SENTINEL REPUBLICAN M1FFLTNT0WN. PA. 'WEDI-AY. .TAX. 10, 1900 i KUMS. guBsa-Ki ition $1.00 per year if paid in advance ; 1.t M not paid in ad- Tratifieiit advertising and local notice 8 rent a line. petuetioim will tie made to those de crial! to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. arxer Tiiiiti'l. Aran of lard. Call -t this otTice. Pr. Kiiicr's New Life Pills. Mr. Runnel Showers is visiting frieiuls in Altoona. Dr. Kind's New Discovery T)r. Atkinson is in Philadelphia this week on business. Corn is eoiiiuisr into use in the mamifiiet'ire of niller goods. klt'ii's Arnica ftilve. The north lakotians write that they plowed till the middle of De- eemher. Ir. King's Xew Diseovery. , Howe. !. V. Heek tfhd Win. Louder filled their iee houses l:is( week. Dr. King's w Life Pills I.Vv. Mr. Deeker and wife of T.ewistnwn spent Monday after ii.H.n with lfev Mr. Raven and wife in Mitllintown. . r,-.nile .lonn nicjieen iv the prominent citizens of Wa township died on "Wednesday morning siged alxnit 67 years. Dr. King's Xew Life Pills. The l';nineis Institute will le hehl ;it Mct'ovsville." January 15 and IS and at MeAlisterville. Jan nary 1! and 20. Kveryliody is in viteil . r.'icklen's Arniea Salve. Harry K nisei y carries the mail from the Mitllintown post office to ami from the railroad mail catcher In the place of Charles Cox whore- sig'ied. Dr. King's New Discovery, 1 lie new railroaa supervisor (linnl.s will (X'cnpv the Kd. Kielier limine at the east end and has plac ed the residence in telephone eon ncet ion with li is office at the rail road. The Russians in Philadelphia celebrated their Christmas day last Saturday. January 6th. They count the liirth dav of Christ from what is known as the fJregorian calendar. Bucklen's Arnica Salve A stroke from the traveling crane at the steel works at Lewis town last Thursday killed - John fioddard who was employed atthe time drilling a hole in an ingot Ife was aged 19 years. f.ast Sundav morning IJev Haven resigned the pastoratewof the AVest minster Presbyterinii con gregation of Mifllintown. He is an able sneaker awl resigns the charge without having a fight on hand. Dr. King's New Discovery. Mr. Bert Patch and wife form erly Miss Ida Tilden are in from their home in Dirk county, Ohio, visiting the familv of Mr. "Win. Ciilo and the family of Mr. J. II. Simons, who are near relatives of Mrs. Patch. Dr. King's Xew Discovery. On Sun lay more than one thou sand people turned out of Dunlo, Cambria county, to search for Mrs Leitfhty. who while temporari'Iy insane left her home and went to Hie forest, hut their search did not result in the finding of her liody Dr. King's New Life Pills, I Krank Sielier eanirht a light hurt' colored mouse: in his sugh ter house cast of towu. It is a strange mouse for this part of the country. It has pink eyes. Frank hrought the mouse to town and presented it to James Hanks, who has it in the I tanks drug store on Main street. I'ucklcn's Arnica Salve. David l'eno. Jr., of Helleville, Mitllin county and Christian Vr ler of Nebraska spent a duy last eek among friends in and jnout Mit'tiintown. The grand father of the voung man Keno owned what1 is now the Irvin P.eashor farm cast of town and the grand father of the yoiuij; man Yoder owned what is i'mw the Jacobs heirs farm east of ' n. Ir. King's Xew Diseovery. The dwelling house of Mrs. 5in grich in Spruce Hill was destroy ed by lire one day last week. Mrs. f'iiigrich is the wife of John Oin grich. deeeiised. who in his day was well known to cattle dealers, dealing in cattle was his business many years. Mrs. Cingrich had no insurance on the house and con tents and the loss will !k heavy on her. '. The Lutheran Sunday school for the year ending January Jst,Sf;, received from all sources which with the balance coming ov T from the year 1S9S of $15.71 made the total paid into the tresiH ii ry Mll.ii.",. The amount paid ""t in the year l.s'.t'.l was $.T:$.6!, leaving a balance of !0.!Mi in Mantis ,,f.. n Simons the Sunday M-liiiol treasurer. r'or the year just closed the nian- agcinent of the JuniiUa County Ag-riciill-nr il sl.,.:- ..ff.. .....:..'.. ..n -"!. t ft 1 1 u i i i u an Tt j. -- n wfjHnn - 'or tbe plammera. gel too cold iting her. -Jonald, ritJtEb. Kellv of There wta a Lt - Monday mnvntno VDrii r for pittahn rsc: ?yi"uuri?n : ..T ww secured a Kod position. Mm. Washing. xr-. W W V time with .f.ay Hackenberger KS'r "P where fhe w studying elocution. alXL "arre" Thompson of JVc- T. u 06611 siting danghter Mrs. Mfllard McDonald Mm. Cloyd P. Pannabaker ensbure and tr i -..uu,,n,BRn nave been guests of 82JK?; - wl Sunday morning Wm. Donnelly en tered upon the duties of Superinten dent of tbe Presbyterian Sabbath School to which office he has been recently elected. The annual election of officers for the Juniata County Agricultural So ciety will be held at the Odd Fellows' Hall. Port Royal, Friday, January 12, 1900, next Saturday. 1 he British and the Boers have n engaged in a number of urn nil battles within the past without any satisfactory result for either partv. No general advance has been made by either of the combatants. George Palmer and Mrs. Lavine M. Cargill, of Philadelphia, were married by Rev. Frederick Farr, on the evening of the 8th of January, 1900. The crooni ia nnnt. 70 vnim I and the bride is past 68 years Lewis E. Wirtz an engineer on the Huntingdon & Broad Top Railroad while in a despondent frame of mind went outside of his house to a tree in bis lot near Huntingdon and com mitted suicide bv' shooting a pistol bullet through his bead. He leaves a widow and eight children. Tbe closing scene in the life of young Cresainger at Sun bury is an awful one. It ia hard to believe tint man 'young or old should find him snlf so depraved as to commit the crime for which he was executed. But. the crime wan committed and that is the proof of the depravity of the people who are guilty of suoh deeds The example of the lives of good people has no effect: on the de praved and the only thing to do is to protect societv from thair dspravity by stringent means such as were era ployad at Sunbnry. water in a cold snap like they did last Thursday. The dread feeling of lteing out of wtfer was -worse than no water in the house with the river running under full press ure. The management of indus trial plants were more apprehen sive than house keepers The house keeper's apprehension comprehend ed his familv circle," but tbe ap Smith, Hiram Smith, Samuel A. Stoner, Michael, Tefer, Samuel Willet, V. H. . Voder, Christian Milttiiitown. Luck. Fermanagh. Spruce Hill. Milford. Spruce nni. Some thief found Mr. Frank Pennell's store of celery in his ga den in the rearofhishouseandsrole all bnt a few stalks. A goodmany people believe it was tie sfiie thief that a few nights aftetbtealing the celery stole a nice plump turkey from the smoke house of Mr. Sam nel Showers. Mrs. Showers had the turkey dressed and stuffed and laid away on a plate and plate and turkey placed in a roaster and car ried to the smoke-house expecting the next morning to roast the fowl for a company dinner, but when she went for the turkey in the morning "it was not there. There was'nt a trace of turkey roaster or plate. The next night however the turkey with roasferT- and plate was retnrned and Mrs Showers and her friends enjoyed ! the i oast a few days later, but'. Pennell's celery has not leen re- ' turned. - -. A LIT REGISTER. Mun-h .(..Samuel Kieber will sell at liia farm, in Walker township, horsea, prehension of the management of .cattle, wheep, lioa and a full asuortment an industrial plant was wider. It or farming machinery and implements. embraced the business. It reached out and effected the employer and the people who were looking for the products of the concern. The management of the water com pany were early sit work on . r 14 1. 'l-ftma hill! morning oi me tin. i ..,,. .....i men ui -tin. Sielier men at work at various places . "W ' Af, . r tho ,th along the line looking for the frox- . . v' vtVliam Anker, at the home of the bride's parents in . I ma Bairn OltAYBlU-Sikkkk On the 4th limit., by Rev. Samuel Hess, at the the ' home of the bride's parents in Del . I j aware Twp., Simon E. f.raybill of Miss Annie en spots where fire was built to thaw.the i-e. The water was ex pected by noon but the great ex pectation did not materialize to the disannoi ntment of the water company and everyone who uses Macedonia water, but altont 1 .SO p. in. water was let ont of. the re serve reservoir on the hill north west of the railroad station and al lowed to flow long enough to sup ply people with the natural fluid for a day provided they Mere eeon emical in its use The water was not like the mire 0" per i-ent. wa ter from Macedonia gap, but like water might be expected to lie when, stored days and days in an open reservoir off to the side. It look ed like Schulkill water though it certainly was not that vile and a man Mho Mas suffering M ith thirst Delaware toM nship, II. W. Wert, of Favette toMnship, and Miss I Katie 15 Musser. Goodman Rka ikk. On the 4th inst., by Rev. R. M. Campliell, at Port Royal, Harry L. Ooodman, of Tnrbett township, and Miss . Itertha L. Reader, of Ickesburg, J Perry county, Pa. j To the Republican Electors of Pennsylvania. I am directed by the Republi can State Committee to announce that the Republicans of Pennsylva nia by their duly chosen represen tatives, M ill meet in Convention at the Opera House in the city of Har risburg 6u Wednesday, April 25th, 1900 at 10.30 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of nominating . candidates If yon want to be well, see to it that your Kidaeys and Blood are hi healthy condition.- It ia an easy matter to learn what state your Kidneys ate ia. Place tome of your urine in a bottle or tumbler, and leave it stand one day and night. A sediment at the bottom shows that you have a dangerous Kidney disease. Pains in the small of the back indicate the same thing. So does desire to pass water often, particularly at night, and a scalding pain in urinating is Still another certain sign. Or. uavid Kennedy's rmronta ts.em.cay what you need. It will cure you surely if you do not delay too long in taking it. Kidney diseases are dan gerous, and should not be neglected a single moment Read what P. H. Kipp. of Union, N. Y., a prom. inent member of the G. A. R., says: "I was troubled with my Kidneys and Urinary Organ and suffered great annoyance day and night, but since using Dr. David Kennedy Favorite Remedy I have greatly im proved, and that dreadful burning sensa tion has entirely gone. I had on my lip what was called a pipe cancer, which spread 'most across my lip, and was exceeding painful; now that is almost well I also had severe heart trouble, so that it was difficult to work ; that ia a great deal better. I have gained nine pounds since I commenced taking the Favorite Remedy f am greatly benefited in every way, and cannot it too much." Favorite Remedy is a specific for Kidney, it and Urinary troubles. In Rheumatism, Neu ia. Dyspepsia, and Skin and Blood Diseases, it has never failed where the directions were followed. It is also a specific for the troubles peculiar to females. All druggists sell it at $i.oo a bottle. CamnlA R AttlP Fl! T 'ou sen 'our full postoffice address DUIIIC 1 1 tV 1 to the Dr. David KenncdV Corporation. Rondout, N. Y., and menton this paptr, we will forward you, prepaid, a free sample bottle of the Favorite Remedy, together with full directions for its use. You can depend upon this offer being genuine, and should write at nee for a free trial bottle. J nj i if' r i ..ja I praise won in nor, nesuaie to siaKe mo. fi- ,iirtlr5n t.wit thirst with it and sigh 'over. the. 0neperson fo fa 0moe of a,m1 recollection of the lost, clear, Pure , itor fieneral- ' r Maceilonia Mater. The day wore, t- nersonsfor tl.PofliPofCon lapsed into twilight t, I Thirty - two persons ( tour at away and lapsed into twilight Miien an order came for more wood, for more lire to . thaw the pipes. How many cords were con sumed has not been, reported. Knoiigh M-ood atire will melt an ice-lierg. "While the. thawing pro cess M-as goingon the discovery M'as made that the valve that ' acts in the pipe for an outlet and shut off to the M ater at Homing's run was out of place. That M-as a neM- rev elation and the thawing process was abandoned for in point of fact the pipe Mas free ot ice and the congealed stuff all the while. The M-hole trouble M-as the valve was out of place. The valve Mas last and seemed as tightly fixed in the May of the water as if it had lieen forged in by some M-atcr nymph from Macedonia Gap out of re venge for molesting the stream in seeking a mwer level by its own natural selected channel Hom-cv- ilarge) for Presidential Electors, and to choose eight delegates and eight alterriates-at-large to the Re publican ?Cational Convention to le field rn" riiiladeTpnia oh Tuesday the nineteenth day of June, next, and for the .transaction of such other business as may be present ed. " In accordance M-iih the rule ad opt ed at the State Convention held in Harrisbnrj on -August twenty four last, the, representation in the State Convention will be based on the vote polled at. the last Presi dential Election; TTnder this rule each Legislative district is entitled to one delegate for every tM'o thou sand votes cast for Presidential Elec tors in anil ail additional dele gate for every fraction of two thou sand votes polled, iu excess of one l thousand., lOach district is entitled Schott's -:- Stores At the Threshold of the Century Anno Domini MDCCCC. er all things must sooner or later to the s;l1e n.,,,,1,. of delegates as have an end. Telephone poles, railroad ties, railroad pinch bars and other impromptu' appliances M-ere brought into use . under the directorship of contractor James Horning, Mho after spending a day and a night and a half had the satisfaction of re-adjusting'';, the valve am seeing Macedonia prater again flow placidly on to slake 'the thirst and bathe the bodies and cleanse the clothes of the people of Mifllintown and set the industries aliout the town again in motion. It M-as M-ell on to mid night on Mon day liefore the water was released. represented it in the Convention of ls.lfi. ' By order of the Republican State j Committee. Program of exercises for McAl isterville Farmers' Institute, Jan nary 19 and 20, 2000. Friday Afternoon, 1.30 o'clock. Devotional Exercises, Rev Welt v Address of Welcome, Rev. Reigh- ard. Response, R. S. Seeds, Birming ham. Pa. The Barnyard, J. A. Fries, State College, Pa. Plumb Culture, I. C Lantz, ThompsontoM n, Pa. Friday Evening, 7 o'clock. Question Box. Essay. Miss Mary J. Hunt, Swales, Pa. Country Homes, Gabriel Heister, ITarrisbnrg, Pa. Free Rural Mail Delivery, J. T. Ailman, Thompsontown, Pa. Co-operation in Farming, M. R. Bashore Silt unlay Morning, 0 o'clock. Question Box. The Fruit Farm, J. E. Jamison, Swales, Pa. Relation of Lime and Marl to Agriculture, J. A. Fries, State College, Pa. Saturday Afternoon, 1 ."0 o'clock. Question Box. Are Apple and Pear Orchards a Pntfitable Investment, E. Davis, Thompsontown, Pa. How Can Agriculture le Made Remunerative? W. II. Kiiouse, SM-ales, Pa. Poultry for Profit, John J. Pat terson, Jr., MiftliutoMii, Pa. Saturdav Evening 7 o'clock. Question Box. Care of the Sick, Xor.i V.Sielier, Mexico, Pa. History of Agriculture. Maurice Leonard Oakland Mills, Pa. How to Improve the Farm, R. S. Seeds. - WATER 1.1 It E TROUBLE. There was a general lament on the 4th inst., over the stoppage of the tloM- of M-ater. The frost was too much for Macedonia Mater af ter it had entered the pipes. It was the old story, "You never miss the water till the well runs dry." Most people have their cisterns and wells out of use or tilled M ith dirt and they felt helpless Of course the river is nearby and that proved it consolation and someone said, "Oh the river, the river the leaiitiful river it is a thing of joy forever." The Mater plant is a good summer concern. It never freezes or goc dry in the summer exixMwoo i.r i, !.. ..: i 1 u-i,.,i the mcrcurv vibrates among . . i iiv ifiitr win milt miivci.i " , . Kikcn pertaining to the proper- the nineties, but it . isu t such a .v of l,p society hal left in the handy concern when the, mercury rciisury tuo ,inars an( f(rtv sev- 'vibrates down near .the cipher i-ents. The m.eipt8 of the so- notch. If people bad not - aban etet v were 1 S.? 5.1 The liabili-' doned their wells and" cisterns they ti 5 are ?i:?7t)i, would not feel the default of the Fu.vxk Rkkdkic, Chairman. W. R. Axdkkws, -. C. E. VllORIIKKS, i ..." Secretaries. Trespaaalns; for Fish. Ju lje Alhrig't of L'.igU e junt.y recently baa led d an important fish decision in tbe trespass case 3 brought by the PjIi qualine fish bs siciation against Messrs Djlp, E'ey S ib'.e of Wind G ip. The three kt ter will LaVd to pay t!ie costs, whicb amjnnt to $116.79. Several disput ed poin's ia regard to tbe rights if fiihpriren and ownejs of stream are established.- A fisher j a"i 's guilty of trespiss wht ereri a steam and fishes without the on 8?nt of the land own-r, although be wades the stream and does not touob dry land. The fac'. thai the State his stocked tbe stream with fish d ies not niakd it a public t'niam. - MEXICO A1D CAMFOR1II LIST OF JtJRORK FOR PEM RUARf TERM 1900. IIRAXK .ll'KOIiS. Allbiingh, Fred Burner, Henry Ikirtly, Samuel B. Frey, Lediiiiin (ingrich, Samuel C.rubb, R. W. Henry, Samuel Keller, John A. Kidd, Win. P. Kiiouse. O. P. Kyle. William Lukens, A. R. McClure, (Jeorge McDonald, Andrew McKillips, Benj. Okeson, A. S. Pannabaker, S E. Partner, J. W. Pomeroy, W. C. Rempfer, William Rhine, John Stahr, D.O. W. S. Yeater, Clias. Fayette. Siisiiiiehanna. Tusiiirorii. Delaware. Fayette. DelaM'are. . Iiick. Port Royal. Spruce Hill. Favette. Walker. DelaM-are. Tusi-arora. H. Milford. .Milfonl. Beale. Tuscarora Beale Fort Royal. Fayette Ijack', Susiuehanna. fJreenM'oKl. Fermanagh, i PJiTIT .ll ltOKS. Amiiicrnian, Albert Rentier, A bra in Iicrgcr, Henry Itook, II. C. lottiger, Jonathan Brindle, John Charters, David Clark, J. M. Pimm, John T. Diven, Walter Goodman, II. L. (Silson, Z. W. (Jriiy, Bruce Oroniiiger, I. t' Cuss, E. Milton Haines, V . II. Heury, William Riser, Andrew Leister, Jacob B Luck, William ' McWilliams, D. Martin, David Miller, J. W. Moore, Roliert K. Fayette. Monroey Mifllintown; Port Royal-.' Monroe;. Patterson. -Fayette, liiick. GrceiiM-ooil. Tuscanra. Turtiett. Sjiruce.IIi.ll. Tiisiirora. Turliett. Patterson. Tliompsoutown. Bele. Pattei-son . Fermanagh. Mifllintown. B, Port Royal. "s. Walker. Siisuehauua . Favette. Xelson. E. T Xinple, J. North, W. S. Noss, X. E., J. T. . Saner, J . A . Sellers, William Shirk, Solomon S. Slaughter back, C. J Thorn pson town. Milllintown. Patterson. Tiisciinira. Spruce Hill. Fayette. Monroe. Milford. Delaware. FORTY SIX DAYS TOUE VIA I'KXXSYLVA- MIA RAILROAD. Tk-o Ponneylvania Railroad per I na!Iy conducted tour to Mexico and California which leaves New York and Pniladelphit on February 12 (Pittsburg February 13) bv ppcc'al r unman train, cavers a iirg an I n- tensely intert sting portion of North America. Mexico, Califoruia and Col orado are a mighty trio in all that appeals to and facinales the touris-t. ' Stops will be m tde at S in Anton io, Tampico? iGluanajuata, Guadala j ix8, Qaeretaro, City of Mex:co (five ilitys), Cuernrtvaco, Aguascalientes. Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, Pasadena, Santa Barban, San Jose Mt. Hamilton), Del Monte, San Fran cisco (five days), Salt Like City, Col orado SpriDgs, Denver, Ch;cago and other points of interest. Kuurteen dnys will be spent in M( xico ard nu t-teen in Calif-rtii'. The Mexico and Ouliforuia Spec ial," an exclusively Pullman train o Purlor-SmokiDg, Dining, Drawing i o m Sleeping; and Observation cars, will be'used "over the entire route. Round trip rate, inclmftng mil nte tttary expense during entire trip, 1550 from all points on the Pennsylvania Railroad System east of Pittsburg; $545 from- Pittsburg. For itinerary and full information apply to ticket agenfs; Tourist Agent? 1196 Broad way, New York; 4 Court Street, Brooklyn; 789 Broad Street, N. J.; B. Courlaender, Jr., Passenger Agent Baltimore' District, Bltimore, Md ; Colfn Studds, PasseDger Agent, Southeastern District, Washington, D C ; Thos. E. Watt, Passenger Agent, Western District, Pittsburg, Pa.; or address Geo. W. Boyd, As sistaht General Pasnenger Agent Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, feblO. GREAT SALES prove the great merit' of ilootIV Sarsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla rcIIr because it sccompUshes CREAT CURES. BRATE MEM FA 1.1.- Viclims to Blomttcb. liver and kidoej troubles as well as women, and all feel tbe resalts in loss of appetite, poisora in tbe blood, backbone, nervousness, headarbe and tired, listless, run-down feeling:. Bat there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W7 Uantner, Idtville, lnd. He Bays . oRlectrie Bitters are just tbe thing for man when be is all ran down, a.nd don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strengh and good appetite ttaon anything I conld take. I can now est anything and have a neV lease en life.". Only 60 cents at M. P. Craw, fords Drag Store. Every bottle rnaran-' teed. I 1865, ESTABLISHED. 3900. Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale oi Clothing lk&i goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLEJ of Suits and Overcoat at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't 1 til to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D.W. HARLEY MIirFLiINTO WIS PA. Meyer's Stores. The Largest Distributors of JHeu'o and Boys' Apparel. SPECIAL SALE Beginning Monday, November 27th, and Ending Monday, December 25th. TT 11 T.1 1 IT. . T. . I-.''" j j.u au our menus ana ratrons, rresent or rrospeetive: I Health, Happiness, and Prosperity. j Tbe great success and eDormous business can he directly attributed . by giving our natrons first-class attention, cbaritii; but a email percentage of profit however low we bny it, treating every p: rson fair and square, carrying a complete stock in all lines, buying our goods for c-b at lowest prices and Ibe same way, these are the reasons for oar euccesnful business career. A Clean up Sale. Each and every line of foods bas numerous bargains to off after tbe holiday rush, and we have decided to offer tfeeSi. attractive prices, and you can have some of. themTf you come Dress Goods in Short Ends and Remnants at Half Price. . . - - Ladies Jackets and Capes at Reduced Prices. Misses' and Cbildrens1 Jackets at Reduced Prices. Tailor made Suits and Wrappers, Silk and Cloth Waists at Reduced Prices. Blankets and Comforts at Reduced Prices. . . . Underwear, Men, Ladies and Children, Gloves and Stocking!! at Re duced Prices Carpets, Oil Cloth, Lenolimns at Reduced Prices! ! Lace Curtains at Reduced Prices. Wc sell you Lancaster Gingham at 5 cents, worth 7 eenls Calicoes at and 5 cents worth one-third more. Towling 3 yards for 10 cents. CbiMren Stockings for & cents. Outing Flannel for 5 cents a yard. Muslin for 41, 5, 6, and 7 cents. Heavy Cheviot for Men's Shirts, 10 yards for 75 ccuta Shaker Flannel for 5 cents. A Few Remaining Holiday Goods At Half Price. Now is your opportunity to get much for LITTLE PRICES. SCHOTT'S STOKES, 103 to 109 Bridge Streetf . MIFFLINTOWN, Ta A Clothing Sale' That Demands Attention. Tbe best tbat money can buy at half usual profits, caused by our shrewd method' of buying from overloaded manufacturers. We are really celling yoa better goods for less money than any other bouse in America. MenrS S8 Suits $4J5. Comprising! all wool cheviots jajill siie Good values at $8. Pick them now out for $4.75. Men's S10 Suits 06.50. Heri's a obanee to get a good suit for UttU money Just think of Men's fancy Worsted, Cassimere and Cbevion auit made to fit. We have all sizes in this line. Compare these suits with 110 suits that others are sell, and it would bo hard to tell the differeno. Our price now Sf6.fc0. nra 419 Jj-7 7 SO Comprising all wool fancy Cassimerea, MLfJgntLSMfd SereesP All sizos from 34 to 42. Honest vaWat12now$7 50. no fVnfhirta Bring your boys here for new Miits and overcoats. All the new fairt'atterns Hundreds of style to select from. All sites. Oor pnVes are lower than ever. irt, tfi fhierrnntM SS. In blue beaver and Kersey olotbs. Uuar anted faKT Suttantially made and neatly finished. Positive barirainp for $8 Buy one now for $5. MEN'S flO OVERCOATS $f.5f. Comprising Kersey and Coverts, lined with satin 8trictly np to-date coats now for $7.50. MEN'S $14 OVERCOATS $10. In Coveit cloths, beautifully trimmed. New shad's, welt seairs, with satin sleeve lining. Cut in tbe popular lengths. Fine value at $15, now $10 .... MTTJ'S HATS AND FURNISHING. Men's Derbys and Fedoras in black brow" maple, eedar. pearl with black and white silk bands These bat. are tonal to anv $2 bat made. Our pnoe $1. DERRYS IN UNBREAKABLE QUALITY. This line will wear as any - $3 hat vou may tuv e!sewbere Tbey are Punlap, Yoeman, Knox and Young styles, P.PW 1 150, Exceptional bargains in Men's and Boys' hirts, underwear, neekwear, gloves and overshirts, at prioes lower than ever. On onr second floor we have a full complete line of Trunks and 8atchels. Our prices are lower than any House in the county. Furniture and House Furnishing Goods, Queensware, Glassware and Fancy Chinaware. Five large floors filled to their utmost extent with Furniture aud House Furnishing Goods Tbe trust will not effect us iu this department as we pre pared ourselves in advance. We have carloads of furniture at low figures, and we are pn pared to sell this line lowi r than ever. Call to see our grand line of Parlor Suits, Covches, Lounges, Fancy Rockers, Morris Chairs, Extension Tables, Bedroou Su ta, FaDcy Parlot Tables, Side Boards, Fancy Deska Dinner's, and anylbiDg in the Furniture line. A leo a complete line of Fanoy Decorated Ware, in Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and a con"-'- ,: of Johnson's Ware F"Uoods delivered free to all parts of thr EASTWARD. STATIONS. DAlLT, EXCEPT 8l"MTAY. iNo.l No.3 -.uouu.e Went Into effect 1, 1896, aud ihe trains will bo run as ' fr.Ur.-m . Ring's Milla . Wft'erU.i'' Loc-Dpril'-. Grove Ross Fil m. . . . . rtiu'fk Esct 7,.i: if..Ti.. Hi c Lman II.: i Orr vo F li.l yr... ... V:lx russ'.' : v;. . . ScVlB P.L-? .... Sprue Gruhtu.' SicwprV Frecdi.i. Turbttt OMPcrt.; Port IWal . !a. .Lv7 M.lP. M. I 25l 45 31 ;1 51 37j 1 57 45 2 05 2; 02 1 1 M 05i2 . 8 17i2 37 J8 22 2 42 . H 302 50 . IS 39!2 59 . jS 44!3 04 .8 52!3 12 . H rr,i 15 ,9 (1313 19 (63 26 9 09 3 29 !9 12 !9 18 .Ar 3 32 5 45 T,!,ir N s. M i 2.ntip cl at Fort Koyal will V 1 v lK r jri r P1 Seashore Express ml'. F. K.. f 1 (! Frr. S si d 4 with Sil essl WESTWARD. Truirn Sen. 'J and 3 rornrct at Blair's Milis with Cf.iwnrd, Povlcshurjc Dry Run, NoFoville, Ned ton, Sbade Gap. Shade Valley ai.d OosLoid Station Stuff Liner, STATIONS. j TAIl T, IXCO'T FI SDAT.i P Knvnl OM P .r; Tiul-. 'ft Fr (-(torn Sit v ni t Gril fltnV Sin hop Hill S-' ' Piff 8. . . . P'p-i'nr t ViPW . . Wa'l'V . . Fi Riirlmm Hon - y Grovo. . . Rf rk'irin E.-tft Water ford. Pern'ifk Rose Frm. Iiiitirl'j GrovM Wnt.rl.H. Bli.V Mi I If No.2No.4 ! A. 0 010. i.riio 2 8!l0 3.7:10 4.4 10 .! o.f.jlO .1 6 310 .! 7.2!l0 J 9 011 .io.n;ii .12.0'll M P. M. 20;5 275 33 5 2(5 5 39 5 425 505 535 or" 0fi5 14.011 17.5! 11 05 12 18 21 24 27 35 38 4(5 51 15 6 00 V.m a. in Leave Arrive a. i 4 30 9 0(1 Dnncannnn 7 54 4 30 9 I fi King's Mill 7 49 4 3!1 0 f9 "Sulphur Soring 7 46 3 41 9 11 "Cormfln PMine 7 4 I 4 4'. 9 1 J Mont. hrr. P.i 7 41 4 4' 9 lo 'Weaver 7 4'i'M3 4 61 9 19- R..rtriv 7 85 2 08 m n -HoHman 7 33 4 56 9 24 Koyer 7 31 4 69 9 2T 'Mahanov 7 28 5 10 10 43 Bloomtield 7 23 6 16 9 49 'Treasler 7 09 ri 21 9 64 'Nellson 7 04 6 24 9 67 DiiDj'a 7-01 5 27 10 05 Elliotsbure 6 5 32 10 '7 'Bcrnbnial's 6 61 5 84 10 17 'Groen Prk 6 4H ft 37 10 30 'Montour June 6 83 6 02 10 35 L.andi,hiirg 6 28 p. m a. ra Arrive Leave a. ra Train leaves BlooniHeld at 6.fi3 a. nd arrives at Landistmre at 6.23 a. Train leaves Landisbiirg at 6.08 p. m., arrives at Dioomneia si e.4U p. id. All Btitions marked () are ling stations, at which trains will con to a full atop on signal, . p.fn 2 28 2 23 2 20 3 18 2 IS 2 6S 2 03 2 00 1 41 1 36 I 31 1 28 1 25 1 20 1 18 1 16 2 50 p m m m. and Cbas. II. SutLEt, President. P. fi. Bc, Stipt. (WEWPOKT AND SHKKMAN'S VAL I v ley Hailroad Company. Time table of passenarer trains, in effect on Monday. May 18tt, 1896. STATIONS. Newp rt Buffalo Bridge.... Jnniata Furnace .. W .ibncta Sylvan Watr Ping Bloomtield Juncl'n VallevBoad Elliottstiurc Gre?n Park I.oMiville Fort Robeson Center , Cisna's Ron Andersonborg Blain Mount Pleasant . . New Germant'n West ward. "aTf Fast wart. "2"l ' r m ,! 6 00 ,, 6 08 6 12 , 6 15 . 6 25 .j 6 22 i 6 39 i 6 61 ! 6 54 ! 7 0.V 1 7 1i , 7 is. ! 7 21 ! 7 27 i ; 7 35: 1 7 41: i 7 46 'ami 10 35 10 38 10 42' 10 45: 10 62 11 01 11 09 11 09! 11 2ll 1. 21; 11 8fi II 41) II 45, 11 611 11 57! 12 05i 12 11 12 15! A M 8 30 8 27 8 23 i 8 l'0j 8 161 8 11 8 Of 8 (M j 7 45 . 34 7 '. 7 1, 7 IS 7 11. 7 03 6 68 6 60 r b 3 e? 3 63 3 60 8 46 3 41 3 38 3 82 3 15 3 10 3 Oi 2 W 2 i'J 2 44 2 40 2 88 2 24 2 20 ...!20.5 11 ...220 12 ...124.0 12 ...i 25.5! 12 Ar i 27.0112 236 286 40 6 536 or;s 08 1.1 25 38 45 08 6 53 14 6 59 2o!7 05 J (!. .VOORHEAD, Superintendent. T. S MOOR HEAD, r.mi.IeyU. IIECCII & DR0C0LD3 s SAVMlUaCD ENGINE A wonderful lmprovptnent In Prlrtlfn Freisi and .l-1 ta r k. Huck men in ot 'arrtut? :t I intra an tart wnyotlnT In theniark. Prtftinn ('lacrh Krrd, rmwus all tl ! J KtriniMu HWitfl iftlll wlnl tuttic. IrtK; arrnl wartnx in wim-rr mn4 Wfnr. u .en" nn.l prw-i if. rifrirm llnrrn a, 4'iiti'TPtwr. i'mrn ri-.rlerB. hrlrr. 1 HJKHCU ,ffcPiKV.U.Ui.I, ?irra., Vark, k'm. D. GRING, I'reHident jnd Manager C. K. Milleb, General Agent. iVODYttt U'.1.T 'fo&rmpAxsxTm.u.ut.Vy' l..wr. . . . W 0K3 ajd iB,rsHirp rr. mAjP Bropptot w Sugar, Chtldrm lorw It. Tjkx Ir pk r boukl Wo m. buttl of H lo hi mtclx. Every Sufferer sz XLT ooa nMMifrha, lilpfatharlA, Cmrntshn. t feterrh, -fVathtna, Cbolfrm Xiortraii, Dfarrhm, I mmmm, Scnr-Ts JO Bodr or LfiarM, Bt jtf JoinU or Rtrait, will fix.-. 1 vii old AMdTM rr- Iff and siMdy mm. Iaf.S 2f. how .-.fryir-r' Prire hy man. t bcUlf . JOt( it. 01.. Uomtos. Aj- Great '.Cures 'proved b tliouMintfs of totii:n!ii:iUli w tlmt iloud'n Sar ; safiiTriiiu jmjssvsm; HMvi?r iu uniy,' vitli.u -Uil iiiiicli tin: bkxxl. Mjr-j' Piil no-:,( ni trtila
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers