Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 03, 1900, Image 1

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CHAPTER III. (Continued.) j
muling upon a mound Dear ber, ah j
s her hands to her pretty mouth, J
: with a simple eloquence that cannot
inn highly commended, criea "Hi!" to
' in. ut the top of her fresh young voice.
Whether the breeze has played traitor.
whether the bending figure is of so
whether the bending figure la of so
s material as to be deaf to thia bril- 5
in appeal, wno can say. At an events,
stirs or lifts himself from his
whatever it may be. Nothinf
unted. ; risolda returns to the attack.
IL!" cries she again, with a sharper,
i-r intonation. And still nothing comes
it. Tli.' bending figure refuses to
-ra:hteu his back, and things remain ai
1. It is really too bad. Getting
: un from her mound she clambers up on
' higher bank, and once more sends out
her voice upon the world:
"Hi. my good man!" This does it. A
if . ..miH-ileil to acknowledge this tribute
! his virtues, "my good man" uprears
himseif. looks vacantly round him at ev-
ry pniut but the right one first, and at
: ist M'i'j ("riselda. The effect produced ii
v mily instantaneous but marvelous.
I . a goes bis rod, his cast, his choicest
I I y au admirable orange grouse and h
Miiic steaming toward her at abott
twerty knots an hour. w
II eyes, ever since they first lighted
i:pi"U Griselda, have seemed to grow ts
h. t, and now, as he draws nearer, ah
'.o sei"S and recognizes him. The knowl
..!. thus gained so surprises her that
':ie very nearly falls off her high bank,
ii. I then grows very charmingly rosy,
ii nd as charmingly confused. It i nou
other than the young man who had helped
to restore the carriage to its legitimate
"It is really you?" criea h, with unaf
f-.-ted delight, coloring warmly.
"It is you, too," replies she, reflectively,
and as though it is a little unfair tc
;ir..w all the personalities at her.
'So it is," says he, smiling gayly. "You
wanted me? I hope you had not to call
"Very often," smiling, too, and jumping
louo off her pedestal. I tnougnt I
should never make you hear. Do you
l.unw the road to Greycourt? I don't."
'I do. It Is a tedious way, and com
plicated. Hut if you will permit me to gl
with you and show it to you. Miss JJy-
"Oh, no. No, indeed. It ia giving yot
quite too much trouble, and how do yot
U. ,my name?" asks she, with a shy
clau, at him from under her long lashes
1 askeJ somebody ; in Af
w. re Mr. JJysart s niece, xou aon t mine i
(0 you?" '
No. I. too. heard of you," she says, ;
,...t ih-n I d;dn't take for granted every
thinir that was told me."
"What did you hear of me?"
"That you were a young man 'dowx
from I.unnon town, an' as full o' tricks as
eir;: s run o mate. repu.es nr, ue-
mtirely, evidently quoting somebody, and :
with a glance so "full o' tricks" on het ;
.iu u aoeount
that he laughs in spite oi
Will," says he, "I'm not from 'Lnn
ii. .ii town,' certainly, and I hope I'm not
a greater wretch than my fellows. As tc
my 4i ricks.' I don't believe I've one."
"If not from London, from where?"
Kaiher close to you. My sister live
ju-t ..ver the border of this county, I
in.i: .. of twenty miles or so; and I spend
in st nf my time with her."
"1: as ii very good thing for my sistei
n:i that you came fishing," says Gri
...;,!!; -Vr I suppose we should both bt
i, ,v either ad or dying." Here shf
ks mumi .' -r. "Have we very much
. ::!!. r to go?"
I....U a milp."
"I wis', it was less," nervously. "I an
:'r . 1 Vera will be frightened at my long
: :i,e. ami and that my uncle will bf
: V."
I'-rluips he won't hear of it," says Mr
.-:). h.'pefolly. Griselda shakes hei
' ', I.
!1 looks just like a person who wouh?
: everything," she says.
I've heard a good deal about him ofi
; on. People will talk, you know, and
' eccentric, isn't he?"
if you mean weak in mind you wer
. r further out in your life," says Gri
! ,. i lrtifully. "He is all mind, it
, ; -inioii. There isn't a weak spot in
l'.y the by, have you ever been t
, . . ...irtV
, I've often thought I should liki
. on some Wednesday or other."
S in - Wednesday! What Wednesday"
t n h Wednesday? Griselda is dis
- puzzled, but hardly likes to ask I
- .-.i on the subject.
a quaint old house," she says
: -lit be lovely, I think, if the trees
it away and some sunlight let inti
i: a little furniture. It's empty
,.-! empty."
. you forget the galleries?" say;
Is :i indeed possible that you do
.v that those pictures of your nu
. nr.- absolutely priceless? Pur
! Knellers. Gainsboroughs ui
-. Why, those galleries at Grey
. I've of-en heard my father say, ar
he finest iu England. Your uncli
- nough to open them to the pub
tirst Wednesday in the monti
cry trilling charge of half I
VV. !" cries Griselda, flushing so hoi
- that the tears grow within hi I
. . Hh. you can't mean that."
'"AY... why not?'' Rays the young man.
.' !:. . preparing with a stout courage
.-tend a vile cause. "It is to improve
t:.ves of the multitude that he does
t curse. And if he chooses to repay
. for the wear and tear of his car-
. w ho shall say he has not common
- -e ..ii his side?"
:h. moment the chimneys of Grey
sh .ne through, the interstices of the
! her lert, and, with the kuowl
that she had gained her h ne,
- '... loo. the sound of running water.
ho -t-.-ht that all thiougTi her re
ihroii.h the leafy woods that
.i .1 rushed us a chorus to hoi
1 : now- I know!" cries she, stopping
;'. and looking full "at her com-
ii. who grows somewhat guilty in
;" tnce. "That noise of running wat-
h is the river that flows beneath
rt. If I had only followed it I
1 not have gjreu joo all this, trouble."
-It-is no-,ronb.e, says he, plainly,
She holds out. to him her hand. "Uojd-
by. he says, gently.
"Oh. not good-by. I hope," returns he,
anxiously, taking the slim little hand and
as he dares, per
h?iw more closely Ihnn he is quite aware.
shal vee you again':"
-Oh no n indeod '
softly. "You
must not think that. Uncle Gregory does
not permit us to know our neighbors
lie lifts his hat and Griselda. giving
him a rather solemn little salute, turns
away from him. A second later, however,
she finds him again beside her.
'It - here is all the appearance of coin-
it; iiiin in the sky," be says, gravely.
"ioti't you think so? I fear we shall
have a perfect atorm before long. I
thought I'd tell you, go that you might
pet as much .good out of these woods ns
possible before the deluge. This week,
now, might be fine, but I should no! an
swer for the next; and, indeed, tf you will
permit me to advise you, I should recom
mead you to take a walk to-morrow. Who
shall say that rain might not fall the day
Who, indeed?
It seems the soundest reasoning. So
Griselda, having shown herself impressed
by it, inclines her head to him once more,
and, a turn in the path hiding him at last
from view, takes to her heeia, and hard
ly draws breath until, having found the
small iron gate that admits to the gar
den at Hs lowest end. she enters by it
and feels herself at last at home.
On the haD doorsteps, as if lying in
wait for her, stands Mrs. Grunch, the
"Dear me, miss, and so you have re
turned," says she. ' "Dear! but master
will be main glad to hear of it. He was
that upset by your absence that we
daren't so much asiipproach him." Gri-
selda's blood grows cold. "But now he'll
be sure to tell you himself how glad he ia
to see you back safe and sound
Mrs. Grunch, as Griselda left her, turn
ed aside, and with darkened brow made
for the library, Mr. Dysart s usual abid
tag place. Not finding him here, she
hurries onward dpwn the hall, until she
comes to a heavy curtain, once handsome,
now moth-eaten and dingy, and pushing
it aside, reveals a long flagged passage,
with a high, narrow door at the extreme
Stooping aa she comes to it, she peer;
through the keyhole, and finding it emp
ty, tries, with a cautious, quiet grasp,
the handle of the door to find the latter
'o-ked. Sjill verr cautiously she rf;M,'
hand im un tnn.-s.ei, urawsfwoT a Key.
weu on, ana lusenuig wi m uw aeynoie,
softly opens the door.
A grim smile orc.ipreada her face as
she looks toward the further end of the
room. There, on his knees beside a cab
inet, kneels Mr. Dysart. It is open, and
Mr. Dysart, in his worn and shabby old
cuat, is kneeling before the secret open-
uu:. gloating openly upon its contents
Pils upon piles of yellow sovereigns are
so built one on the top of the other that
they reach from one narrow resting place
to the other above, and so on. Dull, heavy
gold that scarcely glitters, save in the
?yes of the wretched miser bending over
Yet it is not so much on the money as
on a paper be holds in his hand that his
attention is concentrated. He is so bent
on the perusal of it that he hears neither
the turn of the key in the lock nor the
woman's entrance. And now, as a mali
cious chuckle breaks from her, it so star
tles him that he springs to his feet as if
shot, and a sharp, horrid cry, that Is
almost a shriek, escapes him. His face
has grown deadly whits, great drops of
sweat stand out upon his brow.
"Comforting yourself with a look at it,"
says she, with a malignant leer. As she
speaks she points not at the gold, but at
the paper he has tightly clutched in his
"How did you come here, woman?" de
mands he, Ln a shrill tone. He is trem
bliug, and with nervous fingers presses
the paper into the secret recess in the cab
inet. and shuts to the oaken woodwork.
"Why, through the door," retorts she.
sullenly. "How else? Y'ou should remem
ber to lock it when engaged on work like
"I could have sworn 1 locked it," says
be, still shaking. "See! here is the key
in my pocket. I tell you," with increas
ing agitation, "I did lock It. Are you a
fiend that you can follow me through
bolted doors?"
"Hush! Don't give way to foolish fan
cies. And after all, why need my com
ing fluster you? Surely," with a mock
ing air, "your occupation was an inno
cent oae; you were but refreshing your
self with a glimpse of "
"Be silent, woman! Are you mad?"
cries he, lifting his arms like one in mor
tal fear.
"You're but a poor sort after all," she
says, contemptuously. "Too poor for
faith or trust of any sort. What! can
yon not even believe in me, who has
served you and yours long and faithful
for forty years? Is it likely I'd betray
you now for his children?"
"Ay, he served you falsely once," says
Gregory Dysart, a savor of pleasure in
his tone.
"He took my best my life, my soul
the heart of everything." saya she. slow
lv beating one withered hand upon the
other. "Though years have rolled by I
have not forgotten; I shall not forget at
.,11 When first I saw them I felt as
though, if power were given me. I could
have blasted as they stood those insolent
hnasiea UDStaira."
Something out of the goodly past, some
rugae touch of decency belonging to the
davs hen he was young and happy, and
, .. i .. .. utill a
w ueu uoo.o -
ttt, !) his might, renders tnis
...,i,h..t s aimlied to the pretty or-
' ......itted to his care, insupport-
'Yo.i hardly remember, perhsps. that
you are speaking of my nieces.
i u-n
he says
wun au buk'J . jt.
H..itv toity! None of your airs with
me." savs she, sternly. She advances
' " i.. Remember. Dysart,
step nearer 10 mm.
7 . :.,.,.. mb or mar you. I.
tnai i ran ui --
""I would" I were sure of that," say. he.
moodfly. "But- Have you forgotten.
Souieyr " . M ., , what
-pish! He 's i-.t a -
a one you are to worrit! Twenty ye
ad more, and no siga of him. and 1 s
sh! lie a aeao,
you was ne tne one to remain quiet, ii i
saw a way to forcing a sovereign oat oi
lrue, true, says Dysart, eagerly
catching at this suggestion. "And yet I
would give much to know that he was in
the grave."
Ay, and I in mine! I know you."
says she, with an evil look. "You fear
t fear nothing," says he, coldly.
"What," says she, slowly, regarding
him closely; "not even that your soa
should know?"
She pauses, pleased with her work. All
at once, as it were, on hearing this ques
tion, the old man quails before her like a
beaten hound. The life goes out of him,
he seems to shrink into himself, and puts
out his hands aa though to ward off some
fatal blow.
"Not that Anything but that." he
mutters, feebly.
"Well, don't drive me to it," says she,
"Remember, it was for him I did it,"
cries he, sharply. "After all my love, my
care, my secrecy, to have it now laid bare
to him! I tell you his fingers working
convulsively "rather than, that he should
know. It seems to me that it would be a
sweet and simple thing to murder him
who would betray me."
"I'm not going to betray you," says
she. "And aa for saying 'twas for him
you did it, why "
"For him. For his sake only."
"Partly, I think." says ahe, dryly.
"Entirely; altogether. What other crea
ture bad I to love me to love? His
mother, as you know, hated me; and
when she died I was glad," says be,
crushing his fingers together.
"Yet the deed was scsrcely necessary
if done for him," says Grunch, holding
her ground. "That old aunt of his tie
mother's sister put want out of the ques
tion for him.
"I knew nothing of her desire to make
him her heir then."
You know it now, anyway," says she,
with a nasty sneer. "And it is never too
late to mend to find by accident that
paper you have just locked up."
"I have thought of it," says he, with
lowered brow and eyes bent upon the
ground, "dreamed of it; and all my
dreaming has but convinced me that
things had better stay as they now are.
Into what better hands could they have
fallen? Who would have husbanded it
all like me? You know the rare, the
trouble, the sleepless days and nights I
have devoted to the management of of
it. Y'ou know whether it has ever been
a joy to me rather a grief, a wearying of
the flesh, a curse!" The word comes from
between his lips with a little hissing
sound. "But it is all for him. for him,"
he says, in a dying tone.
With restless, feeble steps he begins to
pace the room.
"He believes in me. He trusts me; be
alone now! But if ever he were to learn
the truth he would spurn me from him.
1 swear to you" he turns and fixes his
burning eyes on hers "I'd strangle you
with these hands," holding them out be
fore her, trembling with passion, yet
strong and lithe, "before the words could
pass your lips."
"I'm not going to play traitor. I'v
told you that." says she, frowning. "I'vn
had a chance before this if I wished to do
It: and I'm not going to help his children.
whatever happens." Her brow, grows'
black and bereyea UEten4,Ma;Tcii'e
' '011'1
- Aim IrlMiPorqi
the" gates of death!1
"Amen," says Dysart, carelessly. Then,
in a different tone: "Seaton is coming
home to-morrow."
"Y'ou have a design," says she, fixing
her sharp eyes on him with a searching
"True; and I think well of mentioning
it to you," says Dysart, slowly. "After
long and careful thought I have decided
on abandoning more ambitious schemes
and wedding him to my elder niece.
(To be continued.)
Rice Cream. Put in a stewpan four
ounces of ground rice, two ounces of
sugar, a few drops of the essence of al
monds, with two ounces of fresh butter;
add a auart of milk. Boil for twenty
minutes, till it forms a smooth sub
stance, though not too thick; then pour
in a mould previously oiled or washed
out with cold water; serve when cold.
It will turn out like jelly. A very nice
dish is made by putting a layer of any
preserve in a glass dish and pouring
some of this hot cream over. When
cole! the top may be ornamented with
almonds blanched and split.
Sauash Pie One teacupful of steamed
squash rubbed smooth, four tablespoon-
fuls of sugar, one egg. one-nan im
spoonful of allspice, pinch of salt. Add
sufficient rich milk to fill crust, as for
custard pie.
Cream Pie Stir to a cream one table
ipoon of butter and one-half cup of
sugar, add two beaten eggs, one table
spoon of flour, one cup of milk, bake
with an under crust only and grate
nutmeg over the top.
Sauce for Pudding One cup of sugni,
two tablespoons of butter, two cups of
water, one tablespoonful of flour (stir
in sugar). Cook till smooth and thick
ened. Flavor with wine glass of brandy
or any flavoring desired.
Roast Duck. Singe, draw and truss
fowl; if an old one, parboil it: best
stuffing for goose is sage and onions
If a strong flavor of onion is liked,
rlmp them raw; if not, they should be
boiled, then cut in small Dieces and a
little grated nutmeg added before add
ing them to a light cracker stuffing,
ar.d seasoned with sage, salt and pep
per. Fill the bird with this, sew up
with coarse thread. Baste frequently
while cooking with butter and dredge
with flour. Serve with a little brown
gravy poured round, not over it, and
serve a little gravy from a tureen.
Apple Tarts. A variety of apple tan
that is sure to be liked is made by fill
ing a deep baking dish with apples that
have been pared and cored, adding a
teaspoonf ul of lemon juice, a cup of su
gar, a tiny bit of grated lemon peel
and enough water to cover. Stew
gently till the apples are tender, then
fill the core spaces with peach marma
lade, and put spoonfuls of the same
sweetmeat between the apples. Lay
a thin light crust over the top and
b?ke. Serve warm, not hot, with whip
ped cream.
Luncheon Dish. An excellent lunch
son dish 's made by chopping and then
mashing to a pulp some cold chicken,
seasoning well, and mixing with a cup
of cream the yolks of two eggs and
sufficient dissolved gelatine to set it
firmly. Then press into a mould and
put into the refrigerator till needed.
Turn out on a platter and send whole
to the table to be served in slices.
Cole" veal or even lamb may be used
In the same way. but either will need
more seasoning than the chicken.
t . ,. .hi nf veraee size about
$4000 to pass through the ninety-two
miles of the Suez Canal.
Orlarlnal of 'Weatcott'a Hero Was
1 tanker and Ilorae Trader Like Hi
Prototype, and Died as Poor aa When
He Bes;an Business,
Edward Noyes Westcott has done for
Homer, a little Tillage or Central New
York, what others have done for ew
England, Kentucky and the South.
Within the narrow confines of its rural
surroundings be found one of the most
characteristic types, from childhood to
old age, in American Action. Mr. Weav
cott embellished this type with a blas
ter hand, but when Homer first read
"David Harum" It recognized under
neath the literary paint with' which the
! original of the hero bal been retouched
the rugged, wide-awake, nomeiy coun
tenance of David Hannom, who had
been a character in a town of quaint,
long-headed, dryly humorous charac
ters up to a few years ago. It was
Homer's first literary sensation, and it
was no nine days' wonder In the little
town. The good people are wondering
even yet that one of their number
should get Into print.
"I don't see why this here Westcott
picked ont Dave H annum to put In a
book," said one old resident to me the
other day. "This town had a heap
sight bigger men than ever Dave Han
num wus. We sent men to Congress,
and there's lots of fellers who has gone
West and made their fortins. and wuz
a darn sight more distinguished than
Dave. Now, If I wuz writln' a book I'd
have picked out some fellers as those.
Dave wuz an ordinary kind of amusln
cuss, bnt he never done anythln much,
and he died poorer 'an a church
Nevertheless, Homer Is full of stories
of "Dave" Hannum, banker and horse
dealer, droll, shrewd, sharp, yet ten
dera character they love to talk
about. He always had a supply of
"hosa-swapping" stories, and would
rather trade horses and make $200 than
make $2,000 In a business operation.
He began without a cent in the world,
made a fortune and died with no more
morfly than he began w 1th.
Next to being a horse trader. "Dave"
perhaps would rather have been " a
showman. He had all the instincts of
Bantam. In 1853 New York gave a
grand exhibition at the famous Crystal
Palace tn Bryant Park. "Dave" found a
horse whose mane was so thick that it
gave him somewhat the appearance
of a buffalo. Hannum bought the ani
ma. at once and took him to New York,
trim ned its mane so as to heighten the
illusion, and exhibited hlm-as the "buf
falo horse." New "Yorkers flocked to
see the curiosity and added many dol
lars to "Dave's" stock.. Then came the
famous Cardiff giant When "Stub"
'n.n An nn thn Rfrfttice Image mn
. y v JL --isinT- V-
the thousands to si what they consid
ered to be the remains of some prehls-
tortc man. David Hannum was among
the first. TIe saw the money-making
' possibilities ln the thing, and set out at
once to secure an interest. He succeed
ed, as he usually did, and for a time
reaped a harvest Then be sold his
share to Dr. Westcott, the father of
Edward, but took it back after Dr.
Westcott s death, and was probably the
sole owner of the famous humbug at
1 the time of his death. Among his pos
sessions when he died was found the
! key to the vault ln which the giant lay.
The writer called to see David Han
' num's sister, Mrs. Gibson, while at
' Homer. "No," she said, "I have never
' read Westcott's book and never will,
so there, now. He put words and spell
ing into David's mouth such as anyone
In Homer will tell you he never used."
He was certainly a notable charac
! ter. His charity was of the slyest and
most wholesale kind. No one will ever
know how mucb he gave to the poor,
because It Is probable that he didn't
' know himself. He saw to it at Christ
' mas and Thanksgiving that no poor
I family went without their turkey, even
j though he was compelled to borrow
I the money to pay for It. His was a
wonderfully large heart, and there was
! nothing mean or petty about bis moral
or mental make-up.
"People live and die here in Homer
every day," exclaimed a citizen, "but
1 there never was but one 'Dave' Han
num. and he was the llvln.' breathin'
, 'David Harum.' " nome Magazine.
Novel Contrivance Which Enhanced
California's Kaisin Culture.
Unlike the eastern imitation, the Call
oruia seeded raisin, says the Vineyard
ist. Is subjected to a dry temperature
of 140 degree Fahrenheit from three to
five hours, immediately after which the
fruit Is submitted to a chilling process,
and while in this reduced condition of
temperature is passed through cleaning
or "brushing" machines, which remove
every particle of dust and the capstems.
It is then taken automatically by
elevators to a room wdiere, spread upon
wire trays. It is exposed to a tempera
ture of 130 degrees Fahrenheit, which
brings the fruit back to Its normal
condition, and in this "processing" the.
berry is converted into pectin, that
delicious Jelly which gives to fruits
their best flavor.
The raisins having been prepared
through this alternate heating and cliil
ling to keep indefinitely and resist
climatic influence are passed through
seeding machines, each of which has
a capacity of from ten to twelve tons
daily. The raisins are pressed between
rubber or similar surfaced rollers.
which at first flatten the berry and
press the seeds to the surfacerwben an
Impaling roller catches the seeds be
tween its needles, or teeth, affixed to its
periphery, deftly removing them from
the fruit, while the latter passes on,
minus Its seeds, but possessing every
particle of its flesh. The seeds are re
moved from the roller by a "flicking" or
whisking device, and are sent along to
the seed receptacle, finally ending their
tourney ln the engine-room, where they
ire burned as fuel.
Four hundred and fifty car loads of
ten tons each, or 9,000.000 pounds of
' seoea raisins, were suippcu
Fresno sUstrict last year, and a rery
much larger tonnage will be turned
oot this year. ,
Some estimate can be formed of the
possibilities of the Fresno see led raisin
plants when It is stated that their ng
gretate capacity for this season wlil
approximate from 1,700 to 2.000 car
loads, while It is probable that t.4O0
cars will be the output. Each seeding
plant has from five to twelve machine
of ten tons dally capacity per niacbiae.
Some of the packing-houses cover a
ground space 150 by 225 feet and are
three stories high.
World's Big Boat.
The English marine publication, thi
Syren, says: "We British pride our
selves that the aggregate tonnage ol
British ships approximates to the total
merchant tonnage owned by the r
maining maritime countries of tht
world, but there Is another phase of tht
matter where a comparison with othei
nations places us ln a position othei
than first. It appears we have only
eleven vessels of over 10.000 gross tons
headed by the Oceanic, with her 17.
000 tons. But Germany has twenty
three vessels in that category. Tin
United States is the only other nntict
with vessels above 10,000 tons, and slu
has four. The biggest ship owned bj
France Is 8,893 tons, while Norway!
greatest ship is of 3,277 tons gross. Ir
speed Great Britain is right ahead ot
her competitors, having thirty-one ves
sels with a speed of twenty knots o;
more; Belgium has six, the Unltec
States four, Germany and Hollanc
three each, France two and Russia one
Thus in speed the British flag excels
tha world, while the disparity hetweer
Germany and this country, so far nt
size Is concerned, will soon be lessened
as several big vessels are Bearing con
pletion In British yards."
From 1893 to the present year the
number of steam boilers In the Trans
vaal has Increased from 1.071 to li.HSU,
three of the gold fields alone employ
ing no fewer than 280 dynamos. su(
plytng 1.400 motors and 33,000 lamps.
The Kashmir railway isto be con
structed over 180 miles In the most
mountainous part of India. It will be
operated by electricity, water powet
being used. This permits of a much
lighter motor for drawing the same
load and also permits of grades which
a steam engine could not climb wlthou.
recourse to the rack system.
Recent studies of the Kaders, a race
of short, dark-skinned, curly haired
natives living in the Anamalal hills ol
southern India, show that they pos
sess a remarkable custom not else
where known in India, viz., the sharp-
I eiflne 'b. inMjnr tijeth. This thejr
f accbm'ptisu uy chrpping" i"? ceiu
point, giving them the form of cones.
The deep sea is in total darkness, and
plant life, according to Sir John Mur
ray, is quite absent over 93 per cent of j
the ocean bottom. Fishes and Inver
tebrates, however, are scattered over
the floor of the ocean at all depths.
The majority of these deep sea animals
live by eating the mud, clay or ooze,
or by catching the particles of organic
matter falling from the surface. It is
probable that three-fourths of the de
posits now covering the floor of the
ocean have passed through the alimen
tary canals of marine animals.
A surprising history Is presented In
Bulletin No. 57 of the Department ef
Agriculture, of one of America's great
est contributions to the food supply of
the world, Indian corn. Under the ef
fects of cultivation, the recognized va
rieties have increased from the few
known by the early explorers to more
than five hundred. The variations in
size are interesting, especially as re
gards the height of the stalk. This
runs from a foot and a half for some
kinds of popcorn to twenty-two feet fot
a Tennessee variety, and thirty feet or
more for varieties grown ln the WeM
Trof. Mansfield Merriman, studying
loc'cnited States census reports sine
1850. has discovered a marked and
steady increase in the length of human
life in our country during the lust hull
century. His statistics, which were
presented at the recent meeting of tin
American Association for the Advance
ment of Science, show that in 1S50 the
median age of the entire population
was 18.3 years, while in 18!H) it had
risen to 21.4 years. In 1000, he antici
pates. It will be 22.4 years. By "me
dian age" Is meant that which divide;
the population equally, one-half being
above and the other half below the me
dian. The records of the hydrographlc bu
reau at Washington show that the ter
ribls hurrieane which wrought whole
sale destruction ln Porto Rico in Au
gust last was longer lived than any
storm hitherto reported to the bureau.
It lasted from Aug. 3 until Aug. 21.
within which time It traveled between
4,000 and 5,000 miles. It also began Its
career farther east than any tropica
storm yet on record. It was tirst no
ticed on Aug. 3, about half way be
tween the coasts of Africa and South
America, a little below north latitudt
12 degrees. On the 8th its center rav
aged Porto Rico, then It turned U.
the coast of the United States, and was
last noticed, fast dying out. aiiout XO
miles directly east of New York.
Americanism Abroad.
In the poet's cornor of Westminster
Abbey a bust of Lowell has found its
place, and American enthusiasm rises
! high at the sight and feels that it must
! leave a record. Calling cards of all
sorts and conditions are Consequent"'
posted about the bust of the American
poet. New York Evening Sun.
"Visitor I wonder that you allow yout
servant girl to kindle the fire with kero
sene. Aren't you afraid she'll be burned
to death some day? Mr. Howson Lott
There's no danger; she's too green to
burn. Harper's Bazar.
it !s possible to make a great reputa
tion with a very little sense; a man
with a Bttle sense la really quite
Rev. Dr. Can
Babject: Pillar ut Smoke Trial orT!h
Kxitrmseil With a rtiblical Symbol
The Sum-ring of the chorea of - Co3Uia?- Lord,- let us band together in one
Powerfully Set Forth.. .. ' j
Copyright, Loots Klonsch. 18M.1
Washington. D. C The trials through
which tbe trot h has straggled are by Dr.
Talmage here set forth under a Bible sym
bol of great suggestiveness and power;
text, Solomon's Bong, Hi.. 6, "WHO is this
thnt cometti out ot the wilderness like
pillars or smoke?"
The architecture ot the smoke Is won
drous, whether God with His finger
curves it into a cloud, or rounds it into
a dome, or points it ln a spire; or
spreads it in a wing, or, as in the text,
hoists it In a pillar. Watch it -winding
up from the country farmhouse ia the
early morning, showiug that the pas
toral industries have begun, or see it
ascend I nir from the chimneys of to.
city, telling of the homes fed, tne fae-j
tnrles tnrninir out va!
vaiuame launus, lut
oriutine presses preparing hook and
newspaper nud all the 10,000 wheels
ot work in motion. On a clear day tliii
vapor spoken of mounts with such buoy
ancy, and spreads such a delicate veil
across the sky, and truces such graceful
lines of circle and semicircle, and waves
and tosses ami sinks andsoars aud scatters
with sutli affluence of shape and color and
suggestiveness that, if you have never no
ticed it, you are like a man who has all his
life lived in Paris and yet never seen tbe
Luxembourg, or all bis life in Home and
never seen the Vatican, or all ins iue at
Lockport and never seen Nlagnra. Forty
four times tbe Bible speaks of the smoke,
and It Is about time that somebody
preached a sermon reco ;nlzlng this
strange, weird, beautiful, elastic, charm
ing, terrific and fascinating vapor. Across
tbe Bible sky floats tbe smote of Sinai, the
smoke of So.lo:n, tbe smoke of Ai, the
smoke of the pit, the smoke of the volcanic
hills when God touches them, and Id my
text the glorious church of God coming up
out of the wilderness like pillars or smoke
In the first place, these pillar ot smoke
In my text indicate tbe suffering tbe
church of God has endured. What do 1
mean by the church? I mean not a build
ing, not a sect, but those wh In all age
and all lands aud of all beliefs love GoJ
and are trying to do right. For many cen
turies the heavens buve been black with
tbe smoke of martvrdom. If set side by
side, you could girdle the earth with the
fires of persecution RiwIa'fH Tavlor
burned nt Hadlelgh. Latimer burned nt
Oxford, John Rogers burned at Smlthfleld,
John Hooper burned at Gloucester, John
Huss borned at Constance, Lawrence
Kaunders burned at Coventry, Joan of Aro
burned nt Itoueo.
Trolestants have represented Catholic
as having a monopoly of persecutors, but
both Protestant and Catholic have prac
ticed infamous cruelties. The Catholics
durlDg the reign ot Hunnerio were by Pro
testants put to tbe worst tortures, stripped
of their clothing, hoisted iu the air -by
pulleys with weights suspended from their
feet, then let down, and ears and eyes,
nose and tongue were amputated, and re 1
hot plates ot iron were put against tbe teu
derest part of their bodies.
George Bancroft, tbe historian, says ol
the State ot Maryland: "In the land which
Catholics had opened to Protestants m-iss
might not be said publicly, no Cathcli-j
nriest or bist?o Tf'.'-'it utter his faith iu a
voice ot persuasion, no Catholic micbt
teanh the voune. If a way
a ianist would become aa apostate, tbe
law wrested for him from his parents
share of tl" -rt " -"- the
methods ad
""Catholicism, as wel( a5 ' rrotUantisin"
has had its martyrs. It does seem as it
when any one sect got complete domiuuncy
In any land the devil of persecution and
cruelty took possession of tint sect. Then
see tbe Catholics after the Hiiguen Jts. See
tbe gentiles after tbe Jews In Touniine,
where a great pit was dug and lire lighted
at tbe bottom of tbe pit. aud 160 Jewish vic
tims wereconsumed. Seethe Preshyteriun
parliament of England, more tyrauulcal
in their treatment of opponents than had
been the criminal courts. Persecution
against the Baptists by Pa-do-Ifaptists. per
secution of the Established Church against
the Methodist Church, persecution against
the Quakers, persecution against tne Pres
byterians. Under Emperor Diocletian
144,000 Christians were massacred, and
700,000 more of them died from bnuishineut
and exposure.
Witness the sufferings of the Waldenses,
of the Albigenses, of the Xestorians. Wit
ness St. Bartholomew's massacre. Witness
the Duke of Alva driving out of life 18.0J0
Christians. Witness Herod nni Nero and
Docins and nildebrand and Torqueinadu
and Earl of Mont fort and Lord Claver
bouse, who, when told that he must give
account for his cruelties, said, "I have no
need to neeount to man, and as for God 1
will tuko Him ln my own bauds." A red
line runs through tho churcli history of
1900 years, a line of blood. Xot bv the
hundreds of thousands, but by the millions,
must we count those slain for Christ's sake.
No wonder John Milton put tbe groans ol
the martyrs to an immortal tune, writing:
Avenge, O Lord, Thy slaughtered snints
whose bones
Lie scattered on the Alpine mountains
The smoke of martyrs homes and
martyrs' bodies if rolling up all at once
would have eclipsed the noonday sun and
turned the brightest day the world ever saw
Into a midnight. "Wbo is this tbat
Cometh up out of the wilderness like pil
lars of smoke?"
Has persecution ceased? Askthat young
man who Is trying to be a Christian In a
store or factory, whore from morning to
night be is the butt of nil the mean wit
ticisms of unbelieving employes. Ask that
wife whose husband mnkes her fondness
for the house of God and even he kneel
ing prayer by the bedside a derision and
Is no more lit for her holy companiouship
than a filthy crow would be lit companion
for a robin or a golden oriole. Compro
mise with the world and surrender to its
conventionalities and it may let you alone,
but all who will live godly in Christ Jesus
must suffer persecution. lie a theatre going,
card playing, winedrinking, round dancing
Christian aud you may escape criticism
and social pressure. But bo au up an. I
down, out and out follower of Christ, and
worldling will wink to worldling as he
speaks your name, and you will be put iu
many a doggerel and snuleie l by those
not worthy to blacken your oldest shoes.
When tbe bridge at Ashtabula broke an I
let down the most of the carload of pas
sengers to Instant de.itb, Mr. 1". I, liiis
was seated on one side of the uisle of the
car writing down a Christiau song whic'i
he was composing, and on the other side
a group of men were playing cards.
Whose landing place in eternity would you
prefer that of 1. I". Bliss, tbe gospel sing
er, or of tho card players?
A great complaint comes from the thei
cres about the ladies' high bats because
tbey obstruct tbe view of the stage, nud a
lady reporter asked me what I thought
about It, and I told berthat if the indecent
pictures of actresses In the show win lows
were accurate pictures of what goes on in
many of the theatres night by night, then
It would be well If the Indies' hats were a
mile high, sons to completely obstruct the
vision. If professed Christians go to sue!i
places during the week, no one will ever
persecute tbem for their religion, for they
have none, and they are thejv.eof hell.
But let them live a consecrated and Cori--tlan
life and they will soou ruu aguiut
sneering opposition.
For a compromise Christian charncter
an easy time now, but for consecrated be
havior, grimace and caricature. For I he
bodv. thanks to the God of free Ameri-':i
mere are now no sworas or nery stakes,
but for the souls of thousands of the good
la a figurative sense, rack and gibbet and
Torquemada. The symbol of the domestic
and social and private and public suffering
of a great multitude of God's dear chil
dren, pillars of smoke. What an exciting
scene in India when, during the sepoy re-
hninn rBoiment nf h eh landers cameun
J and found the dead body of one of General.
I Wheeler's daughters, who had been insult
ed and mauled ana, slsin by the sepoys.
So great was the wrath against these
murderers that the Beotoh regiment sat
down, and, cutting off tbe hair of tbis
dead daughter of General Wheeler, tbey
divided It among them, and eac-vooa
counted the number of hairs given Mm.
i V'iriiivsih took an oath, which was execo-
. I ted, tlaf XoetMch hair ot the reordered
' .. - ' TOafightar they wonld dash out the life of a
'bestvjl sepoy. But as wa look over the
tl&a ot those who In all ages have suffered.
tk.-fhe truth, while we leave vengeance to
aNemn vow, one tremendous oath, after
havlngvounted the host of the martyrs,
that for eaoh one ot those glorious men
and women who died tor the troth an im
mortal Bball live, live with God and !iv
forever. .- ' -.-
. But, as I' already hinted in the first
sentence of this sermon, nothing can be
more beautiful than tbe figures ot smote
on a clear sky. Yon can see wbat yon will
In tbe contour of this volatile vapor, now
enchanted castles, now -troops of horse
men, now bannered procession, now
winged couriers, now aVblack angel ol
wrath nnder a spear ol the sunshine
turned to an angel ot light, and now from
horizon to horizon the air Is a picture
eallerv filled with masterpieces of which
God is the artist, burning clouds of smoke
born In tbe sunrise and evening clouds
. Btnoke Mi m tho burnished sepulohers
T.t he .onset
othe sunset
The beauty ot the transSgnred smoke Is
a divine symbol of the beauty of the
cburab. The fairest of ajrthe fair is she.
Do not fall those persecu1Sn of whom I
spoke the churoh. They aretae parasites
of the churoh, not tbe church itself. Her
mission is to cover the earth witkra superna
tural gladness, to open all tbe prison doors,
to balsam all the wouuds. to mqss all the
graves, to burn cp Ustpjtgllt in the fireplace
of a great mornlm'f RT change Iron hand
cuffs into diamonded wristlets, to turntbe
whole race around and whereas it faced
death, commanding It, - "Blaw about face
for heaven!" According tslte number of
tbe spires of the cuurches"ia all our cities,
towns and neighborhoods are the good
homes, the worldly prosperities and the
pure morals and the happy souls.
Meet me at any depot the world over, and
with my eyes elosed take me by tbe linn I
and lead me so tbat my feet will not stum
ble, and without my once looking down or
looking on tbe level take me to some high
root or tower and let me see the tops ot
the churches, and I will tell you the pro
portion ol suicides, of arsons, of murders,
of thefts. According as the churches are
numerous are the crimes few. According,
as the ohurche" are few the crimes are nu
merous. Theraost beautiful organization
the world eveJMaw or ever will see Is the
much malignVhuroh, tbe friend ot all
good, the foe ot all evil, "fair as tbe moon
and clear as the sun." Beautiful In In r
Author, beautiful in ber mis Ion, the hero
ine ot tbe, centuries, tbe bride of Christ,
.be queen of the national
Men may desecrate it, as Cromwell, when
he stabled bis cavalry horses ia St. Caul's
Cathedral; or break off the image ot
Christ, as did tbe Iconoclasts tn York min
ster; or hurl against It august literary an
tipathies, as did Gibbon; or plot its over
thrntv as An noma In everv oommutiitv
whose pride and bate and debau-'hery are
reproved ny cue len ommauumeius
which it thunders and the sermon on tbe
mount wliioU Its breathes. But It will
stand as long as the earth stands, the
same unique and wonder working and
beatific and miraculous thing for
which -God decreed it. Small wits tax
their brain to say things tbat will put
her at '. disadvantage, but many of them
will send far its condolence when dy
ing, and their children will be fathered up
under Its -benedictlons'afler the parental
curse bus peen removen. xurougu per
gates will. march all tbe influences for good
Cnt,,Uo 'V'..VatrtaU ever reach ourworld. Take !,,r
rward chill of orphin-as - Speaking ot the
i apostate, tb '"'XilpA. Jtbev are tho
vliMlnHn n I 1
noblest, g
. -t.
- sltrwi'
has kept the hnman race ironi puireni.
tion insufferable either to human or angelic
You lying and hypocritical world, shut
up those slanders about tbe church ol
Christ, nu Institution which, far from being
what it ought to be and never pretending
to be perfect, Is 500 times better than any
other Institution that tbe world ever saw
or ever dreamed of. The highest honor I
ever had and the highest honor I shall
ever receive and the highest honor I ever
want is to have ray name on her records
as a member. At ber altars I repente l.
At her sacrameuts I believed. In her ser
vice let me die. From ber doors let me be
buried. O church of God! Thou home of
the righteous1 Thou harbor from tempesil
Thou refuge for the weary! Thou light
house of many nations! Tiiou tyi e of
heaven! I could kiss thy ve y dust witb
ecstasy of affection.
For her my tears shall fall,
For her my prayers ascend,
To her my toils and cares be given
Till toils and oares shall end.
Ob, come Into the church through Christ
the door, a door more glorious than that
f tbe temple ot Hercules, which had two
pillars, and one was gold and the other
emerald! Come in to-day! The world
you leave behind is a poor world, and it
will burn and pass off like pillars oi
smoke. Whether the final conflagration
will start iu tbe coal mines of Pennsyl
vania, which in some pluces have for many
years been burning and eating into ttie
heart of tbe mountains, or whether it shall
begin near the California geysers, or
whether from out the furnaces of Cotopaxi
and Vesuvius and Stroinboll It shall
burst forth npon the astonished nations I
make no prophecy, but all geologists
tell us that we stand on tbe lid of a world,
the heart ol which is a raging, roaring, aw
ful . line, and some day God will let tho
red monsters out of their Imprisonment ot
centuries, and New York on tire in 1835,
and Charleston on fire Iu 1865, and Chicago
on lire ln 1872, and Bejton on Are In 1873
were only like one rpark from a black
smith's forge as compared with that
Inst universal blaze which will be seen
in other worlU. But gradually tiie
Humes will lessen, and the world will
become a great living coal, and that
will take on ashen hue, uud then ourruiued
planet will begin to smoke, and the mount
a ins will smoke, and the valleys will smoke,
and the islands will smoke, and the seas
will smoke, and tbe cities will smoke, and
the live continents will be live pillars of
smoke. But the black vapors will begiu to
lessen in height nnd density, and then will
become hardly visible to those who look
upon it from the sky galleries, and after
awhile from just one point there will curl
up a thin, solitary vapor, nnd then even
tbat will vanish, and there will be nothing
left except the charred ruins of a burneil
out world, the corpse of a dead star, the
ashes of unextinguished planet, a fallen
pillar of smoke.
But that will not Interfere with your In
vestments if you have taken Clulst ns your
Saviour. Secure heaven as your eternal
home, and you can look down 11(1011 11 dis
mantled, dlsm pted nnd demoll.-lied earth
without any perturbation.
When wrapped ln Are the reulms of ethe
And heaven's last thunders shake the earth
Thou, undismayed, shalt o'er the ruins
And light thy torch at Nature's funeral
It is considered politeness In Para
guay for a gentleman, on being intro
duced to a lady, to kiss her. If she
does not happen to have nice teeth, it
is comical to behold how he strives u,
accidpntally salute her near the ear.
The conversion of the flintiest,
roughest limestone into soft, white
wool is one of the wonders of the cen
tury which will shortly appear ln a
practical way to the manufacturer.
The folding fan was invented ln the
seventh century by an ingenious Jap
anese artist, wbo conceived tbe idea
by observing a bat closing its wings.
a raiiroaa tanK is projected by a
firm of fish dealers in Mobile. Ala. It
is their intention to transport Southern
fishM ailfh " if hlnafioh minion l
-. ....:.c
pompano, etc., alive to Northern cities.
It is lawful in China for any one
discovering a person plundering a
grave to kill him on the spot.
. Lawn ;
by the
ready for us
give good resu
aCapted to the chu,
grass that Is suita.
may not be the be
tions. An. excsll'-
tucky blue gra3
fescue, rVe grastv,
white clover. On .
crested dog's t?U an'
;rasa make an excellent.
Plow the grourril tn January. ..
ble. flse wood ashes liberally aTfid so
the seed early fn theytspring.
It was once the custom in some por-
Hons of tlfe West to barn corn for tuel,
out in the East the practice was also
to do so, but in another form. To feed
jorn to the stock . without providing
idequate shelter, or to afford protec
tion against severe cold, is to burn corn
to create warmth that should be pro
vided ln a cheaper mannerCorn is sim
Jly fuel, and the bodv of the animal
is the stove. The greater the protec
tion asrainst cold the less fuel will be -necessa-v
nd the lowC:-the cost of
During MdM weather the spread
.ng Sf- ma jfar on the garden and the
working It ell into the soil Is an ad
vantage. It the location Is plowed there,
will-be a great many insects exposed
to tbe surface. If the manure is left
an the surface it will serve as a pro
tection to the insects, but if incorpora
ted with,. the soihjwith the aid of a
harrow or culti'cfllor, the insects will
be reached by -tho frost. Should any
of them escape and the land is plowed
and worked. "over again early in the
spring the destruction will be complete
of some kinds. .. - " -
Duck raising calls for close atten- .
tion to all details. . The Pekih duck is
used mostly because It will thrive with
out ponds, but A tiex k of them will be- .
ccme "stampeded" by a slight noise
Or from the presence of any intruder.
They then run to and fro, and will
keep ln motion until quieted, but it
happens mostly at night. A lighted
lantern will quiet thei i, but it ia not
pleasant to be compelled to go- out sew
eral times during a cold night for suclr.
purposes. If not quieted they will korp
UP perpetual noise until daylight and
will lose several ounces of tls,ti each
"from the exercise. .v.
Dairying is not a side business. Cows
are regarded as' animals that assist
in making the farm pay. but to be suc
cessful "with, dairying the entire farm '
shoujd be devoted to the cows. The
production of milk on a farm Is the
creation of a superior article f ronj
taw materials, the animals being the
agents for the conversion of ne arti
cle "into another, and If the farm-r
be made to supply a large amount of
raw material It will enable the farp
or dairyman to increase the ni-.-""1
of his animals and do a larger JusiripS8
than to depend upon a limit' umber.,
Some weeds are rnor -iy killed by
acids than bv ci- -tion. Burdock.
horse radish, f .ielion. thistles and
other persfV i kinds will stand coa
siderai.le douse and euttins off before
tliov ra h exterminated, but if any
: km' of weed is cut off. and a smaii .
Uuantity of sulphuric acid ten m
roured on It the result will bo.nestru.c-
UnV The remedy will also .cost but,
, . t , f . . . .1 1 1 . f .lerived.
...iKtnjr paves m .
, : una straw. Hut few fauiieis .
.heir hay, preferring to put it aa' in
the mow, but straw is usually left out
side. There is some skill required in
sleeking- straw, so as to protect it. and
It is more valuable if bright and clean,
t'attle will pick over the straw V?v:n
when well suppled with hay, and they
will eat a large proportion of clean
straw when they will not touch that
v hic-h has become wet and mouidy.
train nnd vegetable foods are nour
ishing, and contain more of the ele
ments to supply wants of humans thn,n
dots animal food. The mineral matter,
protein, fat, sugar, and starch can be
found in all vegetable substances, while
meat is sometimes deficient in both
the fat, starch and mineral substances.
Horses perform heavy labor on corn,
oats, hay and grass, and even the
meats are produced from vegetable
A miner's lamp, using acetylene gns.
has been introduced into the Selbeek
mines of Germany.
In Wyoming the railroads have raised
wages to $1.75 per day and cut the bua-d
down to $3.50 per week.
C. S. Montgomery, formerly at Peters
burg, 111., is putting up a big mattres3
factory at Springfield, 111.
Out of 1,100,000 in Massachusetts en
gaged in gainful occupations, only 37,
JOO are employed on Sundays.
While three cents is the lowest price
at which one can get shaved In New
York the lowest price for a hair-cut is
five cents.
At Danielson, Conn., the Uncus Knit
ting Company has orders that will hist
until July next. The capacity of the
plant has been enlarged three-fold.
The Dominion Cotton Mills Company
is expending $180,000 for improvements
at its mills in Kingston, Ont. About
150 more people will be employed.
At Johannesburg the telephone sys
tem is operated by the Dutch, and one
has to pay a year's subscription in ad
vance about $75 a month and no ser
vice is furnished after 5 P. M.
Oil has been tried for sprinkling roads
in Dallas, Tex., recently, with the same
success which has attended its use else
where, but tbe complaint is made that
the oil injures the tires.
The wageworker who suppot '.ed his
family on $1000 last year must this
year pay nearly $1200 for the same
goods a raise of nearly 20 per cent,
in the cost of living, besides higher
The scale adopted by the Cripple
Creek (Col.) Union, and which went in
to effect last week, ranges from $10 a
week and three meals a day for a com
mon restaurant waiter to $.'." a week
and meals for the cook In a first-class
Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Dubuiue.
Davenport and OU.umwa are to have
40-cent fuel gas within three months
and probably 50-cent illuminating gas.
according to the promises of the Iowa
By-Product Coke Company, capita ized
at $3,000,000.
In North Carolina the average daily
rate of wages in the cotton mills: Male,
$1.11 for skilled and 66 cents for un
skilled; female adults, 67',i cents for
skilled and 46 for unskilled: children,
UVt cents. The average laboring day
consists of 1114 hours.
Two thousand men can secure posi
tions by applying to the employment
agents of Denver, so one of those en
gaged in that business said the other
day. There Is a great shortage of men
in all lines of industry, and the em
ployment agents almost fight over
those looking for work.
Minneapolis bakers now work but
1 pi en r Hours npr nav nn u-niraa ,.n
from $12 to $15 per week, and $14 for
1 ... , . . . ....
, nignt worn. i ne union forbids its
members from living or boarding with
1 their employers. The best of sanitary
conditions exist. Child labor has also
become a- thing of the past.
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