Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 28, 1900, Image 1

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Editor and Proprietor.
NO. 16.
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It was drawing Dear noon. Some of
the men ha I sought the coolness of the
tiiilia room: some of the ladies had re
tired to thf ?!iade of the great cedar tree,
with lk-i and work. Leah had gone to
her favorite spot, the terrace, where the
pa-ii.n timers erew in such profusion.
Shi- Mnii 'l as she gathered some of the
flower, remembering the name "passion
fl.iut r" had been given to herself.
Then her thoughts went to Hettte. wbc
aad loved the sweet white lilies best.
How different life would be if that belov
ed si.-ier were here, how doubly precious
this grand domain if llettie shared it!
In t ti -- gleaming light on the river, in the
tire of the searlet passion-flower, in the
ll.ive; nf the gay parterre, she saw the
MVret. f:iir face with its aureole of golden
hair. Would they ever meet again? Ab
r.iptly he saw Sir Arthur standing close
to her. a stranger by his side.
"Leah," said the general, "our neigh
bor. Sir llasii Carlton, has been kind
enough to waive ceremony and call npou
us firt. Sir Basil, my adopted daughter
and dear uieee. Miss Ilatton."
A f--!;: t bush, a great calm came ovei
l.er. She saw a noble face, full of tire
and impetuosity; she saw dark eyes and I
straight brows, a Brm mouth, dark clus
ters of hair, and a dark mustache- Yet
beamy was not the chief charm of the
ranger's face; courage and dauntless
truth shone there. Most people, when
:liey first met Sir Basil Carlton, were
-truck by bis handsome features and
manly bearing, but they were attracted
?ven more when the eyes took a tender
light and the mouth a smile as sweet as
any woman's.
I like England better than Italy," said
Sir Basil, suddenly, after a few remarks.
"You cannot think what a picture you
made. Miss Ilatton, standing against this
background of foliage and flowers."
"You have been in Italy for many
(rears V" she said, quietly.
He drew just a little nearer to her. A
freat, trailing spray of passion-flowers
ay between them; he raised it, and she
thought to herself how strange a coinci
dence it was that she should see him with
her favorite blossoms in his haDd.
"I was a boy of eleven when I went
away," he said, "and now I am twenty
five. Coming home is a very melancholy
event for me, as you perhaps know." -
"Yes; we have heard the cause of youi
mother's departure from England aud a
very painful one it was. Sir Basil," said
the general.
Leah looked up at him; all her sou.
fhone in her eyes.
"Let us help you to forget the shadow
which has fallen over your house and
your life," she said; and his face bright
ened." "I shall be only too hapry. Miss Hat
ton. I dreaded my return. I remember
ed the Glen as one of the loveliest of
homes. I have longed to be here. Yet
the memory of that night will never leave
me." His whole face changed. "My
mother lived fifteen years after the acci
dent happened; but the shock her system
had received killed her at last."
I-eah's dark eyes, full of interest aud
sympathy, filled with tears; and, as he
saw them, his heart warmed to her. How
loug it was since any one bad shed tears
for this old sorrow of his!
"It must have been a terrible shock for
you both," said Leah.
"Yes; I was only a boy, but I worship
ed my sister. Y'ou cannot tell how deep
ly attached I was to her. I think the
love of a sister is one of the greatest joys
on earth."
Why did the fair face near him grow
so pale? Why did the graceful figure
' curink and tremble, the hand that held
the scarlet flowers suddenly fall nerve
less and helpless? Was It another coin
cidence that he should value so highly
a sisters love?
"If I were in your place, Basil," said
the general, "I would have plenty of
friends about me. Stay with us to-day,
and to-morrow we will drive over and
see yonr gardens aud conservatories. We
have a pleasant party, and I thiak you
will enjoy yourself."
He looked at Leah.
"I shall be delighted," she said, simply
a faint flush dyeing her face.
"So shall I." replied Sir Basil.
And that was how the first day of Leah
Hatton's- earthly paradise began.
As the days passed on, the intimacy
between Leah and the baronet Increased.
The general grew warmly attached to Sir
Basil. He said what was a great thins
for him to say that- if heaven had bless
ed him with a son, he should have liked
hint to resemble Sir Basil. All the visit
ors and they were many admired an I
liked him; he was a general favorite, aud
he spent far more of his time at Brent
wood than at Glen.
It happens so often that a great love
is lavished in vain. Sir Basil saw noth
ing of Leah's. He admired her exceed
ingly, but he never dreamed of loving
The duchess, who had said to herself
that she would not interfere, did jut
this one thing she told Sir Basil of the
splendid triumphs that Leah had achiev
ed, and how she bad passed through three
such seasons ns few even of the mos'
brilliant beauties had ever experierh-ed
She told him of the offers of marriag
made to her, and how she had refused
them all.
"Why did she refuse them?" be. asked.
The duchess meant to do a kindly ac
tion when she answered:
"She has ideas that are peculiar fot
the nineteenth century: they are. I may
say, obsolete."
He looked anxiously at her. sin
"What ideas?" he asked "if my ques
tion may be answered?"
"I am sure I may answer it," said.th.
duchess. "Miss Hatton has romantii
ideas that are quite out of date. Mai
riuge in these days is nn arrangement
She might have been Duchess of Bar
berry if she bad liked; but she is ronian
tic, and will never marry until she car
marry for lov."
"That seems to me right," said Sir
"I am glad you think so," returned the
duchess, dryly. "But Miss Hatton has
another theory. It is this that for ev
ery person in this world there are one
love and one lover half souls, she calls
them, if you can understand th term.
She believes that she will recognize Her
half soul, or lover, whenever she sees
1 1 OA M-!?
.t-: I
"It la a very pretty theory." said Sir
Basil. "I do not see why any one should
object to it." He looked at her some
what eagerly as he asked: "And has she
met this ideal yet?"
xnat is a question she alone can an
swer. You must ask her yourself." laugh
ed the duchess; and she smiled to herself
is she thought she had given him a .very
plain hint.
The young baronet was far too modest
to take It; that such a peerless beauty,
such a wealthy heiress, should fall in love
and find her ideal in him never occurred
to him. If sde bad rejected many noble
and great men. she was doubtless look
ing for some one higher. Yet what ht
had beard increased his affection and re
spect for her. He liked the idea of a
girl who could make to herself an ideal,
and wait patiently until she met with it.
How many would have yielded to the
temptation of rank and wealth, and hav
forgotten the belief and aspirations o;
early girlhood:
The Duke and Duchess of Rosedeni-.
with their visitors, were at Dene Abbey
within sight and sound of the ever-mnr-muring
sea. Miss Hatton had the whole
day to herself; she had no great house
hold to manage as at Brentwood, she had
no care about the entertainment of vis
itors; the long, bright hours were hers,
to spend as she would.
Lady Maude Trevar had gladly accept
d the duchess' invitation; but pretty
May Luson had promised to pay a risi:
elsewhere, and could not break her en
gageraent. The military element had di
persed. Sir Basil Carlton had been de
lighted with her grace's proposal to join
the party at the Abbey. He liked thf
duchess; her kindly manner pleased him
he was touched by her kindness to liim
self, although he did not know the cause.
He did uot go with the party from Br. nt
wood, but he followed them in a few
days. It was a wonderful change from
the green, sweet woodlands of Warwick
shire to the country bordering on a sun
ny southern sea.
Leah was more shy and timid witl
Basil than she had been at Brentwood
She avoided him a little, but loved him
just as much. She would have gone
through fire and water for him; she
would have made any sacrifice for him.
The marvel was that the young baronet
never dreamed of the conquest he had
made. As for Leah, she had not yet be
gun to doubt: she felt certain that bi
love would be her Id the fullness of
Sir Arthur Hatton was a stranger to al
fair love-dreams and sweet fancies. Thai
he should understand a nature or a love
like Leah's was not to be expected; but
he was one day the unwilling witness of
a little scene that opened his eyes.
In the library stood a large Japanesi
jcreeu, and Sir Arthur enjoyed nothing
more than placing this round one cf th
great bay windows and intrenching him
self therein with his newspaper. On
morning there was some Indian news ii
the Times which interested him greatly
letters written by fellow officers w!ios
opinions he valued highly. He wished t.
be undisturbed; so he betook himself ti
his favorite retreat. He found fhe library
cool and empty; the sun blinds were al!
drawn, the light was dim and pleasant.
He placed the screen around his favorite
window. "Thank goodness," he said to
himself, "that I shall now be able to read
in peace!"
Fate was against him this morning
The door opened. It was Leah who ap
pes red. She was tn her favorite colors
of amber and white, with creamy roe
at her throat. She did not observe th
screen, much leas wonder if anyone were
behind it.
For ten minutes there was almost com
plete silence. Sir Arthur could hear th.
sound of Leah's pen. She was writing
rapidly. Then, suddenly, the door open
cd, and Sir Arthur's smothered groan
wns lost in the voice of the speaker.
"Shall 1 disturb you. Miss Hatton T'
It was 7'r Basil who put the question
"I am in trouble, from which a lady
alone can release me."
"I am glad you sought me," she said
"What can I do for you?"
"There is an old proverb which ay
that 'a stitch in time saves nine." Wi'.
you make that first stitch now, and sav.
the nine hereafter. Miss Hatton?"
"Of course I will," she replied. "Where
is the stitch needed T
"In this driving glove,' 'he replied; "th
button Is nearly off. Would yon be si
good as to fasten it?"
Leah laughed blithely.
"Certainly," she said, as she took hi
thick yellow driving glove that he held t
ber. "Will you excuse me one minute
while I find needle and thread?" she add
She went away, leaving Sir Basil I xik
ing over an open volume that lay npoi.
the table.
"I hope," thought the general to hin
lelf. "that this good fellow will not fin.
me out, and begin to air his idea o:
Indian politics to me."
But Sir Basil was in happy ignornne.
jf the general's proximity. He read a fev
lines in the open volume, hummed a fa
jrite air to himself, and then Lean r
"I am sorry to have kept you waiting.
she said. "I will release you now in .
few minutes."
The slender fingers soon aecnmplishe'
their task. She held out the glove t
him. and as she did so her eyes fell o
the spray of stephauotis that he wore i.
his coat.
"Your flower is faded." she said: "b
me give you another I have a suoer-i
lion that It I unlucky to wear faded
"By all means replace it, if yon will be
good enough," he responded.
She took the spray of atephanotis from
him and laid it upon the table. From one
of the vases she chose a beautiful moss
rose bud, fresh as the dawn, and fastened
it in his coat for him.
He thanked her briefly, stood talking
to her for some few minutes, and then
went sway.
Sir Arthur, looking oyer the screen, was
about to thank heaven that he was gone;
but no word came from his lips he was
stricken dumb.
What was she doing his proud, beauti
ful niece whose love no man had been
nau neen
, . Sho had nev-
g to care for love or admiration.
for kvrf or majrrUg. She bad moved
" ' "
through the brilliant world like au ice
tnaiden. What was she doing?
She had taken the withered dower in
her hands, and was kneeling down by
the table and covering the faded spray
with kisses and tears.
"Oh, tny love," she sighed, "my love,
if you only loved me! But I am less to
you than the withered flower j i have
thrown away."'
The general would have spoken then
and have let Leah know that he had
overheard her, but surprise and wonder
kept him silent. He saw her kiss the
open volume where Sir Basil's baud had
"I shall die," she sobbed, "just as this
flower Has TdiedVand" just isTtif frwj i;
heart! Oh, cruel world! I have ;;-ked
but for one thing, and it has been denied
me. I wish I had never been bora. On,
my love, why can you not love me': I am
fair enough for others, why not for you?
I can win other hearts, why not yours?
I would give my life for your love!"
The low, smothered sound of her bittet
sobbing mingled with the song of the
birds and the whisper of the wind; it
smote the heart of the old soldier with
unutterable pain. He had rescued her
from what he thought a shameful i'.fe.
adopted her, and given her his love j:id
protection; he had made her heiress nf his
vast fortune; and this was all that had
come of it, this was the end of u!! h:s
hopes for her. She was wearing her
heart and her life sway for a love that
could never be bers, or at least that was
not hers. From the sight of the kneeling
figure, the clasped hands, the proud head
so despairingly bent, the general turned
with tears in his eyes.
"If I could but die," she said to her
self, "and be at rest; if I could but sleep
and tiever wake; if I could but bide my
love and sorrow and pain!"
He was tempted to go to her. to take
y to comfort ier:
but a sense of delicacy forbade him. She
was so proud ami sensitive, what would
she think or feel if she knew that he had
possession of Iter secret? Yet the bitter,
long-drawn sobs fell on bis ear and tor
tured him. He could not help her. He
would not for the world let her know
that he had overheard her; so he laid
down his newspaper and passed noiseless
ly out through the open window on to the
lawn, and not until he had walked some
little distance did he feel at ease.
"I would not have her guess that I
have been a witness of that scene for
treble my fortune, poor child!" he mur
mured. (To be continued.)
She Had Promised to Marry Him, and
He Called for Her. '
A black-eyed young man came pant
lug Into the barge office tbe other day,
says tbe New York Commercial Ad
vertiser. "Is this tbe place where they keep
the immigrant girls?" be asked In Eng
lish so broken that even to tbe inter
preters of tbe establishment it seemed
to be made up of rolling r's and b's.
Receiving an affirmative nod tbe man
turned about and -beckoned in the dl-J
rectlon of tbe open door. Four other
men, all as black-eyed as the first, mada
their appearance. '
"These are my witnesses," the leader
of the party said, by way of Introduc
tion of two of the newcomers, and then
In turn be added: "And this one Is
tbe clerk, and this gentleman is tbe
priest. So give' me my girl and I'll
marry her at once, so that you need not
be afraid there is any humbug about
The Interpreters' sense of humor is
drawn upon too heavily for them to
laugh at a scene of this sort. They got
anjgry Instead, and asked him wbut he
was talking about. He essayed an ex
planation, but all that be succeeded
In making plain was that he was an
Armenian, and that bis English con
sisted in rattling r's and booming b's.
"Why don't you tell your story in
Armenian?" said one of tbe interpre
ters lu the young man's native tongue.
Tbe would-be bridegroom took of
fense. He bad been three years in
America, and be spoke English better
Mian Armenian, he said. Finally Mrs.
Ctucklen. the "mother of immigrants,"
..ante up and shed light on the mutter.
The man's name was Vabi Krihorian.
He was 24 years old and made a com
fortable living. At borne be bad a
pretty girl, who now came to Join him.
Her name was Toshkowbl Gobedlnn.
She was four years youuger thau lie
was, and very bashful so bashful that
when Bbe spoke of her love for Vnlii
and his promise to marry her, her olive
cheeks glowed and her black eyes
gazed at the leg of the matron's chair.
"Have you got uuy mouey?" thf
clerk bad asked ber.
"So. sir. I have a sweetheart."
'tint bow do you know he'll marry
"Because God would strangle hiru If
be went back on me."
When the two were brought together
Vabi offered to kiss the girl, but sbi
blushingly held back.
"Don't you want me?" he asked la
"Yes, but there are so many princes
around. I am ashamed."
The wedding took place outside of
tbe barge office, a clerk of the lraml
grant station being present to see that
the ceremony was really performed,
and then the girl was declared Vabl's
wife and free to "go out into America."
Mexico has seven glass factories.
A strong dislike to the odor of pep
permint has been discovered in mice.
Cotton soaked in peppermint oil caused
them to go away for a considerable
time, and after a second application
they disappeared completely.
A Boston physician asserts that
nine-tenths of the cases of diphtheria
are traceable to defective drainage and
Imperfect drainage and imperfect ven
tilation. Cabs are r- Antwerp, Belgium,
by the city. A yearly commutation
ticket costs $20, : -.! the possessor of
one can use it as often as he chooses,
every day in the year.
A copy of Queen Victoria's "Leaves
From the Journal of Our Life in the
Highlands," presented to her majesty
by Charles Dickens, was sold at auction
In London the other day for $500.
About one-half of the residents In
Brooklyn live in tenement houses. There
are 31.687 tenement dwellings, giving
shelter to 574.959 people an average of
eighteen persons to each bouse.
The efficacy of the serum treatment
of diphtheria has again been demon
strated in Austria, where the mortal
ity, in cases so treated last year, was
only 15.89 per cent., while of those treat
ed without serum 39.30 per cent. died.
It is only fools who never have any
Immense Work of Engrlneerina; in
Pennsylvania Will Be Destroyed.
It Is authoritatively stated that the
famous KioEua viaduct, the gigantic
iron, girder and trestle bridge Id Mc
Keau County, Pennsylvania, south of
Bradford, Is to be replaced at an early
date by a new and wholly different
structure. Work on It was begun on
May 5, 1882. and it was completed and
opened for traffic less than four months
later, on Aug. 29. 1882. It Is 301 feet
high at the highest point and until
tbe completion of the Oarabit wlsduct
was the highest bridge la tbe world.
The Oarablt spans the Truyere in tbe
south of France. Is 1,849 feet long and
nt the highest point the rail level la
401 feet above the river. It was de
signed by M. Eiffel, builder of tbe fam
ous tower, and was completed In 18S-!
Tbe Kinzua bridge is 2,000 feet long
Its completion gave to the New York.
Lake Erie aud Western Railroad di
rect communication with tbe coal fields
of Western Pennsylvania. Tbe Buf
falo. Rochester and Pittsburg has a
t rattle arrangement with the Erie for
tbe use of the bridge. Tbe valley of
the Kinzua. which this great trestle
spans. Is fifteen miles south of Brad
ford and one of tbe wildest regions yel
left in Western Pennsylvania. TJntI:
receutly, perhaps even yet. bear were
plentiful and deer occasionally fonnd
In this valley. Tbe Kinzua viaduct
bns been a point of excursion and an
object of curiosity for sight seers ever
since It was built Gen. Grant was
taken there on one occasion.
Tremendous Output of Both Expected
in Western Pennsylvania in 190D.
This year will witness the greates;
.-ra in tbe coke and coal regions of
Western Pennsylvania In their history.
In. the ConnellsvlIIe coke region , more
new ovens will be built than In any
previous year, and the coke production
Willi be Increased fully 20 per cent.
There are now projected and In th
course of erection more than 2,000 new
ovens, which will be put in operatiou
by the middle of tbe coming summer,
which will run the total of the coke
region np to 21,000 ovens. At the be
ginning of tbe present year there were
in operation in the region 18.004 ovens.
During the past twelve months the
price of coke has nearly doubled, aud
the demand to-day greatly exceeds the
production. At the present price, $3,
the business is most profitable. Two
years ago coke was selling for $1 a ton.
The production of the coke region for
1S!7 was 8.500,000 tons, while during
tbe year 1S!9 9,529,0t0 tons was snip
ped from tbe Connellsville region. The
1SU7 product was valued at $ 14,000.000,
while that of last year represented a
value of $20,500,000. The enlarged ca
pacity will Increase the product for
1900 to about 13,000,000 tons, with a
value of nearly $30,000,000.
Just now there Is a famine In coke.
The famine Is not acute because coke
can be lmd for immediate delivery, but
only in small quantities. Coke makers
are Just now getting $3 a ton for fur
nnce coke and $3.25 for foundry coke.
Western Pennsylvania coke Is now
bringing $5.90 at Ciucinnati and $6.60
at St. Louis. AU kinds of coal have
greatly advanced In prices, and to-day
there is not an Idle mine In all Western
Pennsylvania. In many cases the
wages of the miners have been ad
vanced greatly. Tbe coal famine has
induced many large Pittsburg consum
ers to buy up coal lands, and many new
mines will be opened soon. A large syn
dicate, formed of Pittsburg consumers,
has obtained control of more than
1,000,000 acres of rich coal lands
around the city, and will operate mines
o supply their manufacturing plants.
Some Breakages Not Tet Understood
Despite Much Investigation.
Despite tbe investigations regarding
the structure of mainsprings and the
efforts to Improve them; despite the ex
perimentation and theorizing on the
subject, some of the causes of the
breaking of mainsprings remain an un
solved mystery. Many, Indeed, are the
known causes responsible for breaking,
such as faulty construction or temper
ing, careless handling, leading to tbe
formation of rust and poor fitting, but
after all these which are recognized
bare been eliminated there still re
mains the fact well known to watch
makers that the best springs will, In
iplte of tbe most careful handling and
proper adjustment, unexpectedly
break, sometimes In a number of
llacea. It wlU Uius aaspen that of -twerj
springs made at tbe same tlmsvf tbe
tempered In tbe same way and bandied
with the same care, one may last for
years, while tbe other may break after
two weeks' use, or even while being
placed in tbe barrel.
When It is considered that the spring
la bat from .008 to .009 of an Inch In
thickness; that tbe material most be
subjected to a process which shall give
t a high state of elasticity, and at the
same time enable it to do Its prescrib
ed work for years, a slight molecular
disarrangement In Its structure may be
expected to occur from causes too in
significant for observation.
Many Jewelers state that It is their
experience that they have many more
mainsprings to repair after a warm,
humid day than at any other time.
Others believe the breaking to lie due
to electric disturbances, stating that
after an electrical storm they find that
many of their customers bring their
vatcbes to them for repair. TJie Mid
leu cooling and consequent coutrac
lion "of tbe tightly wound mainspring,
-a used by the removal of the watch
from the body on a cool night following
a warm day. Is believed by some to ac
count. In a measure, for the accidents
mentioned. So far. however, uo en
tlrely satisfactory explanation lia
been suggested. The ouly conclusion
to. be drawn from the acknowledged
facts of tbe case Is that It is uut sate
jc the watchmaker to Infer mercK
from the breaking of a maluspring
that it Is of an Inferior grade, nor foi
hU customer to believe tbe watch ma k
.-r deficient In skill because the tiiain
spring of bis timepiece has snappe-'
shortly after being replaced.
Lilies In tbe Hooth.
An Interesting experiment is now be
ing conducted by the United Statef
Department of Agriculture In Soutl
Carolina and In the Southern State
with the Bermuda lily, so popular ai
Easter as a gift and for decorativt
purposes Bulbs have been dlstrih
uted freely in every section of Lot'.isi
ana and South Caroliua with a view t
ascertaining if the Bermuda lily wil
bear transplanting to this solL
An experiment made In tbe Itally ex
perl mental station in South Carolina
was attended with the most satlsfm
tory results, and If the same luck fol
lows the general experiment the Innn
markets can be supplied with the mi
tlve-grown product. Tbe supply in thf
Bermudas Is still unlimited, but t lit
stock has bo deteriorated as to cnusi
general complaint from tbe recciviu;.
florists in this country, and this re
suited In tbe action of the Department
of Agriculture. As a corrective meth
od the British government has cstab
Usbtd au experimental station in Ber
muda to educate the natives In tli
more successful growth of this, one ol
their principal industries. Pliiladel
phla Record.
Another Rlpllni Story.
Just before the famous writer le.
England be was lunching at a rest.u
rant In Fleet street much affected bj
the literary and artistic set. In a til
of absence of mind Kipling got up from
his seat and began walking awav
without payiug bis score. The wait
ress, with a readiness of wit which de
lighted the whole room, called out
"Mr. Kipling Pay, Pay, Pay," tin
well-known refrain of the "Absent
Minded Beggar." It Is a story that
will often be told against tbe authoi
of the much-discussed patriotic iwiem
London Madame.
The Morals of Ants. .
Sir John Lubbock has gone to the ant
igain, and if he keeps up his visits and
others Imitate him that interesting in
sect will become useless for Sunday
school purposes. Sir John succeeded
in getting fifty ants helplessly drunk
and then placed them outside an ant
hill. The sober ants came out. picked
np their friends, and put them to bed
to-sleep off the effects of Sir John's
liquor; the strangers, however, they
sternly rolled over Into the ditch.
A Reformer.
Mrs. Corncrlbber I reckon our Hen
Jery has Joined the law aud order
league at Yale."
Mr. Corncrlbber Why do you think
Mrs. Corncrlbber Why, he wrltit
that he's helped to break up four
shows at the opera bouse this week.
Them theaters la very pernicious
things, you know. Judge,
V3 W - id
The light which comes to us from the
tan in . eight minutes might journey
tea thousand billion years and not
reach the borderland of the universe.
It baa no limit. It can have none. Yet
the same laws rale It throughout And
rery tore. iU power. within It, . all
the laws that govern it. work for bar
tony and happiness.
A French engineer, Jean Berller, has
worked out tn detail the plans for a
railroad tunnel under the Straits of
Gibraltar. He would run it from a
point tn Spain near Gibraltar to Tan
gier, In Morocco, the total length, in
cluding approaches, being 25 miles, or
which 20 miles would He under the
sea. The estimated cost la about $25.
Prof. C. E. Bessey announces In a
letter to Science that he has obtained
evidence that trees, including such spe
cies as oak, hickory, willow, cotton
wood, elm and box elder, are rapidly
advancing In eastern Nebraska. Tbe
areas covered by them are gradually
creeping up the courses of tbe streams
and spreading out laterally. In some
cases the "tree belt" along rivers has
within twenty-five years. Increased
In width from 100 feet to half a mile
nd even a mile.
Prof. Arthur Thompson, In Knowl
edge, deals with tbe form of skulls and
brain capacity. The average weight
of a man's brain Is about 50 ounces,
that of a woman about 45 ounces. This
difference between the sexes Is less
marked In savage than in civilized
races, and Is apparently explaiued by
the fact that in the higher races more
attention is paid to the education of
die male than tbe female, and conse
guently tbe brain Is stimulated to In
reased growth.
An Ingenious Frenchman. M. Louis
Levat. recently administered alcohol,
through tbe soil, to a geranium plant
for the purpose of observing the ef
feet. It was sufficiently startling. The
leaves of tbe geranium began to turn
fellow and gave off a peculiar etberic
Bdor, symptoms of poisoning apiieared.
the rootlets turned black and seemed
to bave been burnt, the leaves drooped
toward the earth, and in four days the
alcoholized geranium, which had been
a very beautiful plant, wns a totterlr
The Arctic Ocean, says Nansen, 1
a kind of lagoon, separated from the
Atlantic by a submarine ridge, stretch
ing from Spitsbergen to Greenland. Ti
this ridge is due a curious conditio?,
The Arctic is covered with a layer cl
tightly salt water from the Siberla.i
rivers and Behrlng Strait, aud under
this Is the normally salt Gulf Stream
water. If the two layers were uiixei',
the average temperature would fal'j
but this average would not be as coll
as the surface layer. This accounts
for the enormous formation of polai
There Is a little bird In Costa Kicn. i.
pretty black and orange oriole, who
an expert In needlecraft. Having nt
clothes upon which to exercise her skil
she turns her talent to account ii
home-making. Selecting a large, fresh
growing banana leaf, she cnrefnllv
sews the two edges together with hei
bill for the needle, and some strong
grass or rootlets for the thread. Sit
even follows the grain of tbe leaf closi
by one of tbe veins, and so neatly ni
tbe stitches made that only tbe closes'
examination reveals them. Inside thi
pocket Is built a nest of soft grass n
hair, and here the mother bird lays he .
dainty eggs and raises her faiu 't
vitbout fear of discovery.
Kansas City Man the Owner of a Val
uable Timepiece.
TV. B. Clarke, president of the United
States Trust Company, Is the recipient
of a unique and valuable present from
a Paris banket
friend, says the Kan
sas City Journal, i
Is a large yet dell
cately tint shed
watch, which not
only is a chronom
eter, but It also telle
the days of tbe we.-k,
the month, tbe day
trnmuE WAT0H- of the month and
the moon's phases. The case is of gun
metal highly polished, and is of the
"open-face" variety. It is about thiei
Inches In diameter, with a very heav
The works of the finest Swiss
watches bave gold mountings, with
the running parts of steel fully Jeweled
The watch is about three times a
heavy as tbe ordinary large America u
watch. It Is not Intended, of course,
that the possesor will ever carry it lu
his pocket, but with It Is a beautiful
red morocco case with a bracket leg
so that when the watch Is in its case ii
resembles a small clock, tbe face be Inn
exposed. It Is Intended as a desk
chrnomoeter, yet It Is too valuable a
piece of bric-a-brac to be left lyini
When Mr. Clarke was In Paris on oni
of his European trips he had the mis
fortune to lose his watch, a very valu
able one, and one day in a company of
Parts bankers, all of whom he knew
rery well, be related tbe circumstances
of his loss. Nothing more was thought
of the matter until Mr. Clarke received
a letter the day before Christmas noti
fying him that the watch bad .been for
warded. It adds to tbe Interest of tbe
present that so good a timekeeper Is it
that It did not lose an hour on its loug
trip from Paris and arrived as prompt
ly as though It had been forwarded by
messenger from a shop in Kansas City
There is one thing certain: the son.
f the women who play cards ail day
will never torment their wives by
boasting of the good pies their mothers
used to make.
It is bnt natural that a bfeacB-o!
promise case should be hoard th
OF I ii
Preached by Rev. Dr. Talmage.
Subject: Drama Discussed It Canaet V
Suppressed Christianity Should Con-'
trol and Reform Public Amusement
The Church Should Go to the Theater.
Copyright 1WM.I
Washington, D. C. At a time when the
Whole oountrv la In controversy as never!
: befors concerning the theater and somei
! plays are being arrested by the police audi
(.others are being patronised by Christian
! peopio this sermon of Dr. Ta'.magn is ot
I much interest-.--. The text Is I Coriuthlans
i vli., SI, "They that-use this world as not
abasing it."
i My reason for preaching discourse Is
. that I have been kindly invited by i .TO ol
tne leading newspapers ol tnis country to
Inspect and report on two of tbe populan
plays ot the day to go some weeks ago to
Chicago and see the drama "Quo Vudis"
and criticise it with respect to Its morul ef
fect and to go to New York nnd see the
drama "Ben-Uur" and write my opinion of
It for public use. Instead of doing that I
propose in a sermon to discuss what we
shall do with the dramatic element wulcbj
God has implanted In many of our natures
not la ten or 100 or 1000. but tn the vas
majority of the human race. Home people
speak of the drama as though it wen)
something built np outside ot ourselves b
the Gongreves and the Goldsmiths aud
tbe ghakespeares and tbe Hheridans ol
literature and that then we nttaue out
tastes to correspond with human Inven
tions. Not at all. The drama is an echc
from the feeling which God has Implanted
In our immortal souls. It is seen first In thf
domestic circle among the children three
or four years ot age playing with theii
dolls and their cradles and their carts, seen
ten years after In tne playhouses of wood,
ten years after in the parlor charades, after
that In the elaborate impersonations to the
academies of music. Tbespis and .Ecby
his and Sophocles and Euripides merely
dramntized what was in the Greek heart;
Terence and Plautus and Seneca merely
dramatized wbnt was In the Hornau heart;
Congreve and Farquhar merely dramatized
what was in the English neart; R'tctne,
Oornellle and Allleri only dra-natlzed what
was In tbe French and Italian heart;
Shakespeare only dramntized what was in
the great world's heart. Tbe dithyrambic
and classic drama, the sentimental drama,
the romantio drama, were merely echoes
of the human soul.
I do not speak of the drama on the poetic
shelf or of the drama in the playhouse, but
I speak of the dramatic element la your
soul and mine. We make men responsible
for It. They are not responsible. They
are responsible for tbe perversion of it, but
not for the original Implantation. Godild
that work, and I suppose He knew wiiat lie
was about when lie made us. We ar
nearly all moved by the spectacular. When
on Thanksgiving Day we decorate our
churches with the cotton and the rice and
the apples and the wheat and the rye hu.I
the oats, our gratitude to God is stirred;
when on Easter morning we see written iu
letters of flowers tbe inscription, "He Is
Risen," our emotions are stirred. Every
parent likes to go to the school exhibition,
with Its recitations and its dialogues aud
its droll costumes. The torchlight pro
cession of tbe political campaign is merely
the dramatization of principles Involved.
No intelligent man can look iu any secular
or religious direction without finding this
dramatic element revealing, unrolling,
demonstrating Itself. What shall we do
with it? -..
Shall we suppress It? You ea n "as -easily
suppress its Creator. You may direct it,
yon may educate It, yon may purify it,
you may harness it to multi-potent useful
ness, and that It is your duty to do, just a
we cultivate taste for the beautiful and
Now, I bave to tell you not only that God
has Implanted this dramatlo element in
our natures, but I have to tell you iu tbe
Scriptures lie cultivates it, Heappeulstolt,
He develops It. I do not care where you
open tbe Bible, your eye will fall upon a
drama. Here it is In the book of Judges,
tbe II r tree, the vine, the olive tree, the
bramble they all make Bpeeohes. Then at
tbe close ot the scene there is a corona
tion, and the bramble Is proclaimed klug.
That is a political drama. Here it is In
tbe book of Job. Enter Ellphaz, liildad,
Zophar, F.lihu nnd Job. The opening act
of tbe drama, all darkness; tbe closiug
act of the drama, all sunshine. Magnifi
cent drama is the book of Job.
Here it is in Solomon's Song tbe region,
an oriental region; Vineyards, pomegra
nates, mountain ot myrrh, flock of sheep,
garden of spices, a wooing, a bride, a bride
groom, dinlogue after dialogue Intense,
gorgeous, all suggestive drama is the book,
of Solomon's Song. Here It Is In tbe book
of Luke: Costly mansion la the night. All
the windows bright witb illumination. The
floor a-quake with the dance. Hot u rued
son In costly garments which do not very
well lie blm perhaps, for they were not
made for him, but be must swiftly leave ofl
his old garb and prepare for this extem
porized levee. Pouting son at the back
door, too mad to go in, because they arc
making such a fuss. Tears of syinpnthy
running down the old man's cheek at the
story ot bis son's wandering and suffering
and tears of joy at his return. When you
heard Murdock recite "Tbe Prodigal Son"
in one ot his readings, you did not know
whether to sob or shout. Revivals of re
ligion have started Just under the reading
ot that soul revolutionizing drama ot "Tbe
Prodigal Son."
Here It la In the book of Revelation
crystalline sea, pearly gate, opallns mar,
amethystine capstone, showering c?rons.s,
one vial poured out Inoardinatlng thj wa
ters, cavalrymen ot heaven gallop. rg on
white horses, nations in doxology, hallelu
iahs to the right of tbeiu, halleluiahs to
the left of them. As the Bible opens with
tbe drama ot the first paradise, so it closes
with the drama of tbe second paradise.
Mind you, when I say drama I do not
mean myth or fable, for my theology is of
tbe oldest type 500 years old, thousands of
years old, as old as the Bible. When I speak
of the drama at the beginning
and close of tbe Bible, I do not
mean an allegory, but I mean the trutli
90 elated that in grouping and in startling
effect it is a God given, world resounding,
heaven echoing drama. Now, If God Im
planted tbls dramatic element in our na
tures, and if He ha9 cultivated and devel
oped it in the Scriptures, I demand tha.
you recognize it.
Because the drama has again and again
been degraded and employed for destruc
tive purposes is nothing against the drama
any more than muBio ought to be accursed
because it has been taken again and again
into tbe saturnalian wassails of 4000 years.
Will you refuse to euthrone muslo on the
church organ becaue the art has been
trampled again and again under tie feet
ot tbe lascivious dance?
It Is nothing against painting end sculp
ture that in Cortnth and Herculaoeum
tbey were demonstrative of vulgarity and
turpitude. The dreadful museum at
Pompeii shall throw no discredit on Pow
ers a "Greek Slave" or Church's "Heart
of - the Andes" or Rubeus's "De
sjent From tbe Cross" or Angelo's "Last
Judgment." The very fac: 'hat again and
aeain tbe drama has been dragged through
the sewers of Iniquity is the reason why v-e
should snatch it up and start It out on
a grand and a holy and a magnificent
mission. Let me say at this point in my
ermon that tbe drama will never be lifted
to its rightful sphere by those people who
have not sense enough to distinguish le
tween t je drama and tbe playhouse. The
drama is no mere tbe theatre than a hymn
book is a church. I am not speaking in
regard to tbe theatre at all. Tbe drama Is
1 literary expression of tbat feeling which
Qod implanted In tbe human soul. Neither
will the drama ever be lifted to Its proper
sphere by wholesale denunciation ot all
dramatists. It vou have not known men
MA wtmM MIIIIMtMl With ttlfl T& RlS UfUtf
' are pare in heart and pure In speech and
' pare in life, it is because you have not had
' rerv wide acquaintance.
1 1- Wholesale denunciation of all dramatist!
I will never elevate the drama. Yondet
Itand a church and a theatre on opposite
Ides of tbe street. The church shouts ovet
, to the theatre, "You are all soonndretol'
' The theatre shouts back. "You are all hypo.
orltes!" And they both falsify. Dropping
all indiscriminate jeremiads against dra
matists and realizing that the drama is not
necessarily connected with this Institution
or with that, I want to show you bow tbe
dramatlo element In our natures mar b
harnessed to the chariot of civilisation and
Fifty essays about the sorrows of thf
poor conld not affect me as a little drama
of accident and suffering I saw one slip
pery morning In tbe streets of Philadel
phia. Just ahead of me was a lad, wretch
ed In apparel, his limb amputated at the
knee; from the pallor of the boy's cheek,
tbe amputation not long before. He bud
a package of broken food under his arm
food be had begged, I suppose, at the
doors. As he passed on over the slippery
pavement, cautiously and carefully, I
steadied bim until his crutch slipped and
he fell. I helped bim up as well as I could,
gathered up tbe fragments of tbe package
as well as I could, put them under one
arm and the crutch under the other arm,
bat when I saw the blood run down his
pale cheek I burst Into tears. Fifty essays
about tbe sufferings of the poor could not
iCSJlhone like that little drama of accident
and suffeiiuV
Oh, we want In all our different depart
ments of usefulness more of the dramatlo
element and less ot tbe didactic. The
tendency In thlsday Is to drone religion,
to whlue religion, to cant religion, to moan
religion, to croak religion, to sepuloharize
religion, when we ought to present it in
animated and spectacular manner.
What we want, ministers and laymen, is
to get our sermons and our exhortations
and our prayers out of the old rut. The old
backueyed religious pbrnses tbat come
snoring down througb tbe centuries will
never arrest the masses. What we want
lo-day, you In your sphere, and I In my
sphere. Is to freshen up. People do not
want iu their sermons the sham (lowers
bought at tiie millinery shop, but in
Japoulcas wet witb tbe morulog dew. not
the heavy bone9 of extinct meattieiiu:n
of past ages, but the living reindeer caught
last August at the edge or Schrson Lake.
We want to drive out the drowsy ami the
prosaic aud the tedious and tbe humdrum
and introduce the brightness and the
vivacity and tbe holy sarcasm and the sanc
tified wit and the epigrammatic power nnd
the blood red earnestness and the lire of re
ligious real, and I do not know of any way
of doing it as well as through the dramatic.
But now let us turn to the drama as au
amusement and entertainment.
Rev. Dr. Bellows, of New York, many
years ago in a very brilliant but mueh criti
cised sermon took the position that the
theater might be renovated and made aux
iliary to the church. Muuv Chrlstiau peo
ple are of the same opinion. I do not
agree with them. I bave no idea that suc
cess Is la that direction. What I have said
heretofore on this subject, as far as I can
remember, is my sentiment now. Hut to
day I take a step iu advance of my former
theory. Christianity is going to take full
possession of tills world and control Its
maxims, its laws, its literature. Its seleiiee
and its amusements. Shut out from the
realm of Christianity anything and you
give it up to sin and death.
If Christianity is mighty enough to
manage everything but the amusements ot
tbe world, then it is a very defective Chris
tianity, is it capable of keeping account
of the tears of the world and incompetent
.o make record of its smiles? Is It good to
follow the funeral, but dumb at the world's
play? Can it control all the other elements
of our nature but the dramatic element?
My idea of Christianity Is that it can aud
will caequer everything.
Now, what we want Is to hasten that
time. How will it be done? By the church
going over to the tceater? It will not go.
By tbe theater coming to tbe church? It
will not come. What we want is a reformed
amusement association la every city and
town of the United States. Once an
nounced and explained and tllustr ited.
the Christian and philanthropic capitalist
will come forward to establish It, and there
will he public spirited men everywhere who
will do this work for the dra-null element
of our natures. We need a new institu
tion to meet and recognize and develop
aud defend the dramatic element of our
nature. It needs to be distinct (ro;u ev
erything tbat is or bas been.
I would have this reformed amusement
association having In charge this new In
stitution of tbe spectacular take possession
of some hail or academy. It might take a
smallerabuilding at the start, but It woel
soou need the largest hall, and even that
would not bold the people, for he who
opens before tbe dramatic element In
human nature an opportunity ot grat men
tion without compromise and without
danger does tbe mightiest thing ot this
l century, and the tides of such no tu-titu-
tion wouiu rise ns ine Atlantic rises nc
Liverpool docks.
There are tens of thousands ot Christian
homes where tbe sons and daughters are
held back from dramatic entertainment for
reasons which some ot you would say are
good reasons aud others would say nre
poor reasons, but still bold back. But on
the establishment of such an Institution
they would feel the arrest of their anxieties
and would say ou the establishment of fits
new institution, which I bave called the
spectacular, "Thank. God, this Is what we
have all been waiting for."
Now, as I believe that I make suggestion
of an institution which wiser men will
develop, I want to give some characteris
tics ot this new Institution, this speeta:u
lar, If It Is to be a grand social and moral
success. In the first plice, its entertain
ments must be compressed within an hour
and three-quarters. What kills sermons,
prayers and lectures and entertainments
of all sorts Is prolixity. At a ro isoualde
hour every night every curtain of public
entertainment ought to drop, every ehnrch
service ought to cease, the instruments of
orchestras ou at to be unstrung.
Oa tbe platform of this new institution
there will be a drama which before render
ing bns been read, expurgated, abbreviated
and passed upon by a board of trustees
connected with tills reformed amusement
association. It there be in a drama a sen
tones suggesting evil. It will be stricken
oai. If there be in a Shakespearean play a
word with two meanings a good meaning
and a bad meaning another word will be
substituted, an honest word looking only
way. The caterers to public taste will have
to learn tbat Shakespearean nastiness is no
better than Congrevean Hastiness. You
say. "Who will dare to change by expurga
tion or abbreviation a Shakespearean
play?" I dare. The board of trustees of
this reformed amusement association will
dare. It Is no depreciation of a drama,
tbe abbreviation of It. I would like to hear
thirty or forty pages of Milton's "Paradise
Lost" read at one time, hut I should bt
very sorry te hear tbe whole book read at
one sitting. Abbreviation Is not deprecia
tion. On tbe platform of this new Institution
this spectacular, under tbe care of the very
best men and women in the community,
there shall be nothing witnessed that
would be unfit for a parlor. Any nttltud-,
any look, any word that would offend you
seated at your own fireside. In your family
circle, will be prohibited from that plat
form. By what law of common sense or of
morality does tbat which Is not fit to he
seen or heard by five people become Otto
be seen or henrd by 1500 people? On the
platform ot that spectacular all the scones
of tbe drama will bs as chaste as was ever
a lecture by Edward Everett or a sermon
by F. W. Robertson. On that platform
there shall be no carouser, no inebriate, no
oyprian, no foe of good morals, masculine
or feminine.
Altbougn a great patron of the turf
from personal taste and hereditary in
stincts, the late duke of Westminster
was never In the ordinary sense a sport
Ing peer.
Gen. Miles keeps up hie good horse
manship by constant practice. Wher
ever he may be or whatever the weath
er, a morning never passes but he takes
a brisk ride.
This is the season of the year when
you should guard against colds. Hink
son's White Pine Balsam la an excel
lent remedy.
Queen Victoria always has her new
; boots worn a few times by one of her
dressers, whose foot is the same size as
her majesty's.
Mere steel te used In the manufac
ture of pens than in all the sword and
gun factories In the world.
Last year 18,677,920 pairs of shoes
were made in Haverhill, Mass.
." :.-1
t i '
i I
'i I
!f'".fi. J'J1
. -