1 SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. PA. rT.lyB3PAY, JAN. 24, 1900 i KRMS. if paid tbe information nt inrin Iaoh, Austin Nipple was landed for hooking last Wilberforce ..k.ption $1.00 per year P " ... . :a I.. -A lo aWarn ; " "" "oSnrfent ',verti!,in!? and l0CaI notiren I1,rt 8 line- nedu.-tiow will be made to thoe de ad,, to advertise by the year, half or quarter year S VO RT LOCALS. The British have U-ori defeating t,p I'm UTS. j)r. Kind's N'ew Life Pills. r .,st ffk was good pneumonia weather :inl numerous eases are mentioned. Hm-kleii's Arnii-a Salve. ,lpve'f horses from the di nrtin of Sny.ler eonnty passed through town on Sunday. Pr. King'" New Discovery. tu l'id" 1'atton and Sarah wIkhIs of Lewistown spent Thursday with pehweyer. i.i.jiiTi Ifcinek was lodged in cas tle Stoner on Monday .irntntioll ot his ' nient and abuse. Biuklen's Arnica Salve. The Philadelphia Times almanac is a 1 pa e pamphlet full of al nianai' learniiiR and other inform ation of importance. Ir. King's New Discovery. On Saturday Thilo Pannabaker iiii'ht 20 suckers in I-iost Creek with a hook and line. Fifteen the fish weighed 20 pounds. Ir. Kiiir's New Discovery. John UerRV bought the Mrs Mary Jarolw property at the south end .f Main at public sale on urd iv for three thousand dollar. ... Dr. King's New Life Pills. Electric light manager Troxell bought a lot on the river tront in Patterson on the south side of the bridge at the sale of the Mrs Jacobs nronertv for one hundred and twenty live dollars. Iiueklen's Arnica Salve. on the m- for had treat- of Sat and one A majority of the petitioners to contest the election of Judge Lu cian W. Doty of Westmoreland countv withdrew their names from the petition and asked that the proceedings of contest be with drawn. The case was accordingly dismissed and Judge Doty will en ter uixm his new term of ten years. Dr. King's New Discovery. The Woman's Missionary Soeie tv o the Messiah Lutheran church will give a chicken and wattle din ner and supper on Saturday, Janu ary 27, lflOO in Mr. Shower s va cant house on Washington street, one door alove Seholl's. Dinner from 11. .50 a. in. to 1.. '50 p.m. Sup per from 4.."0 p. m. to 10 p. m price 2."cts. lee cream and cake extra. Proceeds for lenetit of new church. Dr. King's 2sew Life Pills. i i Sunday the IkxIv of Oeorge R. J-'yre of Chester was found the Delaware. A shot gun wound on the back of his head and his liound lesrs and missinjr watch told the tale of his murder. ITe wen hunting for ducks on the 21st Ie eiiil)er and was found in the mud along the shore not far from the home of .Fames Karney who had gone to the whore to gather driftwood for his kitchen lire. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Arthur Duncan and wife, stove pipe hat repairers took board and lod''iiiir at the National House three da vs. being trusted for the pav. On the 4th day after thei arrival there they left for the rail road. Officer llackenierger was sent for in haste and went to the railroad on double quick time, and arrived there when the gav and festive hat repairer and his letter half were about to step on thetrai westward liotind. The officer brought the lniard bill jumpers Inn k to the hotel where the matter was satisfactorily adjusted and the coiiph- took a new start for the railroad and left on an east-lMuind train. m mil on ' Morula- Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Republicans of Mifflintown will hold a caucus in the Prothon otary's office on Wednesday even ing, January 31st, 1900 at 7 30 p sr. Judge J. Kelly Patterson' died at 12 o'clock on Saturday morning January 20, 1900 of pneumonia at his home near Walnut in Heal township after an illness of four days and thus Tiifumi-a lost one of its most substantial and clever citizens. His life imnli. Hed the dignity of labor. He was a workmen associating with it a high type of dignity that at one time was characteristic of the na tive American citizen, but now un fortunately seems to be rapidly de clining among the people. He was born near Pleasant View in Spruce ir:n a. . urn lownsnip, rehruary 25, 1825, and lived all his days in the valley in which he was born. His ances tors settled in Tnscarora valley more than a century ago. He learned farming and tanning from nis lather James Patterson. He was educated in the common schools and at Tu.scarora Academy Tr . rf- ne engaged in the mercantile bus- ness some 15 or 1 years at Johns town aud after disposing of his store took up the business of tan ning and conducted that business a numler of years and when he re tired he Iwught a farm and has led the life of a farmer from that time to the time of his death. Th judge was a memler of the Presby terian church at Academia from his youth to his last days and he nd his family occupied one seat in the church for 40 consecutive years. He was the leader of the church choir 25 years. He was a charter memler of Walnut Orange and an Associate Judge of Juniata county one term, ne was married to Miss Elizabeth lieale, March 2, 1854. mrs. i-attersou s family is also one of the oldest families in Tuscarora. Mrs. Patterson survives her hus band. The surviving children are Howard married; Susan Iirnlaker residing in Reale township. Mary J. married David Esh of Spruce Hill; KImira married George Brack bill of Turbett; Harry K. at home. The funeral took place at 10 o'clock n Tuesday, January 23. 1900. In termeut in Academia Presbyterian cemetery. Dr. King's New Discovery vxjmp, wife of John Comp, Jr., who uvea on uig iaioer a larm in Carroll township went to the barn to do the milking. She waa engaged in milk ing a cow in the stable and had left the stable door open. A male colt that was in the barn yard, ran into the cow 8ble, and either the colt or the cow knocked Mrs. Comp over and ! trampled on her. Her screams! there. Robison fixed the switch levers and telegraph key and therl rii,eieu uis lainer-in-iaw to re main in the tower till he returned from a short trip to his home. That was several hundred yards away from the tower. Bonsai 1 sat in the tower unconscious of the mission of death that his son-in- brought ber hutiband to the mwnp and he assisted her to the house. Af ter Bhe had mtijui ! . e " " I ...i - .... excitement she thought she was i "P1 lmm e inrerceptea iei much in lured. On Tuesday, i ter ne fonnd O'Neil in the house law had gone on. It was a short and awful tragedy that was enact ed in Robinson's home. As he had and not however, she became ill. She con. tinued to jrrjw worse and died on Wednesday marniog, the result of in ternal injuries. The deceased was a daughter of G. V. Snyder of Penn. with his wife. His wife screamed township, as aged about SG years and leaves a buxband and three smill children to mourn her untimely death. COIT STY COMMITTEE MEET- inc. when he entered and the betrayer sprang to his feet. Robison shot seven bullets into his body. The se ducer fell dead and Robison wonld not allow the body a place in his house, but he dragged it outside to the walk and then hastened to the j tower to resume hie difficult and important work there. It is an important tower for it carries the responsibility of despatching the Itrairn thmilch ttio Invtr Tfr in ine uepnbiusnumnty commit- much like the work of despatch lee neiu a meeting at me jacoos inp trains over a gi ,e track tiouse on last aaturaay auernoon. he ,,ack to his he r.ieveuoi iu eiguircu uisincu. pleasantly relieved his father-in- were represented as toiiows: lieaie, law without creating the least sus i. iv. iieaver, proxy; uiacK log, pk-ion of the dreadful enactment he ii. a. uppei; ueiaware, amuei had pjlS8ei through. Officers of Ieonard; rayette, v. V . fchirk, the iaw H)nstables and deputy proxy; rermanagn, j.u. tamer, sheriffs came to arrest him all of O. Ivd. Hower; Mifflintown, -( whom he told of his intention to oeriorce senweyer, d. a. uais; ive himself to the leiral authority 31iIford, Jesse L. tJroninger, 31. ft,,SWpP hist as sion as the rail- McCahan; Patterson, H. W. Knise- road )mpanv would send a des ly; l'ort Jioyal, tl. H. wnyoer; catcher totakehisnlaceinthe tow- m t t A. VT A 1 lurueir, m. nenzier, pro.x;er While he was in the tower AValker, K. M. Haldeman, V . H. ' niessage of inquiry ca-ne from an tvaunman, proxy, lnrueaosence officer at Harrisbiiro-asking if the of the County Chairman J. A.Davis Spruce Creek murderer had been was called upon to presideover the ran!rht. He replied: "I am the meeting. ! murderer von iuuuire alout and After Some little dlSeUSSlOll lip- rn.nntni.,rlnmn nwav." On- on motion of H. A. Oppel of Blswk erator : Mickev was sent to l,og, Saturday, aiarcni, i:uo, was the tower at the regular time and fixed as the day upon which the T?nt,;n i3 himsulf in the Republican Primary is to le held. The quest ion of the election of a delegate to the national convention was next discussed. Xo provision has been made in the rules govern ing the Republican party of Juni ata county relative to the election of said delegate. Heretofore County Committee has assumed the power and has either elected a delegate from this county or has appointed the conferees to attend the District Conference. It seem ed to le the opinion of the commit tee that candidates for that honor should announce themselves as all other candidates do and have the people pass upon the uuestion at report many people Dr. King's New Discovery. Mi. Ada M. Lyons, died at the home of her husband Judge Jere miah Lyons in this town alMtut 0 A. M.. on Friday morning, Jan uaiy 19th, 19tH), of a complica tion of diseases of long stand ing that involved heart, bronchial tules and kidneys, but up to with in a few days of her death she was able to beaboiit in the house. Dur- iug many days she was conscious of her approaching end and spoke of it to her friends with a christiau like resignation to the Divine will. She was married to Judge Lyons, .lau'y ,r.. 170. She was a devout member of the Westminster Pres byterian church and a teacher of a Sunday school class, which wasone "f the last things she gave up out side of her household management. Nie was present and taught the class, only a few Sundays before fhe left this world. She Was of a necmii disposition and had a lleasuit word for all her friends, whom she met. She will le great ly mied. Her father was Charles A. Thompson whoiu his day con uiictetl mercantile business and wmliug at Mexico, Juniata CO., Pa., "ue brother Mr. Porter Thompson survives her. Four sisters survive er namely: Mrs. Kuinbaugh, Hoi 'CVSviIle. Iow:i. Mini Vri.rhr. ' I'eld. Pa.: Mrs. Mahon. Mex- a.: Mrs I!i.kiiI...1i Afovitvt lie funeral of Mrs. Lyons took Pla.-e at 2 o'clock p.m.. ou Monday, iHiiiiarv laoo. Interment in rcshiterian cemetery. The dootors sick. .iifu sniric oi near LewiHour" is vis'ting Mr nn 1 Mrs. O C. Oortner. The old fashioned January thaw came on Friday and the ice had to Colonel Quav'a case remains in the hands of tbe United States Senate Committee. Thomas Hollobaugh. clothier at Coalport, Pa , is visiting his parents in this town. Mr. and Air. Hubert Mcueen re turned on Friday evening from a vis it to Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Schwenkwyler and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs James McCauley on Sunday Tramps are again becoming num erous hunting work, bnt more partic ularly hunting somethtDg to eat. Miss Ella Tyson and nephew of Hillerstown visited her brother S. A Tyfon on Saturday and Sunday. The days are rapidly growing long er at tbe evening end of the day The morning end of the day grows slowly longer. Mrs. Albert Heinly returned to her home k this place Saturday ev ening after having spent the last thre months with her husband in Trenton. Mrs. Hattie Strayer and daughte Miss Minnie returned to their home in Patterson. Saturday evening after a months' visit to Mrs. Chas. Stone in Washington, D. C. Monday morning Mrs. E- E. Mc- Meen of Patterson accompanied her uncle Mr. John Albert to his home in Piiblo. Colorado, where she will ppend the next six weeks. Dr. Ed. Derr has opened a den tist'a office in Lewistown where he is prepared to serve in the most skillful manner all who can on nim ior pro fessional service. A teaspoonful of sulpher in each shoe keeps off grip when the disease is enidamic. It also keeps on yenowie vnr. rhnlpra and rheumatism, it aen troys the germs of disease. The people, who in the opening dvs of the winter days of the win far acftflon nredicted an open winter insist on it that the winter has been an Others insist on it Clear HI., P; nee 'Dffixgs srJ BUsca If you want to be well, see to it that yonr Kidneys and Blood are tm m healthy condition. It is an easy matter to leant what state your Kidneys are ia. Place some of your urine ia a bottle or tumbler, and leave it stand one day and night. A sediment at the bottom shows that yon have a dangerous Kidney disease. Fains in the small of the back indicate the same thing. So does desire to pass water often, particularly at night, and a scalding pain ia nrinat'aa; ia atUl another certain sign. vr. varta tenneaym vmrmnve xemeajr m what yon need. It will cure yon surely if you do sot delay too long in taking it. Kidney diseases are dan gerous, and should not be neglected a single moment. Read what P. H. Krrr. of Union, N. Y.. a prom. inent member of the G. A. R., says: "I was troubled with my Kidneys and urinary Organs and suffered great annoyance day and night, but since using Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy I have greatly im proved, and that dreadful burning sensa tion has entirely gone. I had on my lip what was called a pipe cancer, which spread 'most across my lip, and was exceeding painful; now that is almost well. I also had severe heart trouble, so that it was difficult to work ; that ia a great deal better. I have gained nine pound since I commenced taking the Favorite Remedy am greatly benefited in every way, and cannot praise it too much." Favorite Remedy is a specific for Kidney, Liver and Urinary troubles. Ia Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Dyspepsia, and Skin and Blood Diseases, it has never failed where the directions were followed. It is also a specific for the troubles peculiar to females. All druggists sell it at $i.oo a bottle. If you will send your full postoffice address to the Dr. David Kennsdv Corporatiom, Ronuout, rt. ., ana meninn this fiafitt, we will forward you, prepaid, a free sample bottle of the Favorite Remedy, together with full directions for its use. You can depend upon this offer being genuine, and should write at once for a free trial bottle. Sample Bottle Free! hands of officers in waiting. Mean while Coroner Sehum and a jury held an inquest anil rendered a verdict in accordance with the facts as stated lefore the coroner and suggested that Mrs. Kobison Ik flotainml afi it wifnMA. l?ot.i- llie .,ia 4nl.A iik llnnlinmlnn i'lil TTia wife was also sent to jail and .placed under medical attention, fharles Robison is 2. years old. jWas lorn in Juniata county. His father David Pobisou is a teacher by profession and the family are all reputable people. The wife of Charles Robison is a daughter Mr. and Mr?. George lionsall Spruce creek. She was a widow Schott's -:- Stores At the Threshold of the Century Anno Domini U1DCCCC. To all our Friends and Patrons, Present or Prospective: Health, Happiness, and Prosperity HOLLOBAUGH & SON The only up to date Clotbiertv They sell none but up to date goods. Tbev sell more Hats and Cans than all others combined? Why beeaasm they keep the Latest Blocks and bay from Riokert, who sells no seoonds. BUY THK SABLE BRAND WE HAVE IT. The Douglass Shoe is another of their specialities. It talks for itself. We carry twioe as many dress overcoats as any other house. We have the largest and best Line of .Wen's, Boy's sad Children's Suits The very latest out We are agents for the 8weet Orr Overalls. We buy by tbe case froaa Sweet Orr Co, not by the doien pairs from seoond haod. We are head-quartern for those goods. Tbe other fellow is Hind-quarters. Selab! All we ask is a comparison of Our Line, and if the line is not superior in price, in finish, in Quality of Material and in fit, we won't ask you to bay. We take pleasure in showing oar goods, because we have them to show all new, all up to da'e. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. --- the primary or in ease there are no n ,,,, Roi.ison married her candidates, that the Return Judge jyer ae js 2.? years. O'Neil her Convention either rill the vacancy . . J 1' .f V- '.,, Tbe great success aud enormous business can be directly attributed of 1 J piviDg our patrons ursi-ciass anenuon, cu&rging oui a email percentage 01 0f. profit boweyer low we buy it, treating every person fair and square, carrying a complete eiock in an lines, onying our goods tor cud at lowest prices and selling tbe same way, these are the reasons for our successful business career. ty appointment or appoint comer- , f linatp..,,v i1.,i,its TTis lath ees to attend the I i?triet Confer-1 pr . tractor of Ldwick . El- ence ine committee toot no ac- !o ., a(MU. ir, aistpr of tion in the matter so that anyone ATl i,i.!art .aa ..r when e to 1 a candidate for ' n Wits shot Th(, volin national delegate can announce . . w iuktkn nt tl. . sf ow'-keen- andhave the voters elect i. tn rrmv nloI1,v frMrs. him at the Primary, subject of - - Tlw, ,., ...... tft nnv Senator Hertzler A Clean up Sale. emr)haticallv ' . . . , ... .1 a v 1 n'Ki iuiii urrjiiiraii lis 1 :i k 1 iit r annoiiuceil when the matter was .lio. la , . fho Btrt v-.i under discussion, that Juuiat-,J.. - - 'll4tf(. ,f llia mnnv tn coiintywoum not get a ueiep.ie . . . Tvrone 0.veil had tnis veiir. ve uon 1 khow how no money as was demonstrated when the authorities examined his pock ets thev found only l"ets. The this is, but it strikes us the Sena tor is talking too fast. There are . 1 1 1 j x ..It A two ueiegaies auu io u.u. elopement ha,i plannel pre elect eti to rne national convenuou , ., , r vxr;i . j - 1 t iini.i t nun ivittio aai'iis " ' , were found advising her to take . KedUCeCl THCeS. rne iiiriiiinre io m;ui jnnirr-Kct-i Each and every line of roods bas numerous bargains to offer after tbe holiday rush, and we have decided to offer these goods at attractive prices, and you can have some of them if you come quiokly Dress Goods in Short Ends and Remnants at Half Price. Ladiea Jaoketa aed Capes at Reduced Prioes. Misses' and Childrens Jackets at Reduced Priees. Tailor made Suits and Wrappers, Silk and Cloth Waists at Keduoed Prices. Blankets and Comforts at from the 18th Congressional dis trict. Juniata county was repre sented in 1S02. There are seven counties in the district and as Jun- ata has had neither a delegate nor an alternate since 1S02, she cer tainly is entitled at this timetoone or the other. And we will not get either unless someone lecomes a candidate. The memtiers of the committee called upon the,Jindidates present, Messrs. Hertzler. Beaver, McMul- lin and Leonard to make short speeches. They all responded and in words renewed their allegiance to the Republican party and its principles. Among other things. Senator Hertzler said:"! expect no opposition to my candidacy from Juniata county for all intelli gent men know that if I have and am beaten the victor cannot secure the District nomination." The meeting was then adjourned. - --- A HUSIJAND'S AWFUL VEN GEANCE. John O'Neil was shot dead at the house of Charles Robinson at Spruce Creek, Huntingdon county, ing at McKees' Rocks. The woman had come to believe that her hus IkuhI would that day go to Harris bnrer and therefore had her lover there early that day so that the elopement and moving could le easily done. One letter from her on the person of the dead O'Neil was 20 pages closely written. Sev- leral other letters of hers were found on his person. 'harles Rob ison is a man ot goou reputation without offense toward anyone, a man faithful to all trust reposed in him and if the destroyer of his home had taken his advice and re" 111a i ned away O'Neil would still lie living to play his nefarious arts in other honest men's homes. On the coming Friday an effort by Robin son's lawyers will be made to have him released on bail. HOLLOBAUGH & SOW. 116 MAIN STREET, Patterson, Penna. McCLINTIC'S HARDWARE unci House-Furnishing STORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O 0O0 O THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Things are never dull here; never stupid. The full life of the store .W was has a cheerful weloome ior au comr, u ir- - n " J . . ft,. tM.nA in nil, nAV in favor of the ureat amen iu A Specially Seleoted Stock of Ranges, Cook, Psrlor and Shop Stoves. Horse Blankets and Lap ttobea. LAMPS, largeand small-. Come in and look around. We ir make you feel at home. We have the" largest Stock and Store in the county. OUR AMK GUARANTEES UUALlTY- M1AI.ISTF.KVII.I.K ITEMS. William Carwell is quite ill with pneumonia. Miss Ssidie Jamison is visiting friends in Newport this week. Rev. H. S. Velty and son are Underwear, Men. Ladies and Children, Gloves and Stockings at Re duced Prices Carpets, Oil Cloth, Lenolimns at Reduced Prices Lace Curtains at Reduced Prices. We sell you Lancaster Gingham at 5 eents, worth 7 cents. Calicoes at 3i and 5 cents worth nnc-'liird more. Towling 3 yards for 10 cents. Children Stockinet for 6 cents. " Outing Flannel for 5 cents a yard. Muslin for 41, 5, 6, and 7 cents. Heavy Cheviot for Men's Shirts, 10 yards for 75 cents. Shaker Flannel for 5 cents. A Few Remaining Holiday Goods At Half Price. Now is jour opportunity to get much for LITTLE -PRICES. SCHOTT'S STORES, nlMMit 9 o'clock on the morning of ( spending this week with his pa 103 to 109 Bridge Street that tbe winter is not open when the jnround is frozen. John Cook, a rich undertaker of Baltimore lost his wife by consump tion on the 14th day of January 1900, and three days after on the 17th day of January 1900, he married Miss Ruby Beecher. He says nis access ed wife told him to marry aii Beecher as soon as possible alter ner death. a ror. who visited Manila says, ti.. xrctinSnn iwinla are a oood deal buo . I 1 . . lit. V.;i1ran in mfttlV WSVB. PSrtlCU larly when at work. They have to be inr&eA after all tue lime w p fi,m at work. Thev are liable kn,.r tn walk awav from their w - 1 . and remain away from a nan w hnnr and then retnxn and wor short time and then another recess. The people who are of the opinion iu. .(iaii make onlveuess state- mnt mav find some food for thought in the scientific statement thw made that on the 18th 'day of -ay 1900 an eclipse of the sun will tae place. There is no guess work, no prophecy about it; it is simply knowledge of laws that govern the time motion of the earth nd moon and where they will be on their orb.t on a certain date. Perry Freeman: On Monday ev ening, January 7, Mrs. Alma U. the 17th inst. He Had sneaked in to the Robinson home to see Mrs. Robinson with whom he was carry in"' on improper relations, ne was shot dead by Charles Robinson for violating the sancity of his home. Robinson shot seven bullets into O'Neil's body and then drag ged his dead Ixsly out of the house and dropped it on the jMirch for some other persons to take care of. Last summer O'Neil had operated an engine for railroad eoustractors at Spruce Creek tunnel, and Rob inson was telegrapn operator 111 rue tnwpr near the tunnel. The men liecauie acquainted, aud after a time Robinson took O'Neil to ltoard at his house. The engineer ingrat iated himself in the affection of Airs. Robinson, and then legan an - a.: 11. a. intrigue tor stolen meetings iuav Robinson lecanie appraiseu 01. Aliout ten days liefore the tragely O'Neil was ordered from the house and warned not to return, and 11 he did it would cost him his life. 'Vil fled the place, aud Robin- anv work an work a rents at Alburtis, Lehigh county. Pearl Benner is visiting her sis ter Mrs. John Warner in Yeager town. Mini in Co. A great many in this town and vicinity have the grippe. Mrs. Mary Shivery of Oakland spent a few days here with her daughter Mrs. j. W. Benner. Thomas Winey and wife who spent several months here with relatives amd friends started for their home in Lawrence, Kansas on the 22nd-. The fanners' institute was very well attended considering the lad weather and muddy roads. The house was rilled at every session aud great interest was shown. A great many strangers attend ed the institute. They came quite a distance. MARRIED: HlM'KEMtKRKY RllIXK. On the 18th inst.. at East Waterford, Pa., by Rev. M. S. Berstine, A . C. son forgave his wife, but kept up a Hockeuberryand Mary Rhine u-iti-h on the mail. Tne exiled Sixukk-Shivei.y. untneistn lnvpr lieiran to write to Mrs. Rob-. inst at Mifflintown by Rev. Wm. inson and suggested elopement, and 1 u. Picken, Ellsworth C. Singer soon an engagement waa m.mc w meet her in her own home in the of the 17th inst. Robin- . - a , 1. ? miFa lAtrara i 1 SOU lllietl UIO W11CO iviivin, v.... them, resealed them and replaced them in the post-office, and she did not know that her husband had le ooine acquainted with her unfaith fulness. Kotmison Knew rrom me letters the train O'Neil would come on, aud he .had matters arranged with his father-in-law 3Ir. Bonsall to come to the tower. He did not tell bis father-iu-law what he wanted him for. Bonsall was to be in the tower at ! a.m. He was and Edua Shively Howku Noi.e. On the ISth inst., at Lewistown. Mifflin Co Pa., by Rev. I. O. Moser, William Morden Hower and Gertrude M. Nole. TCNHiHT Hainfs. Ou the 18th inst., at Port Roal by Rev. I. O Mower, David MeKnight and Anna E. Haines MJRRUGH LICENSE : Hartie Gloss of East Waterford and Martha F. Hoekenlerry of McCulloch's Mills. MIFFLINTOWN, Pa 1866, ESTABLISHED. 1900. Special Invitation To The Publie To attend the Attractive bale ol Clothing u.iat goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLET It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS . Who Have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE of Suits and "Overcoat at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't I til to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. H A R LEY AOITFLXN TO WIST T?JL. Neat, Stylish, Inviting 8 STORE. K. H. M'CUNTIC, MIFFLINTOWN. HAVE I0H MOKEY TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU k BORROW KR CALI AT TBS FIRST MIKFLINIOWN, l-A. THREE PER CENT I1SJTEKKST PAID ON TIMJ2 CERTIFICATE. Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. 'SEVENTY-SEVEN"-r77.") ''77" is Dr. Humphreys' famous Specific for the care of Grip and Colds, and t he prevention of Pneumo nia. AH druj.'gipts, 25c. Subscribe for the Hkntinjx a.vi Rei'itblican, a paper that contains choice reading nialtrr, full of inform tion that does tbe reader tfood, and iu nddiluiu to that, all local news that are worth publiehing find plant's in its columns. tf. March 5. 180S. -TH Vr- Juniata Valley .National Bank. -O- (apital .... 0,0(X). LOUIS E. ATK1NSOX, Prewident T. V. IRWIN, t'aHhier. DIREtTTORS. Ijoum E. AtkiiiHou. John Hertzler. H. J. Shelleuberger. T. Van W. C Pomeroy. J. I. Barton. W. N. Sterrett 1 rwtn.T Interetrt allowed on time depositx t the rate of three per cent, per annum. January 11, 1890. The Sale of Hood's SsrtBpnrii are the largest in the world bectr J.e -ores by Hood's 8araparillft i. wonderful, perfect, permanwnt. Hood's Pills are the best f-v-csUjarticand liver medicine. So"-- No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worn o. No. 3 " Infai . s' Diseasa. No. 4 " Diai hea. No. 7 " Co v.is- No. 8 Cures N - .ralgia. No. 0 " Hendache. No. IO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leucorrhea, No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 18 " Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 " Asthma. No. 2 4 " General Debility. No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Disease. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 . " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 ' Sore Throat. No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Du. lIuMPunExs' Homeopathic MANtrab or DiMEisKs Mailed Frf.k. Small tKittlei ot pleasant peilnta, (It Itm Toat poket. Sold bj dnifrffiHUi. or mit preild unoo receipt of price. XS ceatn. except No. MH. una SB ate made $1 III) ize only. Humphrey' Mwft. cine C';mpau)'. Ill William St., New Vork. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." TatWtt Exlernl or Internal, Blind or BWdtaft PtftnlKln Ano: Itchlntci lik-eHlnj of the iusctm Tne relief lit tmmedleto tbe uure orrtain. FBIOZ.M OTS. THIAI. SIZE. 85 OTf. HI -y Druct lau. r Mat oa ractA tf prtefc MBaraasn' aia,aw 1 11 a 1 1. um u. niri I ft , . i t Mi 1 K - -.1 " -."jr