Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 13, 1899, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13, 1899
Bitrscription $1.00 per year if paid
la advance ; $1.50 if not paid in ad
vance. Transient advertising and local
notices 8 cents a line.
Deductions will be made to those de
siring to advertise by the year, half or
quarter year.
Christmas entertainers are
course of training.
Vin. Marks is on a business
trip to California.
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Hnin.iieuij,'u anu nouses are
scarce in Altoona.
Fort--five cents cash for sack of
flonr at Etka's store.
Dr. King's New Di4covery.
There seems to le a new bank
looming up iu Newport.
twenty cents cash for sack of
corn meal at Etka's store.
Ice house men are beginning to
look for freezing weather.
A drop in the price of stocks
created a panic in New York on
Bucklen's Arnica Salve
rs. Mi
y &
r Mr. and Mrs. David Sieber of
York have been guests of Mrs.
Hannah Sieber.
Mrs. McXitt wife of P. M
Xitt, is visiting her mother
Ingram in Milroy.
Miss Rutherford of Harrisburg,
spent Sunday with her sister Miss
Margaret Rutherford.
Young man Rockefeller got
caught in a leather deal and lost
seventeen million dollars.
David Huffman has returned
from a trip to the State of Indiana.
There is no place like Mifflintown.
A knitting factory with a hun
dred hands will be started at Sel-
insgrove about the 1st of January
Dr. King's New Discovery
Rev. A. N. Raven will irive a4i
illustrated lecture in his church on
Sunday evening. Yon are invited.
The high price of tobacco will
cause Lancaster county growers to
plant more tobacco the coming sea
sou. Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Editor Dimm of the Star is ac
tively engaged iu dealing in walnut
lumber with telegraph operator
A bill has been introduced in
Congress, that prohibits the send
ing of trnst articles from one State
to another.
---Ridjnsfreji&tLcjws-- planets, the moon and snn
nigh'giuTp-by the tramp He
prefers giving up the ride to a other, that thej nave not siistainea
lodgement in jail P 2,000 yearn ago so look mit
" j Tor the weather on Saturday. The
Dr. King's New Discovery. weather prophets might be mistak
Dr Win. Baker of Lewistfown en on the bad weather for that day.
and E. E. McMeen -of Patterson, The peculiar position of the planets,
spent Thursday and Friday visit- sun and moon, may produce a pro
ing in Juniata county. foundly peaceful state of weather.
A Huntingdon woman sent to a Bloomfield Times, December 8.
drug store for salts, anil in a mis-1 That there are people in Peiry
take received and took salt-peter, t county that have no respect for
and she nearly died. sick people and no respect for
- I dead people and uo respect for well
The British and Ber war in the j filldg an in,lstrationin what
gold fields of Africa has stopped took lace on Frjday morning
gold mining there ana has snnen- lKMlt two ooefe, while Abraham
jS. Dile's dead body was lying in
his house in Centre township and
t his daughter, Mrs. Edward Reed-
Westmoreland y"""'
swallowed a pin alout a month
aeo. some vile miscreant attempted
Copper is reported to have been to break into the house, probably
found not far from Bloomsburg, for the purpose of robbery, but
Columbia county. A. goou ueai oi . w-as discovered and driven away
iron ore is mined in that locality.
The Altoona stump factory will
QAAn tA A. . . . .
wvu w put m operation
- ar
jioss gathering for Christmas
has been indulged in by a number
i io n people
Dr. King's New Discovery.
ioionei Thomas Moorhead has
gone ona business trip to Arkansas.
niuiam t;ampIelL, of Tuwiarora
valley, accompanied him.
The Boer, war has sent the price
i uimonis up, or rather the war
nas given the dealers an excurse to
raise the price of diamonds.
Dr. King's New Discovery.
The Union Sabbath School at Lo
cust Kim will hold a free entertain
ment on Saturday evening, Decern
ler 2.1rd, 1899. Everybody invit
ed. .
There is a street report thatthe
rauroaa othces that some time since
were moved from this town to Lew
istown Junction, will all be return-
eu to this place about the 1st of
the coming year.
Dr. King's New Life PilLs
Actually Insulting. Conductor
(hastily) How old is that childf
oung Blother (indignantly) 1
uo i iook old enough to have a
child old enough to pay fare?
A ew York Weekly.
The one hundredth anniversary
of the death of George Washington,
will be observed in a good many
places to-morrow, Thursday. De
cember 14, chiefly by the Masonic
ternity. He was a mason.
The rise in the price of leather is
blamed on the British and Boer
ar. That it was made the scape
goat lor a great many things.
bung Rockefeller's loss of $17,-
000,000 may also le charged to the
British and Boer was, if the leather
excuse for the ttoom is true.
Americans laugh at Chinese wom
en torturing themselves with small
shoes, and then practice tight lac
ing. The Chinese say, "a small
foot looks nicer than a small waist."
The American says, "a small waist
looks better than a small foot."
There is no accounting for the dif
ferent tastes of people.
A bold thief stole four sheep
from the farm of J. Grier Dain, at
Warren Tavern, Chester Co., early
on the morning of the llth inst.
he thief drove a wagon to the
sheep pen, tied the legs of two
Southdown ewes and two common
ones, and hauled them away.
The British and Boer war has
affected prices of a nnmlier of
things, it has stimulated the busi
ners of ship bnildingand transpor
tation by ships. Nearly every
thing that the British need to car
ry on the war against the Boers has
to le shipped to Africa, on sea go
ing vessels. The war has stopped
gold and diamond mining in Boer
laud. Look out for the weather on Sat
urday say the weather wise, a
dreadful state of the weather will
thenitake place, because a nnmler
ed the price of silver
Bucklen's Argica Salve.
Jmd:e Luciau Doty's election
the Judgeship
county is contested by J. H.Steele
Steele was defeated by 170 votes.
Mr. Harry Bonsall has sold the
Juniata Tribune to Martin Crawford,
George Cramer and Odin Gortner.
Wm. Crawford is foreman of the
The thermometer reiristererr 10
degrees alwve zero on the morning
of the 7th, which up to this time
has been the coldest weather this
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Bloom field Times: A. lime kiln
has been built ou the Mrs. Porter
Thompson farm near Shrenks Mills,
where lime can le lought for Sets
xt bushel.
A Duncanuon, Perry county man
caught a salmon in the Juniata
river near Diincannou. The lish
was:M inches long and weighed
10i pounds.
Dr. King's New Discovery.
A penetrating rain that found
every crack in roof and elsewhere
in buildings, poured down on
Tuesday ln'giiiing early in the
morning aloiit midnight. It was
a warm summer-like rain.
Some one in passing through a
w.mmIs noticed ffranes on the vines
and dog-wood Iterries ou the trees,
which is, he says, a certain sign,
that the winter is to be an open
one. Watch how it turns out.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Andrew Banks Esq., shot agray
fox on Monday not far from Black
Log station. It was an old fox
that lore testimony on its clipped
toes that once upon a time it had
leen caught in a trap and escaped
by the narrow hold the pinchers
of the trap had on its toes.
The illustrated papers contain
funny looking pictures of lioer cav
alrymeu with good repeating rifles,
running away from British cavalry
lancers. Funny that a man with
a good gun should run away from
a cavalryman with a lance. That
is a long pole with a. point ou it.
a a
Curistinvi only 12 ditya ahead.
Nest summer the census taker will
ba Around
he calitburspians were out last
Friday evening
SprtDg election candidates are go
ing into training.
James Sharron, E?q , of Newport
spent Saturday in town.
Sehnsgrova and Gettysburg eachLrt
are to have a shirt factory. L al
Mr. Alton Sclioll and bride have
returned from their wedding trip.
Herbert Thomas & Co., have stock
ed thfcir B?orearly for the holidays.
There are btweeD forty five and
fiftv thousand American troops in
the Phillipine Islands.
The British have met some one
who can ficrht in Buerland. It U not
like fighting people of Iadia.
James Ylataers of Altoona p-i
visit to his uncle and aunt Mr. and
Mrs. L. E Atkinson over Sunday
John Lavcr bomrht the John Mc-
Nulty housa and lot in town at pub
lic sale on Saturday for two nunarea
and ninetj-five dollars.
The roads have been good all this
season, in tue spring montus iu
roads are unusually bad and that is
the time of the year that the annual
howl over bad roads goes up.
eter Yoder is ectraged in drill-
T a well on the Jackson farm on the
Pennsylvania railroad side of the riv
er. He is down 125 feet and no
water. Lewistown Free Press.
Henry Graham night watchman in
the big "cut on the railroad a abort
distance west of Nawton Hamilton,
was run over and killed by an east
bound freight train on Sunday even
ing about 5:30 o'clock.
At the expiration of another month
the days will have begun to
lengthen and after that there cannot
be snow to last into spring time.
There may be a number of snow ,
but they must needs pass away suc
cessively in a few days under the in
creasing power of the Sun.
Colonel John J. Patterson earn
from Lancaster on Satordav to
spend Sunday with his son and fam-
The Vicar General Joaeoh Koch
of the Harrisburg diooese and pastor
oi ac rewards unorob andother
Catholic, priests have advised the
Suamokin, Pa., coal miners against a
sympathetic strike.
A man in Connecticut is building
an ark to escape the deluge that he
says is soon to come. His predic
ts i is, the Atlantic and Pacific oc
eans are to rush over the American
continent and destroy it
The Grand Concert under the aus
pices of the Young People's Luther
League by the Madame Fry Concert
Co-, in the Lutheran Church, Thurs
day evening, December 14, 1899 at
8 p. it, promises to be a musical
Next Saturday, December 16. Nep
tune, Earth, Saturn, Sun and Moon
will form a straight line. Some peo
ple predict great storms and earth
quakes on that account Others say
when the five celestial bodies line up
in that way it means a quiet condi
tion of affairs. So keep a look out
for next Saturday.
George Rebok and Miss Ella Shu-
man of Upper Strasburg, Franklin
county, had their wedding day set.
He was taken ill with Typhoid fever.
The day came last week and they
w.re married by Rev. L. T. Snyder
ofOrristown. The mother of the
invalid son assisted to hold him on
his feet while he answered the mar
riage questions.
Lewistown Free Press, November
6. John L Ferguson of Yeager
town, while in town Tuesdav of last
week, lost his Docket book contain
ing $600 in bank notes and a judg
ment note for $335. He offers a re
reward of $25 for its return. The
loss is a serious one to Mr. Fergu
son, and we' hope he will recover hi
lost property.
Philip Bookman of near Lsesbur?,
Cumberland county, was convicted
ia the Franklin county court of the
Iirceny of 150 chickens from A. M-
Plasterer, a farmer of near Scotland.
Book mm was an extensive dealer in
poultry and sold many fowls. When
he was arrested over a year ago he
cave bail for trial and then ran away.
He was apprehended after muoh ex
pense and trouble. Judge Stewart
sentenced him to two years in the
ling, deceased,real estate returned
as sold to' Sylvester Arnold lor
Andrew Banks, Esq., filed his
report as auditor in the estate of
Isaac Longacre, deceased.
B. F. Bnrchfield, Esq., filed, his
report as auditor in the estate of
Susan Marx, deceased.
In estate of John E. McCruni,
deceased, the adrainistratiix re
ported no sale of real estate and an
alias order of sale was granted.
In estate of Abraham Brubaker,
deceased, sale of real estate, tracts
Nos. 1 and 2 together, to Dr. J. G.
Heading for $5,500, aud tract No.
3 to Edmund S. Parker for $82,
and Bales confirmed by the court.
In the estate of Win. W. Whar
ton, deceased, sale of the real es
tate to Stewart P. Wharton for
$5,200. Reported and confirmed.
In estate of Peter Belles, deceas
ed. Appraisment of real estate to
widow, finally confirmed.
Court adjourned until Dec. 19th,
Sieber Casxer. On the 7th
inst , at Port, Royal, by Rev. I. O.
Moser, Samuel C. Sieler and Ella
M. Casner, both of Walker town
ship, Juniata Co., Pa.
7th inst., at Goldsboro, York Co.,
Pa., by Rev. F. II. Crissman, Al
bright Linthurst of Port Royal and
Lydia S. Burger of Goldsboro,
York Co., Pa.
Howard L. Emery of Mifliin
town and C. Annie Derr of Patter
son. Oliver E.Swartz of Monroe Twp.,
and Lizzie Wileman of Walker
Carl. On the 8th inst , near
Seven Stars, Juniata Co., Pa., Jen
nie May, wife of Charles F. Carl,
aged 17 years, Gmos. and. 10 days.
The regular December term of
Court convened at ten o'clock on
Monday, Decemler 4th. Judges
Lyon?, Sterrett and Swartz, pre
There was but little miscellane
ous business transacted. The grand
jurors having beeaf notified not to:
appesir as there was no business for
them to dispose of the time usually
consumed by the Court in charging
and swearing them was devoted to
other business and by half past ten I
the trial list was called over. Three
cases were on the list for trial.
The first, that of Ellen M. Fer-
gnson, administratrix of A. J. Fer
guson, deceased, vs. Win. N. Hen
ry, was called for trial. A jury
was called, but before proceeding
any further it was announced that
the case was settled by the defen
dant agreeing to pay plaintiff $15
and the cost of suit
The next case was that of Isaac
N. Sieber vs. A. J. Pettit. This
was a suit brought by the plaintiff
to recover $10,000 damages from
the defendant for alienating the
affection of plaintiff's wife, Anna
B Sieber. From the evidence it is
learned all the parties came from
Port Royal, that defendant and
plaintiffs wife were seeu together!
during years 189.1, 1894, l.V.io and
1896, at many times and places,
both during the daytime and at
night; that in November, 1893,
they went to Philadelphia together
where they spent three days and'
two nights stopping at the same
hotel and occupying communicat
ing rooms. I'laintills wile, Anna
B. Sieber. weut upon the stand and
admitted to have had illicit rela
tions upon numerous occasions with
the defendant; admitted that upon
the occasion of the trip to Philadel
phia that they had occupied the
same bed for two nights.
The defendant denied any illicit
intercourse between himself and
Mrs. Sieler aud explained that the
frequency of their meeting was due
entirely to business matters; ad
mitted the trip to Philadelphia and
that they occupied communicating
tioins, but denied that there was
anything improper took place. The
defendant also, produced a lot of
witnesses from Port Royal who tes
tified that they would not lelieve
Mrs.'Sieber upon oath The plain
tiff then offered many witnesses to
show Mrs. Sieber's reputation for
truth aud veracity was good.
This case attracted a great deal
of attention, the Court House being
crowueu irom mommy until rn-
av morning, when the case was
ended by a verdict for the defen
dant. Nearly one hundred wit
nesses were examined ou both sides
of the case.
The next case called was that of
A. J. Pettit vs. Anna B. Sieber.
This case was not tried and defen
dant confessed judgment in open
court for $334.89.
District Attorney elect George
L. Hower was sworn into oflice.
The following commonwealth cas
es were reported settled: ;
Commonwealth vs. Saihnel C.
Sieber; fornication aud bastardy.
Commonwealth vs John Watts;
fornication and bastardy.
Commonwealth vs. George W.
Dobbs; fornication and bastardy.
Commonwealth vi Clinton Var
ner; fornication and bastardy and
Naturalization papers were issu
ed to Max Saltzbers.
Jos. Niemond was admitted to
practice law in the several courts
of this county.
J. Ambrose Martin, A. W. Sie
ber, and Isaac N. Jamison, were
appointed to view a private road in
Greenwood township for James C.
Mendenhall. '
In the estate of Matiias Gem ber-
Any information that tells how sickness and
disease can be overcome is the most welcome
news a paper can print. - Although this is an
advertisement, it contains facts of more vital
Importance than anything else in this newspaper.
It tells of a medicine known for over thirty
years as Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy, It is a medicine that purifies
the Blood, and restores the Kidneys,
Bladder and Urinary Organs to vigor
and strength. Its principal ingredient
sot alcohol. - It does not ruin men's and
women's lives by causing intoxication and
fostering the appetite for strong drink.
Favorite Remedy cools and purines the
blood. It is not like the many " bitters," " com
pounds " and " tonics," now so widely sold, which
beat and inflame the blood, doing more injury
than good.
Fnvorite Remedy cures troubles of women
inst as certainly as it cures troubles of men. It
restores the Liver to a healthy condition, and
cores the worst cases of Constipation. It cures
Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia,
all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases,
Gravel, Diabetes and Bright' s Disease.
' My complaint was Stone in the Bladder.
Physicians said my case was hopeless, but Dr.
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy cured, me."
D. H. Hoag, Lebanon Springs, N. Y.
Sold in all drug stores for (root bottle.
One teaspoonful is a dose, and you will experi
ence relief long before first bottle is taken.
ar"i RftttlA FroM Every Persou
OUIugrlV VVIIIV I VV troubled
with any of the ailments mentioned above
is offered a chance to try Favorite Remedy
witnout any cost whatever, bend your lull post
office address to the Da. David Kennedy Corpor
ation, Rondout, N. Y., and a free sample will be
Sent vou. Please say vou saw the advertisement
in this paper, so we may know your request is genuine.
k '53 v r
i sv m
I I I &v
I 1 a
1 I l
I I 1 Y
I II it v
Bill Jackson, the hero of Willi
mantic, has a new story of El Can
ey. It is about the Twelfth regu
lars, of which Bill was one. The
story dates from the night attack.
Captain Clarke, who was a fine sol
dier and who seemel never to sleep,
hurried back from the trenches to
where the men of the company
slept and cried: "To arms! Get up!
They are coining at us!"
One or two men sprang to their
feet and a few set up and drowsily
rubled their eyes. The rest slept
peacefully on, dreaming of home
perhaps. They were dead tired.
Then Captain Clarke legan to
swear. We will hope that in the '
excitement of the occasion the An-'
gel Gabriel "failed to set ' it down I
against the captain. Clarke began j
to .swear and to go from man to '
man, kicking each one in turn.
"Wo qw utt-iokml? tfullv nt thai
trenches!" he shouted.
But still the weary, fagged out
men were slow, They roused, but
seemed unable to shake off the
meshes of slumber which clogged
their brains.
"For goodness sake, boys, wake
up!" cried the captain, and then,
with a sudden inspiration, he
shouted, "Company F, play ball"
That settled it. The meu were
wide awake in all instant, and, led
by their captain, every man dash
ed for the trenches to the relief of
the detail already there, and the
enemy wi.s thrust back as history
will tell us. Willimantic Journal.
We would respectfully inform the
pablic that we will close out the pho
tographic business in Juniat coun
ty by the 1st of Mirch, 1900, or we
tuav leave anv time inside of that
date. We will now give you the
bent fit of our departure by the fol
lowing reduction iu th pries of Pho-ticrrtphs:
Our $4 00 (oer dozii1 carbonet
mantello cabinets now $3.00
Our $3 00 (per dozen) or dull fin
ish cabinets now for $2 00.
Our $2 00 (per iIozd) cabinet, glos
sv finish now for $1 50
Our $2.00 (per dozm) mantello,
carbonet or dull now $1 50.
Our $1 50 (per dozen) mantello
cards, cirbonote or dull $1.00.
Montello tets for 75 cents. Man
tello tets square, 12 for 50cts.
Notic,all parties having negatives
here who may wish Photos from
them will please send in your - orders
as early as possible, as all negatives
on hand will be sold for class. Be
member this is not an advertising
dodge This is the plain - truth.
We are going to leave Juniata and
May be here until March Is, 1899,
t ) accommodate all those .who may
wish to have work done at reason
able prices. All parties who have
ticket) and have not taken their sit
ting yet will please do so as early
Reason for leaving Juniata is not
because we expect to find any better
people, but we are looking for more
of them. Mr. Schott will use the
roome for store purposes after we
vacate them. Don't delay, but come
at once. Kesrestfully,
Joseph Hess,
Mifflintown, Pa
The Chicago. Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway is now running solid
trains of palace sleeping cars, dining
cars (serving meals la emrtt) and
first class day coaches through from
Chicago to Calamut, Hough toD, Han
cock and other points in the Copper
Country without change of cars, with
direct connection for 3'arquette,
Negaunee, Isbpeming, &c, and pass
e tigers from the East., South and
Southwest will find this a most de
sirable route.
All coupon ticket agents sell tick
eta via the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St Paul Railway.
Chrtofinas is Coming, "
On Top with a full Line of Holi
day Goods.
The Largest and most select
Holiday Goods In Mifflintown and
Juniata Co. is shown by us this sea
sen. Jkfiyditiiy.-;, .m ibr a
iday Gift, you find at SCHOTT'S
Prices are lower and goods is
sold at smaller profit than at any
other store.
Come early; make your selections
We fsiie jm alL
Meyer's Stores.
The Largest Distributors of Men's
and Boys' Apparel.
SPECIAL SALE Beginning Monday, November 27th, and
Ending Monday, December 25th.
A 1 ... . ...... , . '
A-LJothiner e That Demands Attention.
Tbe best tbat money can bay at half usual profit, caused by our shrewd
method f of baying from overloaded manufacturers. We are reallj lellitg joa
better gecds for less money than any other bouse in America.
Men's $8 Suits $4.75. Comprising all wool cheviots. AH sites.
Goad values at 8. Piok them now oat for $4 75.
MmfS $10 Suits $6.50. Hera's a chance to get a good suit for little
money. Just think of Men's fanoy Worsted, Cassimere and Cbevion suits
made to fit. We have all sizes in this line. Compare these suits with
$10 suits that others are sell, sod it would bo bard to tell the difference.
Our price now ffi.fcO.
Men's $12 Su is $7.50. Comprising all wool fanoy Cashmeres,
Tweeds, Cheviots. Clays and Serges. All sizns from 34 to 42. Honeat
value at $12 now 17.50.
Boys' Cloihinf. B"D ycnr hoys here for new buits and overooats. All
the new fall patterns Hundreds of stjle to select from. All sites.
Our prices are lower tbon ever. ,
Men's $8 Overcoats $5. I" b,ue bf ver "d Kersey olotbs. Guar.
anteed fast colors Substantially made aud neatly finished. Positive
bargains for $8. Buy one now for $5.
MEN'S $10 OVERCOATS $7.5 f. Comprising Keraey and Coverts, lined
with satin. Strictly up to-date coats now for $7.50.
MEN'S $14 OVERCOATS $10. In Covert cloths, beautifully trimmed.
New shad i s, welt sean s, with satin sleeve lining. Cut in the popular
lengths. Fine value at $15, now 10.
MEN'S HATS AND FURNISHING. Men's Derbys and Fedoras in black
trowc. maple, eedar, pearl with black and white silk bands These bats
re rqual to anv $2 hat made. Our price $1
DERBYS IN UNBREAKABLE QUALITY. This line will wear aa any
$3 bat you may buy elsewhere They are Duolap, Yoeman, Enoz and
Young styles, now $1.50.
Exceptional bargains m Mens and Boys' irts, underwear, neckwear,
gloves and overshirts, at prices lower than ever. On our second floor we have
a full complete line of Trunks and Satchels. Our prices are lower than any
House in the county.
Furniture and House Furnishing Goods, Queensware,
Glassware and Fancy Chinaware.
Five large floors filled to their utmost extent with Furniture and House
FnrniBhing Goods. The trust will not effect us in . this department as we pre
pared ourselves in advance. We have carloads of furniture at low figures, aod
we are prr pared to sell this line lowtr than ever. Call to see our grand line
of Parlor Suits, Covches, Lounges, Fancy Rockers, Morris Chairs, Extension
Tables, Bedrooa Su U, Fancy Farlot Tables, Side Boards, Fancy Desks.
Dinners, and anything in tbe Furniture line. Also a complete line of Fancy
Deoorated Ware, in Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and a oomplete line
of Johnson's Ware IE?" Goods delivered free to all parts of the coubty.
115 aid 11T Bridge Street,
Tnscarora Valley Railroad.
Blairs Mills
Leonard's Grove
Roes F uaa
Perulak .
East Waterford
Hi f v Grove
Fort Bi?ham
Plenss.' t View
Seven Piura
Sprue- Hill
Old Port ,
Port Royal
1865, ESTABLISHED, 1899.
Special Invitation To The Pub lit
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing ihat goes on daily
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't t il
to give him a call if in need of Clothing.
fi90&'2 ssrcapartlla hzM over and
3 over t-s-csi proved by its cure,
when sL otter procurations fallal, that
't i H js Om Tttju ELCO D rurttsr.
The bl)owinir schedule went Into effect
Nov. 16, 1896, and the tru e will be mil aa
P. M.
I 45
1 51
371 57
4512 03
52 1 2 12
0512 25
17)2 37
2212 42
30 2 50
8 39 2 59
;8 44
8 52
S 55
19 03
9 !G
9 09
9 12
9 18
9 25
3 45
Trains Nos. 1 ecd 2 connect at Port Royal
with Wsy PiFMiifiT cd Seashore Express
en P. U. K., at d Nos. 8 ai,d 4 with Hail east
r. ra
4 80
4 W
4 3M
3 41
4 4h
4 4'-.
4 51
4 f4
4 66
4 69
a. m
9 00
9 CP.
9 9
9 't
9 14
9 15
9 19
9 22
9 24
Arrive a m
Pnnctinnon '
Kine's Mill
Slilplmr prlpj.
Ormjw Sidi .
Mnnt,-he"n Part
Groen P-irk
Montour June
Arrive Leave a. m p in
Train luaves Bloonitield at 6.63 a. ra.,
and arrives at Landisbarg at 6.23 a. m.
Train leaves Landiahn at 6.08 p. m., nt
arrives at Bloomfield at 6.40 p. m.
All stations marked () are line stations,
at which trains will comu to a lull atop on
("has. IT. Sbilit, S. IT. Bros:,
President. Snpt.
6 10 10 43
6 11 3 49
5 21 9 64
5 24 9 67
5 27 10 05
6 32 10 t-7
a 84 19 17
6 37 10 SO
6 02 10 35
p. m a. m
' 1 1
r 4i
7 40
7 86
7 38
7 31
7 ?8
7 23
7 09
7 04
7 01
6 63
6 48
6 33
6 28
p. m
2 28
2 2.1
2 20
3 18
2 15
2 13
2 03
2 66
2 03
2 00
' 41
l 3d
I 81
I 28
1 25
1 20
1 18
1 15
2 60
Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect at Blair's
Hills with Concord, Doylebnrg Or; Bun,
NoBSville, N eel ton, Shade Gap, Shade
Valley and Qoshorn Station Stage Lines.
I A. M. IP. M
Port Koyal 0 010 205 05
Old Port 1.310 27 5 12
Turbett 2 8;i0 33 5 18
E'reedom 3.7,10 365 21
Stewart 4.410 39 5 24
Grabam's 5.0 10 42 5 27
Spruce Hill 6.3I10 50 5 35
Seven Pines 7.210 53 5 38
Pleasant View 9.0111 0l'5 46
Warble 10.011 06 5 51
FortBifrbam. 12.011 I5 6 00
Honey Grove 14.0 11 23 6 08
Heckman 15.1 11 28;6 13
East Waterford.... 17.511 40,6 25
Perulaclc 20.5 11 53,6 38
Ross Farm. 22.012 006.45
Leonard'a Grove... 24.0 12 08 6 53
Waterloo 25.512 14 6 59
Blah's Mills.... .Ar. 27.012 20j7 05
Supmnicn ieni.
"v. r , ri
-- JL, a.. , rTi-S.Z-la-Mem&i.iL: .J- - 1
---.' at V
t: ).
1 1 ley Railroad Company. Time table
of passene-er trains, in effect on Monday,
Hay 18tb, 1896.
Buffalo Bridge....,
Juniata Furnace ..,
Sylvan ,
Watr Pin
Bloomfield Jnnct'n,
Valley Road
Green Park
Fort Kobcsou .....
Center .,,
Cisna's Run
Blain .. .
Mount Pleasant . .,
New Germant'n ..,
r M ! A M j
6 06 10 85
6 C8 10 38;
6 12 10 42!
6 15 10 45!
fi 25 10 62!
6 22 11 01 j
6 31 11 09
6 3911 Pj
6 61 II 21
6 54 11 2
7 06; 11 ss
7 11 1141
7 15 11 45i
7 21 11 51
7 27 11 67
7 36 12 05
7 41 12 11
7 46il2 15
8 20
8 !
H :
7 46
- 1
. M
7 2
7 't
7 15
7 1
7 03
6 f;8
6 fO
D. G RING, President md Mxrsper
C. K.. Milleu, General Afrent.
aVaraia a iaii acTPM . vmtAl
Jrppt on Suffar, Children Tstre Tt.
fVttrj TrTlr fthou Id Uav a bottle of It In his mU.tF.
Every Sufferer
w HaadMlM. Diphtheria, Oouht. Cstarrh, Broaort ,
ftwtamw, Chafer Martm. IWnrrfcma. nmm. ttarara.
in Body or Umh., hvtl Jcrtut. or SUmin., will One 4
thai old Anorlvno iwtef mmI aMwHy earn. I'mtctW i.
tTW. 8oli v.r, PH. 3A ct.. hv Ri0. 6 bulAV
fctM mild.?. -' .JOIUiSttil CO. H.M.MUii
Great Cures proved by thousands
of teMinuiuiaM fliuw that Hood's 8ar
aparilla ponxesses jMuer to purify,
v'.uVite acd enrich t:a LUxxl. ,
Hood's Pills re the only pill tc
a i r m
8 30
8 27, 3 5;
8 23, 3 6
3 60
8 IH-3 4
3 3t
3 1ft
1 10
3 04
2 M
2 49
2 45
2 40
2 38
2 24
2 20