Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 20, 1900, Image 4
w two. .Wo tw assks htsM nf any nUes wa - W tw lad J7 la any Una of wscV r; Or If th carta la clothed is Moota or now. If summer days iavlt, or bleak winds Mow, What rflsrUrs ft, wCrwv ar tocethert Wo two, wo two, wo mako oar world, oar woathor. Wo two Bad joath renewed with crerj ' dawm; Bach 4a heUm omotbiac of am um kroWB gtoe-r. W wast no OuMgbt oa grief or pleasure axmo: Trkkod oat Mko hooe, Hm load na on and oa. And thrum npon Ms aarp new soag or story, Wo two, wc two, w and tka patka of "lory. We two make hcavea her oa this little earth; Wo do not aoed to wait for realms eternal, . W tnow the use of tears, know sor row's worth. And pain for us la always lore's rebirth, Our paths lead dosely by the paths supernal; We two, w two, we live in love eternal. Oentury. LICIA WELLINGTON waa 28 years old and she had never re ceived an offer of marriage nor llad a lover. Her two younger sisters were both happily mnrried Gertrude to a young man who had adored her from childhood and Lottie to an elderly wid ower who bad fallen In love with her at her coming-out parry. Gertrude had refused three offers before marrying John Kelson; Lottie, who was a born coquette, had received homage from al most every man Ue knew from the time she cculu talk. Alicia was serious and rather haughty. Her friends called her "in tellectual," and this same Intellectual ity made her unpopular with men, who were generally her Inferiors in ber cho sen style of conversation. If not In depth of thought. - Until now Alicia had affected to despise the other sex. Lottie's flirtations and Gertrude's con quests had seemed frivolous to her. But she wished to be a well-rounded woman and it suddenly occurred to her that she knew nothing of love, although It was one of the chief things of life. The fact that she was different from other glrla and their Inferior in one respect "BBS THHIBS Ml CLZVEB. waa brought home to her by a medita tion on love and matrimony which fol lowed the receipt of a letter announc ing the engagement of the only un married one of her classmates. To be sure, AUcla was younger than the other girls, but she had come ont the same year. "It Is all very wen not to marry," she aald to herself in conclusion, "but it Is add not to attract a single suitor. There must be something lacking in me. I have always known that I didn't like men, but it Is strange that men don't like me. I can accomplish almost any thing If I make up my mind to it I will have a lover. I need not marry him, of course, but I will have him des perately In love with me, so that I shall Save an Impassioned offer; then I will afuse him." Alicia cast about her list of male ac amalntances with a view to selecting a anl table man for ber experiment Fi nally ah ohose Reggy De Greve. Reg gy waa a year younger than AUcla. He Sraa as frivolous as any girl and de-' SOedly effeminate In his looks and pray. He had been one of Lottie's n ti met ops admirers. In an Impassive wny, bat he had never gotten up courage to propose to her. He had not been sure that he wanted to do so. Now he came to the house rather because he was u -eil to coming to see "the ladies," once In so often. Alicia's mother waa fond of him, for she had known him since he was in dresses and she regarded him ' as a boy. Of Alicia he stood somewhat In awe. "Reggy will be a good one to begin , with," thought that young woman. "He will be easy 'to Influence. After I have refused him I can try some one more rtlfflcult." Thus Miss Wellington began her ca reer as a flirt Thatevening Reggy came to the house. He found Alicia wonderfully Interesting. She talked about cotillon figures, pretty girls, fudges, and golf. Reginald waa lu de mand as a cotillon leader, he was a chevalier des dames, an expert chafldg dish cook, aad an aspiring golf player. "Gwaclous, I never thought she knew so much," he said to himself aa he left the house. But this was only because Alicia had displayed knowledge of the subjects with which Reggy waa con versant for he had always kiion u u.i she was "intellectual." It was scarcely a week before Regg.v again presented himself at the Welling tons'. He asked for Miss Wellington Instead of for "the ladles." He was un conscious of the neglect of Mrs. Well ington, but wary AUcla smiled wUc;i she, alone, was summoned to the draw log-room. "Oh, Mr. De Greve," she said hereto fore she had called him Reggy "I au so glad to see you. I know you car help me solve something that has been worrying my poor brain." She took a seat beside the young man and submitted the "something" that had been worrying her. It was only a charade, an Intricate one, however, tc which Alicia knew the answer. Reg; Aid not suspect tliat and he was gooi at puzzles. He solved this one easily and explained the elaborate process to Miss Wellington. "Thank you, Mr. De Greve, you ar so clever," aald Alicia, exactly as slit had heard Lottie say the same word, to different men at cat a hundred rjmea, u TIM leaning asj-! iso awn bl 5 g I Alicia's Experiment. rft- j I., I, rift 1 brsUadaat IMclTSft la the conra of tlaa Alicia itesjar that ah waa aa ty, agTeeabl. not too wis. aaa alto- getaar chaxmlag Jast th wsssa presld over his boo aa4 klp to spend hi rather larg patrlmoay also conTlnoad him that h wm looking; clsvr, witty, and ataal. In deed, under tb ran f kr approval as grew wonderfully unfll h waa quit a different Reggy. At last th schamod for proposal teak plac. Katlsfled wlU Massif and mtica mor than satlaflsd with th aeera pllahd AUcla. Regry aakad nr to b his wife. Alicia foreaaw the emla offer, of coots. Bh mad rady to r fox It She eren cboae her next vic tim, William Oil, a l.wyr of skill and renown. He would be difficult t enthrall, but a foe man worth of ber steel. But ah did not think of William when Reggy proposed. Sh watched "the boy," aa she called him in bet heart, with a curious pride. "How well lis does It," ahe thought. "Lore baa i::ade a man of him. He is desperately ! ! earnest; he ia charming h la adora ble." i "Why, Reggy," ah aald aloud, to bet ( wo astonishment, "I believe I do love you. Tea, I will marry you, after all yes, yea I will." The happy Reggy did not notice the peculiar wording of Alicia's acceptance of his heart and fortune. He had won her and hla Joy seemed complete. No one but his wife ever knew that he had been the subject of an experiment. Chicago Tribune. NIGHT IN A BUFFALO HIDE. Queer Imprisonment of a Hunter la tne NortkwMt A party of scouts from the stations on Bledsoe's Creek, in Sumner County, was over In Wilson on a tour of obser vation for Indian signs, says the Port iuad Oregonlan. As they prepared to camp late one winter afternoon Capt Jennings, who waa on of the number, ti.utvd out to kill a buffalo from a herd which was near by. There was a heavy sleet on the ground, and he found It difficult to get a good range on account of the noise of his feet on the crackUng lc, but af ter following th game for several miles he at last killed a very large bull. Fearing that the meat might be In jured if left until the next morning, he skiuned the animal and took out the viscera. By the time be was done night had tome, and he decided to remain with his meat instead of seeking camp in the darkness. So, wrapping the hug hide around him, flesh side out, he lay downand slept very comfortably until morning. On waking be found himself tightly Imprisoned In the hide, wh!oh had frozen hard and now resisted all his efforts to escape. Hour after hour rolled by In agony to the captain. He yelled at the top of his voice for help and strained and kicked with all his might at the raw hide inclosure, but it proved stubborn to the last degree. He doubtless swore many a bitter oath, for he was of too Irascible a temperament to submit tamely. 'He expected hla companions to search for blm, and they did, but with a great deal of caution, fearing that he had been killed by the Indian. His prolonged absence could be ac- counted for in no other way. He gave up all hope of extricating himself as the hours wore away, but help which he hnd not thought of was to save hlin from a death which would have been extremely mortifying, at the least to a man who had escaped Indian bullets and swam Icy rivers like a beaver. We will let htm relate the Issue In his own words: "Well, the sun came out In the afternoon, and this softened the bide on the top so I could get one arm out. ard when I got one arm out I worked .Ike plzen until I got my body through." Archibald Forbes. The recently deceased Archibald Forbes' entrance upon the career of war correspondent was. It Is said, de cided by chance. His first step was to enter a cigar shop at the bottom of Ludgate hill, where he bought a cigar, and threw the names of the four o five principal dally newsspapers int. his hat before drawing lots to decld which of them he should first ap proach. The name that he drew ou was that of the Dally News. Wlthou delay he Bought out Mr. (now Sir J. R. Robinson, whom he then met for th first time, and was promptly engaged Economy in Wireless Teles rmptiy. Tn one case $266,000 has been saved awing to the establishment of wireless telegraphy between the Kant Goodwin lightship and the South Foreland. Ia a Mextoaa Rome. Aa all cooking Is done with charcoal and ovens are practically unknown In private houses, very few families bake bread. The small, hard-crusted loaves of French bread are delivered all over the city in great baskets four feet across that are carried In the hands of cargadores. . The arrangement of furniture Is much more formal than In the United States. It Is a very common sight to see a splendidly furnished parlor with a row of straight-backed1 chairs, all aUke, with their backs against the wall, and as close together as they can be placed clear around the room. A good Mexican cook relieves th mistress of the house of worry and re sponsibility In a manner that Is almost unknown in the United States. The cook Is given so much per day, and with this amount she will purchase each morning all the provisions of the day, Including even the staples that arc usually bought In large quantities In other countries. On a dollar a day a cook will provide a very good table for a family of three or four, and gel enough beans and torlllas and chile t set the servants' tables besides. They can really do better than their mis tress, because they can usually drive sharper bargains with the market men of their own class, and they have mors patience to haggle over the last penny. Philadelphia Inquirer. Aa Aaeodot of 8taals When H. M. Stanley was writing "Through the Dark Continent" h waa In the hatolt of spreading his maps aad charts upon the floor. One day his fa vorite cat went to sleep on a chart spread out oa the hearth rug. By and by the chart was wanted, and on of the assistants went to turn pussy away, when Stanley stopped him. "Dont dis turb the cat" he said, "we ran get oa without the chart until she wakes up. If you only knew how good the sight of that cas was to me, you would never let her move from where she is." After his trials among' mcivUlad tribes the sleeping cat was to ban the symbol of datneatk peao aad comfort fclryBWBWgaaV I OUR BOYS AND GIHL& THIS IS THEIR DEPARTMENT OF THE PAPER. Oaalat mmrimm Cat last th Littt , mm Prtas Bar Car AU Other I4S- V There to really a reason nowadays srhy children should not bar play aonse of their own, far portabl struc tures fr lawn and garden na are manufactured. I-One bona of this sort Is e reet inches wide, 9 feet 6 inch long and S feet 9 Inches tall from the floor to the point of the gable. This boos has one loor and one window. The window la Uvlded vertically la the middle, the two halves opening back on hinges al the side edges. The door has a glased sash In Its upper part, and It baa also 1 lock and key. Thee houses are built In sections, and they can be put up In different ways; that is, they can b set up with the door In the front and the window In one end of the bouse, or they can be set up with both the door and the window in front; the sections are lnterchange lble. There Is provided for use with the douse a veranda roof, which Is made In sections of the same width as the sec tions of the bouse Itself, so that these reranda sections can be put up to- AS IDEAL K.ATBOCSB. (tether, making a continuous reranda ulong one aide of the bouse, or they can be put up one over a door and one ovet a window. There are made also, for use with these playhouses, if desired, outside Minds and screens for doors and win lows. The gable ends of this house, auder the roof, are shingled; the side n ails are of matched pine, aa la also the loor, which Is made In two sections. This house can be put up and taken lown In a few minutes. . All sorts of furniture In suitable imall sizes can be brought for the fur lishing of these houses. Including .hairs and tables and settee and varl us other article In wood and In wick rwork. handsome little desks, and verythlng needed for parlor or library r dining-room, and there can be sought for kitchen and other uses the jiost complete outfits. Including stovee it the most modern description ana kiuIkikkI with every sort of cooking ' ateiislls, and there can do naa aiso unic washing machlnea and Ironing boards, tnd so on. I The playhouse, in fact whether It be f one room or more, can be furnished jis completely as a house of ordinary ize. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. A Cannibal Story. In the long winter evenings, which In South Africa commence in May, June and July, the little Boer children sit around the fires and listen to stories tike this: . There waa once a woman who had a ou named Magoda. She became a can nibal and .ate up all the people In the village. One day her two nieces ran away from their home and hid in her house, hut they did not know her. Their cous in Magoda came and talked to them. Then they hid. The woman said: "I smell something nice. What Is It my son? Surely I smell fat children." Then she went to the woods and com menced to cut down a tree with an ax. When the first chips fell a bird called atengu sang: -Ntcngu! ntengu! Chips, return to your places! Chips, return to your places! Chips, be quick! The chips then went back to the tree. This happened three times. 'Hbcn the woman caught the bird and swallowed it, but one of the feathers dropped out f her mouth. She tried to cut down the tree again, but this time the feather sang the same song, and the chips flew back to the tree. The two nieces had been hiding in the branches of the tree. They saw three dogs as big aa oxen. These they knew belonged to their father, so they called to the dogs, who'ate up the wicked woman, and so the girls went back to their father singing the song of the feather. ' Saved by a Doll. An exchange gives a story told by an Indian agent of the manner In which a loll averted an Indian war. Oa one occasion Gen. Crook was try ing to put a band of Apaches back on their reservation, but could not catch them without killing them, and that he did not wish to do. One day bis men captured a little In llan girl and took her to the fort She was quiet all aay, saying not a word, but her beady black eyes watched ev erything. When night came, however, she broke down and sobbed. Just as any white child would have done. The men tried In vain to comfort her, until the agent had an idea. From an tflicer's wife be bortowed a pretty doll :hnt belonged to her little daughter, and when the Apache was made to under stand that she could have It her sobs 'eased and she fell asleep. When morn- tng came the doll was still clasped in her arms. She played with it ail day, tnd apparently all thought of getting back to ber tribe left her. Several daya passed, and then the lit tle Apache girl, with the doll still In ier possession, was sent back to h r (H-ople. When the child reached the Indians with the 'pretty doll In ber .-hubby hands It made a great sensation ttuong them, and the next day the mother came with the child to the post ihe was kindly received and hospitably rented, and through her the trine was : rsunded to move back to the reserve ion. Old Story, bat Good. A little girl was permltuSl one bright Sunday to go to hear her papa preach. Now, It chanced that on this special oc casion papa's sermon was of the "wani ng" order. After a moment of breath ess surprise and horror the little Us enet's soul was wrought npon with a ;reat pity for the poor mortals upon vhom a much wrath was descending, ib ros excitedly to her fact, and, ber vide reproachful eyes Just peeping over h back of the seat, called eat, ia Chiding ' AS IDBAL PLATBOCSB. HffsrtteyoasveldlavsjriM so.par - rv-.--v What aTsst attaa T vtti "How to It, rrank, that you're lata aom nearly every afternoon T" "Why. you see, mother, we'v got such a big clock hi oar school." "But what has the clock to do with itr " 'Can It's so big it takes th hands an awful long while to get around. If w had a clock Ilk papa's Uttle one I'd get homo a grat deal quicker." Patd for His Haass Aotto. Assistant District Attorney Osboraa, Mf New York, who won notoriety by his energetic prosecution f th Moli neux case, tells this story: "Some years ago I was spending a vacation at Rhlnecllff, N. Y trying to recuperate my shattered health. I stayed at a farmhouse which waa the property of a man named William Travis. He was often subject to fits of melancholy, and hi that condition was wont to say that be was tired of his Ufa of drudgery and toil, aad was almost tempted to end bis wearisome existence. Things went along smooth ly until one night he went out to attend to the stock and was gone rather long er than usual. I thought he might have met with some accident, and started for the barn to look for him. My worst fears were realised, for there was Trav Iss hanging by a harness trace from a beam. "I hastily whipped out my knife and cut the trace, picked blm up and car ried him Into the bouse and ran two miles Into RhlnecUff for a doctor. He recovered, and gave his solemn word that he would never try to commit sui cide again. I left there two days after ward, and upon asking for my bill Travlsa named an amount Just S2 overti what I was sure I owed. Upon asking an explanation of the added f2, Travlas pa!d: " 'Well, Mr. Osborne, don't you re member the buggy trace yon cut the night I tried to hang myself T "I paid up and went away for fear b would find I owed him the doctor! bllL" Wheat Land to B Opened. The alarm about the early exhaustion or Insufficiency of the world's wheat supply may be somewhat abated by the facts In connection with an application for charter of a new Canadian railroad. The title of the proposed road Is the Quebec and Lake Huron, and Its route Is from the mouth of French River, on Georgian Bay, across the Ottawa at Mattana and the St Maurice at Grandes Plies, to Quebec The distance is 440 miles, or 135 miles shorter than from Parry Sound. Included In the line la a great plateau, embracing 3,000,000 acres of forest and farming lands, now out of reach of railroads, and said to be capable of easily sup porting a population of 500,000. The region through which the new road will pass Is well adapted to wheat growing, and the plan Includes great grain elevators for the accommodation of this resource. Incidentally the project calls attention to the fact that Canada has other large tracts of unde veloped territory adapted to the grow ing spring wheal.' This area, added to that about to be opened by the Trans Siberian Railroad, will certainly post pone for some years the shortage pre dicted by Sir WUllam Crookee. Mean time the wheat farmer Is not receiving a price for bis product Indicative of any popular fear or speculative belief In the failure of the supply. Pittsburg Dis patch. NOT WHOLLY A COWARD. Railroader's Good Keaaon for Not Re laUaa Train Kobbera. "When I bear people boast what they would or wouldn't do under the per suasion of a six-shooter," said an old passenger conductor, "I am awfully re minded of am experience of mine years ago on the Iron Mountain Railroad. ."I was station agent at the time at a little town near Texarkana, and had been summoned up to Little Rock on some business that has nothing to do with this story. I was In the first day coach, well up to the front and in the next seat was an express messenger who had attracted a good deal of at tention from the fact that be wore his hair long and had a pair of enormous revolvers stuck In hla belt The rest of the car was well filled with a mixed crowd. Including perhaps a dozen wom en. At about 9 o'clock at night while we were going over a very desolate part of the road, the train slowed down sud denly, and before we could Inquire what was wrong the front door flew open and a masked man stepped Inside with a sawed -off shotgun at bia shoul der. 'Sit still,' he yelled. 'I'll turn loose if airy soul moves a finger! As he spoke another masked man stepped around blm with a cocked revolver In his hand and started down the aisle, looting the passengers as he went When he came to the express messen ger he burst out laughing. 'Ton scarecrow r be said, 'what are you do ing with them guns.' and he snatched one of the pistols out of hla belt and hit him over the head with the butt Then he took the other, mad him hand over hla watch and money, and passed on. The messenger wiped the blood off his face and said nothing. "After It was all over and the robbers had disappeared the messenger waa a target for numerous sneering remarks. 'If I had made a break,' be aald to me, quietly, that feller at the door would have blazed away with his sawed -off gun and kiUed half the women folks In the car.' At the next stopping place he got off, and one of the women stuck her head out of the window and screamed "Coward! "Two daya later 'that same messen ger walked up to a little cabin In the mountains, kicked In the door, shot two of tn robbers dead In their tracks, and captured three others, all slnaie-hand ffd. I often wondered whether the awrcw wnMru onni ox that Incident" Chicago Inter Ocean. tUrtaa; Baohel th Go By The town of Oivet, la the Ardennes, Is taking steps to put an end to the depopulation of France. Hereafter la all town offices first fathom of more than thro children and next married men will be preferred to bachelors. Prises of S will be awarded yearly to those parents who have sent the larg est number of children to school regu larly, aad scholarships la th national schools will bo lassTvod for fsmlrlsa only of more than thrsa children. Fath ers of families shall also hav the preference for admission to almbouse and old people's homes. If afflicted wtta nnTi. - r mi. a nwltCZpiTt Wl Ht.3r HJS seven thoo tA allont one were worth mora to Elijah than the shouting boats of CarmeL . Deciding to do light IS th be ginning of a fence that God will help you to build to keep th Dvll out The richest man la not the ene who has th most bat th on who can be most thankful for th toast Every Christian life ought to be such that If all men were living It th result would be a heaven on earth: ' Th church needs men who will get out and do the chores even though others are raising their snores. The human heart to like a grapbo nhone crllnder and th sweetest records are often cut by the stylus of pain. Many a man says the Lord's prayer every day who never thinks It worth while to try to hurt th Devil with his vote. Salvation doesn't depend so much upou what the head thinks about God as upon what th heart to doing with Christ God Is not worshiped In spirit and In truth In the church that has to go Into the show business to raise money to pay Its honest debts. ; Many a gifted preacher can find time to read a new book every week, who couldn't find- the parable of the prodi gal son without a concordance. In patiently tolling a hundred and twenty years without making a con vert Noah pleased God as well as Peter did by having "about three thousand" aa the day of Pentecost FOUR RICH FOREIGN MISERS. Mad rortuaa by Beaains la Different Countries Acroa Seaw In Austria a man who was without feet or arms seven years ago, lacking 1 two months, sentenced to hard labor for that terms of years, to said to be well and hearty and with sager longing looks forward to the day when be shall be liberated. Simon Oppaalch la bla name. Born legless and armless, be managed In the course of fifty years to make, purely by begging, $00,000, and this hug sum be was In the habit of carrying about with him by day and hiding In the wall of the cellar where he alept by night He got Into trouble with the Austrian police by declaring that he was destitute and taking an oath to that effect Lately In England died one Isaac Gor don who bad been a professional beg gar, and when be was picked up lifeless out of the street It was found that be had 119,000 on his person. And a writ Ing was likewise found that signifies that be bad made a will. Volunteer heirs are coming forward In numbers. The miser of the story book usually boards his money In good red gold under the hearthstone or In some such uncomfortable spot Real misers of to day seem as a rule to prefer bank notes. They are certainly more easy to handle. Tori, a notorious Italian beggar and miser, who died a Uttle tlmegago, sfter a life of griping want and misery, left $400,000, all of which was hidden In boxes, tins and behind the tattered wall paper In bis room. It was slmost en tirely In paper money. Another man of the same type who died at Anxerre, In France, In 1808, left a large sum In bonds, but most of his wealth be bad invested in rare wine. No less than 400 bottles of one very choice vintage over eighty years old were found In the cel lar be lived In. This he must have bought bottle by bottle. It wss prac tically certain that he himself had nev er so much as tasted a drop of this liq uid gold. A Serum for Leprosy. Some success has attended the treat ment of leprosy by the Injection under the skin In various parts of the body of the antlvenene of Calmjtte. The case was a woman SO years old, and In three months she received forty-seven Injec tions. As a result she was much Im proved, having lost her leprous expres sion and the Infiltration In various part of the body disappearing. The bluish color of the face changed to a healthy red. Some ulceration that was present disappeared with several tubercles. The skin became softer and fairer and she gained fourteen pounds In weight Th Anglomanlao. Tom I suppose Cbolly Saphead Is still pro-British t Dick Oh, of course. He has a new wrinkle now. Have . you heard blm speak of Joey Chamberlain lately? . Tom I haven't seen him of tote. Why? Dick He refers to blm as "Camber lain." He beard somewhere that the British never could sound their "h's." Philadelphia Record. Early Intelligence. Sunday-School Teacher (finishing the narration) And that Is the story of Jo nah and the whale. Johnny Isn't It strange they knew what a Jonah was that long ago? Har l m Life. Kiaboacbere Made It Worse. Loss of the privilege of making an occasional use of Italic type to a depri vation which some of us have bad the hardihood recently to lament hut a story about himself which Henry La bouchere tells In Truth brings a sort of consolation for the inconvenience Imposed by the new methods of com position. It seems that Archibald Forbes one wrote an article for Truth In which there was a statement so vig orous concerning a certain person that Mr. Laboucbere waa afraid to print it He therefore obtained the famous cor respondent's permission to cut the dangerous sentence. This done, the editor drew his pen through the words, or rather he tried to do so, but In his haste he made the line lower than he had Intended, and the compositor thought that the sentence was under scored instead of suppressed. The con sequence was that It appeared la Truth Italicised, and the man to whom It re ferred, who might have pardoned an attack la ordinary type, fell Into a great rage over an accusation made with such emphasis and brought a libel suit against the paper. Ito proprietor thought the matter over, decided that the presentation of the facts to a Jury would not only fall to secure belief, but would wok like a clumsy and sneaking attempt to avoid J respoauDiuty ana setuea tne case ou Jthe best terms he 'could obtain which were not particularly asy smbv M York TIbms. 1 .1.; "L . "u ne same time Irtp kSTaat CreatUre"- th gos- tee aaa tells what is Aid for Mar. . Dbab Mas. PijraHAM i 1 hav sa so many letters from ladles who were eurd by Lydla E. Plnkham's rsmodiss that t thought I would ask your ad vie la regard to my sodoiuub, X hav been doctoring for four years and nave taken different pat ent medicines, but received very littl benefit. I am troubled with back ache, in fact my whole body aches, stomach fsels sor, by spells get short of breath and am werv nervous. Men struation is very ir regular witb severe bearing down pains. cramps and back ache. I bop to hear from you at onoe." Clara Korr, Book port, lad.. Sept 87, 1898. "I think it to my duty to write a letter to you in regard to what Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. I wrote you some time ago, describing my symptoms and asking your advice, which you very kindly gav. I am now healthy and cannot begin to praise your remedy enough. I would say to all suffering women, Take Mrs. Pinkham's advice, for a wo man best understands a woman's suf ferings, and Mrs. Pinkham, from her vast experience in treating female ills, can give you advice that you can get from no other source.' " Ct-ARA Korr. Rockport, Ind.. April 13, 1899. Traveling Speed of Sound. Sound passes through the air at the roWitv of 1.142 feet , per second: through water, 4,900 feet; through Iron. 1I.OW iCVL. Beqneat for a Providence Park:. By the bequest of Miss Anna H. Man, Providence is to come into possession of about $200,000 for the maintenance of Roger Williams Park. Jell-O, the few Denser, Pleases all the family. Four flavors: Lemon, Orange. Raspberry and Strawberry. At your grocers. 10 ota. The pleasures of vice are as poison while the pains of virtue are ever pleasant. T Cnre a Cold In On Day. Take Iaxatitb Bkomo QtmnKS Tablets, ai. flrurirtoU refund (he money It It fails to cnre. K. W. Gaova's alsaatare Is an each boy. 8e The trouble with rolling stones Is not that they gather no moss but that they climb no hills. Mra. Winslow'a Sxthing Svrnp for children teething, softens the sums, reducin&r inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2."c a bottle. Not every one that sayeth "Brother, brother," but he that liveth for an other. FITS permanently cure 1. No 6t or netvons. ness alter first day's use of Dr. Kline's Ureat Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise (ree Dr. R. H. Klimk, Ltd., Wl Arch St., Phila., fa. Many who are too prudent to sou tares, sow nothing, ana therefore reap thistles. H. H. GbkbiTs Sous, of Atlanta, Gi, are the only successful Dropsy Specialists ia the world. See their liberal offer in advertisement in an other column of this paper. It is Impossible that an Ill-natured man ran have a public spirit tor how should he love ten thousand men who has never loved one. Dyspepsia Is the bane of the human system. Protect yourself against its ravages by the use of Beeman's Pepsin Gum. Virtue will catch as well as vice by contract; and the public stock of hon est manly principle will daily accumu late. H. M. Norton. St Paul, Minn., says: Please send me one bottle Frey's Ver mifuge for enclosed 25c. I cannot get a bottle in this city. What an absurd thing It Is to pass over the valuable parts of a man, and fix our attentions on his infirmities. Piso's Cure the best medicine we ever used for sll affections of throat and lungs. Wm. O. Endslbv. Vanburen, Ind , r'eb. 10 1WU0. There has never been any great good done for mankind but what was at the expense of individuals. Hair Oatarrh Onre is a liquid anil Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Write for tes timonials, free. Manufactured by F. J. Cbbwbv A Co- Toledo, O. It is a poor wit who lives by bor rowing the words, decisions, mien, in ventions and actions of others. A7 T -w II 1 I I - II HI BILE B you naturally and easfly and without eripeTaJrl -V7 a week and help the lirer clean up theteTc St.t?Ht-one tablet-keep it op for face look clean, eves brihJnlt ? t?! will ft rfeht, your Mood will be rich. cured or satisfied 'you et youTrnoyb LJf ,U ? VJS CANDY CATI-a kw V av .av AT saw J naneaaaaaaaaaVW-"-----. -sav-- oc7 IT To-ayassayaatatalsrfr StarfJafRaaiaayQaa, QVEWALf AND THOUGHT. fa, Arsraaera Was Oeod, bat th Ft rri.. in overalls was partaking of his noonday lunch on th shady side of a high board fanes, when a tramp sidled up and sat down oa the end of a stick of timber about a dosen feet away The tramp bad nothing to say, but seemed to be absorbed ra watching the workingman devoar a hug wedge of pie. la which he almost hid th low hir nf hla face at every bite. It was evidently very good pi. Finally the tramp spoke. 1 was Just thinking" he began. That never makes any callous places on your hands, does It? laughed thm man In overalls, good-naturedly. but the tramp paid no heed to the inter ruption. "I was Just thinking,'' he went on, "what a wonderful country this Is of ours." "Yes, and It'll be a heap sight won derf uller when we get through expand ing it" suggested the workingman. "No doubt of that" admitted the tramp. ' "But think of Its extent and wealth, now. Why, did It ever strike you that we have under our star-spangled fence, as it were, two thousand million acres of land, and our wealth is equal to seventy-five thousand mlll.ons of dollars? Think of those stupendous figures, sir; and we are only as yet in our Infancy the youngest nation of any Importance on the globe." "It's a loo-too," was the strongest thing the workingman could say, but he said It fervently. "Yes," continued the tramp, "and think 'that for those seventy-five thou sand millions of dollars there could be furnished to our people one billion five hundred thousand million pies as big as that one you have Just got away with, and yet I haven't stuck a tooth into a piece of pie In six months. I haven't help me. Dick Robinson." The man In overalls looked at him sympathetically. "Well, you ought to be In better luck," he said. "I eat one like It every day. So long." And he went back to work, leaving the tramp on the end of the stick of timber still thinking. Washington Star. What's In a Nrme? "I suppose," said a government clerk to the man across the table, "that you have heard of the Vlrgina family of Derby who spells its name E-n-r-o-u-g-b-t-y, as well as the Chumleys of Eng land, who spell It with a G and an b and an o and an 1 and an m and an o and an n and a d and an e and an 1 and au e and a y, besides a lot more of the same kind of astonishing orthoepical effects from unexpected causes, but 1 came across one the other day that I'll bet a hat you never heard of. The sub ject of the sketch was a Virginian, or I claimed that he was, and he was so ' youthful and unsophisticated that I guess he was telling the truth chil dren and fools, you know, having a weakness In that regard. I met the young fellow on a train between Rich mond and Petersburg and we struck up quite an acquaintance. He told me his name was Tolllver Oliver Tolliver ,-and I very naturally asked him If he spelled bis name ns did the famous F. F. V. Tallaferros, and he said be did and seemed to be proud of it I was rather proud to be friendly with one of the name myself, and made myself extra agreeable. When he left me at a way station and told me good-bye lie tendered me his card and told me he hoped I vaould not forget him. I didn't look at the card till he had gone, and, would you believe It the young fellow had his name spelled to match, as it were, and It appeared thus: 'Mr. Alla ferro Taliaferro,' which In my humble opinion was getting Oliver Tolliver down pretty fine.- Don't you think so, too?" - Carton Effect of I.yddlte. The vapor given off by lyddite when It explodes has au extraordinary ef fect on the hair and face. When the British troops took possession of Cron Je's laager the Boer children, of whom there were about twenty-two, present ed a curious appearance. Through the effects of lyddite their h?.lr and faces hnd become quite yelloiv. Even the engagement ring Is the out come of a trust, and the wedding ring Is the natural result of coniblnatlou. Good and evil go close together now just as they did In the Garden of Kden. It Is doubtful if any man yet spent a whole day of unalloyed happiness. If one mind feels much It moves the thinking atmosphere of the universe. Puffs under the eyes; red nose; pimple blotched, greasy face don't mean hard drink ing always as much as it shows that there is BILE IN THE BLOOD. It is true, drink ing and over-eating overloads the stomach, but failure to assist nature in regularly dis posing of the partially digested lumps of food that are dumped into the bowels and allowed 5frc " what causes , all the trouble. CASCARETS will help nature help you, and will keep the system from filling with poisons, wffl dean out the sores that tell of the sys tem s rottenness. Bloated by bile the figure becomes unshapely, the breath foul, eyes and skin yellow; in fact the whole body kind of nils up with filth. Every time you neglect t help nature you lay the foundation for just such troubles. CASCARETS will carry the "i -jr CURED BY inf - ) ffltnlfr DRUGGISTS Addrea wwers afths fi.i.i . Th digestive powers of tosl-V. have long ago passed wto , the birds wlU swallow almost lojlu that they can get Into their bealritJ'! are amusingly greedy, and win 7 dowa whole oranges more rapiji they can take them Into thsir itoaatJ so that half a dosen may be Kn,? rag down their long necks at the LUt time, each orange producing a looking protuberance. When vittbtl stand near the fence of one of tbai closure The birds will peck in a ! persistent manner at any bright obw. such as the head of an umbrella walking cane, a watch cualn, loJ brooch or button. It does not nrJl us to be told by the attendant that t digestion to the prevalent n,, among ostriches, and usually u remoJ sible for their death. It Is said tuati. attempt Is sometimes made to reliers aielr systems of an accumulation of i. digustlble matter by administering hiM a gallon of castor oil tn one dose. Words. As a moss gatherer the roiling Jok. heads the list. Do Your Feet Ache and Burn? Shake Into your shoes Allen's Foot. Ease, a powder for the feet. It tnakn tight or new shoes feet easy, cure. Corns. Bunions. Swollen. Hot. Smrtrtlni and Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Naiu rtom uy au aruggiats and shoe stores. Z5 cts. Sample sent FHEK, A-torei Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy. N. T. Brotherhood Is not In filing kind ly toward all men, but In acting toward them in love. " Wh aaall W Have rer Dessert, Tula question arises In the family dully. ns answer It to-day. Try Joll-O, a dollcioui aud healthful iessnrt. Prepared In 2 cnln. Sj boillnttl no baking 1 Simply mid a little bat water A set to cool. Flavors: l.em.iu, Grimes Kasp berry and strawberry. At grocers. l( The mill does not grow fat on the wheat it grinds, nor do nin on th truths they simply reason over. The Bast Prescription Tor Chills and Fever la a bottle of ftKOvs's Ttii CanxTomo. It Is simply lruu sri gumm. H a tasteless (oram. Mo ours uo pK frl.-sfcla You may disguise the allny In youi character, but you cannot prevent Its debasing its coinage. The strongest and finest naturfs have the sharpest contrasts in th.-lr chart;, ters. Style Is only the frame to hold our thoughts. It is like the sash of a win dow if heavy it will obacure the lig'at It is a good sign when a young person honestly believes In himself, tor since he best knows himself, it Is a sign of trustworthiness and promise. Feeling to knowledge, in your mlnda Is like the match to a Tire in a grate: knowledge without feeling being at cheerless and impotent as fire enlight ened. The mind requires not. like an earth en vessel, to be kept full: convenient food ailment only will influence It with a desire of knowledge and an ardent love of truth. aTHl-aT I For ytmr fkmllj si comfort aauu juur CJWO. HIRES Rootbeer will contribute mors to It than sons or los and aa-ron of fans. sauona tur 2 cents. 1 fcv Hat W analaas Snv4 , oaAai.cs a. amcsc. aiircn, 1'a. FOR FIFTY YEARS! MRS. WTNSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP bss been used by nilllWinflOf mother fir - IbWr children while Teething for over Ktrt Years. It soot ikes the child, soften, iuj auiua, allays all pain, run wind culic. ul la tbebnt remedy fur dlarrhuw. . Twanty-fiv Cants a Bottlv t Mi Stop Tobacco snl. It injures nsrvons aystsm to do so. inn niiss Is tlis on It core thai Keally Cares OlbU-bUlll aud notifies yon when to atop. MJ wits s iruarsntee that three boxsa will cnre aur rs B1CD.CUR0 ' b, nd tiarmlCTw it hu . ?. ., cured tbonaanda. It will ran At sll aruRsists or br wall prepaid. tll.iXI buc I boxes. 8S.AO. booklet free. Write LlliEal CHEMICAL PP.. La Crosse. Wis. nDODCY HEW DISCOVERY: m Va M quiea r.tt.' and-our wjnl c Suua of testimonial, aud 1U days' lra.ua. 4 l- rsa. Sr. a. a. BSaa'S SOBS. Sea s. alla.14. St BnOlfCf SAMPr.KSt.ro .HOVrral UUrtOI Interesting bo. b worth ai.SO, and illu-traled Cataloi: -' t lossy ' address for SO cn Is. Mumps Try uv W.A1DEBH H, 43 M est 3811. t . S. - not uu pcrinaiienuy ALL LOAT t r.-- 1 1 . , fc aovcrunmcnt and paper. 'IV