"7-. SBKTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. PA. WEDiraSDAY, JUtI20, l!K)0. B.F.SCHWEIER, . KDITOB AOT PROPRIETOR. BEFVBUCAM ST4TE TICK.-. ct. . for auditor general, Edmund li. Hardenbaugh, of Wayne. CONG R ESSM A If -AT-L A Rd E. Galusha A Grow, of Siisaiichnnnn- Robert 8. Foerderer, of Philadelphia. Mifflintown 3. A. Ellla. MUfordJeromeJCerchuer. Monro-J.W.)eckard. v Port Royal H. 8- Dim m i ; Spruce Hill J. M. Brackbill: Susquehanna Joseph Miller. Thompson town John Hopple. . Turbett George V. Boyer. . , . : Tuscarora Harry Huffman. Walker James KaufTman The Chair then announced the vote as follows :" Senator Assembly Sheriff. Eorc&Ban and the AtUtio have tarn. " i 4- : : m-.. . rr ... : , . . jMuw-IMbrad in reJk-ioo hi R,8tn f v ' ' . COBlTr TICKET. i - CONGRESS. Thad. M. Mahon. STATE SENATOR. Wm. Hertzler. . ASSEMBLY. . T. K. Beaver. REGISTER & RECORDER. D. Samuel Leonard. SHERIFF. Joseph M. Evans. JURY COMMISSIONER. David G. Shellenberger. hie JJemocratic primary election . held on Saturday was full of life. In auuitlon to the nomination for offices that are to be Ailed under the provisions Turbett or tne general law, was the question of the organization of the party of the unterrineu. There are leaders of public questions x tiere are leaders of parties , """ts imucni oi iue democratic party in Juniata county it was not the matter of public question, but the mat ter of party that brought out the unter- nfied on Saturday. rm a me cauaiaates wanted to use the party, not so much on account of prin ciple as on account of the desire to get an omce plum, and the leaders wanted to use the party, not so much oh account wi principle as ou account of a de sire for power, and love of shak here and there getting a deliciously ripe official plum for themselves or friends j So between the two, between the can didates and the leaders the old time be grimmed party of the erring brethren was invaded and well shaken up. The ....... t ti-'"W . . at .h 2 n r t , " Districts. W S ' S 2s ' -; 2. 5" S E . a ' g- S 2 , i -i ... ... , . : :: : : : Beale 59 4 64 1 8 62 Black Log 10 O S 0 II 16 Delaware 20 14 2 15 17 83 Fayettte 82 11 70 1 88 Fermanagh.... 74 0 18 28 38 84 Greenwood ... 65 S 48 3 7 68 Lack 81 10 70 2 21 87 Mifflintown... 98 24 43 11 70 120 Milford 62 19 32 6 46 84 Monroe 75 22 15 49 83 97 Patterson.. ...104 19 35 11 75 123 Port Royal 54 3 15 1 43 60 Spruce Hill.... 54 12 59 0 10 68 Susquehanna.. 36 1 17 1 17 37 Thompson town 6 22 0 3 25 27 Turbett 37 13 12 1 38 41 Tuscarora 102 49 12S 2 25 458 Walker 22 53 8 15 56 78 Total... 1037 2S8 570 219 559 1321 Reg't'r Jury Chair- St Rec. Com'er. man. t TELLTALES OF eovTDmeit and in njn'rimonr. At ' lonr intervals 1 he one has to iorga ita system upr-n the other. L' vg ajj Persia attempted to cirry Asiatic civilization into Eorojw by foice of arms Then e one It mi vrtth her mighty effort tot curry Eu ropean civilization ino Asia. ' ' Then em Ma'ifmeliiriisivi to foro4 its civ l.zation upon. Europe and now ag-iio the tiJn is tura'd Bud Eirojc is LIFE'S ENCOUNTERS. Simple Metfcada fcr Whlrll Tkey Mmr Be Boftenea r Cntlrelr KTI b What m 8liMtld Dm tm GuH AcalBrt Their Caaila. Wrinkles are the handwriting of time on! the ' human countenance.' How much, they give expression and char acter, as well as Individuality, to It la hown when ' th photographer ' re- nnkinff an ff r to fore it oiviiigt i toncbea the negative of a picture and muij ui io insnmen, who went out on a lark. They were looking for some thing to turn up They espied a yard in which stood a tree dotted over with nice looking apples. Let's gather a few said Jamie. Here's at you, answered i-atncK. They en tered th yard, hast- enea to the tree, gave it a shake and C pc sg f 2 a ? I ? w Districts. n 53 Z K S . 3 2. S S a- g. 5 f ? f I F : Beale....'. 42 21 21 41 44 19 Black Log 0 16 0 16 0 16 Delaware 19 14 20 13 13 20 Fayette 43 4S 27 61 30 63 Fermanagh.... 32 51 20 60 36 43 Greenwood.... 44 14 47 10 41 17 Lack 69 22 54 40 54 37 Mifflintown... 42 80 48 73 52 68 Milford 49 30 10 74 54 30 Monroe 66 29 35 60 27 70 Patterson 86 37 32 88 53 69 Port Roval.... 34 2-5 5 52 27 31 Spruce Hill.... 41 24 21 43 37 29 Susquehanna.. 13 24 17 19 15 21 Thompsontown 7 21 5 23 2 26 Turbett 19 32 6 42 12 38 Tuscarora 105 54 80 74 97 61 Walker 22 65 12 65 20 58 Total ...733 603 460 854 614 721 tion uson -Asii. EialaDd has well uigh aitscrbed I'Jili ' at.tl aba ntd otbr-f European ppop'e are fjrcir.y (JietnstlvfB upon China. The Chinese Bixers that arecreifc iDg the trouble in that country ae 4 powerful secret orgtniz-xtion that are said to Dumber ten mill.on mmbni?. Ttey prrpare to drive a'l foreigort s out of the counfry. Tby do r.ot want to adopt the ways of European? cd Amtr cins Th y have destroy el for isn mi3'onaiy property arid killed missionaries in nearly aM thf foreign mission fildii ia Chi'. a Marines from British fl ets, Frcncb, Gerrran, Aus'rian and Russian flje's have been landed to protvc1 life and property of the people of tho respec tive rations The first encounter with the Boxrs was by. the liritiab, who had a bit tie with two thousand xrs on the 10th of Jane. The The Chinese were badly whipped. FIRST ELECTION III CCB.4. The 1st election after the. fashion of the American system of electing government officers was leld in Cu ba last Saturday, June 16. The elections were for aldermen, may ors, treasurers, judges and other local officers to serve one year. .There were three tickets in the field of politics. The republican party ticket; the democratic union party ticket; the national party ticket. wipes thorn out of existence. The re semblance to the' Individual Is about the same as the dried specimen of a flower lu the botanist's herbarium Is to the one which grows bright and vig orous, full of life," In the meadow or the forest 'Wrinkles are telltales of VA-'WtD HcrtM tttrt. " Ex-AsaUtant United States, District AMnrnev Sutherland Tenner , of New Tort was graduated from the Colnin bla Law school In 1S75, when be carried off the arst.prJsse of $300. A disap pointed eoiuiwdtor t-on;jratulat-d him and added: "I snpitose It wss because your thesis was Illegible, .'ta-tww.r. and the Judges gave jrou the keut-Ut :f the dunht., Mr. Tenney. unrui!!i ;l. rt plied. "How Diuc-h bettt-r you'v.-ould do if you adupti-d that-" pi-ncthv In all your workl" Ssituriia.v Kv'uk!g Pot.' ; GnfNASnc Union and Festival (Turn ' fest) Nokth AmRicA, PhilAdea " phi A, Jinti 17-24. Redcckd Rates to Phiiadelphia VIA PjOnrSTLXASlA Raileoad For the ' Gvmnas'ia Union and life's encouuters. They accumulate In J FesHva' (Tnrnfost) North American, grief and in sorrow; they Increase and at Philadelphia, frnm June 17 24, the grow ugly, when the will loses Its grip J Pennsylvania Rilra'l Coropanv will on the thoughts and the nerves run Be excursion tickets o Philadelphia riot. Each can ascertain the cause of Tfm all tfation on iia line at the the wrinkles and Interpret the rj 0r sinele fare for the round trip. Uonrf which have made lines and 1 cross d lines upon his or her own face by as- - , , , . " ... suming the muscular contractions that ':JJ 2. an3 10 retarTn JPUl have produced them. ' June 26 inclusive., Je-17. The principal wrinkles tliat mark the face are those that annear on the fore- ! TEliMf ffSTOHE PARK AMD Lena S. imnot. - F. If . Psski ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW. MlFFLINTOwTJ, PA. Oman On lUln street, la plsce of re Bridge street. I Oct SO. 1892 OyCoUectlDg an4 Conveyanelng yromct ly attended to. 3l Clothing' ALASKA. head, stretcliiuir across from one temnle to another, from two to five parallel Extended tours tinder the man lines or from one to three upright a t fTh Tonrist ones. These lines are reprehensible . v;. T, " , and uniKHjessary. tlie result of a per-' Associahon, Beau Campbell, Gen nicidus batiit of overuse of nerve era' Manager, 1423 Marquette force, an exaggeration of energy in Building, Chicago, Pullman Sleep thought and sixtvcb and accompanied ing and Dining Cars leave Chicago, by self consciousness. They are usual-, Tuesday, July 10, at 10 p. m., via ly formed early in life, and parents Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul should by persistence prevent a child Railway. Tickets include all ex- T.,JTq!.,iriU.B tbe hM 11,6 "ne8 J penses everywhere. Address Geo. latitude are less noble than those of vV TT , i-n lonKitude. I n- Heafford, General Passenger Tlie next set of wrinkles In luipor-' -agen nicago, 111. tanee are those alnjut the eyes. Those that are at the angles, the "crow's feet," are pleasant lines and come from wrinkling tlie skin In smiling or In ' laughter. In .the olden time the teach ers of deportment nnd good looks warn ed their pupil ngalust wrinkling the face In the display, of hilarious emo-1 tions because of these effects. The MUSICAL. COLLEGE. The summer term of the Musical College, at Freeburg, Snyder coun ty, Pa., will begin on Monday, Ju ly 23, a term of six weeks for $33, including board and tuition. . As air schools have vacation at this long lines and the wrinkling of the del- j time, it will give a good opportun iente tissues under the eyes are greater jty for publte School teachers and telltales than any other of exhaustion children to attend this term. WAR. Last Sunday war with China was begun. Russian, British. Frpnoh and liimnow wm-siiin' ". , , gcnooi cnuaren to auena tnis term. x renin inu Japanese war-SUip ( cf vital forces and the ravages of time. !. j;: , commanders requested the Chi- Bat hardest of all to deal with the 1 vra"v auvi nese commander of the forts at wrinkles about the mouth. .. I home-like school for their sons and Tnlrn tn withdraw hia fai-ooa fnrn, i Few are conscious of the nart nlnvml . UaUgDterS ShOUIU investigate the the forts. The Chinese coniman der opened fire on the foreign ships and a battle of seven hours follow- A t : 1 .. l. ..1 1... . : . l I u.ic lire uu c i-uuipuuug me ,1 T- TtriHal, ch!a r r vnfp t I hnirmon or rhoiVkmmirTaami . . . . . . jsunk. lhree men were killed ituiuuuua itiiuounccu inai lue com- on a' German war ship and seven wounded. The American war ships were not in the engagement. mittee was ready to report. The resolutions were then read by! .. :.. .1 . . ... li. r...i 1 rr, . r T t r"'!'" u ""c'",l"c "Cl 01 gatnenng the fruit , . " : euu"rao 1 , J , The United States .Ninth Infantry wnen o ii rr. .1.. ... v .1 Ti ir frmfiitir Tjir th. ro. jn Hint lu . . .....a.e(uu.RU ui inem. jamiei " " scrambled into the tree trop out of the h0116"1. capable and deserving, and the dog's way. Patrick was not so fortun- cnoit,e of" the reople of the nation. I he resolutions ate, and to save himself he began run nlng around the stem of the tree with the do; iu pursuit. He could slide around the trunk of the tree a little faster than the animal and soon over took the beast. When he came close . enough he laid hold of the dog's tail and held on. Then the dog's turn came to get scared. Around and around thjiree they went. Patrick was aw luiy nervous and nearly exhausted. but he was afraid to let go of the dog's tail, bo he shouted, ' Jamie ! Jamie !" V hat do you want?" answered Jamie. "un I" saia Patrick, "do come down and help hold the dog." "Xoo ! boo !" answered Jamie, -'don't you see I'm safe in the tree top, and you'r safe hold ing onto the dog's tail. If I come down anu you nold on he'll bite only nij. If I come down and you let go he'll bite us both." The storm center of the Democratic party was the championship of the party. Wellington .Smith, a. weather- beaten veteran iu the Democratic col umn was a candidate. Around him centered leader Dr. Lucian Banks, Rob ert McMeeu, Kirk McClintie, J-. H. ieely and other distinguished party men. The other champion for the chairmanship was 1 D. Musser, also "Mme worn veteran in the Democratic ilumn. Around him centered the . veteran fighters. Dr. David Crawford erd Meyers, W. K. Auman, auda Host of other distinguished local lights of the Democratic camp. i'rawford smoked almost as incessantly as Grant iu battle, and Banks some times was in the fight with his hat off. 4i "aoawgiiiiuDcnoia me air was flyiug full, of Democratic fur. When it was all over, Smith had won the Chairmanship, and McCahren the Jury Commissionership for the Banks champions. Backendorn the Legisla tive nomination, Cramer the Recorder ship nomination, Keller the Senator- ship nomination, and Weiser the Sher- inality nomination for the Crawford champions. Now which is Jamie in the tree top, and which is Patrick hold ing on to the dog's tail ? also endorse the I courses of National Committeeman, J. M. Oully, and State Chairman, John S. Rilling, and expressed their utmost con fidence in tbe delegates to tbe coming Democratic National Convention. The closing paragraph of the resolu tions was devoted to endorsing Regiment has been sent from Man ila to China. The Regiment is un der the command of Colonel Lis- ctim. county and district tickets. After the vote had been computed, the Chairman announced that the fol lowing persons had been nominated : State Senator, J. N. Keller. . Assembly, T. N. Heckendorn. Sheriff, J. N. Weiser. Register and Recorder,; G. B. Cramer. Jury Commissioner, W. A. McCahren THE VULTURES IU SOUTH AFRICA. In London correspondence to Associated Press is found a des- l : a.; f t i -. , cripuon oi jnuan icaipti ot a the ride to Bloomfontein in' the wake of Roberts' army from which we take the following: "I saw ahead of me a swarm of vultures soaring iu as thick a cloud as if they had been moths. As I drew near I noticed that the bulk of each one's body was very great. On the ground where there were two score waddlimr about, thev CountyChairnian, Wellington Smith, ' seemed even larger.''' " The following is a list of the County Committee : " Beale Wm. Harris, John Kelley, Jr. Black Log J.B.Buchanan, J.S.Kyle. Delaware A.r. Oimm, JB.Meredith. Fayette Henry Spouhower, James Long. FermanaghJames Sulonff, Charles Dumm. Greenwood Adam Arnold, D. B Swartz. Lack W. A. Devinney, J. M. Clark. Mifflintown K.'H. McClintie, J. C. Nipple. Milford G. B. M. Wisehaupt, Eph riam Guss.. Monroe J.W.Deckard, T.G.Dressler. Patterson J W.Hibbs.Frauk Bousum Port Royal II. S. Dimm, Frank Stimmell. Spruce Hill H- J. Crawford, Thomas Hocken berry. Susquehanna Geo. L. Baruer, Adam Hoverter. Thompsontown J. J. Gusler, D. Fink. Turbett W. C. S hearer, S. R. Weimer. Tuscarora John Allen. John White. Walker H. D. Hostetter, W. H. Mil ler. A resolution was adopted endorsing Dr J. G. Heading as Juniata's candi date for Congress in this district. " The resolution was not referred to the committee on resolutions. The convention adjourned. Govebnob Stone has" appointed Jesee K r!ope i,f Cheater countv. Dairy and Food Commissioner. He is a man 54 years old, a farmer by oc cupation and a Quaker in religion; a republican in politics. The Sc. Louis strike continues. The trouble is between the manage ment of street railway lines and. their employees. If it was not for the danger to travel and the obstruction i ! i i t otersin the campaigu, but fewnersous ,.r i . outside of the Judges found their way tho rilm ir uL OCMOCRATIC COSVEKTIOH. The Democratic Return Judges met in convention in the Court House on Monday afternoon to compute the vote cast at the primary elertioir held last Saturday. Notwithstanding the intensely bitter fight waged between the factions and the apparent interest of the most of the into the convention hall G. B. M. Wisehaupt, the retiring chairman called the meeting together. Upon motion of Jerome Kerchner, of minora lownsnip, j. Ji. Clark, of Lack, was elected President of the convention and F. P. Harris and O. H. Kepler were elected to act as Secretaries. Dr. J. W. Deckard moved that a com mittee of three be appointed to draft resolutions appropriate to the occasion which should be reported to the Con vention and also, that all resolutions should be referred to this com mittee without debate. The resolution was agreed to, and the chair appointed, as thiscommittee : Dr. J. W. Deckard. Jerome Kerchner and Harry Huffman. JuniAtA county democrats were to busy on Monday with tbeir county eativenlion to ev mu?h about the hig republican National convention in Philadelphia. To democratic mind a Nmioo&l convention is only a coun ty coavenlion enlarged to embrace all tbe counties in the United States. A county convention on a big scale.. One class of Chinese are up in arms t drive all Europeans out of China. They are particularly aroused against the Cbrietian missionaries and have been killirg them, destroying mission property and creating a wide spread consternation among all Europeans and Americans in China. A crisis is "They marked the outer edee of the great and horrid field of car nage. Many dead horses lay on the veldt, and these birds wereeat ing some and perching on the backs of others.- "They were to be my constant companions for three days. I was to see hundreds and hundreds ol them and never once by day fail to see them. Yet there were not enough of them to make away with -ii it ... an me loon mat war naa given thein." "Of all the pitiful, ' heart-rend ing tights I have ever seen, none has compared to this view of hun dreds upon hundreds of dead and dying horses on this one hundred miles ofwar's promenade, "The poor beasts had done no man any harm in fact, each one had lieeu a mau's reliance and to see them shattered by shell and then ripped open by vultures, of ten before they were dead, was enough to suap the tenderest chords in one's breast. For some reason hundreds had dragged themselves to the main road and there had died either in the track of the wagons or by the side." "My companion used totnrn'aiid look back at these dying horses to find that they were still straining tneir saa eyes after the cart Then he would say: "He is look iug at u yei. kju, it imakes me sick. Look, he is staring at us like a gunty conscience." "or my part I would not look behind. Heaven knows it was had ahead where horses stumbled and fell from weakness while thehorri i . i n . . . uie vim urea swept in circles over them, eager to rend their living nesn. eelaEE Sleee NEW LIFE TEA in the battle of life by tlie muscles of merits Of the college. For cata- the mo-ith. They, nnd uot those about logne ad dress Henry B. Moyer. the eyes, are called Into action by ev-1 - ery passing thought and emotion of be-1 Ing. If thoughts are pleasant, they re-1 lax; If mournful, there Is a downward droop; If energetic, they harden; if de-j termincu, mey compress tne lips; ir angry, they contract still more; if hu morous, they relax and the mouth widens the greater tlie merrlment'the wider the moutli nnd the cheeks par ticipate In the pleasurable emotions, and the parentheses, the two long, semi circular wrinkles Inclosing the lips, ap pear and deepen with age. The skin, responding to the muscular action underneath, becouies creased and wrinkled In fine or coarser lines, If lLHisBtUHlK mvtm WW K. m Attorney-at-Law. firr.nllMtinns and all legal busi ness promptly attended to. 0FF1C IN COURT HOUSE. Dl.S.MXBAWTOKD, DC. BAIWC! MWOH TJH. D. If. CRAWFORD & SON, have formed a partnership for the prac'ice or Med icioe and tbeir eolisttenu orancarrp. Offlce at old ttind, corner of Third and Or &irdtrftta.Mlfflintowi.P. One or both o them will be found at tbeir office at all nnces. unless otherwise rrofewioniJly en- gd. April 1st, 1895. P. DERR, PRACTICAL DENTIST. Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College. Offioe at old established lo cation. Kridere Street, opposite Court House, Jlifflintown, Pa. iTJ" Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Dcsicns Copyrights Ac inmM rMnm a skfltrh and dwcrlntinn mar x ontcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention in probably patentable. Communica tions strict Ir confidential- Handbook on Patenta aent free. Ol'lest lurency for securinK patent. Patenta taken throueb Munn & Co. recelr jperlol aocce, without charge, m mo The Mod Store. HOLLOBAUGH tk SON have noved into the PENNELL BUILDING, No 120 Main Street Patterson, Pa., and when we state that we have tbe Model Clothing S ore of Central Pennsylvania we state but tbe faat. We have been compelled to keep np with km ineesveniesees for the teener, the room we have oconpied for 10 years was tee sntall for oar inorcasiD trade besides tbe room was not adapted for a modern clothing room as we had to keep most of oar elotbing on shelves, now we have tablet and pienty of room and light. We bave oar SPRING LINE OF CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, SHOES, SHIRTS, TIES, and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS now ready for inspeofion, and we esn eandidly say we have one of the most altraetive cp to date Jin. s to be found anywhere. Clothiers of to day mast be np to tbe tim-s or he will be left. We have been in tbe business for 10 yesrs, long enough to not be an old iogcr, bat to know that the latest styles are the goods that sells, to tbe up to date customers We handle the Douglas Shoe, tbe best in tbe world for tbe money. The Sweet Orr Overalls. Tbe Ricket Hat, in all the latest blocks. Oar line of Worsted goods are the finest we ever carried In Shirts and Ties we lead all other Gent's Furni-tjing Houses. We will take pleasure in showing yon through our line mi know yon will lose nothing in looking, and can save you money by purchasing from ns. It is no trouble to show goods, especially when yon bave them to show. Thanking our patrons for their patronage in the past and asking a continuance in tbe future wbiob wa will endeavor to mend by sq'iare dealing. We are respectfully, Scientific flffltrican. A bandaomely IHnatrated weekly. laraest ijr culatloo of any clenunc Journal. Tenne. fi year: fonr months, L Sold by all newadeaJenL MUffl & Co.3e,Bwhw- New York Biudi Offloa. S F SU Waahlastoa. D.C. REAT SALES prove the great merit of Hood's barsapanlla. Hood's Sarsaparilln sells because it accomplishes GREAT CURES. ALWAYS CURES CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, SICK HEAD1CH3, And Imparts new Ufa to tho Trhole system. At U drogKiata and rtcalcre, 25c. orient lit- mail. If your dealer will not supply yet'. A J areas, LANQtiATI ilED. CO., LE 80V, N. Y. i accortlluK t a-tlie display of muscular! activity. Tlie wrinkles which more! MARlt7liJI'I E I OW LAKE SB surely tlian any others tell of the ac-'. . .." . u tion of time are those which run from ! 19 t charming summer the cm s around the l.ase of the chin at resorts rcbed vi the Chicago, M.1-. its Junction with the neck. They are wsnkee & S4; Paul Railway. not expressive of emotion; they are " Its healthful location, beautiful made hy the hending of the head upon scenery, cood hotels and ' , C mplete the ueck. The wrinkles of the cheeks' immurity from, hsy fever, rnske a are not numerous, and they require summer outinfr st Slarqiiett, Mich., strong agencies, such as sickness, grief . Terv attractive from the aUnd point and nse. to bring them out." Some of 0f heaith, rest and comfort. ' these wrinkles are made by taking bad Fnr m of The r9 Superior positions during slet-p .or crushing the n. . .WriDtiori of the copprr conn'ry, ur (4) conts in stamps to pay postage, Geo. H. Hunrd, ' n-,.i o a positions tuiriug Rieep.orcriismng tne- (J.-nntrv" cimtai cheek upon the pillow. The soft, yield- I V 1 ing flesh is pushed upward, making' 31 qnette ana t deep creases under the eyes, at the cor-1 B"re88, with ffl I - L 1 1 1. -C ? ...w av,.u.u I , I 11- . r ... ... . ""v iiranaiicuioiBllu uie iouowing named persons responded to the call. presenting the proper credentials : RETURN JriXJKS lieale F- P. Harris -Black Log George W. 8mith. Delaware A. P. Pimm. Fayette Joseph Lauver. Fermanagh Charles Dumm. Greeu wood Jacob Forrey. Iick J. M. t'lark. The big Convention for the re-nom ination of McKinley for President is goicg on in Philadeiphi-i. As far as a l'reeidential candidate goes Mr. AcKinley has no one to contest his nomination. As far a he is con cerned it is a sort of a ratification meeting. The selection of a nomi nee for the ViccPiesidency engages the atteotion of the convention to the exclusion of every other question. Rroirnlnic and tbe Cook. 'io icotiert urowning a man was a man. whether he was served by many people or was tbe servant of others. On one occasion his son Darrett had hired a room In a neighboring bous to exhibit his pictures, and in the tem porary absence cf the artist Sir Browning was doing tbe honors to a roomful of fashionable friends He was standing near the door wl.en an unannounced visitor rende her appear ance, and of course he shook bands with her. greeting ber as he did the other arrivals. "Oh, I beg pardonr she eiclaimet . "But, please,, sir. I'm tbe cook. Mr. Barrett asked me to come and se his pictures." .i "And I'm very glad to see you." re turned Mr. Brownlug. with ready coflr? teey. "Take my arm and I will see rou round." New York Tress. It Depends. Don't yon love an old fashioned snowstorm. Pauline?" "Yes, Ifthe man who takes me out has a new fashioned glelgn."-Chfejs. Record. If we did bat know bow little some enjoy tbe great things that they pos sess, there would not be so much envy tn the world. ners nnd on tbe temples. To remove wrinkles, therefore, "one must know their uiei'biiiiisiii and their philosophy.-"In the tirst place. Ki's'-nl against a flabby ami relaxed skin. This con lie done-by dashing upon the f.iee either very hot water or very cold or alternating them mi l v.iillo biiui; this rubbing the skin with the balls of the Angers. Alcohol or cologne locghens the skin and l:eeis It smooth. It can be used with water, eiiiml parts. It Is seldom that tbe skin cf the face Is too dry. for the oily glands are oKtM-oinlly active; but. In case it is, use distend cf alcohol a cold cream or nil unguent made of equal parts of white vaseline, almond oil nnd lanolin, to which may be nMcd a few drops of violet extract. Steaming the face, massaging it and tbe use of electricity are all good to remove wrinkles. The end aimed at by the employment of all these means Is to give elasticity and firmness to the skin, which enable It to resist the action of the Underlying muscles. If deep wrinkles have come, such as tbe horizontal wrinkles of the fore head, they can be removed by mechan ical means. After painting them with ' an astringent, such as tannate of, gylcerln, put them on a stretch byj means of plaster, which will also be a : means of reminding one not to wrinkle the forehead. - Some persons' have a facial 'skin which reminds ope of a Oer.eral Pne'enrrr-r III. Chicago, eg 8 LEGJL. E XECUTRIX'S NOTICE Estate of John D. Howell, late of Spruce Hill township, deceased. Notice is hereby .given that letters testamentary on the estate of John I). Howell, late of Spruce Hill township, Juniata county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned to whom all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment and those having claims or demands will make the same without delay. Lii.me Shkrixk-k. " Executrix. May 26. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect, May 27, 1900. WESTWARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. m; Harrisburg 8 00 a. m; Duncannon 8 35 a. m: New Port 9 05 a. m; Millerstown 9 15 a. m; Durword 9 21 a. m; Thompsontown 9 26 a. m; Van Dyke 9 33 a. m; Tuscarora 9 36 a. m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a. m; Mifflin 9 50 a. m; Denholm 9 55 a. m; Lewistown 10 13 a. m: McVeytown 10 38 a. m; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Union 11 06 a. m; Hunting don 11 32 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al- toona 1 00 p. m: Pittsburg 5 50 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 12 a. m; Harrishurg at 11 4ii a. m; Antrim l 11 .p. m: Lewistown 1 30 p. m; Hunting don 2 29 p. m: Tyrone a 12 p. m: Al- toona 3 45 p. m; Pittsburg 8 40 p. m. - Altoona Accommodation leaves Har risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34 p. m: Newport 6 02 p. m; Millerstown 6 11 p. m; Thompsontown 6 21 p. m; Tuscarora 6 30 p. m: Mexico 6 33 p. m; Port Royal 6 38 p. m; MifMin 6 43 p. m; Denholm 6 49 p. m; Ijewistowii 7 07 p. m; .McVeytown 7 30 p. m; ?ewton Hamilton 7 50 p. m; Huntingdon 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35 p. m. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 p. m; Harrir"burg at 3 00 a. m. Marysville 3 14 a. m. Duncannon 3 29 a m. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Royal 4 ' a. m. Aiitnin 4.3U a. m. Jiewistown 4 52 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m. Huntingdon 6 0H a. m. Petersburg 6 19 a. m. Tyrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a. m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 ao p, m. narrisnurg at ju a p. m. iNewport 11 in p. m. .Mimm 11 40 p. m. Lewistown 11 58 p. m.; Huntingdon 12 55 a. m. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00 a. m. Pittsburg 5 SO a. m. -Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 zo p. m. Harnsiuirg 3 45 p. m. Duncan non 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p. m. Mif- Hollobaugh & Son, No. 120 MAIN STREET, PATTERSON, PA. McCLINTIO'S HARDWARE and HouseFurnishiii S TOR B THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. .oOo THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT, Things are never dull here; never stupid. The full life of the store 1 wavs has a cheerful welcome for all corners, and shoppers are quick to deoidt in favor of the Great Values to be found in our new Neat, Stylish, Inviting STORE. A Specially Sdested Stook of Ranges, Cook, Parlor and Shop Stoves. Horse Blankets and Lip Rbai. LAMPS, large and smll. Gome in and look arouad. 1 We'll make you feel at home. We have tbe largest Stock and Store in the county. OTJR INTAJVIE GUARANTEES .QUALITY. pXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of David Guyer, late of Iela ware township, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the" estate of Dnvia Guyer, late of Delaware township, Jun iata county, deceased, have been grant ed to the undersigned to whom all per sons indebted tn said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands will make the same without delay. , , John Guyer, . Executor. May 10, 1900. russet apple which has been kept a' long time. These fine ' universal "CXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Wrinkles are cenerallv the result of a I querulous and dissatisfied disnosltlon. I Eate 9f William I. Wilson, ifhip all flin luut wutmA! ...1 .1 ' naost efficient preventive of these grav- I. Wilson, late of Lack township, deceased. Notice is herebv given that letters n iinn nf timo is a rnvrnt nnH h.n. lesraiiieniarv on tne estate oi wuiiam th? best of Hfc-Harper-e Baaar. to the nderBned to whom all per- ; - sons indebted to said estate are request- a rateable Do-rix. ed to make immediate payment, and He What a lot of ladles you have' thone havinir InlmH or demand- will make known the same without delay. - ,,' .. J. Prick Wit .son, . - V. C. McCrijiorH. Executors. Rorkrt McMeen, Attorney. May 9, 1900-6t. asked to assist yon at your reception. Isabel! . ' She Of course, Harry. How stupid yon are about society! I have to ask aO those from whom I want to borrow things. Chicago Record. Fantlnjr. Personal experience Is the liest tench er. I Fiave fnsted 48 liours at a time without the slightest discomfort, but drank In that period many gallons of water.- of the plainest, most Croton kind. I once had acquaintance of a pig that fasted TOO days. A dog can fast two months without being much the worse. R.ibblts live three weeks without food, while cold blooded anl m.ils can go for years without eating. Tlie hear In a state of hibernation passes into a kind of trance, so we shall not count him. The alligator like wise "dies" In the long months of win ter, craving no food. There is a fish called tbe father lasher that cari live a month out of water. That is fasting. We have beard the tradition about the toad that was sealed in a rock for 5.000 years and hopped about in lively fashion when released from bis archro- ouomous prison. A horse has been known to fast for a month. Kxchange. , A Kaa of Vra.na. , i... , . "Mamma," said little Ethel, "papa Bust be Just awfully rich." "Why do you think that, my child T" "I heard him tell grandma that he was going to bny Boston and Albany today,"Proolclyn I-lfe. M rri.mTOWl GftAIV MARK "IS SlTFFLINTOWN. JUNE 20, 1900. " fat. 65 O m hiw.... 47c Shelled J5 'f a a, ... Ke Bmmr .... Eera Ham Shoulder. . Lard 25 50 12 11 10 12 8 SirtCK. ..... 7 r!tor-f. 1 . 5to7cts. Timothy shmI... 40 r' ax arcd ..... ...... . 60 Bran , 9 ' Chop , l.OOtol.10 MrldMncPj ......... 1 Or Gronnd n 8a't ........ 90 amerirsoSa't.... .... ... 65 to 70 Philadelphia Markets, Jnne 18, 1900. Corn 45c; wheat 80c: oats 30c; batter 14 to 21c; egjr 13c: live chickens 7 to 22cts a ib; new pota toes 65c to 11.10 a barrel; tomatoes per crate 91.25 to $2.00; encum bers per basket 40 to 50cts; Penn sylvania tobacco 6 to 12-14 to 18 for fillers and for fine wrappers 40 to 60c; cattle 31 to 5Jc; hogs 3 to SJej sheep $250 to 4.70. fiin 5 02 p. m. Lewistown 5 22 p. m. Mount Union 6 03 p. m. Huntingdou 6. 22 p. m. Tyrone 6 59 p. m. Altoona 7 So p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. m. EASTWARD. Altoona Accommodation leaves Al toona at 4 40 a. m. Tyrone 5 04 a. m. Petersburg 5 25 a. m. Huntingdon 5 37 a. in. Newton Hamilton 6 01 a. m. Mc Veytown 6 17 a.m. Lewistown 6 38 a. m. .Mimin 6.5H a. m. Port Royal 7 02 a. m. Thompsontown 7 17 a. m. Millers town 7 26 a. m. Newport 7 35 a. in. Duncannon 8 00 a. m. Harrisburg 8 30 a. m., I'nnaaeipma I i.iH. Sea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a. m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. m Huntingdon 8 30 a. m. MeVeyrown 9 15 a. m. Lwistown 9 35 a. m. Mifflin 955 a. m. Port Royal 9 59 a. m. Thorn pson- iovn iu n a. m. Aiuierstown 10 Zi a m. Newport 11 32 a. m. Duncannon 10 54 a. m. Marysville 11 07 a. m. Harns- Dtirg ii z.1 a.m. rnuaaeipnia 3 00 n. m Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg aisiwa. m. Altoona ii w a. m. Tvrone 12 03 p. m. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m, Lewistown 1 33 p. m. Mifflin 1 50 p. m Harrisburg 8 10 p. m. Baltimore 6 00 n m. Washington 7 15 p. m. Philadelphia o p. 111. Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p. m. Ty rone 235 p m Huntingdon 3 17 p m. Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. m. McVey town 4 20 p. m. lewistown 4 33 p. m. Mifflin 4 55 p. ni. Port Royal 5 00 p. m. Mexico 5 'M p. in. Thompsontown 5 18 p. m. Millerstown 5 28 p. m. Newport 5 39 p. m. Duncannon 6 08 p. m. Har risburg 0 45 p. m. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 12 45 p. m. Altoona 5 55 p. m- Tyrone 6 27 p. m. Huntingdon 7 10 p. m- vcVey- iown i oi p. hi. jewistnwn a io p. ni Mifflin 8 30 p. m. Port Royal 8 34 p. m! Millerstown 8 57 p. m. Newport 9 05 p. m. Duncaunon 9 29 p. m. Harrisburg 10 00 p m. nila(lelphla Kxnress leaven Pittu- Durg at 4 so p. m. Altoona 9 05 p. m Tyrone 9 S3 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p. m. Alount Union 10 32 p. m. Lewis- town u ion. m. jwimm li 37 n.m. Ha risborg 1 00 a- m. Philadelphia 4 30. ai ijji8iown junction. For Sun bury 7 50 a. m. and 8 40 n m days.' For ilroy 7 55, 11 45 a. m. and 3 00 p. m. week-days. At T"yrone. For Clearfield And rs.. wensville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 nnd 7 20 pm. week-days. For Rellefonte and Lock Haven 8 10 a. m. 12 30 and 7 15 p. m week-days. For further information apply to Ticket Agents, or Thomas E. Watt. Passenger Agent, Western Division, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street, Pittsburg. J HDI?JH,I?80N' J R WOOD, General Man'g'r. General Pass'r. Agt K. H. M'CLINTIC, MIFFLINTOWN. m TOO MONEY TO DEPOSIT r ARE YOU A BORROWER -CALL AT Tsa nasi MIFFLIWiOWN, I-A. THREE PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Rates. March 5, 1898. THE : SEVENTT-SEYEN"-("77.") 77" is Dr, Hcmpbreys famous Specific for the cure of Grip and Colds, and the prevention of Pceumo nia. All druggie ts, 2oc. v Subscribe for tbe Sestisei, axd RiptiBUcAir, a paper that contains choice reading matter, fuil of inform Hon that docs tbe reader tjood, and in addition to that all local news that are worth publishing find places in it? columns. tf. Juniata Valley National Bank. -O- Capital . . . $60,000 LOUIS E. ATKINSON, President. T. V. IRWIN, Cashier Blood and Serves are very close ly related. Keep the blood rich, pure and healthy, with Hood's SarsaparilU and you will have no nervousness. H :od'3 Pills are besi after-dinner pills,aid digesioR, levectconstiputioB DIRECTORS. " Louis E. Atkinson. W. C. Pomeroy. John Hertzler. J. L. Barton. H. J. Shellenberger. W. N. Sterrett. T. Van Irwin. . Interest allowed on time deposita'at the rate of three per cent per annua. January 11, 1899. The Salts of Hcmi are the largest In tbe world bW the cures by Hood'. Saraap wondertol, perfect, ptnnt Hoofs PiMsarTth bmt 1W HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 ' " Worrr.o. No. 3 Infai s Diseases! No. 4 " Dianriea. No. 7 " Coi ,vhs. No. 8 Cures N .ralgia. No. 9 Headache. No. IO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 Delayed Period No. 12 " Leucorrhea. No. 1 3 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. IS " Rheumatism. IP. " Malaria. 19 " Catarrh. SO Cures Whoopinfi Ccvb 21 " Asthma. 24 r ' No. No. No. No. No. No. No, 20 No. 27 General Debiiity. Sea-Sick n ess. Kidnev DiEer.sea. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. Urinary Disease Heart Disease. Sore Threat. Colds and Grip. Homeopathic MancaIi No. 30 No. 32 " No. 34 . No. 77 " " . Da.'' HnjirniiE' ow Diseases Mailed Fn omau bottles of r.-.- HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL -The pile ointment." KtSitaA fr"?1! Blind orBleomut TbarSw tfi "SSi" Bleedln of the kuxam mou, to org. trial t2s. 25 m . . . '. lUuWaaSi..aaWMtf6 -fir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers