SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN SfTFFWNTOWN. PA. VEDNtDAY, MSB. 21. ItHtt iKKMB. a0ssttTis$l.Wpyn Transicm . renin mre. ran il-" dvertMng d 'total Sins will be nude to those del ntov-prtiHe by the yea, half orUfat n,re will l prWng in fne Hlh -"towi efltminfter Presbyterian chnrck, innd;iv morning and evening by Lake lA ft'EII-m and PENDITOWM JrutfavawYTT V !? County of a IbeiUK the Am a. Jr. S"?!01?.. w wyer, Turtett ? T-Kpr Port Royal North, Po W. 8. Neimood, MMto r Jeass " uiu a w Ajiumga, Fayettsf n: - H. fieaVBeale Flats, X- v- Mra. V. S. Bishop of Washing-1 ton ! arrived at the home of her'ntlierM- 13160 .K AUisn Tuesday ovening to visit for an in definite" time. ier. James M. Mullin pastor 4t the Xewport and Markleville Reformed chmvhes has tendered bi resignation to take effect on April 1st, 1900. Farmers will wind up their win ter vacation ly several weeks at tendance on the public sales of live stock and farm implements' on farms throughout the connty. i The Sunday School of the Evan gelical churt-h, Patterson, held a bkken aud waffle supper in the John I. Porter store rooms, Friday and Saturday evenings and clear about 21. Benefit pastor's salary. Cold niiuers are diamond hunt ers in Boreland have nearly all joined one of theconilatant armies. Some of the miners continue their wort, declaring that they prefer being considered a living jack-ass IO lUiii i a ikwi uw. a The members of Rev. W. 11. Fa'' Sunday School class of the Lutheran church held a sauer kraut supper at the home of Wil liam Long, Patterson, Thursday evening and cleared $2.r.25. Ilen ent of new church fund. . - William Varnes one of the Mif flin -oal wharf hands had the tint finger on his left hand badly mash ed while helping unload coal Sun day evening. Dr. Crawford dress ed the disabled memlier. Mr. Varnes will be compelled to lay off. from duty for several days. William H.'Lutz aged 45 years, died at his home in Reading last Friday. He was distinguished for hisweigbt. He weighed 523 pounds. He ate 100 oysters at a meal and when at a tnrkey dinner it took a half turkey for him. He drank the sixth of a barrel of beer a day. Mrs. Em C Doty at her resi dence on South Main rtreet on "Thursday afternoon entertained the members of the "current event club," and a few invited guests, numtiering in all thirty to two o' clock dinner. Turkey and all the delicasies of the season were in evi dence. An editor in one of the western states' in a fit of desperation dash SfePJUPyK: "The wind bloweth, the water ioweth," the farmer so wet h, the subscriber ow eth aud the Lord knoweth that we are in need of onr dues; so come a runuin' ere we go a gunnin', this thing of dimnin' gives us the blues." - Joseph McCauley the efficient as sistant railraad ticket and freight agent has been appointed agent at this place to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of W. S. North, the change to take place on the 1st of March. After that date Mr. North will engage more extedsive 1y in the dealing of coal, grain and lumber. Rev. Wm. Met'ormack, D. D's sermon on Sunday evening on the excuses was an able sermon and w as rnn along lines hike a classical pie of music slowly and deliber ately, so slowly that one felt as if it must conic to a close and then again off into a most agreeable aud heartfelt ami mind-convincing strain. It wtlav a classical sermon . A recently wedded Curwensville -couple sent out barge ntunlier of wedding invitatisn Mtoafr which w as one to an old lady. The cards were swell affairs, and one corner lore the inscription: Hhildren not expected-" After adjusting her speratad scanning the card lowly the okt My said : ' 'That's all right, but they'll come just the same.' A railroad policeman last week found a bag of shoes at tfcejtWonds of Juniata Valley OHRps-tteetiHg association. After investigation they were found to ke been among the goods stolen from O-Couimm-s" store itt flrpleton last fall and thev were reffirned to Messrs. O't'ouuor. to-wlt: 1890. -W- l-ndl.. Treasurer, "J. To balance from lHiatatuir m . 5 per cent. added iv-,-.., VSttL I. Per cent, added. But Tcounty Taxes levied, SUU Dlt. 270.4S a34 2.3OS10 V 100. Jsn 1 Balance In Treas urer hands t,364.00 1899. Jan 1. W. W. Landla, cb. treasurer Ky over paid taxes $2.49 By orders paid 1898 14 fift Redemption bonds, 1899 41,0-50 00 Outstanding tax. County 14,419 38 tmimaiiaing nx. Biaie V79.41 Orders paid, 1899 23,868.79 nsiance in ireasurere hands 9,864 00 Over paid tax Cash mm sale of bonda Cash ftomBherilT8toMr, Jury fees ' Cash from gtMrlffBteiMr, fines . ' County share of pool li cence County share of liquor 11 'eeace Kent of Geo. W. Meek Amount of State tax re funded For care of Maud OU1, Su san Auker, Chas. Ram sey mnd Woodard, and tash from K. M. Grey, care of Chas Ramsey tasli from Fayette town ship. Maud ( Jill Cash from W. H. AukeY, Susan Auker Cash from XV. R. Wood ard, Elizabeth Woodard Cash from Milford town ship for funerel expense of Win. Itratton 42,70 10.M 82.00 10.00 25.00 1990 12.00 1,711412 155417 90.98 22.75 68.2 88.25 80.00 ToUl $89,824.62 Total . 899,824.68 1899, Jau. 1. W. Y. Iandis, Treasurer, dot; tax. To balance due from last veaf Outstanding tax 5 per cent added Taxes levied 1K99 W. W. Landls, Treasurer. dog tax. . Orders paid of 1899 Outstanding taxes Cash In Treasurer hands DR. 1,298.52 547.00 13.49 488.75 2,847.76. cn. 8393 27 587.03 1,367.46 2,847.76 OffaWiaff T Dm. SI, 1899. C-olleettirs. Township. County Tax, 1897. W. H.Brubaker. Tbo'pa'nt'n $16.05 A. IK Kerstetter. Busqneha'a 63.64 S. H. Rollmau. Mlfflintown "12.95 John Stoner, Fermanach 4.13 F. Ik Allbaurh, Fayette 9&M 3. H. Dean, Beale . 150.65 1898. S. B. Hetrick, Walker 840.40 James Ioudea, Tuscarora 330.26 Ueo. W. Boyer, Turbett 153.80 W. II. Rrubaker, Tho ps'nt'n 55.97 A. I. Kerstetter, Susqueha'a 840.92 Silas Bears, Bpruce Hill 487.60 Ueo- T. Kepner, Port Roral . 232.99 S. If. Itollman. Mlfflintown 350 46 Samuel Leonard, Lack 200.80 Jacob Forney. Greenwood 207.17 Fred Allbauirh, Fayette 299.82 J. R.Dean. Beale 131.69 W. H. Nelmoud, Moo rue- 26.14 Jesse Groninirer. Milford 838.33 John Stoner, Fermanagh .04 1899. S. 11. Hetrick. Walker 1.630.62 James Louden, Tuscaiora 832.40 Geo. W. Boyer, Turbett- . 423.02 W. H. BrulMiker, Tho'ps'nt'n 133 65 A. I). Kerstetter Susqueha'a 879.96 H. S. ltean Hwm fHU 83006 G. T. Kepner. PWt Mojafl 315-04 J. C North. Patterson. 470.25 W. S Neimond. Monne ' 519 51 Jesse GronliiRer, Milford I4N1.34 S H. Itollman. Mifflin tw 469.96 Samuel Leonard, Lack - 466.79 Jacob Forrey, Greenwood 865.09 John Ktoner, Fermanagh 723.09 Fred AlllMiugh. Fayette 924 15 Sam. Spiclier, Delaware 262.36 J. H. Deau, Iteale 497.90 Total Collectors. 1897. W. H. Rrubaker, Tho'ps'nt'n A. D. Kerstetter, Susqueh'a S- H. Itollman . Mifflin to wo John Stoner, Fermanagh F. ! Alltmugn, Favette J. H. Dean, Iteale 1898- S. B. Hetrick, Walker James Iuden, Tuscarora (ieo W. Boyer, Turbett W. H. Rrubaker, Tho'ps'nt'n A. D. Kerstetter, Susqueh'a Silas Hears, Spruce Hill Geo. T. Kepner, Port Royal S. H. Rollman, Mlfflintown Famuel Leouard, Lack Jacob Forrev, Greenwood Fred Allbaugh, Fayette 3. II. Dean, Beale 1"S. $14,419.38 Townships. SUte Tax. 10 94 13.28 1.51 12 85 27.35 13 03 10.24 43.59 454 28.73 56.14 6.14 OS-W 7.36 75.77 4.24 a It ri.-L- W.llr.r Anotb'eir lg of shoes, j,...-, Louden. Tuscarora upposed lo have beefi of the same Geo. W. Boyer, Turliett lot, were since found by a boy at a j W. H. JWg''SSS haystack near Newton Hamilton. A TSlacVHul The British geueral French has g f KPg? K1 marched his men into Klmberly, J J- c',!LJSt?SlM the center of the IMrttaad diamond JjSi Sg field, aud that is one Vietoty for.fl ff. Rolhman. Mlfflintown the British. The Bdeii htfed to : gteiael 1-eouard, Lack capture the Dlaee aaA with ItJw rv.' xsitch "ecil Rhodes, wls tikey was the conspirator that cuA ed the war that is no tat. " They charge that Cecil Bhol iM&M the head of the troubl M 15?, 0 m the which was the prime present war. Collectors. Townships. Dog Tax W. H." Bmfcaker, Tbo'ps'nt'n r Vwmtmttmr. HflWlUCha'a from all reports the weatnerna( jonn stoner, Fenuaaagn not leen as cold as it usually W in . F. D. Aiinaugn, rayetw John Stoner, Fermanagh Fred Allbaugii. rayetie Baia Spicher, Delaware J. 1L Dean, Beale 27.40 91 JW 1.91 22.41 44.55 ll.6 32.04 84.95 18.81 30 65 44.85 15.75 20.24 11.79 99.82 80.60 8.41 079.41 the' J. H. Dean, Beale - mm a ri w.ra aiiiu . oaQ frost busy to get down, to the ice . R Hetrick, Walker that was uiithawed last snmmer, Ijames Louden, Tuscarora and the inhabitants are hopeful Geo. W. Boyer, TiirbeW that the nKuitoeropfortheeom-l VV. Hb,Tta p. ing summer may have been so af- ( spruce Hill fw ted by the mild winter that the ueo. T. Kepner, Port Royal snap aud vigor has been taken oat j 8. H. Rollman, Mlfflintown ofthern to such a degree fBfig$iL' are too languid to lly. and,-stick ,yidAllbaugh, Fayette - their blood sucking bills. A' num- j. h. Dean, Beale ... . btr of people from tijs connty ex-; W- 8. Neimond, pact to more tojiabotx the coming 3tZProal,,gM' Ml T apriBjj. . y . . B. HetrtekrWalker - 252 6.21 6.10 9.57 18J7 10.50 12.01 8-55 4.90 14.96 16.01 6.56 10.23 9866 34.15 2087 1805 48 25.75 88.80 11.50 4 IS - t.n 12.00 n M 814tt LOO 80.75 20 78 2826 28.75 'MOO 16.75 Total 8587 03 W pmU 8f Tmam 81sf, 1898. 1807. A. D. Kerstetter. Rumiwhs's' ' IMS W. S. Neimond. Mimmt Jesse Groninger, MUford 4JU Total i $1098 1699. Jan 1. J. P. Calhoun. na. Exberlfr. Balance on last settlement $4.80 1900 Jan. 1. J. P. Calhoun. ca. Kx-Sheriir. By eommlmion on fine 84.80 8. C. Stoner; Sheriff. dr. Balance on last settlement ' 84.00 Juryfeesand fines collect'd 28.00 832.00 8. C. Stonar. Sheriff ca. By cash paid to Treasurer 832.00 D. D. Rbinesmith charged 51 days expenses going to Miffln town at the rate of $1 25 per day. Amount $68.75 He alsochargedon general state ment for trip to Richfield on June 14th, which appears on bill rendered August 1st, 1899. and which was already Mid by order Ko. 432. Amount 5.50 He also charges expenses to the State Convention at Erie, for which order No. 5H2 was grant ed. Amount 23.40 "$9265 The above amount is disallowed. Jeremiah Loudenslager charged 51 days expenses going to Mif- niutown at the rate or fi.25 per day 863.75 3.50 3.50 850 2.00 He chances one day Jan. 17. 1899 He charges one day July 6th, 1899 He charges one day Dec. 30, 1899 Expenses to Richfield, Dec. 30th, 1899 No record appears that he at tended the meetings in Jan uary and Julv and he was not at Richfield Dec 30th. he also charges his expenses to State Convention at Erie as appears by order No. 543 - 23.40 The shore la also disallowed. Wm. Puffenberger charges for attending office meetings He also charges his expenses to the State Convention at Erie as appears by order 541 $99.65 $28.50 He has failed to Include In his bill one day and expenses to Ricbileld at Joint meeting of Snyder and Juniata County Commiseloners 21.40 49.90 5.50 844.40 The balance 844.40 Is disallowed- Hugh C. Rhine- present a bill for expenses In delivering as sessment supplies, paid bv or der No 894. Amount $25.00 This we deem excessive as toe postage would amount to about $7.50. and some of the assessors called for their books, but we will allow $lVwhichar dees . -sofflcfcnt to cover all. the ex pease necessary . r- 15.00 $104)0 108.00 Disallowed amount ' Order No. 691. to JL C. Rhine for $155, and 35tlof which Is for his services as Jury Commis sioner, but the balance which he claims Is authorised by the- Act of Assembly of 1897 Is- disallowed, as we consider he is required to do all such work by his original contract with the Commissioners, he ha also charged bis expenses to the State Convention as ap pears by order No. 544 23.50 Amount $188.40 This Is also disallowed. The bUI of Dr. D- M. Crawford for medical and surgical atten dance to the amount of $60 is not allowed, orders Nos. 403 mnd 608 amount 862.00 is intended to cover 1897. 1898. 1899. The amount allowed for these years should be $1 per 'vcar. as per his written contract on file 3.00 Total amount disallowed 859.00 Order No. 588. to M. P. Craw ford for $19.85 for medicine supplies to coun ty jail is not allowed, as this Is included in contract of Dr. D. M. Crawford. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. N. Krister, 1 D. K. Ui.Bicn, Auditors. E. A. Gakmas, J Mlfflintown, Pa., Jan'y 5th, 1900. STATEMENT of orders drawn by the County ComniisHioners of Juniata countv. on the Treasurer tnereor. rrom the 2nd day of January A D 1899, to the 31st day of December, 1899, Inclu atye. CtWkklu mmi JuMiictt Ftti. tdHotpim Fortney, constable f. Fiaafr Patterson, J. P. $4.00 7.67 Total $11.67 OmnmsMUi Wtfrnttt. April term $9011 September term 29-99 Commonwealth vs. Ijouder and Allison 79.81 Commonwealth vs. Flanagan 28.33 Total $227.94 Cbsri and Jersr. Jurors. February term. 1899 $198.96 Court crier. February term. 1S99 6.00 Court crier. Orphans' Court 6.00 Jurors, April term, 1899 320.52 Stenographer, April term. 1890 SO 00 Court crier, April term, 1899 7.50 Court crier. Orphans' Court 5.00 Jurors, September term, 1890 842.12 Stenographer, Sept. term, 18W 89.00 Court crier, September term 7-56 Special officer 4.00 Rnudinsr Jurors 5.00 Yu,rt rrter. Omhans' and Argu ment court Jumra. December term. 1899 808.28 Stenographer, December term 60.80 Court crier mow Rrlinir hirers 6 00 tvairt crier. Orohans' and Argu ment court Total , - $106.18 ttltelarf Ckmmitm: JkmttmtuU mud 1895. Wm- B McCaban . $4.68 ism. Jnarnh Gray. et. al. 177.13 1807, H- B. Hetrick, et al. . 218.64 1898, J- It Gronmger, et. al 675.18 1889. Fred Allbaugh. et. al. 1.434.63 Total W.S Xoftlveaaltbreawrt MIJBmOsera Water Company Pegrte Light iCeaapany J.'Frank Panerson , Insurance Pupptles " ' " ""' 82,41021 100.00 204.38 . 18.00 80.80 "24- 59 Rfwalra . Jaattosf aalatw JaotOorearxar - 1 ' ' H-45 1 . aVtsgw. - W flin bridge - . 8827.11 P"-3 flin bridge . . 970 I mi ' oneuenuerger, plank, Mtf- flin bridge 150.98 Total mm eaa miim timr. B. T. FurchnaU. eC al-. road view, Tuscarora township $21.00 . W. O. Pufienberger. plank. MUV Joseph Sleber, et. al., road view, Mao roe township J. O. Brown, et. aL, road view. Taseatom township . W. R Knox, etaL, road view. J. Bdbkw Wliaea, et. al.. hiidaw view. Spruce Hill townshin Austin Calhoun, drafting apecifi- caiMe lor Dnage i flin bfidae 13.60 iW. L. Stutta, 1 vnuge Ji work; Mlfflm Total 8.90 24-60 11.60 - 6.75 $87 08 Herman Op pie. Log Elliott GUliland, - Log -Elliott GUliland, Log. 1900 C- McCleUan, - town C McClelian. town - SUlea K. Boden, township C D Singer. son town L. A. Dimni, as wood township George G. Crosier, jwyai A. K. Troutman. quehanna township a. M. uowersox. roe townshia John R. Jenkins, ford townabip John R- Jenkins. ford township, 1900 Isaac Hellers, township - -William Millikea, carora township n. 11. tkinxer. township Amos Kinser, township E. P. Graham, Hill township James H. Campbell, Lack township James H. Campbell, Lack township, 1900 u. v. innendernr, a. managh township W. J. Zeiders, assesi son borough H. P. Clark, assessor, township JbgMferteg. Black Black r, Black Beale Thorn p- , Green- Port Sue- Mon- , Mil- r. Mil- Walker ,Tus- assessor, ray we aaaesao., Delaware assessor. Souce assessor, .ssessor. Fer- Patter- Turbett $6.00 12.00 1200 81.07 3080 25.80 18.10 24.70 34 65j 2651 38.0o! 41.28 '82.85 39 40 45J50 414W 88-75 24.9$ 65.70 08.22 27.65 36.00 44.60 9753.64 48.83 2.50 V83.31 48.88 1.50 13.00 6.00 0.50 9.00 81.25 Total Cnaialln' Ktlnru fo Crt. Jesse Arnold, et. al.. February term $47.78 A. K. Oberboltzer. et. al.. April term 60.74 W. K. Nankivel. et. al.. Septem ber terra 57.38 Joseph Ijandia. et. al.. December term 68.94 Total $234.84 W. F. Snyder, burying tramps' 28.00 J. Derr. nursing' Injured tramps 14.48 W. J. Stutts, nurning injured tramps . . . 64.00 H. C. Rhine, transportation for injured tramps 23.16 L. Banks A Co.. medicine for t ramis . 5.00 If. C. Rhine, attention for tramps ' 8.00 Ferd Myers, supplies for tramps 26.90 J. R. M. Todd. J. P.. commit ting tramps . 169.75 J. Frank Patterson, committing tramps 76.99 Total '$416.28 BarUI s estreat SaUitn. ' M. Gabel, burial Lewis Market 835.00 W. F. Snyder, burial George Dumm 85.00 W-TVsOsjfSr.T.I&eat. , .- Total T. W . Auker,' tomb for James Russell - . T. W. Auker, Beasom -T. W. Auker tomb Dumm T. W. Auker, tomb Stewart T. W. Auker, tomb Sheets tomb for Henry - for George for Henry for W. P. Total Sealf C$rtiJUatm. John E. Kauflman, et. al - $14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 . 14.00 $70.00 II. R lice J. C. Dimm, supplies and blanks for office Mary J. Hunt, supplies for office Wm. G. Johnson A Co., books and supplies W,U. Itollman, supplies Geo. II. Cramer, official fees W. II. Zeiders, official fees S. K. Kinzer, express W. W. I.hihUp, treasurer, .one years' salary O. C-. Gortner, county institute expenses T. K. Beaver, ct. al. county au ditors B. F. Burt-afield, auditing coun ty oiflees S. 8. Ruble, repairing chairs Alexander McClure, Jury Com missioner '. ISaAiuet Aucaud, Jury Commis sioner- H. C. Rhine clerk for Jury Com missioner Robert McMeen. attorney of ' commissioners Robert McMeeu, retaining fees, Joseph Dougherty vs. Juniata . t-otmty $281.76 $281.75 Total CMsfy Prtfea. M. C. Stoner, boarding prisoners $376.83 S. C. Stoner, taking prisoners .to penitentiary CT.'Mt S. C. Stoner fees of office 100.00 Ferd. Meyers, clothing for pris oners 121.95 E. Scbott, merchandise for pris oners 19.09 Dr. D. M. Crawford, medical at tendance 62.00 M. P. Crawford, medicine for prisoners 19.85 W. A. Stutts. nursing injured tramps 30.00 W. N. Sterrett, coal for jail 77.62 Manlck A Nelson, coal for jail 225.68 F. W. Noble, et. al., repairs :M).78 Total $1,131.30 Baud Paid During 199. James G. Thompson H -500.00 W. II. Zeiders 1 ,000.00 John Weller 100.0)1 John Koons 150.00 Exra C. Doty 22,900.00 First National Bank 10 400.00 C. B. North oOO.OO Total 841,0.10.00 hUrttt. Interest $4,204.00 Total $4,2H.O0 Vtairng ud SUtiontry. J. C. Dimm, publishing court pruclamation,four terms court $32.00 J. C. Dimm, publlibing jury list, four terms court 12.00 J. C. Dimm, supplies for office 34.15 J. C. Dimm, publishing county statement 45.00 J. C. Dimm, publishing election proclamation . 50.M Total $173.15 Harry E. Bonsall, publishing court proclamation four terns court . $32.00 Harry K. Bonsall, publishing county statement 48.00 Harry E. Bonsall, publishing election proclamation, 50.00 Harry E. Bonsall, supplies for office - 33.75 Total $160.75 A. C. Allison, publishing court proclamation, four terms of court $32.00 A. C. Allison, publishing eoun ty statement 45 00 A. C. Allison, publishing elce- tiou proclamation 49 50 Total $12ri..iu It. F. Scbwaier, publishing court proclamation, four terms of court $tfi.50 B. F. Schweier, publishing coun ty statement 45.00 B. F. Schweier, publishing elec tion proclamation ' 51.00 J. Homing, nlank and -wxJ basta bridge -W. O. Puffenberger, plank and' work, Basin bridge W. O. Puffenberger, plank, Cuba bridge W. B. Horning, " work, Cuba bridge Ibra Loudeuslager, work, Thompaontown bridge Luke Davis, work, Thompaon town Borough bridge Harry E. Eaton, et. al., repair ing Showers' brid&e- W. D. Walls, plank, McClure's bridge Geo. I,. Hower. labor and ma- tealal, Tuscarora township bridge 1.96 Samuel Pannebaker, lumber for county bridges in Tuscarora and Lack townships . 128.44 H. C. Rhine, plank for bridges in -i-uscaiora and xack town ships Wm.-. Slaughterback, plank. Crow Roads bridm Ibra Loudenslager, work, Cross Roads bridge Knight A Yeigh, repairs Cross Roads bridire H. P. Clark, et. al.. rerjairine and snowing Port Roval bridm Edward Gill. et. al.. renairing and snowing Mexico hridre Jonathan Burns, aepalring Coco- lamus onage. Mevlin Dimm, repairing Dimm's bridge Jonathan Kizer, repairing Kizer's bridge Jerome Kerchner, repairs to Mil ford township bridge H. J.Shelleuberger, plank, Gron- inger's bridge E. G. Sheaffer, et. al., repairing Susouehanna bridee James J Horning. reDairintr Horningtown bridge Wm. Pufleuberger, time aud ex pense bridge work D. D. Rhluesmith, time and ex pense bridge work J. Loudenslager, time and ex pense bridge work " Juniata couuty's cost of Joint bridge 89.56 51.20 8.00 16.25 5.50 7.00 19 25 21.90 fiarfh-" -f fiuutg Outstanding coonty bonds 114(14.00 Outstanding county orders 288.28 State taxes overpaid to collectors 10.98 Total . Cash in treasurer's hands Outstanding county tax Outstanding state tax Outstanding dog tax . . 114,588.42 10,731.46 14,419.38 979.41 87.08 otat ' ,28,717.28 Liabilities over assets 87,806.14 We, the undersigned. Commissioners of Juniata county, In compliance with the law do publish tbe foregoing state ment of the receipts and expenditures of the county aforesaid for the year end ing December Slot, 1880 as found on the records of this office, H. Cixvi Hobrtoo, Robert Lono, . -John W. Hostktlkr, Attrbt. Commissioners. John R. Jkkkins, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, Mlfflintown. January 27, 1900. Lome K. Ararasoa. P. U. M. rassata. ATaum4n rarnBt.i.. ATTORNEYS- XT - LAW. mfrxurTOWit, pa. Ollias .Oa Mala street, la fimea f aeaee sr la bis a. atnassa, axqM nni arMgs shwet. rOet2.lsif pyCsllssflat sad Oeayeysaelae prtM!11 WIUKBfiroataTB bchwctrr. Atterne7WLt-Lair. 8tarCollect!ons and sll legal busi promptly aitoadad to. O'FFICK IN COURT HO'fSK. 31.89 1 a..uxaAwroBB, . aswts Jjt4wt.,.-t n CBAWPORD a 8ON. bav fnrtaad a psitaewaie for th jv-" e of MadieiBS aad their eollattarsl braiM-hf. OIHcs at eM sraad, eoraer of Third M r aae atrratr. tiiflliatows, Pa. Oar or both e' them will bs fonaa st tlsMr effiee st all naraa, aaless othsrwlse preftMsloa-iI; en gacd. April 1st, 1898. 8.07 10.98 4.45 17.68 28.50 46.75 38.00 192.22 JP.DERR, Total $1,590.30 ' - Ctmmit iumert' Oflet. Wm. Pufienberger, time and ex penses $238.50 D. D. Rbinesmith, time and ex penses 334.75 J. Ijoudenslager, time aud ex penses 335.50 If. C. Rhine, commissioners' clerk, one year's salary 600.00 Pat A42TICA 8, DEWTI8T. Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental 1 College. Office at old established lo ostioa. Bri(! Stfe,.. "rposite Mn Hoase, Afiminfowii, Pa. Crown sad Bridge work; Psialsss Extraction. All work gaaranleed. Does voor aria eoataia aay sediment ? Is the lew past of 1 weak aad lame? Dees yonr aria have a whitiik, milky color f Is there a amarting or scalding sensation ia passing It ? Doss it pain you to hold it ? Da yow desire to oriaats often, especially at sight J . If ycn have aay of these symptoms, your Kidneys are dissd aad yewr life is ia danger. More people die ef aaca disoraers taas mm killed ia wars. Dr. DmHd X-amedy JPavorite Mtmrndy ' a direct and ears ear. It goes straight to the seat of diseases in the Kidneys, Bladder aad Blood. II hast at aad drives from the system all the impurities that cause pain ia the hack. Bteae la the Bladder Brighfs Disease, Urinary Troubles, and die eases of the Stomach and Liver. It acts at once. There ia so long waiting to see if it wist help. "For years I suffered with my Kidneys," writes Thomas QvACKsmusu, of Pittsfield, Mass. The pain ia my back was so severe at times that I was obliged to keep to my bed. I suffered awfully whoa passiag water, whioa was often discolored with bleed. I tried almost everything ia the shape af mediciae, but nothiafj seemed to help me. One day I got a bottle of Dfm Dar id Kennedy m Fmrottte Mamedy aad used M but a little while whea it braced me right ap. Hf back became all right, ao pais at all; my water cleared p aa4 passed from me without paia, and I grew better in every way' 1 consider it a great mediciae, as it has done wonders for me. My wife asea it for female complaint, aad thlaka it' the aaess medicine ia the world." Osnspto Dofflo Frcom Every man and woman who reads this paper aad ia ia aeed ef medicine, ia invited to send full postoffice address for a free trial bottle ef Tmrarita Remedy to the Da. David KxsNttbr Cokposation, Rondout.'N. Y. Our offer is genuine, and the fact that it appears in this paper is a guarantee that the trial bottle will be sent prepaid. Don't delay in writing, and mtnlian this fafer. A large bottle costs $1.00 at all drug stores. 1 Total $I,5(IN.75 i uatie Offlcu. Bonsall, supplies fur of- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD- 19, Schedule in Nov. Effect 1899. WESTWARD. Wiv Pamnrrr. leaves Philadelphia at 4 80 a. m: Harrisburar 8 00 a. m: Duncannon 8 35 a. m: New Port 9 05 a. m: Mlllerstown 9 15 a. m: Durword O 91 . m ThAmnnnlnvn O Oil m TTI ' Van Dvke 9 33 a. m: Tuscarora 9 30 a. 103 4-t m. MptIpo fl 4ft a ni! Port Roval 9 44 a. m: Mifflin 9 50 a. m: Den holm 9 55 a. m; lwistown 10 13 a. m: McVeytown 53.85 ' 15.29 19.17 36.50 IJi-JI. lft R Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. 1.35 400.00 18-5 00 90.00 m: Mount Union 11 06 a. m: Hunting- 1 don 11 32 p. m: TV rone 12 20 p. m: Al- tonne 1 00 p. m: Pittsburg 5 60 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m : Harrishunr at 11 48 a. m: Mimin 1 11 n. m; Lewletown 1 30 p. m; Huntlng , don 2 29 p. m: Tyrone 3. 12 n. m: Al- fivMi. 3i.;n m! Pirtahtiiw M 4il n m 99 1 Altoona Accommodation leaves Har- L00 4H.-i0 risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 84 'n m unnrt D fli n m? Millnirnwn ID II V. IU TTuscaiora rTlrompspntown 6 21 p. ftft p. m: Mexico 8 p. 50.00 i 7 SO p. m: Newton m ITiiTtt in trl.tTi Q Oft ... .... IK t , .. ...p .. .. - W.W- tlVmn. O A n m. Altnnna O SA !.81 ' Total $1,3:1 Central and Sariwg Election: Alt. Holly supplies ror elec tion J. C. Dimm, printing tutllots ('onimiKdiotiersdeliveriiiRhallots To elect lou officers, constables, ncorH and election house rents for general and spring elections ,172.5)i mircblielu & I'ennell, clerkiuz election returns 8.00 1S.50 105.09 30.00 f-Vll.lS lOO.fO 15.0( 15.70 21.40 Total Mitctllantont. Paid western iieniteiitisry Paid Pennsylvania Reformatory 524.1K' I'aia i-cniiHyivanta wraie Luna tic Asvltnn ' 091 ii Paid W. V. Landis State tax on county debt 30l.2i J. H. Reacom, state tax 1809 . 2.2-VS.7!) Juniata county Agricultural So ciety K. C. Doty, tax returned on tim ber laud William Pufienberger, expenses in bridge work William Puffenberger, expenses to Commissioners' Convention D. I. Rhluesmith, expenses in bridge work D. D. Rbinesmith. expenses to Coramiraioners' Convention J. Ixnidenslager, expenses, iu bridge work J. LoudetmlaKer, expenses and bridge work J. Loudenslager, expensee to Commissioners' Convention H. C- Rhine, paid freight, tele phone, etc Paid expeuses distributing asses sors supplies Paid expenses Taid salary for state tax work Paid extra services to commis sioners Paid expenses to Commissioners' Convention Jesse Arnold, (constable) et. al. filing bonds .Solomon Fortney, forest fires W. A. Dee ring, forest fires K. R. Landis, forest fires James M. Thompson, forest fires Charles Dumm, forest fires Samuel 1-app, special officer at. court Samuel Lapp, special officer at institute Paid Andrew C. Allison, pos- m; m: j Port Royal 6 88 p. m: Mifflin 6 43 p. m; ! Deuholm 6 49 D. ra: Lewistown 7 07 n. fro: McVeytown ' Hamilton 7 50 p. p. m; Tyrone v vz p. m; jp.m. - : - 40.00' r-ncinc express leaves rnuaueipnia at 11 zu p. m: tiarnsburg at s uu a. ra. Marysville 8 14 a. m. Duncannon 8 29 a m. Newport 8 52 a m. Port Roval 4 25 a. m. Mifflin 4.30 a. m. Lewistown 4 52 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m j Huntingdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 6 19 a. m. Tyrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a. m. 1'ittsburg 12 iu a. m. Oyster Kxrress leaves Philadelphia at 4 85 p. m. Harrisburg at 10 20 p. m. Newport 11 06 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. m. Iewhitown 11 58 p. m.; Huntingdon 12 &5 a. in. Tyrone 1 32 a. m, Altoona 2 00 a. m. Pittsburg 5 0 a. m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m. Harrisburg 8 45 p. m. Duncan non 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 90 p. m. Mif flin 5 02 p. m. Lewistown 5 22 p. m. Mount Union 6 03 p. m. - Huntingdon 6. 22 p. m. Tyroue 6 59 p. m. Altoona 7 35 p. m. Pittsburg 11 80 p. m. EASTWARD. Altoona Accommodation leaves Al toona at 5 00 a. ni. Tvrotie 5 24 a. m. Petersburg 5 45 a. m. Huntingdon 5 57 a. in. Newton Hamilton 6 21 a. m. Mc- Vevtown 6 87 n. m. rewistown 6 58 a. m.' Mifflin 7.18 a. m. Port Royal 7 22 a. m. Thompsontown 7 87 a. m. Millers- town 7 40 a. m. Newport 7 55 a. m. Duncannon 8 20 a. m, Harrisburg 8 50 a. m. $1,334.15 16.23 21.40 16.88 20.00 23.40 5.50 25 00 .11.00 242.87 105.00 23.40 23.82 31.14 29.8.- 15.66 20.07 12.97 5.0: 5.00 tage and box rent Paid 8. K. Kinzer, expreesage Paid Julius Derr, work on dead tramps Paid W. L. Stutts, extra janitors salary Paid Daniel R. Reitx, et. al., d ravage, etc 23.04 3.35 4.24 6.00 0.0-3 Total 5,201.42 kUeapUulation. Total $125.10 Wm. J. Jackman, pobliehing - . court proclamation, four terms court 32.00 Wm. J. Jackman. publishing county Btateniant . . 45.00 Wm. JT. Jackman, publishing elect ion proclamat ioa . 50.00 W. J. Jackman, subscription ' -1.50 Total Total for year Constables and justices fees 11.67 Commonwealth witnesses - 227.94 Col lecticnft,('orujuiioi!. Abate ments ana ioncratlons 2.410.21 Court and Jurors pay 1JW6.18 ! Public buildings and grounds 908.23 Assessing and Registerlug 753.64 Constables returns to court " 234.84 Tramps uuder act 1885 416.28 Hurts of Indigent soldiers 70.00 Head stones for indigent soldiers 70.00 Scalp certificates ... . 281.76 County prison - ' 1,131.30 Ponds paid 1899 - 41,060.00 Interest paid 1899 - 4.264.00 Printing and stationery. 714.00 Commlasionem office . - 1,608.75 Bridges 1889 -r " '1,590.30 PnblTc offices 1,322.81 General and spring elections 1 ,334. 15 , - - . . $128.50 Mlscellaneoos $714.00. Total 64,962.62 Sea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. m Huntingdon 8 80 a. m. MeVeytown 9 15 a. m. Lewistown 9 35 a. m. Mifflin 955 a. m. Port Royal '9 59 a. m. Thompson, town 10 14 a. m. Millerstown 10 22 a m. Newport 11 32 a. m. Duncannon 10 54 a. m. Marysville 11 07 a. m. Harris burg 11 25 a. m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. m Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg st 8 00 a. m. Altoona 11 40 a, ru, Tyr ue 12 u p. m. Huntingdon jzs-, p. m. Lewistown 1 33 p. m. Mifflin 1 50 p. ni. Harrisburg 8 10 p. m. Baltimore 6 00 p. m. Washington 7 15 p. m. Philadelphia 6 23 p. na if ail leaves Altoona at 2,05 p. m. Ty rone 285 p. m. Huntingdon 3 17 p. m. Newton Hamiltou 8 47 p. m. McVey town 4 20 p. iu. Lewistoarn 4 S3 p. m. Mifflin 4 55 p. m. Port Royal 5 00 p. m. Mexico 5 20 p. m. Thompaontown 5 18 p. m. MlUerstown 5 28 p. m. Newport 5 39 p. m. Duucaniioii 6 08 p. m. Har risburg 6 45 p. m. Mail Express leaves Plttsburgat 12 45 p. m. Altoona 5 55 p. m- Tyrone 6 27 p. m. Huntingdon 7 10 p. m. McVey town 7 51 p. m- Lewistown 8 10 p m. Mifflin 8 80 p. m. Port Royal 8 84 p. m. Millerstown 8 57 p. m. Newport 9 05 p. m. Duncaunon 9 29 p. m. Harrisburg 10 00 p m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts burg at 4 80 p. m. Altoona 9 05 p. m- Tyrone 9 88 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p. m. Mount Union 10 82 p. ai. Lewis- town 11 18 p. m. JAfflin 11 37 p. m- Har risburg 1 00 a- m. Philadelphia 4 80. At Lewistown Junctiou. For Sun- bury 7 50 a. m. and 340 p. m. week days. For idlroy 7 55, 11 45 a. m. and 8 00 p. m- week-days. At Tyrone. or Clearfield and cur wensville 8 20 a. m. 8 20 and 7 20 p. a. week-days. 1 For Bellefonte and Lock Haven 8 10 a. m. 12 ao and 7 la p. m- week-days. For further information apply to Ticket Agents, or Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent, Western Division, Comer Fifth Aveuue and 8mithfield Street, i'itlsburg. J. B. HUTCHINSON, General Wan'g'r. J.R.WOOD. General Pass'r. Agt, Blood and Mcrv are very close ly related. Keen the blood rich, pure and healthy, with Hood's baraaparilk, and you will have no nervousness, H :od'S Pills :rc bei gttcr-dianer pii'w.sKl digestion, prevent const ijwttoo Bargain Days! Bargain Dsiys! -AT SCHOTT'S STORES, Commencing Feb. i and contin ue until Feb. 28th. The geaeral upward tends ncy in Prioes asakes onr February Bargain Days of more than ordinary interest. Our 8 ores are now alive with money saving opportunities. It will pay jou to take the time aad eome to oar Stores now. Hundreds of Yards of fiae Dress Goods in Stoek at 7o a yard in Worst ed and Broesde; worth 15o at l5o a yard ia fancy Brooade and Henriettas, 40 inch wide, worth 36c, all colors at 17$o a yd. Bright fsnoy worsted plaids, worth 38o at 41c a y ard; a fine unbleached muslin worth 6e at 5o a jsrd, s rmooth h ary yellow muslin worth 8a, looks like Apple'on A - At 5o yd a good bleached muslia, worth 7Jo. At 6o yd a belter quilily B eeohed mns in, worth So. At 7o ysrd or yds for $1.00 for which you psy lOots a yard to day. At 10$e a yd, yellow pillow case sheeting, 45 inch wide or a 42 iaea bleaehed pillow ease i heeting, worth 15s. At 12Jo yd, a 10x4 yeiiow sheeting, worth 15o At ICe a jsrd, a 10x4, bleaohed sheeting; worth 21o At 12Je yd, Ready made Pillow Cases, Utiea Mills; worth ISo. At 17e yd, a Bed table Cloth; worth 25o. At 25c a yd; tsblo linen: worth 38o At 45o a yd, a fine Irish Table Linen; wortli 75- At 3o a jd, a good toweling; worth 5e. . . At 6 Jo a yard, a good linen crash toweling; worth 9o. At So yd, a good Shaker flaonel: worth 8o. At So yrJ, Laneaster Amos Keg Oihghams worth 7e At 4o a yard, a very good Qinghsm for comfort; worth tile. At 5e yd, Indigo Blue, fanoy and blaok calicos, worth 7. At 5e yd, good outing flionel, worth 8o. A! 50?i pir of fe'sne worth lio. - . At 89c, a phii of blankets, orth $125. At $1.25, a pair or Blankets, worth $1.75. At $2 98 to $4 50, a pair ef fine California wool blaaketi, worth f 5 40 to $6.00. Carpets, Oil Clcth, Window Shades: At lOo yd, a good stiiped Room Carpst worth 18c at 12ie a jd, a better qualit room esrpet worth '20o. At 2ht yd, a very room carpet worth SOc. At '25c yd, a fine newer or rag carpet, worth 35e aad all the oboioest se lections of oarpet ia Ingrain, Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet aiastor at redaeed prices. At 14o yd, a good hair earpet Al 121c. a yard of 45 inob table oil eloth worth 13c. At 10e for Felt Shades, at 25c for Oil Sbadea. Spring Boiler Laeo Car faias, Draperies aad Ruga at rednsed prieea. At 12o red flannel children underweaa, small tiies. worth S&s. At 45c. a shirt and drawtr for men , worth 75o. At 5c for children bore mostly lCo and 15e goods. At I9c for Ladies and children's rabbets, sites k to 4 in ladiss. At 75a, a pair of Ladies Shoea, former price 1.50 to 2 00. Felt Boots, all foot-wear at redaeed prioes. Ladies' ooats and eapea, Children's ooatg, Ladies' skirts aad waists at extja low aad specially Redaeed prioes. While winter and weariag it has still three month in riew, we rather have the Ion now when yea ass the goods, and yon save a great many dollats, if yon have to bay these goods aezt sea son. While onr Booms are pouring forth Qraod Lots ef seasonable goods oa each Article yov save money, somet:mes half and often more. Don't miss these Bargain Days. SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 to 109 Bridge Street, 1865, ESTABLISH ED. 1900. Special Invitation To The Public To Attend the Attractive Sale ol Clothing goea on daily trout ' THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY it'willbe TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who fiave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN - It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE i of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prioes leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't Nil to give him a call if in need of Clothing, D. W. 1 A R L E Y Tit IFF-LXM TOWN