i ... . 1 i SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLTNTOWN. PA. WEDNESDAY, FKB. 28, 1909 '1KRM8. Subscription $1.00 per year If paid In advanee ; f 1-50 if not paid In ad. "xranHient advertising and 'local notices 8 cents a line. Deductions will be made to those de BriiiR to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. Gold has It" found in Genessee, Pa. Spring lie-ins to-morrow, March i - - -v - a Juniata f, VTw 'J bounty of tehVSJnd jura the aarne accounts to be m follows! 1899 W. v Landis, Treasurer on Monday morning. Ilarrv Miiwr spent 6 per cent, added,' County "ty idditlonal y UounftT 1st. It is the nieat eating nations that are the lighters. The thermometer touched some days! in Philadelphia last week. Over paid tax Apili.al.Io the Filipino chieftain J 85 uZ Sterijr Stoner 11 IS aHI, -fJaa. Last Smmay was one or tnecold-1 sUnem ounty share of pool li- County share of liqnor li- u iiMiiesr uavs 01 ine vrar. a jt i Cash from Sheriff Stoner. The heavv rain hist week flood el a troml many cellars in town. The n lins came in numbers as if to may on the 24th, last Sat turdiiy. The (J. A. R. Post held interest ing exercises on Washington's birth -day. cenre RentoftJeo. V. Heck Amount of Htate tax re funded F or care of Maud Oill, Su san Auker, Chan. Rani aey and Woodard, and (" tttm zedbv e!) 794.62 270.4S 20.34 28,515.28 2,26816 42.70 10.08 28,825.00 32.00 10.00 25.00 199.50 12.00 1,711.32 Geo w7ftMwir.lt W. H. Brobaker, Tbo'pe'B.t'n a. T. Kepner Port Itoyal kNortArtteraon W. 8- Neimond, Monroe JeroniD(rer .Mflibrd 8. H. Rollman, Mifflintown ijconam, Lack J?00 Forrey, Greenwood John 8 toner, Fermanagh Fred Allbaugb Fayette Total 1897. A- D. KeratetterTBuaqueha'a 1898. 1 W. 8. Xeimond, Monroe Jew Uroninger, MUford H I 9587 08 Out. Ilaf, 1899. 83.50 Repairs , ' - 11.50-: Janitor! salary 4 75 Janitor, extra llSSl .- V ... - r ' 1 B- F. Furchfleld, et al - road - j Si . vfew Tucnr township 821.60, o S Jowph Sieber, et. aL, road view, w.w I u amm lAvnonln 1 o aa . J. u lirown, et. al., road view, I Tuscaroia township W. It. Knox, et aL. road view, I Fermanagh township J. Banks Wilson, et. al.. bridure view. Spruce Hill township Austin Calhoun, drafting specifi cations for bridge . lil AA w m VKKr.S!?".'': Homing, plank, Mif- . flin bride Jamea J. Horning. uia Drtoge work.' Mif- 9327.11 36.75 20 75 28 25 28-75 24-00 18.75 92.49 414 4.35 Total $10 98 1899. Jan 1. J. p. Calhoun, Ex-Sbarifr. Balance on last settlement 1900. Jan. 1 J. p. Calhoun, Ex-Sheriff. By eommission on fines DR. 94.60 CR. 94.8a 8. C. Stoner, Sheriff. Balance on last settlement Jury fees and fines collect 'd 8. C. Stoner, Sheriff By cash paid to Treasurer ' DR. 94.00 2.00 $32.00 CR. 932.00 155.37 The North I uu i mm j. bh. Orey, care of Chas Ramsey 90 98 Branch canal from 1 ah '""n Fayette town- orthuml.cilanl to Xanticoke has V " k""?, V1 been ahamloneil. There was a big turn out of horse ami mule protection com pany on Satnrday. Forahnrnor scald cover with s xla ami bind with a cloth satnr atel with coal oil. Post-master Andrew i Allisoi pent w eral days in Philadelphia and Washington last week. Cash from W. H. Auker. I Susan Auker the Ca8h fron W. It. Vood- aru, tuizabeth Woodard asn rrom Milford town - ship for funerel expense of Win. Bratton if. i 22.75 68.25 68.25 80.00 Total 1000. Jan 1 Balance in Treas urer hands 989,824.63 9,364.00 , J89 .Jan 1. W. treasurer W. Landis, Tlio l.uin Sflwwtls wpnt tlipniicrli I with the usual interesting Wash- SKWSw jn-Tton s birth day exercises. J Redemption bonds, 1899 behave the poem, "the ,8SaJ&SK with the hoe." who'll write a Outers paid, 1899 poem on ''the whiteman'sbimlen.' V!" jn Treasurers 1 bands Era Parker of Washington, D. I ' v:i :i visitor iininnv hia frlnil ' lolal CR. 82.49 140 5G 41,050 00 14,41938 979.41 23,868.79 9,364 00 was a in town on dav. Washington's birth- 989,824.63 1899. Jan. 1. W. V. landis. Treasurer, doe tax. rw i 1 . . i id tHuaiire aue imm ia before . year Outstanding tax A per cent added iniioer is iK'inc liauiett to renair . taxes ieviea the coal wharf at the railroad sta tion under the supervision of fore man Todd. I-redenck 1-speiischade is having, the walnut loss that he had haul-, cd to the mil road, hewed shipping. Hev. .1. D. Hedge of White Lake Flats, X. Y., preached for the Presbyterians on Sunday noining and evening. Ian Rice who was known to cir cus goers 40 years ago in the Jun iata Valley, died last, week at Long P.ranch, aged 77 years. Every spring time there . is a move ajai not .the tramps, which gradually subsides as summer comes in. Will some philospher explain why. Banking in Mifflin Co 189. W. W. Landis, Treasurer, dog tax. Orders paid of 1899 Outstanding taxes ('ash in Treasurer hands DR. 91,298.52 547.00 13.49 488.75 2,347.70 4'K. $393 27 587.03 1,367.46 2,347.76 Onlttmndimf Taxtt Dte. Collector. Township. IS7 W. H. Urubaker, Tbo'ps'nt'n A. Pw Kerstetter. Kuraueba'a , H H. Rollman. Mifflintown John Stoner, Fermanagh F. I)- Allbauirb, Favette J. II. Dean, Beale IKHH. must be a . S- B. Hetrh. Walker 81, 1899. County Tax, $16.05 62.64 12.ftr 4.13 958 150.65 rtr ' James Ixwiden, Tuscarora W. H. Brubaker, Tho'pH'nt'n A. D. Kerstetter, Susqueha'a Silas Bears, Spruce Hill (ieo- T. Kepner, Port Royal 8. H. Rollman. Mifflintown Samuel Leonard, Iack and fell and fractured the smaller . vta bautrh Favette oone in ins lett leg, wmcn will keep him in doors some weeks. pood business. One is talked for Lewistown and another for Belleville. Well the more banks the more money. Ex-Judge Jnnkin of Bloomfield, slipped on ice at his office door ; 340. 40 330.26 153.80 55.97 346.92 487.60 232.99 350 46 200.80 Reports from all parts of the country state that the heavy rains of last Saturday night did great damage to many fields by washing off the soil that had been loosened by frost. The Lutheran church and the Methodist church at Port Royal have each passed through a revival season by which many were turned from the ways of darkness into the ways of light. Part of Williamsport was flood ed by a heavy rain on the 22nd and great damage done to proper ty. So alarmed were people in the houses surrounded by water that they were removed in boats. f-'tanley Woodward, judge of Lu zerne county, has rendered an opin ion that the act elassifyng town ships into two classes is not consti tutional. It is special legislation which the constitution forbids. William Alters of Indiana conn ty, has this season caught forty-five skunks, seventy-five muskrats, five raccoons and rive minks. Mr. Al ters is 7S years of ageandhasqnite a reputation as a hunter and trap- 1T. According to deeds recently re minded, the Pennsylvania canal ""iKiny nas sont tne canai irom Newton 1 Tamil tou, Mifflin county t Duncan's Island, Danphin coun ty to the Pennsylvania Railroad tor one hundred thousand dollars. And the lxxiks were opened and tlie gfKxl was counted with the bad. three tramps saved a passen ger train on Friday night last from running into a seven ton rock that had rolled down the mountain on to the track of the Frederick divis ion of the Pennsylvania Railroad near Port 13eposit, Pa. The tramps flagged the train, which came to -a stand-still only fifty feet from the lst ruction. The 1st of April comes on Sun day. What will (hose do who lie lieve that Friday and Saturday and Monday are unlucky days to move on! There are other people li have, no sujerstitious notions nt moving days. They move when the time comes whether on Friday, Saturday or Monday and they claim to be as happy. at? prosperous, and have as gopd J. H.I lean, Beale W. S. Neimond, Monroe Jesse (Jronlnper, Milford John Stoner, Fermanagh 1899. 8. It. Hetrick, Walker James Ijouden, Tuscarora Jeo. W. Bover, Turliett W. H. Krutmker, Tbo'ps'nt'n A- I- KerMetter, Susquena'a S. 8. Rear, Spruce Hill (. T. Kepner. Port Itoyal ' J. C North, Patterson W. 8 Neimond, Monroe Jesse (Jronlncer, Milford 8. H. Rollman. Mifllintwn Samuel Leonard, Lack Jacob Forrey, Greenwood John Stoner. Fermanagh Fred Allhaugh. Fayette Sam. Spicher, Delaware J. H. Dean, Beale ana; 131.69 26.14 . 338.33 " .04 1,630.62 "32.40 423.02 133 65 879.96 830 08 815.04 470.25 519.51 1,341.34 469.96 '--488.79 ,365.09 - ' 723.09 : 924 15 - , 262.36 497.90 Total 914.419.38 Collectors. Townships. State Tax. 1897. W. H. Brul-aker, Tbo'ps'nt'n A. I. Kerstetter, Susqueh'a 8. H. Rollman. Mifflintowo John Stoner, Fermanagh F. I. Allliaugh, Fayette J. H. Dean, Beale 1898. S. B. Hetrick, Walker James Txniden, Tuscarora (ieo W. Boyer, Turbett W. H. Brubaker, Tbo'ps'nt'n A. D. Kerstetter, 8usjueh'a Silas Bears, Spruce Hill Geo. T. Kepner, Port Royal S. H. Rollman, Mifflintown -Samuel Ieonanl, Ijack Jacob Forrev, Greenwood Fred Allbaugh, Fayette J. H. Dean, Beale 199. 8. B. Hetrick, Walker James Louden, Tuscarora Geo. W. Boyer, Turliett W. H. Bruliaker, Tbo'ps'nt'n A. D. Kerstetter, Susoueha'a 8. S. Bears, Spruce Hill G. T Kepner. Port Royal J. C North, Patterson W. 8. Neimond, Monroe Jesse Groniuger, Milford 8 H. Rollman. Mifflintown Samuel Leonard, Lack Jacob Forrey. Greenwood John Stoner, Fermanagh Fred Alllutugh, Fayette . Sam Spicner. Delaware J. H. Dean, Beale 10 94 13.28 1.53 12 85 27.35 13 03 10.24 43.59 454 28.73 56.14 6.84 39.72 60.76 14 81 7.36 75.77 4.24 27.40 915 1.91 22.41 44.55 ll.f6 32.04 34.95 18.81 30 65 44.85 15.75 20.24 11.79 99.82 30.60 8.41 1897 Total Collectors. 979.41 Town ships. Dog Tax. health and aa much good and fortune as the superstitions. Itad W. H. Brubaker, TUo'ptvmn A. D. Kerstetter, Husquena a John Stoner. Fermanagh F. D. Allbaugh, Fayette J. n. Dean, Beale 1898 8. B. Hetrick, Walker James Loudeu, Tuscarora Geo. W. Boyer, Turbett W. H. Brubaker, Tbo'ps'nt'n A. D. Kerstetter, Susoueba'a Silas Bears, Spruce Hill Geo. T. Kepner, Port Royal S. H. Rollman, Mifflintown Samuel Leonard, Lack Jacob Forrey. Greenwood Fred Allbaugh, Fayette J. II. Dean, Beale W. 8. Neimond, "onroa Jesse flrouinger, Milford S. B. Hetrick. Walker 252 6.21 6.10 9.57 18.67 10.50 12.01 8-55 499 14.96 16.01 6.56 10.23 2856 24.15 2037 19.95 9.19 18.46 25.75 D. D. Rbinesmlth charged 51 days expenses going to Mlffln town at the rate of $1 25 per day. Amount 963.75 He alsocharged on general state ment for trip to Richfield on June 14th, which appears on bill rendered August 1st, 1899, and which was already paid by order No. 432. Amount 6 .50 He also charges expenses to the State Convention at Erie, for which order No. 632 was granted- Amount '' 23.40 The above amount Is disallowed, Jeremiah Loudeuslager ehanred 51 days expenses going to Mif flintown at the rate of $1.25 per aay $92 65 He charges one day Jan. 17, 1899 HechargesonedayJulyOth, 1899 He charges one day Dec. 30, 1899 Expenses to Richfield, Dec. 30th, 1899 No record appears that he at tended the meetings in Jan uary and Julv and he was not at Richfield Dec 30th, be also, charges his expenses to State Convention at Krie aa appears by order No. 543 963.75 3.50 3.50 350 2.00 23.40 The above is also disallowed. Win Puflenberger charges for attending office meetings He also charges his expenses to the State Convention at Erie as appears by order 541 $99.65 $28.50 He has failed to include in his bill one day and expenses to Richfield at joint meeting of Snyder and Juniata County Commissioners 21.40 49.90 5.50 ju4.40 The balance $44.40 is disallowed. Hugh C. Rhine, presents a bill for expenses in delivering as sessment supplies, paid by or der No- 394. Amount $25.00 This we deem excessive as the postage would amount to about , 97.50. and some of the shbhhoi-b '-railed for their Imoks,' but we will allow $15, which we deem : sufficient to cover all the x- pense necessary - 15.00 Disallowed amount ' $10.00 Order No. 691, to H. C Rhine . for $155, and $50 of which is for bis services as Jury Commis sioner, but the balance 105.00 which he claims is authorized by the Act of Assembly of 1897 is disallowed, as. we consider he is required to' do all such work by his original contract wiH)'4)je Commissioners, be 'ti afwftehareed his expenses A t-- to the State Convention as ap- ' pears by order .No. 544 23.o0 Amount $138-40 Tills is also disallowed. The bill of Dr. D. M. Crawford - for medical and svnrical atten dance to the amount of $60 is i not allowed, orders Nos. 403 and 508 amount 862.00 - is intended to cover 1897. 1898, 1899. The amount allowed for these years should be $1 - per 'vear, as per his written contract on file 3.00 Total amount disallowed $59.00 Order No. 588. to M. P. Craw- . - ford for $19.85 for medicine supplies to coun ty jail is not allowed, as this Is included in contract of Dr. D. M. Crawford. ' All of which is respectfully submitted. W. N. Krister, 1). K. Ulrich, Auditors.. K. A. Carman, ) Mifflintown, Pa., Jan'y 5th, 1900. STATEMENT of orders drawn by the County Commissioners of Juniata countv. on the Treasurer thereof, from the 2nd day of January- A D 1899, to the 31st day of December, 1899, inclu slvei ' Comttmbltt mud Jufica Fit: Solomon Fortney, constable $4.00 J. Frank Patterson, J. P. 7.67 Total . $11.67 Comrnunmtmlth Wtlntun. April term $90.11 September term 29 99 Commonwealth vs. Louder and Allison 79.61 Commonwealth vs. Flanagan 28.33 Total 9227.94 Courlt mud Jnrmr. February term. 1899 Court crier. February term, 1899 Court crier, Orphans' Court Jurors, April term, 1899 Stenographer, April term, 1899 Court crier, April term, 1899 Court crier. Orphans' Court Hentember term. 1899 " Stenographer, Sept. term, 1899 Court crier, September term Special officer Boarding jurors . Court crier. Orphans' and Arga mpnt court J - Jurors, December term, 1899 Stenographer, December term Court crier Boading jurors Court crier. Orphans' and Argu ment court $198.96 5.00 5.00 320.52 30 00 7.50 5.00 342.12 30.00 750 4.00 5.00 12.50 303.28 69.80 12 50 500 2.50 Total CotUchri' $1,366.18 CemmitoM. Matemtntt s4 Kxemtrmticnt. 1895, Win- B McCahan 1896, Joseph Gray. et-al- 1897, S. B. Hetrick, et al. 1898, J. L Groninger-et. al 1899, Fred Allbaugh. et. al. $4-63 17713 218.64 575.18 1.434.63 $2,41021 Total Public Bildinf nd Orss dt. W8 North, coalforcourt house $368.36 Mifflintown Water company Electric Light Company -Telephone service J. Frank Patterson, insurance Supplies - 100.00 204.33 18.00 30.50 24-59 8.90 24-60 11.60 -Total 5 JtMHttf mmd Rtfititnng ' Herman Opple, assessor. Black Elliott GUlUand, assessor, Black Log. .. -- Elliott GillUand, assessor, Black Log, 1900 - C McClellan, assessor, . Mifflin town C McClellan. asseswr, Mifflin town Stiles K. Boden, assessor, Beale township C D Singer, assessor, Thomp son town L A. -Dimm. assessor. Green wood township George G. Crozier, .aaeeasor, Port Royal , - . A. K. Troutrnan, assessor, Sua- quehanna township ' . ' E. M. Bowersox, assessor, Mon roe township ' John R Jenkins, assessor,' Mil ford township John R Jenkins, assessor, Mil ford township, 1900 . . i . -. Isaac Sellers,' assessor Walker township : .. . -.." William Milliken, assessor,' Tus carora township . 8. H. Kinier,, assessor Fayette township ,' ;- . Amos Kinzcr, asuefiHOi, Delirware township . 4 E. P Graham, assessor 5puce Hill township, . .-. ?. - James H. CampliellJasjiessor, Lack township James II. Camplell, assessor, Lack township, 1900 . , O; C. Dirfehderfer, assessor, Fer--manaKh township ' . ' W. J. Zeiders, assessor; - Patter son borough . -' - H. P. Clark, assessor, Turbett township - ; . - 6.75 $87 05 $6.00 12.00 12.00 81.07 3080 25.80 18.10 24.70 84 65 28.55 38.00 41.25 32.85 39 40 45 30 41.30 38 75 24.05 55.70 66.22 27.65 36.00 44.60 Total1 9753.64 Cotntailtt' Rttumt to Court. Arnold, et. al., February al April Jesse term A. K. Oberholtzer, et. term W. K. Nankivel, et. al:, Septem ber term Joseph Landis, et. al., December $47.78 60.74 57.38 term .. 68.94 $234.84 Total Trumpt. W. F. Snyder, burying tramps $28.00 J. Derr, nursing Injured tramps 14.48 W. J. Stutts, nurning injured tramps 64.00 H. C. Rhine, transportation for injured tramps 23.16 L. Banks .V Co., medicine for tranis 5.00 II. ('. Rhine, attention - for tramps 8.00 Ferd Mvers, supplies for tramps 20.90 J. B. M. Todd, J. P., commit ting tramps - w"--169.75 J. Frank Patterson, committing - ' tramps v: 76.99 Total ' $416.28 Burial ludigtut Salditn. , M. (label, burial Lewis Markei ,,$35.00 W. F. Snyder, burial George v .' Dunun 35.00 70.00 Total; : Tmh -sr. WtMr&iS' ll T. W. Auker. "tomb for James Ruwell - $14.00 T. W. Auker, tomb for Henry Beapoin . - 74.00 T. W. Auker, tomb for George Dumm T. W. Auker, Stewart T. W. Auker,' Sheets tomb for Heno' tomb for W. Pi Total Scalp Certificate. John E. Kauftmau, et. al . 14.00 14.00 Yi.oo $70.00 8281.76 $281.75 ublie Offlct. , II. K. ISousall, supplies for of fice 4.50 J. C. Dimm, supplies and blanks forofflce 53.35 Mary J. Hunt, supplies for office 15.29 Wm. G. Johuraii & Co., books and supplies ; 103 45 W. II. liolliuau, supplies . ,. 19.17 Geo. B. Cramer, olticial Tees ' 3K.50 W. H. Aiders, oflicial fees -175.20 S. E. Kiner, express - ! ' ' 1.35 W. W. I.andi treasurer,- one years' salary 400.00 O. C.-Gortner, county "institute expenses i -!' 185 00 T. K. Iteaver, et. al. county au ditors , . 8.0 B. Fi 'Burt-bfiekf. auditlnc coun- . tyodhfes ' ; 20.00 IS. S. Kuiilii, retiairiuK chairs 2.00 AlexafiderIcClure, Jury Com- V 8 :.'tifc4oner'" . , i-; . 43.50 Samuel AOrehd. -Tury'Conimlsi . . ' I. eioner J-;-' " ' 43.50 H.-O.-Rhlhe 'cleric' for Jury Com , mM'sipner li- '' ' t 50.00 Rolrt .IcMoen, attornej-' of ' conimlssioiienj. 4(.t0 Robert Meieeii";"rtnUning fees, , Joseph' Dougherty vs. Juniata county . ' 40.00 Total -'CBy Pritou. S. C. Stoner, boarding prisoners $376.83 S. (.'. Stoner, taking prisoners to ? Iteuitentiary 67.no S. C. Stoner fees of office HK.K) Ferd. Meyers, clothing for pris oners 121.95 E. Schott, merchandise for prisoners Dr. D. M. Crawford, medical at M. P.- Crawford, medicine for prisoners .- - . . W. A. Stutts, nursing injured tramps ... W. N. Sterrett, coal for jail ' Maniieck & Nelson ,' coal for jail F. W. Noble, et. al., repairs Total. - ! " ' Dondt Paid During lf-99. James G. Thompson W. II. Zeiders . John Weller John Koons r.raC. Dotv First National Bauk C. B. North 19.09 .6100 : 19.85 30.00 77.62 235.68 80.38 $f,J31,30 $1,500.00 .1,000.00 KK1.00 l.j0.K) 22;9oo:oo rt loo.(S) .iOO.OO Total Interest Iuttrti'. $41,050.00 $4,264.00 Total $4,244.00 ' rriutmg ud Stattntry. J. C. Dimm, publishing court proclamatkn,four terms court 932.00 J. (.'. Dimm, publishing jury list, - four terms court 12.00 J. C. Dimm, supplies for office 34.15 J. C. Dimm, publishing county statement 45.00 J. C. Dimm, publishing election proclamation 50.00 Total 8173.15 Harry E. Bonsali, publishing court proclamation four terns court $32.00 Harry K. Bonsali, publishing county statement 4V00 Harry E. Bonsali, publishing election proclamation 50.00 Harry K. Bonsali, supplies for office 33.75 Total 9100.75 A. C. Allison, publishing court proclamation, four' terms of court - 932.00 A. C. Allison, publishing county statement 45 00 A. C. Allison, publishing elec tion proclamation 49 50 Total $126.50 B. F. Schweier, publishiug.court proclamation, four terms of court $2S.50 B. F. Schweier, publishing coun- . ty statement 45.00 B. F. Schweier, publishing elec tion proclamation 51.60 32.00 Total $125.10 Wm. J. Jackman, publishing court proclamation, four terms court Wm. J. Jackniau. publishing county statement Wm. J. Jackman, publishing election proclamatiou W. J. Jackman, subscription J. Shellenbenrer. nutnk -Mir." - u - . " : - W. O. PufienberBer. nlmnb '.Mif. ! flin bridge . -. - . -W. L. Stutts, work, Mifflin bridge . -James J. .Homing, plank-and ' work, basin bridge W. O. Puflenberger, plank and work. Basin bridge Cuba bridge W. B. Horning, work, Cuba bridge ' I bra Loudenslager, work. Thompaontown bridge Luke Dvig, work, Thompson- town Borough bridge Harry K Eaton, et. al.; repair ing Showers' brid5e - . W. D. alls, plank, McClure's bridge Geo. L. Hower, labor and ma tealal, -Tuscarora township bridge . v Samuel Pannebaker, lumber for . county bridges in Tuscarora and Lack townships H. C. Rhine, plank for bride es in' Tuscarora and Lack town ships Wm. Slaughterback, plank, Cross Roads bridge Ibra Loudenslager, work, Cross Roads bridge . - .5 Knight & Yeigh, repairs Cross ' Roads bridge -. H. P. Clark et. al., repairing and snowing Port Royal bridge Edward Gill, et. al., repairing and snowing Mexico bridge Jonathan Burns, aepairiug Coco- lamus bridge. Mevlin Dimm, repairing Dimm 's bridge ' ' ' ": Jonathan K liter, repairing Kizer's - bridge - Jerome Ken-bner, repairs to Mil ' frd township bridge , .- H. J. Shellenberger, plank, Gron- Inger's bridge E. y. Sheatl'er, et. al., repairing Susiiuehanna bridge -" James J Horning, repairing Horniiigtown bridge Win. Puflenberger, time and ex- . pense bridge work D. D. Rhinesmith, time and ex- -: pense bridge work J. Loudensuiger, time and ex pense bridge work '- ' '-'' Juniata county's cost of Joint . bridge . 97.20 150.96 48.83 2.50 963.81 48.83 1.50 13.00 6.00 6.50 9.00 31.25 91.96 128.44 89.56 51.20 8.00 16.25 . 5.50 7.00 19 25 21.90 31.89 8.07 10.98 4.45 17.68 28.50 40.75 38.00 192.22 Total 81,590.30 CommUtioutrt' Ofict. Wm. Puflenberger, time and ex penses 9238.50 D. I). Rhinesmith, time and ex penses 334.75 J. Ixnidenslager, time and ex penses 335.50 H. C. Rhine, commissioners' clerk, one year's salary 600.00 Total $1,508.75 ' Total' J . , - $1,322.81 Gmetal and Si ring Election!. Mt. Ifollv Co., supplies for elec tion V- '18.50 J. C. Dimm, printing ballots ' 105.H Comniissionersdclivering ballots 3H.(t To election oITlcers. constables, .assessors and election house - rents for -general and spring elections 1,172.56 Burchdeld & Pennell, clerkiu? election returns 8.00 - Total $1,334.15 Mitcttlantott. Paid western jtenitentiiuy , Paid Pennsylvania Reformatory Paid Pennsylvania State Luna tic Asylum Paid W. '. ijuidis State tax on ctiuntv debt . J. S. Benconi, state, tax 1H! 2 Juniata county Agricultural So ciety E: C: Doty, tax returned on tim- ler laud ,-. I -William Puflenberger, expenses in bridge work . William Pull'eiibeofer, expenses . tn'CommissionerH' Convention D. D. Rhinesmith, expenses iu - bridge work -'i' D. D.-'Rhihesniith. expenses to Commissioners' ('on veution J. Loudenslager, expenses, in bridge-.work - ": J. f-oudenslager, exiienses- aud . bridge work .-'"'-. J. Ijoudenslager, expenses fo ComniiaiiduerH Convention H. C- Rhine, paid freight, tele- phone, etc Paid ex penses distribut in g assea . sors supplies -Paid expenses , i'aid salary for state tax work Paid extra Ben-ices to commis sioners Paid expenses to Commissioners' Convention Jesse Arnold, (constable) et. al. filing bonds Solomon Fortney, forest fires W. A. Deering, forest fires E. R. Landis, forest fires James M. Thompson, forest fires Charles Dumm, forest fires Samuel Lapp, special officer at. court - - Samuel .Lapp, special ofliuer at institute . Paid Andrew C. Allison, pos tage and box rent Paid S. E. Kinzer, expressage Paid Julius Derr, work on dead ' tramps Paid W. L. Stutts, extra janitors salary Paid Daniel B. Reitz, et. al., . d ravage, etc : ' 531. IS 524.93 0811.25 304.20 .258.79 lOO.fO 15.00 15.781 21. -10 10.23 23.40 16.88 20.00 23.40 5.50 25 00 11.00 242.8' 105.00 23.40 23.82 31.14 -29.85 15.66 20.97 12.97 5.62 . 5.00 .23.04 3.35 4.24 6.00 -6.05 Total 5,201.42 Rteapituluttou. 11.67 227.94 Constables and justices fees . Commonwealth witnesses Collections.Commisslons, Abate-' ments aud Exonerations ...-2,410,21 Court and Jurors pay .. 1,306.18 Public buildings ana grounds . iKMi.23 Roads and bridge views 87.05 Assessing and Registering ' 753.64 Constables returns to court 234184 Tramps under act 1885 ' ' 416.28 Burial of indigent soldiers . 70.00 Head xtoiies for indigent soldiers 70.00 Total Total for year Scalp ceruticates . 281.75 County prison ; 1,131.30 Ponds paid 1899 -V -41,060.00 Interest paid 1899 '.- 4.264 00 45.00 j Printing and stationery .. 714.00 i Commissioners omce - l,ft08.76 50.00 Brideesl899 - 1.890.30 low Public ofiices 1-322.81 General and spring election 1.334. IS 128..tO Miscellaneous 5,201.42 9714.0U 1 Total - 64.962. i2 Outstanding county bonds 114114.00 Outstanding county orders 288.28 State taxes overpaid to collectors 10.98 Total Amft of Ckuntf. Cash in treasurer's hands Outstanding county tax -Outstanding state tax Outstanding dog tax 114,683.42 10,781.46 14,419.38 979.41 887.08 Total 26,717.28 Liabilities over assets 87,866.14 We. the undersurned. Commissionen of Juniata county, in compliance with ine taw ao puDitsn tne roregotng state ment of the receipts and exnendituren of the county aforesaid for the year end ing uecember Hist, 1899 as. found on the records of this office. H. Cix)VD Horning, Robert Lono, . John W. IIostetlkr, Attest . Commissioners. John R. Jenkins. Clerk. Commissioners' Office, ftlimintown, January 27, 1900. Lorn E. ATKinnoa. F. If. X. Pmcu. 4TKHSOS h. PEIIIf ELL, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. KirrUKTOWN, PA. Omm On If aln ibut lm -Ia -I tence of Loaia B. Atkinson, Ksq., nonth Bridge street. rOet 26,1893 tXColleetlag and CoaTeyaaeisg prompt ly atteoded to. iriLRERFORCE SCHWGfER, Attorney-at-Law. CoJlpetion8 and all legal busi ness promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT ROrlSE. ns.n.axaAwv.-BD, db. dabwis .ctAwroiD 1K.T). H. CRAWFORD . SON, have fnrmed a pirtnrrriijp for the practice of Madicina and their collafteral branchrp. O.ttce at old stand, corner of Third and Or anjt? ?reet8, Mifflintown, P. One or both o' thcra will be foand at their office at all nines, nnleai otherwise profexaioD'Hy en-grci. April 1st, 1895 P. DERR, . PRACTICAL DENTIST. Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College. Office at old established To eation. Bridge Street, opposite Court House, Jlifflin'own, Pa. iLy" Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraotion. ' All work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA RATLP0AD- Schednle in Effect Nov. 19, 1800. WESTWARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. m: Harrisburtr 8 00 a. m; Duncannoii 8 35 a. m; New Port 9 05 a. m; Mlllerstown 9 15 a. m: Durword 9 21 a. m; Thompson town 9 26 a. m; Van Dyke 9 33 a. m; Tuscarora 9 36 a. m: Mexico 9 40 a. m: Port Roval 9 44 a. m: Mifflin 9 50 a. m; Den holm 9 55 a. m; Lewistown 10 13 a. m: McVevtown 10 38 a. m: Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Union 11 06 a. m; Hunting don 11 32 p. m: Tvrone 12 20 p. m: Al tonna 1 00 p. m: Pittsbure 5 50 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m; Harrishunr at 11 48 a. m: Mifflin 1 11 p. m: T wist own 1 30 p. m: Hunting don 2 29 p. m: Tv-rone 3 12 p. m: Al toona 3 45 p. m: Plttshuig 8 40 p. m. Altoona Acommotiation leaves Har risbunr at 5 00 p. m; Duncannou 5 34 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. mr Millerstown 6 11 p. m: Thompsontown 6 21 p. m: Tuscarora 6 SO p. m: Mexico 6 33 p. m; forr Koyai o 88 p. ra: Mimm 6 43 p. m; Denholm 6 49 p. m; Lewistown 7 07 p. m; McVevtown 7 80 p. m: Newton Hamilton 7 50 p. m: Huntingdon 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35 p. m. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at It 20 p. m: llarrisburg at 3 00 a. m. Marysville 3 14 a. m. Duncannoii 3 29 a ra. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Royal 4 25 a. m. Mifliin 4.30 a. m. I,ewistown 4 52 am. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m. Huntinirdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 6 19 a. m. Tyrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a. m. Pittsbur? 1210 s. m. Oyster E.ows leaves Pl-ilfidelphia at 4 35 p. m. Harrishurg tit 10 20 p. m. Newport 11 06 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. m. Ijewistown 11 58 p. m.: Huntingdon 12 5-5 am. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00 a. m. Pittsbunr 5 30 a. m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m. Harrisburg 3 45 p. m. Duncan noii 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p. m. Mif flin 5 Of? p. m. Ijewistown 5 22 p. m. Mount Union 6 03 p. m. Huntingdon (t. 22 p. m. Tvmne 6 59 p. m. Altoona 7 35 p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. m. EASTWARD. - Altoona Accommodation leaves Al toona at 5 0f a. m. Tyrone 5 24 a. m. Petersburg 5 45 a. m. Hmitinsrdoii 5 57 a. ni. Newton Hamilton 6 21 a. m. Mc Vevtown 6 37 a. m. Ijewistown 6 58 a. m. Mifflin 7.18 a. m. Port Royal 7 22 a. m. Thompsontown 7 37 a. ni. Millers town 7 41 in. Xcwiiort 7 55 a. m. Duncannoii 8 20 a. ni. Harrisburg 8 50 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a. m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. m. Huntingdon 8 30 a. m. McVevtown 9 15 a. m. Ijewistown 9 35 a. m. Mifflin 955 a. m. Port'Royal 9 59 a. m. Thompson town 10 14 a. m. Miilerstown 10 22 a. m. Newport 11 32 a. m. Duncannoii 10 54 a. tn. Marvsville 11 07 a. m. Hams burg 11 25 a. m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. m. Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. m. Altoona 11 40 a. m. Tyrone 12 03 p. m. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m. Lewistown 1 33 p. m. Mifflin 1 50 p in. Harrisburg 3 10 p. m. Baltimore 6 00 p. m. Washington 7 15 p. m. Philadelphia 6 23 p. m. Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p- m. Ty rone 235 p. m. Huntingdon 3 17 p- m. Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. m. McVev town 4 20 p. m, Lewistown 4 33 p. m. Mifflin 4 55 p. m. Port Royal 5 00 p. m. Mexico 5 20 p. m. Thompsontown 5 18 p. m. Mlllerstown 5 28 p. m. Newport 5 39 p. m. Duncannoii 6 08 p. m. Har risburg 6 45 p. m. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 12 45 p. m- Altoona 5 55 p m Tyrone 6 27 p. in. Huntingdon 7 10 p m. "cVey town 7 51 p. ma. Lewistown 8 10 p. m. Mifflin 8 30 p. m. Port Royal 8 34 p. ra. Villerstown 8 57 p. m. Newport 9 05 p. m. Duncaunon 9 29 p. m. Harrisburg 10 00 p m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts burg at 4 80 p. m. Altoona 9 05 p. m Tyrone 9 33 p- m. Huntingdon 10 12 p. m. Mount Union 10 32 p. nu Lewis town 11 16 p. m. AfifHin 11 37 p. m- Har risburg 1 00 a- ni. Philadelphia 4 30. At Ijewistown Junction. For Sun bury 7 50 a. m. and 3 40 p. m. week days. For Afilroy 7 55, 11 45 a. m. and 3 00 p. m. week-days. At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur wensville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 Mid 7 20 p. m. week-days. For-Bellefonte and Lock Haven 8 10 a. ni. 12. 30 and 7 15 p m week-days. For. further information apply to Ticket Agents, or Tliomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent, Western Division. Corner Fifth Avenue aud Smithfiela Street, Pittsburg. J. B. HUTCH INSON J. R. WOOD, General Man'g'r. General Pass'r. Agt Does your arias ooataia aay sediment ? Is the lowsr part of roar back , weak aad lama? Doss your arine have a whitish, milky color? la tkers aV smarting or scalding sensation in passing it 7 Doe it pain yon ta hold it ? Df yoa desire to urinate often, especially at sight ? ' If you have any of the symptoms, your Kidneys are diseased aad yaur Ytm is ia danger. More people die of sach disorders thaa ara killed in wars. Dr. David Kennedy' Tmvortte Remedy is direct and aura cure. It goes straight to the seat at diseases ia the Kidneys, Bladder aad Blood. It hunts) eat and drives from the system all the impurities that; cause paia ia the back, Stone in the Bladder, Bright's Disease, Urinary Troubles, and dis eases of the Stomach and Liver. It acta at once. ' There ia no long waiting to sea if it wil help. " For years I suffered with my Kidneys, writes Thomas Quackbnbush, of Pittsfield, Mass. " The pain ia my back was so severs at times that I was obliged to keep to my bed. I suffered awfully when passing water, which was often discolored with blood. I tried almost everything in the shape of medicine, but nothing 'seemed to help roe. One day I got a bottle of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and used it but a little while when it braced me right up. My back became all right, no pain at all; my water cleared up and passed from rae without pain, and I grew better in every way. I consider it a great medicine, as it has done wonders for ma, My wife uses it for female complaint, and thinks it's the finest medicine in the world." Sample Dottle Tree. Every man and woman who reads this paper and is in need of medicine, la Invited to send full postoffice address for a free trial bottle of Favorite Remedy? to the Da. David Keskk&y Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Our offer is genuine, and the fact that it appears in this paper is a guarantee that the trial bottle will be sent prepaid. Don't delay in writing, and mention this papir. A large bottle costs $i.oo at all drug stores. W4 Blood and Mcrves are very dosa ry related. Keep the blood rich, pare and health)-.' with Hood 8 parsaparulh and you will have no nervousness. H :od'S Pills ai- bes fdtcr-dinner f ilis.aid digesiiou,revcctcousf:4tIui Bargain Days! Bargain Days! AT-- SCHOTT'S STORES, Commencing Feb. i and contin ue until Feb. 28th. The general upward tend . nay in Priees makes our February Bargain Days of more than ordinary interest. Oar Stores are now alive with money saving opportunities. It will pay you to take the time sod oome to our Stores now. Hundreds of Yards of fioe Dress Goods in Sioek at 7o a yard iu -Worst ed and Brocade; worth 15e at l5o a yard in fancy Brooade and Henriettas, 40 inch wide, worth 35c, all colors at 17io a yd. Bright fancy worsted plaids, worth 38o at 41c a yard; a fine uobleaobad muslin worth 6Jc at 5o a yard, a ftuoothbtavy yellow muslin worth 80, looks like Appleion A At 5o yd a good bleached musli , woilh 7Jc. At 60 yd a better qualify Bicecbed mus in, worth 8c. ' At 7c yardor yds for $1.00 for which you pay lOcts a yard to day. At lOJo a d, yellow pillow case sheeting, 45 inch wide or a 42 inch bleaohed pillow case tbeeting, worth I5s. At 12Jc a j d, a 10x4 ycilow sheeting, worth 15c At le a yard, a 10x4, bleached sheeting; worth 21e. At 12o yd, Ready made Pillow Cases, Utica Mills; worth 18o. At 17c yd, a Red Table Cloth; worth 25a. At 25o a yd; table lioec; worth 38o. At 45o a yd, a fine Irish Table Linen; worth 75c. At 3o a yd, a good toweling; worth 5e. - At 6lo a yard, a good linen crash toweling; worth 9o. At 5o yd, a good Shaker flannel; worth 80 At So a yard, Lancaster Amos Keag Ginghams worth 7 At 4o a yard, a very good Gioghsm for comfort, worth C4c. At 5c yd, Indigo Blue, fanoy and black calicoes, worth 7o, At 5c yd, good outing flannel, worth 8c. At 50c, a pair of blankets, worth 75o At 89c, a pair of blankets, worth $1-25 At $1.25, a pair of Blankets, worth $1.75. At 2 98 to $4 50, a pair of fine California wool blankets, worth $5 40 to $6.00. Carpets, O I Cloth, Window Shades: At IPc yd, a good atiiped Room Carpet worth 18o at 12 io a yd, a better qualit) room carpet worth 20o. At 21o yd, a very room carpet worth 30c. At 2-e yd, a fine flower or rag carpet, worth 35c and all the choicest se lections c f carpet io Ingrains, Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet minster at reduced prices. At 14o yd, a good hair carpet. At l2ic, a yard of 45 inch table oil eloth worth 18c. At 10c for Felt Shades, at 25o for Oil Shades. Spring Roller Lace Car tains, Draperies and Rugs at 1 edused prices. At 124c red flannel children underweas, small sixes, worth 35o. At 45c, a thin and drawtr for men , worth 75o. At 5c for children hofe mostly lCoand l5o goods. At I9o for Ladies and children's rubbers, siies 21 to 4 in ladies. At 75c, a pair of Ladies Shoes, former price 1 50 to 2 00. Felt Boots, all foot-wear at reduced prices. Ladies' coats and capes, Children's cost. Ladies' skirts and . waists at extja low and specially Reduced prices.' While winter and wearing it haa still three month in view, we rather have the loss now when you use the goods, and yon save a great many dollars, if you have to buy these goods next Ma son. While our Rooms are pouring forth Grand Lota of seasonable goods on each Article yon save money, aomet-'mes half aad often more. Don't miss these Bargain Days. . SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 to 109 Bridge Street. 1865, ESTABLISHED. 10OO. Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing tJiai goes on daily' trow THE IMMENSE STOCK OP D. W. HARLEY. Itwill be TO THE ADVAxNTAGE OF ALL BUYERb Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goodf for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See ' : : ; THE BEAUTIFUI, STYLE; of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. -' His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't 1 jil to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W H A RLEY MIFFUNTOWN rA'.. r i i UP Hi! Li' , - 1 iM, rni-- I i il t ' ) if ! ' -1 i li t i - 1 ! .1 D a ,t 0 1 ' i X 3 IS- a M . f! IV i f