Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 31, 1900, Image 1

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,r!eMn. darting homeward throngh
the twilighted garden, after another stol
en meeting with Tom I'eyton on the gar
j.n wall, strips as she reaches the sum
mer house, a favorite resort of Vera's,
notwithstanding the father unpleasant
associations connected with it, and pokes
In her heail to find Vera there.
I've rome back," she cries, breath
lessly, sinking into a seat and looking at
Vera with despair in her eyes. "I hare
jone as you desired me, I have said good
oy to him forever!"
"What did he say? Was he Tery much
upset?" with burning interest.
"He said he'd manage to see -roe In
nonie way or other," says Griselda, with
a heavy sigh.
" h, well come now, that's not so
had." says Vera, cheerfully, forgetful of
prudence at sight of her sister's grief,
"lie seems from all I have heard from
you a a port of a person who would be
difficult to baffle. I think I should put
fuith in that declaration of his if I were
"Oh. he said more than that." cries
Hriselda. "Why, it appears that Tom
Mr. I'eyton knows Seaton quite well,
and likes him, too. Mr. Peyton says
that he. Seaton, Is engaged to be married
to a Miss Butler, a friend of Lady Ilir
prilale's." For a moment there is a dead silence,
during which the pretty crimson on
Vera's cheek dies out, leaving her singu
larly pale. No doubt the surprise is
"Is that true?" she says. "I should
not be surprised, though I confess I am;
It ia only what I might have expected
from my first judgment of him. And
.me should not condemn him, either; it is
not his fault that he calls Uncle Gregory
A footstep upon the gravel outside
makes them both turn their heads.
"What is it, Grunch?" Vera calmly
asks as the housekeeper appears on the
"The master wishes to see yon. Miss
Dysart, in the library." There is an ex
pression of malignant amusement in the
woman's eyes as she says this.
Vera had gone into the library with a
pale face, but it was with one paler still
she came out ot it half an hour later,
white as death, and with a strained look
of passion on every feature not to be sub-
a - , aura, one migm -remaps nave given way
to the blessed relier of tears if she had
had time to escape Griselda P'but as she
finds herself looking at Seaton Dysart,
who has at this moment entered the in
ner hall leading to the room she has just
left, all her being seems to stiffen into a
cold horror of contempt.
She stops short and fixes her heavy
eyes on bis.
"So you betrayed me!" she says, in a
low tone that vibrates with scorn.
"Betrayed you?" echoes he, starting.
There is that in her face not to be mis
taken, and a presentiment of coming
evil sends a hot flush to bis brow.
"You are a bad actor," says she, with
a palesmile: "you change color, at a
crisis; you have still a last grain of hon
esty left in you. You should see to that;
kill it quickly, it spoils your otherwise
perfect role."
"Yon are pleased to be enigmatical,"
says he, with a frown. "I am, however,
at a loss to know what you mean."
"Oh, are yon ashamed to keep it up
the deception?" cries she with a sud
den outbreak of wrath. "Oh, how could
you do it?"
"Great heaven! how can I convince you
that I have done nothing?" exclaims he,
growing pale as herself.
"There waa no one else awake, there
was no one to see me," says she, trying
to stifle her agitation. "What, then, must
I think but that you were the one to tell
your father of that unlucky night when
I was locked ont in the garden?"
"He has heard that?" Seaton, a If
thunderstruck, looks blankly at her.
"Why do you compel me to tell yon
what you already know?" says she, with
a little irrepressible stamp of her foot.
"If you will listen to what Is already no
news to you, learn that your father sent
for me just now a long time ago, hours
ago, I think," putting her hand to her
head in a little, confused, miserable way.
"and accused me of having spent the
whole night alone with you, purposely, in
the garden."
"And you think that I "
"I don't think," with condemnatory
Elance. "As I told you before, I know.
Your father has insolently accused me
of en impossible thing; but even if I had
stayed in the garden with you that night,
of my own free will, I cannot see where
would lie the disgrace he connects with
"You are right, no one could see dis
grace where you were," says Seaton.
calmly. "My father Is an old man, he "
"Is old enough to know how to insult
a woman," coldly, "when," with a terri
ble glance at him, "shown the way. Oh,"
laying her hand upon her breast In a
paroxysm of grief, "it was abominable of
you, and you said twice yon said it,"
coming closer to him, and lifting accus
ing eyes to his, " Trust me,' I remember
it as though you uttered it but now, and
I believed you. 'Trust me,' you said."
"1 should say it again," says Dysart,
"a hundred times again. Come," he says,
a;;.) leads her back again to the library
she has just quitted.
tlregory Dysart still sits in his usual
chair, his arms on the elbows of it, bis
tare is set, as though death had laid its
seal on It, save for the marvelously.
horribly youthful eyes, so full of fire and
"You will be so good as to explain to
Vera at once," begins Seaton, in a dan
gerous tone, "how it was you learned of
her being in the garden the other night."
"What night? She may have been out
every night, for aught I know; she tells
me she is fond of moonlight." replies the
ohi man. impassively.
"You understand perfectly the night of
which I speak," says Seaton, his face
now livid. "Who?" he repeats, in a low
ut terrible voice.
"Grunch," replies Mr. Dysart. shortly:
something in his son's face warned hiro
a"t to go further.
"You hear?" says Seaton, turning tc
Vera. "It was Grunch who betrayed
ru. You are satisfied now?"
"On that point, yes. I suppose. I should
jffer you an apology." says 8ne, icily
'But." with a swift glance at his father,
"how can I be satisfied when-
Her voice- breaks.
-"Sir," cries Seaton, addressing hif
father with sudden passion, '-'why did
you speak to her of this? Tby hare
you deliberately insulted your -brother's
"There was no insult. I may have told
her that if she choose to do such things
s society disapproves of, she must only
submit to the consequences and consider
herself ostracised."
" 'Compromised,' you said."
"Well, it is as good a word; yon ar
welcome to it."
"Pshaw!" says Seaton, with a quick
motion of the hand, as if dinging th
idea far. from him, "let us have no more
of such petty scandal. You forget,'
sternly, "that when you seek to compro
mise Vera, you condemn me, your son."
"Dysart shrugged bis shoulders.
"The man is never in fault; so youi
vorld rules," says he. lightly.
"You persist, then, in your insult,"
says Seaton, going a step nearer to him,
the veins swelling in his forehead. "Yon
rtill say that she "
"I say that, and more," replied the old
imp, undaunted, a very demon of ob
stinacy having .now taken possession ol
bis breast'. "I feel even bold enough to
suggest to her the advisability of an im
mediate marriage with you, as a means
Jf crushing in the bud the scandal thai
a sure to arise out of her imprudence."
"Go, Vera; leave"the room," says Sea
:on, with great emotion. ' '"' -
"Why should she go? It seems to me
rou give her bad advice," says Mr. Dv
jart, looking from one to the other with
i satirically - friendly glance. "Let her
rather stay and discuss with us your
carnage with ber.
If he had been so foolishly blind as to
lope by this bold move to force Vera
into an engagement, his expectations are
bow on the instant destroyed by his son.
"Understand me, once for all, that I shall
aot marry Vera," says he,' white with
anger, and some strong feeling that be is
almost powerless to suppress. "Were
she to come to me this moment and lay
ser nana in mine, and say she was wili
ng so far to sacrifice herself, I should re
cuse to listen to her." . . ' : 1" --
Vera, for the first, -time since her en
trance, lifta her -bead to-took at .him.
Was be thinking of Miss Butler? Wat
ae true at last to her? A little bitter
smile curls her hp. I
"I thank you," she says, with a slight
nclination of her head toward her cousin,
ind with a swift step leaves the room:
Four long days have crept languidly
.nto the past, four of the dullest days
Griselda Dysart has ever yet endured, as
die is compelled to acknowledge even to
lerself. Mowly, with aimless steps, she
rises and flings aside the moldy volume
she had found in one of the rooms below,
md which she has been making a fruit
ess effort to read, and looks out upon
:he sunless pleasure-ground beneath het
window. She becomes suddenly aware
it an unfamiliar figure that, kneeling on
:he grass before one of the beds, seems
:o be weeding away for its dear life.
It is certainly the new gardener. Pool
reature, whoever he is, what could have
nduced him to come here? Uncle Greg
Dry bad evidently fonnd no difficulty, in
replacing his former employe. Had he
eenred this new gardener on the old
poor terms? Unhappy creature! poverty
ndeed must have been his guest before
le and his clothes came to such a sorry
?asl At this moment the "unhappy
:reature" lifts his bead, turns it deli ber
itely toward her, and she finds herself
'ace to face with Tom Peyton!
A little sharp cry breaks from her; she
.tifles it, but turns very pale.
"You! you!" she says.
"Don't look like that!" he says, in a
ow tone, but sharply. "Would you be
ray me? Remember, it was my only
hance of getting near you. Don't faint.
mean, or do anything like that."
"Oh, how could you do such a thing?"
says she, in a trembling voice. "And
ind how ' strange' you'look," and what
lreadful clothes you have on!"
"Well, I gave a good deal for them,"
ays he, casting an eloquent glance at bis
:rousers; "more four times more than
I ever yet gave for a suit. I'm sorry you
lon't approve of them; but for myself, 1
hink them becoming, and positively
tlory in them; I would rather have them
:han any clothes I've ever yet had, and
1 think them right down cheap. It's
-atber a sell if you don't think they suit
ny style of beauty."
He is disgracefully unalive to the hor
or of his position. He is even elated by
t. and is plainly on the point of bubbling
ver with laughter. Given an opportu
jity indeed, and it is certain he will give
nirth away; Griselda, however, declines
o help him to this opportunity.
"It's horrid of you I don't know how
rou can laugh," says she, beginning to
ry. "I can't bear to see you dressed
ike that, just like a common man."
"Well I think you're a little unkind."
ays he, regarding her reproachfully. "I
lid think you would be glad to see me.
'. thought, I fancied I suppose I was
vrong that when we parted on that last
lay yon were sorry that you would like
o see me again."
"Well, that was all true." says Gri
ielda, sobtingly.
"Then vhat are you crying about?"
"I am uihappy that because of me you"
nust be nade so uncomfortable."
"If thats all," says he. beaming afresh.
"it's notiing. I'm not a scrap uncom
fortable. It strikes me as Deiug a son
f a larl h'm a joke, I mean. I feel
is jolly ts a sand-boy, and," with a ten
ier, eanest glance, "far jollier, because
I can new see you."
"But iow long is it to last?" says she.
r.nn.ir. "It can't go on like this for
ever, aid Seaton comes down here some
times, and he knows you." ., ...
"I dire say I shall manage io
him. fhough I have often thought late
ly that it would be a good miug i
aim lito our confidence."
"Ol, no, no, no indeed," cries she; he
migh: tell his father, and then .all would
be u with us." .
"Well, there's my sister, Gracie-she
a veT good-natured woman. -an clever,
too. If I were to tell her allshe would
tell -Seaton, and between -them they
might manage something. There's step!
Go away, and try to see me to-morrow
if you can." - ., : .. . , ...
They have barely time to separate be-,
fore the gaunt figure of Gcunch ia Been
approaching through the laurels. , a-1
To-day Is wet; a soaking, steady down
pour that commenced at early- dawn is
still rendering miserable the shrubbery
and gardens. i " -
Vera, depressed by the inelaocholyof
the day, has cast her ooox'Ttsifle.'a'nd,
with a certainty of meeting, nobody in
the. empty rooms apd. corridors, wanders
aimlessly throughout their dreary length
and ' breadth. These rooms are well
known to her, and preseri'tly'wearying of
them she turns aside and rather timidly
pushes open a huge, faded, baize-covered
door that leads she scarcely knows whith-'
er. She pushes it back and looks eagerly
It is not an apartment, after all.- A
long, -low, vaulted passage' reveals itself,
only dimly lighted by a painted window
at the lower end. " it appears to be a
completely bare passage, leading no
where; but presently, as she runs . her
eyes along the eastern wall, a door meets
them, an old oaken " door, -Iron-clasped
and literally hung with cobwebs:.-
Curiosity grows strpng. .'"within her.
Catching the ancient handle, of this door
a mere brass ring sunk in the w.oodwor
she pushes against it with. all her might.
In vain. But not deterred, -ehe pushes
again and again; and at the- last trial of
her strength a sharp sound a ring of
something brazen falling on a stone Hoot
crashes with a quick,, .altogether as
tounding noise upon the tomblike silence
that -fills the 'mysterious passage. -
At the same moment the- door gives
way; and she, unexpectedly yielding with
it, steps hurriedly forward into a dark;
and grewsome hole. :
The poverty of the 'light has peiaiaps
dimmed her sight, because after a little
while a snadow on the' opposite ' wall,
that resolves itself into an opening, be
comes known to her. It is not a door,
rather a heavy hempen curtain, and" now,
resolutely determined to go through with
her adventure, she advances toward it,
pults it aside, and finds herself face to
face with Gregory Dysart!
He is on his knees, next that peculiar
cabinet described 'in an earlier chapter,
and as he lifts bis head upon her entrance,-
a murderous glare, as of one
hunted, desperate, comes into his curious
eyes. ...
The 'side of the cabinet is lying wide
oped, and, as he involuntarily moves,, the.
chink of golden coins falling one upon
another alone breaks the loud silence that
oppresses the atmosphere. ' In his hand
he is holding an old and yellow' parch.
ment. '.
' "I I'am sorry," murmurs "Vera, terri
fied; "I did not know; I r"
"What brought you ' here, giri--here
where I believed myself safe? Go, go
there is. nothing nothing, I tell you
they lied to yon If they told yon any
thinggo, I say!" "
XT fias mtirelv lost tit Jf-twtaiiMitntV
Sad tUl'keeBhg'1,bS''rh"flobr7h6w"
hugging, bow trying to bide beneath him
the paper he holds with his sinewy, ner
vous fingers. "Go, go, go.!.T he shrieks,
beside himself. He is in a perfect fwn
ly; all dignity is. gone; to the girl stand
ing trembling there it is a loathsome
sight to see this old man on the brink of
the grave thus crouching, abased, dishon
ored. - -.
"I, am going," she says, faintly. . She
Is ghastly pale; the sight of him in his
horrible fright, cringing thus upon the
ground, has so unnerved her that she ac
tually grasps at the curtain for support.
.'-' (To be continued.)
Mutually Surprised.
There must have' been about four
hundred people at Lake Bennett, writes
Mr. Secret&n, In his entertaining book,
"To Klondyke and Back," making four
hundred different varieties -of death
dealing conveyances, for each bad to
construct bis own boat for descending
to the Yukon River. The owner of a
little wheezy, portable sawmill, which
waa puffing away day. apd nigbt, tear
ing spruce logs to pieces for .one hun
dred dollars a thousand feet, was get
ting ricn.-
Anytblng that would float was at a
premium. Once In a while you "would
see something resembling 'a boat, but
not often. As a general rule, the soap
box and coffin combination was the
most popular pattern.
Some men could not wait to be sup
plied by the wheezy sawmill, but went
In for whlpsawlng on their own ao
count ' One man stands on" top of the
log," and the other below, and the saw
ts then pushed up and down along a
chaik mark. .
A story is told of two "pardners"
who commenced whipsawing. After
working a while, till his tired muscles
almost refused duty, the lower one ex
cused himself for a moment, and hav
ing hired the first man he met to take
his place In the pit, disappeared. The
sawing proceeded until the uppermost
"pardner," all unconscious that lie was
working with an entire stranger. Tie
thought him of a device to rest. Slak
ing some ordinary explanation, he got
down from the log and quickly hired
an Indian to take his place at the saw.
The "pardners" were mutually sur
prised to meet each other shortly after
ward in an adjacent saloon.
A Certain War.
"How can you tell mushrooms from
toadstools, little boy?"
"Easy! If de guy dat eats 'em Is
alive next day deys mushrooms. If
be's shifted off de mortal coil den deys
When interest is at variance with
conscience-, any pretence that seems
to reconcile them satisfies the hollow-
The dead tret more praises than the
living; we don't envy them, and we are
not afraid to do the square thing by
Love, like honesty, is more lamea
about than understood.
Some of our happiest moments are
spent in air castles.
An hour of careful thinking is worth
more than ten of careless talking.
Reputation . is -like Wood there is
nothing that will take the stains out of
Money talks 6ut it converses with
onlv the favored few.
Hone for the future and regrets for
the past form a large part of the world's
philosophy.. -
The wav of:, the .wise man is to let
a woman have he.r own way. ''
One is apt to strike a happy vein in I
the vicinity of the- runny Done.
trnu rton't .cure for the -thinsrs vou I
can't -obtain you jiriil. be fairly happy. I
i probably the most difficult " man In J
the World to . please is. the2one who J
doesn't know 'what he wants. I
Geographical statistics show that flf-iy-two
vol can Ic Islands have risen out
ef the, 'sea 'since, the beginning of the
century, nineteen of that number have
since disappeared, and ten are' now in
habited. ': ' '
The fruit of the nutmeg tree. Is pear
shaped. It consists dt fohr'parts. a
fleshy onter part, a red network within
this, known to commerce as mace, the
shell covered by the mace, and the
kernel, or nutmeg proper.-
- It is "Well known that anesthetics, e
pecially chloroform and ether, are fatal
to living beings, acting slowly -when
they are used In small quantities for a
long time,. and rapidly wbi-p-they are
given in large doses.. This is true bolb
for animal and for vegetable life.
Fat, or. tbb materials dissolved from
a feeding 'stuff-by ether.-.IsP-a substance
of.-mixed character, and may Include,
besides real,, fats,, wax, the green col
erlpg matrer of. plajits..ejtc. .The fat 'of
food la. either stored up in the. body
as fat. or burned, to furnish .heat and
energy,' " v ' ".. ', '. . y "
Powdered sugar is said to possess de
cided Inferior sweetening properties to
those of the coarsely crystallized arti
cle. In the process of pulverization it
'Is claimed that'the heat and electricity
'produced transform a certain propor.
tion of the sdgnV toto "glucose, Whose
Bweetenlng powers are two and a half
times less than those of saccharose.
' The lung differs from all other struc
tures In having two separate circula
tions, the nutritive, supplied by the left
side of the .heart .through the -bronchial
arteries; and the functional, supplied
by the right side of the heart through
the pulmonary artery. This double cir-cuIaUon.upderlie9-all-the
phenomena of
pneumonia, .and. must be recognized in
any: definition of the disease, as with
out it the disease Itself cannot exist
Our new' Island of Porto Rico,, ac
cording to Mark W. Harrington, is "the
most, uepsejy populated rural com
munity, proper 4n America," It has
about 220 inhabitants to the square
mile. When -the Spaniards first occu
pied If," It was as densely populated as
It Is now. ' Before Columbus discovered
Ani'erlca two successive races had oc
cupied the Island; one seems to have
been of northern origin and the other
was of Carlb stock, pvery tillable part
of the land has been cultivated again
and again. ... ..
Among the flint, quartz and jasper af-rw-heads
frequently found -In : this
tUpntry grg certain; forma known, to
archaeologists" as "war. points:'. For
arrows they were, made small, . some
times net more than three-fifths of an
Inch long. They are triangular in out
line, and were intended to stick fast in
a wound. Trof. W. K.' Moorehead says
that war points are found abundantly
scattered In certain localities .where
there are no indication's ef villages hav
ing existed, and the Inference is that
such places were battle-grounds,- where
the red men fought In ancient days.
For many years efforts have been
made from time to time to measure the
heat radiated from some of the bright
est stars. The most successful attempt
appears to be that of Professor Nichols
at the Yerkes Observatory: With the
aid of an apparatus recalling the prin
ciple of tbe. Crookcs radiometer, be has
ascertained that the star Vega, which
shines very brilliantly near the zenith
In midsummer evenings, sends to the
earth an amount of heat equal to that
ef an ordinary. candle six miles distant '
Arcturus,-the ster celebrated by Job,
and which has a somewhat fiery color,
radiates atsat twice as much beat as
Vega. '
It la Available for Many Purpose in
the Mechanic Arta -
The principal uses of aluminium are
too many to be enumerated. Tbe pro
perties of the metal are. so akin to those
of copper and brass that broadly speak
ing, aluminium or one of its light alloys
Bhould, to a large extent, replace both
copper and tin and also nickel or Ger
man silver. Such a change would be
followed by various advantages to all
concerned. Not only -would there be
a' considerable reduction in the weight
of the articles, but they would not tar
nish or turn black on exposure to air.
The cost should be the same. If not
actually lower. Inasmuch as, bulk for
bulk, aluminium Is already cheaper
than copper or tin, and Its price will
continue to fall as the demand In
creases. ' '
One field, however, remains which
copper is bound to maintain as its own,
namely, tbe construction of isolated
electrical conductors. Experiments
have already been made on-a large
scale with bare conductors of alu
minium for telephones, with perfectly
"satisfactory results; Its conductivity.
weight for weight,. being1 double that of
copper. But .when tbe mains have to'
be insulated copper is absolutely un
approachable, on account of Its greater
conductivity, volume for : volume,
which is 10 per cent of that of alu
minium. ' Besides the advantages set - forth"
above aluminium is not poisonous and
is pre-eminently adapted for the man
ufacture of cooking utensils. A steady
demand for aluminium is springing up
In various kinds of printing processes
as w.ell as In lithography. The metal
appears to answer admirably for the
construction of rollers used In calico
printing, and when its surface Is prop
erly prepared It Is also capable of re
placing the ordinary lithographic atone.
It can easily be Imagined that. Instead
of having -cumbrous and heavy stones,
which can be printed only on special
slow-running "litho" machines, It is far
better and cheaper to use thin sheets
of a metal which can be bent Into a cir
cular - form and printed on rotary
Bicycles, electric light fittings, chains.
orldlM, stirrups, surgical Instruments,
keys, cigar cases, pen and peueU hold
ers, toilet articles, plates and dlshsji,
Doona, forks, traBMS, ' name plates,
door furniture! bat and coat pegs, boot
trees, fire engine- fittings, business and
visiting cards and photographic cam
eras are a few of the things that are
being daily made In aluminum by vari
ous firms.
For motor cars there should be a
large field for aluminum. A further d
mand ' for. the metal will be brought
about by Its Introduction into the mili
tary services. All parts of the soldier's
equipments have practically been made
In aluminum, such as mess tins, water
bottles, buttons, helmets, parts of rifles,
cartridge cases, fittings for guns, tents,
horseshoes, portable bridges, etc., and
It is well known that continental
armies, notably the German army, are
employing aluminum on a large scaje.
Cassler's Magazine. '
Powerful Alcoholic Drinks Are Ex
tracted from Their Trunks.
Cactus is a genus of plants, the type
of the natural order of cactaseae. and
comprises numerous species, all of
which are -native to America. .The
name was originally given by Theo
phrastus to a spiny plant found In Si
cllyl The stems of the cactus are us
ually leafless and fleshy, globular or
columnar, and are armed with spines
and bristles. The structure -of many
of the species Is singular and grotesque
In the extreme, and the roughness of
the stalks and the beauty of the flow
ers make them one of the most Inter
esting botanical curiosities of our con
tinent They are found chiefly in the
hot stony places of tropical America,
and their tough and almost'Imperretra
ble skin Incloses abundant Juice, which
enables them to support a sluggish
vital action without Inconvenience
even In a parched soil.
Some "of the varieties of cactus are
only a few Inches high, while others
attain a height of forty feet. It Is a
curious fact that tbe cactus flourishes
even at the foot of Mount Etna. In Si
cily. The most spleudid example of
the cactus family 1s the giant cactus,
of which a fine example is still stand
ing, although It is slowly rotting and
will soon fall.. It was found at a point
eight miles south of Phoenix. Ariz.,
near the Pima reservation. It Is about
forty feet high. What the date palm
Is to the Afrienn deserts the giant cac
tus is to our own arid lands.
From It the Mexicans extract th
drink called "mescal," and the Indians
nlso obtain a beverage from it On its
fruit the Tapago Indians live for
weeks as a time. Woodpeckers dig
their nests In the trunks and branches,
and even doves feed on the fruit
When the cactus of this kind dies Its
usefulness is not destroyed, for tlie
tough ribs beneath the outer skin are.
used by tbe Papago Iudiansfor the
foundation br their mud roofs and they
also use It In building chicken coops
and even as a covering for their
graves. It Is not this species of cactus
from which travelers are supposed to
obtain a supply of water, but the small
cactus, which contains a plentiful sup
ply of sap. Scientific American.
Railroads In Asia.
The lines of railway now existing in
Asia form a total length of about 30.U00
miles, of which two-thirds belong to
British India. The portions of . the
Trauscaspian and Transsiberian rail
ways already constructed ieprts nt a
length of 3.2U0 miles. In Chlua a uumr
ber of European syndicates have ob
tained concession for 3,000 miles of
railroad, which will traverse regions
which are rich In mineral and vegeta
ble products;.. these. lines are for the
most part in course of construction.
Tie Chinese government has about 300
miles of railway,' these lines being very
product! ve,. especially that from Pek
ing to Tientsin. - Japan is well provided
with railway communication, having 3.
2i0 miles. French Indo China has at
present but 120 miles, but French pos-'
sessions in Cochin China, Annam and
Tonkin will shortly have 2,400 milrs
which will develop the mineral and
agricultural resources of these couu
tries. Tbe Dutch Indies are provided
Java alone having 1,000 miles. In
British India the greatest length is to
be found; here there are 21.000 miles of
railway. As to Persia, there are as yet
no railroads of any consequence, but
Turkey In Asia possesses 1,500 miles,
and 000 miles are in construction or
projected. Scientific American.
Old Map of the United States.
State Librarian Galbreatb has just se
cured another valuable addition to the
collection of relics at the library, a map
of the United States, made in the year
1700. The map was found In an old
book shop at Philadelphia, and waa for
merly the property of a gentleman who
wa for years In the employ of the fed
eral government It is made from cop
per plates and Is mounted on heavy
linen. On tbe chart Ohio is a territory
With rather vague outlines. Cleveland
Is not to be found, and Cincinnati is
designated as Fort Washington. San
dusky is the only city of any great prom
inence. Tbe eastern states are showu
with substantially tbe same boundaries
as they have to-day. Georgia exti n is
as far west as the Mississipi river, and
the southern portion of Florida is ap
parently unknown. Lake Michigan is
much too narrow and Lake Huron Is
far too broad. At the lower corner is a
curious picture of Niagara Falls. Mr.
Galbreatb has discovered another cban
of the United States, drawn in 1774
and it will soon be sent to Columbus.
Columbus Journal
Cost of War.
During the last 200 years England has
spentover sixty hundred million dollars
In ar, which still means a payment
of over one hundred millions a year in
interest on debt. But the naval wars
of the future will be far more expen
sive than the land wars of tbe past. It
Is estimated that a naval action be
tween 30 modern battle ships would
cost something like five million dollars
an hour; and that a naval war between
England, France and Russia would cost
a sum of money equal to the market
value of every inch of English soil.
All a nan's good for Is his life tnsur-
fan Whose Business It Ia to Hake
Patients Par Promptly.
There was nothing remarkable about
the appearance of the man. Nevertbe-
Mess, one of the party felt himself called
upon to say that he probably had the
most curious job of anybody In the city.
"He's a business manager for doctors."
be explained.
"There's nothing new In that" was
die retort of another member of tbe
party. "I know of a number of physi
cians and dentists who pay a cettuin
sum each month to have their bills
made out Tbe man so employed goes
to their offices for a day or two. writes
np their books, makes out their bills,
and malls them. Sometimes three or
four doctors having offices in the same
building will employ one man among
them for this purpose. Members of
these .professions are notoriously t-.-
business men, and some of them low
about half they make owing to that
"But this man,, persisted tbe first
speaker, "does even more than that He
has taken up that idea and carried it to
Its logical conclusion. He has an office
of his own, and all bills are payable at
that office, lie takes the books of his
clients to bis own office, makes out the
bills, and collects tbe money. Of cour.-e
be has to be a man of standing, iu
whom the professional men he serves
place confidence, but he is all of that
and be does just the work a physician
needs to have done. For some reason
a doctor's bill is tbe very last that most
men pay. Tbe average citizen will pay
his grocer or his butcher or any other
tradesman with reasonable promptness,
but will let bis doctor wait
"Now, this young man of whom I am
speaking simply conducts tbe financial
part of the doctor's business on busi
ness principles. He does just as much
as a merchant would do and no more.
The first bill Is followed by auother and
If that receives no attention he goes
out as a collector and presents the third
In person. But he says, the mere fact
of the bills being sent out on time and
followed up with, reasonable prompt
ness, sometimes with a courteous let
ter requesting that they receive early
attention, has had a wonderful effect
In Increasing the number that are paid
promptly, for, after all, the doctors are
largely responsible for their own trou
ble In getting pay for their services. The
young man Is aot a lawyer, and be
never sues for the money. He does
not pose as a bad-debt collector, never
writes threatening letters, and never
resorts to bulldozing tactics. Vet, as 1
say, he has been most successful and
has proved himself worth far more to
hts clients than they have' to pay for
having their business affairs methed
Ically conducted. After he ls-through.
If he has failed to get the money, it
rests with the doctor to decide whether
he wants the bill put into the hands of
a lawyer, and he has the further .satis
faction of finding out tn a much shorter
time than ever before Just what bad
aebts he has en his books." Chicago
Inter Ocean.
Observations of Commonplace Things
by the Atchison Globe Man.
Every man hates the consequences.
Only a very wise man can take the
world easy.
Some men never go anywhere, ex
cept when there is a fire.
If you want to be forgiven for lying,
tell lies that are interesting.
Tears have been greatly overdone:
crying is becoming ridiculous.
When a man can get fun out of his
business, instead of going out of town
for it he Is all right
There is a good deal said about "for
ever" by lovers; meaning, probably,
some time next week.
There may be some gain In casting
bread on the waters, but there Is more
lb. throwing a bait in.
Some people take a notion to be your
friends, the same as some people take
a notion to be your enemies.
Those people who are always "visit
ing,", to avoid paying board, accept
some very funny invitations.
After the first baby arrives a man
finds it more difficult to get sympathy
from his wife when business Is dull.
An elderly woman who Is admired by
ber elderly husband, in spite of the
storms of life, is always worthy of it
These days, when you speak of a
widow, people want to know whether
she Is a cemetery or a court house
A doctor's favorite charge against
another doctor Is that he learned all be
knew while acting as errand boy at a
drug store.
One of the funniest things in the
world Is to hear a quiet, timid little
woman trying to entertain a man who
Is very deaf.
When a woman sends ber children
out of the room when another woman
calls, it means that she regards the
caller as a gossip.
A woman cannot keep moth out of a
few old duds In a single closet but
think of the genius of men who keep
moth out of clothing stores!
When a man dies who has been mar
ried twice, there is always some curi
osity as to how his widow feels at
burying him beside his first wife.
Most Expensive Drag.
A London specialist says the most
expensive drug Is pbysostigmine, an
ounce of which would cost nearly
(1.000. It is prepared from tbe Cain
bar bean and is used In diseases of the
Th Helpful Prana,
Prunes afford the highest nerve oi
drain food, supply he.tt and waste, but
ire not muscle feeding. They should
be avoided by those who suffer from
the H"r.
One or tbe Other.,-
"Henderson tells me he means .
name his new boy George."
"Old or new stylet"
"What do you mean?"
"Washington or Dewey T" Indian
polis exchange.
It Is wonderful how many different
ways there are of being miserable.
When, two patJons arLAt war even
tao dispatches oonfl las'
Rep. Dr. Ca !;;::.
Subert: Tti Aft-air of OtheraTTif Bny.
boly Has a Mlwlnn to Perforin When
Ills Motive Is Uooil Search Out the
Miserable ami Offer Them Consolation
Copyright. Loul Klopach, 1MU.I
Washikotos. D. C. In this discourse Di.
I Talmnga shows how we should interest
. ourselves in the Rffnirs of others for their
I boueflt, but never lor their datnnge; text,
I Peter, iv., 15, "A busybody in other men's
I Human nature is the same in all ages,
i In the second century of the world's ex
j isteoce people hnd the same charncterUtlo
I as people In the nineteenth century, the
only diiTerence being that they bad the
clmractcri-tle-i for a longer tl.ne. It was
500 years of goodaessor 500 years of mean
ness instead ot goodnes or meanness for
forty or fifty years. Well, Simon Peter,
who was a keen observer of what was going
on around him, one day caught sight ot a
man whose characteristics were severe
inspection nnd blatant criticism of tbe af
fairs belonging to people for whom he had
no responsibility, and with the hand once
browned and hardened by fl-diing tackle
drew this portrait for all subsequent ages,
"A busybody In other men's matters."
That kind ot person has been a trouble
maker in every country since the world
stood Appointing himself to the work of
exploration and detection, he goes forth
mischief making. He geuerally begins by
reporting the infelicity discovered. He is
the advertising agent ot Infirmities ami
domestic inharmony and occurrences that
but for bim would never have c me to the
public eye or ear. He eels that the secret
ought to be hauled out into light and her
alded. It he can get one linn of it into
the newspapers, that he feels to be a nohie
achievement to start with. But he must
not let it stop. .Ha whispers it to his
neighbors, and they in turn whisper it to
their neighbors, until the whole town is
abuza nnd agog. You cm no more catch
it or put It down than you can a malaria.
It Is In tbe air r.nd on tbe wing and afloat.
Taken by Itself, it seems ot little impor
tance, but after a hundred people have han
dled It and each has given It an additional
twist it becomes a story in size and shape
marvelous. It it can be kept going, after
awhile It will be large enough to cull the
attention of the courts or the presbyteries
or conferences or associations. The most
of tbe scandals abroad are the work of tbe
one whom Peter in the text styles "a busy
body in other men's matters."
First, notice that su.-h a mission is most
undesirable, because we all require all tbe
time we can get to take care of our owu
affairs. To curry ourselves through the
treacherous straits ot this life demands
that we all the time keep our hand on the
wheel ot our own craft. While, as I shall
sbowyou before I get through, we nil din ve
a mission of kindness to oth rs, we have
no time to waste in doing 4hat which . Is
damaging to others.
There is our worldly calling, which mut
be looked after or it. will become a failure.
Who succeeds in anything without concen
trating all bis energies upon that one
thing? All those whotry.to do-nimiy things
go to pieces either as. to their health . or
their fortune. They go on until they pay
ten-cents on the dollar or pay their body
into the grave,' We cannot manage the
affairs ot others and keep our own. affairs
prosperous. While we are Inquiring
now. .precarious s the business of an
other merchant and finding out how m-niv
notes be has uppaid and hotv soon he will
probably be wound op or make an assign
ment or hear' the sheriff's hammer-smite
bis counter our own affairs are getting
mixed up and endangered. . While we are
criticising our neighbor for his poor. crops .
we are neglecting the fertilization of our
owns fields or allowing the weeds to choke
our own corn. While we are trying to ex
tra t the mote from our neighbor's eye we
fall under the weight of the beam In our
own eye. Those men disturbed by the faults
of others are themselves the depot at which
whole trainsof faults arriveund from which
whole trains of faults start. The men who
have succeeded in secular things or relig
ious things will tell you that they have no
time for bunting out tbe deficits of others.
On the way to their counting room they
may have hear! that a Arm in the same
line of business was In trouble, and they
said, "Sorry, very sorry." Hut they w tut I
In nnd sat down at their table and opened
the book containing a full statement of
their affairs to see It they were In peril of
being caught In a similar cyclone.
Gadders about town, with linnds In
pockets and hats set far back on the head,
waiting to hear baleful news, are failures
now or will be failures. Christian men
and women who go round with mouth
and looks full of Interrogation points to
find how some other church member Is
given to exaggeration or drinks too much
or neglects his home for greater outsHe
attractions have themselves so little grace
In their hearts that no olio suspects they
have any. In proportion ns people are
consecrated and holy rml useful they are
lenient with others and disposed to say:
"Wait nntil we near the other side of that
matter. I cannot believe that charge made
against that man or woman until wo have
some better testimony than that given
by these scandal mongers. I guess it is
-Furthermore, we are incapacitated for
tbe supervisal of others because we cannot
see all sides of the affair reprehended.
People are generally not so much to blame
as we suppose. It is never right to do
wrong, but there may be alleviations.
There may have arisen a conjunction of
circumstances which would have flung any
one ot us. Tbe world gives only one side
of the transaction, and that Is always the
worst side. That defaulter at the bank
who loaned money he ought not to have
loaned did it for tbe advantage of another,
not for his own. That young man who
purloined frm bis employer did so be
cause his mother was dying for the lack ot i
medicine, mil voung woman who went
wrong did not get enough wages to keep
ber from starving to death. Most people
who make moral shipwreck would dorlght
in some exigeney. but they hare not the
courage to say "No "
urtherinore, we make ourselves a dis
gusting spectacle when we become busy
bodies. What a diabolical enterprise those
undertake who are ever looking for the
moral lapse or downfall of others! As the
human rice is a most imperfect race, all
such hunters llnd plenty of game. There
have been sewing societies In churches
which tore to pieces more reputations than
they made garments for tbe poor. With
their sarcasms and sly hints and deprecia-
;.... A i .... n l . .. ... l
unities lunu lunj linn iitseuier. , ilii fcucir
scissors tbey cut character bios and back
stitched every evil report they got bold of.
Meetings ot boards of directors have some
times ruined good business men by insinu
ations against tbem. Tbe bad work may
not have been done so much bywords, for
tbey would be libelous, but by a twinkle of
tbe eye or a shrug of tbe shoulder or a
sarcastic accentuation ot a word. "Yes,
he Is all right when he ts'sober." "Have
you Inquired into that man's history?"
"Do you know what business he was in be
fore he entered this?" "I move that the
, i .i i ii ii.i.i. :
application be laid on the table until some j
investigations now going on are consum
mated." It Is easy enough to start a sus-
plclon that will never down, but what a
despicable man is the one who started Itl
All people make mistakes say things
that afterward they are sorry for and miss
opportunity of uttering the right word and
doing tbe right thing. But when they say
their prayers at night these defects are
sureto.be mentioned somewhere between
the name of the Lord, for whose mercy
tbey plead, and the amen that closes: the
supplication. "That has not been my ob
servation," says some one. Well, -1 am
sorry for you, my brother, my sister.
What an awful crowd you mast have got
intol Or, as Is more prohilila, you ara
one of tbe characters that niv text
sketches. You have not been hunting foe i
partridges and quail, but: for vul-1
tares. Yoa have been microscop- I
Izing the. world's faults You. have'
been down in tbe marshes when you ought
to have been on tbe uplan Is. 1 I have
caught you at last. Yoa are 'a busybedy
In other men's matters.". .
.How Is It that you can always fin i twt
opinions ' about Any one arid those two
opinions exactly opposite? I will tell yoa
the reason. It is because there, are two
sides to every character the best side and
the worst side. A well disposed man chief
ly seeks the best side. The badly disposed
seeks chiefly the worst side, lie -ours the
desire to see .the best side, for It is health
ier for us so to do and stirs admiration,
which Is an elevated state, while the de
sire to find the worst side keeps one in a
spirit of disquietude and disgust and mean
suspicion, and that Is a pulling down of oar
own nature, a disfigurement of our own
character. I am afraid the imperfections
ot others will kill as yet.
The habit I deplore is apt to show Itself
in the visage. A kindly man who wishes
everybody well soon demonstrates bis dis
position in bis looks. His features may
fracture all the laws of handsome physiog
nomy, but Old puts into that man's eyes
and ia the curve of his nostrils and in the
opper and lower lip tbe signature ot Di
vine approval. And you see it at a glance,
as plainly as though It bad been written all
iver his face In rose color: "This Is one of
My princes. He Is on the way to corona
lion. I bless bim now with all the bene
iictlons that' infinity can'afford. Look at
bim. Admire him. Congratulate him."
But there is a w orlhy and Christian way
ot looking abroad upon others, not for the
purpose of bringing them to disadvantage
3r advertising their weaknesses or putting
In "great prl ner" or "paragon" type their
frailities, but to offer help, sympathy and
rescue. That is Christiik , and he who
loes so wins the applause, ot the high
heavens. Just look abroad for tiie people
who have made great mistakes aud put a
3lg pluster of condolence on their, lacera
:lons. Suoh people are never sympathized
with although they need an Infinity or so
ace. Domestic mistakes. Social mis
:akes. Ecclesiastical mistakes. Political
There is a public man who lias made a
political mistake from which he will never
recover. At the next elections he will be
put back and put down Into n place of dis
lpproval from which he will never rise,
lust go to that man and unroll the scroll
5f 100 splendid Americans wfio, after oceu
sying high places of promotion, wore rule
rated to private life and public scorn.
Show him in what glorious company he
Das been placed by the anathema of the
Fallot box. .
There is a man or woman who has ma 1
i conjugal mistake, and a vulture has beu
5ut Into tbe snme cage with a dove or a
.ion and a lamb la the same jungle. Tiie
fforld laughs at the misfortune, ijut it is
four business to weep with their woe.
There is a merchant who bought nt the
wrong time or a manufacturer whose old
uachinery has been superseded bv a new
nvention or who under change of tariff o:i
certain styles of fabric has been dropped
from affluence into bankruptcy. Oo to him
ind recall the names of fifty business men
who lost nil but their honesty and God ami
leaven. Let them know there nre hiiti
ireds of good men who have gone un-ler -:bat
are thought ot in heavenly spheres
nore than many whoare high up and going
ligher. All will acknowledge that good
ind lovely Arthur Tnppan, who failed in
business, was more to be admire I thau
IVilliam Tweed In possession of his stolen
Hear itl The more you go to busying
ourselves In othor men's matters the bet
er if you have design of offering relief,
jearcn out the quurrejs, that you may set
ts them; the fallen, that you may lift
hem; the pangs, that you may assuage
hem. Arm yourielf with two. bottles of
Divine medicine, the one a touic ami the
itber an auiesthetlo, the latter to soothe
nd quiet, the former to stimulate, to in
ipire to sublime action. That man's mat
ers need looking after in this respect.
There are 10,000 men aud women who need
Tour help sad need it right away. Tuey
lo not sit down auif-cry.- i uev frtitffrf
ippeal for help, but wituiu teu yards of
where you sit In church and withla teu
ailnutes walk of your bomether-i are peo
ple In enough trouble to make tlpvn
ihriek out with agony If they hal not re
lolvel upon suppression.
If you are rightly Interested In other
nun's matters, g to those whoarejmt
itarting in their occupations or profes
lions and give them a boost. Tnose oi l
physicians do not want vour help, for they
ire surrounded with more patients than
:hey can attend to, but cheer those vouug
lectors who are counting out their lirst
Irops to patients who cannot afford to pay.
Those old attorneys at thelaw want no help
from yo-'i, for they take retainers only from
:he more prosperous clients, but cheer those
fotmg attorneys who have not hid
i brief at all lucrative. Tijo-e otd
merchants have their business so
well established that they feel Inde
pendent of banks, of nil changes In
tariffs, of all paules, but cheer those
young merchants who are making their
first mistakes in bargain and sale. That
old farmer who has 200 acres iu best tillage
and his barns full of harvested crops and
the graiu merchant having bought his
wheat at high prices before it was reaped
needs no sympathy from you, but cheer
np that young farmer whose acres are
covered with a big mortgage nnd the
drought strikes tbem the first year. That
builder with contracts made for the con
struction of half a dozen houses ami the
owners impatient for occupancy Is not to
be pitied, but give your sympathy to that
mechanic in early a -quaintance with ham
mer and saw aud bit aud amid all the
limitations of a journeyman.
And now my words are to the invisible
multitudes I reach week by week, but yet
will neversee in this world, but whom I ex
pect to meet at the bar of God and hope to
see In the blessed heaven. The last word
that D wight L. Moody, the great evan
gelist, said to me at 1'ialnfii'l 1, N'. J., and
be repeated the message for me to others,
was, "Never be tempted under any clreum
3tances to give up your weekly pub
lication of sermons throughout the
world." That solemn charge 1 w It
beed as long as I have strength to give
them and the newspaper types deire to
take tbem. Oh, ye people back there in
the Sheffield mines of England, and ye in
tbe sheep pastures of Australia, and ye
amid the pictured terraces of New Zealand,
and ye nmong tbe cinnamon and color in
flamed groves of Ceylon, aud ye Armenians
weeping over the graves of murdered
households in Asia Minor, nnd ye ami I
tbe idolatries ot Benares ou tiie Granges,
and ye dwellers on the banks of the
Androscoggin, and the Al.ihima, and
the Mississippi, and the U.eon, and
the Shannon, and the lthiue, and the
Tiber,, and the Danube, an i the Nile,
and the Euphrates, and the Caspian and
tbe Yellow seas; ye of the four corners of
the earth who have greeted me again an 1
again, accept tills point blank offer of
everything for nothing, of everything of
pardon and comfort and illumination and
safety aud heaven, "without money n-id
without price." What .1 gospel for all
lands, all zones, all agesl Go, el of sym
pathy! Gospel of hope! Gospel of eman
cipation! Gospel of sunlight! G pel
of enthronement! Gospel of eternal
victory! Take it all ye people, until
your sins nre all pardoned, mil your
sorrows all solaced, arid your wrous
all righted, and your dying pillow lie
spread nt the foot of a ladder which,
though like the one that was let down to
Bethel, may be throng d with descending
and ascending Immortals, shall neverthe.
less have room enough tor you lo ciijub,
foot over foot, on rungs of -light till you
go clear np out of sight of nil earthly
perturbation Into the realm where "the
wicked cease from troubling aud the weary
are at rest."
The good man's life is like the spark
that is brightest at the close. '
Idleness is a craven's goal. No-man
of worth wants to be free from work.
Without work life is not worth the liv
ing. If you want knowledge, you must toll
for it; if food, you must, toil for It; and
if pleasure, you must toil for it;, toll
is the law. '
To let a man know that you recog
nize and rejoice in some good quality
of his. is trr bless him with a new heart
and stimulus.
Bonefieence should never . be -exercised
at random, .nor -upon '.Irrational
impulse, but should be the -outcome
and exrressio"n:of a dispositfoh trained
and nourished .Un. the a'tmosphere of
hurnah friendship. ...