I DIDN'T THINK. - If all the troubles in the world Were traced back to the Mart, We'd find not one in ten begun From want of willing heart. Bat there'i a sly woe-war king elf Who larks about youth' brink, And ore dismay he brinfajaway The elf "I didn't think." He seems so sorry when he's caught. His mien is all contrite. He so regrets the woe be wrought. - And wants to make things right. But wishes do not beal a wound, , Or weld a broken link. -The heart aches on, the Unk la grata All through "I didn't think." When brain Is comrade to the heart And heart from soul drsws grace, "I didn't think" will quick derart For lack of resting place. If from that great unselfish stream, The Golden Kale we drink. We'll keep God's laws and have no cause To say, "I didn't think." -BUa Wheeler Wilcox. fMMwwMMMwMw 3 w 1 Love's Vicissitudes. I t 66 Hi 'M going to enjoy myself all 1 can for the next three weeks. 'for after that I shall have to settle down into a nice, respectable matron;" and the speaker drew down her pretty mouth in mock solemnity. "That doesn't sound as if it were a pleasurable anticipation," observed her companion. "There, Alvln, what makes you take everything so seriously? Of course I didn't mean it that way," exclaimed Edna, half impatiently. They had been engaged 'for some time, and the day had been decided upon which should see them united for life. Edna Iewls was a bright, viva clous girl, with mischief lurking in her gray eyes. She loved excitement, while Alvin Hall was quiet and rather grave. "May I ask ?" he Inquired, "what are the dissipations you are planning for these three weeks?" "Well, there's I-aura's party and the moonlight excursion of the club, and the circus Is coming next week you'll take me to that, won't you, Alrln?" "My dear Edna, yon know my views on that subject. I do not think it a proper place for a lady to visit." "I don't think It's any harm, and I've set my heart on going." "To please me you will not go, Edna." be said quietly. "Well. Ishall. Jack Woods offered to take me, and I said of course you would. If you won't I'll go with him, that's all," she exclaimed. "Very well. If you choose to disregard my wishes I cannot prevent it," and with that he bade her good-by. A week passed. At the party Edna net Jack Woods. "I suppose you and Alvln are going to the circus?" he remarked, casually. "Going to be a big thing this year." "No. Alvin isn't going." she replied. "He does not approve of thosSTIilngs." "Whew! Aren't we good all at once? It isn't right, though, for him to spoil your pleasure." So Edna thought, and when Jack re newed his offer of escort to the forbld- ,vented lt Somehow, Mine went lover's Liauura showed that he had iio forgiven her. Those were unhappy i days. Edna was too proud to show her regret, and only those nearest her knew that she suffered. Alvln Hall went West, and reports came to her that he had married and settled down. It was then that Jack asked her to be his wife and she consented, though ac knowledging that her heart bad been given to another. She made him a cozy home, however, and soon three lit tle ones came to bless it. But one day the change came. Her husband was brought home Insensible, and the doctor said that paralysis would prevent him from ever working again. Then Edna faced the problem bravely. She obtained work as a dress maker and earned enough to maintain the family. At length her husband died, and she was alone with her chil dren, the oldest of whom, a bright boy of 15, was employed in a store. One day he came home breathless. "Mother," he exclaimed, "to-day two ladles came in. and one was asking where she could find a good dress maker. I made bold to speak about you. and she gave me her' card, and said would you please call to-morrow." "I am glad of It, Jack," said his moth er, "for I am not busy Just now." The next day found her at the resl " dence of Mrs. G lea son. Her references being satisfactory, that lady gave her a dress to be finished by the following Saturday. Edna worked at it early and late, and at the appointed time she stood again on the step of that dwelling so different from her own. A gentle man answered the bell and invited her Inside. "Mrs. Woods, Is It not?" he asked. "My sister said she expected you, and, as she was called out, she wished you to await her return." As he placed a chair for her she thanked him; but something in her manner made him observe her closely. Her eyes wandered from a portrait in one corner of the room to the face of the man before her. The picture was of a young man with dark, serious eyes and a broad, high forehead. When Edna saw it she started and turned white. "Are you 111?" Inquired the gentle man. He approached her. "Good heav ens!" he cried, "Is It Edna, after all these years?" "It Is strange that we should meet again here," she murmured, trying to calm herself. "Yes," he answered. "How have you fared since I saw you? Is your hus band well?" "My husband died five years ago," she said quietly. "How are your fam ily?" "They have been taken from me. 1 am alone, except for my sister." They were silent for a little, each oc cupied with many thoughts. At last Alvln spoke. "I have much to ask forgiveness for," he said. "My heart has not changed through my long absence. Tell me, can you forgive my arrogance?" "It was my fault, every bit of it," she exclaimed with something of her old impetuosity, "but I paid the penalty," she added. "Then say we may begin over again." he said eagerly, "and make bright the short time that is left to us here. Will you. dear?" "You don't know what you are say ing." she faltered. "There are Jack, and i:lie, and little Alvln " "And. best of nil. there Is Edna," and lie held her fast. The door ojH'nod at this point, and "rs. Gleason stood amazed. "My dear," said her brother, with as : m around his first and last lore, "I . : in glad you found a dressmaker, but I'm afraid yon will hare to change, bs i.uh ska bales to ma." HOMESPUN PHILOSOPHY. Observation of Cosnntoanlnc TMaajr by the Ate Laos Qlobo Man. . Every prodigal knows the fatted eal' etory. People soon learn to dislike a prett? girt who Is slouchy. No sane woman, past 85 years of age has aa Ideal. No difference how cheap a thing If offered, people want It for less. . Every renter asks bo much that ha finally moves. Just because be Is mad. A yacht race seems to need Just what :be human race has too much of wind. A farmer's wife can beat bar husband selling butter and eggs to a store keeper. . You are In favor of the heathen so ceptlng religion, but do yon accept V yourself? There Is nothing to some men, except that they are smart and well educated. A busy man always hates the fellow who has nothing to do beyond giving good advice. The sverage man goes borne from a visit sooner than he expected. Th average woman remains longer. We have noticed that those persons who have great confidence In medicine usually have great confidence In re ligion. At- the foot of a two-column notice ot a wedding, it is generally stated that the groom Is a clerk, and a rising young man. When t a woman has Imaginary trouble, she has a great deal to aay about the flower, that, being trampled on. gives out a sweeter odor. - It la one of the unfortunate things of life that when a family has quail to eat. their neighbors don't know It as they do when onions are fried. Some people have never purchased a gold brick for no other reason than that the gold brick man has never suspected them of having the price. After a woman has been told she Is a good manager, she makes herself un popular by attempting to manage hei friends' affairs, as well aa her own. Before marrying a girl, young man. look her mother over. Ton can tell what a girl will be twenty or thirty years hence by looking at her mother. rATE OF AN INDIAN MURDERER. Qneer Capital PmUhmiat Am one t Primitive Mexican Tribe, Speaking of primitive law among the Mexican Indians brings to mind a most curious case that was told roe some years ago In the State of Oaxaca by an old Zapoteca chief who bad become a convert to Christianity. He said that s long while ago an American botanist was traveling through the mountain of Oaxaca studying the rare and beau timul flora of that region. He had with him a uiozo from another part of the country. He carried several gold pieces sewed In the lining of his Jacket. The mozo became aware of that fact, and one day when the botanist got down on his knees to drink at a little spring, the mozo cut his head oft with a machete, took the gold pieces and fled to the high er Sierras. Not long after the body was fonnd bj some Zapoteca Indians, who had seen the botanist in former days studying the flowers and plants near their vil lage. They knew that he was a harm less and good man, because he loved flowers. All Mexican Indians love flow- - v v- -sort to the chief found. " ' What."' be aatd,J"shall the kind stranger with the wWte face, who loved flowers and sought not our goods, no insulted our women, come to such a dog's death among us and not be aveng ed?" He then dispatched four swift Indian runners in different directions, with or ders not to return without the murder er. After a week's time they returned, bearing the malefactor, bound, in thett midst. A council of old men was called. The case was examined. The guilt of the mozo was proved, as be still bat with him the strange pieces of gold. Then the old chief gave the sentence. It was speedily performed. They led the trembling murderer to the center of the little plaza. There four green stakes were driven in the ground. The murderer was stripped naked and stretched by the wrists and feet in the air among the four stakes, to which he was lashed. Then the Indians made a great heap of unslaked lime under the wretched man's body, and when the heap touched his breast and sides they poured water over It until the scalding steam of the burning lime had cooked all the flesh from the bones. Then they took the bones and threw them into a hole In the mountain side. And so was the stain of the murdered man's Mood covered and vengeance was wrought by the Indians in behalf of "the whH stranger who was good and loved flow ers." Mexico Two Republics. Electricity and 8kla Coloring. It has been noted that In the surgical uses of electricity the color of the skin has been changed and there Is no doubt that the electric current has a direct action on the coloring matter or pig ment of the epidermis. Now it Is nei ther Impossible, nor even Improbable, that electricity acts on the pigment. since it always leaves behind It light colored scars. Hence to bleach a Kaf fir or a Zulu, a Yolof or an Abyssinian, Instead of buying soap and rice water, set to work to deplgmentlze him elec trically. Spanish OlBoers Rewarded. Spanish army officers are receiving honors and rewards on a lavish scale, notwithstanding their 111 success In the war. It Is said that the honor list for the campaign will contain the names of between 500 and 000 officers. For their services In Cuba In 1896 and the follow ing year 88 generals, 1,882 other officers and 680 non-commissioned officers hav been rewarded. Work ca Eiffel Towsr. The Eiffel Tower is being put in read iness for the exposition. It Is to bs given a coat of enamel paint In five shades, graded from lemon-chrome on the summit to deep orange on the pe destal. Two coats will be applied, for which nearly fifty tona of enamel wll' be required. In families where they don't put u; any fruit, one of the children Is sen) around the corner for canned peaches whenever company unexpected It cornea We never saw a boy down town with bis mother so young that he didn't draw back when aha entered a dry goods store. Iber Is a IMnTersaost. "Does your daughter play tha piano?" "She says she does, but It sounds more to me as If she were working It.' Indianapolis Journal. The average man'a is more or leas elastic Love of virtue la aa native to aa love of knowledga. CHILDREN'S COLUUI?. A DEPARTMENT FOR LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS. Something that Will latsrast tats Jn vsaile Me Sahara sf it very aasehala Quint Actlaas and Bright Baring f Many fata aa Canalaa; Childraav Once there waa a little girl who spent tht summer days . (Vith sheep and cows and pigeons and horses out to graae, nd other gentle comrades. Tbey all had pleasant waya Except a horrid parrot with a very bril liant bead. Who never made polite remarks, bar al ways moaned instead, "Ob, ah. wah! Ah. hoop-bah! I don't want to go to bed!" Now all these other animals were very, very good: They neighed or they brayed, or they crowed or purred or mooed; They barked or tbey bleated, or they quacked or clacked or cooed; Bat still that hateful parrot, he drooped his gaudy bead. And with a twinkle in Ms eye be dolor ously said, "Oh. ah. wah! Ah, hoop-bah! I don't want to go to bed!" . The Sultan's Boa. The young son of "the Sick Man ot nrope," aa be has been called for so long, has Jnst been admitted to the re ligion of the Mussulman, and to cele brate that event haa bad his photo-i graph taken. The little Prince Abdul Rahlm Effendi Is Jnst 5 years old, the necessary age for initiation Into the mysteries of the religion of Islam. His admission Into the sacred order war made the occasion of a grand fete. Where Biddy Fonnd tha Clothaa. It was the funniest thing! Thay took t ride right over the church steep but li st's beginning at the wrong end! Bensle says I always tell my stories back end to. This is how Bensle tell 'em: . . . ----- r .. -Iwttl hs- . upon a time") papa, vat on .de lawn a-mowln' with that rom'cal little carpet-sweeper. Biddy had Just got the clothes all spread out alee, 'side of the kitchen door. Then't when It happened Just after Biddy went In. It came up Just as quick a little big whirlwind and took Biddy's clothes up in Its arms an' carried 'em off! Yes, it did. Papa looked right up In the air an" saw 'em a-flyin'! Tbey went np twice as high as the meerln'-house, right over the steeple! You can 'mag Ine how they must've looked to papa, in' don't yon guess he laughed? Well you've guessed right, 'cause he did! An' the funniest of all the thlngi those clothes did was just too perfect ly com'cnl for anything! Our night gowns did it Bensle's ' an' mine. They're real long nightgowns, you know, an they filled all full of the whirlwind till the sleeves bulged out round, and the rest of 'em, too, just at If Bensle and I were In 'em! And they acted as if they were real frightened ailin' up there so high, an' put tbeli arms round each other and held on ts each other! That's the way Bensl and I do wben we're frightened. Pspa laughed and laughed, and then he cams in to tell us 'bout It. The clothes sailed 'way over into the minister's orchard an' sat down there toTest an' that' where Biddy found 'em! And that's the right end of the story to stop at. only Bensle always sayr "the end." Youth's Companion. Weeds Have Wins. "Mamma. I never knew weeds wen so pretty. Just look there." And Grade held before her mother a down; white globe of the dalntest texture clinging to a stiff little stem. "Isn't it beautiful!" said mamma. "See, the globe is made of whits wings." "Wings?" said Gracle, wonderlngly "They look like little white stars." "Yes," answered mamma, "they do, but they are really wings. Do yon set the cluster of little brown seeds at thf renter?" "Yes," 8a Id Gracle, looking at It cars fully. "Now," said mamma, "pull one ol them out. No, wait. Blow the glob instead." So Grade blew upon It gently and lo away floated the little white star, eack carrying with It a tiny brown seed. "Now, do you see," asked mamma "why I called them wings? Each lis tie seed has a wing, and when tha wins' Mows upon it. It flies away, carrying its seed with it. and then It drops down sometimes a long way from the spot where the little weed which bore it grew, and there the little seed" lies un til It sinks into the earth, ripens, and sends forth another weed of the same kind." "Isn't It wonderful, mamma? And see, too, how beautiful each little wing is 1 don't think I shall ever say 'old weeds' again. Their seed wings are as pretty as the flowers." Artist Who Loved Children. Sir Edward Burne-Jones, the artist. loved children very dearly. When hla small children were naughty their mamma punished them by atandlnc them for a few minutes In a corner. with their faces to the wall. This seemed to be quite severe punishment to their beauty loving papa. So be bad painted in the corners where his chil dren were punished sprays of flowers, saying. "If be has to go to the corner I am determined he shall 'or him self there." It Is also aa that tha artist, when visiting, fonnd a child of his host receiving the same punish ment, and that he quietly sketched, with a pencil, flying birds in tha where the smaU boy stood, LIITLI TUBKIS8 FBIXCB. THE RETIRED BURGLAR. - . . Is Marmjlsnsly Dsvsleaod ' Hearts and Tonch. "It Is not always possible," said the retired burglar, -to avoid making a noise In a house; which doesn't seem markable when yon take into account :he fact that a man la all the time in. itrange houses, and mora or less of the :lme In the dark; the wonder Is that a nan doesn't fan over something seven teen times In a night and rouse the whole neighborhood. A man's got his amp with him, to be sure, but he can't ie all the time fooling around with :hat; la hla ordinary goings about ha -elles upon hla sense of touch, which omea to be very sensitive. "A great help to a man In getting about Is the fact that there's more or ess sameness to houses. In the arrange ment of the stairs and halls; and things h general; he isn't an architect, but he as at least Inspected a good many louses, and a glance at the start, as a general thing, will tell him how things Ie. And so. while he's got his lamp, ie relies a good deal on his senses of much and hearing. I don't know, but seems to me that I could feel a door, xr a wall, or a partition before I touched It, by the compression of the air between It and my shoe as I put my !oot forward, and one la In a state of constant readiness to stop. And no natter bow hard a man's hands may be hey are velvet-tipped as far as the tense of touch Is concerned, and as fielding as willow. If he touches any- :nlng movable he rarely upsets it, :bough be may sometimes; but the only a-onder to me Is, as I said, that he loesn't fall over things right and left. "But while he is quiet himself, any loise, however slight, made by anybody, n the house, he can hear with oer alnty; he comes to be very sensitive ibout that, too. If a man In a loom verhead gets out of bed and stands on the floor you inn feel him If you don't Sear him. You know how boards that Save been trodden down upon the seams that support them swell np igain If they are not walked npon for a time; the fllers of the wood spring back o their original form. Then when yon jvalk on them for the first time, when hey settle down, you hear them creak; -he way stairs do. the first time any ody goes down 'em In the morning, rou might hear a sound like this when t man, however quiet he might be hlm telf, got up and stood on the floor. But f It was a perfectly firm and solid and lettled floor, that made no sound what ever, you could still feel him by the vl- iration of the house caused by the ihlftlng of his weight, communicated to rou from the beams of the floor upon which he stood, through the wails, and -.hence through the beams of the floor ipon which you are standing. The vi bration might be so slight that it could tcarcely be measured by any known neans. bnt in your condition of sensi Jveness you could feel It. "I really believe that In a frame house ( could feel a mouse walking on the Joor above. I don't mean a rat. Some rimes you bear a rat running across a Joor; and that, under such circum itances. makes practically as much tound and shake as a horse would gal oping over a wooden bridge; but I nean that I think I could feel a mouse walking slowly over a- floor overhead; tnd you can easily Imagine that if a nan should knock down anything In t house, anything whatever, why. It vta more noiaa than an earthquake. -1 still nave nai sensitiveness--or touch. Just the same; and. though I lon't visit other peoples bouses at a ate hour, as I formerly did, I find my self In my own house just as suscepti ble as ever to tl.e faintest sound or Jar." I.Ike Fladlag Menay. The use of the Endless Chain Starch Book In the purchase of "Bed Cross" and 'Hablngera Best" starch, makes It Just like finding money. Why, for only So yon are enabled to get one large lOo package of "Bed Crosa" starch, one large 10c pack, age of "Hubinger'a Best" starch, with the premiums, two Shakespeare panels, print ed in twelve beautiful colors, or one Twea- ieth Coutary Girl Calendar, embossed in gold. Ask your grocer tor this starch and tbtututbe beautiful Christmas presents fre The Names of the Contractors. Two park laborers sat on a curbstone opposite the Museum of Arts and Sci ences In New York eating luncheon out jf their palls. " Tls a folne big bulld ,ng." said one of them; "you'd never think they'd put up that solid a strook chur just to kape dead boogs an' other eraehures In." "Indade. no," replied the other, "but what are tbim big let ters cut Into the stone above the win dies the names av?" "I dono," said the first speaker. He fell to spelling out the words, and presently a ray of Intel ligence succeeded the puzzled expres sion on his face. "Sure, I have It," he said. "Thlm Is the names av the con tractors." Patrick made a good guess, for the names graven In the stone were Aeschylus, Sophocles, Pericles, Herodo tus. Socrates, Thucydldes and Demos thenes. A Sew Cab-Fare Meter. A fare meter that claims to possess several -Improvements upon the tax meter, has been recently introduced. The apparatus has two dials which are Inside the vehicle, one of which shows the distance run In miles and yards, and the other the time which has elapsed since the hiring of the cab, both starting from sero when the hirer en ters the vehicle. In addition, there are secret registers by which the proprie tor can tell the exact distance run by the cab during the day, so aa to check the driver's accounts. The connection between the wheel and the mechanism is by a steel wire which receives a to-and-fro motion from a cab on the hub, and' works a rachet wheel In the fare meter. Sick headache. Food doesn't di gest well, appetite poor, bowels con stipated, tongue coated. It'a your liver I AVer's Pills are liver pills, easy and aafe. They cure dyspep sia, biliousness. 25c. All Druggists. I Want joor moastacbs or ess4 a bsaattful ; BUCKINGHAM'S DYE 'EvMSr. Advbed fa Set Sck Women Advice of "fflrsT Pinkham. . w. Mnuii no. eaJai lunn w - - - I inflammation and falling' of tha womb, and inflammation of ovaries, and waa in great pain. I took medicine prescribed by a physician, bnt it did ma no good. At last I heard of Lvdia E. Plnkhama Vegetable Com pound, and after using it faithfully I am thankful to say lama well women. X would advise all suffering women to seek advice of Mrs. Pinkham." Mas. G. H. rntPTMA. GBAXT PABK, IlX. "For several years my health waa miserable. I suffered tha moat dread ful pains, and waa almost on tha verge of insanity. I consulted ona of the best physicians in New York, and ha pronounced my disease a fibroid tumor, advising an operation without delay, saying that it waa my only chance for life. Other doctors prescribed strong and violent medicine, and ona said I waa incurable, another told ma my only salvation waa galvanic batteries, which I tried, but nothing relieved me. Ona day a friend called and begged ma to try Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound. I began its use and took several bottles. From the very first bottle there was a wonderful change for the better. The tumor haa disap peared entirely and my old spirits have returned. I heartily recommend your medicine to all suffering women." Mas. Va Cwtrr, 418 Sauhdkbs Av-, Jbbskt Citt Heights, N. J. CHICAGO TAXPAYERS' MONEY, Chicago taxpayers contribute every year, in ona way or another, over $16, 000,000 for tha support ol their city government and the school system. The figure below gives the taxpayer, at a glance, an opportunity to learn bow each dollar he contributes to the pnblic use la divided among the various uses to which the money raised by taxation Is put. It shows the proportion given the schools, that to the police, what the fire department gets, and so on. As It haa been found Impossible to show the amount spent for salaries In each de partment the entire proportion given to each department. Including what It pays for salaries, has been thrown to gether and then a separate statement made for the salaries not Included'" any of the department figures. Chicago Tribune. Marti aas. "Marriage," says a fair correspond ent, "in common with all the blessing! and evils of this world, is governed by the laws of compenaatton. A man loses, possibly, ft certain amooci'of liberty a vague term at best ha may, perhaps, have to deny himself his cigar and a few other unnecessary luxuries. Hs moat. In short, be a little leas self-centered than formerly. Yet are not his denials more than amply repaid by gaining a comfortable home, where h reigns paramount, where he la consid ered, loved and waited npon at every step? Above all, on securing a tender, sympathetic, loving helpmeet, always ready to sink Into oblivion her own wor ries and troubles, to advise and cheer him In the dally fight, to sympathise lo trouble, to nurse In Illness and to trans form his very faults Into virtues. AH this and more a man gains as a reward for a little self-denial and an increased responsibility, and I say It Is emphat ically untrue that men 'rank wedlock a a tremendous and most undoubtedly uneven bargain.' Don't judge men by a few who, unworthy to be husband themselves, bave been disappointed In their wives, or by those small-minded creatures who lack the faculty for see ing two sides of a question. No; mar riage, where man and wife are true to their calling. Is an undoubtedly even and profitable bargain." IDAHO'S SOLITUDE. Every State is settled differently, is the con tention of a writer in Ainslee'a. -Look np into Idaho," he says, "once called the 'mountain walled fastness,' and realize how long the pioneer must have been held there in lonely solitude before the fame of his success with the soil or with the mines could have reached the other world, and then calculate why Idaho has given existence to the Coenr d'Alene, and why it has men in Congress with the electric vim of Dubois. Can a man arise from such an environment without bearing with him the resoluteness of the mailer, even though he fail after he has emerged T' Life is continually weighing us in very sensitive scales and telling every one of us precisely what his real weight Is to the last grain of dust. How's THIS T We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewarrt tot any case of Catarrh that cannot be oorad bt Hall's Catarrh Com. F. J. Cbbhbv A Co Toledo, O. Wa, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney for tha last 15 rears, and believe him per fectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tion made by their firm. Wbst A Tao ax. Wholesale Druaglsta.Tolado. Ohio. Waldiso, Kins ah A Mabvib, Wholesale Draasfsta. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Oura is taken internally, act-Ing- directly upon tha Mood and mooons sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent frea. Price, "Sc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Halt's Family PtUa are tha bast. Mankind generally are like soap bub bles floating: along the stream some are larger and more brittle than others, because they have more wind in them. RUPTURE Cste Guaranteed, by DR. J.B. MAYER. 101S ARCH ST., 1-miUpa. Basest one'; no operation or delay trom busineam. Consulta tion tree. Endorsements of physicians, ladies sad pro ml sent citizens, send lor circular. Ofbc hoursSA. M. to I P. M Man lacks nothing more than right eous courage to resist injustice; death Is too late and too Ignominious a retreat from human oppression. FRESH LITERARY NOTES. Birthplace el the Tweatteth Ccatary. The cradle of the sew century is a remote, isolated qnsrtcr of the globe where there are few people to hail its birth. In that country the twentieth century will be an infant of quite considerable growth before time can speed its dawning into the nest nearest habitation of man. John Ritchie, Jr., will tell "Where the New Century will Really Begin," in the January Ladies' Home Journal. Good nature is the very air of a good mind; the sign of a large and generous soul and the peculiar soil In which vlr tue prospers. Fist's Core en red me of a Throat and Lang rouble of three years' standing. E. Cast, aiiwi i i wn . ciwv. aa, assa. There are ideas powerful enough to revolutionise society they only wait to oe incarnaiea in a sincere ana nn selfish personality. TRUMPET OALL& im BTara aWaralaw Maaa ts tha Darsdssnasd. BINCIPLE files no flag of truce. Service la great er than sover eignty. ' When money Is king misery la queen. Oircumstanc a s are less potent than Ideals. There Is a tree somewhere for every Zacchena. The neighborhood of need la tha Christian's parish. A good pastor la an Incarnation of the Good Shepherd. Grasp the Irksome duty tight, it shall turn to aweet delight. Courtesy may conceal selfishness, bat Christ alone can cure It. Many a geologist haa yet stumbled and fallen over a atone. The true church Is the hospital where the Great Physician walks. Weaken your lusts by starving them before you wrestle with them. The preacher who starves his head, cannot feed his people's hearts. If the heart-strings are rightly moved the pnrse-strlngs will surely be loos ened. The man who calls himself a "mod erate drinker" deceives nobody but himself. Sunday Is not to teach us to give God one-seventh, but to remind us that all time Is His. We can bear one another's burdens without being busy-bodies In each other's business. "Inasmuch as ye did it not," will ring In the ears of some of the lost, through all eternity. If we were more anxious to get Christ to church, we would have to worry less about the crowd. FLORA TEMPLE'S SHOE. Btory of One tha Mare 'Wore When She Broke the World's Record. John K. Borne, of this city, who hat for several years been a visitor at the summer hotel conducted by Mart Kim ble near Honesdale, Pa., has presented to Mr. Kimble a souvenir which would be highly prized by many turfmen. The souvenir Is one of the shoes taken from Flora Temple Immediately after her great race against her own and the world's record In 1858. She was shod for the occasion, and immediately .after the race the shoes were taken off, aa they could not be used on ordinary roads. The owner of Flora Temple wag an Intimate friend of Mr. Rome, and presented to him one of the shoes, with the request that be see how long he could keep It in his possession. For forty years Mr. Rome has guard ed the memento with jealous eyes, but last week, believing that the shoe would be an interesting object to oth ers, he presented It to Mr. Kimble. It ta a dainty piece or workmanship, well befitting the mare about whom clings more horse gossip, romance and Inter est than has been allotted to any other of her kind. It Is nearly round, and Its diminutive sise Indicates the dainty formation of Flora's foot It Is ex tremely thin, and the nail holes In It can hardly be pierced with a knitting needle. It waa gilded when taken off, bat the gold has worn off, and the beau tiful workmanship of the blacksmith is plainly apparent. The hoof side of the shoe Is slightly rusted, but otherwise the shoe is as It waa when the unknown Flora stepped on It into fame. Tradition has It that Flora Temple was of humble origin and that In her early days she was worked as a truck horse. She was sold for flfiO just be fore her fortunes began to mend. Her purchaser fortunately could recognize merit no matter how lowly its origin. No other horse was for so long a time the undisputed "Queen of the Turf." At that time "2:40 on the plank road" Indicated the fastest trotting time. Ta cony got the record down to 2:25H in 1853 and held It there until three years later, when Flora Temple lowered It to 2:24, and that record stood until 1859, when It was dedded to give Flora an opportunity to beat her own record, as no other horse seemed to be able to do It. The event was awaited for with great Interest by sporting men, and the result, lowering the record by four and three-fourths seconds, was received with profound surprise. The best horsemen of that day ex pressed the belief that the feat would never be repeated. Whatever the rec ord now be. Flora Temple h) held In lov ing memory by old-time turfmen, and they will learn with pleasure that one of her' shoes worn on the occasion of her memorable race against her own record is stiH, preserved. New York Evening Sun. Dot's Prayer for Peaoe. On one evening little 4-year-old Dor othy had failed to remember her father In her prayer because he had scolded her. "You must pray for papa, too. Dot," said her mother. "But I don't want to," replied the little one. "But you must. Dot," said her mother. Drop ping npon her knees again Dot added: And for pity's sake, bless papa, too. and let us have peace In the family." Cost of a Mnddy lay. It has been calculated that the cost of a muddy day In London Is some thing like $25,000. Exhibit of Serpenta. Brazil will exhibit 500 varieties of serpents at the Paris Exhibition in 1000. " Some people expect ten cents' worth of entertainment for every nickel's worth of trade they give yon. I : Cecil Rhodes' Ambition. Sixteen years ago Cecil J. Rhodes, then a man of small means and no po UtJcal record, stood In a small Klm- berley shop and looked for a long time at a map of Africa which hnng on the wall. An acquaintance who had watched him for several minutes stepped up to Rhodes and aaked him whether he was attempting to find the location of Klmberley. Mr. Rhodes made no reply for several seconds, then placed his right hand over the map and covered a large part of south and central Africa, from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean. "All that Brit lshr he said. "That la my dream." "I will give you ten years to realise it," said the friend. "Give me ten more," said Rhodes, "and then we'll have a new map." Three-fourths of the re quired time has passed and the full realization of Rhodes' dream must take place within the next four years. Tfce Universal lismsauaga. t a recent meeting of tha Bassiat Academy of Seienoes Prof. Dills advo eased tha use of Bullish aa a onlrersa tsasmsgs far taasi at asssaasv Some grocers are so short sighted as to decline to keep the Ivory Soap, claiming it does not pay as much profit as inferior qualities do, so if your regular grocer refuses to get it for you, there are undoubtedly otners who recognize the fact that the increased volume of business done by reason of keeping the best articles more than compensates for the smaller profit, and will fake pleasure in getting it for you. I A- i mtq No Capital or Experience Required.ot asatt . H, r . IT1 leaaf til goods are sold. Nature's Remedies are warranted. . I ij ?T?7 . vtTT. vou loo profit. Tha A. H. Lewis Med. Co.. Bolivar. Mn ' Jews In Palestine. There Is a new Turkish regulation re sulting Jewa arriving at Yafa to leave the country again in thirty or ninety days. If they come as visitors. There Is no provision, however, as to how these people are to be made to return. Aa the Turks do not accept the word of the immigrants on landing, a system of money pledges has been resorted to. This may be called "fine," "tax," "de posit," "backshish," '-bail," or 'pledge." It is a money guaranty that the parties will carry out the requirement of the Turkish Government. Unless they pay the guaranty the immigrants have great trouble In landing. In many cases the consul Is appealed to, and rather than see them starve or sent back t& the steamer, which would probably not re ceive them again, he gives his word as security, that they will leave the coun try at the expiration of the time speci fied. Respectable American Jews, go ing there as bona fide travelers, encoun ter no more trouble than do Christian travelers. It is the Immigrant class Russian or Polish Jews who are sus pected by the authorities as likely to swell the ranks of the colonists Scent Drinking. 'Let me most fervently warn all your lady readers against the deadly habit of drinking' or sipping scents," said a lead ing doctor, referring to tbe now preva lent vice. 'Generally, merely In ordte to do something daring, a young sc.olglrl will take a sip at her jnnthjjrs selgnl bottle. The habit grows. It Is only natural It should, since when a woman Is, as she thinks. Innocently sipping the Juice of some sweet flower, she is in reality drinking a form of alcohol much more deadly In Its effects than her bus band's most daring drink. "Perhaps when I tell you that mort than half the serious mental and physi cal breakdowns among society leader? which come under my notice can he traced to this secret scent drinking, your readers will take warning anil stop now immediately. I would rather foster a love for cold gin in my own daughter than one for the finest scent ever manufactured. The hold of the former over her would be comparative ly easy to conquer; but once let the craving for scent clutch a woman, ami only the grave can cure her." Bars the Nickels. From saving, eomes having, ask your grocer how yon can save 15c by investing So. He can tell you Just how yon can got one large 10c paekage ot "Bed Crosa" starch, one large lOe package of "Enbln- ger'a Best" starch, with the premiums, two beautiful Shakespeare panels, printed in twelve beautiful oolors, or one TwenttetU Century Girl Calendar, all for 6c. Ask your grocer for this ataroh and obtain these beautiful Christmas presents bee. Don't Use "Esquire." The word "esaulre." or. as It la irener- ally abbreviated, "esq.," Is becoming more and more obsolete In America. And It Is well that this is so. for It never had any place here. Even In England, wnere it oelongs, it Is woefully mis used, and always has been, for not nn person out of a great many can tell wno are legally esquires. They are all sons of peers, baronets and knihta: thA elder eons of the younger sons of peeis. ana meir eldest sons In perpetuity; the eldest son of the eldest son nf Vntoht and his eldest son in perpetuity; kinss an. arms, uerauas or arms, officers of the army ana navy ranking as captains and upward, sheriffs of counties for life, I. P.'s of counties while In commission! fergeants-at-arms,sergeants-at-law and queen's counsel, companions of the or ders of knighthood, the principal offi cers of the queen's household, deputy lieutenants, commissioners of the court af bankruptcy, masters of the supreme court and those whom the queen may ee proper to style "esquire." All others have no right to any thing beyond the simple prefix "Mr." Language is the dress of thought. flTe P00" Proenrlng the Enslra, Chsl. starch Book from their Rroeer will eaoh obtala one large 10c package ot Ked Crow" Starch, on LiM" .-Li?!0-8!.!!:, I,"",,ers Beat atmrcfc, two Bbalcespeare panels, print"! In - !!! e,0r"' " natnr fe. or one Twentieth Century Girl Cal. n.i ir, IM flaest ot Its kind ever printed, all absolutely free. AU others proc-urluR the :.! ' Cfcala Starch Beek, will obtaia from their grocer the above gools for 5c. "'td VT' " S'arcl. Is something entirely new, and is without doubt t"" P1' est Invention of tha Twentieth t t II . i una ao equal, una surpasses an oiu.. das won for Itself praise trom all parts of the United Stales. It has auperseJu-l every thing heretofore used or known to science In the laundry art. It Is made from wheat, toe aad corn, aad chemically prepared upon scientific principles by J. c. if ntiinf"' K"mLt ,wm Mpert la the laundry profession, who has had twenty-five W raetleal experience la fancy laaaderlng. and wno was tne nrsr. suUO,iu origin" uveater ot aU flse grades ot starch In the United States. Ask your grocers for this Itareh aaa obtala these beaattfal Christmas presents tree. uvtii a eaaaat f O CINCINNATI - The Colored Problem. "Benjamin Franklin, go r!;ht aloug an' agitate yo'eelf toward rle prox'.mitj ob dat cawn field. What's de use ot yo' poor ole fader climbin' le tree ot biography an' plckln' out de l.est names fer yo' ef yo' doan' lib r,p to yo namesake, fur de lan' sake? I Mr wa yo' brudder George Washington. Now he's makln' hatchets in an a I factory In Atlanty an' drlnkln' cherry braii-ly faw his health. Dar was yo' bruddet Thomas Edison; he was run ol-er by an electric cyar. Dat was acconlin' to de 'ternal fitness ob tin;;s, as Ctuiine-ey Depew says, an' dar was yo' urn-It- Pat rick Henry an' he went down to 'JVxas an" dey gib him liberty an' d- ll' bofe. Yo' wants to coincide wid de coinci dence, an' lib up to yo' blue chiny. else yoj slide off on yo' ear. 1! tijatnin Franklin he dronl de 'leetrie fluid from de clouds an' yo' couldn' draw a box ot hairpins In a tousand dollar lottery. Yo' kin experiment wid a bottle an' a smokehouse key, but dey's de wrong kind. Talk 'bout 'lectric'ty; yo' would n't strike nottin' widout yo' fall ober on it You hear me. Benjamin Franklin." Washington Post. Apologies are lawful tender. 4 ilia bt-bt remedy for lQUPfil Consumption. Curt 9 C a as ,Tr Coughs, Colds, Grippe, W V I U I J Bronchitis, Hoarse st ncss. Asthma, U'hoopir'ff "tmilin. Cl6Wfv.aiaaa3CT : tM.tire results. - W. L. DOUGLAS $3 & 3.50 SHOES union Worth. $4 to $6 compared wnn oiner makes. TniireMl bv nvr l,MMl,ooo ue.irer fT Y, The THifM have W. I, Uourui name and prut-1 5iamei on tx n suosmute is good, should keep not, we will : i Vm recetnt ot nnre. Male ji s . - , " . tuna oi eat ner. size, and w;u:fi, pu;n or cap toe. Caulneue C free. W L DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mass. FOR FIFTY YEARS! MRS. WINSLOW'3 m SOOTHING SYRUP has brrn rot hr million or mit!i" f '" ' tht-lrctallrlrpn while Tn-thinx for over F.ftv a ltara It soothes Hie chll 1. .linn tli: 1 gums, allays all nuln.rurvn ivln l iu u ..at u lite bnt remedy tor dlurrli eu. Twenty-live Cent? i R,,,., . DPHPQV NEW DISCOVERY: sm I quick r lf an J cr w.T Uuus ul taMiaoniaJsacd lOilai) t .-tnlnt area. Dr. H. H. 8Ra"a boms, Boi . tint. o.. ARNOLD'S GGUtiH Cures Coughs antl Colts Srs'S: KILLER frevents (on AU Druggis ITALITY 1 w. i e I j . -ated iron, CURED bv DS. KUSF-S IMI.CIlilI.Mi Toxic. Used smce-.-tully FREE! $1 TRIAL BOTTLE. Patients paving expreixm Vmlllr Trvstlu l.ltt.1-- III! I Mi Infill fk. 931 Arrh Mrrel. l"l.iUil-le'l. ARTEsrsr:;;; Bring your children up :i it. RENSION JOIINW.IOHH'S t Successfully Prosecutes Claims. LatsPrroctp&l Examiner U.S. P. uaiou Hur. au. 3yriu civil war.lbadjudicalituzcluuu- utT.v mucs Uali iuIi-in " $19,000 OFFERED by heirs of tha lata Anlhnnv Pollnk. maritime life-saving- appliance. W "in ! information. -MASON, I t:.WU K A KKNCK, Washington, D. C. LAW- Quirt Relief Female Pills ItXtifLti : 423, 1 morn. laiSisa f cijimed t" " ' Vonr dca'erA V V them i-TV JV. ends muAV - : v Vaf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers