which depends upon yourself, and U-t all els., be to you as if ft were not. Necessity Is stronger than any law or gospel. peaks well. e. : ; f I' ii i t ti tif. I .t, . . ' ''' 't " "" ' " v ! i --T-r-i.ii.- , '.v..;,- -My 'm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers