Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 20, 1900, Image 3

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WEDNTSnAY, JUNE 20, 1900
8nBst,RiPT,ON,-00PeryeM' If paid
In advance ; f 1.50 if not paid in ad
vance. Traiwient advertuing and 'local
notices 8 cents a line,
jjieductious will be made to those de
siring to advertise by the year, half or
quarter year.
Dr. Kd. Berry is visiting in this
The growing oats ia promising in
its appearance.
Juniata Cortnty fair at Port Koy
al, September 12 to 14.
In another month the days will
have lx-gun to shorten. IJeft for Philadelphia to tmt in th
Her. Lemuel Sieber of GetfWl "g te ?? the Republican National
The most copious rain this sum
mer fell on Tuesday afternoon.
County Treasurer Ehrenzeller
"urroff county OhioSentinel.
Yon can count on the Republi
can partjr for ballot reform. The
democratic -nnrfv .rt v it.-
visited the county seat last Friday. J caff party treat their rascals very
Miss Eilna Arbogast is home ri 1 "lfferently. The democratic party
it... C , 1 1 .
ui-iinou ji Mii uiuaiu dvuuui hi r ree-l"r-.
r f
t -i nre i4)mpany promises an
interesting 4th of July demonstra
tioffj Miss Catherine Logan of Thomp
son town is visiting Miss Emily
Hie shoe factory management
are wanting a numberof men, boys
and girls.
William Anman
ing Ins parents after an absence of
twelve years in the west.
'ine l'ennsyivania railroad com
pany is stringing a telephone line
along the Middle Division.
bond biock and
wuuui,, -
, AlVfie
Thnrsdav nru i . -I
oi at ' -iuorrow, June
5?2tto e almanac
fci. uay.
te kept on the move qnlivdy!EXeg&t BjKkaM Uniw8'
IjHr. E. E. Rerrv u v. -J .
b stories are based on truth.
Hessian fly ha destroyed the wheat
crop in Warren county.
MimLeAnna Will has returned
from a visit among friends in Harris
Isabel Schweier is attending
home frfmf
ZZt fl "W states
TT L!au888,PP river. He
-National Wnm
. . " vaxU a ii-puiJll
8 Jjgen west the past fourteen
T.nKi;. T. uance nPn the re
publican national
convention in
tJ. Ia"yS-Griffith and wife and
M Txx"6"31" and
B. Horning. 3Irs. Hom
ing an aunt of Mr. Griffith.
inunuay morninff Mr. Griffith
jy uoining about their rascals
ine republican party drop their
rascals or send them to prison as
was the case of the Philadelphia
election ballot box-stuffers.
William S. Taylor, who was
eiectea republican Governor of
nentncky and cheated out of the
place through the forms of law,
has been living in Indiana, because
iie is ieariui oi assassination. The
LJtentucky democratic officials issii-
S ed reomsitinn
is uouie Tint u ti -t
wciu w iuc noveruor oi inuiana
tor the arrest of Taylor to return
mm to Kentucky on a charge of
complicity in the murder ofGoebel
Muddy Run Union Sunday
School will hnlil a font; val of "M"rwl
William Boden of Perry couSjty dy Run school house in Milford
spent Monday in town with his
brother Prothonotary Boden.
The big republican convention in
Philadelphia will not get through
with its work before Thursday.
John Howe has retired from the
butchering business Mr. Howe
has been in the business some twen
tr years.
ewey will not be a candidate
for vice-President on thedemocrat
ic ticket or any qier ticket, ne
desires first placed
Philadelphia is full of politic
ians this week. They . are in at
tendance upon the republican
National convention.
("Many Juniata county citizens
are in Philadelphia taking in the
sights incidental tothe republican
National convention.
The Mifflin wreck crew was call
ed to Tyrone on Wednesday morn
ing to help clear the track of a
wreck of freight cars. .. ,
Mrs. Wm. H. Miles and daugh
ter Edith are visiting Mrs. Sidney
Lewis at Swathmore near Phila
delphia Mrs. Miles and Mrs.
. Mrs. Matthew Allison after vkl
iting her parents in Tyrone stop
ped off last Friday with Mrs. Ellen
Allison while on her way to-. her
home ia Washington, D. C. -
There will be' preaching in the
Westminster Pres. Church next
Sunday, morning and , evening,
June 24th., by the Rev. Andrew
Enicklacker of Brooklyn, X. Y.
The Altoona Tribune of the 19th
inst., mentions, that money sold in
Hollidaysburg at a premium of 9
per cent, at the monthly meeting
of the County Capitol Building As
sociation. Rev. A. X. Raven preached in
the Presbyterian church on Sun
day morning and evening and on
Thnrsday evening will give an il
lustrated lecture in theConrt House
on the snbjecfbfSeattleand Alaska.
Fanners who have clover grass
have been making bay the past
week. The timothy is so far back
with its development that timothy
hay making will be put off till af
ter wheat harvest on most of the
ZJ3eorge S. McLaughlin of Kansas
City was in the habit of standing
on street corners and tipping his
hat to every woman who passed by.
He was arrested and taken before
police Judge McAnley and fined
five hundred dollars. He appeal
ed to court for trialTj v
An old time flitting passed
through town on Tuesday. All
the household belongings were
loaded on a big wagon with chick
ens and sheep in boxes'aDd the
house doer tied under the wagon.
If they ha i a tent with them they
would have leen at home where
ever they stopped.
Mark Hanna, who came to the
, front fonr years ago as a National
republican politician, is no less
conspicuous at the Philadelphia
convention than he was when Mc
Kiuley was first nominated. Ferd
Meyers was the Mark nanna for
the democratic county convention
at Mifflin town on Monday.
township about a mile west of Pat
terson on Saturday evening, June
23. As a place to spend an even
ing pleasantly Muddy Kun is un
surpassed, handsome school room
suitable grounds, the best refresh
ments and pretty girls to attend
the tables. Everybody invited
Come and bring your wives, chil
dren and sweet-hearts.
Senator Allen J. Greer of Lake
City, Minn., delegate to the Re
publican .national Convention at
Philadelphia, stopped off at the
National House and was the guest
of his aunt Mrs. James Mnrray
irom batnrday until Monday morn
ing. Since leaving his native
county of Mifflin thirty-five ye"rs
ago beuator Greer has served as
State Superintendent of Public
Schools of Minnesota, several years
in the Legislature and at present is
a member of the State Senate.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McClellan
and their daughter Mrs. Svenson
gave a reception on Tuesday even
ing in honor of A. N. Raven, Ph
D. and wife, who expect soon to
leave-for their new home in Seattle,
A Jarce company- of the friends of
the minister and his' wife and the
host and hostess were present
Regrets were expressed that Mr.
Svenson was unavoidably prevent
ed from attending the reception
Elegant refreshments were served
The company returned to their
homes about 11 o'clock in the ev
"My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land ot Liberty."
Hurrah! Hurrah! The Fourth
of July is coming. The day is to
be celebrated at Mifflintown. The
demonstration is to. be under the
management of the Mifflintown
Hose Company No. No. 1. All the
lodges in the county have been in
vited to participate in the demon
stration. Fire companies outside
of the county have been invited
and are expected to attend There
will be a parade in the afternoon
after which there will be a pig race
in the court house yard; a tub race
in the river; slippery pole climb
ing for a purse in the public square
and a cake-walk in the evening
with, fire-works and balloon ascen
Illustrated Lecture on Nome,
the Klondike and the Puget Sound
country by A. N. Raven, Ph. D.,
at the Court "House, Mifflintown,
Pa., Thnrsday evening, June 21st.
Incidental to "the Lecture the plea
sures of nn overland trip via the
. Voiiiorii Tw.ifi will he shown.
Admission: Adult's, 15 cents; chil
dren, 10 cents. .
'ontrac-tor James J. Horning is
furnishing contractor Joseph Brin
dle a large percentage of lumber
for the shoe factory: About 40,
Ooo feet frame material; . between
five and six thousand feet of boards;
thirteen thousand feet of roofipg
lath and a lot of scaffolding lumber.
This is material that Mr. Horning
had cut andaed in woodin Lost
Creek Valley.
The wheal crop of Kansas is esti
mated at seventy five million busb-
pIs. that is fifty bushels for
every man. woman and child in tbe
Misses BeS8in and Marearet Oii
vbT. students of Wilson Uollece od
th-ir way to their hnro in Ohio stop
ped off two days of last -jrerk witb
tbe Misses luiM.
The war in South Africa flgairst
the Boers continues. Sixteen years
atro all the cold fields in that part of
the eountry cmia nave weo ionui
for ices than fifty thousand dollars.
Tbe finding of gold in paying quan
tities has mads a world wide chwge
and caused the present war.
Mnlasstin is first rate food for
h-treef, mules and cattle. The "ani
mals fatten, become sleek and glossy
in nnnearance. 8o says a writer on
ii anViirnt nf molaeaus as food for
c.tt!e. " Two to eight pounds low
rrade molassus a day can hardly be
replaced in excellent results by any
other food excepting ui
This season corn growers will have
no trouble in learning whether late
or early corn planting is the best for
in most of the fields there are large
spots of both early and late planting.
The early planting mo
in cr Ann the late pianung a
rows or spots in tbe fields that
come up when nrsi piauieu
are the spots that were
second time. . .
The wheat crop of Kansas is esti
mated at seventy five million bushels.
Her people consume seven million
five hundred thousand bushels to sell.
It will take a number ot isaonayw.
irold fields to produce ns mnch mon
ev S3 tbe wheat of Kansas produces.
The people of Pennsylvania consume
twenty-nve miuwu " Z
This year it is emmam-i i
Dl.ini wheat crop will
yield over twelve million bushels.
planted the
A Chinese Boxer Tee Ho Chnan
which signifies righteousness, har
mony and fists.
C. number of states have passed
laws against the sale of baking pow
der that contains sluing
William Grier of Mifflin county is
visiting at the National House. He
and Mrs James Murray are brother
and sister.
The democratic convention in town
on Monday was an interesting and
important one to all tbe candidates
T?om Lowery claims to have caught
some oi me largest bass Irom tbe
river since the season opened. on9
P'ghing over 4 pound (J
liss Blanch Wright and Mrs. H.
Jartin and her daughter Miss
Belle Martin expect soon to go to
Paris to visit the world's falrjf
Gertrude Davis a colored girl of
16 years, presented Rev. Dr. R. S.
Mac Arthur with a bouquet of flowers
at a church service at Astoria, New
York State last Sunday in return for
which the preacher kissed her.
Newspapers from all parts of tbe
country report snake stories of the
queerest kinds, but none come up to
the Thompson town snake story of
several years ago. Juniata county
rests on the Tbompsontown snake
story laurels.
The democratic convention in town
on Monday was an interesting and
important eonvention to all the can
didates concerned. But the crowd
in attendance was not large enough
tuat tickets of admission were re
qnired to keep the hall from being
over crowded.
Mrs. Pamelia Crawford, who has
during the psst many weeks been
prostrate with partial paralysis fit
the home of her daughter Mrs. Pom
eroy, wife of banker Pomeroy at Port
Royal has been brought to the- home
of Mrs. Irwin, wife of banker T. V,
Irwin in this town.
Redijckb Ratfs to Kansas City Via
X'&nnstlvamia Railroad. ' : '
For tbe National Democratic Con
vention, io be heJd at Kansas City,
July 4, th Pennsylvania Rulnad
Company wil! s 11 txcursiw tickets
to Kitnsas City from all. stations on
its line ct rate Of one first cl&a fare
for tiie round I rip. Tickets to be
sold and and "rod goieg July 1, 2,
and 3, and to return until July 9.
inclusive These ticket will be srood
on sll trains except the Pennsylvania
Lim.Ud, and moat be used for con-
tiDUouH pnege. J 1.
The movements now goincr on in 1
China are of world-wide interest.
The resnlt of what is now going on
there will be far-reaching. The
men who are in rebellion against
the regular government authority
have come to be called Boxers The
class of people by that name in
China is new to Americans and ev
eryone is asking what does Boxer
mean when applied to the reliel
lious Chinese. The Chinese minis
ter at Washington said to a news
paper man who called on him in for
information on the subject. "I pre
sume that the name comes . from
athletics; men who lwx are athletes.
The organization in China is called
"ee Ho Chaun. which signifies
ngnteouaness, harmony and hsts.
This probably Wans what you
would call being in traininjr as ath
letes do to develope their strength
in the interest of harmony and
righteousness. It is a new order
to me. -
1 Hakt Acker. On the 13th
insi., at last ssaiem iy ifev. J
The Philadelphia Inquirer of June
1G, publishes tbe following as a spec
ial from Chambersburg, Pa. Rev.
H. J. Kitzmiller, pastor of the United
Brethren Church at Quincey, had
six of bis most valuable chickens stol
en the other night. He suspected
resident of Tomstowo, and wpnt
there to identify his poultry. Not
being satisfied with a casual icspec
tion be called his bust chicken "Jack"
by name, and the cock walked up to
him, followed by the other five. The
preacher gave the man until evening
to return the poultry, and they were
brought to his yard while the family
was at sapper.
Reduced Rates to Chicago Via the
Pennsylvania Railboad fob the Na
tional Prohibition Convention, on
June 26 28.
For the benefit of all persons wish
ing to be in Cbicag during the Na
tional Prohibition Convention, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company wiil
sell rouad-trip tickets to Chicago at
rate of one fare for tbe round trip,
Tickets to be sold and good going
June 25 and 26, and returning, after
proper validation by the Joint Agent
of tbe terminal lines at Chicago, ana
leaving Chicago to June 29, inclusive.
A fee of twenty five cents fcr each
ticket will be collected by the Joint
Agent when tickets are validated for
return passage. Je20.
Excursion's to Atlantic City. Othkb
Atlantic Coasts via Pennsylvania
Thursdays, July 5 and 19, and
Angnst 2 and 16, are the dates of
tbe Pennsylvania Railroad annual
low-rate excursions for 1900 to At
lantic City, Cape -May, Ocean City,
Sea Isle City, AvoIod, Anglesa, Wild-
wood, Holly Baflcb, N. J., Rehob lb,
Del., or Ocean City, M1.
Tickets good to return within Six
teen days, including date of excursion.
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will leave Pitts
burg on abova . mentioned dates at
8.55 a. in., arriving at Altoona 12.15
p. m., where stop for dinner will be
made, reaching Philadelphia at 6.25
p. m , m time for supper, and ar
riving at Atlantic Ci'y, via the Dela
ware River Bridge Route, the onlv
all rail line, at 8 40 p. m. Passengers
may also spend tbe night in Pin'Ia
de'rbia, and proceed to the shore by
any regular train from Market Street
Wharf or Broad Street Station on
the following d-y.
Passengers for points than Atlan
tic City will spend Ahe night in Phil
adelphia, and nse resnlar trains tbe
next day from Market Street Wbarr.
A stop over of ten days will also be
allowed at Philadelphia on the going
trip, if passengers will deposit their
tickets with the Ticket Asent at
Broad Street Station. Philadelphia,
immediately on arrival
Tickets will be sold from tbe sta-
tionsat tbe rates named below:
Kate. 1 . leaves.
Altoona (stop
for dinner 8 00
Huntingdon 7 10
Mount Union 6 75
Lewistown J unc. 6 00
Mifllin 5 65
Newport 5 00
Duncannon 4 bO
Philadelphia (stop
for supper ) Ar.
Tickets" will also be good on regu
lar trains leaving Pittsburg at 450
and 8 30 p. m , oirrying sleeping cars
to Philadelphia, and 7.10 p. m .'.car
rying Pullman sleeping cars through
to Atlantic City.
For detailed information in regard
to rates and time of trains apply tf
ticket agents or Mr. Thomas iu. Watt,
District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg.
Landis, Henry Hart of McAJister
ville and Miss Nettie Auker of Ev-
Ckiley Smith. On the 5th
inst., at home of bride by Rev.
H. H. Douty, Nesley Criley of Liv.
erpool township, Perry county and
Emma Smith of Van Dyke, Juni
ata county, j
12.35 p. m.
1 26 "
fl44 "
2 20 "
f2 37 "
f3 27 "
f3 27 .
8 40 "
Coldkon. On the 9th inst.,
near East Salem, Nancy Coldren,
aged 77 years, )mos. and 20 days.
Hi x ELY. At Trenton. N. J.,
Miss Mary Heinly, daughter of Al
bert and Anna Heinly formerly of
this town. Her remains were
brought to this place and the fun
eral was conducted by funeral di
rector Snyder from the home of her
grand-father Jacob Snyder on Third
street on Tuesday the 19th inst.
Showers On the 13th inst:,
in Walker township. Frederick
Showers of dropsy of the heart, ag
ed 69 years, 7uios. and 3 days. "
He was a soldier against rebel
lion. Interment in the U. P. cem
etery t cross-roads in Walker
township at the Adams and Sieber
farms. x
Thomas. Ou the 17th inst.,- in
Philadelphia, Miss Kate A Thomas,
formerly of this town. She w as ill
alnnit two wpeks, but was not con
sidered seriously ill. She expired
suddenly and unexpectedly of heart
ailment of which ailment a number
of the Thomas family have died.
Her remains were brought to this
place. The funeral takes place this
Wednesday from the Lutheran
church of which she was a mem
ber many years. Interment in
Union cemetery south of Mifflin
Moore. It is a source of regret
than an errCr found its way into
the obituary notice of Miss Anna
Claudine Moore in last week's is
sue of the Sentinel and Republican,
both ns to her name and disease.
Miss Anna Claudine Moore, died of
catarrh of the stomach and spine
affection, a complication of dis
eases, bne was orsnimet over eitrh
teen years in the McAlisterville
Presbyterian church; a member of
the Christian Endeavor Society ev
er since it was started and teacher
of the infant class in the Sunday
School many years; a devout
Christian church - worker. She
has gone to her reward; her works
do follow her.
Mili.ikex. On the 15th of May,
1900, Rev. S. J. Milliken, died at
Tokio, Japan, where he was en
gaged in Presbyterian church mis
sionary work. Mr. Milliken was a
native of Mifflin county, Pa.-: son
of Joseph and Elizabeth Milliken
He was born at Lewistown. MiMlin
county, Pa., in 1827. At the time
ot his death be was 73 years. His
ministry extended through a per
iod of more than fortv-seven years
It is three years since he went to
Japan with Mrs. Milliken to visit
a daughter who has long leen in
the missionary field of that conn
try. ne preached for the Presby
terian congregation at Academia,
Juniata county, Pa., a generation
For the meeting of the NatHra'
Educational Association at Ch tries
ton, S. C, July 7 and 13, the, Peor-
pvlv.-ioia Railxoad Company wi;l sc-U
excursion tickets frcm all stations on
its lines to Charlestown at ti'O ra'
of'oco fare for the rvuod trip, plirs
$2 00. Tickets to bs fold jal'y 5 to
8, inclusive. Oa the return trip stop
over will bo allowed at Washington
oi deposit of ticket wifh Joint Agtnt
and on payment cf fee of $1 00.
Men and boys on tbe street, who
by word or set disturb people wloj
J . J : a 1 11 I
ixias DV are UIBtUI WI n ui luo lww.
There are lawful penalties for such
For the Annual Convention of
Baptist Young People's Union
America to be held at Cincinnati, Ju
ly 12 15, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion ticke s
from ail stations un itn tine f Oi i
cinnati t one fare for tbe round trip
Tickets to be sc Id and giod goirg
July 10 io 13, inclusive, andtorf tu-n
until July 17, ioclns'vi-; but if tickets
be deposited with h- Joint Agent
at Cincinnati ou or before July 14,
: and if fee of fifty cpnts be paid, the
i return limit will bj n'ouiKd tit An
' ust 10, inclusive. . je 27.
Big and Large
Spring and Summer Goads.
Car ef nil j selected t onr one week stay in Boston and New Tork;
Right direct from manufacturers and importers at verj low prices, perhaps a
little lower tban ecme other Store Keeper can bay them. Our long acquaint
ance and experience with tbe big msDnfactorers and large bneiness nooses
gives us unlimited facilities to boy goods at lower prices than some other
Store-keepers, and we can afford and offer you goods st lower prioea than oth
er Store-keepers.
Listen to pome of our Prices.
Mattings of good quality at 12cts a yard.
Striped Carpets at lOo to 12$o.
Flowert Ingrain Carpets at 2oats
Tapestry Brufsels Carpet for 50 and 60ols.
Window Shades, felt with Rollers at lOo
Wil Shades witb Spricg Rollers at 25cts.
Table Oil Clotb, 2 da for 25cts; 2 jsrds for 30 and 85oU.
Wall Pspers, new patterns at 8ots a double bolt-
Lace Curtains by tbe yard at lCcts a yard.
White Count rrpsues at 05c!.
- Featber Pillows at 65o a pair.
Pure geee feathers at 49ots a lb.
Muslins, good heavy unbleached, 10yds for 55o.
Muslim of lighter weight at 41 and 6c'
10-4 red thcerinps 153, 20o, 2,c.
Ladies' and Children's Suxmcr Vests for 5o.
Men's good shirts for 5o
Men's nolaundried shirts with collars for 38o.
Caliooes, all colors at 5 and 6ots.
Ginghams for 43 to 5o and 6o
Clark's O N. T. Cotton for 4 io.
Summer Djcss Goods, tbe prettiest styles we ever had from 5o . and and
Finest b!ack crepscs for 50, 60c at d $1.00.
Serges, Henriettas, whip cords, cheviots, Paplins, mohairs, home-'spun
olothes, and all tie new dress clotb for tailor made suits at very reasonable
low prices.
White Good?, Percales, Batiste, Foulards and all the new styles of
Wash Goods at lower Prices tban other store-keepers.
Pretty Wrappers and Tea Gcwn for 75c and $1.00.
Ladies urder skirts for 2"o to $1.25.
Ladie? tailor made suit?, shirt waists and wash skirts at very low prices.
New Spring
Lfgions of Cheviots, Cassirnrep, Worsteds, Serges and Clays, and
6vVrv suit ehws onr skill as makers proud, and every ptice adds lustre
to our record for enterprise You'll find twice the choosing here that
any other store can give you. Tou'il fiml our prict s at least twenty
(20) per rct. below all other dealers.
Men's Reliable Clothing,
Business Suits of Cheviots, Tweeds and Cassimeres.
OO Sl'rill? 8dowil,S ct Cheviot, Tweed, and Cass'mero Suits in
Sc.oo Blue, Black, Fancy Mixtures,
trimmed with wide French fr.cings ar.d msdo with grent care.
nrocc 1114-0 of all-wool Ca-sinierfs
LICOi) OUUb, ord Worsteds. .
A very interesting line of exceptionally High Grade CZt
Cessuneres and Worsted Suits in every rev effeot, jn J vDIOOOj
OUR SUMMER SEOES aie Beady for jcu. Mo adf ance in them.
103 to 109 Bridge Street,
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1900.
Special Invitation To The Public
To attend tbe Attractive Sale ol Clothing lat goes on iai'y
f 1 Tv 1 1 T i 1
single or uouoie ereastea, o i2.oo,
very best tailors creation,
FROCK. Tcey ere of the
We sell them to you
We are Readv for the Boys.
rf v ur Spr"'fT Suits for the Bov's are n ow being placed upon
52. O tbe tables for inspection of rnoiher3. We havo never shown
( a line butter calculated to please tbe careful buyer in
New Lire of
all the
Fabric, Style and price
tbnn those we are offering to you now. Cn.ll and sna them.
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
and Latest Styles in Hats, Nrckwtar'snd Sdirts. We are beadqnarte.rs for
Sweet Orr & Co., Overalls nnd Shirts Ojr Trunk and Satchel Depart
ment is filled np to overflowing. Onr prices are lower than ever.
have srrived. We are leady with nn immeuFe npecrlment of Furni
ture and Houpe Furnishing Goods. We are determined to make this
store, your store. The fitore that is fi'ld to overflowing with mer
chandise that saves you dollars. It is impossible to d i justice in print
to Mich a large stock as onrs. Come and see for yourselves and in
spf ct the large assortment of Parlor Suits. Bed Room Suits, Couches,
Lounges. Side boards, Ex'cnsion Tab'es, Fancy Rockerp, Spring, Mat
. trecses, Fancy Parlor TaWf-s, Dining and Kitchen Chairp, Hall Racks,
Toilet and Dinner Sols, Wiudow Shades and complete line of Furni
ture Picture Frames mido to order in' ny kind of moulding. Fur
niture delivered free of charo.
115 and 11T It ridge Street,
Tusoarorp Valley Railroad.
it will be
Who cave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods lor
It is truly marvelous to See
of Su;s and Overcoats at tbe ii'otiderfull v Low Trices.
His pricca leave all Competitors in fhe rear, so don't fiil
to give him a call if in need 0 Clothing,
Why not be well? ,
If you are inffering with any disease of the Kidneys,
Bladder or Urinary Organs, Dr. David Kennedy' m
Favorite Remedy will make you well again. It has
cured cases that bordered on the miraculous.
It quickly cures men and women of inability to hold
arm, and they are not compelled to get np often and make
water at night. It removes the scalding sensation in
passing it, and, when taken according to directions, it
invariably cures pains in the small of the back.
Favorite Remedy not only cures Stone in the
Bladder and Bright's Disease, but prevents them
from developing.
One case is that of Johk J. Kbill, of son North
Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. In 18S9 he began
to suffer indescribable miseries from Stone in the
Bladder.. An eminent physician said surgical
operation was necessary. If unsuccessful it meant
deathand Mr. Neill put oS the evil day as long as possible.
While in this frame of mind he heard of Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and bought it. Before
he had finished the third bottle the gravel was completely
dissolved and his sufferings were at an end.
Favorite Remedy is a perfect Blood and
Nerve medicine. It restores the liver to a healthy
condition, cures the worst cases of Constipation,
and all diseases peculiar to female. It cures Scrof
ula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism. Your druggist
will sell you a regular full-sized bottle for $1.00.
Sample Bottle Free,
Those sufferers who wish to try Favorite
Remedy before 'buying should send their full
postoffice address to the Dr. David Kennedy Cor
poration, Rondout, N. Y., and mention this paper. A
. free sample bott1 will be sent them prepaid, together with
full directions for using. This ia a genuine offer, and all
oar readers can depend upon it.
Blair's Mills Iv.
Leonard' Grove
Rors lOm
E! 7."at-rf''r':-.
JWiiiur- ...
Hop? Gi-t.v?
Fort r-ighairr.
Pleasant Ya.-
Seven Pi um
Spruce Ilil5.
Old Port
Port Royal Ar.
19 25
P. M.
I 45 I
S2IJ 42 I
301-2 50 j
srl-3 9 :
44,1 04
52;3 12 !
VONDERFUL are the cures by
Hood's tfarsapavilla, and yet they
we simple and natural. Hood's SarasV
pariUa Kiaies FURS G LO O
Tho fo'lnwinr srhp1nlf wont Into effect
Nov. 1(1, 1S1'6, and the tn ns wiil be run aa
I cave Arntv . m
Tlrm-snnon 7 f4
King's Mill 7 i
Sulphnr Pp!ne 7 4K
"ro'n-.Hi: f.-l;n? 7 41
t nr-N-i'o Pari- 7 41
p. m
4 30
4 36
4 3t
3 41
4 45
4 41
4 61
4 61
4 5G
4 09
a. ra
0 CO
s n
! 15
0 19
p 23
9 ?4
9 2T
Tr8insNoa. 1 srd 2t orc"ct at Port Royal
with VTay TatM-ERer and Seashore Expn? aa
ou P. B. R., ord Nob. 3 and 4 witb Mil as
Troira Kos. 2 ard 8 connect at Blairs
MiKe with Concord, Doylesbnre; Dry Run,
'cf9ville, Neeljtcn, Shade Grp, Shade
Valley and Uoehorn Station Stnvo lines.
Tort Ifoyal
Oid Port
Spruce Hiil
Stfvt-n Pint's
Pler.RRiit View
Fort Birbm
Hon-y Grove
Hccknwn -.
East Walc-rrord
Kofis Farm
Leon ard 'j Grovo
Water lor.
Ulair's Milie.. .-. . Ar.
A. M.
10 20
1-3:10 27
2 8 10 33 5
P. M.
5 05
5 12
3fi5 21
39 5 24
42 5 27
50 5 35
7.2110 53 5
O.ojll 015
10 011
0fi5 51
15 6 00
23 6 08
286 13
40 6 25
53 6 38
22.0 12 Oo;G 45
24.0112 CS 53
25.5,12 14 6 9
27.0112 20 7 05
m. wonaemu improvement in Krlrlmn Krrtll
(.in-Dark. Back mcion ot C'ttrni.f ; 1 tfmrHUfw4
XU any oilier m tncmfcrjcet. trir.tutzt i Imrh Krrta.
calming eil tlwfHSI ir-arinz tostiind pttll whMe twet-
1..: gmil MTiRC IH IMIWIT Kllri Wf-flP. 4 Tt
J.iio :;n;t pncis trt-. Jklo Sp.'init llMrt-t .
VlliTuni-H, t orn I'laBrcrs. lifn.) ..
iLsisC-A !:'r.K.6ji:oLl, .tifrs Vurl.. ra.
f TAT'Oys.
BuCslo Bridge....
Junlhta Furnace ..
Wat-r Ping
B!f.omlie!d Jnnci'n
Gt?on I'ark ......
Fort Rntibji
Cir.a's Ki:
Aiidcrsonbtir? ......
Mount Pleasant . ..
New Grruiant'ri ...
i-8- iL
f u ! A a '
! 6 Co i0 25!
I 6 0?" 10 88.
i 0 12 10 42:
I 6 110 45
i 6 23 'it
! 6 -ft 11 or
16 8111 C!-
i 6 S"'ii o:
j 51 II 2'
6 54 1 1 21
! 7 05; II
7 ll:M 4li
7 If,! I 45
7 2MI 5:
7 27 f 1 1 A7
7 Sil206
7 4! !2 11
7 46H2 15
i I f
8 80
S 27j 8 6J
8 2S 3 58
8 21! 8 f )
S If 3 4(i
8 1 1
8 : a a..
7 4ft 8 M
' f 3 iv
Cl! 3 Oi
7 -' A?.
7 !,; if
7 IS 2 4-i
7 1C 2 4j
7 Ctf 2 83
6 6f 2 24
C 60 2 20
D. GKJNG, l'r.-?idont ii.iDogot
K. Millei.', Gf aeril Apent.
jBBt W W jj
travtr o A rAU arrra r- t - r. w t a
Jtrnppt on fiuaar, Chiiam TiOnr Tt.
"try Tnivalrr UkkiM IUe s tuCOu ot it In bu tatcM
Every Sufferer .r5 "gSKS
ow Beavuwb. ii phtfcftrla, Oatur, ttnn h. Brut
f-C T maV, tMult 4irbmi, Dnrrl-A, I jxin ntir' 2V-
la Butlj or Ltmt. yt ff Joint or Strain, !; 3-
Szynm aitJL t :.
'A Valuable Book n T.
Ute;GH sent free to aiit
and iioor paOentH can alro i..
tli is foedtcine free of v
TbtB remedy hen prepared bytb J -
;-i;or Ktaii;, ol Fort Wayue. lad., uincc
'juo? priin;3 uodtrlus dirocUou b tliu
i-.OSrVo MEO.CO.. Chicagrv
f..VHg3;tocilpfUottie. e
p. m
2 38
2 28
'i 20
f. 19
2 15
ffps'-w 7 ? 2 13
'Hc.J.'y 7 8a 2 08
Hoarraii 7 83 2 d
koypr 7 31 i 03
'llbanny 7 28 2 00
5 10 10 43 Biooidii,.ia 7 23 1 41
5 Ifi ? 40 'Tresslei 7 09 1 81
' 6 21 9 54 A'c!i 7 Ci 1 31
6 24 9 57 'Dunr's 7 Ol 1 28
5 27 10 0S Ei !o(.b.:t7 C f 8 1 25
5 fl2 10 07 il.TDlieisl's G 51 1 20
6 34 10 17 'Grom Ptik 6 49 118
i 5 R7 10 30 Noi.'pnr June 8 88 1 16
6 02 JOSS I.RSd)N.nrjr 6 23 250
i p. ia a. ro Atrivp J.e.'v s. m p m
I fraia Ivavna B!ooaih"oM a? &.tS . m.,
: f-rid arrive at Lanli3li"irj ot H.'ii a. m.
Train li-nv LtnriislnrB' at 6,'C8 p. m., and
1 arr-.ves at BloomftfiM at 6 'd p. m.
' A !l atiitionii rna. kei () are tl? Millions,
j at whlct trains will cn:i: t a full atop on
I sisnsl
("nA8. II. Sbilet, P. H. Fee,
J rrcB'dcni. Si.pt.
I I V ley K:ilrrarl CornpRtty. Time table
of pa.seDper trains, in tfl'wt on Monday,
Hay lblb, 1896.
I v
1 i
J- ....