SENTINEL &KEPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOVVN. PA. WEDNESDAY, JAX. 24, 1U00.J B. F. SCHWEIER, JEDITOK AND PKOPRIKTUB. TwtNT? 8EVFS million people in In dia are BiiflVriupr du account of a earcity of cattle, water and food. PoLTOAMIBT Kohkhts cannot ant. a seat in Congress on account of hav- .u kjo many wives. He Iiaa tbree living wive and takes care of them all and lives with all by turns. A rvBLic meeting to express ym patbyfor the Botra was held in Washington, D. C, last Silnrday. It is possible that a public meeting to express sympathy for Acruinaldo .... II t , , . . .V cuuiu oe neiu in me same city. ihx anti cxpansioniBla propose noiaing a oonvenUon in Philadelphia. ebruary 22 and 33. They might as well try to dip the water of the Schuylkill into the Delaware with a qnart pot as to stop expansion. It has been fore ordained for the good i an concerned or for the destruc tion of the Republic, but fore-ordain ed it is. Tatar, is a wilderness of machinery made to save the mnscular work of man and borsea. If something could be invented to consume another time as much wheat and corn and oats as ia now grown, the price of grain would be advanced and farming would be a more uavinir bnainesa As the situation now is the consump- tics or grain of all kinds is so large that the price is low compared with an oiuer tilings that are produced i or exenange or sale. The Filipino question Las been a question in congress and the McKid ley administration has been criticU ed and denounced by a number of senators for having the Filipino war on nana and for keeping up tbe war with the inhabitants of the Phillip- pine Islands when the with-drawal of tbe troops would bring peace at once. Xbeyarguo that tbe Ameri cans did not go to Manila to tight toe inhabitants of the islands, that they were sent there to defeat CJ 1- i j I UJO k IDILU II. II IIKVV HI1I1 HrlllT. 11 1 1 1 1IM V- ing accomplished that mission tbey hould have come home and left the islanders to govern themselves. Tbe Administration declares tbat it would be injustice to the people of tbe Phillipiue islands to leave tbe people there to tbe rule of scheming men who would take advantage of tbe masses and instead of giving them a republican form of government would establish a : monarchy. The administration will guarantee them protection from domestic and for eign foes just as soon as the authori ty of the United States is recognized and peace is established by the in surgents refraining from war. Trr democrats are harder pushed m- Mexico by special Pullman train ofi Fr Rtil. parlor-smoking, dining, al.eninjr. House and stable on Washington compartment, and observation w.s,l8trfcet AWres8 Jog. A. Adlnia, to leave New York and Philadelphia February la, vinting all the princi pal points of interest in the "Land of Montezuma," and spending five days in the City of Mexico. Hound-trip tickets, covering a'l necessary expenses, $300 from all points on the Pennsylvania railroad. For further information apply to ticket agente; Tourist Agent, 1196 Broadway, New York; 4 Court Kt-eet, Brooklyn: 789 Broad Street, New- Van Wert, Juniata Co., Pa. DIED. Eagi.kk. On the 18th inst., in Walker township, Abba C. Eagler at the home of her parents of catarh ral fever, aged 2 years. Inter inent January 20 at East Salem. Longachk. On the 12th inst., at her home near Cross Koarts iu ark, N. J : B. Courlaender, Jr., Puss Delaware township, fda J. Loug- enger Agent, Bdtimore DMrict, Bal- acre, aged .'15 years, 3 months and timore, Md.; Colin Studd, Passen 12 days, wife ot David E. Long, ger Agent, Southeastern Dia'rict, ' acre. Waahington.D.C; Thoa. E. Watt, I DoI.AX.0n the 22nd inst, at jrasseuger Agenr, v estern awinci, i niaourp, ra.; or nuuress uea w. i Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. feb.10 ni., Miss Mary R.Dolanof con sumption at the home of her moth er Mrs. Ezra Dolan, deceased, in Milfonl township, aged 29 years Interment at 2 p. m. this Wednes day in Presbyterian cemetery at Mifflintown. Kai-kfmax. On the 2.1rd of at his home in Rev. Solomon 1 "Y. Kauffiuau Solomon W. KaiifTman was Ixirn UTPSOTIZUO THE JUDGE. A 3t year old thief was Itefore Judge Foster iu New York under tin. irnrp, nf rnllrv- Tht thief was a professional hvpuotizer j J?w'e,llber 'SW, a( and he said: "I'll hypnotize the aw,,8,i,P Judge and get a light seutenee. IT A va t.riii.vtir m tliA -TlirlfTtf. for sentence. He sto.Ml erect suld ji Walker towiiship, Juniata 0 rpi, ; i i., in 194, anu uieu aimow. who in speaking instance ot tne place of his birth. He was the oldest sou of Abraham and Hannah Kaufliiiau. In his youth he mar looked the Judge in the face Judge said you have been declared by the jury, guilty of robbery, and they say vou are a hypnotist. Yes!" said the thief and he made several graceful passe in front of , ried ntr Pdl t..j. rru ' T...1 i.,i him to the unseen world twenty the Judge. The Judge closed his eyes, kept them closed a few sec onds, then opened them in a dreamy way and said: "You are sentenced to 12 years iu Sing, Sing. FLORIDA. TWO WEEKS TOUR VIA rKNKBYLVAMA RAILROAD. The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour of tbe season to Jacksonville, al lowing two weeks in Florida, will leave New York and Philadelphia, February 6. Excursion ticket?, including rail way transportation, Pullman accom- modatior s (one berth), and niea's en route iu both directions while ' travel ing on tbe special traiu, will be sold at the following rales: New York, $50 00; Philadelphia, Harrisbuif, Baltimore and Washington $48 00; Pittsburg, $-53 00, and at proportion ate rates from other points. Fur tn-keta itineraries, nod other information appir to ticket agents, Ajrent at 119G Broadway, Nw York; 4 Court Street; Brooklyn: 789 Broad Stree. Newaak, N. J ; B Courlaen- der, Jr , Passenger Agent Baltimore District, Baltimore, Md ; Colin Studda, Passenger Agent South east ern District, Washington, D. C : Thoa E Watt, Passenger Agent Weptcm District, Pittsburg. Pi.; or to Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Gtnerl Passen ger Agent, liroad Street station, Philadelphi a feu. t.- ouiiuiiia un ,... j.. a. uert was a surplus of four hundred million dollars in tbe treasury and tbat Bur plus was the battle cry of the Cleve land campaign. The battle cry of his second campaign was the tariff and the manufacturers. Tbe tariff was declared unconstitutional and legalized robbery and tbe manufac turer was likened to a Baron robber of middle-aged times. Cleveland's election both times sent the busi ness to pieces. Then came Bryan with a third issue that of the free coinage of silver 16 to 1 and on that the erring brethren politicians were beaten. Now the leaders of the democracy whose tanks are thinning rapidly are looking for a new issue wich which to make a battle in the new campaign in the campaign of 1900. What shall the battle-cry be? The Republicans under McEinley have the country again on a self-supporting basis with something to spare. There is a fund of consider able size in tbo treasury. Tbe dem ocrats would like to get in and spend it like they did in Cleveland's first administration. In his first admin istration tbey spent all the surplus they could lay their hands on and in his second administration they went into debt. Tbey had to sell bonds to get money to pay the running ex penses of government and brougbt a business wrecking panic on the country. Tbe country would be bankrupt if Bryan had been elected. Now what shall their battle cry be ? Will tbey again take up tbe snrplus in tbe treasury? and add to it free silver and opposition to the United States acquiring tbe Pbillipine Is lands. Will they denounce expan sion as they call it? CALIFORNIA. THIRTY ONE DAIS TOCB VIA PESK8TLVA SIA RAILROAD. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com paoy has arranged lor a special per sonally conducted tour through Cali fornia to leave New York and Phila delphia on February 27, by specil V ullman drawing-room sleaping cai and connecting at El Paso with the "Mexico and California Special," composed exclusively of Pullman par lor smoking, dining, drawing-room sleeping, compart, and observation cars for tour through California, re turning by March 29. Round-trip tickets, covering all necessary expenses, $375 from all points on Pennsylvania Railroad. For further information applv to ticket agent; Tourist Agent, 1190 Broadway, New York; 4 fourt Street, Brooklyn; 789 Broad Street, Newark, N. J.; B. Courlaender, Jr Passenger Agent Baltimore District, Baltimore, Md ; Colin Studds, Passenger Agent Southeastern District, Washington, D. C ; Thos. E Watt, Passenger Agent, Western District, Pittsburg, Pa.; or address ieo. W. Boyd, AssiS' tant General Passenger Agent, Phil adelphia. 125 a aw OLD MEXICO FEKS8TL TWESTT THREE DATS TOUB VIA VAKlA BAILBOAD. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany baa arranged for a special per sonallyeondueted toar through old BRAVE MEN FA K la Victims to stomach, liver and ki'loey trouble aa well ax women, and" all teel the results in Iom of ar-peti poiaora in tbe -..;J qj ..... t Jch , - i feeii.iK. Din el to feel like that. Listen to J. Wt Oa-dner. Idavilli. Ind. Re says : Electric But tin are inst tbe thine Tor a man when he is all ran down, and don't care whether ho lives or dies. It di I more to rive me new strength and good aepctitd thon anything I could take. I can now eat anything aid have a new luasn on lire." Only 50 cents at M. P. Ursw- lorda Drag Store. Every bottle gnaran-teed. MEXICO AID CA 1.1 FORM 1 1. I-ENSSVLVA- rORTT-SlX DAYS TOl'R VIA IA RAILROAD. The Pennsylvania Railroad personally-conducted tour to Mexico and California wk.J-leaves New York and Philadelphia on February 12 (Pittsburg February 13) by special years. The family of S. , and I Mary KaiifTman consisted of thir I teen children, teu of whom grew to (adult age. Nine survive him. M Kauffiuau iu his youth devoted his time to teaching in the public schools A 1 xiut the time of the discovery of gold in California, be made a tour through the west go ing as far as the Missouri river. Some time after his marriage with Miss Musser they united with the Dunkard church and iu the same year he was elected to the minis try He remained a consistent church memlier until the close of his life. Lyons. On the 17th inst., at the home of her hnsliand Judge Jeremiah Lyons. Mrs. Ada M. Lyons. Interment in the Presby terian remetery ou the 2Jnd inst. The Presbyterian Sunday ScIukjI in which Mrs. Lyons taught a class many vears passed a scries of resolutions on her demise as follows; Whereas, by the wise dispensa tion of the (Jreatest Ruler of the universe, deaths" dark angel has crossed the portals of our Sunday School room and laid its icy hand upon one of our lteloved teachers. Mrs. Ada M. Lyons, who for many years was the faithful head of the primary department has an swered her last roll call. Her lips that during these years delivered a cheerful greeting to each little one as thev entered her department are now mute in death. Her vouw that in its simple earn est manner, pointed the litl ones POLITICAL ANMOVSCE- - MESTS. The following scale of prices for an nouncements baa been mutually agreed upon hy tbe undersigned and no devla tiorvfrom the same will be made. Congress $25; Senator $10; Legisla ture 7 ; Register & Recorder ?5; Sheriff So: .Representative Delegate to state Convention and Chairman .of County Committee each ?:t. .A. C. ALLISON, Editor Juniata Herald. B. F. SCHWEIER, . Editor Sentinel and Republican. CONGRESS. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Congress in the 18th Con cresHion&l district, suhiect to the rules 'of the Republican part v. THADDEUS M. MAHON. STATE SENATE. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for State Senate subject to the rules and usages of the Itepuhlican party. WILLIAM HERTZLER. LEGISLATURE. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for State Legislature subject to the rules and usages or the itepuoucan party. WM. H. ROIKSEHS. I herebv announce myself as a candi date for State Iegislature subject to the rules and usages of the Republican party. Tl iOMAS K. BEAVER. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER. I herebv announce myself as a candi date for Register and Recorder, subject to the rules and usages of the Republv can nartv. JamksJ. McMi'I.i.ix. itr. Ediinr: 'lease announce that I am a candidate for the office of Regis- tor and Recorder, subject to the rules tiiat govern the Republican party D. Samcei. Leonard. COCNTY CHAIRMAN. I hrebv announce mvself as a candi- dnte for Chairman of the Republican ("ountv Committee, subject to the rules and usages of the Remiblii'an narty. Wir.i. L. Hooi'Ks. lo innt t-Tik little childrA to come unto and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven,"' is now hushed, silent in the presence of that great Savior, whom Bhc loved, ami for whom she so earnestly la bored. Her Issly always full of energy for the Master, often rack ed with paiu is now iu tbe cold em- biai-e of the angel of death, free from paiu and the spirit has gone to Cod who gave it. Loving wife. Faithful Teacher, True friend, Kind neighlsir, De vout Christian, Patient sufferer, at peace, at rest, therefore be it Resolved: That the bereaved husband has our heartfelt, sincere sympathy, in this hour of his RALE REGISTER. March lfi. Samuel Sieler will sell at his farm in Walker township, horses. cattle, sheep, hogs and a full assortment of farming machinery and implements. March 13. Andrew Beashor near Oakland Mills, horses, cattle, sheep and farm implements of all kinds and house hold goods. Sale at 9 o'clock a. m. March 24. 1. T. Adam on his farm near Johnstown, Live Stock and farm implements. Tuesday, March 30th at 10 o'clock a. m., William J'ufTenbersrer will sell ou his farm in Keniianaeh. township, three miles east of Mifflintown, horses, cows, young cattle, brood sows, pigs, wagons. gears and all his farming implements. January 31. Sadie E. Jamison and Mrs. M. Bear, exeeutrixes's sale of real estate in Fayette township. January 25. Harvey A. Foltz, ad ministrator, real estate iu Monroe town ship. March 15. Jonathan Keiscr. live stock, farm implements, iti Delaware township. March o. C. (J. Pellnian, personal ;riicrty at Richlield. February 10. C. YV. Stewart, live stock and farm utensils iu Beale town-' ship. February 21. Frank Barton, live I stock and farmingtnplements at Plea- niCr February "7 Andrew Itanks admin istrator, live stock and farm imple ments in Fermanagh township, on tensely inter, s'ting portion of North ! "iT""' Ur. America. M xtco, California and Col orado are a mighty trio in all tbat appeals to and facinates tbe tourist. Stops will be m de at S in Anton io, Tampico, Guanajaata, Guadula jara, Qaeretaro, City of Mexico (live days), Cuernavaca, Aguascalientes Los Angeles, Sin Diego, Riverside, PasadeDa, Santa Barbara, San Jose Mr. Hamilton), Del Monte, San Fran cisco (five days). Salt Like City, Col orado Springs, Denver, Chicago and other points of interest. Fourteen days will be epent in Mexico and nineteen in Ciiifimia. The "Mexico and California Spec ial," an exclusively Pullman train o Parlor-Smoking, Dining, Drawing room Sloepio?, and Observation cai s, will be used over tbe entire route. Round trip rate, tncuting all ntc essary expenses during entire trip, $550 from all points on the Pennsylvania Railroad System east of Pittsburg: $545 from Pittsburg. For itinerary and fall information apply to ticket agents; Touriat Agent, 1196 Broad way, New York; 4 Court St re, Brooklyn; 789 Broad Street, N. J.; B. Courlaender, J r Passenger Agnt Baltimore District, Bi lti more, Md ; Colin Studds, Passenger Agent, Southeastern District, Washington, D. C ; Thos. E. Watt, Passeng r Agent, Western District, Pittsbursr. Pa ; or address Geo W. Boyd, As si6tant General Passenger A?eut. Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, feblO. Her Objrrtlua. A New Hampshire man wished t hare telephone connection between hta house and a new one built for his son's summer residence. The best route took the wire over the cottage of an old lady, to whom he applied for permission to make tbe alight use of her roof that was necessary. Tbe old lady gave her consent, bat made a firm stipulation at tbe same time. "I'm willing you should run wires over my reof and hitch 'em wherever yon see fit," she said pleasantly, "pro vided you don't use 'em after 9 o'clock at nlgbt. That's my bedtime, and I'm a light sleper at beat, and tbe noise f folks talkiag overhead would be sure to -keep me awake." lenth'a Companion. Messrs. Macmillan, tbe great Londoa booksellers, in their spacious premises have. It la stated, shelf room for 4,800. 000 books. Let evary ane turn himself rxxrad aad took at heme, and be will and eoengb a da prayer that her Savior may be his Savior. That he may look to him to heal this bleeding wound, and be enabled to say in submission and humility, "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed bethe name of the Lord." Resolved: That as a. token of re spect her chair le draped in mourn ing for the space of thirty days. Resolved: That these resolutions lie spread upon the minutes of the Sunday school, and a copy be sent to her husband. The above resolutions were un animously adopted by a rising vote. - RED HOT FROM THE GUM Wan the bill thrt hit G. B. Steaiman, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. I calmed horrible Ulcers no treatment bet ped for 20 years. Then Bucklen'a Arnci Stive cured In Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, felon, Corns, S kin Eruptions- Best Pile cure on earth. 25c. a boj. Cure guaranteed. Sold by M. P. Crawford, Druggist. A Simple Fire Exttaicalaher. In German varnish factories an easy way to extinguish a burning pan of oil Las been-found In the use of a line meshed wire net. As soon as this cov ers the burning surface the irou r.irea conduct off the beat so rapidly that tbe gases can no longer name. It is the principle of the Iavy safety lamp and uilglit be employed In various ways to extinguish burning gases. PtoufTer farm. March I. T. M. Crawford, mi Sam uel Pannebaker's farm at Honey Grove, horses, cattle and farm implements. March 3. John C. Kby, live stock and farm implements near Acadeniia. March 18 Samuel Horninir, live cattle and farm implements in Fer managh township. March 10 Charles (rnninger, farm implements ami household gissls in Turliett township. March Id. K. Sielier. farm imple ments and live stock in Walker town ship. March L-0. W. L. McDonald, live stock and farm implements in Milford township. March i!. J. T. Ailman, live stock stock and farm implements in Walker township. March 23. Styles K.'Bndeu, live stock and farm implements in Beale township- March 27. E. M. Nipple, live stock and farm implements iu j Beale town ship. March 28. Win. -Varnes, live stock and farm implements in Walker township. UIFFMNTOWN Of Al t 'ARK UTS MIFFLINTOWN Ffcrjit ru in oar , tWj Rve Batter Eggs Ham Shoulder -. , bard Sides. ............. Clovnrseed . .... , Timothy seed..... F'ai seed........ ...... Bran Chop ... .. Middlings.... Ground -Iu Salt American Salt.... JAN. 24,1900. new tftc, old Oti 40 , new 22 lo 18 17 10 12 0 7 $3.84 rl 40 CO 70 ....85c to 90c 90 , 75 .. 60c There Is Biblical proof of the fact that gloves have liocn worn 3.O0O years. Tbe first mention of them la made In tbe hook of Ruth. The finest, purest and most nutritious animal jelly known la that made from elephants tusks. A cy o inimite us to he aimosr in visible ran three Inches in a half sec ond and was -alciI:iicd to make no less than MO steps In the time a healthy n:nu world tftke to breathe once. A i!i:tn with proportionate abili ty couldruti -4 miles In a minute. Originally c!h-?;s had only the Iionr baud. bt;l the miiuiie was added later, s it ln'cauic fashionable In make the dials as decomrlve ns possible. Tk M4eat Uwrn. A lawyer walked down tbe street re cently with bis length of arms tamed to hold a lot of law books. Pointing to the books, a friend said, "Why. I thought you carried all tbat stuff In your heady "I do." quickly replied the lawyer, with a knowing wink. " luasii are for the Judges. " Philadelphia, January 22 Wheat G9 to 70c; Corn 37 to 38o; Oits 31 to 32c; Potatoes, choioe, pur bushel 58 to 60c; batter, western cieauiery 25c; prints 25c; eggs, fresh nearby 21c; live poultry, old roosters 6 to 7c; spring chickens 8 to 9c; ducks 10 to 11c; geese 9 to 10c; turkeys 8 to 9c; dressed poultry, fowls, choice, 10c; do, fair to good, 9 to 9Jc; old roos ters 7c; chickens neorbv 9 to 12c; large 1 J to lie; eood 9 to 10c; ducks 8 to 11c; geese 7 to 9c. East Libebtv, Pa.. January 22 Cattle, extra $5.70a6.00; prime $5.40 no 65; common $3 00 to 3.C0. Hog: 1.90a4 95; heavy Yorkers $4 85a4 90; light Yorkers, 75a4 80: pigs $4 25a4 40; roughs $3.004 40. Sheep Choice wether 14 65a4 80; common $2 00a3 25; choice lambs, $6.25a6.40; common to good $4 75 6.20; veal calves 7a7.75. WORKING MIGHT A HO DAT The basiest and mightiest littfo thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pits. Eveiypillis sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag isrtasasHal power. They're wonderful in SwiiMifi nn thi hAnltk. flnlv n knv Said by M. P. Crawford. laBtlalil ratra Sale OF VALCaBIJ! REAL. ESTATE.! Bv virtue of an order Issued out oi the Orphans' Court of Juniata county, the undersigned administrator c t. a. of Phiiin Mwm-tv late of Monroe town ship in said county, deceased, will offer at public sale on tins premises, aliout 3 miles soutn or iticnneiu iiu hihwi i mile west of Knousetown, on TlICKSDAY, JANI'AKY 23, 1K), At one o'clock p. m-. ALL THAT CERTAIN MESSUAGE AND TRACT OF liAiSU situate in Monroe township. Juniata county. Pa., Iiounded and deseritied aa I In th north bv lands of Solo- mon Kuouse: on the east by lands of, Harvey A. Foltz; on the south hy lands of Catharine Feltman and licirsof John I Hupp, and on the west by lands or Henrv Kieslimr. containing aliout fif ty-five (55) Acres, be tbe aame more or less, having thereon erected a Lot Hot-SB, Bank Barn, ....I nikor oiitlmildinirs. About FIFTY (50) Acres are cleared and under culti vation, and the lialance is well set with rrvflr nab and chestnut tindicr. This property is convenient to church, school. 'mill, market, and post-office, and should lie examined by those who are looking for a home. Tprnm of Knle: Ten ner -ent. of the m.rohaaA mmiPV to lie Maid Oil da.V of sale; 40 per cent before confirmation of the sale bv the court, and the balance of 50 per cent, on April 1st. 13ti, wnen deed will lie delivered and possession given. Harvey A., Dec. 28, 1899. Administrator c. t- a. torn. B. Aran.".. . 5 TMnawn - " ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW. lrruHTOim. ia. w w.i. atnwt. la place of reaV ny-Celleetlag and GoBTTanclng Promi I ly attended to. VULBERFORCB CBWBl'sBB, Attorney-t-Iw. a9-Collectionandall legal busi ness promptly attended to OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. iMj4Utoit,M. Daawni MXaAWoai R. D. M. CRAWFORD sun , D1 MI1XIOH4 GITEW 4WAI. It is certainl gratifying to the puhlic to kpow of one concern in the Isnd who are not afraid to he generous to Ihe need anl anflerinc. Th rroprletora of Dr. King's New rieoverv lor Consumption, Coughs nl Oolrts. hvs gien away oer ten mil lion trial hottles of this great medicine ; and hive the sottsfahtlan nl knowing It hos absolutely cured thomtnds of hape'eas esses. As'bnin. Brodchltis, Hoarseness nd all diseases of to Throat. Ohost and Lnnes are sneely cured by it. Call on M. P. Crawford. and get a free trial bottle. ReenUr sla 60c. and $1, Every bottle guaranteed, or price rofnnded. LEGAL JTiVERTmrTG DTSSOLVTION- OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the late firm of (ieorge O. and Marv W. Mc Culhx-h has len dissolved bv the death of the said (leonre (J. McCulloch. All liersons indelited to said firm are here by roiuired to pav proniptlv. and such as have n-counts airiiitixt the same to present their demands for settlement ti Mary V. M-t'ullM-h surviving artner or to her Attornev-in fact Charles C. McCulloch. who is at present in charge of the linn's hnsiness on the nremises at McCulloch' Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. N OTICE. Notice is herebv given to all in-rsons havinff claims mruinst the estate of Mrs. M. K. Thompson, deceased, widow of William (. Thompson, deceased, to present them proncrlv authenticate! to the ondersiirned Altornev of Mrs Lillie f Trexler the exei'iitrix named in tbe last will and testnment of Mrs. M. E Thompson. Wii.i, I.. Att'y for Mrs. Lillie T. Tresler. OMIXISTRATOU'S NOTICE. Notice is herebv given that letters of Administration in the estate of t.eonre (4. McCulloch. late of Tuacarora town ship, Juniata countv. Pa., deceased. At - GiS,ei) granted to the. underslirned. re.'. loirs, in ojj.,. i.,i., u mw having claims umiiiw iie said estate will present the same for iiavn.ent to. t . C. MrCi-i.iiiH'ii, Administrator. McCulloch Vjils. Juniata Co., Pa . A1 'IMTOR'S NOTICE. n the estate of Eli.fiK-th Klintrer. late of Susuehauiia township, dee'd. The umlersigneil havinelieeii nnrxiiiil- ed nn Auditor bv the Orphans' Court of .Tiiiiiatn countv to hear and determine all ijucstimis of fact and law. raised by tbe exceptions to ttie account of John I'., kliiurer. one of the executors of Klizatieth Klinger. late of Susquehanna township, deceased, restate the aci-ount f necessarv and make distribution of the balance found to lie in the hands of said accountant, and also to make dis tribution of the balance iu the hands of tJeonre Klineer. his co-executor of the estste of the said Elixalicth Klinger. deceased, will sit for the purnosc of his npiMMwiiiem.-flT nis nmee in me isir oueh of Miftlintown. Pa.. Iietween the hours of 0 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m . on edncsdav. Janunrv 24. 1900. at which time anil place all persons in in terest shall lie present, ami all those hnvinsr claims against the said estate shall nresent the same or I forever de barred from participating in said fund YV I UlKltFI IIH'K Jan. 2, lon. Auditor. JOCRT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. J ERE I AH LYONS. President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, for the Forty-First Judicial District, composed of the coun ties of Juniata and Perrv. and theHou- nrables WM. SWARTZ and W. N. STERRETT. Assm iate Judges of the said court of Common Pleas of Juniata countv. bv precept dulv issued and to me directed for holding a Court of Over and Terminer and Oeneral Jail Deliv ery, and f letters I Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Mifflintown. on the FIRST MONDAY OF FF.RRCARY. 1000. RF.INO THE 5TH DAY OF THE MONTH. Notice is iikrfrv sivkn. to the Coroner. Justices of the Peace and Con stables of the Countv of Juniata, that they lie then and there in their proper liersons. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisi tions, examinations and Oyer remem lieranees. to do those things thai to do those things that to tlieir ofiii-es re spectfully appertain, and those that are bound bv reitignizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or may be in the Jail of said county, lie then and there to prosecute against them as shall lie just. Ry an Act of Assembly liassed the fith day of Mav, 1S54, it made duty of Justices of the Peace of the several counties of this Commonwealth, to re turn to the Clerk of the Court of Quar ter Sessions of the respective counties, all the recognizances entered into lie fore them hy any person or persons charged with the Commission of any crime, exi-ept such cases a may lie ended liefore a Justice of the Peace, un der existing laws, at least ten days lie fore the commencement of the session of the (Vurt to which thev are made returnable respectively, and In all eaees where recognizances are entered into less than ten days lefore the com mencement of the session to which they are made returnable, the said Just ices are to return the same in the same manner aa if said Act had not been passed. Dated at Mifflintown. the 3rd dav of January in the year "f our Lord one thousand nine huno,d. S. Clayton Stoner, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Mifflintown. Pa. January 3, 1900. OICM RED BLOOD is the toe li dationof good health. ThatJsv&T Hood's Sanaparilla, the One TTO 2!oHI Partner. ?ves HE ALT, or aeaiciBe ana won - , Office at old stand, corner of Third " ange streets, Mifflintown, Pa. Oae or bo'r . .. r a .1 ihir nHire at all o mora wiu iu... - - - times, unless otherwise professiooslly en gaged. April 1st. 1896. H P. DERR. PRACTICAL DEHTIBT. Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College. Office at old established lo eation, Bridge Street, opposite Court House. Jlfifflintown, Pa. ifj" Crown and Bridge work; Painless Ei traction. AH work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD- Schedule in Effect Xov. 10, 1809. WESTWARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. m: Harriahure 8 00 a. m: Duncannon 8 35 a. m: New Port 9 0-1 a. m; Millerstown 9 15 a. m: Durword 21 a. m: Thompsontowii 9 20 a. m; Van Dvke 33 a. m: Tuscarora 9 36 a. m: Mexico 9 40 a. m; Pirt Royal 9 44 a. m: Mifflin 9 50 a. m; Denholm 9 55 a. m: Lewistown 10 13 a. m: McVeytown 10 38 a. m: Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. in- Mount Union 11 06 a. m: Hunting don 11 32 n. m: Tyrone 12 20 p. m: Al- loona 1 00 n. m: Pittsburg 5 50 p. m Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m: Harrisburg r 11 48 a. m: Alimm l li p. m: Iiewistown 1 30 p. m: Hunting don 2 2 p. in: Tvrone 3 12 p. m; Al toona 3 45 p. m: Pittsburg 8 40 p. m. Altooua Accommodation leaves Har risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; Millerstown 6 11 p. in: Thompsontowii 6 21 p. m; Tuscarora fi 30 p. ni: Mexico 0 33 p. ni: Port Royal 38 p. m: Mifflin 6 43 p. m; Denholm 15 49 p. m: Ijewistown 7 07 p. ni: McVevtown 7 30 p. m: Newton Hamilton 7 50 p. m: Huntingdon 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. iu; Altoona 9 35 p. in. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 11 211 p. m: Harrisburg at H oil a. ni. Marysville 3 14 a. ni. Duncannon 3 29 a m. Newport S 52 a m. Port Royal 4 25 a. m. Mifflin 4.30 a. m. Lewistown 452 am. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m. Huntingdon f 03 a. m. Petersburg ? 19 a. ni. Tyrone 6 52 a. ni. Altooua 7 40 a. m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 35 p. m. Harrisburg at 10 20 p. ni. Newport 11 00 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. m. Iiewistown 11 58 p. m.; Huntingdon 12 55 a. m. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00 a. m. Jlttsliurg o ho a. m. Fast Iiine leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m. Harrisiiurgs 4- p. m. uuncan non 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p. m. Mif flin 5 02 p. m. Iiewistown 5 'SZ p. ni. Mount Cnion 6 03 it. m. Huntiugdoii ft. 22 n. ra. Tyrone fi 59 p. m. Altoona 7 35 ivni. Pittsburg 11 30 p. m EAHTATD. Altoona Accommodation leaves Al toona at 5 00 a. m. Tyrone 5 24 a. in. Petersburg 5 45 a. m. Huntingdon 5 57 m. Newton Hamilton ft 21 a. ni. Mc Vevtown ft 37 a. m. Ijewistown 6 58 a. m. Mifflin 7.18 a. m. Port Roval 7 22 a. in. Thompsontowii 7 37 a. m. Millers town 7 4 a. m. Newort 7 55 a. m Duncannon 8 20 a.m. Harrisburg 8 50 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a. ni. Altoona 7 15 a. ni. Tvrone 7 48 a. ni. Huntingdon 8 30 a. in. McVevtown 9 15 a. in. Ijewistown 9 35 a. m. Miftlm 9 55 a. m. Port Royal'9 59a. m. Thompson towii io li a. m. Millerstown 10 22 a. in. New port 1132 a. m. Duiicaiitmii lo 54 a. m. Marysville II 07 a. m. Harris burg 1 1 25 a. m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. iu. Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. m. Altooua 1 1 40 a. in. Tyrone 12 03 p. ni. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m. Iewistown 1 33 p in. Mifflin 1 50 p. ni. Harrisburg 3 10 p. in. Raltimore ft 00 p. m. Washington 7 15 p. m. Philadelphia 6 23 p. m. Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p. m. Ty rone 235 p ni. Huntingdon 3 17 p- ill. Newton sV.iiniltou 3 47 p. m. McVey town 4 20 p. m. Iiewistown 4 33 p. in. Mifflin 4 55 p. m. Port Royal 5 00 p. m. Mexico 5 20 p. m. Thompsontowii 5 18 p.m. Millerstown 5 28 p. m. Newport 5 39 p. in. Duncannon ft 08 p. in. Har risburg ft 45 p. m. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 12 45 p. m. Altoona 5 55 p. m. Tyrone ft 27 p. m. Huntingdon 7 10 p. ni. VcVey- town i .i p. ni. iiewistown n in p. in. Mifflin 8 SO p. m. Port Royal 8 34 p. m. Millerstown 8 57 p. ni. Newport 9 05 p. m. Duncaunou 9 29 p.m. Harrisburg 10 00 p m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts burg at 4 80 p. ni. Altoona 9 05 p. in. Tyrone 9 33 p. in. Huntiugdoii 10 12 p. m. Mount Union 10 32 p. m. Iiewis town 11 1ft p. ni. AfiHlin 11 37 p. m. Har risburg 1 00 a m Philadelphia 4 30. At Iiewistown Junction. For Sun bury 7 50 a. m. and 3 40 p. m. week days. For Ailroy 7 55, 11 15 a. m. and 3 00 p. m. week-days. At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur wensville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. ni. week-days. For Rellefoute and Iock Haven 8 10 a. 111. 12 30 and 7 15 p. m. week-da vs. For further information apply to Ticket Agents, or Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent, Western Division, Corner Fifth Avenue and Sniithfield Street, Pittsburg. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J.K.WOOD, General Maii'g'r. (ieneral Pasa'r. Agt. Meyer's Stores. The Largest Distributors of Men'i and Boys' Apparel. Special Sale everyday. A Clothing SaleHkt"iimand8 ' Attention. I . a ksalf nantkl nrisflta C Aim A is hv am A..-I Th. beat that money cn uy r -j u,eww method of bnyiDit from o'erlnaded m.nnfaetnrera. e are really telling m bettergooda for Im money than an, other bonae in America. ejo Q,e &A 75. nompriiing all wool cheviots. All aii, er-li tin Cr7 Jtff 50. Here'a a chance to get a pood suit for HtfW Mm tr TMMhfmf ofMen'sfane, Worsted, Ca.iimere and Cheion Bait, money. 'UBl' . i;n tn fit We haye an sues - " win 110 aui-" bat other, are tell, and it would bo bard lo tell tbe different . ma n mr fi 19 !,itt 7 50 Comprising all wool fancy Casfimerei, ML&&c!rt& Serge.! All aims from 34 o 42. Hon..,' value at tl 2 now ? (.ou. . ... m;t,,-T, Bnng yonr boy. here for new 6U1U and overcoats. All BmJ.w (M ttTnB Hnndredaof atyle. to .elect from. All ,iMi. Our nrioes are lower than ever. mr t e ru,Mnt 5 I" blue beaver and Kersey oloths. Qnr. barvam. for $8 But one now for 5. MEN'S 10 OVERCOATS $7.5. Comprising Keraey and Coverts, lined with .arm 1 Striotly up to-date eoata now for $7 50. icnvts i4 OVERCOATS $10. In Covert cloths, beautifully trimmed. New .hadfi, welt aeair., with satin sleeve lining. Cut in tbe popular lencths Fine value at $15, now $10. uvwmTATS AND FURNISHING. Men'. Derby, and Fedoris in blsok brnwc niaple, eed.r. pearl with black and white .ilk b.nd9 Tbefie h.t. are eonal to nv t2 h.t made. Our price $1. TERBY8 IN UNBREAKABLE QUALITY. This linn will wear as any 3 bat vou may buv elsewhere. Tbey are Dunlap, Yoemin, Knti anil Yenne .tylea, now tl.50. Exceptional bargain, in Men', and Boy.' hirt, underwear, neekwear, clove, and oversbirts. at price, lower tbaa ever. On our second floor we have a full complete line of Trunk, and Satchels. Our prices arc lower than ajy House in the county. Furniture and House Furnishing Goods, Queensware, Glassware and Fancy Chinaware. Five large floor, filled to their utarost xtentwith Furniture and Houi Furnishing Goods. Tbe trust will not effect ns in this department as we pre nared ourselves in advance. We have carloads of furniture at low figures and me are prepared to sell this line low r than ever. Call to see our prand line of Parlor Suits Covches, Lounges. Fancy Rockers, Morris Chairs, Extension Tables, Bedroon Su U, Fancy Parlot Tables, Side Boards, Fancy Dcski Dinners and anything in tbe Furniture line. Alro a compiete line of Faooy Deoorated Ware, in Dinner Sets. Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and a complete line of Johnson'. Ware KGoods delivered fr e to all parts of the county. MEYERS, IIS and 11T Bridge Slrerl, JMIFFlilirrOW . 14 Tuscarora Valley Railroad. WONDERFUL are the cure by Hood's Sargapurilla, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood's Car am TMirilla makes PURE BLOOD. v4 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks DceioMa COFTRIOHTS Ac AnTOSMmdls. a skdrh and HesorlpUnn may qnlklT ascertain nnr ololon fraa whether an Invmtton tn probaMr Pa tfi table. Oimmunlca. UonffPtrtctlrconfldentlal. Handbwli on I'ateuta sent free, indent arencr for aaeunns patent. Patents taken through Munn tt Co. receive prrlal notice, without coarse. In toe Scientific JInericatu A handsomelr fllntttratoiS weekly. IaWtM H. culatwon of Mr Mtonttae Jfmnial, Tenna, $8 OUKI 1 brail newaH)eJra 4Co."'t- New York OnVie. S r U Washtaujtuo. D. C. Blood and Serves are very close ly related. Kce the blood rich, pure and healthy, with Hood'. Saraaparilla, and you will have no nervouanew. H rod's Pills arc besi after-dinner j piUiddigekm,piieventTOuetipatki 1 SCHEOtTLE IN EFFECT MONDAY, JUNE. 1898. 20,! EASTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT 8CMDAT. NO.J Blairs Mills Wat ei loo Leonard'" Grove Rost F.iui Penila'"'' East Watt-iford Heekmnn. . Honey Grove. . Fort Bishnin. . . Warble Pleasant View. , Seven Pi nea.. . . Sprue" ITill. . . , Grahro"a Stewart Freedom , Turliett Old Pert Port Royal .... V. M .Lv 7 2."5 ... 7 7 7 18 S s s n o .Ar ,n 31 37 4.r fi-2 o- 17 2-3( 30 44 52 55 C3 Cfii 00 1: If 2! No.3 fOOD'S Sampaillto has oraraad Inf over again proved by it. cum, when sL other ppn rations failed, that U .V One Trre BLOOD Parser. RAILROAD TIHE TADLC. T3ERRT COUVTT RAILROAD. P. M ! 1 45 i I 51 ! 1 57 1 05 12 I o: .1 37 42 f.O f;9 A 04 3 12 t 15 3 23 3 26 3 29 3 32 I 28 1 45 --be followinr schedule went lno eHetl follows: p. m a. m 4 30 9 00 4 8B 9 P6 4 39 9f9 341 911 4 45 9 14 4 44 9 15 4 61 9 19 4 4 9 22 4 .") 9 24 4 59 9 2' Leave Arrive a in i Doncannnn 7 51 ' King's Mill 7 49 Snlphur Spring 7 46 Cnrman Siding 74 J Montebello Tark 7 41 Weiver Roddy Hoflmsn Royer m '2 22 2 20 3 18 9 fit 9 07 Tisirs Kos. 1 sod 2 conrt cl st Port Rnysl with Tsy PsFsrnsrr anil Sos? bore Fzpress en P. R. R.,ard Nes. 3 sid 4 with Msil east WESTWARD. Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect si Blair's Mill, with Concord, Dnyletbars; Dry Rnn, Nossville, Neil) ton, Shsdo Oap. Shade Valley and Gosborn Station Stat; Lines. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Port Hoyal Old Tort Turliett. Freednin Stewart Graham's SDruce Hill Seven Pinra Pleasant View Warble Furl riiirliam Hi. iv v Oiovi- Hrl hvhi Eai Water f..rd...". Pel u I Host. Farm Leonard' Grove... Waterloo BlHii'a Millp aV 8 a NV2;No.4 0 010 1.?; 10 2 8 10 3.7110 4.4.10 5.010 6 3110 7.210 9o!n lO.Oill 12 0 U o 15 1 17.S I "2(1 fj i 22 (i 24.0 25.5 27 0 M P 2n;5 275 335 36 5 395 425 505 sals 01 on is : 236 40;''. 5:' I : Orjt; 08 6 53 14 6 59 2-17 05 M 05 12 18 21 24 27 35 38 46 51 00 08 13 25 38 45 ft 10 10 43 5 1 9 49 5 21 6 24 5 27 10 ns 5 3a in 7 5 34 10 17 fi 87 10 30 6 P2 10 35 p. m s. in Wahsnor B'oomfleld TresMer Vellson 'Dum's Groen Ptrk Wontonr June Landishur Arrive Leav 15 1 09 65 OS 200 7 40 7 8i 7 33 7 31 7 ?K " 23 7 09 7 04 7 ni p r, si 6 4K fi 33 2H 2 6 a. m d m 1 41 1 36 I SI I 2 1 2 1 30 1 18 I 15 irain leaves Hlnointleld at 6.54 a. and strives t Lsndislinrr st 6.23 a Tra'D leaves Lsndialinr? st fi.08 p. m. arrives at Bloomfield at 0.40 p. ra. All stations marked () are ttag st which trains will come to a full signal. m., m. nations, stop on Cbas. n. Sbiliv, President. S. H. Prc, Snp. VIEWPORT AND SHHRMAN'S VAL ley Rsilroad Company. Time utile, of passenirer trains, in effect on Monday, May 18tb, 1896. !001HrLD. SupennlenJenf T. S. JiOOHIIKAl). PtesiieiJ. IIEBCn a DRO30UVS Mrnlam tMp, Hbellrrs, c STATIONS. Ncwp- rt Buflalo Bridare.".! Juniata Furnace .. abneta Svlvao Wst-r Plnp ...!! Bloointield Junct'n VaUev Rowl Elliotrnurir Green Park Loisvjlie Korf Rotieaon Center Cisna's Ran Andcrsonburr Bi Mount Pleasant . . New G.rmant'n ... West ward. 8 1 F.i"- r 1. e a , ' 6 06 , 6 OH ! 6 12 , 6 15 , 1 6 25 6 2': , 6 31 (i 31 6 51 ft 54 7 OS ,7 1' AM. 10 35 10 3H 10 42 10 45 10 52 U ni 1 1 ro 11 I' ll 2' II 2 11 3f 1 ! 1 1 1 1 fi ! 15 12 Of, 12 11 12 Vi 4 M , 8 30 8 27 8 2? 8 21' 8 li ; ft i 7 o: I r M r u 157 I6J 3 50 3 46 341 38 32 t 15 1 10 3 04 -'56 .'4 : 45 2 40 2 8S 2 24 2 20 I. GRING. I'rexidcnt md Yi-rnt G. K. Miils. G.nt ral Ae u. 40DYtt U.IT nmwit su Bxncyix Af MKNCRATKN AFTER GENERATION,! ,0" caio axb BLMBRar rr. .V V-a. " - VI I -a af"4l . mm ounerer gt - "f". Children Tore It. ',TrJC.a ajaartr attaa. liamtblitia. lit, i rrm. nron tralna. vlll i I a.rT,fc la apaa4y cura. I'asp JOBKIKUI v. Great Cures proved bv thousands' of testimonials elniw that ilmid's iat -i.irilla ponaeaeea power lo purif vitalize and enrich the blood. Hood's Pill7Tre tbeonlvpiltott "Ctkcn with Uood'a fearieu ilia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers