SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. PA. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15, 1899. iKRMS. BrR RiPTioN $1.00 per year If paid la advance; fl.qo if not pall In ad vance. TratiMleiit advertising and Inmi Sieber, Shelly Kanffraan, David Bonsall; ' 8eoondaiyhool.MaiyE. Mc Meen. teacher. 4th Clrade: Ertith Miles, Ethel Hall, Grace Xoltle, London Sietwr, Edml Pennell. 3rd Grade: Elsie Noble. Primary SohoolMaryA. Laird, teacher. . . 2nd Grade: Irnia Sielter. Slli Varnes, Micella PaKe, Walter notices 8 oentH a line. it muni. .ionn criRwell.' Deductions will be made to those de- ' V Grale: Kdith Kinzer, Edna string to advertise by the year, half or i ' Harry Renuinger. Dr. King's New Discovery. quarter year. S'jnttTT.ncjit.K. LIST OP JIT ROBS FOR DECEM ; , BER TERM, 1890. v SHERIFF'S SALES. Sheriff Stoner will sell at 1 o Dr. Kin New Divery. ZtS0 .P.v. J. W - . fMJF ' -Mivti u 'IM The ground wan frozen on. Trim- ;lst OBAVD JtTBOHK Anirhey, Nevin Bergey. John . Deen. Jonah IT. Fry, J. B. Graybill, Shelly flroniiurer, Samnel Hostetler. James W, Lamer. Frank Leach. W. S. McMnllin. James J. Weijfle, W. H. Rniuliereer, O. E. Smith. Nelson G. Snyder, IT. H. Snyder, Jacob iSpecht. Peter W. wants in N day morning. l he Kitssian government to lorrow money. There is a stringency York money market. Churches in tovns are getting reartv for the usnal winter revival work. Mody the evangelist has a big revival meeting going on in Kan sas citv. s-S f A house and lot on Washington Sjtreet as the property of Sieber. iwemuer .Sterrett, Charles Friday, I t a l -wr s. i van Ortiir. TV K E- A ' Weaver. Jos. S. i titii t a "- five. acre lot with house and . w few stable thereon in Walker township wilt Lewis -' as the Dronertv of Nancv T&ml- I A farm of 58 acres with - house r r' 1 " v - ,v"v" and barn and out bui'dings in Andrews, Jacob Greenwood township as the prop-1 Beale. D. Porter ertyof Jacob Carl. . i Beers, Theodore A house and lot in Port Royal Bo, J. II. as the property of Anna B. Sieber Bon"i". Lo R. and Isaac N. Sielier. (Cupp, David Milord. Mifllintown. Bchle. Delaware Monroe. , Tnrbett Delaware. Lack. Beale. Tnscarora. Greenwood. Walker. Waiter. Port Royal. Mifllintown. Monroe. Poi-t Royal. Milford. i Peale. ; Delaware. Walker. Fermanagh. Patterson. Susqnehanna. George Bitrtlev is in from Pitts burg seeing his friends while on a business trip. To TiO.vx. Five hundred dol lars. Call on WillKTforceSi-hwever Mifllintown, Pa. 1 A house and lot in Port Roval as 1 Detra, J. G. the property of Anna B. and Isaac ' THven, DavidN ,N. Sieber Dysinger. Jacob I Tlie undivided one half of 400 Eai nest, John .acres of mountain land in Milford ' Etka, John township as the property W. T. I Frymoyer, IT. W. , and J. K. Graham. ' I Oomlling, Edward A tract of 407 acres mountain : l,n,.v-M Stewart, and Brnee Robison of P'.ilo tnvrnshin tool- in tha Vtiwu. land in Milford townshin as the ition at Philadelnhia last week. ' .property of W. T. and J. K. Gra-1 Harley, Philip ham Isenlerg, Moruecai The McCrnm farm in Milfonl A tract of 403 acres of mountain I Kell, S. H. township, was no' sold at public ( land in Milford township as the j Keller, David sale, lecause ot low price offered. , property of Wt T, and J. K. Gra-1 Knouse. T. N. Tn.mnrrftir Timrc.., v.. ham. ! Koous, L. L. iv iii'jxw.-- iu-.uminji ivv!Wi r . . . i ne imuiviuea one-nan 01 swrea " ' of land in Milford township as the Kurtz, v. II. property of W. T. and J. K. Gra- Landis, Joseph H. ham. , Tanver, Jacob 31 ! A tract of 100 acres mountain ianver. josepu 1nd in Tnplwtt townshin as the ' Tng, Clark of the death of Mr. Will's mother. Property of Anna B. and Isaac N. 1 1 thers, J. 2oieber. McClmtic, K. H. J. H. Stoner and Wm. Tjanver A farm of 175 acres with two McConnell, John S. cansrht a coon the other night and Bt0ry ' dwelling honse and out-1 McMeeu, II . B. sold it to S. Boyd Murray of this buildings in Fermanagh township . Murphy, James L. Plw- . as the property of David S. Sieler. Olrholtzer, Amos It is a fine to Philadelphia, accouht national ex-i uioiiisii, oouu -v. I ? . ; f 1 ler li;. is to De l-ennsyivarr.a iiay at the National Export Exposition. Dr. King's New Discovery. Miss Margie Kauffman is teach ing Anson Will's school on account al Exoort I posit ion. it is a Exposition. ' ,OBT exposition, low rates via ' ! PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. The AmosStonffer farni a mile pnWia Rdlroad Com- and a half st of town was sold at j arraiged for special excur- public sale to Manbeck & Nelson ' . Ph:,ft(le,Dhitt on Ooio- for f 0,110.00. . 10 A 6 November 9 and 23. i Smith, C. J. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. socount National Exrt Exposition, j Smith, Sr., George . ty e Round trip ticket, good to return , Stoner, Elmer M. Charles Ancker and wife, of . ino-ndina d .y of ia Swarner. David C. Wal .j w-il a vvaslnnp'ton. are-vis- . ; . i .- . -. ........ ' . fup. will be sou on aiove :aifs irim itingat the home of Mr. Anclsefn po;ni8 on the Pittsburg Division, father on Washington street. Monongahela Division, West Pecn- ITon. Daniel Fallon, Lord Mayor t pylvania Division, Cambria and Ciear- of Dublin, will make an address in fie'd D.vtsion, Altoona uivision, ly Altoona December 5, in the inter Rollman, S. H. Rumfelt, D-aniel Schmittle, Theodore, Schrawder, W. li. Sheriff. Howard, Trego, John E. Winey. Menno Wise, William et, of the Parnell monument fund. Mr. "W. W. Mauleck and son and Mr. James Nelson, spent several davs .in Philadelphia last week lnlrAI in niiAll IhO h.YIMrXl I 1I1T1 Dr. King's New Discovery ' Mrs. Hannah Lauver of K Bister of County Treasurer Landis, ira ansixs, -. .. . . . . . m t. ? T is visiting old time menus in h- l William in.. ette. and her brother Tnrbett township. Mrs. Thomas Winey of Kansas, formerly of . JIcAlisterville, a daughter of Judge Smith, decease ed, is now visiting friends in and about McAlisterville . Last Thursday night the barn of G. Howard Pearson, at Stroud's Mills, Mifflin county, was destroy ed bv fire with the year's crop. The origin of the fire is not known. t)r. King's New Life Pills. Grace M. E. c hurch at Harris bnrg was rededicated last Suuday afternoon. It is the church in which the Legislature of 1S97 held its sessions after the Capital wasi burned. ( 1 Robert McMeen, Esq., ilber iorce Schwever, Esq., Deputy Rev enue Collector Carl F. Espensvhade, aud Squire J. Frank Patterson, were in Philadelphia last Friday, and while there took in the sights of the Export Exposition. Dr. King's New Life Pills. A Chicago man is building a plow to lie propelled by oil or gas oline. The plow can le worked by one man. It will do the work of 8 men and 1 horses. The plows can le taken off and the machine used for hauling purposes land for driving a thresher, corn sheller and small saw-mill. Dr. King's New Discovery. roDe Division (txcept Ijock naenj, Mi.ldle Division, Bedford Division and Frederick (except York Htllim, and Wrightsville), and from all points on the Philadelphia, Wil mirgtoa and Baltimore Riilroad, at rate of s'ngle fare for the round trip. us admission to the Exposition (no rate less thaa one dollar). For ppe eific rates apply to Ticket Agents. The National Export Exposition as surpassed all expectations in the extent and variety of its exhibits, and in its general excellenc3 and attrac tiveness. The Implement JsnuaiDg, containing a marvelous display of farm machinery, is particularly in ter?sting to agriculturalists. The band concerts and diverting midway furnish delightful entertainment for all PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT. The following is the report aud honor roll of the Mifflutown schools for the second month euding No vember 10th: V hole iiumlerin attendance dur ing the mouth 176; attendance 157; number of pupils neither alisent nor tardv S3. The honor roll con tains the names of pupils who were tardy and who received !0 per cent, or more in deportment aud in general average. HOXOK KOI,!.. High School. W. C. Douuelly, teu-licr. 10tb Grade: Hess Berry, Fannie Ellis, Isalielle Robison, Edua Har lev, Cora Reitz, Rorie Kauffman, Mabel Hackenberger, Karl Bergey. uth Oniric: Vesta Annian, Edy- the Picken. Lavenia Kodgers, Braiuanl McNeal, Jonas Kauffman, Harry Sieler, 1-Mward Wagner, Beverley Mayer, Edgar Noble. Grammar School. Mary E. Hi mm ttnlflicr. Nth Grade: Anna Bonsall, l-xlith Bon&ill, MaryCrawfonl, Katharine McMeen. i.......,uli.if s-hool. W. E. IUIC1HIVUIWIV A 11111:111. teacher. fit h Grade: Anna Walley, Grace Sieber, Estella Sherlock, Emily McNeal, Anna Calhoun, Alta Ber ry. David Crawford, Rolert Doty, Russell Shaver, Kaipu TEACHERS INSTITUTE. The teachers institute will be co n vened in the Court Honse on Mon div, December 27, 1899. Course tickets for evening enter tainment, with reserved seats for concert $1. Single admission, Mon- dav tvenincr free. Tuesdar, VVednes lay- and Friday evenings zo cenw, nrsdav evening 00 cents. Tickets will be on sale at Bank 8 and Crawford's drug stores. Tbe price of admiss.on hap been lowered in order that every person who desires may attend these enter tainments. MONDAY EVENIHO. rehire "The Biceest Word in the Dictionary." Prof. Cbarles C. Ellis, Juniata College. TUESDAY EVENING. Entertainment 'The Rogers Oril Iey Recitals, Recitations, Ioapcrsona- WEDNESDAY EVENING. Lecture Uncrowned Kings," Dr. W. L Sherman Culp, THURSDAY EVENING. Cencert C. M. Parker Grand Con cert Company. FRIDAY EVENING. Lecture "Saul of Tarsus," Hon George R. Wendling, Washington, D. C -mm ' The quarantining of malignant diseases meets with general approval, but to quarantine people for ailments from which those tfflicted are not sick enough to snake them feel a lit tle more than indisposed is not right. A slight rash on children in inis town has caused a quarantine to be placed orhom Kuch ailment manifests itself. Not a single case of such ailment has been seriously ill. No one has tak oArionnlv ill from those afflicted k tha rush. The fact is the ail ment that has manifested itself here and there in the town is one of the mificant ailments. It 18 t n'eartv h nainfnl and trouble some and dangerous as toothache and neuralfria. What would be thought ..f n,..nntininff a family because i,vr f the family had become af flicted with tooth ache or neuralgia. Tbe whole thing would be laughable and is laughable, but tneie is anom ... .an.t r.f thn case It is quite 1 serious thing for a set of men clothed with a little brief authority uoder tbe f&milv when no detrimental disease af flicts the famUy. Ik i infringe the. riffhts of a man to UIOUV lv- - . 1 a orovide for himself and family to shut him up witnoui muwum - ; tainty that the man or bis family is mAthinr that is ininnous to Milfonl. Tnscarora. Fayette. Spruce Hill. Mifllintown. Fayette. Walker. u Pattersou. Mifllintown. Susqrieha'a. Susqueha'a. Tnscarora. Mifllintown. Delaware. Milfonl. Beale. Monroe. Susqnehanna. Tnrbett, Payette. Walker. Tnscarora. Fayette. Fayette. Thompson town . Lack. Mifllintown. Turliett. Patterson. Lack Walker. Delaware. Mifllintown. Milford. Mifllintown. Monroe. Tnscarora. Fayette. Tnscarora. Delaware. Lack. Mifllintown. Lack. Wk. Monroe, Milford. People blame their preachers for m . a ! S. not preacniDg direcuy agmins uw evils in tbeir respective comnranitiea. Perhaps the preachers do not teO all they know about their people and it is well they do not. How could a preacher live in Mifllintown if he would lift the lid off the boiler of the lives of .people in this community and let bis hearers take a peep into the donble lives that are being lived The community would be so shocked at the picture of itself that tbe preach. er would be 'driven from the com munity for 'telling the truth. Tbe best the ministers can do is to talk in such a way that people may see the evil of their way and repent. Ezekiel Owens, died at the home of John Sheerer, in Tell township, Huntingdon county, recently. He had lived many years in Lack town ship, Juniata county. He was al most a hermet in his manner of liv ing. He worked by tbe day when ever he could secure a day's work, and it was believed that he spent his money as fast as he made it. When he fell sick With typhoid fever at Mr. Sbeerer's home, Mr. Sheerer deemed what he thought was proper to pro tect himself and secure help to take care of 'the sick man, bv making appli cation to the poor authority of Lack township for aid to take care of Ow ens. Oae evening when it was clear to the mind of Owen that the end of the journey of his life was near, he called for Sheerer, and when he had come to the bed side, Owen reached into a pocket in bis shirt and drew out a leather pocket book and band ed it to Sheerer, saying, "take that. count what is in it, there is more in it than will pay for the touble I am making and for my funeral expenses. Tbe pocket book was opened, and sueb a surprise, there was money in it, there were checks in it, the check; were so worn that they had at last report not been "ciphered out " Tbe money was counted and amounted to seven hundred and seventy-seven dollars and forty five cents. Owens died, bnt he was no burden on tbe lax pavers. Tbe money he saved paid his funeral expenses, and he passed out of tbe world witnout owing it anything. Hudson, andsaffarai tetei? spa QUca ,. ... ' r.- v - Dr. Dmrid K.wmmeij'm Fmrwitm Jtessd frqaaUy cares is I snmbers of a family. While k is considered by maay be a Kidawy aa4 nuaamt Hedicue. it Is jut aa certain to ear Dyspepsia, Censtipatiaa, Mm matism. Scrofula and Kcscnia. This is because it Brat pats the Kidney 1st BMitny ooaOIUon, so they can sift all imparities from ;, the HMlthy blood practically means a completely healthy r.j?i . body. Her la a latter from Mrs. Capt. Prria Race, of N. T.: "My husband was troubled with bis kidnsys, f arfohy wita shooting pains through his back. H Dtxrid Kennedy FuroriU Xm4y, and is now well and strong. Although seventy years of ag. h is as hearty as a man many years younger. I was so troubled with Dyspepsia that it was painful for in to walk. My food did m no good, as my stomach could not digest it Somsbody recommended Favorite .Jteoietfjrtoine.andafter taking two bottles of h I was completely cured, and am feeling splendid now. W both attribute our good health to Favorite Remedy.' It is proscribed with unfailing success for Nrv Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood it is a specific. It has cured many that were beyond the aid of other medicine. Ask your druggist for it, and insist upon getting it. Don't take substitute. It will cost you $1.00 for a regular full-sissd bottle. Campto Bottlo Froo If you want to try Favorite Remedy before buying, send your full post office address to the Da. David Kennedy CoaroaATiON, Roadout, N. Y.. and mention this taper. They will send you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid. This genuine offer is made to prove to ever' body what a wonderful medicine it to, 1 1 ST0E PEDDLERS NOT IN IT. McClintic sails a No. 8 Steel Range, Six holes and reservoir with elevated warming closet. Size of top 42 inches by 29 inches; size of oven 18 inches by 21 inches for $35.00 cash or note for nine months. o- vv or kmc niGirr and day Tbe busied and mightiest litte thing that ever waa made is Dr King's Near Lite Pila. Eveiy pill is angar-coated globule of health, that changes weakneaa into strength, listlesaneas into energy, brain-fag int nxrtil power. They're wonderful In bri'ding up tbe health. Only 25c. per box Sold by M. P. Crawford. ighfer, 5th Grade: L liail'u -.y vmm-mgt w fcilvia Rob, Louia the righto of other people. Dr. King's New Discovery. Miss Emma OTJeil spent Monday in Philadelphia. Detectives - are- bunting -a. moosi sbine whisky distillery near Altoona- Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Dr. "Win. H. Banks has repainted the rcof of his house on Main street. Wheat was a foot high in some fields in Perrv ountv on the 1st C tf Njvember. Mrs S. P. ErUman and dau of Wilkeabarre. are iruests of E K McMeen's family. James Strayer, of Washington, D. C, is visiting at the home 01 his mother in Patterson. Foster Bell and John McCauley, who are employed at Burnhano, M f fl:n county, spent Sunday at the lat ter's home. Carlisle has a population of 10,000 including the Indian 6chool and the whiteuen's school. Tbe Indians and and the college have a population of 1,500. Dewey has a new rich wif ; a new $10,000 sword; a new "laving . cup $5,000 puDch or lerconade bowl; a new $1,000 watc'", and is himself the hero of his day and generation. Wm. G. Brindle aod Eva Brake of St Thomas, Franklin county, were married before daylight on the morn ing of the 9th inst by Lutheran mi -isler T. L. Goose. They were mar ried at 5 o'clock in the morning so that they might catch an early train going to Philadelphia. Millerstown, Pa., is set down by tbe Washington death rate depart mert as (he healthiest town on rec ord. It has a population or 1 102 out of which only one person died in I he year 1898. Liverpool nos a pop ulation f 1200 out of which in 1898, fifty-three people died. I Emil Schott is now in New York bnying a great assortment of holiday goods, alo some of the latest s vests, jackets, capes, dress goods, silks, lin ings and trimmings, and other winter goods, to be sold at bargain prices. By next Saturday and Mondiy some goods will be ready for inspection. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A western dreamer on fast trans portation, talks of organizing a com pany to construct an elevared two track railroad from New York to Sao Francisco over which to travel at tbe rate of two hundred miles an hour. One trip on anenginerunningattbat rate of speed would be enough to give the engineer nervous prostration. The November "Cosmopolitan" will bring pleasant recollections to the millions who saw the recent Dewey celebration in New York, and will give other millions the first ade quate idea of those remarkable days It contains a very fine collection of piotures cf scenes in the metropolis when the Admiral was welcomed home. Accounts of the wonderful daring of the American soldiers come from Manila. The other day 19 Americans charflred an entrenchment at Bam ban There were 100 Filipinos behind the entrenchments, 20 of whom were kill ed, the others fled. That is the kind of fighting the Americans have been doing ever since they went to Manila, and vet tbe Americans have not made much progress in suDauing me m sar gents. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. Rain prevented a - sight of the meteoric shower on the 14th inst. There was snow enough for sleighing in some of the towns of both the north and west branch of the Susqnehanna river on the 14th inst. " Major John A. Logan, son of the famous General Johu A. Logan. was killed while leading a battal lion against the Filipinos on the 1th inst. Six other American soldiers were killed. He was 34 years of age. Dr. King New LifePills. ine Pennsylvania railroad com pany have bought the Juniata ca nal from Duncan's Island, Dauph in county to Newton Hamilton dam, Mifnin county, by deed, dated Oct. 18, lbiftK borne one is curious enough to know whether that menus a railroad on the line of the canal. SOHOTT'S -:- STORES. New Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing. Gents Furnishing Goods Furniture and Honse Furnishing Goods kef arrived and we are now ready to serve the people. Our prices defy compete tion. A easb purchase of 15,000 worth of merchandise selected with care by na Advanced prices in merchandise 'will not affect oar Urge departmsat storec ' We bought our stock lower this season than ever before. 1 A word of advice: We are sore of saving yon 25 per cent. ' WE IAD, OTHERS FOLTiOW. Men's new Fall and Winter Single and Doable-Breasted Suits are $7.50 elsewhere, price bere $5.00. Men's New Fall and Winter, Single and Doable Breasted Suits $10 else where, prioe bore $7.50. f Men's new Fall and WinterJSingle and Doable Breasted Suits $12.b' elsewhere, price here $10.00. Men's new Fall sort Winter Single and Doable Breasted Suits $15.0 elsewhere,. price here $12 00. J Ho Fines Clothing In t& Lend than Onr aeaeae Bargain Days! Bargain Daysl COMMENCING NOVEMBER 16, AfiD WILL CONTINUE UNTIL DECEMBER 2. We need room for our disnlav ot HOLIDAY GOODS and will therefore offer you a special reduction for a few weeks on our goods in all our departments. sTsTfc!ttll?"afBTlsf7,Ier Aduty you owe to ourself tocomehere VHJiaj Vfiiu laaj aDd procure souie of tbese bargains 500 yards of 32 inch Bleached Muslin for 4i cen,f 2,000 yards of Dress Fitnneletta and Oute Cloth for 5 cent 720 Heavy Fleeced Ribbed Clildren Vest. 2 pants, for 10 to 75 cents. 250 Ladies' Cashmere Mitts for 12 cents P'r- 9 per sue. 150 Pair Heavy Knit Wool Lined Gloves 'or Aen for 25 oents. 1,000 yards of Dark Ginghams as 4 cents. 3,000 yards of Lancaster and Amoleag Ginghams for 5 cents. 1,000 yards of Black and Colored Sateens for 9 cent. 1,000 yards of Good Towlisg for 3 13 oents. 100 Flannelette Petticoats or Skirts for 24 oentl , 100 Ladies' Wrappere for 49, 69 and 89 cents- 200 y.rdi All Wool Cloth for 25 cents. 400 yards of Fanoy Plaid Dress Goods for 74 cents 1,000 yards of Dark Caliooes for 31 cents, 10 vards " P"oe. 10o Comfortables, filled with goad ootton. for 98 cen 200 pairs of White and Colored Bed Blankets for 49 cecfg. ' SOOpairs cf Children's Heavy Cotton Hees for 5 oen- - HXTnairs of Men's Seamless-Heavy Books for 5 cents - - " 500 Ladies' Fleeeed Bibbed VesTsfo7r2jTWfit? 250 Ladies' Extra Heavy Fleeced Winter Vests for24-ce 250 Sails of Men's Heavy Shirts and Drawers for 48 cents. 250 White Unlanadr'.ed Shirts for 39 cents. 2,000 yards of Yellow Canton Flannel, 10 yards for 44 oents 2,000 yards of White Shaker Flannsl for A eents. 5,000 yards of all kinds o T.frooda at reduoedjirices. 2,000 yards of Cloth and Pants Goods ot reduced prices. 1,000 ysrda of Muslin, Sheetings, Flannels at rednoed prices. Besides carrying an immense stock of medium grades of clothing we have always shown tbe leading line of strictly fine and fasbionablo makes. No trash permitted in onr Boys' Departmont, which scoouots for tbe gea era! satisfaction. If at timpp, competitors use unreliable goods to advertise at low prices, we meet it by making the same prices or lens, for dependable makesfor our maxim must be upheld at any oost Better goods for the - same money or the same goods for less money than any house in the Union. Boys and Children's So its from $1 to $10.00. Youths or Young Men's suits from $2.59 to 12.00. The most correot Fall Head wear repres3Dted in our bat department We arc doing the hat busineas in th e county. Always the lowest prioes, always the newest shape., always tbe most reliable makes. We are headquarters for Sweet, Orr & Co. Overalls and Shirts. Tbe grandest display and largest assortment of Geits' Famishing Goods to be found in the county. ourfurniture and house furnish ing goods Department- This department is filled to its utmost capacity Four thousand feet of wareroom space tells tbe tale ... , . v 0ur ability to save yon money is worth nothing unless you taKe aavaa tice of it Call to see our grand assortment of parlor suits, couches, lounges, fancy rockers, bed room suite, ohairs, extension tables, sideboards, chiffoniers, ball racks, springs, mattresses, and anything to be had in a first olaes Turin ture store. s ' , . " A full line of fancy and decorated China glassware to be found at prioes to defy competition. AH furniture delivered free to any part of Juniats county. MEYERS, LEADISCi C1.0TIIIER AUD rURHlTURE DEALER.. Nal -SHOE SELUNG,- DIED. Wnx. On tbe 14th iust., in Mifllintown, Mrs. Reliecca Will, aged 7-S years, 7 months. Mrs. Will died at her home on Cherry street aliont 4 a.'iu., sur ronmled by children and grand children. She and her husband Jacob Will, deceased, came to Mif llintown from Lancaster county about 40 years ago. Her husband was many yeirs propricter of what is now the National House Mr?. Will was a devoted wife, an indul gent mother and good neighlior, and those with whom she was ac quainted will miss her greatly. Four children survive her: Name ly Jacob Will, Anson B. Will, Mrs. Kebeoca Davis, Mrs. I. 1). Musser. The funeral will take place on Thnrsday. afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Union cem etery. Aikkk. On the 9th inst., Banks M. Auker, at the home of his father Joseph Auker in Walk er township, aged 25 years, lluios. and " days. The deceased con tracted typhoid fever at Pittsburg where he was at work. He came home and recovered from the fever, but was stricken with pneumonia, which resulted in his death. In terment in the Lost Creek Men nonite cemetery on Sunday, No vember 11, 1W9. Shkkfki.KK. Ou the 9th inst., at her home in Licking Creek Val ley, Mrs. Tobith J. Slireffler, ag ed 71 years, Sinos and 2 days. She was only ill a few days. Inter ment in the Lutheran cemetery in Licking creek valley. MARRIED: Wkkstkr McKay. On the 28th ult , by Rev. S. E. Davis, at Locust Run, Walker township, Jnniata Co.. Pa.. William Webster aud Mary A. McKay. Shkakker Frymoykr. On the 5th inst., at Mahoutouga, Jun iato Co.. Pa., by T. J. Nichols, Justic-e of the Peace, Edward Clay Sheaffer and Alice Lydia Frymoy er. MJRRUOH LICENSE : Foster A. Kauffman. Walker township, Jnniata county, Pa aud Margaret Frouk - Singer, Tbomimoutowu, Juniata couutv. Pa. , - . 500 pairs of Ladies' Heavy Winter Shoes, former prioe $1.50, all leather for $1 19. 500 pair Ladies' Dress Shoes, former prioe $1.50, for $1.19 300 paira of Ladies' Shoes, former price $1.50 to $2 50, for 79 cents. 2,000 pairs of Men's, Boy's and Children Shoes at extra ordinary and special reduced prises. 1,000 Ladies Rubbers for 2a cents a pair. 300 pairs of Men's Good Felt Boot and Overs for $175, $2 and $2 50. Jackets, Capes Coats, and Suits. Our lane assortment of strictly taylor made Jackets, Capes, and Suits, oontinue to draw tbe attention of tbe ladies, tbe valueand style are the best obtainable. All we ask your inspection and comparison, yon are sure to buy, also offer you 150 of styles Cloaks for ladies and children at $1, $2, and $3 fromer prioe $5 to $10 Corns qniok, before they are all gone. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH. Striped Carpets for 12 cents. Domes! io Carpet for 20 cents. Flowered and Home-Made Carpets for 25 eents. Table UU Cloth for Vll cents, a 2 yards piece of Fine Floor Oil Cloth fot 39 cent. Lace Curtain? Goods at specially rsdused prioes. 500 rolls of Wall Psper, lotiner prioe was 10, 12 J and 15 eents for 8 eents a doable bolt Don't miss this opportunity and don't forget tbe Place and Date. SOHOTT'S STORES, 103 TO 109 BRIDGE STREET, 1865, ESTABLISHED. 1899. Special invitation To The Publit To attend the Attractive Sale ol Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF W. HAKLEI, D. twill be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLEj of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f lil to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLE Y MIFFLINTOWN - PA. MIFFLINTOWN, Tnscarora Valley Railroad. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MONDAY, JUNE. 20, ( 1898. PA. EASTWARD. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. 3ERRY COUVTT RAILROAD. Tbe following schedule went Into effect Nov. 10, 189C, and the trains will be ran as follows: p. m 4 30 4 86 4 89 3 41 a. m 9 00 9 06 9f9 Leave Arrive a. m p. m Dnncannon 7 64 2 28 Kwg'a Hill 7 49 2 28 Sulphur Serines 7 4aJ20 s alontt'ixnio Blairs Mills Waterloo Leonard's Grove. . . . Rofs Furm Perulack East Waterford Heckmnn Honey Grove Fori Bighani Wsrble PleBsirt View Seven Pinrs Spruce Hill . . . . Graham's Stews rt Freedom Turbett Old Port Port Royal..- .lv. A. M- I M 7 251 45 7 31 1 51 7 37,1 57. 7 45 2 03 7 52 2 12 8 05 2 25 . 8 17 2 37 18 22 2 42 .Ar. 8 30 8 39 8 44 8 52 8 55 2 50 2 59 3 04 3 12 3 15 9 03 3 23 9 (6 9 09 9 12 9 18 9 25 3 26 3 29 3 32 3 38 3 45 Trains Noa. 1 and 2 connect at I'ori Royal wilb Wav PaBReneer and Seashore Express on P. R. K.,tdNoe. 3 aLd 4 wilb Hail east WESTWARD. STATIONS. DAILt, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Port Koyal Old Port Turbett Freedom Stewart Graham's. Spruce Hill Seven Pines Pleasarjt View. . . . Warble Fort Bipbam..... Honey Grove.... Heckman East Waterford.. Perulack Ross Farm Leonard 'a Grove... Waterloo...! Blair's Mills Ar. No.2No.4 A. 0.0110 llO 2 8;10 3.7:10 4.410 5.0 10 6.310 7.210 9.011 10.0 12.0 14.0 15.1 17.5 20.5 22.0 24.0 25.5112 27.012 M. 20 27i5 335 3fi,5 39 24 42,5 27 50 5 35 535 38 01.5 46 06 5 51 156 00 23.6 08 28;6 13 40,6 25 53 6 38 00 6 45 08l6 53 14 6 59 2017 05 Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect at Blair's Hilla with Concord, Doyleburg Dry Run, Noasville, Neeljton, Shade Gap; Shade Valley and uosnorn a anon ogs jbiuen. J. C. MOOKHEAD, Superintendent. T. 8. MOORHEAD, Prmident. . 10 n 19 9 22 9 24 9 2T 4 51 4 f4 4 50 4 59 6 10 10 43 6 16 9 49 5 21 9 64 5 24 9 57 5 27 10 05 6 32 10 (7 5 84 10 17 6 87 10 30 6 02 10 35 p. m a. m Wravor Roddy Mdflriuiri Hoyi-r 'Mahanov Blouinttuld Tressler Nellson Dum'a Elliotsbura; Bernbeisl's Groen Pirk Montour June Landibburg 7 40 7 86 2 08 Arrive 7 33 7 31 7 28 7 23 7 09 7 04 7 01 A 58 6 61 6 48 6 83 6 23 Leave a. 2 66 2 03 200 I 41 1 83 181 1 29 1 25 1 20 1 18 1 16 2 60 oi pm Train leaves Bloomtlold at 6.63 a. m., and arrives at Landisburg at 6.23 a. m. Train leaves Landishurg at 6.08 p. m., and arrives at BloomSuld at 6.40 p. m. All atations marked () are flag stations, at wl.ict trains will come to a full atop on signal. Cbas. H. Smuit, S. H. Pso, President. Sopt. NEWPORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL ley Railroad Company. Timo table) of passenger trains, in effect on Monday, Hay 181b, 1896. STATIONS. West- Fast ward, ward. 8 I 1 i T r II ) A I A M rsj Newprrt 6 06 10 35 8 30 Buffalo Bridge 6 0810 88 8 27 8 87 Juniata Furnace ... 6 12 10 42 8 23 8 6 Wahneta 6 16 10 45 8 20 8 60 Sylvan 6 25 10 62 8 16 8 46 Watr Plug 6 221101 8 11 8 4 Bloomtield Junct'n. 6 81 1109 808 388 Valley Road 6 39 11 09 8 00 a 82 Elliottabnrg 6 61 11 21 7 45 8 16 Green Park 6 64 11 24 ' Mi 8 10 Loysville 7 05.11 36 34 3 0 Fort Robeson 7 11 11 41 7 26 2 60 Center ?15 1H5 7 1,; 24a Ciana'a Rnn 7 21 11 61 7 16 2 4 Anderaonburg 7 27)11 67 7 10 2 40 Blain 7 85112 06 7 08 2 88 Mount Pleasant ... 7 4l'l2 11 6 68 2 24 New Germant'n ... 7 46112 16 6 60 2 80 D. GRING, President and Manager G. H.. Hiun, General Agent. FARQUHAR 15 Variatla Friction SAW "'5 and "" -SiJ I &jax Center drank Engins Rupul, accurate, atrong an.I Btrapl?. trflh !arrB- crtparny. i-m,!- ci sills or whM, Mrv-.n;; an.lHwfe. No Fnrquimr HoHt'r ltn4 ever rx. ptoilett. Also ntniMturg agricultural f inplemi nt-i generally. Hay Pretw a specialty. Send fot Catitlugue and price to 4. 8. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., York, Pa. rRELI -A T.uuable Book M Tier--I)iMte sent free to any ad aud poor patterns on -- . this medicine free of clmrx e- :cr KceciB. or Fort Wayne. Ind. since Am. -sucwprepirednnAirhis direction brliie VLOHG MED. CO., Chicago, ' Sal'J by DmssfcU at 81 per Bottle, tils' CdrseSUa.Sl.73L Bottle tor SNOOD'S SarwparDIa fas owraad 3j over s-tpLc proved by ite caret, iv dm tit other pvpsrations laiied, trM t U li Vuc iTUi BLOOP rortfier; riiif m SAWMILL MUEN&KJgS A u-on?cTf'il Improver.ientln VXrlio" Irfla 4.iTlturk. iliicV motion ot'.:rri-iC :? tin'.,fn ft-t ,-yil,ier hHlien:''k t. Kvintt-n iii'u I!, 'tut ail tlie Nnni vu.wt m.. v. n -rn. . o. (i-r ..a -rw rr fi! wr jr. Citv 4SfcM It lK'.MGOI.j;. Mf?. 'furls,