T ";-t B. F. SCHWEIER, THE COnSTITUTIOnTHE Union AtlD THE EnFORCEUERT OF THE LAWS. Editor and Proprltr. VOL. LIV. MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1900 NO. 22. . , wen BY CHARLOTTE M. BRAEME. I .at r CHAPTER XVIIL m. Aa nd the honr arrived. , Sif . Basil was to go with them ss far as Dover and see them safely on board. Thev were all four to start by the mid- dr train from Arley to London. t .k h.I measured hex strength that morning, aad found it rapidly failing. "I conld not live urooi" m day of It." sheMid. "Thank Wfca, It Is almost over." She was passive, while her maid took ill the palna she could to hide the shrink ing of the graceful figure, the pallor of the beautiful face. She must keep up appearances while she was In England, among those who knew her; but, when he was across the sea. ahe could give way, she could droop and die aa she would but not here. She bade farewell to the grand old home where she had been so utterly, but falsely happy. She stood for some time on the terrace where the passion flowers grew the spot where she had seen her lover first, and where her heart had gone out to him. She kissed the bare brown branches. They would live again; they would be covered with green leaTes and starry flowers when leaves and flowers should gladden her eyes no more. She stretched out her hands with a great cry when she took her last look round the room where she had spent such happy hours. All earth and air seemed burn ing fire. Oh, for rest, for change, for the coldness even of the grave! Thorn who saw Mlsa Hatton'a face when she left Brentwood never forgot it. . It was a strange Journey to Dover. Sir Arthur was the only one who talked. Hettie avoided either looking at or speak ing to Sir Basil, and Leah could have laughed in bitter amusement at the scene. Sir Arthur spoke of his nieces' return, of the marriage, of Olen, of Basil In Parliament, and saw nothing wrong. They stood together on deck at last, a blue sky above them, the sun shining on the white cliffs of Dover and on the sea, which was almost as smooth as a mirror. Sir Arthur took Hettie to the other side of the Teasel. . "They will have so much to say to each other; lovers always have. We will leave them alone, Hettie." t So they stood aide by side, the deathly pallor of Leah's face hidden by her veil A terrible calm had fallen over her. Sh loved Sir Basil still with her whole hurt: . she could have knelt down there, anc have covered bis hands with burning kisses and burning tears. She held them for a moment in a close grasp, while she looked into his face for the last time. The solemn shadow of eternity lay over her. Then there caine shout from the sail ors. Ail was in readiness; those who were for shore must leave. The momenta were numbered; her eyes never left him, her hand still held his. 'I must go," he said. "Good-by. Leah." lie bent down and kissed her lips. Ht started to find them so cold. "Good-by," he repeated. "A pleasant, prosperous journey; Leah, and a nappy return." "Good-by, Basil; good-by, my love," she aid; and the next moment she was look ing over the waters alone. lie was gone. She felt that she would never see him again In this world. The sky, the sea, the white cliff were whirl ing round her. She was glad to raise her veil and let the sea breeze play upon hei face. She was free now; she need no longer keep up appearances. She had looked her last upon him. The long strain, the long tension was ended. The calm plash of the waves seemed to cool th fever that had laid waste her life; ali earth and air were no longer burning tire. The rest of the journey waa like a dream to her, and ahe never woke from it until she stood in the salon of the villa al Mentone, and saw the duchess regarding her with tearful eyes. "Great heaven," she cried, "this is not Leah; this is a shadow! I thought it was Hettie who had been ill! "So It was. I have not been ill," said a voice which the duchess scarcely recog nized aa Leah's. "I am well; bat mj has tired me. "What can be the matter? What has gone wrong in the girl's lifeT" though the kindly woman. "The only thing that she reminds me of la a flower broken by a tempest." There waa in Mentone a celebrates English physician, Dr. Evan Griffiths skillful, prosperous man, very populai among the invalids and the English at Mentone. He lived with his mother in a pretty little villa. Popular as he was, ht had never married. It was said that he had no time for wooing. One evening as Dr. Griffith sat alone v.: rfn the servant announced a young lady. She hao sent no cara auu had given no name, but looked very ill. At first the doctor felt annoyed. He had no liking for mysterious patients, and felt it hard that he could not have one cigar in peace. "Show the lady in here," he said Impa tlently. But his impatience died away when a tall, closely veiled woman came in and stood silently before him. She did not speak until the servant hai closed the door; then she raised her veil so that he could see her face; and he was startled by its delicacy and wonderfu. bl'tknow that I am calling at an on usual time," she said. "I thank yo. much for seeing me. I have a lUPSti-.i to ask you a question of life or death Will you answer ii . "If I can," ssid the doctor, concern yourself?" -yes," she replied. nd then he felt that death life, would be the answer, if judge from her face. "Does it and noi he couW CHAPTER XIX. Dr. Griffith placed a chair for hi beautiful young patient, and. standing bythe table, waited until she spoke. "Do people." she said, abruptly, "evei die of a broken heart?" "I have never known a case, answer ed the doctor, "though I have heard ani read of such a thing." -Some months since," she said. look ing at him with calm, grave eyes, 1 was as strong as anyone could wish to he. I had splendid health and a perfect constitution. Now I have hardly strength to live, and everyone thinks I am 1b dan- -There must be a reason for it," re- nnietlv. fJr LTTiLi which I wlU tefl you. and I want you to Judge If tt will X I t iitttti mi iimmnnm iiiiinii kill me. months I hare had within the last tw a trouble a terrible trouble one that I have had to bury in the depths of my heart. I could not speak of It. or ' hint It, or place confidence ta any living I creature concerning it. I have shot my , secret In my heart, and It has been prey 1 Ing upon It. It has eaten my heart away. The constant repression, the desperate ef forts I have made to seem as usual, have been too much for me; and now I feet sure that I have some affection of the heart which will soon put an end to my Kfe." He began to understand something of tne case. "Do yon want to liver be asked brief ly. t "No; I want to die," she answered. 1 Then came a string of questions, all ot which she answered candidly enough, The doctor knit his brows, and waa si lent for some time; then he listened to the action of the heart and grew graver srUL "I think," he said, "that you have al ways had a great tendency to heart dis ease; and now, I am sorry to say, it is s confirmed case." Her face brightened, and she murmur ed a few words to herself which he did not hear. "Tell me, doctor," she asked, "how long do yon think I have to live?" "Not long," was the grave reply. "In a great measure it lies in yonr own hands. If yon could get rid of this care; If you could prevent yourself from brooding over It; If yon conld rouse yourself, you might live a little lunger. "I could not." she ssid; "the restraint has been too great and too persistent. Will you tell me what the end wiU b like?" "I wish yon would not ask me," he answered, looking pitifully at the fair face. "It will be the greatest service yon can render me," she said. "It matters so lit- ; tie to me. If I have some months to I Hve, I shall carry out an intention which I have formed; If not, I shall forego it. ,Tell me, doctor." "Ton will not Uve for months," he said "the greater the pity." "The greater the Joy!" she cried. "Will It be weeks r' "Weeks hi all probability," he replied. "And the end?" she asked again. "The end will be sudden and peaceful," he answered. "It may be at any time. Any sudden sorrow or joy might prove fatal. Calmness, peace, resignation, are your greatest helps. Poor child," he said, in an outburst of sndden tender pity "poor child! Life has been hard for you!" "Very hard," she declared. "I wish," he said, "that yon would fol low my advice. I could not save your life, but I might prolong it." "No," she replied. "I am staying here at Mentone; I shall die here, and, when I die they will be sure to send for you. You will not say that yon have seen tut? "I will not," he promised. There followed two quiet, peaceful and nappy weeks, of which Hettie liked tc think afterward. It struck her at timet that Leah looked weak and ill, but sn made no complaint. Letters and news papers came every day from England, giving them all the news of Glen and ot Brentwood' above all of. the election. Hettie enjoyed talking about it with the duchess, but Leah never uttered a word She had made np her mind to the great est sacrifice any woman could make she would die and give no sign. News came from England that Sii Basil had been returned member for the opunty. The Duke and Duchess wert delighted. Hettie waa pleased, and talk ed more about It than she talked about anything else. Leah said little, but she looked happier. The next day came a letter to say that, the election being over. Sir Basil and tht general hoped to run over to Mentone. even if they were able to remain only a week. When Leah read that letter, her face grew white. Leah went to her room; the sun shorn brielit and warm, and the air was ful. of the perfume of flowers. She was tirec with a peculiar feeling of longing for rest which was new to her, and her sense hnd been suddenly sharpened. She could see further; she could hear with almost painful distinctness. She had a letter to write, but the feeling of fatigue was so strong upon her that she was hardly inclined to commence her task. "I will do it at once, and then it will not trou ble me," she said to herself. She sat for some time with the pen b her band. It waa the one great tempts tion of her life. Should she tell him oi not? When she came to die, should sin feel any the happier that she had left him with this sting in his breast, thu memory which would always be to liim one of bitter pain? It would be anip: vengeance. It he knew that her uuhap piness hsd killed her. he conld never bt happy again. He was honorable and sensitive; the chances were that if h knew the truth he would never niarrj Hettie. It was a great temptation. Hei heart throbbed with it, ber whole fraiut trembled; and then with a supreme ef fort she conquered it. Swiftly, suddenly, as bad been foretold death came to her, without pain, without bitterness, without agony. The pen drop ped from the white fingers; her head IVt: upon the paper. She died with a smiit on her lips. There was not even a spasm of pain, no faint murmur or cry. The throbbing, laboring, broken heart bad stopped at last. With the wind thai chanted a requiem among the great tree her soul rose to heaven and the body Wti behind grew cold and beautiful hi the embrace of death. CHAPTER XX. So they found her, dead. The duchess wss almost frsntlc She refused to be lieve thst Leah was dead. It was ot imnnsidble. she declared. She call ed for brandy, wine, hot water every possible restorative. She would not see the mark of death on the beautiful face. She sent for doctors, and one of the first who came was Dr. Evan Griffiths. He recognised her at once. This wss the despairing girl who had come to him longing with her whole heart to die; and the longing had been granted. He wss accustomed to many a sad sight, and scene, to every kind ef sickness and dis tress; but he had seen nothing which touched him mar tbsa the dead face of this hapless girt Tears cams into his I The duchess would not allow anvthins- be touched la the room until the gen eral and 8b? Basil came. They had tel egraphed at once for them. Fast as steam could take them, they went to Mentone and found the terrible news true that Leah waa dead. All the calm, imperial beauty of her youth came back to her as sne lay sleep ing after her long fever and pain. There was no pain on the beautiful face: the thick, dark eyelaahes lay like fringe on the White cheeks; there wss a strsnge beauty on the marble brow, and the proud curves ot the perfect lips were set la a snrile. The duchess hsd covered the conch oa which she lay with lovely white blossoms; and so Sir Basil, who had part ed from ber on board the steamer, saw her again. He kissed the pale lips that had murmured so many loving words to him, weeping like a child and regretting that he had not loved her more. Early the next morning he went out and procured some scarlet passion flow ers. Sir Arthur liked him all the better because he cried like a child when he placed them In the dead white handa. One could have fancied that a amile pass ed over the dead face. Her secret was safe forever now, and no one knew why she had died. No suspicion of the truth came to any one of them. So they mourned her, and 'no stiug of bitter memories increased their pain. Hettie and the general learned to love each other in the midst of their trouble more than they would ever have done in prosperity. They mourned long and sin cerely for Leah. The general for a long time waa quite nnlike Himself he seem ed unable to recover from the blow; and there were times when everyone thought that Hettie must follow her sister. There wss a great outburst of sorrow In England when the papers told that Leah, the beloved niece of Gen Sir Ar thur Hatton. had died auddenlj at Men tone, of heart disease. English visitors go now to see her grave; none leave it without tears. They tell each other how soon she was to have been married to someone whom she loved dearly, and how she was-writing to her lover when the summons came. Leah's grave is the most beautiful in the ceme tery. A tall white marble cross bears her name, and masses of superb scarlet passion flowers creep up it and overhang the grave. Five years have passed since Leah's death, but her memory lives bright and beautiful among those who loved het best. Sir Basil and Hettie have been , three years married and they live en tirely at Brentwood. Sir Arthur implor ed them to let it be so. He could not bear to live alone again. So they had consented to make Brentwood their home, leaving it at times to go to Glen, when the general always accompanied them. He loved Hettie, and, as the years rolled on, he looked to her for nil the comfort and brightness of his life. But those who knew him best said that she hac never occupied the same place in his heart which Leah had. - There is no fear that Leah will be for gotten at Brentwood. The beautiful pic ture of her shown at the Royal Academy' and called "The Passion-Flower," hangs in the drawing room there. Every one who sees it stops and looks with wonder it the lovely face and dark eyes that leem to follow one. Lady Carlton has a fine handsome boy, whom she has named Arthur, who inher its ber blue eyes and golden hair. She thinks that there is no boy in England like him, and Sir Basil is of the same opinion, though, perhaps, in his heart he loves best the baby girl called Leah, whose dark eyes and lovely face briug so vividly back to him the one buried for ever from the sight of men. . One morning Lady Carlton, at play with her baby girl, caught her in her arms and held her up in front of the pic ture of "The Paasion-Flower." "See. Basil." she cried, "little Leah will be the very image of her aunt." Sir Basil crossed over to his wife. "She will resemble her," be said quiet ly, "but 1 hope baby's face will not have the shadow of melancholy that ties on this one." "I nope not," returned Hettie. "Leah always had that look; even when her face most radiant, it was there. Oh, Ba sil, how young and beautiful she waa to die!" ' "I often wonder," said Sir Basil, "what would have happened had she lived, Het tie. I never like to think that our hap pinessand we are happy, sweet wife comes from Leah's death." Hettie looked at him thoughtfully. "It is not so. Basil," she said. "If Leah had lived, you would have married her, but she never would have been hap py. I think she wanted something more than one finds In this world. Her nature was noble and lofty: I do not think an) human love would have satisfied her. Dc you remember the restless longing on hei beauteous face? See it is there, even in his picture. She would never have been sappy." "Perhaps not," allowed Sir Basil, "per haps not. Hettie. I think you are right." he said, as they moved slowly away from the beautiful face. That was how they judged her. "The heavy clouds may be raining. But with evening comes the light; Through the dark are low winds com plaining, Tet the sunrise gilds the height. And love has hidden treasure For the patient ami the pure: Ami Time gives his fullest measure To the workers who endure; And the Word that no love has shaken Has the future pledge supplied. S'or we know that when we 'awaken' We shall be 'satisfied.' " (The end.) Useful Hints. The suggestion that tea added to ap ple pie is an Improvement, Is empha sized at the Boston Cooking School. In raoint for this dessert three table- Twwinfuia of freshly made Japan tea. with a pinch of nutmeg, are Included. For rhubarb Jelly the stalks are cut and stewed gently until tender. To a quart of the rhubarb a pint of sugar and a little more than a half box of gelatine is allowed. Soak the gelatine in a little cold water, and add to the rhubarb while the latter is warm, rub bing the mixture through a sieve, pour into a mould, and serve with whipped cream. While the stalks are young and tender, as they are at present, ine rnu barb need not be peeled. ; To skim a sauce the expert cook will draw the saucepan to the side of tho fire to stop the boiling, and add a tea spoonful of cold water, which prompt ly causes the grease to rise. . . ... roe town or uouin iicwiumuci, . T H, is offered a $10,000 public library on conditions compiled with, I see no re condition that its name be changed to son- why anybody should not perform Newnelda, a title reoemmended aa hla feat.' . . Il.VI. snorter ana more - MARVEL AMOXG MEN. PASSES 6CO.OOO VOLTS OF EL.EC TRICITY THROUGH HIS BODY. L'efor a Gathering of Medical Men a , St. Urals Doctor Proves tnst High j Voltage Cnrrento Are Not Kccesaa- ; rily Death Danllns ! ' Dr. Heber Roberts,' of St. Louis, be-; fore a gathering of medical men In that; tlty recently, proved that 000.000 volti of electricity could be passed through the human body without Injury to It. and that the popular belief that bighj voltage currents were death dealing: is a fallacy. According to Dr. Roberts the Injurious possibilities of a current depends upon Its amperage, and tbe voltage when properly bandied is with out the power to kill or even Injure any one. The experimenter attracted much Interest auioug professional men DR. ROBERTS RECEIVES B00.000 VOLTS OF ELECTRICITY. In that city and will- no doubt create . . . . . . . .t.Hn..kA., fha wiaespreau mitri csi uuvuuvu, , country among students 'of electrical therapeutics. In the course, of these ; experiments Dr. Roberts sent a cur rent through bis body andthence .to A Crooks tube. In this he created an X-ray by means of which a photograph of a hand was taken, showing perfect- ly Its skeleton. . The X-ray was or rare brilliancy and penetrating power. But even were this not true the feat would pearance. His beard, bead and chest be remarkable in that- he ls-: tbe-first were wreathed In blue flame. Tet lie man to ever make himself the con-did not feel the slightest disagreeable ductor of a 'current" 'of electricity 'of ( sensation. Another peculiar feature, great power enough Id create an X-ray. about this static current Is that when The secret of Dr. "Roberts', success in ever It finds a point for exit it becomes his experiments la tbat -he employed what' Is known to be a static- current through his body. Jbe stoUc-current has no volume, but. great power." It is not the potential energy fhat kills,, but the volume. This mw be. Illustrated by an analogy. A- needle might" "be passed through the body Vith great rapidity and power, bdr 1t would not he aa harmful as a thousand' needles nassed through slowly and with- little power. In other words, the power, tbe voltage, has "nothing whatever .to dq with the physiological effect, it is tho number of needles, the amperage.,. Still the experiment is not without danger. It requires a nice adjusment of machln - erv to produce the proper Kina oi cur- rent. It requires a thorough knowledge of certain conditions to apply the cur- rent perfectly. It requires a familiar ity with electric currents to prevent shock. To Dr. Roberts it had little or no danger. "Tbe Idea of passing an X-ray current through my body was conceived," Dr. Roberts explained. while I was making experiments m electrical therapeutics. I became con - vlnced that It could be done If the curr rent were produced by a static mai chine, and I Immediately proceeded to do it- Static currents have no volume and therefore do not kill. The only effect tbey can produce is that of a, slight burning. I was used to this sen-i satlon from handling the machine in my practice, and consequently the pow erful X-ray stream did not give me the slightest pain. "In the static current the medical profession has exactly what It needs to balance. The static current is elec tricity restrained In a condition of high tension." It Is sometimes called Frank linic because Franklin demonstrated its identity with terrestrial electricity. It is electrical pressure without volume. It is almost free from amperage and consists almost wholly of voltage. Poet ically, It Is the great Invisible messen ger for light, beat and electricity from the tangible storehouse of nature. The generating of the static curjent Is sim ple. Ad Initial charge of electricity must be Imparted to the atmarure or receiving part of the machine. The plates are set In motion wtt.1 artificial power. About the revolving plates a certain multiplication of tit? certain electricities takes place by that influence of one charged body upon antbnr, with the resulting output of stark- currents depending upon speed, number of and diameter of plates and atmospheric conditions. This machine, which Is not more than five feet long, six feet high and three feet wide. Is capable of gen erating 10,000,000 volts of electricity. Anybody conld do the same thing un der tbe same conditions. This machine while throwing off a prodigious amount of energy. Is much like a serpent whose fangs have been removed. The major portion of its destructive force is sub dued because Its amperage Is mall, owing to Its peculiar construction. Of coarse, it would be dangerous for a novice to attempt to perform this ex periment. He would probably bo pain fully Injured and worse consequences might ensue. The experimenter most have perfect knowledge and control of the machine. He must also havs sc- cusfemed himself to electric currents. i for there would be great shock to one unused to It upon getting Into tho clr- 1 cult of -an X-ray stream. These two Xtr WOT OtifcfJ MBt ments performed by Dr. Roberts along the - same line. In one of these ha placed a patient on a table set on legs) of the purest electrical glass. Rnnnins from the electrodes on the front of the machine was a copper bar. four feet long. One end of It rested on the wood en floor of the table upon which the i nattont alts. Thm nnttent thn nlaee? b,8 foot npon tne end of tne and hed ,t tnere making the connection fof the current It was not necessary for him to remove his shoes or any part of bis clothing. When the current was turned Into him the only sensation he jad C0D88ted ,n the becoming erect and rigld. ThI WM by he exlt of tne current wnlcn paB8lng brough the cells of the hair and filling them, stiffens them until thev looked like tiny bars of Iron. In the case of a woman her hair would have stood straight out after this fashion, even though It be four feet In length. "I made a photograph the other day of a woman whose hair Is twenty Inches long while she was sitting in this cur rent," said Dr. Roberts. "If tbe hair is wet while the patient Is In the pool, and tne room is aaruenea, it win glow wun ' n hfllllnnt tiliiA flnma fha Atha, ftflr I placed a man on the table and turned tbe current into him. He bad previous ly stripped to tbe waist, and wet the j liair upon his face, head and cbest. : When the current began Its passage through him he became ghostly In ap-; a blue name, one-uair men in length It has beat, yet tt does not burn the person - from whom It passes." The discovery of Dr. Roberts should be very valuable in the application of elec triclty to therapeutics. Herb Farms. There are several kinds of farms. profitable -ones, ' too, of which little ' mention Is made to the public. Many herbs are grown on farms devoted to ( them, and they are a product not over done by growers, in .New York are acres devoted to the growth of pepper -mint. - In Illinois are farms where tbe ' castor bean Is raised for the castor oil that it contains. Many rarms which have lost their productiveness could be made to grow sage, catnip, thorough wort, and the other vegetable necessi ties of the pharmacopoeia.' Tbe business hi one of the few that are hot ruined by competition. ' Rose farms are to be found In different sections of the coun try, and there Is a sweetness In this method of earning a livelihood, al 1 though that Is not all there Is In It by good deal. ' In California some rose farms are carried on to raise roses for rose Jelly. The Whale's Vitality. Some light was thrown a few years ago upon the subject of the vitality of whales by finding one of these animals in Bering Sea In 1890 with a "toggle' harpoon head in its body bearing tbe mark of the American whaler Montezu ma. That vessel was engaged in whal ing in Bering Sea about ten years, but not later than 1854. She was after ward sold to the government and wa sunk In Charleston harbor during the civil war to serve as an obstruction. Hence, It Is estimated the wbale must have carried the harpoon not less than thirty-six years. Jnst as Effective, "There is nothing like being In love to make a man gentle and thoughtful in all his actions." "No except a touch of rheumatism between the shoulder blades." Har per's Bazar. He Believed It. rhey say there Is arsenic In playing cards." "Well, I thought I'd been boldiug some mighty pizon' hands lately." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Reverie. "May you take this lesson home with you to-night, dear friends," concltuW the preacher at the end of a very Ions and wearisome sermon. "And may its spiritual truths sink deep into your hearts and lives to the end that your souls may experience salvation. We will now bow our heads In prayer. Deacon White, will you lead?" There was no response. 'Deacon White," this time in a loud er voice. "Deacon White, will rou leadr Still no response. It waa evident that the good deacon was slumbering. Th preacher made a third appeal an raised his voice to a pitch that succeed ed In waking the drowsy man. "Deacon White, will you jlvasc lead?" The deacon rubbed his. eras and opened thorn wonderlngly. "Is It my VsadT No I just dealf- Detrolt Fta Pros. Llousohold. Creamed Finnan Haddle. Take a amall finnan haddle, remove the skin and nick Into flakes with a fork. Cream in a saucepan one tablespoonful of butter and tablespoonful of - flour, add one and one-balf cups of milk, stir and cook till smooth. Then add the finnan haddie;season with one-eighth teaspoon .ful of white pepper; cook till white and tender. Serve on a hot platter garnish ed with toast. Eggs and Mushrooms. Peel one quarter of a poynd of fresh mushrooms and cut with a silver knife. Put in a saucepan with two tablespoonfuls or butter, cover and cook gently for fif teen minutes. Beat together five eggs, a d one-half of a cupful of cream ami salt and pepper. Pour them over the mushrooms, stir until cooked to a sod scramble and serve on hot toast. Mayonnaise of Celery. Add one-thir-3 of a ci-iful of beaten cream to three fourtt'S of a cupful of mayonnaise (which la best to keep made up in a stone Jar well covered), two cupfuls of sliced celery, three-fourths of a cupfu! of English walnuts. Arrange in nests of lettuce leaves, garnishing witc sprays of celery between the nests; delicious. Baked Haddock with Fried Oysters Stuff a four-pound haddock with cup ful of bread crumbs, mixed with melt ed butter, a teaspoonful each of chop ped onion and cucumber pickles ar.u the yolk of one egg and a saltspoonfu! of salt. Dredge with flour, cover with two slices of salt pork and bake until rich brown. Garnish with fried oys ters and lemon. Serve with home made tomato sauce. Baked Haddock. Scale and clean fe three-pound fish; fill with forcemeat and sew up the slit; brush over with egg and sprinkle over a level teaspoon ful of salt and bread crumbs; put two ounces of butter in tiny pieces on the fish: bake three-quarters of an hour, basting frequently. Fish Aspic. Boil a veal shank in two quarts of water alx hours. Strain hnd put to cool. Next day take the jelly, melt it and add one level saltspoonfu) of salt, dash of cayenne, dessertspoon ful of lemon juice, teaspoonful of Wor cestershire sauce and shells or two eirgs (from the breakfast eggs); let come to a boll, strain through jelly bag. pour Into a mould and add half a pint of cold fish, carefully picked from the bones.' Set on ice. Serve whole, or cut in slices, garnished with watercress. St, Pancras Eggs. Separate the yolk from the white of five eggs; keep each yolk separate; whip the whites to a stiff froth, adding a" saltspoonful of salt: butter five small cups, put the white? Into them and carefully drop the yolk Into the centre of each; dust with salt and pepper; place the cups In a shallow pan of hot water, put In the oven and cook five minutes; or till the whites are set. Serve in the cups. Field and Farm. Gapes Is a disease that destroys lares numbers of chicks, and there ta no cer tain remedy therefor, though good re sults are sometimes obtained by draw ing the gapeworms from the windpipe. Gapes usually- exist on old farms, where fowls have been on the same ground tear after year. . It rarely occurs on new ground. As. a, preventative p ov the ground and broadcast air-slacked lime freely once or twice in spring and sum mer. Gluten me.il Is that portion of the corn left over, after the starch has been re moved, and it la therefore a very nitro genous food. It should be fed in con nection with other articles. When mid dlings are used It is best to, mix such fooa with cut hay that have' been sprin kled, as the unadulterated middlings are liable to cause indigestion. Bran and linseed meal form an excellent combination at all seasons. Cows will always appreciate a variety, and it promotes digestion. It Is not desirable to plant seeds ot vegetables too early. If the ground is not warm the seed may rot before it can germinate. Such crops as beams, melons, squashes and egg plants will not endure even cool nights. Get the tomato plants well grown, in stwky form, and have them ready for trans planting as soon as the ground is warm and danger from frost has passed. The claim that salt should be ao- plied to asparagus beds is r.ot supported by experiments. It destroys a number f weeds and performs mechanical ser vice In ihe soil, but it is not a neces sary fertilizer. The wheel hoe will save much labor in the garden. Usually such an im plement is a combination affair, com prising - seed drill, cultivator teeth, Parkers, rakes, and knives, each being attachable. . On heavy soils the wheel hoe must necessarily require more pow- r for its operation than when used on light, sandy soils, but it is the cheap- wet implement made, in proportion to its various uses, no one will make a mistake who procures one, as' it is a wonderful labor saver. Young celery plants should be started. Bow the seed in rows, one foot apit. and transplant when the plants are three inches high, placing them four Inches apart in the row. The soil for celery should be very rich and aleo rather moist than dry. A special liquid fertilizer for celery is soapsuds, but an abundance of manure or mixed fertil izer should also be used. "It is very Im portant that the rows be kept clean and the plants watered during a dry period. Sahsify, or vegetable oyster. Is not ex tensively grown, but those who know the value of the plant as an addition to the garden crops never omit it. Th lame may be mentioned of okra. The falsify seed should be put in .".s soon as Ihe ground is warm and the plants kept clean.. Salsify is very hardy and will remain in the ground all winter aithout injury. For late crops manure the ground now and work it Into the soil. The ground ill be all the better by so doing, and the rains will dissolve the plant food of the manure, which will be absorbed by the soil. When the seed is planted the pliant food will be ready and In excel n fo -m for the plants. Put out the young strawberry plants tor-next year's crop. Every garden can ifford space for strawberries. If even but a few rows. Be sure and get th- plants of the staminate and pistillate varieties or there will be no fruit. hundred plants, if the rows are allowed to mat. may produce a thousand before next spring. In Camden county, Ga., a saw and grist mill gets Its power from a wa ter wheel operated by the flow from ar tesian wells. Burlington, N. T.. will not collect any taxes this year, the saving on ap propriation having gone on so long that the township has sufficient funds to run all departments. Ladies who sleep with their hair tightly pinned np ought to know that this practice retards the circulation of the blood, and Injuriously affects the growth of the hair. An odd excuse for burglary was given by a one-legged boy, aged four teen. He broke into a hardware store. In Kansas City, and was captured. He pleaded that he wanted to steal some tools which would enable him to make a wooden leg for himself. SERMON BY Rep. Dr. almar(c Subject: Oar Father's Boom A Leaaoi off PatienceAn Iunpresaive Warning Against Brlnz Pofleit Up Wlttt Tran. sltory Earthly Grandeur. tCopymilit 1MW.1 Washikotoh, D. C. This discourse o. Or. Talmage is pertinent at this time ot year, when many people are moving from bouse to house, and it tenohes lessons ol patienoe and equipoise in very trying cir cumstances; text, Flillippians iv 12, "1 know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound." Happy Paull Could you really accom modate yourself to all circumstances Id life? Could you go np without pride, and eould you come down without exaspera tion? Teach the same lesson to us all. We are at a season ot the year when vast populations In all our cities are changing residence. . Having been boru iu a house and having all our lives lived iu a house, we do not have full appreciation of what a house is. It Is the growth of thousands of years. Tbe human race first lived in clefts of rocks, tbe beasts ot the Held, moving out of the caverns to let tbe human race move in. Tbe shepherds and the robbers still live In caverns of the earth. The trog lodytes are a race which to Itbis day pre fer the caverns to a house. They are warm; they are lurge; they are very comfortable; they are less subject to violent changes of heat and cold. We come on along down in tbe history of the race, and we oome to the lodge, wblsh was a borne built out ol twisted tree branches; we coaie farther on down in the history ot the race, and we some to tbe tent, which was a home built with a round pole in the centre and skins ot animals reaching out la all directions, mats on tbe floor. Time passed on, and tbe world, after much Invention, came to build a house. which was a space surrounded by broad stones, against which tbe earth was heaped from tbe outside. The roof wag juade of chalk and gypsum and coal and stones and ashes pounded together. After awhile tbe poroh was born, after awhile the gate. Then hundreds of years passed on, and In the fourteenth centnry the moderu chim ney wns constructed. Tbe old Hebrews had openings in their houses from which the smoke might escape it it preferred, but there wa no inducement offered for It to leave until tbe modern chimney. Wooden keys opened the door, or the keyhole was large enough to allow tbe finger to be in serted for tbe lilting of the latch or the sliding ot it. There being no windows the people were dependent for light upon lat ticework, over which a thin veil was drawn down in time of winter to keep out tbe ele ments. Wiudow gliins was, so late as 200 or 300 years ago, iu England aud Uootland io great a luxury that only the very wealth iest could afford it. A band mill and an oven and a few leathern bottles and some rude pitchers and plates made up the eu tire equipment of the culinary department. Thank God for your home, not merely the house you live in now, but tbe house you were born in and tbe many houses you have resided Iu since you began your earthly residence. Wheu you go home to-day, count over the number of those houses in which you have resided, and you will be surprised. Once in awhile you will find a mau who lives in a house where be was born and where his father was born and his grandfather wus born and bis great-graudfather was born, hut that is not one out of a thousand coses. I bnve not been more perambulatory than most people, but I waa amazed when I enme to count up tbe number of residences I have occupied. Tbe fact Is there la In this world no such thing as permanent resi lience. In a private vehicle, and not in a mil car, from which ycu can see but little, I rode from New York to Yon ken aud Tar rytown, on the banks of tbe Hudson, the finest ride on the planet for a man who wants to see palatial residences in fasci nating scenery. It was In tbe eurty spring and before tbe gentlemen ot Now York had gone out to their country residences. I rode Into the grounds to admire the gardens, and the overseer ot tbe place told me and iliey ail told me Mint all the houses had been sold or that they wanted to sell them, and there was literally no exception, although I called at many places, just admiring the gardens and grounds aud the palatini resi dences. Some wanted to sell or had sold because of financial misfortune or because tneir wives did not want to reside In tbe summer time In tbose places while their husbands tarried in town in the night, always having some business on hand keeping them away. From some bouses the people bad been shaken out by chills and fever, from some houses tbey hud one because death or misfortune bad oc curred, and all tbose palaces and mansions bad eitber changed occupants or wanted to change. Take up the directory of any city of England or America and see how few people live where tbey lived llfteeu years ago. There is no such thing as permanent residence. I saw Montlcello, In Virginia, President Jefferson's residence, and I saw on the same day iXontpeller, which was either Madison's or Monroe's residence, aud I saw also tbe White House, which was President Taylor's residence and President Lincoln's residence and President Gar field's residence. Was It a permanent residence In any case? I tell you that the race Is nomadio and no sooner gets In one place than it waDts to change for another place or is compelled to change for another place, and so tbe race invented the rail road and tbe steamboat in order more rapidly to get into some other place than that in which it wns then. Aye, instead ot being nomadic, it Is im mortal, moving on and moving on! We whip up our horses and hasten on until the bub of the front wheel shivers on t he torn b stone and tips us headlong Into tbe grave, tbe only permanent earthly residence. A day this spring tbe streets will be filled with the furniture carts and tbe drays and the trucks. It will be a bard day for horses, because tbey will be overloaded; it will be a bard day for laborers, for they will overllft before they get the family fur niture from one house to another; it will be a bard day for nousekeepers to see tueir furniture scratched, and their crockery broken, and their carpets inisllt, and their furniture dashed of the sudden showers; it will be a hard day for landlords; it will be a bard day for tenants. Especial grace Is needed for moving day. Many a man's religion has suffered a fear ful strain between the hour on tbe morn ing of tbe first of May, when he took hie immature brea'cfnst, and tbe hour at night when he rolled into his extemporized couch. The furniture broken sometimes will result In the breaking of tbe Ten Commandments. My first word, then, in this part of my discourse Is to all those who move out of small houses into larger ones. Now, we will see wbether.like the apostle, you know bow to abound. Do not, because your new bouse has two more stories than Ihe old one, add two stories to your vanity or make your brlKbt ly polished silver doorplatethe coffin plute to vonr buried humility. Many persons moving into a larger hou.'a have become arrogant ana supercilious. Tbey swagger where once tbey walked; tbey simper where oncethey laughed; thev go about with an air which seems to say, "Let all sraall'sr craft get nut of these wa ters if they don't want to be tun over by a regular Cunamer. I have known people who were kind and amiable and Christian in their smaller house. No sooner did tliny ko over tbe doorsill of tie new bouse than they be came a irlorifUd nuisance. Tbey were tbe terror of dry goods clerks and tbe amaze ment of ferryboats into which they swept and. if compelled to stand a mo:nent. witu aondeninatorr clauce turoinir aii the ueo- pie seated Into criminals ani convict. They began to hunt up tile family coat of arms and had lion couchant or unicorn ramnnot on the carriage door when, it they had tbe appropriate coat of arms, it would have been a hatter firkin, or a shoe last, or a plow, or a trowel, instead of being like nil tbe rest of us, made out of dust, thev would have voa think that tbey were trickled out of heaven on a lump o( loaf sugar, xuo nrst thing you know ol them the father will fall In business and the daughter will run off with a French dancing master. A woman spoiled by a Oner house Is bad enough, but a man so upset is sickening. But I must have a word with those who In this Mayday time move out of larger res idences Into smaller. Sometimes the pa thetic reason is that the family has dwindled In size, and so much room la not required, so tbey move out Into small apartments. ' I know there are such eases. Marriage has taken some of tbe members of tbe family, death has taken other mem bers of tbe family, and after awhile father and mother wake up to And their family lust the size it was when tbey started, and they would be lonesome aud lost in a large bouse; hence they move out of It. Moving lay Is a great sadness to such If they have tbe law of association dominant. There are the rooms named after the differ nut members ot tbe family. I suppose It Is so In all your households. It Is so In mine. We name the rooms after tbe persons who occupy them. And then there is tbe dining hall where the festivi ties took place, tne nonuay restivities; tnera . Is the sitting room where the family met aigbt after night, and there Is the room sa bred because there a life started or a Ufa Hopped the Alpha and the Omens of lome earthly existenoe. Scene of meeting ud parting, ot congratulation and heart break, every doorknob, every fresco, every mantel, every tbreshoid, meaning more to voa than it can ever mean to a'uy one else. When moving out of a house, I have always been in the habit, after everything was roue, of going into each room and bidding t a mute farewell. There will be tears running down many cheeks In the May :ime moving that tbe carmen will not be ible to understand. It Is a solemn and a :ouablng and an overwhelming thing :o leave places forever places where we " iave struggled and toiled and wept and tung and prayed and anxiously watched ind agonized. Oh, life is such a strange nlxtnre of honey and of gall, weddings -ind burials, midnoou and midnight siashinc.! Every home a lighthouse tgaiust whiob the billows ot many sat :umble. Thank Ood that suob changes ire not always going to continue; other wise the nerves would give out and tba arain won Id founder on a dementia like :bat of Kug Lear when bis daughter 3orde'ia came to medicine bis domestic ;alamity. But there are others who will move out t large residences into smaller through :he reversal of fortune. Tbe property nust be sold or tbe ball I IT will sell It, or tbe ncome Is less and you cannot pay tbe louse rent. First ot all, snch persons mould understand that our happiness Is lot dependent on the size of tbe house we ive in. I bavs known people enjoy a imall heaven in two rooms and others suf fer a pandemonium In twenty. There U is much happiness in a small bouse as In a arge house. There Is as much satisfaction inder the light of a tallow canile as under :he glare of a chandelier, all the burners at nil blaze. Who was tbe happier John Bunyan in Bedford jail or Belshazzer In :he saturnalia? Contentment Is something rou can neither rent nor purchase. It is not sxtrinsic; it is intrinsic. Ate there fewer rooms Iu tbe house to which you move? ioa will have less to take care of. Is It :o be Btove lustend of furnace? All the loctors say tbe modern modes ot warming buildings are unhealthy. Is it less mir rors? Less temptation to your vanity. Is old lashloned toilet Instead of water pipes all through tbe bouse? Less to freeze ind burst when you cannot get a plumber. Is it less carriage? More room for robust exercise. Is it less social position? Fewer people who want to drug you down by :heir jealousies. Is It less fortune to leave in your last will and testament? Leas to ipotl your children. Is it less money for :be marketing? Less temptation to ruin :he health ot your family with pineapples and Indigestible salads. Is It a little deaf? Not hearing so many disagreeables. I meet you this springtime at the door ot your new home, and while I belp you lift tbe clotbesbasket over tbe banisters and the carman is getting red In the face try ing to transport that article ot furnltnrs to some new destination I congratulate you. You are going to have a better time this year, some of you, than you ever had. You tnke Ood and the Christian religion In your home and you will be grandly happy. Ood iu the parlor that will sanctify yo eoclabllties; Ood In the nursery thst v protect your children: Ood In tbe dlni ball that will make the plainest meat i imperial banquet; Ood In tbe morning that will launch tbe day brightly from ti. drydock-i; Ood In the evening ttat win sail the day sweetly Into the harbor. And get joy, one nnd all of you, whether you move or do not move; get Joy out ot the thougbt that we are soon all going to have a grand moving day. Do you want a picture of tbe new house into which you will move? Here it is, wrought with the band ot a master: "We know that. It our earthly house ot this tabernacle were dis solved, we have a building of Ood, a house not made with bands, eternal In the heavens." How much rent will we have to pay for it? We are going to own it. How much must wo pcy for it? How mucb, cash down, and how much left on mortgage? Our father Is irolng to give It as a free gift. When are we going to move into itr we are moving now. On moving day heads of families are very apt to stay in tbe old house nntll tbey bave seen everytning on. xney send ahead the children, and they send ahead the treasures and the valuables. Then arter awhile they will oome themselves. I remember very well In tbe country that In boyhood moving day was a jubilation. On almost tbe urst load we, tuecuildren. were sent on ahead to the new house, and we arrived with shout and laughter, and In an hour we bad ranged through every room in the house, tbe barn and tbe gran ary. Toward night, and perhaps In the last wugon, father and mother would come, looking verv tired, and we would oome down to tbe foot of the lane to meet them and tell them of all tbe wonders we discovered In tbe new place, and then, tbe last wagon unloaded, can dles lighted, our neighbors who bad helped us to move for in ' those times ntiigbbors helped each otber sat down with us at a table on which there was every luxury tbey cculd think c. Well, my dear Lord Knows tout some oi us have been moving a good while. We bave sent ourchildren ahead. We have sent many of our valuables ahead, sent many treasures ahead. Wa cannot go yet. There is work tor us to do, but after awhile It will be toward night, and we will be very tired, and then we will start for our new home, and tbose who have gone ahead of us, tbey will see our approach, and tbey will come down tbe lane to meet us, and they will bave much to teli us ot what tbey have discovered In the "house of many mansions" and ot how large the rooms are and of bow bright the fountains. And then the Inst load unloaded, tbe table will be spread, and our celestial neighbor will come In to sit down with our reunited families, and the chalices will be full, not with tbe wine that sweats in tbe vat of earthly Intoxications, but with "tba new wine of the kingdom." Ana tnere lor tne first time we will realize what fools we were on earth when we feared to die, since death has turned out only to be tbe moving from a smaller bouse into a larger one and tbe exchange ot a pauper's but for a prince'a castle and the going up stairs from a miserable kitcben to a glorious par lor. O bouse of Ood not made with bands, eternal In tbe heavensl Obstinacy looks well enough In a mule or a gate post, Dut it is neuner orna mental or useful in a man. Midway between poverty and riches is a genial clime, named contentment with a little. A foolish friend Is more troublesome than a wise enemy. Large views, high hopes, and unsel fish aims dissipate a whole army of petty trials, annoyances and irritations and even greatly reduce real anxieties and solicitude. Lucky stones are onlv found In plucky paths. What is called liberty Is frequent ly nothing more than the vanity of giving, of which we are more fond than the thing given. The front horse always has to pull the hardest. All Is not gold that glitters In the prospectus of a mining syndicate. I i "i ! L $ lir J I t f ? 1 1 t i i lit' I I . 1 4 .- - '.' -V -. - .; ..A';..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers