Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 31, 1900, Image 2

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Kvv hA l.r,M ...!;.. In . ' RCDHOTriOMTHEGCI
. H..,: . I Wu the ball Ihrt hit O. 8. Stra-iman, of
fr. rtjberhlmfr'k- Civil War. I
Half the audience were republican, ranted horrible Ulcer tint bo t caiaaent
Republicans always cive a man a ie-. helped for 20 year. Thea Bncklen's
stwHful heariiii' . (Atn'sa Salve, cored hi . a:a Cata.
T.ir IWr- ronoll tl.. TtriliaK.,. f Brulfe.. Bam, Boil, r elon Corn, 8 kin
. . ' ErnntkMM" Beat PU euro on earth.
euv-tur-f. . bar. Cora auranta
Gexf.ral Bullek isn't the mm to
whip the Boers,
Texas was swept by a freezinrr
. blizzard on bundaj.
X. "It the Bier wir lasts a j'ear it will
effect markets or all kinds.
Conobes refused to seat Mormon
. Roberts by voln of 268 to 50.
India is in the market to bnv sil
ver. Americans can furnish her all she
southern JERSEY lariaprs are of
ganizing to keep np the prices of
farm products.
The news is distressing of how
people have been frozen and starred
in the Klondike country where they
went to seek gold.
Candidate Bryan at Harrisbur;
last week began to sling mud at the
reDUblicans. He said "the rennhli-
can prty is more corrupt in this
state than in any other state in the
From the way local leaders from
the several counties of the state
flocked to Harrisbnrc to shake band
with candidate Bryan, they are ready
lor lb to l or any other number to 1
for the crumbs of office when Bryan
comes to their expectant Presidency,
Wunt Bryan denounces the trusts,
it must be like denouncing sin in
general way, for sin and the trusts
are in this alike, that they are not
confined to any party, but are prac
ticed by all denominations and par
ties. So crack away Mr. Bryan, You'
11 find as many democrats and prob
ably more democrats among the
trusts than l publicans.
Sekator Moxet of Mississippi and
senator Morgan of Alabama have
been talking in such a war in the
Senate that a campaign review of the.
causes oi tne late civil war may re
suit. They charged that the late
civil war was caused by northern
politicians for the purpose of putting
tue slaves on an equality with the
whites of the south, which proves
that some southern Senators to-day
are not smarter than the Southern
Senators, who brought on rebellion
to perpetuate human slavery. Of
course the northern people while
they would rather not re-open the
question will not shirk from it. So
let the debate go on.
General Wabbex's command of
General Boiler's army for the relief
of Ladysmith was defeated by the
xoera on tne Z3rd met. Warren had
rushed his command to the too of a
monntain called Spion Kop, a place
which would have given the British
a fine opportunity to shell the Boers
from their strongholds in the moun
tain range, but Warren could not
hold the place. The Boers had
many pieces of artillery directed to
the place.. The British were driven
out.- Tbey lost heavily. It is report
ed that 1,500 of the British were
killed. They fled from the place,
retreated across the Tucrela river.
The Boers are .correspondingly fcBp-
PJ- .. . - . -
The portion of Phila., occupied by
Chinese bas opium dens, and a great
cry is going up against the Chinese,
but it remained for last week to reveal
that many Americana patronize the
the opium dens, and Americans
have opened opium dens in
their houses for any and all who will
pay for the privilege of an opium
smoke. It was the death of n young
woman, who was enticed into one of
the dens that lead to a knowledge of
tne wide spread or the opium habit.
A young man took her in and she smok
ed to stupefication and death. There
isn't much use of extending a finger at
the Chinaman for his questionable
habits when Americans are so weak as
to adopt the same habits. Who knows
that before the American nation is
half as old as the Chinese nation
they may have picked up all of the
Chinaman's vices. -
A man comes along with a handful
of little pieces of soap with a ten-dollar
note wrapped in one or two
pieces, and shows it to you with
the edge of the ten dollar bill reveal
ed, he shuffles the cakes of soap and
offers to take you in and give you - a
cake for a two dollar bill. Good you
y, grand speculation, $10 for two.
You invest, receive your cake of so&p
and go to a side place to realize on
your ten dollars, open the wrapper
and fifd a cake of soap, but no
$10. So with many of the enterpris
ing corporations and so called trusts.
They show bonds and make promises
of even larger returns of 10 for 2 and
you buy the bonds and when you
come to realize you have the bonds
that in many instances have less in
trinsic value than cakes of soap. You
may arrest and punish the soap jug
gler under the law, but how are you
to get even with the trick of the
bond and stock juggler and then
what are you going to do with your
self. You were ready to take his 10
for 2 and you are mad because you
The State Forestry Commission so
far have have purchased 20,000 acres
of forest land. The most of the lands
purchased are on the head waters of
the Delaware. The object it is said
is of a two fold purpose. First to
have a growing forest to draw rain
irom the clouds. Second when the
rain does come to keep it from run
ning eft so fast aa to wash the water
shed into the Delaware river. There
is another purchase on the water shed
of the Susquehanna river for the
same purpose. They are afraid the
water-shed of the Susquehanna river
may be washed down the river,
which would be a great calamity. It
is also contemplated that the State
lands purchased for the protection
of the forests to bring rain and to
keep rain from washing the hills in
to lower levels, may become great
state parks where sportsmen may
hoot voder lawful restriction. After
while there will have to be a law
passed providing for a game-keeper
in state livery like European game
keepers. The State paid for soaae of
the land fifty cents an acre and tnr
.some of it two dollars an acre.
ry time tbvy attempt an
If the Boers were possessed of
same number of men and the Faroe
amount of money tbey would soon
drive the British cat of South Africa.
Bryan- i stringing round the cir
cle in the eastern states. He dc
sies to get as many of the eastern
states for lHue":f for the Presiden
tial nomiiixtiou K fore tbe Conven
tion tut-Hs with the expectation of
securing an ulinoBt unanimous nomi
nation mi first ballot.
' Bbvan tiinpped out his. platform in
a speech that lie made at Harris
burg. It it to be namely 16 to 1, an
ti txpmsion aud anti-trust. So you
know what ll e d inocrncy will pre
sent for an ' m-. It will be money,
trust, txp'tnt-i i , aud a lot of side
qusti n- siiHi a they had in their
hvt Natio al platform, declaring
agxica g vert m i t by court injunc
tion, Ac
AMERICAN 'Mil go tO thO fdriS X
position i xr. summer and gawk
around wit i open month expressing
pentiiiici.ini 1 rigu-ige ever old relics
of pant i-n- rttion, not thinking
that they bvt nt the show older Iiv
ing relics a rie whose ancestry is
lost in the mystery of the pest. They
will be txlklitg and admiring old E
rope v lieu nt t he same time the peo
p!e of r iroop will be expressing won
der aud sdmie-itum over the musical
performanci-a of the O.irlislo Indian
School br:KN tmnd and Indian music.
that is okW tt'nu the govern men t of
fra: ct;. I iu-y not be so Lard as
some pHUif tinva been made to bn
neve that Am rica is to new and
fresh t be inM-resting
a bojr. Cora guaranteed.
Crawford, Urofght.
Sold by
X. P.
For Rcavt.
IIou.sc and (stable on Washington
street.' Address Jt. A. Adams
Vau Wert, Juniata Co., Pa.
Yliu lUMi-t an-l ni'Kbtiest litte thine
that evi-r mule ii Dr. King' New Lite
PlU. Kvb v uill is anew coated globule
ol hnalrh, thai ctianga weakness into
stroiiir'li, li ' nn into energy, brain-fag
int rnit 'I i ('. I'hey'rj wonderful In
bi i ding iiu '! iiralil.. Only 25c. per box.
Sold by M. P. Crawford.
r Waa kH aa !.. t DtoM
I he young man wax either an n-
ttmlfct of the yoesfSMor of a hrvtjrlzcl
ateel arcuor plated ni-rve. IVrbupa be
was a littto of both.
A abort time ago he came to tbe tn-
luiou that be would like to Insure IiIh
Ute. Wnb tbla ulijtt't In view he niade
application to a prominent company,
After tilling up the iiet-riiry form he
received au luvltuiiou to rail unoa tbe
mediml otllcer of the company and
undergo the UKtial medical examina
tion. In due cotirKe he tircrtcnted him
self at the ortlce of the examining pbj-ttk-lau.
Requesting the young man to remove
bla-eoat and vem. the doctor produced
tethotx-opv and iK-gan hi examina
tion. All at once be toiped and re
garded the candidate with an cireti-
aion of alarm.
"Young man," he said, "do you think
you can boar u shock '!"
"Oh, I think sor' waa the cheerful rc-
apouw. "Hre sway and letMne hear
tbe worat." -'-
You have nly one lung." announc
tiie doctor aolcinnly.
Well, what of that?" retorted the
candidate, with- the utmost comitoKiire.
"I never told you I had auv more,
did li"
"What," exclaimed tle doctor,' "do
yon mean to any you were aware of
your condition?''
"Of course I wan. rt you suppose
a man could have only one lung with
out lielng aware of tbe fact?"
"And yet." said the doctor, "you ap
ply to a respectable company for a poli
cy. of life Insurance. 1 you expect to
get It?"
"I certainly do. Not only that, lint I
think I ought to get it at a aulnitantlal
reduction In tbe premium."
"I'ponswhat ground, may I auk?"
"I'pon the ground that, having only
one lung, I am f0 per cent less liable to
contract consumption than If I had
two lungH." Itlval.
the Ostrrasirst Seer !.
"Why in It that women are practical
ly debarred from receiving promotloua
to the higher places iu the government
service ?" axked a government dork of
a quarter of a ecntury'B experience.
Tbe question wan put to several ladles
In the treasury department. Ilefore
any one of tbeni bad time to reply tbe
questioner proceeded to answer his
own interrogatory.
"It la tiecaaxe they, are held back by
members of their own aex," be said.
"Some time ago a la ly in one dlvhdon
I know of was mo favorably regarded
that she would have leen made chief
of that division, but as aoon aa her
prospects became known her fellow
clerks of tbe same sex liecame indig
nant and united iu a protest. They de
clared that they could never work un
der her; that they would a thousand
times rather bare a man than a woman
to "boss" them. They wouldn't allow
her to 'bird It over them.'
"That ia only a sample of many
cases. Women can lie depended upon
to antagonise women under such cir
cumstances. Not only did tbey do so
Id the case I hare cited, but they ac
tually gave the marble heart aud the
Icy band to this woman after they de
feated her prospects of a promotion.
I am satisfied that one of the most in
fluential obstacles to women In their
effort to secure equal recognition with
men cornea from their own sex."
Tbe man who asked and answered
the question then moved off before bis
audience of lady clerks bad an opportu
nity to reply to bis assertions. Wash
ington 8tar.
Tai Lawartk f he (rnrraL.
The late General Clinton R. Plsk was
once addressing a Sunday school con
vention. One of the speakers bad re
minded the children that It was Wash
ington's birthday.
"Children." said General l lsk. "you
all know that Washington was a gen
eral. I'erbapa you know that I am
also a general. Now. cau any one tell
what was the difference between Gen
eral Washington and myself?"
"I know, sir." replied a small boy In
the back part of the room.
"Well, what was the difference?"
aid General Fisk, smiling at tbe lad's
"George Washington couldn't tell a
lie, sir!" -cried the boy ia exultant
toues. Shouts of laughter followed, in
wnjca tne gener joimtm nqa-mawie- teay. "Take my arm mod J .arlll
troitNtfw. . - . vou rousd.'-New lork frajas. -
ltw th Mam Win I sea m. Sakhrr
Baa AkiN His Wast Fixes t Hla
Mailt Cola Cranks. Mho Like .
Haafl er Money Wealth la Kr
ry Paeket.
A great many men have cranky ideas
about preparing their bills for ready
handling. One plan Is to fold each bill
separately, keeping the denominations
apart In the various divisions of their
pocket books. This method facilitates
tbe search for the desired sum wheu
making a purchase. This Is almost a
sure guard against passing out a bill
of tbe wrong denomination.
Then there are men who make a
neat roll of nil their bills. Tbe llrsl is
rolled tiy Itself to about the size of
lead Mncil. the next Is lapped about
It, and so on to the end. Thou a rub
ber band is placed about tbe entire
lot. When It Is desired to use one of
the bills, the rubber is removed am
the end of the first bill caught be
tween tbe thumb and forefinger of the
right hand while the mil la held be
fsccn the thumb and forefinger of the
M hand. Then the Mil Is quickly un-
CVund. none of the others being dls-
A great many men never carry
pocketbook. One reason for this is
that a' well worn purse more easily
slips from the pocket than a roll of
bills. Then, agnln, the bulk of a pock
etbook Is annoying. It takes up too
much room, especially where the iau
taloons are made snug. When pocket-
books are not carried, a -favorite re
ceptacle Is the watch pocket. When
this Is used, the bills are made up Into
a little, hard bunch. TiiMr presence
Is always felt against the liodv. In a
crowd there Is no danger of losing
them, and when traveling with any
considerable sum this Is a safe de
Some men have a fad of carrying a
lot of new bills In au enveloie th.it Is
kept In one of the inside pockets. Now
and then a man is found who keeps n
few bills In every scket. lie goes on
tbe theory that If he Is rohticd of one
lot a sumclent nmount will remain to
last him until he reaches borne, lie
starts out feeling that be is golug to
be robbed and rimkes provision to meet
every tmssllilo emergency. lie usually
makes three folds of his bills and
tucks them away In the corners of his
pockets with extreme care. He does
uot feel surprised If be finds upon
making nn Inventory after arriving
home that a part of his funds has dla-
apiionred. aa he expected to be robbed.
Any number of men arc found who
keep only a little working capital in
their trousers pockets, the bulk of their
funds being Concealed In broad, flat
wallets In the Inside pocket of their
waistcoats. These bills are always cf
large denominations and folded once.
hen a man brings forth his reserve
funds. It will be found that all. the
bills have a smooth, bright appear
ancc. They have been with him so
long that they are as flat as a sheet
from a letter press.
Very few men In this country carry
coins in purses. In England purses are
common. The material Is generally
pigskin, but undressed kid Is also used
extensively. The former have two
compartments, one for small gold coin
and the other for silver. It Is some
times amusing to watch a man with a
little undressed kid bag pay his fare
on the street cars,- especially if be is
wearing thick dogskin cloves. Only
conductors with great patience' can
watch the proceeding with complacen
cy. A woman can pick out Ave pennies
from beneath a .roll of bills In con
slderabty less time than It takes tbe
man with the kid purse to bring forth
nickel. One reason that the kid
purse Is not popular Is tiecausc it feels
like the half of a small dumbbell In
the pocket when fairly well tilled. In
London it Is the proper thing to carry a
pigskin owing to the. large circulation
of sovereigns. It Is essential to keep
the gold and silver separate In order to
avoid mistakes.
There are coin cranks as well as pa
per money cranks. Some years ago
there lived a little, round faced man
over In the Itack Ray who came Into
tbe business district every week day
morning at precisely 9 o'clock. In
paying his fare be always passed' up a
bright, new nickel thnt looked a If It
bad come to him fresh from tbe mint.
Where or how he got them was a mys
tery to the conductor, but be dually de-
liled that bis customer was connect
ed with some banking Institution and
that the new money was used to cs-
cape the chances of contracting disease
through the liandPiig of money that
had been In common use.
There are any number of peopIV who
cannot let go a new coin without ex
periencing a pang. Tbey will bold on
to a new I nlf dollar until the last ex
tremity. Then there are those who
visit the subtrepsury every few day
and get a K-lcctliil of new i cent
pieces. They exp-rh'neo a sp-c'nl de
light In passing ilior.i out. as llicy feel
that those who rocvlre them will won
der "who that man Is." Itoston Herald.
f MEm.
The following scale of prices for an
nouncement has been mutually agreed
upon by the undersigned aiid.no devia
aou from the same will be made.
'Congress Senator $10: Legisla
ture 7; Kefrister fc Keeorder $5; HberiiT
o: JtepreHentatlve Delegate to State
Convention aud Chairman .of County
Committee each S3.
Kditor Juniata Herald.
Kditor Sentinel and Republican.
I hereby announce myself an a can
didate for Congress in the 18th Con
gressional district, subject to' the rules
or tne ltepuullcan party.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for State Senate subject to the
rules and usages of the . lteiHiblican
I hereby annoum-e myself as a can
didate for State Iegislature subject to
tlie rules and usages of the liepuiiliean
party. W.M. II. HOlH.KKf.
I hereby announce myself as a candk
date for State I legislature subject to the
rules and usages of the HepuWlcan
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for delegate to the Republican a
tkitial Convention, sujnect to the decis
ion of the District Conferencei- -.
Mexico, January 20th, 1900.
I hereby announce myself as a nmli
date for Delegare to - the- Republican
State Convention subject to rules and
usages of the republican party.
I . A. HArrLKV,
Kilmer, Pa., January 80, 1900.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for Register and Recorder, subject
to tbe rules and usages of the Kepubll
can party. James J. McMn.i.iNV
Mr. Editor: -"lease announce mat i
am a candidate lor tne onice or Jtegis-'
ter and Recorder, subject to the rules
that govern the Republican party.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for Chairman of-the. Republican
County Committee, subject to the rules
and usages of the Republican party. '
WIM, li. Hoopks.
Victiau to atoaaaeb, Mver aad kwaey
trout as well as wo-ea, a, all feel tke
reamlts iatoaaof appeals, potsoes to the
blood, bickbooa, BrTooiDea, headache
aad tired, uslleaa, ras-so-nt '"?
tbere'aBO ne to f sal like that. Ustea to
J. WHrdr. Mwtll., lad Ha'saya .
'Bectrie Altera are last the thing for a
maa wtaea baia all rua dowa, and don
eara-whether he Uvea or dies. It dW
Mr to jriva me new itreaf (h sad good
aapetit. tboa anything' I coakt take. I
eaa now eat anything and have a new lease
oa lUe.- Only 60 ceata at M. P. Craw
fords Drag Store. Krery. bottle gaaraa-
MirrLWTOIfH, FA . t
OtTMa-Oa Main street, la pise
07-CoUeetimg aad Coaveyaaelag praspt
ly attaoded to.
March 10. Samuel Sietier will sell at
his farm in Walker township, horses.
cattle, sheep, hogs and a full assortment
of farming machinery and implements.
March 13. Andrew Beashor near
Oakland Mills, horses, cattle, sheep and
farm implements of all kinds and house
hold goods. Sale at 0 o'clock a. m.
March 24. D. T. Adams on his farm
near Johnstown, Live Stock and farm
Tuesday, March 20th at 10 o'clock A.
M., illiam I'ufleiiberger will sell on
his farm in Fermanagh township, three
miles east of Mifflintown, horses, cows,
young cattle, brood sows, pigs, wagons,
gears and all his farming implements.
March 7th. Mrs. E. J. Cleek in
Walker township, one mile west of
Van Wert, horses, cattle, hogs and
farming implements.
January 31. Sadie E. Jamison and
Mrs..M. Bear, executrixes's sale of real
estate in Fayette township. '.
January 23 Harvey vAFoltx ad
ministrator, real estate in' Monroe towiv
..1.1.- - . : V - " "" 1
Tha Pennsylvania Railroad per-
sonally-ooBducted tour to Mexioo and
California which leaves New York
and Philadelnhia on February 12
rPitUburff Febroary 13) by special
Pnllman train, covers laree and ia
tnonlv interestincr DOtiion of North
Ameriea. Mexico. Califoruia and Col
orado are a michty trio in, all tbat
- . . . .a a
sppeala to and lacinates tne tourist.
. Stops will be made at San- Anton
irr. Tamoico. Oaanaioata, " Guadala
iara. Oaerotaro. City of Mexico (five
days), -Coernavaca, . Agnascalientes,
Los Anirfcles. San Dieu", Riverside,
Pasadena. Santa Barbara. San Jose
Mt Hamilton), Del Monte, San Fran
five davs). Salt Lake Qty. Col
nrado Snriups. Denver. Chicairo and
other Mints of interest.' Fourteen
davs will be sDent in Aitxico ana
nineteen in California.
The "Mexico and California Spec
iat." an exclusively Pullman train o
Parlor-Smokintr, Dining, Drawing-
room Sleeping, and Observation cars,
will be used over the entire route.
Round trip rate, including mli nc
etasrir txpentes during tntirt trip, f 550
from all point on the Pennsylvania
Bailroad System east or nttsmirg;
$545 from Pittsburg: For ' it inerary
and fall information apply to ticket
agents: Tourist Agent, 1196 Broad
wav. New York; 4 Court Street,
Brooklyn; 789 Broad Street, N. J.;
B. Courlaender, Jr., Passenger Agent
Baltimore District, Baltimore, Md ;
Colin Studds, Passenger Agent,
Southeastern District, Washington,
D. C ; - Thos. , E. Watt. Passengt r
Agent, Western District, Pittsburg.
Pa ; or address Geo. W. Boyd, As-
sistant General Passenger Agent.
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
It ia certainl sratifTing to the nnhlie to
kaosr of one eoncara In the land who are
not afraid to ha nneroa to the naedv aad
aflVrin. The jroprtelori of Dr. King'a
New Diaaovery tar Consumption, Congha
aad Colds, have given away over ten mil.
lion trial bottles of this great medicine ;
and have the aotiafahtiaa ol knowing It hoa
absolntely cured tbonsands of bapeles
cases. Astbmn, uroaeaitts. Hoarseness
and all diaeasea f t ie Throat. Cbast and
LtDDfS are sneely cored by It.-' Call oa M.
I. Crawford, Druccst, ard get a free trial
bottle. Regular ais 6nc. and $1. Every
bottle guaranteed, or pries rl nnded.
March 13. Jonatlum Keiser, live
stock, farm implements, in Delaware
March 5. ('. it. 1'ellman, ersonal
proiierty at Itichlield.
February 10. C. W. Stewart, live
stock and farm utensils in Beale town-
shilt. J
Febniary 21. Frank Barton-, live
of PAirrNEit-
Notice is hereby given that tlie late
firm of (ieorge (. and Mary W. Mr-
CnlWich has been dissolved bv thedeoth
J of the said tieorge ii. Mfiillooh. All
iwraotia Incletitatl to saKl nrm are j here
by reijuired to pay promptly, and such
as have accounts against the aanie to
present their demands for settlement to
I Mary W. McCulloch surviving partner
or to her Attorney-in-fact Charles ('.
Met 'ulloch. M-ho is at present in charge
of the firm's business on the premises
at MoT ulloch's MilK Juniata Co., Pa.
M-Collections and all legal buai
nets promptly attended to.
pa.ojiXBAwroBD, aa. babwiw XBAwroaj
have formed a partnership for the
of Medietas and then- eollatferal branches.
Office at old stand , corner of Third aad IOr
aage streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or Dots
o' them will be fonnd at their ofBce at a
times, aaless otherwiae profeaaloaally ea-
gaced- ...
April 1st. 1896.
Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental
College. Office at old established lo
eatioB, Bridge Street, opposite Conrt
Boase. JtfifBintown, Pa.
. Oy Crown aad Bridge work;
Painless Extraction.
AH work guaranteed.
Schedule in Effect Novr 19,
Vav Passetlger, leaves Philadelphia
at 4 30 a. m: Harrisliurg 8 AO a. m:
Duneannon 8 85 a. m: New Port 8 05
a. m: Millerstown 9 li a. m: Durword
21 a: m: Thompsontown 9 28 a. m;
Van Dvke 8Jta. m: Tuscarora 8 38 a.
m: Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 8 44 a.
m; Mifflin 9 50 a. m; Denbolm 9 55 a.
m: Lewistown 10 13 a. m: McVeytown
10 88 a. m: Newton Hamilton 11 00 a.
m- Mount Union 11 08 a. m: Hunting
don II 82 n. m: Tvrone 12 20 p. m: Al-
toona 1 00 p. m: Pittsburg 5 50 p. m.
Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m:
Harrisliurg at 11 48 a. m; Mifflin 1 11
p. m: Iiewistown 1 30 p. m: Hunting
don 2 29 p. m: Tvrone 8 12 p. m; Al
toona 3 45 p. m: Pittsburg 8 40 p. m.
Altoona Aecommodatioti leaves Har
risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duneannon 5 84
p. m: Newport 6 02 p. m: Millerstown
11 p. m: Thompsontown 21 p. m;
Tuscarora 6 30 p. in: Mexico 8 33 p. m;
Port Itoyal ff 38 p. m: Mimtu h 4 p. m;
Den holm 6 49 p. m; Iiewistown 7 07 p.
m: McVevtown 7 30 p. m: Newton
Hamilton ? 50 p. m: Huntingdon 8 20
p. ra; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35
Pacific Kx press leaves Philadelphia
at 11 20 p. m: Harrisburg at 3 00 a. m.
MarvHville 3 14 a. m. Duneannon 3 29
a- nt. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Royal
4 25 a. m. Mifflin 4.30 a. m. Iiewistown
452 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m.
Huntingdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 6 19
a. m. Tyrone ft oS a. hi. Altoona jWi,
m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. m.
Ovster . Kxpress leaves Philadelphia
at 4 35 p. m. Harrisluire; at JO 20 p. ni.
Newport 11 OR p. m. Mifflin H 40 p. m.
iM'innvn 11 -iM n m ? Hiititinovlnn I '
55 a. m. Tyrone 1 32 a. ni. Altoona 2 00
a m Pittshiinr Attn n m
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 'schedule nt effect mokdaT, jdxe. M,
ISr's Stores.
The Largest Distributors of JW.
: and Boys' Apparel.
Special Sale every day.
' - - mm
A Clothing SaleThat'iimani;" Attention,
The best that money can bay at half usual profit, caused by ouraW,
.t i.n,iis from oterlnaded manufacturers. We are rli...n-
. ..... ...i. I i.u mnnev than anv other honsa in Amprma t
piiwrgmn" S J "
Men'S $8 SuUsS4J5. Comprising- all wool cheviots. Ai,
flAnrf vaines at ao. s ina iu uw u ig.
Mm'S $10 Suits 6.50 Hera's a chance to pet . pood suit fr
money. Jnst think of Men's fsncy Worsted, Csseimere and aevion iJ!
made to fit. We have all sites in this line. Compare these soils
v tlO suits that others are sell, and it wonld be bard to tell the differ!?
JL i aa .rt
LOT price now
ising all wool fancy Cur
Jf 19 Su'ts &7J0. Comprisins
iUCtff W Aa - aTi - war 1 II a
Tweeds, Cbeviotg. tiiays ana serges, au sizos irom ;h to 42. Hot-
valne at tl2 now S7 tW.
Boils' CloiUni. nng yonr.boys here for new suit, and overooat,.
the new fall" patterns Hundreds of style to select from. All si
Our priees are lower than ever.
Men's $8 OverCOObs $5. In blue beaver and Kersey cloths. GJl(
' anteed fast colors SnbstantiallT made and neatly flcished. p0iiiin
bargains for $8. But one now for f 5.
MEN'S $10 OVEEWATS $7.5". Comprising Kersey and CoverU, li
with satin Strictly ap to-date costs bow for $7.50.
MEN'S $14 OVERCOATS $10. In Covert oloths, beautifully trimm
New shad' s, welt sesa-s, with satin sleeve lining. Cut in the yyfo
lengths. Fine value at $15, bow $10.
MEN'S HATS AND FURNISHING. Men's Derbys sod Fedom in b!
brnwe. maple, eedar. pearl with black and white silk bands These Uu
are equal to anv $2 bat made. Our price SI.
DERBYS IN UHWlKAAaoi'ft vualui j ins line win wearaiu,
$3 bat von may buy elsewhere They sre Dunlap, Yoeman, Knox Uj
Yeung styles, now $1.50.
Exceptional bargains to Men's and Boys' hirts, underwear, neekseu,
gloves and ovcrsbirts, at price, lower tbaa ever. On our second floor we bi?
m full complete line of Trunks and 8atchcls.' Our prioos are lower than u
House ia the eounty.
Furniture and Route Furnishing Goods, Queensware,
Glassware and Fancy Chinaware.
Five Isrge floors filled to their uttrost ixtent with Furniture and Eosn
Furaisbiog Goods Tbe trust will not effect us in tbis department as we pre.
pared ourselves in advance. We have carloads of furniture at low figure, m1
wa are nrrnared to sell tbis line lowr than ever. Call to see our erand lin
of Parlor Suits, Covehes, Lounges. Fancy Rocker?, Morris Chair?, Extensioa
Tables, Bedrooui Su W, Fsncy Parlot Tables, Side Board?, Fanev Desti
Dinners, and anything in tbe Furniture line, aiho a complete line of tincj
Deeorated Ware, in Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and a complete Hm
of Johnson's Ware BGoods delivered fre to all parts of tbe county.
115 and I1T Brldye Street,
Tuscarora Vallej Bailroad.
2-i p. m.. Harrisbunr S 4o p. m. Duncan- J
nnn 4 p.m. -ew port 4 so p. n. .Mir-
nln s (r'. p. m. iiewistoyn ft Zl p. 111.
Mount Union 6 Oa p. m. Huntingdon
6. 22 p. m. Tyrone 6 59 p. ni. Altoona
7 Oajt.- m. Pittsburg 11 30 p.,rn.
- Altoona Aeeommodatloii' feave' Al-
rtonna at 5 0" a. m. Tyrone. 5 24 a. m.
retershurar o 45 a. m. Huntlnirdoii A 5?
a. ra. Newton Hamilton 6 21 a. m. Mc
Vevtown 6 37 a. m. Iiewistown ft 58 -a.
m. Miflliii 7.18 a. nt. Port Itoyal 7 22 a.
ni. Thompsontown 7 37 a. m.- Millers
town 7 46 a. m. Newport, 7 55 a. ni.
Duneannon 8 20 a. m. Harrisbunr 8 50
a. ni
William i. Thomptioii. dei-eased. to
, present them properly authentieatet! to
Htm-K and running inpienients at llea-i tne underairnad Attorney of Mm Ullie
. I Hea Snore leaves rittMitinr at 3 .tO a.
.iii ni- iM nereiiv inven ro an nprariti - n. -
. . , . t . . . ... 1 ni. AiiuHia 1 i-i a. ui. jniiic w a. 111.
?v"ne.,alm" "Ka1!" the estate of Mrs Huiititijrdon 8 80 a. m. MeVetown 9 15
iuow or a. ni. Iwlsfown 9 35 a. m. Mimin S55
a. m. Port Itoyal 9 59 a. nt. Thompson'
ant View. '
February 27. Andrew ltatiks.&diiiiii-
1st rat or, live stock and farm imple
ments in Fermanagh towuship, on
Stou Iter farm. : -,
March 1. T. 51. Crawford, 011 Sam
uel Pannebaker's farm at Honey Grove,
h';r.ien, eattle and farm implenients.
March 3. John C. Eby live stock
and farm implemeuts near Academia.
March. 18 -Samuel. Hornin;, live
cattle and farm implements in Ker-
pianaKh township.
March 10. Charles Uroniiiger, farm.
implements and household goods in
Turbett township.
March 20 W. I.. McDonald, live
stock and farm Implements in Mil ford 1
township. I
March 22. J. T. Ailman.Ilive stock
Ktock uinl farm implement in Walker . orslilea WM.
in p.iiHr.i 1.
T Trexler the executrix named in the
laKt will and tewtament of Mrs. M. E
Tliompson. W11.1. Ij. Hoopks.
Att'y for Mrs. 1 .11 He T. Trexler.
Notice Is hereby piven that letters of
Administration in the estate of George
C Met 11 1 loch, late of TuiK'arora town
ship, '"Juniata county. "Pa.. deeased.
. have been granted to the uiidersigned.
residir.g in said township. All persons
having elatma against the said estate
will present the same for payment to.
C T. McCfi.Korit,
McCulloch illn. Juniata Co., Pa
Wk-kwlre I'rom 11 xiiMTlici:il notice
I should sny you li.nl a liolr terror of
water. Am I rijclil?
Iluupry Hiwins-Von arc. Ami if
youM Uml n wife tlint 111:1. Ic roil carry
all the woltcr fcr I he washiii slic ilone
fcr five years anil kept you no busy nt
It you didn't have time to run away
you'd hate the stuff, too. you would.
Indianapolis PrcKs.
Sundsy School Teacher (in Chicago)
- Why did the wise men come from
the east?
Scholar Because they were wis
men. Philadelphia Record.
March 23. Styles
stock and farm implements
March 27. E. M. Nipple, live stock
and farm implements in ;Beale township.
March 28. Wm. Varnes, live stock I
and farm implements In Walker township.
Where, the Hon. JKRRVTAH
LYONS. President Judge of the Court
of Common Pleas, for the Forty-First
Judicial District, composed of the coun
ties of Juniata and Perrv. andtheffon-
SWARTZ and W. N.
Associate Judges of the
said court of Common Pleas of Juniata
K.'Boden, live: county, by precept duly iaaued and to
Beale m directed for holding a Court of Over
ana terminer ana (ienerai jail Deliv
ery, and General Quarter Sessions of
the Peace at Mifflintown. on the
WCat ..... new 0fte, old 65
Corn hi ear.......... .... ..... 40
Hats ........ new 22
Rye .... 15
Batter IS
Eggs 17
Ham .' 10
Shoulder 12
Laird 6
Sidea 7
Clovernecd . 4 to 6cts.
Timothy aeed 41.40
F axseed. ............. ......... 60
Bran 70
Chop..; ."....85c to 90c
MMtdliag 90
Gronnd la Bait.... 7a
AmericaaSalt.... ......... 60c
Pbhaoelphia, January 29. Wheat
72 to 73c; Corn 37c; Cats 32c; Pota-
Irawalaf aad the Caak.
To Itobert Browning a man was a
man. whether he was served by many
people or was the servant of others.
On one occasion his son Barrett bad
hired a room In a neighboring house toes, Pennsylvania choice per bush
to exhibit his pictures, and In tbe ten-! 55 04 58c; butter creamery 25c; do.
porar)' absence of the artlut Mn piints 25c; Eggs. 18 to 19c; livepoul
niii( was TAviiia; lire 1 iuik i It 10 a ;
roomful of fashtoaable friends. He '
was standing near tbe door when an
unannounced visitor made her apiiear- j
ance, and of course be shook hands '
with h.r Wi r ha. . k. AAA IK. I
ether arrivals.
"Oh. I vg pardoaT' she exclaimed.
"But, please, air, I'm tha cook. Mr.
Barrett aaked me to come and see his
"And I'm rery glad to see you," re
turned Mr. Browning, with ready cour-
try, fowls 10 to lie; old roosters 7c;
chickens 9 to 10c; ducks 11c; geese
9 to itOc; turkeys 8 to 9c
East lnwjmr, IV, January 29.
Cat tie, extra, $5.70a6 00; prime $6.
40a5.65; common 3 25a3.80.
Hog Extra 5.10a5 15; heavy
Yorkers $5 10; light do., f 5a5.05;
piga as to weight and quality $4.75
4.90; roughs f 3.25a4 50.
Sheep Choice, wethers $5.15a
5425; common $2.50a3.75: choice
lambs $6.85a7.00; common to good
H85a6.7fi; veal calves, t7.0a8.20.
Coroner. Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of the County of Juniata, that
thev be then and there in their proper
persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day. wttn ineir reenras, inuisi
tions, examinations and Oyer remem
herances. to do those things that to
do thowe things that to their office re
spectfully appertain, and those that are
bound tv recognizance to prosecute
against the prisoners that are or may
tie in the Jail of said county, lie then
and there to. prosecute against them, as
shall be Just.
Rv an Act of Assembly passed the
th day of Wav. 1R54. it made duty of
Justices of the Peace of the several
counties of this Commonwealth, to re
turn to the Clerk of tbe Court of Quar
ter Sessions of the respective counties,
all the recognizance entered into be
fore them by any person or persons
charged with the Commission of any
crime, except such cases aa may be
ended before a Juatice of the Peace, un
der existing laws, at least ten days' be
fore the commencement of tbe session
of the Court to which they are made
returnable respectively, and in all cases
where recognisances are entered into
less than ten days before the com
mencement of the session to which they
are made returnable, the said Justices
are to return the same in the same
manner as if said Act bad not been
Dated at Mifflintown. the 3rd day of
January in the year of our Lord one
thousand nine hundred.
S. Ct.AVTON Stonkr, Sheriff".
Sheriff's Office.
vifAintown, Pa. January 3, 1900, .
teV dation of good health.
Bood's Saraaparilia.
Partner, gives
That Is wt 7
the Oos TtW
town iu 14 a. 111. .Millerstown Wl a.
m. Newport 1132 a. m. Duneannon 10
54 a. m. Matysville 11 07 a. m. Hams-
burg II 25 a. m. Philadelphia 3 no p. m
Main Line Kxpress leaves Pittsburg
at 8 00 a. m. Altoona 1 1 40 a. m. Tyrone
isosp.im. Huntingdon vz x p. rn
Iwistown 1 33 p m. Mtrnm 1 00 p. m
Harrisburg 3 10 p. in. Italtimnre 6 00 p
m. Washington 7 15 p. m. Philadelphia
t 'Si p. m.
Mail leaves AHoona at 2 O-i p. m. Tv
rone 2 80 p m. Huntingdon 3 17 p. ni
Newton. Hamillou a 47 p. m. McVey
town 4 20 ix 111. Iiewistown 4 33 p. 111,
Mifflin 4 55 p. m. Port Royal 5 00 p. m
Mexico 5 20 p. in. Thompsontown o 18
p. m. Millerstown 5" 28 p. m. Newport
a 39 p. m. Iitiiicaiiiion 6 08 p. m. Har-
risiMirg p. in.
Mail Kxpress leave Pittsburg at 12 45
p. in. Altoona 5 55 p. m- Tyrone A 27
p. m. Huntingdon 7 10 p. m. McVev
town 7 51 p. ni. IewistewB A 10 p. m.
Mifflin ft 30 p. m. Port Itoyal 8 34 p. ra
Millerstown 8 57 p. m. Newport ft 05 D.
ni. Duncaunon 9 29 p. m. Harrisburg
10 00 p ru.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts
burg mt 4 30 p. m. Altoona 9 05 p. m
Tyrone 9 33 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p.
m. Mount Union 10 32 p. m. Lewis-
town 11 lap. m. Jrifllin 11 37 p. m. Har
risburg 1 00 a m Philadelphia 4 30.
ai iiewistown junction. f or rsun-
bury 7 50 a. m. and 3 40 p. m. week
For Afilroy 7 55, 11 45 a. in. and 3 00
p. ni. week-days.
At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur
wensville 8 20 a. ra. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m.
For Rellefotite and Ixx k Haven 8 10
a. ni. 12 30 aud 7 I t p. m. week-days,
or further information apply to
Ticket Agents, or TlMimas E. Watt,
Passenger Agent, Western Division.
Corner Fifth Avenue and Smithfleld
Street. Pittsburg.
J. B. HirPCH INSON. J. 15. WOOD.
General Man'g'r. Cieneral Pass'r. Agt.
WONDERFUL ore the cures by
Hood's SMirsaparilla, aad yet tbsT
arc aimpie anu naiurui. iioorrs oSi
pariUamaV-es PURE BLOOD.
T I .
Tradc Masma
CoavRMMva aVe.
Aayona amolac a ketch aad ScaartnMon nay
amtcklr artln cmr oataloa tnm whether aa
Invention la pntbeMr patentable. Conimnnlca.
Ueae euictly conadeptlal. Handbook on I'ateuta
eat free. OMrt apener for aeennna patenta.
rateata taaen tnromfB Mann a Ca. rnoelea
m inn
E.48TWAni. : '
- STATIONS. ? : v , v .'
. . Nal No.3
, DAILY, ptC'Eir STUIDAT. ' -
.' ; . '. .. v
. ..- ; ' A. M. P." M.
Blairs Mills..' I v 7 ,23 I 45
Waterloo. . .v.". .... ' T 31 I 51
Tjeonnrd'" Orove 1 37 I 57
Ross Farm j7 4 2 05
Pernlack 7 52 ! 12
East Waterford.......... 4 C i 25
Hectman....;. .....!8 17 J 37
Honev Grove ....8 2'1 2 42
Fort Bigbaro 8 30 I 50
Wsrble 8 39 2 C9
Pleasant View . 8 44 I 04
Seven Pines 8 52 12
Spruoe Hill, 8 55 i 15
Graham s 9 03 23
Stewsrt..; 9 00 3 26
Freedom 9 Of J 29
Turbett 9 li I 32
Old Port . 9 lr I 38
Port Royal.... ;i Ar 9 25 I 45
(".GOD'S 8-reaparOU has owrad
mm over again proved by Kb cans,
when ah other preparations failed, tiat
t is She One Trtj StLOOD Pcrite.
Tbe following schedule went Into rttWt
Nov. Id, 1896, sad the train will be ron
followa; .... . ,
p. m
-.4 SO
4 86
4 89
4 45
4 45
4 61
4 64
4 A6
4 fi!
a. m
9 00
9 11
9 14
9 16
9 19
9 22
9 24
9 21
Leave Arrive a. va
Duneannon 7 51
-.Kmg'a Mill 7 49
Snlphnr Sprlnp. 7 46
Corman SMine 741
Montebello Park 7 41
wwrrr 7 4(1
"Ri rldy 7 86
Hoffman 7 33
P"yer 7 SI
6 1" 10 4il"' " P'r.onilleld 7 23
6 IS 9 49 Treiler ' 7 09
6 21 9 64 "NelUnn 7 04
6 24 - 9 67 'Dnm'. " 7 01
6 27 inas KIHotBhnre 6 fis
6 82 10 7 . rWnhi.-islV 61
6 84 10 17 T.rocn Pwk 6 4H
6 87 10 so - Mnntonr June fi S
6 02 10 36 Lar.dii-t.urg 6 28
y. ui . amva Leave a. m p a
Train IV-avtta RIoomtloM at 6.63 a.
and arrive at I.andislinrz at 6.28 a. m.
Train leave Landinhnrr at 6.08 p. m., ud
arrive at BlooraflVId at 6.40 p. m.
All station marked () arp Ht tatiom,
at which trains will come to a full stop on
CBA8. H. Fa-ILET, S. H.
8 IS
2 It
1 81
1 28
1 20
1 18
1 1
Train NV. and 2 connect at Port Royal
with Way Paensrr and Seahnra Ezpree
n P. B. R., ar.d No. 8 rrd 4 with Mail east
Train No. 2 and 8 connect at Blair's
Milla with Concord, DoTletbura; Dry Ran,
Nofsville, Neelyton, Shade Gap, Shade
Valley and Ooshorn Station Stage Lines.
Port Koyal...
Old Port.. ,
Spruce Hill
Seven Pines
Pleasant View
Fort. Bi"ham
Hony Ornv
East Wntfiford
Hose Farm
Leonard' Grove. . .
Blair's Mills Ar"
0 0
M jP. M
10 -21(5 05
1 v ley Railroad Company. Timo table
of pawens-er trains, in effect on Mondiy,
Hay 181b, 1896.
1.3110 2715
2-jl0 33 5
3.7 10 3fi 5
4.4 10 39 5
20 5
22 0
50 5
15 0
23 G 08
286 13
4o;r. 25
Buffalo Bridse
Jnniata fnrnnce ...
W abneta
Watr Pln)r
Blnomtield Junct'n.
Va'lev Run,)
Green lark ,
LomviMu .
Port RolH Min ,
Center ,
Ciana'a Knn
Andersonhurg .....
Mount Pleasant ...
New Gcrmant'n ....
! ward.
7 1
r a m i
6 05 10 35
6 OS 10 3H
6 12 10 42
6 15 10 45
6 25 10 .i2
6 22 1 1 0)
6 81 1 1 00
6 3! 1 1 Ofi
C 61 11 21
6 54 1 1
7 05 1 1 35
7 15 11 45
7 21 II 5!
7 27 11 57
7 35 12
7 41 12 11
7 45 12 15,
warl. I" "
8 30:
8 27 3 6
8 ?i
8 5
8 16'
8 11
H (
H I .
7 .r'
- i '
7 -J'
7 l(l
7 V
r, 68!
6 501
3 53
8 60
3 16
8 41
i 16
3 10
3 04
2 49
2 46
2 40
2 88
2 24
P. GRING, President md Manager
C. K.. Ilnui, General Aent.
5n;i 38
OolG 45
12 086 53
12 14 G 59
12 2nj7 05
Ptttuknl. f
mtm tmken thrtMuli
notice. wltfHMii cba
Scientific Jhrtricax
A haadMHBelr BlaUMli vaakhr.
Mlatlnn of any aeianttSe foarmal.
Eir: pr noaUu. 81
k Ar nrmAi u Bnmrii Bat. ?
V0.. a .
1 ajar taiiataJC, kotlle ot It U ai
t evarw t- M .
" r mi rinfcrt.il. n
A wowtetfol lafrnnraia aSii--tV
Ma-Bark. Bark motion etTarri'
aaaJirstbcr In lbs n.r k .V -7.
Blood and Kortm are very close
ly related. Keep the blood rich, pure
aud healthy, with Hood's Saraaparilia
and yon will have no nervouanesa. - -
.H.Od't Pills are be after-di.ber il'j'-
I aVaWaaaaaSV aaZZaa-TjXJ!riV "'Pyj' VrT' (LSS
Tg aajaa iaaf aaa apaaSr ewi 17
Cfaala JwwVa PHaSM..b7 Md. IM I,
Great Cures proved bv thnuKsadt
of tct:inoninls show that 1Iok1'k Ssl
wiMiiiua. iHisscsses power to iiurayf
vitalize ana enrich the blood.'
Hood's Pills. r.re theonlJoHtoar
i ikcn who iiooirs raiirlillai