Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 04, 1899, Image 3

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PrBRiPTioN $1.00 per year if paid
4a advance; $1.50 if not paid In ad-
;anslent advertising and' local
- .:.:es 8 cents a line.
reductions will be made to those de
siring to advertise by the year, half or
.quarter year.
Acorns are numerous.
"hero is j et some corn to put on
t .
The life speaks louder than the
'.iiestiuita are coming into mar
it, ditto, sbellbarks.
Dr. King's Sew Discovery
The teachers' institute will
oa the 27th of Xovcmber.
The poich at the Lutheran
soniuje has I een repaired.
A chimney sweep was in
,vn several days last week.
Mrs. Harry E. Bonsall is visifing
i brother in New York City, y
A gang of coin counterfeiters
. -. e lccn caught in "Wilkesbarre.
J r. King's New Discovery.
and frozen ground on Tues
: morning. How must it be in
iorth Dakota.
Tlp-iding papers report many
ierfeit silver dollars in cirt ula
a in Reading.
The drum corp held a festival in
i;e Hollobaugh building, on Fri
ay and Saturday evenings.
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
The foes in the office of the Dis
Attorney of Dauphin connty
I'is; year amounted to 2,700.
! 'ounty Treasurer Landis- had a
i.'0 Holstein cow to die from an
er-feed of acorns and apples.
:Jr. King's New Life Pills.
In Chicago a good many house
keepers employ men to do house
work, so scarce are the women.
The Dewey naval parade was
line miles long, in Xew York City
last week. A jolly good time haJ
One hundred and twenty million
rainsofquininehavebeen consuni
l by American soldier during the
j .
Dr. King's New D'covery.
Builder James Horning has put
v.p a commodious shop on a lot in
ti e east end for Henry Berger, to
.1 ). smithing in.
The 10th regiment men met with
a rousing reception in Philadelphia
Then on its way to. the Dewey
lemonsration in Xew York.
T'TfcJ? people will not elect a dude
OL strict Attorney. They will elect
Geo. L. Howcr to the office of Dis
trict Attorney. Vote the whole
Ik-publican ticket.
Ii the democrats can secure Dew-
: for a presidential candidate,
ihey'll not say another word against
i - -. . i - i - .i. '
pntringaown me msurgems 111 uv
Philippine Islands.
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Professor Daniel S. Boyer of
Frpohnifr Snvder ponntv. died last i
Sunday aged 75 years. He was
T . .- 7 .
the first superintendent of public
Miools in Snyder connty.
The Central Pennsylvania Luth-t-m
a Synod held its session at Belle
ville, Mifflin count3r, last week.
The treasurer's report showed $5,
."90, contributions for all purposes
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
A jjreflt many melons raised on
sand lands along the Susque-
i'na river, were sold in Mifllin
rjwn the past season. The last
: jad of melons sold for five cents
vieee. '
The Filipino army at 8.30 on the
morninir ot the una oi icioner
tt. '
rv.de an attack on Bacoor
wis more or less fighting all day.
Tvo Americans were killed in the
battle of that day.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The nine miles of Dewey naval
parade in New York steamed up
the Hudson by Grant's tomb. Sa
lutes were fired in honor of the
memory of the great soldier, de
.ejised. The Dewey demoustation in New
York was a stunner. New York is
a big town, but its demonstation
was not larger in proportion than
was the veteran reunion at this
place one year ago.
Lewistown Gazette: At Belle-
-ille, the latest thing was hulling,
x field of cloverseed by moonlight
ne night lately in this vicinity
1 lie U'.VS $1111 11 who Rrduu I
i.. v., ...i.i. ;.. ih. fiid J
-rii i - 1 - A 1 ..-..-I- i
itterhan working in the hot sun. jpiliPPj"6 l8,ands ,,ot ;bee.n
I brought to an end. . The country is
John H. Moyer will move from to congratulated that Spain is
town to his farm a mile north of not capable of conducting a great
town and Charles Cleck who now: war If Hhe had iecn able to do
lives on the farm will move to the . the democrats would not now
Yaruert farm between Mifflintowu "yammering" about the Philip-
aadrort Itoyai. ine arneiaini;pine trouble.
some years ago was
Folwes farm
1 1L.
Known as iuvi
The days of the typical
iin frontier peonle have
away with the occupancy
of the
public lauds. What is the Ameri-
in going to develope into from
tHon. His oDTort unities in the
tion of acquisition of homes by i
pancy of public lands are over.
The people in from Northern Da-
kota tell of the troublesome sand come immediately, as ne nas secur
ants, bed-bugs and mosquitoes, ed a place for him with an express
They however are troublesome on- company. The despatch was re
ly about two months in the year, ceived in the morning, and as stat
They have already gone into win- 'ed above, Guy started in the even
ter quarters to sleep aud rest till ing of the same day. He expects
next June. Thev also tell of abun- to arrive in WalhiWalla Wednes
day wheat, vats aud flax crops. day, October 4, 1899.
l?Au .
Cats are 6rt rate things to carry
oontageons diseases from house to
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The weather so far has lieen of
the best kind for giving the fall
wheat a nice start .
The Carlise BoslerH have a 54,
000 acre ranch on which they have
5,000 cattle, in Wyoming.
The Dewey demons'ation in Xew
ork was on a scale proportioned
to the largest city on the continent.
The Renovo school board have
directed that all children mnst be
vaccinated before they will be per
mitted to attend school.
Dr. King's New Discovery. . '
A syndlcateof creditors of Joseph
Pennell, bought his dwelling house
and store room in Patterson, at as
signee sale, last Thursday for
There was no preaching in the
Lutheran church on Sunday. The
preacher. Rev. Mr. Frahs, was at
tending Synod, at Belleville. Mif-
Hi '
iii ii uoumy .
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Lieutenant Sainnel Kobison and
wife are in the midst of their
friends at Mifllintown. He was
through the Dewey naval campaign
on the ship Boston.
All the departments of the State
government are on Capitol Hill.
The departments were scattered
by the fire that destroyed the capi
tol building two winters ago.
Some one says the fly will not
trouble the wheat this vear in
v .ujui( 1 VHUlj f VCVAtlCSC: V C 11(10
been on much rain that the fiv can
not get in its work Time will tell
The Juniata Horse andtule
Protection Company will meet in
the Court House on Saturday, Oc
tober 7th, 1899, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
to transact business, and receive
new members.
Andrew Banks and Jam
Cramer, who are the Juniatians
who were with the 10th regiment
in the Philippine Islands, were
with the 10th in the Dewey dem-
onstation in ew i ork.
Dr. King's New LifePills.
A son of Charles Renninger, of
East Point, swallowed a nail a week
ago. Up to tHs time the little fel
low seems none the worse in taking
iron into his stomach in that way.
Every one wishes him a safe deliv
erance from any injurious afVcets.
The Dewey naval parade last
Friday is said to have eclipse Cleo-
patra's naval demonstation in hon-
or of her Roman lover Mark An
thony. The Littei was a demostra
tion of a woman, the New York
demonstration was a demonstration
by the people. -
Dr. King's New Discovery.
While in the act of crossing the
race track, on the Lewisburc fair
I frmn nil s . lacf -wetfklr Hfia A i ron
Fetter, of Mifflinburg, was trotted
into by a trotting horse. Her right
leg was broken in two places, her
nose was broken, and there were
bruises inflicted on her body.
J. Clovd Kreider. died at his
home in Altoona last Friday, aged
about 52 years. He was born in
Mifllintown ami lived here a num
ber of years after he reached man's
estate, but
the past 15 years has
been livin
at Altoona. The im
! mediate canse of his death was a
stroke of apoplexy.
"Walnut gathering in this part of
the countv is a recollection. V al-
' nut trees have been cut down and
sent to furniture factories. Not
many years ago, walnut gathering
was one of the delightful pursuits
of boys, whenever they were allow
ed to go on such excursions
nuts were stored for winter use.
Alas how times have changed.
Dr. King's New Discovery.
Philadel ph ia I nq u i rer : Sh a mo
kin, Pa., Sept. 29. George Ptasi
niski, aged 7 years, arrived here
; from Bremen, Germany, this after-
,,oon- lle traveled tne -hmhj miles
fastened to his clothes which lore
him to his destination Relatives
met George and will send him to
his mother on a farm near Herndon
Chambersburg, Pa., Sept 29.
A few days ago George Fisher, who
lives near Fort Loudon, this coun
ty, captured a big crane along the
creek near that place. He put the
bird in a box in his yard. This
morning his 4-year-old boy got too
close to the crane. It made a vici
ous attack on the tot through the
slats of the box, and picked his
right eye from the socket.
The leaders of the democracy
' were silenced by the demand of the
multitude for the war with Sprain
' for the redemption of the people of
Cul from Spanish misrule. But
1 lltT BKXZ llrtlltl iv I'lCfllC
. "... - . ..
discontent because thenar in the
Guv Aucker,.youngest son of the
I i i i ; t r
Aucker, turned his face toward the
setting sun last Friday evening at
Kn , Sentember 29. and started
on the long journey to Walla Walla,
Washington State, Walla Walla
haaanonulationof 15,000. Charles
tucker weut to Washington ten
v, airo ami it was he who sent
a despatch to his brother Guy to
people are starting
match factory on a capitol of $50,-
Dr. A. M. Fisher is visiting at
his father's in McAlisterville. -
Charles Adams has gone to Potts
ville to clerk in a drug store. -
Miss Mary Deen of Walnut
spent last Thursday with the
Misses Laird.
A hard winter is predicted be
cause chestnuts, hickory-nuts and
acorns are plenty.
It is proposed to build a stock
bridge across the Susquehanna riv
er, fromSnnbnry toShamokin Dam.
Mr. and Mrs. James White and
Mrs. Minnie Ellis of Springfield,
Ohio, were recently gncsts of - J.
K. Stump's family. '
A recruiting office for the Philip
pine Islands, has been opened in
Lewistown. It is'nt far to liewis
town if you want to join the army.
A dozen teams of a steel range
company passed through town on
Monday. The place to buy a range
isatK. H. McClintic's hardware
store, Mifllintown-.
A snake got into a millinery
store in Williamsport one day last
week, how is not known, and in
the panic it created among the
omen it got out, how is not known.
The death of Cloyd Krider of
Altoona and John II. Rollman at
Tyrone brings to the recollection
of a good many people in Mifllin
town when the deceased were both
both boys in this place.
Levi Latimer Trego brother of
John Trego of this county, died at
Eschol, Perry Co., on Thursday,
Septemler 27, aged 43 years, 8
months and 5 days. He leaves a
widow and four children to mourn
his loss. He was a tinner by trade
and a member of the U. B. Church
in Perry county.
There is talk among the proper
ty owners about enforcing the tres
pass laws against the men who with
dogs and gnns roam at will over
the farms shooting partridges and
other ganae. There is no necessity
for a farmer to advertise against
hunters on his farm any more than
it is necessary for a gardner to ad
vertise against hunters getting in
to his garden and back-yard to
hunt. It is the business of the
sportsman to know what he is do
ing. Last Friday, September2S, some
thing uncommon in the way of
marriage took place in Palmyra,
Miss Alice Crookston was bequeath
ed a forture by ajelative condi
tioned, that no person not bearing
the name of Crookston should in
herit the money. She loved and
! was beloved by a man named Jacob
, M agonmaker. If she married she
j m"8t marr,y rks
determine I to cuangi
Crookston. It was
a Wagon-
maker into Crookston. The pro
spective groom was ready to change
his name, to get a legal face to
stand the test of the will his nme
was changed to Crookston by court.
Perry County Democrat, Sept.
27. Miss Theresa Miller, the four
teen-year-old daughter of Mr. Louis-!
Miller, the Bloomfield clothier, fell
over a fence on Sunday on the Bar
nett farm, in her efforts to get
away from a cow, which she
thought was chasing her. and broke
her left arm, just above the elbow,
For Bhooting squirrels out of
season. Ambrose Hockenberry, of
j Toboye township, was arrestetl last
edncsday and is now in the coun
ty jail. Lewis Klucker
and Theo. Darlington, of this place,
in whose families scarlet fever ex
ists, have been arrested by Health
Officer Isaac Simmers, for breach
of quarantine.
It is Rev. D. M. Heuch, of Perry
county, "who has been conducting
revival meetings in Cumlerland
connty, and giving it to secret so
cieties, feathers and tobacco. He
is preaching that members of secret
societies cannot be sanctified until
they give up their inemliership in
the lodges to which they belong
He told the women in the audience
who wore feathers on their hats
that there was no chance of their
entering the Kingdom of Heaven
ion men wno nave tobacco in
your pockets are on the road to
hell," he ssiid, aud there is no
chance of your getting to heaven as
long as you pursue that filthy habit.
John H. Rollman died at his
home at Vale three miles from Ty
roue last Sunday evening. He
was a brother of Wm. and Samuel
Kollman ot this -own. lie was
born at Sinking Springs, Berks
county, September 28, 1843. He
came with his parents when a child
to Mifllintown in 1847. Here he
was educated in the public schools,
and from here be entered the
army and served 4 years against
rebelliou. He located in Tyrone
and for a time, was in the drug
business. Afterwards in the pho
tographing business. He was
twice married aud is survived by
two children by the hrst marriage
and by the wife of the second mar
riage. interment in lyrone on
Tuesday afternoon
About noon on
day a rain set in.
Dewey jolification
Some farmers are
their wheat sow ing.
belated with
Mrs Sarah Derr of Miltou is visit
ing friends in town.
The most of corn on farms has
been cut and shocked
Mrs Rutherford opened her Kin
dergarden School on Monday.
l)r Jobn liothrock ot at. r&ul is
visiting his mother and sisters. 1
Mr. Wm. Greer of Mifflin county,
is visiting his sister Mrs. Murray at
the National House,
A second story has been added to
the back part of Officer Hackenborg
er's house at East Point.
Prospecting for stone coal is going
on in a number of places in Juniata
county in the Mar cell us slate.
Martin Lininger of Peon town
ship, Huntingdon county, raised a
four pound sweet potato this year,
so says the Joarnal.
K .
Mrs. Morris Schott has returned
from a visit to friends in New X
City. V :
Lawyer Neely and Banter Doty
are in Philadelphia attending oonrt
as witness.
Merchant Irwin Dinun and wife
of Lewistown spent Sunday with
friends in town.
Contractor James Horning has re-
roofed the honse that Officer Hack-
enberger lives in. .
Miss Sarah Sartain of Port Royal
was the gotst of Mrs. W. H. Man-
beck over Sunday.
The Bloomfield Mackinaw Lodge
No. 380 Odd Fellows will hold a re
anion on the 28th day of October.
The creek at Burnham, Mifflin Go.,
is beiner straightened. A number of
Juniata county men are employed aj
Burn bam.
Henry Bersrer has moved his
blacksmith shop from Cedar Spring
road to the east end, not far from
East Point.
There was more frost and ice on
the first and second days of this
month than in many years on the
same da'es.
Not all Cilv rL re . it men,
bat all great men are early risers.
Dewey takes breakfast at 5 o'clock in
the morning.
The Silica brick manufacturers
have pnrchased 700 acres of land
covered with Ganister rocks Med
ina sandstone.
Rev. J. T. Boyd of Ltporte' Ind ,
is positive in his own belief that the
world will come to an end on the 11th
day of October next Wednesday.
Dr. Ackley has returned from
Clearfield county where he moved to
last spring. When he left there last
Saturday morning snow was falling.
Dewey went from New York to
Washington on Monday afternoon.
People stood at every station along
the route of travel to the train go
On Tuesday there was a Dewey
jubilee at Washington. President
McKinley- presented to Admiral
Dewey the sword of honor voted him
by Congress.
Powdered chalk sprinkled on cot
ton and thn tied oo soft corns, re-
neatinsr every niarht till corns are
gone is worth a great deal to people
who have soft corns.
Ice froze the pQmps on the Strouds-
burg, Pa., fair ground on the 2nd of
October. If the coming winter is to
i i 11 ii. i.
HfKl Tl
ue lira me present tail uw wiuietp
must needs grow cold.
The frost of Saturday and Sunday
nights made Professor Gortner's
tomatoes in the field look as if they
had been cooked in the cannery boil
er. Several tons were entirely de
Theresa, the 14 year-old daughter
af Louis JVfiller of Bloomfield, Perry
county, fell from a fence one day re
Antly in faer efforis to get away from
a cow. Her left arnrWat tronJ
above the elbow.
"T. H. Tebbs of Howard this year
took to the Belief on to market and
sold 140 bashels of tomatoes and ov
er 25,000 pickles. These pickles
were raised in one-fourth acre of land
and the tomatoes on less than one
half acre." ,
Recently four Newport families
each had a coon dinner the result of
a coon hunt on Buffalo mountain by
H. H. Frank. Four coons and one
possum were captured. Two other
coons had been treed but they escap
ed. Someone writing recently on the
subject of fly in wheat says cold
weather keeps fly from working, but
it does not destroy the fly. He says
if other conditions are , right cold
weather is of no account in destroy
ing them
William Booker, colored, aged 19,
while in the act of boarding a freight
train at Ryde, Mifflin county, last
Wednesday, had both feet cut off by
car wheels. He was taken to Lewis
town where the crushed feet were
The first Thanksgiving day in
America was observed in the fall of
1623, the third year after the land,
ing of the May Flower pilgrims. It
was the first autumn that they had
secured enough provisions to tide
them through the winter and for
that bountiful provision in store they
held a feast and gave thanks to
Almighty God.
There is poor chance of the Demo
crate getting Dewey to become t
Presidential candidate because the
Democrats are denouncing the Re
publican administration for holding
the Pbillipine possessions. Dewey
is the man wno acquired the FtaiUip
pine islands for the United States.
However, not all Democrats are
against the United States holding
the islands.
On the last day of September last
Saturday lour incnes oi snow tell in
Erie county, Pa. There was snow in
Lycoming county. It was the earl
iest foretaste oi winter in many
years and with snow that near it was
no wonder that fires were started in
heaters and stoves in Mifllintown. A
thick white frost gave the landscape
here an anti-euminer appearance on
Sunday morning.
Rev. A N. Raven filled his pulpit
on Sunday after a trip to south-eastern
Ohio, where be had been invited
to preach. Be had preached at
Bradford, Pa., on a Sunday during
vacation. An Ohio Presbyterian was
in the congregation. He bad no ac
uamtance with the preacher, but
was so pleased with Mr. Raven's ser.
mon that when he returned to Ohio,
he told the congregation of him and
the officials of the church joined in a
request to Mr. Raven to preach a
uple of sermons for them. Ibev
assured him his trip should be at
their expense. In the brotherly love
of his heart he went to Ohio and
preached for them and lo and behold
meeting was immediately called
and he was tendered the charge, bat
he had not gone there for the pur
pose oi leaving tne wsnmiotown
charge. He went there to fill a cour
teous invitation to preach a sermon
or two for a congregation of his own
denominational faith.
i aawsar-
, ill f r
Dr. DmHd JCasna frnvrttm Jtss ir fraqMntiy
members ot a tastily. Wail k is cooaidersd by saaay to k a Kitesy 4
Bladder Medic!, it w Jnst as certain to ear Dyspepsia, Coaitipatiaa. Raaa
matiam. Scrofula and Bcsema. This is because It arst pats the Kiaaaya ia
aeaitny oonaiuon, so tney can sift aU imparities bom
Healthy blood practically means a completer healthy
Hera Is a letter from Mrs. Capt. Pma Racb,
N.T.: " My husband waa troubled with bis kidneys,
fearfully with shooting pains through hia back. Ha
Dmrid Kaaadym Fmnuftm Memady, and
is aw well and strong. Although
seventy years of age, k is as hearty as
a aaaa many years younger. I was so
troubled with Dyspepsia that it
painful for a to walk.
My food did me no good, ,
as my stomach could
not digest it. Somabody
recommended Parorf to
Memedjr to me, and af ter
taking two bottles of h '
X was completely cured,
and am feelisf splendid.
now. ' We both attribute
our good health to Tmrorltm Remedy."
It Is prescribed with unfailing success for Metro
Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood it is a specific.
It has cured many that were beyond the aid of other
mediein. Ask your druggist for it, and Insist upon getting It, Dsa't tak A
substitute. It win cost you $i.oo for a regular fuH-sisd bottle.
. Campfo BottSo Frco
If you want to try Farorite Remedy before buying, send year full pst
office address to the Da. David Kkmnbot CoaroaATtOM. Readout, N. Y.. and
mention thitjmfeir. They win send you a free trial bottlo, aU charges prepaid.
This genuine offer is made to prove to everybody what a wonderful aedieia it ia.
Autumn Openings.
A great many goods hsre been bought st Schott's recent visit in New York Mark,
els at just tbe right time and at the right prices, so we sell you these goods at the old
AUTUMN NOVILTJES in Diets good Venetian Cloth, cheviot cloth, Ladies'
Cloth, Broadcloth for Ibe srylirh tailor made suit, bfrck crepous This beautiful fab
ric for See dress tkirts will be more ttylub this season than ever. We show yen these
nice selections from 50c ts to 91.00. We also opened up tine linings for these stylish
snlts. Ton will be pleased with our largo
The New Golf Csoes:
They are called Golf Caces, but are
beaut it ul garments are now regarced ta an indispensible feature of every well-dressing
woman's wtid robe. The new capea are stylish and handsome are chick and charming
nd prices are in lor every person We will sell them for $1.00, $5 00, $6.90, ac.
Jackets and plush capes will again be veiy stylish this season, only tbe shapes
and makes of them srs diffbrect. We bsv
Misses snd children's reefers in tan ad
and shu collars. Give ns an early call.
JEonct'l suits and shirts, jaunty,
mad a. a Tnm irvieawe received
Ee4 comfort errbuy now. Higher prxes will prevail later on. Outing flannels,
raw naMinma. hart-ais Brim on them 6c a yard; worth 8c.
Riaaket ! Trustworthy goods always, all wool, half wool and southern wool.
When we tell of what U is ssade of yon can depend oa it- It must be just so.
Fine fleeced cotton blsskrts fn'Ll''iEfrateg'n T-"ce ofoOctaa, pair.
Aatumn Carpets: a tine selection. Our customers knew what to expect here,
but the certainty that pricrs must soon go higher provides god reasons why buyers
should promptly take advantage of pirsent prices.
BARGAIN DAT Prices as long as they last. Call qnlck:
60 yards of Ginghams at T c, siisbtly stained.
600yds of ginghams at 9cts, perfect goods, good stvles.
500 ysrds Lancer Ginghams at 6c. Selling price should be 7c.
1001) yards of muslin not a yard wide at $ to 4c.
1000 yards of yd wide muslin for 6c, elegaet grade.
Bleached muslins at same proportion low prices.
10CO Tarda .of f.ood Calicoes at 8c. cot less than 10 yards.
6000 jds cf ii digo bine, blsrk snd fancy calicoes still at Sets.
A conple dozen shirt waists st 19-ts snd ?5cts are 60ci foods.
A few dimities, organdies, lawns at 6c, 6c; worth 12)c snd 15c ts
FOOrW FAB .'Men's Fine Shoes, more Stylish tbsn ever.
SS .00 City made shoes for (3.60, f4 SO city price shoes for $3.00.
$8.60 city trice shoes for $2 snd $2. 60, and a good shoe lor $1 25, SI. 60, $1.76.
Indies Shoes: Sevf rsl styles cf patent leather and top cloth, very stylish. These
shoes are all vici kidd and tip the same, ar.d common sense toe heel, alwsys o com
fortable the M 60 style ftr $3.00 and $3 25; then a queen a.uoug shoes. McKay, turn
Welts for $2 60; then another shoe for $2 00 and $3.75 and some real line dress shoes
for $1.26, 91.60; also the heavy every day
Little men's and little girls' shoes for
tory, broad, comfortable shape with good
1.26 1.60.
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1800.
Special Invitation
To attend the Attractive Sale
it will be
Who nave money to invest to
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the
Bis prioes leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fitf
to give him a call if in need of
took Br.
net monopolised by golphtrs. In fact these
tfcrro otened up ler your selection.
funcy cloths tiimaei with aoutssh btaid
stylish, reasonable priced, perfectly tailor
shoe for $1.20, 1.25, 150 and 1.76.
school and early fall wear fresh from Fac
soles, will pive best of satisfaction 1.00,
To The fublie
of Clothing t?;at goes on daily
examine the Stock of Goods for
Wonderfully Low Prioes.
Hew Stock
of Fall and Winter Clothing.
. Gents Famishing Goods Furniture
arrived and we are now ready to serve
.. A eaah purchase of 15,000 worth of mershacdise seise ted with oars by ssv
Advanced prioes in merchandise will not affect oar large departawat staves.
We bought oar stook lower this season than ever before.
A word of advise: We are tare of saving you 25 per cent.
Men's new Fall atd Winter Single and Doable-Breasted Salts are $7.5
elsewhere, prise here $5.00.
Men's New Fall and Winter, Single and Doable Breasted Salts $10 Iss
where. price here $7.50.
Men's new Fall and Winter 8ingle
elsewhere, pries here $10.00.
Men's new Fall and Winter 8ingle
elsewhere, prise here $12 00.
IiQoa man Ous
t -.. : : ..b -t mmAm nf nlnthin we ksVO
STeaiuea ouetjidb; mu imaeuBO .wo in hwhb 5,. w -r- n
always shown the leading line of strictly fine and fashionable makes.
No trash permitted in our Boys' Department, which accounts for the gsa
era! satisfaction. If at times, competitors ass unreliable goods to advertise at
low prioes, we meet it by making the
.v r. -.not ha nnkoM
umav nr tha aasnn sooda for leas monev
and Children's Suits from $1 to $10 00.
$ 2.00 to 12.U0.
The moat eorreet Fall Headgear
are doing the hat business in the oounty.
the newest shapes, always tbe most rename muses.
We are headquarters lor aweer, urr a w.
The grandest display and Urgent assortment of Qeta' Farnuhisg Goods
to bs found in the county.
This department is filled to its utmost capaoity Four thousand foot of
wareroom space tells ths tale
Our ability to savs you money ia worth nothing unless ysu taks ad van
tags of it Call to see our grand assortment of parlor suits, couches, loanges,
fancy rockors, bed room suits, chairs, extension tables, sideboard., chiffoniers,
hall racks, springs, mattresses, sad anything to be hsd in a first class funu
tore store. ....
A full line of fancy and decorated China glassware to be found at pnoss
to defy competition.
All furniture dslivsred free to any part of Juniata county.
Tusoarora Valley Railroad.
A. at,
1 2R
7 31
p. M.
Blair s Mills ....Iv.
Leonard's Grove
Ross Farm ..............
East Watrford
Honey Grove
Fort Biphnm
Pleasant View
Seven Pinf s
Spruce Hill
Graham s
Old Port
Port Royal Ar.
I 45
1 51
7 37
7 45
1 57
2 05
7 52
2 12
8 05
2 25
8 17
2 37
8 22
8 30
2 42
2 50
2 59
3 04
3 12
3 15
3 23
3 26
8 39
8 44
8 52
8 55
9 03
3 29
3 32
9 18
9 25
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Royal
with War Passenger and Seashore Express
on P. R. B., snd Nos. 3 snd 4 with Hail east
- -w..-aass i n. m m. m
1 T
No.2 No.4
A Ma Pa M.
Port Koyal 0.0 10 20 5 05
Old Port 1.3 10 27 5 12
Turbett 2.8 10 33 5 18
Freedom. 3.7 10 365 21
Stewart 4.4 10 39 5 24
Graham's. 5.010 42 5 27
Spruce Hill 6.3 10 50 5 35
Seven Pines 7.2 10 53 5 38
Pleasant View. 9.0 11 01 5 46
Warble 10.0 11 06 5 51
Fort Bipham. 12.0 11 15 6 00
Honey Grove 14.011 23 6 08
Heck-man 15.111 28 6 13
East Waterford.... 17.511 40 6 25
Perulack ". 20.5 11 53 6 38
Boss Farm. 22.012 00 6 45
Leonard's Grove... 24.012 08 6 53
Waterloo 25.512 14 6 59
Blair'B Hills. Ar. 27.012 20 7 05
Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect at Blair's
ills with Concord, Doylesbnrg Dry Ron,
Mossville, Neelvtoa, Shade Gap, Shade
Valley and Ooaborn Station Stage Linea.
Slyer utttn dtnt.
A TitMiabl Baa mm 3(ervm
IMaeaaM sent tmm ta anv iil r-.
and poor pattenu can alra oiu:
una mokim m as cnanea.
This fmriv ka Iw nMntt.il b. tK. PMtmr
'or Konis. of Fort Wayne. Ind atnea VSX. ml.
fiowinKpandBadaraisdlncttoB brtbs
KOtvNlO MED. COM Chicago, lit.
SoMby nraaialial porBottas. SibrS;
CarceSlaa.wt.7S Bottaaaaus .
CTCSaVO 8rsaprilla bss over sad
I over again proved by Ms
whfw b tber pwpsratioTis relissl,
te Uns Trt BLOOD Frr
and House Famishing Goods aavs
the people. Our prioes defy eoeapett.
and Doable Breasted Suits $ll.bw
and Doable Breasted Suite $1.C$
same prioes or less, lor aepewoaw
f n nak Better poods for the same
than anv house in tbe Union. Beys
Youths or Young Msn's suits from
represented ia our hat department, Wa
Always ths lowest prises, always
The following schedule went Into effect
Nov. 16, 1896, and the trains will be ma as
Leave Arrive a. as p. aa
Duncan "6 2 28
4 89
4 45
4 46
4 61
4 SI
4 hd
4 69
6 10
6 16
6 21
6 24
6 27
9 11
9 14
'Gorman Sidfna; 7 44 S 18
fontebello Park 7 41 2 la
Weaver 7 40 2 la
Roddy 7 84 2 08
Hoffman 7 83 2 66
Royer 7 31 2 08
Mabanoy 7 28 2 00
BloomHeld 7 23 I 41
"Tresslor 7 09 1 86
Netlson 7 04 1 81
Dam's 7 01 1 28
Klllotsbnrs; 6 68 1 28
Bornheisl'e 6 61 1 20
Groen Pwk 6 48 1 18
Montour Juno 6 88 1 15
Landisbnrg 6 28 2 60
9 19
9 22
9 24
9 OT
10 43
9 49
9 64
9 67
10 06
10 07
10 17
10 80
6 32
6 84
6 87
6 02
10 35
p. m a. m Arrive
Leave a. m p m
Train leaves BloomOeld at 6.68 s. m.,
and arrives at Landisbnrg; at 6.28 a. as.
Train leaves Landisburs; at 6.08 p. as., and
arrives at Bloomfield at 6.40 p. ns.
AU stations marked () are flag stations,
at which trains will come to a full stop oa
Cmas. H. Smley,
S. H.
I v ley Railroad Company. Time table
of passenger trains, in effect oa Monday,
May 18th, 1896.
ward. last
wart. T
6 06' 10 86
8 80
8 27 47
8 28 m
820 sea
16 8 46
811 141
BOB 888
800 8 82
76 8 IS
40 8 10
84 801
7 26 2 84
71 24
7 16 248
7 10 2 40
70S 288
668 324
660 2 20
ifnnaio Bridge
Juniata furnace ...
Watr Ping
BloomHeld Junct'n.
Valley Road
Green Park
Port Robeaon
6 08 10 S8
6 1210 42
6 16:10 46
6 2610 62
6 22 11 01
6 81 1109
6 89
6 61
11 21
11 86
7 16
11 46
Clone's Ran
Andersonbnrg .....
7 21
7 27
7 86
7 41
7 46
11 61
11 67
12 06
12 16
Monnt Pleasant ...
New Germant'a ...
D. GRING, President and Manager
C. K. Hnut, General Agent.
friable Friction Fm4
Ajax Center Crznk Eng.no
rtupltl. accurate, atronc and rimnlt. with tmr-m
ailla or wherta. frmf
amlnfe. NaVareabMt
llailrr ha rm n.
- " A MM I .
(aoeraJljr. nagr
, laFAxusaju co,ui.yei,pis
A wonderful improrfiwnt ts Frtfiiws 949
f iay.ntCK. UstCJC BIOHOTIOT aiTUllC : tmw 30 !.i
nny other to tltniavrkr. FrtrtionC Ifj'rh sKff-,
cuflin;lltbefrlirtair:iiar awtn.i rtl:'. vh'.W taf.
tnr; fcrvt ravhitC ia power nod wrrr. i; .
and pr;cww Ire.
. A!o Kfrina I'm-
as 1. 1.1 .rn s j.rtitr! .
ia.' ii & uK'tncoi.c. rifrnYBrv.
LA .i.Al.