Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 07, 1900, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 7, 1000.
Awat with espaDbion shouts Mr.
Bryan, but Mr. itrynu is a practical
expanniouibt. Ha expanded in the
vtest a2u grw up witb the country.
AvtaicAN il-ali-rra iu booz9 hva be
gun to ehip their drinks to Maai'a
wht re saloous aud burs like in Amer
ica are opend. What effect Amer
ican club lifo will have upon tha in
habitants of the far awav part of the
world, time a'oue can tell. A large
percentage of Americms like club
life as represented in i'R various
phestp, ficru tbo open sul'xin and
bar-room to the more txclusive club
room where only those are admitted
who are members.
Kentuckv is now undergoing an
acute attack f uaoivil.'zition over
the question of the Governorship in
which Wm. Goebel one of the two
contestants for the office of Govtrner
lost his life from a stetl bu'let thot
from a Krag Jorgeursen rifla by a
murderer in enibush. The bullet
pierced the coat of mail that Gicbel
wore, and passed through his right
lung and with the links of the broken
coat of mad made a frightful wound.
Goebel was shot as b.9 was passing
acroes the Capitol grounds at Fi auk
fort, Ky., oa the 30th of January
and died on tha 3rd of February.
Goebel was one of two democratic
candidates last fall for the Governor
ship against the republican candi
date W. S. Tylor; the democrats be
iog divided Taylor c-uried the state
by two thousand three hundred and
eighty-three votes and was installed
Governor on tho 12th day of Dacem
ber 1899. Goebol had contested his
election before all of the tribunals
made and provided for such cases and
when the Legislature convened he
came forward in tb-tt body as a con
testant. I; appears th.it the Lagis
ldture at a previous session had pass
ed a law to meet cases of contest for
the Governorship and lodged the
settlement of contested cases with
the legislature. When the present
Legislature convened the G.jebel men
had a majority of 32 on joint hallo',
and using their majority they declar
ed Gaebel the Governor of Ken
tucky and preparations were being
made to seat him as the chief execu
tive of the state when the assassin's
bmMet laid hitn low. Tae'oath of of
fice was administered to him while
he ly on his death bed. The Cbief
Justice of the Court of Appeals ad
ministered the oath. The candidate
for the Lieutenaut Governorship
iidctnam on the ticket with Goebel
waj also sworn in as Governor. At
first the assassination was btlievd
to be of a political nature by some
half crazy democrat or republicin,
nut it, is now believed tuat politics
naa notning to uo witn the murder
It grew out of a business transaction
of some years ago when an effort
was nude to reduce the loll on a
bridge across the Qforwr-'r betl?S&n4
-S'r-UW?K3:- Gjt-bel hd
the bridge toll reduced to one cent
by act of legisture. A man ramed
John Sat. ford owned stock in the
bridge. Us was enraged at Goebel
for hnvibg the bridge toll reduced
and berated Goebel in a newspaper
article. Goebel replied through a
newspaper in such a way that San
ford declared that he would shoot
Gjeb.ol on sight. Not many days af
terwards Goebel was passing a bank
j-ist as Sanford came out of the
place. "Did you wri?e that article? '
asked Sanford. "Yep!" leplied Goe
bel. Sanford swuDg his hand to his
pistol pocket. Goebel was to qnick
for him, drew his pistol and shot
Oolonel Sanford dead. Goebel was
arrested and tried for murder, but
was acquitted on the plea that the
shooting had been done ia self da
feuse. It is now said that one of
S-inford's friends took advantage of
the political disturbance to shoot
Goebel, believing that, tho shooting
woul I be attribHted to some other
person for political reasons There
is excitement in Kentucky at this
writing, Tuesday, February 5, and
the outcome is not clear. An effort
is being mads to settle the trouble
in the courts. Gjvc-rnor Taylor bus
called the Legislature to meet at
London. Ths Goebel members have
scattered and wiit-not attend at Lon
don. Mrs. Fistler of Harrisburg lies
oeen the guest of J. B. M. Todd and
Mio Belle Kirk has returned from
a fiiv wafitil ITlolf tr Tra A nun Tnnlr.
sou in Altoona 1
r wu tj..-i,ci.i rr .-V
ixib f nail . Duiu'.unti ui UarntJ-
burg, spent from Tuesday until Sat-urdaj-
with her sis'er Mrs. Frank
Saturday morning Miss Willa Mc
Nitt started for Pittsburg where she
will enter tha regular college course
of the Pennsylvania College for
First Hen.-Pry, what are you
cackling about?
Second Hen. I laid two eggs.
First Hen. 1 11 6ee- that, you are
dismissed from the union. Just
when we have eggs rp t thirly cents
a dozen you have to begin laying
Ohio State Journal.
Th? PctcsylvanU Railroad Com
I:.t has arranged fur a special per
sonally conducted tour through Cali
fornia lo leave New York and Phila
delphia rn Ft brory 27, by epeci-d
Puliai:! i dr-i3g-ro--ni a'e. pitg c i
and coatrciirg at El Paso with The
Mxiv and California Special,
corppootd exclusirely of Pullman par
I r racking, diuing, drwiag room
'tcit!'?. oonifart, anvi clvrTtiv.n
f :r t .'U' ihrough C-alifvrcin, re
tnmm x Varcb
K ju 1 trip tick', covfiin ali
i -o-'xirT jiiiw,, friiw ail
. I .1' in InnT'ii italiroaa.
F r f irtht-r i f tuiii apply ..
Hr N-w V. rk: 4 'ourt Strt,
BmoMjD; 789 Broad S'reet, N-iwarl, !
N. J ; li. OourlaeDder, Jc PaBf-nst-r
Aieot Baltimore District, J5 Itim-:r,
Md j Cjlin Studdp, Passenger Aget-t
So-itheasterii District, Washingtor,
D. C ; Tbo s. E Wat. I'asseneer
A-runt, Westf-rn District, Pit'sbur,
ItV; or address Gjo. Boyd, A3Ris
tant General Passenger Acnt, Phil
adelphia 12-5.
Iiuekleu's Arnica Salve.
Vallentines next Wedtiesday.
Spring election day, February
Dr. King's New Life Pills. '
January 1900 came iu
fold and
went out cold.
February came iu cold and will
go out wait aud see.
This is court week with not a
civil case on the list for trial.
Dr. lviug's New Life Pills.
Elect good and capable men for
borough and township oilicers.
The Lenten season begins, this
year in the lasi day of February.
County fair associations are an
nouncing the time for the holding
of their annual fairs.
Dr. King's New Discovery.
Howard Leach has sold his farm
iu Fermanagh township to J. T.
Kunibaugh for $1K00.
The bazaar and social in the
Presbyterian church was largely
attendel last Friday evening.
Miss Gertrude Pomeroy jof Port
Royal, visited among relatives in
town the latter part -of last week.
Dr. King's New Discovery.
Counterfeit dollars and half dol
lars are reported in circulation in
Altoona. They arc of the year
A man at Lamed, Kansas, has
advertised for sixty thousand Jack
rabbits.. lie pay's the hunters octs
a piece.
A railroad seventy-eight miles
long is to be constructed iu Porto
Rico by the Pennsylvania Steel
Company of Steclton.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The river closed at this place on
the morning of ground-hog day,
which is the second close of the
stream this winter.
The English are not within 40
miles of lioreland with their army
and 300 miles from Pretoria the
Capitol of the country.
Holmes Irwin, who on account
of sickness has been absent six
weeks is again at his place in the
Juniata alley
:y National Rank. . md sleet, but with all that
", T ',T - , vpeongregatiou was present to
James J. Horning ha.sl, , 7 . . , .
. , , " , uh is last sernion and wish hn
been to Ohio to make plans aud
specification for a house that one
of his brothers contemplate s build
ing. Dr. King's New Discovery.--
Rrvau the past week has leen
swinging around the circle iu the
New England states. The burden
of his speeches has been the de
nunciation of the trusts.
Twins were lxru to Jacob A o
gang and wife, ami almost one hun
dred people of Lost Creek Valley
have called to congratulate the pa
rents and take a hiok at the babies.
Dr. King's New Discovery
The John Porter farm in Milfo'rjf
township, formerly the Khellburuj
Robisou farm of over two hundred
acres was sold on Friday by the
sheriff to Squire George "Wilson
for $-',7:20. I
,. . e i i f .i T
shipped five car-loads of walnut
, yt. ... . rru i i
logs from this station. The logs;
wilhiu a distance of six miles of
Bucklen's Aruic:i S;ilve.
A long train of horses and c
from railroad tunnel work
Spruce (.'reek passed through town
on Sunday. It is said the train
belonged to contractor tennis
The giave of President John Ty- j
Icr is unmarked in a cemetery at -
Richmond, Virginia, except by a
small head-stone that the ceme
tery association set up to mark the
grave for sight seeing strangers
,Dr. King's New Discovery.
The disappearance of Mabel Atj
rand an 18 year old school girl
from her home at Rurnham, Mif
11 1 ii county, is a mystery that has
aroused in that community the
general attention and sympathy to
ward the girl and her parents.
Uncklen's Arnica Salve.
The 4:rd and 47th regiments in
the Phillipine Islands have recent
ly captured 9 towns. They over
came the Filipino army of 5000.
1000 had rifles; 4000 were armed
with wooden implement of war.
leius oi war.
ny were killed.
ife Pills. J
took his ile-
AKnit 75 of the enemy were kille
Dr. King's New Li
Rev. A. N. Raven
partnre at 5 p. in., on Monday for
Seattle, Washington State, a place
where the roses bloom ut-doors
the vear round. Me 11 preach in
Seattle next Suudav if the Ixrd"s
williug. A numlier of church j
iuemler friends were at the station j
to bid him farewell.
Dr. King's New Life Pills
lbw liirhtlv people talk
alHut 1
war; nw unuy mey iuik hovui
tbe governments of Kurope uniting i
and making common -ause ag;unst ;
iIand aiid wiping her oil Ihe ; nrai took pl:ce oa Tuesday at 10
map of nations. "What an awful oVIm k. Her oldest daughter lives
calamity that would le to invole j j Incasier and one daughter iu
millions of iumM-ent pHple in desid-; the west and 4 mum in the wot.
ly strife. Thejieople f the world j christian Faideaver day was ob
should le well nigh on far enough served in the Presbyterian cliurcb
in intelligrn. tiMand up for theiroll SjtbUith exening.
rights and M-e to it that war is not ; A patty of young folks held a
etigagiHl iu or Marled by the ilice-: Miiind rty on Friday evening at
holder without the exprwed con- j (hP houd i.eidu. They all rvjx.rt
ciit of the people. If the jKople'a jj,,,
were eiiiMiltel U'fore engaging in The I'resbyterian eongregatioii
war lew war won Id e engge.lin. surprise I their pntor by mail on
The island of Cuba has a pr-pu- Monday evening by each one send
lation of a million and a half of ing him a handkerchief, it being
people. That is fifty thousand less his birth -day. .
than when the last census was tak- : Darwin Martin bonght the S. E.
en by the Spanish in 1887. , Jamison homestead for 1,700.
Dr.' King' New Discovery. j . roLITIcAL''AOUE .
Miss Louise Puy, a MorristownJ S1E!ITS
X. J. girl is troubled with the hal- i The following scale' of prices for an
luci nation that she is made of uouneementB has been mutually agreed
wood. When the hallucination ' "P"" fcv the undersized and no devia
ortmoa i hn. , .;ii t-i.nii tion from the same will be made,
conies on her she Mill stand-still, congress;: Henator SlO; Iegisla-
aml tell people she cannot move ture $7; Itegister A Recorder Sheriff
that she is made of wood. Representative Delegate to State
. , ,. . ...... ... . : Convention and Chairman of County
it-saiuon's uirtiwia-y win oe
made interesting at Harrisburg as
the oceasiou to officially receive on
the p:irt of Governor t?tone, a nnm-:
ber of cannon captured from the'
.Spaniards during the late war for i
humanity and free government. v jf didate for cnprcs in the 18th Con
T , it . , I srewional district, subject to the rules
Jacob II. Stoner who lives lfe.ir of the Republican part v.
Shade mountain north of town says I THADDEUS M. MAIIOX.
a lear came down into the valley j STATE SEXATK.
the other mht nn1 invaflwl PpSnno
Hower's barn-yard and
break into the hog-pen.
and devouied a rea-frvvl
, aljout the hog pen.
The sun ime up in a
atmosphere in this valley on the
morning of ground hog day, which
according to old time story means
six weeks' more of winter. The
ground-hog story comes from the
b lrlesqne of Protestants on the
candlemas of the Catholics.
A few more weeks and the loug
holiday that that the farmers have
during the winter mouths will have
passed and they will le busy with
their larm work. The farmer's
life is the best, if he is contented.
However, if a man is "discontented
any calling he pursues is misery to i
Hollobaugh & Son have been un
commonly successful in conducting
the clothing business and find their
present quarters to small for their
expanding business. On the 1st of
April 1900, they will open in the
large stoie room formerly occupied
by Joseph Pennell in Patterson.
Great ,bargains may be obtained
now from them. Yon know where
they do business, always obliging
and ready to suit yon witb what
ever you waut. Drop in end learn
for yourself. After April 1st, 1900,
they will be in their new and en
larged quarters with a new stock,
but you can get a bargain ltefore
they move as well as after they
Rev. A. N. Raven late pastor of
Westminster Presbyterian church
in this town is on his way to Se
attle, Washington State, having
leen called thore to preach for a
Presbyterian f congregation. He
preached his last sermon in this
town on Sunday evening. The ev
ening was inclement with rain and
a large
to hear
m fare
well. His sermon was from the
20th chapter, 32nd verse of tho
Acts of the Apostles: "And now,
brethren I commend you - to - Cod,
and to the word of his grace which
is able to build you up, and to give
you an inheritance among all them
which are sauctified." ?.ir. Raven
caves under better conditions than
my of his predecessors since Rev.
Matthew Allison, who after many
years preaching died pastor of thH
A neat, comnact Docket Volume
containing the time-tables of all
i no ranroaus in i-ennsyivauia.
Should be in the possession of ev
cry travelling man, hotel, business
j man and business linn in thestale.
ilt is published monthly with all
corrections up to-d ite at one dollar
Mailed on receipt of price,
, ... L, ....
dress, litti.k Ii,i k Rook,
' '
Wl 1 4 D Q J 4 R T E ft S
ost no.
134 ti. A. li
Attention CicnrJides! The next
regular meeting of Wilson Post
will beheld on February 22nd at
il.OOp. in. All tr embers of the
post are earnestly requested lo be
present. Rations furnished free.
Only memlers of the Post admit-
Applieations for membership
will be received and candidates
mustered on that day thus bring
ing Vet era us into full membership
at once.
Applications for re-instateinent
will also be received and acted up
on same day.
Applicants for membership aud
re instatement will report at Head
quarters at 1 p. m.
Veterans, fall in! close up! right
dress! front! right face! forward,
march! Come, touch shoulder to
shoulder with this great organiza
tion. By order of
A. IT. Wkiuman,
Mrs. Maliu, widow
of the
Wash Malin died at the home of
John Shelleuherger, who lived
neighbor to her. She had leeu
complaining for sonic time of uot
feeling well, but was uot thought
to Ih; serious. She was back and
forth several times on Friday ami
Ion Friday afternoon a little after 4
o'clock Mr. Shellcnbcrgcr helped
her over to his house and sent
.1... i 1 ;.. n
hour she died. Th Ir. pronouuc-
ed it Heart trouble. Her death was
iincxtx-clcd and verv sudden. She;
was a kinl ami obliging latly. isiie
M 1. greatlv missed in her cin-
niunitv where she livel. The fn-
Committee each f !t,
'Editor Juniata Herald.
Editor Sentinel and Republican.
T hereby announce myself as a can-
I hereby announce myself as a can
I didate for State Senate subject to the
incu ii j ruic.3 aiui usages of the Republican
It caught .)artv. WILLIAM II EUTZLER.
that, was; LEGISLATURE.
I hereby announce myself as u can
j didate for State Legislature subject to
cloudless the rules and usnsres of the Republican
party. WM. H. ROlXiKKS.
I I hereby announce myself as a candi
I date for State Legislature subject to the
I rules and usages of the Republican
i party. THOMAS K. REAVER.
I I hereby announce mvsclf as a candi
date for delesate to the Republican Na
tional Convention, subject to the decis
ion of the District Conference.
Mexico, January SJr.th, WOO.
TION. I berebv announce myself as a candi
date for Delesrare to the Republican
State Convention subject to rules and
usages of the republican party.
Kilmer. Pa.. January 30. 1!X)0.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for Register and Recorder, suh.iect
to the rules and usages of the Republi
can part v James J. McMci.i.ix.
Mr. Editor; 'lease announce that I
an a candidate for the office of Regis
ter and Recorder, subject to the rules
that govern the Republican party-
1). SAMt'EL Leonakd."
I hereby announce nivself a candi
date for Chairman of the F.ermblican
County Committee, subject to tbe rules
and usages of the Republican party.
Will L. Hoorics.
I hereby announce myself as a can-,
didate for Sheriff, subject to the rules
and usages of the Republican part v.
Spruce Hill, Feb'y 5, 1900.
Wonderf ul arc the cures by Hood's
Sarsupariila ami yet it is only because
ss the one true blood purifier, it makes
cure, rich, healthy, i:ie-giving blood,
Hood's Pilis tor the liver rw3
bowe'.s, cct ch,--;.1) ,
yet r recently. SSi
FEB. 7, 1000.
new l!',c, old 65
.. ri iu 5r ..
v, new
Kji- - .... '5
filler IS
E(t2 1?
- Ham 10
S!sni!'U-r ... 12
Lft-d...... .. . .........
Si.ies 1
"luv ,rp n . 41 to (!cts.
Tiinvlh hjwi ...j-l 40
F feed.... 60
Uran..... "
Chop Sjc lo t)0j
Mti1:ing3.... ... 90
Grojna iu .Sail 'i 6
AaicncaSn:t.... 60c
Piiii.i.DKi.rm.v Markets,
February 5, H00.
"Wbeat 72c: Corn ;JSc: Outs 32c
Pototoes 53 to 00c; butler 20to:i0c;
eggs l(c; tallow 4 to ;e: live chick
ens, hens 10c; roosters 7c; ducks
lie: ireese lOcls: turkevs !c; Itecf
cattle :1V t "c; sheep : to ojc;
lamba . to 7: veal calves i?7 to
lard (cts a pound.
.Whereas, Almighty Cod the
great master of the universe by his
wise dispensation death s dark
messenger has crossed the thres
hold of our (range and laid its
cold icy hands upon our worthy
brother J. Kelly Patterson remov
ing him from the Grange below to
the great Grange alove, therefore,
that we bow in humble submission
to that messenger whose call no
mah can resist, knowing that our
blessed master is too wise to err
aud too good to be unkind.
Resolved, that we as memliersof
Walnut Grange feel that we have
lost one of our most faithful men
bers and his family a loviug hus
band and father and the commun
ity an exemplary citizen. That
we assure them of our sincere sym
pathy and condolence in this their
sad lereavement, though tenderly
reminding them that we sorrow
not as those who have.no hope.
Resolved, thtit these resolutions
be entered upon the minutes of our
(range and a copy sent to the fam
ily, and that they be published in
the Farmer's Friend and our coun
ty papers.
J. V. Rkpi.oiw.K,
J. W. Md'AHix,
AnX'H.i) PAiriK. On the 7th
ult., at Richfield by W. S. Neim
ond, justice of the peace, Daniel
Arnold and Mary A. Paie.
H akkis MiCi.kxumx. hi the
.'list ult., at Mifllintown bv Ucv.
,l raus, Vinson ti. Harris
ami PMie .Met icnican.
Ray Lkistkk. On the 1st
inst., by Rev. J. C. Repliant at
McAlisterville, SamueLI. Ray aud
Minnie M Leister
1 Voimiu. On the '-'"lb iuM near
j Warble. Spruce Hill. Miss t'ath
' erine Yodcr, who had retired in
; Pm1 health, but died leforo morn
. ing of a Mroke of paralysis.
Haktkk. Ou the2;th ult., near
Warble in Spruce Hill township,
Thomas J. Ilartcr from lung and
bronchial trouble, aged oOy r, limn
and 10 days. He was a aoMier
against tbealae holder? rebellion.
The trouble with thousand, of wonu tt ot "T Livw and
w physician, .vppoao it ia. The real trouble he. tafto
Bladder Doctor, of ten fail to effect a forhe
tfv th. right remedy. Women as well C or glas. ton-'
Selves if their Kidney, are d.seased.; S ply mi ft gUnd .
,f V's
Dr. David Kennedy Favorite
f-.. f lis JLSI
medicine. It restores the liver to a healthy conaiuon no. - -
Of constipation. It is a certain cure for all diseases pecubar to female.
Sampie Bottle Free
Favorite Remedy is such a certain cure that the Dr. David KennwI
Corporation, Rondout. N. V.. will forward, preparf. a free sample bottle to
every sufferer who sends his or her full postoffice address and mentions this
paper. The fact that our libtral offer appears in this paper is a guarantee of ts
All druggists seU Favorite Remedy at $i.oo a bottle.
Bargain Days! Bargain Days!
Commencing Feb. i and contin
ue until Feb. 28th.
The general upward tend- ney iu Prices n ikes our February Bargain
Days of more than ordinary ioterest. Our S ores are now alive with money
saving opportunities It will pay tou to take the tune and come to our
Stores now.
Hundreds of Yards of fioe Dress Goods in Stock at 7o a yard in Worst
ed and Brocade; worth 15c at 15o a yard in fancy Brocade and Henriettas,
40 inch wide, worth 35c. all colors at 17o a yd.
Bright fancy worsted plaids, worth 38c it 41? a yard; a fine unbleached
mnslin worth 6J0 at 5io a yard, a smooth biavy yellow muslin worth 80,
looks like Appleton A
At 5o yd a good bleached mnslii, wo:th 7$c.
At 60 yd a better quality Bieecbed ma. in., worth 8c. -
At 7o yard 'or yds for $1.00 for whiob yon pay 10c ts a yard to day.
At lOJo a yd, yellow pillow ease
bleached pillow case iheetmg, worth 15.
At 12j0 a yd, a 10x4 yeilow theetiog, worth loo
At lSe a yard, a 10x4, bleached sbectinp; worth 21c
At 12 Jo yd, Ready made Pillow Cases, Utiea Mills; worth ISo.
At 17o yd, a Red Table Ciotb; worth 25s.
At 25c a yd; Mble linen; worth 3 80.
At 45o a yd, a fine Irish Table Linen; worth 75o. "
At 3a a yd, a goo J toweling; worth 5e.
At 61o a yard, a good linen crash toweling; worth 9c .
At So yd, a good Sbaker flannel: worth 80.
At So a yard, Lancaster Amos Keg Ginghams worth 7e
. At 4a a yard, a very good Gingham for comfort, worth 6ie. ''
At 5o yd, Indigo Blue, fancy sod black ealiooes, worth 7e.
At 5o yd, good ou'ing flinnel, worth 80.
At 50c, a pair of blankots, wirth 75o
At 89c, a pair of blankets, worth $1-25
At $1.25, a pair of Blankets, worth $1.75.
At $2.98 to $4.50, a pair of fine California wool blankets, worth $5 40
to $6.00. . ,
Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wiodow Shades:
At ICo yd, a good stjiped Room Carpet worth 18o at 121c a yd, a better
quality room carpet worth 20c.
At 21o yd, a very rocm carpet worth 30c.
At 25c yd, a fine flower or rac carpet, worth 3"c and all the cboiocst se
lections of carpet in Ingrains, Tapestry,
At 14c yd, a good bair carpet
At 12ie, a yard of 45 inoh table
At 10c for Felt Shades, at 25e for
tains, urapenes and Kugs at reduced prices.
At 12o red flannel cbildreu underweas, small sizes, worth 35c.
At 45c, a shirt and drawer for men , worth 75c.
At 5c for children hose mostly ICo and 15o goods.
At I9o for Ladies and children's robbers, sites 24 to 4 in ladies.
At 75 0, a pair of Ladies Shoes, former price 1.50 to 2.00.
Felt Boots, all foot wear at reduced prioes.
Ladies' coats and capes, Children's coatg. Ladies' skirts and waists at
extja low and specially Rednced prices.
still three month in jiew, we rather have
and yon save a great many dollars, if yon have to buy these goods next season.
While onr Rooms are ponrine forth
each Article yon save money, sometimes
Don't miss these Bargain Days.
103 to 109 Bridge Street.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1900.
Special Invitation To The iubUr
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing t'.at-goes on dailj
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock oi Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overoo&fe at the Wonderfully Low Prioes.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't foil
to give him a call if in need of Clothing.
a . ;trbt If there is a
oav . .
sediment at the bottom, something ia
wrong with the Kidneys. If there i.
. : ...f. nften If there i
aesire w "
oain in the .mall of the back-if the urine
stains linen-look out! The Kidney, are
diseased. . . .
t .j: or. toVe nr. David Ken-
Favorite Remedy with perfect as
surance of relief. It will enre them ot Kinney.
Liver and Bladder disorders just a. certainly
as it cores men.
Mrs. G. W. Davenport, of West Troy,
N Y-, wiys: "I was troubled with my Kid
ney., and suffered intense pain in my back and
loins. The wife of Dr. Robinson, pastor of the
First Avenue Methodist Church, recommended
Dr. David Kennedys Favorite Remedy.
I got some, and have used it ever since, with
the result that I am greatly benefited. All pain,
we left me. and I am like another perron."
Remedy "f"
sbeetiog. 45 inch wide or a 42 inch
Brussels, Velvet minster at reduced
oil eloth worth 18o.
Oil Shades. Spring Roller Lee Cur-
While winter and wearing it has
tbe losg now when von use tbe trooda.
Grand Lots of seasonable roods en
half and often more.
Will move into the Large
For years the room they are now in has been too nall fcr
their increasing business. It ecami a neces-sity to
have more room and they will now increase
their stock to meet the demand.
Dalgaiiic vcui
As they desire to
and House-Furnishing
O 0O0 O
Things are never dull here; never stupid. The full lifo of the Mo al
wb bas a cheerful welcome for all oomers, and ehopperi arc quck to :-oide
in favor of tbe Great Values to be found in our new-
Neat, Stylish,
Money Loaned at Ltrat Rates.
March 5, 1898.
Juniata Valley
National Bank.
Capital .... io,(KK).!
T. V. IRWIN, t.'ahier.
LouIb E. Atkiiiwrn. W, V. Pomeroy.
John Hertler. j. L. Barton
H. J. Sht;llei.lrKer. W. N. Pterrert
T. Van Irwin.
Interest allowed on time deponit ti
tha rate of three per cent, per annum.
January 11, Vm.
Tha Sala tt
tl Wpt lo the world
" uj iiwua naiaai mitim a
wonderful, perfort, pennaoapC
H00d Pillr7tht baat tmt
and Cemmodiou.3 Storo Itooaj
occupied by
ncivj in viumiiig
start with an Entire
1st, 1900.
ir-L -
V i??-:
r & ...
a :tii: . ,fc ' :f .r---l:
A Eptcialiy Selected So ck of
Karg?g, Cock, P-rior and Sbrp
HnrM IJiaQ'.oTh ami Lh Hi be.
LAM T S, larf.'qn.H Puiill.
I'ouje m jiju i j. k aruu:u'. V, ':''.
nu ke yon foi l b".
We I-ve tlic ia.-of8t Strtk ai,i
Store in (lie county.
OUT? NAM !',
77" i Dr. I.'umt.l.wtc f
1 and
S;jecie f,r t!.o curu if li
CoMs. and the prtvenfi n f 1
nia. All drngitf, !i5f,. '
Subscribe for tbn sr.vn;.-i. and
Efpublicas, a jiajr tlmf c 1 tuiiia
choice-readiiy roattf-r. :'. i-f :rcrm
tion that docs ll.o rtfiil' -.- - aud
ia add!k'n lo tL;(. nil ):' ;' si- Uiat
are wcrth yublichiiicr li))1. j M---s in
it? columns. if.
1 Cures Fever.
Worn o.
Inroi s' Du-on.se.
Dia- ne.
Co h.
8 Cures N
- 9 " Headache;
10 " Dyspejisia.
11 " Delayed Period,
12 Leucorrhea.
No. 13 Cures Croup.
No. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. ID " Rlieumatibin.
No. 16 " Malaria.
No. 19 " Catarrh
No. SO Cures Whooping C AigU
No. 21 " Asthma.
No. 2 4 " General Debility.
No. 26 " Sea-Sick t if s-,
No. 27 " Kidney Disease
No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility
No. 30 Urinary Disease
No. 32 " Heart Di.
No. 34 ' " S-re Tlir
No. 77 " Colds i.ii'l OnP
In. HrMrHnrT' I.M:rTl:I Mi1
or Piseanm Maimed Kurt
hjr lnmit.. or pn-- '' .
are niKfln tifti nu- ....iv. l.un i-
nue Companr. Ill Willlum v.. "i-r
... t-
Twe pur ri.wTv."NT."
.. hm,.. ......I .
raioa, m era. i l f
M . y. "I