Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 13, 1900, Image 1

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    S4-J " "" " ' " " '" "
Editor and Proprietor.
NO. 27
CHAPTER VII. (Continued.)
Towards evening the weather improv
ed considerably; the wind abating the
. clouds banking themselves up into heavy
masses overhead; while along the west
ern skies there were silver rifts that
seemed slowly and steadily widening. In
deed, the heavy darkness overhead mads
that white glory in the west all the more
vivid and alluring; and when at length,
through some sudden parting of the
clouds, a flood of sunlight swept across
the cornfields ' and the hedges and the
daisied meadows, the effect was quite be
wildering. The evening drew on apace, bnt mo
mentarily it became more beautiful. It
really seemed as if we bad come out
from under those lurid storm clouds into
a region of mellow radiance and perpet
ual calm. The still surface of the canal
was a golden pathway before ua; over
head such spaces of the sky as were now
clear were of a pals blue, just touched
here and there with a flake of saffron
cloud. Of course, this brilliancy could
not last. Slowly the wild fires in the
west paled down. As we drew near to
Radford Simele there was a wan twi
light on the water, and as we stole
through the outskirts of Leamington Pri
ors the windows and lamps gleamed or
ange through the gathering gray dusk.
Late that night Mrs. Threepenny-bit
happened to bethink her of putting post
age stamps on the letters that bad occu
pied her in the afternoon; and while do
ing so she pushed one of the envelopes
across the little table to Miss Peggy. -
"There, Peggy, do you see to whom I
have been writing?"
The young lady took up the letter and
read the address: "To Colonel Sir Ewen
Cameron. V. O. K. C. B.. Aldershot
Camp. Hampshire." But with regard to
the contents of the letter the astute small
person chose to hold her peace.
"Tour servant, colonel!" says a tall and
slim young lady, as she appears at the
door of the saloon and makes a very fair
imitation of a military salute.
But if Mrs. Threepenny-bit or Colonel
Anne, as she is supposed to be has any
wish to check the young person's imper
tinence, it so happens that she has just
had the means placed at her disposal.
"Look here, Peggy," she says, "Mr.
Duncombe has been over to the town,
and was kind enough to ask for letters.
This one is for yon; and the postmark
ts Oxford.! ;
' "Oh, thankyou," Miss Peggy says to
the young man; "I'm sure I never should
have thought of asking for letters at
"But, Peggy," ssys Mrs. Threepenny
bit, "the postmark is Oxford; what
friends have you in Oxford?"
"It may be a bill," she Bays, carelessly,
as she takes the envelope in her hand
and proceeds to open it. "Oh, no, it's
from Mr. A'Becket."
She ran her eye over the two or three
pages in a negligent fashion.
"Oh, he can't get away at present. Did
I tell you he spoke of coming over to
Warwick to see how we were gettinf
along? And and there are some in
acriptions in a church in Bath that wi
are to look at. Then there are kind re
gards and remembrances to everybody
That's all."
Now. Miss Peggy was in the highest o:
spirits, and as we walked along the pleas
ant country road toward the town, she
appeared to have taken leave of her
senses altogether. Perhaps the unaccus
tomed sunlight had got into her brain:
perhaps she was enjoying a fierce delight
In her release from the strict surveillance
that hemmed her in on board the "Name
less Barge;" at all events, a dafter lassie
could not that morning have been found
within the shores of these three islands.
"I say," she asks, just as if this sud
denly confidential appeal were the most
natural thing in the world, "what is the
matter with Mr. Duncombe?"
"You, most likely."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, he may have been forming ex
alted ideas of the feminine character.
Young men are soft-headed enough to do
that sometimes, yon know. And thi n
tee may have seen a young lady unblush
ingly open a letter yes, and read the
contents aloud, too a letter from a middle-aged
Oxford don whom she has bam
boozled out of his senses. He may have
been shocked by such a display of cal
lousness." "Oh, nothing of the sort. Don t you
make any mistake." says Miss Peggy,
with decision. "There Is something trou
bling him something serious. What do
you think now about that letter last
night V she continues.- "Do you think
Queen Tita has asked Col. Cameron to
ecnie and sail with us for a bit?"
"More likely she has written to tell
him we shall be returning through the
southern counties, and asking him if he
would care to ride over from Aldershot,
when we are at some near point, and
lunch with us." -
"What is Col. Cameron like?"
"When yon see him. you will probably
rsll him a lone, red-headed Scotchman.
"Rather blunt aha overbearing, la her
"Overbearing! He comes of the same
stock as the gentle Lochlel.
"And yet the Camerons are a fighting
race, aren't they?" ...
"Oh. yes. tbev have done a little in thr.t
way. now and again, during the past cen-
ta-yi s'ouU-nke to see him." she .-v..
simply; and then her attention is claim
ed by the buildings of the town of War
wick, which lies before us.
When we got back to the hotel the
Muaniniity of our small party received
In .""exited shock. We had discover
ed that the Avon is not nuvigable be
tter uSUa and Tewkesbury; and so
we had resolved to get
Severn I v lb;- Warwick uuJ kinum
ham Canal. Meanwhile we could cer
tainly get by canal as far as Stratford,
out as we should have to tun, back there
it was propped, i- 'onS
over this part ox n
on tne . Kid ran
Captain Columbus, wnue wa.
lgB to "f. jack Dun-
oar astonisnmem . " .:.
'tSZMT nnder care of
".",.,. while we should run
through to Stratford by rail. wn
our astonishment to heai r JacE
must ask you fc to o
very sorry, but I fear I sn an
back to town. Of course,
breaking up the party; you can easily get
someone to take my place. I assure you
I am sorry enough to go, for the trip
so far has been most delightful; and you
will aoon be getting to even more inter
esting districts; but i tninc yes. x think
it will be safer if yon count me out."
For a second there was an awkward
silence; Mrs. Threepenny-bit seemed
afraid to ask him the reason for this sud
den resolve.
"I hope it is nothing serious?" she ven
tured to say, however.
"Oh, no, I think not," he said, evasive
ly; and then he added: "I should fancy
yon would find it all plain sailing now
nntU you get to the Severn: and then
you'll want a steam tug or something of
the kind to taki yon down to Bristol."
He was talking In quite a matter-of-fact
fashion; but be seemed depressed a
little. Then, when luncheon was over,
he s" he would walk along Jto the tsla
graph office, and loin us subsequently at
the castle, whither we were shortly
bound. At the same moment Miss Peggy
went away to her own room, to fetch her
guide books; and the instant she had
shut the door behind her Queen Tita was
free to express her astonishment and her
"Now really do yon think that wretch
has been at her tricks again?" she de
mands. "What wretch? What tricks?"
"Why, what should be be going away
for so suddenly if he hadn't quarreled
with her?" she says. "Surely he can't
be so hard hit that he must needs be
mightily offended because she has been
amusing herself a little with Mr. A'Beck
et, and getting a letter or two?"
"You don't imagine he is such a fool?
What could it matter to him her getting
twenty dozen letters from Mr. A'Beck
et r
"Oh, you don't know. She is pretty
clever at leading people on, even when
she pretends to be most innocent. How
ever, if he wishes to go, I suppose wa
must let him go. And it would be such
a chance to get Col. Cameron to come
When we got back to our hotel after
having rummaged through one or two
bric-a-brac shops, that are well known
to lovers of useless furniture and cracked
plates, we found a telegram lying on the
trble addressed to our young playwright.
He took it up nud opened the envelope.
"Yes," he said, "it is as I feared. I
mnst go back to town to-morrow."
That same night was to be the last
that onr little party, as hitherto consti
tuted, was to assemble together; and at
the modest banquet that was meant to
console us for our lack of dinner the two
women folk were unmistakably inclined
to be complaisant to the young man. His
hostess was very kind to him, and . not
only renewed her expressions of regret
at his going, bnt once more urged his re
turn when that might be practicable for
"Oh, I shall be glad enough to get back
if I can," said he which he hardly
would have said had he been going away
in resentment of Miss Peggy's conduct;
and now he was affecting to be more
cheerful, though he was not in a very
gay mood, we could see.
"At all events, Mr. Duncombe," Peggy
says to him, "we shall hope to find you
with ua again soon and to have the ben
efit of yonr ad rice. I am sure we can't
say how. indebted we are to you for your
help in getting us along as far as we
have got.
Soon thereafter for it had been a long
and busy day there was a general de
parture for our respective quarters; and
the Warwick Arms subsided into the
general silence that lay over the sleeping
There was a welcome bustle of prepar
miinn tnr thff tmflt had been snccesafnllv
brought along to Stratford and bad now
to be provisioned for tne resumption or
our voyage; likewise we had to write our
i-f L.ttuT-u tukfnr hiddinff rood-bv to
civilization and once more disappearing
. . 1 ! - M 1 1
into tne unicnown. in cue uirasi 01 uu
this Miss 'Peggy appears, just a little
"Say, now. what is yonr friend like
she asks, with some eagerness.
"What friend?" saya Queen Tita.
"Why, Col. Cameron, of course. Is he
very tall, and thin, and sandy-haired:
;k .mall mimfai'he. that has a streak
of gray in It; and blue-gray eyes that
look at you well, as ir mey uau seen you
before V
"Yes. that is rather like him. But what
do yon mean, Peggy? He isn't come al
ready, is he?"
"Well, it can't be he, either," she con
tinues. "He wouldn't think of going
boating in a costume like that a frock
coat, and a tall hat, yellow gloves, patent
leather boots. Well, if it is yonr friend,
he looks as if he had just stepped out
of Pall Mall."
"But where did yon see him?"
"Whoever he is, he is down below, in
the hall.
"In this hotel?"
"Yes; and and he looked at me as I
oassed him as if he thought I might be
long to your party." ...
"Of course it is Col. Cameron r Mrs.
Threepenny-bit exclaims at once. "Go
away down and ask him to come up.
"Me?" says the girl, in some alarm.
"Oh, I couldn't. I don't know him. There
might be a mistake."
"Well, I suppose I must go myself,
she says, putting back her chair; and
therewith she leaves the room and pro
ceeds downstairs to receive her new vis-
""'i sag." observes Miss Peggy, with
some disappointment, "it that la Col
Cameron, he isn't like a soldier at all.
He is just like one of those icicled crea
tures you see walking in St. James"
street, stiff and starched and polished to
the very finger tips and the toes, and
looking at you with a cold, blank stare
of indifference.'
"Do yon know this, Miss Peggy, that
if rou only got a glimpse of him aa you
came by, you managed to bring away
pretty faithful portrait." '
There were voices without: the next
moment Queen Tita appeared, followed
by a tall, thin, sun-tanned person who
carried his hat in one hand and his um
brella in the other. When he waa In
troduced to Miss Peggy, his eyes rested
on her for a second with a kindly look,
as if there had already been some alight
acquaintance between them; no doubt he
. . ,ht she waa of onr party
when she had nasMl him below. The.
he sat down ana yntCT
that he had received onr manageress a
telegram in London only the night before,
and had come straight away down the
first thing in the morning to see what
was wanted of him. -
"You know. Sir Ewen," said Mrs.
Threepenny-bit, with much cheerfulness,
"I cannot let yon come with ua unless
j on quite understand all the provisions
you will have to pot up with. Don't you
think you ought to go and see the boat;
then you would know a little better what
to expect."
uu: i heard el! about your project be
fore you started," said he, with a kind
f gentle persuasiveness, "and I envied
you. I never thought I was to be so
fortunate as to be asked to join you; and
now that I am here, I think your dittV
culty will be to get rid of me.' If you
don't mind, I thiuk I will go out and see
if 1 can pick up a few boating things. I
suppose in a riverside place one may find
what one wants. And which did you say
was the next town you would come to?"
"Then I will telegraph to Aldershot
when I am out. I suppose I shall find
you here when I come back."
The moment he had gone Mrs. Threepenny-bit
turned to her young friend.
"Well?" she said, with a kind of pride.
But Miss Peggy answered nothing.
"Well?" she said again. "What do you
think of him, Peggy?"
"Of course I don't know yet," said the
young lady, evasively. "I thought he
would look more like a soldier; be la like
like anybody else."
"Did you expect to find him wearing
his Victoria Cross? Of course he came
away just as he waa. It is a soldier's
ride to be able to start at a moment's
It was near midday when we were
ready to start; but when we did get away
our departure was most auspicious.
There was a kind of general elation In
Kctting forth; and then everything looked
cheerful in the welcome sunlight: and
there were warm, sweet . airs blowing
it bout: all promised well. Our colonel
hnd greatly pleased his hostess with bis
raises' of the arrangements on board;
he wits delighted with everything, and
esnec-iully surprised that he could stand
upright in the saloon. Then Captain Co
lumbus bad been duly complimented on
his suoress in bringing the boat through;
end Murdoch, who was at first rathe
overcome with awe on hearing the name
of our new guest, had been driven out
of his senses with pride and gratification
when Inverfask was considerate enough
to address a few words to him in his na
live tongue; and finally, at the very last
moment, a messenger bad come running
town to the canal side with a parcel, for
vhich Miss Peggy bad been anxiously In
lairing ever since she came to Strat
"And what is that, Peggy?" asks her
hostess, looking at the long thing that
has jurt been handed into the boat.
"Some magical kind of sunahade, is
it 7"
"No: it's a fishing-rod an American
.me; I sent for it a long time ago, and
have been wondering whether it waa
ver going to arrive. They say our Amer-
?nn rods are very good; I hope this one
w ill turn out all right.
"And since when have you taken to
tishing, Peggy?" she asks.
' "Oh, it isn't for -myself; it's for him,1
the young lady answers, indicating not
uninterested bystander
"Oh, it's for him, is it? Well, he can't
wear that at his watch chain ! says Mrs.
Spitfire; and therewith she withdraws
Into the anloon, to beg Col. Cameron not
lo bother any more with those Ordnance
Survey maps.
(To be continued.)
Tks Arrzsgeasots for tks National
TorB8rsf Festival Cocpteto.
A Splendid Week of Amusements Pro
vided For Large Exhibition in the
Base Ball Park Performances in the
Academy of Music Summer Night's
Festival and Excursion to Coney
All details of the National Turn Fest
for the week of June 18-23 in Philadel
phia, are now complete and the various
committees have made their final re
ports as to the programs and the dif
ferent features of the tournament. At
the general meeting last night the af
fairs were fully canvassed and it was
found that the arrangements fare far
more elaborate than at any former oc
casion of a similar nature. The daily
proceedings are now specified and as
agreed upon will not only make this
Rhubarb Jelly. Take some rhubarl
and wipe It with a clean wet cloth. Dee
it and cut it into pieces an Inch long
co eacn pound 01 rnDarn add tnree
quarters or a pound of white suaar
Put It to boll for about ten minutes 01
until the Juice is well dra'wn. ' Strain ii
into a preserving pan, let it noil quickly
until it clings to the spoon and pour intc
jam pots or moulds. The quickest wa)
to Know ii it win set la to drop a Httl
an a plate to cool.
Rhubarb Pie. Line deep pie pana with
plain crust, mix nair.a teacup of sugai
and a spoonful of flour; sprinkle ovei
the cruat; then add the pie plant cut
one, sprinkle tnicK witn sugar. Set li
-a slow oven and bake one hour, or stev
the pie plant in a little thin syrup befor
putting In the pantry.
Egg Puffs. With fruit soups, that an
so appetizing at this time of year, th
Germans serve delicious egg puffs. Le
come to a boll one cup of milk, to whlcl
la added one tablespoonful of butter an
a saltspoonful of salt. Stir in one cup
ful of flour and cook until the mixture
cleaves from the pan. When cook stl
In, one at a time, three eggs, beating
eacn one in very thoroughly. Oroi
walnut-sized piece Into simmering (not
Dolling) salted water and poach three t
Ave minutes.
Halibut Savory. Make a sauce of one
teaspoonful each of butter and flout
and one cup of hot milk In which
"pea" of soda has been dissolved. Cook
until smooth and then add a gill of
strained tomato liquor, a baJf-teaspoon
ful of onion juice, saltspoonful of salt
and dust of cayenne. Stir In laat one
and one-half cups of flaked cold cooked
fish, toss and stir until the fish Is heated
through and serve on crisp buttered
Mead. One gallon of water, one pound
of loaf sugar, one-half ounce of ginger,
one lemon sliced and the seeds removed,
one teacupful of yeast. Let it stand
over night to ferment, then pour off
without stirring; add to each bottle one
raisin and cork tightly.
Chairman of the Arrangements Com
mittee for the Twenty-Eight
National Turners' Festival.
Turn Fest from a gymnastic and ath
letic standpoint, the most prominent of
the series, but from a social point the
Philadelphia Turn Pest will oe long
remembered by the Turners of America.
The festivities will begin on the even
ing of Monday, June 18, when in the
Academy of Music there will lake place
an entertainment for the local Turners
and their friends, at which will be pre
sented an allegorical reproduction of
the evolution of German Turning. The
participants will be members of the
local turning and tne uerman singing
societies of this city. The performance
Ginger Beer. For ginger beer take
one large spoonful of pulverized ginger,
one of cream of tartar .one pint of yeast,
one pint of West India molasses and
six, quarts of water; stir thoroughly
and set in a warm place. When It be
gins to ferment bottle and cork tight.
It will make a very nice drink. If liked
one can add two teaspoonfuls of es
sence of sassafras or wlntergreen for
Spanish Pudding. Scald three cupfuls
of milk in a double boiler; beat together
four eggs, one-quarter of a cupful of
granulated sugar mixed with one-third
of a cupful of sifted flour and one-quarter
of a teaspoon of salt, and add grad
ually one cupful of cold milk; pour the
mixture Into the scalded milk, stir until
smoothly thickened, then cover and
cook for fifteen minutes; take from the
fire, add one teaspoonful of butter and
one teaspoonful of vanilla, and press
through a sieve into a baking dish;
mix together one-half of a cupful of
sugar, two squares of chocolate grated,
and one tablespoonful of powdered cin
namon: spread over the top of the pu
ding, bake In a hot oven for ten minuter
and eerva-
We are altogether too dependent upon
society for pleasure and profit.
Absence makes the heart grow fond
er. A merry heart maketh a cheerful
Things ill-got had ever bad success.
Conductor ,, of fae National Turners'
. . . .Festival.
has been arranged by a committee well
versed In such affairs, and the per
formance will be attractive both from
a dramatic and musical standpoint. The
various classes of men and women,
boys and girls of the different turning
societies of Philadelphia and Camden
will give exhibitions in ' the different
branches of turning, while the singing
societies will be heard in choruses ap
propriate for the occasion.
The dally programme has been ar
ranged as follows:
Monday, June 18. Academy of Music
at 8 P. M., Centre play of the history
of Turning as developed by the Ger
mans. Tuesday, June 19. Reception and enter
tainment of the directors of the
North American Turner . Bund.
Wednesday, June 20. Reception of the
visitors at the railroad depots. Wel
come of the guests by the directors.
Meeting of the Judges of the vari
ous prize contests for agreement of
points and rules to govern the con
tests. Thursday. June 21. Class competitions
at Goos' Washington Park. , The
afternoon will be. devoted to the
contests in fencing, wrestling, club
swinging, gymnastic exercises by
the scholars of the turning schoo's of
Philadelphia. The rehearsals for
the mass exercises of the 6,000 tur
ners from all Bections of the United
States will also take place during
the afternoon. In the evening - a
genuine German Volksfest will take
Friday. June 22.-7 A. M., the bicycle
and relay races will be started, after
which the competition for Individual
prizes for apparatus work In gymn
astics will follow, at conclusion of
which the field sports will be pro
ceeded with. The above will take
place In Goos' Washington Park. At
8 P. M. the Golden Jubilee of the
North American Turner Bund will
be celebrated In Industrial Hall with
a "Commers.
Saturday. June 23. 10 A. M.. swim
ming contests In the Schuylkill river
below the Callowhlll street bridge.
It M., assembling of all Turner Ver
elne of the United States, at In
dustrial Hall, for parade. March to
begin at 1 o'clock. At 8 P. M., at
the Philadelphia Base Ball Park, the
grand mass exhibitions or gymnas
tics and calisthenics will take place,
and in which .000 drilled scholars
from all sections of the Union will
participate. The different sporting
contests will at that time take place.
At. 8 P. M., the awarding of prizes
will proceed at Washington Park,
after which a Summemight's Fes
tival will be held until midnight.
Sunday, June 24. The attending tur
ners will be taken to Coney Islandj
for the day. The party will leavel
on a special train, and on arrival)
... 1 1 1 W . I. n n ,1-1 ,1
will w lllir L vjr Luc oiwijru ailU
New York singing societies,
ifonday, June 25. The visiting turners
will be taken on jaunts throughout
the city and environs and spend the
day In sight-seeing.
The most attractive feature of the
Turn Fest, as far as the general public
Is concerned, is the exhibition of mass
exercises in the Philadelphia Base Ball
Park, on the afternoon of Saturday,
June 23. On that occasion will be pre
sented the largest mass exhibition of
calisthenics that has ever been seen on
this continent, and thereafter the prise
sporting contests will take place. The
technical affairs of the Turn Fest will
be under the charge of Prof. Richard
Pertuch. Festival Director, who is one
of the most proficient and expert
physical culturlst in this country.
The fact that nettle fiber hag of late
teen found to produce the finest tissues
ibtainable from any vegetable source
ias led to a project in Germany to In-
:roduce the cultivation of nettles In the
Kameran region of Africa. If the ex
periment Is successful, the enterprise
will be undertaken on a large scale In
ronnectlon with the weaving Indus
Among the most remarkable glimpses
nto bidden corners of nature that re
lent scientific advance has afforded are
'he frequent discoveries of mlcro-or.
fanlsms In unexpected places, where.
they produce phenomena heretofore
mppo seel to arise from other causes.
For Instance. Dr. A. Pettersen. of Cp
sala, Sweden, bus ascertained that In
preparations of meat and fish contain
ing, for purposes of preservation, salt
to the amount of 15 per cent, mlcro-
jrganisms grow luxuriantly, and he
includes that the flavors and odors
that are peculiar to various salt con
serves nr edue to the micro-organisms
with which they are crowded.
At the latest annual meeting of the
Geological Society of America, Prof. L
a Russell called attention to the recent
discovery that many of the swamps
and lakes In the southern peninsula of
Michigan are rch In calcareous marl,
suitable for making Portland cement
Although partly composed of shells,
the Michigan marl Is principally a
:bemical precipitate which is still being
formed. The precise method of Its for
mat Ion Is not yet understood. The eu
ply is practically Inexhaustible. Largs
cement works have lately bean ot
structed. others are In contemplation,
and Prof. Russell says that Michigan
can easily take a leading place In that
In 181)3 the Japanese government ap
pointed an investigating committee on
earthquakes. This committee, which
has now nearly completed its labors, re
ports, among other things, that It
seems likely that one part or another
of Japan will be visited by a destruc
tive earthquake once In every two and
a half years. That portion of the land
bordering the Japan Sea is seldom dis
turbed by other than local earthquakes,
while the Pacific coast of the country
frequently suffers from great shocks
originating under the ocean. When a
region Is shaken by constantly recur
ring small earthquakes. It appears to be
rendered safe against the occurrence of
Sestrtictlve shocks, because the accum
ulation of stress In the earth's crust at
that point is prevented.
Prof. E. H. Barbour, of the Univer
sity of Nebraska, after comparing his
own observations In 1895 with those In
1899, and collecting the opinions of oth
er visitors' to the National Park, ex
presses the fear that within a decade
many of the scenes now most attractive
in the wonderful Yellowstone Valley
will have disappeared. He gives de
tails showing that nearly all the hot
springs and geysers have declined In
activity. "Old Faithful" geyser still
does honor to Its name, but the interval
between Its eruptions, formerly an
hour, has Increased to 75 or 80 min
utes. Meanwhile there seems to be an
Increase of ebullition In the water of
the greatest of all the geysers, the Ex
celsior, whose outbursts hare always
been separated by Irregular periods.
covering years at a stretch, and there Is
hope that It may be preparing another
exhibition of Its power.
new discovery are two fuller's earth
mines that have been worked for a
long time. One is known as the Ward
mine and the other Is owned by the
Standard Oil Company. The product
Is used largely for refining crude oil.
Hitherto these two old mines have
regulated the supply and the price of
the article and enormous profits are
said to have been realised from them.
It Is estimated that the fuller's earth
found In this new vein can be put on
the market ready for commercial uses
at one-third the cost possible from any
other mine.
Some of the more Important uses to
which this material is now put, with
excellent results, are the following:
L In making baby's powders ol
great healing properties for the skin.
2. In refining all kinds of crude oils
3. For distilling whiskies and brew
ing beer.
4. In the manufacture of all kind
of vaselines.
6. Packing-houses use It for refinini
lards, oleomargarines, buttertnes and
cottolenes. These commodities cauuot
be made without the use of fuller's
& As a foundation for manufactur
ing all kinds of laundry and toilet
7. A new use recently discovered for
fuller's earth la that the wool manu
facturers wash old wool with it, as It
Is a great absorber of all oils and re
fuse matter found In raw wool.
Naming the Prlace of Wales.
About six hundred years ago there
was a king of England Edward I.
who subdued the people of Wales. Af
ter conquering the Welsh he was anx
ious to get their good-will, and so,
when It happened that his first Imhy
rince waa bora, in Carnarvon, in
Wales, bo bad a bright Idea. He an
nounced that his boy was a native of
Wales one who could speak Welsh
Just aa well as any other tongue (tu
was) true, as the baby was but a few
weeks old), and be should therefore be
the people's own prince, Edward.
Prince of Wales.
Twenty-three years after this baby
became King of England, and about
fifty years later his grandson had ass
igned to him, as the third Prince of
Wales, the crest and motto which has
been borne by all the English kings'
tons who have since that day had the
title. The crest is three ostrich feath
ers, and the motto Is the sentence, "Ich
dlen" "I serve." It was given to the
Black Prince, a boy of great promise,
who fought bravely at the battle of
Crecy. Forward.
Uto. Br. Calnias
A Thilfty Habit.
"Stinginess Is one thing and an ob
servance of excessive nicety In finan
cial details Is another," said a Western
man who is worth a good deal of mon
ey. "As an example I will cite a rich
old uncle I once had. He was a mill
ionaire and not stingy, but he watched
the pennies like a hawk, and he was
so exacting that everybody said be
was the meanest man in tne county:
bnt he wasn't, for he gave away S10.
000 a year In various charities that h
would not let the recipients mention.
But to the case in point. One day I
asked him for a nickel for car faro,
telling him I would return it when I
got some change, but I forgot all about
It, Three months after that It occur
red to the old gentleman to be very
Dice to his five nephews and nieces,
and at Christmas four of them received
checks for $5,000 each, while mine
was for $l,9l)'J.!)3. It was just his
way, don't you see? I owed him that
nickel and he wanted It."
Virtue is the shoeing horn of jus
tice. They who have much to lose have
much to fear.
A wise man is never less alone than
when be is alone.
The testimony of a good conscience Is
the glory of a good name.
What we ardently wish, we soon be
Half Million m Tear Ensnared by
Much has been said lately of the cap
ture of quail In Egypt, touching the
protest made by Frenchmen against
carrying the birds across French terri
tory for English use. Until this mat
ter rose nobody seemed to know that
quail existed In Egypt, but they do
by the millions.
The passage of bands of quail over
the coast of the delta of the Nile, from
Port Said to Alexandria, begins In Sep
tember and lasts a month and a half,
the birds arriving In little groups and
alighting on the dunes.
Generally the chase is made by means
of nets of five meters high, which the
natives extend on cords fastened to
poles, in the fashion ot curtains gild
Ing on their rods.
Iu reality the net Is double. The first
near the side of the sea Is of meshes
very large and loose, but on the back
Is another net where the bird wfll real
ly come and perch Itself In the folds
formed by this second net of small
meshes. There Is another method of
capture which Is more picturesque.
Rows of dried branches are placed on
the shore. At the foot of each branch
Is disposed a tuft of fresh herbs. In
the middle of which is arranged an
opening which ends In a snare. The
quail, tired by Its journey, takes refuge
In the branch, without figuring to Itself
that It Is going to put Itself Into a trap
where a native will surprise It and kill
It With these perfected means of de
struction. It Is not astonishing that each
year more than half a million ot these
poor little birds are taken. St. Louis
Deposits of TJnnanal Parity Discovered
In Florida.
There has just been brought to light
sear the Ockloclnee River, fourteen
milea west of Tallahassee. FIs what
is believed by experts to be one of the
most wonderful pure veins of fuller's
earth ever discovered In any country
It Is said to yield, at the expenditure of
very little labor. Immense quantities of
fuller's earth, which stands the 100
test that la to say, there is no waste.
Nearly all mines of the kind contain!
besides the valuable commodity, rock,
flint gravel, sand, etc, bnt this la abso
lutely free of all such substances.
Fuller's earth Is a soft clay and It has
many uses. Half a century ago It waa
little mined In England, and was so
The rage after desires unattainable I valuable there that exportation of It
is increased oy tae auncuity. I WM prohibited.
Applause is the spur of noble minds. Twelve mil IS from the Place. Of the
Electric Fish f the Mile.
Prof. Francis Gotch describes the
electric fish of the Nile, of which the
Egyptians made pictures thousands of
years ago, and which still inhabits the
waters of that river, as being provide I
with an electric organ that encloses the
whole body. It is situated in the skin,
and when viewed with a microscope Is
seen to be composed of about 2,000.00.)
beautifully formed little disks, super
posed upon connected rows of minute
om pertinents in which are the terrain
tls of nerves. The shock is produce J
by an Intense current which traverse
the entire organ from the head to the
tall of the fish, returning through tbe
surroundings. It stuns small fish iu
the neighborhood. Prof. Gotch likens
Its action to that of a self-loading and
self -discharging gun. The electromo
tive force of the organ in a fish only
eight Inches long can, he asserts, at
tain the surprising maximum of 200
volts. A single giant nerve-cell at tbe
head of the spinal column is the source
of the impulses which discharge the
Fortifl L
"Wtmt're you doin' wid de new alarm
clock?" asked Plodding Pete.
"I had to git it," answered Meander-
tog Mike. "Last night I dreamed
was workln' an' I'm goln' to set .dis
every two or three hours so aa not to
take any chances. Washington Star
8aaJet Tha Boll ol HomiwA Tribute to
. Kveryday Ilarocs la tha riaal Read.
JuUMM They Will Kecalva tha
Crown of Valor.
Copyright nwo.1
WAsnrNGTOw, D. C Dr. Talmaue, who
is now preaching to large audiences in
the great cities of England and Scotland,
sends this discourse, in which he shows
that many who in this world pass as of
little importance will in the day of hnol
readjustment be crowned with high honor;
text, 11 Timothy ii, 3, "Thou therefore
endure hardness.
Historians are not slow to acknowledge
the merits of great military chieftains.
We have the full length portraits of tbe
Cromwells, the Washingtons, the Napo
leons and the Wellingtons of the world.
History is not written in back ink, but
with red ink of human blood. The gods
of human ambition do not drink from
bowls made out of silver or gold or pre
cious stones, but out of the bleached
skulls of the fallen. But I am now to un
roll before you a scroll of heroes that the
world has never acknowledged those who
faced no guns, blew no bugle blast, con
quered no cities, chained no captives to
their chariot wheels, and yet in the great
day of eternity will stand higher than
some of those whose names startled the
nations and seraph and rapt-spirit and
archangel will tell their deeds to a listen
ing universe. I mean the heroes of com
mon, everyday life.
In this roll in the first place I find all
the heroes of the sick room. When Satan
had failed to overcome Job, he said to
God, "Put forth Tuy hand and touch his
bones and his flesh, and he will curse
Thee to Thy face." Satan had found out
that which we have all found out that
sickness is the greatest test of one's char
acter. A man wno can stand that can
stand anything. To be shut in a room as
fast as though it were a hostile, to be so
nervous you cannot endure the tap of a
child's foot, to have luscious fruit, which
tempts the appetite of the robust and
healthy, excite our loathing rnd disgust
when it first appears on the platter; to
have the rapier of pain strike through the
side or across the temple like a razor or
to put the foot into a vise or throw the
whole body into a blaze of fever. Yet
there have been men and women, but
! more women than men. who have cheer
fully endured this hardness. through
years of exhausting rheumatisms and ex
cruciating neuralgias they have gone and
through bodily distress that rasped the
nerves and tore the muscles and naled the
cheeks and stooped the shoulders. By
the dull light of the sick room taper they
saw on their wall the picture of that land
where the inhabitants are never sick.
Through the dead silence of the night they
heard the chorus ot the angels.
The cancer ate away her life from week
to week and day to day. and she became
weaker and weaker and every "good
night" was feebler than the "good night"
belore, yet never sad. The children looked
up into her face and saw suffering trans
formed into a heavenly smile. Those who
suffered on the battlefield amid shot and
shell were not more heroes and heroines
than those who. in .ie held hospital and
in the asvlum. had fevers which no ice !
1J 1 i v. i .A
couiu cool unu uu surgery i-uiv. i.u tsuuub
of a comrade to cheer them, but numbness
and aching and homesickness, vet willing
to suffer, confident in God, hopeful of
heaven. Heroes ot rheumatism, heroes ot
neuralgia, heroes of spinal complaint, he
roes oil sick headache, heroes of lifelong
invalidism, heroes and heroines! They
shall reign for ever and ever. Hark! 1
catch just one note of the eternal anthem,
"There shall be no more pain!" Itless
God for that!
In this roll I also find the heroes of toil.
who do their work uncomplainingly. It
is comparatively easy to lead a regiment
into batte when you know that the whole
nation will applaud the victory, it is com
paratively easy to doc-tor the sick when
you know that your skill will be appre
ciated by a large company of friends nnd
relatives, it is comparatively easy to ad
dress an audience when in the gleaming
ryes and flushed checks you know that
your sentiments are adopted, but to do
sewing when you expect the employer will
come and thrust his thumb through the
work to show how iniertect it is or to
have the whole garment i.,rown back on
you to be done over a?ain; to build a
wall and know there will be no one to
say you did it well, but only a swearing
employer howling across the scaffold; to
work until your eyes are dim and your
bnck aches a ad your heart faints, and to
know that if you stop before night your
children will starve! Ah, the sword lias
not slain so many as the needle! The
treat liattlefields of our civil war were not
Hettyshurg and Miuon ana oouiu jcounv
Wbera It Hoa'd Do Most Uoo
- He "Do you think your father ha;
told anyone yet of our engagement?
She "Yes, I think I heard blm say
he had told some of his creditors."
Harlem Life.
Prom Church to Mtilrt Factory
Tbe First Baptist Church In Dover
pa., tuts converted a building formerly
used for social gatherings into a shirl
factory, where members of the church
are given preference in employment
Five per cent, of tbe wages of the em
ployes go into a fund for church work
Gotham's Heavy Expense Aooonni.
Gross expenses of the State of New
York In the year 1809, It Is computed.
amounted to $25,000,000, of which nea
ly 10 per cent was necessary to pay
tary in new lore, saying: I ?nsnx you
for that $23. Until yesterday we have
had no meat in our house for three
months. We have suffered terribly. My
children have no shoes this winter. And
of those people who have only a half loaf
of bread, but give a piece of it to others
who are hungrier, and of those who have
only a scuttle of coal, but help others
to fuel, and of those who have only a
dollar in their pocket and give twenty
five cents to somebody else, and of that
father who wears a shabby coat and of
that mother who wears a faded dress,
that their children may be well anuar-
eled. You call them paupers or ragamuf-
hns or emigrants. I call them heroes and
heroines. You and 1 may not Know
where they live or what their name is.
God knows, and they have more angels
novenng over mem man you ana t nave,
nd they will have a higher ai-i-.t in heaven.
I'hev tnav have onlv a cud of cold water
to give a poor traveler or may have only
picked a splinter trom the nan ot a cinid s
linger or have put only two mites into
the treasury, but the Lord known them.
Considering what they had, they ilid
more than we have ever dtine, and theif
faded dress will become a white role.
and the small room will be an external
mansion and the old hat will be exchanged
tor a coronet of victory and all the ap
plause of earth and the shouting of heaven
will be drowned out when God rises up
to give His reward to those humble work
ers in His kingdom and to say to them,
"Well done, goou and faithful servant'
You have all seen or heard of the ruins
of Melrose Abbey. I suppose in some
respects they are the most exquisite ruins
on earth, and yet, !ooking at it I was
not so impressed you may set it dowa
to bad taste, but I was not so deeply
stirred as 1 was at a tombstone at the
foot of that abbey, the tombstone placed
by Walter Scott over the crave of an
old man who had served nim a good
many years in his house, the -ncription
most significant, and 1 defy any man to
stand there and read it without tears
coming into his eyes the epitaph, "Well
done, good and faithful servant." Oh,
when our work is over, will it be found,
because of anything we have done for
Rod or the church or suffering humanity,
that such an inscription is appropriate
for us? God grant it!
Who are those who were bravest and
deserved the greatest monument Lord
Claverhouse and his burlv soldiers or
John Itrown. the Edinburgh carrier, and
his wife? Mr. Atkins, the iersec-utcd
minister of Jesus Christ in Scotland, was
secreted by John Itrown and his wile,
and Claverhouse rode up one day with
his armed men and shouted in front of
the house. John lirown's little girl came
out. He said to her, "Well, miss, is Mr.
Atkins here?" She made no answer, for
he could not betray the minister of the
$os pel. "Ha!" Claverhouse said, "Then
rou are a chin of the old block, arc you?
I have something in my pocket for you.
It is a nosegay. Some people call it a
thumbscrew, but I call it a nosegay."
And he got off his horse, and he put it
in the little girl's hand and begin to turn
it until the i tones cracked and she cried.
He said: "Don't cry, don't cry. This
isn't a thumbscrew; this is a nosegay."
And they heard the child's cry, and the
father and mother came out, and Claver
house said: "It seems that you three
have laid yonr holy he.nU tOM-thcr. de
termined to die like all the rest of your
hypocritical, ranting, sniveling crew,
leather than give up good Mr. Atkins,
pious Mr. Atkins, you would die. I have
telescope with me that will imoroye
your vision. And he pulled out a pis
tol. "Now," he said, "you old pragmatic,
lest you should catch cold in this cold
morning of Scotland, and for the honor
Mid safety of the king, to say nothing
of the glory of God and the good of our
ouls, I will proceed simply and in the
neatest and most expeditious style to
blow your brains out."
John Brown fell upon his knees and
began to pray. "Ah! said Claverhouse,
'look out if you are going to prav. Steer
;lear of the king, the council and Richard
Cameron." "O Lord," said John Hrown.
'since it seems to be Thy will that I should
leave this world for a world where I
n love Thee better and serve Thee more,
I put this poor widow woman and these
helpless, fatherless children into Thy
hands. We have been together in peace
i good while, but now we must look forth
to a better meeting in heaven, and as for
these poor creatures, blindfolded and in
fatuated, that Btand before me, convert
them before it be too late, and may they
who have sat in judgment in this lonelv
place on this blessed morning uon me,
1 poor, defenseless fellow creature, may
they in the last judgment find that mercy
which they have refused to me. Thy most
unworthy but faithful servant. Amen."
He rose and said, "Isabel, the hour has
come of which I spoke to you on the
morning when I proposed hand and heart
to you, and are you willing now, for the
love of God to let me die? She put her
arms around him and said: "The Lord
zave. and the Lord hath taken away.
Messed be the name of the Lord. "Stop
that sniveling," said Claverhouse. "I
Ihe great battlefields were in the have had enough of it. Soldiers, do vour
worn: lane aim: rire: Aim nit: unm
of John Brown was scattered on the
ground. While the wife was gathering
up in her apron the fragment of her hus
band's head gathering them up for bur
ial Claverhouse looked into her face and
said: "Now, my good woman, how do ou
feel now about your bonnie man ?" "Oh,"
he said, "I always thought weel of him.
He has been very good to me. I had no
reason for thinking anything but weel of
Itim nnd T think better of him now.'' Oh.
what a grand thing it will be in the last
nrHenals nnd in tne slions and in the at
tics, where women made army jackets for
sixpence. 1 nev toiled on until tney
died. They had no funeral eulogiuin, but.
in the name of my God. this day 1 enroll
their names among those of whom the
world was not worthy. Heroes of the
needle! Heroes of the sewing machine!
Heroes of the attic! Heroes ot the cel
lar! Heroes and heroines! liless God
tor them!
In this roll I also find the heroes who
have uncomplainingly endured domestic
the deficit of departments wblcb ex
ceeded In 1888, or In previous years, thr tell all the other secrets of her lifetime
appropriation made for them.
rtu uuiiirrtiii; ....... p, ... v. . r . .
inmstioes. Thev are men who for their "ay to see5?on pica oui jus neroes .....
toil and anxietv have no sympathy in i heroines! Y ho are those paupers ol fter
their homes. Exhausting application to J-ty trudging off from the Pjtes of henv iT
business gets them a livelihood, but an W ho are they? The Lord Clave, houses
nnfrugal wife scatters it. He is fretted at and Herods and those who had scalers
from the moment he enters the door until jnu crowns ana enrone., oue u.
he comes out of it. The exasperations of for their own aggrandizement, and they
business life, augmented by the exasiiera-. broke the heart of nations. Heroes of
tions of domestic life. Such men are enrth, but paupers in eternity. I beat the
laughed at, but they have a heartbreaking , drums of their eternal despair. Woe,
trouble, and tney would nave long ago e.
gone into appalling dissipation but for the WTntf harm can the world do you when
grace of God. j the Lord Almighty with unsheathed sword
Society to-day is strewn with the fights for you? I preach this sermon for
wrecks of men who, under the northeast comfort. Go home to the place just
storms of domestic felicity, have been where God has put you to play the hero
driven on the rooks, there are tens ot I or the heroines, uo not envy any man
thousands of drunkards to-day, made such j his money or hi applause or his social po-
by their wives, that is not poetry; inai
is prose. But the wrong js generally in
the opjiosite direction. You would not
have to go far to lind a wife whose life
is a perpetual martyrdom something
heavier than a stroke of the fist, unkind
words, staggering home at midnight and
constant maltreatment, which have left
her only a wreck of what she was on that
day when in the midst of a brilliant as--.
, ., ., i f..n
senipiage ine vows were micen ui.u iun
srgan played the wedding march and the
tarriage rolled away with the benediction
f the people. W hat was the burning of
Latimer and Ridley at the stake com
pared with this? Those men soon became
unconscious in the fire, but there is a
thirty years' martyrdom, a fifty years'
putting to death, yet uncomplaining, no
(titter words when the rollicking compan
ions at 2 o'clock in the morning pitch the
kushand dead drunk into the front entry,
ao bitter words when wiping from the
swollen brow the blood struck out in a
midnight carousal, bending over the bat
tered and bruised form of him who when
se took her from her father's home prom
ised love and kindness and protection, yet
nothing hut svmpathy and prayers and
torgivencss before they are asked for;
no bitter words when the family Bible
goes for rum and the pawnbroker's shop
gets the lost decent dress. Some day,
desiring to evoke the story of her sor
rows, vou sav, "Well, how are you get
ting along now?" and, rallying her
trembling voice and quieting her quivering
lin lie raw. "I'rettv well. 1 thank vou:
pretty well." She never will tell you. In
the delirium of her la-.t sickness she may
ution. JJo not envy any woman her word
robe or her exquisite aptiearance. Be the
hero or the heroine. If there be no flour
in the house and you do not know where
your children are to get bread, listen, and
you will hear something tapping against
the wimlow pane. Go to the window, and
you will lind it is the lieak of a raven, and
open the window, and there will Hy in the
messenger tnat led r.njan. uo you ininK
that the God who grows the cotton of the
south will let you freeze for lack of
clothes? I)o you think that the God who
allowed His disciples on Sabbath morning
to go into the grainheld and then take
the irrain and rub it in their hands and
eat do you think God will let you starve?
Hid you ever near oi me experience oi
that old man, "I have been young and
now am old, yet I have never seen the
righteous feirsaken or his seed begging
bread?" Get up out of your discourage
ment. O troubled soul. O sewing woman.
O man kicked and cuffed by unjust em
ployers, it ye who are hard liese. in the
battle of life and know not which way to
turn, O bereft one, O vnu sick one with
complaints you have told to no one, come
and get the comfort of I subject! Lis
ten to our great Laplam h cheer, lo him
that overconieth will I eive to eat of the
fruit of the tree of liie-whii-li is in. the
uidst of the para lidC of Cad."
Fonr Btajr of Laormaa.la.g-.
Lace-making, like Its sister arts, has
passed through four stages of designs
but she will not tell that. Not until the
books of eternity are opened on the
throne of judg:ient will ever be known
what she has suffered.
I find also in this roll the heroes ot
the medieval, geometrical, renaissa.net 0,, charity. We all admire the
and rococo. It attained its greater: George l'eabodys and the James Lenoxes
nerf action toward the end Of the seven of the earth, who give tens and hundreds
- . . 01 inousanos 01 uuiurs 10 guuu uujmui.
teeata century, ,at 1 m .Makinit now 0f those who, out
1 ! of their pinched poverty, help others oi
i - mi , rti. such men as thoae Christian missionaries
vea a fool gets credit for wisdom at tbe weat who ocm Christ to iuc
so uuapu fc
law height
when he appreciates people, one ofjthpm, writing to the sec re-
Street cars in Germany have con
spicuously displayed the number of
passengers which they are permitted
to carry. When the stated number Is
on the car, no other pasenger will bn
permitted to enter.
Suez Canal receipts for the first
quarter of 1900 were $4,200,000 against
$4,690,000 In the same quarter of IS'j'i,
and $4,235,000 in 1898.
India rubber nalU are a novelty in
Germany. They are used :n places
where metallic nails would be liable to
The Omaha Bee says that gratify
ing reports come from most of the Oma
ha churches, relative to the improved
flnacial condition, based upon increas
ed membership and attendance.
Fine fiense and exalted sense are
not half so useful as common sense.
. i
!" aw. i r- ,