SENTINEL &REPUBLICAN MIFFLIN TOWN. PA. . WEDXIBDAY, LJC. '20, B. F.SCHWEIKE, EPITOB AND PROPBIETOB. CoNorkmmas Siblet has changed from a silver to a gold bug. Thi Republican National Conven tio"i to he held in Philadelphia, -'June 19. Bcsiitehs 'nsIows np" and pays trib ute duriO(f the Christmas time wnen all Christian doodIo reioic.i over the birth of him who has taught the world of the res urection and the life to come. Till of S mth Carolina offered a resolution in the U. S. Senate, op nosing the retention of the Phillpine Islands, Morgan of Alabama wants Congress to paBS an act against ftranta a combination of persons to control trade. Tube was a panic in New York on Monday in securities. Money ruled high. Men to save themselves paid 8 per cent, 10 per cent and 50 per cent for cash. Everybody that had something wanted to sell and no one wanted to buy. The British and Boer war is far away, but nevertheless as the boy nays, notwithstanding all that, it has been enough to sand;bag the money markets in most of the big cities of Christiandom and England will have to get a big loin from someone. The troops that England nas em ployed in Boreland are Irish, Scotch and English, all good fighting stock, and if they can keep np the fight asrainst the Boers three to one with that kind of fighting material they may win. If they must fall back for help upon Indian troops and Egypt lan troops tbey must tail oi conquor in? the Boers. The Englishman is a cross breed and his over shadow in? business ability and endurance comes from the Saxon or Datcb blood in his veins, bat by a long course of out-breeding the Dutch jlood is becoming thin and it may be so thin at this time that his grip has been diminished to snch a de cree that he is not able to cope with his far out Dutch causing the Boers. If the Boers had at hand the re sources that the English have the Eonlish would soon be driven out of the country. As the case now stands the British have not been able to make headway in the subjugation of the country. The question of Quay's right to a seat in the United states oe'iate un der the appointment of Governor Stone was argued at Washington on Friday before the committee on Priv ileges and Elections. Quay's friends argned that a state has a right to a full representation in the United States Senate at all times and that a Senatorial vacancy taking place may be filled by appointment by the Gov ernor of State, if a Legislature fails to fill the vacancy. That point was not disputed by Quay's opponents, bat the contention against Quay by his opponents is that )hia.,appoint ine requirements oi .law .,Ma.,ana-j Rtitntion made to govern such cases. They contend that the vacancy of Quay's seat did not take place dur ing a recess of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. They agree that if Quay's seat had been made vacant during a recess of the Legislature, then Governor Stone's appointment could not have been properly ques tioned. But they contend that Quay's vacancy took place during the time of the sitting of the Legislature and he haviner been a candidate lor re election was not elected. The vacan cy was caused by the Legislytnre's failure to elect during its sitting and therefore the vacancy did not take place during the recess of the Leg islature, but while it was in session and therefore Governor Stone's ap pointment is void. The contention is that under such a state of affairs the only lawful dnty of the Governor is to call an extra session to Eiect a Senator. The Chambersburg News says: John W. Hoover of Letterkenny township, sold a four weeks old calf that weighed 202 pounds. The fourth and last child of Thom as Cummings and wife of Lock Ha ven, Pa, died of pneumonia and whooping cough last Saturday even ing. On the previous Wednesday, December 13, three of their children were buried in one coffin, having died of the same disease as the fourth child. Women going to the city next week for a holiday trip may do well to keep a look-out for pick-pockets. Pick-pockets make a specialty of pick ing women's pockets, and it is said that men dress as women and mingle in the crowds of the fair sex in stores and on pavement! for the pur pose of victimizing the fair sex. '-What's the matter with the peo pie? is a question that is being asked in every couoty. The question is be ing aroused by the many fatherless children that are brought to the at tention of the public every week. The pro?aedings of the court as tounded the people of Jefferson county when it was revealed that no less than 24 children were in the temple of justice as fatherless babies Eli Dnnwiddie of Green township Indiana county, Pa., in the fall of 1898, had a cow that gave birth to 20 pigs. 18 of the pigs lived and growed, and were fattened for the ma-ket"of 1899. Ten days ago the last of the 18 bogs were killed. The average weight of the 18 was 450 pound? dressed. That was 8,10011m clean meat, enough meat to supply 40 peop'e one year, giving each per. on 200 pounds. YOUR WHOLE PICTURE f TAKEN. Herbert Sennalt of Troy. York State, has discovered a chemical preparation for photography plates that produce pictures that show the skeleton and net-work of muscle, veins and nerves of those having their pioiure taken, if they desire uob a picture. ARGUJ Court convenedv at H i if. V Tn the raw of the iam J. Warner. ChargeX-QTlKN Bench warrant issued to bring ifcq fendant into Court. P. M. M. Pennell, Esq., was ap pointed to audit the accounts of the ProthonotaTy and Register & re corder. Wilberforce Schweyer, F. M. M. Pennell and J. Howard Neely, Esqs., were appointed a commit tee to examine the records, index en. books and files in the Prothon otary's office at the instance of W. H. Zeidera, the retiring Prothono tary. Application for a new trial in the case of Isaac X. Sieber vs. Ad am J. Pettit was refused. In the assigned estate of H. P. Clark, real estate returned as sold to James P. Calhoun for the sum of $760, subject to lien of H. H. Hart man in the pun: of $708.33. Sale confirmed by the court. Samuel Brant was granted, a sol dier's license to peddle. Report of viewers laying out a road in Tnscarora township begin ning at a point on line between lands of Calvin Palm and Marion Sheets in a public road leading from James Stewart's to Baily Mc Kinley's and extending thence to a point near Irvin McGaughey's house on public road leading from the borough, of latterson to Heed's tiap, confirmed absolutely. The report of viewers vacating road known as the green lane, leading from Water street, Mifflin town fair grounds, confirmed abso lutely. All the accounts of administra tors and Executors as advertised by the Register and Recorder were confirmed excepting the account of John Stontfer, executor of Amos Stouffer, deceased, which was with held until the administrator in the same estate files his account. Also in the estate of Elizabeth Klinger, deceased, exceptions having been filed to executor's accounts, Willter force Schweyer, Esq., was appoint ed Auditor to pass upon exceptions and make distribution. In the estate of Olivet P.Barton, deceased, alias order to sell real estate, granted. In the estate of Amos Stouffer, deceased, real estate reported as sold to Maubeck & Nelson for the sum of $6,110.00, and a tract of woodland conlaiiiinjr lo" acres to Samuel Schlcgel for $:$09.IM). Sales confirmed. In the estate of Alexander Eat on, deceased, real estate reporicu as sold to Louis Leiter for the price or sum of $490.00. Sale con firmed. In the estate of Angelina McAl- ister, deceased, real estate report ed as sold to Andrew Beshore for the sum of $1625.00. Sale con firmed. In the estate of John McNulty, deceased, real estate reported as sold to Johu Layer for 1295.00. Sale confirmed. In the eote of Rev. Francis Mc- Burney, f a, luquest in par- titio-' - i , - , t wohii utRMuingJ deceased return to inquest in par tit ion made. In the estate of Philip Swartz, deceased, real estate ordered to be sold for the payment of debts. Ia the estates of Catherine and Roljert Kingslwronghs, deceased, report of inquisition confirmed. In the estate of Alexander Boggs, deceased, return of appraisers con firmed and tract Jib. 1 awarded to Wm. M. Boggs at the appraise ment 105.00. Tract No. 2 was ordered to be sold by the exec utors at public sale. In the estate of Ralph E. Dobbs, deceased, the mansion tract leport ed as sold to J. M. Dobbs for the sum of $1,200.00. Sale continued. In the estate of Solomon Sieber, deceased, real estate reported sold as follows: Tracts Nos. 1 and 2 to George K. and A. B. Evans forthe sum of $1600.00. Tract No. 3 to Horace A. Mevers for the sum of $25 00. Sale continued. In the estate of Johu A. Kobi sou, deceased, real estate ordered to be sold. In the estate of David Hetrick, deceased, real estate reported as sold to Malinda Hetrick for the sum of $4738.00. Sale confirmed. William Smith was appointed guardian of Nannie C. Brillinger, deceased. Dr. W. H. Banks was appointed guardian of the minor children of Minerva Sieber, deceased. Judge Lyons made and filed the following opinion and decree: In re-rule on Jacob Lauver, H. F. Hums, tieonre Uroninger, Jerome Ker chner, James Stake and W. 8. Clemens, school directors of Mil ford township, to show cause why they should not be se moved from their offn-e and others ap pointed in their stead On the 2nd dav of August A. D 1899, the petition of ten taxable citizens of Milford township school district was presented at Chambers setting forth: st. That petitioners are taxable citi zens and residents of Milford township, Juniata county, iu the northern portion of the Muddy Run section that is with out school accommodation. 2nd. That the school directors of said township have wilfully neglected and refused to provide a school-bouse, room or building for the said district within their jurisdiction, and under their sup ervision and control, for the reasonable and convenient accommodation of the school children residiug witnin the dis trict who desire to attend the school therein 3nl. That under the nresent school accommodations some of the pupils of the said district are obliged to travel as much as two and one-half miles to a school, and the district without accom modations as aforesaid nas irom twenty to twenty-live school children; and praying that a competent inspector be appointed to perform the duties in the premises prescribed by the Act of As sembly approved Juue 6th, 1893, P. L. page 330. Whereupon Wellington Smith was appointed insjiector, who proceeded to the discbarge of the duties of bis appointineut and filed his report in the Court of Common Pleas of said county on the 4th day of September A. II. 1899. in which be. tuler alt, reports: "After having fully and diligently in quired into all tne lutx ana circum stances bearing' on the case in point, your inspector finds that the directors of Milford township have refused, ne glected or failed. iWttriout aiid cause for "ii b refniaV-oiect -failure on . . 1 1. .... . 'SeCtoTsof Mflford township, JunilS'ot now ei.jw! in that capacity, and county, Pennsylvania, to show cause ) who -wan twice eWted couirty uperio-) funni nWa ami ttnnnlni ill In tlwir v uKrii,iM i- MtmmA nntll Mu nov annii.1 a la ..Clmi tnr ' directora. RturniblA Hentemher 19th. 1 1899. and after havin heail the testimony To thia rule au answer was tiled by . in the case, and the ainaentaof coun ail the respondents ou Septemlier 19th, eel for the respondeulXand giving; 1899, and on the same day exceptions careful and deliberate conyderation i to were filed to the report of the inxpector. the cane we see no rea4.fc t differ Wedeemitunnecesaarytospeciucaiiv rofrr tn nr rtiiKMUM all of th averments and statements contained in the answer further than to say they are not sus tained by the evidence so far as they are material, and do not overthrow the report of the inspector. The 4th exception to the report of the inspector and the 7th paragraph of the answer allege that the Act of Assembly of June 6th, 1893, under which these proceedings were instituted is unconsti tutional. ThiH Act of Assembly has been under consideration by the Su preme Court hi a number of cases, among them Ross' Appeal 179 Pa. 24. Appleal of Hcbool Directors of Kittan ing township 179 Pa. 60, and Burr's Pe tition 188 Pa. 122, and although so far as the report of the cases show the con stitutionality of the Act was not direct ly in question thia is a cogent reason wbv a court of first instance should not so declare it. The 8th paragraph of the answer al leges that the Act of Assembly does uot authorize the Court of Common Pleas or a judge thereof to remove school di rectors from office and appoint others in their stead: aud that there is no power in said court or a judge thereof to so re move the respondents under this pro ceeding. It is true there is no express authority to remove the directors con ferred by the Act of June (ith, 1893. It authorizes and empowers the Court to Kraut a rule on them to show cause u hv ther should not lie removed, and the legislature is not to lie presumed to do a vain thing. Why grant the power to issue the rule it the proceeding must end there? But this is no longer an open question The Supreme Court of the State has decided that the court has the jover to remove under the Act of 1893 ana Dyinataecisiou we arenouiiu. In Itarr's Petition 188 Pa. 122, in deliv ering the opinion of the Supreme Court, Justice I)eau says: "the pnncljwl as siirnmeiitof error is au attack on the power of the court uuder the Act of 1813 We shall uot repeat what is saiil In Hush's Anneal 179 Pa. 25. and in Kittauing School Districts Appeal 179 Pa. U0. After a careful consideration we adopted the construction of the Act announced in those cases and we adhere to it now." and hi Kittanniiig School Districts Appeal 1.9 Pa. , the same Justice says, "It might well have been argued in the case liefore us, under the facts that even under the Act of 18-V1 the directors were removable by the Court of Quarter Sessions, and conse nuentlv certuiuly removoble uuder the first section of the Act of 1893 " In lioth these cases the Court of Common Picas removed the school directors aud this was assigned for error. While these decisions stand that question is settled. - We will next refer to the questions, of fact raised by the answer, so far as they are material. In the second paragraph of respon dents answer it is denied that "the dis tance from the residences of John C. Pfhuler, Joseph Jacobs, aud Samuel Whistler, is two and one-half miles to the Muddy Ituu nhool house," and avers "that said distance by the public road and thence by the private road to the homes named is but a little over two miles and by the route traveled and used by private ways the distance is much shorter aud that said way does not cross the Pennsylvania Railroad at an v point." The inspector reported, the distauce at two and one-half miles It wast stated at the argument that he measured the distance by means of a r--?L John C. " -I" assisted Kunsequenti.Y measuring the dUTianee testified that the actual distance waa two miles, 2,535J feet, or to be exact 104 feet 8 inches less than two ana one-nan miles. This is a very slight discrepancy in the distance to which the maxim Jtmmtmu nom curate It may well be applifd, and is in keeping with the character of some of the other defenses set up iu the answer. A considerable amount of testimony was taken from which the following facts are found. The children to be ac commodated if a new school ia estab lished would be drawn in part from each of the following sub-districts to-wit: Muddy Run. lied Bank, and Maple Grove. As shown by the testimony of respondents Muddv Run has 7H children of school aire. Red Hank has 74 children of school aze. Manle Grove has 74 children of school age. During the school term of 1898 and 1899, the average attendance at Muddy Run school was 40, at Red Itauk 40, and at Maple Grove 40. There wereenrolled at Muddy Run 57, at Red Bank 60. The iusiector finds that at the time of his reports, August 24th, 1899, there are about twenty scholars of school age in the proposed district, aud that by Octolier 1st, 1899, four more will arrive at school age. The respondents at tempted to show by the return of the assessor that one of these children wa not of the requisite age, and thus con tradict the testimony of the father of the child- The return of the assessor is not sufficient to overcome this testi mony. QA copy of the financial report of the school directors of Milford township dis trict was appended to and made a part of the inspector's report. Its correct ness waa not denied. From that it ap pears that a tax oC one aud one-half mills was levied for the school year end ing June 1st, 1899. That the State ap propriation received waa $1234 98. The total expenditures of the district were $2,45 8.5. Cash ou baud $425 65 Amount due district from all -sources 412.34 Resources iu excess ofliabitities. 837.98 It will thus be seen that with a tax levy of. one aud one-half mills there is available assets of $837.99 due the dis trict, aud that the State appropriation was sufficient to defray more than one half of the en tire expenses of school dis trict for all purposes. It will thus be seen that to establish another school, so as to accommodate the children of the petitioners and oth ers in said district would impose no un due burden upon the taxpayers of Mil ford township. The fact that some of the children that attend the other schools in tlie township had to travel long distances tn school, so much relied on at the argumeut, is not decisive of the question now under consideration if at all material. no doubt there are individual cases in almost every township where chil dren are compelled to go two miles or more to school. This in some cases at least, owing to the topography of the district is unavoidable. But ft rarely occurs that so many are thus incom moded as in the present case. Nor is the fact that some of the peti tioners are tenants who rent their homes, which was dwelt upon by the counsel for respondents at the argument, entit led to much weight. The only possible bearing it could have would be their liability to move elsewhere and their places be taken by others without fam ilies or children of sufficient age to at tend the public schools. This is too uncertain and remote to excuse the non performance of a public duty. The parent who rents his bouse is as much entitled to the privileges, advantages and benefits of the school law, as the landholder who owns hia broad acres and begrudges perhaps the modicum of taxes be is compelled to pay to educate the children of his less fortunate ion WHO inqupnwjr a mora numerous1 progeny. w -pector appointed la this -ease, u a St! An of Urge experiecre u educational jc ... A TT rWMl. 1 1 luu. . --y'. -., Jun ah, 1 1 tllA H lit ndlia llirinir ttlA tiW t fur VMch be elected." He ia whVy dfarintereated, from ine concinsion rewia y u. When a svstem of edueatkltajV com moo school was nrsi auopia,'v iw Commonwealth but a comnvtivelv small amount of monev was ai-'opn ated by the State. The expense? of maintaining the schools ana ounasig school bouses was raised almost entirely bv local taxation, levied by the dim tors of the several townships. The coin sequence was that many districts, ow ing to tneir sparsely seiueu conuiiwu, were unable to maintain efficient, schools. The appropriations from the revenues of the State were increased and au effort made to increase the effi ciency of the schools and afford better facilities for those who wished to obtain an education to do so. The iutereet In creased, as the advantage to the State from an intelligent citizenship became more apparent, until the people by the adoption of the constitution of 1874, made it obligatory ou the legislature to appropriate uot less than 1,000,000 for the support of thecommou schools. . ee Art. 10, Section I. This was not in tended to be wholly in relief of the local taxes, but was intended that those por tions of the State iu which the propor tion of wealth to population was great est should bear a portion of the expense of the education of the children of less prosperous and poorer communities, that all might a nearly as possible have equal educational advantages. And this policy should prevail In the different school districts. We are not unmindful of the fact that the law vests a very large discretion in the board of school directors and much deference should lie shown to their judgment. But when fully satisfied that they have erred in the exercise of that discretion, or from au undue regard for the com plaints of taxpayers failed or refused to perform their duty in providiug suffi cient and reasonable accommodations for all the children in said township or school district between the age or six and twenty -one years it is our duty to say so, and to enforce the remeav wmcn the Act of Assembly has provided. At the argument there was consider able discussion as to the location of a school house. With that at present we have nothing to do. It is to be pre sumed that the board or directors wui select and secure a suitable and advan tageous site. At the anrumeut. counsel for respon dent asked the question what would be done in the event that the Court remov ed the nreseut directors and appointed others in their stead and they also re fused to provide suitable accommoda tions? It is unnecessary to answer this question or decide wbat would be done in that event until the exigency arises. We may add that the fifth paragraph of the respondents answer alleges that the map accompanying the report of the inspector is inaccurate and as usea cal culated to mislead. We understand It was made by one of the respondents aud was not drawn to a scale, but in view of the fact that the inspector visited the proposed new sub-district and all of the judges have some personal knowledge of the location, we are no tmisled by it. And now December 19th. A. D. 1899. having beard the testimony read in op- eu court and the case fully argued by counsel for petitioners and respondents, and the oocrt having carefully consid ered the matter and being fully satisfied that the board or school directors or Mil ford lowushiD have nea'lected and re fused to establish a sufficient number of schools for the education of every Indi vid us between the ages or six ana tw . rears as tbelaw requires, this rule Is made absolute, ana tne court do declare and decree that the seats of the present board of school di rectors, viz. Jacob Lauver. B. F. Burns, George Gronninger, Jerome Kercbner, James Stake, and W. 8- Clemens, va cant, and tbey are removed from the office of school director, and do appoint John R. Jenkins. Harrv A. Groninser. Wm. Guss. Lewis Ijennard, U. Me loy. and Wm. B. McCahan, school di rectors in their stead, utttil the next an nual election, and that Milford town ship school district pay the coats of this proceeding. Aud now December 19tb. A. D. 1899. counsel for respondents except to the findings of fact and the order and de cree of the court and at their instance this bill is sealed. (skai-) Jkrkmiah Lvoxs, President Judge. THE INQUIRER ALMANAC. A IiKLlABI.K HANDBOOK THATTKLL8 YOU JC8T WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW." The Philadelphia Inquirer Al manac for 1!KM), is at hand and ful ly maintains the high reputation of former Inquirer year liooks. It is quite impossible to enumer ate the many subjects treated and the wonder is that so much timely information could have been con densed within its one hundred and thirty-two pages. It is a carefully edited, concise and comprehensive volume of knowledge of Pennsylva nia and surrounding States on topics Educational, Historical, Pol itical, Statistical, Official, Agricul tural and Miscellaneous; a reliable handbook that tells you just what you want to know just when you waut to know it. Inquirer readers are to be con gratulated on their New Year's gift, for the Almanac ia to be pre Rented free to every subscriber. Bloomfield Times, December 15: For some time past Ellis Yoha of Saville township, has been paying at tention to the sixteen year old daugh ter of Mr. William Borrell, who re sides near the steam mill, a short dis tance west of this borough, but the parents of the young girl objected to the courtship. Miss Borrell was a school girl and attended school at Laurel Grove. On Monday after noon Yohn went to the school and called Mis9 Borrell out, telling the teacher that the young girl's mother was ill and that he had been sent to fetoh her Some hours later it was discovered that the young couple had eloped. Tbey walked up the track of the N. A S. V. R, R. to near El liotteburg, and were last seen cross ing the ridges toward Saville town ship. The young gills father has reported the matter to the authori ties here and efforts are being made to overtake the lovers and bring back the would be bride, who is said to be very pretty. Later a warrant waa issned for Yohn, charging felonious rape as Delia, the girl, was under sixteen years of age. The parties were track ed to a lime quarry near Green Park and were found in a hut on the premises Yohn escaped through a back window, but the girl waa secur ed and brought home. , . - i tAvtm ni killed in a Yr ..T .TV,: , .fl..Vt. Hrnt Wlin me iiupwui - rht with the FU whpw . to about 15 miles northeast ofMan- ahonr 8 o'clock on the morn- inir 111 I 1IK FLU 1UOI a " ing long the firing line of his troopg WQen a Filipino bulletpierc- iA hia heart ana ne ieu uau WaS On OI UW wai mwu m w "- vice, brave and capable. ThLwiatown Sentinel mentions a machine for lifting heavy weights at the Baldwin Locomotive wow. The lifting erane has a span of 158 fe,t Tfc can lift 196.000 pound loco motive 40 feet in the air; cary it 336 teet and set it down in three inm ates and thirty-six seconds. nnaral Roller, commander of the British forests in Boerland was de feated ia the effort to cross Tugela riAr on the 16th of December. Be attempted to cross the river at two fords. The loraa are two uinca He waa repulaed by the Boers at both places. Eleven cannon were aban doned and fell into the hands of the Boers. The British have a different kind of people to fight than Kgypt ians and Italians. They are now en gaged in a fight with white people. Said a modern weather man: There isn't a thing in the old say ine. There isn't a thing in the old saying, that as soon as the springs and streams are fall in the fall bard win ter sets in. Look at it Le continued, here we are at the door of Christmas and the streams aud springs have been foil all the past six weeks, and we have not vet had hard winter weather. A writer on hogs says: Hogs are the greatest of money makers. Corn loaned to bogs is cash and a good investment. A hog ia a condenser; be will put ten bushels of c jrn in less space than a bushel measure. He has been styled a manufacturer of bams, . bair brashes, head cheese, tooth brushes, buttons, fert liz-r, fats. bacon, whistles, knife handles, soap, siusase and satisfaction. lie con verts corn into coin and can bay what he will. PENSIONING RAILROADERS. Railroaders are to be pensioned: Those who have attained the age of 70 years, or who, being between the aires of sixty-five and sixty-nine years, inclusive, shall have been thir ty or more years in the service of the company, and snail then tie pnysicai ly disqualified, shall be relieved and nlacd on the pension roll. At rates as follows: For each year of service one per centum of the average regu lar monthly pay for the ten years preceding' retirement. Thus by way of illustration: If an employee has been in the service of the company for fortv veara and has received on an average for the last tevyears $40 per month in regular wages, bis pen sion allowance would be foity per cent, of $40 cr $16 per month. The pension shall terminate at the death of the beneficiary. Employees who shall on the 1st of January 1900 be over 70 years of age are relieved from active service on that dte ED HOT FBOM THI CUV Was the ball ibr.-" fiO. B. Steartnaa, of Newark, Mien., I- 1". Civil War. eaassit horrible V ; nht no t-eatsMat Mned for 30 s WCfcaa BorkJmj Araca Salve core hi Caret Cats, Braises, Boras, Boils, Felons. Coras, Skin ErnnUoaa- Beat Pile care ea aarth. 26c. a box. Care gaaraateed. Sold by M. P Crawford, Druggist. TUB LATEST FLIT. The Newport Girl Cadets, Grand March for organ and piano. Com posed by P. A. Miller; 20cts. Ad dress Prof. Paul A. Miller, Box 73, New Bloomfield, Pa. 3t. LEGAL jMYERTmSQ DMINISTHATOirS NOTICK. Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration c t. a. in the estate of Philip Swartz. late of Monroe townxhip. Juniata county. Pa., deceased, have heen granted to the undereurned. recid Ins; in said township. All person ha v- Insr claims again" the aaia estate will present the same for payment to. Harvkv A. Foltze, Administrator, Knousetown, Pa. WORKING WIGHT AND DAT The bnaient and mlchtimt I i tlie thine that ever waa made U Dr. Kinc's New Life Pits. Eve. y pill Is angar coated globule of health, that ehangoa weaknMi htto tranrtn. HitleMaeaa into eaergr. braia.rag int mental power. They're wondertal in brildhig np the health. Only 25c. per box. Sold by M. P. Crawford. tUFFLrNTOWRT MAR ITS MIFFLINTOWK. DEC. 20,1899 Wheat new 2c, old 68 J cra in aar. ......... .... ..... 40 Oat . new 20 Be 15 C16 -erMt $2 to$2.50 Batter 18 Egg 18 Ham 10 Sbonlder IS Lard... a. Side 7 Timothv seed 11 40 F as seed 60 Braa 70 Chop ......85e to 90c Middling.... 90 Ground la Salt...... ........ 76 AmerieaaSalt.... 60c Pbtladelfmia Markets . December 19, 1899. Wheat 72cts; Corn 38c; Oats 22c; Tobacco, Pennsylvan;a fillers 8 to 12 to 14 to 18, fine wrappers 40 to 60c; tallow 3 to 4c; butter 17 to 26c; eggs, fresh 21c: live chickens 7c; ducks 9c; turkeys 8c; hay $13 to (16.50; choice white potatoes 50 to 55c; Choice Jersey sweet potatoes 40 to 45c a basket: Onions 90ct a bushels; cabbage $18 to $20 a ton; apples 4i to 55c as to quality. MI1AIMS CITEM 4 WAY. It U eertahil gratifying to the public to kaow ef one eooeara la the land who are ot afraid to be generona to the aaedvaad anJTering. The proprietor r Dr. King's New Diaeovery ter Consumption, Coughs mm Cold a, have given away over tea am. Hon trial battles of this great atadiehMi art have the aanafahtiaa at kaewwc k baa abaohrtely eared tboaaaada af hepalaea eases. Aatbau, Brodckltia, Hoarseaesa art all diseases af the Throat, Chest aad Lnags are sneely cored by it. Call ea M. P. CrawTard, Drnrgt. sad get a free trial settle. Kegalar atee fOe. art SI. Bvary kettle guaranteed, or arte rafartad. Loms . Arrosoa. T,u'"' " ATKIHSOH PBWLIl ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, simnrrowH. pa. Onn-Oi Mala street,! fUee -f te aridfestreet. arroueetlaf aad Omveyaaets froaiFt tTILBBBFOaCK ttCllWBTBal, Attorxiey-tat-Law. BtrColleotionsandaU legal busi ness promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. miwo axaAwroan Xyi. D. K. CBAWTOBD SON, ire formed a ptabip for the "llBdicioe .-iThelr eoUattej braaelw-. ORIee at old start, eoraar , aalees otherwise pwo""j (aed. m . ... . anc April in, low. fP.DEBR. wMifrrtCAL OEBTTIST Gradaate of the Philadelpbia DeaUl mSik Bvi nld BtUDIMDvV IV eatien. Bridge Street, apposite IsUIIOJfVa ViBVw - Court Hoaee, JtflffliBtowa, re. 3- Crown aad Bridge work; Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD- Schedule in Effect ov. xw, in Effect Nov. 1899. WESTWARD. ' War Pasaenirer. leaves Philadelphia . i u. n- HarriMbunr 8 on a. m Duncannon 8 85 a. m: New Port 8 05 a. m; Milleratowu 9 15 a. m: Durword a 9n a m? Thomnsontown 9 26 a. m; Van Dvke 9 3 a. m; Tuscarora 9 88 a. tinn a 40 a. m: Port Royal 9 44 a, m: Mifflin 9 50 a. m: Denbolm 9 55 a. m: Lewtstown 10 13 a. m: McVeytown 1A1. m Karartnn Hamilton 11 00 a. m- Moiint Union 11 08 a. m: Hunting don 11 82 n. m: Tvrone 12 20 p. m: Al- toona 1 00 p. m: Pittshunr 5 50 p. m. xtati Uvm PhiladelDhu. at 7 00 a. m TT.rrfohiinr at. 11 48 a. ni: Mifflin 1 11 d. m: Iiewlrtown 1 80 p. m; Huntlnr- dnn 2 29 t. m: Tvrone 3 12 p. m: Ai- tonna a m n m: Pittubunr 8 40 n. m Aitmuia Acmtmmodation leaves Har- rlebunr at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 84 p. m: Newport 8 02 p. m; Milleretown 8 II p. m: Thompnontown 21 p. m: Tuficarora 30 p. m: Mexico 8 83 p. m; Port Roval 38 p. m: Mifflin 8 43 p. TWnViolin A 49 n. m: Lewistown 7 07 p, m- MnVevtowtt 7 80 p. m: Newton Hamilton ? 50 p. m; Huntingdon 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35 p. m. Pacific Kxpretw leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 n. m: HarriHbunr at 8 00 a. m Marvsville 8 14 a. m. Duncannon 3 29 a. m. Newnort 8 52 a m. Port Royal 4 2.ii.rn. Mifflin 4.30 a. m. Ijewiirtown 4 52 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 S3 a. m. Huntingdon 6 03 a. m. PeterHbure: 8 19 a. m. Tvrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a. m. PittHbunr 12 10 a. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 85 p. m. HarriHbunr at in p. m Newport 11 08 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. m Lewistown II 58 p. m.: Huntingdon 12 55 a. m. Tvrone 1 82 a. m. Altoona 2 00 a. m. PittHbunr 5 80 a. m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 n. m. HarriHbunr S 45 p. m. Duncan non 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p. m. Mif flin 5 0! n. m. Lewistown 5 22 p. m. Mount Union 6 03 p. m. Huntinrdou 8. 22 p. m. Tyrone 8 59 p. m. Altoona 7 85 p. m. PittHbunr 11 SO p. ra. EASTWARD. - Altoona Accommodation leaves Al Inmuit A 00 a m. Tvrmc & 24 a. m Petersbunr 5 45 a. m. Huntlnjrdon 5 5f a. m. Newton Hamilton S 21 a. m. Mc- Vevtown A 37 a. m. IwiHtown 8 58 m.'Mifflin 7.18 a. m. Port Royal 7 22 in. Thompeontown 7 37 a. m. Millers- town 7 46 a. m. Newport 7 55 a. m Duncannon 8 20 a. m. Harrisburg 8 50 a. m. N r3ea Shore leaves Pittnburc at 2 ftO a. m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. m Huntingdon 8 SO a. m. MeVevtownO 15 a. m. TewiHtown 9 85 a. ru. Mifflin 9 55 a. m. Port Roval 9 59 a. m. Tnompaon- town 10 14 a. m. Mlllerntown 10 22 a m. Newport 11 32 a. m. Duncannon 10 54 a. ni. Marvsville 11 07 a. ni. Harris- bunr 11 25 a. m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. m Main Line Kxpretw leaves Pitlnburg at 8 00 a. m. Altoona II 40 a. m. Tyrone 12 03 p. m. Huntingdon 12 85 p. m. Ijewintowu 1 33 p m. wifflin 150 p. m Harriwbura: 3 10 p. m. Baltimore 6 00 p. m. WaHhington 7 15 p. m. Philadelphia 6 23 p. m. Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p. m. Ty rone233p ni Huntingdon 3 17 p m. Newton Hamilton 8 47 p. m. McVey town 4 20 p. ni. ijewtntown 4 p. m Mifflin 4 55 p. in. Port Royal 5 00 p. m. Mexico 5 20 p. m. Thompaontown 5 18 p. m. Milleixtowii 5 28 p ni. Newport 5 89 pm. Duncannon 6 08 p. m. Har riHbunr 6 45 p. m. Mail ExpresH leaves Pittsburg at 12 45 p. m. Altoona 5 55 p m. Tyrone 6 27 p. m. Huntingdon 7 10 p. m. VcVey- town 7 oi p. m. iewiHtown m p. m. Mifflin 8 30 p. m. Port Royal 8 84 p. m. Milleratown 8 57 p. m. Newport 9 05 p. m. Duncaunon 9 29 p. m. Harrisburg 10 00 p m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts bun? at 4 30 p. m. Altoona 9 05 p. m. Tyrone 9 33 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p. m. Mount Union 10 32 p. m. Lewis town 11 16 p. m. Afiffllii 11 37 p. m- Har risburg: 1 00 a. m. Philadelphia 4 SO. At Lesristown Junction. For Bun bury 7 50 a. m- and 8 40 p. m. week days. For Afilroy 7 55, 11 45 a. m. and 8 00 p. m week-daya. At Tvrone. ForX'learfieid and Cur weiiHville 8 20 a. m. 3 20 aud 7 20 p. m. week-days. For Rellefonte and Lock Haven 8 10 a. m. 12 30 and 7 15 p. m- week-days. For further information apply to Ticket Agents, or Thomas K. Watt, Passenger Agent, Western Division, Comer Fifth Avenue and Smithfleld Street, Pittsburg. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J.R.WOOD, General Sfan'g'r. General Pasn'r. Agt. WONDERFUL nre the cures by Hood's Saraaparilla, and yet the are simple ana natural. Hood's tt parUla makes PURE BLOOD. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE y I rV a I -1 a i y-Nl Taunc Maaaa DcaioNa ComtioHTa aVe. Anyoaa aandtns a skatcb and ewmlntlon may aatokly aMcrtala oar optntoa rraa whHbrr aa Invofition t. probably n.tntahW. Cnmmnnlca. Uoo strictly eonadanUaL Handbook oo Paunta nt f rae. u)dn aMncy for awirtiv patnta. Patent taken tbioairb Mann a Co. noela aywial aotlca, wit boat cbanco. la tba Scientific Hctricax we aklj. a taanaL Sola by an i Blood and Nsrvot are very close. ty related. Keep the blood rich, pore and healthy, with Hood's Samparill and you will have no nervousness. H rod' Pills are besi after-dinner pillsiid digestion, prevent cotwtipatiow A banaawaaly inaatiaHS lakll. lannat calaUoa of aay xaanuaa taaraat Tii an. St a HOLLOBAUGH & SON The only up to They sell none goods. Tk bjiII nam Hfttfl iBfl Cam thin M BIVI " 1 they keep the Latest Blooks and bay BUT TBK SABLE BRAND WE HAVE IT. The Donglasa 8hoe is another of their speeialitieo. It talks for jtf We carry twiee a many dress overcoats as any other house. We bn a, I largest aad best Line of Jafen's, Boy's ana lAiiaren's Suits The very Uiwt f tatWe are ageats for the 8weet Orr Overalls. We buy by the cue fro, b n O- tha Awn naira from second-hand V k..w - sweet vmt vw, mw. ----- r---- ters for those goods. Tie otner isuow All we aak is a eomparisoa of Oar Line, and if the line is not superior j " prioe, ia finish, in Quality of Material and in fit, we won't ask you to bay. t We take plaarare in showing our goods, because we have them to show di I ew, all np to da'e. CJlT.C lISTD be HOLLOBAUGH & SON, 116 MAIN STREET. Patterson, Penna. McOLINTIC'S HARDWARE and HouseFurnishing S TORE THIS STORE SETS THE fACE. 0 oOo 0 THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT, Things are never dull here; never stnpid. The full life of the store il wavb has a ebeerfu! weleome for all oomers, and shoppers are quick to decide ia favor of the Great Values to be found in oar new A Speoially Selaeted Stock of Ranges, Cook, Parlor and Shop Stovea. Horse Blankets and Lap Robes. LAMPS, largeand email. Come in and look around. We II make yon feel at borne, y " lAWs have the 1 aStook and StfeMrreeoaaiv. GUARANTEES QUALITY. Neat, Stylish, Inciting STORE. K. H. M'CLINTIC, M1FFLINT0WS. HAVE YOU ONEY TO DEPOSIT f ARB YOU A BORROWER I -CALL. AT- THfi P1B8T noionAEi OalOE, mifflin t own, ra. THREE PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATE. Mousy Leaned at lowest Rates. March 5, 1898. -THE- Juniata Valley National Bank. -O- Capital . . .' . $60,000. IX)UI8 E. ATKINSON, President. T. V. IRWIN, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Louis E. Atkinson. W. C. Pomeroy. John Hertzler. J. L. Barton. H. J. SheUenberger. W. N. Sterrett. T. Van Irwin. Interest allowed on time deposits at the rate of three per cent. peranaamT January 11, 18M. Tha SaJaa of nin are the largest in the vrortt uas cures Dy uooc'a an wonderful, perfect, Hood Pi!! M rafhaatiaand Hvar madkiaaa. sse. date Clothi but up to date f ' all nrhra aAmk;a.ii tin . . WB VUU4UIUOU . TVQfl K.. from Rickert, who sells no awondi . ... , , ia ; ia uiDuiuanera. oeiao: - convinced. I SEVENTY- f-SEVEN"-("77.") Specific for the cure of Grip ni K. Colds, and the prevention ol rneunw nia. All druggitts, 25c. Subscribe for tbe Stsnsn. i RipuBUCAit, a paper that contain choice reading matter, full of inform tion that does the reader good, m in addition to that all local newitW are worth publishing find places & its columns. HUMPHREYS' No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 Cures Fever. 2 " Worms. 3 " In rants' Disease t 4 " Diarrhea. 7 ' Coughs. I 8 Cures Neuralgia. 9 " Headache. 10 " Dyspepsia. ! 11 - Delayed Perio 1 12 " Leucorrhea. 13 Cures Croup. 14 " Skin Diseases. 18 " Rheumatism. 16 " Malaria. No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping CouflOj No. 21 " Asthma. No. 24 " General Debilit No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Disease No. 28 Cures Nervous Debilitf No. 30 -No. 32 No. 34 " No. 77 " Da. HrkTPHBKTK Urinary Diseasat Heart Disease. Sore Throat. Colds and Grip. Homeopathic SU" or Disuses Mailed Fbee. Small bottle of pleasant pellets, fit ponasL oia dj arufciOHW, or seni receipt of price, 85 cents, except N i2; are made $1.00 size only. HiimtihrerJ m sue UNnpaur, Hi wuuam St.. m HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." tPtrpm Kxaaualorlatemal, 9U&SX jjilali m aao; Itchtn or Btecding of taaiallata Imawalata bn am certain. rilOa, SO OTS. TFT" TriMCT BiM -7 in maw. v ant " -S2 im h,w tv If .